Camp FGL 2020 Summer Camp Leaders Guide Vol 2

Page created by Suzanne Hayes
Camp FGL 2020 Summer Camp Leaders Guide Vol 2
Camp FGL
   2020 Summer Camp
        Leaders Guide
                Vol 2
Camp FGL 2020 Summer Camp Leaders Guide Vol 2
Camp FGL Program
                                                        Program Overview
Each Scout can choose from the following quests at camp...

At McKenzie
Aquatic Adventure Base                             At the Handicraft Pavilion
•   Aquaman—Motorboating, Small Boat               •   The Lost Tribe—Indian Lore, Leatherwork, Pottery,
    Sailing, Lifesaving merit badges and Jet Ski       Woodcarving, American Cultures.
    Experience                                     •   Cultured Sublime—Art, Music, Basketry, Welding,
•   Order of the Oar—Canoeing, Kayaking, Row-          Canoeing, Fingerprinting, Painting, Photography.
    ing, Whitewater and Welding merit badges.      At the Scoutcraft Area
    BSA Paddleboard.                               •   Zombie Apocalypse—Search and Rescue, Emergency
•   BSA Lifeguard                                      Preparedness, Wilderness Survival, Moviemaking.
                                                   •   Expedition Unknown—Exploration, Archaeology,
At the Shooting Sports Ranges                          Reptile and Amphibian Study, Weather merit badg-
•   Top Shot—Archery, Shotgun, & Rifle merit           es. Tomahawk Toss
    badges. 3-D Trail, Muzzloading, Tomahawk       •   Lewis and Clark—Geocache, Welding, Orienteering,
    toss, Climbing Wall Experiences.                   Pioneering merit badges. Camping partial.
                                                   •   Natures Gym—Rowing, Kayaking, Shotgun, BSA
At STEM University                                     Mile Swim. Partials on Personal Fitness, Sports, Ath-
•   Imitation Game—Robotics, Electronics, Pro-         letics.
    gramming, Signals Signs and Codes merit
    badges. BSA Paddle board and Camping           Brown Sea Island Quest
    merit badge partial.                           All quest cover Tenderfoot and second class re-
•   Imagineer—Game Design, Animation, Pho-         quirements as well as First Aid and Swimming
    tography, Composite Materials, Moviemak-       Merit Badges
    ing merit badges.
                                                   •   Minninnewah (Whirlwind)—Tenderfoot & Second
At the C.O.P.E. Course & Climbing Tower                Class First Aid and Swimming Merit badge. Rifle and
•   Land, Sea, & Air—C.O.P.E. Climbing, Small          Archery experience
    boat sailing merit badges. Includes Zipline    •   Achak (Spirit) Quest— Rifle and Canoeing experi-
    Excursion.                                         ence.
                                                   •   Ziracuny (Water Monster) Quest—Canoeing and
At the Ecology Lodge                                   Kayaking experience
•   World Conservation—Environmental Science,      •   Adriel Quest (Beaver)—First Class requirements as
    Bird Study, Insect Study, Forestry, Nature.        well as Rifle, Lifesaving, Welding and Canoeing Merit
•   Hornaday—Environmental Science, Fish and           badges.
    Wildlife Management, Forestry, Soil and Wa-
    ter Conservation, Weather.                     Specialty Quest and Trips
•   Critters and Creatures— Dog care, Nature,
    Bird Study, Mammal Study, Canoeing.
                                                   Eagle Trail—Partials on Communication, Citizenship in
•   Matts Fish Camp—Fishing, Fly Fishing, Mo-
                                                   the World, Nation and Community, Personal Manage-
    torboating, Fish and Wildlife Management
                                                   ment. C.O.P.E and 3-D Archery
    Merit badges with 3-D Archery.
                                                   Blueway High Adventure— Kayaking, Whitewater
                                                   merit badges. Week long 25 mile trip down the
                                                   Chattahoochee River.

Camp FGL 2020 Summer Camp Leaders Guide Vol 2
Camp FGL Program
            Aquaman                                               Quest
       Merit badges offered                    Motorboating, Small Boat Sailing, Lifesaving
                                                                                                   *Scouts taking Motorboating Merit
      Experiences and Partials                                    Jet ski                          Badge or the BSA Jet Ski Program
                                                                                                   must take a Coast Guard approved
           What to Bring                      Closed toed shoes that can get wet, Long sleeve      Boater Education course. A free
                                               button down shirt and pants that can get wet,       online course can be found at
                                                Scouts must complete the boater education
                                                           course for their State.                 Any scout who does not have their
          Additional fees                                     $90.00 for fuel                      certificate when they come to
                                                                                                   camp will not be able to participate
          Appropriate for                                    3rd year camper
                                                                                                   in either merit badge.
    Maximum Quest Occupancy                                         8

        Order of the Oar                                           Quest
        Merit Badges offered                      Canoeing, Kayaking, Rowing, Whitewater,
      Experiences and Partials                                BSA Paddleboard

           What to Bring                             Closed toed shoes that can get wet.

           Additional fees                                 $55.00 for whitewater

           Appropriate for                                2nd or 3rd year camper

    Maximum Quest Occupancy                                          10

                  Open Waterfront                                                          Free Swim

Want to spend the evening on our beautiful water-            Come cool off and relax at our pool. The pool will be open to any
front? Our waterfront will be open to all campers           Scout or Leader during open times as long as the Unit supplies the
   during select times for canoeing, rowing, and             necessary leadership to follow Safe Swim Defense. We will have
                     kayaking.                                                      lifeguards on staff.
   Days Offered                  Thursday                    Time Block Offered                           M, Tr
   Time Offered                  7:00-8:00p                      Time Offered                          7:00p-8:00p

Camp FGL 2020 Summer Camp Leaders Guide Vol 2
Camp FGL Program
    Shooting Sports
                          Top-Shot                                              Quest
                     Merit badges offered                              Archery, Shotgun and Rifle

                    Experiences and Partials              3-D Archery Trail, Muzzleloading, Tomahawk toss,
                                                                             Climbing wall

                         What to Bring                                           None

                        Additional fees                                          None
                        Appropriate for                                 2nd or 3rd year camper

                   Maximum Quest Occupancy                                         15

             Open Shotgun Shooting                                              Open Rifle Shooting

Our shotgun range will be open to any camper dur-               Our Rifle range will be open to any camper during
   ing select times to try their hand at shotgun                  select times to try their hand at rifle shooting
                                                                   Day Offered                      Monday
   Day Offered                 Thursday
                                                                  Time Offered                 7:00p-8:00p
   Time Offered               7:00p-8:00p
                                                                  Additional Fee            $10 for 15 rounds
  Additional Fee           $10 for 15 rounds

                                               Open Archery Shooting

                             Our Archery range will be open to any camper during se-
                                      lect times to try their hand at archery
                                  Day Offered                    Monday

                                  Time Offered                 7:00p-8:00p

Camp FGL 2020 Summer Camp Leaders Guide Vol 2
Camp FGL Program
         STEM University
            Imitation Game                                              Quest
           Merit badges offered                     Robotics, Electronics, Programming, Signals Signs
                                                                       and Codes.

          Experiences and Partials                       BSA Paddle Board and Camping partial

               What to Bring                        Closed toed shoes that can get wet, Notebook and

              Additional fees                                            None

              Appropriate for                                   2nd or 3rd year camper

        Maximum Quest Occupancy                                            15

                 Imagineer                                                 Quest
            Merit Badges offered                      Game Design, Animation, Photography, Composite
                                                                 Materials, Moviemaking.

          Experiences and Partials                                          None

                 What to Bring                                     Notebook, Pen, Pencil.

               Additional fees                                              None

               Appropriate for                                     2nd or 3rd year camper

        Maximum Quest Occupancy                                              15

               Astronomy Merit Badge                                       Space Exploration Merit Badge

This class is taught by the Columbus State University’s        This class is taught by the Columbus State University’s
Coca-Cola Space & Science Center. This is a night class!       Coca-Cola Space & Science Center. This is a night class!

                             Tuesday & Thursday                    Day Offered           Tuesday (7:00pm-11:00pm)
   Day Offered
Requirements not                                                Requirements not
                                       NA                                                               NA
  met at Camp                                                     met at Camp

 Supplies to Bring         Notebook & Pen/Pencil                 Supplies to Bring          Notebook & Pen/Pencil

  Additional Fee                      None                        Additional Fee                    None

Recommended For                  1st year Campers               Recommended For               1st year Campers

Camp FGL 2020 Summer Camp Leaders Guide Vol 2
Camp FGL Program
C.O.P.E and Climbing
           Land, Sea, & Air                                           Quest
          Merit badges offered                              Climbing, Small Boat Sailing

         Experiences and Partials                           C.O.P.E and Zipline Excursion

              What to Bring                     Closed toed shoes that can get wet and change of
                                                      clothes to transition from C.O.P.E. to

             Additional fees                                           $80.00

             Appropriate for                                      3rd year camper
        Maximum Quest Occupancy                                             12

                               Open Climbing & Rappelling
               Climbing doesn't require tremendous muscular strength
                 but mental toughness and the willingness to practice
               hard to master skills. Come test your skill on our 50 foot
                  climbing and rappelling tower during select times.
                   Day Offered                       Thursday

                   Time Offered                  7:00p-8:00p

Camp FGL 2020 Summer Camp Leaders Guide Vol 2
Camp FGL Program
 World Conservation                               Quest
  Merit badges offered        Environmental Science, Bird Study, Insect Study,
                                       Forestry, Nature, Archery

 Experiences and Partials

      What to Bring                      Notebook Pen and Pencil

     Additional fees                               None
     Appropriate for                         2nd year camper
Maximum Quest Occupancy                             15

       Hornaday                                   Quest
  Merit Badges offered       Environmental Science, Fish and Wildlife Manage-
                               ment, Forestry, Soil and Water Conservation,
 Experiences and Partials                          None

      What to Bring                       Notebook, Pen, Pencil.

     Additional fees                               None

     Appropriate for                         2nd year camper

Maximum Quest Occupancy                             15

Camp FGL 2020 Summer Camp Leaders Guide Vol 2
Camp FGL Program

  Critters and Creatures                             Quest
    Merit Badges offered         Dog Care, Nature, Bird Study, Mammal Study,

   Experiences and Partials                           None

        What to Bring                         Notebook, Pen, Pencil.

       Additional fees                                None

       Appropriate for                        1st or 2nd year camper
 Maximum Quest Occupancy                                15

    Matt’s Fish Camp                                 Quest                       *Scouts taking Motorboating
                                                                                 Merit Badge or the BSA Jet
    Merit Badges offered              Fishing, Fly Fishing, Motorboating,        Ski Program must take a
                                        Fish and Wildlife Management.            Coast Guard approved Boater
                                                                                 Education course. A free
  Experiences and Partials                         3D Archery
                                                                                 online course can be found at
       What to Bring             State Boating License. Notebook, Pen, Pencil.
                                                                                 georgia/. Any scout who
       Additional fees                               $25.00
                                                                                 does not have their certifi-
       Appropriate for                        2nd or 3rd year camper             cate when they come to
                                                                                 camp will not be able to par-
 Maximum Quest Occupancy                                8
                                                                                 ticipate in either merit

Camp FGL 2020 Summer Camp Leaders Guide Vol 2
Camp FGL Program
    The Lost Tribe                                 Quest
  Merit badges offered         Indian Lore, Leatherwork, Pottery, Woodcarving,
                                              American Cultures.

 Experiences and Partials                           None

      What to Bring                         Notebook and Pencil

     Additional fees                                None
     Appropriate for                       1st or 2nd year camper

Maximum Quest Occupancy                              15

   Cultured Sublime                                 Quest
   Merit Badges offered         Art, Music, Basketry, Welding, Canoeing, Finger-
                                        printing, Painting, Photography.

  Experiences and Partials                           None

       What to Bring                        Notebook, Pen, Pencil.

      Additional fees                                None

      Appropriate for                       1st or 2nd year camper

Maximum Quest Occupancy                               15

                                                                              Open Handicraft
                                                           Scouts can work on a variety of Handicraft Merit Badges
                                                                             at their own pace
                                                              Days Offered              Tuesday, Thursday

                                                              Times Offered               8:00p-9:00pm

                                                             Additional Fee                     None

Camp FGL 2020 Summer Camp Leaders Guide Vol 2
Camp FGL Program

 Zombie Apocalypse                               Quest
  Merit badges offered        Search and Rescue, Emergency Preparedness,
                                   Wilderness Survival, Moviemaking.

 Experiences and Partials

      What to Bring                     Notebook Pen and Pencil

     Additional fees                              None

     Appropriate for                     2nd or 3rd year camper
Maximum Quest Occupancy                            15

 Expedition Unknown                               Quest
   Merit Badges offered       Exploration, Archaeology, Reptile and Amphibian
                                               Study, Weather
 Experiences and Partials                    Tomahawk Toss

      What to Bring                       Notebook, Pen, Pencil.

     Additional fees                              None
     Appropriate for                     2nd or 3rd year camper

Maximum Quest Occupancy                             15

Camp FGL Program

    Lewis and Clark                                 Quest

   Merit Badges offered          Geocache, Orienteering, Pioneering, Welding

  Experiences and Partials                         Camping

       What to Bring             Notebook, Pen, Pencil. Closed toed shoes that
                                                 can get wet.

      Additional fees                                None

      Appropriate for                       2nd or 3rd year camper
 Maximum Quest Occupancy                              12

     Natures Gym                                   Quest
   Merit Badges offered                   Rowing, Kayaking, Shotgun

 Experiences and Partials      BSA Mile Swim Personal Fitness, Athletics, Sports

      What to Bring            Notebook, Pen, Pencil. Closed toed shoes that can

     Additional fees                                None

     Appropriate for                        2nd or 3rd year camper
Maximum Quest Occupancy                               10

Camp FGL Program
Brown Sea Island Quest

                  One of the highlights of a brand new Scout is going through Camp FGL’s Brown Sea
                  Island Program. We have four options for those new to Scouting and/or new to
                  camping. Our goal is to get Scouts prepared for the Tenderfoot, Second Class, and
                  First Class ranks while giving them an opportunity to experience several of the other
                  program areas at camp.

                  Minninnewah quest scouts will try out the rifle and archery range. While at
                  Achak quest scouts can try out rifle and canoeing.
                  Zircuny quest is for those that love the water and want to try out canoeing and
                  *Each quest is limited to 15 scouts

                         BSI: Tenderfoot & Second Class Minninnewah, Achak, Ziracuny
         BSI: Tenderfoot & Second Class is geared towards those Scouts new to Scouting and to camping. Our friendly
        staff will work with each Scout to help them complete some of the requirements in the Tenderfoot and Second
                                                         Class Ranks.

                                          Scouts enrolled in these quests work on
                      Tenderfoot & Second Class as well as earn the Swimming and First Aid Merit badges.
           Tenderfoot requirements
                                           1c,3a, 3b, 3c, 3d, 4a, 4b, 4c, 4d, 5a, 5b, 5c, 6a, 7a, 8

            2nd Class Requirements         2a, 2b, 2c, 2d, 2e, 2f, 2g, 3a, 3b, 3c, 3d, 4, 5a, 5b, 5c, 5d, 6a, 6b,
                    covered                                        6c, 6d, 6e, 8b, 9a, 9b
                                           Boy Scout Handbook, Daypack, Canteen, Rain Gear, Compass, Pencil & Paper,
                Supplies to Bring
                                                            Pocket Knife, Flashlight, Sun Protection
                                                          New Scouts & New Campers who have not yet
               Recommended For
                                                                      reached First Class

                                                   BSI: First Class Adriel

        BSI: First Class is geared towards those Scouts who may be attending Camp for the first time but not brand new
                               to Scouting. Scouts in this program should be at the Second Class Rank.

       Scouts enrolled in Adriel will earn First Class requirements, Rifle, Welding, Lifesaving and Canoeing merit badges.

                                              3a, 3b, 3c, 3d, 4a, 4b, 5a, 5b, 5c, 5d, 6a, 6b, 6c, 6d, 6e, 7a, 7b,
        First Class Requirements covered
                                                                       7c, 7d, 7e, 7f, 9c
                                             Boy Scout Handbook, Daypack, Canteen, Rain Gear, Compass, Pencil & Pa-
                Supplies to Bring             per, Pocket Knife, Flashlight, Sun Protection, Long pants and long sleeve
                                                                   shirt for welding and lifesaving.
               Recommended For                            Campers who have completed Second Class Rank

Camp FGL Program
Adults and Excursions

                 Excursion: Whitewater Rafting                                          Excursion: Zip Line Playground

  Experience the World’s Longest Urban Whitewater Course.
  We are working with “Whitewater Express”, a certified and              Experience the only Dual Zipline course that connects two
 official whitewater rafting outfitter, to take Scouts and Lead-         states. Campers will be able to ride the dual ziplines over
 ers on a ride of their life. Scouts will make be on the river for        the Chattahoochee River multiple times while also being
 “high water” runs giving the best experience for white water            able to utilize an aerial playground with over 10 elements.
          Days Offered             Monday, Tuesday, Thursday                 Days Offered           Monday, Tuesday, Thursday
                                      Campers will be leaving
                                                                                                   Campers will be leaving camp at
         Time Offered               camp at 4pm, arriving back               Time Offered
                                                                                                 4pm, arriving back at camp by 11pm
                                        at camp by 11pm
         Additional Fee               $75.00 Per participant                 Additional Fee            $75.00 per participant
      Recommended For                  All Scouts and Adults             Recommended For                All Scouts and Adults

                                                      Adult Jet Ski Program

                                       Adults will be able to jet ski at Camp FGL. Have a little
                                              fun and rent a Jet Ski for the afternoon.
                                                     Each Jet Ski holds 2 adults.
                                          Days offered                        M,W, Tr

                                             Times                        4pm-5:30pm
                                                                Closed toe shoes that can get
                                       Supplies to Bring

                                         Additional Fee              $50.00 for jet ski rental

                                      Recommended For                Adults Space is Limited

Camp FGL Program
                                                                       For Leaders

Activities for Leaders

Leader’s Lounge
No Scouts Allowed! Camp FGL has a special lounge just for adult leaders. Come take a break and cool off in our
Leader’s Lounge located in the Administration Building. Free coffee and drinks will be available. We also have
Wi-Fi available so you can stay in contact with the outside world .

Leader’s Appreciation Dinner
Chattahoochee Council would like to express it’s appreciation to Troops who chose Camp FGL for summer
camp. We are inviting one leader and SPL from each Troop for a special dinner. Hosted by our Council Presi-
dent, Council Commissioner and Scout Executive, they will be there to hear your experiences and comments on
Camp FGL. The Council looks forward to your input and invites you to help make Camp FGL the best that it can

Mile Swim BSA
Both Scouts and Leaders can earn the Mile Swim BSA award. Swimmers will meet Monday through Thursday
morning to practice for the mile swim on Friday.

Scoutmaster Merit Badge
All adult leaders are invited to take the Scoutmaster Merit Badge challenge. Any adult leader will have the op-
portunity to complete certain requirements to earn this badge.

Leaders’ Only Shoot
All adult leaders are invited to attend the Leader’s Only Shotgun and Rifle Shoot. Adult Leaders will be able to
test their skills and compete for the top spot in our Leader’s Shotgun and Rifle shoot!

Camp FGL Program
                                                                   Camp wide Events
Flag Ceremonies                                                     Leader Meetings
The entire camp will get together at the flag poles (in             We will hold Leader Meetings on Sunday, Wednesday,
front of the dining hall) everyday prior to breakfast,              and Friday to discuss upcoming events and important
lunch, and dinner. The Uniform for breakfast and lunch              information. We ask that at least one adult from each
is “Activity Uniform” which consists of a BSA related T-            Troop attends so they know what is happening at
shirt and shorts. The uniform for dinner is Field Uni-              camp.
                                                                    SPL Meetings
                                                                    Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday we will have a
It’s Showtime! Opening Campfire                                     short SPL meeting to discuss events for the evening as
Our Staff will welcome you to camp… FGL Style. Our                  well as any upcoming important information. All Senior
opening campfire on Sunday night will not be some-                  Patrol Leaders and Assistant Senior Patrol Leaders need
thing that you want to miss!                                        to attend this important meeting so that they can relay
                                                                    this information back to their Troop.

Chess & Game Night Monday
Come challenge your friends and our staff to fun board              Honor Troop
games such as Chess, Risk, Checkers, and more! Held at              While at Camp FGL your troop will have the opportunity
the Ft. Bradshaw training center. 8pm-9pm                           to participate in our “Honor Troop Program”. Our Camp
                                                                    Commissioners work directly with your unit to complete
                                                                    service projects, camp gadgets, and much more.
Team Sports
Scouts will be able to play against other Scouts in team            Friday Night is Family Night
sports such as basketball, soccer, kickball, Gaga ball, tug         Friday Night is Family Night! All families are invited to
-of-war, and more.                                                  Camp FGL for an evening of food, fun, and entertain-
                                                                    ment. Families can join the campers for dinner at 6pm
                                                                    and see our Friday Night Live! Show. Families may ar-
Scouts Own Religious Service                                        rive to camp anytime after 5pm on Friday. Any guests
Join us on Wednesday at 7:00pm with worship music                   who wishes to eat can pay at the Trading Post starting
and a non-denominational message that everyone will                 at 5pm. Meal cost will be $10.00 per person.

Wednesday Night Campfire                                            Friday Night Live! Closing Campfire
Following Scouts Own the Chattahoochee Lodge Order                  This is your chance to show us what you’ve got! All
of the Arrow will host a special campfire you wont want             Troops will have their chance to put on their best stunt
to miss. 8:00PM                                                     or skit.

Order of the Arrow Social
Immediately following the OA Campfire in the Dining
Hall, join Lodge members from all over camp in fellow-

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