Page created by Danielle Steele
                   LEADER’S GUIDE

                                                 Rev. 2/13/2021

                                APRIL 16 – 18, 2021

Event Overview   The 2020 Eagle Trail District Spring Campout is an outdoor camping event
                 designed for all Eagle Trail District units, including Cub Scout Packs and Scouts BSA
                 Troops. Venturing Crews are invited to help staff this event but may also attend
                 as a participating unit.
                 This event differs from traditional Scouts BSA Camporee or WOW events in that
                 troop / patrol competitions will not take place. Instead, this will be an opportunity
                 for Scouts to camp with their unit and focus on rank advancement requirements,
                 activity badges (Cub Scouts & Webelos), merit badges (Scouts BSA) or other
                 outdoor instruction and activities. Limited district and unit activities will also be

Location         The 2021 Eagle Trail District Spring Campout will be held at the beautiful Camp
                 James Ray on the shores of Lake Texoma. The address for Camp James Ray is
                 2026 Mill Creek Rd, Pottsboro, TX 75076.
                 Map: https://goo.gl/maps/uPE4TDEM6dcL2V8F7

Camp Contacts    Camp Director: Curtis Mitchell, cjmitchelljr@sbcglobal.net, (972) 567-0224
                 Program Director: Joe Vanek, jtvanek@icloud.com, (469) 525-7362
                 District Executive: Tyler Holcom, tyler.holcom@scouting.org, (913) 948-0762

Membership /     All Eagle Trail Cub Scout Packs, Scouts BSA Troops and Venturing Crews are invited
                 and encouraged to attend. BSA members from other districts may attend with
Participants     special permission from the Camp Director or Program Director.
                 Cub Scout participants who elect to camp for the weekend must follow all BSA
                 guidelines for Cub Scout camping as outlined in the Camping section of the Guide
                 to Safe Scouting. Specifically, Cub Scouts may only camp with a parent or legal
                 guardian present.
                 This event is considered a recruiting opportunity for units to invite and bring
Recruiting       prospective youth and adult members, including friends of existing members.
                 Prospective members should be registered for this event using the “potential” or
                 “prospective” member type during the registration process. Cub Scout recruits
                 must follow the same guidelines for Cub Scout camping as referenced above.

Registration      Registration will be available online at the Circle Ten Scouting Event Reservation
                  system through April 12, 2021. The cost to register for this event is $15.00 per
                  person if registered and paid before April 10, 2021. Late registration after this
                  date will be $20.00.
                  The registration fee covers all activities during the course of this event, including
                  lunch on Saturday. There is no additional fee for camping.
                  Last minute additions to your attendee counts may result in over-crowding of
                  campsites and inadequate food supplies for meals and should be avoided. Only
                  pre-registered attendees will be admitted to this event. Walk-up registration will
                  not be permitted.

Health & Safety   Overview
                  This event will follow the protocols outlined in the Circle 10 COVID-19 Plan
                  Overview document and summaries of select entries are listed below for your
                  convenience. Unit leaders and parents should refer to the actual Circle 10 COVID-
                  19 Plan Overview document for additional details in advance of this event.
                  Physical distancing & face coverings
                  All participants should strive to maintain a physical distance of 6 feet or more
                  from other non-family members and wear a facial covering (not provided) at all
                  times except when eating. This policy will be enforced by camp staff members but
                  will also require the cooperation of all unit leaders and other adult attendees to
                  help reinforce this requirement through monitoring and reminders.
                  Commitment to transport
                  Scouts who plan to attend this event without a parent must turn in a completed
                  and signed Parental Commitment to Transport form which can be found in the
                  appendix of this document. This form confirms a parent or guardian will be
                  available to travel to camp to pick up their Scout should they become sick.
                  Pre-event screening checklist
                  All attendees must complete the Pre-Event Screening Checklist found in the
                  appendix of this document prior to leaving home. Unit leaders will be asked upon
                  arrival to confirming that all attendees have been screened for symptoms and that
                  every person in attendance has passed this screening. Additional screening will
                  take place upon arrival and any person not passing the health screening will not
                  be permitted to stay in camp.

COVID-19 “At risk” camp participant statement
The precautions listed here and in the Circle 10 COVID-19 Plan Overview
document are an important part of mitigating the risk of spreading the virus, but
these efforts cannot eliminate the potential for exposure to COVID-19 or any
other illness during this event. Experts have said that people with COVID-19 may
show no signs or symptoms of illness, but can still spread the virus, and people
may be contagious before their symptoms occur. The fact is that someone with
COVID-19 may pass the required health screenings and be allowed into camp.
We also know the very nature of this activity makes social distancing difficult in
many situations and impossible in others. Each staff member, volunteer, and
Scouting family must evaluate their unique circumstances and make an informed
decision before attending camp.
Units should share this information with all attendees in advance of the event. An
assumption of risk statement is attached in the appendix of this document and
should be provided to all attendees, including adults and staff members, for their
signature and brought with them to the event.
No re-entry to camp / visitors
All participants must arrive during the designated check-in times for this event. No
one will be permitted to enter camp outside of the check-in time. Participants
who leave camp during the weekend will not be permitted to return to camp. We
will be unable to accommodate temporary visitors, late arrivals or attendees who
may want to leave and then return. Scouts who would like to participate but have
a conflict with part of the weekend should not plan to attend this event. Unit
leaders should ensure they have all needed equipment and supplies prior to their
arrival and check-in as they will not be permitted to return to if they leave the
Cleaning supplies
Units are responsible for bringing an adequate amount of cleaning supplies
including, but not limited to disinfectant wipes, hand sanitizer, anti-bacterial spray
cleaner, etc.

Temperature checks
All attendees will have their temperature checked upon arrival. Any participant
with a temperature of more than 100.4 degrees will be allowed to sit in an air-
conditioned space for 20 minutes and then have their temperature re-checked. If
the attendee’s temperature does not fall below 100.4, they will be isolated and
then arrangements will need to be made to leave camp at the earliest
Food preparation
Due to the significant risk of spreading the virus through the handling of food,
especially when done so by youth members, unit cooking should be adequately
supervised and follow the Circle 10 guidelines for unit camping, including food
handler safety certification for anyone preparing food, use of disposable plates
and cutlery, a three-bin sanitation station for cleaning and use of bottled water for
drinking to avoid potentially contaminated reusable water bottles from coming in
contact with a group water source.
Campsites and tenting
Attendees should spread out within their campsite. Scouts should be permitted to
tent or hammock on their own or with a family member.
Use of personal protective equipment (PPE)
All units and attendees should bring and use their own facial coverings / masks,
antibacterial wipes and hand sanitizer. These items will not be provided by the
district / council with the exception of distribution of hand sanitizer before
Saturday lunch.
Handwashing stations
Units should set up handwashing stations within their campsite to include anti-
bacterial soap and monitor attendees use of these stations or those located at the
latrines and dining hall to ensure effective handwashing. Handwashing will be
required for all attendees before meals.
Water cooler / bottle refilling
Refillable water bottles should not be refilled from water jugs. As an alternative,
units should bring individual water bottles in a quantity sufficient for attendees to
remain hydrated throughout the event. Alternatively, participants may want to
bring gallon jugs of water to use to refill their individual water bottles.

Youth protection
All units are responsible for ensuring they are meeting all BSA Youth Protection
Two-deep leadership
All units attending the event must comply with the BSA policy requiring that “two
registered adult leaders or adults and a parent of a participating Scout, one of
whom must be at least 21 years of age or older, are required for all trips and
Wrist bands
All event attendees, including staff, will be issued a wrist band during check in
which must be worn throughout the weekend. Wrist bands will be used to enable
staff and unit leaders to easily identify participants who have been properly
screened and are registered attendees. Those without a wrist band will not be
permitted to participate in activities or served lunch on Saturday, and will be
asked to depart camp.
Health and medical records
Each unit leader or designee must bring a copy of the Annual Health and Medical
Record, Parts A & B for each attendee (Scouts and Adults). These forms must be
kept accessible to the unit leader or designee in the unit area throughout the
event. Medical records will not be turned in or held by camp staff.
Health / First Aid
General first aid issues will be the unit responsibility. In the case of a significant
injury where an emergency response is needed, call 9-1-1 and then notify the
event first aid staff. Escalated first aid issues can be handled by our first aid staff,
24 hours per day. Please be sure to advise your patrol members of its location,
near the Fry center, adjacent to the main parking lot and Sanford Aquatics Center.

         In cases of emergency, the telephone number(s) to call are:
              General Issues: Curtis Mitchell: (972) 567-0224
               Camp Medic: Daniel Grinnell: (972) 832-2070

Camping       Location / directions
Information   This event will be held at Camp James Ray on the shores of Lake Texoma. The
              address for camp is 2626 Old Mill Road, Pottsboro, TX 75076. (Map / Directions).
              Directions from Allen:
                  • Take US-75 N to US-82
                  • Left onto E. Hwy 82
                  • Exit 636 to merge onto TX-289 N toward Pottsboro
                  • Left onto FM 120 W
                  • Left on Locust road
                  • Right on Mill Creek Road
              Check-in procedures
              The check-in process will be different than what we have done during previous
              events (prior to the Fall 2020 campout). Upon arrival, all vehicles will be directed
              to a screening area and all occupants will be asked to remain in their vehicle and
              await additional instructions. No occupant should exit their vehicle until
              instructed to do so. A staff member will ask for the required documents listed
              above for all occupants in the vehicle (each driver should have documents for
              their vehicle occupants only). Each occupant will have their temperature checked
              and then will receive additional instructions. Due to extra safety screening, units
              may be required to wait for a period of time before they are permitted to go
              through the check-in process. Saturday morning check-ins can be accommodated
              but must be pre-arranged with the camp director.

              Camp site maintenance
              We are responsible for damage to the camp so please follow all rules and leave it
              in better condition than when we arrived. All participants should follow the Leave
              No Trace principles and The Outdoor Code.
              Vehicles in camp
              All vehicles must be parked in the parking lot. Unit trailers may be parked in
              campsites with a vehicle attached but all other vehicles must remain in the
              parking lot. Units without a trailer should consolidate gear into as few vehicles as
              possible and immediately return them to the parking lot after unloading. Scouts
              will walk to their campsites. No vehicles other than staff or those with a disability
              permit will be allowed to drive around camp on Saturday. Units without a trailer
              should plan to consolidate gear in as few vehicles as possible. These vehicles will
              be permitted to drive to the campsite, immediately unload and then return to the
              parking lot. Please note traffic on the main road circling camp is one way and
              drivers should adhere to this rule.

Campsite cooking
Campsite cooking is permissible during this event but must follow all of the
guidelines provided by the Circle 10 council, linked above. Special attention and
oversight should be given to scouts during meal time to avoid any unsanitary
behaviors. Masks and gloves must be worn during food preparation and a 3-tub
washing station must be used, including bleach water for KP. Scouts who are
cooking must complete the food handler safety training and bottled water must
be used in place of water jugs being used to refill individual water bottles.
Unit will be assigned a campsite adequate for the number of attendees indicated
in your unit registration. Depending on the number of attendees from your unit, it
is possible units may be asked to share a campsite. Participants are encouraged to
spread out within the campsite in an effort to maintain appropriate distancing. Be
reminded to have a first aid kit, trash bags, fire extinguisher, patrol duty roster
and other necessary items on hand and easily accessible.
Abundant fresh water is available at Camp James Ray. All units should bring their
own containers to transport water to their campsites as needed. Unit leaders
should remind all participants to avoid refilling water bottles but rather to use
disposable water bottles in an effort to mitigate any potential spread of germs.
Most campsites at Camp James Ray do not have electricity.
Most latrines at Camp James Ray are of the “non-flushing” type although they do
have running water. Latrines are spread throughout camp and should be kept
clean. Latrines will be checked as part of the check-out procedure. Units camping
near latrines are responsible for cleaning prior to check-out.
Units should bring their own trash bags and are responsible for leaving campsites
better than they found them. All trash must be picked up and removed before
units may check out of camp. Trash may be deposited in the dumpster behind the
dining hall before departing or may be taken out of camp with the unit.
Fire safety
Camp fires in campsites are permitted, subject to any burn bans. Fires must be
supervised at all times by an adult or Scout who has earned the Firem’n chit and in
accordance with those requirements.

Units must furnish their own tents and all camping gear / equipment. Platforms in
campsites may be used but should not be moved or altered in any way. Larger
tents may not fit on the platforms. Scouts should be permitted to tent or
hammock on their own or with a family member. Unrelated scouts tenting
together should sleep head to toe.
Hammocks are permitted at Camp James Ray provided appropriate tree
protection measures are followed. Hammocks may not be hung from canopies,
pavilions or tent platform poles.
Campers who plan to use a hammock should review the BSA Safety moment on
hammock camping for general information on hammock safety.
People who truly know how to hammock camp follow these three steps:
   1. Pick the right place to set your hammock up: Think Leave No Trace principles like
      setting up well away from a water source and using an established site that has no
      vegetation to damage. Also check under and around the hammock for any object that
      might injure you if you fall out.
   2. Pick the right trees and use wide straps: that means healthy (no dead branches),
      robust (thick trunk) and not harboring creatures you might disturb.
   3. Pick the right strap angle and height to hang your hammock: Your goal is about a 30-
      degree angle between the strap and the ground, and having the bottom of your
      hammock about 18 inches off the ground.
Tips for Protecting Trees from Hammock Harm

Staff           Overview
Opportunities   Are you excited about spring camping and interested in having a new district
                campout experience? Are you looking for an opportunity to provide service to
(Volunteers)    your local district and council (earn service hours)? District-level events such as
                this one are largely organized and put on by volunteers who wear many hats. We
                are looking for additional staff to help support the event.
                Youth and adult volunteers who would like to participate in a staff capacity will be
                able to gain valuable experience while supporting others. If your unit has adult or
                youth members who are interested in getting involved in a new way, please
                encourage them to consider volunteering as a staff member for this event.
                Staff members meet must meet the following eligibility criteria:
                     •    Registered with BSA and current Youth Protection Training
                Youth (at least one of these):
                     •    Registered member of a Venturing Crew
                     •    Current OA member who has completed their Ordeal
                     •    Registered member of Scouts BSA Troop who is at least 13 years old and
                          has earned the rank of First Class
                Staff needs
                Volunteering as a staff member means you’ll have the opportunity to do a variety
                of jobs and still have fun participating in the planned activities. We need people to
                help with the following tasks:
                     •    Greeting / screening attendees upon arrival
                     •    Check-in
                     •    Food service (requires on-line food handling training class and certification
                          to be completed in advance of this event)
                     •    Shooting sports (archery, rifle, BB-Gun, shotgun certification needed)
                     •    Aquatics (lifeguard certification preferred but not required)
                     •    Service crew
                How to volunteer
                If you would like to sign up as a staff member, select the “Staff” option during the
                registration process. Adult mMembers currently registered with the Eagle Trail
                District and Venturing Crew members are not required to pay the registration fee.
                OA members and members of Scouts BSA units must pay the $15.00 registration

Saturday Lunch   Distancing while in line
Service          All attendees should maintain appropriate distancing while in line for food.
                 Following the tape markings on the floor will ensure the appropriate distance is
Procedures       maintained.
                 Hand washing and sanitizer
                 All attendees must thoroughly wash their hands at the handwashing station
                 outside the dining hall. Thorough washing includes scrubbing with soap for a
                 minimum of 20 seconds. Adults are asked to monitor scouts to ensure they are
                 effectively cleaning their hands. Additionally, each person entering serving line will
                 receive a dose of hand sanitizer in their hands which must be applied.
                 Face coverings (masks)
                 Face coverings must be worn while at all times during this event, except when
                 actually eating or drinking. This includes while waiting in line, retrieving food, etc.
                 Seating while eating should be distanced. Attendees are asked to place their chairs
                 or space themselves at picnic tables / benches in order to maintain the
                 appropriate distance.
                 No sharing
                 Meals will be served to each individual. Food may not be shared with others. If
                 available, second servings or additional food options may be made available.
                 Beverage coolers will be available for refilling water bottles, etc. Only staff
                 members or designated adults will be permitted to refill water bottles.

Campout               Program overview
Program               The program offering for this event is different than a typical Camporee event
                      which has been presented in prior years. Elements of each of those events are
                      included in addition to time for units to spend on their own. This has been done
                      purposefully to allow units to focus on rank advancement, badge requirements or
                      other outdoor skills which they may choose to provide.
                      Although district sponsored activities are available, units may choose not to
                      participate if they would prefer to hold their own program for the weekend.
                      Broadcast text messaging: Remind
                      A Remind text messaging has been established for this event. Sign up at
                      remind.com/join/ETSpring or use @ETSpring to receive helpful reminders and
                      important updates throughout the weekend. Adults registered for this event will
                      automatically be added to this group but may opt out if they do not want to
                      receive updates.

District Activities   BSA Swim Tests
                      BSA Swim Tests will be offered during assigned Open Swim time slots for Scouts
                      and adults at the Sanford Aquatics Center. Participants should arrive on time and
                      in appropriate swim attire. Units should bring a roster which has been pre-filled
                      with names of those who are testing. A sample form may be found here.
                      Open swim
                      The Sanford Aquatics Center will be open for swimming as a part of this event.
                      Units will be assigned to a specific time at the pool and may only take part in this
                      activity during their scheduled time. Participants must have taken the BSA Swim
                      Test and have a classification (swimmer, beginner, non-swimmer) in order to swim
                      at the pool, within the designated area for their classification.
                      Units should bring a current list of those who have completed the swim test within
                      the last year. If a swim test has not been administered within that time frame, the
                      test may be taken during Open Swim.
                      The buddy system (use of buddy tags, paired with someone of the same skill, etc.)
                      must be followed.
                      Shooting sports
                      Archery, BB-guns, rifle and shotgun shooting are planned for this event. Units will
                      be permitted to shoot only during their assigned time (see detailed schedule) and
                      should not visit the shooting range at any time other than their designated time
                      slot on the schedule.

              Unit Tug-‘O-War will take place at 11:30 a.m. Please see page 16 for rules and
              additional information.
              Build-It, Bring-It: Scout Powered Go Karts
              Scout Powered Go-Kart Races will take place at 4:00 p.m. on Saturday. Please see
              page 17 for the rules and regulations for this event.
              OA Callout
              Scouts who were on their unit’s Order of the Arrow ballot in the spring should
              plan to attend this event to find out the results of their unit elections. An OA
              Callout will take place Saturday evening as a part of this event.
              Trading Post
              Be sure to bring a few extra dollars so you can visit the Camp James Ray Trading
              Post to pick up your favorite scouting souvenirs, pre-packaged snacks and ice-cold

Additional    Campfire program
Program       A fun-filled campfire at dusk will be one of the highlights of this campout which
              you will not want to miss. Bring a chair and join us Saturday evening for skits,
Information   songs and other fun to wrap up your day.
              All units are welcome to participate by performing on a skit or song. Unit leaders
              should verify their unit’s performance(s) are Scout appropriate and ensure the
              performance will add to the overall campfire program (content quality, sufficiently
              rehearsed, Scout appropriate, etc.). It is recommended units plan and rehearse
              skits during the weeks leading up to the event to ensure a high-quality program.
              Scouts own service
              A Scout is reverent. An interfaith worship services is planned for Sunday morning
              at 8:30 a.m. Set the right example for your Scouts and join us at the sports field as
              you depart for home. It is important we leave the weekend with a grateful heart
              that we have had the opportunity to experience and enjoy an outdoor experience
              and the fellowship of Scouting.
              Adult training
              Adult leader training will be available on Saturday. Information on specific courses
              will be provided as we get closer to the event.

Cubmaster / Scoutmaster / SPL cracker barrel
All Cubmasters, Scoutmasters and Sr. Patrol Leaders are invited to cracker barrel /
leader meeting Friday and Saturday nights at the Activity Center pavilion. Please
join us to hear any event updates and enjoy an opportunity to visit with other unit
leaders. Pre-packaged snacks will be provided.
Morning / Evening flags
Morning camp flags will take place on Saturday 8:00 a.m. and evening flags will be
at 6:30 p.m. at the flag poles adjacent to the sports field. Units may attend camp
flag ceremonies as long as appropriate distancing can be maintained. Flag
ceremonies may be held by individual units in their campsites and are
Class A Field uniforms should be worn to morning and evening flags and OA
Callout on Saturday and Scouts Own Service on Sunday. Class B may be worn at all
other times.

                           SCHEDULE OF EVENTS
                                  APRIL 16 – 18, 2021

Updated 2-13-2021
Friday, April 16, 2021
6:00 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.      Check in at Fry Center, Campsite Setup (Please see check-in procedures)
10:00 p.m. – 10:30 p.m.    Cubmaster / Scoutmaster and SPL Cracker Barrel: Activity Center
10:30 p.m. – 10:45 p.m.    Staff meeting: Activity Center
11:00 p.m.                 All Camp Lights Out – Scouts in tents quiet

Saturday, April 17, 2021
6:30 a.m. – 8:00 a.m.      Units Rise and Breakfast: Unit Campsites
8:00 a.m. – 8:15 a.m.      Camp Opening Flags & Announcements: Sports Field Flag Poles
8:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.     Morning Program Events: See Unit Schedule
11:30 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.    Tug-‘O-War competition
12:15 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.     Camp-wide lunch Activity Center
1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.      Afternoon Program Events: See Unit Schedule
4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.      Build-It, Bring-It: Go-Kart Races
5:00 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.      Dinner: Unit Campsites
6:30 p.m. – 6:45 p.m.      Evening Flags Sports Field Flag Poles
7:00 p.m. – 7:45 p.m.      OA Callout
8:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.      Campfire Program / District Recognition Sports Field (bring your own chair)
9:00 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.      Cubmaster / Scoutmaster and SPL Cracker Barrel at Activity Center
9:30 p.m. – 9:45 p.m.      Staff meeting
11:00 p.m.                 All Camp Lights Out – Scouts in tents quiet

Sunday, April 18, 2021
7:00 a.m. – 8:00 a.m.      Units Rise and Breakfast: Unit Campsites
8:30 a.m. – 9:00 a.m.      Scouts Own Service Activity Center (bring a chair and social distance)
9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.     Break Camp & Checkout with Staff (Fry Center)
10:00 a.m.                 Staff Departure (all units depart from camp prior to this time)

Tug-Of-War Rules   This traditional “feat of strength” will have units competing to see who is the
                   strongest. The objective is to pull a flag placed at the center of the rope over the
                      •   Each troop team will consist of any number of Scouts whose combined
                          weight may not exceed 900 pounds.
                      •   We will use the honor system for total weight, however there will be a
                          weigh station at the headquarters for units to calculate their total weight.
                      •   The SPL will turn in a registration sheet listing their participant's name,
                          weight and total team weight to the headquarters by 10:00 a.m. on
                      •   Once your list is turned in, you may not substitute team members unless
                          there is an injury. Please make sure your unit# and SPL name are also
                      •   When it is your unit’s time to compete, Scouts will line up next to the rope
                          with their hands on their heads standing upright.
                      •   When they are told to go, they will grab the rope and begin pulling. All
                          Scouts must wear closed toe shoes (no cleats may be used).
                      •   Participants may also use hand padding (but no gloves), which must be laid
                          on the ground at the feet. The unit that pulls the flag over their line first
                      •   This will be a double elimination event.
                      •   Teams which "No-show" will forfeit.

Build-It, Bring-It: Scout Powered Go-Karts
Build your unit’s Go Kart, bring it and compete with others.
Go Kart Specifications:
   •   If a car does not meet requirements, it will not be permitted to race. No exceptions.
   •   Length (axle to axle): 60" maximum, 42" minimum
   •   Axle width (outside tire to outside tire): 48" max, 24" minimum
   •   Front axle must be secured to frame with nuts and bolts so not to work loose. A steering
       block must be installed on the frame (1/8" inch is highly suggested) on the front axle to
       limit steering (for safety purposes, so racer does not run over anyone)
   •   Steering will be done with both hands and feet using a rope fastened to the front axle
       and feet resting on the front axle. No other steering method will be permitted.
   •   Wheels: wheel/tire combination shall not exceed 16" outside diameter
   •   Wheels must be secured with cotter pins, double nuts, or lock nuts.
   •   Construction: cars need to be made of wood, assembled with screws or nuts and bolts.
       No nails will be permitted on any part of the car and no cars made of pipe of any kind.
   •   Brakes are allowed but not required.
   •   Seat: must have a sturdy seat with a backrest (seat belts not required or recommended).
   •   Push bar: must be installed at back of the Go Kart.
Race Day Rules:
   •   Each Go Kart will be checked for length, width, front end and steering compliance
       specifications as outlined below.
   •   Two scouts will compete in each race. One will push and one will steer. They will swap
       at the half waypoint. Since both will be riding, each must wear a helmet.
   •   Each race must have different scouts competing.
   •   Every team must have its own car (cars cannot be shared among teams).
   •   Both axels of the car must completely cross the end line before the car is turned around.
   •   Go Karts must stop with wheels within five feet of the exchange lines. The judges will
       disqualify teams who exchange too far away from the line.
   •   Go Karts should not cross over the sidelines. Minor crossovers on the sidelines will not
       be subject to disqualification. However, judges will use their discretion to determine
       disqualification of teams who are steering out of control or in an unsafe manner.
   •   Races will be run double elimination.
   •   If a team misses its race, the race will not be rerun.
   •   Keep in mind that it is possible for a car to lose its first two races and be eliminated at
       that point.
   •   Any disputes about which lane a car is to run in will be resolved with a coin toss.
   •   Each Rider must wear a helmet. Standard Bicycle helmets are acceptable.

Detailed Schedule
                                            Saturday Schedule
                              Dining Hall             Pool            Shooting Sports     Troop Fair
 6:00 AM   -   6:20 AM                           Troop Group 1
 6:20 AM   -   6:45 AM                           Troop Group 2
 6:40 AM   -   7:00 AM                            Pack Group 1
 7:00 AM   -   7:20 AM      Troop Group 1         Pack Group 2
 7:10 AM   -   7:30 AM      Troop Group 2
 7:20 AM   -   7:40 AM      Pack Group 1
 7:30 AM   -   7:50 AM      Pack Group 2
 7:40 AM   -   8:00 AM          Staff
 8:00 AM   -   9:00 AM                                Staff                Staff
 9:00 AM   -   10:30 AM                           Pack Group 1         Pack Group 2
10:30 AM   -   12:00 PM                           Pack Group 2         Pack Group 1
11:50 AM   -   12:10 PM     Troop Group 1
12:00 PM   -   12:20 PM     Troop Group 2
12:10 PM   -   12:30 PM     Pack Group 1
12:20 PM   -   12:40 PM     Pack Group 2
12:30 PM   -   12:50 PM         Staff
12:50 PM   -   1:00 PM
 1:00 PM   -   2:00 PM                               Staff                 Staff
 2:00 PM   -   3:30 PM                           Troop Group 1         Troop Group 2     Pack Groups
 3:30 PM   -   5:00 PM                           Troop Group 2         Troop Group 1    (Webs) 1 & 2
 5:00 PM   -   5:30 PM
 5:30 PM   -   5:50 PM       Troop Group 1
 5:40 PM   -   6:00 PM       Troop Group 2
 5:50 PM   -   6:10 PM       Pack Group 1
 6:00 PM   -   6:20 PM       Pack Group 2
 6:10 PM   -   6:30 PM           Staff
 6:40 PM   -   7:00 PM    Closing Flags (All Units) -
 7:00 PM   -   8:00 PM    OA Call Out Ceremony / Brotherhood Walk (Troops) - Council Fire Ring
 8:15 PM   -   9:00 PM    Campfire Program (All Units) - Council Fire Ring
10:00 PM   -   10:30 PM   Cubmaster / Scoutmaster and SPL Cracker Barrel - Dining Hall
10:30 PM   -   10:45 PM   Staff Meeting - Dining Hall
11:00 PM                  Lights Out - All Scouts in Tents and Quiet

           Sunday Schedule
                             Dining Hall
 7:00 AM   -   7:20 AM      Troop Group 1
 7:10 AM   -   7:30 AM      Troop Group 2
 7:20 AM   -   7:40 AM      Pack Group 1
 7:30 AM   -   7:50 AM      Pack Group 2
 7:40 AM   -   8:00 AM          Staff
 8:00 AM   -   8:30 AM
 8:30 AM   -   9:00 AM    Scout's Own Service (All Units) - Sports Field
 9:00 AM   -   10:00 AM   Break camp & checkout with staff (HQ), collect patches
10:00 AM                  Staff departure - All units depart camp prior ot this time

Parental Commitment to Transport
               To be completed and submitted to camp upon arrival
I understand that any time during my child’s stay at a Circle Ten Council camp I may be called
on to transport my camper from camp for medical reasons. I commit to being available for the
duration of the event by phone should I need to be contacted by the unit or the camp
management team. Furthermore, upon consultation with the camp management team, I agree
to pick up my participant within 4 hours of being contacted. I will also provide a second level
contact to be prepared for any unforeseen circumstances.

___________________________________                ____________________
Participant Name                                   Unit Type & Number

___________________________________                ____________________
Signed                                             Date

___________________________________                ____________________
Primary Contact Name                               Phone

___________________________________                ____________________
Secondary Contact Name                             Phone

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