LAND AT UNDER BOLTON Under Bolton, Haddington, East Lothian, EH41 4HL

Page created by Warren Craig
LAND AT UNDER BOLTON Under Bolton, Haddington, East Lothian, EH41 4HL
Under Bolton, Haddington, East Lothian, EH41 4HL

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LAND AT UNDER BOLTON Under Bolton, Haddington, East Lothian, EH41 4HL
Land at Under Bolton
Haddington, East Lothian, EH41 4HL

 An attractive parcel of prime arable land situated on                                                      MINERAL & SPORTING RIGHTS
                                                                                                            Included in the sale insofar as they are owned.
the edge of the East Lothian hamlet of Bolton, 2 miles
                 south of Haddington.                                                                       SERVITUDES, WAYLEAVES & EASEMENTS
                                                                                                            The property is sold subject to and with the benefit of all servitudes and wayleave rights including
                                                                                                            rights of access and rights of way whether public or private. It is understood that there is third party
                 Extending to 134.31 acres (54.36 hectares).                                                access over the private road for residential and forestry purposes. The Purchaser will be held to have
                                                                                                            satisfied themselves on all such matters and should note that further information is available in the
                                    For sale as a whole.                                                    Information Pack.

                                                                                                            INGOING VALUATION
LOCATION                                                                                                    In the event that the Seller carries out cultivations and establishes crops prior to completion of the
The land at Under Bolton is situated on the edge of the East Lothian hamlet of Bolton, 2 miles              sale the Purchaser will be obliged to take over and pay for at valuation all growing crops on a seed
south of the county town of Haddington. The A1, the main arterial road through East Lothian, is             and labour basis with an increment if applicable in respect of any enhanced value of establishment.
approximately 3 miles to the north.
                                                                                                            INFORMATION PACK
GENERAL DESCRIPTION                                                                                         An Information Pack will be available to genuine prospective Purchasers on the signing of a
The land forms a compact block extending to approximately 134.31 acres (54.36 hectares) in total, of        Confidentiality Agreement.
which 132.12 acres are arable. The arable land consists of four fields and is accessed via a private road
from the B6368.                                                                                             PLANS
                                                                                                            The plans incorporated within these particulars are based upon the Ordnance Survey with the
The land for sale is a block of prime arable land in one of Scotland’s most productive arable farming       sanction of the Controller of HM Stationery Office. Crown Copyright is reserved (ES753270). These
areas which lies between the 90m and 110m above sea level contours and is all classified as grade 3.1       plans are published for the convenience of the prospective Purchaser and are demonstrative only.
under the James Hutton Institute Land Capability for Agriculture. The soils are predominantly of the        Their accuracy is not guaranteed.
Humbie series and the land has the potential to grow a wide variety of arable crops.
                                                                                                            GUIDE TO INTERESTED PARTIES
The current farming system is cereal production, fields 3 and 4 have been in continuous wheat for a         Whilst we use our best endeavours to make our sales details accurate and reliable please contact us if
number of years whilst 1 and 2 have been farmed on a cereal rotational basis.                               there is any point which you wish to clarify. We would be pleased to check this information for you,
                                                                                                            particularly if you are contemplating travelling some distance to view the property.
The Basic Payment Scheme Entitlements are included in the sale.                                             VIEWING
                                                                                                            Strictly by prior appointment through the sole Selling Agent, Edwin Thompson LLP.

 rural | forestry | environmental | commercial | residential | architectural & project management | valuation | investment | management | dispute resolution | renewable energy
LAND AT UNDER BOLTON Under Bolton, Haddington, East Lothian, EH41 4HL
PLAN REF   FID                          ACRES                            TOTAL
                                                                                              Berwick upon Tweed | Carlisle | Galashiels | Keswick | Newcastle | Windermere
                             Arable    Woodland     Other     Area (acres)       Area (ha)
1          NT/51244/70205    45.12                               45.12             18.26
2          NT/51605/70165    25.45                               25.45            10.30
3          NT/51376/69800    26.14                               26.14            10.58
4          NT/50986/69859    35.41                               35.41             14.33
5          NT/50789/69890                0.54                    0.54              0.22
                                                     1.65         1.65             0.67
                            132.12       0.54       1.65        134.31            54.36

rural | forestry | environmental | commercial | residential | architectural & project management | valuation | investment | management | dispute resolution | renewable energy
76 Overhaugh Street,           T: 01896 751300
Galashiels,                    F: 01896 758883
Selkirkshire,                  E:
TD1 1DP                        W:

Berwick upon Tweed   Edwin Thompson is the generic trading     Regulated by RICS   IMPORTANT NOTICE
Carlisle             name for Edwin Thompson Property                              Edwin Thompson for themselves and for the Vendor of this property, whose Agents they are, give notice that:
Galashiels           Services Limited, a Limited Company                           1. The particulars are set out as a general outline only for the guidance of intending purchasers and do not constitute, nor constitute part of, any offer or contract.
Keswick                                                                            2. All descriptions, dimensions, plans, reference to condition and necessary conditions for use and occupation and other details are given in good faith and are believed to be
                     registered in England and Wales                                    correct, but any intending purchasers should not rely on them as statements or representations of fact, but must satisfy themselves by inspection or otherwise as to their
Newcastle            (no. 07428207)                                                     correctness.
Windermere                                                                         3. No person in the employment of Edwin Thompson has any authority to make or give any representation or warranty whatsoever in relation to this property or these particulars,
                     Registered office: 28 St John’s Street,                            nor to enter into any contract relating to the property on behalf of the Agents, nor into any contract on behalf of the Vendor.
                     Keswick, Cumbria, CA12 5AF.                                   4. No responsibility can be accepted for loss or expense incurred in viewing the property or in any other way in the event of the property being sold or withdrawn.
                                                                                   5. These particulars were prepared in October 2019.
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