LABBSi Getting together... virtually

Page created by Rosa Fox
LABBSi Getting together... virtually
Ladies Association of British Barbershop Singers

                                                                                              Summer 2020   £4         What’s inside

 LABBSi Getting together... virtually
 See the full story, page 18
                                                                                                                   LABBS members have
                                                                                                                    been remembering,

                                                                                                                    and making masks,

                                                                                                                 as well as finding creative
                                                                                                                       ways to relax.

   LABBS2021 - Looking forward to Harrogate
                   Web:   Facebook: singLABBS   Twitter: @singlabbs   YouTube: singLABBS
LABBSi Getting together... virtually
Notes from Nancy Philbin                                                                Long Service Awards
                                                            The other fantastic event going on at the moment is The
                                                            Collective virtual choir which has attracted more than
                                                            1500 singers from 28 countries and I have spotted many
                                                            familiar LABBS faces in there as well as friends from
                                                            other barbershop organisations around the world. I hope
                                                            you are enjoying it all as much as me and I cannot wait
                                                            to hear the result.

                                                            Thanks to the wonders of technology we were able to
                                                            hold a ‘virtual’ AGM and Council Meeting in March, both
                                                            of which were well received. Through modifying our
                                                            normal process, we were able to successfully appoint
                                                            Jill Cook from Spinnaker chorus to the position of
                                                            Membership Director and Sam Wallace from GEM
                                                            Connection to the position of Events Director. On behalf
                                                            of the Association I would like to welcome them both to
                                                            the LABBS Board and we look forward to working with
                                                            them. We said goodbye to Gail Grainger and to Deborah
                                                            Lamble who completed their terms on the Board, and
                                                            we send our thanks to them for their commitment to
                                                            LABBS over the last several years.
Who could ever have predicted how 2020 would
turn out and that we would be forced to abandon             I apologise for signing off with sad words but the Board
our rehearsals as we know them and not be able to           was sorry to learn of the passing of Marilyn Penketh,
hold our Convention, the highlight of our barbershop        who was LABBS Chairman from 1987 to 1989, and we
calendar? As you now know, the LABBS Board took the         send our love and sympathy to John, Karen and
sad decision to cancel Convention in Bournemouth to         Toni-Ann at this difficult time.
protect the health and wellbeing of our members and we
do appreciate your understanding and support in these       In harmony
difficult times.                                            Nancy                                                         Congratulations to Kathy
                                                                                                                          Moore from Winchester
It is more important than ever that we stay in touch and
                                                                                                                        Acapella for 25 years of long
there has been a surge of online activity amongst our
choruses and quartets and it is a joy to see everyone
                                                                                                                       service, which was presented
connecting with each other and so many happy                                                                             by her by Deborah Lamble.
smiling faces in virtual rehearsals. Last month saw the
first session of LABBS Interactive, a brilliant and fun
online initiative to keep everyone in touch with their
extended barbershop family, with a Zoom room and a
live stream on Facebook. The plan is that LABBSi will
continue every 2-3 weeks for as long as it is needed, and
I encourage you all to take part. We have plans for other
online events and activities which will be announced on
our social media pages so please keep an eye on those.
LABBSi Getting together... virtually
As we were not able to take a real-life
 Ladies Association of                                                                                                                   photo, we took a screenshot of the new
 British Barbershop Singers                                                                                                              LABBS Board:

 Board of Trustees                                                                                                                       Top row left to right:
                                                                                                                                         Alison Zdzylowski – Education Director
 Chair and WHC Representative:
                                                                                                                                         Rita Hulands – Marketing &
 Nancy Philbin
                                                                                                                                         Communications Director
                                                                                                                                         Caroline Poole – Secretary
 Natalie Feddon                                                                                                                          Middle row left to right:                                                                                                                  Jill Cook – Membership Director
 Secretary:                                                                                                                              Nancy Philbin – Chair
 Caroline Poole                                                                                                                          Alys Galloway – Finance Director
 Finance Director:                                                                                                                       Bottom row left to right:
 Alys Galloway                                                                                                                           Natalie Feddon – Vice Chair                                                                                                            Sam Wallace – Events Director

 Marketing and Communications
 Rita Hulands
                                           It is wonderful to hear so many stories of optimism coming in from the choruses across           Update from your Editor                    the UK in these challenging times. We expected to have very little news from LABBS
                                           members for this digital edition, but instead we have been overwhelmed at the creativity of
 Membership Director:                      the members, and proof once again that our barbershop family is an important part of all of
 Jill Cook                                 our lives.
 Education Director:                       So many have been Zooming through rehearsals, having fun, playing games, dressing
 Alison Zdzylowski                         up – and even practising performance. Many of us have been enjoying other virtual choirs,                   connecting with friends old and new, learning new songs and enjoying a slightly different
                                           way to keep singing in lockdown.
 Events Director:
 Sam Wallace                       Whether your chorus or quartet has been active or just taking it easy, take comfort in and be
                                           inspired by the friendship and harmony of our barbershop community.
 Immediate Past Chair:
 Deborah Lamble                            Stay safe,

Deadline for next issue
Friday 31st July 2020
Please supply approx 350 words accompanied by photographs in the highest resolution possible, in colour, as separate jpeg files to Photographs should be at least 1MB in size – anything less is too low resolution and will not be suitable
for printing. Photographs taken on phones are usually fine, but please send direct from the photo gallery on the phone
via email for maximum resolution.
LABBSi Getting together... virtually
Champs Corner

Adapting to the new normal
What strange times we’re living in. For many of              We have ‘Chair’s chat’ every evening on Facebook           On a more serious note, Soozi, a former Chair of our
us, Zoom was previously a ’70s rocket-shaped ice lolly ...   Live, which provides us all with an update and gives       chorus and a renowned psychotherapist, has introduced
now it’s the basis of all our rehearsals.                    everyone a chance to natter online. Our wonderful          ‘Mid-week musings’. She helps us to understand and
                                                             cake-maker Tina has introduced ‘Teatime with Tina’ - in    cope with the ‘new normal’ from a psychological
Before the lockdown, Amersham A Cappella’s focus             which she shares her recipes and shows us step-by-step     perspective, reminding us that we’re not alone in how
was on preparing excitedly for our much anticipated          how to make her fabulous creations. If nothing else,       we’re feeling and offering us effective coping strategies
performances at BinG and BABS. Despite being                 we’ll be a tabernacle of fabulous bakers when normal       and support.
hugely upset that the door has swung shut on both of         life resumes - and yes that apparently is the collective
these opportunities this year, we’ve embraced Zoom           noun for bakers!                                           Then there’s our marvellous MD Helen. We were all
rehearsals enthusiastically and we’ve tried to put a                                                                    excited when LABBS asked if Helen would host LABBS
positive spin on everything we do. In Amersham-speak,        We’ve also had Jenny taking us on regular ‘wanders         Interactive, regular Zoom sessions focusing on Polecats,
‘lockdown’ has been renamed ‘housesafe’ and we’ve            through the woodland’; motivational comedy videos          to bring a shared sense of fun to all LABBS members.
instigated several initiatives to help us feel connected,    from Flash and the Performance team; ‘sewing studio’
even when we can’t physically sing together.                 with Donna showing us how to make hair scrunchies          Aside from all this, we’ve been reaching out to other
                                                             and face masks and our very own soap opera                 choruses - not just in LABBS but overseas - through
                                                             ‘CluckEnders’, starring Justine’s chickens who are         our social media efforts. We laid down a challenge
                                                             locked up in CluckAtraz or languishing in Cluckingham      for choruses to create anagrams from their names.
                                                             Palace depending on the day!                               Our initial video (which highlighted that the letters
                                                                                                                        of ‘Amersham A Cappella’ can be rearranged to create
                                                                                                                        ‘Mama she crap paella’) has had over 2,000 views
                                                                                                                        and, heart-warmingly, has generated responses from
                                                                                                                        choruses as far away as the USA and Australia. It’s not
                                                                                                                        too late to take part yourself at: https://www.facebook.

                                                                                                                        Let’s hope we’ll soon have an opportunity to sing in
                                                                                                                        harmony together again face-to-face. Until then, we
                                                                                                                        send everyone virtual hugs and a sincere wish for you
                                                                                                                        all to stay safe and well.

                                                                                                                        Amanda Dawson
                                                                                                                        PRO, Amersham A Cappella
LABBSi Getting together... virtually
Quartet Corner

Avalon Album - Bring Me Sunshine
Avalon is hugely grateful to all the people who             some ambient microphones for the room and some               We’re now in the process of post-production work with
supported our Bring Me Sunshine album fundraiser            central quartet microphones. It meant we had to be as        David, reviewing the recordings he has been editing
that we launched in 2019. The money raised was due to       disciplined as we could with consistency and pitch, to       for us and checking the minutiae. We hope it won’t be
go towards our amazing trip to the BHS Convention in        make sure our engineer had an easier post-production         long until we can present you with the finished product,
Los Angeles this summer, but current circumstances          job of putting together our “best bits”.                     and although we can’t see you all at the May and June
have sadly caused most 2020 barbershop events to be                                                                      barbershop events as planned, please do get in touch
cancelled, BHS included. Have no fear - your financial                                                                   on social media or by email (avalonquartetuk@gmail.
support will help towards some exciting future plans!                                                                    com) if you’d like to purchase a CD from us. If you’re
Luckily, our album recording occurred before the                                                                         interested in a similar project and talking with our
pandemic took hold, and we wanted to share our                                                                           engineer, we can put you in touch.
experience with you.
                                                                                                                         Love you all. Stay safe, stay well - and see you soon!
On a Saturday in February, we four headed to Dulwich
in south London for our album recording. Sophie is a                                                                     Boo, Helen, Karen and Sophie
teacher and her school very kindly allowed us to use                                                                     Avalon
their upper hall, a former church with high vaulted
ceilings which was perfect for some natural reverb and
plenty of space.

                                                            We admit that recording 11 songs in one day was an
                                                            ambitious project, for both us and David. As we’re a
                                                            distance quartet and all busy bees, it made sense for us
                                                            to try and have one very efficient day, and we learned
                                                            some lessons as we went. We started the day super
                                                            picky about how we were singing tiny snippets and
                                                            individual consonants, and the first three songs took
                                                            ages. After that, we decided some of our quirks and
                                                            “imperfections” were actually what made us sound like
                                                            us, and also we learned to trust David’s knowledge and
                                                            post-production magic.

                                                            We highly recommend recognising when both your
Our recording setup was a little different from what        brains and your voices need a break, and having a
many quartets might be used to, though choruses             constant supply of snacks! There may be hang ups
might recognise it. We know that after years of drilling    from which you need to move on and return later, and
ourselves as a cohesive unit, we wanted to record           some things that might sound wrong to you and right
together as an ensemble and not one voice part at a time    to everyone else (just like in a normal rehearsal!) If you
- we also thought it would help us sound more naturally     trust your fellow singers and your incredibly musically-
like us, and not too autotuned. David, our sound engineer   minded sound engineer, you’ll have an
(Sonus Audio), had us all with our own spot microphone,     easier time.
LABBSi Getting together... virtually
Update from the Board

LABBS 2020 succumbs to coronavirus
Understandably convention is not going                              Convention 2020 FAQs
ahead this year. In what has proven to be a difficult
decision (and upsetting) for the Board as they “hoped to                                                                will be done. The contest cycle for 2021 will begin in
provide a special respite to members” following these       1. Will there be any events taking place over the           January 2021.
difficult times. Nancy’s words follow but rest assured      Convention weekend instead?
the team is working on providing best alternatives!                                                                     4. Will the LABBS Raffle take place?
#WatchThisSpace                                             LABBS are looking at what can be done over the
                                                            Convention weekend – more information will be               The decision has been made that this will not take
                                                            provided as ideas are developed so watch this space.        place in 2020.

                                                            2. What about the 2020 Early Bird registrations             5. How will the Katy Phillips Young Barbershopper of
                                                            purchased at Convention 2019?                               the Year be awarded?

                                                            The main contact on each Early Bird booking will            Nominations for this award will be open in the same
                                                            be contacted directly. The Board has planned for the        way as usual and the recipient will be announced
                                                            registrations to roll forward to Convention 2021 being      using social media channels.
                                                            held in Harrogate (29-31 October), all names currently
                                                            provided for the booking will be wiped and the              6. How will The Jen Mills Award be made?
                                                            process will start again with names being required
“Last weekend the LABBS Board met to discuss our            by end of February 2021 (information will be sent out       Applications for this award will be invited in the
2020 Convention due to take place in Bournemouth            in early 2021 detailing how this will be done). If at       same way as last year and the recipient will be
at the end of October. We wanted you to know as soon        that point, you are unable to use the purchased Early       announced using social media channels.
as possible, that after much discussion, we sadly           Bird registration a full refund will be available. Please
concluded that Convention will not go ahead this year       note there will be no new sales of 2021 Early Bird          7. Will we return to Bournemouth for Convention?
in the light of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. A         registrations.
full announcement and list of FAQs has been issued on                                                                   LABBS Convention will take place in Bournemouth in
email which you will receive via your club contact.         3. What about the chorus and quartet contest fees           2022 (28-30 October).
                                                            which have paid?
I know that this is hugely disappointing news, and I                                                                    If you have any further questions please do not
am so sorry that it has come to this, but I know you will   These will be refunded, with the chorus and quartet         hesitate to contact Sam Wallace, LABBS Events
understand that the LABBS Board have a duty of care to      being contacted directly with details on how this           Director (
all of you with regards to your safety and wellbeing and
we just could not continue to plan for Convention this
year. I do hope that you will continue to sing together
and look forward to seeing you again in the future.”

LABBSi Getting together... virtually
Club Updates

Shining with Cheshire Chord Company
Cheshire Chord Company had a cracking start                use and has been busy making nursing related items              Alison Linfield has been involved with the British
to 2020. January saw us invite 26 new faces to our usual   for NHS staff and the local community. With funding             choirmaster, composer and TV presenter Gareth
Thursday night rehearsals for a Learn-to-Sing course.      support from chorus members, she has turned her                 Malone’s online ‘at home’ digital choir. Alison is one of
Over the six weeks, our fantastic music team provided      sewing room into a small factory with a conveyor belt of        about 20,000 participants who have been rehearsing
a range of different sessions, focusing on aspects of      items being produced each day.                                  every night.
barbershop singing, whilst learning Take That’s Shine.
                                                                                                                                                  Another of our members and lead
The course culminated in a show                                                                                                                   section leader, Heather, has been
for friends and family members                                                                                                                    entertaining the smaller people
where the learn to singers sang                                                                                                                   in households across the country
their hearts out! It really was                                                                                                                   with her Wriggles and Rhyme
their moment to shine and that                                                                                                                    Time YouTube channel. If you’re
they did! Since the Learn-to-Sing                                                                                                                 interested in this, hop over to our
course, many of the delegates                                                                                                                     social media accounts for a link.
decided to continue through the
audition process with 15 of these                                                                                                                 During this unsettling time, one
being successful.                                                                                                                                 thing has remained consistent
                                                                                                                                                  and that is the positivity and
In March, a coach full of members                                                                                                                 encouragement from our Musical
travelled across the Pennines                                                                                                                     Director Jo Braham. Every day,
to perform on the Spirit of                                                                                                                       without fail, she entertains us
Harmony’s show, Ashville                                                                                                                          with a joke. This certainly lifts
Acapella. As well as performing                                                                                                                   our spirits and morale so here’s
our ‘circus’ set, we entertained                                                                                                                  one for you:
members with our six-part
version of That Man and of                                                                                                                        “I said to the librarian, ‘Have you
course, our Whitney medley! As                                                                                                                    got any books about grass?’
well as the Spirit of Harmony, we
were joined by the Chamber Choir                                                                                                                  She gave me Fifty grades of Hay.”
of Ripon Grammar School. The
climax of the evening was when                                                                                                                    Julie Phillips
all three of us joined forces to                                                                                                                  PRO, Cheshire Chord Company
sing an arrangement of Misty.
The end of March was one of the last times we were
together as a chorus. We were lucky to be joined by        Two other members have been taking part in some
the amazing David Wright. It was a real honour to be       online singing projects. Gill Clare has been involved in
coached by the arranger of one of the songs we had been    Simon Lubkowski’s ‘The Collective’ project, singing The
preparing to take to SABS, which was sadly cancelled.      White Cliffs of Dover. Gill said, ‘it was lovely to see a few
                                                           familiar faces and was a distraction from the current
During the last month, one of our members, Lynn Day,       situation’.
has been putting her amazing sewing skills to good
LABBSi Getting together... virtually
Club Updates

Chorus Iceni - a good start to 2020
Before all this lockdown business Chorus Iceni
managed to bag a couple of NewBee leads, Emma, Chris
and Christine! Both passed their auditions with flying
colours and are coming along nicely.

And once we were social distancing, we all enjoyed
some fun Zoom rehearsals!

Mandy Miller
PRO, Chorus Iceni

                                                                              Quartet Corner

Birthday and baking with In House
Back in January 2020, In House quartet came                                                                             Over the next few weeks, we’ll continue to meet online
together for its very first committee meeting to discuss                                                                and we hope you all keep safe and well. If you get bored
the year ahead. It’s obviously panning out a little                                                                     during this pandemic, you could always pop over to our
differently to how we’d expected!                                                                                       shiny, new website and find out some more about us!

February saw us celebrating our first birthday and we                                                                   Take care and stay safe!
spent the evening together singing and eating cake - the
best way to spend birthdays!                                                                                  

On a cold Sunday in February we became ‘In House                                                                        Julie Phillips
Catering’ where we fed our Cheshire Chord buddies                                                                       PRO, In House Quartet
some delicious, warming soup during a cold Sunday
rehearsal. We thank them all for supporting us with
raising money for our quartet funds.

Unfortunately for us, like everyone across the country,     We’ve celebrated National Barbershop Quartet Day with
we have not been able to get together to rehearse for the   some Mary Poppins selfies, taken part in the ‘This Is Us’
last few months. SABS may have been postponed but           challenge (thanks Bakewell Tarts for the nomination!)
we haven’t let that dampen our spirits! We’ve still been    where we shared our love of soup making whilst
meeting online for some singing themed chats, cross         modelling our new pinnys!
stitch lessons and online competitions.
LABBSi Getting together... virtually
Club Updates

Havant Pitchpipers moving on
The Havant Pitchpipers were able to celebrate                             After 20 years in the same rehearsal venue we said
new members, long-service awards and their traditional                    goodbye to our hall as it was now showing its age and
pancake day before saying goodbye to its rehearsal                        no longer a suitable venue. So we had an enjoyable last
venue and moving on to pastures new.                                      meeting, with a pancake day warm up and a prize to the
                                                                          best pancake tosser.
The Pitchpipers congratulated the commitment to
four of our long standing members. Congratulations                        Louise Berry
ladies! Linda Elliott, Pam Smith and Annie Clair who all                  PRO, Havant Pitchpipers
celebrated 10 years with the chorus, and Rosamunde
Pope who celebrated her 15 years.

The Pitchpipers ran a four-week Sing into Spring
singing course and as a result we were delighted to
welcome up four new members.
LABBSi Getting together... virtually
Club Updates

Spinnakerettes carrying on regardless!
As the world as we know it has changed, Spinnaker members have been keeping              We also held Wendy’s Wicked Wager organised by fundraising Spinnakerette, Wendy
in touch via social media groups, emails, messenger groups and experimenting with        Ranft, where members were invited to buy a numbered ball for £5 and a Facebook live
chat rooms and Zooming too.                                                              draw took place for three fabulous cash prizes. There was a ball spinning machine, to
                                                                                         randomly select the winning balls and Wendy decorated her ‘live set’ with a glittering
Our tech wizards Tracey Buckley and Kathryn Bowes have been busying away                 backdrop to add to the excitement.
researching the best platforms for meeting as a whole group. All of which have their
merits but none, as yet, provide the ideal rehearsal experience and nothing can          John Palmer, our genius MD, has overcome his Facebook tech fears and successfully
replace the social enjoyment we have when physically together. There is frustration      carried out numerous ‘live’ appearances, keeping us all entertained with guitar and
at not being able to easily sing as a whole group using the chat rooms, but we’ve been   songs and his vision for future performances including song plans. We’ve had virtual
encouraging home practice and we’ve our new ballad to learn and concentrate on.          sing-a-longs and our warm-up team has done a grand job keeping us physically and
                                                                                         vocally engaged while Chairman Jill Cook has kept us amused and informed with her
So at Team Spinnaker we’ve had to adapt and investigate different ways to engage         motivational ‘live’ pop ups too.
our members. We’ve had great fun with an Easter Egg decorating competition where
we judged some very imaginative creations and the choccy 1st prize was won by the        We’ve held front row auditions involving video applications and we continue learning
wonderful crafting talents of Alison Sausman (Lead).                                     new songs which our Music Team are assessing via individually submitted vocal

                                                                                         We look forward to seeing you at the next convention – what a grand celebration that
                                                                                         will be.

                                                                                         Tracy Daniel
                                                                                         PRO, Spinnaker Chorus

                                                                                                     “We’ve held front row
                                                                                                      auditions involving
                                                                                                      video applications”
Lockdown postpones two Spinnakerette weddings
                                                          see us marry. The florist couldn’t source our flowers, so     “We had saved for two years and wanted our day to be
Two of our Spinnakerettes had weddings booked for         I bought artificial flowers for the wedding party. I also     special. Our guest list included a lot of vulnerable people
April and May and both have sadly now been postponed      had to pick just one of my four bridesmaids who would         so the current virus situation was very worrying. We
to 2021. Such huge disappointment for them as they        actually be at the ceremony! Then 12 days prior to the        were booked with Skylark Golf and Country Club who
were literally just weeks away from their special days    day we were told the wedding could not happen at all,         don’t have a licence to officiate marriages so our legal
when lockdown occurred. Numerous months/years of          and we set about contacting all of our guests yet again.      ceremony was going to be at a registry office on the
planning, preparation and saving, all on hold.                                                                          Thursday before, with my Mum and sister and George’s
                                                          “Thankfully we were able to postpone our wedding to           Mum and Dad.
Liz King (Bari Section Leader and Pitch blower            May 2021 and have lost very little money as everything
extraordinaire) whose wedding was planned for             has just been transferred to that new date. We look           “We still held onto our date in the hope that restrictions
Saturday 4th April, said:                                 forward to a bigger celebration with everyone then.           might be lifted in time but we weren’t that hopeful.
                                                                                                                        Our wedding celebration day at Skylark was ultimately
                                                          “We have been so touched by the love and kindness             cancelled. We were sent alternative dates for this year,
                                                          friends and family have shown us. We spent Saturday           post June, which we didn’t accept as they weren’t
                                                          4th April talking to lots of people on video chat, painting   Saturdays but also due to uncertainties about how long
                                                          the kitchen and receiving lots of deliveries of flowers,      the restrictions would remain in place.
                                                          chocolates and the like. Instead of a wedding breakfast
                                                          we had a lovely takeaway and a very chilled Saturday.”        “Later we were offered 2nd May 2021 which we jumped
                                                                                                                        at as it’s our chosen date just next year, which is lucky.
                                                                                                                        The hotel is now reserved for next year, hair and makeup
                                                                                                                        tbc and my dress will be picked up when things, reopen
                                                                                                                        with any alterations done eight weeks before the new
                                                                                                                        wedding date. My flowers will be kept safe as they are
                                                                                                                        silk and the cake, photography and celebrant are being
                                                                                                                        arranged by family friends who are helping us through.”

                                                                                                                           “Numerous months/years of planning,
                                                                                                                            preparation and saving, all on hold.”

“Tom and I have been engaged for 2 years. We were very
excited Spinnaker would be singing after the wedding
breakfast. Just under three weeks off the wedding, we
were told initially we could go ahead with the ceremony
with only two guests and two witnesses. Tom, my Mum
and I had to contact the guests to tell people about      Bethany Restarick (Lead and LABBS Young
the scaled down arrangements, but at least we would       Barbershopper of the Year 2019) was due to marry
be married on the date we chose. We then planned          George (son of Spinnaker Bass Kay Sumpner) on May
around that - preparing a video link and Facebook live    2nd, said:
streaming so those not allowed to attend could at least
Club Updates

Beating the lockdown… just in time
We were very fortunate at Crystal Chords to sneak          Each week in the run up to the show was a diverse mix
in a huge amount of singing in the early part of 2020 as   of old and new songs as well as spending time polishing
part of our 40th Anniversary celebrations.                 off the moves to some. It’s always a source of fascination
                                                           to us that muscle memory kicks in and 10 years later
                                                           you can sing a song and see your hands move almost
                                                           of their own accord! Some of the moves we resurrected
                                                           with glee… others not so much and we quickly binned
                                                           them to the ‘archive’ of moves never to be repeated!

                                                                                                                        a special thank you is due to our committee member
                                                                                                                        Kristina Mair who coordinated this army with apparent
Reaching our ruby milestone was always going to be                                                                      ease – we are quite sure that whilst it looked like she
a special event for the chorus and we took a year to                                                                    was gliding calmly at all times, there will have definitely
plan our gala show that was held at the Royal Northern                                                                  been some frantic paddling below the surface.
College of Music in Manchester on the 7th March.
Dusting off old repertoire (some of it very old!) we set                                                                We will be making a donation from the show to the Katy
ourselves a mammoth task after Christmas to make sure                                                                   Phillips bursary, thank you again to everyone who came
we had a full complement of two sets worth of songs        In the end it all came together perfectly. We were           and enabled us to do this.
that would show our chorus at its best.                    joined on stage by our good friends in the north west,
                                                           Cottontown Chorus from Bolton and as multi gold
                                                           medallist BABS champions they added an extra layer of
                                                           sparkle to our show. Our two chorus medallist winning
                                                           quartets Pzazz and Barberlicious each had a spot. We
                                                           also showcased a newer quartet, Hat-Trick, in our final
                                                           number and a small group earlier in the evening. The
                                                           event was a huge success, we were so thankful for
                                                           the compliments we received, and we were especially
                                                           grateful to our LABBS Vice Chairman Natalie who came         Like many choruses we are finding the absence of
                                                           to the show and presented some of our members with           weekly face to face gatherings difficult, but we know that
                                                           their long service awards.                                   when we get together it will be an all-mighty celebration.

                                                           We still have chorus founder members who sing with           Alison Liddell
                                                           Crystal Chords and seeing them receive their 40-year         PRO, Crystal Chords
Our ever committed MD Monica had a job at hand to          pins made us all very proud and privileged to be part
not only help us unlearn and relearn some of our older     of something they had started so long ago. Events like
songs with a better quality (‘less Manchester’) but we     this always take an army of people to put on and we had
also threw in a couple of new songs too.                   lots of support from friends and family
                                                           of the chorus but
Club Updates

Barbershop podcaster’s Scottish roadtrip
On a whistle stop tour of Scotland, seasoned
barbershop singer and podcaster John Beesley came all
the way from London to Peterculter to visit and record
Albacappella for his Harmony UK podcast.

Arriving in Culter on a dark February evening, John,
who lives on the outskirts of London, was a little
dismayed by the dark country road that took him down
to St Peter’s Heritage Hall. However, when the first
singer arrived, he was warmly greeted and soon got
talking to the ladies which form Aberdeenshire’s own
ladies’ barbershop chorus.

John, who sings with Capital Chorus in Ealing, west
London, has been singing for ten years, and has produced
his podcast since 2015. He has travelled the length of
Britain listening to different choruses but had never been
as far north as Aberdeen, so was delighted to come to the
north-east after visiting two choruses in Edinburgh.

Luckily, John was able to visit Scotland before the
coronavirus pandemic, and so was able to record us
singing various Scottish songs including The Skye Boat
Song and Loch Lomond and talked to everyone about
how the emotion of the songs links us to Scotland and childhood memories.                 The Skye Boat Song, meant a great deal when performed by the Albacappella singers.

As a chorus with many different nationalities, John also interviewed members from         “Singing together provides so many other benefits too, including exercise and relief
Germany, Croatia, Slovakia, the Netherlands and Bulgaria who sing with Albacappella       from the stresses of the day. So it’s always a real tonic, as I travel around, to share in
having been welcomed into the Scottish community.                                         the happiness which comes from these beautiful harmonies, sung by people, young
                                                                                          and old, and from so many different backgrounds.”
         “John interviewed members from Germany, Croatia,
               Slovakia, the Netherlands and Bulgaria”                                    Listening to John’s podcast brings a smile to all of our faces – have a listen on
John said: “I thoroughly enjoyed my visit to Scotland, and it was a joy to receive such   scotland-special
a warm welcome from so many talented singers. Every barbershop chorus is different,
but something we all share are the bonds of friendship and camaraderie which              Yvette Rayner
develop from singing together, and these were especially evident with the ladies of       PRO, Albacappella
Albacappella. I was also impressed by the way ladies’ and men’s choruses in Scotland
are drawing on the country’s wealth of traditional and modern songs to produce a
style which is uniquely their own. It was clear that these songs, and especially
Club Updates

Celebration, commemoration and cheer in Coventry
 In February, the Belles of Three Spires was                                                                           of their Amazing Women culture conversation to mark
 visited by Kayleigh from The Brain Tumour Charity                                                                     International Women’s Day.
 (BTC). We nominated BTC as our charity for 2020
 following the passing of our beloved chorus member                                                                    Sadly, because of lockdown, other plans have had to be
 and advocate for all things barbershop, Helen Ring.                                                                   cancelled, or postponed including our annual dinner,
                                                                                                                       singing engagements and our trip to the USA. We had
 Kayleigh gave a splendid presentation and we look                                                                     planned to sing this June at Disneyland, Los Angeles
 forward to donating to the BTC in due course. We had                                                                  and then attend the BHS International Convention 2020.
 planned a fundraiser, Ring in the Spring, in May. It was
 due to be a packed programme in Helen’s honour, but                                                                   However, during lockdown we have been keeping
 was sadly cancelled because of the pandemic. We plan                                                                  ourselves busy and cheerful with video tours around
 to reschedule this in the future once life has returned to                                                            our gardens, sewing scrubs for the NHS, decorating tips,
 normal.                                                                                                               baking and crochet and knitting. And of course lots of
 In 1962, Coventry children, including our own Norma
 Ward, were asked to donate their pocket money to help                                                                 Eileen Askew
 finance a window in the new Coventry Cathedral, and in                                                                PRO, The Belles of Three Spires
 March we were proud to be part of the commemoration.
 We also sang at the Herbert Art Gallery, Coventry as part

Zooming to rehearsals
The White Rosettes were looking forward to                    We may not be singing together as the delay on Zoom      already, I can hear you say!), but we are reassured that
Spring 2020, with the March ABCD (Association of              is both awful and hilarious, but our rehearsals at the   there is always a friendly chorus or quartet buddy at the
British Choral Directors) education day and April was         moment are still there. They are there for those who     other end of a Facebook message, an email, or even a
going to see The White Rosettes singing at Harlow Carr        can make them, to have a chat and feel the sense of      beautifully scribed letter.
Gardens (Royal Horticultural Society) as a fundraiser for     community, but there is no pressure for those who
mental health charities. However, COVID-19 came and           simply can’t. For now, we are lucky to be able to        Keep talking, Keep singing.
very real, bigger concerns took their place.                  reconnect virtually until the time comes when we can
                                                              all meet and sing live again.                            Holly Parker
But barbershoppers will not be stopped! Choruses across                                                                PRO, The White Rosettes
the country are banding together, using the technology
we are surrounded by to keep each other company and                     “The delay on Zoom is both
offer support wherever we can. We are loving the Zoom                      awful and hilarious”
screenshots that choruses across the world are sharing,
and those using Acapella and other apps as a way to
experience harmony however we can. But we are the             The barbershop community has shown itself to be
lucky ones. Some of us are busier than ever, facing daily     about more than just harmony (as if we
worries (and much more).                                      didn’t know that
Club Updates

Junction 14 in lock down
Junction 14 started off lockdown just after the           families, friends and pets. The outpouring of love and
high of winning the Milton Keynes Festival of the Arts    support for each other has been heartfelt and profound.
Barbershop chorus competition, so it was a shock to the
system to suddenly be separated before we could really
celebrate! Although it does mean that I get to keep the         “We are desperately missing the
trophy - for now.                                             squeaking of the risers, the laughter
                                                                     and the camaraderie.”
At the beginning of lockdown, we shared the
experienced of watching four of our intrepid members
struggling to get back from epic journeys. We watched     Sadly we lost one of our much loved former members
messages and photos coming in from Judi and Carolyn       who passed away during this time from a long illness.
trapped in a snowstorm in Iceland and Gill and Kamila     Chorus members posted photos and shared their
searching for an way home from their trip across Latin    wonderful memories of happier times with Carol before
America. We were all very relieved when they finally      she fell too ill to be with us, which gave us all some
made it home safe and sound.                              comfort at a very difficult time.

                                                                                     We should have had our
                                                                                     annual retreat around early
                                                                                     April, which is normally one
                                                                                     of the highlights of our year.
                                                                                     So as a small consolation
                                                                                     for missing this, two of
                                                                                     our members, Bernie and
                                                                                     Serena, did sterling work
                                                                                     and compiled a ‘for one night
                                                                                     only’ (well two actually!)
                                                                                     Variety Show YouTube video
                                                                                     made up of sketches and          It is great to still meet virtually every week to chat, sing
                                                                                     performances, sent in by         and laugh, with our Junction 14 family, hopefully it will
                                                                                     members, which went down         not be too much longer before we can all be physically
                                                                                     a storm!                         back together but in the meantime the spirit of Junction
                                                                                                                      14 is very much alive, well and ready to hit the road
                                                                                    I know I speak for everyone       running when we all get together again.
                                                                                    in our chorus when I say
                                                                                    that we are all desperately       Amanda Martin
                                                                                    missing the squeaking of          PRO, Junction 14 Ladies A Cappella.
                                                                                    the risers, the laughter,
The Junction 14 ‘social & pleasure’ WhatsApp group and camaraderie and the cries of Girls, Girls from our
chorus email have been lifelines through these troubling wonderful Sheila keeping us all in line with her
times, enabling people to share their experiences, from  beautiful Scottish accent.
funny/poignant videos to recipes and worries about
Club Updates

A gem of international reminiscences
As we are well into lockdown now, all the GEMs are          In our earlier years, we were lucky to visit Germany      we received the Silver Medal with our Calamity Jane
really missing meeting with our singing family. Many of     and then Holland twice. In 2005 we went to Buffalo in     Package. There was lots of celebrating that weekend.
us didn’t realise we were so tech savvy as we found this    the USA and in 2014, we had a whirlwind tour of Italy
new way of communication (especially we older ones).        visiting Pisa, Tuscany and Perugia.

GEM celebrated its 22nd birthday in May and lockdown
has given us plenty of time to reminisce over our past 20
years, remembering all our international trips and the
fun times we’ve had together.

                                                                                                                      The GEMs can’t wait to get back to a proper rehearsal
                                                                                                                      although we know that we have a long while to go before
                                                                                                                      we can even think about it.

                                                                                                                      Jenny Smedley
                                                            Our most recent European trip took us to Calpe last       PRO, GEM Connection
                                                            year for the International Spanish Convention, where

Necessity is the mother of all invention                                                             of advice and learning
                                                                                                     points which we have
                                                                                                     mined thoroughly over the
                                                                                                                                  Virtual section meetings are another way to
                                                                                                                                  keep teams together. In their chat our leads
                                                                                                                                  have a mystery object of the week. Some of
                                                                                                     last few weeks, So we have   the Baris are learning the ukulele and the
                                   … and Zero Degrees chorus has found so         looked at alignment, our noble sternum (no      Basses seem to pride themselves on finding
                                   many ways to stay in touch, keep singing       turtling please), vocal folds and the voice     the funniest images and re-invented songs
                                   and share activities; our weekly newsletter    quality continuum with the clear and richer     with COVID themes.
                                   has never been so diverse and interesting.     family of sound. Can you tell these were
                                                                                  some of our geekier members?                    Our tenors are not giving up on their
                                   Just this last week our virtual rehearsal                                                      holidays – this ‘lady in the van’ is imagining
                                   included a lockdown version of the Chicken     One other piece of good advice we picked up     her campervan trip is still happening… even
                                   Tikka/Mango Chutney and a Pint of Lager        in the quartet stream was the importance        if she is still parked on the drive.
                                   warm-up, so it has become Strong Plain         of team building. For instance Fortuity
                                   ‘Flower’, Cod Fish Fingers and a Pack of Loo   quartet had chosen wool to crochet slippers     Debbie Bramley
                                   Roll – definitely what we ‘knead’ right now!   together, while our octet group made Easter     PRO, Zero Degrees Chorus
                                                                                  decorations. They are now in a sunflower
                                   Two of our members just managed to sneak       growing competition - video conference
                                   under the wire before social isolation and     calling is a godsend!
                                   attend the Education day in Coventry in
                                   March. This provided us with a rich seam
Club Updates

The Red Rosettes reminisce
In July, the Red Rosettes will celebrate its 40th
anniversary. At the time of writing, plans for marking the
occasion are all a bit up in the air – we were registered
to compete in Ireland at IABS in October, and the special
limited-edition gin is on hold right now, but we keep
singing! The chorus is holding regular online rehearsals,
chatting via our private Facebook page and generally
trying to stay in touch.

It’s the perfect time to sit back and reflect upon how
far we’ve come, and a wander through the archives
has unearthed some wonderful photographs which we
would love to share with Voice Box readers. Marvel at the
style, the posture, the makeup and the pretty amazing
costumes and see how many people you recognise!

Sandra Mangan
PRO, Red Rosettes
Club Updates                                                                                 Lockdown Project

Musical fun on the Mersey                                                                  The Great British Home Chorus -
In these very challenging times,
we’ve all had to be inventive to stay in
                                           some award winning quartet videos. Of
                                           course, we can’t hear one another sing,
                                                                                           Gareth Malone-style!
touch with one another, both within        but it is still a lot of fun, and fabulous to   During lockdown, Gareth                      A TV company called Twenty Twenty are
our clubs and the wider community.         see each other.                                 Malone organised a weekly YouTube            also going to make a documentary about
Thankfully, we live in the technological                                                   rehearsal from a shed at the bottom of       the chorus and what Gareth is doing.
age and communication is therefore                                                         his garden for what he’s calling the Great   I’ve said I’d like to be involved but so did
easier to manage. At Mersey Harmony,                                                       British Home Chorus (GBHC).                  about 1,200 others so I don’t know if I will
we have a social WhatsApp group,                                                                                                        be contacted.
sharing personal stories and many                                                          I’ve decided to get involved as I miss
memes and jokes throughout these                                                           singing with Cheshire Chord Company
weeks. The support for one another has                                                     (CCC). About 20,000 people joined right at
been tangible. We even had a Ladies’                                                       the beginning, not just from the UK but
Day ‘dress up’ and an Easter Bonnet                                                        further afield as well. And lots more have
competition.                                                                               got involved over the weeks.

                                                                                           The rehearsals are Mon-Fri 5.30pm - 6pm
                                                                                           after the daily COVID briefing. In half an
                                                                                           hour we do warm up exercises, tongue
                                                                                           twisters (which are very funny when
                                                                                           they go wrong), and then begin learning
                                                                                           a song. The first one was You are My
                                                                                           Sunshine which was poignant for me as
                                                                                           it is part of CCC’s repertoire.

                                                                                           Gareth has produced teach tracks and
                                           Make music! Sing a cappella! Feel great!        is working with Decca Records which          They have also produced t-shirts for sale,
                                                                                           has built a website where once we have       with funds going to help support the NHS.
                                           Angela Stevenson                                filmed ourselves singing the songs, we
                                           Chair, Mersey Harmony                           can upload them. The intention is to         It has been a different way to sing
                                                                                           amalgamate all the submissions and           and learn which has been a welcome
                                                                                           produce complete tracks. Gareth has been     distraction during the pandemic.
                                                                                           speaking about GBHC on The One Show
                                                                                           and Zoe Ball’s Radio 2 Breakfast Show.       Alison Linfield
                                                                                                                                        Cheshire Chord Company
                                                                                           We are also learning I’m Still Standing
We are meeting weekly at the usual time                                                    and Ordinary World, with new songs
over Zoom, which has developed as the                                                      being added all the time.
weeks have gone by. Nearly all members
now login and our MD, Luke Freeney, is
incorporating music theory and sharing
At LABBS, we know that amongst our
thousands of members there are many who
  work for the NHS front -line, as carers, as
  teachers, in transport and across all the
 variety of professions which have kept our
     country going and our people alive.

Voice Box cannot possibly feature them all,
      but here is are just a very small
          selection of our LABBS
          Chorus Heroes.
            At S               er
         so p pinnak
    hea        roud       er, w
   teac th care of our e are
coll hers,          as        nu
    ege         teac sistant rses,
 COV      a d         hi       s, c
      ID te ministr ng assi arers,
scho         ster      ator       stan
      o           s         s          t
 recr l trans , schoo , front- s,
     uitm        port       l cat     line
   volu ent le escort erers,
        n           ad          ,
    assi teers, p , food b NHS
         stan        harm       ank
    spee       ts           a
           ch t and NH cy
                      pist S
                                                     tol F
                   it                                      ashi
              Spir uth                       Our                on
                e S o                     Fash heroe
          of th               Ang
                                  ie                    s
                                          in h ion wor at Bris
                        t h’s                 o        k         t
                e So
                              zing        very spitals in sch ol
  i r i t of th an ama s made                  imp , and         ools
Sp rton is             ho h
                                                   orta      a
                                                        nt c s the
             o m an w ch she s S                            arer
        sw            hi         NH                              s.
craft masks w oing to and
 fac   e            s g         ks
        i t h fund ood ban es.
    w               f       caus
    hosp her good
                                                 Several members
                                                                       of Rhapsody are
          Welwyn                              making a differe                              really
                                                                  nce during this
                                           sewing scrubs an                           difficult time,
         Harmony                                               d making PPE eq
                                         surgeries. We ar                           uipment for loca
                                                            e incredibly prou                           l
  We also salute th                                                              d of our local he
workers in our ch e key                  Angela Boyne: “I
                   orus for                                  am an Advance
their unstinting                   Practitioner and                              d Community N
                 service -                              have worked with                           urse
Nickie (MD), Ru                  2002. COVID-19                              in community nu
                th (Chair),                        has meant a fear                               rsing since
  Claudia, Debbie                in the community                      ful and stressfu
                  , Fran                                and the nurses th                  l time for patient
      and Linda V.            Despite their fear                             at visit this vuln                s
                                                  s, nurses contin                               erable group.
                                at risk for sake of                  ue to deliver care
                                                     others.The team                        putting themselv
                                 shines through                           spirit, support an                    es
                                                   every day and I                             d compassion
                                                                      am extremely pr
                                                                                           oud of my team
                               Graham Davies                                                                .”
                                                is Rhapsody’s M
                              have been able to                     usical Director. H
                                                 offer emergency                         e and his wife An
                                                                      Foster Care to a                      na
                                                                                          local young pers
                                  “In the current si                                                        on  .
                                                      tuation, if foster
                                 self-isolate, plac                       carers become ill
                                                    ements may need                             or need to
                                  living with them                         to be found for th
                                                      . We have taken                           e children
                                      just turned sixtee                 on a young pers
                                                          n. Her previous                     on who has
                                       carers were over                       placements of fo
                                                           70 and required                        ster
                                             were concerned                    to self-isolate, an
                                                                about their own                    d
                                                                 Man                    ctio
                                                            invo          y of                 n 14
                                                         fam      l ved         o u r
                                                     pan ily an in sup ladies
                                                   the demic. d wide portin have b
                                                        N          T             r           g             e
                                                  the HS, oth hey are comm their f en
                                                       loca         e             k         u             r i
                                                  HMR l par rs keep ey wor nity dur ends,
                                               thro       C        i s h          p e          ke           ing
                                                     ugh suppor counci ople in rs in ret the
                                               the         the         ting         l, w         form         ail
                                             hom ir adult crisis, individ ork for ed thr and
                                           fam e, do th famili rovide uals a he FCA ough             t
                                                ily          e           es            c          nd             a
                                             acce . They mshoppi to carry hild-ca busine nd
                                                   s                      n g                        re          s s
                                            and s onlin ake ba                 fo        on             to
                                                  prov        e ch        gs fo r isolat workin enable
                                             to h       i           u           r           in            g
                                                  elp wde dista rch ser scrubs g frien from
                                                                    n            v           ,            d
                                                 The ith me ce ge ices a help o s and
                                                      list       ntal          ntle        nd s          ther
                                                  very goes               we          exe           hop        s to
                                                          prou on an llbeing rcise c ping,
                                                               d of         d on         and          lass
                                                                      ev            a            fi         es
                                                                invo ery sin nd we a tness.
                                                                        lved         gle l        r
                                                                              .            ady e

        Conn               e)
                        org ring
  Gem                 e
                   (G ve         or
            rg ina f deli ing f ot
          o       i        p      n
      M Ge - as shop was o the
           e      g        s
 GE oign oin bour ned s by r     t
    sc       d     h      ar     M    he
Ga ls and neig has e w GE ll of er
    a     l e             o       a   b
me nerab eorge r fell ks for num s -
                   e             a
vul ugh, Ge of h mas ily, gure
                    e      m       fi
eno atitud mak nd fa three e!
     r    t o       a            rg
  g ng         Ms nto eo
  f feri w GE well i you G
 o llo
    fe ready thank
    Red R
            o ne to our lude
  Well d s who inc rison
  worke s, nurses, p istrars,
         e  r          eg
 teach physios, r hnician,
        s ,           e c
guard s testing t istant
 a vi r u            a s
              tomer        s.
    a cus volunteer
            Ches mpany
              d Co
        Chor                       sy
                             n bu ems
                       b e e       it
         n  D ay h g related local
    Lyn nursin nd the upport
       ing         ff a          gs
 m k NHS sta h fundin she has
       r           i t           ,
    fo        y. W          bers        to a
   m  m  unit us mem room in yor
co        cho  r            g          e
                       win          onv
   from d her se with a c ng
          e                         i
    turn l factory tems be ay.
     sma belt of i d each d


                                                                                        We are so pro
                                                                                      our key work ud of
                                                                                    include teac ers who
                                                                                                hers, carers,
                                                                                     healthcare as urses,
                                                                                     mask manufa
                                                                                      and potato gr urers
                                                      Rhy ating
                               thos e’re in
                            behi e who credib
                                  n            ’r             ly
                            fund d the sc e workin proud o
                                  raisi         enes           g            f
                             has         ng, a         , ma in fron
                          send    b e en        n d  o        k i ng       t an
                                to pe paintin ur new scrubs d
                                       ople           g            e s        an
                                              who comfor t memb d
                                                      a re          t roc      er
                                             hosp           b             k
                            Our                      ital. eing trea s to
                           mem Junior F                                   ted i
                                b e r, Lily  a s c inat
                          birth            ,             i n
                                da           r a            g
                            £100 y and ra n 10k on Rhythm
                                 0 for          ised           h
                                         th            a w er 10t
                                    achi e NHS. W hoppin h
                                          evem             h           g
                                                    ent! at an
Scrubbing up nicely

                                           “We need more scrubs!”
                                               The cry did go,
                                              To save our staff
                                             From unseen foe.

                                            Belles stuck at home
                                              Heeded the call
                                            Gave their skills, and

                                                   For PPE
                                           Scrubs, bags and bands.
                                                 Created by
                                             Such willing hands.

                                             Thanks to them, and
                                                All who sew to
                                              Keep me. staff safe
                                                Caring for you.

                                              Keep pecker up
                                           And brave hearts stout.
                                              Look forward to
                                            When we’re let out!

                                               Eileen Askew
                                        PRO The Belles of Three Spires

               of T Belles
         Som               Spir
       resp e of ou
     ca     o nd      r B el
 sew ll for P ed to th les hav
      ing       PE f       ec       e
   and scrubs or the larion
 In a roche bags,  ,         N HS b
ben ddition ting ex headba y
    efit      , lo       ten       nd
  sale ted fromcal food sions. s
       s of
            plan our me banks
                 ts an       m
                        d eg bers’
On behalf of all LABBS members, we would like to say

E&J Update

Are you feeling Judged?...well you’re not the only one!
At the Spring Seminar in February, all the judges              comprehensive training programme specific to its own
in the performance category had to “recertify” to keep         needs, focussing on the technical and artistic aspects of
up standards and to validate that they are in sync with        their own criteria. In performance, we are interested in
international barbershop judging standards. This process       the entertainment and believability of the performance
happens every three years for each of the three categories.    and are really looking out for an authentic and
                                                               emotionally moving delivery, as appropriate to the song.
At the same seminar, two trainee performance judges
were being “put through their finals…” a bit like at the end   Once qualified, judges continue to keep abreast of and
of a three year degree course. They had to do an hour’s        contribute to, the latest international thinking about our
theoretical presentation to their category, coach a quartet    craft. (Don’t forget to play your own part by being aware
“under glass”, score a live competition and a videoed mock     that the LABBS Contest Rules and Contest and Judging
contest and then finally give a coached mock contest           Handbook have been updated for the 2020 contest cycle).
evaluation to a quartet “under glass”. Over the three years                                                                 Rachel Small, Alison Zdzylowski, Kirsty Williams,
of training, they had also shadow-judged chorus and            When you are “in the system” at Convention you               Rachael Murphy, Anna Conochie
quartet competitions, contributed to LABBS Education           probably don’t have time to spare a thought for
Days and Harmony College and of course attended the            the judges who are taking part in a “level setting           forget that they have been judged by their peers before
annual Spring and Autumn Judging Seminars with                 exercise” that they put themselves through before            they have the privilege of sitting in the best seats in the
international guest educators. At a final 1:1 session with     every competition. They do this by judging videos of         auditorium! In the words of a president….
the Category Director, they received feedback about how        competitors from previous years to make sure that the
well their shadow-scoring had tracked with the qualified       panels are all judging in the same range on the day.         “Don’t ask what you can do for the judges, think what
panels as the required deviation from the mean is to be        So… when you are feeling under scrutiny by a judging         your judges do for you”
within a maximum of five points.                               panel, don’t underestimate how seriously they take their
                                                               role and how hard they train out of respect for the work     Alison Zdzylowski
As befits their specialty, each category has a                 you put into your convention package. Don’t                  LABBS Education Director

LABBS interactive
Helen Lappert of Amersham Acappella hosted                                                                                  Helen has promised more fun at her future sessions,
the LABBS interactive session covering Bohemian                                                                             which will include special guests. The first of these
Rhapsody, simultaneously on Zoom and Facebook Live.                                                                         featured Flash who taught us how to ‘sign’ part of
Participants were encouraged to channel their inner                                                                         Make Your Own Kind of Music (with a view to making
Freddie or to dress up to look distinctive. The screen                                                                      a unique video). There will also be regular rounds of
shots show how well this was embraced. Who knew                                                                             ‘Guess the quartet or chorus’.
LABBS has so many fancy dress fans as members?
The session was a great success and Helen, in her own                                                                       Amanda Dawson
distinctive style, took us through a physical and vocal                                                                     PRO, Amersham A Cappella
warm up, coached us through the song and interviewed           soundtrack taken from the 2016 Convention. And just for
Heather Lane, a LABBS music judge, who arranged the            a moment, it really felt like we were all back there again
Polecat in honour of LABBS’ 40th anniversary in 2016.          singing our hearts out together.
We then sang through the song together, against a
Club Updates

Making the best of things                                                                Membership Zooms for Avon Harmony
with Main Street                                                                         Avon Harmony returned to
                                                                                         rehearsals in January, to a new rehearsal
                                                                                         space in a primary school. Because we
                                                                                                                                      become a tool for the future, even when we
                                                                                                                                      can all, at last, get together in person.

After a disappointing announcement           be able to chat and guess what our new      had to get used to the new space, it was     We have had a lot of laughter as we’ve
for our members who were going to Spain      song will be.                               decided that our annual Love-to-Sing (LTS)   all got to grips with the technology, and
we were lucky to have a concert to lift                                                  course would be postponed until we were      interruptions from pets, children and other
our spirits and enjoy together. We were      Everyone at Main Street Sound is excited    comfortable in the new venue.                family members. In particular, trying to
part of York Community Choir Festival. It    that Peter Bryant has taken over as our                                                  sing a doo wop version of Happy Birthday
comprised of 28 choirs over seven concerts   new Musical Director. We don’t know         Accordingly, we had 19 new singers come      to one member online, was hilarious!
and we had the privilege of leading the      when we will get together again but with    along in February, who stayed the whole
audience and the other choirs in You’ll      new songs to learn and baking to perfect,   six-week course. On what was the last        We are also keeping in touch between
Never Walk Alone. Our director was Dean      I am guessing our first night back will     evening of the course and (we didn’t         online rehearsals, and are learning more
Whitehouse and we had a great time. It has   be a fabulous welcome night with lots of    realise it at the time) our last face-to-    about each other’s lives and hobbies. All
been a blast having Dean with us.            cake and lots of hugs.                      face rehearsal before the coronavirus        in all, it’s a challenging time for everybody
                                                                                         lockdown, six of the LTS attendees took      but we hope to emerge healthy, larger, and
Before social distancing we were             We are very proud of all our key workers    and passed their auditions. Two more         stronger as a chorus in the end.
collecting Easter egg treats for a local     in Main Street Sound who are working        have since auditioned online, and several
charity, The Wilberforce Trust, to help      in many different roles and want to say     more, who had not yet taken an audition,     All our efforts paid off as we each
with an Easter Egg Hunt for children with    Thank You to all of our friends across      are now part of our online Zoom sessions     individually recorded True Colours at
sight impairment. The Audible Egg hunt       LABBS who are in key worker roles.          each week.                                   home and took photos and videos of
could not go ahead but the children still                                                                                             our lives at home during coronavirus
received the eggs.                           Stay safe till we see sing again.           We had planned to take part in the Mid       lockdown. Mary compiled a composite
                                                                                         Somerset Festival on 14th March, with        video and put all our recordings together,
During the isolated time we were able to     Lisa Laverick                               some of the LTS attendees on stage with      which was then used to raise funds for
use emails, WhatsApp and Zoom casts to       PRO, Main Street Sound                      us, singing Anthem and Stray Cat Strut,      Bristol Mind group. The video went live
                                                                                         the two songs learned during the course.     at 8pm on 29th April, and had raised over
                                                                                         However we made a last minute decision       £1400 a week later. We are so thrilled with
                                                                                         not to attend, because of health concerns.   the early response, and the enjoyment we
                                                                                         We hope it won’t be too long before we can   all had working together on the project.
                                                                                         perform on stage together again.
                                                                                                                                       Here is the link for you to enjoy:
                                                                                         The Zoom rehearsals are proving invaluable
                                                                                         for staying connected and getting to know     mary-williams14
                                                                                         the new and potential members. Although
                                                                                         it’s not possible to sing together because of Jackie Boffin
                                                                                         the lag, we are able to have coaching from    PRO, Avon Harmony
                                                                                         our MD Mary, and our section leaders in
                                                                                         breakout groups. We are concentrating on
                                                                                         our convention package, and
                                                                                         Zoom may
Harmony                                    The online masterclass for
                                                                           successful relationships.
                                 Ideal for quartets and other partnerships.

                                 We all know that the dynamics of our relationships are as
                                 important as the talent, when it comes to success and longevity.

                                 Harmony is a 2-hour online Masterclass with
                                 Michelle Mills-Porter, PLUS 2 incredibly insightful, personal
                                 analyses for each participant.

                                 Highlighting our most prominent qualities and strengths, we can
                                 also identify the potential clashes and pitfalls that you as a team
                                 may need to traverse.

                                                     quoting LABBS or call 07748 755360

                                                     For a LABBS Lockdown special please visit:

Michelle Mills-Porter is a Master Behaviour Analyst, and creator of the MMP suite of analyses
Club Updates

All change for Second City Sound
There’s not much that can take the wind out of
the sails for Second City Sound!

With a brand spanking new logo, a new musical director,
a refreshed committee and a funky new repertoire, it’s
a whole new world for the Birmingham-based chorus
which celebrates its 30th anniversary this year.

The “Pearl Party” set for October 2020 may have to be
postponed, but with rehearsals being held on Zoom,
there’s never a dull moment, especially for those
struggling with the technology!

In fact the new virtual rehearsal style has provided an   Our committee includes Louise MacCarthy, who adds to      backdrop and reflecting joyfulness and femininity. It was
advantage to Musical Director, Rob Barber, who stepped    her role as music librarian by supporting the new Bass    unanimously voted for by the committee from an array of
into the role earlier this year.                          Section leadership with Mandy Gilliland as Section        six very different and very beautiful designs. He provided
                                                          Leader and Jocelyn Mai Woodcock as Deputy. Jo Wilson      all this at a massive discount from his normal rates as
By getting personal recordings from the section           steps up to become Acting Assistant MD.                   Second City Sound is a charity and has promised to extend
leaders of every member, it has fast-tracked his                                                                    his generosity to any other chorus within LABBS. Choruses
knowledge of each member of the 45-strong chorus.         Our Musical Director, Rob Barber, takes over the reins    that may need him can contact him directly on luke@
Submitting “homework” via recording, with no musical      from Rod Butcher and Michelle Mills-Porter returns as or 07762 920421 and mention LABBS.
accompaniment really highlights the strengths of each     PRO. Kay Lamb moves onto Section Support lending a
member and the areas that they may need some firmer       technical hand to the section leaders and makes way for   Michelle Mills-Porter
guidance – according to Rob.                              Katie She-Ra Danter as Lead Section leader.               PRO, Second City Sound

With songs like David Bowie’s Space Medley and Love       And finally our new logo was designed by Luke Hall of
Will Keep Us Together, the energy in the chorus in        Custom Logoshop, taking the Birmingham
palpable even during lockdown.                            skyline as a
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