L Cumen hristi - Lumen Christi Catholic Church

Page created by Fernando Elliott
L Cumen hristi - Lumen Christi Catholic Church
L umen hristi
           catholic                      C
     EASTER VIGIL MASS: 8:00 PM | EASTER SUNDAY MASSES: 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM, 11:00 AM

                                APRIL 10, 2022
L Cumen hristi - Lumen Christi Catholic Church
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   Thank you for joining us at Lumen Christi Parish for Mass! Whether you are visiting from another parish or are new to
   the area we are grateful you have chosen to worship with our faith community. We invite you to become a member of
   our parish family. We are a family rooted in the Lord always seeking to build His kingdom. Please call the Parish Office at
   (262) 242-7967 for more information on becoming a part of the Lumen Christi Family.

THIS WEEK                                            REGISTRATION FOR 2022-23 CATHOLIC
AT THE PARISH                                        FORMATION IS OPEN
MONDAY                                               Please scan this QR code to register your child in grades
Caring for Caregivers.................. 9 AM         K4 - 11. There is an early bird discount of $50.00 per
Room: Chapel                                         child for registration by May 31 – this is a FIRM cut off.
Mon Bible Study........................... 4 PM      No exceptions made.
Room: St. Elizabeth
                                                     No ability to use QR Code?
Centering Prayer...........................2 PM      Go to our parish website and click on the button on the
Room: St. Mary                                       home page that says Catholic Formation Registration.
Employment Network..................8 AM
Room: St. Cecilia Hall                                 LC JOB OPPORTUNITY                               GET YOUR HOUSE
Young Adults..................................7 PM     Lumen Christi is looking to hire                 BLESSED BY FR. STEPHEN
Room: Sts. Matthew/Mark                                someone on Sundays in April and                  Fr. Stephen is looking forward to
                                                       May (could be extended) to run IT                bringing the joy of Easter to your
                                                       for our live-stream and help with                homes this spring. Find the button
Spirituality Book Club............ 9:30 AM
Room: Sts. Matthew/Mark                                various liturgical preparations.                 on the website for more details
Bridge Marathon................... 12:30 PM            Students welcome to apply.                       and timeframes. Note that homes
Room: St. Elizabeth                                    The hours are 8:30 - 10:30 AM                    may be blessed each year and
Adoration................... 8:15 PM - 10 PM           each Sunday. Please email Jane                   not only when you move in! Any
Room: St. James Hall                                   Bartlett if interested at bartlettj@             questions, contact Fr. Stephen.
SATURDAY                                               lumenchristiparish.org
Easter Food Blessing..................10 AM
Room: Church
                                                     SUMMER 2022
                                                     OUTREACH SERVICE TRIP
PARISH OFFICE                                        Who: Students currently in grades

                                                     9th-12th are invited
                                                     When: June 19 - June 24 (5 nights)
GOOD FRIDAY                                          Where: St. Louis – we will be staying
The Parish Office will be closed on                  at a church in Florissant (suburb north
Good Friday, April 15 and will reopen                of the city)
on Monday, April 18.                                 Cost: Total cost is $600 per student
                                                     Want to be a chaperone?
NOTE: NO THAT MAN IS YOU                             Call Patty McCarthy, Director of Catholic
MEETING ON APRIL 15                                  Formation at (262) 242-7967
The That Man Is You group will not be                Space is very limited. Please sign up soon by completing
meeting on Good Friday, April 15.                    the two steps below by scanning the QR code:
                                                     STEP 1: Register your child(ren) at Youthworks
PLEASE SUPPORT OUR                                   STEP 2: Pay the nonrefundable deposit of $200 or the
GENEROUS ADVERTISERS                                 whole trip cost ($600)
Without them our bulletin would not                  Financial assistance is available. Please call Jane Bartlett,
be possible!                                         Director of Finance, at (262) 512-8991.
L Cumen hristi - Lumen Christi Catholic Church
SACRED TRIDUUM                            Daily Mass                            Eucharistic Adoration

SCHEDULE                                  There will NOT be any daily
                                          Mass on Thursday, April 14 &
                                                                                On Holy Thursday, Adoration will
                                                                                not be held until after evening
Holy Thursday Mass: 7:00 PM               Friday, April 15.                     Mass & will go till 10 PM in St.
Good Friday Service: 1:00 PM                                                    James Hall.
                                          Communion Service
Easter Vigil Mass: 8:00 PM                There will NOT be any                 Good Friday Collection
                                          communion services on                 On Good Friday, our parish will
Easter Sunday Masses:                     Thursday, April 14, Friday,           take up the annual Good Friday
7:30 AM, 9:00 AM*, 11:00 AM               April 15, & Saturday, April 16.       Collection for the Holy Land. Your
*live-streamed                                                                  financial contribution helps to
                                          Sacrament of Reconciliation
REMINDERS                                 There will NOT be confessions
                                                                                support the struggling Christian
• There will be NO need for                                                     community and to protect
                                          on Thursday, April 14 & Saturday,
  reservations for Triduum services.                                            Christianity’s holiest places.
                                          April 15. Please check archmil.org
                                                                                Please be generous. Thank you.
• The socially distanced section of the   for a list of available confession
  church will be available for those      times in the Archdiocese.
  who would prefer to sit there.
• Overflow will also be setup in one      LENTEN ABSTINENCE                     Fasting
  of the halls as well for all the                                              On Good Friday, those who are 18
  Triduum services.
                                          & FASTING
                                          Abstinence from Meat                  through 58 years old are allowed
• 9:00 AM Mass for Easter Sunday will     Those who are 14 years old or         only one full meal, as well as two
  be live-streamed. An email will be      older are to abstain from meat on     smaller meals that together are
  sent out Easter Sunday morning.         ALL Fridays of Lent.                  not equal to a full meal.

                                                            NOVENA TO ST. JOSEPH’S HOLY CLOAK
                                                            Please join us for the recitation of the
                                                            Novena to St. Joseph’s Holy Cloak after
                                                            Tuesday Mass in May. This powerful 30
                                                            day novena, invoking St. Joseph’s prayers
                                                            for the return to the faith of our family
                                                            & friends, will begin May 1st (Feast of St.
                                                            Joseph the Worker) and continue through
                                                            May 31st (Feast of Visitation). The Tuesday group prayers
                                                            will be led by Fr. Stephen. Please contact the parish office
                                                            to receive an email with the novena for printing.

                                                            COURTESY ANNOUNCEMENT
                                                            ANNUAL MASS OF ATONEMENT
                                                            The annual Mass of Atonement will be held on April 26,
                                                            2022, at 6 p.m. at St. Mary Catholic Church (9520 W.
                                                            Forest Home Avenue, Hales Corners). This Mass is one of
                                                            the ways that the current leadership of the Archdiocese
                                                            publicly atones for the clergy abuse crisis and scandal.
                                                            We invite you to join us in support of the survivors,
                                                            family members, and communities that have spoken or
                                                            unspoken stories of survival and pain. If you are unable to
                                                            attend, we would ask that you please remember all those
                                                            that suffer from the wounds of abuse in your prayers for
                                                            peace, healing, and justice. Please visit www.archmil.org
                                                            for more information.
L Cumen hristi - Lumen Christi Catholic Church
St. Hyacinth has been a long time twinning partner of Lumen Christi. Their historic church’s roof is 70 years old
& in need of replacement. Our Parish Lenten Project will contribute to a new roof through the donations of our
parishioners & provide opportunities for shared community between the two parishes.

The spending time in community with St. Hyacinth portion of        LENTEN ALMSGIVING
our Parish Lenten Project continued at Soup and Substance          Almsgiving is the act of donating money, food,
on March 22. Thank you to Ken Smith, Cozby Martinez,               time or other items to those in need of such things,
Winnie Avila, Diana Zermeno, and Martha Andrade who                especially as a spiritual practice.
shared soup with us and then shared the history and their          To contribute to St. Hyacinth’s roof, you can
personal experience at St. Hyacinth. This event would not          donate online via the parish website homepage
be possible without all the soup cooks, dessert bakers, sides      or by writing a check to Lumen Christi with
providers and the hospitality volunteers who faithfully set        “St. H” in the memo line.
up, serve and clean up each week.
L Cumen hristi - Lumen Christi Catholic Church
PRAYER & WORSHIP                             PAGE 5

                                                                  PRAYER REQUESTS
                                                                  Charlotte Lombness     Mary Pat Klein          Gerard Hughes
                                                                  Patrick Lawless        Julie                   Bob Boehler
                                                                  Tyler                  Christine Koerner       All affected by
                                                                  Beata Kim              Chuck Kiesow            the virus
                                                                  Janice Besler          Dave Ostrenga           Myles Brandt
                                                                  Matthew Ceelen         David                   Shir-Lee Zilis
                                                                  Dave Witman            Margaret Fritsch        Martha
                                                                  Susan                  Mike Kaske
                                                                  Rosemary Moore         Marjorie Drehfal

                                                                  WEEKLY READINGS
                                                                  Sunday: Lk 19:28-40/Is 50:4-        Saturday: Vigil: Gn 1:1—2:2
                                                                  7/Ps 22:8-9, 17-18, 19-20,          or 1:1, 26-31a/Ps 104:1-2, 5-6,
                                                                  23-24 [2a]/Phil 2:6-11/Lk           10, 12, 13-14, 24, 35 [30] or Ps
                                                                  22:14—23:56 or 23:1-49              33:4-5, 6-7, 12-13, 20-22 [5b]/
                                                                  Monday: Is 42:1-7/Ps 27:1, 2,       Gn 22:1-18 or 22:1-2, 9a, 10-

MASS INTENTIONS                                                   3, 13-14/Jn 12:1-11                 13, 15-18/Ps 16:5, 8, 9-10, 11
                                                                                                      [1]/Ex 14:15—15:1/Ex 15:1-2,
Monday, April 11                                                  Tuesday: Is 49:1-6/Ps 71:1-2,       3-4, 5-6, 17-18 [1b]/Is 54:5-14/
Monday of Holy Week                                               3-4a, 5ab-6ab, 15 and 17/Jn         Ps 30:2, 4, 5-6, 11-12, 13 [2a]/
                                                                  13:21-33, 36-38                     Is 55:1-11/Is 12:2-3, 4, 5-6 [3]/
Tuesday, April 12
Tuesday of Holy Week                                              Wednesday: Is 50:4-9a/Ps            Bar 3:9-15, 32—4:4/Ps 19:8, 9,
8:30 AM     † Ruthe & Earle Martin                                69:8-10, 21-22, 31 and 33-34/       10, 11/Ez 36:16-17a, 18-28/Ps
                                                                  Mt 26:14-25                         51:12-13, 14-15, 18-19 [12a]/
Wednesday, April 13                                                                                   Rom 6:3-11/Ps 118:1-2, 16-17,
Wednesday of Holy Week                                            Thursday: Evening Mass of the
                                                                                                      22-23/Lk 24:1-12
8:30 AM    † Chris Vieau                                          Lord’s Supper: Ex 12:1-8, 11-14/
                                                                  Ps 116:12-13, 15-16abc, 17-         Next Sunday: Acts 10:34a,
Thursday, April 14                                                18/1 Cor 11:23-26/Jn 13:1-15        37-43/Ps 118:1-2, 16-17, 22-23
Holy Thursday of the Lord's Supper                                                                    [24]/Col 3:1-4 or 1 Cor 5:6b-8/
                                                                  Friday: Is 52:13—53:12/Ps
7:00 PM     For the parishioners of Lumen Christi                                                     Jn 20:1-9 or Lk 24:1-12 or, Lk
                                                                  31:2, 6, 12-13, 15-16, 17, 25/
Friday, April 15                                                  Heb 4:14-16; 5:7-9/Jn 18:1—
Friday of the Passion of the Lord (Good Friday)                   19:42
1:00 PM       Service - No intention
(Anointing of the Sick the last Friday of the month after Mass)
Saturday, April 16                                                                     THE HOLY FATHER’S PRAYER
Holy Saturday                                                                          INTENTION FOR APRIL
The Easter Vigil in the Holy Night                                                     HEALTH CARE WORKERS
8:00 PM      For the parishioners of Lumen Christi                                     We pray for health care workers who
Sunday, April 17                                                                       serve the sick and the elderly, especially
Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord                                          in the poorest countries; may they be
7:30 AM     For the parishioners of Lumen Christi                                      adequately supported by governments
                                                                                       and local communities.
9:00 AM       For the parishioners of Lumen Christi
11:00 AM      For the parishioners of Lumen Christi

                                                                     COMMUNION SERVICES
Masses will be offered at the Missionary                             Monday - Wednesday | 7:15 AM
Fraternity of Mary in Guatemala for:                                 There will be no communion services on Thursday,
Steven Salefsky (living)                                             April 14, Friday, April 15, & Saturday, April 16.
L Cumen hristi - Lumen Christi Catholic Church
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   STEWARDSHIP                          Saturday, April 23 | 8:00 - 11:00 AM | St. James Hall
   COMMISSION                           Join Lumen Christi, All Saints (Milwaukee), and Holy Angels (West Bend) Catholic
   Our commission facilitates a         Churches for the next program in our "Hello Neighbor" series. On Saturday, April 23
   deeper understanding of God’s        from 8:00-11:00 AM, Camille Garrison, MD and Bryan Johnston, MD from the MCW
   call to be faithful stewards of      Department of Family and Community Medicine will lead an interactive workshop
   all that we are, all that we have,   that examines how racism influences health, how inherent biases affect health care
   and all that we do. It is made       providers' interactions with patients, and how participants can advocate for families
   up of men and women who              affected by race-based health disparities.
   are called to serve the needs of
                                        This will be a live program hosted at Lumen Christi in
   their fellow parishioners in love
                                        St. James Hall. Mask wearing is recommended, and
   and gratitude.
                                        mask-only seating will be available. Capacity is limited,
   If you would like to know            so please register by April 11 via the button on the parish
   more, contact Joel Wade at           website or at bit.ly/helloneighborapril23.
   (414) 840-5151 or joel.wade@
   acuity.com OR Michael Kilian         For more information, contact Margaret Sebern, at (262) 375-
   at mrkilian01@gmail.com.             2200, marge@sebern.com or Catherine Perry at (919) 730-
                                        2795, catbperry@gmail.com.

PAY TRIBUTE TO FRIENDS                                             CURRENT FAMILY SHARING REQUESTS
AND LOVED ONE(S)                                                   We are a Family Sharing drop off site for Ozaukee County
A wonderful way to pay tribute to                                  families in need. Parishioners can drop off food inside
your friends and loved one(s) is by                                the north door entry lower level by the white pillars.
making a gift in their name to the                                 Thank you for your donation of non-perishable items!
Lumen Christi Memorial Fund, the                                   • Egg noodles          • Toilet paper
Lumen Christi Helping Hand Fund,                                   • Crackers             • Size 5 & 6 children’s diapers
the Jennifer Bush Scholarship Fund,
                                                                   • Peanut butter        • Facial tissue
the Lumen Christi School Endowment
Fund and/or the Lumen Christi Parish
Endowment Fund. Please consider
including a memorial gift to Lumen         CARING FOR CAREGIVERS
Christi Church or School in your will      This group provides loving and prayerful support for those
or estate plan.                            who are caring for loved ones in need. Members share
More information about these               concerns and challenges, while receiving helpful information
can be found on our giving page            to provide the best care for their loved one. Meetings are
at www.lumenchristiparish.org/             every other Monday from 9:00-10:30 AM in the Chapel.
giving.                                    If you would like to know more, please contact Susie Miller at
                                           (262) 751-9564 or skmiller1@icloud.com.
L Cumen hristi - Lumen Christi Catholic Church
LIFELONG FORMATION                           PAGE 7

                                                SAVE THE DATE FOR
                                                Friday, May 6, 2022
                                                Shamrock is Lumen Christi
                                                                                       BUSINESS WAKE-UP
                                                Catholic School's annual               We invite all to join us whenever you
                                                fundraiser. This year, the event       are available. We meet the first and
                                                will be held at the Watermark          third Wednesday of every month
                                                at Shully's in Thiensville. It's       from 7 - 8 AM in the Sts. Matthew/
                                                Derby Weekend, so those who            Mark Rooms to discuss the upcoming
                                                attend are encouraged to wear          Sunday Gospel as it relates to our
                                                their derby and hat and have a         daily lives. If you would like to know
                                                mint julep. Look for additional        more, contact Ray Schneider at (262)
                                                registration information in the        242-6368 or rs12462000@yahoo.com.
                                                coming weeks.
                                                                                       THAT MAN IS YOU
                                                                                       THAT MAN IS YOU! is an interactive
                                                                                       men’s program focused on the

  BECOMING CATHOLIC                                                                    development of male leadership
                                                                                       in the modern world. Join us for
  Michelle Schopp and Alyssa Lanigan are our Elect who will take part                  fellowship and faith each Friday at
  in the Sacraments of Initiation at the Easter Vigil. Please keep them in             6:00 AM in St. Cecilia Hall. All men are
  your prayers as they prepare to be initiated into the Catholic Church at             welcome. Learn more at tmiy.org or
  this Saturday's Easter Vigil.                                                        contact Antony D'Cruz at abdcruz@
  WHAT IS THE ELECT?                                                                   juno.com.
  The Elect is the name given to catechumens chosen by God and affirmed by             THE WAY OF PERFECTION
  the Church (after attending the Rite of Election with Archbishop Listecki) as        The Way of Perfection is the spiritual
  ready to celebrate baptism, confirmation, and Eucharist at the Easter Vigil.         journey into an eternal relationship
  WHAT IS A CATECHUMEN?                                                                with Jesus. Join us as we go deep
  A catechumen is someone who is seeking Initiation into the Catholic Church,          into Church teachings and learn
  but is not already Christian and has not been catechized.                            the journey from the Doctors of the
                                                                                       Church. Gatherings are ongoing,
                                                                                       and you can join any time. Meetings
A GOD WHO KNOWS HOW                        calls out in his darkest moment, we         are Wednesdays at 10:00 AM via
IT FEELS                                   must remember that he wants us, very        Zoom. You can also follow the group

C    hrist could have spoken anything      particularly, to consider them.             discussions via Zoom videos. Contact
     from the cross, so why did he         With his crucifixion, Jesus reminds us      Marilyn Malcolm at malcolmm1212@
choose to recite Psalm 22? And why         of his humanity. He is a man of flesh       gmail.com for links and information.
is it so important that we recite that     that can be torn and blood that can be      MONDAY BIBLE STUDY
same Psalm at today’s Mass?                shed. Somehow, in tandem with his           The Monday Bible Study Group meets
“My God, my God, why have You              divinity, he still possesses a heart that   on Mondays in the St. Elizabeth from
abandoned me?”                             knows fear and pain and longing. And        4:00 - 5:15 PM. This year we will study
                                           with this seemingly hopeless cry, he        selected chapters from Ecclesiastes,
We’ve never known the Jesus of the         reminds us of that.                         Proverbs, and the Book of Wisdom.
Gospels to doubt the will of God.
                                           Let us never doubt that Jesus can           For more information call Jim at (262)
We’ve never known him to be a
                                           relate to us in our brokenness. This is     241-9411 or Al at (262) 242-1269.
defeatist or to give into feelings of
                                           the week, friends. This is the week that
despair. He’s the hero who walks on                                                    LUMEN CHRISTI YOUNG
water, the Savior who is welcomed to       reminds us that our God is a God who
                                           knows every pang, every trembling,          ADULTS (LCYA)
Jerusalem with a pathway of palms.                                                     Are you looking for a young adult
And he knows how this story ends;          and every uncertainty of human life.
                                           Our God knows what abandonment              community? On Wednesday
he knows full well that his Father has                                                 evenings, the Lumen Christi Young
absolutely not abandoned him.              feels like. He knows what rejection
                                           feels like. He knows what it is to keep     Adults (LCYA) are gathering for
So why does he say this? Jesus             going when the strength and the will        conversations on prayer and faith
doesn’t make offhanded comments,           has disappeared.                            in the Sts. Matthew/Mark Room.
especially in his last hour. Today,                                                    Contact Patty McCarthy in the parish
when we repeat the words that he           — Tracy Earl Welliver, MTS ©LPi             office with any questions.
L Cumen hristi - Lumen Christi Catholic Church
   PAGE 8

                                   WOMEN'S CIRCLE OF FAITH
                  Please call the leader of each group to be included in these activities.
                                   New participants are always welcome!

SOJOURNER FAMILY PEACE DINNERS                                    PRAYER SHAWLS
The women and children at the Sojourner Family Peace              Bring comfort to others by providing a tangible reminder
Center in Milwaukee enjoy meals from our Lumen Christi            of God’s caring. Blessed knitted or crocheted shawls are
groups one time per month. We are looking for additional          given to people who are homebound or ill, to bring them
members to help prepare the meals. It is a group effort           physical and emotional warmth. These are available in the
(like a potluck dinner) and each group does a meal 3              parish office. Please contact Kathy Shields at (262) 512-
times per year, so the commitment is minimal but so               8981 or shieldsk@lumenchristiparish.org for details.
appreciated by the women and children at Sojourner. If
interested, please contact Laura Rowe at lannrowe@gmail.          MOMS IN PRAYER INTERNATIONAL
com or (262) 488-0293.                                            continues to gather moms to pray for our children,
                                                                  teachers, and schools in the Mequon-Thiensville
TUESDAY EVENING BOOK CIRCLE                                       community. God continues to work miracles in our lives
All are welcome to join us. We usually meet in St. Elizabeth’s    and in our schools. We meet every Monday night from
room at 7:00 PM on the first Tuesday of each month. Our           7-8 via Zoom. To learn more, please contact Debbie at
May 3 book is the collection of essays by Ann Patchett            jvredenbregt@wi.rr.com or (262) 389-5301.
entitled These Precious Days. Contact Judy Gilroy at (262)
242-4278 or rgilroy@wi.rr.com with any questions.                 CHILDREN'S CLOTHING CENTER
                                                                  The Children’s Clothing Center located at 4th & Brown, will
THURSDAY MORNING BOOK CIRCLE                                      continue to outfit school aged children (K4-12th grade)
Meets monthly on 3rd Thursday for book discussion                 in each of the city’s MPS, private and charter systems.
in St. Elizabeth Room at 9:30 AM. The April 21 book is            Sponsored by the Ladies of Charity, age appropriate new
Lightning Strike, a mystery by William Kent Krueger. On           and gently used clothing may be dropped at the lower
May 19 we will review The Dictionary of Lost Words by             level pillar entrance near the bins, (labeled LOC or Cathy
Pip Williams, on the creation of the Oxford dictionary. All       Liska) Questions, please contact Cathy (414) 688-4455.
are welcome to join in-person or via zoom. Please contact
Linda Bergemann at k.bergemann@sbcglobal.net with any             WCOF INFORMATION & STAFF SUPPORT
questions.                                                        If you would like to propose an activity or need further
                                                                  information, please contact Kathy Shields at (262) 512-
ST. HYACINTH FOOD PANTRY                                          8981 or shieldsk@lumenchristiparish.org. To get listed
The greatest needs at this time are: kleenex, pasta,              in the WCOF bulletin, contact Marianne Nass at (262)
beans (lentil, baked, garbanzo, kidney, black), toilet            243-9424 or mariannen@legacytravelgroup.com. Please
paper, size 6 diapers, shampoo 12 oz size, toothpaste,            submit items 10 days in advance. Include your email
adult toothbrushes, & used suitcases with rollers.                address if you want confirmation.
Monetary donations are also accepted. Checks can be
written to St. Hyacinth Food Pantry. For every $1 donated         ALL ACTIVITIES ARE OPEN TO ALL WOMEN
10lbs of food can be purchased. Pantry is open. Volunteers        OF THE PARISH! PLEASE JOIN IN!
needed! Call Kathy Saiia with any questions (262) 242-1644.

                                       TRIDUUM: A SPIRITUAL PILGRIMAGE
                                       In Triduum: A Spiritual Pilgrimage, the viewer is brought deeper into the story, landscape,
                                       and reality of Holy Week. It draws those with open hearts and minds toward a deeper
                                       understanding of Christ's victory while offering rich meditations for the pilgrimage of
                                       daily life.

                                       CATHOLIC TRIVIA           ©LPi
                                       Question: Who is the patron saint of air travelers?
                                       Answer: Saint Joseph of Cupertino.
L Cumen hristi - Lumen Christi Catholic Church
PARISH INFORMATION                               PAGE 9

  CONTACT US                                                      SACRAMENTS
                                                                  Reconciliation: Thursdays from 4-5:00 PM and Saturdays
  2750 W Mequon Road, Mequon, WI 53092                            from 9-10:00 AM or by appointment.
  Phone: (262) 242-7967 | Fax: (262) 242-7970                     Baptism: Preparation is required. Arrangements can be
  Website: www.lumenchristiparish.org                             made through the Baptism Coordinator, Kathy Shields
  Facebook/Instagram: @lumenchristicatholicchurch                 (512-8981).
  PARISH OFFICE HOURS                                             Matrimony: By appointment only. Please make
  Monday-Thursday | 8 AM - 4:30 PM                                arrangements at least six months to one year in advance
  Friday | 8 AM - 3 PM (Closed on Good Friday)                    by calling the parish office.

FOLLOW THE PARISH AND SCHOOL ON SOCIAL MEDIA!                                                              PARISH COUNCIL
Make sure to follow Lumen Christi Parish on Facebook and Instagram! Get the light of Lumen                 MINUTES
Christi right in your newsfeed! Lumen Christi Catholic School is also on Facebook & Instagram!             Meeting minutes
Follow the exciting and inspirational activities that take place in our school. We post something          are available on the
new nearly every day, and would love to see you there!                                                     parish website.

PARISH STAFF                                                     Karen Bersch, General Assistant for Catholic Formation
                                                                 512-8983 | berschk@lumenchristiparish.org
All area codes are 262 unless otherwise noted.
                                                                 Cherie Claussen, Administrative Assistant*
PASTORAL STAFF                                                   242-7967 | receptionist@lumenchristiparish.org
Fr. Matthew Jacob, Pastor                                        Jill Gahn, Liturgy Administrative Assistant*
242-7967 | jacobm@lumenchristiparish.org                         242-7967 | gahnj@lumenchristiparish.org
Fr. Stephen Buting, Associate Pastor                             Leslie Lorino, Administrative Assistant/Hospitality Coordinator*
242-7967 | butings@lumenchristiparish.org                        242-7967 | lorinol@lumenchristiparish.org
David Grambow, Deacon                                            Karen Schneiberg, Child Ministry Assistant*
(414) 690-4600 | dwgrambow@gmail.com                             242-7967 | schneibergk@lumenchristiparish.org
Anthony Monfre, Deacon                                           Kayla Schoofs, Campus Teen Ministry Assistant
241-4719 | tmonfre@wi.rr.com                                     242-7967 | kayla@lumenchristiparish.org
John Shaughnessy, Deacon                                         Kelly Ryba, Athletic Director*
225-7494 | gardetto07@gmail.com                                  242-7960 | rybak@lumenchristiparish.org
Joseph Wenzler, Deacon (May-December)                            Charlie Daub, Maintenance
894-3842 | jpwenzler@gmail.com                                   242-7967 | daubc@lumenchristiparish.org
Catherine Orr, Pastoral Associate                                PASTORAL COUNCIL CONTACTS
512-8994 | orrc@lumenchristiparish.org                           Jim Karolewicz, Chair (414) 534-4447
Jane Bartlett, Director of Finance                               John Clark, Trustee Secretary 241-9363
512-8991 | bartlettj@lumenchristiparish.org
                                                                 Jon VanDrisse, Trustee Treasurer (414) 807-1819
Margaret Caldwell, Director of Music & Liturgy
512-8982 | caldwellm@lumenchristiparish.org                      SCHOOL
                                                                 Kelly Fyfe, School Principal
Patty McCarthy, Director of Catholic Formation
                                                                 242-7960 | fyfek@lumenchristiparish.org
242-7967 | mccarthyp@lumenchristiparish.org
                                                                 Megan DeGuire, Director of School Recruitment
Kate Heinzman, Child Ministry Coordinator
                                                                 512-8996 | deguirem@lumenchristiparish.org
242-7967 | heinzmank@lumenchristiparish.org
Kathy Shields, Baptism Coordinator*                              *indicates staff who are part-time
512-8981 | shieldsk@lumenchristiparish.org
Kelsey Eyers, Communications Coordinator*
242-7967 | eyersk@lumenchristiparish.org
Fran Blaubach, Administrative Assistant*
242-7967 | blaubachf@lumenchristiparish.org
L Cumen hristi - Lumen Christi Catholic Church
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                                                                                                                                              Treetops Landscape
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        Proud Construction Partner of Lumen Christi Parish                                              Michael P. Franks,                               262-375-0050
                                                                                                          CFP,® CRPC®                                        Big Brothers
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Plumbing - Heating - Air Conditioning              Granting the wishes of children                       Mequon, WI 53092
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          Menomonee Falls
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			                                                           For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 • www.4lpi.com		                                       Lumen Christi, Mequon, WI                                      C 4C 01-0170
Eernisse Funeral Home                                                                                                            Sales • Service • Parts • LP Gas                                                                                 Parish Member
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       (262) 376-9600                                                                 6929 W. Donges Bay Rd   Mequon, WI 53092

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                    Schramka                                                       & Installation
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                                                                                                                                          CLIFF BERGIN                                                                                                  Atty. Benjamin
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                                           Carpet & Upholstery Cleaners LLC                                                                                                                                                                            • No Hidden Cost, Flat
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                                                                                                                                                 & Water Conditioning
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                                            414-254-4210                                                                                       Heating, Air Conditioning                                                           1035 W. Glen Oaks Lane, Ste. 100
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Mequon, WI
                                                                                                                                         & Indoor Air Quality Service and Sales
                                            920-994-4003                                                                                            www.cbergin.com                                                      414-273-2900 • www.britton-law.com

Society of St. Vincent de Paul                                                                                                                                                                                       Schmidt & Bartelt
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                                             8 Wisconsin Locations             (262) 512-1285                                                                                                                                     at Your Church or
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Help Us Help Others in Ozaukee County       www.krietegroup.com
                                                                                   Celebrating 20 Years                                                                                                                         10280 N. Port Washington Rd.
  The St. Vincent de Paul Store                  Parish Member                    A Lumen Christi Family                                                                                                                               (262) 241-8085
   located in Port Washington,
    is in need of clean, usable

                                                                                                                                 “An extraordinary
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   furniture in good condition.
 Donations can be dropped off
 at the store or call for pick up.
       Your contributions are
                                           PROUD PARISHONER AND SUPPORTER OF LUMEN CHRISTI                                        place to live”
        greatly appreciated.                   YOUR LOCAL WISCONSIN PROVIDER
      2673 Hwy C.                            OF LOOSE DIAMONDS AND FINE JEWELRY
Port Washington, WI 53074
HOLTON BROTHERS INC.                                                                                                                                                                                         Senior Independent Living
      Building Restoration
          Contractors                                                                                                                         North Port Washington Road • Mequon, WI 53092 www.newcastleplace.com
                                                                                                                                 12600 North    Port
                                                                                                                                         To learn      Washington
                                                                                                                                                  more about Newcastle Place,Road,
                                                                                                                                                                             please callMequon, WI 53092
       Tuckpointing • Chimney Repair
         Caulking • Waterproofing                                                                                                                                 www.newcastleplace.com
          Tom Holton, Parish Member

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         (414) 352-8088
                                                NEW BERLIN           MEQUON
                                                                                                                                 PROUD TO TO SUPPORT
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                                                                                                                                                                 Bus: (414) 355-4700 Bus: (414) 355-4700
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                                                 11525 N. Port Washington Rd.
                                                                                                                                 American Family Mutual Insurance Company, S.I. & its Operating Companies,
                                                                                                                                 American Family Insurance Company, 6000 American Parkway, Madison, WI 53783 007250 – Rev. 1/17
                                                                                                                                 ©2017 – 11724902

			                                             For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 • www.4lpi.com		                                            Lumen Christi, Mequon, WI
                                                                                                                                 American Family Mutual Insurance Company, S.I. Family
                                                                                                                                                                     American   & its Operating
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                                                                                                                                                                                            American     Company,
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 B 4C 01-0170
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          S.I. & its Operating Companies,
                                                                                                                                 American Family Insurance Company, 6000 American
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                                                                                                                                                                                Family        Madison,
                                                                                                                                                                                            American    WI 53783
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Family6000  007250
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Insurance     –Parkway,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Rev. 1/17
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Company,       Madison,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    6000        WIParkway,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         American    53783 007250 – Rev.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Madison, WI 1/17
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         53783 007250 – Rev. 1/17
                                                                                                                                 ©2017 – 11724902                    ©2017 – 11724902 ©2017 – 11724902
                                                                                                                                  American Family Mutual Insurance Company, S.I. & its Operating Companies,
                                                                                                                                  American Family Insurance Company, 6000 American Parkway, Madison, WI 53783 007250 – Rev. 1/17
                                                                                                                 GOLDEN OAK DENTAL CARE
                                                                   “Serving the Community Since 1927”
                                                                     10712 W. FREISTADT ROAD 120N
                                                                                                                                      STEPHAN W. KLUG, DDS
                                                                           MEQUON, WI 53097

                                                                       (262) 242-3050                                        MENTION THIS AD AND RECEIVE A 10% DISCOUNT
                                                                      PLUMBING • WATER SYSTEMS                  11345 N. PORT WASHINGTON ROAD, MEQUON
                                                                     INSTALLATION AND SERVICE
                                                                                                                FAMILY DENTISTRY                 262-241-4440            PARISH MEMBER

                                                                           Flat & Shingle Roof Experts
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      2 ENTRÉES & DRINKS                                                                                                                   LL                                        SC
                                                                                                                         Attorneys who understand business
                                                                                                                    John Wirth             Mike McDonagh
                                                                                                                    Parish Member                           Parish Member
                                                                                                                    jwirth@mallerysc.com                    mmcdonagh@mallerysc.com
                                                                                                                    414-727-6276                            414-727-6266
              eltenampamexgrill.com                                                                                                       www.mallerysc.com
                                                                                                                Meg Wright &
                                                                                                                 Kyle Davis,                                                    Independent
                                                                                                               local real estate                                                       &
                                                                                                                 agents and                                                     Assisted Living
          New Patient Consultations                                                                           parish members.                                                                                    In Business Since 1992
                                                                                                                                                                  205 Green Bay Rd
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Residential • Commercial
             262-241-0600                                                                                                                                           Thiensville, WI
10602 Port Washington Rd, Mequon
                                                                                                                                                             Make a Reservation for a Tour              Jim Schwarzinger
     Braces, Invisalign,& Accelerated Orthodontics                                                                                                                                                                                  11773 N Ridgeway Ave
                       TMJ-TMD                                                                                                                               at 262-242-8045 Extension 102              Cell: 414-581-3711               Mequon, WI 53097

                                                                                                                                                                     Specializing in the treatment of neck and back pain, sports injuries,
                                                                                                                                                                         headaches and TMJ pain, pre and postnatal pain syndromes,
                                                                                                                                                                                        and all other orthopedic diagnoses

                                                                                                                                                                               We have moved! Now located at:
            Michael Kilian                                                                                                                                                     7602 W Mequon Road, Mequon
          Financial Professional
             Parish Member
  Retirement & Income Strategies,
Recruit, Reward & Retain Key Employees

                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Employee Benefits
        W239 N1700 Busse Road, Suite B                                                                                                                                                                              Life Insurance

             Waukesha WI 53188
Equitable Advisors, LLC (NY, NY 212-314-4600), member FINRA,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Parish Member
SIPC//Equitable Network, LLC, Paramount Financial Partners,
LLC is not owner or opterated by Equitable advisors or Equitable
Netework, PPG-161397 (8/21) (Exp.8/23)

                                                                                                                                                                                                            Milwaukee ENT
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Hearing Aid Center
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                                                                                                            Contact Jeff Tkachuk                                                                           Au.D., Audiologist/Parishioner
                                                                                                            to place an ad today!                                                                                        Mequon, WI
                                                                                                            jtkachuk@4LPi.com                                                                                      262-241-8000
                                                                                                            or (800) 950-9952 x2513
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                                                                                                                                                                   D.D.S.                                                  Parish Family
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			                                                                        For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 • www.4lpi.com		                                     Lumen Christi, Mequon, WI                                            A 4C 01-0170
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