Kulturstiftung Sibirien - DH-North
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Studies in Social and Cultural Anthropology General editors: Erich Kasten and David Koester The series contains monographs in Social and Cultural Anthropology on Siberian cultures. The books are intended primarily for students, scholars and for all those who have an interest in Siberian and Northern ethnology, and in understanding the tremendous changes that indigenous, rural and urban communities in these regions have experienced in the recent past. Tatiana Safonova and István Sántha Evenki Microcosm: Visual Analysis of Hunter-Gatherers’ Lifestyles in Eastern Siberia 2019, Fürstenberg/Havel: Kulturstiftung Sibirien 173 pp., 80 color pages, 19 x 27 cm ISBN: 978-3-942883-36-8 Euro 48, paperback This experimental book is about the Evenki hunter-gatherers of Siberia. Through innovative visual methodology it reveals that despite an old stereotype of that lifestyle being a part of humanity’s past, it is probably in humanity’s future. In six chapters filled with a flow of photographs that cover such topics as shamanic rituals, hunting, foraging, reindeer herding, the application of new technologies and jade mining, the authors show that hunter-gathering is not a primitive way of survival, but a complex and open-to-change philosophy of life that is embodied in everyday practices. Photo- graphs allow readers to immerse themselves in the most profound layers of human experiences, and astute ethnographic and analytic summaries help them navigate the world of the taiga, where people are neither conquerors of natural forces nor passive consumers of resources. The book will be of interest both to social anthropologists and general readers curious about life in unfamiliar places. Alexandra Lavrillier and Semen Gabyshev An Arctic Indigenous Knowledge System of Landscape, Climate, and Human Interactions: Evenki Reindeer Herders and Hunters 2017, Fürstenberg/Havel: Kulturstiftung Sibirien 467 pp., ca. 300 color photos, 15,5 x 22 cm ISBN: 978-3-942883-31-3 Euro 68, paperback Co-written by an anthropologist and a reindeer herder on the basis of their field materials, this book offers documentation and analysis of complex traditional environ- mental knowledge. It first discusses the methodology of the Evenki community-based transdisciplinary observatory for monitoring the climate and environmental changes with herders (2012–2016). The book presents the emic typologies and concepts the Evenki use for understanding norms and anomalies, observing and predicting changes, and adapting. It is abundantly illustrated with photographs and contains many diagrams with explanations in Evenki, Russian, and English. Siberian Ecologies and Cultures | SEC Publications
Studies in Social and Cultural Anthropology Tat‘iana Bulgakova Nanai Shamanic Culture in Indigenous Discourse 2013, Fürstenberg/Havel: Kulturstiftung Sibirien 264 pp., 5 color photos, 15,5 x 22 cm ISBN: 978-3-942883-14-6 Euro 28, paperback This book on Nanai shamanic culture is based on first-hand information provided by shamans and recorded in the years between 1980 and 2012, a time of rapid socio-cultural change in Russia. It sheds light on the lively indigenous discourse in which social factors such as the splitting of society into different paternal lineages relates to spiritual troubles that Nanai people experience as collective ‘shamanic dis- ease.’ Furthermore, the book provides profound insights into the plurality of contra- dictory discourses on indigenous knowledge as well as those delivered in non-indig- enous contexts. Stephan Dudeck Der Tag des Rentierzüchters: Repräsentation indigener Lebensstile zwischen Taigawohnplatz und Erdölstadt in Westsibirien 2013, Fürstenberg/Havel: Kulturstiftung Sibirien 351 pp., 20 color photos, 15,5 x 22 cm ISBN: 978-3-942883-17-7 Euro 34, paperback Die Chanten leben als Rentierzüchter in der Taiga Westsibiriens – eine Lebensweise, die durch die Erdölförderung verdrängt wird. Ihr Leben verläuft heute räumlich und sozial im Wechsel zwischen Wald und Stadt. Ihre Strategien, kulturelle Differenz und Autonomie durch Grenzziehungen mit Hilfe religiöser Praktiken und sozialer Normen aufrechtzuerhalten, werden am Beispiel des Festes zum „Tag des Rentierzüchters“ verdeutlicht. Der Autor zeigt, wie Menschen der Taiga in dieser Situation eigene Prak- tiken des Verbergens und Vermeidens, aber auch neue Wege der öffentlichen Reprä- sentation nutzen. Anett C. Oelschlägel Plurale Weltinterpretationen: Das Beispiel der Tyva Südsibiriens 2013, Fürstenberg/Havel: Kulturstiftung Sibirien 308 pp., 103 color photos, 15,5 x 22 cm ISBN: 978-3-942883-13-9 Euro 32, paperback Das Buch bietet eine Darstellung zeitgenössischer Kultur, die der Flexibilität und Plu- ralität des menschlichen Deutens, Handelns und Verhaltens gerecht wird. Am Beispiel der südsibirischen Tyva werden mehrere Modelle der Weltinterpretation als gleich zeitig und gleichwertig sowie als einander ergänzend und widersprechend erfasst. Die Autorin zeigt, wie lokale Akteure verschiedene Modelle der Weltinterpretation fle- xibel zum Einsatz bringen, welchen Regeln sie dabei folgen, von welchen Gründen sie sich leiten lassen und welche Konsequenzen sie zu tragen haben. Siberian Ecologies and Cultures | SEC Publications
Exhibitions and Symposia General editor: Erich Kasten Exhibitions and workshops serve to enhance the mutual understanding of peo- ples with different backgrounds and encourage valuable and productive discourse between them. The edited volumes of this series contain the outcomes of such exchanges in which issues of particular relevance for the peoples of the Russian North are addressed through interdisciplinary and crosscultural perspectives. Erich Kasten, (ed.) Jochelson, Bogoras and Shternberg: A Scientific Exploration of Northeastern Siberia and the Shaping of Soviet Ethnography 2018, Fürstenberg/Havel: Kulturstiftung Sibirien ca. 240 pp., 15,5 x 22 cm ISBN: 978-3-942883-34-4 Euro 28, paperback In this volume the authors discuss the fascinating and changeable biographies and significant work of Waldemar Jochelson, Waldemar Bogoras and Lev Shternberg, as well as how they became involved in ethnography towards the end of the 19th century, when they had to spend many years as political exiles in remote parts of northeastern Siberia. Their early strong revolutionary commitment shed light on their empathetic and progressive fieldwork methods towards the local people. At the same time they incorporated important impulses from American cultural anthropology gained from their close collaboration with Franz Boas. Their initial aims and methods were also reflected in their ambitious community-oriented research programs that they and some of their colleagues later conceptualized and launched at Leningrad University. Contributors: Tat’iana Argounova-Low, Michael Dürr, Sergei Kan, Erich Kasten, Igor Krupnik, Elena Liarskaya, Thomas R. Miller, Tat’iana Roon, Anna Sirina, Matthias Winter schladen. Erich Kasten, Katja Roller, and Joshua Wilbur (eds.) Oral History Meets Linguistics 2017, Fürstenberg/Havel: Kulturstiftung Sibirien 216 pp., 12 color photos, 15,5 x 22 cm ISBN: 978-3-942883-30-6 Euro 26, paperback Oral histories constitute a common topic of research for linguists, historians, as well as for social and cultural anthropologists. However, respective discourses on this theme have barely yet been delivered among them. During a workshop at the Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies (FRIAS) in December 2015, it became apparent how scientists from various disciplines can benefit from such an intellectual exchange. With its contributions to minority languages and linguistic contact varieties this volume aims at bridging this gap by providing multifaceted interdisciplinary views on diverse approaches to oral history research. Contributors: Lyudmila S. Bogolovskaya, Michael Dürr, Ophira Gamliel, Anette Gersten- berg, Erich Kasten, Sonya Kinsey, Igor Krupnik, Cord Pagenstecher, Stefan Pfänder, Michael Rießler, Katja Roller, Joshua Wilbur. Siberian Ecologies and Cultures | SEC Publications
Exhibitions and Symposia Matthias Winterschladen, Diana Ordubadi, and Dittmar Dahlmann (eds.) Auf den Spuren der modernen Sozial- und Kulturanthropologie: Die Jesup North Pacific Expedition (1897-1902) im Nordosten Sibiriens 2016, Fürstenberg/Havel: Kulturstiftung Sibirien 400 pp., 15,5 x 22 cm; ISBN: 978-3-942883-26-9 Euro 38, paperback Die von Franz Boas von 1897 bis 1902 im Auftrag des American Museum of Natural History in New York durchgeführte Jesup North Pacific Expedition gilt als eine der bis heute größten wissenschaftlichen Expeditionen zu den Völkern Nordostasiens und des Nordwestens Nordamerikas. Für die Erforschung der in Ostsibirien lebenden Čukčen, Korjaken, Jukagiren, Yupik und Nivchen konnte Boas Vladimir Iochel’son, Vla- dimir Bogoraz und Lev Šternberg gewinnen. Sie waren als revolutionäre Staatsfeinde in jene entlegenen Gebiete Sibiriens verbannt worden, wo sie sich bereits mit den Sprachen und Kulturen der dort lebenden Völker vertraut gemacht hatten. Gegen den Hintergrund ihrer wechselvollen Lebenswege wird in diesem Buch der bedeutende Einfluss hervorgehoben, den sie auf die Entwicklung der Kulturanthropologie bzw. der Ethnographie im späten Zarenreich und während der frühen Sowjetunion ausübten. Mit Beiträgen von: Dittmar Dahlmann, Joachim Kaarmat, Jan Kleinmanns, Marit Klein- manns, Michael Knüppel, Yvonne Krumholz, Diana Ordubadi, Johannes Weber und Matthias Winterschladen. Erich Kasten (ed.) Reisen an den Rand des Russischen Reiches: Die wissenschaftliche Erschließung der nordpazifischen Küstengebiete im 18. und 19. Jahrhundert 2013, Fürstenberg/Havel: Kulturstiftung Sibirien 320 pp., 9 Farbabbildungen, 15,5 x 22 cm ISBN: 978-3-942883-16-0 Euro 32, paperback Seit dem 18. Jahrhundert bereisten Forscher und Gelehrte den Norden des Fernen Osten Russlands. Viele von ihnen waren deutscher bzw. baltendeutscher Herkunft und arbeiteten im Auftrag der russischen Regierung. Ihre ausführlichen Beschrei- bungen und Berichte geben Auskunft über Lebensverhältnisse und Naturnutzung zu unterschiedlichen Zeiten und liefern den Hintergrund auch für heutige Forschungen in dieser Region. Zu den hier vorgestellten Forschungsreisenden zählen Georg Wilhelm Steller, Peter Simon Pallas, Carl Heinrich Merck, Georg Heinrich von Langsdorff, Adelbert von Chamisso, Friedrich Heinrich Freiherr von Kittlitz, Adolph Erman, Johann Karl Ehrenfried Kegel, Carl von Ditmar und Gerhard Baron von Maydell. Das vorliegende Buch gibt ein abgerunde- tes Bild aus historischer, literaturwissenschaftlicher und sprachwissenschaftlicher Sicht und zeigt die Anfänge der sibirischen Ethnologie. So wird es dem besonderen Charakter der hier behandelten Werke gerecht, die sich durch einen breiten fächerübergreifenden Ansatz und anwendungsorientierte Zielsetzungen auszeichnen. Mit Beiträgen von: Michael Dürr, Marie-Theres Federhofer, Erich Kasten, Diana Ordubadi, Helena Pivovar, Peter Schweitzer, Lisa Strecker, Erki Tammiksaar und Han Vermeulen. Siberian Ecologies and Cultures | SEC Publications
Exhibitions and Symposia Erich Kasten and Tjeerd de Graaf (eds.) Sustaining Indigenous Knowledge: Learning Tools and Community Initiatives for Preserving Endangered Languages and Local Cultural Heritage 2013, Fürstenberg/Havel: Kulturstiftung Sibirien 284 pp., 22 color photos, 15,5 x 22 cm ISBN: 978-3-942883-12-2 Euro 26, paperback The contributions to this volume present ways in which indigenous knowledge in minority communities is sustained and how attempts are made to safeguard endan- gered languages. Two recent seminars at the Foundation for Siberian Cultures were devoted to the discussion of community-based pedagogical initiatives in Siberia, with comparative examples from other parts of the world. In this volume, scholars with backgrounds in anthropology, linguistics and in the use of new media share their experiences of how to design adequate learning tools in collaboration with their native colleagues. In their articles they discuss previous shortcomings and limitations, with the aim of exploring future directions for maintaining cultural diversities, not only in Siberia, but also among many other peoples of the world. Contributors: Victor Denisov, Stephan Dudeck, Michael Dürr, Tjeerd de Graaf, Olivia Kraef, Erich Kasten, Roza Laptander, Alexandra Lavrillier, Elena Liarskaya, Cor van der Meer, Cecilia Odé, Michael Rießler, Hidetoshi Shiraishi, Nikolai Vakhtin, Teresa Valiente Catter Erich Kasten (ed.) Культуры и ландшафты Северо-Востока Азии: 250 лет русско-немецких исследований по экологии и культуре коренных народов Камчатки [Kulturen und Landschaften im nordöstlichen Asien: 250 Jahre deutsch-russische Forschungen zur Ökologie und zu den Kulturen der Völker Kamtschatkas] 2010, Fürstenberg: Kulturstiftung Sibirien/Norderstedt: BoD 200 pp., 38 color photos, ISBN 978-3-8391-9092-0 15,5 x 22 cm, Euro 18, paperback Mit Beiträgen von: Raisa Avak, Elena Dul’chenko, Erich Kasten, Valeri Kravchenko, Diana Ordubadi, Lyudmila Sadovnikova, Lisa Strecker, Tjan Zaotschnaja, Erki Tammik- saar und Aleksandra Urkachan. Erich Kasten (ed.), Aleksandra Urkachan, Tjan Zaotschnaja (red.) Фольклор и художественное творчество народов Севера Камчатки [Folklore und Kunsthandwerk der Völker Nord-Kamtschatkas] 2010, Fürstenberg: Kulturstiftung Sibirien/Norderstedt: BoD 127 pp., 18 color photos, 15,5 x 22 cm ISBN: 978-3-8391-1581-7 Euro 18, paperback Mit Beiträgen von: A.P. Appolon, E.T. Gil’, N.E. Indanova, E. Kasten, G.I. Kiselev, K.N. Khaloimova, A.G. Koerkova, L.A. Kotavinina, I.D. Kukanov, M.P. Lomovtseva, M.I. Po- pov, E.V. Popova, V.G. Shmagin, A.T. Urkachan und V.V. Zhdanova. Siberian Ecologies and Cultures | SEC Publications
Languages and Cultures of the Russian Far East General editor: Erich Kasten This series contains text collections in various indigenous languages of the peoples of the Russian Far East that are published here together with Russian translations as books. Corresponding audio and video recordings can be ordered separately on DVD, unless these have already been made available on the Internet. These materials serve primarily as teaching resources for maintaining endangered languages and indigenous knowledge. Some volumes also contain English translations of the texts to reach a broader international readership. Brigitte Pakendorf and Nataliia Aralova (eds.) Негидальские сказки, рассказы и обычаи [Negidal tales, stories and customs] 2019, Fürstenberg/Havel: Kulturstiftung Sibirien 128 pp., 19 color photos, 15,5 x 22 cm ISBN: 978-3-942883-37-5 Euro 18, paperback Negidal Language and Culture Erich Kasten (ed.) Духовная культура коряков-нымыланов с. Лесная, Камчатка: Мировоззрения и ритуальные праздники Worldviews and Ritual Practice, Coastal Koryaks (Nymylans), Lesnaya, Kamchatka. 2017, Fürstenberg/Havel: Kulturstiftung Sibirien 163 pp., 15,5 x 22 cm; ISBN: 978-3-942883-32-0 Euro 18, paperback | DVD, 2:25 hrs.: Euro 28 Koryak Language and Culture Erich Kasten (ed.) Родовые мелодии и танцы коряков-нымыланов, с. Лесная, Камчатка / Songs and Dances, Coastal Koryaks (Nymylans), Lesnaya, Kamchatka 2016, Fürstenberg/Havel: Kulturstiftung Sibirien 160 pp., 15,5 x 22 cm ISBN: 978-3-942883-33-7 Euro 18, paperback | DVD, 3:11 hrs.: Euro 28 Koryak Language and Culture Erich Kasten and Raisa Avak (eds.) Одежда и прикладное искусство эвенов Быстринского района / Clothing and Decorative Arts, Evens, Bystrinski district 2018, Fürstenberg/Havel: Kulturstiftung Sibirien 277 pp., 15,5 x 22 cm ISBN: 978-3-942883-20-7 Euro 18, paperback | DVD, 3:58 hrs.: Euro 28 Even Language and Culture Siberian Ecologies and Cultures | SEC Publications
Languages and Cultures of the Russian Far East Erich Kasten and Raisa Avak (eds.) Духовная культура эвенов Быстринского района Even Tales, Songs and Worldviews, Bystrinski district 2014, Fürstenberg/Havel: Kulturstiftung Sibirien 200 pp., 15,5 x 22 cm ISBN: 978-3-942883-20-7 Euro 18, paperback | DVD, 3:03 hrs.: Euro 28 Even Language and Culture Alexandra Lavrillier and Dejan Matic (eds.) Эвенские нимканы Дарьи Михайловны Осениной Even tales of Dar‘iia Mikhailovna Osenina 2013, Fürstenberg/Havel: Kulturstiftung Sibirien 160 pp., 15,5 x 22 cm ISBN: 978-3-942883-15-3 Euro 18, paperback Even Language and Culture Cecilia Odé (ed.) Илья Курилов: Моя жизнь, песны Il‘ia Kurilov: My Life, Songs 2016, Fürstenberg/Havel: Kulturstiftung Sibirien 56 pp., 13 color photos, 15,5 x 22 cm ISBN: 978-3-942883-28-3 Euro 18, paperback Yukaghir Language and Culture Cecilia Odé (ed.) Акулина Иннокентьевна Стручкова: Разные рассказы, юкагирским детям / Akulina Innokent‘evna Struchkova: Various Tales, for the Yukaghir Children 2016, Fürstenberg/Havel: Kulturstiftung Sibirien 92 pp., 12 color photos, 15,5 x 22 cm ISBN: 978-3-942883-27-6 Euro 18, paperback Yukaghir Language and Culture Erich Kasten and Michael Dürr (eds.) Ительменские тексты Itelmen texts 2015, Fürstenberg/Havel: Kulturstiftung Sibirien 120 pp., 15,5 x 22 cm ISBN: 978-3-942883-22-1 Euro 18, paperback | DVD, 1:08 hrs.: Euro 18 Itelmen Language and Culture Siberian Ecologies and Cultures | SEC Publications
Languages and Cultures of the Russian Far East Кlavdiia Khaloimova Методические рекомендации (материалы) учителю ительменского языка [Methodical recommendations (materials) for the teacher of Itelmen language] 2015, Fürstenberg/Havel: Kulturstiftung Sibirien 100 pp., 15,5 x 22 cm ISBN: 978-3-942883-23-8 Euro 18, paperback Itelmen Language and Culture Klavdiia Khaloimova, Michael Dürr, Erich Kasten, and Sergei Longinov Историко-этнографическое учебное пособие по ительменскому языку [Historical-ethnographical tea- ching materials for the Itelmen language] 2012, Fürstenberg/Havel: Kulturstiftung Sibirien 164 pp., 23 x 19 cm, ISBN: 978-3-942883-10-8 Euro 18, paperback Itelmen Language and Culture Klavdiia Khaloimova, Michael Dürr, and Erich Kasten (eds.) Ительменские сказки – собранные В.И. Иохельсоном в 1910-1911 гг. [Itelmen texts – collected by V.I. Jochelson 1910-1911] 2014, Fürstenberg/Havel: Kulturstiftung Sibirien 207 pp., 5 color photos, 15,5 x 22 cm ISBN: 978-3-942883-19-1 Euro 18, paperback Itelmen Language and Culture Tat’iana Bulgakova Камлания нанайских шаманов [Nanai shamanic healing texts] 2016, Fürstenberg/Havel: Kulturstiftung Sibirien 316 pp., 15,5 x 22 cm ISBN: 978-3-942883-06-1 Euro 28, paperback Nanai Language and Culture Raisa Bel’dy, Tat’iana Bulgakova, and Erich Kasten (eds.) Нанайские сказки [Nanai tales] 2012, Fürstenberg/Havel: Kulturstiftung Sibirien 268 pp., 24 color photos, 15,5 x 22 cm ISBN: 978-3-942883-06-1 Euro 26, paperback Nanai Language and Culture Siberian Ecologies and Cultures | SEC Publications
Bibliotheca Kamtschatica General editors: Erich Kasten and Michael Dürr Since the 18th century, researchers and scientists have traveled the peninsula of Kamchatka in the Russian Far East. Many of them were of German origin and had been commissioned by the Russian government to perform specific tasks. Their exhaustive descriptions and detailed reports are still considered some of the most valuable documents on the ethnography of the indigenous peoples of that part of the world. These works inform us about living conditions and particular ways of natural resource use at various times and provide us with valuable background information for current assessment. Each of the volumes contains essays by scholars from various historical, ethnological and natural science perspectives. Georg Wilhelm Steller Beschreibung von dem Lande Kamtschatka Edited by Erich Kasten and Michael Dürr, with an essay by Erich Kasten 2013, Fürstenberg/Havel: Kulturstiftung Sibirien 280 pp., 16 x 22,5 cm ISBN: 978-3-942883-86-3 Euro 32, hardcover Adam Johann von Krusenstern / Georg Heinrich von Langsdorff / Otto von Kotzebue / Adelbert von Chamisso Forschungsreisen auf Kamtschatka [Auszüge aus ihren Werken]. Edited, and with essays by Marie-Theres Feder- hofer and Diana Ordubadi 2011, Fürstenberg/Havel: Kulturstiftung Sibirien 190 pp., 21 color photos, 16 x 22,5 cm ISBN: 978-3-942883-81-8; Euro 28, hardcover Friedrich Heinrich von Kittlitz Denkwürdigkeiten einer Reise nach dem russischen Amerika, nach Mikronesien und durch Kamtschatka (Auszüge zu Kamtschatka) Edited by Erich Kasten, with an essay by Lisa Strecker 2011, Fürstenberg/Havel: Kulturstiftung Sibirien 230 pp., 22 color photos, 16 x 22,5 cm ISBN: 978-3-942883-84-9 Euro 34, hardcover Johann Karl Ehrenfried Kegel Forschungsreise nach Kamtschatka. Reisen und Erlebnisse des Johann Karl Ehrenfried Kegel von 1841 bis 1847 Edited by Werner Friedrich Gülden, with essays by Hanno Beck und Erich Kasten 2011, Fürstenberg/Havel: Kulturstiftung Sibirien 422 pp., 1 color photo, 16 x 22,5 cm ISBN: 978-3-942883-80-1 Euro 44, hardcover Siberian Ecologies and Cultures | SEC Publications
Bibliotheca Kamtschatica Karl von Ditmar Reisen und Aufenthalt in Kamtschatka in den Jahren 1851–1855. Erster Teil. Historischer Bericht nach den Tagebüchern (1890) Edited by Michael Dürr 2011, Fürstenberg/Havel: Kulturstiftung Sibirien 504 pp., 7 color photos., 16 x 22,5 cm ISBN: 978-3-942883-82-5 Euro 48, hardcover Karl von Ditmar Reisen und Aufenthalt in Kamtschatka in den Jahren 1851–1855. Zweiter Teil. Allgemeines über Kamtschatka Edited by Michael Dürr, with essays by Erki Tammiksaar 2011, Fürstenberg/Havel: Kulturstiftung Sibirien 263 pp., 1 color photo, 16 x 22,5 cm ISBN: 978-3-942883-83-2 Euro 32, hardcover Bibliotheca Sibiro-pacifica General editors: Erich Kasten and Michael Dürr Since the 18th century, researchers and scientists from various countries have trav- eled the Russian Far East. Their exhaustive descriptions and detailed reports are still considered some of the most valuable documents on the ethnography of the indigenous peoples of that part of the world. These works inform us about living conditions and particular ways of natural resource use at various times, and provide us with valuable background information for current assessment. Waldemar Jochelson The Yukaghir and the Yukaghirized Tungus Edited by Erich Kasten and Michael Dürr, with a foreword by Thomas R. Miller 2018, Fürstenberg/Havel: Kulturstiftung Sibirien 564 pp., 16 x 22,5 cm ISBN: 978-3-942883-90-0 Euro 58, hardcover Waldemar Jochelson The Yakut Edited by Michael Dürr and Erich Kasten, with a foreword by Tat‘iana Argounova-Low 2018, Fürstenberg/Havel: Kulturstiftung Sibirien 247 pp., 26 color photos, 16 x 22,5 cm ISBN:978-3-942883-72-4 Euro 38, hardcover Siberian Ecologies and Cultures | SEC Publications
Bibliotheca Sibiro-pacifica Waldemar Jochelson Aus dem Fernen Osten Russlands: Deutschsprachige Schriften (1881–1908) Edited, and with a foreword by Erich Kasten 2017, Fürstenberg/Havel: Kulturstiftung Sibirien ca.160 pp., 16 x 22,5 cm ISBN:978-3-942883-91-7 Euro 28, hardcover Waldemar Bogoras The Chukchee Part I-III: Material Culture, Religion, Social Organization Edited by Michael Dürr and Erich Kasten, with a foreword by Igor Krupnik 2017, Fürstenberg/Havel: Kulturstiftung Sibirien 860 pp., 1 color photo, 16 x 22,5 cm ISBN: 978-3-942883-88-7 Euro 68, hardcover Waldemar Bogoras Chukchee Mythology Edited by Michael Dürr and Erich Kasten 2016, Fürstenberg/Havel: Kulturstiftung Sibirien 204 pp., 16 x 22,5 cm ISBN: 978-3-942883-89-4 Euro 34, hardcover Waldemar Jochelson The Koryak Part I. – Religion and Myths Part II. – Material Culture and Social Organization Edited, and with a foreword by E. Kasten and M.Dürr 2016, Fürstenberg/Havel: Kulturstiftung Sibirien 884 pp., 1 color photo, 16 x 22,5 cm ISBN: 978-3-942883-87-0 Euro 68, hardcover Marie-Theres Federhofer Chamisso und die Wale, mit dem lateinischen Originaltext der Walschrift Chamis- sos und dessen Übersetzung, Anmerkungen und weiteren Materialien. 2012, Fürstenberg/Havel: Kulturstiftung Sibirien 132 pp., 23 color photos., 16 x 22,5 cm ISBN: 978-3-942883-85-6 Euro 28, hardcover Siberian Ecologies and Cultures | SEC Publications
Films on DVD Shamanic Worldviews in Indigenous and Western Art Videos: Erich Kasten, Martin Uhrmeister, Thomas R. Miller Video-editing: Erich Kasten English subtitles: Erich Kasten and Thomas R. Miller Technical realization: Erich Kasten and Michael Dürr DVD (50 min.) German / English / Russian subtitles 2012, Fürstenberg/Havel: Kulturstiftung Sibirien ISBN 978-3-942883-02-3 Euro 18 This DVD presents a dual theme of the exhibition “Shamans of Siberia”, shown at the Linden-Museum Stuttgart, 13.12.08 - 28.06.09: the persistence of traditional sha- manic worldviews in Siberia today, and artistic transformations of shamanistic motifs beyond the north. The films show indigenous people in dialogue with the cultural her- itage of their past, and contemporary interpretations of shamanic images by western artists engaged in exploratory exchange with the living cultural traditions of Siberia. Sustaining Indigenous Knowledge: Comparative Views on Indigenous Learning Situations from Russia, Peru and Papua New Guinea Erich Kasten and Michael Dürr (eds.) DVD (77 min.) English / Russian / Spanish subtitles 2015, Fürstenberg/Havel: Kulturstiftung Sibirien ISBN 978-3-942883-21-4 Euro 18 During the workshop on “Preserving Endangered Languages and Local Knowledge”, convened at the Foundation for Siberian Cultures in 2011, learning tools and commu- nity initiatives from various parts of the world were discussed. With this DVD some of the initiatives and pedagogical approaches are shared among the indigenous com- munities that were portrayed in the films, as well as with others who are facing similar situations and concerns. Alkhalalalai: The Fall Festival of the Itelmens in Kamchatka, Kovran (Tigil’ski district), September 18-22, 2001 Videos, video-editing: Erich Kasten Technical realization: Erich Kasten and Michael Dürr DVD (58 min.) English / Russian subtitles 2015, Fürstenberg/Havel: Kulturstiftung Sibirien ISBN 978-3-942883-24-5 Euro 18 In the late 1980s, in the wake of perestroika, a cultural revival took place among the Itelmens. During the Alkhalalalai festival ancient worldviews of this people are remem- bered. Rituals that were once made for reconciliation with nature are re-staged. Furthermore, this DVD portrays other social activities and dance performances by dance ensembles during the festival. Siberian Ecologies and Cultures | SEC Publications
Transcultural Discourses General editor: Erich Kasten This series contains cross-cultural dialogues on worldviews, myths and landscapes in lyrics and in the arts that even go beyond Siberia. Wojtkowiak, Ralf Natürlich, Mensch sein 2014, Fürstenberg/Havel: Kulturstiftung Sibirien 141 pp., 12 x 19 cm ISBN: 978-3-942883-18-4 Euro 18, paperback Die Gedichte dieses Bandes sehen den Menschen in seinen Beziehungen zur Natur, seinen Mitmenschen und zu sich selbst – so schön, banal, aber auch so grausam sie sich immer darstellen können. Sie sprechen von Gefühlen, die in einem wachsen, aber auch von Gefahren, die ein oft unverantwortlicher Umgang mit uns, mit anderen und mit der Natur nach sich ziehen können. Contemporary History This series contains materials on current historical and ethno-political discourses. The first focus is on the oral histories of people who have had to cope with deportation and forced migration. The emphasis will be on books, articles or other documents that relate in particular to Russia and Eastern Europe. Other works in the series will consider these themes in a wider regional context. Maria Vajta Klamer Flucht vor dem Mord an einem Volk aus dem Schwedischen übersetzt von Ulrich Kasten 2018, Fürstenberg/Havel: Kulturstiftung Sibirien ca. 210 pp., 15,5 x 22 cm ISBN: 978-3-942883-35-1 Euro 18, paperback Anhand von Einzelschicksalen erfahren wir von der weitgehenden Vernichtung des ehemals lebendigen jüdischen Lebens in Osteuropa durch den Holocaust und den darauf folgenden Kommunismus. Fünf polnische Jüdinnen und Juden überstehen – in einigen Fällen auf abenteuerliche Weise – die Verfolgung und die Lager der deutschen Nationalsozialisten und einer von ihnen den sowjetischen Gulag in Workuta. Wegen der antisemitischen Politik im Nachkriegspolen verlassen die meisten von ihnen ihre Heimat und beginnen in Schweden ein neues Leben. In ihren Erzählungen reflektieren die Betroffenen selbst die Ereignisse, die mit histo- rischen Fakten und einfühlsamen Stimmungsbildern hinterlegt werden. So erfolgt eine differenzierte Einschätzung von Situationen und geschichtlichen Entwicklungen, die ihrer besonderen Vielschichtigkeit gerecht wird. Damit unterscheidet sich das Buch wohltuend von manchen oft zeitbedingt und politisch gefärbten Interpretationen und Einordnungen der Ereignisse. Foundation for Siberian Cultures | Publications
More DVDs Feasting with the Seals: Koryaks and Evens in the Russian Far East Videos, video-editing and text: Erich Kasten Editors: Erich Kasten and Michael Dürr DVD (58 min.) German / English / Russian subtitles 2005 Berlin: Zentral- und Landesbibliothek ISBN 3-925516-30-X Euro 18 Reindeer herding, fishing and hunting characterize everyday life on the tundra and along the coasts of Kamchatka peninsula. This documentary focuses on crafts, nar- rative forms and feasts. It was produced for the travelling exhibit “Maintaining the Traditional – Embracing the New: Art and Culture from Kamchatka”, first shown at the Central and Regional Library of Berlin, January 29 - April 2, 2005. The one-hour film provides fascinating insights into people’s lives in the Russian Far East. Die das Rentier tanzen: Korjaken und Evenen im Fernen Osten Russlands Videos, video-editing and text: Erich Kasten Editors: Erich Kasten and Michael Dürr DVD (63 min.) German / English / Russian subtitles 2003 Westfälisches Museum für Naturkunde Münster & Dietrich Reimer Verlag Berlin ISBN 3-924590-79-6 / ISBN 3-496-02765-7 Euro 25 [D] | 46,00 SFR [CH] Rentierhaltung, Fischfang und Jagd prägen den Alltag in der Tundra und an den Küsten der Halbinsel Kamtschatka. Auch Tanz und Musik spielen bei den dort leben- den Völkern eine wichtige Rolle. Sie sind Bestandteil der Feste und werden ebenfalls in modernen künstlerischen Interpretationen gezeigt. Diese einstündige Dokumentation bietet faszinierende Einblicke in das Leben der Menschen im Fernen Osten Russlands. orders to The Foundation for Siberian Cultures
More Books Erich Kasten (ed.) People and the Land: Pathways to Reform in Post-Soviet Siberia 2002, Berlin: Dietrich Reimer Verlag 257 pp., 2 maps, 13,5 x 20,5 cm ISBN 3-496-02743-6 Euro 29 (D) / sFr 49, paperback While much has been written on post-Soviet change in Russian urban centres, we still know very little about how these changes have affected peoples’ lives in rural com- munities. This volume fills this gap with in-depth studies of how people with different cultural backgrounds, often living in extreme natural environments, are coping with dramatic and rapid political and economic transformations. It shows how the fate of postsocialist reforms in the Russian North depends largely on striking the right balance between exploitation of the region’s strategic natural resources and concern for environmental impacts and the survival of local people. Kasten, Erich (ed.) Properties of Culture – Culture as Property: Pathways to Reform in Post-Soviet Siberia 2004, Berlin: Dietrich Reimer Verlag 323 pp., 19 illus., 1 map, 13,5 x 20,5 cm ISBN 3-496-02768-1 Euro 39(D) / sFr 67,50, paperback Indigenous groups are reshaping and claiming possession of symbols. In addition to material objects and practices, knowledge itself is increasingly claimed as the exclu- sive heritage of a specific group, whose members assert privileges on this basis. The commodification of culture as a form of property is a product of complex processes of identity construction. Native groups in the circumpolar North, although sharing similar natural environments, have experienced very different political histories. This book explores the consequences of this variation for the ways in which culture is nowadays celebrated, but also manipulated and reified. Kasten, Erich (ed.) Rebuilding Identities: Pathways to Reform in Post-Soviet Siberia 2005, Berlin: Dietrich Reimer Verlag 280 pp., 25 illus., 6 maps, 13,5 x 20,5 cm ISBN 3-496-02773-8 Euro 39 (D) / sFr 67,50, paperback The dissolution of the Soviet Union has opened up new processes of building and rebuilding collective identities in the Russian North. Contests over identity have become highly politicised and are seen by many inhabitants of Siberia as an instru- ment to secure access to resources and cultural property. The mobilization strat- egies of activists often involve manipulation of the criteria for group membership and switching between criteria, while simultaneously cultivating ‘cross-cutting’ and multiple identities. orders to The Foundation for Siberian Cultures
More Books Erich Kasten (ed.) Schamanen Sibiriens: Magier, Mittler, Heiler 2009, Berlin: Reimer Verlag 255 pp., 346 color photos., 24,5 x 29 cm ISBN: 978-3-496-02812-3 Euro 38, paperback Erich Kasten Kinder malen ihre Welt. Kinderzeichnungen aus Sibirien und von der Nordpazifikküste 1998, Münster: Waxmann Verlag 108 pp., 70 color photos, 21 x 21 cm (deutscher Text / russkii tekst) ISBN 3-89325-695-4 Euro 17,90, paperback Erich Kasten Maskentänze der Kwakiutl: Tradition und Wandel in einem indianischen Dorf 1990, Berlin: Dietrich Reimer Verlag 230 pp., 47 color photos, 22,5 x 21,5 cm ISBN 3-496-00391-X; Euro 29, paperback Erich Kasten Rentierhorn und Erlenholz: Schnitzkunst aus Kamtschatka 2005, Berlin: Zentral- und Landesbibliothek 98 pp., 35 color photos, 14,5 x 21 cm (deutscher Text / russkii tekst) ISBN 3-925516-29-8 Euro 18, paperback Erich Kasten (ed.) Bicultural Education in the North: Ways of Preserving and Enhancing Indigenous Peoples‘ Languages and Traditional Knowledge 1998, Münster: Waxmann Verlag 300 pp., 14,5 x 21 cm ISBN 3-89325-651-2 Euro 25,50, paperback orders to The Foundation for Siberian Cultures
More Books Kasten E. (ed.), Urkachan A.T., Kosygina F.N., Zaochnaia T. (red.) Сохранение и возрождение традиционных обрядовых праздников у береговых коряков (нымыланов) [Preservation and revitalization of traditional ritual feasts of coastal Koryaks (Nymylans)] 2004, Krasnodar: Kamshat 189 pp., 15 x 21 cm, ISBN 5-8440-0028-5 Euro 18, paperback Urkachan A.T. Вэемлэн (Лесная): земля моих предков [Lesnaya the land of my ancestors] 2002, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskii: Kamshat 89 pp., 15 x 21 cm ISBN 5-8440-0044-7 Euro 14, paperback Kasten E. (ed.), Rassokhina G.M. (red.) Дети Севера: Уроки культуры. Культурное наследие Камчатки – будущим поколениям. [Children of the North: Lessons of culture. The cultural heritage for future generations] 2002, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskii: Kamchatskii pech. dvor 167 pp., 14 x 20 cm, ISBN 5-8585-7031-3 Euro 18, paperback Kasten E., Dul’chenko E.V. (red.) Ресурсы традиционного природопользования народов Севера и Дального Востока России [Resources of traditional nature use of the peoples of the North and the Russian Far East] 1996, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskii: Kamshat 156 pp., 15 x 21 cm, ISBN 5-8440-0043-9 Euro 18, paperback Kasten E., Urkachan A.T. (comp.) «Эчган» – Методические рекомендации по планированию работы руководителям кружков декоративно-прикладного искусства и традиционного природопользования. [Methodical recommendations for teaching indigenous themes] Фонд культуры народов Сибири, Фюрстенберг «Корякский центр народного творчества», Палана Эчган № 1: Традиционные знания оленеводов Эчган № 2: Традиционные знания рыболовства нымыланов Эчган № 3: Старинные корякские игры Эчган № 4: Праздники нымыланов Эчган № 5: Праздники оленеводов-коряков electronic edition: http://www.siberian-studies.org/publications/echgan_E.html orders to The Foundation for Siberian Cultures
Kulturstiftung Sibirien The Foundation for Siberian Cultures is dedicated to maintaining cultural diver- sity in Siberia and the Russian Far East. The idea for the Foundation, established in 2010, emerged from many years of research among the peoples of the North and from initiatives focusing on sustaining their cultures. The aims of the Foundation are: Sustaining indigenous languages of the North, along with the traditional knowledge expressed in them; and the preservation and further enhancement of art and craft traditions of Northern indigenous peoples. Learning tools and teaching materials by and for indigenous communities may help to counteract the forces bringing about the loss of cultural diversity and the dissolution of local and ethnic identities. Relevant materials have been and will be produced together with local experts using modern technologies. Exhibitions, cultural exchanges by means of tours of artists and workshops in Germany and Russia serve to enhance mutual understandings of peoples with different cultural backgrounds and encourage valuable and productive dia- logues between them. Recent or current projects are presented on the web: https://dh-north.org/ themenseite/en. Publications by Verlag der Kulturstiftung Sibirien | SEC Publications can be or- dered through info@kulturstiftung-sibirien.de. In addition to these print edi- tions, a digital library on the world wide web provides open access to relevant scholary resources and research materials: https://dh-north.org/digitale-biblio- thek-gesamt/en The Foundation for Siberian Cultures is a nonprofit organization Kulturstiftung Sibirien gGmbH Director: Dr. Erich Kasten Uferweg 4 • D-16798 Fürstenberg/Havel Tel ++49(0)33093-60671 info@kulturstiftung-sibirien.de https://dh-north.org/themen/ kulturstiftung-sibirien/en Amtsgericht Neuruppin HRA 8820 NP Bank account: Mittelbrandenburgische Sparkasse Potsdam BLZ 16050000 - Konto 3753005362 IBAN DE42160500003753005362 - SWIFT WELA DED1PMB Steuernr. 053/125/00444 / Sales tax ID: DE269177098 The Foundation for Siberian Cultures
Verlag der Kulturstiftung Sibirien gemeinnützige GmbH Uferweg 4 • D-16798 Fürstenberg/Havel Tel ++49(0)33093-60671 info@kulturstiftung-sibirien.de https://dh-north.org/themen/ kulturstiftung-sibirien/en
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