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SINCE 1361
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                                                                                                             University of Pavia - Italy     

Universitas Studiorum Since 1361.........................................................................................6                            Medicine & Surgery I Health Professions..................................................................................52
Pavia............................................................................................................................................8    Pharmacy.......................................................................................................................................54
The University at a Glance........................................................................................................10                  Sport Sciences..............................................................................................................................55
An International University.......................................................................................................12                  Joint Master’s Degrees................................................................................................................58
A Research University...............................................................................................................14                Vocational Programs...................................................................................................................59
A Job-Oriented University........................................................................................................18                   PhDs...............................................................................................................................................62
Services & Facilities.................................................................................................................20              Specialisation Schools................................................................................................................64
Accommodation....................................................................................................................... 22               Advanced Courses.......................................................................................................................65
Sport...........................................................................................................................................24    The University of Pavia as seen from the inside.....................................................................66
Social Activities........................................................................................................................ 26
Admission - Bachelor and Master..........................................................................................30
Fees & Funding - Bachelor and Master................................................................................. 32
Course Catalogue.....................................................................................................................36
Preparatory Programs..............................................................................................................38                  Elisa Marini, Alberto Zannetti - International Relations

Bachelors and Masters............................................................................................................42                   Print Design & Graphics
                                                                                                                                                      Alberto Zannetti, Elisa Marini - International Relations
Economics & Management..................................................................................................... 42
                                                                                                                                                      Proof Revision & Editing
Political & Social Sciences.......................................................................................................43                  Elena Fontana, Eleonora Sausa - International Relations

Law..............................................................................................................................................44   Photography
                                                                                                                                                      Images courtesy of University of Pavia’s Flickr official account
Humanities.................................................................................................................................45         Communication & PR
                                                                                                                                                      Simone Ronzio Photography
Communication.........................................................................................................................46              Alberto Zannetti
                                                                                                                                                      University of Pavia Media Archive
Musicology & Cultural Heritage...............................................................................................47
Psychology.................................................................................................................................48         Luigi Ponzio e figlio Snc - Pavia

                                                                                                                                                      © 2021 University of Pavia - International Relations
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         University of Pavia - Italy

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           University of Pavia - Italy

                                           The University of Pavia is one of the world’s
                                           oldest Academic Institutions.
                                           It was founded in 825 as a “School of law,
                                           rhetoric and liberal arts” by King Lothair I,
                                           and in 1361 it was officially established as a
                                           “Universitas Studiorum” by the Holy Roman
                                           Emperor Charles IV.
                                           Thanks to the reforms implemented during
                                           the 18th century by the Empress Maria
                                           Theresa of Austria and her son Joseph II,
                                           the University of Pavia became one of the
                                           foremost in Europe, boasting an impressive
                                           number of famous Alumni, celebrated
                                           Academicians and Nobel Prizes.
                                           Nowadays the University of Pavia is an
                                           Internationalisation-driven University which
                                           participates in agreements with worldwide
                                           esteemed institutions, an advanced
                                           Research University which promotes
                                           innovative interdisciplinary projects, and
                                           a Job-oriented University which creates
                                           powerful networks and strong business
                                           The excellent Student-Faculty ratio
                                           guarantees all students a personalised

                                           learning path and enhances the quality of
                                           teaching and the overall University adventure.
                                           Moreover Pavia, with 70.000 permanent
                                           residents and over 26.000 students, is a
                                           student-sized environment and has been a

                                           City-Campus since its foundation, offering
                                           the unique experience in Italy – and rare in
                                           Europe – of living in one of the 21 University
                                           Residences of the City.

    Since 1361
                                           With a wide variety of both Academic and
                                           social opportunities, Pavia is the ideal place
                                           to choose for studying and living abroad.
8                                                                                                                   9
                                   University of Pavia - Italy

Pavia                                                               Located in Lombardy Region, only 30
                                                                    kilometres south of Milan, the City of Pavia
Discover a lively and safe City                                     offers a lively, genuine, cooperative and
                                                                    safe environment with a high quality of life.
at the heart of Italy’s manufacturing district:                     Pavia is the Capital of the fertile Province
the Capital of the ancient Lombard Kingdom                          of Pavia, which is known for a variety of
                                                                    agricultural products -including wine, rice,
                                                                    cereals and dairy products- and is situated
                                                                    at the heart of Italy’s manufacturing
                                                                    Founded in Roman times, from 568 to 774
                                                                    Pavia became the Capital of the Lombard
                                                                    Kingdom, and its fascination remains intact
                                                                    with the centre’s maze of narrow streets,
                                                                    ancient churches and elegant buildings, all
                                                                    bordered by the Ticino river.
                                                                    The countless events, festivals, exhibitions,
                                                                    concerts, meeting places and sports
                                                                    competitions combine to offer students a
                                                                    unique University experience.
                                                                    In addition to enjoying the advantages and
                                                                    services of nearby Milan, Pavia is close and
                                                                    well connected to the Swiss border and
                                                                    many of the major tourist attractions of
                                                                    Northern Italy: the Ligurian coast, the lakes
                                                                    of Como and Garda, the mountain range of
                                                                    the Alps.

                                                                    Learn more:;
10                                                                                                                                                  11
                                                 University of Pavia - Italy

Academic programs
2 Preparatory courses                                                                         CENSIS - ITALIAN UNIVERSITIES RANKING 2021/22
18 Departments, 13 Areas of study                                                             #3 Best Public University (20.000-40.000 students)
                                                                                              #1 Best Medicine and surgery course
92 Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree programs:                                                   #2 Best Construction engineering-architecture course
    13 English-taught programs                                                                #2 Best Master courses in Economics and Sciences
    4 Bilingual programs (English and Italian)                                                #2 Best Master courses in Humanities and Psychology
    9 Double Degrees
    12 “LM +” programs
2 Joint Master’s Degrees:
    2 English-taught programs
                                                                                              TIMES HIGHER EDUCATION- WORLD UNIVERSITIES RANKING 2022
49 Vocational programs:                                                                       #11 Italy ranking
    4 English-taught programs                                                                 #192 Europe ranking
24 PhDs:                                                                                      351-400 World ranking
    5 English-taught programs
48 Specialisation schools
8 Advanced courses
                                                                                              SHANGHAI RANKING - WORLD UNIVERSITIES RANKING 2021
International networks                                                                        11-19 Italy ranking
500 International partnerships                                                                401-500 World ranking
50 Projects                                                                                   World ranking by subject
900 Exchange scholarships                                                                     76-100 Mathematics
                                                                                              101-150 Civil Engineering
                                                                                              101-150 Medical Technology
Financial support                                                                             101-150 Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences
2.800 University scholarships                                                                 151-200 Physics
                                                                                              201-300 Electrical & Electronic Engineering
                                                                                              201-300 Instruments Science & Technology
People                                                                                        201-300 Biomedical Engineering
26.400 Students, 1.500 International students
900 Professors, researchers, language teachers
900 Administrative staff

Facilities                                                                                    QS - WORLD UNIVERSITIES RANKING 2022
1 Language centre                                                                             301-500 World employability ranking
                                                                                              561-570 World ranking
37 Libraries, 1.250.000 books and journals
                                                                                              World ranking by subject
20 University residences                                                                      150-200 Pharmacy & Pharmacology
1 Sports centre                                                                               150-200 Engineering – Civil and Structural
5 Canteens                                                                                    201-250 Mathematics
                                                                                              201-250 Linguistics
                                                                                              251-300 Medicine
                                                                                              251-300 Biological Sciences

     The University at a glance
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                                                                        University of Pavia - Italy

An International
                                                                                                                           EUROPEAN CAMPUS OF CITY UNIVERSITIES
                                                                                                                           Since 2017 the University of Pavia has been a mem-
                                                                                                                           ber of the Alliance “European Campus of City Uni-

                                                                                                                           versities - EC2U”, that brings together 7 historical
                                                                                                                           and multidisciplinary Universities (Coimbra, Iasi,
                                                                                                                           Jena, Pavia, Poitiers-coordinator, Salamanca, Turku)
                                                                                                                           which share a strong international vocation and at
                                                                                                                           the same time a deep rootedness in the territory, a
                                                                                                                           factor that makes them City-Universities. The asso-
Internationalisation is one of the core concepts     The University of Pavia offers its students a series                  ciated partners include the seven municipalities, as
of the University of Pavia, which during the last    of Exchange programs:                                                 well as other socio-economic players in the area (Te-
few decades has been enhancing its presence in            Erasmus Plus, combining study and trainee-                       chnology centres, Student associations, Chambers
the Worldwide Higher Education arena. The drive           ship in EU and Non-EU countries, and including                   of commerce).
towards internationalisation pervades all aspects         mobility opportunities within the European Al-                   The aim of the Alliance is to create a true Pan-Eu-
of Academic life.                                         liance “European Campus of City Universities                     ropean Campus, building a shared Governance
The University’s international participation is           - EC2U”;                                                         pattern, exponentially increasing Mobility within the
continuously increasing through numerous                  Coimbra group Students Exchange Network,                         7 Academic communities and developing innovati-
Mobility opportunities both for students and              a study period at one of the most ancient Uni-                   ve models in the fields of Education, Research and
teaching staff, a wide range of English-taught            versities in the world;                                          Third mission.
Degree programs, Bilingual Degree programs,               Overseas Exchange Program, a study period                        The actions of the project, such as the establish-
Double Degree programs, Joint Master’s Degrees            at one of the most technologically advanced                      ment of Joint Master’s Degrees and Virtual Insti-
and various Language courses in the Academic              Universities in Non-EU countries, such as Ar-                    tutes, will be developed around the following United
offer, as well as prolific Research collaborations        gentina, Australia, Canada, Japan, Taiwan,                       Nations Sustainable Development Goals:
with foreign Universities and Centres.                    USA;                                                                 Good health and well-being
                                                          Fund for Cooperation & Knowledge, com-                               Quality education
INTERNATIONAL MOBILITY                                    bining study and traineeship in Developing                           Sustainable cities and communities
The University of Pavia was one of the first              Countries;
Institutions in Europe to accept Erasmus students         International Summer and Winter schools                          Learn more:
and has always encouraged the exchange of                 and Erasmus Blended Intensive programs.
students and teaching staff all over the world,      All programs are covered by scholarships for stu-                     CENTRE FOR INTERNATIONAL COOPERA-
counting on a network that now consists of more      dy-abroad experiences.                                                TION AND DEVELOPMENT
than 500 International partnerships and Exchange                                                                           CICOPS was established in 1984 in order to foster
agreements.                                          Learn more:                                   win-win relations between the University of Pavia
The University has established enduring relations                                                                          and Universities in Developing Countries.
with prestigious Universities located in all EU                                                                            The Centre is committed to human and institutional
and many Non-EU countries around the world,                                                                                development in these countries: among other acti-
including: Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada,                                                                           vities, it manages Cooperation projects and Joint
Chile, China, India, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Iceland,                                                                          Research initiatives, offers professional training and
Japan, Jordan, Lebanon, Mexico, Morocco, Nepal,                                                                            collaboration to local Institutions such as Hospitals,
Palestine, Russia, Singapore, Switzerland, Taiwan,                                                                         awards scholarships to researchers and encoura-
Thailand, Tunisia, United Kingdom, USA, Vietnam.                                                                           ges student exchanges.

                                                                                                                           Learn more:
14                                                                                                                15
                       University of Pavia - Italy     

        Research is a primary mission for the Univer-        For the period 2018-2022, the Italian Ministry
        sity of Pavia, which implements and actively         of University and Research has identified 5
        fosters Interdisciplinary research, Collabo-         Departments of the University of Pavia (Biolo-
        rations with prestigious Universities all over       gy, Physics, Mathematics, Molecular medicine
        the world, Knowledge transfer and Industrial         and Humanities) among the “Departments of
        projects with both local and global realities. All   Excellence” at national level, and has awarded
        this makes the University of Pavia one of the        them a 37 million euros funding which will be
        most advanced Universities in Italy for Basic        used to support the recruitment of Teaching
        research, Applied research and Knowledge             and Research staff, the organization of highly
        transfer.                                            qualified teaching activities and the purchase
                                                             of state-of-the-art infrastructure and equip-
        BASIC RESEARCH                                       ment.
        The University of Pavia enjoys International         Based on these remarkable results, in a nor-
        prestige in many Research areas, as demon-           malized ranking based on the number of Rese-
        strated by the numerous awards assigned to           archers per University, the University of Pavia
        Teaching and Research staff, the consistent          ranks 2nd in Lombardy and 8th in Italy.
        competitive funding obtained for leading Re-
        search projects, and the collaborations with         APPLIED RESEARCH AND KNOWLEDGE
        the most qualified Universities and Research         TRANSFER
        Centres around the world.                            The University of Pavia is committed to enhan-
        The University attributes strategic importan-        cing the results obtained by its Researchers,
        ce to the constant improvement of Research           in cooperation with other Research centers or
        facilities and infrastructures, counting on 18       companies, with the aim of creating value and
        Departments, 19 Interdepartmental Research           responding to current International challen-
        centers and many large Infrastructures with          ges - cultural, social, economic and technolo-
        cutting-edge scientific and technological fea-       gical.
        tures.                                               The valorization of Research results and the
        Moreover, the University is aimed at increasing      transfer of Knowledge originated in the Univer-
        its Human capital of excellence, by investing in     sity can take place in different ways, including
        young Researchers and stimulating their skills,      publication in trade journals, presentations at
        creativity and passion for knowledge.                conferences for experts or events for the ge-
        Research is carried out through funding from         neral public, Patenting and creation of Spin
        the University itself, the Lombardy Region, Ita-     Offs.
        lian Ministries, the European Union, local and       The University actively participates in the
        national Foundations, private companies and          most prestigious National and International
        citizens (thanks to the University’s Crowdfun-       Networks established along with other Univer-
        ding platform “Universitiamo”, launched in           sities, Research centers and companies, and
        2014).                                               cultivates its relationship with local authorities
                                                             and associations.

                                                             Learn more:

     A Research University
16                                                                                                                                                                                    17
                                                                  University of Pavia - Italy

In addition the University of Pavia, prima-             Innovation                              PARCO TECNICO SCIENTIFICO
rily with its 5 Medicine Departments, is
consisting of Institutions, Research cen-
                                                        Ecosystem                               Founded in 2007 by the University of Pavia
                                                                                                and other public institutions, Pavia’s Techni-
                                                                                                cal-Scientific Park is a company owned by
                                                                                                                                                 Among the aims of PTS: sustaining the
                                                                                                                                                 growth of new innovative Start Ups and
                                                                                                                                                 Spin Offs, facilitating access to innovations
ters and private companies with which the                                                       the University of Pavia, whose purpose is to     and research for pioneering companies,
University actively collaborates in Resear-                                                     facilitate the interaction between the world     increasing entrepreneurial culture and en-
ch activities. The Ecosystem includes:                                                          of Research and the Market, supporting the       couraging collaboration between University
IRCCS                                                                                           scientific and cultural development of the       and Business.
Pavia’s Hospitals of Excellence (Policlini-                                                     territory. In PTS, companies with a scientific
co San Matteo, Istituto Maugeri, Istituto                                                       and technological vocation find a favourable
Mondino) pursue research purposes in the                                                        environment for carrying out their activities
Biomedical field and in the organization                                                        and for exchanging skills and know-how.
and management of Health services, and
carry out High specialty hospitalization
and treatments and other activities having
characteristics of excellence. The Univer-
sity of Pavia is a partner of these Hospitals
in implementing clinical trials, medical as-
sistance, teaching and research activities,
for the benefit of both patients and study
courses in the Medical-health field.
Pavia’s National Center for Oncological
Hadrotherapy is an innovative and techno-
logically advanced non-profit Foundation,       EUCENTRE
established in 2001 by the Italian Ministry     Established in 2005 by the University of
of Health for the treatment of radio-resi-      Pavia and other public institutions, Pa-
stant and inoperable tumors through the         via’s European Centre for Training and          POLO TECNOLOGICO                                 PARCO CARDANO
use of carbon ions and protons. It is the       Research in Earthquake Engineering is           Pavia’s Technological Hub is a private com-      Following an agreement between the Uni-
only Hadrotherapy centre in Italy and one       a private non-profit Foundation that pur-       pany whose purpose is to create business         versity of Pavia and its public and private
of the six in the world.                        sues the mission of research, training          and work.                                        partners, and thanks to an initial funding of
Besides healing its patients, CNAO is also      and provision of services in the field of       This innovative reality, founded in 2010,        12 million euros from the Lombardy Region,
a Research & Development centre whose           Earthquake engineering and, more ge-            combines the supplying of spaces and te-         Pavia’s Sustainable Innovation Park will be
activities range from radiobiological to        nerally, of Risk engineering. EUCENTRE          chnologies for firms with the chance to bu-      inaugurated by 2023.
translational clinical research, with the       is a reference centre for international         ild up networks, partnerships and Start Ups      The Park will consist of a Research and
aim of proving a continual improvement          institutions - for which it operates in the     to improve economic and entrepreneurial          Training Centre and numerous infrastructu-
in the capacity to cure. The University of      definition of emergency plans, in the ela-      activity.                                        res that will welcome companies that want
Pavia is a scientific partner of CNAO in de-    boration of risk scenarios, in the asses-       In this environment, where skills and know-      to develop innovative projects, in collabora-
aling with cancer therapy research works.       sment of the vulnerability of buildings         ledge are shared, the University of Pavia’s      tion with the University and other Research
                                                and infrastructures - and for companies,        research is considered as the ground to in-      centres equipped with advanced scientific
                                                to which it offers support services for         spire innovative ideas and to foster the de-     instrumentation. It will be an internationally
                                                anti-seismic design in various sectors.         velopment of advanced projects and new           competitive Technological Hub, capable of
                                                Furthermore, along with the University of       businesses, through the engagement of            attracting brains from all over the world and
                                                Pavia and the IUSS, the Center organizes        students, entrepreneurs and investors.           companies with a high innovative content,
                                                training courses for students and profes-                                                        also with a view to introducing students and
                                                sionals in the field of Seismic enginee-                                                         graduates for internships and placement.
                                                ring and Risk management.
18                                                                                                                                                                                19
                                                              University of Pavia - Italy

The University of Pavia ranks above the        “LM +” are special Master’s Degree pro-         PART-TIME COLLABORATIONS                      ENTREPRENEURSHIP
National average in terms of the Employ-       grams, made up of 5 semesters rather            The University of Pavia offers its            The University of Pavia has undertaken
ment Rate of its graduates.                    than 4. In the last 2 semesters students        students the opportunity to apply for a       various initiatives for the spread of the
AlmaLaurea is a National Interuniversity       are offered a training period in a com-         paid part-time collaboration in one of        Culture of Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Consortium which represents 76 Italian         pany, during which expenses are reim-           the University’s offices, in order to help    within the University community.
Universities and about 90% of the overall      bursed (500-800 euros/month).                   improve the University services. The          UNIPV INNOVATION
graduates, and annually carries out sur-       List of LM +                                    required commitment varies from 50 to         UniPV Innovation is a project launched along
veys on the profile and employment sta-        11 Italian-taught                               150 hours per year. The selection is mainly   with the association Pavia Activators, with
tus of graduates.                              Learn more:                     based on the student’s Academic merit         the aim of promoting networking between
According to AlmaLaurea Report 2020,           1 English-taught                                and economic situation.                       innovators and aspiring entrepreneurs.
85,1% of Unipv graduates find work wi-         International business and                      TUTORING                                      This community organizes competitions for
thin 1 year from graduation (compared          entrepreneurship                                The University also offers its students       the selection of business ideas, promotes
to a National average of 81,2%).                                                               the opportunity to carry out paid tutoring    youth entrepreneurial culture initiatives and
In general, Degrees in Engineering, Me-                                                        activities for other students, aimed at       presents successful business experiences.
dicine & Surgery and Pharmacy show                                                             supporting the career path and well-being     UNIVENTURE
a higher post-graduation Employment                                                            of students.                                  UniVenture is a Business Plan Competition
Rate.                                                                                          The activities are mainly divided into 3      organized in partnership with the Municipality
                                                                                               types: informational tutoring, cognitive      of Pavia, aimed at stimulating innovation
CAREER SERVICE                                                                                 tutoring and psychological tutoring.          and entrepreneurship through the encounter
The Career Service of the University of                                                                                                      between the University environment and
Pavia carries out numerous services to                                                                                                       entrepreneurs of the local economy.
facilitate the insertion of its students and                                                                                                 The project is addressed to students with
graduates into the job market.                                                                                                               an entrepreneurial idea and to Start Ups
In addition to offering an updated pla-                                                                                                      and SMEs interested in collaborating with
tform with the best Internship and Job                                                                                                       the University of Pavia, and involves the
offers, both in Italy and abroad, and to                                                                                                     active participation of the Master’s Degree
organizing events with local enterprises                                                                                                     course in “International business and
and multinational companies during whi-                                                                                                      entrepreneurship”, which is in charge of the
ch students can conduct interviews, the                                                                                                      training of aspiring entrepreneurs.
Career Service provides individual and                                                                                                       For the development of the winning business
personalized Job Advice.                                                                                                                     idea, the University provides funding
Furthermore, a section of the Service’s                                                                                                      and concrete support in terms of skills,
website is dedicated to information on                                                                                                       resources and visibility.
initiatives related to job market, calls for
proposals, projects and challenges.

                                                                                            A Job-Oriented
20                                                                                                                                                 21
                                                                University of Pavia - Italy

Services & Facilities
Via the Student portal and the App          The University offers 37 Academic li-
“MyUniPV” students can check their          braries run by different faculties and
                                                                                                             The University’s Museum System offers
account and access the various sec-         departments. All the owned material
                                                                                                             a variety of museums and collections of
tions related to their University career,   is listed in OPAC Electronic Catalogue
                                                                                                             interest to both students and the general
such as registration for exams, study       (Online Public Access Catalogue).
                                                                                                             public. The museums are free for Unipv
plan, self-certifications, fees payment,    There are also 6 Study rooms, located
average grade calculator, campus            both in the Humanities campus and in
                                                                                                             Learn more:
maps and so on.                             the Sciences campus, some of which
Students are given an Institutional         are open also during evenings and
email account where all official com-       weekends.
                                                                                                             The Canteen Service runs 5 canteens close
munications from the University are         Learn more:
                                                                                                             to both the Humanities campus and the Sci-
conveyed, and inside the campuses
                                                                                                             ences campus, some of which are open also
they can access two free WiFi net-          LANGUAGE CENTRE
                                                                                                             during evenings and weekends.
works.                                      The University of Pavia’s Language
                                                                                                             Students can access the canteens at a special
Kiro Blackboard is the E-learning           Centre provides language courses -in-
                                                                                                             price: a complete meal from 4 to 6,50 euros,
platform of the University of Pavia, in     cluding Italian- throughout the whole
                                                                                                             according to the student’s economic situation.
which students can find teaching ma-        Academic year, according to differ-
terials, in-depth exercises, exam tests,    ent options: semester course or one-
                                                                                                             FACILITIES FOR SPECIAL NEED
verification tests and many other ac-       month intensive course.
tivities in support of teaching.            Learn more:
                                                                                                             The University’s Centre for Special Need Stu-
                                                                                                             dents (S.A.I.S.D.) takes care of the facilities
                                                                                                             for students with special needs, coordinating
The Ateneo card is the identification
                                                                                                             and monitoring all the initiatives related to the
card of Unipv students and is issued
                                                                                                             integration of these students in all aspects of
by Banca Popolare di Sondrio, the trea-
                                                                                                             University life.
sury bank of the University. The card
                                                                                                             Learn more:
can be activated -without any costs-                                                                         Ihuiuh
as a prepaid rechargeable credit card
                                                                                                             PSYCHOLOGICAL COUNSELLING
and is used by the University to credit
                                                                                                             The service is free of charge and is offered
any refunds, scholarships and sums
                                                                                                             both in Italian and English. The interviews with
due for student collaborations. It can
                                                                                                             psychologists have a maximum duration of
also be used in stores in contactless
                                                                                                             50 minutes and take place via Zoom video-call
mode and for internet purchases.
The Smart card allows students to
access controlled-entry libraries and
                                                                                                             TRANSPORT DISCOUNT
to use free drinking water dispensers.
                                                                                                             The University of Pavia, in partnership with the
                                                                                                             local bus company, offers all students “Uni-
                                                                                                             Pass”, an Urban bus pass at the special price
                                                                                                             of 20 euros per year. Moreover it offers a 10%
                                                                                                             discount on National and International Flix-
                                                                                                             Bus rides, which is valid once a month.
22                                                                                                                                                                    23
                                          University of Pavia - Italy

Our University Residence System,                                                 Residence              Gender           Remark      EDiSU also manages 1 Residence lo-
                                                                                                                                     cated in Cremona (Collegio Quartier
unique in Italy                                                           Collegio Cairoli              Male     EDiSU, merit
                                                                                                                                     Novo), aimed at students of Musicolo-
                                                                          Collegio Cardano  Mixed  EDiSU                             gy and Cultural Heritage.
                COLLEGI                                                    ces/housing.html
                                                                          Collegio Castiglioni          Female   EDiSU
                Just like Oxford and Cambridge in the UK, Pavia  
                                                                          Collegio del Maino            Mixed    EDiSU
                                                                                                                                     PRIVATE ACCOMMODATION
                has a Collegiate Residence System, unique in Italy,                                                                  If you are unable to find a place in a
                                                                          Collegio Fraccaro             Male     EDiSU
                dating back to the 16th century.                                                                                     Residence or you prefer another solu-
                Each of Pavia’s 21 Residences (“Collegio”), that          Collegio Golgi (1 and 2)      Mixed    EDiSU               tion, you can look for a room privately.
                in total host approximately 2.000 students, has its       Collegio Griziotti            Mixed    EDiSU               From abroad you can search for rental
                own particular history and opportunities to offer,        Collegio Spallanzani          Male     EDiSU
                                                                                                                                     announcements on specific websites
                including the chance to build close relationships                                                                    or Facebook groups, while when you
                                                                          Collegio Valla                Mixed    EDiSU
                and helpful professional networks. In fact, Resi-                                                                    are in Italy you can rely on Notice bo-
                                                                          Collegio Volta                Mixed    EDiSU               ards located inside the University’s
                dence life is not only accommodation and study,
                but also an opportunity to acquire a sense of belon-      Almo Collegio Borromeo        Mixed    Historical, merit   buildings or on Real estate agencies.
                ging to a community where academic achievemen-            Collegio Ghislieri            Mixed    Historical, merit   The costs of a room in a flat can ran-
                ts, traditional events, parties and sporting rivalries                                                               ge from 150 to 350 euros per month,
                                                                          Ca’ della Paglia              Mixed    Merit
                play a key role.                                                                                                     according to the accommodation type
                                                                          Collegio Nuovo                Female   Merit               (single or double room) and the City’s
                Pavia provides 11 Public Residences managed by
                EDiSU (Agency for the Right to Study), with accep-        Collegio Santa Caterina       Female   Merit               area.
                tance based on merit and income requirements;             Camplus                       Mixed    Privately managed
                5 Merit-based Residences, with acceptance based           Campus Residence              Mixed    Privately managed
                on a competition; 5 Private Residences.
                                                                          Collegio Maria Ausiliatrice   Female   Privately managed
                The accommodation costs range from 0 to 350 eu-                                                                      Learn more:
                ros, according to the student’s economic situation,       Collegio Senatore             Female   Privately managed
                the accommodation type (single or double room)            Pensionato Domus Pacis        Female   Privately managed   dation
                and the Residence itself.
                The calls for application are generally published
                around July.

Accommodat ion
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        University of Pavia - Italy

                                       C.U.S.                                                  PAVIA
                                       The University of Pavia’s Sports Center (“Centro        Pavia has a lot to offer in terms of sports activities
                                       Universitario Sportivo - C.U.S.”) was founded in        and facilities, and in 2014 it was internationally
                                       1946, and currently has over 2.800 members.             recognized as “European City of Sport” thanks to
                                       It carries out sports activities on non-                its enduring excellence in this field.
                                       competitive and competitive levels, both in the         For walkers and runners there are beautiful trails
                                       University circuit (for instance, participation in      in Ticino Park and Vernavola Park, for cyclists safe
                                       the University National Championships and in            paths throughout the whole City, whilst our Sports
                                       the World University Games) and in the circuit of       Center offers courses and organizes University
                                       the National Sports Federations.                        championships and Intercollegiate tournaments
                                       Courses available include: climbing, athletics,         in numerous disciplines.
                                       canoeing, rowing, volleyball, rugby, fencing,
                                       archery, fitness and sports activities specifically
                                       designed for students with disabilities.
                                       In particular the University of Pavia is famous
                                       for its participation in the “Pavia-Oxford-
                                       Cambridge-Pisa rowing race” and, in general,
                                       for this discipline at Olympic and World
                                       Facilities consist of three multi-purpose gyms,
                                       a weight room, a fitness area, an exercise trail
                                       with gymnastic equipment, outside and inside
                                       swimming pools, a spa, a fencing room, a rugby
                                       field, a football/archery field, a field for 5-man
                                       football, two beach volley courts and canoeing-
                                       rowing facilities on the left bank of the Ticino

                                       Learn more:

                                      Monica Boggioni is a World Series Paralympic Champion (Tokyo 2020) in the 50m and 100m Free-
                                      style and in the 150m Individual Medley. She’s attending the MSc in Biotechnology at the University
                                      of Pavia.
                                      How can you reconcile professional sports activity with studying?
                                      It is not easy, but I am driven by the passion for both. Sport is my life, even though I also want to specia-
                                      lize in Genetics. Therefore it does not matter how hard it is, but how much you strive to do it.
                                      How did your passion for swimming originate?
                                      Actually, I was forced to undertake this sport! I started swimming when I was a two-year-old child as a
                                      form of therapy, since I suffer from spastic diplegia affecting my legs. Afterwards it turned into a pas-
                                      sion. Then in 2013 Davide Bellingeri launched the project “Nuota con noi” (Swim with us) whose aim was
                                      to create a Para swimming professional team in Pavia.
                                      Apart from athletics, what do you expect in your future life?
                                      I want to carry out research in Biotechnology in order to find treatments for undiagnosed diseases.
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                                                           University of Pavia - Italy

Join the International Students Welcome         Meet new friends during classes and share
Week, an event to welcome and inform Inter-     with them meals, study time, sport activi-
national students, organised in September       ties and cultural events at the University’s
by the International Relations Office.          facilities, located both in the City Center
Furthermore, if you are interested in going     and in the western part of the Town. Take
abroad for an Exchange/Traineeship expe-        part in competitions, social meetings and
rience, get ready for the Study Abroad Info-    parties organized both by the Residences
day in late November.                           and by each Degree course.

BUDDIES                                         CITY OF PAVIA
Match with a Buddy! Unipv offers Interna-       Experience our historic City Centre and its
tional students the opportunity to be ma-       heritage sites, cycle along Pavia’s boule-
tched with Buddies, who are local studen-       vards and enjoy the natural landscape by
ts who will support you before your arrival     going for a walk or run in the Ticino park.
and during your first period in Pavia. They     Taste homemade food at our traditional
will answer your questions and doubts, will     taverns and plan short trips to discover
help you to get settled in and will give you    the hills of the Province of Pavia and the
valuable opportunities to meet fellow stu-      major tourist attractions in the surroundin-
dents.                                          gs.
Learn more:

Stay updated on the schedule of our Asso-
ciations and get involved in their programs!
The University of Pavia has a long-standing
tradition of Student Associations, which
organise every week a number of cultural,
sports and social activities open to all stu-
dents. In particular, STEP ESN Pavia is a
volunteering Association supporting Inter-
national students arriving in Pavia, and also
promoting various events, such as dinners,
parties, Quiz & Karaoke nights, City tours
and trips.
Learn more:

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         University of Pavia - Italy   GRADUATION DAY
                                                      The Graduation Day is the largest event, ta-
                                                      king up the tradition of English and American
                                                      colleges, in which the University of Pavia ce-
                                                      lebrates its graduates. The ceremony, laun-
                                                      ched in 1991, is traditionally held on the first
                                                      Saturday of July and opens with the entran-
                                                      ce of the Academic parade in the Theresian
                                                      Courtyard, followed by the welcome address
                                                      of the Rector.
                                                      The main speech is given by successful Uni-
                                                      pv Alumni who have reached high professio-
                                                      nal achievements during their career.
                                                      First-class honors graduates then receive
                                                      the parchment directly from Faculty Presi-
                                                      dents and Department Directors, and Degree
                                                      Prizes are awarded. At the end of the Cere-
                                                      mony, refreshments are held in the historic
                                                      courtyards of the University.

                                                      ALUMNI ASSOCIATION
                                                      The Alumni Association of the University of
                                                      Pavia was established in 2004, with the latin
                                                      motto “Meminisse Iuvabit” (meaning “One
                                                      day it will be pleasant to remember the cur-
                                                      rent events”). The purpose was to engage in
                                                      the same mission of already active Unipv As-

                                                      sociations, such as A.L.E.P. (Economics Gra-
                                                      duates Association) and especially A.L.A.T.
                                                      (Graduates Association), which for decades
                                                      had animated the cultural and goliardic life
                                                      of the University.
                                                      Today the Alumni Association is aimed at
                                                      pursuing the following goals:
                                                          Encouraging the entry of young gra-
                                                          duates into the world of work, through
                                                          networking and the exchange of expe-
                                                          riences among members;
                                                          Providing exclusive services to its mem-
                                                          Contributing to the prestige of the Univer-
                                                          sity and its graduates, also through the
                                                          assignment of prizes and awards;
                                                          Collecting resources to support the
                                                          University’s research and development
                                                          Enhancing the historical, cultural and
                                                          scientific heritage of the University;
                                                          Promoting a sense of belonging within
                                                          the Academic community and spreading
                                                          the values that
                                                                      ​​   inspire the University.
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                                                                    University of Pavia - Italy

Admission                                                                                                  NON-EU APPLICANTS HOLDING
                                                                                                         FOREIGN ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS
                                                                                                                                                                                       NON-EU APPLICANTS HOLDING
                                                                                                                                                                                     FOREIGN ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS
Bachelor and Master                                                                                       AND APPLYING FOR A STUDY VISA
                                                                                                         BACHELORS and SINGLE-CYCLE MASTERS
                                                                                                                                                                                      AND APPLYING FOR A STUDY VISA

                                                                                                        1. Before application: get your documents                                    1. Before application: get your documents
REQUIREMENTS                                     ADMISSION PROCESS                                      issued in English by your Home University, or                                issued in English by your Home University, or
                                                                                                        translated into Italian by a translator                                      translated into Italian by a translator
BACHELOR’S DEGREE                                A selective/non-selective local Entry Test
                                                                                                        2. November 2021-May 2022 for the majority                                   2. November 2021-May 2022 for the majority
  High School Diploma at least after 12          or a selective Interview is required by the            of courses: submit your Application on apply.                                of courses: submit your Application on apply.
  years of schooling;                            majority of courses.                                                                                    
                                                                                                        3. After having received an unconditional/                                   3. After application: sit the selective Interview
  At least 17 years old;                         A selective national Entry Test (in early              conditional letter: do the Pre-enrollment and                                (only when required)
  Any specific National Exam of your             September) is required to be admitted to               Visa application on                                          4. After having received an unconditional/
  home country that is required to ac-           the following degrees: Medicine and sur-               4. After Pre-enrollment and Visa application:                                conditional letter: do the Pre-enrollment and
                                                                                                        sit the selective Entry Test (only when requi-                               Visa application on
  cess higher education (e.g. Chinese            gery, Medicina e chirurgia, Odontoiatria,              red)                                                                         5. Only for Italian-taught degrees
  Gaokao, Brazilian Vestibular);                 Professioni sanitarie, Ingegneria edile-ar-            5. Only for Italian-taught degrees                                           After Pre-enrollment and Visa application:
  Declaration of Value (DOV) issued by           chitettura .                                           After Pre-enrollment and Visa application:                                   sit the Italian Language Test (Exemptions: stu-
                                                                                                        sit the Italian Language Test (Exemptions: stu-                    
  the Italian Embassy/Consulate in the                                                                                                                  IF ADMITTED
  country where the qualification was                                                                   IF ADMITTED                                                                  6. After approval by the University: comple-
                                                                                                        6. After approval by the University: comple-                                 te the Pre-enrollment for Visa application -->
  awarded, OR the Statement of Compa-                                                                   te the Pre-enrollment for Visa application -->                               Italian Embassy/Consulate in the country of
  rability issued by CIMEA, stating that                                                                Italian Embassy/Consulate in the country of                                  residence
  you are eligible to enroll in a Bachelor’s                                                            residence                                                                    7. Within June 2023 request and submit:

  Degree program in Italy.                           ACADEMIC YEAR SCHEDULE                             7. Within June 2023 request and submit:                                      Declaration of Value --> Italian Embassy/Con-
                                                                                                        Declaration of Value --> Italian Embassy/Con-                                sulate in the country where the qualification
MASTER’S DEGREE                                                                                         sulate in the country where the qualification                                was awarded; or Statement of Comparability
  Bachelor Diploma (in subjects related                                                                 was awarded; or Statement of Comparability                                   -->; or Diploma Supplement --> Home
                                                     End of September/Beginning of October              -->                                                                 University.
  to the Master of interest) with tran-              START OF CLASSES                                   8. Within June 2023: request and submit the                                  8. Within June 2023: request and submit the
  script of records;                                                                                    official translation of your documents into                                  official translation of your documents into
  Declaration of Value (DOV) issued by               October-December                                   Italian (unless they are issued in English by                                Italian (unless they are issued in English by
                                                                                                        your Home University) and their legalization/                                your Home University) and their legalization/
  the Italian Embassy/Consulate in the               FIRST TERM               Winter Break (15 days)
                                                                                                        apostille --> Competent Authority                                            apostille --> Competent Authority
  country where the qualification was                January-February
  awarded, OR the Statement of Compa-                EXAMS
  rability issued by CIMEA, stating that
  you are eligible to enroll in a Bachelor’s         March-June
                                                     SECOND TERM
  Degree program in Italy. Alternatively,
                                                                                                                              EU APPLICANTS HOLDING FOREIGN ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS
  the Diploma Supplement issued by                   June-July                                                                     (Including: Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland citizens;
  your home University.                              EXAMS                  Summer Break (30 days)                   Applicants with dual citizenship, one being European; Non-EU citizens regularly residing in Italy)

                                                     September                                          1. Before application: get your documents issued in English by your Home University, or translated into Italian by a tran-
The documentation must be translated                 EXAMS                                              slator
into Italian and legalized/apostilled by                                                                2. November 2021-May 2022 for the majority of courses: submit your Application on
the competent Authority. In case the do-                                                                3. After application: sit the selective/non-selective Entry Test or the selective Interview (only when required)
                                                                                                        IF ADMITTED
cument is issued in English by the Home                                                                 4. Within June 2023 request and submit: Declaration of Value --> Italian Embassy/Consulate in the country where the
University, the Italian translation is not re-                                                          qualification was awarded; or Statement of Comparability -->; or Diploma Supplement (only for Masters) --> Home
quired.                                                                                                 University
                                                                                                        5. Within June 2023: request and submit the official translation of your documents into Italian (unless they are issued in
                                                                                                        English by your Home University) and their legalization/apostille --> Competent Authority
Learn more:
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                                                              University of Pavia - Italy

 Fees & Funding
 Bachelor and Master                                                                         Flat Rate bracket 1
                                                                                               Afghanistan           Chad               Guinea-Bissau          Malawi                  Philippines             Timor-Leste
TUITION FEE                                                                                    Algeria               Comoros            Haiti                  Mali                    Rwanda
                                                                                               Angola                Congo, Dem. Rep    Honduras               Mauritania              Samoa
The tuition fee is divided into 4 installments: Enrolment,                                     Bangladesh            Congo, Rep.        India                  Micronesia, Fed. Sts.   São Tomé and Principe   Uganda
December, February, April.                                                                     Belize
                                                                                                                     Côte d’Ivoire
                                                                                                                                        Iran, Islamic Rep
                                                                                                                                                                                       Sierra Leone            Uzbekistan
                                                                                               Bhutan                Egypt, Arab Rep.   Kenya                  Mozambique              Solomon Islands         Vanuatu
                                                                                               Bolivia               El Salvador        Kiribati               Myanmar                 Somalia                 Vietnam
EU APPLICANTS                                                                                  Burkina Faso          Eritrea            Korea, Dem. People’s   Nepal                   South Sudan             West Bank and Gaza
(Including: Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzer-                                        Burundi               Eswatini           Rep                    Nicaragua               Sri Lanka               Yemen, Rep.
                                                                                               Cabo Verde            Ethiopia           Kyrgyz Republic        Niger                   Sudan                   Zambia
land citizens; Applicants with dual citizenship, one being                                     Cambodia              Gambia, The        Lao PDR                Nigeria                 Syrian Arab Republic    Zimbabwe
European; Non-EU citizens regularly residing in Italy)                                         Cameroon              Ghana              Lesotho                Pakistan                Tajikistan
                                                                                               Central African       Guinea             Liberia                Papua New Guinea        Tanzania
The tuition fee is adjusted to the student’s economic si-                                      Republic                                 Madagascar
tuation and is composed of two parts (per year):
1.Fixed Fee: 156 euros (Regional Tax);                                                         Humanities: 400 euros/year                    Sciences: 400 euros/year
2.Variable Fee: calculated on the basis of the student’s
Area of Study and I.S.E.E. (Equivalent Economic Situation
Indicator). It ranges from 0 to 4.463 euros. For students                                    Flat Rate bracket 2
whose I.S.E.E. is ≤ 23.000 euros the variable fee is 0.
                                                                                              Albania                 China             Gabon                  Kosovo                  Montenegro              St. Lucia
The submission of financial documents (translated into                                        American Samoa          Colombia          Georgia                Lebanon                 Namibia                 St. Vincent and the
Italian and legalized/apostilled) is mandatory.                                               Argentina               Costa Rica        Grenada                Libya                   North Macedonia         Grenadines
                                                                                              Armenia                 Cuba              Guatemala              Malaysia                Panama                  Suriname
                                                                                              Azerbaijan              Dominica          Guyana                 Maldives                Paraguay                Thailand
NON-EU APPLICANTS HOLDING A VISA/RESIDENCE                                                    Belarus
                                                                                              Bosnia and
                                                                                                                                                               Marshall Islands
                                                                                                                                                                                       Russian Federation
PERMIT FOR STUDY                                                                              Herzegovina             Ecuador           Jordan                 Mexico                  Serbia                  Turkmenistan
                                                                                              Botswana                Equatorial        Kazakhstan             Moldova                 South Africa            Tuvalu
Applicants can choose to pay the tuition fee according to                                     Brazil                  Guinea                                                                                   Venezuela, RB
one of the following options.                                                                                         Fiji
The tuition fee is adjusted to the student’s economic si-                                      Humanities: 1000 euros/year                     Sciences: 1500 euros/year
tuation and is composed of two parts (per year):
1.Fixed Fee: 156 euros (Regional Tax);
2.Variable Fee: calculated on the basis of the student’s                                     Flat Rate bracket 3
Area of Study and I.S.E.E. (Equivalent Economic Situation                                     Andorra                Brunei             Greenland          Monaco                      Saudi Arabia            United Arab Emirates
                                                                                                                                                                                                               United Kingdom
Indicator). It ranges from 0 to 4.463 euros. For students                                     Antigua and            Darussalam         Guam               Nauru                       Seychelles
                                                                                                                                                                                                               United States
                                                                                              Barbuda                Canada             Hong Kong SAR,     New Caledonia               Singapore
whose I.S.E.E. is ≤ 23.000 euros the variable fee is 0.                                       Aruba                  Cayman Islands     China              New Zealand                 Sint Maarten (Dutch     Uruguay
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Virgin Islands (U.S.)
The submission of financial documents (translated into                                        Australia
                                                                                              Bahamas, The
                                                                                                                     Channel Islands
                                                                                                                 400 euros/year
                                                                                                                                        Isle of Man
                                                                                                                                        Israel       400
                                                                                                                                                           Northern Mariana
                                                                                                                                                                                       St. Kitts and Nevis
Italian and legalized/apostilled) is mandatory.                                               Bahrain                Curaçao            Japan              Oman                        St. Martin (French
                                                                                              Barbados               Faroe Islands      Korea, Rep.        Palau                       part)
OPTION 2                                                                                      Bermuda                French             Kuwait             Puerto Rico                 Taiwan, China
The tuition fee consists in a Flat Rate set on the basis of                                   British                Polynesia          Macao SAR, China   Qatar                       Trinidad and Tobago
                                                                                              Virgin Islands         Gibraltar                                                         Turks and Caicos
the student’s Area of Study and Citizenship, according to                                                                                                                              Islands
three brackets. It ranges from 400 to 4.500 euros per year.
No financial documents are required.                                                           Humanities: 3500 euros/year                     Sciences: 4500 euros/year
34                                                                                                        35
                                                                 University of Pavia - Italy

FEE WAIVER                                    “INVEST YOUR TALENT IN ITALY”
The University of Pavia every year            The Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
awards International students 100 Tu-         offers scholarships to applicants from
ition Fee Waivers providing exemption         specific countries, fulfilling some me-
from the payment of the University tui-       rit requirements and enrolling in 3 Ma-
tion fee (only the payment of the Regio-      ster’s Degree courses (Electronic en-
nal Tax is required). Applicants must         gineering; International business and
enroll in one of the eligible courses and     entrepreneurship; Economics, finance
fulfill another minimum requirement           and international integration) and 1
from 3 options.                               Vocational program (Cooperation and
EDiSU PAVIA SCHOLARSHIP                       The scholarship provides a Tuition Fee
EDiSU (Ente per il Diritto allo Studio Uni-   exemption (Regional Tax excluded) and
versitario) is the Agency for the Right to    a monthly grant, and also includes an
Study established by the University of        internship in an Italian company.
Pavia. Edisu scholarship benefits for all
level applicants include:                     “STUDY IN ITALY”
    Accommodation in a Residence;             The Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
    One meal per day at the canteens;         also assigns scholarships to applicants
    A sum of money, according to the          from specific countries, fulfilling some
    student’s economic situation.             merit requirements and enrolling in Ma-
The assignment of the scholarship is          ster’s Degree and PhD programs.
subject to the fulfillment of merit and       The scholarship provides a Tuition Fee
income requirements.                          exemption (Regional Tax excluded) and
                                              a monthly grant.
Two Master’s Degree programs (Civil           “STUDY A MASTER’S IN EUROPE”
engineering for mitigation of risk from offers funds to help
natural hazards and Molecular biolo-          cover the whole Tuition Fee to appli-
gy and genetics) award scholarships           cants from any countries who want to
to the most deserving International           study a Master’s Degree within Europe.
applicants, according to a merit-based        The selection process is based on me-
evaluation. The scholarship provides a        rit requirements.
monthly grant.

Learn more:
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     University of Pavia - Italy

38                                                                                                                        39
                       University of Pavia - Italy

          Marco Polo-Turandot is a Preparatory pro-
          gram of Italian language and culture, ad-
          dressed to Chinese applicants.
                                                                          FOUNDATION YEAR
                                                                          Foundation Year is a 9-months Preparatory
                                                                          program tailored to:
                                                                              All nationalities students who do not
          The program was launched in Italy in 2006,                          meet the minimum 12 years of schoo-
          in order to increase the number of Chine-                           ling required for enrollment in a Bachelor
          se students enrolled in Italian Universities,                       course at an Italian University;
          Academies and Conservatories.                                       Students interested in learning or im-
          The University of Pavia started its own                             proving Italian.
          Program in 2007, the very first year of the                     The program includes both Italian language
          project, offering a top-level, 10-months full                   classes and preparatory courses from one
          immersion teaching program with classes                         of the following study areas:
          taught entirely in Italian by highly qualified                      Humanities
          personnel. The program, which has been                              Italian literature
          tested through the years, includes Italian                          Ancient and medieval history
          language classes, a course on Italian cul-                          History of art and archaeology
          ture, as well as specific curricular conten-                        Philosophy
          ts and a test-training course designed to                           Science and medicine
          help students prepare for the final exams.                          Biology
          At the end of the program the students are                          Chemistry
          expected to take at least one of two final                          Physics
          exams:                                                              Mathematics
              Marco Polo official exam, level B1,                             Economics, law and politics
              which is mandatory for those students                           Economics
              who wish to enroll in a Bachelor/Master                         Law
              at the University of Pavia, and exempt                          Contemporary History
              from the Italian proficiency University                         Political science
              admission test;                                             Students who pass the Foundation Year fi-
              CILS Certificate, level B1 (issued by the                   nal exam will meet the minimum entry requi-
              Foreigners University of Siena), which                      rements for undergraduate study at the Uni-
              is mandatory for those students who                         versity of Pavia, and will be exempted from
              wish to leave Pavia to get their Bache-                     the Italian Proficiency University admission
              lor/Master.                                                 test.
                                                                                                                      RSITY OF
                                                                                                                   IVE         PA
                                                                                                                 UN              VI


                                                                                                                 DA                   O
                                                                                                                   TIO            R
          Tuition fees: 5.000 euros                                       Tuition fees: 5.000 euros
                                                                                                                         N YEAR P

          Learn more:                                  Learn more:
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     University of Pavia - Italy
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                                                             University of Pavia - Italy

 Bachelors and                                                                                              Political & Social Sciences

 Masters                                                                                                              Established over eighty years ago, Pavia’s Department
                                                                                                                      of Political and social sciences is the second oldest in
                                                                                                                      Italy and one of the best known. Its teaching mission is
 Economics & Management                                                                                               to provide rigorous training in the disciplines traditionally
                                                                                                                      associated with the “political sciences”, including political
                                                                                                                      science in the strict sense, sociology, history, law and
The functioning of the economic system, macro and                                                                     economics. The Department boasts special expertise in
microeconomic phenomena, and close attention to                                                                       International studies and in African and Asian studies.
company administration and organisation are at the                                                                    The multidisciplinary approach equips students with the
base of these courses. Students also take an in-depth                                                                 conceptual tools, the know-how and the flexibility needed
look at finance and international economics, integrated                                                               to succeed in today’s workplace, whether in National
with political economy, econometrics and company                                                                      or International public services, in Non-Governmental
law.                                                                                                                  Organizations or in the private sector.

Bachelor’s Degrees                                                                                                    Bachelor’s Degree
Economia                                                                                                              Scienze politiche e delle relazioni internazionali
Management                                                                                                            Master’s Degrees
Amministrazione, controllo e finanza                                                                                  Governo e politiche pubbliche
Master’s Degrees                                                                                                      Studi dell’Africa e dell’Asia
Economia e gestione delle imprese                                                                                     Sviluppo economico e relazioni internazionali
(Double Degree - France, Germany)                                                                                     Storia globale delle civiltà e dei territori
Economia e legislazione d’impresa
(Double Degree - Germany)                                                                                             Master’s Degree taught in English
                                                                                                                      World politics and international relations
Master’s Degrees taught in English                                                                                    (Double Degree - Argentina)
Economics, finance and international integration
(Double Degree - 9 Countries)
International business and entrepreneurship
(Double Degree - 8 Countries; LM +)

Department of Economics and management                                                                                Department of Political and social sciences                                                                                        

  Entry Requirements                                                                                        Entry Requirements
  Check the general requirements in the Admission section.                                                  Check the general requirements in the Admission section.
  BA: Local entry test                                                                                      BA: Selective/Non-selective test
  MA: BA in Economics and management is preferable                                                          MA: BA in Political and social sciences is preferable
      CV evaluation/Interview                                                                                   CV evaluation/Interview
      English B2 level for MAs taught in English                                                                English B2 level for MA taught in English
44                                                                                                                                                                                 45
                                                            University of Pavia - Italy

  Law                                                                                                                                                      Humanities
Law has been taught at Pavia for more than a thousand                                                                          The programs in literature, philosophy, history and modern
year, ever since King Lotharius established a school for                                                                       languages embrace the humanistic tradition of the University
training judges and notaries in 825 A.D.                                                                                       of Pavia, while remaining open to the broad and refined needs
Today, students cover the fundamentals of modern legal                                             Department of Excellence    of modern culture.
studies, paying particular attention to emerging sectors                                           2018 - 2022
                                                                                                                               The Department is characterized by the presence of prestigious
                                                                                                   Awarded by
and to comparisons with other legal systems.                                                       Ministry of University      professors, admirable study and work spaces, highly specialized
                                                                                                                               library resources, continuously evolving research and teaching
Bachelor’s Degrees                                                                                                             methods, and an innovative academic offer.
Scienze dei servizi giuridici
Scienze giuridiche della prevenzione e della sicurezza                                                                         Bachelor’s Degrees
Single-cycle Master’s Degree (5 years)                                                                                         Filosofia
Giurisprudenza                                                                                                                 Lettere
(Double Degree - Argentina)                                                                                                    Lingue e culture moderne
                                                                                                                               Master’s Degrees
                                                                                                                               Filosofia (LM +)
                                                                                                                               Antichità classiche e orientali
                                                                                                                               Filologia moderna
                                                                                                                               Scrittura e progetti per le arti visive e performative
                                                                                                                               Linguistica teorica, applicata e delle lingue moderne
                                                                                                                               Letterature europee e americane (Double Degree - France)
                                                                                                                               Storia e valorizzazione dei beni culturali
                                                                                                                               Storia globale delle civiltà e dei territori

                                                                                                                               Master’s Degree taught in English
                                                                                                                               The ancient Mediterranean world: history, archaeology and art

                                                                                                                               Department of Humanities

Department of Law
                                                                                                                        Entry Requirements
                                                                                                                        Check the general requirements in the Admission section.
                                                                                                                        BA: Selective/Non-selective test
 Entry Requirements                                                                                                     MA: BA in Humanities, Literature, Philosophy, Languages is
 Check the general requirements in the Admission section.                                                                   preferable
 BA, Single-cycle MA: Selective/Non-selective test                                                                          CV evaluation/Interview
                                                                                                                            English B2 level for MA taught in English
You can also read