Keysight 4-Port N5224/5/7B and N5244/5/7B Models PNA Direct Digital Synthesizer (DDS) For Version 7 Dual-Source Synthesizer Upgrade Kit

Page created by Anthony Gray
Keysight 4-Port N5224/5/7B and N5244/5/7B Models PNA Direct Digital Synthesizer (DDS) For Version 7 Dual-Source Synthesizer Upgrade Kit
Keysight 4-Port
N5224/5/7B and N5244/5/7B Models
PNA Direct Digital Synthesizer (DDS)
For Version 7 Dual-Source Synthesizer
Upgrade Kit
This manual provides documentation for the following models:

            To Upgrade 4-Port B models to 4-Port B models with DDS

            N5224BU-4S7 (for N5224B), N5225BU-4S7 (for N5225B), N5227BU-4S7

            (for N5227B), N5244BU-4S7 (For N5244B), N5245BU-4S7 (For N5245B),

            and N5247BU-4S7 (For N5247B)

            Upgrade Kit Number: N5225-60143

                                                             Installation Note
Keysight 4-Port N5224/5/7B and N5244/5/7B Models PNA Direct Digital Synthesizer (DDS) For Version 7 Dual-Source Synthesizer Upgrade Kit
Notices                               WITH WARRANTY TERMS
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Keysight 4-Port N5224/5/7B and N5244/5/7B Models PNA Direct Digital Synthesizer (DDS) For Version 7 Dual-Source Synthesizer Upgrade Kit
Keysight Add Direct Digital Synthesizer (DDS) 4-Port Upgrade Kit
             Upgrade Kit Numbers: N5225-60143
             Installation Note

Description of this Upgrade
             This upgrade adds direct digital synthesis capability to your microwave
             network analyzer. This is done by removing the existing frequency reference,
             13.5 GHz synthesizer boards (x3), and installing a new direct digital synthesizer
             Refer to “Overview of the Installation Procedure” on page 10.
             This upgrade adds the following items to your N5224/5/7B or N5244/5/7B
             network analyzer:
             — direct digital synthesizer (DDS) assembly
             — new left outer and inner panels
             — new cables

              This repair must be done at a service center or a self-maintainer service
              center! Refer to “Getting Assistance from Keysight” on page 4.

Keysight 4-Port N5224/5/7B and N5244/5/7B Models PNA Direct Digital Synthesizer (DDS) For Version 7 Dual-Source Synthesizer Upgrade Kit
-                Description of this Upgrade
                 Getting Assistance from Keysight

    Getting Assistance from Keysight
                 By internet or phone, get assistance with all your test and measurement needs.
                 Installing this upgrade kit requires special skills and experience. If you think
                 you may not be qualified to do the work, or need advice, contact Keysight.

          Contacting Keysight
                 Assistance with test and measurements needs and information on finding a
                 local Keysight office are available on the Web at:
                 If you do not have access to the Internet, please contact your Keysight field

                  In any correspondence or telephone conversation, refer to the Keysight
                  product by its model number and full serial number. With this information,
                  the Keysight representative can determine whether your product is still
                  within its warranty period.

                 If You Have Problems With the Upgrade Kit Contents
                 Keysight stands behind the quality of the upgrade kit contents. If you have
                 problems with any item in the kit, refer to and the Contact

                 Keysight (              ) link.

    4                                                                 Installation Note N5225-90143
Keysight 4-Port N5224/5/7B and N5244/5/7B Models PNA Direct Digital Synthesizer (DDS) For Version 7 Dual-Source Synthesizer Upgrade Kit
Description of this Upgrade
                    Getting Prepared

Getting Prepared
                      The PNA contains extremely sensitive components that can be ruined if
                      mishandled. Follow instructions carefully when making cable connections,
                      especially wire harness connections.
                      The person performing the work accepts responsibility for the full cost of
                      the repair or replacement of damaged components.

                    To successfully install this upgrade kit, you will need the following:
                    — A PDF copy or a paper copy of the PNA Service Guide - refer to
                      “Downloading the Online PNA Service Guide” on page 5 below.
                    — An ESD-safe work area - refer to “Protecting Your Workspace from
                      Electrostatic Discharge” below.
                    — Correct tools - refer to “Tools Required for the Installation” on page 7.
                    — Enough time - refer to “About Installing the Upgrade” on page 7.
                    — Test equipment for the post-upgrade adjustments and full instrument
                      calibration. To view the equipment list, click the Chapter 3 bookmark “Tests
                      and Adjustments” in the PDF Service Guide1.

          Downloading the Online PNA Service Guide
                    To view the Service Guide for your PNA model number, use the following steps:
                    1. Go to
                    2. In the Search box, enter the model number of the analyzer (Ex: N5247B)
                       and click Search.
                    3. Click Services & Support > Document Library > Manuals or under Refine
                       Your Results:
                    4. Click Manuals > Service Manual.
                    5. Click the service guide title to download the PDF file.
                    6. When the PDF of the Service Guide is displayed, scroll through the
                       Contents section bookmarks to locate the information needed.

                        1. See “Downloading the Online PNA Service Guide” on page 5.

Installation Note N5225-90143                                                                      5
Keysight 4-Port N5224/5/7B and N5244/5/7B Models PNA Direct Digital Synthesizer (DDS) For Version 7 Dual-Source Synthesizer Upgrade Kit
-              Description of this Upgrade
               Getting Prepared

        Protecting Your Workspace from Electrostatic Discharge
               For information, click on the Chapter 1 bookmark, "Electrostatic Discharge
               Protection" in the PDF of your instrument’s Service Guide on

               ESD Equipment Required for the Installation

                Description                                                 Keysight Part Number

                ESD grounding wrist strap                                   9300-1367

                5-ft grounding cord for wrist strap                         9300-0980

                2 x 4 ft conductive table mat and 15-ft grounding wire      9300-0797

                ESD heel strap (for use with conductive floors)             9300-1308

                   1. See “Downloading the Online PNA Service Guide” on page 5.

    6                                                                    Installation Note N5225-90143
Keysight 4-Port N5224/5/7B and N5244/5/7B Models PNA Direct Digital Synthesizer (DDS) For Version 7 Dual-Source Synthesizer Upgrade Kit
Description of this Upgrade
                       Tools Required for the Installation

Tools Required for the Installation
             Description                                                                                                   Qty

             T-10 TORX driver - set to 9 in-lbs (1.02 N.m)                                                                 1

             T-20 TORX driver - set to 21 in-lbs (2.38 N.m)                                                                1

             5/16-in (8 mm) nutsetter or open end torque wrench - set to 10 in-lbs (1.13 N.m)                              1

             5/16-in (8 mm) nutsetter or open end torque wrench - set to 21 in-lbs (2.38 N.m)                              1

             T-6 TORX driver - set to 6 in-lbs (0.68 N.m)                                                                  1

             5/8-in (16 mm) nutsetter or open end torque wrench - set to 21 in-lbs (2.38 N.m)                              1

             Needle nose pliers                                                                                            1

             Flat head screwdriver                                                                                         1

                        Use a 5/16-in torque wrench set to 10 in-lbs on all cable connections
                        except the front and rear panel bulkhead connectors. On these, use a
                        9 mm nutsetter or open end torque wrench set to 21 in-lb.

About Installing the Upgrade
            Products affected                               All N5224/5/7B, N5244/5/7B 4-port microwave network

            Installation to be performed by                 Keysight service center, personnel qualified by Keysight, or

            Estimated installation time                     3 hours

            Estimated adjustment time                       3 hours

            Estimated full instrument calibration time      4.5 hours

Installation Note N5225-90143                                                                                                    7
Keysight 4-Port N5224/5/7B and N5244/5/7B Models PNA Direct Digital Synthesizer (DDS) For Version 7 Dual-Source Synthesizer Upgrade Kit
-                             Description of this Upgrade
                              Items Included in the Upgrade Kit

    Items Included in the Upgrade Kit
                              Check the contents of your kit against the following list. If any part is missing or
                              damaged, contact Keysight Technologies. Refer to “Description of this
                              Upgrade” on page 3.

                               This section applies to multiple models and upgrade kits. Please refer to
                               the model and upgrade kit for your instrument’s upgrade.

                               Extra quantities of items such as protective plastic caps, screws, cable ties,
                               and cable clamps may be included in this upgrade kit. It is normal for some
                               of these items to remain unused after the upgrade is completed.

    Table 1                   Contents of Upgrade Kit N5225-60143 Option 4S7 (DDS)

    Ref                                                                                               Qty
                                                   Description                                                 Part Number

        -     Installation Note (this document)                                                         1     N5225-90143

        -     China RoHS Addendum                                                                       1     9320-6722

    A15       Direct digital synthesizer (DDS) assembly (Assembly contains four synthesizers)           1     N5240-60102

    A55       Solid State Drive Assembly for 2.2 GHz CPU and Win10 in N52xxB                            1     N5242-60135

              Screw-Machine W/Crest-Cup-Con-Washer Pan-HD Torx-T10 M3X0.510mm-LG                        4     0515-0374
        -     SST-300 Passivated – (x2 bracket-center, stabilizer (all options), x2 short and rear
              panel bracket)

              Screw-Machine W/Crest-Cup-Con-Washer Pan-HD Torx-T10 M3X0.5 8mm-LG                        4     0515-0380
              SST-300 Passivated – (x2 secure DDS to chassis)

        -     Microwave Plug SMA Male Straight 50-Ohm                                                   1     1250-4261

    W1        Cable assy-RF, A15 13.5 GHz (SRC 1) direct digital synthesizer (J4)-SRC 1 RF IN           1     N5240-20124

    W51/      Cable assy -RF, A15 13.5 GHz (LO) direct digital synthesizer (J5)-HMA RF IN                     N5240-20125

    W2        Cable assy -RF, A15 13.5 GHz (SRC 2) direct digital synthesizer (J6)-SRC 2 RF IN          1     N5240-20126

    W201      Cable assy –RF, A15 DD synthesizer (J7) to rear panel (J13) – (Option 422/423 only)       1     N5240-20127

        -     Bracket, rear plate (Option 422/423 only)                                                 1     N5240-00015

        -     Bracket-center, stabilizer, long                                                          1     N5240-20136

    W200      Cable assy, RF CA, SYNTH J11-SPAM J3                                                      1     N5240-60115

    W208      A70/A75 LFE board to A15 DD Synth Source 1 J12 to A70 LFE J20                             1     N5240-60112

    W209      A70/A75 LFE board to A15 DD Synth Source 2 J14 to A70 LFE J21                             1     N5240-60114

    W210      A70/A75 LFE board to A15 DD Synth LO J13 to A70 LFE J18                                   1     N5240-60113

    8                                                                                           Installation Note N5225-90143
Keysight 4-Port N5224/5/7B and N5244/5/7B Models PNA Direct Digital Synthesizer (DDS) For Version 7 Dual-Source Synthesizer Upgrade Kit
Description of this Upgrade
                        Installation Procedure for the Upgrade

Table 1                 Contents of Upgrade Kit N5225-60143 Option 4S7 (DDS)

Ref                                                                             Qty
                                            Description                                  Part Number

  -       Label, SRC3 J13 – Rear panel – (Option 422/423 Only)                    1    N5240-80042

Installation Procedure for the Upgrade
                        The network analyzer must be in proper working condition prior to installing
                        this option. Any necessary repairs must be made before proceeding with this

                          This installation requires the removal of the analyzer’s protective
                          outer covers. The analyzer must be powered down and
                          disconnected from the mains supply before performing this

Installation Note N5225-90143                                                                          9
Keysight 4-Port N5224/5/7B and N5244/5/7B Models PNA Direct Digital Synthesizer (DDS) For Version 7 Dual-Source Synthesizer Upgrade Kit
-                  Description of this Upgrade
                   Overview of the Installation Procedure

    Overview of the Installation Procedure
                   The network analyzer must be in proper working condition prior to installing
                   this option. Any necessary repairs must be made before proceeding with this

                    This installation requires the removal of the analyzer’s protective
                    outer covers. The analyzer must be powered down and
                    disconnected from the mains supply before performing this

           All instruments:
                   “Step 1. Verify PNA and Erase Flash” on page 11
                   “Step 2. Remove the Inner and Outer covers” on page 13
                   “Step 3. Remove Some Cables (All Models) and Some Bottom Assemblies
                   (Options 405, 420, and 425 Only)” on page 13
                   “Step 4. Remove Some Top Cables” on page 17
                   “Step 5. Remove the Left and Right Inner Bracket’s #4 Card Guides” on
                   page 19
                   “Step 6. Install the Center Bracket” on page 20
                   “Step 7. Reinstall Bottom Cables” on page 21
                   “Step 8. Reinstall Top Assemblies Reinstall the A5 through A16 (Except A15
                   Direct Digital Synthesis (DDS) Assembly) and Cables” on page 22
                   “Step 9. Install *NEW* A15 Direct Digital Synthesizer (DDS) Assembly” on
                   page 23
                   “Step 10. Install *NEW* and Reused Direct Digital Synthesis (DDS) Assembly
                   Cables” on page 25
                   “Step 11. Route Gray Cables” on page 30
                   “Step 12. Add Back Plate and Cable to Rear Panel (Option 422/423 With and
                   Without 029 Only)” on page 32
                   “Step 13. Install "SRC3 J13" Label on Rear Panel (Option 422/423 With and
                   Without Option 029 Only)” on page 34
                   “Step 14. Remove and Replace the A55 Solid State Drive (SSD)” on page 34
                   “Step 15. Boot the Instrument” on page 35
                   “Step 16. Reinstall the Inner and Outer Covers” on page 35
                   “Step 17. Verify the PNA Analyzer Program is Running with the Correct
                   Options” on page 35
                   “Step 18. Perform Post-Upgrade Adjustments and Calibration” on page 36

    10                                                               Installation Note N5225-90143
Description of this Upgrade
                    Step 1. Verify PNA and Erase Flash

                    “Step 19. Prepare the PNA for the User” on page 38

Step 1. Verify PNA and Erase Flash
                    This section verifies the PNA boots normally and if OK, deletes the flash in
                    preparation for installing and calibrating the new synthesizer assembly. Refer
                    to Figure 1 on page 12.
                    1. Turn on your PNA.
                    2. Verify it boots up without errors.
                        If there are errors, refer to your instrument’s Chapter 4 "Troubleshooting"
                        in the PDF Service Guide1.
                    3. If your PNA boots up normally.
                    4. Open the SCPI Parser Console: System > System Setup… > Remote
                       Interface… > then click Show SCPI Parser Console

                        1. See “Downloading the Online PNA Service Guide” on page 5.

Installation Note N5225-90143                                                                     11
-                   Description of this Upgrade
                    Step 1. Verify PNA and Erase Flash

         Figure 1   Open SCPI Parser Console

    12                                                   Installation Note N5225-90143
Description of this Upgrade
                    Step 2. Remove the Inner and Outer covers

                    5. In the SCPI parser window: Enter the following command to erase the
                       flash ROM:
                        For assistance with sending SCPI commands, refer to the PNA Help file on
                    6. Enter the following query to verify the flash was erased:
                    7. If the does not return any data, then power down the PNA and continue to
                       the next step.
                    8. If the DIAG:FLASH:CAT? returns any data, repeat steps 5 and 6.
                    9. If you repeat steps 5 and 6. and still have data being returned, then refer to
                       “Contacting Keysight” on page 4.

Step 2. Remove the Inner and Outer covers
                    For instructions, click the Chapter 7 bookmark “Removing the Covers” in the
                    PDF Service Guide1.

Step 3. Remove Some Cables (All Models) and Some Bottom
Assemblies (Options 405, 420, and 425 Only)
                    Carefully, turn the instrument so it is bottom side up on a flat surface.
                    This section contains two sub-steps. Choose the ones that are applicable for
                    your model’s options:
                    — “Step 2a. Remove Some Cables (All Models)” on page 14
                    — “Step 2b. Remove/Reinstall Some Bottom Assemblies and Old/New
                      Cables (LFE Models, With Options 405, 420, and 425)” on page 14

                      Be careful not to damage the center pins of the semi-rigid cables. Some
                      flexing of the cables may be necessary but do not over-bend them.

                      Leave the gray flexible cables, the wire harnesses, and the ribbon cables
                      connected where possible. Any that are removed should be labeled for
                      reconnection later.

                        1. See “Downloading the Online PNA Service Guide” on page 5.

Installation Note N5225-90143                                                                      13
-               Description of this Upgrade
                Step 3. Remove Some Cables (All Models) and Some Bottom Assemblies (Options 405,
                420, and 425 Only)

         Step 2a. Remove Some Cables (All Models)
                1. Place the analyzer bottom-side up on a flat surface.
                2. Remove the following cables. To see an image showing the location of
                   these cables, click the Chapter 6 bookmark “Bottom RF Cables, Standard
                   4-Port Configuration [for your option]” in the PDF Service Guide1.
                3. These cables may be discarded - they will not be reinstalled.
                   Remove one end of W51 (N5224/5B and N5244/5B)/W61 N5227B and
                   N5247B. The top-side end is disconnected in the “Step 4. Remove Some
                   Top Cables” on page 17.
                      — N5224/5B and N5244/5B: W51 (N5245-20101) A15 13.5 GHz (LO)
                        synthesizer board J1207 to A25 HMA26.5
                      — N5227B and N5247B: W61 (N5247-20110) A15 13.5 GHz (LO)
                        synthesizer board J1207 to A25 HMA26.5

                 N5224/5B and N5244/5B: This same W51 reference designator is assigned
                 to the S7 (DDS) upgrade cable N5240-20125.
                  N5227B and N5247B: This same W61 reference designator is assigned to
                 the S7 (DDS) upgrade cable N5240-20125.

         Step 2b. Remove/Reinstall Some Bottom Assemblies and Old/New
         Cables (LFE Models, With Options 405, 420, and 425)

                 IMPORTANT! If your box does not have of the LFE options installed, Option
                 405, 420, or 425, skip this sub-step.

                This step contains the following sub-steps:
                — “A. Remove the A19 Test Set Motherboard” on page 14
                — “B. Remove Some LFE Board Flexible Cables” on page 15
                — “C. Install Some *New* LFE Cables” on page 16
                — “D. Reinstall Test Set Motherboard” on page 16

                A. Remove the A19 Test Set Motherboard
                Refer to your Service Guide’s "Removing and Replacing the A19 Test Set
                Motherboard" section. Set aside all hardware for reuse.

    14                                                             Installation Note N5225-90143
Description of this Upgrade
                    Step 3. Remove Some Cables (All Models) and Some Bottom Assemblies (Options 405,
                    420, and 425 Only)

                    B. Remove Some LFE Board Flexible Cables
                    Remove the cables as shown in Figure 1 on page 15. The top-side end of the
                    cables is removed later. These cables can be discarded.

Figure 1            Remove One End of LFE Bottom-side Cables (N5245-60027, N6242-60079,

Installation Note N5225-90143                                                                     15
-              Description of this Upgrade
               Step 3. Remove Some Cables (All Models) and Some Bottom Assemblies (Options 405,
               420, and 425 Only)

               C. Install Some *New* LFE Cables
               Reinstall the following LFE cables as shown in Figure 2 on page 16. The
               top-side end of the cables is installed later.

    Figure 2   Install the bottom-side end of the *NEW* LFE Cables (N5240-60112,
               N5240-60113, N5240-60114)

               D. Reinstall Test Set Motherboard
               Refer to your Service Guide’s "Removing and Replacing the A19 Test Set
               Motherboard" section. Reuse the hardware that was set aside.

    16                                                            Installation Note N5225-90143
Description of this Upgrade
                    Step 4. Remove Some Top Cables

Step 4. Remove Some Top Cables
                    Carefully turn the PNA so it is top-side up for this step.
                    Refer to your Service Guide’s "Removing and Replacing the A4–17 Boards"
                    section. Set aside all hardware for reuse.
                    Exceptions (See also, note below):

                      IMPORTANT! A4 13.5 GHz source 1 synthesizer, A14 frequency reference,
                      A15 13.5 GHz (LO) synthesizer, and A17 13.5 GHz source 2 synthesizer
                      boards will not be reused. Set these aside as spares for your other PNAs or

                    The following cables are not reused:
                    — W1 (N5222-20066) A4 13.5 GHz synthesizer board (source) (1) J1207 to A5
                      26.5 GHz source (1) board P1
                    — W2 (N5222-20090) A17 13.5 GHz source (2) synthesizer J1207 to A10
                      source (2) P1. (On 2-port models, W2 is included only with Opt. 224.)
                    — W74 (N5242-60027) (N5224/5B and N5244/5B Only) A14 frequency
                      reference board J4 to A16 SPAM board J3
                    — W84 (N5242-60027) (N5227B and N5247B Only) A14 frequency reference
                      board J4 to A16 SPAM board J3
                    — W75 (N5242-60028) (N5224/5B and N5244/5B Only) A14 frequency
                      reference board J5 to bottom of A15 13.5 GHz (LO) synthesizer board J5
                    — W85 (N5242-60028) (N5227B and N5247B Only) A14 frequency reference
                      board J5 to bottom of A15 13.5 GHz (LO) synthesizer board J5
                    — W76 (N5242-60029) (N5224/5B and N5244/5B only) A14 frequency
                      reference board J6 to bottom of A5 13.5 GHz (source 1) synthesizer board
                    — W86 (N5242-60029) (N5227B and N5247B only) A14 frequency reference
                      board J6 to bottom of A5 13.5 GHz (source 1) synthesizer board J5
                    — W77 (N5242-60030) (N5224/5B and N5244/5B only) A14 frequency
                      reference board J7 to A13 13.5 GHz (source 2) synthesizer board J5. (On
                      2-port models, W77 is included only with Option 224.)
                    — W87 (N5242-60030) (N5227B and N5247B only) A14 frequency reference
                      board J7 to A13 13.5 GHz (source 2) synthesizer board J5. (On 2-port
                      models, W87 is included only with Option 224.)

Installation Note N5225-90143                                                                   17
-        Description of this Upgrade
         Step 4. Remove Some Top Cables

         All models with Options 405, 420, 425 only: The following cables will have the
         other bottom cable–end was removed previously in “Step 2b.
         Remove/Reinstall Some Bottom Assemblies and Old/New Cables (LFE
         Models, With Options 405, 420, and 425)” on page 14:
         These cables can be discarded.
         — W191 (N5245-60027) A4 Source 1 Synth J102 to A70 LFE J20
         — W192 (N5242-60079) A17 Source 2 Synth J102 to A70 LFE J21
         — W193 (N5242-60080) A15 LO Synth J102 to A70 LFE J18

    18                                                     Installation Note N5225-90143
Description of this Upgrade
                    Step 5. Remove the Left and Right Inner Bracket’s #4 Card Guides

Step 5. Remove the Left and Right Inner Bracket’s #4 Card Guides
                    See also your Service Guide’s "Removing and Replacing the Fans" section. Set
                    aside all hardware for reuse.
                    Remove the #4 card guide from the left Panel. Refer to Figure 3 on page 19.

                    1. Remove x1 card guide (items ➁ and ④) left panel/bracket (item ①) using
                       needle nose pliers and if necessary a flat head screw-driver. Save the card
                       guides for reuse.

                    2. Repeat the process and remove the corresponding card guide number ④
                       from the right inner panel (not shown, but see item ➂).
                    3. Left side bracket can be recycled (discarded).

                        Optional: Remove and retain card guide number ④ as a spare. Else

Figure 3            Left Inner Bracket Card Guide Removal (N5242-40002)

Installation Note N5225-90143                                                                     19
-                 Description of this Upgrade
                  Step 6. Install the Center Bracket

    Step 6. Install the Center Bracket
                  Refer to Figure 4 for this step.

                  1. Remove (x2) 0515-0372 screws from motherboard/chassis (item ①).
                     Discard as these will not be reused.

                  2. Install center support bracket N5240-20136 (item ➁).

                  3. Secure the center support bracket with (x2) 0515-0374 screws (item ➂).

    Figure 4      Install Center Bracket (N5242-20136, 0515-0374 (x2))

    20                                                           Installation Note N5225-90143
Description of this Upgrade
                    Step 7. Reinstall Bottom Cables

Step 7. Reinstall Bottom Cables
                    Carefully turn your instrument over so the bottom side is up.

                      Follow instructions carefully when making cable connections, especially
                      wire harness connections. Incorrect connections can destroy components,
                      resulting in additional customer costs.

                      Be careful not to damage the center pins of the semi-rigid cables. Some
                      flexing of the cables may be necessary but do not over-bend them.

                      To avoid damage when connecting and torquing the bias T combiner
                      semirigid cables, always use a wrench to hold the bias T combiner

                      Use a 5/16-in torque wrench set to 10 in-lbs on all cable connections
                      except the front and rear panel bulkhead connectors. On these, use a
                      9 mm nutsetter or open end torque wrench set to 21 in-lb.

          Install the New Test Set Semi-rigid Cables
                    To see an image showing the location of these cables, refer to Figure 5 on
                    page 22. See also the Chapter 6 bookmarks “Bottom RF Cables, 4-Port
                    Configuration [for your option]” in the PDF Service Guide. New parts are listed
                    in Table on page 8.
                    Install the following new cable:
                    Refer to Figure 5 on page 22.

                    —   ①—W51(N5224/5B & N5244/5B)/W61 (N5227B & N5247B)
                        (N5240-20125) A15 13.5 GHz (LO) DD synthesizer assembly J5 to A21
                        HMA26.5 RF IN (The top-side end will be connected in “Step 9. Install
                        *NEW* A15 Direct Digital Synthesizer (DDS) Assembly” on page 23.)

Installation Note N5225-90143                                                                    21
-                Description of this Upgrade
                 Step 8. Reinstall Top Assemblies Reinstall the A5 through A16 (Except A15 Direct
                 Digital Synthesis (DDS) Assembly) and Cables

    Figure 5     Install Bottom End of Top Cable (N5240-20125)

    Step 8. Reinstall Top Assemblies Reinstall the A5 through A16
    (Except A15 Direct Digital Synthesis (DDS) Assembly) and Cables
                 Carefully turn the PNA so it is top-side up for this step.
                 Refer to your Service Guide’s "Removing and Replacing the A4–A16 Boards"
                 section. Reuse hardware set aside in removal procedure.

    22                                                                 Installation Note N5225-90143
Description of this Upgrade
                    Step 9. Install *NEW* A15 Direct Digital Synthesizer (DDS) Assembly

Step 9. Install *NEW* A15 Direct Digital Synthesizer (DDS) Assembly
                    Refer to Figure 6, Figure 7 on page 24, and Figure 9 on page 26 for this
                    1. Install DDS assembly N5240-60102 into instrument. Ensure assembly is
                       fully seated.
                    2. Secure using 0515-0380 (x2) screws. Torque to 21 in-lbs.

Figure 6            Install A15 DDS (N5240-60102) –
                    (Noise Receiver Board Shown (Option 029 Only))

Installation Note N5225-90143                                                                  23
-              Description of this Upgrade
               Step 9. Install *NEW* A15 Direct Digital Synthesizer (DDS) Assembly

    Figure 7   A5 through A16 Boards Installed. Including A15 DDS Assembly
               (N5240-60102) – 4-Port is Shown (i.e., A10, A12, A13 Boards and Related
               Cables Are Installed in 4-Ports Only; A9 Noise Receiver Board Requires Option

    24                                                               Installation Note N5225-90143
Description of this Upgrade
                    Step 10. Install *NEW* and Reused Direct Digital Synthesis (DDS) Assembly Cables

Step 10. Install *NEW* and Reused Direct Digital Synthesis (DDS)
Assembly Cables
                    1. Connect new LFE cables in the order shown in Figure 8 on page 25. The
                       bottom-side end of the cable was installed in “C. Install Some *New* LFE
                       Cables” on page 16.

Figure 8            Install New LFE Assembly Top Cables (N5240-60112, N5240-60113, and

                    2. Connect the following new cables in the order listed. Torque screws to
                       9 in-lbs.
                        Refer to Figure 9 on page 26.

                           —    ①—W51(N5224/5B & N5244/5B)/W61 (N5227B & N5247B)
                                (N5240-20125) A15 13.5 GHz (LO) synthesizer assembly J5 to A21
                                HMA26.5 RF IN (One end was connected in “Step 7. Reinstall
                                Bottom Cables” on page 21)

                           —    ➁—W1 (N5240-20124) A15 13.5 GHz (SRC 1) DD synthesizer
                                assembly J4 to A5 26.5 GHz source (1) board Source 1 RF IN

                           —    ➂—W2 (N5240-20126) A15 13.5 GHz (SRC 2) direct digital
                                synthesizer (J6)-SRC 2 RF IN

Installation Note N5225-90143                                                                          25
-              Description of this Upgrade
               Step 10. Install *NEW* and Reused Direct Digital Synthesis (DDS) Assembly Cables

                     —   ④—W201 (N5240-20127) A15 (SRC3) direct digital synthesizer J13
                         to SPAM J3 – (Option 422/423 with and without Option 029 Only)

                         Torque all cables to 10-lbs.

    Figure 9   Install New DDS Assembly Top Cables (N5240-20124, N5240-20125, and
               N5240-20126 (i.e., N5240-20127 Applies to Option 422/423 Only – See also,
               Figure 14))

                                                                             Torque all
                                                                             cables to
                                                                             10 in-lbs.

    26                                                              Installation Note N5225-90143
Description of this Upgrade
                    Step 10. Install *NEW* and Reused Direct Digital Synthesis (DDS) Assembly Cables

                    3. Connect the following new and reused cables in the order listed.
                        Refer to Figure 9 on page 26.

                           —    ①—W69 (8120-5063) (reuse) Rear-panel REF IN to A15 DD
                                synthesizer assembly J9

                           —    ➁—W68 (8120-5063) (reuse) A15 DD synthesizer assembly J10 to
                                rear-panel REF OUT

                           —    ③—W200 (N5240-60115) SRC DD synthesizer assembly J16 to
                                SPAM J3

Figure 10           Install Following Flexible Cables to DDS Assembly – Top (8120-5063 (x2) and

Installation Note N5225-90143                                                                          27
-        Description of this Upgrade
         Step 10. Install *NEW* and Reused Direct Digital Synthesis (DDS) Assembly Cables

         4. Connect the other end of the following new and reused cables in the order
            Refer to Figure 10-1 on page 29. Some models have different reference
            designators for the same semirigid cable part number.

         N5224/5 and N5244/5B Models:
               —   ①—W69 (N5242-60012) (reuse) A24 IF multiplexer board P3 to A16
                   SPAM board J1

               —   ➁—W70 (N5242-60013) (reuse) A24 IF multiplexer board P203 to
                   A16 SPAM board J2

               —   ③—W71 (N5242-60014) (reuse) A24 IF multiplexer board P403 to
                   A16 SPAM board J4

               —   ➃—W72 (N5242-60015) (reuse) A24 IF multiplexer board P603 to
                   A16 SPAM board J5

               —   ➄—W73 (N5242-60016) (reuse) A24 IF multiplexer board P803 to
                   A16 SPAM board J6

               —   ➅—W200 (N5240-60115) A15 SRC DD Synthesizer assembly J16 to
                   SPAM J3

         N5227B and N5247B
               —   ①—W79 (N5242-60012) (reuse) A24 IF multiplexer board P3 to A16
                   SPAM board J1
               —   ➁—W80 (N5242-60013) (reuse) A24 IF multiplexer board P203 to
                   A16 SPAM board J2
               —   ③—W81 (N5242-60014) (reuse) A24 IF multiplexer board P403 to
                   A16 SPAM board J4
               —   ➃—W182 (N5242-60015) (reuse) A24 IF multiplexer board P603 to
                   A16 SPAM board J5
               —   ➄—W83 (N5242-60016) (reuse) A24 IF multiplexer board P803 to
                   A16 SPAM board J6
               —   ➅—W200 (N5240-600115) A15 SRC DD Synthesizer assembly J16
                   to SPAM J3

    28                                                        Installation Note N5225-90143
Description of this Upgrade
                    Step 10. Install *NEW* and Reused Direct Digital Synthesis (DDS) Assembly Cables

   Figure 10-1      Install Other End of Bottom Flexible IF Multiplexer and Top Flexible Gray
                    Cables to SPAM Board (N5242-60012, N5242-60013, N5242-60014,
                    N5242-60015, N5242-60016, and N5240-60115)

    DDS assy

Installation Note N5225-90143                                                                          29
-                Description of this Upgrade
                 Step 11. Route Gray Cables

    Step 11. Route Gray Cables
                 — Route gray cables as shown in Figure 11 and Figure 12 on page 31.

    Figure 11    Route Flexible Gray Cables as Indicated (1400-0249, N5242-60012,
                 N5242-60013, N5242-60014, N5242-60015, N5242-60016, and

    30                                                          Installation Note N5225-90143
Description of this Upgrade
                    Step 11. Route Gray Cables

Figure 12           Route Flexible Gray Cables as Indicated (1400-0249, Noise Receiver Board).
                    Applies to Option 029 Only. These cables were reinstalled in “Step 8. Reinstall
                    Top Assemblies Reinstall the A5 through A16 (Except A15 Direct Digital
                    Synthesis (DDS) Assembly) and Cables” on page 22.

Installation Note N5225-90143                                                                    31
-                Description of this Upgrade
                 Step 12. Add Back Plate and Cable to Rear Panel (Option 422/423 With and Without
                 029 Only)

    Step 12. Add Back Plate and Cable to Rear Panel (Option 422/423
    With and Without 029 Only)
                 For this step refer to Figure 13 on page 32 and to ‘Figure 14 on page 33. See
                 also, Figure 9 on page 26.
                 1. Remove the plastic cap that covers the rear panel hole where the back
                    plate and N5240-20127 cable installs.
                 2. Connect back plate (N5240-00015) to the PNA’s rear panel (item (1) in
                    Figure 13), using (x2) 0515-0374 screws. Torque to 9 in-lbs.
                 3. Connect the one end of the N5240-20127 cable to the inside of the back
                    plate (item (2) in Figure 13 and item (2) in Figure 14 on page 33). Torque to
                    21 in-lbs.
                 4. Connect the other end of the cable (N5240-20127) to A11 DD synthesizer
                    J7 (item (1) in Figure 14 on page 33).

    Figure 13    Install Back Plate to Rear Panel (N5240-00015, (x2) 0515-0374)

                                                       (1) Install small plate
                                                       N5240-00015 using x2
                                                       0515-0374 screws.
                                                       Torque to 9 in-lbs.

                                              (2) Connect N5240-20127 cable to
                                              back plate. See also, Figure 14 on
                                              page 33.
                                              Torque hex-nuts to 21 in-lbs.

    32                                                               Installation Note N5225-90143
Description of this Upgrade
                    Step 12. Add Back Plate and Cable to Rear Panel (Option 422/423 With and Without
                    029 Only)

Figure 14           Install Semirigid Cable (N5240-20127). See also, Figure 9 on page 26.



   (1) Connect the other end of the N5240-20127 cable to the back plate.
   Torque to 21 in-lbs.
   (2) Connect the N5240-20127 cable to the DD synthesizer J7. Torque to
   10 in-lbs.

Installation Note N5225-90143                                                                       33
-                Description of this Upgrade
                 Step 13. Install "SRC3 J13" Label on Rear Panel (Option 422/423 With and Without
                 Option 029 Only)

    Step 13. Install "SRC3 J13" Label on Rear Panel (Option 422/423
    With and Without Option 029 Only)
                 For this step, refer to Figure 15.
                 1. Verify that rear panel surface is clean.
                 2. Install SRC3 J13 label to the rear panel.
                 3. Add SMA load (1250-4261). Torque to 8 in/lbs.

    Figure 15    Install "SRC3 J13" Label on Rear Panel (N5240-80042)

    Step 14. Remove and Replace the A55 Solid State Drive (SSD)
                  Skip this step, if your PNA already has a 256 GB SSD (W1312-60470)
                  installed and with A.14.00 firmware or greater installed.

                 For instructions, click the Chapter 7 bookmark “Removing and Replacing the
                 A55 Solid State Drive (SSD)” in the PDF Service Guide1.

                     1. See “Downloading the Online PNA Service Guide” on page 5.

    34                                                                   Installation Note N5225-90143
Description of this Upgrade
                    Step 15. Boot the Instrument

Step 15. Boot the Instrument
                    1. Power up the instrument and allow it to run for a couple of minutes to
                       stabilize. This may require several reboots.
                    2. If the instrument stabilizes without errors, continue to the next step.
                    Else, if the unit still has initialization errors which look like problems that
                    cannot be resolved, contact the Keysight Technologies. Refer to “Getting
                    Assistance from Keysight” on page 4.

Step 16. Reinstall the Inner and Outer Covers
                    For instructions, click the Chapter 7 bookmark “Removing the Covers” in the
                    PDF Service Guide1.

Step 17. Verify the PNA Analyzer Program is Running with the
Correct Options
                      If if the option(s) have not been enabled or if your older options have not
                      been removed, contact Keysight Technologies. Refer to “Getting
                      Assistance from Keysight” on page 4.

                    1. Start the Network Analyzer program.
                    2. Once the Network Analyzer program is running:
                           — Press Help > About NA and verify that the correct options are listed
                             in the PNA application.
                    3. After successful installation of all upgrades, some features require some
                       adjustments to ensure the instrument meets its specified performance.
                       Refer to the following Web site:

                        1. See “Downloading the Online PNA Service Guide” on page 5.

Installation Note N5225-90143                                                                         35
-                Description of this Upgrade
                 Step 18. Perform Post-Upgrade Adjustments and Calibration

    Step 18. Perform Post-Upgrade Adjustments and Calibration

                 The following adjustments must be made due to the hardware changes of the

                  The 10 MHz reference crystal oscillator is the most accurate after running
                  for three hours. The 10 MHz Frequency Reference Adjustment can be run
                  after the PNA has warmed up for 90 minutes, and the other adjustments
                  can be completed in the order presented, but then the 10 MHz Frequency
                  Reference Adjustment should be repeated after the PNA has been able to
                  warm up for three hours.

                 — EE default adjustment (Only, if the synthesizer board is changed)
                 — synthesizer Bandwidth adjustment (Only, if the synthesizer board is
                 — source adjustment
                 — IF gain adjustment
                 — receiver adjustment
                 — receiver characterization
                 — IF response adjustment (Option S93090xA, S93092A, S93093A, or S93094A
                 — Noise Adjustment (Option 029 with S93029A/B Only)
                 These adjustments are described in the PNA Service Guide and in the PNA
                 on-line HELP. A list of equipment required to perform these adjustments is also
                 found in the service guide1.
                 After the specified adjustments have been performed, the analyzer should
                 operate and phase lock over its entire frequency range.
                 Else, all adjustments must be run per the instrument’s Service Guide on

          EEPROM Backup
                 The analyzer uses arrays of correction constants to enable the analyzer to
                 produce accurate, leveled source signals and receive clean test signals. These
                 constants are stored in non-volatile EEPROM memory and in flash memory

                    1. See “Downloading the Online PNA Service Guide” on page 5.

    36                                                                  Installation Note N5225-90143
Description of this Upgrade
                    Step 18. Perform Post-Upgrade Adjustments and Calibration

                    The adjustments listed here generate new correction constants. The analyzer
                    must have a backup of this new data in case any of the data becomes
                    To store the backup data, perform these steps:
                    — Navigate to the EEPROM Backup Utility, located at:
                        —       Windows 7 -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Keysight\Network
                            — Windows 10 -- C:\Program Files\Keysight\Network
                    — Run the program.
                    — Click Backup EEPROM.
                    — Click Backup TSMB Mem.
                    — Click Backup Synth Mem. (Applies to Version 7 Synthesizers Only)
                    — Click Exit when the program has finished.

   Figure 16        EEPROM Backup Menu

          Operator’s Check
                    Perform the Operator’s Check to check the basic functionality of the analyzer.
                    For instructions, refer to the “Tests & Adjustments” chapter of the Service
                    If you experience difficulty with the basic functioning of the analyzer, contact
                    Keysight. Refer to “Getting Assistance from Keysight” on page 4.

Installation Note N5225-90143                                                                      37
-                Description of this Upgrade
                 Step 19. Prepare the PNA for the User

                 Although the analyzer functions, its performance relative to its specifications
                 has not been verified. It is recommended that a full instrument calibration be
                 performed using the N7840A performance test software or the instrument’s
                 embedded performance tests. Refer to the analyzer’s service guide for
                 information on the performance test software.

    Step 19. Prepare the PNA for the User
                 1. If necessary, reinstall front jumper cables.
                 2. Install the cable guards, pushing them over the front jumper cables until
                    the cushioning material touches the front panel of the PNA.
                 3. Install the dust caps on the test ports.
                 4. If necessary, install labels included in kit as required (e.g., KCC, two
                    person Caution, and SRC3 J13).
                 5. Clean the analyzer, as needed, using a damp cloth.

    38                                                               Installation Note N5225-90143
Installation Note Xxxxx-xxxxx   3
This information is subject to change
without notice.
© Keysight Technologies 2007-2021
Edition 1, January 2021
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