Key Point Analysis via Contrastive Learning and Extractive Argument Summarization
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Key Point Analysis via Contrastive Learning and Extractive Argument Summarization Milad Alshomary † Timon Gurcke † Shahbaz Syed ‡ Philipp Heinisch ? Maximilian Spliethöver † Philipp Cimiano ? Martin Potthast ‡ Henning Wachsmuth † † Paderborn University, Germany, ‡ Leipzig University, Germany, ? Bielefeld University, Germany, Abstract The Key Point Analysis (KPA) shared task by Friedman et al. (2021)1 invited systems for two Key point analysis is the task of extracting a complementary subtasks: matching arguments to set of concise and high-level statements from a key points and generating key points from a given given collection of arguments, representing the arXiv:2109.15086v2 [cs.CL] 22 Oct 2021 gist of these arguments. This paper presents set of arguments (Section 3). As part of this shared our proposed approach to the Key Point Anal- task, we present an approach with two complemen- ysis shared task, collocated with the 8th Work- tary components, one for each subtask. For key shop on Argument Mining. The approach inte- point matching, we propose a model that learns grates two complementary components. One a semantic embedding space where instances that component employs contrastive learning via match are closer to each other while non-matching a siamese neural network for matching argu- instances are further away from each other. We ments to key points; the other is a graph-based extractive summarization model for generating learn to embed instances by utilizing a contrastive key points. In both automatic and manual eval- loss function in a siamese neural network (Brom- uation, our approach was ranked best among ley et al., 1994). For the key point generation, all submissions to the shared task. we present a graph-based extractive summarization approach similar to the work of Alshomary et al. 1 Introduction (2020a). It utilizes a PageRank variant to rank Informed decision-making on a controversial is- sentences in the input arguments by quality and sue usually requires considering several pro and predicts the top-ranked sentences to be key points. con arguments. To answer the question “Is organic In an additional experiment, we also investigated food healthier?”, for example, people may query a an approach that performs aspect identification on search engine that retrieves arguments from diverse arguments, followed by aspect clustering to ensure sources such as news editorials, debate portals, and diversity. Finally, arguments with the best coverage social media discussions, which can then be com- of these diverse aspects are extracted as key points. pared and weighed. However, given the constant Our approaches yielded the top performance stream of digital information, this process may be among all submissions to the shared task in both time-intensive and overwhelming. Search engines quantitative and qualitative evaluation conducted and similar support systems may therefore bene- by the organizers of the shared task (Section 5).2 . fit from employing argument summarization, that 2 Related Work is, the generated summaries may aid the decision- making by helping users quickly choose relevant In summarization, arguments are relatively under- arguments with a specific stance towards the topic. studied compared to other document types such Argument summarization has been tackled both as news articles or scientific literature, but a few for single documents (Syed et al., 2020) and mul- approaches have come up in the last years. tiple documents (Bhatia et al., 2014; Egan et al., In an extractive manner, argument mining has 2016). A specific multi-document scenario intro- been employed to identify the main claim as the duced by Bar-Haim et al. (2020a) is key point anal- summary of an argument (Petasis and Karkaletsis, ysis where the goal is to map a collection of argu- 1 ments to a set of salient key points (say, high-level, last accessed: 2021-08-08 arguments) to provide a quantitative summary of 2 The code is available under these arguments. ArgMining-21
2016; Daxenberger et al., 2017). Wang and Ling 1. Key point matching. Given a set of arguments (2016) used a sequence-to-sequence model for the on a certain topic that are grouped by their abstractive summarization of arguments from on- stance and a set of key points, assign each line debate portals. A complementary task of gen- argument to a key point. erating conclusions as informative argument sum- 2. Key point generation and matching. Given a maries was introduced by Syed et al. (2021). Simi- set of arguments on a certain topic that are lar to Alshomary et al. (2020b) who inferred a con- grouped by their stance, first generate five to clusion’s target with a triplet neural network, we ten key points summarizing the arguments. rely on contrastive learning here, using a siamese Then, match each argument in the set to the network though. Also, we build upon ideas of Al- generated key points (as in the previous track). shomary et al. (2020a) who proposed a graph-based model using PageRank (Page et al., 1999) that ex- Data We start from the dataset provided by the tracts the argument’s conclusion and the main sup- organizers as described in Friedman et al. (2021). porting reason as an extractive summary. All these The dataset contains 28 controversial topics, with works represent the single-document summariza- 6515 arguments and a total of 243 key points. For tion paradigm where only one argument is summa- each argument, its stance towards the topic as well rized at a time, whereas the given shared task is a as a quality score are given. Each topic is repre- multi-document summarization setting. sented by at least three key points, with at least one The first approaches to multi-document argu- key point per stance and at least three arguments ment summarization aimed to identify the main matched to a key point. From the given arguments, points of online discussions. Among these, Egan 4.7% are unmatched, 67.5% belong to a single key et al. (2016) grouped verb frames into pattern clus- point, and 5.0% belong to multiple key points. The ters that serve as input to a structured summariza- remaining 22.8% of the arguments have ambigu- tion pipeline, whereas Misra et al. (2016) proposed ous labels, meaning that the annotators could not a more condensed approach by directly extracting agree on a correct matching to the key points. The argumentative sentences, summarized by similarity final dataset contains 24,093 argument-key point clustering. Bar-Haim et al. (2020a) continued this pairs, of which 20.7% are labeled as matching. To line of research by introducing the notion of key develop our approach, we use the split as provided points and contributing the ArgsKP corpus, a col- by the organizers with 24 topics for training, four lection of arguments mapped to manually-created topics for validation, and three topics for testing. key points. These key points are concise and self- 4 Approach contained sentences that capture the gist of the ar- guments. Later, Bar-Haim et al. (2020b) proposed Our approach consists of two components, each cor- a quantitative argument summarization framework responding to one subtask of the KPA shared task. that automatically extracts key points from a set The first subtask of matching arguments to key of arguments. Building upon this research, our points is modeled as a contrastive learning task us- approach aims to increase the quality of such gen- ing a siamese neural network. The second subtask erated key points, including a strong relation iden- requires generating key points for a collection of ar- tifier between arguments and key points. guments and then matching them to the arguments. We investigated two models for this subtask: One 3 Task Description is a graph-based extractive summarization model utilizing PageRank (Page et al., 1999) to extract In the context of computational argumentation, Bar- sentences representing the key points; the other Haim et al. (2020a) introduced the notion of a key identifies aspects from the arguments and selects point as a high-level argument that resembles a the most representative sentences that maximize natural language summary of a collection of more the coverage of these aspects as the key points. descriptive arguments. Specifically, the authors defined a good key point as being “general enough 4.1 Key Point Matching to match a significant portion of the arguments, yet Conceptually, we consider pairs of arguments and informative enough to make a useful summary.” In key points that are close to each other in a semantic this context, the KPA shared task consists of two embedding space as possible candidates for match- subtasks as described below: ing. Furthermore, we seek to transform this space
Default embedding space Learned embedding space [...] This vaccine could cause unwanted side effects a2 f(a1) f(a2) Children should not be vaccinated because they can have serious side effects a1 Does not need it as children have better immune systems a3 f(a3) Vaccination should exclude children to avoid the side effects that can appear kp f(kp) on them key point key point Linking a measure as good as vaccination to coercive measures would cause Trans- serious harm kp’ formation Forcing people to have their children vaccinated goes against free will other f(kp’) other As long as vaccines are not free of side effects, it cannot make them mandatory for our children The child population has a low degree of vulnerability, so vaccination is not urgent yet Figure 1: We learn to transform an embedding space I as a parent should decide into a new space in which matching pairs of key point Vaccination in the child population is not yet a vulnerable age so it is not a priority Parents should be allowed to choose if their child is vaccinated or not and argument (e.g., kp and a1 ) are closer to each other, Parents should have the freedom to decide what they consider best for their and the distance between non-matching pairs (e.g., kp0 children Let them decide if they want to be vaccinated and a1 ) is larger. For simplicity, kp and kp0 each repre- Vaccination is an option, not everyone thinks they really are important and free will must be respected sent a concatenation of key point and topic. [...] Figure 2: Example graph of our key point generation into a new embedding space where matching pairs approach. Nodes with high saturation are considered are closer and the non-matching ones are more dis- to be key points (bold text). Nodes with dashed lines tant from each other (Figure ??). To do so, we have lower argument quality. Edge thickness represents utilize a siamese neural network with a contrastive similarity between two nodes. Notice that the shown loss function. arguments do not reflect the view of the authors. Specifically, in the training phase, the input is a topic along with a key point, an argument, and a label (matching or not). First, we use a pretrained via an edge. An example graph is sketched in Fig- language model to encode the tokens of the argu- ure ??. Finally, we use a variant of PageRank (Page ment as well as those of the concatenation of the et al., 1999) to compute an importance score P (si ) topic and the key point. Then, we pass their embed- for each sentence si as follows: dings through a siamese neural network, which is X match(si , sj ) a mean-pooling layer that aggregates the token em- P (si ) = (1 − d) · P P (sj ) sj 6=si sk 6=sj match(sj , sk ) beddings of each input, resulting in two sentence- qual(si ) level embeddings. We compute the contrastive loss +d ·P sk qual(sk ) using these embeddings as follows: (1) where d is a damping factor that can be configured L = −y · log(ŷ) + (1 − y) · log(1 − ŷ) to bias the algorithm towards the argument quality where ŷ is the cosine similarity of the embeddings, score qual or the matching score match. To en- and y reflects whether a pair matches (1) or not (0). sure diversity, we iterate through the ranked list of sentences (in descending order), adding a sentence 4.2 Key Point Generation to the final set of key points if its maximum match- Our primary model for key point generation is a ing score with the already selected candidates is graph-based extractive summarization model. Ad- below a certain threshold. ditionally, we also investigate clustering the aspects Aspect Clustering Extracting key points is con- of the given collection of arguments. ceptually similar to identifying aspects (Bar-Haim Graph-based Summarization Following the et al., 2020a), which inspired our clustering ap- work of Alshomary et al. (2020a), we first construct proach that selects representative sentences from an undirected graph with the arguments’ sentences multiple aspect clusters as the final key points. We as nodes. As a filtering step, we compute argument employ the tagger of Schiller et al. (2021) to ex- quality scores for each sentence as Toledo et al. tract the arguments’ aspects (on average, 2.1 as- (2019) and exclude low-quality arguments from pects per argument). To tackle the lack of diversity, the graph. Next, we employ our key point match- we follow Heinisch and Cimiano (2021) and cre- ing model (Section 4.1) to compute the edge weight ate k diverse aspect clusters by projecting the ex- between two nodes as the pairwise matching score tracted aspect phrases to an embedding space. Next, of the corresponding sentences. Only nodes with we model the candidate selection of argument sen- a score above a defined threshold are connected tences as the set cover problem. Specifically, the
Approach R-1 R-2 R-L 5.2 Key Point Generation Graph-based Summarization 19.8 3.5 18.0 For the graph-based summarization model, we Aspect Clustering 18.9 4.7 17.1 employed Spacy (Honnibal et al., 2020) to split the Table 1: ROUGE scores on the test set for our two ap- arguments into sentences. Similar to (Bar-Haim proaches to key point generation. et al., 2020b), only sentences with a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 20 tokens, and not starting with a pronoun, were used for building the graph. final set of key points summarizing the arguments Argument quality scores for each sentence were for a given topic and stance maximizes the cover- obtained from Project Debater’s API (Toledo et al., age of the set of arguments’ aspects. To this end, 2019)3 . We selected the thresholds for the param- we apply greedy approximation for selecting our eters d, qual and match in Equation 1 as 0.2, 0.8 candidates, where an argument sentence is chosen and 0.4 respectively, optimizing for ROUGE (Lin, if it covers the maximum number of unique aspect 2004). In particular, we computed ROUGE-L be- clusters while having the smallest overlap with the tween the ground-truth key points and the top 10 clusters covered by the already selected candidates. ranked sentences as our predictions, averaged over Also, to avoid redundant key points, we compute all the topic and stance combinations in the train- its semantic similarity to the already selected can- ing split. We excluded sentences with a matching didates in each candidate selection step, and we score higher than 0.8 with the selected candidates add it to the final set if its score is below a certain to minimize redundancy. threshold. For aspect clustering, we created 15 clusters per topic and stance combination. After greedy 5 Experiments and Evaluation approximation of the candidate sentences, we re- In the following, we present implementation details moved redundant ones using a threshold of 0.65 of our two components, and we report on their for the normalized BERTScore (Zhang et al., 2020) quantitative and qualitative results. with the previously selected candidates. 5.1 Key Point Matching Comparison of both approaches To select our primary approach for key point generation, we first We employed RoBERTa-large (Liu and Lapata, performed an automatic evaluation of the afore- 2019) for encoding the tokens of the two inputs of mentioned models on the test set using ROUGE key point matching to the siamese neural network, (Table 1). Additionally, we performed a manual which acts as a mean-pooling layer and projects evaluation via pairwise comparison of the extracted the encoder outputs (matrix of token embeddings) key points for both models for a given topic and into a sentence embedding of size 768. We used stance. Sentence-BERT (Reimers and Gurevych, 2019) to Examples of key points from both the models are train our model for 10 epochs, with batch size 32, shown in Table 2. The key points from graph-based and maximum input length of 70, leaving all other summarization model are relatively longer. This parameters to their defaults. also improves their informativeness, matching find- For automatic evaluation, we computed both ings of Syed et al. (2021). For the aspect clustering, strict and relaxed mean Average Precision (mAP) we observe that the key points are more focused following Friedman et al. (2021). In cases where on specific aspects such as “disease” (for Pro) and there is no majority label for matching, the relaxed “effectiveness” (for Con). In a real-world appli- mAP considers them to be a match while the strict cation, this may provide the flexibility to choose mAP considers them as not matching. In the devel- key points by aspects of interest to the end-user, opment phase, we trained our model on the training especially with further improvement of aspect tag- split and evaluated on the validation split provided ger by avoiding non-essential extracted phrases as by the organizers. The strict and relaxed mAP on “mandatory”. Hence, given the task of generating a the validation set were 0.84 and 0.96 respectively. quantitative summary of a collection of arguments, For the final submission, we did a five-fold cross we believe that the graph-based summary provides validation on the combined data (training and vali- dation splits) creating an ensemble for the matching 3 Available under: https://early-access-program.debater.res. (as per the mean score).
Topic Stance Graph-based Summarization Aspect Clustering Routine child vac- Pro (1) Child vaccinations should be mandatory (1) Child vaccination is needed for children, cinations should be to provide decent health care to all. (2) Vac- they get sick too. (2) Routine child vacci- mandatory cines help children grow up healthy and avoid nations should be mandatory to prevent the dangerous diseases. (3) Child vaccinations disease. (3) Yes as they protect children should be mandatory so our children will be from life threatening and highly infectious safe and protected. diseases. Routine child vac- Con (1) Vaccination should exclude children to (1) Child vaccination shouldn’t be mandatory cinations should be avoid the side effects that can appear on them. because the virus isn’t effective in children. mandatory (2) Parents should have the freedom to decide (2) Child vaccinations should not be manda- what they consider best for their children. tory because vaccines are expensive. (3) It (3) The child population has a low degree has not been 100% proven if the vaccine is of vulnerability, so vaccination is not urgent effective. yet. Table 2: Examples of keypoints from our proposed approaches. Only the top three key points are shown for brevity. KP Matching KP Generation 6 Conclusion Approach mAP/Rank Rel. Rep. Pol. This paper has presented a framework to tackle bar_h 0.885/1 2 1 1 the key point analysis of arguments. For matching mspl (ours) 0.818/2 2 1 2 arguments to key points, we achieved the best per- sohanpat 0.491/3 4 4 2 formance in the KPA shared task via contrastive peratham 0.443/4 1 3 4 learning. For key point generation, we developed a Table 3: Final evaluation results of both tracks, compar- graph-based extractive summarization model that ing our approach (mspl) to the top two submitted ap- output informative key points of high quality for proaches, along with Bar-Haim et al. (2020b) approach a collection of arguments. We see abstractive key (bar_h). The generated key points were ranked in terms point generation as part of our future work. of how relevant (Rel.) and representative (Rep.) of the input arguments, as well as their polarity (Pol.) References Milad Alshomary, Nick Düsterhus, and Henning a more comprehensive overview and chose this as Wachsmuth. 2020a. Extractive snippet generation our preferred approach for key point generation. for arguments. In Proceedings of the 43rd Interna- tional ACM SIGIR conference on research and devel- opment in Information Retrieval, SIGIR 2020, Vir- 5.3 Shared Task’s Evaluation Results tual Event, China, July 25-30, 2020, pages 1969– In key point matching, our approach obtained a 1972. ACM. strict mAP of 0.789 and a relaxed mAP of 0.927 on Milad Alshomary, Shahbaz Syed, Martin Potthast, and the test set, the best result among all participating Henning Wachsmuth. 2020b. Target inference in ar- approaches. For the second track, in addition to gument conclusion generation. In Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Com- evaluating the key point matching task, the shared putational Linguistics, ACL 2020, Online, July 5-10, task organizers manually evaluated the generated 2020, pages 4334–4345. Association for Computa- key points through a crowdsourcing study in which tional Linguistics. submitted approaches were ranked according to Roy Bar-Haim, Lilach Eden, Roni Friedman, Yoav the quality of their generated key points. Table Kantor, Dan Lahav, and Noam Slonim. 2020a. From 3 presents the evaluation results of the top three arguments to key points: Towards automatic argu- submitted approaches, along with the reference ment summarization. In Proceedings of the 58th An- nual Meeting of the Association for Computational approach of Bar-Haim et al. (2020b). Among the Linguistics, pages 4029–4039. Association for Com- submitted approaches, our approach was ranked the putational Linguistics. best in both the key point generation task as well as Roy Bar-Haim, Yoav Kantor, Lilach Eden, Roni Fried- the key point matching task. For complete details man, Dan Lahav, and Noam Slonim. 2020b. Quan- on the evaluation, we refer to the task organizers’ titative argument summarization and beyond: Cross- report (Friedman et al., 2021). domain key point analysis. In Proceedings of the
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