Kay Adshead - United Agents

Page created by Robert Holt
Kay Adshead - United Agents
Kay Adshead
     Kay Adshead is a poet, playwright, theatre maker, performer, and

     She trained at RADA as an actress, where she won the Emile Littler
     Award for Outstanding Talent. She has played leading roles in film,
     theatre and TV, including Cathy in the BBC classic series Wuthering
     Heights, Linda in Mike Leigh’s film Kiss of Death, as well as notable
     appearances in popular TV programs spanning 30 years. Theatre performances include Moll Gromer
     in Thee and Me at the RNT, Viola in Twelfth Night, Betty in Touched and singing the role of Clara
     Twain in White Suit Blues, at The Old Vic. She learnt to wrestle for the role of Tanzi in Trafford Tanzi
     at The Mermaid,

     As a writer, she has been nominated 3 times for The Susan Smith Blackburn Award. She has written
     over 25 plays. She has been published by Methuen, Faber and Faber, and Oberon, with commissions
     and/or productions at The Royal National Theatre, The Royal Court, The Young Vic, The Roundhouse,
     The Tricycle, The Bush, Soho Theatre, The Cockpit, The Arcola, Theatre503, The Omnibus, and many

     In 1999 with Lucinda Gane, she co-founded award-winning theatre company Mama Quilla, winning
     amongst other awards, Edinburgh Fringe First, Adelaide Fringe Sensation Award, Adelaide Best
     Fringe Performance Award, M.E.N. best Fringe Performance, nominated for an E.M.M.A and Encore
     Magazine best Play of the Year. She has devised and directed more than 12, experimental and live
     art projects for Mama Quilla (many with casts of over 30) working in hard to reach communities,
     including maximum security prisons. In April 2019, Kay devised and directed Section 28 and The
     Queer State, produced by Jacksons Lane Alexandra Palace and Mama Quilla, It was performed as an
     epic promenade around The Alexandra Palace ending in the iconic Victorian Theatre. Kay is
     currently producing The Pangolin Project for Mama Quilla, a series of 60 second extreme close up
     films, provoked or inspired by the pandemic. It has attracted to date, over13, 000 views.

United Agents | 12-26 Lexington Street London W1F OLE | T +44 (0) 20 3214 0800 | F +44 (0) 20 3214 0801 | E info@unitedagents.co.uk1
Alex Sierz of The Tribune describes her as” the great survivor”, and The Times reviewed her play I
     am Sad you are dead Mrs. T as “a poetic mortar bomb. Her new (American white privilege play),
     Entering Incomplete Map Data, was presented as a staged reading, with esteemed activist group
     #Sayhername as guests in the audience. In February 2019, the Last Little Girl tackling sex
     trafficking, was performed at MATCH Houston Texas, and Kay was awarded a Purposeful Artist
     Award. A tour of Stormy-The Opera funded by Houston Arts Alliance was cancelled due to Covid19
     restrictions and was reimagined as a bricolage, with a premiere production live streaming on
     YouTube in October 2020.

     Her second short film The Driflin, (before COVID19) was scheduled to be shot on the Bolivar
     Peninsula Texas in 2021for Stingaree productions. Her short film Prelude, shot in 2020 (set in the
     days before the2016 election) will be edited in 2021.

     Nicki Stoddart
     +44 (0) 20 3214 0869


     In Development

     Production                              Company                              Notes
     PRELUDE                                  STINGAREE PRODUCTIONS               Short film in post-production

     THE DRIFLIN                              STINGAREE PRODUCTIONS               Short film (writer/ director)

     THE WORKING CLASS                        MAMA QUILLA (AND                    Three short plays - writer/director
     PROJECT (PART 2)                         PARTNERS TBA)

     ENTERING INCOMPLETE MAP                                                      Full length theatre version (writer)

     WOMAN IN WARD 4                                                              Book 1, The Kill Buyer – a novella
     2017                                                                         in verse (writer)

     THE TOUPE (working title)                                                    short film (writer/director)

United Agents | 12-26 Lexington Street London W1F OLE | T +44 (0) 20 3214 0800 | F +44 (0) 20 3214 0801 | E info@unitedagents.co.uk2
Production                              Company                              Notes
     MAIA SENT FOR WATER                                                          Short film (writer/director)
     (working title)

     WORKING GIRLS                            La Compagnie Yorick/Mama            Part of the Soho Project


     Production                          Company                  Notes
     HANGING                              BBC Radio 4             Produced by Catherine Bailey

     OF THE END                           BBC Radio 3             Homage to Samuel Beckett. Writer and

     THE BOGUS WOMAN                      BBC Radio 3             Produced by Catherine Bailey

     Short Films

     Production                      Company                      Notes
     THE COUNT                                                     Written and directed by Kay Adshead

     THE LAST LITTLE GIRL                                          Written by Kay Adshead, dir. by Quason

     THREE LOTUS                     SheSpeaks Productions Adapted from theatre poem written by Kay
     FLOWERS                                                       Adshead, directed by Eugenia Low

     AFTER THE PARTY                 Club X/Channel 4

     ORANGES AND                     BBC City Shorts


     Production                   Company                   Notes
     STORMY THE                   STINGAREE                 Created as an online production
     OPERA (a bricolage)                                    https://youtu.be/QwcZGMCA9TE live-streamed on
     2020                                                   Youtube on October 3 2020. Funded by Houston Arts

     STORMY THE OPERA STINGAREE                             Performed at MATCH Houston Texas November 2019.
     2019                         PRODUCTIONS               Written and directed by Kay Adshead.

     THE QUEER STATE              Alexandra Palace,         Experimental performance inspired by LGBTQIA
     2019                         Mama Quilla               experience,
                                                            performed in workshop on October 13 2019. Writer/

United Agents | 12-26 Lexington Street London W1F OLE | T +44 (0) 20 3214 0800 | F +44 (0) 20 3214 0801 | E info@unitedagents.co.uk3
Production                   Company                   Notes
     HARINGEY HAS                 Jackson’s Lane /          Promenade performance at Alexandra Palace as part
     PRIDE: SECTION 28            Harringay Council /       of Jacksons Lane ‘Haringey Has Pride’
     AND THE QUEER                Alexandra Palace

     THE LAST LITTLE              Houston Play on           written and directed by Kay Adshead as part of
     GIRL                         Purpose / MATCH           Houston Play on Purpose's Showcase of Shorts (S.O.S)
     2019                         Houston

     TEN LOVERS                   Anything Goes             written and directed by Kay Adshead

     HISTRIONICS                  Mama Quilla               written and directed by Kay Adshead
     2018                         productions

     VIRILICUS                    Mama Quilla /
     2018                         Theatre Absolute,

     A CRACKED PLASTER FUTURES                              Written and Directed by Kay Adshead

     WORKING CLASS                Mama Quilla /             A Play in a Day workshop, as director
     2017                         Broadway Theatre

     ACTS OF                      Mama Quilla and           A weeklong festival produced by Kay Adshead
     DEFIANCE - THE               Theatre 503               comprising – six new plays by various authors, inc.
     FESTIVAL                                               Entering Incomplete Map Data Area , written and
     2016                                                   directed by Kay Adshead, 25 specially commissioned
                                                            short films, including The Count , written and dir. Kay
                                                            Adshead, and two work-in-progress community
                                                            projects, including The Soldiers Son , written and
                                                            directed by Kay Adshead.

     ACTS OF DEFIANCE             Mama Quilla & the         Three Plays written by Kay Adshead:
     2016                         Omnibus                   The Last Little Girl , dir. Michael Batz
                                                            Happy Ending , dir. Kay Adshead
                                                            Three Lotus Flowers , dir. Kay Adshead

     ACTS OF DEFIANCE             Mama Quilla and           Three short plays written and directed by Kay
     2015                         Theatre 503               Adshead including Primrose , The Singing Stones ,
                                                            Mama Quilla , written and directed by Kay Adshead,
                                                            performed at the Arcola Theatre with a cast of nine
                                                            women and one man.

     VEIL                         Mama Quilla               A theatre poem by Kay Adshead, directed by Kully
     2014 - 2015                                            Thiarai and performed
                                                            with an immersive installation created by Shanaz
                                                            Gulzar, performed at
                                                            Theatre at The Mill Bradford, Z-arts Manchester, and
                                                            The Hub Leeds,
                                                            transferring to the South Bank for the Alchemy

United Agents | 12-26 Lexington Street London W1F OLE | T +44 (0) 20 3214 0800 | F +44 (0) 20 3214 0801 | E info@unitedagents.co.uk4
Production                   Company                   Notes
     HAPPY ENDING                 Natural Shocks/PEEP Performed at Edinburgh's most intimate venue

     I AM SAD YOU ARE             Theatre 503               Three Eulogies written for THATCHERWRITE

     F.O.M.O                      Mama                      An interactive performance about social networking
     2013                         Quilla/Broadway           written and directed by Kay Adshead
                                  Theatre Barking

     ACTS OF DEFIANCE             Mama                      A series of short films, public interactions or
     2013                         Quilla/Broadway           interventions (ongoing to be published on line
                                  Theatre Barking           September 2013) devised , written or produced by
                                                            Kay Adshead. Ten monologues filmed separately
                                                            were performed as an epic poetry theatre event at
                                                            the Broadway Barking for one night only.

     MATTER                       Mama                      Written and directed by Kay Adshead performed as
     2012                         Quilla/Broadway           work in progress
                                  Theatre Barking

     FROM THE STREETS             Roundhouse                A day of debate and performance - a series of linked
     OF REVOLUTION                                          events exploring recent global events and the nature
     2012                                                   of protest.

     BREAKING                     John Lyons Theatre        Work in progress transferring to Camden Fringe.

     IF ANYONE                    Mama Quilla               Performed in workshop at the Broadway Theatre
     RECOGNISES THESE                                       Barking to be performed at The Round House in 2012.

     THE LAST LITTLE              La Compagnie              Dir. Michael Batz
     GIRL                         Yorick/Theatre Vitry
     2011                         at Cine Robespierre

     BOYS TALKING                 Mama                      Devised and directed by Kay Adshead
     2010                         Quilla/Broadway
                                  Theatre, Barking

     SWEET PAPAYA                 Mama                      Devised and directed by Kay Adshead.
     GOLD                         Quilla/Broadway
     2010                         Theatre, Barking

     PROTOZOA                     The Red                   The Oikos Project was shortlisted for the Whats On
     2010                         Room/Jellyfish            Theatre event of the year. PROTOZOA was performed
                                  Theatre                   at The Jellyfish Theatre, the first fully recyclable
                                                            theatre in Europe. Published by Oberon Books in THE
                                                            OIKOS PROJECT.

United Agents | 12-26 Lexington Street London W1F OLE | T +44 (0) 20 3214 0800 | F +44 (0) 20 3214 0801 | E info@unitedagents.co.uk5
Production                   Company                   Notes
     THREE POLICE                 Mama Quilla with
     STATEMENTS                   The English
     TAKEN FROM                   Collective of
     WORKING GIRLS                Prostitues and The
     2010                         City Lit

     POSSESSED                    Soho Theatre              Part of Everything Must Go
     2009                         Company

     FIVE CRIMES                  Mama                      Devised and directed by Kay Adshead
     RECONSTRUCTED                Quilla/Broadway
     2009                         Theatre, Barking

     STUFFED                      Mama                      Devised and directed by Kay Adshead
     2008                         Quilla/Broadway
                                  Theatre, Barking

     OTHERS                       LAMDA                     Part of LAMDA Long Project.

     BONES                        Calypso, Dublin/La
     2007                         Compagnie Yorick

     BONES                        Mama                      Writer and Director
     2006                         Quilla/Leicester

     THE BOGUS WOMAN Leicester Haymarket Dir. Kully Thiarai. Toured to Adelaide where it was
     2005                                                   awarded Best Performer, Best Play and the Sensation
                                                            Award at the Adelaide Fringe Festival. Also Brits Off
                                                            Brodway (New York).

     BITES                        Mama Quilla/Bush          Writer and Director. Finalist for Susan Smith
     2005                         Theatre                   Blackburn Award.

     ANIMAL                       The Red Room              Dir. Lisa Goldman. Soho Theatre/National Tour.

     METAL AND                    Cockpit Theatre           Part of 'Small Objects of Desire'

     THE SNOW EGG                 Tiebreak                  Tour, ending at Lyric Theatre Studio, Hammersmith.
     2001                         Theatre/Lyric Studio

     LADY CHILL, LADY             National Theatre          Shell Connections

     THE BOGUS WOMAN Mama                                   Dir. Lisa Goldman. 2000 Fringe First Award.
     2000                         Quilla/Traverse           Nominated for 2001 Susan Smith Blackburn Award.

United Agents | 12-26 Lexington Street London W1F OLE | T +44 (0) 20 3214 0800 | F +44 (0) 20 3214 0801 | E info@unitedagents.co.uk6
Production                   Company                   Notes
     BOGUS PEOPLE'S               The Red Room/BAC

     JUICY BITS                   Lyric, Hammersmith

     BACILLUS                     The Red Room              Performed at the Red Room following rehearsed
     1996                                                   readings at the Cockpit and Hampstead theatres

     THE SLUG                     The Red Room

     RAVINGS:                     Manchester Library

     THE STILL BORN               Soho Theatre

     THATCHER'S                   Paines                    Nominated for Susan Smith Blackburn Award
     WOMEN                        Plough/Tricycle
     1987                         Theatre


United Agents | 12-26 Lexington Street London W1F OLE | T +44 (0) 20 3214 0800 | F +44 (0) 20 3214 0801 | E info@unitedagents.co.uk7
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