Kansas City: Freight Power House on the Prairie

Page created by Amber Price
Kansas City: Freight Power House on the Prairie

Kansas City: Freight Power
House on the Prairie
Our region’s status as a freight hub drives jobs and fuels our economy

      Kansas City surged ahead of its neighbors when the first span across the Missouri River, the Hannibal Bridge, opened here in 1869.
The 40,000 people who turned out to celebrate the bridge opening knew something big was going on. Indeed, the transportation link
established by the Hannibal Bridge enabled Kansas City to grow into a cattle trade mecca and a major city, while nearby burgs were
issued one-way tickets to small-town status. Today, a powerful web of transportation infrastructure continues to drive Kansas City’s
engine. Depending on how you measure it, Kansas City is either the biggest or second biggest rail freight hub in the country, and the
interstate highways that crisscross the region make it a major trucking hub.

GROWING UP                                                                or not,” Kuehl says. “It includes any of the industries that depend
     Grain and other commodities converge in Kansas City and move         on transportation of parts. That’s the role that Kansas City has
out again. So do manufactured goods and parts for those goods. The        always played.”
mix includes flowers, pharmaceuticals and virtually every other item         “We’re in the catbird seat,” says George Blackwood, former
used in businesses and homes.                                             Kansas City Council member and immediate past president of North
     According to the 2009 KC Regional Freight Outlook report             America’s SuperCorridor Coalition Inc. (NASCO), an organization
issued by KC SmartPort Inc. and the Mid-America Regional                  that advocates for transportation and trade. “We are precisely
Council, the 18-county Kansas City area handled an estimated              positioned to have exponential economic growth by virtue of the
total of 291 million tons of freight in 2007, with an estimated           transportation advantages we have.”
total value of $826 billion. An additional 650 million tons of              Kansas City’s transportation infrastructure played a role in the
through-rail volume passed over the region’s rail network. Regional       recent decision by UpWind Solutions Inc., an Oregon-based wind
rail and truck freight was projected to increase from 246 million         asset management services firm, to open a $2.1 million distribution
tons in 2007 to 349 million tons in 2027, a 20-year compound              center in Lenexa.
annual growth rate of 1.8 percent.                                          “The decision by UpWind Solutions to locate its main distribution
     Growth in any sector of our economy is much welcomed during          center here is another excellent example of how KC provides the
these challenging times. And as we slowly emerge from this economic       ability for an emerging industry such as wind energy to leverage one
downturn, freight activity is creating and sustaining thousands of jobs   of our region’s legacy operational strengths, in this case transportation
at transportation companies, intermodal freight terminals, warehouse      and logistics,” says Tim Cowden, senior vice president of business
and distribution centers, manufacturers and other industries.             development for the Kansas City Area Development Council.
     “If you look at the industry growth that’s happening in Kansas         Cowden notes that UpWind’s expansion in the Kansas City
City, distribution/transportation is a significant pillar of growth in     area “comes closely on the heels of another similar company, AH
this community,” says KC SmartPort President Chris Gutierrez.             Industries, that determined earlier this year to not only locate its
“We are a transportation hub, and because of that we’re seeing            parts staging operation, but also its North American headquarters
tremendous growth in that sector.”                                        in the region.”
     Chris Kuehl, managing director of Armada Corporate Intelligence        Yet Kansas City’s prowess as a transportation hub can be a curse
in Kansas City, Kansas, says an estimated 20 to 25 percent of the         as well as a blessing, says Kuehl, noting that transportation is
jobs in the Kansas City area are linked to transportation and supply      frequently referred to as the “canary in the coal mine of the economy.
chain activities.                                                         The first industry to feel a decline is transportation,” he says.
     “That includes warehouse work and supply chain coordination            On the other hand, transportation is the first industry to recover
work, whether they’re actually working for a transportation company       when the economy begins to rebound, Kuehl says.

Kansas City: Freight Power House on the Prairie
Chris Gutierrez, president of KC SmartPort Inc.

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Kansas City: Freight Power House on the Prairie
STRONG TRANSPORTATION                                 In an age when trends and technologies come and go quickly, railroads continue
NETWORK SUPPORTS                                    to make a major impact on Kansas City.
GROWTH AT KC                                          The Kansas City Southern Railway, which was founded here in 1887 by visionary
MANUFACTURING FIRM                                  entrepreneur Arthur Stilwell, employs about 600 people in the Kansas City area.
   The Kansas City area’s vibrant transportation    Those employees work at the railroad’s downtown corporate headquarters, at a
network frequently gets credit for supporting       major rail yard near downtown and at an intermodal facility at the site of the
the region’s strong manufacturing sector,           former Richards-Gebaur Air Force Base in south Kansas City.
which includes two major auto plants and              Kansas City Southern’s north-south route system gives Kansas City manufacturers
many smaller operations that dot the city’s         direct access to key markets throughout the central and southeastern United States,
industrial landscape.                               Mexico and the Pacific Rim. The freight it moves in and out of Kansas City primarily
   The link between transportation and              consists of coal, grain and intermodal freight, or freight that is transferred from one
manufacturing was cited once again in July,         mode of transportation to another.
when Milbank Manufacturing announced                  “A number of developments are underway pertaining to the maintenance
that it was making a capital investment of          and expansion of existing yard track infrastructure capacity,” says Kansas City
$2.7 million to expand its Kansas City operations   Southern spokeswoman C. Doniele Carlson. “All of these initiatives are designed
and add 57 new jobs.                                to enable [Kansas City Southern] to more efficiently handle growing business
   Milbank, which started in 1927 as a maker        volumes. [The company] will also continue to hire new employees to keep pace
of high voltage switches, is now a leading          with the growing business.”
manufacturer of electrical meter sockets. In          BNSF Railway employs more than 2,400 people in the Kansas City area,
2009, it entered the renewable energy market        including approximately 800 at its “hump” classification yard in the Argentine
with its PowerGen products for use in the           neighborhood of Kansas City, Kansas. Trains come in from points such as Seattle,
wind turbine industry.                              Los Angeles and the Gulf Coast. Once they arrive, train cars are separated and
   The company, which ships and receives            regrouped to form new trains that will head out to their final destinations.
goods by truck, is located in an industrial area      Seven miles long and crossed by 90 tracks, the BNSF yard processes more than
of northeast Kansas City near major highways.       1,800 rail cars a day, not including trains that merely pass through. The hump, a
   “Having a good highway transportation            small hill with tracks running over it, uses gravity to position train cars in their
system and having a good rail system in and         designated positions.
out of Kansas City is absolutely essential to          “A lot of rail traffic comes from the west coast and goes through Kansas
the economic growth and development of              City on its way to Chicago,” says Greg Lawler, general manager of the BNSF
our city,” says Lavon Winkler, president and        Kansas Division. The cars are packed with coal, grain and all kinds of general
CEO of Milbank. “Infrastructure is incredibly       merchandise, everything from medicine cups to teddy bears, he says.
important to us.”                                     Some of the workers at the Argentine yard drive the locomotives that push the
   Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon visited Milbank to       rail cars around. Others pull cars together to form outbound trains. Employees
announce the expansion.                             from the mechanical division perform safety inspections on the cars while others
   “Being here in the center part of the country    fuel the locomotives, monitor traffic flow and supervise.
and being able to transport both parts as well        Lawler says Kansas City’s rail hub availability promotes manufacturing in
as product relatively cheaply, with fluctuating     the metropolitan area, which in turn creates more work for railroads and their
fuel prices, gives us a significant advantage       employees. A significant number of BNSF employees are at or near retirement
over many others that want to manufacture           age, a demographic dynamic that is helping to fuel demand for new employees.
and sell products,” Nixon says. “We have rail,        “BNSF is aggressively hiring conductors, engineers and mechanical workers this
air, [freight] and highways here and the rivers.”   year,” Lawler says. “This is for projected growth and to fill attrition.”
   The 57 new jobs will boost the Milbank
operation’s payroll to approximately 325.           INTERMODAL CHUGS AHEAD
   “It’s a very good thing that we’re able to add     On a sunny summer morning, Tom Riederer looks out at a sprawling field
jobs,” says Ben Geveshausen, unit president         of scraped-over dirt in Edgerton, a hot growth pocket of southwest Johnson
of United Steelworkers Local #13-07 at Milbank.     County. This is the site of the 550-acre KC Logistics Park, which is currently
“It helps not only our members here, but            being developed next to a 450-acre BNSF intermodal facility that’s in the
also the Kansas City area.”                         early development stage.
Kansas City: Freight Power House on the Prairie
Chris Kuehl, managing director of Armada Corporate Intelligence in Kansas City, Kansas

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George Blackwood, former Kansas City Council member , past president of North America’s
                                                                                                    SuperCorridor Coalition Inc.
The intermodal facility and logistics park are
expected to create 13,230 direct and spinoff          KANSAS CITY FREIGHT BY THE NUMBERS
jobs (most of them non-railroad jobs at or near          The Kansas City region is one of the nation’s leading rail hubs and handles a
the logistics park) by 2026, along with a $1.4        broad variety of rail freight. In 2007, the total estimated volume was 72.2 million
billion financial impact on Johnson County.            short tons of rail freight with an estimated value of $100 billion. Using the Surface
  “The potential for this being a real logistics      Transportation Board Waybill Sample Database from 2006, the total estimated
hub is great,” says Riederer, president of            through-rail volume was 653 million short tons, with coal accounting for 53 percent
the Southwest Johnson County Economic                 of through shipments.
Development Corp. “Over the next 20 years,               U Rail freight is dominated by domestic inbound and outbound flows that have
it will change the face of this whole area.”          the highest value per ton of the different rail flows. The domestic inbound and
  The budding intermodal operation and                domestic outbound flows (each with 47 percent of the tonnage) together account
the logistics park are part of a growing              for 98 percent of value.
trend in freight transportation and distribution.        U Canada cross-border rail freight accounts for 5 percent of tonnage and
Driven largely by growth in international             Mexico cross-border holds a 1 percent share of tonnage.
trade, intermodal freight transportation                 U The value profile is dominated by transportation equipment and miscellaneous
involves the movement of freight on multiple          mixed shipments. Together they account for 83 percent of total value.
modes, such as rail and truck. This allows               U Intermodal freight accounts for only 28 percent of total tonnage, but it
a truck trailer to be loaded directly onto            accounts for 63 percent of total value.
a train car or from a train car to the back              U The largest carload commodity group is Transportation Equipment, which is
of a truck.                                           largely comprised of motor vehicles and motor vehicle parts/accessories.
  “The growth we’re seeing is in the warehouse           Air freight involves the shipment of small volumes of higher value products. In
and distribution facilities that are attracted here   2007, the study regions total air freight amounting to 126,000 short tons with total
because of the intermodal developments,”              estimated value of $1.85 billion. Outbound air freight has a total value of $1.24 billion,
says SmartPort President Gutierrez.                   which reflects the shipment of higher value products, notable miscellaneous
  At KC Logistics Park, which is being                manufactured products (jewelry, precious metal, etc.) at 58 percent of outbound
developed by The Allen Group, some of                 value. Demand for international air cargo services is projected to grow in line with
those warehouse and distribution jobs                 future expansion of regional economic activity.
will be created by DeLong Co. Inc., which                The river system of the study region handled 4.9 million short tons of water freight
recently acquired eight acres there for a             in 2007 with an estimated total value of $.06 billion. Inbound freight amounted to
grain exporting facility.                             0.5 million short tons with an estimated total value of $0.17 billion, with the following
  “We were looking for a secondary loading            major commodity groups—nonmetallic minerals and waste or scrap materials.
point in the Midwest,” says Bo DeLong, vice           Outbound freight amounted to 2.6 million short tons with an estimated total value
president of grain operations for the Wisconsin-      of $0.21 billion. Major outbound commodity groups were nonmetallic minerals,
based company. “We’ve been wanting to get             waste or scrap materials, and farm product.
into the Kansas City market for at least the             Source: KC Regional Freight Outlook, September 2009 Mid-America Regional
last five years. We waited until BNSF decided          Council and KC SmartPort.
exactly where they were going to build their
intermodal terminal. We were fortunate                TOTAL ESTIMATED REGIONAL FREIGHT
to partner up with The Allen Group. We                IN 2007 (VALUE) – $826 BILLION
                                                                                                                                              Truck & Rail
believe we’re in position to be the most                                                                                                      $9.2 (1.1%)
efficient exporter of agricultural products
                                                                 Domestic Truck
in the Kansas City area.”                                                                                                                    Domestic Rail
                                                                 $815.1 (89.9%)
  The DeLong firm plans to commence                                                                                                          $96.5 (11.7%)
construction in the second half of 2012
and begin operations in the third quarter                                                                                                            Air
of 2013. Once the facility is completed,                                                                                                         $1.9 (.02%)
containers full of grain and feed products
from the region will be trucked to the DeLong         Source: TranSystems derived from                                                             Water
operation. There, those products will be              Global Insight Transearch Data                                                             $0.6 (0.1%)

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loaded into containers, which in turn will be loaded onto train cars for shipment
TRANSPORTATION NEEDS                                      to the West Coast, where they will be taken off the trains and loaded onto ships
TO CREATE DEMAND                                          bound for Asia.
FOR CUTTING-EDGE                                            DeLong expects the Edgerton operation to create eight to 10 jobs initially. If
SPECIALISTS                                               robust growth targets are met, the facility could provide work for 40 to 50 people
   When businesses receive product or raw                 in 10 years, including contract workers.
material shipments on time, business owners                 “Our business itself doesn’t employ a lot of people,” DeLong says. “But it’s the
quite likely owe a big thank-you to logistics             other businesses that go along with our business that employ people. We have to hire
and supply chain professionals.                           contract truckers and people to do logistics for us. And we’re not going to be the only
   Experts in this field design, plan and execute         ones down there. We expect there to be others that will do comparable things.”
procedures that ensure efficient deliveries at              Across the state line in Missouri, construction began in July on the first building
the lowest possible cost, and demand for their            at KCI Intermodal Business Centre, an 800-acre business park being developed on
expertise is growing.                                     the KCI Airport campus adjacent to the airfield.
   “Inventory is very expensive for companies,”             The occupant of the approximately 350,000-square-foot building will be Blount
says Roger Woody, executive lecturer and                  International, a global manufacturer and marketer of replacement parts, equipment
director of external supply chain management at           and accessories used in the forestry, lawn, garden, agriculture and construction markets.
the University of Kansas School of Business in            The new building, scheduled for completion in January 2012, will serve as Blount’s
Lawrence. “Companies that have downsized                  national distribution center for North American operations. The company will relocate
in some areas have placed more emphasis on                from its current distribution center in Executive Park east of downtown, and the
becoming more efficient in their supply chain.            move will enable Blount to create 89 new jobs for a total of 319.
It’s all about reducing costs.”                             Nordic Windpower USA, a maker of wind turbines, plans to eventually move to
   The result is growing job opportunities for            KCI Intermodal Business Centre from other sections of the airport.
people such as Brian Oyer, transportation                   KCI’s logistics park is being developed by a joint venture formed by Clarion
manager at the North American headquarters                Partners and Trammell Crow Co., which is a subsidiary of CB Richard Ellis. “The
of Huhtamaki Inc. in De Soto. Oyer, 45, has               overall business center will host 5.4 million square feet when fully developed over
worked in the supply chain field for 18 years.            the next 15 to 20 years and will generate thousands of new jobs for Kansas City,”
In March, he landed a job at Huhtamaki, which             says Jim Didion, who heads Trammell Crow operations in Kansas City.
manufactures and distributes products such                  Meanwhile, the CenterPoint Intermodal Center-Kansas City logistics park is being
as Chinet disposable tableware. The De Soto               developed next to the Kansas City Southern intermodal facility that opened in 2008
operations are part of a global packaging                 at the former Richards-Gebaur site. The developer is CenterPoint Properties and
company headquartered in Finland.                         the marketing agent is Zimmer Real Estate Services.
   “‘Supply chain’ has become the new                       “We’ve got highway infrastructure, including Three Trails Crossing, and rail
buzzword,” Oyer says. “People have discov-                infrastructure that Kansas City Southern has developed that connects the Kansas
ered that [it] is a significant cost of doing business.   City economy with Texas and Mexico, including the deep water port at Lazaro
We can reduce their costs and get their prod-             Cardenas on the Pacific coast, where cargo comes in from Asia,” says Mark Long,
ucts to them when they want them. There is a              a Zimmer senior vice president and principal.
demand for people with my background.”                      The entire site, including the Kansas City Southern operation and CenterPoint,
   Oyer focuses on making Huhtamaki’s                     comprises 1,340 acres. Some businesses are currently operating there, but no new
supply chain operate more efficiently, such               buildings have gone up yet in the 350-acre first phase.
as by combining multiple loads headed to                    Long says the recession has been a drag on CenterPoint’s development. But Long
the same customer.                                        and Tracey Mann, a vice president and director of industrial sales and leasing with
   Kansas City area residents can expect                  Zimmer, says the logistics park is positioned for success.
growing demand for professionals with his                   Mann says Zimmer is talking to light manufacturers, warehouse/distribution
expertise, Oyer says. “As the transportation              companies and a variety of industrial users about locating in CenterPoint.
hub here in Kansas City grows, it’s going to                Such prospects are pleasing to City Councilman John Sharp, whose district includes
lead more companies to build warehousing                  the CenterPoint site. “The intermodal center at the former Richards-Gebaur Air Force
infrastructure here,” he says. “That should               Base that has been developed by Kansas City Southern Railroad and CenterPoint will be
lead to more transportation requirements                  the catalyst to attract jobs and businesses all along the [Missouri] 150 Highway
and job growth in supply chain functions.”                corridor,” Sharp says. “These projects will be a great economic boost.”
Tom Riederer, president of the Southwest Johnson County Economic Development Corp.

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