
                        K10 Soffit Board
             at o   or Str   t ra     Soffit

                                     „ Premium performance
                                       rigid thermoset insulation –
                                       thermal conductivities as low
                                       as 0.020 W/m.K
                                     „ Approved for use by Civil
                                     „ Approved for use by Dubai
                                       Central Laboratory
                                     „ FM Approved to FM 4880
                                       Approval Standard
                                     „ Rated Class A under UL 723/
                                       ASTM E84 Surface Burning
                                     „ Resistant to the passage of
                                       water vapour
                                     „ Does not contain: Asbestos
                                       Containing Materials (ACMs),
                                       CCA-treated timber, lead or
                                       heavy metals
                                     „ Manufactured with a blowing
                                       agent that has zero ODP
                                       (contains no CFCs and HCFCs)
Typical Constructions and U-values

Assumptions                                                                         Fixed Directly to Concrete Soffit
follow have been calculated, under a
Scheme for Assessing the Competency
of Persons to Undertake U–value and Condensation Risk
Calculations, using the method detailed in BS EN ISO 6946:
2007 (Building components and building elements. Thermal                                                                                                      Concrete wall
resistance and thermal transmittance. Calculation method),
and using the conventions set out in BR443 (Conventions
for U–value calculations). They are valid for the construction
shown in Figure 1.
                                                                                                                                                              Concrete ªoor
These examples are based on the use of Kingspan
NB When calculating Ußvalues to BS EN ISO 6 94 6 : 2 0 , 7 the type of Æxing used may
change the thickness of insulation required. These calculations assume the use of
telescopic tube fasteners with thermal conductivity of 1 .0 W/m. K or less, the e ect of
which is insigni Æcant.

NB For the purposes of these calculations, the standard of workmanship has been                                                                               Kingspan KoolthermTM
assumed good, and therefore the correction factor for air gaps has been ignored.                                                                              K1 0 So t Board

NB The Ægures quoted are for guidance only. A detailed Ußvalue calculation and a
condensation risk analysis should be completed for each project.
                                                                                    Figure 1
NB If your construction is di erent from those speci Æed, and/or to gain a
comprehensive U–value calculation along with a condensation risk analysis of your
project, please consult Kingspan Insulation for assistance (see rear cover).             Insulant Thickness (mm)                   U–values (W/m2.K)
                                                                                                                  25                      . 60 5
                                                                                                            30                            .05 6
                                                                                                                  35                       0.49
                                                                                                            40                           0.44
                                                                                                             45                             0.39
                                                                                                             50                            0.36
                                                                                                                   5                       0.33
                                                                                                            60                           0.30
                                                                                                                  65                       0.28
                                                                                                             70                               0.26
                                                                                                                       75                 . 20 5
                                                                                                            80                              0.23
                                                                                                                 85                        0.22
                                                                                                            90                                          0.21
                                                                                                                  95                     0.20
                                                                                                    100                                                     0.19
                                                                                                    105                                                     0.18
                                                                                                            110                                             0.17
                                                                                                            15                                              0.17
                                                                                                    120                                                     0.16
                                                                                                     12 5                                          51 . 0
                                                                                                    130                                            51 . 0
                                                                                                     135                                                0.14
                                                                                                    140                                                 0.14

                                                                                    Table 1: Thicknesses of Kingspan KoolthermTMK1So
                                                                                                                                 0 tBoard,installedwithinthe
                                                                                    construction shown in the image above to meet the associated U-value.

Design Considerations

Environmental Impact & Responsible Sourcing                The product shall be manufactured: with a blowing agent
Green Guide Rating                                         that has zero Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP) and low
                                                           Global Warming Potential (GWP); under a management
AnEcoproÆle,certiÆedbyBRECertiÆcationtothe20 8
                                                                     27  ISO50 2;:1byKingspan
for Kingspan KoolthermTM K1 0 So t Board produced at
                                                           Insulation and installed in accordance with the instructions
Kingspan Insulation’s Pembridge, UK, and Castleblayney,
                                                           issued by them.
Ireland manufacturing facilities. The BRE has assigned the
product a 2008 Green Guide Summary Rating of A+.           Water Vapour Control/Condensation
                                                                        Consideration should be given to the risk of condensation
                                                                        when designing thermal elements. A condensation risk
                                                                        analysis should be carried out following the procedures set
                                                                        outinBS520: (Codeofpracticeforthecontrolof
                                                                        condensation in buildings). Kingspan Insulation (see rear
                    Environmental Pro Æles Scheme
                     Certi Æcate Number ENP 5 0
                                                                        cover) can provide this service.

Responsible Sourcing                                                    Wind Loading
Kingspan KoolthermTMK10SotBoardmanufactured                 Where the insulation boards may be subject to external wind
at Kingspan Insulation’s Pembridge, UK manufacturing        pressure, wind loadings should be assessed in accordance
facilityiscertiÆedtoBES601(FrameworkStandardforthe          with BS 6399–2: 1997 (Loading for Buildings. Code of practice
Responsible Sourcing of Construction Products) `Excellent’. forwindloads)orBSEN19ß1ß4:205(NationalAnnex
                                                            to Eurocode 1 Actions on Structures. General Actions. Wind
                                                            Actions) taking into account:

                                                                        „ length/width/height of the building;
                                                                        „ orientation of the building;
Kingspan KoolthermTMK10SotBoardproducedatKingspan                       „ wind speed;
Insulation’s Pembridge, UK; Castleblayney, Ireland; and                 „ aspect (i.e. on a hillside); and
Somerton, Australia manufacturing facilities is manufactured
                                                                        „ topographical value of the surrounding area.
The principle polymer component of the product produced
at these facilities is also manufactured under a management             Lightning Protection
systemcertiÆedtoISO140:25.                                              Building designers should give consideration to the
NB The above information is correct at the time of writing. Please con Ærm             requirements
                                                                                         at the     ofBSEN62305: (Protectionagainst
point of need by contacting Kingspan Insulation (see rear cover), from which copies of lightning).
Kingspan Insulations and its suppliers BES 6 0 1 certi Æcates can be obtained, along
with con Ærmation of Kingspan Insulations products Green Guide Ratings.

Sustainability & Responsibility
Kingspan Insulation has a long–term commitment to
sustainability and responsibility: as a manufacturer and
supplier of insulation products; as an employer; and as a
substantial landholder.
A report covering the sustainability and responsibility of
Kingspan Insulation’s British operations is available at www.

Specification Clause
Kingspan KoolthermTM K10SotBoard           should be described in
speciÆcations as:ß
The so t insulation shall be Kingspan Kooltherm    TM
performance rigid thermoset phenolic insulation core with a
low emissivity composite foil on its front surface and glass
tissue based facing on its reverse surface.


Fixing Directly to Concrete Soffits                          Recommended Fixing Patterns
„ Insulation boards should be installed break–bonded, with   „ The images below show recommended Æxing patterns,
  joints lightly butted.                                       thenumberofÆxingsusedandtheresultingÆxing
„ ThenumberofmechanicalÆxingsrequiredtoÆx                      densitynumber
                                                                        (     ofÆxingsper2
  Kingspan KoolthermTM K1 0 So t Board will vary
  with the geographical location of the building, the
  concerned, and the so t construction.
„ Aminimumof1 mechanicalÆxings,withaminimum
„ Where the insulation boards may be subject to external                           11 No. per board
  wind pressure, the requirement for additional Æxings                 (2.4 x 1.2 m board – 3.81 fixings / m 2)
  should be assessed in accordance with BS 6399–2: 1997
  (Loading for Buildings. Code of practice for wind loads)
  orBSEN19 ß1ß4:20 5(NationalAnnextoEurocode1
  Actions on Structures. General Actions. Wind Actions).
„ TheÆxingsshouldbeevenlydistributedoverthewhole
  penetration into a solid substrate.
„ Please refer to the column opposite for recommended                             12 No. per board
  Æxingpatterns.                                                       (2.4 x 1.2 m board – 4.16 fixings / m 2)
„ Fixingsatboardedgesmustbelocated>50mmand

Proprietary Grid Systems                                                      General
    „ Kingspan KoolthermTM K10SotBoardcanalsobeÆxed                           Cutting
      to a proprietary grid system comprising metal furring
      bars.                                          „ CuttingshouldbecarriedouteitherbyusingaÆne-
                                                       toothed saw, or by scoring with a sharp knife, snapping
„ For further information regarding proprietary grid   the board over a straight edge and then cutting the
  systemspeciÆcations,pleasecontactKingspan            facing on the other side.
  Insulation (see rear cover).
                                                     „ Ensure accurate trimming to achieve close butting joints
Taping                                                 and continuity of insulation.
    „ The joints of Kingspan KoolthermTM K1 0 So t Board   Daily Working Practice
      selfßadhesive aluminium foil tape and/or Æbreglass   „ At the completion of each day’s work, or whenever work
      reinforcement mesh.                                     is interrupted for extended periods of time, board edges
                                                              and joints should be protected from inclement weather.
    „ In the absence of other protection, exposed edges
      of Kingspan KoolthermTM K1 0 So t Board should be    Availability
      protected by a suitable self–adhesive aluminium foil „ Please contact Kingspan Insulation (see rear cover) to
      tape and/or Æbreglass reinforcement mesh, with a 50 enquire about the availability of Kingspan KoolthermTM
      mm min. wide overlap onto the insulation board face,    K1 0 So t Board.
      see Figure 2.
                                                                              Packaging and Storage
                        Exposed board edge covered                            „ The polyethylene packaging of Kingspan Insulation
                        min. on to underside                                    products, which is recyclable, should not be considered
                                                             Concrete so t
                                                                                adequate for outdoor protection.
                                                                              „ Ideally, boards should be stored inside a building. If,
                                                                                however, outside storage cannot be avoided, then
                                                                                the boards should be stacked clear of the ground
                                                                                and covered with an opaque polythene sheet or
                                                                                weatherproof tarpaulin. Boards that have been allowed
                                                     Fixingwith35mm             to get wet should not be used.
                                                     (diameter) washer
                                                     Board joint taped with   Health and Safety
                                                     60 mm min oil tape
                                               Foil faced underside of        „ Kingspan Insulation products are chemically inert and
                                               Kingspan KoolthermTM K10         safe to use.
                                               So t Board
                                                                              „ A Safety Information Data Sheet for this product is
Figure 2
                                                                                available from the Kingspan Insulation website
Surface Finishings                                                              www.kingspaninsulation.com.

Please contact the Kingspan Insulation Technical                              Warning – do not stand on or otherwise support your weight on this board unless it is
Department to discuss the available options (see rear                         fully supported by a load-bearing surface.


Product Details

The Upper Facings                                            Standard Dimensions
The upper facing of Kingspan Kooltherm K10SotBoard
                                                             Kingspan KoolthermTM K1 0 So t Board                       is available in the
is a glass tissue based facing, autohesively bonded to the   following standard size(s):
insulation core during manufacture.
                                                              Nominal Dimension                         Availability
The Core
                                                              Length                           (m)      2.4
The core of Kingspan KoolthermTM
                                                              Width                           (m)       1.2
performance rigid thermoset phenolic                          Insulant Thickness                      (mm) Refer to Kingspan Insulation for .....
insulant manufactured with a blowing                          ......................................................current stock and non-stock sizes ..
                                                              .......................................................(see rear cover)
agent that has zero Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP) and
low Global Warming Potential (GWP).                          Table 2: Standard Dimensions of Kingspan KoolthermTMK1So
                                                                                                                  0 tBoard.

The core of Kingspan Kooltherm K10SotBoardhasa

90% (or greater) closed cell structure.                      Density
                                                             The apparent density of Kingspan KoolthermTMK10Sot
The Exposed Facing                                           Board is 3 5 kg/m 3 when tested to BS EN 1602: 2013
The exposed facing of Kingspan KoolthermTMK10Sot             (Thermal insulating products for building application.
Board is a low emissivity composite foil, autohesively
bonded to the insulation core during manufacture. The         Compressive Strength
exposed facing used on Kingspan KoolthermTMK10Sot
                                                              The compressive strength of Kingspan KoolthermTM K10
Board has not been designed with the purpose of an
                                                              SotBoardtypicallyexceeds10 kPaat10%compression,
                                                              when tested to BS EN 826: 1996 (Thermal insulating prod-
is critical, advice should be sought from Kingspan Insulation
                                                              ucts for building applications.
(see rear cover).

Standards and Approval
                                                             Water Vapour Resistance
Kingspan KoolthermTM K10Sot      Board is manufactured
to the highest standards under a management system
                                                             typically achieves a resistance far greater than 26 MN.s/g,
                    (              Management
                                                             when tested in accordance with BS EN 12086: 1997 EN
                                                             12086: 1998 (Thermal insulating products for building
Management Systems. Requirements) BS/I.S OHSAS
18001: 2007 (Health and Safety Management Systems.
Systems. Requirements with guidance for use).

Kingspan KoolthermTMK10SotBoardisapprovedbyDubai
Central Laboratory.

Kingspan KoolthermTM K10 SotBoardis approved for use
by Dubai Civil Defence and Abu Dhabi Civil Defence.

Product Details

Durability                                               Kingspan KoolthermTM K10SotBoard,whensubjected
If correctly installed, Kingspan KoolthermTM K10SotBoard
                                                         below, has achieved the result shown.
supporting structure and the conditions of its use.       Test                        Result
NB If the building is considered to be in an exposed location, advice should be sought
from Kingspan Insulation (see rear cover) to determine the product’s suitability.        NFPA 286 (Standard Methods     Pass
                                                                                         of Fire Tests for Evaluating
Resistance to Solvents, Fungi & Rodents                                                  Contribution of Wall and
                                                                                         Ceiling Interior Finish to
The insulation core is resistant to short–term contact with                              Room Fire Growth)
petrol and with most dilute acids, alkalis and mineral oils.
                                                                   :4  result
                                                                       682   ofKingspanKoolthermNK1So
                                                                                                  0 tBoard.
However, it is recommended that any spills be cleaned
o fullybeforetheboardsareinstalled.Ensurethat                   safe
                                                              Further      details on the Ære performance of Kingspan
methods of cleaning are used, as recommended by suppliers     Insulation products may be obtained from Kingspan
of the spilt liquid. The insulation core is not resistant to  Insulation (see rear cover).
some solvent–based adhesive systems, particularly those
containing methyl ethyl ketone. Adhesives containing such
solvents should not be used in association with this product.
Damaged boards or boards that have been in contact with
harsh solvents or acids should not be used.

The insulation core and facings used in the manufacture
of Kingspan KoolthermTM K1 0 So t Board resist attack by
mould and microbial growth, and do not provide any food
value to vermin.

FM Approval
For further details, please contact Kingspan
Insulation (see rear cover) or alternatively
search for Kingspan Insulation on

Fire Performance
Kingspan KoolthermTMK10SotBoard,whensubjectedto
result shown.

    Test                                  Result
    UL 723 / ASTM E 84 Surface            FlameSpreadIndex(FSI)of25,
    Burning Characteristics               Smoke Developed Index (SDI) of
                                            0     A
Table 3: UL 723 / ASTM E 84 result ofKingspanKoolthermNK1So
                                                        0 tBoard.

Product Details

Thermal Properties                                                                                                                                                      Thermal
                                                                                                 Thermal                                                               Resistance                                Approx
                                                                     Insulant                   Resistance
    The λ–values and R-values detailed below are quoted in                                                                                                             ( 2.oF.hr/Btu)                            Weight
                                                                 Thickness (mm)                (m .K/W) (RSI

    accordancewithASTMC518(Standardtestmethodfor                                                metric units)                                                       (I.P. (inch-pound)                           (kg/m2)
    steady-state thermal transmission properties by means                                                                                                             Imperial units)
              oftheheatªowmeterapparatus).                                           25                                                                  1.2 5                                         7.0                                                              01 . 5
                                                                               30                                                                      1. 5 0                                       8. 5                                                                         1.22
Thermal Conductivity
                                                                                     35                                                                    71 5 .                                          9.9                                 1 . 39 5
Thermal resistance can be expressed in either metric or                        40                        2.00                                                                                       11.3                                                                         1. 5 7
imperial measurement. Using the metric measurement,
the boards achieve a thermal conductivity (λ–value) 0.020                       45                                  2. 5                                                                     12.7                54 7 .1
W/m.K at 23°C mean temperature.                                                 50                              2. 5 0                                                                              14.1                                                                         1.92

Thermal Resistance                                                                    5                                       7 5 2.                                                        1 5.6                  0 2. 9 5
                                                                               60                        3.00                                                                                 17.0                                                                    2.27
Thermal resistance can be expressed in either metric or
imperial measurement. Using the imperial measurement,                                65                              3.2 5                                                                  18.4                   2.4 5
the boards achieve a thermal resistance (R-value) per inch of                   70                              3. 5 0                                                                      19.8                                                                  2.62
thickness of 7.21 Ft2.hr.0f/Btu
                                                                                          75                                                  3 .7 5                                        21.2                                                                                          2.8
The metric measurement of thermal resistance (R–value)                         80                        4.00                                                                          22.7                                                                           2.97
varies with thickness and is calculated by dividing the                             85                            4. 2 5                                                                    24.1                                                                      51 . 3
thickness of the board (expressed in metres) by its thermal
conductivity. The resulting number is rounded down to the                      90                           4. 5 0                                                                   2 5.                                                                         3.32
nearest0.5(m 2.K/W).                                                                 95                              7 5 4.                                                            26.9                                      3 . 49 5
                                                                       100                               05 .                                                                      28.3                                                                               3.67
                                                                       105                                             5.2                                                                  29.9                        3. 8 45
                                                                               110                               5. 0                                                                       31.2                                                          4.02
                                                                               15                                                      75 .                                         32.6                                            5 91 . 4
                                                                       120                               6.00                                                             34.0                                                                                    4.37
                                                                        12 5                                        6 .2 5                                                         3 5 .4                           4. 5
                                                                       130                                      6.50                                                                  36.9                                                                            4.72
                                                                         135                                                    675.                                           38.3                                           4. 8 9 5
                                                                       140                                         7.00                                                                     39.7                                                             7 0 5.
                                                                       1 45                          52. 7                                                                                          41.1          5 4 2.
                                                                       150                           05. 7                                                                .2 5 4                                                                          2 45.

                                                                 Kingspan Insulation’s maximum available thickness is subject to alteration without
                                                                 notice. At the time of publication, this speci Æc insulation thickness must be built
                                                                 up from two thinner layers, but this may have changed by the time that the
                                                                 information in this literature is relied upon. Please contact Kingspan Insulation for
                                                                 current stock and non–stock sizes (see rear cover for details). Where multiple layers
                                                                 of insulation of di erent thicknesses are used, the thickest layer should be install
                                                                 as the outermost layer in the construction.

                                                                       :5   ResistanceofDieringThicknessesofKingspanKooltherm
                                                                                                                          0 t

Contact Details

  Kingspan Insulation LLC                                                                         Technical Service
                                                                                                  Kingspan Insulation has one of the most technically
  P.O. Box 113826, Dubai Investment Park 2,                                                       advancedsupportservicesintheindustryoeringafull
  Dubai, U.A.E.                                                                                   spectrum of advice, free of charge for all types of design
  T: +971 (0) 4 889 1000                                                                          projects.
  F: +971 (0) 4 8 3 8 5 1                                                                         The Kingspan Insulation technical team are continually
  E: info@kingspaninsulation.ae                                                                   updating their knowledge on building regulations, best
  www.kingspaninsulation.com                                                                      practise, construction methods and the development
                                                                                                  of building materials to ensure the advice and services
                                                                                                  provided are always one step ahead.
                                                                                                  Services available:
                                                                                                  „      U-value calculations;
                                                                                                  „      condensation/dew point risk calculations;
                                                                                                  „       dvice on product selection and product data for
                                                                                                         the full range of Kingspan Insulation products;
                                                                                                  „      installationandÆxingadviceonallapplications
                                                                                                          and products;
                                                                                                  „       speciÆcation and construction advice; and
                                                                                                  „      TaperedRooÆngDesignservice.
                                                                                                  Email: technical@kingspaninsulation.ae

Kingspan Insulation LLC reserves the right to amend product speci Æcations without prior notice. Product
thicknesses shown in this document should not be taken as being available ex–stock and advice should be
sought directly from Kingspan Insulation LLC. The information, technical details and Æxing instructions etc.
included in this literature are given in good faith and apply to uses described herein. Recommendations
for use should be veri Æed as to the suitability and compliance with actual requirements, speci Æcations and
any applicable codes, laws and regulations. For other applications or conditions of use, contact Kingspan
Insulation LLC. Advice should be sought for uses of Kingspan Insulation products that are not speci Æcally
described herein. The Ære tests referenced in this literature and the assigned results are not intended to
re ªect hazards presented by the materials and products described herein under actual Ære conditions.
Please check that your copy of the literature is current by visiting www.kingspaninsulation.com
Countries comprise: the Middle East as far North and East as (and including) Turkey, Iran and Oman and as
far South and West as (and including) Saudi Arabia and Yemen.

® Kingspan and the Lion Device are Registered Trademarks of the Kingspan Group plc. All rights reserved.
TM Kooltherm is a Trademark of the Kingspan Group plc.
No rights can be derived from this document. Changes, typesetting and printing errors reserved. This version
replaces all previous versions.

10th Issue q02/2021
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