Vol.51No.5 ANAR - Blackburn Hamlet Community Association

Page created by Linda Bauer
                                              Blackburn Area News and Reports

Vol. 51 No. 5
                                          ANAR                                                          June 2018

                    This years FunFair parade will be themed “A Day At The Beach”.
                    Come out in your sun glasses, your floats, beach towels and favourite
                    swimmers, as we heat up the parade with our Beach theme.

     Our parade organisers are hard at work to have           Check out the FunFair web page at
     another fantastic parade that will also have the Canoe   www.blackburnfunfair.ca for schedule updates, music
     Club as this years Parade Marshall.                      line-up and live updates as well as registration for the
     Get out and celebrate spring with an exciting            FunRun, Softball Tournament, and to volunteer.
     weekend at your community FunFair. We look               See you at the FunFair!
     forward to seeing all of you there.                      Brent Lawrie, Chair, Funfairchair@Gmail.com
                                                                                   Illustration info from 1988 page 18

       Bearbrook Road will be closed from Louis Riel High School to the Blackburn Arena from 10:00 am
       until 10:45 am. Please respect the barricades at entrances to parking lots along the route.
FUNFAIR 2018 IS HERE — June 1st to 3rd
     Hope everyone is excited about the 48th annual Blackburn Hamlet Fun!
  Always packed full of phenomenal events and activities for everyone to enjoy.

Check out the exciting schedule of events we have in store for you this year:
Friday June 1st                                                11 am to 8:15 pm Beer Garden—behind Community
                                                                    Centre (closed for 45 minutes, reopens 9 pm, cover
4 pm to 10:00 pm Midway Opens—on the grounds
                                                                    charge after 9 pm)
5 pm to dusk Recreational Mixed Softball Tournament—
                                                               12 pm to 3 pm Family game area (free games with prizes
     Tauvette ball diamonds
                                                                    like a throwback to the original FunFair)—soccer fields
6 pm to 8 pm Movie Night featuring 'To Be Announced'—
                                                                    next to Community Centre
                                                               1 pm Cake-cutting ceremony—Beer garden
6 pm to 10:30 pm Craft Brew Night—with three east
                                                               1 pm to 3 pm Paint Party—Community Centre
     Ottawa brewers—Beer Gardens (No cover!)
                                                               5:30 pm to 10:30 pm Glow Wars Team Challenge—Arena
6:30 pm to 10:30 pm Stage Show—behind Community
     Centre (check Friday line-up page)                        9 pm to 11:45 pm Beer Garden—behind Community
                                                                    Centre (Cover charge, no minors)
8:30 pm to 10:30 pm Youth Fun Night presented by
     GlowSport—Arena                                           10 pm Fireworks Show—Blackburn Park, baseball diamond
Grounds close at 10:30 pm                                      Grounds close at midnight

Saturday June 2nd                                              Sunday June 3rd
8 am to 10 am Pancake Breakfast—in Community Centre            9 am In-person registration for Fun Run—Community Centre
10 am to dusk Recreational Mixed Softball Tournament—          10 am to finish Recreational Mixed Softball Tournament (if
     Tauvette ball diamonds                                         necessary)
10 am to 10:45 am FunFair Parade—Bearbrook Road                10 am to 11 am 5K Family Fun Run—start and finish on
     (starts at Louis Riel School; ends at Community Centre)        main field (check Fun Run webpage for route)
10 am to 3:30 pm Showcase—Arena                                11:15 am to 12 noon 1K Kids Fun Run—start and finish on
                                                                    main field (check Fun Run webpage for route)
10 am to 3:30 pm Used Book Sale—Arena
                                                               10 am to 3 pm Knowledge Based Obstacle Course,
10 am to 3:30 pm Silent Auction—Arena
                                                                    (powered by N.U.T.S. and Glow Sport)—Arena
11 am to 11 pm Midway—main grounds
                                                               11 am to 3 pm Midway—main grounds
11 am to 3 pm FunFair BBQ—near Community Centre
                                                               11:00 am to 12:00 noon To be announced—Stay tuned
     (featuring Hot Dogs, Hamburgers and Sausages)
                                                               12:30 to 1:30 pm FunFair Dog Show—Stage behind
11 am to noon,1 pm to 2 pm, and 3 pm to 4 pm
                                                                    Community Centre
     Ray's Reptiles—Arena
                                                               1 pm to 3 pm To be announced—Main field
11 am to 3 pm Fruit Stand—east of Community Centre
                                                               Grounds close at 3 pm.
11 am to 4 pm Bouncy Castle—Arena
11 am to 7 pm Glitter Tattoos—east of Community Centre
11 am to 4 pm Dunk Tank—west of Community Centre
                                                               * Visit www.blackburnfunfair.ca for updates.

11 am to 11:50 pm Stage Show—behind Community
                                                               *asPlease respect the posted hours of the beer gardens
                                                                    we need to adhere to our permit allowances.
     Centre (check Saturday line-up page)                             Most of all — Have Fun!
2 • The BANAR                                                                                                June 2018
                                                                              4 What’s happening in the Hamlet?
                                                                              5 Laura Dudas resigns as President
                                                                              7 “Out-Is-In” free event June 9
                                                                              9 Cancer Chase is on Oct 14
                                                                              11 Councillor’s Corner
                                                                              13 Spring Clean-up a Huge Success
                                                                              15 Dominion City Brewing Company
                                                                              18 Banar Cover Artwork Artist?
                                                                              19 TD Blackburn donates to Charity
                                                                              20 An Olympic Hopeful
                                                                              21 Major League Soccer Academy
Top 10 Reasons to join in the FunRun!                                         22 Bike Skills Development Day
                                                                              24 Blackburn Library
The Blackburn Hamlet FunRun is in its 6th year! This family-
                                                                              26 Art Studio Tour June 9 & 10
friendly event takes place on Sunday, June 3rd on the grounds of the
FunFair and features a 5 km run/walk and a kid's 1 km run/walk.               27 Strawberry Tea & Silver Auction June 17
Register online by Friday, June 1st to guarantee your spot! Everyone          28 Choeur PleinChant d’Ottawa May 26
who pre-registers for the 5 km event will receive a race kit full of          28 Ottawa Giveaway Weekend June 9 & 10
goodies and pre-registering for either event guarantees your name             28 Local non-Facebook “free stuff’ groups
being entered into the post-race raffles!                                     29 Don’t trash that treasure!
Still unsure if you should sign up?                                           29 The Buy Nothing Project
                                                                              29 Online Classifieds
Here is the list of the top 10 reasons:
10 Join family, friends and neighbours in kicking off Day 2 of the             Canada Day Fireworks Info
    Blackburn Hamlet FunFair.                                                  will be available mid-June at
9 Physical activity benefits the body and mind.                                www.blackburnHamlet.ca
8 Participating in a group fitness event creates a sense of
    camaraderie and unites us as a community.                                        Websites
7 The route provides a wonderful tour of the streets and parks you             www.BlackburnHamlet.ca
    may not otherwise take the opportunity to enjoy on foot.                   www.BlackburnFunFair.ca
6 All fitness levels, ages and abilities are welcome.                          www.Banar.ca
5 Morning exercise improves mental and physical energy. After the
    race, you will feel energized to enjoy the rest of the day at the fair.          Facebook
4   The registration fees are among the lowest in the city.                    www.Facebook.com—then do a search for:
3   Everybody loves a shiny, new medal.                                        • Blackburn Hamlet Community — BCA
                                                                               • Blackburn Hamlet Community
2   You will have the chance to win some fabulous prizes.                      • BlackburnHamletBusiness
1   By participating, you are supporting Blackburn Hamlet and                  • BlackburnHamletRealEstate
    ensuring the success of this annual celebration.
Visit our website at www.blackburnfunfair.ca/fun-run for details on                   Twitter
how to join in the FunRun!                                                     @BlackburnOttawa

June 2018                                                                                           The BANAR •      3
Blackburn Community Association
MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 47062, OTTAWA K1B 5B0                                            GET YOUR BCA MEMBERSHIP
Acting President                      613-282-4139            Ali Yassine                  AT THE FUNFAIR OR BY MAIL
Acting Vice-President                 613-866-3126
Treasurer/Banking                     613-837-1504            Lisa Margeson                Blackburn Hamlet is known for being a friendly,
Secretary                             613-841-8928            Lynn Lefevre
Community Communications              613-700-7009            Chelsey Wynne                active and progressive community. A BCA membership
Community Relations                   613-700-7009            Chelsey Wynne                is only $10 for a family and runs from January to the
Community Safety (ACTING)             613-277-7149            Ian Chamberland
Cancer Chase                          info@cancerchase.com Lee Stach                       end of the year. Your contribution helps pay for the
Education & Youth                     613-806-7559            Belinda Joy
Environment/Transportation enviro@blackburnhamlet.ca Kendra Brett
                                                                                           BANAR, a multitude of events and projects
Membership            memberships@blackburnhamlet.ca Satinder Sahota                       as well as physical representation at
Parks and Rinks
Social                                613-277-7149            Ian Chamberland              various levels of government, neighbouring
Website Administrator webadmin@blackburnhamlet.ca Kaitlyn Demasi                           communities and organizations.
Fun Fair Chairperson                  613-830-4824            Brent Lawrie                 Available at the FunFair or by mailing a $10 cheque
Banar Editor                          613-824-9707            Evelyn Budd
Seniors’ Action Committee             613-298-7119            Linda Gray                   made out to “BCA” to: Satinder Sahota, BCA
Community Hall Bookings               613-857-2222* text      Auramarina Sawyer
             Note: Emails for all directors are at www.blackburnhamlet.ca                  Memberships, P .O. Box 47062, Ottawa, K1B 5B0.
THE BANAR is published and distributed by the Blackburn Community Association               The community is stronger with your support!
five times a year to all residents and businesses in Blackburn Hamlet.
ARTICLES AND ADS—send in the body of an e-mail or in MS Word to Evelyn Budd at             Name:____________________________________
ev@buddpublishing.com. The editor reserves the right to make changes. Please put
“Banar and the subject Title” in the email subject line. You will always receive a         Address:__________________________________
confirmation email back once it has been read.
                                                                                                     For more information email
A) • 2.4 w x 2.75 h / 3.65 w x 1.75 h: $40/issue ($180 for 5 issues)
Business card • 3.65 w x 2 h: $50/issue ($225 for 5 issues)
B) • 3.65 w x 2.75 h / 4.95 w x 2 h: $60/issue ($270 for 5 issues
C) • 4.95 w x 2.75 h / 3.65 w x 4.25 h: $80/issue ($360 for 5 issues)
D) • 3.65 w x 5.25 h / 4.95 w x 4 h: $100/issue ($450 for 5 issues)
E) • 7.5 w x 4.25 h / 4.95 w x 6.25 h: $140/issue ($630 for 5 issues)
F) • 4.95 w x 9.5 h: $200/issue ($900 for 5 issues)
Full page • 7.5 x 9.5 h: $300/issue ($1350 for 5 issues) Back cover when available.
ADS, JPEGS & PDFS are to be the correct size and high resolution (300 dpi). There is
an additional cost for ads to be created or corrected.
BUSINESS PROFILE: Free profile for 1st time ANNUAL subscribers of “C” size and up
ads. Please send in a rough draft written in the 3rd person approximately 200 to 250
words plus photo (or more text). Editing of article if needed/wanted. Value $175.
PAYMENT OF ADS/BUSINESS PROFILE: By cheque/cash/E-transfer. Payment must be
received by the deadline date.. Cheques are payable to “BCA”. and send to Evelyn
Budd, 5729 Kemplane Court, Ottawa K1W B / ev@buddpublishing.com.
endorse or guarantee products or services advertised in the Banar or take
responsibility for the print or web quality or legalities of photos and artwork provided
by advertisers for the BANAR or the BCA website.
DISTRIBUTION: Circulation 4,000 and 4,500 in June. Delivered to Blackburn homes
and businesses by community youth groups. Copies are available at the Blackburn
Library, Shoppers Drug Mart, Tim Hortons and Metro while quantities last.

                DEADLINE Aug 15th / DELIVERY BY Sept 3rd
                 DEADLINE Oct 19th / DELIVERY BY Nov 5th
       To verify dates or for more information go to www.banar.ca

4 • The BANAR                                                                                                                          June 2018
Laura Dudas stepping down as President of BCA
by Evelyn Budd
We have Roger Smiley to thank for encouraging
Laura to come to the BCA’s AGM meeting in 2008
and get involved. Laura became the Community
Relations director that evening. In 2009 she became
Vice-president and in 2010 she was elected President.
Roger knew this was someone who had vision and a
lot of energy!
As a community builder, Laura reached out, formed
partnerships with all the right people and
                                                             February 18, 2010—Front row - l to r: Sheryl Tracy, Laura Dudas, Paula Rosenquist, Evelyn Budd
organizations and has brought a great many                   Back row - l to r: Roger Smiley, Annick Laporte, Tom Scott, Al Ross, Helen Rosseau.

community iniatives to completion. Thank you!
                                                             Laura says that she has very much appreciated being
Laura feels the best part of volunteering has been           President but felt it was time to pass the opportunity
getting to know the people in the Hamlet and                 to the new group of board members who are
working with the board to resolve the many issues            engaged, dedicated and excited to help the
that come up. She also says providing opportunities          community. Vice-president Ali Yassine will be
to bring people of all ages to “do good”, celebrate and      stepping into the President’s role.
have a good time inspires her.
                                                             “Blackburn is a community of volunteers and of friends.
Her latest project—the Four Corners beautification           We try to help each other when we need it and I always
refects the very artistic and joie de vie of the Blackburn   felt that it was important for me to play my part by
community and is a project dear to her heart.                helping in the best way I knew how.” Laura Dudas

June 2018                                                                                                                            The BANAR •              5
6 • The BANAR   June 2018
Free event for people of all ages
by Environment and Transportation Committee
June is Recreation and Parks Month and the Blackburn
Hamlet Community Association’s Environment and
Transportation Committee in collaboration with Earth Path
and Ecology Ottawa is holding its first ever “Out-is-In” Park Day.
This is a free event for people of all ages. Bring your picnic baskets
and blankets and join us for a community picnic, music,
interpretative nature walks, story time, and various activities.
We will gather on Saturday, June 9th from 10 a.m. to 3.p.m. at the
Harold Diceman Park, 30 Diceman Crescent. The event will
primarily take place at the north end of the park near the play
More information may be found on the Blackburnhamlet.ca
website. Over the next while the schedule may need to be
amended to accommodate additional activities or some activities
you may need to register for beforehand. As such, please check prior
to the event.
Please note that this event will be cancelled in the event of
moderate to heavy rain.
Are you interested in helping out? Please contact us at

June 2018                                                                The BANAR •   7
8 • The BANAR   June 2018
The Cancer Chase 5k walk/run is on
by Lee Stach, Event Chair 2018                              Coordinator. It’s a job perfect for an outgoing
Planning for the Blackburn Hamlet Cancer Chase              individual looking to give back in a meaningful way. If
is well underway. The 5K run/walk will take place on        you are interested in this position (or in contributing
October 14th at the Hornet’s Nest soccer clubhouse,         to the Cancer Chase in any way), email us at
1660 Bearbrook Road. Save the date and sign-up at           info@cancerchase.com. Similarly, if you are a local
https://www.events.runningroom.com/site/?race Id=15220!     business looking to contribute to the Chase please
Register as an individual or as a team and make a day       contact us at the same email above.
of it! Not a runner or walker? Come out to this fun         Interested in following our planning progress? Check
community event anyways and cheer on the Cancer             out our Facebook page (Blackburn Hamlet Cancer
Chasers, and maybe even bid on some of the unique           Chase), our Instagram (@blackburnhamletcancerchase)
items we have in the silent auction. It is all for a good   or our website at www.cancerchase.com. We’ve got
cause! Proceeds will fund cancer research right here        lots of ways to keep in touch, so please follow us along
in our Ottawa community, through the Ottawa                 as we plan this amazing event.
Hospital Foundation.
As usual, the seventh annual Blackburn Hamlet Cancer
Chase will take place through a beautiful portion of the
National Capital Commission Greenbelt Pathway
known as Green’s Creek. Ottawa’s Greenbelt includes
over 200 square kilometers of protected land. The
Green’s Creek portion of the Greenbelt is over 10
square kilometers and is found right in Blackburn
Hamlet. Green’s Creek is well known in the city for its
unusual geology and gorgeous walking trails. Given the
time of year during which the race is to take place, the
fall colours should be in full display, making the Cancer
Chase likely one of the most beautiful runs in the City.
While the planning is well underway, we are always
looking for helpful volunteers to make sure the event is
a success. Whether you want to volunteer on the day
of or help us along the way, any help would be greatly
appreciated! We are currently seeking a Volunteer

June 2018                                                                                         The BANAR •     9
10 • The BANAR   June 2018
Councillor’s Corner
I was delighted to see so many residents attend
my free Easter Pancake Breakfast at Saint Kateri
School on March 31st. I hope everyone had a great
time colouring, jumping in the bouncy castle and
enjoying a good breakfast. A big thank you to
Enbridge for their cooking services! As many of you
may already know, during the breakfast I announced
that I would not seek re-election in the upcoming
municipal election. It has been a privilege serving you
as your City Councillor over the past four years. The
                                                          Facility at 3354 Navan Road will host a depot.
time has come for me to focus on my health and
spend time with my family.                                This July and August, there is planned construction
                                                          on the Highway 174 Blair Road on and off ramps.
I would like to thank our MPP Marie-France Lalonde
                                                          The project will require three overnight (off-peak)
for seeing that funds for the Blackburn Hamlet Arena
                                                          ramp closures and all work is to be completed before
Expansion project were included in this year’s
                                                          school begins again.
provincial budget. Along with the funds already
committed in the 2018 City of Ottawa Budget, this         I look forward to seeing everyone at the many
provincial contribution means the project is one-step     summer events taking place in Innes Ward. As
closer to realization.                                    always, feel free to get in touch anytime.
                                                          Call 613-580-2472 or 613-834-1047 (Blackburn Arena, Fridays only).
The 2018 Household Hazardous Waste Depots
                                                          Stop by the Innes Ward Office at the Blackburn Hamlet Arena (Fridays).
Campaign has begun. On Sunday June 3rd from 8:00          Email: Jody.Mitic@ottawa.ca, Website: JodyMitic.ca, Facebook:
am to 4:00 pm, the Waste Connections Canada               InnesWard or Twitter:@InnesWard.

June 2018                                                                                               The BANAR •         11
12 • The BANAR   June 2018
Spring Clean-up a Huge Sucess

With the arrival of the first nice day of spring,
the 18th annual Blackburn Hamlet Spring Clean Up,
held on Saturday, April 21st was a huge success!
This year was one of the biggest turnouts with over
150 volunteers who cleaned up areas all over the
Hamlet. Thank you to everyone who came out and
helped to clean up our community! We picked up a
mountain of garbage—you just can’t see it because it’s
hidden by all the people in the group photo!
Thank you to all of the volunteers who helped with
event planning, registration coordination, and the
entire BBQ crew—you were amazing!
Special thanks to our local Tim Hortons for providing
free coffee, hot chocolate and Tim Bits for all the
volunteers, and our local Metro for their assistance
with the BBQ supplies.
Thanks as well to Jeff Miller for driving around the
Hamlet to pick up the bags of garbage, to our former
councillor Rainer Bloess for the numerous door
prizes, and to Jody Mitic for his environment themed
door prize.
And most of all, thank you to Barb Sweazey, who
(despite having moved away) has been organizing this
event for 18 years!
This event was brought to you by the Environment
and Transportation Committee, and sponsored by the
Blackburn Hamlet Community Association.
   Thanks again to everyone and see you next year!

June 2018                                                The BANAR •   13
14 • The BANAR   June 2018
Dominion City Brewing Company will be at FunFair
Four years ago it would have been hard to                  On any given day you’ll find dozens of people
imagine that an industrial unit on Beacon Hill’s           enjoying a glass of one of the brewery’s dozen
Canotek Road would become a destination for                draught beers and enjoying a quick game of Jenga
delicious artisanal beer and locally-sourced food.         while snacking on house-made eats like grilled cheese
Today, a short trip to Dominion City Brewing Co.           sandwiches, chips and dip and even a highbrow take
proves what can happen when a community gets               on that 90s classic, the pizza pop.
behind their local brewery.                                Beyond their regular offering, the brewery regularly
“Dominion City has always felt like a community-           hosts some of the city’s best chefs through a pop-up
built brewery,” says co-founder Josh McJannett. “The       brewery kitchen series that’s attracted names like the
core of our success has always been building a             Whalesbone, Coconut Lagoon, town and North &
relationship with the people who live and work here        Navy to the east end. Hosted one Friday per month the
in the East End.”                                          events operate almost like an indoor foodtruck and
Dominion City has established a reputation for             pair delicious food with great music and very good
boundary-pushing beer that spans the gamut from            beer. Dominion City has plans to open a patio amongst
easy-drinking blonde ales and elegant lagers to            a small patch of trees on the property this Summer.
complex farmhouse ales, hazy IPAs and experimental         Dominion City has partnered to be the beer sponsor
beers like ice cream stouts and even a recent key lime     for the Blackburn Hamlet FunFair (June 1-3). The
lactose pale ale. Despite the fact their beer has earned   brewery's bottleshop and tasting bar is open seven
a reputation for quality province-wide and now pours       days a week from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m.
in more than 100 beer-focussed bars from Ottawa to
London, the focus remains on keeping it local.
“Our vision is to brew the most delicious beer we can
and to have as direct a relationship with our
customers as we can,” says McJannett. “Sharing what
we brew directly from the brewery means you get the
freshest beer possible and everytime you come back
there’s something new to try.”

June 2018                                                                                     The BANAR •   15
16 • The BANAR   June 2018
June 2018   The BANAR •   17
Featured on the cover is a part of an
                 illustration done in 1988 for the June Banar. A
                 post will be put on the BCA Facebook page on
                 June 3rd and if you can share what you know
                 about this person (ie a
                 name?) I’m sure a lot of
                 us would be interested!

18 • The BANAR                                  June 2018
TD Blackburn presents cheque to Environmental Charity
For over 25 years TD Friends
of the Environment Foundation
(TD FEF) has supported grassroots
environmental projects accross
Canada—providing more than $85
million in founding to over 25,000
local projects in communities like
Blackburn Hamlet.
Through #TDCommon Ground,
TD FEF funded over two hundred
and eighty environmental
grassroots projects in 2017—from      On April 26, TD Blackburn manager Ella Plaunt was pleased to present a cheque for $11,000 on
park revitalizations and bioblitzes   behalf of TD FEF to Achillea Endeavours and Earth Path.
to pollinator gardens and natural
playgrounds. With generous
support from donors and
community organizations, they
helped create a legacy of healthy,
vibrant and inclusive green spaces.
Archillea Endeavours and Earth
Path are working to provide more
opportunities to connect with,
appreciate and understand the
importance of green spaces in
communities, especially
communities like Blackburn
Hamlet. They believe that green
spaces are where we all meet to
connect, relax and play and that
they are where we find common
ground. Using this grant from TD
FEF, Achillea Endeavours will be
delivering weekly nature programs
and spring/summer camps for
local children, both at Just Food
Farm and Green’s Creek.

      "Climb up on some hill at
     sunrise. Everybody needs
  perspective once in a while, and
         you'll find it there.”
        ~ Robb Sagendorph"

June 2018                                                                                                    The BANAR •         19
An Olympic Hopeful                                        North of 60 Project
by Melanie Awang                                          by Susan Roberts
Taysia Thompson, born and raised in Ottawa and a          For the second year The Saint Vincent de Paul
Blackburn Hamlet resident for 18 years is a competitive   Conference of our Parish is participating in the
trampoline gymnast with goals of competing on the         National collection of food for the people in
Olympic stage. Recently in mid-April she placed in the    the Canadian Far North - Rankin Inlet, who are living
top 10 at the Canada Cup Championships in Montreal        in extreme poverty. Our Parish goal is to collect a
and later in the month in Gatineau became the 2018        total of 400 cans of fruit (398ml size of peaches, pears
Quebec Provincial Champion.                               and mandarins, etc.) and 400 snack size packages of
She has been competing for 10 years and has been on       applesauce (6 per package). We are asking for Brand
the international stage three times including the         name products with an expiry date of 2019 or later.
World Age Groups Championships that were held in          Donations may be dropped off until the end of May at
Bulgaria in 2013 where she earned a world ranking of      The Good Shepherd Parish church, 3092 Innes Road,
14th. While also being a national competitor in           Gloucester, Tuesday to Friday from 9:00 am to 12:00
trampoline she discovered a passion for fitness and       noon or from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm. or after masses on
healthy living. In November of 2017 she competed in       Saturday or Sunday. To read more about the North of
her first Fitness competition and won a gold, silver      60 Project project please visit www.ssvp.ca . Thank
and bronze medal as well as a pro card with the           you for your generosity.
World Fitness Alliance.
More recently in May 2018 she won two gold medals
and a crown while defending her pro status. In
addition to being a dedicated athlete much of her free
time is spent volunteering with two different
organizations; the Christie Lake Kids and Live Work
Play. With Christie Lake Kids she volunteers on a
weekly basis with an all girls multi-sport group and
on a biweekly basis volunteers with adults with
disabilities at Live Work Play.
Taysia is looking for sponsors and other financial
supporters to help bring her closer to her Olympic
goals. Contact and donation information can be
found on her website at:

20 • The BANAR                                                                                       June 2018
Major League Soccer Team’s Academy in Blackburn
The Vancouver Whitecaps are a very successful
and historically rich Major League Soccer
organization. It has an academy that is like no other.
So why are they setting up shop here?
The Whitecaps Academy Centre network can be
found across Canada—British Colombia all the way
to Newfoundland and you guessed it—in Ottawa. As
part of the Caps ongoing commitment to developing
and nurturing the soccer stars of the future they have
partnered with the local soccer club—the Ottawa
Gloucester Hornets—to establish an Academy
Centre in the area and to offer technical direction      “I am fully aware of the Hornets history and we have
through the appointment of a new technical director      already set the wheels in motion to get this club back
and Academy Centre head coach James Parry who            to where it belongs and to create a legacy that will
will work alongside the current staff at the club and    last long into the future.” commented James.
be assisted by Jay Da Costa, an Ottawa native and        So exciting times are ahead for the Hornets as they
national “B Licensed” coach.                             look to build their player base and attract players
“It’s an honour for me to be appointed in this role –    from across the city. The soccer landscape here in the
to be responsible for the development of the playing     capital is promising.
side of this club. The Academy Centre will be a          For more information visit www.
challenge but one I have thoroughly enjoyed so far.      whitecapsfc.com/youth/programs/ottawa

June 2018                                                                                   The BANAR •    21
Learning to Cycle Safely in the Hamlet
Our Community Bike Skills Development Day
by Patti Linn                         merger was definitely in order! I      Pathways. Also included were
As a parent and council               contacted John Balint of the BCA’s     bike and helmet checkpoints and a
member at Good Shepherd               Environment and Transportation         fun station where children could
School, I have the good fortune of    Committee and we expanded the          practice inflating inner tubes. We
representing the School Active        event to include three Blackburn       added a rest area where younger
Transport Initiative to our student   Hamlet schools: Good Shepherd          children could sit and colour while
population. This endeavour            School, Ecole Ste. Marie and Glen      their older siblings completed the
promotes among our students safe      Ogilvie Public School.                 course.
and healthy physical activity such    Enthusiastic parent representatives    Children in Grades 2-5 who were
as walking and biking to school,      from each school came on board         comfortable riding a bike
school walking clubs and the          and by March we had developed a        unassisted were invited to attend
introduction of the Walking           solid vision for the upcoming Bike     with the requirement of a proper
School Bus. This year, Good           Skills Development Day.                fitting helmet and sturdy, closed-
Shepherd had planned to hold a        Key to the project was Trish           toe shoes and that parents stay on
bike skills development day for our   Cochrane, a biking coach and           site for the duration of their child’s
students in June but amended this     Ottawa Safety Council member.          session. Adult volunteers join us
vision when Laura Dudas, BCA          She organized the event into six       through the school communities,
President and school council          stations, each focusing on different   and also secondary school
member, informed me that the          required bike skills such as Stop      students wanting to earn volunteer
BCA was also planning a Bike          and Start, Straight Line Riding,       hours were welcomed and
Rodeo event. We realized that a       Hand Signals, Crosswalks and           appreciated.

22 • The BANAR                                                                                       June 2018
Unfortuately the original date—       They checked their bicycles and
April 28 was cold and rainy so the    helmets, tackled one-handed
event was moved to the rain date      riding and effective stopping skills.
May 5. Registration numbers and       They navigated obstacle courses
available volunteers did drop off     and took on our local pathways
the following week we had to adjust   with a qualified instructor. They
the event schedule accordingly.       met new friends from different
The morning of May 5th dawned         schools and enjoyed a refreshing
clear and bright, after a monstrous   popsicle after they finished their
wind storm the night before. The      session. And all registrants
school yard was intact, however,      received a colourful certificate of
and ready to receive the eager,       achievement in recognition of
young cyclists. A wonderful           their hard work.
group of volunteers included such     In all, about 40 children enjoyed
organizations as the Ottawa Safety    the Bike Skills Day, with about the     The whole event would not be complete without
Council, which supplied               same number of volunteers. We           a mascot. Phiz, the fuzzy beaver who represents
equipment and instructors, and                                                Ottawa Public Health at various school events,
                                      are now in the process of
                                                                              came along for the ride...quite literally!
Envirocentre, which supplied two      reviewing both positive and
volunteers and free brochures,        negative aspects of the event with
stickers and handouts. Safer          the goal of doing even better next
Roads Ottawa donated                  year. Of one thing we are
informative brochures and gift        certain—this was an extremely
items, such as reflectors and pens.   worthwhile initiative and a great
Ottawa Public Health provided         investment in the practical cycling
their wonderful community health      knowledge of our local young
nurse, Jacinthe Sigouin-Cote, to      people.
offer helmet training, while the
                                      Please consider joining us at next
BCA provided pop-up tents and
                                      year's Blackburn Hamlet
funding for the event.
                                      Community Biking Skills Day. We
The Bike Skills Day went well and     guarantee that you will have a
the children had a great time.        "wheely" good time!

June 2018                                                                                           The BANAR •        23
What’s happening at the Blackburn Library
This spring at the library, we         ADULT PROGRAMS                         SUMMER READING CLUB
are offering some great adult          Round Table and Book Chat              Opening Ceremonies—All ages,
programs as well as preparing for      New members are always welcome!        Wednesday July 4 from 2-3 p.m.
Summer Reading Club. Every year,       No registration necessary!
the library offers a variety of fun                                           LET’S BE…
                                       Monday June 11 at 2 p.m, Orr -My
activities over the summer to                                                 Builders
                                       Story by Bobby Orr
encourage the kids to keep reading.                                           Ages 0-6 years, Thursday July 12
Come in and ask us for details. We     Thursday Evening Book Club             from 10:30-11:15 am
would love to tell you all about it!   New members are welcome! First         Explorers
                                       Thursday of the month.                 Ages 0-6 years, Thursday July 19
Computer and Tablet Tutorials
                                       Thursday, June 7 at 7 p.m. The         from 10:30-11:15 am
We offer basic computer, Internet,
                                       Daily Show by Jon Stewart              Artists
Email, eBook or Library Catalogue
Tutorials. You can bring your own      We offer adult programs on an          Ages 0-6 years, Thursday July 26
laptop or tablet or learn on one of    ongoing basis. Please check our        from 10:30-11:15 am
our public computers. Please call      website under the Programs and         Stars
the branch to book a one-on-one        Events tab.                            Ages 0-6 years, Thursday August 2
appointment. Limited spaces are                                               from 10:30-11:15 am
                                       CHILDREN’S PROGRAMS
available. 60 minutes.                                                        Scientists
                                       Jennifer and Cathie will be offering   Ages 0-6 years, Thursday August 9
BLACKBURN FUNFAIR                      programs for all ages. Please check    from 10:30-11:15 am
Please come and join us for the        below for program information.
                                                                              Drive-in Storytime
parade on June 2nd from 10:00 to       We encourage parents and their
                                                                              Ages 0-6 years, Thursday August
10:45. You can even check out a        children to speak with our
                                                                              16 from 10:30-11:15 am
book from our bookmobile               knowledgeable staff and ask about
                                       our wonderful databases and            Paint Your Comfort Zone with
anytime from 11:00 to 3:30!                                                   the Ottawa Art Gallery
                                       resources for homework, projects,
                                       book reports and more!                 Ages 2-12 years, Monday July 9
                                                                              from 1:00-2:00 pm
                                                                                            Continued on page 25

24 • The BANAR                                                                                      June 2018
Blackburn Library (Continued from page 24)
Future Author’s Club                     REGISTRATION REQUIRED                            LIBRARY HOURS
Ages 7-9 years, Wednesday July 11      for all children and adult programs
                                                                                     Closed May 21, Victoria Day
from 2:00-3:00 pm                      with the exception of the Round
                                                                                      Closed July 2, Canada Day
Moves and Grooves with                 Table Book Chat and Thursday
                                                                                    Mon. to Thurs. – 10am to 8:30pm
Luv2Groove                                     Evening Book Club.
                                                                                         Friday – 1pm to 6pm
Ages 4-12 years, Tuesday July 17     Register online with your library card at
                                                                                       Saturday – 10am to 5pm
from 1:30-2:30 pm                        www.biblioottawalibrary.ca or by
                                                                                            Sunday – Closed
                                     calling 613-580-2940 or by visiting the
On With the Show                                                                      The book drop is available
                                           Blackburn Hamlet library and
Ages 7-9 years, Wednesday July 18                                                            24 hours a day,
                                               registering in person.
from 2:00-3:00 pm                                                                            7 days a week.
                                          A valid library card is all that is
Reptiles of the World with Little                                                            613-580-2940
                                        required for program registration.
Ray’s Reptile Zoo
Ages 4-12 years, Wednesday July      MILLE FEUILLES USED BOOKSALE                              ARTEAST
25 from 1:30-2:30 pm                            Run by the
                                                                                 We would like to remind our customers
Escape Room: On the Case               Friends of the Ottawa Public Library
                                                                                 of the artwork on our walls courtesy of
Ages 9 and over, Friday July 27         LOW PRICES on books for all ages
                                                                                    the local art organization, ArtEast.
(three time slots available: 1:30-                and interests.
                                                                                      Paintings by Maureen Rooney
2:10 pm, 2:30-3:10 pm, or             FOPLA no longer accepts donations of
                                                                                 Mitchel and Danielle Beaulieu will be
3:30-4:10 pm)                         magazines that are older than 2 years.
                                                                                     shown at the Blackburn Hamlet
Artpocalypse                          Donations in good condition accepted.
                                                                                          Library until June 9th.
Ages 7-12 years, Wednesday           Books are located near the reading area.
August 1 from 2:00-3:00 pm
Ages 7-12 years, Wednesday            THIS SUMMER BY WATCHING OUT FOR YOUR NEIGHBOURS.
August 8 from 10:30-11:30 am          Life threatening emergency or crime in progress —- 911
                                      Police emergencies but not life threatening —-—-- 613-230-6211
Closing Ceremonies                    Crimestoppers —-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—— 613-233-8477
All ages, Wednesday August 15         City of Ottawa —-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-——- 311
from 2:00-3:00 pm

June 2018                                                                                         The BANAR •      25
2018 Orleans Art Studio Tour on June 9th & 10th
Artists are opening their studios to the public
on Saturday, June 9th and Sunday, June 10th from
10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. each day. This year’s tour
includes 12 artists and 10 studios.
The 12 artists include four from Blackburn Hamlet,
with three of the 10 studios in Blackburn Hamlet.
Blackburn Hamlet Studios
Zygmunt Jakubek /Beata Jakubek: 2428 Cléroux Cres.
Marie Léger: 42 Ridgeburn Gate
Arlette Francière: 34 Woodview Crescent              From top left: Elisabeth Baechlin, Marie Léger, Angela Verlaeckt Clark,
                                                     Geneviève Maurice, Arlette Francière. From bottom left: Linda Dyson
Orléans Studios
                                                     Hélène Lepage, Eliane Saheurs, Beata Jakubek, Mia Hollman and Zygmunt
Maria Le Roux Munante: 6366 Fortune Drive            Jakubek. Not in photo : Maria Le Roux Muñante
Angela Verlaeckt Clark: 731 Cezanne Crescent
Hélène Lepage: 274 Wayside Court                     on Facebook at ART.TOUR.OAST. A group of the
Mia Hollman /Geneviève Maurice: 1331 Gaulois Ave.    artists will be at the Blackburn FunFair on June 2nd
Linda Dyson: 6084 Red Willow Drive                   with a sampling of the art to be seen during the Tour.
Elisabeth Baechlin: 6096 Valley Field cres.          Brochures will be available at the Blackburn Library.
Eliane Saheurs: 6154 Voyageur Drive                  Artists will also have brochures available at their
You can find directions and information on all the   studios during the art tour.
artists including photos of their artwork at the     Please join us for this opportunity to enjoy and
Orleans Art Studio Tour website at www.oast.ca or    support the arts in our local community.

26 • The BANAR                                                                                              June 2018
Strawberry Tea & Silent Auction
St. Mary the Virgin Anglican
Church, Blackburn, is proud to
present its 10th Annual Strawberry
Tea and Silent Auction. Plan to join
us on Sunday, June 17th from 1-4
pm at the Blackburn Community
Hall, 190 Glen Park Drive.
With the bright sunny weather comes
thoughts of “summer” and visions of
big, delicious strawberries, generous
portions of shortcake, mounds of
whipped cream, tea or coffee for the
adults and juice for the kids. Come
and enjoy your afternoon. Celebrate
as a family and also participate in our
silent auction in which quality items
are being offered. Tickets remain:
Adults $10.00 Children (under 12)
$5.00. Tickets bought in advance
will be entered into a draw.
Tickets will be available at the door.

Chœur PleinChant d'Ottawa
The members of the Chœur
PleinChant d'Ottawa vocal
ensemble are busy fine-tuning
their voices for their Spring
performance on Saturday, May 26
at 8 pm at the Orleans United
Church. Amateur choristers from
Orléans and surrounding areas will
present Les Misérables... et autres
moments comiques de la scène,
under the direction of volunteer
and professional musical director,
Michel Rochon, and accompanied
by local musicians, school-age
children, and special guest Shawne
Elizabeth. Tickets will be available
to purchase at the door or in
advance ($ 22/adult, $ 12/student).
For tickets or more information,
email pleinchant10@gmail.com.

June 2018                                 The BANAR •   27
City of Ottawa's Giveaway Weekend                         Local non-Facebook "free stuff" groups
Twice a year, the City of Ottawa marks a weekend to       Looking for a community dedicated to ONLY free
encourage residents to use the curbside giveaway          items, but don't have Facebook? There are several
method. This spring's dates are June 9 and 10.            options. As always, be sure to read all rules before
Place your items at the curb with a "Free" sign. Please   posting.
bring items in at the end of each day. You can            https://groups.freecycle.org/group/OttawaON
combine this with methods below for drawing more          https://trashnothing.com/full-circles-ottawa
interest to your curb, especially if you are tucked       Extra tips: Always specify "Pickup only" in your
away on a crescent.                                       online ad if you are not willing to deliver, to cut back
https://ottawa.ca/en/residents/garbage-and-               on responses to sort through. Once you're signed up,
recycling/garbage#give-away-weekend.                      don't forget to look for some treasures for yourself!
                                                          And get ready to start seeing items headed for the
  Gardening is cheaper than therapy and you               trash in a whole new light.

      get tomatoes ~ Author Unknown

             Opening May 5th
 Perennial Flowers • Hostas • Tomato Plants
 2832 Innes Road, Blackburn Hamlet
 www.buddgardens.com & Facebook

                                                              GEORGE TAUVETT E
                                                                        • Repair and Replace Roofs
                                                                       • Repair and Replace Siding
                                                               • Clean and Install Seamless Eavestroughs
                                                            • Sell Quality Aluminum Eavestrough Products
                                                                (for homeowners who wish to do it themselves)
                                                                  • Pick-up & Take Waste to the Dump
                                                                     • Ask about our other Services!
                                                                              FREE Estimates
                                                                               Fully Insured
                                                                        Satisfaction Guaranteed
                                                                   We leave your yard tidy and clean!
                                                            TauvetteMaintenance@hotmail.com • 613-883-2814

28 • The BANAR                                                                                         June 2018
Don't trash that treasure!             Online Classifieds
Connect with your neighbours to        Kijiji and Craigslist have a free section on their websites.
find new homes for items. Do you       https://www.kijiji.ca & https://ottawa.craigslist.ca/
have an item that needs a small        Happy “shopping”! — Thanks Kaitlyn Demasi for sharing!
repair? If you think there's more
life in an item, chances are
someone else in the
neighbourhood can take it off your
hands. There are options to
connect you with your neighbours!
One convenient consequence of
giving things away is you don't
have to meet to complete the hand
off, since you aren't expecting
money in return! "Porch pickups"
are common and much easier than
finding a convenient time to meet.
Be completely hands-off with your
offer—wait until there's nice
weather forecasted and simply
notify your neighbours that some
items will be out at the curb a day
before garbage day. Before you put
anything reusable out on a rainy
night, consider if you can store it
for another two weeks to increase
its chance of finding a new home.
Even attaching a "good condition"
note can encourage a passerby to
bring home an item that might
otherwise be questionable.

The Buy Nothing Project
This project seeks to make a
hyper-local community of gifters
and giftees. It uses Facebook
Groups as the platforms for
arranging exchanges. If you live in
the Hamlet your group is "Buy
Nothing Pineview/Blackburn, ON".
Please be sure to read all the rules
on the website before requesting
to join the Facebook group.

June 2018                                                                                       The BANAR •   29
                  TV—– MICROWAVE OVENS
                     Home Service Available

                 36 - 2288   RIENTRoad
                                   PARK DRIVE
                  Guy Doré CALL: 837-3843

30 • The BANAR                                  June 2018
June 2018   The BANAR •   31
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