Diocese of Broken Bay - Lenten Program 2021 - Reflecting Together on Bishop Anthony's Pastoral Letter - Catholic Diocese of Broken Bay

Page created by Clifford Sparks
Diocese of Broken Bay - Lenten Program 2021 - Reflecting Together on Bishop Anthony's Pastoral Letter - Catholic Diocese of Broken Bay
The Community of the Church of Broken Bay                                      1

         Diocese of Broken Bay - Lenten Program 2021
      Reflecting Together on Bishop Anthony’s Pastoral Letter
               “Jesus Christ, our Beginning and End”

                                            Jesus Christ, the Alpha and the Omega
Diocese of Broken Bay - Lenten Program 2021 - Reflecting Together on Bishop Anthony's Pastoral Letter - Catholic Diocese of Broken Bay

Reflecting Together on Bishop Anthony’s Pastoral Letter
Diocese of Broken Bay - Lenten Program 2021 - Reflecting Together on Bishop Anthony's Pastoral Letter - Catholic Diocese of Broken Bay
The Community of the Church of Broken Bay                                             3

            Jesus Christ, the Alpha and the Omega
                        Diocese of Broken Bay - Lenten Program

                                                   Jesus Christ, the Alpha and the Omega
Diocese of Broken Bay - Lenten Program 2021 - Reflecting Together on Bishop Anthony's Pastoral Letter - Catholic Diocese of Broken Bay
4                                                Letten Program        2021

                    © 2021 Catholic Diocese of Broken Bay, Australia
Reflecting Togetheron
Reflecting Together onBishop
                              Anthony’s Pastoral
                                       Pastoral   Letter
Diocese of Broken Bay - Lenten Program 2021 - Reflecting Together on Bishop Anthony's Pastoral Letter - Catholic Diocese of Broken Bay
The Community of the Church of Broken Bay                                               5

Introduction - Bishop Anthony

       fter one year as your Bishop, it was a joy for me to be able to offer you
       my Pastoral Letter in November 2020, which presented the fruit of my
       prayer and contemplation on the priorities that I would like us to embrace
as the community of the Diocese of Broken Bay. Thank you for receiving these
with an open heart, and in a particular way, thank you for gathering during this
Lenten season to reflect further and consider how these priorities can be more
intentionally lived in our own lives and within our communities.

The beginning and the end of our contemplation is the person of Jesus Christ;
our constant during change. Empowered and united by the Holy Spirit in our
common faith, we are each called to continue to grow in holiness and be formed
as disciples, discovering our own vocation arising from our baptism, and living an
authentic Christian life that places justice and mercy at the heart.

It is my prayer for you that you will come to know Jesus Christ in a deeper way
throughout these next six weeks. Focused on Christ and led by the Holy Spirit
as one community of the Church of Broken Bay, we journey together towards
the joyous solemnity of Easter. May this Lenten period which culminates in
Christ’s Resurrection encourage us and bring new life to each one of us and our

Most Rev Anthony Randazzo
Bishop of Broken Bay

                                                     Jesus Christ, the Alpha and the Omega
Diocese of Broken Bay - Lenten Program 2021 - Reflecting Together on Bishop Anthony's Pastoral Letter - Catholic Diocese of Broken Bay

Reflecting Together on Bishop Anthony’s Pastoral Letter
Diocese of Broken Bay - Lenten Program 2021 - Reflecting Together on Bishop Anthony's Pastoral Letter - Catholic Diocese of Broken Bay
The Community of the Church of Broken Bay                                               7

How to Use this Booklet
This booklet invites you to reflect prayerfully on the Sunday Gospel readings in
Lent together with the six priorities set before us by Bishop Anthony Randazzo
in his Pastoral Letter to the community of the Church of Broken Bay, dated 29
November 2020.

In preparation, participants are invited to read the corresponding section in
the Pastoral Letter. It can be accessed at: www.bbcatholic.org.au if you do
not have a hard copy on hand. For hard copies, please ask your parish.

This booklet can be used individually or as part of a group. The notes below are
provided for use in a small group context.

For each of the 6 weeks of Lent,            The recommended process is as
this resource includes a reading            follows:
of the Gospel text; a reflection on
the text which draws on one of              1. Opening Prayer
Bishop Anthony’s priority areas;               (10 mins)
and a personal testimony on an
aspect of that particular priority
area. All materials and reflections         An Opening Prayer is offered, which
have been prepared by members               may be read together by participants.
from our Broken Bay Church
community, making this resource             Song suggestions are given for each
relevant to us and the journey we
                                            week which you may wish to consider
are on as a community.
                                            using as part of the gathering prayer
Audio materials                             time for the group.
supporting this
booklet include:
                                            2. Introduction
• Gospel text recordings                       (5 mins)
• Personal testimony recordings

These can be accessed or down-              Read the introduction to the session
loaded at www.bbcatholic.org.au/            which highlights the priority for the
lentenprogram                               session.

It is suggested that you allocate 1 ½
hours to complete the session.
                                                     Jesus Christ, the Alpha and the Omega
Diocese of Broken Bay - Lenten Program 2021 - Reflecting Together on Bishop Anthony's Pastoral Letter - Catholic Diocese of Broken Bay

3. Reading of the                                         members) of the group or read quietly
   Gospel passage                                         by participants.
   (15 mins)
                                                          Invite conversation about what
Optional: In order for participants to                    thoughts are arising in people so
prepare themselves well to hear God                       far during the session, drawing on
speak through the Sacred Scriptures,                      the Scripture text and the reflection
you may wish to pray the prayer of                        presented.
Saint John Chrysostom, offered on the
following page, prior to reading the                      Invite conversation using the guided
Gospel text.                                              questions.
Listen to the Gospel text.
An audio recording of the text is                         5. A Personal Story
provided on the Lenten Program                               (15 mins)
webpage. Alternatively, you may wish
to invite someone from the group to                       A personal testimony is offered on the
read the text.                                            priority for the week. This testimony
                                                          is presented as an audio file and can
Pause.                                                    be accessed on the Lenten Program
Pause for silent reflection for a few                     webpage.

Share an insight.                                         Listen to the testimony and discuss
Invite people to share one insight into                   how this story reflects and encourages
what they are hearing through the                         the priority area being considered.
text. This is not a time for discussion,
but only an invitation to offer a short
                                                          6. Response
comment. The group listens attentively
                                                             (10 mins)
to each person but does not respond.
                                                          Participants are encouraged to
4. Reflection with                                        write down one or two personal or
   Guided Questions                                       communal actions in response to their
   (30 mins)                                              reflection during the session.

                                                          Participants are then invited to
A reflection is offered on the scripture                  share and discuss their response
text and how it intersects with the                       with one other person.
focus priority. This reflection could
be read aloud by a member (or

Reflecting Together on Bishop Anthony’s Pastoral Letter
The Community of the Church of Broken Bay                                                 9

7. Closing Prayer                     		Week 3
   (5 mins)                                  Lord, Have Mercy – The Vigil
                                             God of Mercy and Compassion
To conclude, pray the final prayer.
                                             Week 4
                                             God So Loved – Hillsong Worship
Suggested Music                              Be Thou My Vision

                                             Week 5
A modern song as well as a more              Little Things with Great Love
traditional song are offered for each        – Audrey Assad
week. Please visit www.bbcatholic.org.       The Church’s One Foundation
au/lentenprogram for online links.
                                             Week 6
Week 1                                       Abide With Me - Audrey Assad
Spirit Move – Danielle Noonan 		             Soul of my Saviour
Veni, Creator Spiritus

Week 2
Open the Eyes of My Heart
– Audrey Assad
O Sacred Head, Surrounded

      Prayer of Saint John Chrysostom before reading the Scripture

      O Lord Jesus Christ, open the eyes of my heart, that I may hear your word
      and understand and do your will, for I am a sojourner upon the earth.
      Hide not your commandments from me, but open my eyes, that I may
      perceive the wonders of your law. Speak unto me the hidden and secret
      things of your wisdom. On You I set my hope, O my God, that You will
      enlighten my mind and understanding with the light of your knowledge,
      not only to cherish those things which are written, but to do them; that
      in reading the lives and sayings of the saints I may not sin, but that such
      may serve for my restoration, enlightenment and sanctification, for the
      salvation of my soul, and the inheritance of life everlasting. For You are
      the enlightenment of those who lie in darkness, and from You comes
      every good deed and every gift. AMEN.

                                                       Jesus Christ, the Alpha and the Omega

Reflecting Together on Bishop Anthony’s Pastoral Letter
The Community of the Church of Broken Bay                                               11

First Sunday of Lent                        We begin our Lenten Series with a
                                            focus on the Holy Spirit, the person of
The Holy Spirit Leads us in the Way         the Trinity that animates and renews.
of Discipleship                             It is the Spirit that reveals Jesus to
                                            us, and it is with the Spirit’s help
                                            that we are led forward, encouraged
Opening Prayer                              and guided in our path of holiness
                                            and mission both personally and
                                            communally. It was the Spirit that
Loving and gracious God,                    led Jesus into the wilderness, as
                                            we read in today’s Gospel, for a
Amid our own wilderness, allow              time of discernment, testing and
the Holy Spirit to comfort and              strengthening. We pray for an
reveal Jesus to us, so that as one          openness to the Spirit’s promptings
community of the Church in Broken           and that the Holy Spirit will lead and
Bay, we may be strengthened,                empower each of us in the Diocese
sustained and encouraged in our call        of Broken Bay as we seek to animate
to be witnesses to build up the Body        Bishop Anthony’s priorities in our
of Christ.                                  lives and in our communities, and
                                            in doing so, continue Jesus’ mission
We ask this through Christ our Lord.        of sharing His Good News that has
                                            been entrusted to us.

                                            Gospel Reading

“For the Christian, to live life in         Audio:
the Spirit is both an invitation and        Week 1 Gospel Reading
a command. The invitation is to
be open to receiving the Word of            Mark 1:12-15
God. The command is to allow the
Word to come to birth in our every          The Spirit immediately drove Jesus
thought, word, and action. I urge and       out into the wilderness. He was in
encourage you to pursue the Spirit in       the wilderness forty days, tempted
prayer and to look to the wonder of         by Satan; and he was with the wild
Christ whose dying and rising washes        beasts; and the angels waited on
away our sins and restores us to new        him.
life.” (Bishop Anthony’s Pastoral
Letter, Jesus Christ, our beginning         Now after John was arrested; Jesus
and end)                                    came to Galilee, proclaiming the
                                            good news of God, and saying,

                                                      Jesus Christ, the Alpha and the Omega

“The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom                   Son; with you I am well pleased.” (Mk
of God has come near; repent, and                         1:11). This was the inauguration of
believe in the good news.”                                Jesus’ public ministry – His mission
                                                          had commenced. The mission was
Pause for reflection.                                     not going to be an easy one. It would
                                                          be fraught with discouragement,
You are invited to share a thought,                       betrayal, opposition, and threats
feeling or insight that is arising in                     to his life. Such was the fate that
you are as you hear this Gospel text                      awaited God’s beloved Son. The
today. Simply listen to each person,                      journey towards the Kingdom of God,
with no comment at this stage.                            a journey towards fullness of life, is
                                                          filled with obstacles and crossroads.
                                                          It is never easy. Hence, before
Reflection                                                embarking on the arduous task of
– Sr Josefa Mabini OSA                                    proclaiming the Kingdom of God, the
Pastoral Associate                                        Spirit drove Jesus into the wilderness
Our Lady of Perpetual Succour                             where He stayed for forty days with
Parish, Toukley/Lake Munmorah                             Satan tempting him.

During this Season of Lent, the Church                    Although Mark does not provide
once again invites us to a wilderness                     us with a detailed account of the
experience. Like Jesus in the Gospel                      temptation, we are able to know
reading, we are invited to journey                        more about this in the Gospels of
to a place where wild beasts and                          Matthew and Luke (cf. Mt. 4:1-11 and
temptations abound. It is a journey                       Lk 4:1-13). Jesus prayed. He fasted in
to test one’s steadfastness and faith                     the wilderness. He was surrounded
in God. The Lenten journey into the                       by wild beasts. Amid the difficult
wilderness calls for a movement                           conditions, Satan tried everything
away from our comfort zones and                           in his power to dissuade Jesus from
into the unknown. It is a journey away                    fulfilling his mission and prevent him
from the false security offered by                        from obeying the Father’s will. Yet,
material goods and human wisdom                           Jesus did not budge! Propelled by
and strength and to appreciate God’s                      His love for the Father, He endured
gift of the Holy Spirit — our only true                   the hunger, the loneliness, and the
good and source of security.                              danger in the wilderness and was
                                                          steadfast in fulfilling only one thing –
Before Jesus’ journey to the                              to do the Father’s will, not His (cf. Mk
wilderness where the Spirit drove                         14:36). And He triumphed! The angels
Him, Jesus was baptised in the                            sustained Him and looked after Him.
Jordan by John the Baptist. During
that event, the Spirit descended upon                     Today, we who are followers of Jesus
Jesus and a voice was heard from                          are invited to remain steadfast in our
heaven saying, “You are my beloved                        faith. Temptations and trials are a

Reflecting Together on Bishop Anthony’s Pastoral Letter
The Community of the Church of Broken Bay                                               13

reality in life, more so for those who         leading you on your path
follow the path of discipleship and            towards discipleship?
holiness. Yet, Jesus promised us
that we will never be alone in this         3. In which areas of your life is the
journey. God gives us the Holy Spirit          Holy Spirit inviting you to grow?
to strengthen, sustain, and encourage
us. The Holy Spirit fills our hearts with   4. What temptations do you
love that enables us to endure all             foresee blocking your journey
trials (Rom 5:3-5). For only with love         towards spiritual growth?
are we able to pray, fast, and give
alms as Christ commanded us. These
are the three pillars of our Lenten         A Personal Story
observance. And doing these will only
have meaning if we have love – the
kind of love which only the Holy Spirit     Audio:
can give.                                   Week 1 Personal Story –
In his pastoral message to the
Diocese, Bishop Anthony reminds us
that “it is the Holy Spirit who animates                       Natalie offers us a
and sanctifies the community of                                personal reflection
the Church. It is the Holy Spirit who                          on the guidance of
reveals the gift of faith, and it is the                       the Holy Spirit in
same Spirit who equips the saints                              her life.
for mission, for the work of ministry,
for building up the Body of Christ.”        Natalie is part of the Lindfield-Killara
Truly, when we are animated by the          and Corpus Christi St Ives parishes.
Holy Spirit’s gifts, no obstacles – no      She has started her first year working
temptations – can dissuade us from          as a primary school teacher. Last
becoming true disciples of Christ.          year she completed the Alpha course
                                            and has felt the Holy Spirit more
                                            present in her life. She is excited to
Reflection Questions                        experience and learn more about the
for Discussion:                             Holy Spirit and all of His wonders.

1. Share and discuss your insights          Listen to the testimony,
   from listening to the Gospel             and use the following
   text and the accompanying 		             questions to discuss:
                                            1. What aspects of the Holy
2. How do you understand 		                    Spirit’s action in Natalie’s life
   the action of the Holy Spirit in            spoke to you most deeply?

                                                      Jesus Christ, the Alpha and the Omega

2. How is this story inspiring you                        intentionally invite the power
   to pray and to seek out the 		                         of the Holy Spirit in its activities?
   Holy Spirit in your faith life?

3. How could your parish / school
   / agency / community more


What is your response to what you have heard and discussed during
this session? What initiatives are you being called to action, both
personally and communally? You are invited to share and discuss your
response with another person.









Reflecting Together on Bishop Anthony’s Pastoral Letter
The Community of the Church of Broken Bay                                     15












Lord, be the beginning and end
of all we do and say.
Prompt our actions with your grace,
and complete them with your all-powerful help.
Through Christ our Lord.
                                            Jesus Christ, the Alpha and the Omega

Reflecting Together on Bishop Anthony’s Pastoral Letter
The Community of the Church of Broken Bay                                               17

Second Sunday of Lent                       Good News.” (Bishop Anthony’s
                                            Pastoral Letter, Jesus Christ, our
The person of Jesus Christ, and his         beginning and end)
message of Good News
                                            Jesus is at the very heart of the
                                            Christian faith. As fully-God and
Opening Prayer                              fully-human, Jesus uniquely takes
                                            His place as the one who restores
                                            our relationship with God through
Loving and gracious God,                    His life, death and resurrection.
                                            Through Him we gain a share in the
Your Son so loved the world that He         fullness of His new life both now
gave Himself up to death for our sake.      and in eternity. Each of us is invited
Grant us the grace to receive this          into a relationship with Jesus that
love through our personal encounter         is personal. Through the power of
with Jesus and to proclaim Him as           the Holy Spirit we can know Jesus
our beginning and end. May each             both personally and as the Church
member of the community of the              community, which is the Body of
Church in Broken Bay be one in              Christ.
Christ and experience the promise of
abundant life.
                                            Gospel Reading
We ask this through Christ our Lord.

Amen.                                       Audio:
                                            Week 2 Gospel Reading

Introduction                                Mark 9:2-10

                                            Jesus took with him Peter and James
“In the moment of personal                  and John, and led them up a high
encounter, Jesus Christ was alive           mountain apart, by themselves.
and living. He met me where I was,
he accompanied me on the pathway,           And he was transfigured before them,
and he called me to himself. In the         and his clothes became dazzling
encounter, Jesus did not judge me,          white, such as no one on earth could
nor did he burden me. As he did to          bleach them. And there appeared to
so many others before me, Jesus             them Elijah with Moses, who were
forgave me and liberated me. He             talking with Jesus.
loved me. The personal encounter
was an invitation to life with Christ.      Then Peter said to Jesus, “Rabbi, it is
It was a call to conversion, to turn        good for us to be here; let us make
away from sin and believe in the            three dwellings, one for you, one for

                                                      Jesus Christ, the Alpha and the Omega

Moses, and one for Elijah.” He did                        newborn child, reflecting the wonder
not know what to say, for they were                       of God’s creation.
                                                          Thomas Merton, the American
Then a cloud overshadowed them,                           Trappist monk (d. 1968), experienced
and from the cloud there came a                           a moment such as this in 1958 - a
voice, “This is my Son, the Beloved;                      moment of deep insight in the middle
listen to him!” Suddenly when they                        of the ordinariness of an inner-city
looked around, they saw no one with                       street.
them any more, but only Jesus.
                                                          He describes his experience in this
As they were coming down the                              way: “I was suddenly overwhelmed
mountain, He ordered them to tell                         with the realisation that I loved all
no one about what they had seen,                          those people, that they were mine and
until after the Son of Man had risen                      I theirs, that we could not be alien to
from the dead.                                            one another even though we were
                                                          total strangers.
So they kept the matter to themselves,
questioning what this rising from the                     … I have the immense joy of being
dead could mean.                                          man, a member of a race in which
                                                          God Himself became incarnate. As
                                                          if the sorrows and stupidities of the
Pause for reflection.                                     human condition could overwhelm
                                                          me, now I realise what we all are. And
You are invited to share a thought,                       if only everybody could realise this!
feeling or insight that is arising in                     But it cannot be explained. There is no
you are as you hear this Gospel text                      way of telling people that they are all
today. Simply listen to each person,                      walking around shining like the sun.
with no comment at this stage.
                                                          … It was as if I suddenly saw the secret
                                                          beauty of their hearts, the depths of
Reflection -                                              their hearts, where neither sin nor
Pina Bernard                                              desire nor self-knowledge can reach,
Team Leader,                                              the core of their reality, the person that
Parish Renewal & Discipleship                             each one is in God’s eyes.” (Conjectures
Evangelisation Broken Bay                                 of a Guilty Bystander, 1968)

Have you ever experienced a sense of                      Merton’s remarkable experience was
being overwhelmed by God? Perhaps                         a moment of grace, where he caught
it was a spectacular sunrise over the                     a glimpse of a deeper reality that
ocean at one of the many beautiful                        he had not been able to perceive
beaches in our Diocese; or perhaps                        before. He saw what was familiar in a
it was the very first glimpse of a                        transformed light. Indeed, you could

Reflecting Together on Bishop Anthony’s Pastoral Letter
The Community of the Church of Broken Bay                                               19

say that he saw with God’s eyes the         What is this proclamation that
core essence that united each human         should overwhelm us? It is the Good
being made in the image of God.             News that “Jesus Christ loves you;
                                            he gave his life to save you; and now
In a similar way in this week’s             he is living at your side every day to
Transfiguration text, Peter, James and      enlighten, strengthen and free you.”
John experience a moment of clarity         (Evangelii Gaudium, 164)
and revelation as they see a new
reality of Jesus. This is a powerful        Hearing this Good News, through
experience right at the time when           the grace of the Holy Spirit, can
Jesus begins to tell them that he is        ‘overwhelm’ us as we come to realise
to suffer, die and rise again. We can       more and more deeply who Jesus
imagine the confusion the disciples         is and the salvation that he offers us
felt as they tried to come to terms         through his life, death and resurrection.
with what Jesus was trying to tell          Our response, as St John Paul II
them, his closest companions. Surely        indicates, is to make a decision to say
this revelation would have sustained        ‘yes’ to choose to follow Jesus as his
them in the challenging times that          disciple. This needs to be intentional.
awaited them.                               We also need to surrender and entrust
                                            ourselves to Jesus, accepting his way
Thankfully, we have a God who               and not our own.
desires to reveal himself to us. I am
reminded of the passage in the book         As we embark on this path of growing
of Revelation (Rev 3:20) where Jesus is     in discipleship, we grow in holiness
standing at the door of our hearts and      as we seek to conform ourselves
lives, knocking and inviting us to open     gradually to Christ. Along the way, we
the door to allow him to enter. Jesus is    can encounter Christ and experience
not aloof and far from us, but rather is    new insights. We encounter Christ in
very close, calling us into relationship.   our heart-to-heart prayer, which is
                                            the foundation of our relationship.
At the heart of this relationship is        We also meet Christ in the Liturgy
the common thread that binds us             and in graced moments of encounter
together, the Good News of Jesus            in the Sacraments; in the homily
that we need to keep hearing again          and through the ministry of the
and again. This ‘Gospel kerygma’            priest; in the words of our sacred
or ‘proclamation of the Good                Scriptures; through sharing our faith
News’ has been described by St              and witnessing to each other in our
John Paul II as “the initial ardent         faith community; and in our selfless
proclamation by which a person is           service of others. Within each of these
one day overwhelmed and brought             experiences can lie real moments of
to the decision to entrust himself          revelation for us, as we may be given
to Jesus Christ by faith.” (Catechesi       the grace to see with God’s eyes. It is
Tradendae, 25)                              through the Holy Spirit that we come

                                                      Jesus Christ, the Alpha and the Omega

to understand who Jesus truly is;                         A Personal Story
as well as coming to see the divine
spark that is in each person.
As we grow in holiness, we also grow                      Week 2 Personal Story –
in being missionary. The joy of our                       Charbel Raish
experience of faith in Christ starts to
spill out to those around us. Unlike                                        Charbel Raish
the disciples in today’s Gospel, we                                         offers us a personal
are meant to tell the Good News of                                          reflection on the
Jesus to everyone. It’s not a secret to                                     importance of Jesus
be kept to ourselves.                                                       and his message of
                                                                            Good News is his life.
It is in this way, as each person grows
in discipleship, holiness and mission,                    Charbel is a parishioner at Arcadia
that our parishes and Movements are                       parish and is married with seven
slowly transformed to be what they                        children. Charbel is the founder of
are called to be; communities who                         Parousia Media which was born in
are one in Christ and who take the                        May of 2005. He has organised over
message of the Gospel to the world.                       200 local events consisting of local
                                                          and international speakers who have
                                                          featured all over Australia. Charbel has
Reflection Questions                                      a passion for helping people get closer
for Discussion:                                           to discovering the fullness of the Truth.

1. Share and discuss your insights                        Listen to the testimony,
   from listening to the Gospel 		                        and use the following
   text and the accompanying 		                           questions to discuss:
                                                          1. What aspects of Jesus’ message
2. How would you describe the 		                             of Good News in Charbel’s life
   ‘Good News’ of Jesus?                                     spoke to you most deeply?
   What does it mean to you?
                                                          2. How is this story inspiring you
3. How would you describe your                               to place Jesus and his Good
   relationship with Jesus?                                  News at the centre of your life?
   In what ways are you a disciple
   of Jesus?                                              3. How could your parish / school /
                                                             agency / community more
4. Can you share a personal 		                               intentionally place Jesus and
   encounter with Jesus that you                             his Good News at the centre of
   have experienced?                                         all its activities?

Reflecting Together on Bishop Anthony’s Pastoral Letter
The Community of the Church of Broken Bay                                            21


What is your response to what you have heard and discussed during this session?
What initiatives are you being called to action, both personally and communally?
You are invited to share and discuss your response with another person.










Lord, be the beginning and end
of all we do and say.
Prompt our actions with your grace,
and complete them with your all-powerful help.
Through Christ our Lord.
                                                   Jesus Christ, the Alpha and the Omega

Reflecting Together on Bishop Anthony’s Pastoral Letter
The Community of the Church of Broken Bay                                              23

Third Sunday of Lent                        In this week’s Gospel, we see Jesus
                                            confronting an injustice of his time.
Justice and mercy place the poor at         Jesus’ heart for the poor could not
the heart of the Church                     stand by and be silent while people
                                            were being taken advantage of
                                            through the unjust Temple practices.
Opening Prayer                              Reflecting on Bishop Anthony’s
                                            priority of ‘Justice and Mercy’ allows
Loving and gracious God,                    us to recognise poverty in ourselves
                                            and in others in all its forms, and to
Turn our hearts to yourself that we         be able to consider our own attitudes
may recognise Jesus Christ in every         and behaviours as we seek to follow
person we encounter. Let the Holy           the example of Jesus.
Spirit animate the virtue of humility
in us, to place the poor at the heart
of the community of the Church in           Gospel Reading
Broken Bay and live in righteousness
as we embrace the value and dignity
of all your children.                       Audio:
                                            Week 3 Gospel Reading
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
                                            John 2:13-25
                                            The Passover of the Jews was near,
                                            and Jesus went up to Jerusalem. In
Introduction                                the temple he found people selling
                                            cattle, sheep, and doves, and the
                                            money changers seated at their
“People are never problems. People          tables. Making a whip of cords, he
have issues, carry burdens, endure          drove all of them out of the temple,
suffering, but they are never problems.     both the sheep and the cattle. He
To view a person as a problem is to         also poured out the coins of the
rob them of their human dignity.            money changers and overturned
While there may be challenges in a          their tables. He told those who were
person’s life, those challenges do not      selling the doves, “Take these things
define the person. To see it any other      out of here! Stop making my Father’s
way is to compromise the integrity of       house a marketplace!”
the person and to inhibit their right to
freedom.” (Bishop Anthony’s Pastoral        His disciples remembered that it
Letter, Jesus Christ, our beginning         was written, “Zeal for your house will
and end)                                    consume me.”

                                                     Jesus Christ, the Alpha and the Omega

The Jews then said to him, “What                          conference on religion. He overheard
sign can you show us for doing this?”                     another American delegate speaking
Jesus answered them, “Destroy this                        to a Shinto priest. “We’ve now been
temple, and in three days I will raise                    to a good many of your ceremonies,”
it up.” The Jews then said, “This                         said the delegate, “and have seen
temple has been under construction                        quite a few of your shrines. But
for forty-six years, and will you raise                   I don’t get your ideology; I don’t
it up in three days?” But he was                          get your theology.” The Japanese
speaking of the temple of his body.                       paused as though in deep thought
                                                          and then slowly shook his head. “We
After he was raised from the dead,                        don’t have an ideology”, he said. “We
his disciples remembered that he                          don’t have a theology. We dance!”
had said this; and they believed the
scripture and the word that Jesus                         Perhaps we have forgotten that
had spoken.                                               Christianity, itself, began as a
                                                          dance. There was no ideology, no
When he was in Jerusalem during                           comprehensive philosophy. Rather
the Passover festival, many believed                      there was a series of extraordinary
in his name because they saw the                          gestures in the life of Jesus which
signs that he was doing. But Jesus                        choreographed to tell a story. Jesus did
on his part would not entrust himself                     not leave us with a document. Jesus
to them, because he knew all people                       left us with memories - memories of
and needed no one to testify about                        things he told, and memories of things
anyone; for he himself knew what                          he did – extraordinary memories
was in everyone.                                          through which his life remains present
                                                          to us now. Through Jesus’ actions
Pause for reflection.                                     and gestures, God sings a song for
                                                          us which leads us along in a new and
You are invited to share a thought,                       different way from those around us.
feeling or insight that is arising in                     This song of the Father which Jesus
you are as you hear this Gospel text                      dances is a different song to the one
today. Simply listen to each person,                      to which we are expected to dance
with no comment at this stage.                            along in the business of survival. The
                                                          song that so easily overtakes our
                                                          own hearts is one of competition, of
Reflection –                                              control, of possessiveness - a song
Fr David Ranson                                           orchestrated by fear and anxiety. The
Vicar General                                             song sung in Jesus, and by Jesus,
Parish Priest, Our Lady of                                however, is a song of resistance. The
Dolours Parish, Chatswood                                 anthem of Jesus resists the melody
                                                          by which we are ordinarily led. It
There is a story about an American                        refuses to buy into the logic that we
philosopher who went to Japan for a                       can buy and sell the graciousness of

Reflecting Together on Bishop Anthony’s Pastoral Letter
The Community of the Church of Broken Bay                                               25

God. It undoes the illusion that God is     graciousness and gentleness? Or
ours to market.                             have we preferred to hum alone in
                                            the corner, tapping our fingers in the
With the song of resistance alive in        hope that nobody will notice us such
his heart Jesus dances this day in          that the world goes on unchanged
the Temple in which the melody of           by our presence in it? How disturbing
the logic of commerce has drowned           is our dance? Does our own dance
out all other sounds. It is a dance         possess the passion of Jesus’ dance?
of anger, a dance of criticism, a           Does Jesus dance at all in our hearts?
dance of confrontation. It is a dance       Anything less is whistling in the dark.
of sheer energy which sends the
Temple into a spin. And it likewise
sends the Temple of our own hearts          Reflection Questions
into a spin to the extent that they         for Discussion:
too have been seduced by a logic of
the market, by a “world where self-
importance, personal success and a          1. Share and discuss your insights
sense of unbridled freedom are billed          from listening to the Gospel
as the highest ideals,” as Bishop              text and the accompanying
Randazzo writes in his 2020 Pastoral           reflection.
Letter. The song of the Father is the
song of attentiveness, compassion,          2. Jesus brings about change
service, fellowship and true worship           in the way that we go about
in openness of spirit. This song is not        things. How mindful are we
a private affair. This song is about           that as disciples we are to be
change: change here and now in                 agents of change in our society?
this society. It is a song of criticism,
a song of resistance to any force           3. What are the main changes that
which marginalises and excludes. It            we discern as needed in our
is a song which puts the ‘poor’, those         world today so that the song
who are vulnerable, at the centre of           of Jesus may be heard more
our consideration and makes the                clearly?
hunger for justice and righteousness
a priority of our life.                     4. How might we envisage
                                               contributing to bring about this
Lent is a time to listen again to the          change, so that the marginal and
song by which we dance. To what                the vulnerable are not traduced
melody are we dancing? Does our                by the logic of the marketplace?
own dance of life confront the values
around us which would make us less
than who we are? Are our own lives
ones of confrontation and resistance
to a logic unknown by the Father’s

                                                      Jesus Christ, the Alpha and the Omega

A Personal Story                                          Vatican’s International Youth Advisory
                                                          Body following her involvement in the
                                                          2018 Synod on Youth. Ashleigh is a
Audio:                                                    speaker and writer and is passionate
Week 3 Personal Story –                                   about activating young people to
Ashleigh Donnelly                                         make a difference in the world.

                        Ashleigh Donnelly                 Listen to the testimony,
                        offers us a personal              and use the following
                        reflection on the                 questions to discuss:
                        importance of justice
                        and mercy in her life.            1. What aspects of ‘justice and
                                                             mercy’ in Ashleigh’s life spoke
Ashleigh is a Social Worker and has                          to you most deeply?
worked at CatholicCare for four
years with youth at risk and adults                       2. How is this story inspiring you
living with intellectual disabilities.                       to more intentionally live out
Ashleigh is married to Justin and is                         justice and mercy in your life?
a mum to Rosemary who was born in
November 2020. They have recently                         3. How could your parish / school /
moved into the Parish of St Patrick’s                        agency / community give
East Gosford where they are blessed                          a greater focus to Bishop’s
to be part of a vibrant and active                           priority to place the poor at
parish community. In 2019 Ashleigh                           the heart of the Church?
was appointed as a delegate on the


What is your response to what you have heard and discussed during this session?
What initiatives are you being called to action, both personally and communally?
You are invited to share and discuss your response with another person.




Reflecting Together on Bishop Anthony’s Pastoral Letter
The Community of the Church of Broken Bay                                     27












Lord, be the beginning and end
of all we do and say.
Prompt our actions with your grace,
and complete them with your all-powerful help.
Through Christ our Lord.
                                            Jesus Christ, the Alpha and the Omega

Reflecting Together on Bishop Anthony’s Pastoral Letter
The Community of the Church of Broken Bay                                              29

Fourth Sunday of Lent                       is revealing to Nicodemus, a learned
                                            Pharisee, some marvellous truths
Authentic Catholic education for            about Himself, His identity as the Son
the flourishing of human and faith          of God, and why He came into the
development                                 world. This message of the identity of
                                            Jesus and His Good News for the world
                                            is one that the Christian community
Opening Prayer                              today continues to share and make
                                            known through evangelisation,
Loving and gracious God,                    catechesis and witness.

Through the Holy Spirit, give us
the gifts of knowledge, wisdom              Gospel Reading
and understanding. Guide us in
deepening our understanding of
Christ and the Gospel message, and          Audio:
reveal in us our true identity. Make        Week 4 Gospel Reading
us bold in proclaiming this Truth
with fidelity to your Word and your         John 3:14-21
people. Help us to think, speak and
live the Gospel in order to fulfil our      Jesus said to Nicodemus:
evangelising mission of making
disciples.                                  “Just as Moses lifted up the serpent
                                            in the wilderness, so must the Son
We ask this through Christ our Lord.        of Man be lifted up, that whoever
                                            believes in him may have eternal life.
Amen.                                       For God so loved the world that he
                                            gave his only Son, so that everyone
                                            who believes in him may not perish
Introduction                                but may have eternal life.

                                            “Indeed, God did not send the Son
“There is a long tradition in our Church    into the world to condemn the world,
that values and promotes education          but in order that the world might
and learning. Authentic Catholic            be saved through him. Those who
education is an essential support for       believe in him are not condemned;
a deeper understanding of faith and         but those who do not believe are
for communicating the truth of the          condemned already, because they
Gospel to those who do not yet know         have not believed in the name of the
it.” (Bishop Anthony’s Pastoral Letter,     only Son of God.
Jesus Christ, our beginning and end)
                                            “And this is the judgment, that the
In this week’s Gospel passage Jesus         light has come into the world, and

                                                     Jesus Christ, the Alpha and the Omega

people loved darkness rather than                         confused by the teaching of Jesus.
light because their deeds were evil.                      Through the conversation, Christ
For all who do evil hate the light                        reveals his nature and mission to him.
and do not come to the light, so that
their deeds may not be exposed. But                       Jesus, through the Gospel writer
those who do what is true come to                         John, explains very succinctly three
the light, so that it may be clearly                      key points; that He is the Son of God,
seen that their deeds have been                           that He was sent by God to give access
done in God.”                                             to eternal life and that access will be
                                                          given to those who believe in Him.
Pause for reflection.                                     Importantly this passage goes on
                                                          to identify Christ as the Light of the
You are invited to share a thought,                       World, and by this light, judgement
feeling or insight that is arising in                     of those who follow the Lord will be
you are as you hear this Gospel text                      found. Those who sin remain in the
today. Simply listen to each person,                      darkness, but those who love the
with no comment at this stage.                            Lord will come into the light, despite
                                                          the fact the light will illuminate their
Reflection –
Kelly Paget                                               Is this not the call of Lent, or in fact the
Executive Officer                                         call of our whole Christian life? To step
Office of the Bishop                                      out of the darkness and into the light,
                                                          even with the knowledge that our
“For God so loved the world that he                       weaknesses and frailties will become
gave his only Son, so that everyone                       known. What this passage points out
who believes in him may not perish                        to us, is that it is impossible to be a
but may have eternal life.” This                          believer of Jesus and yet sit in the dark
beloved scripture verse is one of                         and do nothing. We are called to be
the most widely recognised and                            in the light, with all our vulnerability,
used quotes from the Gospels; it                          witnessing God’s love to all.
encapsulates the meaning of Christ’s
salvific action in the world. The quote,                  It is in this honest witnessing, exposed
which is embedded in the Gospel                           by the light of God’s merciful love, that
reading for 4th Sunday of Lent, is part                   others will come to know Christ’s love.
of an exchange between the Pharisee                       So often we get caught up in the theory
Nicodemus and Jesus. Earlier in the                       of teaching the facts and figures of life
chapter, Nicodemus identifies Christ                      and faith. And yet, true faith, coming
as Rabbi, a teacher who has come                          from a relationship with the loving
from God. He came to visit Jesus in                       and ever-present God, can only be
the night, under the veil of darkness                     learnt through experience. Nicodemus
to begin a conversation. He appears                       had the facts and figures, but it was
as an inquisitive student, who seems                      only through his experience and

Reflecting Together on Bishop Anthony’s Pastoral Letter
The Community of the Church of Broken Bay                                              31

relationship with Jesus that he was         2. In our moments of darkness,
ultimately able to be drawn to the light.      what questions do we bring
J.R.R Tolkien, one of the modern               to Jesus?
world’s most famous authors,
was often asked if his writings, in         3. Who are the witnesses that have
particular the epic trilogy of The             drawn us and continue to draw
Lord of The Rings, was a Christian             us, to the Light?
allegory. Although a devout Catholic,
Tolkien himself would comment on            4. How are we allowing the Light
his dislike of allegory, or a “purposed        of Christ to be refracted through
domination of the author.” He instead          our lives, our work?
noted the “applicability” of his stories
to the Christian message, where the
power resides with the reader. In this      A Personal Story
way his books were not written to
shine the Light of Christ, but rather
he allowed the Light to be refracted        Audio:
through them.                               Week 4 Personal Story –
                                            Veronica Smith
As the Body of Christ in the world
today, Jesus gave the Church His                              Veronica Smith
mission. In doing so, we could re-                            offers us a personal
phrase the verse from John’s Gospel                           reflection on the
to: Jesus did not send the Church                             importance of
into the world to condemn the world,                          Catholic education
but in order that the world might                             and formation in
be saved through Him. This call to                            her life.
evangelisation, to teach, will only
be fruitful if we are first witnesses to
                                            Veronica is a young adult, from the
an authentic Christian Life. May we
                                            Diocese of Broken Bay, with a fire for
continue to recognise the Light in the
                                            God and a zeal for His holy Church on
world, then like a mirror reflect that
                                            earth. She is a member of the Asquith
Light, so others may also be drawn
                                            Parish youth group, as well as
into its brilliant and saving power.
                                            President of the St. Vincent de Paul
                                            Society Asquith Youth Conference.
                                            Veronica is also a student of Law and
Reflection Questions                        Philosophy at the University of Notre
for Discussion:                             Dame. In her spare time, she works
                                            at Kmart and is a lover of Matcha
                                            Iced Lattes.
1. Share and discuss your insights
   from listening to the Gospel text
   and the accompanying reflection.

                                                     Jesus Christ, the Alpha and the Omega

Listen to the testimony,                                     incorporate faith formation
and use the following                                        and education in your life?
questions to discuss:
                                                          3. How could your parish / school /
1. What aspects of Catholic 		                               agency / community give
   education and formation in 		                             a greater focus to the Bishop’s
   Veronica’s life spoke to you                              priority of an authentic Catholic
   most deeply?                                              formation for the flourishing of
                                                             human and faith development
2. How is this story inspiring                               of all parishioners?
   you to more intentionally


What is your response to what you have heard and discussed during this
session? What actions are you being called to pursue, both personally or
communally? You are invited to share and discuss your response with another









Reflecting Together on Bishop Anthony’s Pastoral Letter
The Community of the Church of Broken Bay                                     33












Lord, be the beginning and end
of all we do and say.
Prompt our actions with your grace,
and complete them with your all-powerful help.
Through Christ our Lord.
                                            Jesus Christ, the Alpha and the Omega

Reflecting Together on Bishop Anthony’s Pastoral Letter
The Community of the Church of Broken Bay                                                35

Fifth Sunday of Lent                        grounded in our common faith in
                                            Jesus Christ and membership of the
A united message reflecting the             faith community, the Body of Christ. In
voice of the bishop at the service of       this week’s Gospel Jesus speaks about
his people                                  drawing all people to Himself. We are
                                            united in Him, despite all our many
                                            differences, in the common radical
Opening Prayer                              love that the Gospel calls us to.

God our Father,
                                            Gospel Reading
In this season of Lent, pour out on
us your abundant graces of love and
mercy and show us a new way of              Audio:
living the Gospel. Fill the community       Week 5 Gospel Reading
of the Church in Broken Bay with the
Holy Spirit, renewing us in our unity,      John 12: 20-33
as many parts of one body. Help us
to move towards the joy of Easter as        Among those who went up to worship
the unified Body of Christ.                 at the festival were some Greeks.
                                            They came to Philip, who was from
We ask this through Christ our Lord.        Bethsaida in Galilee, and said to him,
                                            “Sir, we wish to see Jesus.”
                                            Philip went and told Andrew; then
                                            Andrew and Philip went and told
Introduction                                Jesus. Jesus answered them, “The
                                            hour has come for the Son of Man
                                            to be glorified. Very truly, I tell you,
“While we make a special effort             unless a grain of wheat falls into the
during Lent to repent and believe in        earth and dies, it remains just a single
the Gospel, for the Catholic Christian,     grain; but if it dies, it bears much fruit.
each day brings opportunities for           Those who love their life lose it, and
the Spirit to change our minds and          those who hate their life in this world
hearts, to guide us on the way and          will keep it for eternal life.
to bring us to a radically new way
of living the Good News of Jesus            “Whoever serves me must follow me,
Christ.” (Bishop Anthony’s Pastoral         and where I am, there will my servant
Letter, Jesus Christ, our beginning         be also. Whoever serves me, the
and end)                                    Father will honour.

Jesus prayed earnestly for unity            “Now my soul is troubled. And what
amongst His disciples. Our unity is         should I say - ‘Father, save me from

                                                       Jesus Christ, the Alpha and the Omega

this hour’? No, it is for this reason                     more, radical. Radical, however, in its
that I have come to this hour. Father,                    call to unity rather than division.
glorify your name.”
                                                          From the outset, the Gospel speaks of
Then a voice came from heaven, “I                         the “Greeks” who come to ask Jesus
have glorified it, and I will glorify it                  a question. Already this implies that
again.”                                                   Jesus’ answer is for all, rather than
                                                          simply God’s chosen people, Israel.
The crowd standing there heard it                         At the end of the Gospel, Jesus gives
and said that it was thunder. Others                      us the answer to how humanity will
said, “An angel has spoken to him.”                       be truly united; “And I, when I am
Jesus answered, “This voice has                           lifted up from the earth, will draw all
come for your sake, not for mine.                         people to myself.” The first thing we
Now is the judgment of this world;                        see is that true unity comes through
now the ruler of this world will be                       Christ Himself. We also understand
driven out. And I, when I am lifted up                    that the way that Christ will unite “all
from the earth, will draw all people                      people” to Himself, will be through
to myself.” He said this to indicate                      His death on the cross, resurrection
the kind of death he was to die.                          and ascension into heaven.

Pause for reflection.                                     What is it about the cross that is so
                                                          powerful? How exactly will we as
You are invited to share a thought,                       humanity be able to unite through
feeling or insight that is arising in                     what is essentially our Saviour’s
you are as you hear this Gospel text                      death on an instrument of torture?
today. Simply listen to each person,                      Quite simply, the answer is love.
with no comment at this stage.                            Christ’s death is the most radical and
                                                          the greatest example of love that the
                                                          world has ever witnessed. Bishop
Reflection –                                              Anthony states “the cross is God’s
Tomasz Juszczak                                           work of love and mercy, bringing
Director,                                                 us to conversion.” This is what this
Evangelisation Broken Bay                                 Sunday’s Gospel calls us to most
                                                          clearly. A radical conversion to love.
We are living in a world that is divided
in many respects, but perhaps most                        What does this look like? Well, it
notably in ideology. Those on both                        doesn’t look easy. Christ challenges
the left and right side of the spectrum                   us to radical love in this Gospel by
are seemingly becoming more radical                       calling us to die to self, “hate” our
in their beliefs and practice. At times,                  lives, follow Him and serve Him.
it almost looks as though humanity                        Doesn’t exactly sound like a piece
has lost its common grounding. This                       of cake does it? But neither is it too
Sunday’s Gospel is also just as, if not                   complicated. Jesus simply wants us

Reflecting Together on Bishop Anthony’s Pastoral Letter
The Community of the Church of Broken Bay                                               37

to love Him and love others. Bishop         Reflection Questions
Anthony tells us that we need to            for Discussion:
find opportunities to be guided “to a
radically new way of living the Good
News of Jesus Christ.” This doesn’t         1. Share and discuss your insights
always mean we need to look for the            from listening to the Gospel
most impressive ways to become                 text and the accompanying
a martyr. It means we simply need              reflection.
to look at how we can die to self
in small ways. To make a habit of           2. Our unity comes from Christ
choosing to serve others over our              and our shared faith in him.
own interests. Perhaps we can help             Do you feel a sense of unity
out at home a little more without              with your brothers and sisters
being asked? Maybe we can give up              in Christ? In what ways?
watching the footy to spend more
quality time with our family or with        3. In what ways are you living out
God in prayer. We might even choose            the Gospel? Is there an area of
to spend less money shopping and               your life in which you are being
give that money to those in need               called to greater love?
instead. Whatever it is, putting Christ
and others first in small ways is how       4. How is Christ’s death an example
we start to live out this radical call to      to us of love?
conversion; this radical call to love.

Finally, this call to love is how true
                                            A Personal Story
unity in our world will manifest.
Bishop Anthony reminds us that
                                            Week 5 Personal Story –
“Love and harmony are signs of unity
                                            Linda and Andrew Hearne
in the community of the Church.”
True unity in our world can only
come through Christ. The more we                               Linda and Andrew
follow and serve Christ, the more we                           Hearne offer us a
open ourselves to Christ’s love and                            personal reflection
the more that His love manifests in                            on the importance
us. It’s our right and duty now to look                        on unity in their lives.
to the cross for inspiration. We need
to bring this message of Good News          Linda and Andrew Hearne are
to the world so that all will be drawn      parishioners at Lindfield-Killara
to Him, and it is in Him that we will       Parish. Linda is the Director at a
find true unity.                            day care centre, and Andrew is a
                                            Regional Catholic School Operations
                                            Coordinator. They have three children
                                            aged 8, 9 and 12.

                                                      Jesus Christ, the Alpha and the Omega

Listen to the testimony,                                  2. How could your parish / school /
and use the following                                        agency / community focus more
questions to discuss:                                        on unity?

1. What aspects of ‘unity’ in Linda                       3. How is this story inspiring you
   and Andrew’s lives spoke to you                           to more intentionally live this
   most deeply?                                              radical conversion to the


What is your response to what you have heard and discussed during this session?
What initiatives are you being called to action, both personally and communally?
You are invited to share and discuss your response with another person.










Reflecting Together on Bishop Anthony’s Pastoral Letter
The Community of the Church of Broken Bay                                     39












Lord, be the beginning and end
of all we do and say.
Prompt our actions with your grace,
and complete them with your all-powerful help.
Through Christ our Lord.
                                            Jesus Christ, the Alpha and the Omega

Reflecting Together on Bishop Anthony’s Pastoral Letter
The Community of the Church of Broken Bay                                              41

Palm Sunday                                 In our final gathering together, we
                                            reflect on the Passion of Jesus, and
of the Passion of the Lord                  His steadfastness in carrying out His
                                            mission to the end. He was firm in
Building together a culture of
                                            His conviction to finish that which
vocation for all the baptised
                                            He was called to, even when faced
                                            with the immensity of what was
                                            before Him. Each of us is also called
Opening Prayer                              to discern and embrace our own
                                            vocation, wherever God will lead us,
Loving and gracious God,
                                            knowing with confidence that the
                                            Holy Spirit accompanies us each
As your baptised sons and daughters,
                                            step of the way.
you have called us to a vocation of
holiness. Let us hear your call, and
fill our hearts with Divine love so that    Gospel Reading
all in the community of the Church in
Broken Bay may clearly understand
and live out their Christian vocations,     Audio:
responding to the needs of your             Week 6 Gospel Reading
                                            Mark 15:16-39 (Excerpt)
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
                                            Then the soldiers led Jesus into the
Amen.                                       courtyard of the palace (that is, the
                                            governor’s headquarters); and they
                                            called together the whole cohort. And
Introduction                                they clothed him in a purple cloak;
                                            and after twisting some thorns into a
                                            crown, they put it on him. And they
“God’s call is charged with a task. The     began saluting him, “Hail, King of the
person is called to do something,           Jews!” They struck his head with a
to lead, to guide, to teach, to go          reed, spat upon him, and knelt down
on a mission (e.g. Abraham, Gen             in homage to him. After mocking him,
12:1-9; Mary Magdalen, John 20:17).         they stripped him of the purple cloak
However, they are never sent alone.         and put his own clothes on him. Then
God promises to be with them (e.g.          they led him out to crucify him. They
David, 1Sam 16:13). God pledges             compelled a passer-by, who was
fidelity, and the one called is often       coming in from the country, to carry
surprised that with God, all things are     his cross; it was Simon of Cyrene, the
possible.” (Bishop Anthony’s Pastoral       father of Alexander and Rufus. Then
Letter, Jesus Christ, our beginning         they brought Jesus to the place called
and end)                                    Golgotha (which means the place of

                                                     Jesus Christ, the Alpha and the Omega
You can also read