July 2021 - Oasis Academy Fir Vale

July 2021 - Oasis Academy Fir Vale
July 2021

                                   Our smallest steps become our greatest success

                                                               It has been an interesting year in school!
 We are so proud of our children for joining in with the remote learning during the Spring term.
      We are also really pleased that several of our Year 6 children were nominated for the Oasis
                                                                       Student Awards last week.
    You should have by now received your child’s Record of Achievements. Please note that the
          attendance on the ROAs this year is from 8th March 2021 due to the covid disruption
                                                                experienced prior to this date.
 It is the end of the academic year and we are having to say goodbye to Miss Hussain, Mr Saqib,
Mr Ali, Miss Monus and Mr Blow who are all moving on to new opportunities. We wish you the
        We are pleased to welcome to the team next year Miss Orwin-Francis and Miss Ioannou.
  We want to thank everyone for supporting our Covid procedures this
                         year. We really appreciate parents following
                         our one way system, using our soft start and
                          finish times, socially distancing from others
                         and wearing a mask where possible. A huge
                         thank you from everyone at Oasis Academy
                                                               Fir Vale!
                            Please have a safe and enjoyable summer
                        break, we look forward to seeing you again in

        Summer Holiday starts from Tuesday 20th July—Thursday 2nd September 2021.
 School re-opens for existing Reception classes—Y6 on Friday 3rd September 2021 at 8.40am
                 New Reception starters to start on Monday 6th September 2021.
           New nursery starters will have a letter posted to them with their start date.

          Oasis academies teach 9 special habits to help us all live better.
                        This habit this month is being Honest
   Honesty is about being truthful. Being honest includes acknowledging when we have got
 things wrong and taking responsibility for our actions. As we do this, we become a person of
      integrity - there is an alignment between what we say we are and how we behave.
July 2021 - Oasis Academy Fir Vale
Y4 Slovakia
We end the term with Year 6 USA and                        The children were
Year 2 Italy winning good attendance.                  investigating how we can
As a treat, they will be having a pizza                make quiet sounds louder.
party in class this week. Well done to                  Here the children made
                                                     string telephones so they can
  both classes, we are sure you will
                                                     hear each other through the
           enjoy your pizzas.                                     door.

      Winners for the competition have been
                                                Enjoying the sunshine?
      selected and they will be announced by
        Mrs Beevor on Friday assembly time.
         Entries have been phenomenal and
      everyone was a true winner. Take a look
       at the fantastic posters made by Anaya
                   and Benjamin!
July 2021 - Oasis Academy Fir Vale
Year 3 Sweden

                                                        Year 3 Sweden
                                                        went on a bear
                                                         hunt for their
                                                        Immersion for

                                                     Year 2 Italy
                                                    Y2 Italy looked at some
                                                  artwork by the Dutch artist
                                                   called Piet Mondrian And
                                                     recreated it using an
                                                  application on Purple Mash.
                  Y6 Germany have been            This is work by Sibghatallah
Year 6 Germany     designing and making

                   bags for life, with the
                 hope that we can reduce
                   the amount of plastic
                        bags that we use
                     whilst at home. They
                        practised using a
                     running stitch as well
                       as a cross stitch to
                      test which provided           Year 5 Egypt
                       our bags with the
                 best support for carrying     Children in Y5 Egypt did some science
                                 items. It’s      learning. They learnt about the
                                 been a lot      phases of the moon and why the
                                 of fun and     moon appears to change shape and
                                 we’re very      then they recreated the different
                                  proud of          phases using Oreo biscuits.
                                 the result!
July 2021 - Oasis Academy Fir Vale
Year 3 Denmark
                         Year 3 playing baseball as a
                            reward for excellent

                                       A massive thank you
                                       from Year 3 to all the
                                      cleaners in our school!
                                     You are amazing!!

As part of National Thank You Day, Year 3 showed their thanks for a school
hero who has kept the school clean during the pandemic. Without her we
would have struggled. Big thank you to Heather and all our cleaning staff
   and kitchen staff at Sodexo as well as our health visitors and external

                                                           Year 4 Spain
                                                          Year 4 made Chlebicky
                                                           sandwiches as part of
                                                          D&T. They decided on
                                                            their own fillings and
                                                           talked about what the
                                                             sandwiches would
                                                          look like and taste like.
                                                             When they finished
                                                                 making the
                                                            sandwiches they ate
                                                             them to make sure
                                                            they were delicious!
July 2021 - Oasis Academy Fir Vale
Oasis Student Awards 2021

   On Friday 9th July, our school joined 51 other Oasis academies across the nation to cele-
 brate the student awards. An afternoon tea was laid out by caterers Sodexo and Mrs Round
 chose five students to attend the awards. It was a little outside the box with live streaming
                                  and an enjoyable afternoon.

Get playing and score lots of points for
 your school, Oasis Academy Fir Vale.
There will be prizes for the person who
        scores the most points.
July 2021 - Oasis Academy Fir Vale
Covid-19 Symptoms
   You should stay at home if you have any of the symptoms shown below and get
   a coronavirus test.

What to do if you have a positive Covid-19 test result
1. If you have any of these symptoms, you need to get a Coronavirus test
2. Book a test by calling 111 or go online at https://self-referral.test-for-
coronavirus.service.gov.uk/antigen/condition and book a drive through test, a walk
through test or a home testing kit.
3. You and your household now need to self-isolate at home and wait for your
results. The result will be sent to you by text message and/or email.
4. Email the result to OAFV.PositiveCases@oasisfirvale.org or forward the result by
text message to 07780 227575
July 2021 - Oasis Academy Fir Vale July 2021 - Oasis Academy Fir Vale July 2021 - Oasis Academy Fir Vale July 2021 - Oasis Academy Fir Vale
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