July 15 2021 - Vol. 2, Issue 28 - Town Square Delaware
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Health @pg18 Food & Dining @pg12 Sports @pg24 Community @pg3 Education @pg16 Town Square LIVE @TownSquareLive TownSquareLive.com July 15 2021 - Vol. 2, Issue 28 Business @pg14 Stay Connected @pg26 Government @pg7 Town Square LIVE @TownSquareLive TownSquareLive.com 1
Contents Photo Credit: robert J. neary Community .................................3 Government ............................... 7 Food & Dining........................... 12 Business....................................... 14 Education....................................16 Health ...........................................18 Sports............................................24 Stay Connected .................... 26 new bear drive-in lasagna love continues to deliver honoring coach bob anderson Town Square LIVE @TownSquareLive TownSquareLive.com 2
“My work is inspired by my children Bailey and Kirill, Community my dog Olive, new things, old things, nature, travel, really good music and really good film, not always in that order,” she writes on her site. “I get some of my best ideas when walking my dog, thus the name.” She has mastered about 100 breeds, with airedales, golden retrievers and shih tzus the most popular. She crafts them as ornaments, puppies, adults and in vignettes, with the dogs maxing out at about seven inches long. Prices range from $30 to $150. “My entire life I have been dabbling in art,” Shue said. “And I’ve been felting for about 10 years.” She specializes in dogs but takes commissions. How about cats? She laughed. CLICK HERE TO READ MORE! WINTERTHUR’S NEW ARTISAN MARKET HONORS FINE CRAFTSMANSHIP (AND FARMING) BY KEN MAMMARELLA Winterthur expands its salute to craftsmanship and garden items. honors its history as farmland with its first artisan market. Tickets are $6 to $20 and include the grounds, exhibi- From 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. July 17-18, 86 vendors, about tions, reservation-only house tours and music. half from Delaware, will sell antiques and collectibles; One of the more intriguing offerings will be oh-so-cute furniture and home décor; up-cycled and architectural felted dogs by Tracy Shue, an artist from York, Pennsyl- salvage pieces; crafts and handmade items; vintage vania. clothing and jewelry; small-batch and artisanal gourmet Her business is Walking Olive, named for the family packaged goods; original art in a variety of media; and dog, a border collie and Labrador retriever mix. Town Square LIVE @TownSquareLive TownSquareLive.com 4
Community NEW BEAR DRIVE IN WILL BE BUILT WITH CARGO CONTAINERS 一漀琀栀椀渀最 戀爀椀渀最猀 愀 昀愀洀椀氀礀 琀漀最攀琀栀攀爀 BY BETSY PRICE A twin-screen Bear Drive-In is expected to open this “It is official! The permits have been approved and we month behind the Lowe’s in Bear. Bob Weir, who is the technical director at the Playhouse are moving forward! I am proud to announce that I will be opening a fully functional twin Drive-In movie theatre!” 氀椀欀攀 愀 最漀漀搀 洀攀愀氀⸀ on Rodney Square and has a side business doing he said. drive-in movies with inflatable screens, plans to use Weir said he meant the post to alert his friends that 䘀愀洀椀氀礀ⴀ漀眀渀攀搀 ☀ 漀瀀攀爀愀琀攀搀 昀漀爀 cargo containers to create his facility in a 5-acre field on he’s completed the county permit process. 洀漀爀攀 琀栀愀渀 ㈀㔀 礀攀愀爀猀Ⰰ Christiana-Bear Road. But friends convinced him to make the post public and Containers will be stacked to create a screen facing by Monday, it had 4,300 shares, which surprised Weir. 䬀攀渀渀礀 䘀愀洀椀氀礀 匀栀漀瀀刀椀琀攀猀 Christiana Bear, also known as Route 7, and another The theater site now boasts an electric sign that says 漀昀 䐀攀氀愀眀愀爀攀 facing the direction of Route 1. The projection booth and “Open soon” in the middle of a grassy field. 愀爀攀 栀漀渀漀爀攀搀 琀漀 瀀爀漀瘀椀搀攀 漀甀爀 concession stand also will be made of cargo containers. The life-long theater and movie buff is hoping every- “We’re making it completely portable,” Weir said thing will fall into place for the first shows by the end of 挀漀洀洀甀渀椀琀椀攀猀 眀椀琀栀 琀栀攀 昀漀漀搀 琀栀愀琀 Monday night. July, maybe sooner. He plans to stay open through October. 戀爀椀渀最猀 礀漀甀爀 昀愀洀椀氀礀 琀漀最攀琀栀攀爀⸀ He broke the news of the new drive-in on his Facebook CLICK HERE TO READ MORE! page last week. Town Square LIVE @TownSquareLive TownSquareLive.com 5
Community PHILLY EAGLES, ROCK ICONS, GAMING HEADLINE DELAWARE THEATER SEASON BY BETSY PRICE After going dark because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Sun Records session of Elvis Presley, Johnny Cash, Silva said the pandemic closures and restrictions the Delaware Theatre Company will return in October Johnny Lee Lewis and Carl Perkins, Dec. 1-19; “Other showed how Delaware Theatre and other arts organiza- with a season that includes productions about the World: A New Musical,” about game players magically tions could be nimble and creative about finding ways Philadelphia Eagles, a computer game musical and the entering the game, Feb. 23-March 20; “My Life on a to entertain people safely. memoirs of an actress who thought dieting was the key Diet,” featuring actress Renee Taylor; and “Brighton “No matter what happens, we’re going to find a way to living large. Beach Memoirs,” May 11-22. to bring people entertainment in a way that is safe and The Wilmington theater also will finally see the debut Theater management is keeping an eye on the rise of comfortable and entertaining for them,” he said. of “Million Dollar Quartet,” which was poleaxed when COVID-19 cases caused by the Delta variant, which The theater, like so many other businesses, is facing an COVID hit in March 2020 but will become DTC’s appears to be preying largely on the unvaccinated, to see unexpected problem: Many performers and technicians Christmas show. how if affects plans for indoor performances in the fall. went on to other jobs, often earning more and with better Winding up the season will be audience favorite “But what’s the alternative?” asks Matt Silva, DTC’s hours to boot. “Brighton Beach Memoirs” in May. managing director. “The alternative is to not do anything One of the actors slated for “Million Dollar Quartet” Subscription renewals and sales start July 19. and just sit on our hands and not continue to do the returned to his job as a union plumber, for example. He The official line-up is Eagles-oriented “Tommy and thing that we do.” hopes to work out a way to do both, Silva said. Me,” Oct. 6-17; “Million Dollar Quartet,” focused on CLICK HERE TO READ MORE! Town Square LIVE @TownSquareLive TownSquareLive.com 6
Government AUDITOR CALLS NEWARK NURSING HOME ‘UNAUDITABLE’ BECAUSE OF LACK OF DATA “I applaud the sisters at the Jeanne Jugan Residence for their mission to help those who are the most vulnerable among us,” McGuiness said. “However, when any entity cannot produce basic financial records …I become concerned.” The Jugan Residence management said “the COVID-19 pandemic created a significant hardship for (their) facility and they were unable to devote resources to provide the information necessary for the examination,” according to the press release. McGuinness said the facility had 18 months to provide necessary documentation, including nine months before the pandemic began and nine months after it began. BY BETSY PRICE The facility will face another audit at the end of the A Newark nursing home’s financial affairs have raised person to die of complications from the virus was a patient current fiscal year and McGuinness says she hopes that alarms in the State Auditor’s office. there, and several more patients became ill and died. the next examination will find “adequate internal The Jeanne Jugan Residence on Salem Church Road is Efforts were not successful Monday afternoon to controls and acceptable accounting practices.” “unauditable,” according to State Auditor Kathleen contact any administrators at the facility for a comment. The Jugan Residence was founded by the Little Sisters McGuinness, because it has not been able to produce Delaware law requires the State Auditor’s Office to of the Poor in 1903 and has been a staple in the Newark basic financial records, a press release said Monday. perform audits of long-term care facilities. area since then. The auditor’s report detailed a “severe lack of documenta- Facilities are audited on a rotating basis, and the Jugan tion” which prevented her team from analyzing over $4 Residence was among six Delaware facilities audited in million in costs and charges relating to Medicaid activities, the last fiscal year. Facilities are usually audited every a press release said. six to eight years. The Jeanne Jugan Residence was one of the first long- McGuinness said she became alarmed when the Jugan term facilities in Delaware to be hit with a wave of Residence was unable to provide patient census data COVID-19 infections and deaths in 2020. The second and payroll supporting documents. Town Square LIVE @TownSquareLive TownSquareLive.com 8
Government WOMEN’S GROUP ASKS SENATE TO START DARIUS BROWN ETHICS INVESTIGATION BY CHARLES MEGGINSON A women’s group has called on the Senate Ethics expressed concern about Brown remaining in office Committee to conduct a formal inquiry into the arrest and in particular chairing the Judiciary Committee, of State Sen. Darius Brown, D-Wilmington. which votes on issues regarding women’s safety. That committee rarely meets and requires a fellow Brown later was removed from his chairmanship, but senator to ask for an investigation because of legislative State Sen. Dave Sokola, D-Newark, said the Senate would misconduct. wait and see how the case turned out before focusing on In May, Brown was arrested and charged with two Brown’s seat. misdemeanor counts of domestic assault after a woman “Accusations of domestic violence are serious and in was punched at Taverna Rustic Italian Restaurant in direct conflict with the values of the Delaware Senate Talleyville. Police reports later said the incident occurred Democratic Caucus,” Sokola said in a statement then.” during an argument about a social media post. However, a presumption of innocence is one of the most Brown was accused of throwing a glass of water at the sacred principles in the American criminal justice system.” woman before he left the restaurant. “We understand Sen. Sokola’s response and respect The Women’s Defense Coalition of Delaware, which the presumptions of innocence until proven guilty,” the describes itself as a statewide non-partisan movement, Women’s Defense Coalition of Delaware said in its press issued a press release Thursday saying it had emailed release. Delaware legislators in May about Brown. That letter CLICK HERE TO READ MORE! Town Square LIVE @TownSquareLive TownSquareLive.com 9
Government BIDEN APPOINTS CARNEY TO 刀攀搀甀挀攀⸀ 刀攀甀猀攀⸀ 刀攀瀀攀愀琀⸀ BIPARTISAN 䬀攀渀渀礀 䘀愀洀椀氀礀 匀栀漀瀀刀椀琀攀猀 漀昀 䐀攀氀愀眀愀爀攀 GOVERNORS 挀愀爀攀 愀戀漀甀琀 琀栀攀 攀渀瘀椀爀漀渀洀攀渀琀⸀ 䤀渀猀琀攀愀搀 漀昀 甀猀椀渀最 㘀㔀 䬀 猀椀渀最氀攀ⴀ甀猀攀 瀀氀愀猀琀椀挀 戀愀最猀 愀 眀攀攀欀Ⰰ 漀甀爀 COUNCIL 挀甀猀琀漀洀攀爀猀 栀愀瘀攀 栀攀氀瀀攀搀 甀猀 爀攀搀甀挀攀 漀甀爀 瀀氀愀猀琀椀挀 眀愀猀琀攀 琀漀 樀甀猀琀 Ⰰ㔀 爀攀甀猀愀戀氀攀 戀愀最猀 愀 眀攀攀欀℀ 圀攀 氀漀漀欀 昀漀爀眀愀爀搀 琀漀 挀漀渀琀椀渀甀攀 氀漀眀攀爀椀渀最 Also appointed Thursday to the Council were Minne- 琀栀愀琀 渀甀洀戀攀爀 眀椀琀栀 漀甀爀 挀甀猀琀漀洀攀爀猀밂 猀甀瀀瀀漀爀琀⸀ sota Gov. Tim Walz as co-chair; Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine as co-chair; Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards; Michigan 吀栀愀渀欀 礀漀甀 昀漀爀 礀漀甀爀 挀漀洀洀椀琀洀攀渀琀 Gov. Gretchen Whitmer; Oregon Gov. Kate Brown; 琀漀 爀攀搀甀挀椀渀最 瀀氀愀猀琀椀挀 眀愀猀琀攀 椀渀 漀甀爀 挀漀洀洀甀渀椀琀礀Ⰰ Utah Gov. Spencer Cox; Vermont Gov. Phil Scott and 洀愀欀椀渀最 漀甀爀 眀漀爀氀搀 愀 挀氀攀愀渀攀爀Ⰰ 洀漀爀攀 Wyoming Gov. Mark Gordon. Tennessee’s Gov. Bill Lee 戀攀愀甀琀椀昀甀氀 瀀氀愀挀攀⸀ also is on the council. His term expires in 2022. “I’m proud to join the bipartisan Council of Gover- nors to help strengthen cooperation between our states BY BETSY PRICE and the federal government on a range of threats facing Gov. John Carney has been appointed to a national our country—from extreme weather to public health Council of Governors by President Joe Biden. challenges,” Carney said in a press release. “As we’ve The two have known each other for decades. seen over the past year, state-federal cooperation is The Council of Governors is designed to link state and critically important, especially during a crisis situation. federal authorities in dealing with emergencies, disasters, I want to thank President Biden for the appointment, homeland defense, defense support for civil authorities and for bringing governors of both parties together to and matters pertaining to the National Guard. The council address important issues we all face. was created by the National Defense Authorization Act in 2008 and formally established by executive order on Jan. 11, 2010. Town Square LIVE @TownSquareLive TownSquareLive.com 10
Government DMV REOPENS: to continue to wear masks and social distance. The full reopening means changes for drivers. ANOTHER SIGN OF Drive license/vehicle registration suspensions for bad checks will return, along with uninsured motorist cus- NORMALCY tomer notifications for any outstanding balance owed to the DMV. Class D road tests and counter eye exams will resume. Specific guidance has been put in place from the DPH to protect both customers and staff. The DMV asks that customers follow all instructions received from DMV staff when using these services. The final change coming to the DMV is the that late fees for expired state credentials and vehicle transac- tions will be assessed starting on Aug 2. One pandemic-inspired item that will continue is that select DMV transactions, such state-issued credentials and vehicle registrations, can be completed through the DMV website or by using the self-serve kiosks at Delaware DMV locations. BY BETSY PRICE As Delaware continues to reopen businesses as The state also has reached a 70.6% vaccination rate, COVID-19 vaccinations rise, there’s one more sign of meaning that percentage of those eligible for vaccines normalcy: The DMV is returning to normal operations have had at least one dose. July 13. The Delaware Division of Motor Vehicles Thursday That’s the same date that Gov. John Carney’s State of announcement follows theaters and music venues an- Emergency order is slated to expire, dropping masking nounced indoor concerts for the first time in 16 months. and social distancing mandates statewide. those who Masking at the DMV will follow Centers for Disease are not vaccinated to continue to wear masks. Control guidance, asking those who are not vaccinated Town Square LIVE @TownSquareLive TownSquareLive.com 11
Photo Credit: J&J Photography Food & Dining Town Square LIVE @TownSquareLive TownSquareLive.com 12
Food & Dining CREATED DURING PANDEMIC, LASAGNA LOVE CONTINUES TO DELIVER Now Lasagna Love has spread to all 50 states. she said, and that made her want to get involved. “I know at least one family is going to have a hot meal “What better comfort food than lasagna,” Carter said, one night,” Foster said “Hopefully they’ll be able to sit “when you think about it.” together and know that they’re not going to go to sleep The organization also allows people to nominate hungry.” someone else to receive a lasagna who needs help for Volunteers choose how many times a month they wish some reason. to participate, ranging from once a month to every All deliveries are done through a contactless drop off, week. Volunteers can also choose how far they wish to and requests are filed through an online system where travel to drop off the pan. the volunteers are matched with families. Families and other recipients also can request to have The initial reason for this was to follow contact a pan of lasagna delivered monthly. restrictions of the pandemic. There are no requirements for requesting help from A side result has been that people don’t need to be BY DANIEL LARLHAM JR. Lasagna Love and many of those that request food have embarrassed about asking for help, because the person unstable food sources or are families with a member who delivers the lasagna may never see them. This level Carle Foster of Lewes had no hesitations about volun- suffering from illness. of anonymity is something that the organization is teering to make lasagna and deliver it to strangers during “When I was going through chemo and just feeling currently considering keeping post pandemic. the COVID-19 pandemic. horrible, I loved when somebody would come over and “It’s been fairly simple to keep the deliveries contact- “It’s that little bit of giving back…It’s cliché but it’s give me a meal that was already prepared that I didn’t have less,” Foster said, “Most people have a front step or a that pay it forward concept,” said Carle Foster of Lewes. to do anything for. It was such a nice thing that some- porch or something that you can put the meal down on. He volunteers in Sussex County with the Delaware one else had thought enough to do that,” said Marianne I would usually knock on the door, put the food down branch of the national nonprofit Lasagna Love. The Carter of Dover. and make sure that they were home and got the food.” charity was started in San Diego by Rhiannon Menn, a A retired dietician, she volunteers and does outreach The main point of contact between the volunteer and chef and the founder of Good to Mama. work for Lasagna Love Delaware. the recipient is through the phone. Volunteers can ask if She was worried about food instability for those who “I look at this as kind of a way to pay it forward and the family has any kind of allergy, or if they do or don’t lost jobs or had other stresses during the COVID-19 it’s just so rewarding to know that you personally helped like certain things in their lasagna. clobbered the economy. Menn started feeding friends to feed somebody,” Carter said. and family who had lost their jobs or new mothers too Many people who would never have asked for help CLICK HERE TO READ MORE! stressed to cook. before the pandemic were asking for help after it started, Town Square LIVE @TownSquareLive TownSquareLive.com 13
Photo Credit: fauxels from Pexels Business Town Square LIVE @TownSquareLive TownSquareLive.com 14
Business GOT $100 IN COINS? FOUR DUNKIN’ LOCATIONS WILL GIVE YOU $105 FOR THEM BY BETSY PRICE Hot coffee, donuts, breakfast sandwiches and free Patel got the idea for the coin-buyback after a bank money. What do these things have in common? teller encouraged him to offer his customers incentives All of them are being offered at four Wilmington- for their coins. area Dunkin’ locations. He began by offering free drinks, but quickly realized Before you start the car and drive off to Dunkin’s that no incentive was quite as powerful as cold, hard cash. Claymont, Wilmington; Garnet Valley, Pennsylvania; and “In the beginning I was giving out free drinks, coffee, Brookhaven, Pennsylvania, locations for your free money, iced coffee, and donuts, and then I started the $5 promotion.” be aware you’re going to have to fork over some change. Patel said he struggled to find coins during the begin- Franchisee Rick Patel has started a promotion to buy ning of the COVID-19 pandemic, but after a while coins from customers. His stores will pay you $105 in things returned to normal. cash for every $100 you bring in coins. It wasn’t until recently that banks stopped offering Patel says he was forced to get creative after his bank him coins again. stopped giving him the boxes of coins he needed for his “Throughout the last two months or so, banks have stores to operate normally. stopped giving out boxes of coins. They only have so “When I go to the bank for change, they give me two many quarters for all the small businesses,” said Patel. rolls of quarters, five rolls of pennies, and that only lasts CLICK HERE TO READ MORE! me about half a day at one of my stores,” Patel said. Town Square LIVE @TownSquareLive TownSquareLive.com 15
Education Town Square LIVE @TownSquareLive TownSquareLive.com 16
“For me, it was a no brainer when it came to choosing Education my career path,” said Ashley Middleton, who will major in elementary education at UD, with a concentration in Middle School Social Studies. ““From a young age I have always loved school.” She’ll also participate in the World Scholars Program, studying and teaching English abroad. “As I got older I found my passion for helping others, FIRST IN DEL.: especially with children. I believe that education is something that can sometimes be taken for granted. NEW HIGH We live in a world where everyone is not given the same quality of education,” she said. SCHOOL GRADS CLICK HERE TO READ MORE! LINE UP POST- COLLEGE JOBS BY BETSY PRICE Four new Appoquinimink School District alumnae from Delaware State University. have received contingent offers of employment at their “I want to be a teacher because it allows me to shape alma maters—if they complete a college teaching degree the future in a fun and creative way all while making a and meet all the other requirements. positive impact on the lives of young, impressionable The Grow Your Own Initiative, aimed at a nationwide children,” said Madison Billips, who plans to major in teacher shortage and the huge growth in the district, elementary education at the University of Delaware. is a first in Delaware and maybe the nation, a district “I believe that all children deserve a positive, engaging, spokeswoman said. and safe environment, and by working at my local Boys The Teacher Academy Pathway “has helped me gain and Girls Club I found that it is unfortunately very com- understanding of what my true passion and purpose is mon for children to not have that type of environment in life, and that is to reach others through my gift of readily available, so I would love to provide that for education,” said Jordan Johnson, who’s working on a them,” she said. five-year plan to earn bachelor’s and master’s degrees Town Square LIVE @TownSquareLive TownSquareLive.com 17
Photo credit: Delaware Division of Public Health - DPH Facebook Health Town Square LIVE @TownSquareLive TownSquareLive.com 18
Health DELAWARE COVID-19 CASES DRIFT UP A BIT; VACCINES UP, TOO BY DANIEL LARLHAM JR. State officials blamed the Delta variant Tuesday night On Tuesday, the state was seeing an average of 29.1 for increased numbers of COVID-19 cases in Delaware. new cases per day, up from only 20 two weeks ago, while During an online town hall meeting, the officials also the percentage of positive tests has climbed up to 1.8%, talked about a new type of testing, whether a vaccine up from 1%. booster shot will be needed and COVID-19 regulations Hospitalizations have been used in the past as an that will be in place when schools start next month. indicator of how hard the disease has been hitting the The meeting came on the day that Gov. John Carney state, and they also have increased. On Tuesday, 27 people officially lifted his emergency COVID-19 order to expire, were hospitalized for COVID-19, up from 14 on June 27. removing mask and social distancing guidelines, among The highly contagious Delta variant, which has been other things. sweeping the nation especially in unvaccinated popula- Coronavirus statistics have gone up across the state tions, could be to blame for the increase, said Dr. Karyl since Gov. Carney stopped holding weekly press confer- Rattay, director of the Delaware Division of Public ences two weeks ago when all statistics were on the way Health. down. CLICK HERE TO READ MORE! Town Square LIVE @TownSquareLive TownSquareLive.com 19
Health e B r e a s t Canc er r DELAWARE BREAST CANCER 30 Co a aw Celebrates alit De l ion COALITION CELEBRATES 30 YEARS BY BETSY PRICE years The Delaware Breast Cancer Coalition, Inc. (DBCC) cancer survivors, and their families in communities began in 1991 as a small group of community volunteers, across Delaware for 30 years. of service led by Maureen Lauterbach, who was committed to With offices in New Castle, Kent, and Sussex counties, decreasing the mortality rate of breast cancer in Delaware. the Delaware Breast Cancer Coalition’s programs are The Delaware Breast Cancer Coalition (DBCC) has been connecting In 1997, DBCC became a 501c (3) non-profit organiza- designed to reach diverse communities to deliver and supporting breast cancer survivors, and their families in messages that address their unique concerns about communities across Delaware for over 30 years! tion to serve and empower our community by raising awareness of breast health issues through community breast cancer and early detection. Recognizing the DBCC offers breast cancer survivors a variety of resources including: financial aid, personalized support, health programs, activities, and outreach and education in order to facilitate the early barriers of language, culture, and economics, DBCC events with other breast cancer survivors to foster healing and recovery. detection and treatment of breast cancer. trains community advocates, provide support to those DBCC’s vision is to create a community where every newly diagnosed through their Peer Mentor Program, person diagnosed with breast cancer is a survivor, and as well as works to help educate and encourage women fear and doubt are replaced with knowledge and hope. and men to take responsibility for their health through DBCC’s works to support breast cancer survivors and breast health presentations and community health fairs. their families in Delaware by offering a variety of survi- DBCC partners with the State of Delaware to manage vorship resources including: financial aid, personalized the Women’s Health Screening Program. The program support, health programs, activities, and events with other focuses on navigating patients with low incomes and Thanks! I feel like a new I became a participant of the DBCC's Young person now. At the I was homeless Survivors in Action breast cancer survivors to foster healing and recovery. those with little or no insurance to receive free or re- beginning it was kind of a and had no program at its initiation. scared moment, then the transportation, I have thoroughly enjoyed DBCC has developed and implemented programs duced-cost care at screening facilities across the state of fear left my body taking my old hair with it. You all and very little support. DBCC the times that we have shared. Being in the tailored to the unique needs of different populations, Delaware. DBCC has referred thousands of uninsured helped with that moment. My husband did a showed me that no one has to face presence of other Survivors simply gives breast cancer me a sense of comfort. including young women with breast cancer, African- adults for free and low-cost cancer screenings and has wonderful job too! So grateful for the video call! alone. I can truly say that this program is uplifting, American women, Latinas, lesbians, and women with removed barriers to cancer screenings and treatment by unifying, and fun disabilities. providing certified healthcare interpretation, transpor- This year the Delaware Breast Cancer Coalition tation, and support services. To learn more, volunteer, or to donate to support DBCC's work in our communities visit: debreastcancer.org (DBCC) is celebrating connecting and supporting breast CLICK HERE TO READ MORE! Town Square LIVE @TownSquareLive TownSquareLive.com 20
Health STATE WILL KEEP VISITATION RULES IN PLACE AT LONG-TERM CARE FACILITIES BY BETSY PRICE Even though Gov. John Carney’s State of the Emer- and the percentage of residents who are vaccinated. gency order governing COVID-19 expired July 13, Among other things, those rules include screening for Delaware will keep visitation and testing guidelines in COVID-19 regardless of vaccination status, social effects for long-term care facilities. distancing, frequent handwashing or sanitizing and the The Delaware Division of Public Health issued a press use of face coverings or masks by unvaccinated visitors release Monday saying it wanted to keep residents of and by all in each facility’s common areas. those nursing home and assisted-living facilities safe “In partnership with the long-term care facilities, we and healthy. They will continue to operate under Dela- will do everything we can to continue to facilitate ware’s COVID-19 Updated Reopening Plan in Long- indoor visitation for residents and their family Term Care Facilities. members or close friends, but that will depend on each While visitation by loved ones is encouraged, the type facility’s status,” said DHSS Secretary Molly Magarik. of visitation that is allowed depends on each facility’s current status in terms of positive cases of COVID-19 among CLICK HERE TO READ MORE! residents, the county’s overall COVID-19 positivity rate Town Square LIVE @TownSquareLive TownSquareLive.com 21
Health HAVE A DELAWARE RECORDS NO COVID-19 PLAN FOR DEATHS IN LAST 7 DAYS YOUR PAIN BY BETSY PRICE While Delaware’s percentage of new positive COVID-19 A total of 1,695 Delawareans have passed away due to tests continues to drift up, vaccinations do, too. complications from COVID-19, but none in the last Learn the risks The Delaware Division of Public Health said Friday in seven days. involved with prescription opioids. a press release that the state is just 14 cases away from Nationwide, health officials are increasingly warning topping the 110,000 mark of COVID-19 cases reported that the majority of those who are dying from COVID-19 Ask your doctor to the state. are those who were not vaccinated. about alternative therapies. The seven-day average of new positive cases decreased There were no COVID-19 deaths reported in the last to 24.1 as of Thursday, July 8. That’s down one from last week, but up four from the week before. week. While COVID-19 cases and deaths are rising in other Decide together on a pain management plan that works for you. As of Tuesday, July 6, the seven-day average for the states, Delaware’s variant cases remain steady and low. percentage of total tests that were positive was 1.7%, an The state identified variant cases by testing random Opioids can be addictive, dangerous, and even deadly. increase from 1.2% as of Tuesday, June 29. positive samples to see which strain of the virus caused But they aren’t your only option. You can always talk with your health care provider and choose a different path. In addition, 31 individuals are currently hospitalized the infection. As has been the case for weeks, the U.K. HelpIsHereDE.com can help you start the conversation. due to COVID-19, steady from last week, with six Alpha strain is the most widespread in Delaware, with critically ill. 956 cases followed by the New York Iota strain with 316. Delaware reported Friday that 70.6% of those eligible The Indian Delta strain, feared nationally for its ability for vaccination have received at least one dose; which to infect faster, has shown up 23 times on state testing. means 53.5% of the total population have had at least one dose. That also means 455,096 Delawareans are HELP IS taking control of your pain fully vaccinated. Town Square LIVE @TownSquareLive TownSquareLive.com 22
Health STATE WARNS PEOPLE NOT TO FORAGE IN SUSSEX BECAUSE OF DEADLY HEMLOCK “People who like to forage for natural foods or cut wildflowers are advised to avoid wild carrot-looking plants to prevent the possibility of being poisoned,” it said. An invasive biennial, hemlock grows from six to eight feet tall. The plants not only grow in wetlands but may be found in ditches, meadows, pastures and along cultivated fields The stems are smooth with purple blotches. Leaves are alternately dark glossy green, appear fern-like and are triangular, lacey with veins running through the BY TERRY ROGERS tips of the leaf serrations. The Delaware Department of Agriculture has warned The plant emits an odor, but people should not crush Sussex County residents that two species of poison any part of the plant as toxic alkaline cells can be hemlock have been discovered there. released, poisoning the person. The spotted water hemlock, cicuta maculate, and Hemlock is native to Europe, northern Africa and another form of hemlock, conicum maculatum, were wester Asia, introduced into the United States as an found in area wetlands. ornamental plant in the 1800s. “Both hemlocks bloom from June through late August,” Spotted water hemlock grows up to six feet tall and the Delaware Department of Agriculture said in a press the stems vary between solid green or purple to green release. “As members of the wild carrot family, both plants with purple stripes or spots. The leaves are fern-like and have small white flowers in umbrella-like groupings.” lacey with veins ending at the base of the. Notch of the The plant can be mistaken for wild carrot, which is leaf edge. commonly called Queen Anne’s lace, or wild parsnip or CLICK HERE TO READ MORE! celery, the press release said. Town Square LIVE @TownSquareLive TownSquareLive.com 23
Sports Town Square LIVE @TownSquareLive TownSquareLive.com 24
Sports STAHL POST 30 HONORS LONGTIME MANAGER AND COACH BOB ANDERSON Stahl Post coaching staff led by Tom Campbell, Mike “Bob loved base- Wilson, Bill Sullivan III, Jeff Brannock and Brian ball and the kids,” Honeycutt and a field full of fans, baseball alumni and Charlotte said. “It Legion members paid tribute to Anderson. was all about the Stahl Post color guard started it off by singing the kids.” national anthem. Then umpire Ed Bradford sang “God It was always Bless America.” easy at the field to Campbell had a plaque made in Bob’s honor that he tell Bob was well BY NICK HALLIDAY presented to Charlotte Anderson, recognizing the many liked and loved by On what started out as a beautiful night for baseball years of Bob’s dedication. his family and Monday, Stahl Post 30 played its first game in over 30- “With Bob’s passing we have some big shoes to fill and we friends. plus years without their longtime coach and manager promise to do all we can to fill those shoes,” Campbell A special thanks to the Stahl Post coaching staff and Bob Anderson. said. the Anderson family for allowing us to be a part of Robert L. “Bob” Anderson died Saturday. July 3. He Leadoff batter Brandon Crygo presented Charlotte honoring Bob Anderson. was a commander of the Sons of American Legion, a with a signed ball from this year’s team. The game itself ended up being cut short by storms. member of Stahl Post 30 (40+ years), and coach/manager Then Robert Jr. and Matthew Anderson were asked to To check for a make-up game or the rest of the schedule of Stahl Post 30 American Legion Baseball team. throw out the ceremonial first pitches of the game. for the Delaware American Legion baseball season, visit Bob has graced Wilson Field with Stahl Post for over Robert Jr. and Matthew said their dad was most proud https://www.dealbaseball.org/home. more than three decades as head coach, team manager of the four years in which Stahl Post won the Delaware or a member of team. American Legion state championship “but he always Before Monday night’s game against Del Vets, Stahl talked about the 2013 team.” Post 30 wanted to honor Bob. Bob’s wife, Charlotte In 2013, Stahl won its first two games in the regional Anderson, was accompanied by their two sons Robert looking very promising to represent the Mid-Atlantic Anderson, Jr. and Matthew Anderson, with many more region in the World Series, but fell to the eventual World family members by their side. Series champions Brooklawn, New Jersey. Town Square LIVE @TownSquareLive TownSquareLive.com 25
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