WELCOME TO THE PRESIDENT - Summer Season 2019/20

WELCOME TO THE PRESIDENT - Summer Season 2019/20
 Summer Season 2019/20
WELCOME TO THE PRESIDENT - Summer Season 2019/20
The President Hotel / 01                                                                                                                                                                          The President Hotel / 02

Dear Guest,

Thank you for choosing to stay at The President this festive season. The team and I are delighted to
have you stay with us and assure you that you and your family will experience the best of what Cape
Town has to offer. A warm welcome back to our returning guests. We thank you for your loyalty and
support and are thrilled to have you back with us this year.

There have been some exciting changes at the hotel during the year. The beautiful and captivating
photography that was shot for us by local and talented Sacha Specker was installed in eighty percent of
the bedrooms and corridors. Each of the floor has a unique theme and tells a wonderful story of what
the Cape has to offer in Culture, Flora, Fauna, the Ocean and one of our iconic leaders that re-opened the
hotel in 1998, none other than the great Nelson Mandela.

We are proud to announce that we have recently introduced the local Cape Town brand of coffee,
Bootleggers, to all our outlets. Bootleggers started in 2012 by three Capetonian friends and has since
expanded into multiple businesses in Cape Town and Johannesburg.

We are also very excited to have launched our electric bicycle and scooter tours for a carefree outing on
the Promenade or a sunrise cycle to Hout Bay. The bicycles and scooters will be conveniently available
                                                                                                                 ENTER OUR BEST OF
at the main entrance of the hotel. Don’t miss out on this exciting opportunity and speak to any one of our
Guest Experience team for more information.                                                                      CAPE TOWN PHOTO
In this booklet you will find exciting daily activities including interactive workshops with our culinary
team, cocktail masterclasses, wine tastings, yoga classes and an exclusive Mini VIP programme for the
kids. Head to the Deck Bar for our Cocktail of the Day or join us in the Senate Bar in the afternoons for
board games. Don’t forget our delicious, artisanal pizzas from the Base for the perfect snack at the pool.
Please contact the Guest Experience team on 622 for any assistance in making your stay that much                 Show us a favourite moment from your stay at the
more memorable.                                                                                                  President Hotel and stand a chance of winning some
                                                                                                                 great prizes including a complimentary 2-night stay
Don’t forget to join our food and beverage loyalty programme, The President’s Club. You will collect
                                                                                                                 including breakfast for 2.
points on all food and drinks and get money off your next bill. As a Presidential VIP, you will enjoy points
to the value of 15% of the total bill each time you use your card. You will also receive R75 already loaded
to the card, a birthday voucher worth R100 and exclusive monthly special offers and promotions. Sign             Visit https://presidenthotel.co.za/photocompetition/ to submit
up now at the pool or ask one of our waiters to assist you.                                                      your favourite moment or scan the QR code.

On behalf of The President team, we would like to wish you and your families a memorable and wonderful
stay with us. We wish you all a wonderful festive season and may 2020 bring you much happiness.

Warm wishes,
                                                                                                                                                                  *T’s and C’s Apply.
Nikki Vardan
Hotel Manager

                                                                                                               www.presidenthotel.co.za   info@presidenthotel.co.za          +27 (0)21 434 8111
WELCOME TO THE PRESIDENT - Summer Season 2019/20
The President Hotel / 03                                                                                                                                                                                 The President Hotel / 04

              SIP & RELAX

              The Islands Restaurant                                                                                      Infinity Pool
              Modern | Gourmet | Inviting                                                                                 Our infinity pool and comfortable sun loungers, with panoramic views of the Atlantic Ocean, makes poolside at
                                                                                                                          the President Hotel the best place to unwind, relax and rejuvenate. No glasses or breakables are allowed in the
              Dine on locally inspired farm-to-table dishes
                                                                                                                          pool area and only select foods are served. Guests will need a token to receive a towel which can be collected at
              with a gourmet twist. A delicious buffet
                                                                                                                          Reception. Unreturned tokens will be charged at R200 each. The pool closes at 20h00 daily.
              breakfast is served daily.

              Breakfast 06h30 - 11h00                                Botany Café
                        06h30 - 10h00 on Christmas Day                                                                                                   Yoga
                                                                     Relaxed | Organic | Deli
              Lunch     12h30 onwards                                                                                                                    Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday you can join our yoga classes on the grass
              Dinner    Open until 22h00                             Pop in for a snack, lunch date or coffee catch up.                                  area next to the pool. Classes are from 07h30 until 08h30 and are complimentary
                                                                     Made with only the freshest seasonal ingredients,                                   for hotel guests. We provide yoga mats. Please contact our Experience Hosts on
              The Base                                               our healthy wraps, crisp salads and freshly                                         extension 622 to find out more.
              Trendy | Fun | Casual                                  squeezed juices burst with flavour and goodness.

              Snack on artisanal wood-fired pizzas with thin         Daily       10h00 - 18h00                            Fitness Centre
              crispy bases and gourmet toppings. Served on                                                                Don’t skip your training routine. Visit the Fitness Centre and stay in shape! The Fitness Centre is located on
              the pool deck with full views of the ocean.            The Deck Bar & Terrace                               the ground floor.
                                                                     Al fresco | Sophisticated | Scenic
              Daily          12h00 - 22h00
                                                                     Refreshing beverages, local gins, fine wines         Safety
                                                                     and sunset cocktails, served with a splash of        Please make sure you store all your valuables in the safe provided in your room.
              Senate Bar
              Modern | Vibey | Intimate                              sparkling ocean views.
              Get your caffeine fix or indulge in your favourite     Daily       12h00 - 22h00
                                                                                                                          Due to current electricity load shedding by Eskom (South Africa’s electricity supply company), you may
              cocktail in sophisticated style.                                                                            experience load shedding during your stay with us. The hotel will operate off a generator during these times
                                                                     All our Food and Beverage outlets are located on
              Daily          11h00 - 00h00                                                                                but certain services will be affected such as the plug points in the rooms, WiFi and air conditioning. One
                                                                     the ground floor.
                                                                                                                          guest elevator will be operational for access to all floors as well as plug points in Reception and The Point.
                                                                                                                          Our restaurants and bars will remain open and we have lots of exciting activities and services available for
              Room Service                                                                                                you to enjoy such as poolside food and drinks specials and board games in our Senate Bar and lounges!
              Our room service is available 24 hours a day. Dial 2 from your room to place your order.

              Shabbat                                                                                                     What is load shedding?
              We will have a dedicated venue for Shabbat on 20 and 27 December 2019. Please book your Shabbat             If the national electricity grid is under pressure, Eskom (South Africa’s electricity supply company) implements
              meal with 48 hours’ notice by emailing geraldinem@presidenthotel.co.za or by calling 2541 from your         load shedding countrywide as a controlled option to respond to unplanned events to reduce demand and
              room. Meals are catered by Avron’s Place and will be charged to your room account.                          protect the electricity power system from a blackout.

              Smoking                                                                                                     Shuttle to V&A Waterfront & Camps Bay Beach
              No smoking is permitted except in designated areas of the hotel. Smoking penalties will apply.              The President Hotel offers a complimentary shuttle service to the V&A Waterfront and Camps Bay beach.
                                                                                                                          Please see page 26 for more details.
              Child Minding
              A professional child minding service is available. Please enquire about rates and availability with our
              Experience Hosts by dialing 622.
WELCOME TO THE PRESIDENT - Summer Season 2019/20
The President Hotel / 05                                                                                                                                                                                  The President Hotel / 06

                                                                        FRIDAY, 13 DECEMBER 2019

                                                                        07h30 - 08h30   Yoga (Grass Area)
                                                                        18h30 - 20h30   DJ Anthea

           CALENDAR                                                     SATURDAY, 14 DECEMBER 2019

           2019/20                                                      15h00 - 19h00   DJ Dino

           SUNDAY, 15 DECEMBER 2019                                     MONDAY, 16 DECEMBER 2019
                                                                        Day of Reconciliation
           05h30                      Sunrise                           05h30           Sunrise
           06h30 - 11h00              Breakfast (Islands Restaurant)    06h30 - 11h00   Breakfast (Islands Restaurant)
           12h30 - 14h30              Lize Mynhardt			                  07h30 - 08h30   Yoga (Grass Area)
                                      (Live Entertainment)              15h00 - 19h00   DJ Mano
           17h00 - 19h00              Happy Hour                        17h00 - 19h00   Happy Hour
           19h52                      Sunset                            19h52           Sunset

           TUESDAY, 17 DECEMBER 2019                                    WEDNESDAY, 18 DECEMBER 2019

           05h31                      Sunrise                           05h31           Sunrise
           06h30 - 11h00              Breakfast (Islands Restaurant)    06h30 - 11h00   Breakfast (Islands Restaurant)
           12h00 - 13h00              Wine Tasting - Iona Wine Farm     07h30 - 08h30   Yoga (Grass Area)
                                      (Senate Bar)                      12h00 - 13h00   Gin Master Class
           14h00 - 15h00              Board Games (Senate Bar)                          - Triple Three Raspberry Blush
           17h00 - 19h00              Happy Hour                                        (Senate Bar)

           19h53                      Sunset                            14h00 - 15h00   Board Games (Senate Bar)
                                                                        15h00 - 19h00   DJ Anthea
                                                                        17h00 - 19h00   Happy Hour
                                                                        19h54           Sunset
                                                                                                                         THE BEST OF
           THURSDAY, 19 DECEMBER 2019                                   FRIDAY, 20 DECEMBER 2019
                                                                                                                         CAPE TOWN                                              Book your transfers and day tours now

           05h32                      Sunrise
                                                                        05h32           Sunrise
                                                                                                                         WITH OUR                                               and experience all the wonder that
                                                                                                                                                                                Cape Town and the Western Cape
           06h30 - 11h00
           12h00 - 13h00
                                      Breakfast (Islands Restaurant)
                                      Agave Tequila Master Class
                                      - Sierra Milenario - 100% Agave
                                                                        06h30 - 11h00
                                                                        07h30 - 08h30
                                                                        12h00 - 13h00
                                                                                        Breakfast (Islands Restaurant)
                                                                                        Yoga (Grass Area)
                                                                                        Whisky Master Class
                                                                                                                         TRAVEL DESK                                            have to offer.
                                      Tequila (Senate Bar)                              - Bain’s Whisky Distillery                                                              Dial 632 or visit the Experience Travel Desk
           14h00 - 15h00              Board Games (Senate Bar)                          (Senate Bar)                                                                            on the 1st floor.
           17h00 - 19h00              Happy Hour                        14h00 - 15h00   Board Games (Senate Bar)
           19h54                      Sunset                            15h00 - 19h00   DJ Anthea                                                                               Experience Cape Town. At The President.
                                                                        17h00 - 19h00   Happy Hour
                                                                        19h55           Sunset
                                                                                                                         www.presidenthotel.co.za   info@presidenthotel.co.za         +27 (0)21 434 8111
WELCOME TO THE PRESIDENT - Summer Season 2019/20
The President Hotel / 07                                                                                                                                                                  The President Hotel / 08


           SATURDAY, 21 DECEMBER 2019                                   SUNDAY, 22 DECEMBER 2019                         FRIDAY, 27 DECEMBER 2019                         SATURDAY, 28 DECEMBER 2019
           05h33                      Sunrise                           05h33           Sunrise                          05h36           Sunrise                          05h37           Sunrise
           06h30 - 11h00              Breakfast (Islands Restaurant)    06h30 - 11h00   Breakfast (Islands Restaurant)   06h30 - 11h00   Breakfast (Islands Restaurant)   06h30 - 11h00   Breakfast (Islands Restaurant)
           12h00 - 13h00              Gin Master Class                  12h30 - 14h30   Angelo and SJ                    07h30 - 08h30   Yoga (Grass Area)                12h00 - 13h00   Liqueur Tasting Master Class
                                      - Roku Gin – Master of Malt                       (Live Entertainment)             12h00 - 13h00   Craft Beer Tasting                               - Cointreau Liqueur
                                      (Senate Bar)                      17h00 - 19h00   Happy Hour                                       - Devil’s Peak Craft Beer                        (Senate Bar)
           14h00 - 15h00              Board Games (Senate Bar)          19h56           Sunset                                           (Senate Bar)                     14h00 - 15h00   Board Games (Senate Bar)
           15h00 - 19h00              DJ Mano                                                                            14h00 - 15h00   Board Games (Senate Bar)         15h00 - 19h00   DJ Dino
           17h00 - 19h00              Happy Hour                                                                         15h00 - 19h00   DJ West                          17h00 - 19h00   Happy Hour
           19h55                      Sunset                                                                             17h00 - 19h00   Happy Hour                       19h58           Sunset
                                                                                                                         19h58           Sunset

           MONDAY, 23 DECEMBER 2019                                     TUESDAY, 24 DECEMBER 2019                        SUNDAY, 29 DECEMBER 2019                         MONDAY, 30 DECEMBER 2019
                                                                        Christmas Eve
           05h34                      Sunrise                           05h34           Sunrise                          05h37           Sunrise                          05h38           Sunrise
           06h30 - 11h00              Breakfast (Islands Restaurant)    06h30 - 11h00   Breakfast (Islands Restaurant)   06h30 - 11h00   Breakfast (Islands Restaurant)   06h30 - 11h00   Breakfast (Islands Restaurant)
           07h30 - 08h30              Yoga (Grass Area)                 14h00 - 15h00   Staff Christmas Carols           12h30 - 14h30   Angelo and SJ                    07h30 - 08h30   Yoga (Grass Area)
           15h00 - 19h00              DJ West                                           (Islands Restaurant)                             (Live Entertainment)             15h00 - 19h00   DJ West
           17h00 - 19h00              Happy Hour                        17h00 - 19h00   Happy Hour                       17h00 - 19h00   Happy Hour                       17h00 - 19h00   Happy Hour
           19h56                      Sunset                            19h57           Sunset                           19h58           Sunset                           19h59           Sunset

           WEDNESDAY, 25 DECEMBER 2019                                  THURSDAY, 26 DECEMBER 2019                       TUESDAY, 31 DECEMBER 2019                        WEDNESDAY, 01 JANUARY 2020
           Christmas Day                                                Day of Goodwill                                  New Year’s Eve                                   New Year’s Day
           05h35                      Sunrise                           05h35          Sunrise                           05h39           Sunrise                          05h39           Sunrise
           06h30 - 10h00*             Breakfast (Islands Restaurant)    06h30 - 11h00 Breakfast (Islands Restaurant)     06h30 - 11h00   Breakfast (Islands Restaurant)   06h30 - 11h00   Breakfast (Islands Restaurant)
           07h30 - 08h30              Yoga (Grass Area)                 12h30 to 14h30 Tim de Monk                       17h00 - 19h00   Happy Hour                       07h30 - 08h30   Yoga (Grass Area)
           12h00 - 13h00              Father Christmas (Christmas                      (Live Entertainment)              19h00 - 21h00   Kayleigh Bell 			                14h00 - 15h00   Board Games (Senate Bar)
                                      Tree on Ground Floor)             14h00 - 15h00 Board Games (Senate Bar)                           (Live Entertainment)             15h00 - 19h00   DJ Dino
           12h30 - 15h30              Lize Mynhardt                     17h00 - 19h00 Happy Hour                         19h59           Sunset                           17h00 - 19h00   Happy Hour
                                      (Live Entertainment)              19h57          Sunset                            20h00           NYE PARTY - R1450pp.             19h59           Sunset
           17h00 - 19h00              Happy Hour                                                                                         See page 9 and 10.
           19h57                      Sunset                                                                                             Bookings Essential.
                                                                                                                         21h00 - 01h00   DJ Dino
           *Please note that breakfast will end at 10h00 in order for
           us to prepare for Christmas lunch
WELCOME TO THE PRESIDENT - Summer Season 2019/20
The President Hotel / 09                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  The President Hotel / 10

                                                                                                                                                                                 NEW YEAR’S EVE DINNER MENU
                                                                                                                                                                                 Cold                                                                 Hot

                                                                                                                                                                                 Black rice & pineapple salad with chives and sun                     36 hr slow cooked Beef brisket GF
                                                                                                                                                                                 dried tomato V | VG | GF
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Sous Vide Duck breast with prune jus GF
                                                                                                                                                                                 Nectarine salad with blue cheese and celery
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Pork Neck Carvery GF
                                                                                                                                                                                 D | GF | V
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Lamb Rack with minted brown sauce
                                                                                                                                                                                 Roast root vegetable salad with rosemary honey
                                                                                                                                                                                 & cashew nuts N | V | VG | GF                                        Tiger Prawn Pilaf rice with lemon & butter crème
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      sauce D | S | GF
                                                                                                                                                                                 Garden green salad with mange tout and mung
                                                                                                                                                                                 beans GF | VG | V                                                    Roasted sweet potato with almonds N | D | V
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Potato gratin with Gruyere & oregano D | V
                                                                                                                                                                                 Beef gravlax served with caper berries &
                                                                                                                                                                                 parmesan cheese D | GF                                               Seasonal garden vegetables with parsley butter
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      D | GF | V
                                                                                                                                                                                 Wild boar carpaccio with mint sauce and croutons
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Forest mushroom and pappardelle pasta V | D

                                                                                                                                                                                 Pork en Croute served with pickles and mustards P
                                                                  Join The Best Party in Cape Town and                                                                                                                                                Green beans & bok choy with soy reduction and
                                                                                                                                                                                 Goose liver pâté with French baguette D
                                                                  Welcome 2020 in at The President.                                                                                                                                                   sesame seeds GF | V | VG

    EVE 2019/20                                                   Celebrate New Year’s Eve with Dinner
                                                                  and Dancing.
                                                                                                                                                                                 Steamed mussels with tomato salsa S                                  Dessert
                                                                                                                                                                                 Langebaan Oysters with Champagne jelly and
                                                                  Extravagant, Gourmet 3 Course Buffet | Sensational                                                             apple S                                                              Churro cup, hazelnut cremeux and pink
    31 December 2019
                                                                  Sundowners on the Deck Bar | Extensive SA Wine Offering,                                                                                                                            peppercorn popcorn dust N | V
    R1450pp I 7pm to 1am                                                                                                                                                         Escargots with garlic cream dressing & tarragon
                                                                  Local Curated Gin Menu and Craft Beer on Offer | Live                                                          D|S                                                                  Salted caramel & basil pots with black sesame
                                                                  Entertainment by Kayleigh Bell and DJ Dino on the Decks |
                                                                                                                                                                                 Marron tails with Mary rose sauce S | D | E                          seed soil V
                                                                  The Best Sunset Views in Cape Town
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Blueberry Mille Feuille with tonka bean mousse
                                                                                                                                                                                 Salmon roe served with blini & crème fraiche                         D|V
                                                                  BOOK | with our Experience Host Team on the 1st floor
                                                                                  or call 622.                                                                                   D|E                                                                  Black Truffle & Madagascan Vanilla bean Ice
                                                                                                                                                                                 Lumpfish caviar served with savoury pancake &                        cream D | V | GF | E
                                                                                                                                                                                 avocado mousse D | E                                                 “Happy New Year” coconut macarons
                                                                  Welcome 2020. At The President.                                                                                Lemon marinated anchovy fillet GF                                    – lemongrass crème N | D | V | GF | E
                                                                  *T’s and C’s Apply. Available on 31 December 2019 from 7pm to 1am. Kids under 6 eat for free, kids under
                                                                  12 pay R400. Beverages not included. Menu subject to change and image is for marketing purposes only.                                                                               Mango cheese cake with pineapple jelly V | E
                                                                  Subject to availability and bookings are essential. All prices are quoted in ZAR and inclusive of 15% V.A.T.
                                                                                                                                                                                 Selection of sushi (Maki, Nigiri, salmon roses,                      2020 Seasonal Fruit display V | VG | GF
                                                                                                                                                                                 California rolls & sashimi (sword fish, Tuna,
                                                                                                                                                                                 Salmon) served with traditional accompanies                          Angel & Devil’s food cake V

                                                                                                                                                                                 Peruvian Line fish Ceviche served with Romaine
                                                                                                                                                                                 lettuce and slow cooked tomato GF                                    Experience New Year Celebrations
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      At The President.
                                                                                                                                                                                 Bloody Mary station with celery, cucumber,
                                                                                                                                                                                 carrot and button mushrooms V | VG | GF                              #ThePreferredLife #AtThePresident

www.presidenthotel.co.za            events@presidenthotel.co.za     +27 (0)21 434 8111                   #ThePreferredLife #AtThePresident                                                      N - Nuts | D - Dairy | G - Gluten Free | P - Pork | S - Shellfish | E - Egg | V - Vegetarian | VG - Vegan
WELCOME TO THE PRESIDENT - Summer Season 2019/20
The President Hotel / 11                                                                                                                                                                                                                       The President Hotel / 12

           HOLIDAY                                                                                                               THE PRESIDENT’S CLUB VIP
                                                                                                                                   LOYALTY PROGRAMME

           2019/20                                                                                                                                     Free Membership. Irresistible Rewards.

           THURSDAY, 02 JANUARY 2020                                   FRIDAY, 03 JANUARY 2020
           05h40                      Sunrise                          05h41           Sunrise                                                                                                          Collect points on all food and
           06h30 - 11h00              Breakfast (Islands Restaurant)   06h30 - 11h00   Breakfast (Islands Restaurant)
                                                                                                                                                                                                        drinks and get money off your
           12h00 - 13h00              Wine Tasting (Senate Bar)        07h30 - 08h30   Yoga (Grass Area)
           14h00 - 15h00              Board Games (Senate Bar)         12h00 - 13h00   Craft Beer Tasting                                                                                               next bill!
           15h00 - 19h00              DJ Roy                                           - Devil’s Peak Craft Beer
           17h00 - 19h00              Happy Hour                                       (Senate Bar)
           19h59                      Sunset                           14h00 - 15h00   Board Games (Senate Bar)
                                                                       15h00 - 19h00   DJ West
                                                                       17h00 - 19h00   Happy Hour
                                                                       19h59           Sunset

                                                                                                                                A Presidential VIP will enjoy the following:
           SATURDAY, 04 JANUARY 2020                                   SUNDAY, 05 JANUARY 2020
                                                                                                                                • Points to the value of 15% of the total bill each time you use your card
           05h42                      Sunrise                                                                                   • R75 already loaded to the card | A birthday voucher worth R100*
                                                                       05h42           Sunrise
           06h30 - 11h00              Breakfast (Islands Restaurant)
                                                                       06h30 - 11h00   Breakfast (Islands Restaurant)           • Exclusive monthly special offers and promotions.
           12h00 - 13h00              Whiskey Tasting
                                                                       12h00 - 13h00   Bubbly Tasting - Simonsig
                                      - Auchentoshan Single Malt
                                                                                       (Senate Bar)                             Sign up at our Experience Desk or ask one of our Waiters
                                      (Senate Bar)
                                                                       14h00 - 15h00   Board Games (Senate Bar)
           13h00 - 17h00              Auchentoshan Pool Party with
                                                                       17h00 - 19h00   Happy Hour
                                      DJ on the Decks
                                                                       20h00           Sunset
           17h00 - 19h00              Happy Hour
           19h59                      Sunset                                                                                                                                      Eat. Drink. Earn. At The President
                                                                                                                                                                                  *T’s and C’s Apply. Please note that by signing up you will automatically be added to our newsletter
                                                                                                                                                                                  database in order to receive relevant specials and information. Points will be valid for 1 year and can
                                                                                                                                                                                  only be redeemed for food and beverages. The birthday voucher is valid for 32 days from date of
                                                                                                                                                                                  issue. Not valid for use with any other special offers.

                                                                                                                        www.presidenthotel.co.za   loyalty@presidenthotel.co.za     +27 (0)21 434 8111                  #ThePreferredLife #AtThePresident
WELCOME TO THE PRESIDENT - Summer Season 2019/20
LAUNCHING OUR                                                    ELECTRIC BIKE         SCOOTER

NEW ELECTRIC BIKES                                               HOURLY RENTALS        HOURLY RENTALS
                                                                                                             SANDWICHES            500ML TUBS
AND SCOOTERS!                                                    1 Hour
                                                                 2 Hours
                                                                                       1 Hour
                                                                                       2 Hours
                                                                                                    R275     Milli Vanilli    45   Vanilla		            115
SUNRISE BREAKFAST RUN to Hout Bay R1 250pp                       3 Hours       R400*   3 Hours      R300*    Hazel Heaven     45   Chocolate            115
including breakfast.                                             (Half Day)            (Half Day)            Nutter Butter    45   Chunky Choc Peanut   115
                                                                 4 Hours       R500*   4 Hours      R400*    Biscuit Beast    45   Choc Hazelnut        115
ADD a Red Bus City Sightseeing Tour ticket and                   Full Day      R600*   Full Day     R500*    Vegan Heaven     45   Mango (Sorbet)       115
explore Hout Bay and Cape Town at your leisure.                  *Battery range 60km   *Battery range 30km
                                                                                                                                   Cookies		            115
                                                                 per rental            per rental
BOOK NOW at the Experience Host Desk or call 622                                                             SUPER MINIPACK
                                                                 Pickup Service R50 per scooter/bicycle
Experience Cape Town. At The President.                                                                      Super Mini 9                               160
                                                                                                             Super Mini 4                                80

www.presidenthotel.co.za   info@presidenthotel.co.za   +27 (0)21 434 8111
WELCOME TO THE PRESIDENT - Summer Season 2019/20
The President Hotel / 15                                                                                                                                                                                   The President Hotel / 16

                ON THE


                                           DJ ANTHEA                                 DJ WEST                                DJ ROY                                 DJ MANO                                DJ DINO

                                           DJ Anthea is one of those DJs who is      A truly open format DJ who has         DJ Roy is the perennial Cape           Mano grew up around music,             Producer and DJ, ‘Dino Live’ is
                                           the epitome of what today’s musical       made a name for himself as an          Town DJ, holding long standing         looking up to his father, a            best known for his unique fusion
                                           landscape should be. With a world full    artist that supersedes any notion      residencies at just about all of the   musician, and his older brother,       of musical genres . His mixes
                                           of “anyone can be a DJ” mentalities,      of classification. A lifetime of       cities most iconic venues & events     a DJ. They played a large part in      incorporate traditional bongo
                                           Anthea is a breath of fresh air – a       digging for the right song makes       for the past + 10 years to date.       inspiring him to take a schoolboy      drums and an electronic hand
                                           multi-layered and passionate music        him the right man for the moment       The reason for Roy’s longevity         love affair with bass bumping          drum synthesizer, making his
                                           fanatic. Anthea has been performing       - in any given moment. With no         & never ending popularity in the       beats and turn it into a successful    music a crowd pleaser.
                                           in and around South Africa for 12         preference for genre or era, he        scene is his relentless pursuit to     DJ career. DJ Mano’s career            Dino Live’s love for music started
                                           years, and has grown her extensive        has mastered the distinct ability      stay on trend, nobody can mash-        started early. He announced his        at the tender age of eight when he
                                           musical knowledge and expertise           to play what’s right for the time,     up those classic hits with the         arrival to the scene at a young        began taking violin lessons and
                                           throughout that time.                     an attribute that is especially        current jams quite like Roy. With      age, eagerly winning his first         grew as he developed his skills
                                           With a background in house music,         relevant for specialist events. A      an always smiling positive open        competition at 14. Shortly after,      in drumming. His first taste of
                                           playing in clubs and at festivals         career     that    has     included    approach to the dance floor, Roy       he was hailed as Technics DMC          the DJ scene was in 2013 when
                                           originally, with performances in Ibiza,   management and ownership               stays connected & in the moment,       South African DJ Champ (2001).         he was playing sets at numerous
                                           London, Dubai and Kenya, Anthea is        of some of Cape Town’s most            never scared of surprising the         It was the beginning of exciting       bars and clubs within Tel Aviv,
                                           now focusing on her energy and love       reputable venues has given him         audience with a fresh take on          things to come and highlights          Israel. Dino Live developed his
                                           of music in a different direction. She    profound insight into what works       a classic old school jammed            include playing alongside some         style and released a couple of
                                           is now creating sets that work to the     musically, and his reputation is       played at exactly the right time       of the world’s biggest names           EP’s with recording labels such as
                                           experience – with a focal point being     a true reflection of this unique       & when nobody is expecting it.         (including     Deadma5,      Avicii,   Joy Records and Asymmetric Dip.
                                           on weddings and corporate events.         ability to make any event work         Extremely versatile & dynamic          Skrillex, Aoki, Afrojack, Paul van     In 2015, he moved back to Cape
                                           She plays to these experiences with       perfectly. The Wedding DJ’s as         with a music selection deeper          Dyk, Pleasurekraft, Nelix and          Town to complete his degree
                                           complete finesse, focusing her            a company has fast become              than most & an open minded             Stimming) & collaborating with         in Sound Production at the Sae
                                           attention on creating a truly fun         the go-to consultancy for expert       approachable attitude, DJ Roy is       local artists (including Goldfish,     Institute. Dino Live currently holds
                                           event. Her style is classic, but also     opinion and advice, and it’s largely   the DJ that can handle anything        Locnville, DJ Fresh, Euphonik,         residencies at Hq on Fridays,
                                           brings a contemporary flair to the        due to DJ West putting countless       the dance floor throws at him.         Timo ODV, Die Antwoord and Jack        Saturday at Sotano, and Sunday
                                           occasion to deliver something for         hours into the hard yards - doing      Rocking everything from clubs          Parow). His versatility caught the     on the Radisson Red rooftop as
                                           everybody and to keep a dance floor       it himself with an impeccable          & festivals, to corporate events,      attention of two of the country’s      well as Buddha lounge and the
                                           going late into the night.                reputation for playing the right       Weddings, 21st birthdays to 50th       biggest radio stations, landing        Pink Panther club. Dino Live has
                                                                                     song at the right time.                birthdays, etc.                        him a monthly spot on the 5FM          opened for DJ’s & bands such as
                                                                                                                                                                   Ultimix at 6, and regular plays on     Roger Goode, Pascal and Pearce,
                                                                                                                                                                   Metro FM’s Weekend Lockdown.           New Hero and Freshly Ground
                                                                                                                                                                                                          just to name a few.
WELCOME TO THE PRESIDENT - Summer Season 2019/20
The President Hotel / 17                                                                                                                                                                                         The President Hotel / 18

                ANGELO AND SJ                            TIM DE MONK                          LIZE MYNHART

                Sarah Jane and Angelo Thomas             Timothy de Monk discovered a         Born and raised in Cape Town, 26
                are a brother and sister Pop Jazz        passion for music in 2014, when      year old Lize Mynhardt was blessed
                duo… With a love for modern pop,         he learnt how to play the guitar     with perfect pitch. From the tender
                rock and jazz genres, this duo are       and found that he could not          age of six she began playing and
                highly versatile across all genres       put the instrument down. After       mastering the piano as well as the
                and their chilled, laid-back, foot       grasping the basics of the guitar,   acoustic guitar despite the fact that
                tapping sounds are perfect for any       he then began his music career by    she couldn’t read sheet music. All
                occasion. Their influences range         performing at various restaurants    this lead her to audition for Idols
                from Amy Winehouse to John               in Cape Town, when he was            in 2014 – where she reached the
                Mayer, Bill Withers, Adele, Jason        spotted by a music producer, and     semi-finals and was placed second
                Mraz and loads more…                     was booked into the recording
                                                         studio soon thereafter.
                                                                                              runner up.
                                                                                                                                      GIVE AN
                The duo love spinning tracks from                                             Amongst her notable achievements                                                         This Festive Season, Spoil Someone
                their favorite artists and enjoy the
                challenge of completely flipping
                                                         Timothy recorded his debut EP,
                                                          “Hazy Days”, which was released
                                                                                              she has released 6 singles to-
                                                                                              date and has been the opening
                                                                                                                                      EXPERIENCE                                       with an Online Gift Card to Experience
                                                                                                                                      TO REMEMBER.
                them upside down, giving world           on 5 December 2015. He               act for Mi Casa, the Parlotones
                music something to seriously             describes his EP as: “expressing     and Francois van Coke, as well as                                                        Cape Town at The President.
                worry about… but with total respect      myself through my music. It          performing alongside Rosanthorn,
                to the artists, they keep it real, yet   is about my emotions put into        Watershed, Majozi and Sterling
                fresh and totally authentic.             songs. It is about what I love       EQ. “It’s an incredible feeling when
                                                         most: the people in my life, life    you can figuratively bleed out your                                                      Whether they choose a cocktail with friends, a weekend
                                                                                                                                        Your Presidential Cash Gift Card:
                                                         experiences and the things I enjoy   emotions into an audience and they                                                       getaway or a dinner on the terrace under the stars, your
                                                         most in life.”                       can feel every drop of it. Everything                                                    gift is sure to be memorable.
                                                                                              I have felt over the years coupled        - Is redeemable on food and drink or
                                                                                              with personal memories and life             stays at the hotel
                                                                                                                                                                                       We have a wide range of Gift Cards available for you to
                                                                                              experiences is what I want people         - May be used to pay either full
                                                                                                                                                                                       choose from. Simply choose your favourite and personalise
                                                                                              to feel me projecting through my            amount due or portion of the account
                                                                                                                                                                                       and make someone happy!
                                                                                              music.”                                   - Is valid for 1 year from date of issue
                                                                                                                                          without any seasonal restrictions
                                                                                              Oh, and she has a pizza addiction…                                                       Get Yours Now! Visit https://presidenthotel.co.za/giftcards
                                                                                                                                        - Print or email your Gift Card                It’s all you love about Cape Town and more.
                                                                                              it’s real…
                                                                                                                                        - Personalise with your own message
                                                                                                                                                                                       Experience Cape Town. At The President.

                                                                                                                                      www.presidenthotel.co.za      info@presidenthotel.co.za     +27 (0)21 434 8111
The President Hotel / 19                                                                                                                                                                                                The President Hotel / 20


             AT THE PRESIDENT
             CLOSES AT 16H00 DAILY.

             Our Mini VIP’s can look forward to a fun-filled holiday at The President. Please sign up to the Mini
             VIP Programme on the noticeboards at the Experience Desk or at the Kid’s Club HQ (located in the
             conference rooms on the ground floor).

                                                   TIME    TUESDAY, 17 DEC 2019                WEDNESDAY, 18 DEC 2019           TIME        SUNDAY, 22 DEC 2019                       MONDAY, 23 DEC 2019                 TUESDAY, 24 DEC 2019

                                                   09h00   Little architects: creative build   Lego ice excavation challenge:   09h00       Olympic games                             Lego Olympics                       Movers and groovers:
                                                           challenge                           rescue the lego man trapped                                                                                                kids yoga
                                                                                               in the ice                                   Educational art and crafts                Educational art and crafts          Educational art and crafts:
                                                   10h00   Imagination station: building       Imagination station: loom                    – potato print penguins                   – sand art Christmas card           sand art creations
                                                           drive-in movie cars                 band creations                               Christmas gift wrapping                   making

                                                   12h00   Lunch                               Lunch                            12h00       Lunch                                     Lunch                               Lunch

                                                   13h00   Hoola hoop shake-a-thon             Elephant trunk challenge         13h00       Imagination station: festive              Scrumptious fun: pizza              Jungle obstacle course
                                                                                                                                            play-dough inventions                     making*
                                                   14h30   Drive-in movie time                 Movie time
                                                                                                                                14h30       Movie time                                Movie time                          Movie time
                                                   16h00   Kids club closes                    Kids club closes
                                                                                                                                16h00       Kids club closes                          Kids club closes                    Kids club closes

             TIME         THURSDAY, 19 DEC 2019            FRIDAY, 20 DEC 2019                 SATURDAY, 21 DEC 2019            TIME        WEDNESDAY, 25 DEC 2019                    THURSDAY, 26 DEC 2019               FRIDAY, 27 DEC 2019

             09h00        Dance and active play:           Blind building challenge            Active play                      09h00       Movers and groovers: hula                 Little architects: creative build   Dance and active play: get
                          get groovy and have fun...                                                                                        hoop decorating                           challenge                           groovy and have fun...

             10h00        Educational art and crafts:      Fantastic food art: gingerbread     Little bakers: chef's hat        10h00       Jungle inventions                         Imagination station: building       Educational art and crafts:
                          jungle inventions                house decorating                    decorating*                                                                            drive-in movie cars                 fashion design

             12h00        Lunch                            Lunch                               Lunch                            12h00       Lunch                                     Lunch                               Lunch

             13h00        Minute to win it games           Movers and groovers: foxes          Little chefs: pizza making*      13h00       Secret agent lazer maize                  Hoola hoop shake-a-thon             Minute to win it games
                                                           and rabbits game
                                                                                                                                14h30       Movie time                                Drive-in movie time                 Movie time
             14h30        Movie time                       Movie time                          Movie time
                                                                                                                                16h00       Kids club closes                          Kids club closes                    Kids club closes
             16h00        Kids club closes                 Kids club closes                    Kids club closes

                                                                                                                                *Optional activity, a charge of R40 for ingredients will apply.
                                        PLEASE BOOK AT THE KID’S CLUB HQ ON THE GROUND FLOOR.                                   Please pay this at Reception (can be paid in cash, card or charged to your room).
The President Hotel / 21                                                                                          The President Hotel / 22

             TIME         SATURDAY, 28 DEC 2019           SUNDAY, 29 DEC 2019                 MONDAY, 30 DEC 2019

             09h00        Lego mechanic scavenger         Lego ice excavation challenge:      Minute to win it games

                          hunt                            rescue the lego man trapped
                                                          in the ice

             10h00        Educational art and crafts:     Imagination station: loom           Educational art and crafts:
                          festive felt creations          band creations                      shaving cream painting

             12h00        Lunch                           Lunch                               Lunch

             13h00        Imagination workshop: lego      Elephant trunk challenge            Imagination station - pipe
                          floating and flying challenge                                       cleaner pals: olympic skiers

             14h30        Movie time                      Movie time                          Movie time

             16h00        Kids club closes                Kids club closes                    Kids club closes

             TIME         TUESDAY, 31 DEC 2019            WEDNESDAY, 01 JAN 2020              THURSDAY, 02 JAN 2020

             09h00        Active play                     Little architects: creative build   Lego ice excavation challenge:
                                                          challenge                           rescue the lego man trapped
                                                                                              in the ice

             10h00        Little bakers: chef's hat       Imagination station: building       Imagination station: loom
                          decorating*                     drive-in movie cars                 band creations

             12h00        Lunch                           Lunch                               Lunch

             13h00        Little chefs: pizza making*     Hoola hoop shake-a-thon             Elephant trunk challenge

             14h30        Movie time                      Drive-in movie time                 Movie time

             16h00        Kids club closes                Kids club closes                    Kids club closes

             TIME         FRIDAY, 03 JAN 2020             SATURDAY, 04 JAN 2020

             09h00        Active play                     Dance and active play: get
                                                          groovy and have fun...

             10h00        Little bakers: chef's hat       Educational art and crafts:
                          decorating*                     fashion design

             12h00        Lunch                           Lunch

             13h00        Little chefs: pizza making*     Minute to win it games

             14h30        Movie time                      Movie time

             16h00        Kids club closes                Kids club closes

                                        PLEASE BOOK AT THE KID’S CLUB HQ ON THE GROUND FLOOR.
                                                     25 December 2019 | R720pp
                                                     Bookings Essential!

LUNCH MENU                                           V - Vegeterian | VG - Vegan | GF - Gluten Free

Artisan breads                                       Carvery

A selection of freshly baked breads with dips and    Slow roasted cap of beef Rump with a dark
butters: V                                           chocolate and Amarena cherry sauce GF
Panettone, Brioche, 70% Rye, French                  Maple syrup glazed pork neck and cinnamon
baguette, knödel                                     roasted apple sauce GF
Dill pesto, olive tapenade, harissa, lemon
crème fraîche, black pepper butter                   Hot buffet

Cold meat                                            Lamb shoulder lattice with crème de cassis and
                                                     slow cooked mirepoix vegetables
A selection of the finest smoked and cured           Turkey Coq au vin with herbed bread stuffing on
meats such as Coppa ham, Serrano ham, beef           the side
pastrami, beef tongue, chorizo, salami, Prosciutto   Atlantic line fish topped with lemon and
and smoked chicken with pickles, chutneys and        nasturtium pesto GF
mustards GF                                          Pearl couscous with Dukkah spice, chickpeas and
                                                     dried prunes V
Salmon and pickled fish                              Butternut and kale phyllo tart with ricotta and
                                                     fennel seeds V
Salmon gravlax with caper berries, red onion and     Potato and raisin curry, coconut, apricots and
fennel crème fraîche GF                              coriander V | VG | GF
Curried pickled fish, onion, mustard seeds,          Blue Gum honey roasted vegetables such as
coriander GF                                         turnip, carrot, parsnip, celeriac and Brussel sprout

Cold buffet of delicious salads
                                                     V | VG | GF
                                                     Slow braised baby onions with grapes and bay
                                                     leaf cream sauce V | GF
                                                                                                            THE HOTTEST    Join us for the Best Hour of the Day
                                                                                                                           – Happy Hour!
Lemon and chive rubbed potatoes, sour cream
and peppadew salad V | GF                            Dessert
                                                                                                            SPOT IN CAPE   Buy one get one FREE on selected cocktails, wine and
Artichoke hearts with panko crumbed
eggplant, Karoo blue cheese, pickled zucchini and
cucumber V
                                                     Pistachio, cherry and vanilla bûche de noël
                                                     Chocolate and orange caramel yule log
                                                                                                            TOWN FOR       beer on tap between 17h00 and 19h00 every evening.
                                                                                                                           Sip on a delicious gin cocktail or a refreshing beer whilst

                                                                                                                           enjoying the best sunset spot in Cape Town.
Farfalle pasta salad with Pecorino cheese, oven      Raspberry and passionfruit crème croquembouche
baked tomato, basil and caper berries V              St Honoré tart – trio of chocolate mousse with red
Red quinoa and orange salad, salt baked beetroot,    currants
walnuts and cranberries V | VG | GF                  Traditional mini fruit cake
Buckwheat and fennel salad with honey mustard,       Blueberry Panna Cotta verrine with litchi and tonka
grilled pineapple and radish V | VG | GF             bean jelly
Bok choy and cabbage salad with roasted              Peppermint crisp entrements                                           *T’s and C’s Apply. Subject to availability. Available from 5pm to 7pm. Offer is valid on selected drinks and
peanuts, sesame seeds, miso torched tofu and         Cheese Corner with a selection of local favourites,                   images are for marketing purposes only. Alcohol is not for sale to persons under the age of 18. All prices
                                                                                                                           are quoted in ZAR and inclusive of 15% V.A.T.
reduction of grapefruit and mirin V | VG             fruit preserve, onion jam, Matzo and crackers V
                                                     | GF
Build your own festive market salad:
Feta cheese, rocket, baby spinach, olives, roasted   Sweetie Jar:
pear, crushed mixed nuts, lettuce, garden peas       Green apple Turkish delight GF
and a selection of oils and vinaigrettes             Chocolate bark
                                                     Popping candy cake pops
The President Hotel / 25                                                                                                                                          The President Hotel / 26


              & SHUTTLE TIMES

              HOP ON HOP OFF “RED” CITY SIGHTSEEING BUS                                                           PRESIDENT HOTEL SUMMER SHUTTLE 15 DEC - 8 JAN 2020
              The best way to see Cape Town
              Distance from hotel: 20m
                                                                                                                     TIME                PICK UP                     DROP OFF
                                                                                                                     09h00                 Hotel                   Camps Bay Beach
              11 km walkway running from Bantry Bay to Mouille Point.
              Distance from hotel: 50m                                                                               09h45           Camps Bay Beach                    Hotel

              SEA POINT POOL                                                                                         10h30                 Hotel                    V&A Waterfront
              Olympic sized pool on the water’s edge.
                                                                                                                     11h15            V&A Waterfront                    Hotel
              Distance from hotel: 700m
                                                                                                                     12h00                 Hotel                   Camps Bay Beach
              CAPE TOWN BEACHES
              Amongst the best in the world, on your doorstep!                                                       12h45           Camps Bay Beach                    Hotel
              • Saunders’ Rock Beach – Distance from hotel: 100m
                                                                                                                     13h30                 Hotel                    V&A Waterfront
              • Queens Beach – Distance from hotel: 350m
              • Clifton 1st Beach – Distance from hotel: 2km                                                         14h15            V&A Waterfront                    Hotel
              • Camps Bay – Distance from hotel: 5km
                                                                                                                     15h00                 Hotel                   Camps Bay Beach
              MARKETS                                                                                                15h45           Camps Bay Beach                    Hotel
              There are some great markets for you to explore in Cape Town:
                                                                                                                     16h30                 Hotel                    V&A Waterfront
              •    Oranjezicht City Farm Market at V&A Waterfront (Saturday and Sunday)
                                                                                                                     17h15            V&A Waterfront                    Hotel
                   Distance from hotel: 5km
              •    The Old Biscuit Mill Market – Distance from hotel: 9km                                            18h00                 Hotel                   Camps Bay Beach
              •    The Bay Harbour Market in Hout Bay (Friday to Sunday only)
                   Distance from hotel: 19km                                                                         18h45           Camps Bay Beach                    Hotel
                                                                                                                             (Last shuttle departing Camps Bay)
              TABLE MOUNTAIN
                                                                                                                     19h30                 Hotel                    V&A Waterfront
              Distance from hotel: 6.5km
                                                                                                                     20h00            V&A Waterfront                    Hotel
              The President Hotel offers a complimentary shuttle service to the V&A Waterfront and Camps
              Bay beach. Guests will not have to book this service but it is on a first come first serve basis.      20h30                 Hotel                    V&A Waterfront

                                                                                                                     21h00            V&A Waterfront                    Hotel
              AND DON’T FORGET you can explore and experience Cape Town with our Electric Bikes or                           (Last shuttle departing Waterfront)
              Scooters - see page 13 for details!
The President Hotel / 27

                                         WE CARE
                        The festive season is a time of giving and the President Hotel
                    believes strongly in giving back to a variety of different organisations
                    throughout the year. This festive season we have chosen to support
                   local non-profit organisations. We encourage you to participate in our
                  annual Tree of Joy project and help us make a difference by supporting
                                                   them too.

                                Please donate an item for our Tree of Joy:
                           • A toy or item of clothing for a child at St Anne’s Home
                                 for destitute and abused women and children
                   • Buy a Tree Ring for a R150 from Greenpop for their forest restoration
                      project. Each Tree Ring features the GPS coordinates of the forest
                                           where your tree is planted.

                                                                                               OUR DOORS   Ask at Reception about
                                                                                               JUST GOT    our new Bluetooth door
                                                                                               SMARTER     locks and keyless entry.

                                                                                                           We will send you a link to
                                                                                                           download the app to activate
                                                                                                           your smartphone.

                                                                                                           Experience Cape Town. At The President.
Don’t forget to upload your photos and tag them
                                    #ThePreferredLife #AtThePresident

4 Alexander Rd, Bantry Bay, Cape Town 8001 | P.O. Box 1050, Sea Point, Cape Town 8060
        t +27(0)21 434 8111 | info@presidenthotel.co.za | www.presidenthotel.co.za
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