JSPS Funding Opportunities - 2017-2018 for France-Japan Research Cooperation - JSPS Strasbourg office

Page created by Micheal Waters
JSPS Funding Opportunities - 2017-2018 for France-Japan Research Cooperation - JSPS Strasbourg office
JSPS Funding
for France-Japan Research Cooperation

JSPS Funding Opportunities - 2017-2018 for France-Japan Research Cooperation - JSPS Strasbourg office
Contents        1

1. About JSPS (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science) ................................... 2
2. JSPS International Programs (Procedures and Deadlines) ................................... 4
3. JSPS International Programs for Individual Researchers ..................................... 7
      Summer Program ........................................................................................... 8
      Postdoctoral Fellowship Program (Short-term) ............................................ 12
      Postdoctoral Fellowship Program (Standard) ............................................... 14
      Invitation Fellowship Program (Long-term) .................................................. 16
      Invitation Fellowship Program (Short-term) ................................................. 18
      Invitation Fellowship Program (Short-term S) .............................................. 20
4. JSPS Bilateral Programs between France and Japan ......................................... 22
      Bilateral Joint Research Projects/Joint Seminars .......................................... 22
5. Other JSPS International Programs ................................................................... 25
      JSPS Core-to-Core Program: Advanced Research Networks ......................... 25
      ORA (Open Research Area for the Social Sciences) Program ........................ 26
6. Receiving Japanese Researchers in France........................................................ 27
      Program for Advancing Strategic International Networks to Accelerate
       the Circulation of Talented Researchers ...................................................... 27
      Postdoctoral Fellowships for Research Abroad............................................. 28
7. Contact Information ......................................................................................... 29
JSPS Funding Opportunities - 2017-2018 for France-Japan Research Cooperation - JSPS Strasbourg office
2   About JSPS

    1. About JSPS (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science)

    What is JSPS?
     • Research funding agency, covering all academic fields (Humanities, Social Sciences, Natural
       and Applied Sciences)
     • Founded in 1932 through an endowment of the Emperor Showa
     • Independent Administrative Institution since October 2003
     • Under the umbrella of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
     • Supported by Japanese government
     • Budget for the FY2016: ¥309.6 Billion

    Major Functions of JSPS
     • To foster young researchers
     • To promote international scientific cooperation
     • To award Grands-in-Aid for Scientific Research
     • To support scientific cooperation between the academic community and industry
     • To collect and distribute information on scientific research activities

    JSPS Overseas Offices
                 JSPS London Office                                                JSPS Washington Office
                   JSPS Bonn Office                                 JSPS San Francisco Office

                     JSPS Stockholm Office              JSPS Beijing Office

                                                              JSPS Bangkok Office

                                                                 JSPS Sao Paolo Overseas Advisor
                          JSPS Cairo Research Station                         JSPS Science Advisor in Sao Paulo

                             JSPS Nairobi Research Station
JSPS Funding Opportunities - 2017-2018 for France-Japan Research Cooperation - JSPS Strasbourg office
About JSPS     3

Mission of JSPS
              JSPSStrasbourg      Office
                   Cairo Research Station

 • To promote research exchanges between French* and
   Japanese Researchers
 • To provide information and assistance for academic
   exchanges between France* and Japan
 • To be a reliable partner of CNRS, Inserm, IHÉS, MAEDI,
   MENESR, Inria, ANR, other research institutions, French
   universities, « Grandes Ecoles », as well as « Maison
   Universitaire France - Japon »                             JSPS Strasbourg Office in the
                                                              Maison Universitaire France - Japon
 • To organize scientific symposia such as JSPS Forums,       since 2002
   workshops and academic seminars in France*

  *Including French speaking regions in Europe and South European countries (Greece, Italy,
   Portugal and Spain).

Number of Researchers Exchanged through JSPS Programs
4    International Programs (Procedures and Deadlines)

     2. JSPS International Programs (Procedures and Deadlines)

      Application Procedures

    (1) Application in France (through CNRS)

             Candidates                CNRS (JSPS Strasbourg Office*)                 JSPS Tokyo
            apply to CNRS                 evaluates applications                 makes the final decision
                                  *For the « Postdoctoral Fellowship (Short-term) » only

      Note: Researchers who belong to any research institution/university etc. are able to apply
      through CNRS. All the candidates are evaluated under the same criteria.

    (2) Application in Japan (through host researchers in Japan)

              Candidates                JP Host Researcher submits                JSPS Tokyo evaluates
            contact JP Host              application to JSPS Tokyo               applications and makes
              Researcher                through JP Host Institution                 the final decision

      Note: Each Japanese institution has a different deadline (usually about one month prior to
      the one set by JSPS) and the applicants must confirm it with their Japanese hosts in advance.

     Deadlines and Numbers of awardees

       Summer Program                     p.8
    Application in France (through CNRS ONLY)
      Application Deadline       Number of awardees
      29 November 2016           13 (French applicants)

       Postdoctoral Fellowships (Short-term)                          p.12
    Application in France (through CNRS)
      Recruitment       Application Deadline      Fellowship Commencement                  Awardees
      1st    FY2017     1 October 2016            April 2017 – September 2017
      2nd    FY2017     6 April 2017              October 2017 – March 2018
International Programs (Procedures and Deadlines)   5

Application in Japan (to JSPS Tokyo)
  Recruitment       Application Deadline   Fellowship Commencement          Awardees
  1st    FY2017     7 October 2016         April 2017 – March 2018                 15
  2nd    FY2017     11 January 2017        July 2017 – March 2018                  15
  3rd    FY2017     7 April 2017           October 2017 – March 2018               15
  4th    FY2017     9 June 2017            January 2018 – March 2018               15

   Postdoctoral Fellowships (Standard)                     p.14
Application in France (through CNRS)
  Recruitment       Application Deadline   Fellowship Commencement          Awardees
  1st    FY2017     1 October 2016         April 2017 – September 2017
  2nd    FY2017     6 April 2017           October 2017 – November 2017

Application in Japan (to JSPS Tokyo)
  Recruitment       Application Deadline   Fellowship Commencement          Awardees
  1st    FY2017     2 September 2016       April 2017 – September 2017            125
  2nd    FY2017     28 April 2017          September 2017 – November 2017         125

   Invitation Fellowships (Long-term)                    p.16
Application in Japan (to JSPS Tokyo)
  Recruitment       Application Deadline   Fellowship Commencement          Awardees
  FY2017            2 September 2016       April 2017 – March 2018                 60

   Invitation Fellowships (Short-term)                    p.18
Application in Japan (to JSPS Tokyo)
  Recruitment       Application Deadline   Fellowship Commencement          Awardees
  1st    FY2017     2 September 2016       April 2017 – March 2018                100
  2nd    FY2017     28 April 2017          October 2017 – March 2018               80
6    International Programs (Procedures and Deadlines)

       Invitation Fellowships (Short-term S)                     p.20
    Application in Japan (to JSPS Tokyo)
      Recruitment       Application Deadline    Fellowship Commencement               Awardees
      1st    FY2017     2 September 2016        April 2017 – March 2018               A few
      2nd    FY2017     28 April 2017           October 2017 – March 2018             A few

    *The application deadlines will be announced on the JSPS Tokyo or CNRS website.
     Please check these websites constantly. The deadlines are set on almost the same date every
    *The number of awardees of « Application in Japan (to JSPS Tokyo) » includes other countries.

       Bilateral Joint Research Projects /Seminars                             p.22
    Application in France (to CNRS, Inria and Inserm)
      Organization                  Activity type             Application Deadline     Max # to be selected
                                    Joint Research Projects   September 2016                             10
                                    Joint Seminars            September 2016                              4
      Inria «AYAME Program»         Joint Research Projects   September 2016                              2
      Inserm                        Joint Seminar             September 2016                              1

    Application in Japan (to French Embassy)
      Organization                  Activity type             Application Deadline     Max # to be selected
      MAEDI «SAKURA Program» Joint Research Projects          September 2016                             13
International Programs for Individual Researchers    7

3. JSPS International Programs for Individual Researchers

      Career stages of
        researchers                        JSPS Summer Program
                                            (2 months, June to August)
                                      For Pre/Postdoctoral Researchers from
                                    France, Germany, Sweden, UK, US, Canada
         Doctoral course
                                          Postdoctoral Fellowships
                                                 (1 - 12 months)
                                      For Pre/Postdoctoral Researchers from
                                             North America & Europe
          obtained PhD
          within 6 years
                                          Postdoctoral Fellowships
                                                 (12 - 24 months)
                                          For Postdoctoral Researchers

         holding PhD for
        more than 6 years                   Invitation Fellowships
                                                 (2 - 10 months)
                                           For Mid-Career to Professor
                                            Invitation Fellowships
            Associate                             Short-Term
           Proffessors                            (14 - 60 days)
                                        For Professor, Associate Professor

                                            Invitation Fellowships
        Nobel Prize Level
                                                 Short-Term S
                                                  (7 - 30 days)
                                    For Nobel laureates and leading scientists
8    Summer Program

     Summer Program

                                                         (Permanent residents or others with
                                                         equivalent status may apply if approved
    This program is offered to young pre- and            by the nominating authority in one of the
    postdoctoral researchers from the six                above countries.)
    countries (France, Germany, Sweden, the UK,      (2) Be enrolled in a university graduate
    the US and Canada). Held over a 2-month              program or hold a doctoral degree when
    period in the summer, the program provides           the program goes into effect, which must
    the participants with an orientation in              have been received within past six years
    Japanese language and culture and an                 prior to April 1 of the said year (not
    opportunity to do cooperative research at a          required to hold full-time position).
    Japanese university or research institute. The   (3) Have received in advance acceptance
    orientation is held at SOKENDAI (The Graduate        from their host researchers
    University for Advanced Studies) during the      (4) Aspire to become a researcher in future
    first week of the program. It comprises          Note: Those who have previously been
    Japanese lessons, home stay and other            awarded a fellowship under JSPS Fellowship
    components (which may vary by year). After       Programs are not eligible.
    the orientation, the participants go to their
                                                     ■Host Researchers and Institutes
    respective host institutions where they
    conduct joint research under the guidance of     The host researcher must be a researcher who
    their Japanese host researchers. At the end of   is employed full-time or classified as being
    August, the participants re-gather before        employed full-time (excluding Jokyo, assistant
    going home to present reports on their           professors, and Joshu, research assistants) at a
    summer experiences.                              Japanese national, public or private university
                                                     or research institution that is eligible to apply
    ■Field of Research
                                                     to MEXT for funding under the Grants-in-Aid
    All fields of humanities, social sciences and    for Scientific-Research Program (Kakenhi).
    natural sciences                                 Note:
                                                     *Full-time employment classification is
    ■Duration of Program
                                                       determined by the regulation of the host
    Two months starting June through August            institution.
                                                     *List of Eligible Host Institutes:
    (1) To have a nationality of France, Germany,    t_institutes_2017.pdf
        Sweden, the UK, the US or Canada             *To search Host Institution in Japan:
Summer Program         9

■Financial Support                            ■Application Procedures
(1) International travel: A round-trip air    JSPS receives applications for this program
    ticket                                    only through CNRS for French candidates. If
(2) Maintenance allowance (¥534,000)          you are interested in applying for the program,
     JSPS will cover the following expenses   please contact CNRS about the detailed
     separately from the allowance: hotel     application procedures.
     room charges at Narita and Tokyo, and    Note:
     meals and accommodation charges at       *CNRS accepts applications from researchers
     SOKENDAI.                                 who do not belong to CNRS or CNRS research
(3) Insurance                                  units.
(4) Research-related expenses at the host     *Contact information on CNRS is indicated on
    institution (¥158,500)                     the last page of this brochure.
*Subject to change

■Schedule for the FY2017 Program

  Dates                  Location             Activities
  13 June                Narita               Arrival on Japan
  14 June                SOKENDAI             Opening ceremony, Reception
  15 June                SOKENDAI             Orientation Session
  16 June                SOKENDAI             Orientation Session, Homestay Experience
  17, 18 June            Homestay             Homestay Experience
  19 June                SOKENDAI             Orientation Session
  20 June                Host Institutions    Move to host institutions
  20 June - 21 August    Host Institutions    Research experience
  22 August              Tokyo                Research report presentation, Farewell party
  23 August              Narita               Leave from Japan
10   Summer Program

       Message from JSPS OB                       -Summer Program
     Name:                        Mr. Pierre FAVIER
     Affiliation:                 Ph.D. Student, Université Paris-Sud
     Duration in Japan:           June - August 2015
     Host institution in Japan:   High Energy Accelerator Research
     Research subject:            Physics

     C’est grâce à une collaboration de longue date entre mon laboratoire (LAL/Orsay) et le
     laboratoire du professeur Terunuma (KEK/Tsukuba) que l’occasion m’a été donnée de
     participer au Summer Program 2015 de la JSPS.

     Dans le cadre de mes travaux de thèse, portants sur l’étude et la conception d'une cavité
     Fabry-Perot de haute finesse, la JSPS et KEK m’ont offert le cadre idéal afin de développer
     ma recherche. Mon projet, dans ce cadre, était de développer une technique de
     compensation thermique des déformations des miroirs de la cavité dans le but de gagner en
     puissance. C’est ainsi avec le soutien de mon laboratoire d’accueil, du professeur Terunuma
     et de toute l’équipe sur place que j’ai pu parvenir à un résultat qui dépassait finalement nos
     attentes. Et cela dans d’excellentes conditions de travail: matériel et techniques de pointes,
     encadrement rigoureux et efficace, cadre de travail idéal et échanges riches et motivants.

     Si cette expérience de recherche est déjà exceptionnelle, elle n’est en soit qu’une partie de
     l’extraordinaire aventure qu’est le Summer Program de la JSPS!

     D’une part, car les occasions sont très rares de pouvoir partir plus de deux mois dans d’aussi
     bonnes conditions: bourse, prise en charge sans faille (avant même le départ et jusqu’au
     retour), semaine d’ « éveil » à la culture et à la langue japonaise, etc.

     D’autre part, car elle m’a permis de découvrir le Japon. J’ai ainsi pu savourer une culture
     fascinante et inédite, des temples et Buddhas au Game Center en passant par le Macha, le
     Tonkatsu et autres délicieuses découvertes dont recèle la cuisine nippone; explorer des
     paysages merveilleux et d’une diversité inouïe, de l’éclectisme de Tôkyô à la sérénité des
     berges de la Kamo à Kyôto, en passant par l’ascension du Mont Tsukuba; d’aller à la rencontre
     d’une population dont la délicatesse n’est pas un mythe, mais bien un art de vivre.

     Enfin, ce séjour au Japon s’est déroulé sous les auspices de l’amitié, que j’ai pu tisser dès
     l’aéroport avec mes compagnons de voyage, mais aussi tout au long de cette magnifique
     aventure dont je reviens plein de souvenirs inoubliables.

     En conclusion: Foncez!
Summer Program         11

  Message from JSPS OG                            -Summer Program
Name:                           Ms. Estelle DEGOUYS
Affiliation:                    Ph.D. Student, Université Paris Ⅷ
Duration in Japan:              June - August 2015
Host institution in Japan:      Ritsumeikan University
Research subject:               Urban Studies

Ce séjour au Japon fut pour moi le quatrième, dix ans exactement après le premier. C’était avec un
immense plaisir et beaucoup d’émotion que j’ai retrouvé ce pays qui m’avait tant manqué. Le
Summer Program de la JSPS m’a ainsi permis d’associer mon attachement au Japon avec mes
recherches dans le cadre de mes travaux de thèse. Ayant par le passé travaillé sur le sans-abrisme
dans l’espace public tokyoïte, cela m’a aussi permis de retourner, non sans émotion, sur les traces de
mes toutes premières enquêtes de terrain.

Ces deux mois passés au Japon m’ont permis de découvrir et de concentrer mon travail de terrain
sur la ville de Kyôto, où je posais mes valises pour la première fois. J’en ai à présent de magnifiques
souvenirs, en particulier sur les rives de la Kamo, rivière qui traverse la ville en son cœur, et dans le
paisible voisinage du Daitoku-ji, où je résidais.

Dans le cadre de mes recherches, j’ai pu bénéficier du soutien de mon chercheur-hôte, le professeur
Yano (Ritsumeikan/Art Research Center) et parcourir la ville de Kyoto afin de « demander mon
chemin ». Car c’est en effet ce en quoi consistait mon enquête de terrain: définir les stratégies
utilisées par les piétons pour parcourir la ville, en faire l’expérience et enfin la transmettre à autrui.
Mes travaux de thèse ont en effet pour objet le réseau des voies en milieu urbain, la permanence de
ce réseau, son adaptation et son actualisation, tant dans sa géométrie que dans sa pratique. Je
cherche ainsi à apprécier cet objet qu’est le réseau viaire, d’abord par la lecture de sa structure dans
son épaisseur temporelle, puis au travers des stratégies de déplacements piétons dont il est le
support. Mon objectif est d’établir un lien entre la structure primitive du réseau viaire et les pratiques
contemporaines qui s’y ancrent.

Dans ce but, j’ai aussi pu partir à la découverte de villes et villages de la côte est du Tohoku, depuis
Hachinohe jusqu’à Sendai. J’ai ainsi pu questionner les municipalités ainsi que les habitants sur les
stratégies utilisées pour l’évacuation de la population en cas de catastrophes naturelles, telles que
lors du tsunami de 2011.

Ce séjour a également été l’occasion de m’immerger dans la tradition du festival de Gion, auquel j’ai
participé en assurant l’accueil des visiteurs pour la visite du Fune-Hôkô ainsi qu’en aidant au
développement d’une application destinée à décrire les chars et leur histoire aux visiteurs étrangers.

Enfin, le Summer Program m’a permis des rencontres et amitiés extraordinaires, en particulier parmi
les autres français participant au programme. Car la JSPS ne nous offre pas là uniquement l’occasion
d’effectuer nos recherches dans un cadre très favorable ni de découvrir un pays magnifique, elle nous
permet de vivre une aventure humaine inoubliable. En ce sens, je ne peux qu’encourager les
intéressés à postuler à ce programme!
12    Postdoctoral Fellowship Program (Short-term)

      Postdoctoral Fellowship Program (Short-term)

                                                             from Taiwan or Palestine, have conducted
                                                             research continuously for three or more
     The purpose of this program is to provide               years before the time their application
     opportunities for young pre-/post-doctoral              was submitted, and must possess an
     researchers from Europe, the US and Canada              excellent research record.
     to conduct, under the guidance of their hosts,          Note: In France, permanent residents in
     cooperative research with leading research              France or foreign researchers working at
     groups in Japanese universities and other               French institutions are also eligible on
     institutions. In so doing, the program is               conditions that CNRS applies. Contact
     designed to help advance the research of the            information on CNRS is indicated on the
     visiting fellows, while expanding opportunities          last page of this brochure.
     for young researchers to come to Japan from         (2) Candidates must have obtained their
     Europe, the US and Canada.                               doctoral degree at a university outside
     *Eligible countries are European Union                   Japan within past six years of the date the
       Countries (as of 1 April 2016), the US, Canada,        fellowship goes into effect, or must be
       Switzerland, Norway and Russia.                        currently enrolled in a doctoral course at
                                                              a university outside Japan, and scheduled
     ■Field of Research
                                                              to receive their Ph.D. within coming two
     All fields of the humanities, social sciences and        years from the time that their research
     natural sciences                                         starts in Japan.
                                                         (3) Have arranged in advance a research plan
     ■Duration of Program
                                                              with a host researcher in Japan.
     1 to 12 months                                      Note:
                                                         *Those who have previously awarded a
                                                          fellowship under the JSPS Postdoctoral
     (1) Be a citizen or permanent resident of an         Fellowship Program for Foreign Researchers
         eligible country. Also eligible are persons      are not eligible. This Fellowship is only
         who have earned a master’s or higher             awarded once per researcher.
         degree and continuously thereafter been         *Researchers who do not belong to CNRS can
         engaged in research for a period of at           also apply. All the candidates from
         least three years at a university or             universities, grandes ecoles, CNRS, Inserm,
         research institution in an eligible country.     INRA, Inria, CEA, etc. are evaluated under the
         Such persons must be from a country that         same criteria.
         has diplomatic relations with Japan or
Postdoctoral Fellowship Program (Short-term)         13

■Host Researchers and Institutes                     ■Terms of Award
The host researcher must be a researcher who         (1) International travel: A round-trip air ticket
is employed full-time or classified as being              (based on JSPS's regulations)
employed full-time at a university or research       (2) Maintenance allowance:
institution that is eligible to apply to MEXT for       a) For PhD holders: ¥362,000 per month
funding under the Grants-in-Aid for Scientific          b) For non-PhD holders at the time
Research (Kakenhi) and approved by JSPS as                   research starts in Japan: ¥200,000 per
an appropriate institution for hosting young                 month
foreign researchers.                                 (3) Miscellaneous: A settling-in allowance of
Note:                                                     ¥200,000 (only applicable for Fellows with
*Full-time employment classification is                   3 or more months of tenure), Overseas
 determined by the regulations of the host                travel insurance, etc.
 institution.                                        Note:
*List of Host Institutions:                          *A research support allowance of up to
  http://www.jsps.go.jp/english/e-                    ¥70,000 is available to cover cooperative
  fellow/list_host.html                               research-related expenses. Application is
*To search Host Institution in Japan:                 made by the host researcher through his/her
  http://researchmap.jp/?lang=english                 institution.
                                                     *The amounts of the Award indicated above
                                                      are subject to change for budgetary reasons.
                                                     *If the Fellow resides in Japan on or after the
                                                      date his/her award letter is issued, the
                                                      above-mentioned air ticket to Japan and
                                                      settling-in allowance will not be provided.
14    Postdoctoral Fellowship Program (Standard)

      Postdoctoral Fellowship Program (Standard)

                                                       *Those who have previously been awarded a
     The purpose of this program is to provide          fellowship under the JSPS Postdoctoral
     opportunities for young postdoctoral               Fellowship Program for Foreign Researchers
     researchers from overseas to conduct, under        (excluding the Postdoctoral Fellowship
     the guidance of their hosts, cooperative           Program (Short-term) for North American
     research with leading research groups in           and European Researches and Summer
     Japanese universities and other institutions.      Program) are not eligible.
     The program allows such researchers to            *Researchers who do not belong to CNRS can
     advance their own research while contributing      also apply. All the candidates from
     to the progress of research in Japan and the       universities, grandes ecoles, CNRS, Inserm,
     counterpart countries.                             INRA, Inria, CEA, etc. are evaluated under the
                                                        same criteria.
     ■Field of Research
                                                       ■Host Researchers and Institutes
     All fields of humanities, social sciences and
     natural sciences                                  The host researcher must be a researcher who
                                                       is employed full-time or classified as being
     ■Duration of Program
                                                       employed full-time at a university or research
     12 to 24 months                                   institution that is eligible to apply to MEXT for
                                                       funding under the Grants-in-Aid for Scientific
                                                       Research (Kakenhi) and approved by JSPS as
     (1) Be a citizen of a country that has            an appropriate institution for hosting young
         diplomatic relations with Japan (JSPS         foreign researchers.
         treats Taiwanese and Palestinian              Note:
         researchers in this manner).                  *Full-time employment classification is
     *In France non-French citizens can also apply       determined by the regulations of the host
      through CNRS if they have acquired a               institution.
      doctoral degree in France.                       *List of Host Institutions:
     (2) Hold a doctoral degree within past six          http://www.jsps.go.jp/english/e-
         years of the date the Fellowship goes into      fellow/list_host.html
         effect, or be scheduled to receive a          *To search Host Institution in Japan:
         doctoral degree before their research           http://researchmap.jp/?lang=english
         starts in Japan.
     (3) Have arranged in advance a research plan
         with his/her Japanese host researcher.
Postdoctoral Fellowship Program (Standard)   15

■Terms of Award
(1) International travel: A round-trip air ticket
    (based on JSPS's regulations)
(2) Maintenance allowance: ¥362,000 per
(3) Miscellaneous: A settling-in allowance of
    ¥200,000, overseas travel insurance
*A « Grants-In-Aid for Scientific Research » of
 up to ¥1,500,000 per year (total of
 ¥3,000,000 for two years) is available to
 cover cooperative research-related expenses.
 Application for these grants is made by the
 host researcher through his/her institution.
*The amounts of the Award indicated above
 are subject to change for budgetary reasons.
*If the Fellow resides in Japan on or after the
 date his/her award letter is issued, the
 above-mentioned air ticket to Japan and
 settling-in allowance will not be provided.
16    Invitation Fellowship Program (Long-term)

      Invitation Fellowship Program (Long-term)

                                                             above-mentioned careers but received
                                                             their doctoral degree prior to six years or
     The purpose of this program is to invite                more as of 1 April 2017 and are continuing
     overseas researchers with excellent records of          to do research in a university or non-profit
     research achievements to collaborate with               research institution.
     Japanese colleagues in carrying out research
                                                         ■Host Researchers and Institutes
     through long-term visits.
                                                         The host researcher must be a researcher who
     ■Field of Research
                                                         is employed full-time or classified as being
     All fields of humanities, social sciences and       employed full-time at a university or research
     natural science                                     institution that is eligible to apply to MEXT for
                                                         funding under the Grants-in-Aid for Scientific
     ■Duration of Program
                                                         Research (Kakenhi) and approved by JSPS as
     2 to 10 months                                      an appropriate institution for hosting young
                                                         foreign researchers.
     Researcher who hold a full-time position in an      *Full-time employment classification is
     overseas research institution and satisfy the         determined by the regulations of the host
     following requirements:                               institution.
     (1) Be a citizen or a permanent resident of a       *List of Host Institutions:
          country that has diplomatic relations with       http://www.jsps.go.jp/english/e-
          Japan (JSPS treats Taiwanese and                 fellow/list_host.html
          Palestinian researchers in this manner). To    *To search Host Institution in Japan:
          be eligible, researchers of Japanese             http://researchmap.jp/?lang=english
          nationality residing overseas must have
                                                         ■Terms of Award
          lived in the other country for at least 10
          years and been actively engaged in             (1) International travel: A round-trip air ticket
          research in that country throughout the            (based on JSPS's regulations)
          period.                                        (2) Maintenance allowance: ¥387,600 per
     (2) Overseas researchers in a position                  month
          equivalent to a university professor,          (3) Miscellaneous: Overseas travel insurance
          associate professor or assistant professor     Note:
          in Japan as of 1 April 2017.                   *A research support allowance is available to
     (3) Overseas researchers who do not have             cover cooperative research-related
Invitation Fellowship Program (Long-term)          17

 expenses. Application is made by the host               *If the Fellow resides in Japan on or after the
 researcher through his/her institution.                  date his/her award letter is issued, the
*The amounts of the Award indicated above                 above-mentioned air ticket to Japan and
 are subject to change for budgetary reasons.             settling-in allowance will not be provided.

    Message from JSPS OB
       -Invitation Fellowship Program (Long-term)
  Name:                          Dr. Morgan MAGNIN
  Affiliation:                   Associate Professor,
                                 École Centrale de Nantes/IRCCyN
  Duration in Japan:             June 2014 - March 2015
  Host institution in Japan:     National Institute of Informatics
  Research subject:              Building Resilient Dynamic Models
                                 through the Logical Analysis of Key Properties

  When I was a kid, many Japanese series (like Astro Boy) were broadcasted on French TV. The key role
  of science in the stories was striking. It participated to my wish, some decades after, to build
  collaborations with Japanese scientists. After having initiated some common works with my host
  researcher, Pr. Katsumi Inoue, JSPS fellowship really allowed me to set this collaboration on a higher
  level. Being able to live daily life in a research lab is totally different from having only sporadic
  meeting occasions.

  The core of my fellowship addressed resilience, which is a crucial concept in many dynamic systems,
  whatever their nature (real-time, biological, logistics) is. This notion is critical in order to design a
  system reactive enough to face various, but major, changes in its environment: at an organizational
  level, this can be the security logistics in case of an earthquake; in biology, the functionality of
  circadian rhythm confronted to a wide range of perturbations. During my JSPS research stay, we have
  been able to contribute to the design of a logical framework for assessing resilient properties in large-
  scale complex dynamic systems. This research, that we achieved to concretize through joint
  publications, was really motivating in the sense that it mixed researchers coming from different
  background and cultures. This may sound rather cliché, but Japanese researchers are truly dedicated
  to their work, yet very welcoming towards their collaborators. I really felt the meaning of the
  Japanese word omotenashi (おもてなし), i.e., the sense of hospitality so typical from Japan!

  While English is generally sufficient to conduct research in Japan, I had the feeling that studying
  Japanese would not only widen my communication capabilities, but also give me a better
  understanding of Japanese culture. It was really satisfactory to gradually become able to
  communicate with my environment, in the lab. and outside, directly in Japanese.
  This 10-months stay in Japan was a great opportunity to explore different topics and open new paths
  in my own research. It was a life changing experience and I deeply wish to develop more
  collaborations between France and Japan.
18    Invitation Fellowship Program (Short-term)

      Invitation Fellowship Program (Short-term)

     ■Purpose                                            ■Host Researchers and Institutes
     The purpose of this program is to invite            The host researcher must be a researcher who
     overseas researchers with excellent records of      is employed full-time or classified as being
     research achievements for short-term visits to      employed full-time at a university or research
     Japan and provide them opportunities for            institution that is eligible to apply to MEXT for
     discussions, opinion exchanges, lectures and        funding under the Grants-in-Aid for Scientific
     other activities.                                   Research (Kakenhi) and approved by JSPS as
                                                         an appropriate institution for hosting young
     ■Field of Research
                                                         foreign researchers.
     All fields of humanities, social sciences and       Note:
     natural sciences                                    *Full-time employment classification is
     ■Duration of Program                                 determined by the regulations of the host
     14 to 60 days
                                                         *List of Host Institutions:
     ■Eligibility                                         http://www.jsps.go.jp/english/e-
     Researchers who hold full-time positions in an
                                                         *To search Host Institution in Japan:
     overseas research institution and satisfy the
     following requirements:
     (1) Be a citizen or a permanent resident of a       ■Terms of Award
          country that has diplomatic relations with
                                                         (1) International travel: A round-trip air ticket
          Japan (JSPS treats Taiwanese and
                                                              (based on JSPS's regulations)
          Palestinian researchers in this manner). To
                                                         (2) Maintenance allowance: ¥18,000 per day
          be eligible, researchers of Japanese
                                                         (3) Miscellaneous: Overseas travel insurance
          nationality residing overseas must have
          lived in the other country for at least 10
                                                         *A research support allowance is available to
          years and been actively engaged in
                                                          cover cooperative research-related expenses.
          research in that country throughout the
                                                          Application is made by the host researcher
                                                          through his/her institution.
     (2) Overseas researchers in a position
                                                         *The amounts of the Award indicated above
          equivalent to a university professor or
                                                          are subject to change for budgetary reasons.
          associate professor as of 1 April 2017.
                                                         *If the Fellow resides in Japan on or after the
     (3) Overseas researchers with an excellent
                                                          date his/her award letter is issued, the
          record of research achievements.
Invitation Fellowship Program (Short-term)   19

above- mentioned air ticket to Japan and
settling-in allowance will not be provided.
20    Invitation Fellowship Program (Short-term S)

      Invitation Fellowship Program (Short-term S)

                                                            research achievements and who currently
                                                            occupy a leading position in their subject
     The purpose of this program is to invite               field.
     overseas researchers with distinguished
                                                        ■Host Researchers and Institutes
     records of research achievements to Japan for
     purposes corresponding to those records, and       The host researcher must be a researcher who
     to provide them opportunities to offer advice      is employed full-time or classified as being
     and cooperate in research activities               employed full-time at a university or research
     throughout the host institution and also to        institution that is eligible to apply to MEXT for
     give lectures or conduct other activities at       funding under the Grants-in-Aid for Scientific
     other research institutions.                       Research (Kakenhi) and approved by JSPS as
                                                        an appropriate institution for hosting young
     ■Field of Research
                                                        foreign researchers.
     All fields of humanities, social sciences and      Note:
     natural sciences                                   *Full-time employment classification is
                                                         determined by the regulations of the host
     ■Duration of Program
     7 to 30 days                                       *List of Host Institutions:
     (1) Be a citizen or a permanent resident of a      *To search Host Institution in Japan:
         country that has diplomatic relations with      http://researchmap.jp/?lang=english
         Japan (JSPS treats Taiwanese and
                                                        ■Terms of Award
         Palestinian researchers in this manner). To
         be eligible, researchers of Japanese           (1) International travel: A round-trip
         nationality residing overseas must have            business-class air ticket (based on JSPS's
         lived in the other country for at least 10         regulations)
         years and been actively engaged in             (2) Maintenance allowance: ¥42,000 per day
         research in that country throughout the        (3) Miscellaneous: Overseas travel insurance
         period.                                        Note:
     (2) Overseas researchers who are Nobel             *A research support allowance up to ¥150,000
         laureates or recipients of similarly high-      is available to cover cooperative research-
         level     international     prizes    with      related expenses. Application is made by the
         exceptionally outstanding records of            host researcher through his/her institution.
Invitation Fellowship Program (Short-term S)   21

*The amounts of the Award indicated above           date his/her award letter is issued, the
 are subject to change for budgetary reasons.       above- mentioned air ticket to Japan and
*If the Fellow resides in Japan on or after the     settling-in allowance will not be provided.

■List of French Recipients
Name            Position, Affiliation     Prizes/Awards                Host Institution Tenure
Jean-Marie      Professor                 The Nobel Prize in           Kyushu           2003-
Lehn            Collège de France,        Chemistry                    University       2005
                University of
Pierre-Gilles   Professor              The Nobel Prize in Physics      Ochanomizu       2004-
de Gennes       Collège de France,                                     University       2006
                Physique de la matière
Pierre Marcel Professor                   Prix International Galileo   Nagoya           2007
Paul Toubert Collège de France            Galilei (1975) /Medaille     University
                                          d’argent du CNRS (1975)
Antoine         Professor                 Criticism Prize of French    Kyoto            2009
Campagnon       Collège de France         Academy (2006)               University
Jean-Pierre     Emeritus Professor        Gairdner Foundation          International    2011-
Changeux        Institute Pasteur,        International Award          Institute for    2012
                Collège de France         (1978)/Wolf foundation       Advanced
                                          Prize in Medicine            Studies
                                          Bernhard medal of the
                                          Swedish Academy of
                                          Science (1991)
Albert J.       Detlev W. Bronk           Wolf Foundation Prize in     The University   2014
Libchaber       Professor                 Physics (1986)               of Tokyo
                Rockefeller University
22    Bilateral Programs

      4. JSPS Bilateral Programs between France and Japan

                                            Agreement /Memoranda                  CNRS

                           Support                                                        Support

          Apply                          Joint Research Projects         Apply
                                             Joint Seminars
                                          Researcher Exchanges
               Japanese                                                        French
              Researchers                                                    Researchers

      Bilateral Joint Research Projects/Joint Seminars

     The aim of these programs is to form sustained networks evolved from individual scientist
     exchanges including young scientists. JSPS and French institutions provide financial support to
     the scientists implementing such bilateral joint research projects and seminars between research
     teams from Japan and France.

     Applicants must hold a full-time or equivalent position as a researcher at a university or research
     institute. Please confirm the details to the corresponding organizations.
Bilateral Programs    23

     Type                  Duration                        Funding               Subject Areas
  Joint       1 to 2 years                         JSPS: Up to ¥2,500,000      Humanities,
  Research    Starting date during period          per fiscal year             Social Sciences
  Projects    between April and March.             CNRS: Up to €10,000         and Natural
              CNRS: Starting date during period    per fiscal year             Sciences
              between January and December
              for the 1st year, January and
              December for the 2nd year

  Joint       Up to 1 week                         JSPS: Up to ¥2,500,000      Humanities,
  Seminar     Seminars held during period          CNRS: Up to €8,000          Social Sciences
              between April and December.                                      and Natural

*French team leaders must be researchers affiliated with CNRS or members of CNRS research
*French team leaders are to submit their applications to CNRS, and Japanese researchers are to
 JSPS Tokyo. Applications submitted by one side only will not be accepted.

 « AYAME Program »
     Type                   Duration                        Funding              Subject Areas
  Joint        3 years                               JSPS: Up to               Digital Sciences,
  Research     Starting date during period           ¥2,000,000 per fiscal     Computer
  Projects     between April and March.              year                      Science,
                                                                               Automation, and
                                                     Inria: Up to €10,000      Applied
                                                     per project per year      Mathematics

*French team leaders must be researchers affiliated with Inria.
*French team leaders are to submit their applications to Inria, and Japanese researchers are to
 JSPS Tokyo. Applications submitted by one side only will not be accepted.
24    Bilateral Programs

       Type                    Duration                           Funding    Subject Areas
     Joint      2 to 3 days                         JSPS: Up to ¥2,500,000 Life Science and
     Seminar    Seminars held during period between Inserm: Up to €15,000 Health
                April and December.

     *French team leaders must work at Inserm laboratory.
     *French team leaders are to submit their applications to Inserm, and Japanese researchers are to
      JSPS Tokyo. Applications submitted by one side only will not be accepted.

      « SAKURA Program »
       Type          Duration                    Funding                    Subject Areas
     Joint    Up to 2 years               JSPS: Up to              Humanities, Social Sciences and
     Research Starting date during        ¥1,000,000 per fiscal    Natural Sciences
     Projects period between April        year
              and March.
                                          MAEDI: Up to €6,000
                                          per fiscal year

     *The program aims to generate international networks between promising young researchers.
     *The team leader on the Japan side should be under 46years of age at 1 April, 2017.
     *French team leaders are to submit their applications to MAEDI, and Japanese researchers are to
      JSPS Tokyo. Applications submitted by one side only will not be accepted.
Other International Programs       25

  5. Other JSPS International Programs

 JSPS Core-to-Core Program: Advanced Research Networks
                                                            (Japanese researchers’ Initiatives)

■Purpose                                         ■Eligibility of Japanese applicants
This program is designed to create world-        (1) Japanese universities and research
class research hubs in research fields               institutions or departments are eligible as
considered to be cutting-edge and establish          a Japanese core institution.
sustainable collaborative relations among        (2) A full-time researcher employed at the
research/education institutions in Japan and         Japanese core institution who is
around the world.                                    appointed as a co-chair of the project.

■Targeted Research Fields                        ■Project Period
Research topics considered to be cutting-edge    From April 2017 through March 2022 (under
and internationally important in Japan. (All     the FY2017 call)
fields of the humanities, social sciences and
                                                 ■Project Funding
natural sciences.)
                                                 Up to ¥18 million per fiscal year

                                                 ■Number of Projects
                                                 About 8 projects
26    Other International Programs

      ORA (Open Research Area for the Social Sciences) Program

     In cooperation with ANR, DFG, ESRC and NWO, this program provides funding for international
     joint research carried between excellent researchers in Japanese universities and institutes and
     their European counterparts. The purpose of this program is to strengthen collaboration while
     achieving a high level of synergy in research conducted in the fields of social sciences.

     ■Targeted Research Fields
     Social sciences

     ■Project Period
     2-3 years

     ■Funding from JSPS on Japanese Side
     Up to ¥ 10 million per fiscal year

     ■Number of Projects
     1 - 4 projects
Receiving Japanese Researchers in France     27

  6. Receiving Japanese Researchers in France

 Program for Advancing Strategic International Networks to
Accelerate the Circulation of Talented Researchers

■Purpose                                             ■Eligible Young Researchers
The purpose of this program is to foster             (1) Researchers and doctoral students
excellent young Japanese researchers who will            affiliated with an eligible Japanese
become the nucleus of scientific networks                university or research institute (up to 45
that transcend conventional brain gain and               years of age in principle)
drain in circulating talent internationally. It      (2) Tenure of visits overseas: more than 1
does this by supporting activities carried out           year in principle
by Japanese universities to dispatch, as part of
                                                     ■Project Period
a strategy to internationalize their research
organizations, young researchers engaged in          1-3 years
world-level international joint research.
                                                     ■Financial Support
■Targeted Research Fields
                                                     Up to ¥40 million per year per project
All fields of the humanities, social sciences and    *Up to ¥25 million for the first year
natural sciences
                                                     ■Number of Projects
■Eligible Japanese institutions
                                                     About 10-15 openly recruited projects
(1) Japanese universities, inter-university
    research institute corporations, junior
    colleges and colleges of technology
(2) Independent administrative institutions
    and other institutions which conduct
    scientific research or R&D activities
(3) Research institutions in private sector
28    Receiving Japanese Researchers in France

      Postdoctoral Fellowships for Research Abroad

     The purpose of this program is to foster highly capable researchers with wide international
     prospective. This fellowship gives excellent young Japanese researchers an opportunity to carry
     out long-term research at an overseas university or research institution.

     ■Targeted Research Fields
     All fields of humanities, social sciences and natural sciences

     ■Eligibility for Japanese researchers
     (1) To be eligible, a candidate must satisfy one of the following two requirements:
         1.1 Postdoctoral researcher employed as full-time researcher in a Japanese university,
               research institution, or national laboratory.
         1.2 Postdoctoral researcher who aspires to an above-listed fulltime research position.
     (2) The candidate must have received a doctoral degree within past 5 year of the date 1 April
     (3) The candidate must not have more than a cumulative total of 5 years in a permanent full-
         time research position at a university or other research institution.
     (4) The candidate must be a citizen of Japan; or if a foreign national, must have permanent
         resident status in Japan.

     2 years

     ■Financial Terms
     (1) International travel: A round-trip air ticket
     (2) Maintenance allowance: ¥5,256,000


     Researchers in Japanese institutions can apply to Grants-in-aid (Kakenhi) which includes the
     budget to visit overseas research institutions.
Contact Information   29

 7. Contact Information

■JSPS Strasbourg Office
Address    c/o Maison Universitaire France-Japon
           42a, avenue de la Forêt Noire, 67000 Strasbourg
Tel        +33(0)3 68 85 20 17
Fax        +33(0)3 68 85 20 14
E-mail     jsps@unistra.fr
URL        http://jsps.unistra.fr

■JSPS Tokyo Office
Address    Kojimachi Business Center Building, 5-3-1, Kojimachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo,
           102-0083 Japan
URL        http://www.jsps.go.jp/

■CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique)
Section    Ms. Caroline DANILOVIC
           Direction Europe de la Recherche et Coopération Internationale
           Asie - Japon, Taïwan, Corée
Address    3 rue Michel Ange, 75016 Paris
Tel        +33 (0)1 44 96 53 36
E-mail     Caroline.DANILOVIC@cnrs-dir.fr
URL        http://www.cnrs.fr/

■Inria (Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique)
Section    Ms. Angélica BIARD
           International Partnerships Officer- Asia Inria
           European and International Partnerships Department
Address    Office B-110, Domaine de Voluceau ‐ Rocquencourt, B.P. 105, 78153 Le Chesnay
Tel        +33 (0)1 39 63 57 68
E-mail     angelica.biard@inria.fr
URL        www.inria.fr
30    Contact Information

     ■Inserm (Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale)
     Section     Ms. Lauriane Roudy
                 Chargée de mission Asie, Océanie, Russie
                 Département des Partenariats et des Relations Extérieures
     Address     101 rue de Tolbiac, 75654 Paris Cedex 13
     Tel         +33 (0)1 44 23 61 84
     E-mail      lauriane.roudy@inserm.fr
     URL         www.inserm.fr

     ■MAEDI (Ministère des Affaires étrangères et du Développement International)
     Section     Mr. Sébastien Codina
                 Attaché pour la Science et la Technologie
                 Service pour la Science et la Technologie (SST)
                 Ambassade de France
     Address     4‐11‐44, Minami‐Azabu, Minato‐Ku, Tokyo 106‐8514, Japan
     Tel         +81 (0)3 5798 6040
     E-mail      PHC.Sakura@ambafrance‐jp.org
     URL         www.ambafrance-jp.org

     ■IHÉS (Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques)
     Section     Ms. Ingrid Peeters
                 European Post‐Doctoral Institute: EPDI
                 c/o Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques: IHÉS
     Address     35, route de Chartres, 91440 Bures‐sur‐Yvette
     Tel         +33 (0)1 60 92 66 64
     E-mail      ipde@ihes.fr

     ■ANR (Agence Naional de la Recherche)
     Section     Mr. Pierre-Olivier Pin
     Tel         +33 (0) 1 78 09 80 83
     E-mail      pierre-olivier.pin@agencerecherche.fr
JSPS Strasbourg Office
42a, avenue de la Forêt Noire
67000 Strasbourg, France
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