Joseph Shares Food "The Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." - Preschool - Northside Christian Church

Page created by Melissa Walker
Joseph Shares Food "The Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." - Preschool - Northside Christian Church
Lesson 3

                     Joseph Shares Food
                            Based on: Genesis 41

“The Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”

Joshua 1:9


                         Lesson Prepared by Tiffany Blum
                      Little Ones, Northside Christian Church
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Lesson prepared by Tiffany Blum

                                 Teacher Preparation


      -Lesson 3 Teacher Guide - GL Preschool Year 2 Summer

  You can use the Teacher Preparation Sheet to help plan for this lesson.

  You can order the Preschool Music #2 CD or physical copies of lesson posters and other
  resources while supplies last by calling 800-446-7735.


  Pharaoh, Pharaoh's helpers, Joseph, people in Egypt


  Joseph explained Pharaoh's dream abouta famine coming to Egypt and told abouta way to share
  food with many people(Genesis 41)

  When & Where?

  About 1900 B.C., in Egypt


  To help children know God is always withthem and helps them share with others

  Goals For Each Child
      1. Tell that Joseph shared food with hungry people
      2. Name something he or she can share
      3. Share with another child in class

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Lesson prepared by Tiffany Blum

                                                                                                        30 minutes

                                           Play to Learn
  Teachers guide small groups of children in one or more activities

  Bible Story Activities

  Nature Center


      -One or two dishpans
      -Measuring cups
      -Large spoons


  Cover table with newspaper and floor with sheet. Pour oatmeal into pans, and place in center of


  Children pour and spoon oatmeal in and out with measuring cups. Talk about how Joseph
  helped people save grain for food.

  Teaching Tip

  Post a note alerting parents to the use of food in this activity. Also check registration forms for

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  possible food allergies or restrictions.

  Enrichment Idea

  Use a variety of cereals in addition to the oatmeal.

  Tip For Younger Children

  Provide enough cake pans or dishpans so that no more than three children share one pan.

  Snack Center


      -Paper plates
      -A variety of cut-up fruit placed in separate bowls
      -Large spoons
      -Plastic forks


  Give each child a paper plate. Children scoop fruit from different bowls and place on their plates.
  As children eat snack, talk about the food that Joseph shared with other people.

  Teaching Tip

  Post a note alerting parents to the use of food in this activity. Also check registration forms for
  possible food allergies or restrictions.

  Tip For Younger Children

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Lesson prepared by Tiffany Blum

  Children point to different fruit that they would like you to place on their plates.

  Talk About
      -In our Bible story today, Joseph saved extra grain. Then he helped people
       who had no grain to eat. Joseph shared food with them. Then the people
       could make bread to eat.

      -God was with Joseph and helped him share. Refer to open Bible. The Bible
       says, "The Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." God is always
       with us. He will help us to share like Joseph did.

      -Noah, who can you share with? What can you share? Jacob will be glad when
       you give a measuring cup to him.

      -Lead children in a brief prayer asking God to help them share.

  Bible Verse Activities

  Art Center


      -Cardboard tubes
      -Rubber bands
      -Butcher paper
      -Ink pads


  Hold two tubes together and wrap a rubber band around them. Make several sets of banded
  tubes. Tape butcher paper to table.


  Children use banded tubes as stamps and decorate the butcher paper. Talk about ways to share
  with others in class.

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Lesson prepared by Tiffany Blum

  Teaching Tip

  Children enjoy taking home their art to show their family. Cut the butcher paper into squares
  once it has been decorated so that each child has a section to take home.

  Tip For Younger Children

  Children stamp with one tube instead of two.

  Game Center


      -Large beach towel
      -A variety of lightweight classroom objects (blocks, toy, puppet, etc.)


  Choose two volunteers to hold each end of the beach towel. Place an object on the towel.
  Children walk together from one side of the playing area to the other. If the object falls off,
  simply pick it up and place it back on the towel. Repeat with other children, using a different
  object for each round. Talk about the way in which children are helping each other and sharing.

  Enrichment Idea

  Walk with children who are having difficulty keeping the object on the beach towel.

  Tip For Younger Children

  Place all items on a beach towel in one area of the room. Place a second towel across the room.
  Children carry one object at a time across playing area to second beach towel.

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Lesson prepared by Tiffany Blum

  Talk About
      -Open Bible to Joshua 1:9. The Bible says, "The Lord your God will be with you
       wherever you go." God is always with us. God wants to help us share with
       each other.

      -What's your favorite color of ink, Matthew? Who else likes green ink that
       you could share with? Sharing lets you both have a turn to use the ink pad.

      -Pray, Thank You, God, for being with us. Thank You for helping us share with

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Lesson prepared by Tiffany Blum

                                                                                                      15 minutes

                                          Listen to Learn
  Large-Group Time


      -Callie puppet
      -Beach ball
      -Bag of flour
      -Flannel board
      -Optional—God's Story for Me Bible storybook
      -Bible Verse Poster 1 - GL PreK/K Year 2 Summer
      -Story Figures 11-15 - GL PreK/K Year 2 Summer

  One teacher leads this large-group time to guide children in hearing and understanding the Bible
  story and Bible verse

  Come Together

  Children sit in a circle with feet stretched forward and legs apart. I thank God for sunshine.
  Sarah, what do you want to thank God for? Roll the ball to Sarah. She names something
  she wants to thank God for and rolls the ball to another child. Continue game until each child
  has had a turn to name something and roll the ball.

  Bible Verse

  Open your Bible to Joshua 1:9. The Bible says, "The Lord your God will be with you
  wherever you go." I'm glad God is with us and helps us wherever we go. God will be
  with us and help us share with others. Whisper verse to children and then repeat verse a
  little louder. Invite children to say verse with you several times, each time saying the verse a little
  louder and then softer. End with whispering the verse again.

  Enrichment      Idea to name places they go. Then invite children to name things they can
  Ask several volunteers
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  share when they are at the different places mentioned.


  Pray with children. Dear God, thank You for being with us wherever we go. Please
  help us share with others wherever we go. In Jesus' name, amen.

  Teaching Tip

  Keep prayer times short and simple. Prayers that children can understand help children learn
  that they can talk to God just like their teachers do.


  Show Bible Verse Poster 1. The Bible says, "The Lord your God will be with you
  wherever you go." God is with us and helps us share with others. Let's sing a song
  about how God is always with us. Play "God with You" several times, inviting children to
  sing along with you.

  Puppet Time


      -"Callie Shares" Puppet Script - GL Preschool Year 2 Summer

  Use Callie puppet to perform the puppet script on the last page of this lesson.

  Callie Shares

  (Note: Play both parts, changing your voice for the puppet. Or you may have a helper
  play one of the parts.)

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Lesson prepared by Tiffany Blum

  Callie: Hello. What are you all doing today?

  Leader: Hi, Callie! Today we are hearing a Bible story about someone who shared—

  Callie: (Interrupts.) Oh! I shared one time!

  Leader: Really? Will you tell us about it?

  Callie: Sure! Once upon a time—actually it was last week—I was playing outside and I found a
  lizard. I played with him for a little bit. (Pauses to remember and then sighs happily.) He was so
  much fun! Then I thought that my person would probably LOVE to play with him, too. So I
  picked him up r-e-e-ally carefully and brought him inside—right to my person's chair.

  Leader: Wow! What did your person do?

  Callie: Well, (Surprised and confused.) my person didn't purr about it at all. In fact, I don't
  think my person liked the lizard very much. The lizard had to go right back outside. (Shakes her
  head.) Why do you think my person didn't like the lizard? He was so much fun to play with!

  Leader: Hmm. Lizards do usually belong outside. But it was kind of you to try to share the fun
  time you were having with the lizard.

  Callie: That's what I thought!

  Leader: Well, in our Bible story today, a man named Joseph shared his food with people who
  were very hungry.

  Callie: (Shocked.) His food? I wouldn't want to share my food! That's important to me!

  Leader: But what if a friend of yours was really hungry?

  Callie: I'd tell my friend to meow really loud—like this! (Meows loudly.)

  Leader: Oh. Well, what would you want your friend to do if YOU were really hungry?

  Callie: (Pauses to think.) Oh. (Pauses again.) I think I might want my friend to share with me if

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Lesson prepared by Tiffany Blum

  I was hungry—

  Leader: (Interrupts.) Yes?

  Callie: So maybe if my friend was hungry, it would be a good idea for ME to share MY food.
  (Pauses.) Is that right?

  Leader: Sounds right to me!

  Callie: Hmm. Sharing isn't always easy, is it?

  Leader: No, not always. But it is always a good and kind thing to do. Thanks for talking with us
  today, Callie.

  Callie: You're welcome. Bye.

  Bible Story

  Joseph Shares Food | Genesis 41

  Use bag of flour and Figures 11-15 to help tell the Bible story on the next page.


  Show bag of flour. Flour is made by grinding up grain. What food do we make with
  flour? Volunteers answer. Listen to find out how Joseph helped lots of people by
  sharing grain so that people could make food. (Hold your Bible open to Genesis 41 as you
  tell the following story.)

  Fat Cows And Skinny Cows

  One night, Pharaoh, the king of Egypt, had a very strange dream. The next morning, Pharaoh
  told his helpers, "In my dream, seven fat cows came out of the river. Then seven skinny cows
  came out of the river. Then the seven skinny cows ate the fat cows, but they stayed skinny."

  "What could this strange dream mean?" the king asked. No one could tell him.

  But then the king's helper who knew Joseph remembered that

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Lesson prepared by Tiffany Blum

  Joseph had helped him understand a dream! "Oh! Joseph might be able to tell you what your
  dream means," the helper said.

  "Bring Joseph to me!" the king said. When Joseph came, the king
  said, "I had a dream, but I don't know what it means. Can you tell me what my dream means?"

  "No, I can't," Joseph said. "But God will help me know what your dream means." So the king told
  Joseph his dream.

  Joseph said, "The seven fat cows mean that for seven years we will have more than enough food
  to eat. The skinny cows mean that after those seven good years, there will be seven hard years
  with nothing to eat. We need to save our extra grain. We can put it in big barns. Then when no
  grain is growing, the people can use the grain we have saved to make food."

  The king told Joseph, "Since God helped you know what my dream meant, I want you to make
  sure that the extra grain is saved."

  Big Barns

  Joseph told the king's helpers to gather the extra grain. For seven years the helpers put the extra
  grain into big buildings.

  After seven years, there was no rain. So no grain grew at all. "We have no grain," the people told
  the king. "And we are hungry." The king told the people to go to Joseph. Then Joseph opened the
  buildings and sold the grain to the people. God was with Joseph and helped him make sure that
  all the people had the grain they needed to make bread and other good food.


  Joseph shared grain with many people so that they could have food. God is always
  with us. He can help us share with others. The Bible says, "The Lord your God will
  be with you wherever you go." (Optional: Review story by using pages 89-92 in God's Story
  for Me Bible storybook.)

  Creative Bible Storytelling Idea

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  As you tell the Bible story, build a barn out of blocks, and use toy people and toy cows to show
  story action.

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                                                                                                       15 minutes

                                           Talk to Learn
  Teachers guide small groups of children to complete TalkTime activity pages and other activities as
  time allows

  TalkTime Activity Page


      -Markers or crayons
      -Lesson 3 TalkTime Activity Page - GL Preschool Year 2 Summer
      -Activity Stickers - GL Preschool Year 2 Summer


  Hand out TalkTime activity pages and demonstrate how to complete the page. Distribute sticker
  pages and crayons or markers. As children complete their own page, talk about the items on the

  Family Funtime Page

  Show page 1 of Lesson 3 Family FunTime, review the conversation suggestions, and give the
  papers to children to take home.

  Bible Verse Game




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  Hold Bible open to Joshua 1:9. The Bible says, "The Lord your God will be with you
  wherever you go." God is always with us and helps us. Let's say a poem that tells
  that God helps us share our toys with others. Sing the words below to the tune of "If
  You're Happy and You Know It." Repeat several times, inviting children to sing with you.

  God is with me and I know it, so I'll share.

  God is with me and I know it, so I'll share.

  God is with me and I know it; here's a way that I will show it:

  God is with me and I know it, so I'll share.

  Music Fun

  During transition times, invite children to sing along as they listen to "God with You",
  "Welcome, Hello!" and/or "Good-Bye for Now".

  Talk About
      -What did Joseph tell his helpers to save? (Grain.) Where did they put the
       grain? (The helpers poured the grain into barns.)

      -What did Joseph do when the people had no food to eat? (Sold grain to them.)
       God was with Joseph and helped him share grain with others.

      -Read verse aloud. I'm glad that God is with us and helps us. I'm glad that He
       helps us share with others.

      -Rachel, you have three crayons and Elaina doesn't have any. What can you
       do to share? What are some other things we can share?

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