Page created by Stanley Pope
Johnston Health
   JohnstonCounty’s health care system, providing expert
   care close to home.


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About Johnston Health

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Johnston              • One hospital with campuses in Smithfield,Clayton; a health care system within a
Health                  larger health care system
                      • Licensed for 199 beds, 20 of those for behavioral health patients
Smithfield &Clayton
                      • 1,990 employees, including part-time, contract, PRN
                      • $103 million payroll, including contract labor, and benefits
                      • 218 hospital, hospice, chaplain volunteers
                      • 461 physicians on medical staff
                      • 7,102 surgeries among 8 operating rooms; 3 endoscopy rooms
                      • 11 labor/delivery rooms
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Our Mission:
              To improve the health of the people in our communities.
Our Mission
andVision     OurVision:
              Johnston Health will be the provider and employer of choice for
              Johnston County residents and health professionals as an integrated
              health care delivery system.

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Johnston Health Leadership click to view
                Tom Williams                                                Kevin Cielinski
                President & Chief Executive Officer                          Associate Vice President, Finance

                Ruth Marler                                                 Amy Hamby
                Chief Operating Officer, Chief Nursing Officer               Associate Vice President, Patient Care Services

                Eddie Klein                                                 Tracey Carson
Senior          Vice President, Chief Financial Officer                      Associate Vice President, Patient Care Services

                Rodney McCaskill, MD                                        Robert Cupp
Leadership &    Chief Medical Officer                                        Administrative Director, Human Resources

Board           Kyle McDermott
                Vice President,SupportServices/Clayton Site Administrator

                April Culver
                Vice President , Marketing/Communications and Strategy

               Johnston Health Board of Directors click to view

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Patient Wing

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             Johnston Medical Mall   SECU Hospice House

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Click service name to view

                                                                 Smithfield Campus
                                Behavioral Health              Hematology                        Rehabilitation services
                                Birthing center                Lab Services                      Rheumatology
                                Cardiac rehab                  Medical oncology                  Sleep Center
                                Cardiology                     Neurology                         Surgery
                                Critical Care                  Orthopedics                       Urgent care
                                DaVinci robotic surgery        Outpatient Pharmacy               Urology
                                Diabetes center                Podiatry                          Wound Care

Our Services
                                Endoscopy                      Primary/family care               24-hour emergency department
                                Fitness and wellness center    Psychiatry
                                Gastroenterology               Pulmonology
                                Home Health                    Radiology and Imaging
Our continuum of care           Hospitalists                   Radiation oncology
stretches from the
beginning of life to the end.                            ClaytonCampus                                   Home Care &
                                Birthing Center                Cardiology                                  Hospice
                                Critical Care                  Radiology and Imaging Radiation      Home Care
                                Endoscopy                      Oncology                             Hospice
                                ENT                            Pulmonology                          SECU Hospice House
                                Gastroenterology               Rehabilitation services              Palliative Care – provided M-F
                                Hospitalists                   Rheumatology
                                Hematology                     Surgery
                                Lab services                   Urgent Care
                                Medical oncology               Urology
                                Neurology                      Wound Care (inpatient)
                                Orthopedics                    24-hour emergency department
                                Primary/family care
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 CMS four-star rating for overall hospital
               quality (Better than national average of
              Leap Frog B Fall 2020
              American Heart Association, Fit-Friendly
               Worksite, 2017

Quality       Hurst Gold StandardAward for nursing
              Blue Distinction Center+ for Maternity Care
Accolades      designation, 2017
              Best-ever patient survey scores, 80th
              NC Business Magazine recognized Johnston
               Health as one of top 25 hospitals in the state
              Blue Cross Blue Shield designation as aTier 1

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 Designated lung cancer
                   screening center since
                  Accredited cancer
Accreditations     treatment center since
                  Accredited chest pain
                   centers since 2013

                                            Oncology nurses Tina Bizzell and Regina Sherman

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Medical Staff

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Dr. Rodney McCaskill
                               Chief MedicalOfficer
                               919-938-7536 |

Medical Staff                  Donna Phillips
Services                       919-938-7105 |

5th Floor                      Renee Lett
                               Student Medical Education Coordinator
Bright LeafTower
                               919-209-5168 |
Hours: M-F,8 a.m.- 4:30 p.m.   LizThurston
                               Physician Liaison and Recruitment Specialist
                               919-938-7153 |

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Medical Staff Officers                                  Medical Directors
                Octavio Cieza, M.D. – Chief                             John Adams, M.D. – Hospitalists

                James B. Collins, M.D. – Vice Chief                     Drennan Smith, M.D. – Laboratory

                Kevin Johnson, M.D. – Member at Large                   Ben Atkeson, M.D. – Cardiology

                Krystal Keys, M.D. – Credentials & MEC at Large         Russell Anderson, M.D. – Oncology

                Richard Alioto, M.D. – Immediate Past President         Thomas Powell, M.D. - Vascular Lab

Medical Staff   Sanjay Singareddy, M.D. – Chief of Medicine             Leon Adelman, M.D. - Emergency Services

Leaders         Romain Athus, M.D. – Vice Chief of Medicine

                Lucas Romine, M.D. – Chief of Surgery
                                                                        Frank Sutton, M.D. - Anesthesia Director

                                                                        Jodi Bailey, M.D. - Women's Services

                Jeri Dickinson, M.D. – Vice Chief of Surgery            Cary Bizzell, M.D. - Radiology Services

                Hasan Baloch, M.D. – Chief of Hospital Services         Mir Mumtaz Ali, M.D. - Respiratory Services

                Drennan Smith, M.D. – Vice Chief of Hospital Services   Edwin Hartman, M.D. - Cardiac Rehab

                                                                        Matthew Hook, M.D. - Cath Lab

                                                                        James B. Collins, M.D. - Wound Center

                                                                        Dennis Koffer, M.D. – Hospice

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 Three Medical Staff Departments
                 461 total medical staff members
                 MD’s, DO’s, PA’s, NP’s, CRNA’s
                 Medical Executive Committee
                 Credentials Committee
                 Peer Review Committee

Medical Staff                Department of Hospital
                                                       Department of
                                                                              Department of Surgery

Governance                       Radiology            Internal Medicine         General Surgery
                                 Emergency Medicine   Family Practice           Urology
                                 Psychiatry           Gastroenterology          Anesthesiology
                                 Pathology            Nephrology                Vascular and Thoracic
                                 Radiation Oncology   Cardiology                Surgery
                                                      Pulmonology               OB/GYN
                                                      Hematology/Oncology       Neurosurgery
                                                      Infectious Disease        Ophthalmology
                                                      Neurology                 Otolaryngology
                                                      Pediatrics                Plastic Surgery
                                                      Rheumatology              Podiatry
                                                      Physical Medicine and

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General Medical Staff Meetings
                October 2021                 TBD

                Department of Medicine
                October 2021                 TBD

                Department of Surgery
                October 2021                 TBD

Medical Staff   Department of Hospital Services

                October 2021                 TBD

Calendar        Credential Committee
                Monthly Meetings the First Wednesday ofEach Month 5:30 p.m. by WebEx

                Medical ExecutiveCommittee
                Monthly Meeting the third Wednesday of Each Month 7:00 a.m. by WebEx

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Staff Information

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The culture and character of an organization reflect its priorities. At
                Johnston Health and throughout the UNC Health Care system, the
                Quality Pillar is the foundation of the patient experience.
                Carolina Care™, as demonstrated through Relationship-Based Care
                and Swanson’s Caring Theory, provides opportunities to stand out
                in providing exceptional care and caring for our patients.

Carolina Care   Please review by clicking here

 4/14/2021                                                                                17
•   OnlineTraining
                           •   Shadow Students
                           •   Clinical Rotation Students
                           •   Outreach Programs
Education                  •   Health Fairs / Screenings
Department                 •   Safe Sitter Classes®
                           •   Childbirth Classes
Johnston Medical Mall
Smithfield                 •   Breastfeeding Classes
919-938-7736               •   Career Fairs / Recruitment Fairs

                        DIABETES EDUCATION
                        Certified Diabetes Educators | Inpatient andOutpatient | ProviderOrderRequired

  4/14/2021                                                                                              18
•   Clinical Rotation Site for Campbell University School of
                                 Osteopathic Medicine
                             •   Weekly Didactic Sessions
                             •   23 Medical Specialties Available
Medical                      •   60 Physician Preceptors
Student                      •   11 Third Year Students
                             •   11 FourthYear Students
Education                    •   Onsite Coordinator
Program                      •   Onsite Director of Student Medical Education
Renee Lett, Coordinator      •   #1 Requested Rotation Site for the Class of 2022

                          Medical Student Education
                          Campbell UniversitySchool ofOsteopathic Medicine 3rd & 4th Year D.O.Students

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To Report an Emergency Dial: Smithfield – 7777 Clayton - 8888

                   Code RED                                      Fire (R.A.C.E)
                   Security Alert                                Active shooter (Run-Hide-Fight)
                   Code SECURE                                   Facility Lock Down (Level 1-Partial Level2-Total)
                   Code PINK                                     Infant/child abduction (Age/Unit/Campus)
                   Code STRONG                                   Violent Behavior (Provider Location)
Emergency          CodeWEATHER                                   Tornado Watch or Warning, ice, snow, etc.
                   Code D                                        Disaster, review role and call back list
Information            Level I = Administrative staff and staff at work handles
                       Level II = All staff are called to return
Overview ofCodes   Code BLUE                                     Cardiopulmonary Arrest
                   Code STROKE                                   Suspected Stroke
                   Code STEMI                                    Suspected Heart Attack
                   CodeCONTRAST (Medical Mall Only)              Reaction to radiology contrast medium
                   Code RAPID RESPONSE                           Adult medical emergency
                   Code RAPID RESPONSE PEDIATRIC                 Infant/Child medical emergency

  4/14/2021                                                                                                     20
               EMERGENCY NUMBERS
                                           Wristband Color               Communicates

                                                Red          Allergy (food and drug)
                  JH              7777         Yellow        Fall risk
               Smithfield                      Purple        DNR (Do Not Resuscitate)
                                                Pink         Limb Alert / Restricted Extremity
               JH Clayton         8888
Emergency      Medical
                                             BROSELOW PediatricWristbands

Information      Mall/
               Medical          Call 911
                                                          PATIENT SOCKS
                                                Sock Color                 Communicates
                                                   Red               Commitment (IVC)
              For all codes- specify
              Smithfield or Clayton              Yellow              Fall risk

 4/14/2021                                                                                 21
             First Responder- establisharrest has occurred and call for help 7777or 8888.BeginCPR.
             Second Responder- bring crash cart,ensure patient on hard surface. Attach patientto defib monitor or AED,setup suction.EstablishIV if
             competent.Followdirectionsof ACLSor PALS certifiedstaff.
             CriticalCare RN/ ED RN- coordinates resuscitative efforts,directs team
             Provides cardiac rhythm interpretation,med admin, defibrillation. Assigns team roles. FollowsACLS/PALSguidelines until physicianarrives.

             Medication RN-ED nurse, Critical Care nurse, or experienced ACLS/PALS certifiedproviderwill administer medicationsduring code.Inform
             Recording Nurse name, does, route, and time of meds administered. Assist with IV access prn. Transport monitor/defibrillator to codes in
             Lithotripsy,publicaccessareas, or ground floor.
             Recording RN-Charge RN responsiblefor documentation of code events,includingcodedocumentation in patient record,Code Evaluation
             Sheet,debriefing form, and occurrencereport.
             •   If no charge nurseat JH-S,Critical CareRN/ designee will record.
             •   If no charge nurseat JH-C, ED RN/ designeewill record.

CODE BLUE    Pharmacist-assist with medicationpreparation or obtainingmedications

             Physician-first physicianresponder is Code Team Leaderuntil patientattendingphysician arrives.Staff physicians/hospitalists encouraged to

             respond.Only physician may terminateresuscitation efforts.
             ED Physician-respond to adult codesand assist as needed.Code Team Leaderfor all pediatric codes.

             Cardiology Techand/or RespiratoryTherapist- respond toall codes.Connectpatientto EKGas directed.Respiratorywill provide airway
             support,not limited to, intubation,ABGs,and ventilation.
             Anesthesiology- called if needed for patientmanagement

             Nurse Manager/ NAC-respond toall codes,assist as needed.Manage extrastaff members present.

             Unit Secretary-monitorstelephone, makesnotifications,relaysmessages.

             SpiritualCare Staff- may respond weekdays 8:30am-5:00pm

             Volunteer Chaplains-pageafterhours/ weekends as needed.

             Laboratory-respond and obtain labsas ordered.

             Radiology-respond and obtain any x-raysas ordered.

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Active Shooter
Run, Hide, Fight

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In the event of a FIRE remember RACE:
                  R- (Rescue) Move others from danger of fire and/or smoke.
                  A- (Alert Others) Pull nearest fire alarm pull station and call
                  operator to report emergency. 7777 in Smithfield, 8888 in Clayton.
                  C- (Confine) Close all doors and windows to contain fire.
                  E- (Extinguish) Select the appropriate extinguisher.

Fire Safety       Deploying a fire extinguisher (PASS):
                  P- Pull pin.
                  A- Aim at the base of the fire.
                  S- Squeeze handle.
                  S- Sweep side to side.

              SAFETY DATA SHEETS (SDS)
              •   Intranet “Booklet Icon” on right
              •   Emergency Department (PaperCopy)

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The Environment of Care Committee manages a broad-scoped
                   Safety Management Program that will obtain the participation of
                   employees, physicians, and other associated entities in improving
Environment        and maintaining safe conditions and practices within all buildings
                   and grounds of the hospital system.
ofCare Safety

                MichaelThompson, Director of Engineering/Chairman of EOC, 938-7712
                SafetyTechnician, 938-7713

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Cultural     Please review the following presentation on valuing and respecting
Awareness    our cultural differences. View here

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Ethics       Any hospital employee who believes there is a moral question
Committee    involving a patient's care can make a referral to the ethics
             committee for recommendations.

             Please contact Dr. Rodney McCaskill, Chief Medical Officer

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The following Employee Health Services are available for physician

Employee           Blood Borne Pathogen exposure work-up:
                          Contact and follow-up with your practice/employer (two hour window to start PEP)

Health                    Contact Johnston Health Employee Health at 938-7532
                               o Source Patient Labs in Epic – Patient Needlestick Package
                               o Report exposure immediately
2nd Floor
                          Don’t order tests yourself -- law requires use of a confidential process
Bright LeafTower
Smithfield         TB SkinTest for credentialing (you keep the hard copy results)
                   CAPRTraining / N95 Fit Testing
                   Flu vaccination
                   COVID-19 vaccination

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 All hospital personnel including the Medical staff must be
                vaccinated annually against the seasonal flu.

Mandatory      The hospital’s Employee Health department will offer the vaccine
                at no cost.
Seasonal       Verification of receiving the seasonal influenza vaccine is required.
               Exemptions due to medical contra-indications or religious reasons
Vaccination     will need to be applied for each year.
Program        Medical staff who cannot produce proof of vaccination or
                exemption within four weeks from the availability of the vaccine at
                Johnston Health will be subject to restrictions as determined by
                the Medical Executive Committee.

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Please visit the Human Resources department on the 4th floor of the
             Bright Leaf Tower to obtain your identification badge.

             The physician lounge, physician parking lot and many clinical areas
ID Badge     are accessible only by swiping your identification badge.

             Your identification badge should be worn on campus at all times for
             both security and safety reasons.

             Your identification badge should be worn above the waist on a
             lanyard or clipped to your shirt.

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Infection ControlDepartment provides continuoussurveillance of the
                  NHSN (CDC Surveillance & Mandatory Reporting)
                       Central Line Associated Blood Stream Infections (CLABSI)
                       Blood Stream Infections (BSI)

                         Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infections (CAUTI)
                         Urinary Tract Infections (UTI)
                          Ventilator Associated Events (VAE)
Prevention &
                         Surgical Site Infections (SSIs)
                       Clostridium Difficile
Control              All Multi-Drug Resistant Organisms (MDRO’s)
                  Communicable Disease reporting to Health Department
Ground Floor      Hand HygieneCompliance
               InfectionControl Practitioners are available Monday- Friday, 7:30 am- 4:30 pm.
               For all other times please contact us through the operator.
               Contact information:
                 919-938-7168 or 919-938-7735
               Surveillance monitored at Smithfield andClayton locations.

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MDROs                                                          CAUTI
             Options for treating patients with these infections        The most common HAI. Risk for aCAUTI increases
             are often extremely limited and are associated with        by 5% for every day the catheter remains.
             increase lengths of stay, cost, and mortality.
                                                                         Hand Hygiene
              Hand Hygiene, Hand Hygiene, Hand Hygiene!
                                                                         Use external catheters, Purewick (females)
              Environmental Measures                                     condom caths (males) as first option
              Judicious use of Antimicrobial agents                     Only place Foley catheters when necessary
              Isolation Precautions                                     Remove Foleys as soon as possible
                        Standard precautionsfor all patients

Prevention              Isolation precautions per hospital policies.    Daily review of CDC Catheter Needs Assessment

Strategies                             SSI’s                                                      CLABSI
             Associated with a mortality rate of 3%, and 75% of SSI-    Mortalityrates as high as 25%.1/3 of all HAI deaths aredue to
             associated deaths are directly attributed to the SSI.      a CLABSI infection. CDC estimates the annual cost is more
                                                                        than $1 billion, thecost per patientis more than $16,000
              Hand Hygiene
                                                                           Hand Hygiene
              Mitigate risk factors
                                                                           Alternativeto central line, i.e. midline catheters
              Glycemic control                                            CHG skin preparations
              Maintain normothermia                                       Full-barrierprecautionsduring insertion

              Antibiotic prophylaxis                                      Avoid Femoral lines

              Patient education                                           Remove unnecessary catheters

 4/14/2021                                                                                                                              32
 Clean In, CleanOut asks all health care personnel to perform hand
               hygiene (by soap/water or alcohol based hand rubs) every time
               they enter (Clean In) and exit (CleanOut) a patient room/space.
              The goal of Clean In, Clean Out is to improve patient safety while
               hard-wiring a culture of hand hygiene into our daily work. This
Clean In,      goal applies to both clinical and nonclinical staff because we all
Clean Out      can help keep our patients safe by practicing proper hand hygiene.
              All staff are asked to submit 5 hand
               hygiene observation monthly. To enter your
               observations please go to Johnston Health
               intranet and click on the hand in the right
               side column.

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Our hospital responds to and prepares for unannounced surveys
                   (state, CMS, and TJC ) and also responds to complaints from
                   regulatory services.
                   The Joint Commission can come at anytime.
                   Important note: Surveyors love to speak to physicians. Questions
Accreditation      typically asked include:
and Regulatory             Tell me about your Focused Physician PracticeEvaluation (FPPE)
                            and Ongoing Physician PracticeEvaluation (OPPE).
Services                   What is your role in a disaster?
                           How does the organization involve the Medical Staff in establishing
                            PerformanceImprovement goals?
                           How is safety addressed by the organization and the medical staff?

                 If you have any questions, call the quality department at 919-938-7381.

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•   The Joint Commission helps ensure quality health care through
                 the development of standards for patient safety.
             •   Johnston Health undergoes review by the Joint Commission to
                 ensure that our facilities comply with the standards and
                 regulations set forth from the Joint Commission and Centers for
The Joint        Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).
Commission   •   Our last triannual Joint Commission survey was in December
             •   Providers may report concerns without fear of retaliatory
                 disciplinary actions by contacting risk management at 919-938-
                 7121, entering an occurrence report or by contacting The Joint
                 Commission directly

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 Hospital quality measures
                      Reducing all cause readmissions/mortalities within 30 days
                      Reducing hospital acquired infections
Clinical Quality      Reducing patient safety events

                   For additional information/ suggestions for quality improvement, call 919-938-7381.

 4/14/2021                                                                                               36
 Focuses on adults 18 years and older
               CMS Rationale: “The evidence cited for all components of this
                measure is directly related to decreases in organ failure, overall
                reductions in hospital mortality, length of stay, and costs of care.”
Sepsis Core    SEP-1 is a bundled measure – must complete all components of
                the bundle in order to pass the measure
Measure        The SepsisTrue North statement for Johnston Health is as follows:

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You should receive thefollowing:
                Sepsis Badge card (fromQualityAssurance/InfectionControl)
                     1 side contains list ofCMSSIRS criteria and organ dysfunctions along withCMS
                       definitions of severe sepsis and septic shock
                     Other side contains simplified sepsis algorithm

                Sepsis MonitoringTool (see below to access)

Sepsis               Tool used to identify severe sepsis and septic shock
                      Shows criteria at top, definitions in middle and sepsis bundle at bottom (specifics of the

Provider               monitoring tool are reviewed in the power point)

                CMS Sepsis Monotherapy antibiotic list (see below to access)
Education       Instructions to access Sepsis Education (see below to access)

               Please Review the Sepsis Education, Sepsis MonitoringTool, andCMS Sepsis Monotherapy
               antibiotic list.Click Here enter yourU# and password provided by Medical Staff Services.

             Please complete the survey at the end of sepsis power point.

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Service Lines

4/14/2021                   39
Johnston Health provides a 20 bed inpatient behavioral health
                 department staffed by licensed psychiatrists and advanced practice
                 Documents to Review:
Behavioral        North Carolina Commitment Law and Procedure

Health            Legal Criteria for Involuntary Commitment

Inpatient Care    Next Step After Clinician Petition for Involuntary Commitment
                  What Happens After a Magistrate Issues a Custody and
                   Transportation Order

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Home care provides medically necessary services to treat, rehabilitate, sustain or restore a patient to their optimal health.

             Referrals are made by the physician.
             Patients qualify for home care if they are homebound and/orhave a medical need that requires skilled care.

             Conditions that may qualify for home health:
                       Disease management, medication management, wound care, IV therapy, tube feedings, catheter care, teaching
                       Occupational and physical therapy
                       Psychosocial care, need for community services, and financial resource assistance
             Johnston Health Home Care does not provide personal care services but can help with bathing and personal hygiene.

Home Care
             Criteria for Home Care
              Homebound- normal inability to leave home, requires considerable and taxingeffort to do so
              Under care of a physician- must sign and oversee plan of care and sign face to face documentation
              Skilled Need- medically reasonable and necessary
             Home Care Provides

                              Intermittent skilled care at home                                          IV Antibiotics
                                  Wound care/ wound vacs                                          Medication management
                             Education-Diabetes, ostomy, etc                                    Physical/occupational therapy
                    Blood Work in conjunction with other skilled care                         PT/INR checks managed in home

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                  Hospice is a special way of caring for patients with a life-limiting illness who no longer seek
                  curative treatments.
                  Quality of life is enhanced through symptommanagement and comfort care.
                  Qualifications for HospiceCare
                   Doctor and hospice house medical director certify the patient has a life-limiting illness and if
                    the disease runs its normal course, death may be expected in six months or less
Hospice            Patient elects Hospice benefit choosing palliative, comfort care

Qualifications    Hospice Services
                   Core services consists of physician, nursing, medical equipment and supplies, nursing assistant,

& Services and      social work services, medications.
                   Medications related to terminal diagnosis- drugs for symptomcontrol and pain relief.

Palliative Care    Respite or inpatient care for pain and symptom management.
                   Grief support for patient and family-includes 13 months bereavement care for family
                   Full-time Palliative Care Nurse is available for consults within the hospital, in the oncology
                    clinic and, as requested, in patients’ homes to develop goals of care and discuss advance care
                   PalliativeCare consults are ordered by Physicians, NPs and PAs.

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Available wherever patient’s reside.
               Team members:
                      Physician/Medical director
                      Registered nurses
                      Certified nursing assistants
                      Medical social workers
Home Hospice          Chaplain
                      Trained volunteers
                      Administrativesupport staff

               Who pays?
               When the appropriate criteria are met, Medicare, Medicaid or
               private insurance cover Hospice services.

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SECU Hospice
House of         Open since June 2010, the SECU Hospice House is in a peaceful setting, a short
                 distance from Johnston Health.The house is designed to look and feel like home.

Johnston         All 18 patient rooms have separate heating and cooling units and in-suite bathrooms.
                 Sleeper sofas make overnight stays more comfortable for loved ones. An interfaith
Health           chapel and meditation garden offer spaces for quiet reflection.
                 All patients admitted to the hospice house must meet hospice eligibility criteria or
                 already be enrolled in a hospice program.

               426 Hospital Road, Smithfield, NC 27577 | 919-209-5100

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Hospice levels of care offered at the SECU Hospice
                 House include:
                 General Inpatient Care
                 Appropriate for patients requiring skilled frequent intervention for
                 management of symptoms (i.e., pain, respiratory distress, agitation
                 or uncontrolled nausea and vomiting)
Hospice          ResidentialCare
Levels of Care   Appropriate for more medically stable patients who have a
                 prognosis of weeks or less, and require more assistance than is
                 available in their home setting or have a home environment not
                 conducive to their care needs.
                 Appropriate as short-term (up to 5 days) care to the patient when
                 currently enrolled in hospice and when necessary to relieve family
                 members or the person caring for the patient at home.

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Hematology Oncology
                               Chemotherapy
Johnston Health                Iron Infusions/Anemia Workup
Oncology                       Hydration Therapy

Services                       Blood/Blood Product Transfusions
                               Injections for blood disorders and vitamin
SMITHFIELD                      deficiencies
Johnston Medical Mall          Inpatient consults
514 N. Bright Leaf Blvd.
919-989-2192                   Bare Essentials Boutique– Wigs, Scarves, etc.

                              Radiation Oncology
Johnston Professional Plaza
2076 Hwy. 42W.                 Varian Linear Accelerator 21 IX
                               Radiation Therapy
                               Inpatient consults
                               Certified Radiation Experts

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Johnston Health Pharmacy Services consists of an inclusive team of purpose driven people
               that are united by our passion to improve the health of the people in our communities.
               We strive for the five rights of medication administration: right patient, right medication,
               right dose, right route, and right time. Our true north statement is “we are committed to
               caring for our community through proper drug management.”
Pharmacy       • 5 Pharmacies across both campuses

Smithfield &   Our Pharmacy Services include the following:
Clayton        Inpatient Pharmacy:                         Oncology:               Employee (JHOP):
               Online Formulary                            Biosimilars             Meds to Beds Program
               Antibiotic Stewardship                      Immunotherapy              (Smithfield only)
               Renal Antimicrobial Dosing                  Iron                    Employee Prescriptions
               Pharmacy Dosing                             Renaflexis         (Smithfield only: Delivery to Clayton)
               IV to PO Substitutions                      IVIG
               Daily Anticoagulation Reviews               Zometa
               Parenteral Nutrition
               Medication Reconciliation (ED Technician limited hours)

               Inpatient Pharmacy                        Oncology                       Employee (JHOP)
               Smithfield: 151-6124                      Smithfield: 919-938-7824       Phone: 919-938-7386
               Clayton: 585-8760                         Clayton: 919-585-8828          Hours: 9:00 AM-5:30 PM
               Hours 24/7                                Hours: 8:00 AM-4:30 PM           (Monday-Friday)
                                                             (Monday-Friday)               (Smithfield only)

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Johnston Health offers a wide range of laboratory services, including:
                •   Core Laboratory— Chemistry,
Laboratory          Immunochemistry, Hematology, Coagulation,
                    Urinalysis, Serology

Services        •   Microbiology— complete services such as
                    bacterial ID/Sens and PCR testing

Smithfield      •   Blood Bank— complete transfusion services of
919-938-7142        red cells, platelets, plasma, cryo, and Rhogham

                •   Referral Testing Labs—UNC, Rex, Mayo
Clayton             Clinic
919-585-8480    •   Outpatient Phlebotomy— M-Th, 7am-7pm,
                    Fri, 7am-6pm; Sat 7am-11am
Pathology       •   Anatomic Pathology and Histology—
919-938-7141        8am-4pm

               Johnston Health Laboratories are accredited by the College of American Pathologists

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Services Include:
                           • X-ray/ Diagnostic imaging 24/7
Radiology and              • Fluoroscopy & Remote Fluoroscopy
                           • CT- Scan 24/7
Imaging                    • Nuclear Medicine
                           • Ultrasound 24/7
Smithfield Campus          • 3D Mammography (including
919-938-7190                  biopsies, screening, and diagnostic
                           • MRI
Clayton Campus             • Interventional Radiology
919-585-8450               • Bone Densitometry / DEXA scan
                           • C-arm for OR use
Ambulatory Imaging         • PET/CT scan
Johnston Medical Mall
8am- 5pm
                        Nuclear Medicine, MRI, and Interventional Radiology on-call for emergencies after
919-209-5153            hours. C-arm provided for OR as needed. STAT interpretations 24/7. PET/CT is
                        available for outpatient appointments on Saturdays in Smithfield.

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Johnston Health’s Rehab Services
                             provides evaluations and
                             treatments devoted to
                             maximizing recovery and
                             optimizing functional abilities.
Rehab Services                PhysicalTherapists
Johnston Medical Mall         OccupationalTherapists
514 N. Bright Leaf Blvd       Speech-Language Pathologists
                              PhysicalTherapyAssistants
                              PhysicalTherapyTechnicians

                          PHYSICIAN REFERRAL REQUIRED
                          To refer a patient to rehab services, call 919-938-7296.

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Johnston Medical Mall
514 N. Bright Leaf Blvd     Johnston Health Rehab offers outpatient lymphedema therapy
Smithfield                  completed by a certified lymphedema therapist who will
                            complete a personal evaluation and develop a treatment plan.

                          PHYSICIAN REFERRAL REQUIRED
                          To refer a patient to lymphedema therapy, call 919-938-7296.

  4/14/2021                                                                                51
Cardiac andVascular               Respiratory Care
                           Cardiac Stress testing         VentilatorCare/Protocol Management
                           EKG                                  Early Mobility Team
                            Holter/Event Monitoring        Nebulizer/MDI
Cardiovascular &
                           Echocardiography/TEE           Blood Gas Lab

Pulmonary               
                            Pediatric Echocardiography
                                                           Hi FlowOxygen
                                                           CPAP/BiPAP
Services                   Venous Doppler                 Intubation
                           Arterial Duplex/PVR            Overnight Recording PulseOximetry
Smithfield andClayton      Venous Reflux                  Pulmonary FunctionTesting
                           Renal Artery Duplex            Bronchoscopy/EBUS
                           Mesenteric Arterial Doppler    COPD Education for Readmission
                           Aorta Duplex with Iliacs
                                                           Rapid Response/CODE team
                           EEG

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Johnston Health Cardiopulmonary
                                 Rehab is a AACVPR-Certified
Cardiopulmonary                  program that provides services for
                                 those patients with conditions that
Rehab                            affect the heart and/or lungs.

Johnston Medical Mall            Patients attend classes on Monday,
                                 Wednesday and Friday, for 1 hour,
514 N. Bright Leaf Blvd.
                                 up to 36 sessions. The goal is for the
Suite 900
                                 patient to return to their normal
Corner of Bright Leaf Blvd. &
Hospital Road
                                TO PLACEA REFERRAL
                                If your patient has a diagnosis that meets the criteria to attend the program, place an ambulatory
                                referral in EPIC to JH Cardiopulmonary Rehab and we will call the patient to schedule an

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Some of the conditions we treat include:
                                    Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency                     Heart or lung transplant
                                    Angina                                             Heart valve surgery
                                    Angioplasty                                        Interstitial lung disease

Cardiopulmonary                  
                                     Chronic Bronchitis
                                                                                         Pneumonia due to COVID
                                                                                         Pulmonary fibrosis
                                    COPD                                               Restrictive lung disease
Rehab                            
                                                                                         Shortness of breath due to COVID
                                    Heart attack                                       Stent placement and more
Johnston Medical Mall
514 N. Bright Leaf Blvd.         Services we provide in Cardiopulmonary Rehab include exercise, stress management,
Suite 900                        dietary intervention and lifestyle modification
Corner of Bright Leaf Blvd. &    Our care team includes:
Hospital Road                    A Clinical Dietician, Exercise Physiologist, Exercise Specialist, Medical Director,
919-938-7127                     Registered Nurse and Respiratory Therapist

                                TO PLACEA REFERRAL
                                If your patient has a diagnosis that meets the criteria to attend the program, place an ambulatory
                                referral in EPIC to JH Cardiopulmonary Rehab and we will call the patient to schedule an

     4/14/2021                                                                                                                       54
Both Clayton and Smithfield are Chest Pain Center Accreditation from
                            ACC Accreditation Services

                            Goals for the patient presenting with symptoms of acute coronary syndrome
                            (ACS) include:
                            •   12 lead ECG performed and interpretation within 10 minutes of arrival or onset of
Chest Pain                      symptoms

Certification               •
                                Door to troponin result < 60 minutes
                                Door to departure of identified STEMI patient < 30 minutes
Smithfield and Clayton      •   Door to first device activation < 90 minutes
Monday- Friday, 0700-1700
                            Johnston Health has identified transfer for PCI as treatment of choice only when the
Closed major holidays.      Johnston Health Cath Lab is not available. We use Johnston County EMS to transfer our
                            patients to a tertiary facility. Immediate notification by calling 911 is an important step in
                            this process.

                            If you have any questions, call the chest pain department at one of the following numbers:
                            Carolyn at 938-7845, Joe at 919-938-7419 Michelle at 938-7621 or Mitch at 938-7616

   4/14/2021                                                                                                                 55
Both Clayton and Smithfield are in process of applying to be
                         recognized by The Joint Commission as Primary Stroke Centers
                         Johnston Health has partnered with Telespecialists™ Virtual Neurologist to assist with our
                         initial assessment of acute stroke patients with last known well within 24 hours. They are
                         responsible for discussing indications and contraindications with the patient and family
                         member(s) and obtaining verbal consent for alteplase.
                         Telespecialist also available for STAT calls and follow-ups as needed. Robots are kept in the
                         Emergency Department but can be utilized on the nursing units.
Stroke Care              Goals for the patient presenting with symptoms of a stroke include:
Smithfield and Clayton   •   Door to Telespecialist notification ≤ 10 minutes
                         •   Door to CT/MRI ≤ 25 minutes (MRI when CT is down)
                         •   Door to CT/MRI read ≤ 45 minutes
                         •   Door to alteplase ≤ 60 minutes
                         Patients receiving alteplase are admitted to ICU at either Smithfield or Clayton for the first
                         24 hours of their care. If the patient is a candidate for surgical or interventional care due to a
                         large vessel occlusion or post hemorrhagic stroke, they are typically transferred to either
                         UNCMC or REX for care.

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Physician Responsibility during a CODE STROKE on Inpatient Units
                         •   Respond to all Rapid Response Calls – determine whether a Code Stroke should be
                             called after initial evaluation of the patient
                         •   Ask for Code Stroke to be called overhead
                         •   ED MD to respond to all Inpatient Code Strokes to assist with process
                         •   Place Stroke Order Set orders
                         •   Discuss findings and assessment with Telespecialist Neurologist to determine best plan
                             of care for the patient

Stroke Care              •
                             Communicate CT report to Telespecialist Neurologist
                             Write orders for patient to be transferred to a higher acuity bed and/or coordinates
Smithfield and Clayton       transport to Comprehensive Stroke Center for thrombectomy if LVO is suspected; or
                             surgical evaluation for potential intervention if indicated
                         The same goals apply to IP code stroke patients as those that arrive in the ED

                         If you have any questions, call the chest pain department at one of the following numbers:
                         Carolyn at 938-7845, Joe at 919-938-7419 Michelle at 938-7621 or Mitch at 938-7616

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Johnston Health’s Cath and EP labs are state-of-the-art full-service labs
                            that provide both cardiac and vascular diagnostic and interventional
                            services to patients.
                            Cardiac Tests and Procedures
Heart &                      Diagnostic Cardiac Catheterization            Event Monitoring Implants

Vascular Care-
                             Coronary Intervention including STEMI         Pacemaker
                              patients (Acute MI)                           CardioMEMs
                             Cardioversion                                 ICD Implants
Cath Lab                     Transesophageal Echocardiograms               Bi-Ventricular Implants
                             Catheter Ablation                             Intra-Aortic Balloon Pump Placement
Smithfield                   Electrophysiology Study                       Impella VAD placement
Monday-Friday, 7am-5pm       Vascular Tests and Procedures
(excluding holidays)         Endovascular Procedures:
                                 Lower Extremity
                                 Kidney
                                 Carotid and Mesenteric
                             Full array of diagnostic angiography and catheter-based interventions

                         NCHVA Cardiology APPs are onsite 24/7 for cardiology consults and/or questions. You can
                         reach them at 919-810-9164.

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Johnston Health in Smithfield is home to a sleep lab accredited by the
                    Accreditation Commission for Health Care. Adults can take a sleep study,
                    or polysomnogram, to learn more about their condition and start the
                    journey to more satisfying sleep.
                    Services offered:

Sleep Lab                   All Night Polysomnography
                            CPAPTitration
3rd Floor
                            Split Study
Bright Leaf Tower
Smithfield                  Multiple Sleep LatencyTesting
                            Home Sleep Testing

                    TO PLACEA REFERRAL
                    To order for your patient, place a referral in EPIC. Sleep testing is done on
                    outpatients only.

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Johnston Health’s Therapeutic Wound Center includes an
                          experienced team of professionals who’ve been treating wounds
                          longer than anyone else in the Johnston County area. If your patient
                          has a wound that is not showing signs of healing, please contact the
                          Wound Center. Wound care is done on outpatients only.
Wound Care                Wounds treated:
                           Arterial and venous ulcers
                                                             Treatments include:
                                                                Debridement
Johnston Medical Mall      Burns
514 N. Bright Leaf Blvd                                         Hyperbaric oxygen therapy
Smithfield                 Diabetic foot wound                 IV antibiotic therapy
919-938-7716               Injuries
                                                                Negative pressure wound
                           Pressure injury                      therapy
                           Spider bites                        Revascularization
                           Surgical Wounds                     Specialized dressings
                             Wounds with signs of

  4/14/2021                                                                                      60
Over 12,000 Johnston County residents and 9,000 Harnett County residents have no health insurance.
                                The goal of Project Access is to provide the opportunity for every Johnston or Harnett County resident
                                to receive access to health care.
                                What is Project Access?
                                Project Access exists to assist communities across the nation with establishing and sustaining coordinated

                                systems of charity care. There are 17 active Project Access programs in North Carolina, each unique to its
                                own community.

Access                          Project Access of Johnston County/Harnett County is a physician-led volunteer initiative that gives low-
                                income, uninsured county residents access to comprehensive medical care. Through Project Access,
                                physicians and community partners like Johnston Health or Betsy Johnson Hospital, donate medical services
                                without receiving reimbursement or compensation.
Johnston Medical Mall           Project Access is not health insurance. It is however, an innovative, voluntary program designed to help
Suite 1701                      community residents stabilize their health in a time of need when health insurance is not available.
514 N. Bright Leaf Blvd.        Who can participate?
Smithfield                      Low-income, uninsured residents ages 19 up to 65, who are not eligible for Medicaid, Medicare, Worker’s
                                Compensation, VA benefits, or any other type of health insurance plan or coverage.

                           Johnston County Location                               Harnett County Location
                           514 N. Bright Leaf Blvd.                               700 Tilghman Drive, Suite 728
                           Smithfield, NC 27577                                   Dunn, NC 28334
                           Office: 919-550-0011                                   Office: 910-694-0113
                           Fax: 919-989-1206                                      Fax: 910-694-0112

  4/14/2021                                                                                                                                  61
Donna Gibbons
                               Director of Compliance, Risk Management & Internal Audit
                               919-938-7121 |

Compliance &                   Theresa Lasky
                               Compliance/Risk/Audit Analyst
Risk                           919-938-7154 |

Management                     Deborah Smith
                               Department Secretary
5th Floor                      919-938-7551 |
Bright LeafTower
Hours: M-F,8 a.m.- 4:30 p.m.
Click Links Below Review.

                               Johnston Health Compliance
Compliance &                   Handbook

Risk                           Code of Conduct
5th Floor
Bright Leaf Tower
Hours: M-F,8 a.m.- 4:30 p.m.
HIPAA Privacy Officer: Donna Gibbons
                   919-938-7121 |

HIPAA (Health
                  UNC System Confidentiality Agreement
Portability and
Accountability    You can access the UNC System HIPAA Policies by clicking the
                  link below, choose the home tab and enter HIPAA in the search
Act )             bar.

                  Click to launch PolicyStat
HealthQuest Fitness and Wellness Center offers medically based
                              programs to improve not only your fitness, but your overall health.
                              Services &Amenities

HealthQuest                    Discounted membership
                               Facility tours and guest passes are available
                                                                                          Sitter service

Fitness &
                               Cardiovascular machines with personalTVs and             Spacious locker rooms with steam rooms
                                audio jacks                                              Strength training equipment
                               Cycling room                                             Teaching kitchen

Wellness                       Free weights
                               Group fitness studio, which includes chair aerobics
                               Indoor lap pool, whirlpool, and warm-water therapy
                                                                                         We participate in the SilverSneakers, Prime, Silver &
                                                                                          Fit and Renew Active programs

Center                          pool
                               Outdoor basketball court
                               Racquetball courts
Johnston Medical Mall
Suite 1701
                           Hours ofOperation:
514 N. Bright Leaf Blvd.
                           Monday –Thursday 5:30 a.m. – 9:30 p.m.
                           Friday 5:30 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.
                           Saturday 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
                           Sunday 1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

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The Johnston Health Foundation was formed in 1992 as a non-profit organization to raise
                                       awareness and funds for Johnston Health. Contributions to the foundation are used to expand and
                                       supplement services and assistance to patients, and to fund equipment and capital needs. All gifts
Johnston Health                        ultimately enhance thequality of care that Johnston Health delivers to patients and their families.

Foundation                              Program Funds:
                                        Healthy Kids Fund
                                                                                                 Signature Events andCampaigns:
                                                                                                 February All In RedCampaign
Bridging the gap to provide quality     Angel Fund                                               April      Champions 5K/10K
                                        PatientAssistance Fund                                   May        Portofino DerbyClassic
health carecloseto home                                                                          Sept       AnnualGolfClassic
                                        Heart Fund
                                        Hospice Fund                                             Oct        Annual Social
3rd Floor                               General Fund (for where it is needed most)               Nov        GobbleWaddle 5K/10K
Bright Leaf Tower                       Endowments                                               Dec        Tree of LightCeremony
                                       Be a part of the CADUCEUS GIVINGCIRCLE for Johnston Health physicians with
                                       an annual cumulative gift of $500+

                                      Sol Halliburton, Executive Director
                                      919-938-7169 |

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Help your child grow, flourish, and build the foundation for school success.
                          Choose Johnston Health’s Early Learning Center, one of the top-rated child care
                          facilities in the Smithfield area. Children ages 6 weeks to 5 years get a well-
                          rounded education and one-on-one attention that helps them thrive.
                          As a Johnston Health employee, you receive a discounted rate at the Early
                          Learning Center.Your rate will depend on the age of your child/ children.
Early Learning            Program Highlights

Center                     5 Star Center
                           Year Round Instruction
Johnston Medical Mall
                           Developmentally Appropriate Practices
514 N. Bright Leaf Blvd
Smithfield                 Enrichment Programs
919-938-7578               Computer Instruction
                           Spanish Instruction
                           Secure Facility
                           Indoor Activity Area
                           Lunch and Snacks Provided

  4/14/2021                                                                                                 67
Why would I call the helpdesk?
                         Help with Epic@UNC
                         Help with your computer or device
ISD & Help               Help with access
Desk                     Help with Login to Network, EPIC, etc.
Information Systems      Citrix
Department               LMS

                      Need help?Call 984-974-4357.

  4/14/2021                                                        68
Please review the required policies in PolicyStat.Youcan return to this
               link at anytime to lookup a policy.

               1. Click to launch PolicyStat
               2. Then, Enter your U# and password to login and review the

Required       3. After reviewing the above orientation information and reviewing
                  the required policies, click here to submit your name and
Policies and      attestation that you have completed the review of the required
               Welcome to the Johnston Health medical staff and thank you for
               completing your orientation requirements.

               Johnston Health medical staff office

 4/14/2021                                                                               69
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