The Port Kembla Ski Club Pty Ltd Illabunda Lodge COVID-19 Management Plan - Version 2.1 - 30 July 2020

Page created by Bonnie Willis
The Port Kembla Ski Club Pty Ltd Illabunda Lodge COVID-19 Management Plan - Version 2.1 - 30 July 2020
The Port Kembla Ski Club Pty Ltd
        Illabunda Lodge

 COVID-19 Management Plan

      Version 2.1 – 30 July 2020
The Port Kembla Ski Club Pty Ltd Illabunda Lodge COVID-19 Management Plan - Version 2.1 - 30 July 2020

1.   Review schedule ............................................................................................................. 5
2.   Reference Documents..................................................................................................... 5
3.   Aim of the Plan................................................................................................................ 6
4.   Background ..................................................................................................................... 6
        The COVID-19 Pandemic ............................................................................................. 6
        Impact on Club activities ............................................................................................. 7
5.   COVID-19 - Current Committee decisions ...................................................................... 7
        Lodge closure .............................................................................................................. 7
        Booking Applications ................................................................................................... 8
        Club events .................................................................................................................. 8
        Financial considerations .............................................................................................. 8
        Lodge re-opening ........................................................................................................ 8
6.   Caretaker Mode .............................................................................................................. 9
        Visitors to the Lodge in Caretaker Mode .................................................................... 9
7.   Re-opening of Illabunda ................................................................................................ 10
        Booking conditions .................................................................................................... 10
        Arrivals/Departures ................................................................................................... 13
        Visitors ....................................................................................................................... 13
        Lodge Operations ...................................................................................................... 15
8.   Preventing a COVID-19 Incident ................................................................................... 15
        Bathrooms (Main) ..................................................................................................... 16
        Bedrooms .................................................................................................................. 17
        Corridors .................................................................................................................... 19
        Dining Room .............................................................................................................. 20
        Drying room............................................................................................................... 22
        Kitchen (and Pantry).................................................................................................. 23
        Landings and staircases ............................................................................................. 24
        Laundry ...................................................................................................................... 24
        Lounge Room ............................................................................................................ 26

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The Port Kembla Ski Club Pty Ltd Illabunda Lodge COVID-19 Management Plan - Version 2.1 - 30 July 2020
Rumpus Room ........................................................................................................... 27
            Services Room ........................................................................................................... 27
            Spa/Sauna Area ......................................................................................................... 28
            Ski Workshop............................................................................................................. 29
            Summer Entry............................................................................................................ 30
            Void ........................................................................................................................... 30
            Winter Entry .............................................................................................................. 31
            Workshop .................................................................................................................. 31
            Wood Room .............................................................................................................. 32
            Illabunda .................................................................................................................... 33
            Changeovers .............................................................................................................. 34
            Meals ......................................................................................................................... 34
9.    Responding to a COVID-19 incident involving people at Illabunda or people who have
recently been at Illabunda ....................................................................................................... 35
            Emergency Kit............................................................................................................ 36
            Documents: ............................................................................................................... 36
            Stock and Equipment: ............................................................................................... 36
        A person (other than the managers/caretakers) at Illabunda develops and reports
   COVID-19 symptoms (Scenario 1) ........................................................................................ 36
            A manager/caretaker develops and reports COVID-19 symptoms (Scenario 2) ...... 38
          A person who has been at Illabunda during the previous two weeks reports
   exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19 and/or being positive COVID-19 (Scenario 3)............... 39
10. Recovering from a COVID-19 incident involving people at Illabunda or people who
have recently been at Illabunda. ............................................................................................. 40
11.      Training ......................................................................................................................... 40
            Board/Committee Members ..................................................................................... 40
            Lodge Managers/Caretakers ..................................................................................... 41
12.      Possible future amendments ........................................................................................ 41
13.      Communications ........................................................................................................... 41
14.      Attachment A – Hygiene and Cleaning Guidelines ....................................................... 42
   Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) .................................................................................. 42
   Cleaning procedures............................................................................................................. 43
15.      Attachment B – Incident Response Plan ....................................................................... 44

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The Port Kembla Ski Club Pty Ltd Illabunda Lodge COVID-19 Management Plan - Version 2.1 - 30 July 2020
a)         Scenarios ....................................................................................................................... 44
b)         Response ....................................................................................................................... 44
     i.    A person at Illabunda develops and reports COVID-19 symptoms (Scenario 1) .......... 44
     ii.   A manager/caretaker develops and reports COVID-19 symptoms (Scenario 2) .......... 45
     iii.   A person who has been at Illabunda during the previous two weeks reports
     exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19 and/or being positive COVID-19 (Scenario 3)............... 47
c)         Evacuation Procedures ................................................................................................. 48
d)         Roles and Responsibilities ............................................................................................. 48
16.        Attachment C – Incident Recovery Plan ....................................................................... 50
17.        Attachment D – Release of Liability and Waiver of Rights ........................................... 51
18.        Attachment E – Visitor Declaration .............................................................................. 52
19.        Attachment F – Key Contact List ................................................................................... 53
20.        Attachment G – Event Log ............................................................................................ 54
21.        Attachment H – Daily Morning Temperature and Symptom Record Log .................... 55
22.        Attachment I – Lodge Captain COVID Safe Briefing ...................................................... 56
23. Attachment J – WHO Operational Considerations for COVID-19 Management in the
Accommodation Sector ........................................................................................................... 58

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The Port Kembla Ski Club Pty Ltd Illabunda Lodge COVID-19 Management Plan - Version 2.1 - 30 July 2020
1.      Review schedule

     Review     Version      Author/Co-ordinator                      Comments

 17/05/2020 V1.1           Ben Salon                  Initial Draft
 01/06/2020 V1.2           Bob McCulloch              Revised initial Draft
 08/06/2020 V1.3           Ben Salon                  Post review and comment by Emma
                                                      Clark and Clay Podger
 25/06/2020 V1.4           Ben Salon                  Pre-operational updates
 28/06/2020 V1.5           Ben Salon                  Post pre-operational review and
                                                      comment by Emma Clark and Clay
 29/06/2020 V1.6           Ben Salon                  Post review by Bob McCulloch and
                                                      Simon Smart
 30/06/2020 V1.7           Ben Salon                  Post final pre-operational review by
                                                      Emma Clark, Bob McCulloch, Simon
                                                      Smart and Rory Taylor
 01/07/2020 V1.8           Ben Salon                  Post pre-operational review by the
 02/07/2020 V1.9           Ben Salon                  Following Public Health (COVID-19
                                                      Restrictions on Gathering and
                                                      Movement) Order (No 4) 2020
                                                      coming into force
 03/07/2020 V1.10          Ben Salon                  Update to declaration on hotspots
 30/07/2020 V2.1           Ben Salon                  Update with        post    operational

2.      Reference Documents
        The information and documents used in the preparation of this plan include the
        a) COVID-19 Workplace Checklist, prepared by WorkSafe Australia, 6 April 2020.
        b) How to clean and disinfect your workplace, prepared by Worksafe Australia,
           dated 30 April 2020.
        c) Operational considerations for COVID-19 management in the accommodation
           sector – interim guidance, prepared by the World Health Organisation, 30 April

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The Port Kembla Ski Club Pty Ltd Illabunda Lodge COVID-19 Management Plan - Version 2.1 - 30 July 2020
d) COVID-19 Safety Plan for Caravan Parks and Campgrounds, prepared by the NSW
          Government, dated 30 May 2020.
       e) COVID-19 Safety Plan for Restaurants and cafes, prepared by the NSW
          Government, dated 2 June 2020.
       f) Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) CDNA National Guidelines for Public Health
          Units, version 3.1, dated 4 June 2020.
       g) COVID-19: Updated advice on testing, 14 June 2020.

3.     Aim of the Plan
To allow operation of The Port Kembla Ski Club Pty Ltd (Club) Illabunda Lodge (Illabunda) to
the maximum extent allowable by government regulations and community expectations
during the declared human biosecurity emergency arising from the COVID-19 pandemic and
afterwards as necessary.
Policies and decisions about club activities and lodge availability will be balanced against the
need for the safety of members, guests, visitors and staff. The health and wellbeing of all
our members, guests, visitors and staff is paramount and, as such, they are all required to
comply with all relevant directions and conditions in this Plan. The Plan will also seek to
protect the financial viability of the Club.
This Plan has been developed as a living document and will be amended as conditions and
regulations change.

4.     Background
       The COVID-19 Pandemic
COVID-19 is a disease caused by a new strain of coronavirus. ‘CO’ stands for corona, ‘VI’ for
virus, and ‘D’ for disease. Formerly, this disease was referred to as ‘2019 novel coronavirus’
or ‘2019-nCoV.’ The COVID-19 virus is a new virus linked to the same family of viruses as
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) and some types of common cold.
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused significant disruption to all normal activities within
Australia and around the world.
COVID-19 is a potentially fatal condition and is also highly contagious. A number of cases of
individuals with COVID-19 have been confirmed in NSW, as well as other Australian
jurisdictions, including by means of community transmission.
During the course of the Human Biosecurity Emergency arising from the COVID-19
pandemic the Federal and NSW governments have made legally enforceable measures to
mitigate the risk arising from COVID-19.
For example, on 31 March 2020, the NSW government issued the Public Health (COVID-19
Restrictions on Gathering and Movement) Order 2020. That Order was subsequently
amended on 4 April 2020, 1 May 2020 and 9 May 2020. On 15 May 2020, the Public Health
(COVID-19 Restrictions on Gathering and Movement) Order (No 2) 2020 came into force.

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The Port Kembla Ski Club Pty Ltd Illabunda Lodge COVID-19 Management Plan - Version 2.1 - 30 July 2020
This was replaced by the Public Health (COVID-19 Restrictions on Gathering and Movement)
Order (No 3) 2020 on 29 May 2020 which was amended on 12 June 2020. On 1 July 2020 the
Public Health (COVID-19 Restrictions on Gathering and Movement) Order (No 4) 2020 came
into force and this Order may be amended and is in force until 29 September 2020 unless it
is revoked earlier.
These orders detail legally enforceable directions and restrictions on gatherings and
movement. A plain English interpretation on what the Order allows can be found here (
It is an offence not to comply with such directions under the orders which can result in fines
of up to $11,000, imprisonment for up to six months, or both and additional penalties for
each day an offence continues.
The Board has and will be following the recommendations and directions of the
Commonwealth Government, NSW State Government and respective Government
Departments i.e. Dept of Health, NSW National Parks Service, etc.
Within the Kosciuszko National Park (KNP) each lessee and licensee is obligated under the
NSW Public Health Orders to ensure that aspects of the COVID-19 restrictions are adhered
to on its premises.
The Board will also be monitoring Perisher’s plans and decisions on opening the ski resort in
2020 although it is acknowledged that the operation of the resort is not necessarily
determinative of member’s interests on coming to Illabunda.
While this Plan’s focus is on COVID-19, it is also relevant to other infectious diseases,
pandemics or other emergency situations.

       Impact on Club activities
The Governmental regulations and restrictions and pragmatic requirements the result of the
Human Biosecurity Emergency arising from the COVID-19 pandemic have and will have a
significant impact on the Club’s activities, particularly the availability of our Perisher lodge
(‘Illabunda’) for use. This will have a financial impact on the Club.

5.     COVID-19 - Current Committee decisions
       Lodge closure
Based on the current and expected NSW Government regulations, the Board decided in
April 2020 that Illabunda would not open for winter operations as usual on the NSW June
Long Weekend in 2020. The decision was also taken to close Illabunda for use over the
remaining part of the 2019-2020 summer season.
To ensure the lodge was protected during the winter from a reasonable risk of damage
including from frozen pipes, snow damage, fire and internal flood etc., the Board decided to
engage a caretaker. The live-in caretaker undertakes a number of tasks including clearing
balconies and entrances from snow, checking waterflow and other vulnerable systems,
general upkeep and maintenance to effectively ensure that no damage occurs to the lodge
through the winter season. It is expected the caretaker will be in the lodge from the NSW

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June Long Weekend through to any lodge opening or the NSW October long weekend,
whichever comes first (‘Caretaker Mode’). Emma Clark and Clay Podger took up the role of
Caretaker / Alternate Caretaker.
While in Caretaker Mode, no access is allowed by members, guests or the public into
Illabunda except with the express prior approval of the Board.

       Booking Applications
The Club is accepting booking applications for winter 2020.
Booking applications will be assessed and allocated in accordance with the usual priority
rules and to accommodate capacity restrictions.

       Club events
The Board has cancelled face to face Club activities and race events until further notice.
Events such as the Brian Donegan Memorial Interclub Races have also been cancelled for
season 2020.

       Financial considerations
The Club enters the 2020 year in a strong financial situation. We have sufficient cash
reserves to sustain the Club through 2020. The Club Treasurer has modelled various
scenarios including a worst-case budget projection. The Board will be looking to sustain the
Club’s financial position, both by reducing expenses, and by investigating options for
additional financial support through government relief packages, a per bed/night $10 levy
and/or a member levy.
The possible loss of all the 2020 Winter income, which normally accounts for about 82% of
our annual total income, will need to be mitigated.
As at June 2020, there have been some 50 booking requests made with a further 40 drawn
up but not yet submitted. These booking requests have been not been processed and are
being held to inform any future consideration on opening.
The Board has put on hold all discretionary expenditure. Every effort will be made to
minimise expenditure to protect the Club’s present cash savings. There are several fixed
expenses such as: service contract fees, electricity, insurance, rates, etc that will need to be
paid. Whether there will be any possible government relief packages that could be used, will
be investigated, monitored and pursued. NPWS is considering rent relief but have yet to
advise officially. SLOPES is in negotiations with NPWS on this matter.

       Lodge re-opening
The Board continued to monitor the conditions and circumstances related to the Human
Biosecurity Emergency arising from the COVID-19 pandemic and the information being
released on operations of Perisher Resort.
On 15 June 2020, the board was of the view that Illabunda could re-open as it was
permitted and possible under the relevant Government regulations and restrictions, could
be made safe and was economic and manageable to do so. Accordingly, on 15 June 2020 the

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Board resolved to open Illabunda under this COVID-19 Safe Operations Plan with a reduced
capacity of 10.
It is anticipated that some of the restrictions presently in place may continue into the
foreseeable future, ie. social distancing, restrictions on group numbers, personal hygiene
routines, etc. For this reason members and guests will be required to comply with all
relevant government regulations and restrictions in place at the time along with any
additional booking conditions and requirements for staying at Illabunda.
Conditions and circumstances related to the Human Biosecurity Emergency arising from the
COVID-19 pandemic and the operations of Perisher Resort will be closely monitored and
considered and if possible, the Board will relax the restrictions on the operations of
Illabunda when that is permitted, economic, safe and manageable to do so.
The Committee will review these decisions, as necessary.

6.      Caretaker Mode
        Visitors to the Lodge in Caretaker Mode
No visitors are allowed at Illabunda while it is closed and/or in Caretaker Mode without
prior express written authorisation given by the Club President or other person authorised
by the Club such as the booking officer or a Lodge Manager/Caretaker.
A person may be authorised to visit Illabunda while it is closed and/or in Caretaker Mode for
purposes such as undertaking necessary maintenance of Illabunda, for reviewing and
considering the operations of the Lodge, or to collect personal equipment or belongings
being stored at Illabunda.
A person who wishes to visit Illabunda while it is closed and/or in Caretaker Mode must:
     a) Seek advance prior approval from the Club President or Booking Officer for the visit
        and not present at Illabunda until that approval has been received;
     b) Sign the Club’s release of liability and waiver of rights found at Attachment D;
     c) Declare in writing in the form at Attachment E that:
           i. If they have contracted COVID-19 in the past that they have completed the
               required quarantine period and have medical certification that they have
               returned a negative COVID test since;
          ii. They are not unwell or have any symptoms of a respiratory illness, including
               COVID-19 symptoms such as fever, coughing, a sore throat and unexplained
               shortness of breath;
         iii. They have not knowingly been in close contact with a confirmed COVID-19
               case in the two (2) weeks prior to the visit;
         iv. They have not returned from overseas in the last two (2) weeks;
          v. They have not knowingly been in close contact with someone who has
               returned from overseas in the last two (2) weeks;
         vi. Agree to notify the Club President or Booking Officer if they subsequently
               exhibit COVID-19 symptoms within two weeks of the last day they were at
               Illabunda and to get tested for COVID-19 in the shortest possible timeframe

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and notify the Club President or Booking Officer of the result of that test
               upon receipt of the result; and
     d) Where the visitor is an external tradesperson or the like entering for the purposes of
        undertaking necessary maintenance, provide the Club with a copy of their COVID-19
        Safe Operations Plan in advance of the visit.
For the purposes of the above, ‘close contact’ has been defined by the Government as:
     •   face-to-face contact in any setting with a confirmed or probable case, for greater
         than 15 minutes cumulative over the course of a week, in the period extending from
         48 hours before onset of symptoms in the confirmed or probable case, or
     •   sharing of a closed space with a confirmed or probable case for a prolonged period
         (e.g. more than 2 hours) in the period extending from 48 hours before onset of
         symptoms in the confirmed or probable case.1
The Club and Managers/Caretakers are to be advised on the proposed day, time and
duration of the visit so that COVID-19 safety arrangements may be made in advance for the
The names and contact details of any visitor to Illabunda while closed and/or in Caretaker
Mode must be recorded in a register kept by the Club. This register may be needed for
notification purposes in the event of a confirmed or suspected positive COVID-19 case that
involves or may involve the person/s who visited Illabunda.
If unannounced visitors wish to enter or do enter Illabunda, then a Lodge
Manager/Caretaker, upon becoming aware, must notify the Club President or other person
authorised by the Club such as the booking officer notifying the same of the unannounced
visitation and where possible, the name of the visitor/s, and their times of arrival and
departure so these can be entered into the register of visitations being kept by the Club and
any other COVID-19 safety arrangements and actions can be taken as a result of the visit.

7.       Re-opening of Illabunda
As detailed above, the Board has resolved to re-open Illabunda under this COVID-19 Safe
Operations Plan, initially with a reduced capacity of 10 made up three groups of people who
are in frequent physical contact with each other.

         Booking conditions
Based on the current government regulations and advice, the following booking conditions

     a) People staying or visiting Illabunda are expected to take responsibility for assessing
        their own risk of acquiring COVID-19 and decide whether it is appropriate, given
        their own personal circumstances, that they visit Illabunda. The Club notes

 Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) CDNA National Guidelines for Public Health Units, version 3.1, dated 4
June 2020.

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Australian Government Health advice that "Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
   people 50 years and older with one or more chronic medical conditions, people 65
   years and older with chronic medical conditions, people 70 years and older, people
   with compromised immune systems are, or are more likely to be, at higher risk of
   serious illness if they get the virus ." (See
   coronavirus-covid-19#who-is-most-at-risk )
b) A person cannot stay at or visit Illabunda unless they have signed the Club’s release
   of liability and waiver or rights (Attachment D) for any and all COVID-19 related
   costs, including but not limited to healthcare related costs and loss of income, that a
   member and guest may incur as a result of staying at Illabunda. Members and guests
   should ensure that they have appropriate insurances in place to cover any such
   costs, including but not limited to private health insurance that covers COVID-19
   treatment and travel insurance;
c) A person cannot stay at or visit Illabunda unless they have declared in writing in the
   form at Attachment E within the 24hours prior to arrival at Illabunda and provided
   the same to the Booking Officer by email that:
      i. If they have contracted COVID-19 in the past that they have completed the
          required quarantine period and have medical certification that they have
          returned a negative COVID test since;
     ii. They are not unwell or have any symptoms of a respiratory illness, including
          COVID-19 symptoms such as fever, coughing, a sore throat and unexplained
          shortness of breath;
    iii. They have not knowingly been in close contact with a confirmed COVID-19
          case in the two (2) weeks prior to the visit;
    iv. They have not returned from overseas in the last two (2) weeks;
     v. They have not knowingly been in close contact with someone who has
          returned from overseas in the last two (2) weeks;
    vi. Agree to notify the Club President or Booking Officer if they subsequently
          exhibit COVID-19 symptoms within two weeks of the last day they were at
          Illabunda and to get tested for COVID-19 in the shortest possible timeframe
          and notify the Club President or Booking Officer of the result of that test
          upon receipt of the result.
d) A member or guest may not stay or visit Illabunda if they have contracted COVID-19
   and have not completed the required quarantine period and medically certified as
   being able to safely visit Illabunda.
e) If a member or guest has COVID-19 or is unwell with any symptoms of a respiratory
   illness, including COVID-19 symptoms such as fever, coughing, a sore throat and
   shortness of breath, or have been in close contact with a confirmed COVID-19 case in
   the two (2) weeks prior to their booking they will not be able to stay or visit the
   lodge and their booking must be cancelled.
   If you are able to provide a medical certificate specifically covering the period of your
   confirmed booking that details you have COVID-19 or symptoms of a respiratory
   illness, including COVID-19 symptoms or a statutory declaration that you have

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knowingly been in close contact with a confirmed COVID-19 case then a full refund
   for your cancelled booking will be provided. In all other circumstances the usual
   cancellation policy applies.
f) People staying at or visiting Illabunda will be required to comply with all applicable
   COVID-19 governmental regulations or restrictions or advice, including but not
   limited to, social distance requirements (presently 1.5m and/or 1 person per 4m 2),
   gathering number restrictions, hand and sneeze/cough hygiene requirements and
   cleaning and disinfecting requirements.
g) People staying at or visiting Illabunda are required to comply with any lawful
   direction given by the Club on practices, processes or safeguards to be taken while in
   or at Illabunda including but not limited to:
      i.   Hygiene and cleaning guidelines are provided at Attachment A;
     ii.   The member or guest must use their assigned bedroom and cannot use any
           other bedroom without the express written approval of the Booking Officer.
h) All members and guests are required to obey any Club directions during any COVID-
   19 incidents. This may include compulsory short-term self-isolation at Illabunda
   during a possible COVID-19 incident.
i) Members and guests may not use a lodge to self-quarantine for COVID-19 or other
   medical conditions such as seasonal flu or any other infectious disease on their own
   volition at any time. This will only be permissible under Committee direction during a
   COVID-19 incident.
j) Members and guests will be required to comply with Board or Health authority
   directions, especially a direction to stay within or leave the lodge.
k) All bookings must include details of all members and guests staying at a lodge. No
   last-minute booking arrivals are allowed unless approved by the Club President or
   other person authorised by the Club such as the Booking Officer.
l) The member under who the booking is made is responsible for ensuring that this
   Plan is followed by them and their guests. Any bookings made for guests who will
   not be accompanied by the member during their stay at Illabunda must be
   specifically approved by the by the Club President or other person authorised by the
   Club such as the booking officer to assign responsibility to a person who will ensure
   that this Plan is followed by the people the subject of the booking who will be
   staying at Illabunda.
m) People who are not in frequent physical contact with each other will not be
   permitted to share a room.
n) The kitchen is strictly off limits to Members and guests staying at Illabunda. The
   dining, lounge, rumpus, bathroom and other common areas will be subject to strict
   usage controls which must be followed.
o) It is a condition of entry to Illabunda for any person that they must notify the Club
   President or Booking Officer if they subsequently exhibit COVID-19 symptoms within
   two weeks of the last day they were at Illabunda and to get tested for COVID in the

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shortest possible timeframe and notify the Club President or Booking Officer of the
        result of that test upon receipt of the result.
   p) The Club’s on-line booking system will be modified so that acceptance of all
      additional booking conditions will be required before the final processing of a

Strict Arrival and Departure times will be required to minimise transmission between
incoming and outgoing guests. This will also allow Illabunda to be cleaned appropriately
between departures and arrivals.
The following departure and arrival rules must be followed:
   •    Incoming guests are not to enter Illabunda at all before 3.30pm on the day of their
        arrival. It is important to adhere to this entry time to allow for the proper cleaning of
        the Lodge between booking periods.
   •    All outgoing guests must vacate their rooms by 10am on the day of their departure
        and move all their luggage and belongings to the ski workshop for re-collection prior
        to 12.30pm - 1pm if they are recreating outdoors prior to departure from Perisher.
   •    Outgoing guests are not permitted to remain in lodge past 10am; they are to either
        end their stay and depart the lodge or leave the lodge to recreate outdoors.
   •    Use of toilets by outgoing guests is strongly discouraged after 10am with the only
        the spa/sauna toilet available for emergency use. The main bathroom facilities are
        not to be used by outgoing guests at any time after 10am.
   •    There will be no lunch provided on day of arrival or departure.
   •    Outgoing members may return equipment and clothing to the void prior to 12.30pm
        - 1pm but must not loiter in, or make use of, any part of the lodge past the drying
        room except to return equipment and clothing to the void.
   •    No outgoing guests can be in any part of the Lodge after 1pm; outgoing guests must
        have ended their stay and departed the Lodge by 12.30pm and 1pm at the latest. It
        is important to adhere to this departure time to allow for the proper cleaning of the
        Lodge between booking periods.
   •    Lodge captain (or other available member or guest) is to provide COVID-19
        procedure briefing as set out in briefing outline at Attachment J in addition to
        normal briefing. COVID-19 briefing outline to be sent to Lodge Captain in advance of
   •    All incoming members and guests are to be emailed these changeover requirements
        ahead of stay.

No visitors are allowed at a re-opened Illabunda during winter 2020 without prior express
written authorisation given by the Club President or other person authorised by the Club
such as the booking officer or a Lodge Manager/Caretaker.

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A person may be authorised to visit a re-opened Illabunda for purposes such as undertaking
necessary maintenance of the Illabunda, for reviewing and considering the operations of the
Lodge, or to collect personal equipment or belongings being stored at Illabunda (if not
staying at Illabunda immediately before or after the visit).
A person who wishes to visit Illabunda when they are not currently staying at the lodge
    a) Seek advance prior approval from the Club President or Booking Officer for the visit
       and not present at Illabunda until that approval has been received;
    b) Sign the Club’s release of liability and waiver of rights found at Attachment D;
    c) Declare in writing in the form at Attachment E that:
          i. If they have contracted COVID-19 in the past that they have completed the
              required quarantine period and have medical certification that they have
              returned a negative COVID test since;
         ii. They are not unwell or have any symptoms of a respiratory illness, including
              COVID-19 symptoms such as fever, coughing, a sore throat and unexplained
              shortness of breath;
        iii. They have not knowingly been in close contact with a confirmed COVID-19
              case in the two (2) weeks prior to the visit;
        iv. They have not returned from overseas in the last two (2) weeks;
         v. They have not knowingly been in close contact with someone who has
              returned from overseas in the last two (2) weeks;
        vi. Agree to notify the Club President or Booking Officer if they subsequently
              exhibit COVID-19 symptoms within two weeks of the last day they were at
              Illabunda and to get tested for COVID-19 in the shortest possible timeframe
              and notify the Club President or Booking Officer of the result of that test
              upon receipt of the result; and
    d) Where the visitor is an external tradesperson or the like, provide the Club with a
       copy of their COVID-19 Safe Operations Plan in advance of the visit.
For the purposes of the above, ‘close contact’ is currently defined by the Government as:
    •   face-to-face contact in any setting with a confirmed or probable case, for greater
        than 15 minutes cumulative over the course of a week, in the period extending from
        48 hours before onset of symptoms in the confirmed or probable case, or
    •   sharing of a closed space with a confirmed or probable case for a prolonged period
        (e.g. more than 2 hours) in the period extending from 48 hours before onset of
        symptoms in the confirmed or probable case.2
The Club and Managers/Caretakers are to be advised on the proposed day, time and
duration of the visit so that COVID-19 safety arrangements may be made in advance for the

 Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) CDNA National Guidelines for Public Health Units, version 3.1, dated 4
June 2020.

                                                                                            Page 14 of 65
The names and contact details of any visitor to Illabunda must be recorded in a register kept
by the Club. This register may be needed for notification purposes in the event of a
confirmed or suspected positive COVID-19 case that involves or may involve the person/s
who visited Illabunda.
If unannounced visitors wish to enter or do enter Illabunda, then a Lodge
Manager/Caretaker, upon becoming aware, must notify the Club President or other person
authorised by the Club such as the booking officer notifying the same of the unannounced
visitation and where possible, the name of the visitor/s, and their times of arrival and
departure so these can be entered into the register of visitations being kept by the Club and
any other COVID-19 safety arrangements and actions can be taken as a result of the visit.

         Lodge Operations
Modifications to the usual winter operations of Illabunda are required and this will include
having protocols in place for:
     a) Preventing COVID-19 transmission at Illabunda;
     b) Responding to a COVID-19 incident involving a people at Illabunda or people who
        have recently been at Illabunda;
     c) Recovering from a COVID-19 incident involving a people at Illabunda or people who
        have recently been at Illabunda.
Protocols, procedures, practices and actions for each of these phases will be detailed below.

8.       Preventing a COVID-19 Incident
COVID-19 is transmitted through direct contact with respiratory droplets of an infected
person (generated through coughing and sneezing). Individuals can also be infected from
and touching surfaces contaminated with the virus and touching their face (e.g., eyes, nose,
mouth). The COVID-19 virus may survive on surfaces for several hours, but simple
disinfectants can kill it.
Good hygiene (both personal hygiene and built environment hygiene) together with social
distancing are key mechanisms for preventing any transmission of COVID-19 at a re-opened
Hazards, risks and preventative measures for each indoor and outdoor space at Illabunda as
a whole and will be analysed and assessed below. The scales used in this analysis are as
     • Likelihood of transmission has been assessed on a scale of:
       o Certain to occur—expected to occur in most circumstances.
       o Very likely—will probably occur in most circumstances.
       o Possible—might occur.
       o Unlikely—could happen at some time.
       o Rare—may happen only in exceptional circumstances.
     • Risk has been assessed on a scale of:
       o High.

                                                                                Page 15 of 65
o     Medium.
       o     Low.

       Bathrooms (Main)
This section applies to the two main bathrooms.

No.   Hazard                  Likelihood of       Level of Risk          Proposed Controls

1     Transmission due to     Possible – due to   High – due to          • Follow applicable
      size of room.           time spent in       activities               government
                              bathroom room       undertaken in room       requirements
      Size of room = 16m2
                                                  and proximity with       and
                                                  others                   recommendation
                                                  It is noted that the
                                                  NSW Health COVID-      • Assign bathroom
                                                  19 Safe Plan for         to a single
                                                                           booking group of
                                                  Caravan Parks and
                                                  Camping Grounds          people who are
                                                  (which usually have      in frequent
                                                  shared bathrooms)        physical contact
                                                  makes no special         with each other.
                                                  provisions to          • Sign door
                                                  eliminate the            accordingly.
                                                  sharing of             • Detail
                                                  bathrooms.               assignment on
                                                                           room allocation

2.    Shared basin, toilet    Very Likely - due   High – due to          • Follow applicable
      and shower facilities   to activities       activities               government
                              undertaken in       undertaken in room       requirements
                              room                                         and
                                                  It is noted that the
                                                  NSW Health COVID-
                                                  19 Safe Plan for
                                                  Caravan Parks and      • Assign bathroom
                                                                           to a single
                                                  Camping Grounds
                                                  (which usually have      booking group of
                                                  shared bathrooms)        people who are
                                                  makes no special         in frequent
                                                  provisions to            physical contact
                                                  eliminate the            with each other.
                                                  sharing of             • Sign door
                                                  bathrooms.               accordingly
                                                                         • Bathrooms
                                                                           closed and
                                                                           cleaned in full
                                                                           once per day.

3.    Transmission via        Very Likely - due   High – due to          • Follow applicable
      surfaces                to activities       activities               government
                              undertaken in       undertaken in room       requirements

                                                                                          Page 16 of 65
room                It is noted that the       recommendation
                                                    NSW Health COVID-          s.
                                                    19 Safe Plan for       •   Hand sanitiser for
                                                    Caravan Parks and          use by every
                                                    Camping Grounds            person upon
                                                    (which usually have        entry to
                                                    shared bathrooms)          bathroom and
                                                    makes no special           sign accordingly.
                                                    provisions to          •   Hand washing
                                                    eliminate the              prior to exit of
                                                    sharing of                 bathroom and
                                                    bathrooms.                 sign accordingly.
                                                                           •   Bathrooms
                                                                               closed and
                                                                               surfaces such has
                                                                               benches, taps
                                                                               and handles
                                                                               cleaned twice per
                                                                           •   Bathrooms to be
                                                                               well stocked with
                                                                               soap, hand
                                                                               sanitiser and
                                                                               paper towels.


No.   Hazard                    Likelihood of             Level of Risk    Proposed Controls

1.    Transmission due to       Certain – proximity of    High –           • Follow applicable
      size of room.             contact and duration of   proximity of       government
                                contact                   contact and        requirements
      Rooms are of varying
                                                          duration of        and
      sizes from 11m2 to
                                                          contact.           recommendation
                                                                           • Limit number of
                                                                             people in
                                                                             bedroom to one
                                                                             person or usual
                                                                             capacity of room
                                                                             for people who
                                                                             are in frequent
                                                                             physical contact
                                                                             with each other.
                                                                           • Sign on only

2.    Transmission via linen,   Certain – proximity of    High –           • Follow
                                contact and duration of   proximity of

                                                                                               Page 17 of 65
quilts, blankets      contact and private       contact and          applicable
                           nature of room            duration of          government
                                                     contact              requirements
                                                                      •   Each bed should
                                                                          be assigned one
                                                                          set of linens, one
                                                                          pillow (with
                                                                          protector), one
                                                                          quilt for
                                                                          incoming guests.
                                                                      •   Remove all other
                                                                          blankets and
                                                                          pillows from
                                                                      •   Blankets can be
                                                                          provided on
                                                                          request by the
                                                                      •   Wash all linen
                                                                          mattress, pillow
                                                                          protector, quilt
                                                                          cover and any
                                                                          blanket supplied)
                                                                      •   Advise guests
                                                                          they can bring
                                                                          their own large
                                                                          single doona
                                                                          cover and large
                                                                          pillow slip if they
                                                                          wish to take an
                                                                          extra precaution.

3.   Transmission to       Very likely – proximity   High –           • Follow
     incoming guests via   of contact and duration   proximity of       applicable
     surfaces              of contact and private    contact and        government
                           nature of room            duration of        requirements
                                                     contact and        and
                                                     private nature     recommendation
                                                     of room            s.
                                                                      • Wipes to be
                                                                        available in each
                                                                        room for
                                                                        cleaning of hard
                                                                        surfaces, handles
                                                                        and fixtures.
                                                                      • Rooms to be
                                                                        alternated so as
                                                                        to allow at least
                                                                        48hrs between
                                                                        uses of any

                                                                                           Page 18 of 65
bedroom. Sign
                                                                             resting rooms
                                                                             with ‘do not
                                                                          • Rooms to be
                                                                            cleaned before
                                                                            incoming guests
                                                                            can enter the

4.    General Transmission     Possible – due to          Medium –        • Follow
      by touch and surfaces    personal nature of         due to            applicable
                               items kept and used in     personal          government
                               bedroom                    nature of         requirements
                                                          items kept        and
                                                          and used in       recommendation
                                                          room              s.
                                                                          • Each room to be
                                                                            equipped with
                                                                            hand sanitiser
                                                                            for use upon
                                                                            each entry to the
                                                                            bedroom and
                                                                            prior to each
                                                                            departure from
                                                                            the bedroom.
                                                                          • Sign accordingly
                                                                          • Levels of hand
                                                                            sanitiser to be
                                                                            checked at each
                                                                            changeover to
                                                                            ensure adequate
                                                                            supply for
                                                                            duration of next

Members and guests will need to strictly use only their assigned bedroom/s. Nobody will be
allowed to use a vacant room. Vacant rooms may be undergoing a self-sterilisation period
plus the room and may also be required for use in the event of a COVID-19 incident.


No.   Hazard                   Likelihood of              Level of Risk   Proposed Controls

1.    Transmission due to      Unlikely – due to casual   Medium –        • Follow applicable
      size of corridor.        contact                    due to            government
                                                          proximity of      requirements and
      Corridors are of
                                                          contact           recommendations
      varying widths
      however two people
      can pass in a corridor                                              • Restrict use of

                                                                                              Page 19 of 65
without touching if                                                  corridor for access
      careful                                                              only – ie – no
                                                                           loitering in
                                                                         • sign accordingly
                                                                           for social

2.    Transmission from         Possible – due to face   Medium          • Follow applicable
      surfaces, door handles,   to hand touching                           government
      banisters and the like                                               requirements
                                                                         • Surfaces such as
                                                                           door handles,
                                                                           banisters and the
                                                                           like to be cleaned
                                                                           three times daily.

       Dining Room

No.   Hazard                    Likelihood of            Level of Risk   Proposed Controls

1.    Transmission due to       Certain – due size of    High – due to   • Follow applicable
      size of room.             room and time spent in   size of room      government
                                room                     and time          requirements and
      Room is 40m2
                                                         spent in room     recommendations.
                                                                         • Limit number of
                                                                           people in dining
                                                                           room to
                                                                           = Room area/4=10
                                                                         • Sign accordingly
                                                                           on room capacity
                                                                           and 4m2
                                                                         • Arrange tables
                                                                           and seating to
                                                                           provide >1.5m
                                                                           between groups
                                                                           when seated.
                                                                         • Sign accordingly
                                                                           on social

                                                                                            Page 20 of 65
• Designate specific
                                                                   table to each
                                                                   room or booking
                                                                   group or group of
                                                                   people in frequent
                                                                   physical contact
                                                                   with each other

2.   Transmission via   Very likely due to       High – due to   • Follow applicable
     surfaces           activities undertaken    activities        government
                        and time spent in room   undertaken        requirements and
                                                 and time          recommendations.
                                                 spent in room   • Hand sanitiser to
                                                                   be used upon
                                                                   entry to dining
                                                                   room and signed
                                                                 • Provide
                                                                 • Regularly check
                                                                   levels of hand
                                                                   sanitiser and
                                                                   replenish when
                                                                 • Cutlery to be
                                                                   relocated into
                                                                 • Dinner plates and
                                                                   bowls only to be
                                                                   accessible from
                                                                 • Limited glasses,
                                                                   mugs and plates
                                                                   to be available to
                                                                   guests and to be
                                                                   arranged per
                                                                 • Coffee, tea etc to
                                                                   be placed on each
                                                                   groups table if
                                                                   requested and
                                                                   replaced upon
                                                                 • Cereal to be
                                                                   relocated into
                                                                   Kitchen and pre-
                                                                   ordered for
                                                                 • Toaster and
                                                                   toasted sandwich
                                                                   makers to be
                                                                   removed from
                                                                   dining room.
                                                                 • Common milk to
                                                                   be replaced with

                                                                                  Page 21 of 65
room allocated
                                                                         • No communal
                                                                           condiments or
                                                                         • Hard surfaces to
                                                                           be cleaned before
                                                                           and after each
                                                                         • No used cutlery or
                                                                           crockery or
                                                                           glasswear or the
                                                                           like to be placed
                                                                           on the servery.
                                                                           These are instead
                                                                           to be placed by
                                                                           members and
                                                                           guests on the
                                                                           table designated
                                                                           for returns.

3     Meal time service       Possible – due to          Medium –        • See details below
                              activities undertaken in   due to            on special
                              the room                   activities        arrangements for
                                                         undertaken in     meal time
                                                         the room          operations

       Drying room

No.   Hazard                  Likelihood of              Level of Risk   Proposed Controls

1.    Transmission due to     Certain – due to size of   High – due to   • Follow applicable
      size of rooms.          room, time spent in        size of room,     government
                              room and activities        time spent in     requirements
      Boot Room is 8m2
                              undertaken in room.        room and          and
      Clothes Room is 5.5m2                              activities        recommendation
                                                         undertaken in     s.
                                                         room.           • Limit people in
                                                                           drying room at
                                                                           any one time to
                                                                           roommates or
                                                                           booking groups
                                                                           and sign
                                                                         • Lodge Captain to
                                                                           stage morning
                                                                           departure by
                                                                           room or booking

                                                                                          Page 22 of 65
2.    Transmission due to     Certain – proximity of    High –          • Follow applicable
      use of room             storage and nature of     proximity of      government
                              items stored in room      storage and       recommendation
                                                        nature of       • Divide clothes
                                                        items stored      room into
                                                        in room           sections for use
                                                                          by booking
                                                                          groups. Sign
                                                                        • Do not use air
                                                                          circulation on
                                                                          boot dryer.
                                                                        • Provide hand
                                                                          station in rumpus
                                                                          room (not in
                                                                          drying room due
                                                                          to fire hazard) for
                                                                          use before
                                                                          proceeding into
                                                                          wider lodge.
                                                                        • Sign accordingly
                                                                        • Regularly check
                                                                          hand sanitiser
                                                                          levels and
                                                                          replenish when

3.    General Transmission    Possible – due to         Medium –        • Follow applicable
      by touch and surfaces   nature of activities      due to nature     government
                              undertaken and items      of activities     requirements and
                              placed on surfaces        undertaken        recommendation
                                                        and items         s.
                                                        placed on       • Seats and door
                                                        surfaces          handles to be
                                                                          cleaned twice
                                                                          daily – after usual
                                                                          departures and
                                                                          after usual
                                                                          evening arrivals

       Kitchen (and Pantry)

No.   Hazard                  Likelihood of             Level of Risk   Proposed Controls

      Transmission due to     Low – due to restricted   Low – due to    • Access restricted
      size of room.           access and PPE            restricted        to
                                                        access and        managers/caretak
      Room is 38m2
                                                        PPE               ers only.

                                                                                           Page 23 of 65
• Sign accordingly.
                                                                           • Follow
                                                                             requirements and

       Landings and staircases

No.   Hazard                    Likelihood of              Level of Risk   Proposed Controls

1.    Transmission due to       Unlikely – due to casual   Medium –         • Restrict use of
      size of staircases.       contact                    due to             corridor for
                                                           proximity of       access only – ie –
      Staircases are of
                                                           contact            no loitering in
      varying widths
      however two people
      can pass in a corridor                                                • Sign
      without touching if                                                     appropriately for
      careful.                                                                social distancing

2.    Transmission from         Possible – due to face     Medium           • Surfaces such as
      surfaces, door handles,   to hand touching                              door handles,
      banisters and the like                                                  banisters and the
                                                                              like to be cleaned
                                                                              three times daily.


No.   Hazard                    Likelihood of              Level of Risk   Proposed Controls

1.    Transmission due to       Likely - due to size of    Low – due to    • Follow any
      size of room.             room                       time spent in     applicable
                                                           room.             government
      Room is 6m2
                                                                             requirements or
                                                                           • Restrict access to
                                                                             one person at a
                                                                           • Sign accordingly

2.    Transmission through      Unlikely – due to use of   Medium –        • Follow any
      use of washing            detergents and heat        due to items      applicable
      machine and/or dryers                                that can be       government
                                                           washed and        requirement or

                                                                                              Page 24 of 65
by separate parties                            dried             recommendation.
                                                                    • Any single
                                                                      washing or drying
                                                                      cycle must only
                                                                      contain items
                                                                      from one guest
                                                                      room, booking
                                                                      group or of
                                                                      people who are in
                                                                      frequent physical
                                                                      contact with each
                                                                    • Sign accordingly
                                                                    • Hot wash cycles
                                                                      only – no cold
                                                                      washes. Sign
                                                                    • Use disinfectant
                                                                      in wash (Dettol
                                                                      Laundry rinse
                                                                      Sanitiser). Sign
                                                                    • Regularly check
                                                                      level of
                                                                      disinfectant wash
                                                                      and replenish
                                                                      where necessary.
                                                                    • Inside of dryer to
                                                                      be cleaned with
                                                                      wipes after each
                                                                      use. Sign
                                                                    • Regularly check
                                                                      supply of wipes
                                                                      and replenish
                                                                      where necessary.

3.   General Transmission    Possible – due to      Medium –        • Appliance
     by touch and surfaces   nature of activities   due to nature     controls to be
                             undertaken and items   of activities     cleaned by user
                             placed on surfaces     undertaken        before and after
                                                    and items         use with wipes.
                                                    placed on         Sign
                                                    surfaces          appropriately.
                                                                    • Door handles,
                                                                      taps and
                                                                      controls to be
                                                                      cleaned one per

                                                                                      Page 25 of 65
Lounge Room

No.   Hazard                  Likelihood of            Level of Risk    Proposed Controls

1.    Transmission due to     Very likely – due time   High – due to • Follow government
      size of room.           spent in room            time spent in   regulation on limit
                                                       room            to numbers in
      Room is 40m2
                                                                       room = room
                                                                       area/4=10 people
                                                                     • Limit number of
                                                                       people in lounge
                                                                       room to 10 people.
                                                                     • Sign accordingly on
                                                                       room limit and 4m2
                                                                     • Reconfigure
                                                                       seating in room to
                                                                       ensure 1.5m
                                                                       between booking
                                                                     • Sign accordingly on
                                                                       social distancing.

2.    General Transmission    Likely – due to time     Medium due • Hand sanitiser to
      by touch and surfaces   spent in room and        to being main   be used prior to
                              being main common        common          entry to
                              space                    space           loungeroom
                                                                     • Sign accordingly
                                                                     • Provide
                                                                       station directly
                                                                     • Regularly check
                                                                       level of hand
                                                                       sanitiser and
                                                                       replenish when
                                                                     • Clean hard
                                                                       surfaces and door
                                                                       handles, couches
                                                                       etc three times

3.    Transmission by touch   Possible                 Low             • Wash hands before
      and surfaces                                                       undertaking fire
      associated with fire                                               setting and/or
      setting                                                            lighting.
                                                                       • Disinfectant wipe
                                                                         equipment (axe,
                                                                         log splitter controls
                                                                         and fire stokers)

                                                                                            Page 26 of 65
prior to and after
                                                                       • Signed

       Rumpus Room

No.   Hazard                  Likelihood of            Level of Risk    Proposed Controls

1.    Transmission due to     Very likely – due time   High – due to • Follow government
      size of room.           spent in room            time spent in   requirements and
                                                       room            recommendations
      Room is 43m2
                                                                     • limit to numbers in
                                                                       room = room
                                                                       area/4-10 people
                                                                     • Limit number of
                                                                       people in rumpus
                                                                       room to 10.
                                                                     • Sign accordingly on
                                                                       room capacity and
                                                                       4m2 rule.
                                                                     • Reconfigure
                                                                       seating in room to
                                                                       ensure 1.5m
                                                                     • Sign accordingly on
                                                                       social distancing.

2.    General Transmission    Likely – due to time     Medium -     • Hand sanitiser to
      by touch and surfaces   spent in room and        due to being   be used on entry
                              being one the main       on of the      to rumpus room.
                              common spaces            main common • Sign accordingly.
                                                       spaces       • Spray couches with
                                                                      fabric disinfectant

       Services Room

No.   Hazard                  Likelihood of            Level of Risk    Proposed Controls

1.    Transmission due to     Low – due to low use     Medium –        •    Restrict use to
      size of room.                                    due potential        managers and
                                                       time of use          authorised
      Room is 7m2
                                                                       •    Sign accordingly

                                                                                              Page 27 of 65
•   Limit capacity
                                                                           to 1
                                                                       •   Sign accordingly
                                                                       •   Follow

2.    General Transmission    Low – due to low use     Low             •   Use disinfectant
      by surfaces and touch                                                wipes on
                                                                           completion of
                                                                       •   Sign accordingly

       Spa/Sauna Area

No.   Hazard                  Likelihood of           Level of Risk    Proposed Controls

1.    Transmission due to     Certain – due size of   High – due to    • Follow applicable
      size of room and        room, activities and    size of room       government
      shared bathing.         time spent in room      activities and     requirements and
                                                      time spent in      recommendations.
      Room is 12m2
                                                      room             • Close spa and
                                                                       • Sign accordingly

2.    Transmission due to     Very Likely - due to    High – due to    • Follow applicable
      shared nature of        activities undertaken   activities         government
      bathroom facilities     in room                 undertaken in      requirements and
                                                      room               recommendations.
                                                                       • Assign bathroom
                                                                         facilities to a
                                                                         particular room or
                                                                         booking group of
                                                                         people in frequent
                                                                         physical contact
                                                                         with each other
                                                                         sign accordingly.
                                                                       • Indicate
                                                                         assignment on
                                                                         room allocation
                                                                       • Bathroom closed
                                                                         and cleaned in full
                                                                         once per day.

                                                                                           Page 28 of 65
• Clean bathroom
                                                                         prior to and after
                                                                         shared use
                                                                         between 10am
                                                                         and 1pm on
                                                                         changeover days.
                                                                       • Ensure bathroom
                                                                         has ample soap
                                                                         and paper towel
                                                                         prior to shared
                                                                         use between
                                                                         10am and 1pm on
                                                                         changeover days.

3.    Transmission via      Very Likely - due to      High – due to    • Follow applicable
      surfaces              activities undertaken     activities         government
                            in room                   undertaken in      requirements and
                                                      room               recommendations.
                                                      It is noted      • Hand sanitiser for
                                                      that the NSW       use by every
                                                      Health             person upon entry
                                                      COVID-19           to bathroom and
                                                      Safe Plan for      sign accordingly.
                                                      Caravan Parks    • Hand washing
                                                      and Camping        prior to exit of
                                                      Grounds            bathroom and sign
                                                      (which usually     accordingly.
                                                      have shared      • Bathrooms closed
                                                      bathrooms)         and surfaces such
                                                      makes no           has benches, taps
                                                      special            and handles
                                                      provisions to      cleaned twice per
                                                      eliminate the      day.
                                                      sharing of       • Bathrooms to be
                                                      bathrooms.         well stocked with
                                                                         soap, hand
                                                                         sanitiser and
                                                                         paper towels.

       Ski Workshop

No.   Hazard                Likelihood of             Level of Risk     Proposed Controls

1.    Transmission due to   Low – due to restricted   Low – due to     • Follow applicable
      size of room.         access                    restricted         government
                                                      access             requirements and
      Room is 6m2
                                                                       • Restrict access to 1
                                                                         person at a time or
                                                                         booking group of

                                                                                           Page 29 of 65
people who are in
                                                                          frequent physical
                                                                          contact with each
                                                                        • Sign accordingly on
                                                                          room capacity.

2.    General Transmission    Possible – due time       Low             • Hand sanitiser to
      by touch and surfaces   spent and size of room                      be used before use
                                                                          of equipment,
                                                                          tools or can
                                                                          crusher and sign

       Summer Entry

No.   Hazard                  Likelihood of             Level of Risk    Proposed Controls

1.    Transmission due to     Low – due to restricted   Low – due to    •    Restrict access
      size of room.           access                    restricted      •    Follow
                                                        access               applicable
      Room is 8m2
                                                                        •    Sign on use by
                                                                             managers only

2.    General Transmission    Possible                  Low – due to • Hand sanitisation
      by touch and surfaces                             usual           prior to entry to
                                                        degloving       lodge
                                                        upon entry to • Provide hand
                                                        lodge           sanitisation station
                                                                        outside door and
                                                                        regularly check
                                                                        levels of hand
                                                                      • Sign accordingly


No.   Hazard                  Likelihood of             Level of Risk    Proposed Controls

      Transmission due to     Unlikely – due to         Low – due to     • Follow any

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