Job Creation and Local Economic Development 2018: Preparing for the Future of Work - POLICY HIGHLIGHTS -

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Job Creation and Local Economic Development 2018: Preparing for the Future of Work - POLICY HIGHLIGHTS -

Job Creation and Local
Economic Development 2018:
Preparing for the Future of Work
Job Creation and Local Economic Development 2018: Preparing for the Future of Work - POLICY HIGHLIGHTS -
About the OECD

The OECD is a unique forum where governments work together to address the economic, social and
environmental challenges of globalisation. The OECD is also at the forefront of efforts to understand and
to help governments respond to new developments and concerns, such as corporate governance, the
information economy and the challenges of an ageing population. The Organisation provides a setting
where governments can compare policy experiences, seek answers to common problems, identify good
practice and work to co-ordinate domestic and international policies.

About this booklet

This booklet reproduces highlights from the 2018 report Job Creation and Local Economic Development.
This third edition in the series focuses on preparing for the future of work. It examines the impact
of technological progress on regional and local labour markets. Drawing on new data, it assesses the
geographical distribution of the risk of automation and whether jobs lost to automation are compensated
by the creation of jobs at lower risk of automation. The report also examines the rise of non-standard work,
highlighting the main regional determinants of temporary jobs and self-employment. Finally, it considers
determinants of productivity and inclusion in regional and local labour markets, as well as policies to foster
greater inclusion of vulnerable groups into the labour market.

             Job Creation and Local
             Economic Development 2018:
             Preparing for the Future of Work
                                                           The full book is accessible at

                                                    OECD (2018), Job Creation and Local Economic
                                                 Development 2018: Preparing for the Future of Work,
                                                              OECD Publishing, Paris,

                                                Find out more about OECD work on
                                          Local Economic and Employment Development

© OECD 2018

This document is published under the responsibility of the Secretary-General of the OECD. The opinions expressed and
arguments employed herein do not necessarily reflect the official views of OECD member countries. The document and
any map included herein are without prejudice to the status of or sovereignty over any territory, to the delimitation of
international frontiers and boundaries and to the name of any territory, city or area.
Job Creation and Local Economic Development 2018: Preparing for the Future of Work - POLICY HIGHLIGHTS -
Geography matters for the future of work

Automation of job tasks has been occurring for         affects wage levels. It causes permanent gains or
centuries, boosting productivity and giving rise to    losses for some groups of workers.
new jobs that provide employment and contribute
to rising living standards.                            Automation and digitalisation translate into job
                                                       polarisation. OECD countries have seen a decline
However, technological progress also threatens         in middle-wage, middle-skill employment as a
established business models and can lead to job        share of the workforce over the past two decades,
losses because it allows the automation of tasks       9.5 percentage points on average over the period
that previously had to be done by people. The labour   1995-2015. In contrast, workers who perform non-
saving effects of automation can be sudden, while it   routine tasks have increased their share of total
often takes more time to create jobs. Furthermore,     employment, 7.6 percentage points. Typically,
the skill profiles of jobs that are lost due to        these jobs are either high-skilled (e.g. managerial
automation and the skill profiles of the jobs that     positions) or low-skilled (e.g. personal care services).
replace them typically do not coincide.                Both ends of the skill distribution of jobs have
                                                       increased while the middle has declined.
Automation can lead to temporary, but possibly
prolonged, increases in unemployment. The
changing demand for workers with particular skills
Job Creation and Local Economic Development 2018: Preparing for the Future of Work - POLICY HIGHLIGHTS -
Regional differences in employment are growing

Jobs are increasingly concentrated in a smaller                       Figure 1. Job creation is largely concentrated in capital regions
number of regions. Over the period 2006-16, in 15                     Share of net job creation in capital regions relative to total job creation,
out of the 27 OECD countries considered, more                         TL2 regions, 2006-2016 (%).
than 30% of net employment was generated in
the capital region. In Japan, Finland, Denmark                                Japan
and Ireland, more than 80% of job creation                                  Finland
occurred in the capital region (Figure 1).

Large regional differences within countries                                  Irela nd

in unemployment rates remain despite the                                      Korea
general return of national unemployment rates                                Iceland
to pre-crisis levels. Regional disparities are
largest in Turkey, Italy, Spain and Greece, where
unemployment rates between the best and                                     Sweden
worst performing regions vary by approximately                          Netherla nds
20 percentage points. In other countries,
regional disparities are smaller but are still
around 5-10 percentage points. While larger                                Hungary
countries tend to have wider variations, this is                               Chile
not always the case. Japan is the second largest                     United Kingdom
OECD country by population, but has one of the
smallest regional differences in unemployment                               Canada

rates.                                                                     Australia

Skilled workers are increasingly concentrated in
particular regions. The difference in the share
of tertiary-educated workers across regions has                              Poland
increased over the period 2006-16 in 20 of the 24                       Switzerland
OECD countries for which data are available.

Demographic trends such as ageing and                                Czech Republic
migration are contributing to regional labour                          New Zealand
force disparities. While in some countries all                               Turkey
regions are ageing, overall in the OECD, more
than half of regions experienced a reduction in                            Slovakia

the working age population between 2010 and                                Germany
2016. Outflows of working age individuals tend                               Mexico
to affect mainly rural regions. Migration towards
                                                                       United States
urban regions is particularly striking among
young people aged 15-29.                                                            0%     20%       40%        60%       80%       100%

Note: Capital regions in Portugal, Spain and Slovenia lost jobs over the 2006-2016 period. Due to data availability, the values for Chile,
Israel and Mexico cover the period 2006-2014.
Source: Calculations based on OECD (2018), OECD Regional Statistics (database),
Job Creation and Local Economic Development 2018: Preparing for the Future of Work - POLICY HIGHLIGHTS -
Figure 2. Share of jobs at high risk of automation across OECD regions
Percentage of jobs at high risk of automation, highest and lowest performing regions, 2016

Note: OECD TL2 regions in selected OECD countries. High risk of automation refers to jobs with over 70% of risk of being automated.
Source: OECD calculations based on Labour Force Surveys.

The impact of automation on jobs is uneven across regions and local
Previous OECD estimates indicate that 14% of                         the 21 OECD countries with data. For instance, the
all jobs in OECD countries are at high risk of                       regional share of such jobs reaches almost 40% in
automation – i.e., the probability of automation is                  some regions (West Slovakia) but can be as low as
over 70%. An additional 32% of jobs are nevertheless                 4% in others (Oslo and Akershus region, Norway).
at significant risk of automation (a risk between
50%-70%). This suggests that a significant share                     The within-country variation in jobs at high risk of
of tasks will be automated, leading to substantial                   automation can be several percentage points. That
changes in the way these jobs are carried out.                       gap between the regions most and least at risk can
                                                                     be only 1 percentage point, such as in Canada, or
The risk of job loss due to automation varies a                      as high as 12 percentage points in Spain. When
lot among regions and local communities. The                         considering a smaller spatial scale, the gap across
difference in the share of occupations at high risk of               communities is likely to be even wider.
automation varies over nine-fold across regions in
Job Creation and Local Economic Development 2018: Preparing for the Future of Work - POLICY HIGHLIGHTS -
Jobs are lost to automation but many others are created
Jobs losses are occurring in occupations with a high                             Another 10% of regions have also been able to
risk of automation. Over the period 2011-16, most                                create more jobs than those that are lost. However,
regions (roughly 80% of regions in the 21 countries                              the jobs they created are those that are likely to be
considered) experienced a reduction of jobs in                                   automated in the future.
occupations at high risk of automation, such as
food preparation assistants, drivers and machine                                 Around 30% of regions lost more jobs than they created
operators.                                                                       during the period examined. In most of these regions
                                                                                 the jobs lost were at high risk of automation, which
The good news is that new jobs are also created. In                              suggests a transition towards a more digital economy
about 60% of OECD regions with data (representing                                with jobs at lower risk of automation. However, almost
roughly the same share of the population) the                                    one in 10 OECD regions did not only lose jobs, but
reduction of jobs in occupations at high risk of                                 did so in those sectors that are at lower risk of
automation was compensated by a greater increase                                 automation. This sends a signal that the economy
in the share of jobs at low risk of automation, such                             of these regions is becoming more fragile in facing
as chief executives and teaching professionals.                                  future shocks.

        Figure 3. Some regions are better than others at shifting towards jobs at lower risk of automation
  Number of TL2 regions by categorisation based on net employment changes and the automation profile of jobs, 2011-2016




   60                                                                                                  50

                                                                24                                    22%                                    20
                                                               10%                                                                           9%
         Creating jobs, predominantly in less Creating jobs, predominantly in riskier Losing jobs, predominantly in riskier   Losing jobs, predominantly in less
                  risky occupations                        occupations                            occupations                         risky occupations

Note: The height of each bar indicates the number of regions in that specific category. Regions are classified according to two criteria:
whether the regional economy is increasing employment (the dark blue and light blue bars); and whether the share of jobs at low risk of
automation is increasing (dark blue and light orange bars).
Source: OECD calculations based on Labour Force Surveys.
Certain types of regions face a higher risk of automation
The concentration of certain types of jobs at high                   be automated. Smaller towns and rural areas are
or low risk of automation in different places can                    also more likely to be highly reliant on a handful of
contribute to regional divides. Furthermore, a                       employers or on a single industry. While this does
higher risk of automation is associated with several                 not necessarily increase the risk of automation in
regional characteristics: lower education levels, a                  itself, it makes it more difficult to absorb displaced
more rural economy, and a larger tradable sector.                    workers if one of the employers automates on a
                                                                     large scale.
Places with a larger share of less-educated workers
will be more affected by increasing automation.                      Jobs in the tradable sector also face a high risk
With some exceptions, the risk of automation                         of automation, particularly in agriculture and
decreases as the educational attainment required                     manufacturing. Tradable services are a subcategory
for the job increases. The analysis shows that                       that is less exposed to automation.
regions that have a less-educated workforce have a
higher share of jobs at risk of automation.                          However, research also shows a thriving tradable
                                                                     sector is one of the main factors in helping drive
Rural economies, those with a lower share of the                     productivity growth of regions below average in a
population living in urban areas, are especially at                  country to catch up. Indeed, the potential for higher
risk of automation. Rural economies have a lower                     productivity growth in the tradable sector comes
share of service sector jobs that are less likely to                 from greater opportunities for automation.

What can policy makers do to prepare their regions?
The search for higher productivity may expose                        A higher rate of employment creation in the short-
regional economies to greater risks of automation.                   or medium-term may be associated with a higher
This seems particularly the case for tradable                        exposure to the risks of automation in the future
sectors, which are a major driver of regional                        depending on the kinds of jobs being created.
productivity but include more jobs with a higher                     A regional typology based on employment trends
risk of automation than non-tradable sectors.                        and risk of automation provides policy guidance
                                                                     that can help prioritise interventions (Figure 4).

                             Figure 4. Policy responses will depend on the type of region

     Increasing                          Increasing                      Losing jobs but                   Losing jobs but
  employment and                        employment                        reducing risk                    increasing risk
   reducing risk                          and risk                   Help workers transition              Need employment to
Help workers transition              Help firms transition           to better jobs and spur              complement regional
     to better jobs                   to digital economy                   job creation                   development policies

Note: The key policy messages in the infographics are part of a more articulated strategy to address each type of region.

Regions in the first category are able to generate                   In contrast, regions in the fourth category are likely
employment in occupations that are less subject                      experiencing a structural adjustment problem.
to automation. These regions seem particularly fit                   In these regions, employment policies that try to
for the future of work. Employment policies should                   prepare workers for the future of work will fail to
take care of displaced workers due to the reduction                  succeed if they are not complemented by regional
of jobs at high risk of automation, focusing on low-                 development policies – favouring entrepreneurship
skilled workers and disadvantaged groups as they                     and increasing the value-added content of existing
might be among the most affected.                                    firms.
Regions in the second category are increasing             Finally, regions in the third category are not doing
employment but are doing so mainly with jobs at           well in general – they are losing jobs. However,
high risk of automation. Here the trade-off is being      it is mainly jobs in occupations at high risk of
delayed, as present employment gains may not be           automation that are lost, indicating that the
long-lasting. Such regions need to prepare now for        economy is in a phase of transition towards a more
greater automation on the horizon. Any employment         digital economy with jobs at low risk of automation.
strategy needs to be complemented with a regional         Like the first category of regions, employment
development strategy aiming at increasing demand          policies should focus on preparing workers for
for less risky occupations. In fact, upskilling workers   job opportunities in occupations at lower risk of
might be ineffective if firms are not prepared to offer   automation.
jobs in occupations at less risk of automation.

Non-standard work, including the “gig” economy, expands at various speeds
across regions, and it often comes at the cost of job quality

The growth of non-standard work, defined as               same country. In countries like France, Belgium,
temporary, part-time, and self-employment offers          Hungary, Italy, Spain or Greece, the gap between
job opportunities for many individuals thanks to          the regions with the highest and lowest share of
the greater flexibility. Some of these jobs are what is   non-standard work exceeds 10 percentage points.
now called the “gig” economy. These opportunities         For instance, in the region of Auvergne (France),
can help better match workers to jobs, integrate          the share of non-standard work was 34% of total
those who are most marginalised in the labour             employment in 2016, while in the region of Ile-the-
market or offer new opportunities for work-life           France that share was only 22%. Differences are
balance.                                                  also large in Spain, where the share of non-standard
                                                          work was 46% in Andalusia and a much lower 26%
These forms of employment often come with                 in the region of Madrid.
reduced access to social protection and health
benefits. They don’t give an incentive to invest          These regional differences are not surprising,
in skills upgrading in the same way as for a              considering that several factors influencing the
standard employee. And, evidence shows this               incidence of non-standard work are local. For
type of employment may simply be a last resort            example, labour supply and demand in a local
opportunity and not a worker’s choice.                    labour market determine the ease of substituting
                                                          one worker for another. Relatively large pools of
Although temporary and part-time work has                 low-skilled workers, and a high unemployment rate,
expanded across OECD countries, marked                    are associated with large shares of temporary work.
differences are to be found between regions of the        Low-skilled workers are more likely to be employed
with a temporary contract in rural areas than urban             While the rise in temporary work pre-dates the
                 ones. By contrast, regions with a larger tradable               crisis, since 2011 the share of temporary contracts is
                 sector tend to employ fewer workers in temporary                increasing in regions that are also underperforming
                 contracts.                                                      in terms of labour productivity.

                 Self-employment is increasingly used as a job opportunity of last resort
                 Self-employment covers a wide range of working                  high value added work for themselves. However, the
                 arrangements, which have in common the                          platform or “gig” economy has also introduced more
                 autonomous nature of the work. While many self-                 precarious forms of self-employment.
                 employed workers pursue market opportunities as
                 entrepreneurs, others are self-employed because they            Earnings and job security of the self-employed
                 have been unable to secure dependent employment.                tend to be less advantageous than standard types
                                                                                 of work. Furthermore, the “solo” self-employed are
                 Previous OECD estimates indicate that the                       likely to represent the employment of last resort
                 proportion of workers who are self-employed                     for some workers. A number of such jobs can be
                 is approximately 16% in OECD countries. This                    described as “false” self-employment because they
                 figure has remained relatively stable over the last             only have one client and their tasks are similar to a
                 decade. However, there have been several changes                typical salaried employee (i.e. dependent work) and
                 in the nature of self-employment. The proportion                they are registered as self-employed so that firms
                 of self-employed without employees (“solo” self-                can reduce their tax liability.
                 employment) continues to grow. A contributing
                 factor is the increase in part-time self-employment             The proportion of workers who are self-employed varies
                 – which occurred in 25 out of 31 OECD countries                 across countries and regions. Variations among regions
                 with data in the last decade. International research            in the same country can attain 25 percentage points,
                 suggests that this growth in part-time self-                    such as in Greece, or about 10 percentage points,
                 employment has largely been involuntary.                        such as in Spain and France. The average across the
                                                                                 remaining countries is a 4 percentage point difference
                 Another important self-employment trend in                      between the regions with the largest and smallest
                 recent years has been the emergence of the digital              share of self-employed workers. Self-employment is
                 economy. It has created new markets, sectors and                concentrated in the capital region in 9 out of 16 EU
                 occupations, and some self-employed workers have                countries considered (Figure 5).
                 harnessed these new opportunities and created

                             Figure 5. Regional differences in self-employment as a % of total employment, 2016
                                            National average                  Capital region             Other regio ns


                 Source: OECD calculations based on EU Labour Force Survey.
Improving the quality of non-standard work will help the most disadvantaged
people and places
The rise of non-standard contracts creates a trade-          Employment policies should pay particular
off between job creation and job quality. Countries           attention to the working conditions of
can address this challenge by improving their                 temporary workers in rural areas where
regulatory framework in order to include these new            workers have few job alternatives.
forms of jobs (e.g. clarifying the working status of
“false” self-employment). Yet, the presence of large      To improve the quality of self-employment:
regional differences in the share of non-standard
work requires local approaches to complement                 Policy support should include entrepreneurship
national ones.                                                and business management training, coaching
                                                              and mentoring, and business counselling, as
To improve the quality of temporary and part-time work:       well as improve access to start-up financing
                                                              and entrepreneurship networks.
   Local policies should develop the skillset of
    workers in underperforming regions, where the            Policy initiatives should be designed and
    high share of temporary work is more likely the           delivered in an integrated manner, and
    result of workers’ low bargaining power than a            according to the specific needs of local
    choice of the worker.                                     communities, guiding the entrepreneur from
                                                              the start-up to post start-up phases.

There is not necessarily a trade-off between productivity and inclusiveness at
the local level
Inclusion is a multidimensional concept, which            provinces in Canada, as well as many of the regions
depends on various aspects of people’s lives, from        in Spain, Portugal, Ireland and the Netherlands.
income and access to education to health and              Considering a wider range of employment, skill and
social networks. However, it is largely determined        income variables, similar regional trends in terms of
by employment. For this reason, inclusive growth          productivity and inclusion are found.
policies should prioritise labour market participation.
                                                          Cities are a special case as they tend to be highly
Regions and local communities that have high              productive but gather workers at both high and low
labour productivity also tend to have a high rate of      ends of the skills spectrum. European cities have
participation in the labour market. Therefore there       overall been more effective than cities in the Americas
does not seem to be a trade-off between policy goals      in increasing both productivity and labour force
to boost productivity and improve inclusion.              participation. Cities such as Budapest, Tallinn and
                                                          Warsaw have been growing more inclusive than cities
When looking at recent trends, about 30% of OECD          such as Houston, San Francisco or Queretaro.
residents live in regions that have successfully
increased both productivity and labour force              The data makes clear that policies to boost
participation over the period 2006-16 (Figure 6).         productivity are a necessary but insufficient
                                                          condition for inclusion. Complementary measures
By contrast, about 50% of OECD residents live in          including place-specific actions for labour market
regions that experienced productivity growth but          integration and access to quality jobs are essential
a decline in labour force participation. This group       in cases where productivity increases result in less
includes most states in the United States and             labour market inclusion.

Tailored policy approaches as well as the social economy can help the most
disadvantaged in the labour market
Disadvantaged groups may require targeted                 Lessons from country and local examples of
programmes to help prepare for the future of work.        targeted actions for specific communities reveal a
Different populations such as migrants, people with       few strategies. One is to include pre-employment
disabilities, youth, older workers or even Indigenous     skills and training and other related support
Peoples, may have different opportunities or particular   services. Another is to involve the target group in the
challenges as the world of work changes.                  programme design and delivery. Embedding these
                                                          integration efforts in community-led development,
                                                          has also proven helpful.
Figure 6. Half of OECD residents living in places growing more productive but less inclusive

                                    Regions                                                                Metro areas

60%                                                                         50%                        47.6%
                                                                            40%       36.3%

20%                                                                                                                                     11.9%
                                                              9.1%          10%
10%                                                                                                                     4.2%

  0%                                                                         0%
       More productive More productive/ Less productive / Less productive         More productive More productive/Less productive / Less productive
       & More inclusive Less inclusive More inclusive & Less inclusive            & More inclusiv e Less in clusive More inclusive & Less inclusive
            (111)           (122)             (58)             (33)                    (134)            (96)            (39)             (12)

Note: Numbers in parenthesis represent the number of regions that fall under each category. Panel A includes data for regions in
all OECD countries except France, Japan, Lithuania, the Slovak Republic, Switzerland and Turkey. Panel B features data from 280
metropolitan areas of 500 000 or more across all OECD countries (except Iceland, Israel, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, New Zealand,
the Slovak Republic and Turkey).
Source: Calculations using OECD (2018), OECD Regional Statistics (database), & OECD
(2018), “Metropolitan areas”, OECD Regional Statistics (database),

The social economy can also be a driver of inclusion                    integration of disadvantaged groups. These entities
for disadvantaged groups, as an employer, a service                     also produce goods and services that create a
provider to such groups or through social innovations                   social, economic and/or environmental impact in
that support inclusion. Better mobilising the social                    different sectors of activity. For instance, they create
economy is a promising opportunity to address                           innovative health services for the elderly or new and
labour market inclusion, particularly in light of                       sustainable forms of tourism, transportation, and
changes associated with automation.                                     delivery of renewable energy. The social innovations
                                                                        that support inclusion are additional benefits from
Social economy organisations, including traditional                     developing the social economy.
types and newer forms such as social enterprises,
all share a common approach that puts people at                         Supporting social enterprises through better
the core of their mission (Box 1). Social economy                       framework regulations, access to mainstream
organisations are estimated to account for 6.3% of                      financing (including guarantees), and tailored
jobs in the EU28. They mainly operate at the local                      business support are some of the ways to boost
level, which enables them to both identify and                          the social economy. Social economy organisations
address local needs.                                                    further benefit from public sector support through
                                                                        public procurement, employment subsidies and
The contribution of social economy organisations                        longer-term funding cycles.
is of course not limited to employment and work

Box 1. What do we mean by the social economy and social enterprises?
                                                Social economy organisations traditionally refer to the set of
                                                associations, co-operatives, mutual organisations, and foundations
                                                whose activity is driven by values of solidarity, the primacy of
                                                people over capital, and democratic and participative governance.
                                                Among social economy organisations, social enterprises, which
                                                emerged more recently, distinguish themselves by a more
                                                pronounced entrepreneurial approach - their source of income
                                                coming primarily from commercial activities, rather than grants and
                                                donations. Social enterprises may emerge from the social economy
                                                or be outside of the social economy.
About this booklet

This booklet reproduces highlights from the 2018 report Job Creation and Local Economic Development.
This third edition in the series focuses on preparing for the future of work.

                                                Job Creation and Local Economic Development 2018
          Job Creation and Local
          Economic Development 2018:
          Preparing for the Future of Work      Table of contents

                                                Executive Summary

                                                Chapter 1. The local dimension of job creation

                                                Chapter 2. The geography of non-standard work

                                                Chapter 3. Fostering social inclusion in local labour markets

                                                Country Profiles

                                             The full book is accessible at

   OECD (2018), Job Creation and Local Economic Development 2018: Preparing for the
                       Future of Work, OECD Publishing, Paris,

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