Diet for stroke prevention - Robarts Research

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Diet for stroke prevention - Robarts Research
Open Access                                                                                                                      Review

                                Diet for stroke prevention
                                J David Spence1,2

To cite: Spence JD. Diet for    ABSTRACT                                                        in Swedish women, all five choices reduced
stroke prevention. Stroke and   Lifestyle is far more important than most physicians            the risk of stroke by 60%.3 Among Swedish
Vascular Neurology 2018;0:      suppose. Dietary changes in China that have resulted
e000130. doi:10.1136/svn-
                                                                                                men with hypertension and dyslipidaemia,
                                from increased prosperity are probably responsible for a        all five healthy behaviours reduced coronary
                                marked rise in coronary risk in the past several decades,       events by more than 80%.4
                                accelerating in recent years. Intake of meat and eggs has
Received 8 December 2017        increased, while intake of fruits, vegetables and whole
Revised 29 December 2017        grains has decreased. Between 2003 and 2013, coronary           HARMFUL DIETARY TRENDS
Accepted 29 December 2017       mortality in China increased 213%, while stroke mortality       In the USA, the worst of the lifestyle choices
                                increased by 26.6%. Besides a high content of cholesterol,      is diet. The American Heart Association statis-
                                meat (particularly red meat) contains carnitine, while egg
                                                                                                tical report of 2015 indicated that only 0.1% of
                                yolks contain phosphatidylcholine. Both are converted
                                                                                                Americans consumed a healthy diet and only
                                by the intestinal microbiome to trimethylamine, in turn
                                oxidised in the liver to trimethylamine n-oxide (TMAO).         8.3% consumed a moderately healthy diet.5
                                TMAO causes atherosclerosis in animal models, and in            In China, the consumption of meat and eggs
                                patients referred for coronary angiography high levels after    has increased markedly in recent years, while
                                a test dose of two hard-boiled eggs predicted increased         consumption of whole grains, vegetables and
                                cardiovascular risk. The strongest evidence for dietary         fruit has declined.6 This probably accounts
                                prevention of stroke and myocardial infarction is with          for much of the increase in fasting cholesterol
                                the Mediterranean diet from Crete, a nearly vegetarian          levels7 and in coronary disease6 8 in China at
                                diet that is high in beneficial oils, whole grains, fruits,     the same time. Stroke is much more common
                                vegetables and legumes. Persons at risk of stroke should        than myocardial infarction in China, and in
                                avoid egg yolk, limit intake of red meat and consume a
                                                                                                the past most strokes were due to hyperten-
                                diet similar to the Mediterranean diet. A crucial issue for
                                                                                                sion. What has happened in China is that
                                stroke prevention in China is reduction of sodium intake.
                                Dietary changes, although difficult to implement, represent     myocardial infarctions have increased mark-
                                an important opportunity to prevent stroke and have the         edly, with a much smaller increase in stroke.
                                potential to reverse the trend of increased cardiovascular      Between 2003 and 2013, stroke mortality per
                                risk in China.                                                  100 000 in urban people increased from 102.44
                                                                                                to 125.56 (a 26.6% increase), while coronary
                                                                                                mortality increased from 16.46/100 000 urban
                                When ranked in order of importance, among                       people to 51.46/100 000 (a 213% increase)6
                                the interventions available to prevent stroke,                  (figure 1). Undoubtedly strokes due to large
                                the three most important are probably                           artery disease in China will have increased
                                diet, smoking cessation and blood pressure                      in proportion during that time, the opposite
                                control.1 Hypertension and smoking cessa-                       of what was seen in a Canadian stroke clinic
                                tion are discussed in other papers in this issue                population between 2002 and 2012.9
                                of the journal. In this paper I discuss diet and
                                stroke prevention.
                                                                                                TRENDS IN DIETARY GUIDELINES
                                                                                                In the past, a low-fat diet was recommended
                                IMPORTANCE OF LIFESTYLE                                         to reduce cardiovascular risk; however, as
 Stroke Prevention &            Lifestyle is much more important than                           pointed out by Willett and Stampfer,10 the
Atherosclerosis Research        most physicians suppose. In the US Health                       low-fat diet was essentially ‘pulled from thin
Centre, Robarts Research        Professionals study and the Nurses’ Health                      air’ by a committee trying to imagine a diet
Institute, London, Ontario,
                                Study, poor lifestyle choices accounted for                     that would lower fasting levels of low-density
 Neurology and Clinical         more than half of stroke.2 Participants who                     lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol. Recent dietary
Pharmacology, University of     achieved all five healthy lifestyle choices—not                 guidelines tend to recommend a dietary
Western Ontario, London,        smoking, moderate intake of alcohol, a body                     pattern, rather than specifying limits to intake
Ontario, Canada                 mass index
Diet for stroke prevention - Robarts Research
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                                                                    Figure 2 The Mediterranean diet. The Mediterranean diet
                                                                    is a high-fat/low glycaemic diet with 40% of calories from
                                                                    fat; however, the fat is mainly beneficial oils such as olive
                                                                    and canola. Among men in the Seven Countries Study, the
                                                                    coronary risk in Crete was only 1/15th of that in Finland,
                                                                    where most of the fat was saturated fat (accompanied by
                                                                    cholesterol), and 40% of that in Japan, where the diet is
                                                                    a low-fat diet favouring fish. (Reproduced from Willet and

Figure 1 Trends in cardiovascular mortality in China, 2003–         Countries Study, it was discovered that coronary risk in
2013. (A) Increase in mortality from myocardial infarction and      Crete was 1/15th that in Finland and only 40% of that in
(B) increase in mortality from stroke. Myocardial infarction        Japan.10 In a retrospective article, Ancel Keys described it
increased much more steeply than stroke, probably in
                                                                    as ‘a mainly vegetarian diet…favoring fruit for dessert’.
large part because of changes in diet in China over time
with increased prosperity. Strokes in China are largely due         The diet is not a low-fat diet; it is a low glycaemic/high-fat
to hypertension, whereas myocardial infarctions are more            diet with 40% of calories from beneficial fats such as olive
closely related to intake of meat and egg yolk. (Reproduced         and canola oil, and high in whole grains, fruits, vegeta-
with permission from the European Heart Journal, Weiwei et          bles and legumes (peas, lentils, beans, nuts and so on)
al.6)                                                               (figure 2).
                                                                       n secondary prevention, in the Lyon Diet Heart Study,13
plant-based diet. The Dietary Approaches to Stop Hyper-             the Mediterranean diet was approximately twice as effi-
tension (DASH) diet11 emphasised fruits, vegetables and             cacious as was simvastatin in the contemporaneous Scan-
low-fat dairy foods with reduced intake of saturated fat,           dinavian Simvastatin Survival Study (4S).14 Both studies
total fat and cholesterol; it included whole grains, poultry,       enrolled patients who had survived a myocardial infarc-
fish and nuts, and was reduced in red meat, sweets and              tion; in the Lyon Diet Heart Study, the Mediterranean
sugar-containing beverages. This appears to be similar to           diet reduced coronary events and stroke by more than
the Mediterranean diet, but there are important differ-             70% in 4 years; in the 4S trial, simvastatin reduced recur-
ences: the Mediterranean diet also emphasises whole                 rent coronary events by 40% in 6 years. In primary preven-
grains, fruits and vegetables, but it is high in beneficial         tion, in the Spanish Primary Prevention of Cardiovascular
oils (olive and canola), low in dairy products and contains         Disease with a Mediterranean Diet (PREDIMED) study,15
much less animal flesh. In a retrospective article,12 Ancel         a low-fat diet was compared with two Mediterranean diet
Keys, the leader of the Seven Countries Study, described it         arms: one fortified with olive oil, while the other fortified
as follows: ‘The heart of this diet is mainly vegetarian, and       with mixed nuts. Both versions of the Mediterranean diet
differs from American and northern European diets in                significantly reduced cardiovascular events; the nut-forti-
that it is much lower in meat and dairy products and uses           fied version reduced stroke by 47% in 5 years.
fruit for dessert’.
                                                                    PROBLEMS WITH LOW-FAT DIETS
EVIDENCE FOR THE MEDITERRANEAN DIET                                 In recent years there has been much said about how the
The diet with the best evidence for stroke prevention               dietary villain is not cholesterol and egg yolk but sugar,
is the Mediterranean diet from Crete. In the Seven                  and some have mistakenly blamed the Mediterranean diet

2                                                            Spence JD. Stroke and Vascular Neurology 2018;0:e000130. doi:10.1136/svn-2017-000130
Diet for stroke prevention - Robarts Research
Open Access

                                                                                 egg a day ‘only’ doubled coronary risk.26 27 However, as
 Box 1 Links to videos about egg industry propaganda                             discussed above, the US diet is so bad that it is difficult to
                                                                                 show harm from any component (figure 3). In Greece,
     and-misleading-claims/.                                                     however, where the Mediterranean diet is the norm, an
 Ź                        egg a day increased coronary risk fivefold among persons
     atherosclerosis/.                                                           with diabetes, and even 10 g per day of egg (a sixth of
 Ź                 a large egg) increased coronary risk by 54%.28 Egg
 Ź                    consumption also increases the risk of diabetes.29
                                                                                 The 2016 US guideline
                                                                                 In 2016, when the new US dietary guideline was released,
for the low-fat diet that has resulted in a marked increase                      there were headlines trumpeting ‘It’s OK to eat choles-
in carbohydrate intake, with increases in diabetes and                           terol again; the new guideline says so’. But it was not
obesity.16 However, the low-fat diet did not result from                         true. In the first paragraph, the press release said that
the discovery of the Mediterranean diet. With its high fat                       there were insufficient data to recommend a specific
content (40% of calories from fat, mainly olive oil)10 and                       limit to cholesterol intake, as in the past (300 mg/day
emphasis on whole grains, the Mediterranean diet is actu-                        for healthy people or 200 mg/day for those at risk of
ally a low glycaemic diet.                                                       vascular disease).30 However, the second paragraph said:
   The result of this discussion has been a widespread and                       ‘However, cholesterol intake should be as low as possible
popular, but entirely mistaken, move to increased use of                         within the recommended eating pattern’ (which resem-
low-carbohydrate (low-carb) diets, with a high intake of                         bles a Mediterranean diet). The paragraphs should have
cholesterol and animal fat. This is disastrous, and to a                         been reversed. There are still good reasons to recom-
great extent due to propaganda of the food industry.17                           mend a cholesterol intake below 200 mg/day (less than
Like the sugar industry18 the meat and egg industries                            one large egg yolk), and other guidelines do so.31
spend hundreds of millions of dollars on propaganda,                               It is little understood that ‘people at risk of vascular
unfortunately with great success.19–21 Box 1 provides links                      disease’ essentially means everyone who aspires to achieve
to information about this issue.                                                 a healthy old age.32 A 20-year-old man might think he can
   An Israeli diet study22 provided perhaps the best                             eat eggs and smoke with impunity, because his stroke or
evidence that the Cretan Mediterranean diet is actu-                             myocardial infarction are 45 years in the future. But why
ally better than a low-carb diet for diabetes and insulin                        would he want to bring it on sooner?33
resistance. Overweight residents in an institution, who
obtained their meals from the cafeteria, were randomised                         Effects of the intestinal microbiome
to a low-fat diet, a low-carb diet or the Mediterranean                          Although dietary cholesterol does not increase fasting
diet. Adherence was 95% at 1 year and 86% at 2 years,                            lipid levels by much, it clearly does increase coronary
unusually good for dietary studies. Weight loss was iden-                        mortality.34 35 However, there is increasing recognition
tical on the low-carb and Mediterranean diet, and both                           of the importance of the intestinal microbiome.36 While
were significantly better than the low-fat diet. Among                           cholesterol content is essentially the same for any kind of
participants with diabetes, fasting glucose, fasting insulin                     animal flesh, red meat has more saturated fat, and has ~4
levels and insulin resistance were clearly the best on the                       times as much carnitine as chicken or fish. Carnitine from
Mediterranean diet.22                                                            red meat37 and phosphatidylcholine from egg yolk37 are
                                                                                 converted by the intestinal bacteria to trimethylamine,
Propaganda of the egg industry and the red meat industry                         in turn oxidised in the liver to trimethylamine n-oxide
Following an exposé of the propaganda of the sugar                               (TMAO) (figure 4). TMAO causes atherosclerosis in
industry in which the ‘smoking gun’ was unearthed in                             animal models,37 and in patients undergoing coronary
archives,18 Nestle17 commented on the attempts of the                            angiograms plasma levels in the top quartile of TMAO
food industry in general to influence public beliefs. I                          levels after a test dose of two hard-boiled eggs predicted
commented on the egg industry and the meat industry.19                           a 2.5-fold increase in the 3-year risk of stroke, myocar-
  The two pillars of the egg industry propaganda are                             dial infarction or vascular death.38 A 12-ounce Hardee’s
a red herring and a half-truth. The red herring is a                             Monster Thickburger39 contains 265 mg of cholesterol
misplaced focus on the effects of diet on fasting lipids.                        and 320 mg of carnitine. The yolk of a 65 g egg contains
Diet is not about the fasting state; it is about the postpran-                   237 mg of cholesterol and 250 mg of carnitine, so two egg
dial state.23 24 For ~4 hours after a high-fat/high-choles-                      yolks are worse than the 12-ounce burger. Patients at risk
terol meal, there is marked oxidative stress, endothelial                        of stroke should avoid red meat and egg yolk.
dysfunction and arterial inflammation.25                                            Besides TMAO, there are other toxic metabolites
  The half-truth is the slogan ‘eggs can be part of a healthy                    produced by the intestinal bacteria from amino acids,
diet for healthy people’. This is based on two US studies                        including P-cresyl sulfate, hippuric acid, indoxyl sulfate,
that did not find harm from egg consumption except                               P-cresyl glucuronide, phenyl acetyl glutamine and
among participants who became diabetic, in whom an                               phenyl sulfate. These toxic metabolites of the intestinal

Spence JD. Stroke and Vascular Neurology 2018;0:e000130. doi:10.1136/svn-2017-000130                                                         3
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Open Access

Figure 3 Diet is the worst of the risk issues in the USA. Prevalence (unadjusted) estimates for poor, intermediate and ideal
cardiovascular health for each of the seven metrics of cardiovascular health in the American Heart Association 2020 goals, US
children aged 12–19 years, National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) 2011–2012. *Healthy diet score data
reflect 2009–2010 NHANES data. (Reproduced with permission from Wolters Kluwer, Mozaffarian et al.5)

microbiome are renally excreted, so they may be termed             thiocyanate, asymmetric dimethylarginine and homocys-
‘Gut-derived Uremic Toxins’ (GDUT). Their blood levels             teine. Homocysteine accounts for only ~20% of the effect
are very high in patients with renal failure. Other uraemic        of renal impairment on carotid plaque burden40; we
toxins that have high plasma levels in renal failure are           hypothesised40 that GDUT may account for much of the

Figure 4 Trimethylamine n-oxide (TMAO) is produced by the intestinal bacteria from phosphatidylcholine. Carnitine (largely
from red meat) and phosphatidylcholine (largely from egg yolk) are converted by the intestinal bacteria to trimethylamine, which
in turn is oxidised by the liver to TMAO. TMAO causes atherosclerosis in animal models and markedly increases the risk of
stroke, myocardial infarction and cardiovascular mortality, particularly in persons with renal impairment. It also accelerates
decline of renal function. (Permission requested to reproduce from Wang et al.58) FMO, flavin-containing monooxygenase.

4                                                           Spence JD. Stroke and Vascular Neurology 2018;0:e000130. doi:10.1136/svn-2017-000130
Open Access

very high risk associated with renal failure.41 Renal func-                      and particularly for intracerebral haemorrhage. In a
tion declines linearly with age, and by age 80 the average                       recent large population-based study (n=114 859, followed
estimated glomerular filtration rate in patients attending                       for 6 years)52: ‘Heavy drinking (exceeding guidelines)
a stroke prevention clinic is below 60 mL/min/1.73 m2.40                         conferred an increased risk of presenting with unheralded
We have evidence that even moderate renal impair-                                coronary death (1.21, 95% CI 1.08 to 1.35), heart failure
ment significantly increases plasma levels of the GDUT                           (1.22, 1.08 to 1.37), cardiac arrest (1.50, 1.26 to 1.77),
(submitted for publication). This means that persons                             transient ischaemic attack (1.11, 1.02 to 1.37), ischaemic
with renal impairment, including most elderly patients,                          stroke (1.33, 1.09 to 1.63), intracerebral haemorrhage
should avoid red meat and egg yolk.                                              (1.37, 1.16 to 1.62), and peripheral arterial disease (1.35;
                                                                                 1.23 to 1.48), but a lower risk of myocardial infarction
                                                                                 (0.88, 0.79 to 1.00) or stable angina (0.93, 0.86 to 1.00)’.
                                                                                 Two likely mechanisms are that heavy alcohol consump-
The role of regular consumption of tea or coffee on
                                                                                 tion may increase the risk of atrial fibrillation and also
cardiovascular risk has not been tested in randomised
                                                                                 increase blood pressure,51 in some individuals more than
controlled trials. There is moderately good evidence that
                                                                                 others. Moderate alcohol consumption does not appear
consumption of coffee and tea reduces risk of myocar-
                                                                                 to increase the risk of atrial fibrillation.53
dial infarction, but little mention of stroke in that body
of literature. It seems likely that reduction of myocardial
infarction would be associated with reduction of stroke
risk.                                                                            DIETARY SODIUM
   Coffee consumption has been controversial for many                            A major dietary issue in China is sodium intake. The
years. An early report from the Framingham Study indi-                           relationship of sodium intake to hypertension in China
cated that tea, but not coffee, reduced the risk of myocar-                      was reviewed in 2014.54 Most of the sodium (~75%) in
dial infarction.42 For both tea and coffee there are two                         the diet comes from soy sauce and added condiments.
issues to be considered: the effects of caffeine and the                         The major cause of stroke in China is hypertension, and
effects of antioxidants. Some evidence that caffeine in                          hypertension is poorly controlled,55 in part because of the
coffee may be harmful came from a study in which slow                            cost of medication.56 Restriction of sodium intake has the
metabolisers of caffeine (because of a variant of the                            potential to improve blood pressure control, particularly
CYP1A2 genotype) appeared to have increased the risk of                          in patients with higher blood pressures,11 at no finan-
myocardial infarction.43 A recent meta-analysis indicates                        cial cost. Patients should be encouraged to use light soy
that consuming 3–5 cups per day of coffee reduces cardio-                        sauce in limited quantities and increase other approaches
vascular risk.44 As both decaffeinated and regular coffee                        to flavouring food, such as lemon juice, vinegar, ginger,
appear to have equal benefit with regard to reduction of                         spices, herbs and hot peppers. Again, such changes would
cardiovascular disase and diabetes,45 46 it seems likely that                    represent a cultural change that would be a challenge to
benefits of coffee are from bioflavonoids.                                       implement.
   Both green tea and other forms of tea reduce cardio-
vascular risk. Green tea lowers blood pressure and LDL
                                                                                 So what diet would be recommended for patients at risk of
cholesterol,47 and improves endothelial function.48
However, there are differences between green tea and
                                                                                 Patients at risk of stroke should limit their intake of animal
black tea. A report from the Rotterdam study49 indicated
                                                                                 flesh, avoiding red meat and egg yolk. They should have
that consumption of the bioflavonoids quercetin, kaemp-
                                                                                 a high intake of beneficial oils such as olive and canola,
ferol and myricetin may account for the reduction of
                                                                                 whole grains, vegetables, fruits and legumes. Egg white
myocardial infarction observed with black tea consump-
                                                                                 is a good source of protein, so omelettes, frittatas and
tion. The cardiovascular benefit of green tea, on the
                                                                                 egg salad sandwiches made with egg whites or with egg
other hand, has been associated with catechins.50
                                                                                 white-based substitutes are a good substitute for a meat-
   Consumption of both tea and coffee appears to be
                                                                                 based meal. Box 2 summarises my recommendations for
beneficial. It is not known if consuming both tea and
                                                                                 helping patients learn to make a healthy diet enjoyable.
coffee would be more beneficial. Since consumption of
                                                                                 The recipe booklet that I give to my patients can be down-
these beverages is a personal preference with cultural
                                                                                 loaded from
differences across countries, it seems unlikely that physi-
                                                                                    To accomplish this, patients need to think of their
cians would prescribe one or the other.
                                                                                 meatless day not as a punishment day, but as a gourmet
                                                                                 cooking class day: ‘Having fun learning how to make
CONSUMPTION OF ALCOHOL                                                           healthy eating tasty’.57
Consumption of alcohol is a two-edged sword. Moderate                               A measure that should be considered in China would
consumption of alcohol (
Open Access

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