Job application pack - Jobs.wa

Job application pack
Thanks for your interest in working at Lotterywest. This guide includes
information about our recruitment and selection process to support you
in preparing and submitting a strong job application. Good luck!

Grants Marketing Officer
Level 4 $78,452 to $82,797 PSG0CSAGA
Job vacancy number: 19/18
Part time - 0.4 to 0.6 FTE
Fixed term - 12 months with the possibility of extension

Follow these important application instructions:

     Please submit your application by 9.30am on 13 March 2019. Unfortunately, we can’t
     accept late applications so please allow yourself enough time to complete your application
     before the due date and time.
     Apply online through the website by clicking the ‘Apply for Job’ button
     and follow the instructions. Our People and Culture team are happy to help if you need
     assistance on (08) 9488 6493.
     Please submit your CV and a cover letter of no more than 1500 words addressing the
     essential selection criteria which is outlined on page four (4).
     For more information about the position please contact Shay Byrne, Senior Marketing and
     Engagement Officer on 9488 6381
     To learn more about Lotterywest please visit
     Suitable applicants may be considered for future similar employment opportunities at
     Lotterywest during the next six months.

Grants Marketing Officer                                                                      Role Statement

About Lotterywest                                           About the business unit
Lotterywest has been giving Western Australians             Grants and Community Development is
the chance to dream for more than 85 years.                 responsible for providing effective, equitable and
We’re the only lottery in Australia, which is State         responsible grant making that responds flexibly to
Government owned and operated, with the                     community needs. We contribute to the
majority of money spent on lottery tickets being            development of best practice grant making across
returned to the community through prizes and                the government, corporate, not-for-profit and
grants.                                                     philanthropic sectors.

Thanks to those that purchase our games and the
hard work of over 500 retailers that sell them, our         We work in partnership with not-for-profit
grants are a vital source of support for Western            organisations, government, corporate and
Australia’s public hospitals, sports, the arts, local       philanthropic bodies, actively leading,
government authorities and thousands of not-for-            influencing and encouraging community and
profit groups.                                              sector development to address community
The vision ‘Building a better Western Australia             challenges and aspirations. A Social Investment
together’, has been the foundation of our                   Framework guides and measures the impact of
operation since 1932 and enables us to continue             the investment the two organisations make in the
delivering value to our State and remaining a               community through grants.
Western Australian icon.                                    Key focus areas of position
Our purpose                                                 Reporting to the Senior Marketing and
                                                            Engagement Officer, the Grants Marketing
To enhance the quality of life and well-being of
                                                            Officer is responsible for implementing grant
all West Australians through the funding,
                                                            marketing and partnership opportunities;
leadership and support we provide to our
                                                            including grant acknowledgment agreement and
beneficiaries and by operating our lottery
                                                            strategy plans, while ensuring alignment with the
business with excellence and integrity.
                                                            Lotterywest brand strategy, the Community
Our values                                                  Investment Framework and the Lotterywest
                                                            Strategic Plan.
 Customer focused
 Upbeat
                                                            This role has the following key areas of focus:
 Authentic
 Smart
                                                             Grant Marketing
 Reliable
                                                             Stakeholder engagement
 Adaptable
                                                             Customer Experience
                                                             Service Delivery
                                                             Budget Administration
                                                             Project Administration

Grants Marketing Officer                                                                     Role Statement

Key responsibilities                                      Essential selection criteria
 Contributes to the translation of an approved
                                                                As outlined on page one (1), please
  brand strategy into successful grant
  stakeholder engagement activities and                         address this essential selection
  consumer marketing campaigns, in alignment                    criteria in a cover page of no more
  with the broader marketing strategy                           than 1500 words and submit in
                                                                addition to your CV.
 Coordinates activities and processes to ensure
  consistency and alignment of Lotterywest
  grant marketing activities across all channels          1. Demonstrated experience in the
  in line with the approved brand strategy                   implementation of grants marketing planning
 Develops and maintains relationships with                  and initiatives across a range of
  external stakeholders including Lotterywest                communication channels
  supported organisations to identity grants              2. Ability to deliver strategies and initiatives on
  acknowledgement opportunities                              time and within budget
                                                          3. Well-developed written and verbal
 Delivery of integrated grant marketing plans or            communication skills with the ability to
  initiatives, and monitoring the overall                    effectively engage with a wide range of
  performance                                                stakeholders
 Day-to-day implementation of Lotterywest’s              4. Demonstrated experience in interpreting data
  sign management contract including invoicing               and metrics to provide recommendations to
  and records management                                     improve communications and partnership
 Focuses on gaining a clear understanding of             5. Skills and knowledge in developing business
  set budget expenditure and ensures budgets are             improvement strategies, processes and
  effectively utilised                                       procedures
 Liaises with agencies, suppliers and customers
  in relation to daily work, including briefing,
  implementation and monitoring to ensure the
  achievement of business objectives
 Significantly contributes to the quality, timely,
  effective and efficient delivery of relevant
  services to all internal and external customers
  and the promotion of a team culture driven by
  excellence and a focus on customers
 Contributes to the review and improvement of
  business strategies and processes associated
  with grants marketing.
 Carries out other duties as requested

Mandatory/special role requirements
 Police clearance.
 Undertake occasional after hours/weekend

Grants Marketing Officer                                                                                                                               Role Statement

Reporting relationship

                                                                                            Chief Executive Officer
                                                                                                    1 FTE

                                                                 General Manager
                                                                                                                           Director Health Promotion
                                                         Grants & Community Development
                                                                                                                                     Level 9
                                                                     Class 1
                                                                                                                                     1 FTE
                                                                      1 FTE

                    Senior Manager Grants                    Senior Manager Grants
                                                                                                           Manager Grants Social Impact
                        Development                      Governance, Policy and Marketing
                                                                                                                    Level 7
                           Level 8                                   Level 8
                                                                                                                     1 FTE
                            1 FTE                                    1 FTE
                          40001339                                 40000093

                         Senior Governance and           Senior Marketing and Engagement
                          Improvement Officer                         Officer                                  Manager Policy
                                 Level 6                              Level 6                                     Level 7
                                 1 FTE                                 1 FTE                                      1 FTE
                                40000830                            40000831                                     40000832

                   Senior Business Improvement Officer       Grants Marketing Officer                    Senior Grants Policy Officer
                                 Level 5                             Level 4                                      Level 5
                                 1 FTE                                1 FTE                                        1 FTE
                                40001379                            40000010                                     40000095

                  Senior Business Support Officer         Healthway Partnership Officer
                              Level 5                               Level 4
                              1 FTE                                 1 FTE
                            40000557                                 HWY

                     Business Support Officer
                             Level 4
                             1 FTE

                     Business Support Officer
                             Level 3
                             1 FTE

                Direct reports                                                                                 Indirect reports

                           0                                                                                                    0

Grants Marketing Officer                                                                         Application

Why you should join us                                   role, along with your curriculum vitae (CV or
We’re a unique organisation and the work we do
is diverse and rewarding. From the marketing of          Step three: submit your application
our games, the management of our gaming and
                                                         Take note of the date and time your job
information technology, through to working with
                                                         application needs to be submitted by and allow
community groups that receive our grants.
                                                         yourself plenty of time to finish it. We’re not able
Working with us gives you access to benefits
                                                         to accept your application after the date and time
                                                         included in the advertisement. When you’re
 A flexible working environment with the                ready, please submit your application online
  ability to negotiate working hours that suit you       through the website.
  and Lotterywest.
                                                         Step four: interviews
 Learning and development opportunities to
   improve the way you work in your role.                If our assessment finds you to be a suitable
                                                         candidate, we’ll invite you for an interview.
 A variety of wellness activities such as health
  checks and exercise opportunities.                     Step five: successful applicants
 A friendly place to work.                              We’ll let you know if you were successful or not
You can find our Head Office in Subiaco, close           as soon as we can. At the same time, we’ll also let
to public transport, a range of public parking           unsuccessful applicants know the outcome. We
options and great end of journey facilities if           offer them the opportunity to seek feedback and if
you’re cycling, running or walking to work.              they wish they’re able to pursue a Breach of
                                                         Standards (BOS) review of the outcome.
How do I apply?
                                                         They have four working days to lodge a BOS
As a State Government statutory authority                review. If no one submits a BOS review in this
we follow the Public Sector Commissioner’s               time, we’ll let you know in writing that you’re the
employment standards as set out in the                   ‘successful applicant’ and a new Lotterywest staff
Commissioner’s     Instructions.  The   below            member!
instructions will help you prepare and submit
a strong job application that meets these                Step six: unsuccessful applicants
requirements.                                            If you’re unsuccessful, we’ll let you know in
                                                         writing after the selection process is complete.
Step one: read the role statement
The role statement found on page two (2) to page         We’ll also send you information about who to
five (5) of this Job application pack will outline       contact for feedback and how to seek a BOS
the key responsibilities and skills needed for the       review of the outcome, if you feel that your
position. If your skills match the skills needed         application wasn’t treated in accordance with the
then we’d love to receive your application! We’ll        best practice recruitment standards in step four.
use the role statement to assess your application        You have four working days to apply for a
and if you’re successful, assess your performance        review. A BOS review focuses on the recruitment
once you’re in the position.                             process itself, not on the abilities of an applicant.
Step two: prepare your application                       For more information about Lotterywest
Your job application should be formal. Look at           If you have any questions about our recruitment
the role statement for specific direction on what        process, please contact the People and Culture
your application needs to include. Usually you’ll        team at peopleandculture@
need to include a cover letter that shows you have       or (08) 9488 6493.
the skills and experience required to perform the

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