Jellyfish Daily Learning Story - Wednesday 25th August 2021

Page created by Juanita Murphy
Jellyfish Daily Learning Story - Wednesday 25th August 2021
Daily Learning

   Wednesday 25th August 2021
Jellyfish Daily Learning Story - Wednesday 25th August 2021
Happy Birthday Evan!
 Today we were able to celebrate Evan’s 2nd Birthday. In the afternoon Evan’s mum
 brought in some delicious cupcakes for us each to enjoy as well as a very yummy
                        rainbow cake for all the educators.
We celebrated by singing a big happy birthday, checking out the really cool balloons
               and ate the delicious cupcakes on the mat outside.
Again we would love to wish Evan a very big happy 2nd birthday tomorrow, we are so
          happy that we got to celebrate this very special day with you!!
                              Written by Miss Taylah
Jellyfish Daily Learning Story - Wednesday 25th August 2021
Inside Play
 We originally had an arts and crafts experience planned for
 this morning, but with the change of rooms we didn’t want
 to overwhelm the children so we just let them explore this
            new environment we were in today!
  This morning we were very excited to go and venture up
   stairs. Some of us were a bit unsure but the rest of us
       couldn’t be happier to be in a different setting.
   As there were so many unusual and new toys to play
 with most of us didn’t know what to play with at first.
   Evan went straight to our colour sorting boxes with
weird and mixed objects in them. Ayden played with the
    puppet and Miss Jade showed him how to put it on.
 Jacqueline played with our wooden cylinder puzzle, Miss
  Jade sat with her and she was able to put them in the
   correct circles as they were different sizes. Good job
Jacqueline. Tabitha, Olivia and Tiffany played with the as-
  sorted home corner objects, they made many pretend
meals, Amal wanted to join in and placed the popcorn on
   a tray showing Miss Taylah. Harvey liked the wooden
 milkshake and was pretending to have a drink out of it.
  While Chloe was happy to explore the room and puzzles
placed on the table. Hannah and Isabella liked to look out
 the window and see the cars, Isabella even saw her mum
    and grandma waving out, this got a lot of our other
friends attention and we all had a turn at looking out the
      window too. What a great start to our morning.

                  Written by Miss Jade
Jellyfish Daily Learning Story - Wednesday 25th August 2021
Outside Play
 The children got to explore a new environment this morn-
ing, today we were in the upstairs classroom as soon as we
 made our way up to the classroom the children noticed all
the obstacle courses, toys and the sandpit that is displayed
 up the top. Once the children finished exploring the inside
 area Miss Taylah let them out to explore what you would
   called ‘the outside area.’ All the children really enjoyed
 playing with the sandpit, it is a large sandpit full of heaps
    of toys and a amazing picture of the ocean behind it.
 Evan looked at the picture of the ocean and pointed out
the birds and the water that is displayed in the picture. He
  kept repeating “water” and “birds” as he was talking to
                       Miss Taylah.
  Ayden, Tiffany, Jacqueline, Chloe and Tabitha also loved
 playing in the sandpit they each used the shovels to dig
 the sand into the buckets. Tiffany and Tabitha also loved
  using the rake to smooth out the sand. They all really
             enjoyed themselves this morning!
 Ethan found the toys that belong to the pretend fire pit,
him and Amal were pretending to cook marshmallows over
                 the fire with Miss Jade.
  Olivia and Isabella loved playing on the obstacle course
 using both there legs and arms to make their way to the
other end of the course. Where as Harvey and Hannah loved
  playing in the outdoor home corner pretending to make
                    food for one another.
  All the children really enjoyed there time this morning
              exploring this new environment!
                    Written by Miss Zoe
Jellyfish Daily Learning Story - Wednesday 25th August 2021
Jellyfish Daily Learning Story - Wednesday 25th August 2021
Jellyfish Daily Learning Story - Wednesday 25th August 2021
Staff Name
                         Jellyfish                    Shift

Date                       25th August 2021           Rest Pause          10 mins                10 mins     10 mins
Day                          Wednesday                Lunch                   12.00-1.00         1.30-2.15   1.00-1.30
        CHILD'S NAME         Morning tea      Lunch      Afternoon Tea                 Rest Time               Bottle
               Chloe             All           All              All             11.41              12.30
             Tabitha             All           All              All             11.46              2.00         All
             Hannah              All           All              All             11.51              1.41
              Harvey             All           All              All             11.53              1.15
            Jacqueline          Most           All              All             11.56              12.45
                Evan            Most          Most              All             11.46              1.41         All
              Tiffany            All           All              All             11.41              1.40         All
              Olivia             All           All              All             11.56              1.40
               Amal              All           All              All             11.56              1.20
              Ayden              All           All              All             11.44              1.22       50mls
              Isabella           All          Most              All            Rested             Rested
              Ethan             Late           All              All             12.50              1.42         All

UV Rating                                                     9:10 am to 2:30 pm, UV 6
Morning Tea                                                   Fresh Fruit & Crackers
Alt Morning Tea                                                        N/A
Lunch                                                           Mixed Sandwiches
Alt Lunch                                                Dair Free and Halal Sandwiches
Afternoon tea                                                Fresh Fruit & Cupcakes
Alt Afternoon
tea                                                      Fresh fruit & Dairy Free Biscuits
Jellyfish Daily Learning Story - Wednesday 25th August 2021 Jellyfish Daily Learning Story - Wednesday 25th August 2021 Jellyfish Daily Learning Story - Wednesday 25th August 2021
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