Jay's Bird Barn & Hallmark Store - Offering Memorandum - 1490 S. Riordan Ranch Rd., Flagstaff | Arizona - NET

Page created by Holly Ball
Jay's Bird Barn & Hallmark Store - Offering Memorandum - 1490 S. Riordan Ranch Rd., Flagstaff | Arizona - NET
Jay’s Bird Barn
& Hallmark Store
1490 S. Riordan Ranch Rd., Flagstaff | Arizona

Offering Memorandum                  Colliers International | Arizona
                                       1150 N. San Francisco Street
                                                 Flagstaff, AZ 86001
                                                 P: +1 928 440 5450
Accelerating success.
Jay's Bird Barn & Hallmark Store - Offering Memorandum - 1490 S. Riordan Ranch Rd., Flagstaff | Arizona - NET
Confidentiality and Disclaimer
This Offering Memorandum contains select information         3) You will not, directly or indirectly, disclose or permit
pertaining to the business, affairs and assets of the        anyone else to disclose this Offering Memorandum or
company commonly known as Jay’s Bird Barn located            its contents in any fashion or manner detrimental to the
at 1490 S. Riordan Rd., Flagstaff, Arizona 86001 (here-      interest of the Seller.
inafter the “Company”). It has been prepared by Colliers
International.                                               Owner and Colliers International expressly reserve
                                                             the right, at their sole discretion, to reject any and all
This Offering Memorandum may not be all-inclusive or         expressions of interest or offers to purchase the
contain all of the information a prospective purchaser       Company and to terminate discussions with any person
may desire. The information contained in this Offering       or entity reviewing this Offering Memorandum or
Memorandum is confidential and furnished solely for          making an offer to purchase the Company unless and
the purpose of a review by a prospective purchaser           until a written agreement for the purchase and sale of
of the Company. It is not to be used for any other           the Company has been fully executed and delivered.
purpose or made available to any other person without
the written consent of Seller or Colliers International.     If you wish not to pursue negotiations leading to the
The material is based in part upon information supplied      acquisition of this Company or in the future you
by the Seller and in part upon financial information         discontinue such negotiations, then you agree to purge
obtained by Colliers International from sources it deems     all materials relating to this Company including this
reliable.                                                    Offering Memorandum.

Neither Owner, nor their officers, employees, or agents      A prospective purchaser’s sole and exclusive rights
makes any representation or warranty, express or im-         with respect to this prospective transaction, the Com-
plied, as to the accuracy or completeness of this Offering   pany, or information provided herein or in connection
Memorandum or any of its contents and no legal liability     with the sale of the Company shall be limited to those
is assumed or shall be implied with respect thereto.         expressly provided in an executed Purchase Agreement
Prospective purchasers should make their own projec-         and shall be subject to the terms thereof. In no event
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By acknowledging your receipt of this Offering               damages, liability, or causes of action relating to this
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1) The Offering Memorandum and its contents are
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                                                             represent the state of affairs of the Company or
2) You will hold it and treat it in the strictest of         constitute an indication that there has been no change
confidence;                                                  in the state of affairs of the Company since the date of
                                                             this Offering Memorandum.

2                                                                                          JAY’S BIRD BARN | FLAGSTAFF, AZ
Jay's Bird Barn & Hallmark Store - Offering Memorandum - 1490 S. Riordan Ranch Rd., Flagstaff | Arizona - NET

If you are a bird lover and enjoy helping others
enjoy the great outdoors, you would be an excellent
buyer for Jay’s Bird Barn in Flagstaff. Let your
passion become your full-time motivator for this
store. Jay’s Bird Barn was established over 16
years ago in 2003 in Prescott. The owner opened
the Flagstaff location in 2016 and has consistently
increased sales year over year. The Prescott store
is one of the largest retail bird operations in the
country grossing over one million in sales each
year. The owner feels that it could be duplicated
at this Flagstaff location if he were present every
day. An owner who lives in the community, who
is connected to the community, who can attend
Chamber events, Audubon meetings, lead bird
walks, teach classes, write a column or story for
the local newspaper or create a newsletter, develop
relationships with non-profits, do some community
speaking engagements, attend off-site events
and create awareness of the Flagstaff store, this
location could be as successful as the Prescott
location. The base sales level has been established
in Flagstaff and it is ready to move to a whole new
level. People shop at this location because they       up on the ground because wild birds don’t want
know they can get professional, knowledgeable help,    these fillers. Jay’s customers and the wild birds
they can get good advice and answers to questions.     can tell the difference. All the proprietary bird seed
The Flagstaff store has been built on good customer    recipes mixing, and bagging is outsourced to a
service. Flagstaff needs a hand on, onsite dedicated   non-profit organization that employs adults with
owner to take this location to a whole new level.      disabilities to show support to the local community.
                                                       When customers purchase seed at Jay’s they are
Jay’s Bird Barn has a variety of goods and services    not only supporting a family owned business, but
that they provide to the local birders of Northern     they are also supporting adults with disabilities and
Arizona. They are widely known for making their        their opportunity for meaningful employment. Not
own bird seed blends, that are formulated for the      only does Jay’s sell great bird seed they also sell
different types of wild birds found in Northern        other produces such as, bird feeders, bird houses,
Arizona. You can not purchase this bird seed           birdbaths, fountains, nectar related products, yard
anywhere else but at Jay’s Bird Barn. They do not      art, educational materials, professional optics and
have any filler ingredients which usually ends         all kinds of gifts, apparel and Hallmark cards.

Jay's Bird Barn & Hallmark Store - Offering Memorandum - 1490 S. Riordan Ranch Rd., Flagstaff | Arizona - NET

Jay’s Bird Barn is also a Hallmark multi-focus        over $4 billion in revenue. The branding of this
store. Being associated with Hallmark brings          store with Hallmark and its famous collaborations
a powerful brand recognition to this store with       helps this store thrive with current products for its
Hallmark’s national marketing and highly sought-      customers. Hallmark helps Jay’s Bird Barn fulfill
after cards, gifts and other incredible Hallmark      inspired meaningful gifts and products that helps
products. Hallmark also provides its robust rewards   connections come to life in its products.
program to the store, encouraging customers back
again and again. This association with Hallmark       This location is ready to be taken to a new level
has no franchise fees or any other fees associated    with new ownership. This is a must see location if
with the program. Hallmark’s businesses employ        you are interested in birds and the great outdoors
approximately 30,000 worldwide and generates          of Northern Arizona.


4                                                                                  JAY’S BIRD BARN | FLAGSTAFF, AZ
Jay's Bird Barn & Hallmark Store - Offering Memorandum - 1490 S. Riordan Ranch Rd., Flagstaff | Arizona - NET
Jay's Bird Barn & Hallmark Store - Offering Memorandum - 1490 S. Riordan Ranch Rd., Flagstaff | Arizona - NET
Business Asking Price: $99,000


Leased Location:                                       •   FF&E & TI’s: $ 65,000

The 3,200 square-foot retail space rents at $3,296/    •   Support and training: The owner is willing to
month and has been located at the same great               provide a transition period with the new owner.
location since 2016 in the Sprouts Shopping Center         He is willing to train and provide long term
located at 1490 S. Riordan Ranch St, Flagstaff, AZ.        guidance for the right owner.
The lease ends May 31, 2021 with an additional
                                                       •   Reason for selling: To concentrate and work
five-year option, however the landlord is willing to
                                                           full time on the Prescott store near his home,
sign a new long-term lease with a qualified buyer.
                                                           consolidating and downsizing.
•   Asking price: $99,000 plus inventory               •   Website: https://www.jaysbirdbarn.com/
•   Inventory: not included in price – inventory
    will be taken at time of purchase and sold
    at owners’ cost. Estimated to be $140,000-

6                                                                                  JAY’S BIRD BARN | FLAGSTAFF, AZ
Jay's Bird Barn & Hallmark Store - Offering Memorandum - 1490 S. Riordan Ranch Rd., Flagstaff | Arizona - NET


Flagstaff is located in Arizona’s high country        Flagstaff is the regional crossroad for Northern
surrounded by the largest ponderosa pine forest       Arizona and Grand Canyon National Park.
in the world. Considered a tourist destination for    Flagstaff was chosen as one of the fittest
all seasons there is plenty of outdoor recreation     places to live in the United States by Men’s
with camping, hiking and biking trails, beautiful     Journal in 2015, and listed as one of the top
fall colors, and winter snow play and skiing.         25 Best Towns in America in a 2017 edition
Taking advantage of the comfortable summer            of Outside Magazine. The 4 million visitors
temperatures Flagstaff has outdoor festivals from     and large second home owner population in
June through October, including the Museum            Flagstaff are drawn to the city’s four seasons,
of Northern Arizona Heritage Festivals focused        accessible location and fulfilling quality of life.
on Native American and Latin cultures.
                                                      This ever-growing resort type community
This is your rare opportunity to live and work        consisting of local families, vacation rentals,
in the beautiful city of Flagstaff. People travel     surrounding Northern Arizona regional
from all over the state, country and world to visit   market and second homes from all walks
Flagstaff and the area’s famous landmarks.            of life provides an ever-growing market
                                                      for this one of a kind retail experience.
Jay's Bird Barn & Hallmark Store - Offering Memorandum - 1490 S. Riordan Ranch Rd., Flagstaff | Arizona - NET
Contact Us:   KEVIN B. CALL, CPA        DENNIS KELLY
              Vice President            Senior Vice President
              +1 928 440 5450           +1 928 440 5450
              kevin.call@colliers.com   dennis.kelly@colliers.com
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