JANUARY-APRIL 2023 Try Our Fitness Sampler! - SEE PAGE 15 - CivicLive

Page created by Adrian Nguyen
JANUARY-APRIL 2023 Try Our Fitness Sampler! - SEE PAGE 15 - CivicLive
Try Our
                      SEE PAGE 15

JANUARY-APRIL 2023 Try Our Fitness Sampler! - SEE PAGE 15 - CivicLive
TABLE OF                                               INCLEMENT WEATHER INFO
CONTENTS                                               During inclement weather situations, the City of Renton
Community Events. . . . . . . . . . . . 3
                                                       follows guidelines established by Renton School District.
Preschool & Youth . . . . . . . . . . . . 5            If Renton School District is closed: all city          Recreation Division
Youth & Teen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6        recreation classes and activities are canceled.        Inclement Weather
Youth & Adult Music . . . . . . . . . . 9              If Renton School District has a late start: all city   Information
                                                       morning classes and activities are canceled.           rentonwa.gov/recreation
Youth Camps. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
                                                       If Renton School District has an early release:        Inclement Weather Line
Youth Athletics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11          call the city’s inclement weather line at
Adaptive Recreation . . . . . . . . . 13               425-430-6719 for updated class and cancellation
                                                       information.                                           Renton Community Center
Emergency Preparedness. . . . . 14
                                                       If there is no power to a city facility: city staff    425-430-6700 (option 7)
ADULT FITNESS SAMPLER!. . . 15                         will evacuate all customers and facility will be       rentonwa.gov/rcc
RCC Court Reservations . . . . . . 15                  closed until power is restored. City facilities will
                                                       not remain open for business without power.            Don Persson Renton
Adult General Interest. . . . . . . . 16
                                                                                                              Senior Activity Center
Adult Fitness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16       Weekend or evening event: The status of an
                                                       evening or weekend class during inclement              425-430-6633
Adult Sports Leagues . . . . . . . . 18                weather can be determined by calling the               rentonwa.gov/rsac
Seniors 50+ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19-28          inclement weather line at 425-430-6719 or the
                                                       Renton Community Center at 425-430-6700.
Volunteer Opportunities . . . . . 29
Maplewood Golf Course. . . . . . 29
Parks Planning
& Development. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Community Greenhouse                                                                      Scholarships for course fees are available for
& Garden. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31                                        youth 18 or younger, adults 50 and older, and
                                                                                          individuals who participate in Adaptive Rec
Rental Space Available . . . . . . . 32                                                   programs. This program is funded entirely
                                                             Recreation                   through generous donations from individuals,
                                                            Scholarships                  service organizations, businesses, and grants.

                                                                   Complete an application at rentonwa.gov/scholarship
                                                                     For questions, email recreation@rentonwa.gov

Info & Contacts                                        Course Fees                                     Reservations or registration
Recreation Information                                 Renton Resident (R)                             is required to participate
rentonwa.gov/recreation                                and Non-Resident (NR)                           in all recreation scheduled
recreation@rentonwa.gov                                                                                activities and programs. Staff
                                                       “R” indicates a fee for City
Renton Community Center                                                                                and participants will have the
                                                       of Renton residents and
425-430-6700                                                                                           choice to wear, or not to wear
                                                       “NR” indicates a fee for
                                                                                                       a mask while in our facilities,
Senior Center 425-430-6633                             non-residents.
                                                                                                       with the expectation that all
                                                                                                       choices will be respected.
Highlands Neighborhood
Center 425-430-6744

                                                     City of Renton Recreation Division // 2
JANUARY-APRIL 2023 Try Our Fitness Sampler! - SEE PAGE 15 - CivicLive
                                                          RENTON COMMUNITY CENTER
                                                    It's time to dance the night away.Experience
                                                      a DJ playing your favorite songs, creating a
                                                       keepsake craft and light refreshments and
                                                 don't forget to strike a pose at our photo booth!

    A WINTER                                                   rentonwa.gov/register
  FAMILY DANCE                                       Participant registration fee is $15R/$18NR per person.
                                                             Registration is required for every participant.
Enjoy a night to remember!                                                    Use code #14189, $15R/$18NR

                                                             We are celebrating the birthday
                                                             of the rooftop dragon, Erasmus,
                                                             guardian of Downtown Renton!
                                                             The Dragon Dash 5K/10K Fun Run & Walk is
                                                             coming and Erasmus is plotting the course now!
                                                             Along the way, you may encounter a medieval
                                                             knight, a sword in the stone, or even a
                                                             fire-breathing dragon! Details will be
                                                                                                      Dress in
                                                             available mid January.                  your best
                                                                    Competitive runners, fun          dragon
                                                                    runners, walkers and families.     attire!

                                                                   After the run kids can participate
                                                                   in a dragon egg hunt.
                                                                   Accurate and professional chip timing is
    A Dragon Dash is flying into Renton!                           provided by BuDu Racing, LLC.
       APRIL 15, 2023                                              Early bird registration opens January 15 at
  rentonwa.gov/dragonregister                                      rentonwa.gov/dragonregister. 5K = $28 and
                                                                   10K = $38. (Receive a long-sleeved T-shirt if
        (REGISTRATION OPEN JANUARY 15!)                            registered before April 7.)

                City of Renton Recreation Division // rentonwa.gov/register // 3
JANUARY-APRIL 2023 Try Our Fitness Sampler! - SEE PAGE 15 - CivicLive

                               Sunday, March 19, 2pm
                                    IKEA Performing Arts Center
                                      400 S Second St, Renton
                               rentonwa.gov/events // 425-430-6700
                                       Adults $10, Students & 50+ Seniors $7
                              Tickets can be purchased at Renton Community Center,
                                    Don Persson Renton Senior Activity Center,
                                   or at the door on the day of the performance.

                                                                                                    Check out King County
                                                                                                    Library System fun and
                                                                                                    educational programs
                                            Tuesday–Friday, 10 am–4 pm
                                                                                                    and events at these local
                                          235 Mill Avenue S // 425-255-2330
                                         Come in from the cold and explore the                      Renton Library
                                         current exhibit With This Ring, a history
                                                                                                    100 Mill Ave S
    Visit us online at                                                                              kcls.org/locations/renton
                                                 of marriage in Renton.
    rentonwa.gov/                                                                        Fairwood Library
neighborhoodprogram                                                                      17009 140th Ave SE
 to learn how you can apply
 the Matching Grant Fund to                                                              Skyway Library
  your next Neighborhood                                                                 12601 76th Ave S
     project or gathering.
                                                                                         Renton Highlands Library
                                                                                         2801 NE 10th St

                              City of Renton Recreation Division // rentonwa.gov/register // 4
JANUARY-APRIL 2023 Try Our Fitness Sampler! - SEE PAGE 15 - CivicLive
                                                                                            Creative Kids
                                                                                           CRAFT KITS
                                                                                             On the Go!
Li’l Movers                                                                           AGES 3 AND UP. Running out of
                                                                                      ideas to keep busy hands creative?
Tuesdays                                                                              We’ve got it covered! Each art/craft
                                                                                      kit includes enough materials and
AGES 1–5. L’il Movers is back! Bring                                                  directions to create two projects.
your child to our Lil Movers Indoor                                                   Please note some common household
Play for fun and socialization! Kids                                                  supplies will be needed to complete
will delight in the opportunity                                                       the projects such as scissors, glue
to run, jump, and MOVE! Parent/                                                       markers etc. Each project has a
Caregiver supervision required at all                                                 registration deadline to give time
times. Space is limited.                                                              for materials to arrive.
                                                                                      These projects are self-guided
                                                                                      however, we would love to see and
                                                                                      share your masterpiece! You can
Jan 10–31    13761 $20R/$24NR                                                         email a photo of your artist and their
Feb 7–28     13762 $15R/$18NR                                                         creation to recreation@rentonwa.gov,
Mar 7–28     13763 $20R/$24NR                                                         or post it on social media with the
Apr 4–25     13764 $15R/$18NR                                                         hashtag #LetsGoRenton.
                                                                                      ARCTIC BLAST

Tiny Toddler Time                                                                     Jan 20    14186
                                                                                      HAPPY HEARTS

Monday–Friday                                                                         Feb 10    14187       $12R/$14NR
                                                                                      MARCH MADNESS
AGES 9 MO. – 3 YEARS. Come check out our new Play Space! A                            Mar 13   14188        $12R/$14NR
space that allows your tiny toddler to climb, explore, tumble and
meet new friends in a fun and safe environment. Parent/Caregiver
supervision required at all times. No food or drink allowed in the
Play Space. There is no seating in the Play Space so please be
prepared to be up and moving with your tiny toddler.
Register ahead of time online, space is limited!
Mon, Wed, Fri: 9:30–10:30am 14191, $5 per session
Mon, Wed, Fri: 11am–12pm 14192, $5 per session
Tue, Thur: 4–5pm 14193, $5 per session

                               City of Renton Recreation Division // rentonwa.gov/register // 5
JANUARY-APRIL 2023 Try Our Fitness Sampler! - SEE PAGE 15 - CivicLive
GYMNASTICS                                                                               DANCE:
AGES 2–12. Under the instruction of the Roach Gymnastics and
Strength coaches your child will learn basic gymnastics skills                           STEPPIN’
including handstands, cartwheels, rolls and jumps as well as body
awareness, coordination, social skills, and overall conditioning.                        TOGETHER
We strive to create a safe, fun loving and high-energy class                             Emphasizing technique,
where the goal is to make each child feel better walking
                                                                                         fitness and fun for ages 3–18
out the door than when they walked in. Those with
previous experience will continue to develop their skills.                               “Steppin’ Together” Dance offers profes-
Leotard or shorts and T-shirt are recommended and                                        sional instruction with a strong emphasis
must be zipper free.                                                                     on technique, musicality, spatial
HIGHLANDS NEIGHBORHOOD CENTER                                                            awareness and fun, all in a nurturing and
$48R/$58NR                                                                               motivating environment. Each student
                                                                                         receives individual attention, initiating
TODDLER AGES 2–3                                                                         the creative expression, joy and appreci-
MONDAYS                                                                                  ation of dance and music.
Jan 9–30        13969    3:30-4:10pm                                                     • Students in Ballet and Creative
Feb 6–27        13970    3:30-4:10pm                                                       Movement classes must wear ballet
Mar 6–27        13971    3:30-4:10pm                                                       shoes with leather bottoms.
Apr 10–May 1    13972    3:30-4:10pm                                                     • Students in Jazz classes must
PRE-K AGES 4–5                                                                             wear jazz shoes.
MONDAYS                                                                                  • Students in Hip-Hop classes must wear
Jan 9–30        13973    4:15–4:55pm                                                       sneakers and comfortable clothing.
Feb 6–27        13974    4:15–4:55pm                                                     • Students in Tap classes must wear
Mar 6–27        13975    4:15–4:55pm                                                       tap shoes.
Apr 10–May 1    13976    4:15–4:55pm
                                         INTERMEDIATE AGES 6–12                          • Students in Contemporary may dance
WEDNESDAYS                               MONDAYS                                           barefoot or instructors will advise
Jan 4–25        13989    4:15–4:55pm     Jan 9–30         13981     5:55–6:45pm            shoe type.
Feb 1–22        13990    4:15–4:55pm     Feb 6–27         13982     5:55–6:45pm
Mar 8–29        13991    4:15–4:55pm     Mar 6–27         13983     5:55–6:45pm          See courses next page >>
Apr 12–May 3    13992    4:15–4:55pm     Apr 10–May 1     13984     5:55–6:45pm
BEGINNER AGES 6–12                       WEDNESDAYS
MONDAYS                                  Jan 4–25         13997     5:55–6:45pm                    Time for your
Jan 9–30        13993       5–5:50pm     Feb 1–22         13998     5:55–6:45pm                   dancer to shine!
Feb 6–27        13977       5–5:50pm     Mar 8–29         13999     5:55–6:45pm
Mar 6–27        13979       5–5:50pm     Apr 12–May 3     14000     5:55–6:45pm                 Spring recital
Apr 10–May 1    13980       5–5:50pm                                                         information coming
WEDNESDAYS                               (Instructor Permission Required)                         February!
Jan 4–25        13978       5–5:50pm     WEDNESDAYS
Feb 1–22        13990       5–5:50pm     Jan 4–25          14001 6:50–7:40pm
Mar 8–29        13995       5–5:50pm     Feb 1–22          14002 6:50–7:40pm
Apr 12–May 3    13996       5–5:50pm     Mar 8–29          14003 6:50–7:40pm
                                         Apr 12–May 3 14004 6:50–7:40pm

                               City of Renton Recreation Division // rentonwa.gov/register // 6
JANUARY-APRIL 2023 Try Our Fitness Sampler! - SEE PAGE 15 - CivicLive

                                                                                    Resident Non-Res
                                                           # of                     w/ Recital w/ Recital
  Day      Session      Ages           Course Title      Classes        Time           Fee        Fee     Instructor Course #

                        3–4                                 12     9:30–10:10am        $158       $173.60     Brashears   14167
                                  Intro to Ballet/Tap
                        5–6                                 12     10:15–11:05am       $158       $173.60     Brashears   14168
                        5–6       Intro to Ballet           12     2:30–3:10pm         $158       $173.60     Gladney     14172

                        7–10      Ballet I                  12     11:10am–12pm        $164       $180.80     Brashears   14169
           Jan 28–
            Apr 29      7–10      Contemporary I/II         12     3:20–4pm            $164       $180.80     Gladney     14173

                      10 & up Advanced Tap                  12     12:05–12:55pm       $170         $188      Brashears   14170

                       10–13      Ballet II                 12     4:10–4:55pm         $164       $180.80     Gladney     14174

                              Advanced Ballet/
                      14 & Up Contemporary/                 12     1–2pm               $170         $188      Brashears   14171
                              Lyrical Technique

                        3–4                                 12     5–5:55pm            $158       $173.60     Gladney     14175

                        7–10      Ballet I                  12     6–6:50pm            $164       $180.80     Gladney     14176
           Jan 23–
Monday                            Intermediate
            Apr 24     10–14                                12     7–8pm               $170         $188      Gladney     14177

                      14 & Up                               12     7–8:30pm            $200         $224      Brashears   14178

           Jan 24–
Tuesday                 6–10      Tap I/II                  12     6:30–7:25pm         $164       $180.80     Brashears   14179
            Apr 25

              OUR MISSION: To provide a safe, encouraging and engaging dance experience where students build
           confidence, work as a team, express themselves and improve their overall technique. We welcome dancers of
                       every kind and give our students the tools they need to thrive in a classroom setting.

                               City of Renton Recreation Division // rentonwa.gov/register // 7
JANUARY-APRIL 2023 Try Our Fitness Sampler! - SEE PAGE 15 - CivicLive
Youth Hip Hop                                                                           Cheerleading
Join Afterglow Youth Dance for a                                                        Stunt & Tumble
weekly high energy and engaging                                                         AGES 7–18. Learn to stunt! This is a
45-minute Hip Hop class with                                                            beginning-level class for those who
Teacher Kendra. In all ages, we will                                                    want to learn how to stunt and tumble
work towards at least two dance                                                         in cheerleading. This is a non-per-
performances in the year. Please wear                                                   forming class. Concurrent registration
sneakers to class each day and bring                                                    on Dream Team is required to partic-
your own water bottle. Our class is                                                     ipate in this class. Cheer classes are
designed for a wide range of abilities                                                  run by Eastside Dream Elite Cheer &
and comfortability. We encourage our                                                    Dance, www.EastsideDreamElite.com.
students to work at their own pace.                                                     No class 1/16.
RENTON COMMUNITY CENTER                                                                 RENTON COMMUNITY CENTER
Hip Hop Ages 6–7 Jump, spin and                                                         MONDAYS, 6:45–7:30 PM
stomp to the beat. Join us for a weekly                                                 Jan 9–Feb 13 13771    $65R/$78NR
high energy and engaging 45-minute                                                      Feb 27–Apr 3 13773    $65R/$78NR
Hip Hop class with Teacher Kendra. All                                                  Apr 17–Jun 12 13775 $85R/$102NR
dancers are welcome at every skill level
WEDNESDAYS 5:30–6:15PM                                                                  Tae Kwon Do
Jan 4–Feb 8   13567 $50R/$60NR                                                          AGES 6 & UP. Join instructors Nohemi
Feb 15–Mar 22 13568 $50R/$60NR              Dream Team                                  Soto and Carla Abbott of Forza
Mar 29–May 3 13569 $50R/$60NR               Cheer Squad                                 Dragon Martial Arts. They will instruct
                                                                                        students in the formal arts of Korean
                                            AGES 7–18. Be a part of the Renton          Martial Arts styles including Tae Kwon
                                            Recreation beginning-to-intermediate        Do, Hapkido, and Hwrang Do. This
                                            level cheer squad! You’ll learn dances,     is a program for the entire family.
                                            cheers, and beginning tumbling. There       Questions: email the instructor at
                                            will be opportunities to perform too.       forzadragonma@gmail.com.
                                            Dream Team has performed at halftime
                                            for the Seattle Storm and University        HIGHLANDS NEIGHBORHOOD CTR
                                            of Washington basketball games, and         TUES & THUR, $55R/$66NR
                                            numerous community events. Previous         Beginning White Belt
                                            experience is not required—contact          Jan 10–Feb 16 13953       5:30–6:30pm
Hip Hop Ages 8–12 If you love               instructor with questions. Cheer classes    Feb 28–Apr 6 13955        5:30–6:30pm
to dance and you love hip hop, this         are run by Eastside Dream Elite Cheer       Apr 18–May 25 13957       5:30–6:30pm
class is for you! Join us for a weekly 45   & Dance, EastsideDreamElite.com.
min class. We will be learning dynamic                                                  Gold Belt & Above
                                            No class 5/29
moves and different choreographies.                                                     Jan 10–Feb 16 13954       6:30–7:30pm
                                            RENTON COMMUNITY CENTER                     Feb 28–Apr 6 13956        6:30–7:30pm
In this class you will get professional
                                            MONDAYS, 5:15–6:45PM                        Apr 18–May 25 13958       6:30–7:30pm
instruction to advance skills and grow
in dance technique, rhythm, musicality      Jan 9–Feb 13 13768   $95R/$114NR
and creative movement expression.           Feb 27–Apr 3 13769   $95R/$114NR
We will also have focus in working as a     Apr 17–Jun 12 13776 $130R/$156NR               FORZA DRAGON MARTIAL ARTS
dance team and collaborate with each
other and use space formations.
                                                                                           Women's Self-Defense
Jan 4–Feb 8   13570 $50R/$60NR                                                               Friday, Jan. 27, 6–7:30pm
Feb 15–Mar 22 13571 $50R/$60NR                                                                    #13965, FREE
Mar 29–May 3 13572 $50R/$60NR

                                 City of Renton Recreation Division // rentonwa.gov/register // 8
JANUARY-APRIL 2023 Try Our Fitness Sampler! - SEE PAGE 15 - CivicLive
                                                                                         ABC Do-Re-Mi:
                                                                                         A Music Play Party
                                                                                         AGES 4–5. Does your little one love
                                                                                         music and love to dance? Join “ABC
                                                                                         Do-Re-Mi: A Music Play Party” for
                                                                                         4–5 year olds, including singing and
                                                                                         dancing and interactive fun! Your little
                                                                                         one will enjoy this opportunity to
                                                                                         energetically explore dancing, singing,
                                                                                         moving, and playing with rhythm
                                                                                         instruments to well-loved songs.
                                                                                         RENTON COMMUNITY CENTER
                                                                                         SATURDAYS, $37.50R/$45NR
                                                                                         Jan 14–28      13794        10:30–11am
                                                                                         Jan 14–28      13798     11:15–11:45am
Voice or Piano Lessons                                                AGE 16+            SATURDAYS, $50R/$65NR
AGES 6 & UP. We are excited to offer both piano and voice              Concert           Feb 4–25       13795        10:30–11am
lessons at the Renton Community Center. One-on-one                       Band            Feb 4–25       13799     11:15–11:45am
lessons allow students to progress at their own pace. For all           See pg 16        Mar 4–25       13796        10:30–11am
those who love to sing and want to learn how to sing correctly,                          Mar 4–25       13800     11:15–11:45am
we offer 30-minute singing lessons. For those with quick fingers that want               Apr 1–29       13797        10:30–11am
to become the next Mozart, we offer 30-minute piano lessons. Lessons are                 Apr 1–29       13801     11:15–11:45am
taught by local professional vocalist and pianist Rachel Greenspan. Partici-
pants will receive more detailed information about lesson materials on their
first day. It’s never too early (or late!) to develop your musical talent!

MONDAYS                                FRIDAYS
JAN 9–FEB 27, MONDAYS                  JAN 13–FEB 24, FRIDAYS
12–12:30pm     13777                   12–12:30pm      13787
12:45–1:15pm   13778                   12:45–1:15pm    13788
1:30–2pm       13779                   1:30–2pm        13789
2:15–2:45pm    13780                   2:15–2:45pm     13790
3–3:30pm       13781                   3–3:30pm        13791
3:45–4:15pm    13782                   3:45–4:15pm     13792
4:30–5pm       13783                   4:30–5pm        13793
5:15–5:45pm    13784
                                       MAR 10–APR 28, FRIDAYS
6–6:30pm       13785
                                       12–12:30pm    13810
MAR 6–APR 24, MONDAYS                  12:45–1:15pm  13811
12–12:30pm    13803                    1:30–2pm      13812
12:45–1:15pm  13804                    2:15–2:45pm   13813
1:30–2pm      13805                    3–3:30pm      13814                                   Apply for a scholarship at
2:15–2:45pm   13806                    3:45–4:15pm   13815                                   rentonwa.gov/giftofplay
3–3:30pm      13807                    4:30–5pm      13816
3:45-4:15pm   13808
4:30–5pm      13809

                                               City of Renton Recreation Division // 9
JANUARY-APRIL 2023 Try Our Fitness Sampler! - SEE PAGE 15 - CivicLive
                                                                                 Youth Ceramics
                                                                                 AGES 3–11 Let your creativity flow! During
                                   Afterschool                                   wet clay building students will get their
                                                                                 hands dirty creating an age-appropriate

                                  Program                                        project. Students will learn basic skills used
                                                                                 to build different forms from scratch out of
                                                                                 clay. The instructor will give a step–by–step
GRADES 1ST– 5TH STREAM Team afterschool enrichment program and                   demonstration and guide students as they
camps are designed to bring fun, high-quality STEM focused activities to         learn about different forms as well as how to
the youth of Renton. While our specialties are science, technology, recre-       use provided tools to enhance their projects.
ation, environment, arts, and math; we want our program to reflect the           During the second session, students return
interests of our members to help develop inquisitive, life-long learners         to glaze their work with our beautiful
with a passion for asking questions and finding answers. We do a bit of it       selection of studio colors. This is a great class
all: from wacky science exper-                                                   where they can use their imagination and
iments, food-based learning HIGHLANDS NEIGHBORHOOD CNTR                          creative skills to make something unique!
through “snacktivities”, artistic GRADES 1–5: WED/THUR/FRI, 3–6PM                RENTON COMMUNITY CENTER
endeavors, and plenty of Jan 11–Feb 17 13829 $187R/$225NR
games along the way!              Mar 1–Apr 7      13830 $187R/$225NR            Parent & Me                Beginner
                                  Apr 19–Jun 9 13831 $250R/$300NR                Ceramics                   Creative
                                                                                 AGES 3–5 W/ ADULT          Ceramics
                                                                                 TUESDAYS                   AGES 6–8
                                                                                 $36R/$43NR                 TUESDAYS
         STREAM TEAM                          STREAM TEAM
                                                                                 JAN 17 & JAN 31            $48R/$57.60 NR
   Mid-Winter Break                         Spring Break
      Camp                                 Camp
                                                                                 10–10:30am, 14196          JAN 17 & JAN 31
                                                                                 10:30–11am, 14200          4:15–5:15pm, 14206
                                                                                 11–11:30am, 14204          FEB 14 & FEB 28
                                                                                 FEB 14 & FEB 28            4:15–5:15pm, 14207
       Monday–Thursday                       Monday–Thursday
                                           April 10-13, 9am–6pm                  10–10:30am, 14197          MAR 14 & MAR 28
   February 20–23, 9am–6pm
                                           #13834, $150R/$180NR                  10:30–11am, 14201          4:15–5:15pm, 14208
     #13833, $150R/$180NR
                                                                                 11–11:30am, 14205          APR 4 & APR 18
                                                                                 MAR 14 & MAR 28            4:15–5:15pm, 14209
                                                                                 10–10:30am, 14198
                                                                                 10:30–11am, 14202          Intermediate
                                                                                 11–11:30am, 14219          Creative
                                                                                 APR 4 & APR 18             Ceramics
                                                                                 10–10:30am, 14199          AGES 9–11
                                                                                 10:30–11am, 14220          TUESDAYS
                                                                                 11–11:30am, 14203          $48R/$57.60 NR
Minecraft Mining & Building                                                                                 JAN 17 & JAN 31
Spring Break Camp                                                                                           5:30–6:30pm, 14210
AGES 5–11. Travel to the Nether with Snapology but watch out for those                                      FEB 14 & FEB 28
creepers! Come join us as we bring Minecraft® to life using LEGO® bricks.                                   5:30–6:30pm, 14211
Create your own world, including animals, creepers, and your very own                                       MAR 14 & MAR 28
Minecraft® character.                                                                                       5:30–6:30pm, 14212
RENTON COMMUNITY CENTER                                                                                     APR 4 & APR 18
Mon-Fri, April 10–14   9am–12pm       14218    $200R/$250NR                                                 5:30–6:30pm, 14214

                               City of Renton Recreation Division // rentonwa.gov/register // 10
                                               Pee Wee Soccer
                                               AGES 3–6. Pee Wee Soccer is a
                                               program focused on fun, participation,
                                               and socialization. Teams of eight will
                                               be assigned a volunteer coach. The
                                               first half is focused on basic skills
                                               and practice with the remaining time
                                               devoted to recreational game. Game
                                               times vary each week. Schedules sent
                                               out two weeks prior to the first game.
                                               CEDAR RIVER PARK
                                               SATURDAYS, APRIL 1–MAY 13
                                               Ages 3-4 13899       $50R/$60NR
                                               Ages 5-6 13900       $50R/$60NR

                                               Co-ed Youth
                                               Volleyball Clinic
                                               GRADES 4TH –9TH Our co-ed spring
                                               volleyball clinics are a perfect oppor-
                                               tunity to practice and improve skills.
Talia Walton                                   Clinics will emphasize sharpening           Youth Rugby Clinics
Basketball Clinics                             skills in serving, passing, setting,        AGES 10–18 COED Renton
GRADES K–8TH The TWB Skill                     and hitting. Coaches will cover ball        Recreation is partnering with         NEW
Clinics focus on one skill            NEW      handling, footwork, court awareness,        Rugby Washington to provide
per session to ensure our                      and communication. Each progressive         an opportunity to learn the
athletes are understanding the basics          session will involve full game play,        fundamentals, sharpen skills, and
and fundamentals of said skill. We             being a good teammate, and having           broaden your knowledge of the game
offer clinics for shooting, passing, ball      fun. All skill levels are welcome!          of Rugby. These clinics are designed
handling, defense, and more to help            RENTON COMMUNITY CENTER                     for participants of all skill levels and no
develop your athlete into a well-              MONDAYS, FEB 6–MAR 20                       previous rugby experience is neces-
rounded player. We pride ourselves                                                         sary. Certified coaches will provide a
                                               7th/8th/9th Grade
on creating an inclusive, positive, and                                                    curriculum full of games and skills that
                                               7–9pm           14215 $56R/$67NR                               focus on all aspects
                fun environment where
                they can feel comfortable      SATURDAYS, APRIL 1–MAY 20                                      of physical develop-
                stepping out of their          4th/5th Grade                                                  ment and personal
                comfort zone with new          9–10am          13904 $28R/$34NR                               growth.
                skills. All skill levels are   6th/7th/8th Grade                           RENTON MEMORIAL STADIUM
                welcome!                       10am–12pm       13905 $56R/$67NR            SUNDAY OR SATURDAY, 10–11:30AM
                                                                                           Jan 22       13827           $15
For clinic dates and
                                                                                           Jan 29       13888           $15
registration information visit                                                             Feb 4        13889           $15
taliawaltonbasketball.com                                                                  Feb 11       13890           $15

                                                                                                Apply for a scholarship at

                                   City of Renton Recreation Division // rentonwa.gov/register // 11
Youth Co-Ed Flag Football League
GRADES 1ST–6TH Renton Recreation
is proud to offer co-ed flag football.            Flag Football &
This league will be structured in a                                                                  Recreation
team format, meaning your child will
                                             Pee Wee Soccer Volunteer                               Scholarships
be placed on a team and assigned a               Coaches Needed!
volunteer coach. Our league will be          Our program would not be possible
                                                                                              Scholarships for course fees
geared toward providing an opportu-           without you! Multiple coaches are
nity for your child to sharpen skills and        needed for each age group.                   are available for youth 18 or
broaden their knowledge of football                                                          younger, adults 50 and older,
                                              Interested in Coaching?
with an emphasis on fun, participation,                                                    and individuals who participate
and sportsmanship. Games will                • One hour per week commitment.
                                                                                          in Adaptive Recreation programs.
primarily be on Sunday mornings              • We provide lesson plans, equip-
                                                                                           This program is funded entirely
with a weekday practice day and time           ment, coaching attire, and set-up.
                                                                                             through generous donations
chosen by the volunteer coach. We will       • All coaches/volunteers must
also be partnering with other cities in        complete and pass a background                   from individuals, service
this league for our games.                     check.                                      organizations, local businesses,
                                                     Contact Alex Lee at                               and grants.
SUNDAY GAMES, APRIL 17–JUNE 4                    alee@rentonwa.gov for the                    Complete an application at
                                               volunteer coach’s application.
1st/2nd Grade     13901    $72R/$84NR                                                         rentonwa.gov/scholarship
3rd/4th Grade     13902    $72R/$84NR                                                            For questions, email
5th/6th Grade     13903    $72R/$84NR                                                         recreation@rentonwa.gov

Renton Rookies
These classes are designed for beginners and offer an opportunity to learn new
skills in a fun non-competitive environment. Renton Rookies classes will introduce
a new skill every week and encourage each participant to learn the basics of the           Track Trail
sport. Our goal is to strengthen self-esteem by creating a fun and safe environ-
ment where children can feel good about participating. Multi-Sport classes will
                                                                                           Cedar River Trail Park
introduce a new sport (basketball, baseball, soccer, track) each week.                     ALL AGES. Track Trail is a FREE self-
HIGHLANDS NEIGHBORHOOD CENTER                                                              guided nature walk starting at Cedar
                                                                                           River Trail Park, 1060 Nishiwaki Lane.
MULTI-SPORT: AGES 3–5                       INDOOR SOCCER: AGES 3–5                        Families can have fun and learn
THURSDAYS, 9:30–10:15AM                     THURSDAYS, 10:25–11:10AM                       about animals, trees, salmon, and
Feb 2–Mar 16   14159 $42R/$49NR             Feb 2–Mar 16   14160 $42R/$49NR                the outdoors. Educational brochures
Mar 23–May 4 14161 $42R/$49NR               Mar 23–May 4 14162 $42R/$49NR                  for families are available at the Track
                                                                                           Trail Kiosk or they can be printed at
MULTI-SPORT: AGES 5–7                       INDOOR SOCCER: AGES 5–7
                                                                                           home via:
TUESDAYS, 5:30–6:20PM                       TUESDAYS, 6:30–7:20PM
Jan 31–Mar 14 14155 $42R/$49NR              Jan 31–Mar 14 14157 $42R/$49NR                 Earn prizes when you record your
Mar 21–May 2 14156 $42R/$49NR                                                              journey online.
                                            TRACK AND FIELD: AGES 5–7
                                            TUESDAYS, 6:30–7:20PM
                                            Mar 21–May 2 14158 $42R/$49NR

                                City of Renton Recreation Division // rentonwa.gov/register // 12
Connect with Adaptive Rec participants through “The Buzz” quarterly
publication for virtual activities and in-person activities!

AGES 8 AND UP. Join us for Special
Olympics Basketball starting this
January! New to basketball? “Nothing
but net” expert? Basketball is open
to adults and youth of all skill levels!
Equipment is provided, dress to move
and bring water!
Jan 9–Mar 1      13881      $34R/$40NR

AGES 8 AND UP. Goooaaaal! Join us
at for the world’s most popular game,
soccer! All skill levels welcome. Dress to
move (and for the weather!) and bring
plenty of water.
Mar 20–May 24 13886         $34R/$40NR
                                             Pickleball Club                             Club Thursday
Track & Field                                AGES 8 AND UP. Spend evening                AGES 16 AND UP. Time to socialize this
AGES 8 AND UP. Are you ready to              sessions filled with fun, friends, and      winter and spring at Club Thursday!
run? Come give it your all for another       of course Washington’s state sport,         Activities vary from week to week,
season of Track and Field! Open for          Pickleball! Practices are open for youth    but it is always sure to be a good
youth and adults of all skill levels. All    and adults of all skill levels. Equipment   time! Light snacks are provided.
equipment is provided, just dress to         is provided, but if you prefer, you are     Pre-registration required.
move (and for the weather!) and bring        welcome to bring your own. Pre-regis-       EVERY OTHER THURSDAY, 7–8:30PM
your water.                                  tration required.                           SENIOR ACTIVITY CENTER
MONDAYS & WEDNESDAYS, 6–7PM                  TUESDAYS 5:30–6:30PM                        Jan 12–Mar 9 13883        $34R/$40NR
HAZEN HIGH SCHOOL                            RENTON COMMUNITY CENTER                     Mar 23–May 18 13885       $34R/$40NR
Mar 20–May 24 13887         $34R/$40NR       Jan 10–Mar 14 13912         $24R/$29NR
                                                                                         Trivia Night Series
Cycling                                      Healthy Athletes                            AGES 16 AND UP. Join us for a five-part
AGES 8+. Are you ready to ride? Meet         AGES 16 AND UP. Fun fitness workouts        Winter/Spring Trivia Series. Compete
us on the bike course outside Henry          every other week, coupled with              with your friends, show off what you
Moses Aquatic Center and practice            wellness and nutrition education.           know, and if you’re lucky, become
your riding for the Special Olympics         Pre-registration required                   the trivia champion for the evening!
Tournament! Bring your own bike,             EVERY OTHER THURSDAY, 6–7PM                 Pre-registration required
helmet, and plenty of water! Pre-regis-      SENIOR ACTIVITY CENTER                      THURSDAY, 6–7PM
tration required                                                                         SENIOR ACTIVITY CENTER
                                             Jan 12–Mar 9 13882          $16R/$19NR
MONDAYS, 6–7PM                               Mar 23–May 18 13884         $16R/$19NR      Jan 19, Feb 16, Mar 16,
HENRY MOSES AQUATIC CENTER                                                               Apr 13, May 11    14052 $18R /$22NR
Mar 20–22        14015      $34R/$40NR

                                 City of Renton Recreation Division // rentonwa.gov/register // 13
RENTON EMERGENCY   Sign up at rentonwa.gov/register
                      Search Keyword “Emergency”

Surviving                                   De-escalation                               Women’s
Mass Violence                               in the Workplace                            Personal Safety
AGES 18 AND UP. Incidents of mass           AGES 18 AND UP. Whether it’s                AGES 18 AND UP. A woman’s choices
violence are almost an everyday             face-to-face contact with customers,        when it comes to personal safety
occurrence in America. No one likes         over the phone or under pressure            doesn’t have to be solely focused
to picture it happening to them, but        with your coworkers, some situations        on defensive tactics; there are many
would you know what to do if the            may get tense or worse making it            things we can do to help reduce our
unthinkable happened? An expert             difficult to move forward. Learn how        chances of becoming a victim of
from the Renton Police Department           to de-escalate the situation like a pro     crime long before anything physical
will answer questions about surviving       from Renton Police Officer Clayton          occurs. The simple practice of focus
shootings and other violence, and           Davis. He will provide de-escalation        and awareness can greatly reduce our
give tips on what you can do if you         techniques that will take a situation       risk level and the ability to recognize
find yourself in the wrong place at the     that is out of the ordinary and bring it    survival signals can heavily influence
wrong time.                                 back down to the ordinary so you can        our circle of safety. Some topics of
RENTON TECHNICAL COLLEGE, C111              move on and conclude your business          discussion for this course will be:
THURSDAY, 6– 8PM                            successfully (and safely).                  How to Prevent Becoming a Victim of
                                            RENTON TECHNICAL COLLEGE, C111              Assault or Robbery; How to Handle
Feb 2            13952              FREE                                                Road Rage and Fake Vehicle Accidents;
                                            WEDNESDAY, 6–7:30PM
                                                                                        How to Make your Home a Hard Target;
                                            Feb 8            13960              FREE    and Use of Force and Your Rights
                                                                                        Within the Law.
                                                                                        RENTON TECHNICAL COLLEGE, C111
                                                                                        WEDNESDAY, 6–8 PM
                                                                                        Mar 15          13961             FREE

                                                                                        Contra Desastres
                                                                                        En Español
                                                                                        18 AÑOS Y MÁS. Estás listo en un caso
                                                                                        de una emergencia? Ven a aprender
                                                                                        que pasos puedes tomar para estar
                                                                                        listo contra un desastre. Aprenderás
Amateur Radio (Ham) Licensing Class                                                     desde cómo crear un plan familiar
AGES 18 AND UP. Reserve your space for free. Material fees are paid directly            hasta saber que artículos son necesa-
to the instructor. Amateur radio, often called ham radio, is both a hobby and a         rios para organizar un botiquín médico.
service in which participants called “hams” use various types of radio equipment        ¡Aprende a tomar los primeros pasos
to communicate with other radio amateurs for recreation and public service.             para estar listo! (Esta clase supone que
This course covers all of Element 2 of the FCC Amateur Radio Service materials.         hablas el es-pañol con fluides)
Participants will be fully prepared to take the Technician Class licensing exam,        Inscribase en rentonwa.gov/register
which will be administered at the end of day two.                                       con la Palabra Clave “Emergency”.
$15 exam fee payable on the second day (exact cash preferred but checks are also        Registracion Comienza 12/19/2022
accepted). Instructions for purchasing the textbook ($20) online before the class       RENTON TECHNICAL COLLEGE, C111
will be sent upon registration. After passing the exam, you will submit a $35 fee to    MARTES, 6–7:30PM
the FCC, who will issue your license.                                                   21 de Marzo     13962           GRATIS
Feb 4 & 5    13959       Free to register
                                City of Renton Recreation Division // rentonwa.gov/register // 14
FREE             AGES 16 AND UP. Get motivated
                                                                                       during Adult Fitness Sampler!
                                                                                        Certified instructors will cycle
                                                                                        through their fitness expertise
                                                                                        with 15- to 20-minute mini
                                                                                         classes sure to get your body
                                                                                         and mind moving! We look
                                                                                         forward to seeing you there
                                                                                         and bring a friend!

                                                                                          Dance Fitness • Body Sculpt
                                                                                          Cardio Fusion • Zumba
                                                                                          Strength & Balance • Yoga
                                                                                         9–9:10am Intro
                            SATURDAY, JANUARY 7
                                                                                        9:10–9:30am Session One
                                9–10:30AM                                              9:35–9:55am Session Two
                           RENTON COMMUNITY CENTER                                   10–10:20am Session Three

                                                                                         Register with code #14013
                                                                                 * RENTONWA.GOV/REGISTER *


             Register for all sessions online or call 425-430-6700
             Reservations for Fitness Room, Racquetball                                          AL

             and Gym usage are available:

             Mon–Thur 8–7, Fri 8–5, Sat 9–1
             All sessions are reservation-based.



                B                                                                             EY

                          City of Renton Recreation Division // rentonwa.gov/register // 15
GENERAL                                      ADULT FITNESS
Book Club
AGES 21 AND UP. Calling all amateur
cooks and bakers! Each month, we will
choose a cookbook and make different
recipes from it to share with each other.
Members choose a recipe to make
at home and bring the results to the
Senior Activity Center for a family-style
meal! Join us to share in more than
good food: the love of cooking,
conversation, and community.
Jan 11–Apr 12 13682              5–7pm        SHARQUI                                     Yoga
Renton City                                   Belly Dance                                 AGE 16 AND UP. Namaste! Flow with
                                              AGE 16 AND UP. SHARQUI is not a             breath through Yoga asanas. This is
Concert Band                                  traditional belly dance class but it's a    both a rejuvenating, strengthening and
AGE 16 AND UP. Under the direction            fitness class where belly dance moves       relaxing session. Move from Intro-
of Michael Simpson, the Renton                are drilled while dancing on upbeat         duction to vinyasa flow for beginners
City Concert Band is dedicated to             fitness music. I always tell my students,   to flowing like a pro. Vinyasa Yoga
providing an opportunity for local            if you can march in place, you can belly    happens where we string yoga poses
musicians to play quality music for an        dance workout! Dress comfortable,           together seamlessly using our breath.
appreciative community audience.              bring your water bottle and your best       It has become one of the most popular,
This band meets weekly at Renton              smile ready to "shake your beauty "as       contemporary styles of yoga forms.
High School and each session                  we all have our own beauty, and this is     This practice will help with ease of
concludes with a live concert.                our power!                                  movement with all functional mobility.
                                                                                          It is a practice that can be done
MCKNIGHT MIDDLE SCHOOL                        RENTON COMMUNITY CENTER                     through all of life’s growing physical
THURSDAY REHEARSALS, 7–9PM                    TUESDAYS 9:30–10:30AM                       challenges. It is designed for every
Jan 5–Mar 16     13821        $30R/$36        Jan 3–31         13929     $50R/$60NR       body type, at all ages and encourages
                                              Feb 7–28         13930     $40R/$48NR       movement at your own pace and
Pediatric First Aid/                          Mar 7–28         13931     $40R/$48NR       enjoyment. No experience necessary!
                                              Apr 4–25         13932     $40R/$48NR       Please bring your mat, blanket (for
CPR/AED                                       THURSDAYS, 6:00PM-7:00PM                    knees and savasana) and water bottle!
Certification Course
                                              Jan 5–26         13928     $40R/$48NR       RENTON COMMUNITY CENTER
Red Cross training will provide you           Feb 2–23         13933     $40R/$48NR       WEDNESDAYS, 6–7PM
the skills and knowledge to prevent           Mar 2–30         13934     $50R/$60NR
and respond to pediatric emergen-                                                         Intro to Venyasa Yoga
                                              Apr 6–27         13935     $40R/$48NR       Jan 4–Feb 8     13840    $30R/$40NR
cies including CPR, First Aid, AED.
                                              Drop In Option (Tues or Thurs)              Yoga Flow for Everyone
Participants must be at least 15 years
                                              Jan 3–Apr 27     13939     $7R/$8.50NR      Feb 15–Mar 22 13842    $30R/$40NR
of age. You will receive a certificate
in American Red Cross Pediatric First                                                     Yoga Vinyasa and Beyond
Aid/CPR/AED. Certification is valid for                                                   Mar 29–May 3 13845     $30R/$40NR
2 years upon completion, assessment
and knowledge of skills taught.
Jan 28           14247        $50 + tax
Feb 11           14248        $50 + tax
                                 City of Renton Recreation Division // rentonwa.gov/register // 16
Our fitness classes are designed for a wide range of abilities and
comfortability. We encourage our participants to work at their own
pace. All levels of fitness are welcome to join, no experience required.

Dance Fitness and                            Body
Cardio Hip Hop with                          Sculpt
Body Sculpt                                  AGES 14 AND UP. Bring your
                                                                                            Cardio Fusion
AGES 16 AND UP. Cardio Dance Fitness         mat for a 1-hour Body Sculpt class. We
                                             will use our own body weight, light            AGES 16 AND UP. Start your day with
session with Afterglow Fitness. Enjoy
                                             dumbbells (optional) and resistance            a well-rounded workout! 15 minutes
Hip Hop, Afro, Reggaton/Latin and Pop
                                             bands to tone and improve flexibility,         of cardio, 15 minutes of weights, 15
music while learning new moves and
                                             balance and muscle strength in our             minutes of core (abs/back) and 15
working on that fitness. It is sure to
                                             bodies. This class is a fusion of cardio,      minutes of yoga. All fitness levels
get you glowing! Following our dance
                                             yoga and strength training to target all       welcome!
session, we will get a quick 30min
Body Sculpt class in. This is a fusion       major muscle groups with a focus on            RENTON COMMUNITY CENTER
of strength training, pilates and yoga.      core strength. It is suitable for all levels   TUESDAYS, 9:05–10:05AM
Sculpt is a perfect compliment to any        and modifications will be shown.
                                                                                            Jan 3–31         13547      $30R/$36NR
dance cardio, but is also a great way to     RENTON COMMUNITY CENTER                        Feb 7–28         13548      $24R/$29NR
build on everyday functional strength.       THURSDAYS, 6–7:00PM                            Mar 7–28         13549      $24R/$29NR
All levels of fitness are welcome to join,   Jan 5–26          13524       $24R/$29NR       Apr 4–25         13550      $24R/$29NR
no experience required. Bring a water        Feb 2–23          13525       $24R/$29NR       THURSDAYS, 9:05–10:05AM
bottle, yoga mat and towel and see           Mar 2–30          13526       $30R/$36NR       Jan 5–26         13551      $24R/$29NR
you at the Community Center!                 Apr 6–27          13527       $24R/$29NR       Feb 2–23         13552      $24R/$29NR
RENTON COMMUNITY CENTER                      Drop In Option:                                Mar 2–30         13553      $30R/$36NR
TUESDAYS, 6–7:30PM                           Jan 5–Apr 27      13634       $7R/$8.50NR      Apr 6–27         13554      $24R/$29NR
Jan 3–31          13528     $30R/$36NR                                                      Drop In Option (Tues or Thurs)
Feb 7–28          13529     $24R/$29NR       Dance Fitness and                              Jan 3–Apr 7      13750     $7R/$8.50NR
Mar 7–28          13530     $24R/$29NR
                                             Cardio Hip Hop
Apr 4–25          13531     $24R/$29NR
                                             AGES 16 AND UP. Let’s dance into the
                                                                                            Zumba® Fitness
Drop In Option:
                                             weekend and join us for a 60-minute            AGES 18 AND UP. High-energy cardio
Jan 3–Apr 25      13636     $7R/$8.50NR
                                             cardio Dance Fitness session with              class that uses Latin music and dance
                                             Afterglow Fitness. Enjoy Hip Hop, Afro,        moves to bring people together for a
                                             Reggaeton/Latin, and Pop music while           dance fitness party. Zumba provides
                                             learning new moves and working                 great cardio, muscle conditioning and
                                             on that fitness. It is sure to get you         balance while also boosts your energy
                                             glowing! Bring a towel, water bottle           level and happiness. It’s exercise in
                                             and also bring a friend to class! No           disguise! Each class in one hour long
                                             experience required. Drop-ins allowed          and all levels are welcome. Just bring
                                             as space permits.                              your water bottle, comfortable shoes
                                                                                            and your smile! You will burn lots of
                                             RENTON COMMUNITY CENTER
                                                                                            calories in this class.
                                             SATURDAYS, 9–10AM
                                             Jan 14–28         13520       $18R/$22NR       RENTON COMMUNITY CENTER
                                             Feb 4–25          13521       $24R/$29NR       THURSDAYS, 5–5:45PM
                                             Mar 4–25          13522       $24R/$29NR       Jan 5–26          13559   $20R/$25NR
                                             Apr 1–29          13523       $30R/$36NR       Feb 2–23          13560   $20R/$25NR
                                             Drop In Option:                                Mar 2–30          13561   $25R/$30NR
                                             Jan 7–Apr 29      13635       $7R/$8.50NR      Apr 6–27          13562   $20R/$25NR
                                                                                            Drop In Option:
                                                                                            Jan 5–Apr 27      13691   $7R/$8.50NR
                                 City of Renton Recreation Division // rentonwa.gov/register // 17
FOR ALL LEAGUES: Full payment is due at the time of registration. Space is limited.
Top teams will advance to a league championship tournament. Tournament winners will receive awards.

Basketball                                     Volleyball                                    Pickleball
Winter Men’s Rec League                        RENTON COMMUNITY CENTER                       RENTON COMMUNITY CENTER
                                               AGES 18 AND UP. An official is                AGES 18 AND UP. Our indoor Pickle-
  AGES 18 AND UP. Ex-college players
                                               provided for all league games. All            ball league is for average to recreation
      must be at least 35 years of
                                               teams are guaranteed 8 matches, with          players and beginners. Our league is a
         age to participate in the
                                               3 games per match. All games are held         doubles league that can consist of the
            Rec league. We do not
                                               at the Renton Community Center on             same gender or coed teams. Captain’s
             host competitive teams
                                               the hour from 6-10pm (depending on            registration secures the team’s
              or players. All teams are
                                               total number of teams)                        participation for the season, no single
              guaranteed 8 games.
                                                                                             registration. Teams are limited to 3
              All games are played             Winter Women’s Rec                            players, including the captain. Single
              on Tuesday evenings at           League                                        players may contact Aaron Colby at
            the Renton Community
                                               This is an average skill level league.        acolby@rentonwa.gov about potential
          Center. Officials provided
                                               Top teams will advance to a league            league placement, but no guarantees.
       for all league games.
                                               championship tournament. Tourna-              Teams will play a guarantee of 7
  RENTON COMMUNITY CENTER                                                                    matches with 3 games per match
                                               ment winners will receive awards.
TUESDAYS, BETWEEN 6-10PM                                                                     and a 45-minute drop down time
                                               Registration begins September 2.
Feb 7–Apr 4      13639      $550 + tax         Space is limited. Payment is due in full      limit. Teams will advance to a league
Free Agents:                                   at time of registration.                      championship tournament, format
Feb 7–Apr 4      13642    $60R/$72NR           TUESDAYS, BETWEEN 6–10PM                      TBD. Space is limited. Payment is due
                                                                                             in full at time of registration.
                                               Jan 24–Mar 21 13643 $400 plus tax

Racquetball                                    Winter Coed Rec Level                         Winter Coed League
                                               League                                        RENTON COMMUNITY CENTER
Winter Adult Rec League                        This is an average to beginner level
                                                                                             THURSDAYS, BETWEEN 6–10PM
AGES 18 AND UP. Winter Racquetball                                                           Jan 26–Mar 16		             $70 + tax
                                               league. A minimum of two men and
League is here! We will host a Coed                                                          Competitive: #13595 or Rec: #13596
                                               two women must be on the court at
Recreational Division. Recreational            all times to be legal                         Winter Senior Rec League
level will be for those with recreation        WEDNESDAYS, BETWEEN 6–10PM
to average skill levels. Total of 7                                                          RENTON COMMUNITY CENTER
                                               Jan 18–Mar 15 13592 $400 plus tax             THURSDAYS, BETWEEN 12–2PM
guaranteed matches with a best of 3
game format. Players will keep scores          Winter Coed Upper Rec                         Feb 9–Mar 30 13716    $70 + tax
and reports scores onsite. League              League
tournament will be hosted at the end
of the season. Space is limited.               This is an average to above average
                                               skill level league. An official is
                                               provided for all league games. A
                                               minimum of two men and two women
Jan 26–Mar 23 13715             $35 + tax      must be on the court at all times to
                                               be legal. All teams are guaranteed 8
                                               matches, with 3 games per match.
                                               WEDNESDAYS, BETWEEN 6–10PM
                                               Jan 18–Mar 15 13593 $400 plus tax

                                  City of Renton Recreation Division // rentonwa.gov/register // 18
SENIORS 50+ General Interest


                                                                                                 Scholarships for course fees are
                                                                                                available for youth 18 or younger,
                                                                                              adults 50 and older, and individuals
                                                                                                   who participate in Adaptive
                                                                                                 Rec programs. This program is
                                                                                               funded entirely through generous
                                                                                              donations from individuals, service
                                                                                             organizations, businesses, and grants.

              Safe Banking for
                                                                                                     Complete an application at
              Seniors Series                                                                            For questions, email

Identifying  Preventing                                    Choosing
and Avoiding Identity                                      a Financial
Scams        Theft                                         Care Giver
AGES 50 AND UP. This          AGES 50 AND UP. The          AGES 50 AND UP. What is
program will focus on         program aims to help         a financial caregiver? This         Hospice
how to identify and avoid     older customers under-       program aims to help                AGES 50 AND UP. Envision
scams! Scammers target        stand, recognize and         older customers under-              Healthcare at Home will be
older customers because       avoid financial fraud and    stand, recognize and                holding a presentation on
of the size of their assets   appreciate the benefits      avoid financial fraud and           hospice services. We will be
and their tendency to be      of working with a reliable   appreciate the benefits             discussing the timeline of when
more trusting. Seniors        financial caregiver. This    of working with a reliable          an individual becomes eligible
are also more likely          module explains what         financial caregiver. This           for services, the types of services
to be suffering from          identity theft is, how       module explains items a             each discipline provides, and
declining cognitive skills,   it can occur and how         senior should consider              how those services are covered
making them even more         seniors can protect          before choosing a                   by insurance. Members of the
vulnerable to fraud and       themselves.                  financial caregiver.                interdisciplinary team will be
manipulation. Learn           Hemlock Room                 Hemlock Room                        present to answer any and all
more about the warning        SENIOR ACTIVITY CTR          SENIOR ACTIVITY CTR                 questions.
signs and how to build        10–11:30AM                   10–11:30AM
defenses into your daily                                                                       SENIOR ACTIVITY CENTER
life to avoid these scams.    Mar 1 13713 FREE             Apr 5 13714 FREE                    TUESDAY 10–11AM
Hemlock Room                                                                                   Feb 7 13918       FREE
Feb 1 13712 FREE

                                 City of Renton Recreation Division // rentonwa.gov/register // 19
SENIORS 50+ Wellness

                                                                                        Active Minds
                                                                                        AGES 50 AND UP. Stretch your mind
             PRESENTED BY                                                               with our internet lecture series! From
                                                                                        history to physics to philosophy and
Stretch Your                             Decompress                                     more, we will play videos on topics of
                                                                                        interest, then have a brief discussion
Grocery Dollar                           From Stress                                    on the subject and take requests for
AGES 50 AND UP. Many people think        AGES 50 AND UP. Everyone expe-                 next week’s topic. Bring pen and paper,
eating healthy costs a fortune, but      riences stress from time to time, it           coffee will be provided. Hemlock Room
that’s not true. There are many ways     isn’t always avoidable. But, how your          SENIOR ACTIVITY CENTER
to save on food and eat well without     respond to the stress is what matters.         MONDAYS, 10–11:30AM, FREE
breaking the bank.                       Join us for this “stress free” seminar.        Jan 2–Apr 24      13817
Jan 10         13637        10am         Mar 14          13650         10am             Consultation
Simple steps to   Seasonal Allergies                                                    with a Lawyer
                                                                                        The Law Offices of Dan Kellogg provide
Boost Your Immune AGES 50 AND UP. Relief from                                           free information to adults 50 years and
System            wheezing and sneezing? If you
                  are one of the many people with
                                                                                        older regarding Living Trust, Will Guid-
AGES 50 AND UP. Your immune                                                             ance (not preparation), Durable Power
                                         seasonal allergies, wheezing,
system is your body’s first line of                                                     of Attorney, Health Care Directives,
                                         sneezing, congestion, a runny nose
defense against foreign invaders                                                        Medicaid qualification, Real Estate,
                                         or a host of other bothersome
like germs and viruses. Your lifestyle                                                  Landlord/Tenant concerns, Consumer
                                         symptoms, this might be interesting
habits may help or harm it.                                                             Affairs and Accidents. Visits are limited
                                         to you. Learn more about seasonal
                                                                                        to one 30-minute consultation per
SENIOR ACTIVITY CENTER                   allergies and how to find relief!
                                                                                        calendar year.
Feb 14        13638          10am        SENIOR ACTIVITY CENTER
                                                                                        For an appointment, call on the first
                                         Apr 11         13651        10am
                                                                                        working day of month, 425-430-6633.
                                                                                        Services provided between 1–4 pm
                                                                                        Jan 31, Feb 28, Mar 28, Apr 25

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SENIORS 50+ Arts
Artistic Adventures
in Watercolor
AGES 50 AND UP. Adventure into
water media! In this class we'll delve
into artmaking with the power of our
imagination. Students will create works
on paper that tell our stories using
watercolors, other water-based media,
mixed media, and drawing techniques.
Hone your skills by trying different
brushes, ink, and pens. Whether you
are new to water media and works on
paper, or you have tried them previ-
ously, you will learn a lot in this class!
This class will be led by Tabitha Brown.
Tabitha earned her Master's degree
from the Pennsylvania Academy of the
Fine Arts and loves to teach. A supply        Handmade Clay                               Drawing with
list will be provided prior to the class.     Creations                                   Graphite/Colored
Art Room                                      AGES 50 AND UP. Hands on creative           Pencil
SENIOR ACTIVITY CENTER                        clay class to produce projects just         AGES 50 AND UP. Discover the
WEDNESDAYS, 9:30–11AM                         for you! This class will teach you the      pleasure of learning to draw or simply
Jan 18– Feb 22 13824          $72R/$86NR      basics of clay: slab rolling, coiling       enhance your existing drawing skills.
                                              and free form modeling, followed by         We will use graphite, ink and colored
Acrylic Painting-                             colorful decorating techniques. Each        pencils (your choice). All skill levels are
                                              participant will have the opportunity
Flower Portraits                              to make multiple projects during this
                                                                                          welcome. A recommended supply list
                                                                                          is available through the Senior Activity
AGES 50 AND UP. Grow your talents             course. The fee includes all supplies       Center that you will need for this class.
painting a variety of flower portraits.       as well as kiln firing of your projects.    You will find a welcoming group of
Each week will be a unique bouquet            Instructed by Cassie Welliver, owner of     student artists happy to have you share
to paint. This 8 week class will educate      Materialized Studio at Equinox Studios      your talents and artwork. Art Room
you on color theory and how to mix            in Georgetown. Art Room
paint to incorporate into beautiful art.                                                  SENIOR ACTIVITY CENTER
                                              SENIOR ACTIVITY CENTER                      THURSDAYS, 1–3:30PM
You will learn to paint in the impasto        FRIDAYS, 11AM–12:30PM
style with a pallet knife to create depth                                                 Jan 5– Feb 9      13728      $75R/$90NR
                                              Jan 6–Feb 24 13823 $140R/$168NR             Feb 23– Mar 30 13729         $75R/$90NR
with the paint. You will use both paper
and canvas to create your art. At the
end, you will have 6 pieces of art to         Writing Workshop
share! This class is taught by local artist   AGES 50 AND UP. Whether you have
Jennifer Tirk. Art Room                       a passion for writing or just want to
SENIOR ACTIVITY CENTER                        let your creative mind wander, join us
THURSDAYS, 10:30AM–12PM                       for this monthly course to put pen to
Jan 5–Feb 9       13744      $72R/$86NR       paper. Hemlock Room
                                              SENIOR ACTIVITY CENTER
                                              3RD THURS. OF MONTH, 11AM–12:30PM
                                              Jan 19– Apr 20       13850          FREE

                                  City of Renton Recreation Division // rentonwa.gov/register // 21
SENIORS 50+ Dance & Fitness
Line Dancing                                                                            Empower Yoga
SENIOR ACTIVITY CENTER                                                                  AGES 50 AND UP. Empower Yoga will
                                                                                        get you up and moving! By practicing
Beginning Line Dance                                                                    yoga postures and breathing tech-
AGES 50 AND UP. Develop fleet feet, a                                                   niques, this will lead you to physical
positive mind and better balance with                                                   fitness and mindful awareness. You will
popular non-partner dances. Music will                                                  feel empowered, on and off your mat.
be a variety of types from traditional                                                  Come as you are, it is never too late to
country to ballroom Latin and waltz.                                                    start. Don’t miss out, space is limited.
Dress comfortably for active participa-                                                 Madrone Room
tion. Cedar River Room                                                                  SENIOR ACTIVITY CENTER
TUESDAYS, 1–2PM                                                                         MONDAYS, 10:30–11:30AM
Jan 3–Feb 21 13653          $35R/$42NR                                                  Jan 9–30           13674     $15R/$18NR
Mar 7–Apr 25 13654         $40R/$48NR                                                   Feb 6–27           13675     $20R/$24NR
                                                                                        Mar 6–27           13676     $20R/$24NR
Improver Line Dance                                                                     Apr 3–24           13677     $20R/$24NR
AGES 50 AND UP. After learning the
                                                                                        FRIDAYS, 10:45–11:45AM
basics, move on to new rhythms, new
steps and new dance types. A little                                                     Jan 6–27           13660     $20R/$24NR
more difficult than the beginner level,                                                 Feb 3–24           13661     $20R/$24NR
and lots of FUN! Dress comfortably for                                                  Mar 3–31           13662     $25R/$30NR
active participation. Cedar River Room                                                  Apr 7–28           13663     $20R/$24NR
TUESDAYS, 2:15–3:15PM
Jan 3–Feb 21 13655
Mar 7–Apr 25 13656
                                            Thursday Afternoon                          Superpowers
                                            Dances                                      AGES 50 AND UP. Would you like to be
Beginning                                   AGES 50 AND UP. Let’s Dance! Join us        more alert, feel energized, and more
Belly Dance for                             weekly for live music by performed
                                            by local musicians and dance your
                                                                                        capable of living fully the way you
                                                                                        want? Meditation has been proven to
Fun & Exercise                              afternoon away. From the foxtrot to         reverse physical aging, support alert-
AGES 50 AND UP. This beginner’s             the waltz and everything in between.        ness and focus, and restores your vital
class will introduce the art of the Belly   Dancing is a social activity good for       energy. Join spiritual meditation guide,
Dance. All skill levels, shapes and         your mind, body and most importantly        Amy Rachelle, to play with different
sizes are welcomed. Exercise through        your spirit!                                kinds of meditation including healing
dance and enriching your cultural           SENIOR ACTIVITY CENTER                      touch, imagining possibilities, releasing
appreciation is a great combination,        THURSDAYS, 1–3PM                            what you no longer need to carry, and
join the fun!                               Jan 5–Apr 27 13731              $5 R/NR     learning how to harness more energy!
SENIOR ACTIVITY CENTER                                                                  Bring a mat or sit in a chair, a journal
                                            Musicians for Thursday Dances:
FRIDAYS, 1–2PM                                                                          and pen if desired, and come ready to
                                            Bonnie Birch & Nick Heiting: Jan 5, 19;     discover your superpowers. There is
Jan 6–27           13732     $20R/$24NR
                                              Feb 2, 16; Mar 2, 30; April 6, 20         no wrong way to practice meditation.
Feb 3–24           13733     $20R/$24NR
Mar 3–31           13734     $25R/$30NR     Lyle Schafer: Jan 12, 26; Feb 9, 23;        Madrone Room
Apr 7–28           13735     $20R/$24NR        Mar 9, 23; April 13, 27                  SENIOR ACTIVITY CENTER
                                            March 16: No live musician,                 THURSDAYS, 9:30–10:30AM
                                            pre-recorded music will be played.          Jan 5–Jan 26      13844       $24R/$28NR
                                            Experience for free. No fee required.       Feb 2–Feb 16 13846             $18R/$21NR
                                                                                        Mar 2–Mar 30 13847            $30R/$35NR
                                                                                        Apr 6–Apr 27 13848            $24R/$28NR

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SENIORS 50+ Fitness
Senior Fitness
Monday & Wednesday
AGES 50 AND UP. This exercise class
celebrates healthy aging through
movement with music! Our Monday
and Wednesday aerobics class includes
added thigh, calf, and glute work outs
in a standing position. Emphasis on
balance. Various breathing techniques
will be taught to reduce stress and
anxiety. Madrone Room
MON & WED, 9:15–10:15AM
Jan 4–30         13704      $35R/$42NR
Feb 1–27         13705     $40R/$48NR
Mar 1–29         13706      $45R/$54NR
Apr 3–26         13707     $40R/$48NR
Drop In Option:
Jan 4–Apr 26     13708      $7R/$8.50NR
                                          Strength & Balance                           Tai Chi–Yang Style 24
                                          AGES 50 AND UP. Studies show adults          AGES 50 AND UP. Tai Chi for begin-
Senior Fitness                            50+ who strength train with weights
                                          greatly improve their ability to perform
                                                                                       ners. The Yang style is one of the most
                                                                                       popular of Tai Chi forms and it consists
Fridays                                   their daily activities, by increasing        of 24 slow, continuous, soft, and
AGES 50 AND UP. This 75-minute            bone density and metabolism, and             circular movements in a flowing form.
exercise class celebrates healthy         improving balance. This class teaches        Whether you are new to Tai Chi or
aging through movement with music!        resistance training using correct form       would like to sharpen your skills, please
Aerobic workouts with added thigh,        while maintaining good posture. Both         join instructor Marjie Croston. No
calf, and glute workouts are offered.     men and women are encouraged to              experience necessary. Cedar River Rm
Upper body and abdominal work will        attend.                                      SENIOR ACTIVITY CENTER
be incorporated using a chair and on      RENTON COMMUNITY CENTER                      WEDNESDAYS, 3–3:45PM
the mat, and conclude with mindful-       TUESDAYS, 10:15–11:15AM                      Jan 4–25         13669      $16R/$20NR
ness session. Mat required for Friday     Jan 3–31           13751      $25R/$30NR     Feb 1–22         13671      $16R/$20NR
session. Madrone Room                     Feb 7–28           13752       $20R/$24NR    Mar 1–29         13672      $20R/$25NR
SENIOR ACTIVITY CENTER                    Mar 7–28           13753       $20R/$24NR    Apr 5–26         13673      $16R/$20NR
FRIDAY, 9:15–10:30AM                      Apr 4–25           13754       $20R/$24NR
Jan 6–27          13694     $20R/$24NR    Drop in Option (*only Tuesday*):             Fitness Flow
Feb 3–24          13695     $20R/$24NR    Jan 3–Apr25        13755        $7R/$8.5NR   AGES 50 AND UP. Fitness Flow is a
Mar 3–31          13696     $25R/$30NR                                                 unique blend of yoga movements,
                                          THURSDAYS, 10:15–11:15AM
Apr 7–28          13697     $20R/$24NR                                                 stretching and strength. Let's get
                                          Jan 5–26     13543     $20R/$24NR
Drop In Option:                                                                        you moving while strengthening
                                          Feb 2–23     13544     $20R/$24NR
Jan 6–Apr 28      13730     $7R/$8.50NR                                                and lengthening your muscles, and
                                          Mar 2–30     13545     $25R/$30NR
                                          Apr 6–27     13546     $20R/$24NR            improving your core for balance.
                                                                                       Madrone Room
                                                                                       SENIOR ACTIVITY CENTER
                                                                                       TUESDAYS, 1:30–2:30PM
                                                                                       Jan 3–31         13838     $25R/$30NR
                                                                                       Feb 7–28         13839     $20R/$24NR
                                                                                       Mar 7–28         13841     $20R/$24NR
                                                                                       Apr 4–25         13843     $20R/$24NR

                               City of Renton Recreation Division // rentonwa.gov/register // 23
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