January 2021 What's Inside - Parishes Online

Page created by Louis Juarez
January 2021 What's Inside - Parishes Online
January 2021

                                                              In January we will be open Tuesday and
What’s Inside………                                       page   Thursday from 9am - 1:00pm.
Center Notes                                            2     We are only offering Pickleball in January.
Thank You to our Enchantment Sponsors                   3     Chair Yoga has been suspended until
Winter Wellness Tips                                    4

Moving for Better Balance                               5     See the calendar insert in the middle of
Activities & Gym Schedules                             6-7    the newsletter for activity days and times.
Fold-out Calendar                                      8-9    We hope to introduce additional activities
Birthdays                                              10     beginning in February depending on the
                                                              state of the pandemic and vaccinations.
Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)                      11
Health & Wellness Activities                           12     Social distancing is being enforced and
                                                              masks, hand sanitizer, disinfecting wipes
As We Begin a New Year                                 13
                                                              and gloves are available.
News and Notes                                         14
Office Corner                                          15
Sudoku answers                                         16

Every effort is made to provide accurate and
complete information. We can’t guarantee that
there won’t be any errors and disclaim liability for
the contents in this newsletter.
January 2021 What's Inside - Parishes Online
  "To enrich the lives of adults 50+
   through wellness opportunities,
    social interaction, recreational
activities & community involvement".

              SCAI’S VISION                                  To everyone who donated snack items,
      "To be the resource of choice                          cash, and gift cards for the concession
                                                               stand at Enchantment in the Park.
  supporting the interests and activi-
 ties of adults 50+ in the community".                       2020 has been a difficult year for fund-
                                                              raising and because of your help with
                                                             Enchantment, we will end the year on a
                                                                            high note.
If you would like to subscribe to the monthly newslet-
ter, or renew your present subscription, please send
a $12 check payable to S.C.A.I and mail to:
          2378 W. Washington Street, Suite A
                 West Bend, WI 53095

                                                                  NO CHAIR YOGA
                        The Senior Center
                        expresses their                            IN JANUARY
                        deepest sympathies
                        to the family and
                        friends of all who
                        have lost loved ones.                   There will be no Chair Yoga in January.
                                                                Our instructors are taking the month off
                                                                and will resume classes in February.
Our sincerest sympathies are also ex-
tended to the families and friends of Cen-
ter participants who have passed and all
Center participants who have lost friends
                                                                  ay limber until we ssee
and loved ones.                                                     you in February

January 2021 What's Inside - Parishes Online
A big Thank You to the following businesses for sponsoring our concession
                      stand at Enchantment in the Park.

     If you patronize any of these businesses, please thank them for their generous support.
      Their sponsorship helped make Enchantment successful in an otherwise difficult year.

Looking for the right
financial advisor?
             Rory Demmer, AAMS®
             Financial Advisor
             325A S. Main Street
             West Bend, WI 53095-3341
             Bus. 262-306-7525
             Fax 877-222-8005

www.edwardjones.com                          Member SIPC

               For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 • www.lpiseniors.com   Senior Citizens Activities Inc., West Bend, WI   A 4C 01-1497
January 2021 What's Inside - Parishes Online
Cold-weather wellness:
                               Tips for staying healthy
 Get a flu shot
 The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends a yearly flu vaccine for every-
 one 6 months of age and older. Flu vaccines are updated each year to best protect against
 new strains of the flu virus.
 Reduce the spread
 To help reduce the spread of the flu, colds, and other viruses, including COVID-19, you
 · Wash your hands frequently. It is the best way to protect yourself from catching illnesses.
 · Wipe down surfaces around you with a sanitizing cleaner.
 · Keep a distance from those who are sick.
 · Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
 · Stay hydrated, so you can flush toxins out of your system.
 · Get enough sleep to keep your immune system strong.

 Make nutri"ous choices
 Eating a diet full of vegetables, fruits, lean protein, and whole grains can also help you stay
 healthy during the colder months. Consider treats that will satisfy cravings but have less fat
 and added sugar, and also keep an eye on portion size.

 Stay ac"ve
 Shorter days and colder weather may lead you to exercise less. But even moderate exercise,
 like a brisk walk, raking leaves, or climbing stairs, can help. Physical activity can help you
 maintain or lose weight, reduce anxiety, lower blood pressure, and improve your quality of

Phone:                                                           Washington County ADRC
262.335.4498                                                 333 E. Washington St., Suite 1000
                                                                         West Bend, WI 53095
Hours of Operation:                                                      (phone) 262.335.4497
Mon-Fri, 8:00 am - 4:00 pm                                                  (fax) 262.335.4717
Address:                                                     (email) adrc@co.washington.wi.us
2378 W. Washington St., Suite A                                 Hours: Mon, 8:00 am - 7:00 pm
West Bend, WI 53095                                               Tues—Fri, 8:00 am - 4:30 pm
Website:                                                     West Bend City Taxi Service:
                                                                       (phone) 262.334.3096
Find us on Facebook, search for:                           Hours: Mon-Sat, 6:00 am -10:00 pm
Senior Citizens Activities, Inc. West Bend                            Sun 8:00 am - 4:00 pm

January 2021 What's Inside - Parishes Online
Moving for Better Balance
                                   Coming in February—A new Class from the YMCA
    Moving for Better Balance is a FREE class from the YMCA that will be offered at the Senior
    Center twice a week beginning in February. We will send an email out in January when we
    have a schedule and enrollment information.

                             ELDER LAW, TRUSTS &
                          ESTATE PLANNING & PROBATE
                                  30th year of practice                               Care Wisconsin and My Choice Family Care are now My Choice Wisconsin.

                                      Let us do the Driving
                                         Washington County
                                          Shared Ride Taxi

DR. LISA G. KORNELY                   Need a Lift - Call the Washington                          SER JOBS FOR PROGRESS NATIONAL, INC.
  Podiatrist – Foot Surgeon           County Shared Ride Taxi Service
                                        Contact the Shared Ride Taxi for trips                  SCSEP – Senior Community Service Employment Program
                                       throughout Washington County and the
       Foot Clinic of West Bend      northern portion of Menomonee Falls. For                    Learn new job skills and re-enter the workforce!
                                      people traveling within the cities of West
2358 W. Washington Street               Bend and Hartford, call your city taxi.

  West Bend, WI 53095
                                    $20 Discounted Punch Card Available ($25 Value)            Paid job training for people 55+
                                         Call 1-888-285-TAXI (8294)
     (262) 335-2930                  or 262-338-2908 for fare information
                                     Hours: Monday - Saturday: 5 AM - 11 PM
                                                                                                   West Bend: 920-907-9898
www.footclinicofwestbend.com                  Sunday: 8 AM - 4 PM                                      WWW.SER-NATIONAL.ORG

                   For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 • www.lpiseniors.com                   Senior Citizens Activities Inc., West Bend, WI       B 4C 01-1497
January 2021 What's Inside - Parishes Online
Activities will be gradually introduced as we follow a phased reopening plan in
                accordance with CDC and Washington County Health Department guidelines.

Book Club: 1st Wed                                   Library Exchange: by request
Enjoy a new book with a group & get                  Call Nancy Larson at 262.335.5151 Ext. 5241
involved in great discussions!
                                                     Mah Jongg: Wed
Bingo: 4th Wed & 2nd Sat                             Try your luck at Mah Jongg, a tile-based
                                                     game involving skill, strategy & luck!
Calling all Bingo Lovers! Enjoy 2 great
groups: Fun Bingo & Saturday Bingo.
                                                     Pinochle: Wed
Chi Kung: Wed                                        Join us for two great card games, Pinochle
                                                     & Hearts, instruction available!
Get your positive energy flowing.

Chorus: Fri                                          Quilting Class: Fri
Sing to your hearts desire in our lively,            Work on a fun project with a master
directed choir.                                      instructor.

Create-A-Card: 2nd Wed                               Scrabble: Thurs
Tap into your creative abilities! Instructor-        Participate in a great group pass and play
led; cards and materials provided.                   crossword game!

Cribbage: Mon                                        Sewing & Quilting: Tue
Pick your peg and join our cribbage group.           Sit for some quilting and sewing time -
Have fun & sharpen your score counting!              grab your favorite pattern & go!

Dominoes: Mon & Thur                                 Sheepshead: Mon, Tue, & Thurs
Enjoy playing various types of dominoes:             Play 5-handed, Call an Ace Sheepshead.
basic trains, spinners & more!                       Beginner & Fun times available.

Euchre: Tue                                          Wii Bowling: Tue
Work together to score points by taking              Enjoy bowling without the heavy ball &
tricks. Welcoming more Euchre players!               bowling shoes; great for exercise & fun!

Jewelry Making: 1st Wed                              Woodcarving: Wed
Make your own lovely jewelry! All supplies           Bring your wood and tools, or come for in-
available from the instructor.                       struction in this fun craft.

Knitting & Crocheting: Thurs                         500 Cards: Mon
Bring your needles, hooks & yarn for knit &          Be the first to 500 points - make bids &
crochet in a social setting.                         take tricks to come out on top!

January 2021 What's Inside - Parishes Online
This is our normal schedule when
                                               weW areEfully
                                                        E K LY
                                                             open.S C H E D U L E
                                               Please refer to the Monthly Calen-
                                               dar insert for the current schedule
                                               of available activities.
    Monday            Tuesday             Wednesday         Thursday               Friday
 8:00-8:30am       8:00-8:30am           8:00-8:30am     8:00-8:30am          8:00-8:30am

 8:45-9:45am       8:45-9:30am           8:45-9:45am     8:45-9:30am          8:45-9:45am
 Stay Active       Cardio Fit            Stay Active     Zumba Gold           Stay Active

 10:00-12:30pm     10:00-12:30pm         10:00-12:30pm   10:00-12:30pm        10:00-12:30pm
 Pickleball        Pickleball            Pickleball      Pickleball           Pickleball

                   12:30-3:00pm                          12:30-3:00pm
 12:30-1:30pm                            12:30-1:30pm                         12:30-1:30pm
                   Pickleball                            Pickleball
 Open Walking                            Open Walking                         FREE WALKING
                   Novice/Passive                        Novice/Passive

Activities will be gradually introduced as we follow a phased reopening plan
                      in accordance with CDC guidelines.
Check this month’s calendar for the current schedule of activities

Pickleball Play Times:                                                 Exercise Passes
                                                          Monthly Exercise passes give you
Mon - Fri                Cost: $2.00                     UNLIMITED access to Stay Active,
Check schedule above for varying times                   Zumba and/or Cardio Fit classes as
                                                         well as UNLIMITED use of the gym
Novice/Passive                                           during Walking & Open Gym times.
Pickleball Play Times:
                                                          Enjoy all of this for one flat fee per
Tues and Thursday afternoon                                                              month!
Cost: $2.00
                                                                               Cost: $20.00
Individual or group novice instruction
arrangements can be scheduled upon                          (Pickleball session times are not
request.                                                                included in this pass)

January 2021 What's Inside - Parishes Online
January 2021 What's Inside - Parishes Online
January 2021 What's Inside - Parishes Online
Jan 01   Les Wright                  Jan 18   Jeanne Olmsted
Jan 01   Susan Cowell                Jan 20   Linda Larson
Jan 01   Constance Girard            Jan 20   Helen Wolf
Jan 04   Shirley Stoffel             Jan 20   Dorothy Stephens
Jan 04   Grace Wright                Jan 20   Sharon Uekert
Jan 04   Linda Jenz                  Jan 20   Jerry Zeckmeister
Jan 05   Gracie Dickmann             Jan 21   Tolly Rutz
Jan 05   Joann Naumann               Jan 21   Doris Cashin
Jan 05   Sharleen Przekurat          Jan 23   Nola Rae Asmus
Jan 05   Katie Mulvihill             Jan 24   Sheila Zeckmeister
Jan 07   Dorotheann Rauch            Jan 24   Glenn Pusch
Jan 07   Mary Balzar                 Jan 24   Colleen Heileman
Jan 07   Sophie Schuenemann          Jan 25   Marge Ruprecht
Jan 08   Patricia Harmant            Jan 25   Kiranjeet Kaur
Jan 08   Judy Roecker                Jan 26   Carl Sponholtz
Jan 10   Harold Kersten              Jan 26   Jack Havertape
Jan 10   Lorraine (Polly) Schmidt    Jan 26   Audrey Thomas
Jan 13   Margaret Behlen             Jan 27   Kathleen Shinkle
Jan 13   Sharon Miscikowski          Jan 27   Susan Wessing
Jan 14   Angelina Thornburg          Jan 27   Sandra Bodden
Jan 14   Jean Hames                  Jan 28   Lawrence Gardner
Jan 14   James Hodge                 Jan 29   Carol King
Jan 15   Carol Welborn               Jan 30   David Moening
Jan 16   Joan Petersen               Jan 30   Colleen Braun
Jan 17   Nancy Scheunemann           Jan 30   Clifford Galleske
Jan 17   Lucille Sincere             Jan 30   David Moenning
Jan 17   Bonnie Cybela               Jan 30   Jerry Mowery
                                     Jan 31   Patricia Ertman

Tips to Help with Seasonal Affective Disorder
   If you start feeling down during this time of year, you are not alone. Also known as the “winter
   blues,” Seasonal Affective Disorder or SAD affects millions of people during the winter months in the
   northern hemisphere. This year may be especially difficult for people with SAD when added to the social
   isolation of COVID-19.
   According to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is
   not considered as a separate disorder but is a type of depression that has a recurring seasonal pat-
   tern. Symptoms of SAD that reoccur in the wintertime include: Having low energy, Hypersomnia,
   Overeating, Weight gain, Craving for carbohydrates, Social withdrawal (feel like “hibernating”).
   So, if you’re feeling this way around this time every year and if it’s especially difficult this year,
   what can you do feel better? First, talk to your doctor. According to NIMH, there are four major
   types of treatment for SAD that may be used alone or in combination with each other that your doc-
   tor may recommend: medication, light therapy, psychotherapy, and vitamin D.
   You and your doctor can discuss the risks and benefits of different medications; the purpose of light
   therapy, what type of light is needed, and how to use it effectively; the advantages of psychotherapy;
   and finally, the value of vitamin D supplementation.

                                                                         Ivy Manor
                                                                         of West Bend                     Independent | Assisted | Memory Care

                                                                   Assisted living facility for Seniors
                                                                                                          2130 Continental Drive
For advertising info                                                        262-365-0056                   West Bend WI 53095
call: 1-800-950-9952                                               370 N Forest Ave., West Bend 53095           262-338-0092

                                                                           Heather Benefiel to place an
                                                                          ad today! hbenefiel@4LPi.com
                                                                             or (800) 477-4574 x6464

                 For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 • www.lpiseniors.com     Senior Citizens Activities Inc., West Bend, WI         C 4C 01-1497
PICKLEBALL Mon - Fri                                      Wii BOWLING       Tues
Pickleball is great cardiovascular exer-                  Enjoy bowling without the heavy ball &
cise! Levels are: Novice/Passive & Pas-                   bowling shoes; great for exercise, laughter
sive/Intermediate.                                        and loads of fun!

WALKING Mon - Fri                                         CARDIO FIT      Tues
Enjoy walking at your own pace around                     Designed to get your heart rate up and get
our facility gym, bring a friend & make it                you moving. A portion of the class uses
more fun - plus it’s FREE!                                small hand weights.

STAY ACTIVE Mon, Wed, Fri                                 CHI KUNG Wed
An evidence-based exercise program for                    An ancient Chinese system of postures, breath-
seniors using easy-to-learn movements                     ing techniques and meditation designed to im-
that increase energy, strength & more!                    prove the body’s ‘chi’ or energy of life.

FLOOR YOGA               Mon & Wed                        CHAIR YOGA Tue & Thur
Combines different postures and stretch-                  A gentle form of stretching practiced sitting on a
es that help to develop                                   chair or standing using a chair for support.
balance, coordination, flexibility and
strength while incorporating breathing                    ZUMBA GOLD Thur
techniques. You must be able to get up                    Designed to focus on improving balance,
and down off the floor unassisted.                           coordination & more!

              Chair Massage                                              F O O T C AR E $ 3 0
Patty Neu, our Masseuse, has a protocol estab-                Give your feet some love! Toe nail trim-
 lished for the safety of all. Her massages are               ming services will be available at the
done in a private space. Call her directly to find            Center on the 4th Thursday of the month.
   out when she will begin offering massages                      Please call Toe Nail Trimmers
                      again.                                                  directly
   You can contact Patty at 262-808-7259 or
                                                                    at 262-719-0336 to schedule an
         email pttyneu@yahoo.com                                             appointment.

2020 has been a Year of Challenge and Change.
  SCAI has met this challenge due to the generous support of so many - the Foundations that
  help fund us, the leadership of our Board of Directors, and the support of our participants and
  the community.
  We will be publishing an Annual Report in January that will have details on our activities and
  financials for 2020. It will be emailed to those with email addresses and paper copies will be
  available in the Center.
  We look forward to turning the page on this difficult year and beginning 2021 with a renewed
  spirit of hope and optimism.

        We wish you and your loved ones an abundance of health and happiness
                                  in the New Year.

                  After much planning and anticipation, Cedar Community is delighted to
                         introduce an exciting new choice for independent living—

                                Cedar Ridge Homes
                                             113 Cedar Ridge Drive | West Bend

15 ranch-style, duplex homes (30 units total) with
nearly 1,700 square feet
. Two bedrooms + den
. Two and a half bathrooms
. Large laundry/utility room
. Two-car garage
. Basement—some featuring full or partial exposure
. Upgraded appliances and finishes
. Patio or deck
. No home repairs, shoveling, or lawn mowing

Beautiful neighborhood, surrounded by lush                       Contact Cathy, 262.338.4615, or Abby, 262.338.4617,
landscaping on Cedar Community’s Cedar                                to learn more! Visit cedarcommunity.org.
Ridge Campus

Maintenance-free living with full access to all
of Cedar Community’s services and amenities,
as well as our nature-inspired lifestyle

              For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 • www.lpiseniors.com   Senior Citizens Activities Inc., West Bend, WI   D 4C 01-1497
1. My New Year’s resolution is to help all my
  friends gain ten pounds so I look skinnier.
2. My resolution was to read more so I put the
  subtitles on my TV.
3. My wife still hasn’t told me what my New
  Year’s resolutions are.
4. What happened to the man who shoplifted
  a calendar on New Year’s Eve? He got 12
5. A New Year’s resolution is something that
  goes in one year and out the other.

            Words to live by
“What the new year brings to you will depend a
great deal on what you bring to the new year. “
                                                       Answer on Page 16

 Widows’ &
 Widowers’ Network
 We have a wonderful group of wid-
 ows and widowers who love and
 support each other. They meet twice
 a month at area restaurants to social-
 ize, laugh, & help each other through
 the tough stuff. Call us at
 262.335.4498 with questions or to
 join our group!

 Dates and locations will be deter-
 mined when the world regains some
 semblance of normalcy.

Paula Hader, Executive Director
     Joan Adler, Administrative Assistant

.      .

B OAR D O F D I R E C T O R S 2 0 2 0                 A DV I SO RY CO M M I T T E E 2 0 2 0
President.……………………            Scott Hanson            Chair/President…………..…… Muriel Lindholm
Vice President………. ……..       Peter Kapler            Junior Rep…………….…..…… Mary Lee Geib
Secretary…………………….            Marcia Arndt            Secretary…………………..…… Chris Mueller
Treasurer………………..…..          Scott Tennies

                                                      A D D I T I O N AL M E M B E R S 2 0 2 0
A D D I T I O N AL D I R E C T O R S 2 0 2 0          Bob Anderson                    Mary Ann Buckley
Jeff Lambie                   Julie Gabelmann         Sharon Feiereisen               Donna May
Kirstin Fiorentino            David Streese                               Red Gross
Deb Anderson                  Tracy Thom
                Joel Ongert
                                                      S TA F F
P U BL I CAT I O N I N F O                            Executive Director……….….….. Paula Hader
The Good Life, #21    January 2021/Issue No. 1        wbseniorcenterphader@gmail.com
Monthly Publication   Subscription Fee: $12/yr        Administrative Assistant ………. Joan Adler

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