JANUARY 2021 - Town of Bel Air

Page created by Marcus Cross
JANUARY 2021                               FEBRUARY 2021
   SHOW & SALE                                SERIES – UNDER COLOR OF
   Runs through Feb. 28. Harford              LAW
   Artists Gallery at Armory                  Historical Society of Harford County.
   Marketplace, 37 N. Main Street,            Presented by attorney, author and
   Suite 104. The gallery features a          political operative, A. Dwight Pettit,
   wide selection of original artwork         Esq. A native of Harford County,
   ranging from oil, watercolor,              Pettit will share the story behind his
   photography, pottery, glasswork,         9 book Under Color of Law relating a
   gourds, jewelry, tiles and scarves to      remarkable childhood, outstanding
   name just a few. All framed &              career and his father’s brave fight to
   unframed artwork priced at $199 or         assure Dwight received the education
   less. Gallery hours Wed-Fri, 10 am –       he deserved in the waning years of
   6 pm. Sat-Sun 10 am – 4 pm. Free           school segregation in Harford
   admission. Call 410-420-9499 or            County. 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm. To
   visit www.artinharford.org                 register, visit
   VIRTUAL BROWN BAG                          www.harfordhistory.org.
   WAR OF 1812                                SCHOLASTIC RECORDS FOR
   Historical Society of Harford              GENEALOGICAL RESEARCH
   County. Dr. Sandra R. Wallis will          Historical Society of Harford County.
   relate the story of the men who            Presentation by genealogist Mary
   volunteered to serve in the war            Schweers. While you may not be able
   against the British. Harford            10 to see their report cards, your
   Countians were very angry after the        ancestors left records of their
   British troops burned Havre de             carefree days in school. From one
   Grace and attacked along the shores        room schoolhouses to the ivy-league
   of the Chesapeake. Local men               colleges, join us as we discuss where
   rushed to enlist and join the battle       to research and what is available
   in Baltimore. Dr. Wallis’                  online. 7 pm. To register visit
   presentation will outline the              www.harfordhistory.org.
   adventures of these brave veterans         WALTER HOLLOWAY: THE MA
   and describe a current project to          & PA RAILROAD
   document the burial sites of these         Historical Society of Harford County.
   unrecognized heroes. 12:30 pm –            The Society’s resident Ma & Pa
   1:30 pm. To register visit                 Railroad historian will present the
   www.harfordhistory.org                     story of the railroad’s 120-year
   QUARTERLY LECTURE                          history concentrating on the era from
   WE CAN TELL                             13 1901 – 1999 when the railroad
                                              merged with York Rail to become
   Historical Society of Harford              York Railroad Company. The
23 County. Board Trustee, Chris Potts,        presentation will include
   will interview Carol Deibel, former        photographs of equipment and places
   Bel Air Director of Planning and           along the rails in that timeline and
   Community Development, about the           promises to be both informative and
   major events and programs in Bel           a visual delight as the Ma & Pa
   Air during the 80s, 90s and early          traversed some of the most scenic
JANUARY 2021                                FEBRUARY 2021
    2000s, a time of extreme                   countryside of both Harford and
    development pressure and change            Baltimore counties. 2:00 pm. To
    throughout Harford county. For             register, visit
    more information and to register for       www.harfordhistory.org.
    virtual event, visit                       FAMILY FUN EVENT
    www.harfordhistory.org.                    Bel Air Armory, 37 N. Main Street.
                                               New Moon Theater is committed to
                                               promoting worldwide folklore,
                                               helping children develop an
                                               appreciation & connection with other
                                               cultures. Featuring the classic theme
                                            20 of “brains over brawn”, Small but
                                               Mighty features stories from Mexico,
                                               Indonesia & South America.
                                               Sponsored by the Maryland State
                                               Arts Council. 10 am – 11 am. Free
                                               admission, advanced reservation
                                               required. For more information visit

MARCH 2021                                  APRIL 2021
    SHOW                                       Bel Air Library, 100 E. Pennsylvania
    Runs through April 25. Harford             Ave. Paperback, hardback, CDs &
    Artists Gallery at Armory                8 children’s books. Member night only.
    Marketplace, 37 N. Main Street, Suite      Sponsored by Friends of the Bel Air
    104. See how Harford artists               Library. 5 pm – 7:30 pm. Call 410-
4                                              638-3151.
    interpret the rejuvenating madness
    of Spring around the area. Gallery         SPRING BOOK SALE
    hours Wed-Fri, 10 am – 6 pm. Sat-          Bel Air Library, 100 E. Pennsylvania
    Sun 10 am – 4 pm. Free admission.          Ave. Paperback, hardback, CDs &
    Call 410-420-9499 or visit                 children’s books. Sponsored by
    www.artinharford.org                       Friends of the Bel Air Library. 10 am
    MAYHEM MAGICAL CIRCUS                      – 4:30 pm. Call 410-638-3151.
    Bel Air Armory, 37 N. Main Street.         16th ANNUAL KITE FESTIVAL
    Run away & join the Mayhem                 Rockfield Park Ball Fields. Kite flying
    Magical Circus without leaving             for kids of all ages along with great
    home! Come join former Ringling            music & food for the whole family.
6   Brothers Circus performer Gregory          Volunteers will be on hand to help
    May on a wild ride through amazing      10 kite flying novices. Sponsored by the
    tricks & silly magic as he tries to        Town of Bel Air & APG Federal
    build his very own circus! Sponsored       Credit Union. Rain date: April 11. 10
    by the Maryland State Arts Council.        am – 4 pm. Admission is free & free
    10 am – 11 am. Free admission,             kites will be distributed while
    advanced reservation required. For         supplies last. Call 410-638-4550.
MARCH 2021                                   APRIL 2021
   more information visit                       SPRING BOOK SALE
   www.belairarmory.org.                        Bel Air Library, 100 E. Pennsylvania
   VIRTUAL BROWN BAG LUNCH                      Ave. Paperback, hardback, CDs &
   SERIES: THE NORTH                            children’s books. Sponsored by
   AMERICAN CITIES                              Friends of the Bel Air Library.10 am
   Historical Society of Harford County.        – 4:30 pm. Call 410-638-3151.
   The cities of England, Ireland,              SPRING BOOK SALE
   Holland and the Middle Atlantic              Bel Air Library, 100 E. Pennsylvania
   States grew up together and were             Ave. Paperback, hardback, CDs &
   built in the same way. They are very      11 children’s books. $5 a bag day.
   different from the cities of                 Sponsored by Friends of the Bel Air
 9 continental Europe and continental           Library. 1 pm – 4:30 pm. Call 410-
   North America. The North Atlantic            638-3151.
   cities include many of the world’s           VIRTUAL BROWN BAG LUNCH
   greatest cities: London, Amsterdam,          SERIES: WICKED WOMEN,
   Dublin, Washington DC, Boston,               ECCENTRIC WOMEN & OTHER
   Baltimore. Charlie Duff will tell their      TALES FROM THE COURT
   many stories, fromtheir birth in the         TRCORDS
   1600s to the present time. 12:30 pm
                                                Historical Society of Harford County.
   – 1:30 pm. To register visit
                                                Judge Carr performed in various
                                                executive and judicial roles on town
   PAM THE KINDERSINGER                      13
                                                governement and the Harford
   PRESENTS “SPRING IS                          County Circuit Court for more than
   SPRUNG!”                                     three decades. An active volunteer for
   Bel Air Armory, 37 N. Main Street.           numerous organizations, Judge Carr
   Pam appeared weekly as a regular on          has researched and witnessed all
   WMAR TV’s “It’s Kinder Time” on              manner of people and events. 12:30
   Saturday mornings. Enjoy original &          pm – 1:30 pm. To register visit
   familiar songs, dancing, puppetry, &         www.harfordhistory.org
   lots of humor! Sponsored by the              GENEALOGY WORKSHOP:
   Maryland State Arts Council. 10 am –         BRICK WALLS: PROBLEMS IN
   11 am. Free admission, advanced              YOUR FAMILY TREE
   reservation required. For more
                                                Historical Society of Harford County.
   information visit
   www.belairarmory.org.                        This month’s presentation will
                                                feature Mary Schweers and
                                                Christopher Smithson. Anyone who
   St. Matthew Lutheran Church, 1200            has attempted to research their
   E. Churchville Rd. Concert will              ancestors knows that there are bound
20 include works from Haydn & Vivaldi.       14 to be obstacles. These can be terribly
   4 pm and 7 pm. Admission $15 - $20.          frustrating and may need the help of
   Call 443-910-1339 or visit                   a professional. If you have reached a
   www.ssorchestra.org.                         dead end or just need help
                                                overcoming an obstacle, this is the
                                                program for you. If you have a
                                                specific question that is challenging
                                                you, please send it at least two weeks
                                                before the program to
                                                admn@harfordhistory.org. This will
MARCH 2021                                 APRIL 2021
                                              give the speakers a chance to
                                              research your problem and assist you
                                              the night of the presentation. 7:00
                                              pm. To register visit
                                              QUARTERLY LECTURE
                                              SERIES: OH, THE STORIES WE
                                              CAN TELL
                                              Historical Society of Harford County.
                                              Charlotte Garretson Cronin will
                                              appear with interviewer Jacquelyn
                                              Seneschal to tell the story of growing
                                              up in Aberdeen in the 1930s and 40s,
                                              her years working at APG, her
                                              innumberable writing projects,
                                              volunteer work, and the story of the
                                              Garretson and Cronin families in
                                              Harford County. 2:00 pm. To register
                                              visit www.harfordhistory.org
                                              KEEPING IT LOCAL ART
                                              Runs through June 27. Harford
                                              Artists Gallery at Armory
                                              Marketplace, 37 N. Main Street, Suite
                                              104. Harford artists paint local
                                              scenes in and around the Bel Air and
                                              Harford County area. Gallery hours
                                              Wed-Fri, 10 am – 6 pm. Sat-Sun 10
                                              am – 4 pm. Free admission. Call 410-
                                              420-9499 or visit
                                              HARFORD COMMUNITY
                                              ACTION AGENCY 24th ANNUAL
                                              BULL, OYSTER & SHRIMP
                                              Bel Air Armory, 37 N. Main St. Enjoy
                                              local raw oysters, steamed shrimp,
                                              pit beef, turkey, ham, beer, wine &
                                              desserts. 7 pm. For more
                                              information, call 410-612-9909, ext

MAY 2021                                   JUNE 2021
   BEL AIR GARDEN MART                         QUARTERLY LECTURE
14 Bel Air Armory, 37 N. Main St. Plants   1   SERIES: OH, THE STORIES WE
   & crafts for sale from local garden         CAN TELL
MAY 2021                                    JUNE 2021
    clubs & area high schools. Sponsored        Historical Society of Harford County.
    by the Town of Bel Air Appearance &         Charlotte Garretson Cronin will
    Beautification Committee. 8:30 am –         appear with interviewer Jacquelyn
    1:30 pm. Free admission. Visit              Seneschal to tell of her life in
    www.belairarmory.org.                       Aberdeen before WWII, her arok at
                                                APG, her newspaper career and hr
                                                role in founding the Aberdeen
                                                Museum of History. 12:30 pm. To
                                                register visit www.harfordhistory.org
                                                BEACH BUM BOOK SALE
                                                Bel Air Library, 100 E. Pennsylvania
                                                Ave. Children’s and paperback books.
                                                Sponsored by the Friends of the Bel
                                                Air Library. 10 am – 4 pm. Call 410-
                                                838-3151 or visit www.hcplonline.org
                                                41st ANNUAL BEL AIR TOWN
                                                Downtown Bel Air & Shamrock Park.
                                                This is a 5K foot race & an untimed 1
                                                mile walk through Bel Air. Both
                                                events start on Main Street near the
                                                Courthouse & end at Shamrock Park.
                                            6   This is part of the MD RRCA
                                                Championship Series. Competitive
                                                awards for overall, masters and age
                                                groups, as well as random prizes. 8
                                                am. Call 410-652-5850 or visit

JULY 2021                                   AUGUST 2021
    Runs through August 29. Harford
    Artists Gallery at Armory
    Marketplace, 37 N. Main Street, Suite
    104. Come see what our artists
1   consider their friends of summer!
    Some are our favorite pets to take on
    hikes, others are our friends and
    relatives enjoying activities of
    summer. Gallery hours Wed-Fri, 10
    am – 6 pm. Sat-Sun 10 am – 4 pm.
    Free admission. Call 410-420-9499
JULY 2021                                     AUGUST 2021
    or visit www.artinharford.org
    All are welcome at this day-long, old-
    fashioned patriotic celebration,
    including fun & participatory events
    for the whole family. The day begins
    with flag-raising at 6;45 am at Bel Air
    High School followed by a Pancake
    Breakfast. Horseshoe Pitching in
    Rockfield Park; Watermelon Eating,
    Costume Contests, Uncle Sam Says &
    more in Shamrock Park; Bicycle
    Rodeo at Bel Air Elementary School.
4   The GRAND PARADE at 6 pm on
    Main St, followed by fireworks over
    Rockfield Park at about 9:30 pm. All
    events are open to the public free of
    charge with the exception of the
    Pancake Breakfast, which charges a
    fee per person. For full information
    call 410-879-4245 before June 1 or
    410-893-4444 after June 1.
    Sponsored by the Bel Air
    Independence Day Committee, Inc.
    Full details & schedule, plus
    applications, maps, parade entry
    rules & forms, and more, are
    available at www.belairjuly4.org.

SEPTEMBER 2021                                OCTOBER 2021
    EXHIBITION                                    Maryland Golf & Country Club.
    Runs through October 24. Harford              Sponsored by The Greater Bel Air
    Artists Gallery at Armory                     Community Foundation. The
    Marketplace, 37 N. Main Street, Suite         foundation raises funds for capital
    104. This exhibit will be “judged” by         improvement projects in the Bel Air
2   the public. Come in and vote for your     4   Community. The Golf Classic is the
    favorite piece of art in several              major fund raiser. Please join the
    different categories such as favorite         Foundation in helping with
    oil painting and favorite watercolor.         improvements to standing structures
    Votes will be collected through               and renovations to playgrounds. All
    September and winners announced               proceeds will benefit the community.
    the first week of October. Winning            For information on fees and
SEPTEMBER 2021                                  OCTOBER 2021
     artists receive prizes and ribbons.             sponsorships, call 410-236-2075 or
     Gallery hours Wed-Fri, 10 am – 6                visit www.gbacf.net.
     pm. Sat-Sun 10 am – 4 pm. Free                  FALL BOOK SALE
     admission. Call 410-420-9499 or                 Bel Air Library, 100 E. Pennsylvania
     visit www.artinharford.org                      Ave. Paperback, hardback, CDs &
     HARFORD COUNTY CRIME                       14   children’s books. Member night only.
     SOLVERS BASKET BINGO                            Sponsored by Friends of the Bel Air
10   Bel Air Armory, 37 N. Main St. Doors            Library. 5 pm – 7:30 pm. Call 410-
     open at 6 pm. For more information              638-3151.
     visit www.belairarmory.org.                     FALL BOOK SALE
     HARFORD PLEIN AIR                               Bel Air Library, 100 E. Pennsylvania
     NOCTURE PAINT-OUT                               Ave. Paperback, hardback, CDs &
     Downtown Main Street. Watch the                 children’s books. Sponsored by
     juried artists paint along Main Street          Friends of the Bel Air Library. 10 am
     by the light of the moon, street &              – 4:30 pm. Call 410-638-3151.
     shop lights. 6:30 pm. For more                  FALL BOOK SALE
     information visit                               Bel Air Library, 100 E. Pennsylvania
     www.mdcenterforthearts.org.                     Ave. Paperback, hardback, CDs &
     HARFORD PLEIN AIR                          16
                                                     children’s books. Sponsored by
     PAINTING FESTIVAL                               Friends of the Bel Air Library. 10 am
     Bel Air Armory, 37 N. Main St. This             – 4:30 pm. Call 410-638-3151.
     year’s festival features 30 artists from        FALL BOOK SALE
17   various states including Ohio,                  Bel Air Library, 100 E. Pennsylvania
     Virginia, Maryland and Delaware.                Ave. Paperback, hardback, CDs &
     6:30 pm-9 pm. $75 per ticket or $125       17   children’s books. $5 a bag day.
     per couple. For more information                Sponsored by Friends of the Bel Air
     visit www.mdcenterforthearts.org.               Library. 1 pm – 4:30 pm. Call 410-
     HARFORD PLEIN AIR PUBLIC                        638-3151.
18   Bel Air Armory, 37 N. Main St. 10 am            ART SHOW
     – 5 pm. For more information visit              Runs through December 26. Harford
     www.mdcenterforthearts.org.                     Artists Gallery at Armory
     COMMUNITY COLLECTION                            Marketplace, 37 N. Main Street, Suite
     Bel Air High School Parking Lot.                104. Come enjoy art evoking the
     Find a new home for your unwanted               warmth of the holiday season with
     things and do your part to help save            subject matters created of memories
25   resources for the next generation.              past and present. Lots of smaller
     Document shredder will be onsite. 8             works of art that make great gifts.
     am – 12:00 pm. For more                         Gallery hours Wed-Fri, 10 am – 6
     information email                               pm. Sat-Sun 10 am – 4 pm. Free
     planning@belairmd.org                           admission. Call 410-420-9499 or
                                                     visit www.artinharford.org
                                                     HARVEST MOON DINNER &
                                                30   Bel Air Armory, 37 N. Main St. Join
                                                     supporters of land preservation for
                                                     an evening of dinner, drinks,
SEPTEMBER 2021                                OCTOBER 2021
                                                  socializing, live & silent auctions, and
                                                  live music, with proceeds benefiting
                                                  Harford Land Trust. 6 pm. For ticket
                                                  and event information, visit

NOVEMBER 2021                                 DECEMBER 2021
     AUTHORS & ARTISTS                            32nd ANNUAL CHRISTMAS
     HOLIDAY GIFT SALE                            PARADE & TREE LIGHTING
     Bel Air Armory, 37 N. Main St., This         Downtown Bel Air. Concert on Main
     exciting event provides a unique             Street in front of the Courthouse
     opportunity to meet local authors            begins at 2:30 pm. Parade begins at
6    and artists from many different              3:30 pm – down Main Street at
     genres, and to find perfect, one-of-a-       Churchville Rd to Lee St and ending
     kind gifts for everyone on your list.        at Hickory Ave. Community bonfire
     Entertainment throughout the day.        5   & singalong in Shamrock Park with
     10 am – 3 pm. Free admission. Visit          free cookies & hot chocolate at 4 pm
     www.belairartsandentertainment.org           and the Tree Lighting at Town Hall at
     VETERAN’S INFO FAIR                          4:45 pm. Event is weather
     Bel Air Armory, 37 N. Main Street. In        permitting. In the case of bad
     support of those who served our              weather, the event will be cancelled
     nation, Harford County will host the         and not rescheduled. Call 410-838-
     4th Annual Resource Fair for                 0584.
     veterans and their families. This
     FREE event will be a one-stop-shop          MERRY TUBA CHRISTMAS
     for information about benefits, jobs,       Bel Air High School, 100 Heighe St.
     housing and educational                     Come and bring your tubas,
     opportunities for veterans.                 euphoniums and baritone horns.
     Exhibitors will feature family-             Bring a music stand, dress festively
     friendly, interactive demonstrations        and decorate your instrument.
13                                            12
     including mechanical horse rides, a         Registration fee $5; music cost $15
     trained service dog, 3-D printing, and      (unless you have music from a
     virtual reality experiences. Veteran-       previous Tuba Christmas event). 5
     owned Mission BBQ will provide free         pm. Audience admission is free. Call
     sandwiches, compliments of Harford          410-391-7832 or visit
     County government. This annual              www.christmasinbelair.com
     resource fair is hosted by the all-         STARVING ARTISTS EXHIBIT
     volunteer Harford County
                                                 Runs through Feb. 27, 2022. Harford
     Commission on Veterans Affairs
                                                 Artists Gallery at Armory
     under the administration of County
                                                 Marketplace, 37 N. Main Street, Suite
     Executive Barry Glassman. 10:30          30 104. The gallery features a wide
     a.m. – 1:30 p.m. Call 410-638-3523.
                                                 selection of original artwork ranging
                                                 from oil, watercolor, photography,
                                                 pottery, glasswork, gourds, jewelery,
                                                 tiles and scarves to name just a few.
                 All framed & unframed artwork
                 priced at $199 or less. Gallery hours
                 Wed-Fri, 10 am – 6 pm. Sat-Sun 10
                 am – 4 pm. Free admission. Call 410-
                 420-9499 or visit
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