January 2021 Price 90 pence - Conversion of St Paul on the road to Damascus - Crediton Parish Church

January 2021 Price 90 pence - Conversion of St Paul on the road to Damascus - Crediton Parish Church
January 2021
 Price 90 pence

                   Conversion of St Paul
                  on the road to Damascus
January 2021 Price 90 pence - Conversion of St Paul on the road to Damascus - Crediton Parish Church
  If you are interested in advertising in this magazine the cost is £55 per annum for
           an advertisement eighth A4 page (landscape 90mm x 60mm) and
                  £95 for a quarter A4 size (portrait 90mm x 130mm).
     Please contact Rose Grisman - rpjgrisman@gmail.com - for more information.

     Magazine readers please note that we are unable to guarantee the services
provided by any of our advertisers. If responding to advertisers please do mention that
  you saw their advertisement in the Crediton Benefice Community Parish Magazine.
                                       Thank you.
January 2021 Price 90 pence - Conversion of St Paul on the road to Damascus - Crediton Parish Church
Contacts in the                                                      In this month’s magazine:
                                                                     Contact and Pastoral Care
Crediton Benefice Community                                                     Page 2
RECTOR                                                                      Rector’s Notes
The Reverend Matthew Tregenza  01363 894038
                                                                                Page 4
PRIEST AT SANDFORD                                                       Giving is a Privilege
The Reverend Paul Fillery  01363 777372
                                                                                Page 5
LICENSED READERS                                                             Helen Lawes
Carol Price  01647 24468
                                                                                Page 6
Sandra Collier  01363 777013
                                                                   Sunday Worship at Holy Cross
                                                                                Page 7
Parish Administrator: Gill Lee
(Tuesday and Friday 9.30am – 12.30pm)                             News from around the Benefice
The Boniface Centre, Church Lane, Crediton, EX17 2AH                            Page 8
 01363 773226  admin@creditonparishchurch.org.uk                     Crediton PCC Feedback
Website: www.creditonparishchurch.org.uk                                       Page 10
CLERK TO THE CHURCH GOVERNORS                                    Cadbury Deanery Synod Feedback
Sandra Thresher                                                                Page 14
 01363 85467  sandrathresher@yahoo.co.uk
                                                                 Life Back in Lockdown continued
CHURCHWARDENS                                                                  Page 18
Crediton: Sheila Ralph, Mike May, Peter Brewer
Sandford: Linda Bennett-Smith, Chris Tucker                                Boniface Centre
Shobrooke: Rosemary Barber, John Lee                                           Page 19
Yeoford: Carol Price (Licensed Reader)                                  Festival Competitions
Posbury: Fiona Mortimer (Chairman), Ruth Vigers (Treasurer)                    Page 20
DIRECTOR OF MUSIC (ACTING)                                             Comfort and Joy Events
Richard Stephens  01363 775170  rewstephens@aol.com                          Page 22
BELL TOWER                                                              Devon CPRE Calendar
Tower Captain: Geoff Sparling  01363 776681                                   Page 27
 geoffreysparling@btinternet.com                                       Plus regular features:
BONIFACE CENTRE BOOKINGS                                                Choir Notes – Page 26
Robin Lavery  01363 772536  robinlavery@btinternet.com        Friends of Crediton Church – Page 17
CREDITON MOTHERS’ UNION                                             From the Archives – Page 16
Anne Jerman  01363 772865                                            Mothers’ Union – Page 23
HOLY CROSS FACEBOOK PAGE                                               Prayer Diary – Page 12
James Turner  JMF.turner@icloud.com                                  Reverberations – Page 16
PARISH MAGAZINE                                                     Rhymes and Things – Page 24
Editor and Advertising: Rose Grisman
9 Yeo Crescent, Crediton, EX17 3FL                              To all contributors to the magazine
 07972 028069  rpjgrisman@gmail.com
                                                                The deadline for items to be included
Distribution: Kathleen Hughes  01363 777371                      in the FEBRUARY 2021 edition
If you would like a copy of the magazine delivered each                   of the magazine is
    month please contact Gill Lee or Kathleen Hughes                  SUNDAY 17th JANUARY
                                                                  Thank you for your co-operation
               Annual subscription £9
© ROOTS for Churches Ltd 2002-2013. Material in Prayer Diary    Distribution of the magazine will be
reproduced with permission www.rootsontheweb.com                  by delivery and email, and hard
                                                                     copies will be available at
 All articles and correspondence in this magazine reflect the         Evans Newsagents from
    views of the writers and should not be read otherwise           SATURDAY 30th JANUARY

January 2021 Price 90 pence - Conversion of St Paul on the road to Damascus - Crediton Parish Church
                       CREDITON                SANDFORD             SHOBROOKE                    Others
               8.00    Holy Communion (BCP)
   3 Jan       9.30    Holy Communion
                                            10.00 Holy Communion                           11.00 Holy Communion
 Christmas 2   11.00   Holy Communion
               6pm     Epiphany Carols

  10 Jan       8.00 Holy Communion (BCP)
 Baptism of    9.30 Holy Communion       10.00 Holy Communion       11.00 Family Service
                                                                                           10.00 Christingle Service
   Christ      11.00 Holy Communion

               8.00    Holy Communion (BCP)
               9.30    Holy Communion                                                            POSBURY
  17 Jan       11.00   Holy Communion        10.00 Sung Communion                          11.00 Holy Communion
 Epiphany 2    6pm     Service for Christian                                                       (BCP)

               8.00    Holy Communion (BCP)
  24 Jan       9.30    Holy Communion
                                            10.00 Sung Communion
 Epiphany 3    11.00   Holy Communion                                                       9.30 Holy Communion
               6pm     Said Compline

  31 Jan        8.00 Holy Communion (BCP)
Presentation of 9.30 Holy Communion       10.00 Holy Communion      11.00 Holy Communion
    Christ      11.00 Holy Communion

      Contact and Pastoral Care during the ‘Lockdown’
Gill has returned to working in the Parish Office but due to Covid-19 working
restrictions, please don’t call at the office but continue to make contact by telephone
(01363 773226) or email admin@creditonparishchurch.org.uk.
There is also lots of information and the resources for the Sunday services on the
church website: www.creditonparishchurch.org.uk
And don’t forget the Holy Cross Crediton Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/
CreditonParishChurch/ where you can also view the Sunday service. You don’t need
to have a Facebook account to view the posts that have been made.
There are Pastoral Care arrangements in place. Do contact the Pastoral Care group
by email: holycrosssharing@gmail.com or phone Matthew (01363 894038) or Stella
Stephens (07960 388198) if you, or someone you know, needs some help or would
appreciate a phone call. Please use the same contact details to offer help. There are a
small number of people where we are helping with shopping in particular and the
team are also maintaining telephone contact with the church family.

January 2021 Price 90 pence - Conversion of St Paul on the road to Damascus - Crediton Parish Church
January 2021 Price 90 pence - Conversion of St Paul on the road to Damascus - Crediton Parish Church
Rector’s Notes                            the network of churches that make up the
                                                    Minster to act like the body of Christ. One
As we enter 2021, although we still have
                                                    body, with many parts; a group of
various Covid-19 restrictions in place, I
                                                    churches intentionally, structurally, and
hope that we can do so with a sense of
                                                    strategically sharing resources to support
                                                    the collective mission and ministry
For us, the new year will see significant           offered within Cadbury Deanery. What
change as The Revd Paul Fillery moves to            this will probably look like on the ground
a new post as Vicar of the Benefice of              is parishes teaming up in clusters,
Martock with Kingsbury Episcopi and                 sharing resources and discerning what
Ash in the diocese of Bath and Wells. Paul          God is calling them to do in their
will be missed very deeply in Sandford              particular communities, whilst also
and across the wider benefice as a friend           having more than an eye on the wider
and I shall certainly miss him as a                 Church too. Let's not forget that as well as
colleague as well. We shall also see plans          the local church, we are part of The
progress, across Cadbury Deanery,                   Church, which is global or to put it
towards a new Crediton Rural Ministry               another way... universal.
                                                    A key element of us acting like the body
The Crediton Rural Ministry Hub offers us           of Christ... one body, with many parts... in
an opportunity to explore new ideas and             this part of Devon is the empowering,
vision for rural ministry. Our hope is to           equipping and resourcing of lay people to
bring together rural churches to share in           exercise their skills and gifts in Christian
mission and ministry, creating a                    ministry. There has perhaps been a
sustainable model of church for rural               tendency in the Church for the Vicar to do
communities; rooted in the Diocesan                 everything and sometimes clergy have
Vision of Pray, Grow, Serve. The model for          colluded with this. Each one of us has a
the Crediton Rural Ministry Hub, which              baptismal vocation and so each one of us
the Archdeacon has proposed, is what is             is called to take our part in serving God in
called a Minster Model.                             this part of Devon... the Crediton Rural
The Minster Model of Church looks back              Ministry Hub is a major step towards
to a time before we created the parish              realising this vision. Discipleship and
system, and forward as we embrace a                 prayer and good communication links are
new future for the rural church. It seeks           key to the success of the opportunity
to enable churches, people and                      before us.
communities to work together to provide             My hopes and longings are for a Church
ministry across a large area. It has                which is set free to serve God using all the
collaboration and cooperation at its                resources He has given us (and these are
heart; as it seeks to find ways for the local       countless) and through which the Holy
church to share resources.                          Spirit blows encouragement for people to
A Minister Model is different from                  discover their giftings and then to use
previous church models in that it has a             them. I long too for a Church which goes
bold vision which breaks away from                  outside of its 'comfort zone' to take risks
traditional patterns and looks to                   for the sake of the Gospel. The Crediton
supporting other churches in their                  Rural Ministry Hub encourages us to do
common mission. Its vision would be for             all these things... let's not lose the

January 2021 Price 90 pence - Conversion of St Paul on the road to Damascus - Crediton Parish Church
opportunity so richly given to us, but let's       we show we are grateful. We say thank
boldly walk this path together as fellow           you to God for what he has done for us.
pilgrims and disciples of Christ!                  We know we have been saved and we
A very happy 2021 to you all.                      recognise that.
Your friend and Rector                             Secondly, giving to the Church is sharing
                                                   in God’s joyful and exciting mission. We
Matthew Tregenza                                   are helping to bring the kingdom of God
PS Please don't hesitate to be in touch if         to where we live. We’re investing in
you'd like to know more about the                  seeing the Church grow. It’s like being a
Crediton Rural Ministry Hub... I'd be              season ticket holder for a football team.
delighted to talk to you about it!                 We’re a serious supporter if we are
                                                   generous. We want to be part of the fun.
                                                   Thirdly, when we give, we show where
 FROM THE CHURCH REGISTERS                         our treasure is and so where our heart is.
 OF THE BENEFICE 2020                              If we give generously, we demonstrate
             Funerals                              our treasure is in heaven.
 November 20 John Siddons                          Fourthly, when we give we acknowledge
 December 1 Bryan Ware (at Sandford)               God as rightful owner. Everything I have –
 December 4 Les Burridge                           house, health, family, life – has been given
                                                   to me.
                                                   Fifthly, when I am generous I am saying I
     Giving is a Privilege                         belong to God. If I belong to God,
                                                   everything I have belongs to God – my
I read recently that 30% of Anglicans              time, my skills, my possessions and my
never give money to a church. After                life.
picking myself up off the floor and
                                                   Giving isn’t just about money. A friend
checking I had read it correctly, I
                                                   said she gave little money to the church
wondered why.
                                                   because she has so little herself. However,
The report said the main reason for not            she didn’t realise how generous she was
giving is they don’t think the church              being. She had spent the day helping at
needs it. Why are churches so terrible at          the local food bank and she has run the
communication?                                     toddler group for forty years. She always
However, my next reaction was to feel              gives so freely of her time.
sorry for them because they are missing            God is asking us to take a look at what
out on a great privilege. Let me explain           we’ve got and offer it cheerfully to him.
why.                                               He doesn’t want ten pounds or ten per
Firstly, generosity is at the heart of God.        cent; he wants our whole lives. God
The Bible starts with Creation, which we           doesn’t need our money; he wants our
have been given to look after. But that            hearts. He wants us to discover the joy
pales into insignificance when we                  and privilege of giving, and to grow as
consider the greatest gift: God gave his           Christians through generosity.
only son to die for us while we were still         When we give, we are imitating God.
sinners. He took what was most precious
and sacrificed him for us. When we give            Stephen Mitchell

January 2021 Price 90 pence - Conversion of St Paul on the road to Damascus - Crediton Parish Church
Helen Lawes                            on offer but they included a
                    I had already written         ‘Blockbusters’ book signed by Bob
                    this piece for the            Holness, a tie from Noel Edmonds and a
                    parish magazine after         ‘Dynasty’ script annotated and signed by
                    learning that Helen           Joan Collins!
                    had      moved     into       Helen worked for the Probation Service
                    residential care. But         for a number of years where I’m guessing
                    sadly this has now            her skill at shorthand came in handy. At
                    been followed by the          one time, there was a parish magazine
                    news that Helen has           editorial committee which consisted of
                    passed away. It seems         Helen, Bob Ralph, Anthony Geering and
                    more appropriate than         me. I used to watch her making notes in
ever to reflect on the huge part she              shorthand at committee meetings and felt
played in our church life at Holy Cross for       slightly envious – even more so when I
over 50 years.                                    became PCC Secretary myself!
Helen had been unable to attend church            Searching for a photo, I found this one
recently and there are probably newer             taken at the Boniface Centre of Helen, her
members of the congregation that have             mother, Vi ‘Nanny’ Friday and my mother
no idea of the contribution she made.             Margaret Borwell:
Although there are big gaps in my
knowledge as I didn’t start attending
church until the early 80s. Helen and her
late husband Don moved here in the early
1960s and I believe that one of the first
people she met was Enid Clifton who
moved here with John around the same
time and became a lifelong friend. By the
time I got to know Helen, she was already
heavily involved in church life. Over the
years, she’s been the PCC Secretary; a
staunch member of the Mothers’ Union;
part of the Boniface 1980 celebrations;           I can’t remember the occasion but Helen
editor of the Parish Magazine; on the             and Nanny did run a charity event every
committee that planned, fund raised and
                                                  year to raise money for Multiple Sclerosis
built (not literally but you know what I          as Helen’s brother had this incurable
mean!) the Boniface Centre; on the                illness. Bill reminded me that Helen was
catering team for the Festivals; and
                                                  always reluctant to be photographed so
organised the St Nicholas Fair. I                 this is a rarity!
remember that she used to run the most
amazing lucky dips/bran tub and I was             Her sense of fun and droll sense of
always astounded by the huge supply of            humour were exemplified by her love of
small, suitable gifts that she produced for       all things Star Trek and she was one of
this. She also organised an auction of            the few people I know that actually got
items donated by celebrities and spent            tickets to attend part of the 2012 London
many hours tracking down contact                  Olympics. I was very envious, having
details and writing to people requesting          tried unsuccessfully myself.
items. This was before the days when so           But perhaps her biggest claim to fame
much information became available on              was being appointed as the first female
the Internet. I can’t remember everything         Church Governor since the Crediton
January 2021 Price 90 pence - Conversion of St Paul on the road to Damascus - Crediton Parish Church
Church Corporation was established in
the 16th century – serving for over 20
years. She was also following in Don’s
footsteps as Governor. Helen used to
decorate the Governors’ tree for the
Christmas Tree Festival. She took the role
of Governor very seriously and her
knowledge of the church and church life
was no doubt invaluable.
Thank you, Helen for everything you did
for Holy Cross.
Anne Jerman

    Sunday Worship at
  Crediton Parish Church
If you have downloaded the NHS Track
and Trace app to your mobile phone,
please note the necessary QR readers are
on display at Holy Cross, St Lawrence
Chapel and Holy Trinity Yeoford.
Sunday Worship continues with services
at 8.00am, 9.30am and 11.00am and
6.00pm. For the 9.30am and 11.00am
services, contact Anne Jerman on 01363
772865                or            email:
jerman@12blagdon.eclipse.co.uk if you
cannot attend or wish to attend at a
different time to your ‘normal’. Please
note that it is now compulsory to wear
face coverings when attending a place of
worship, apart from those who are
exempt from doing so. Everyone that has
attended a Sunday service has received a
service booklet to take home and bring
back each week. The church toilets are
available on Sundays. Please do not
attend church if you have any of the
symptoms of coronavirus. The 9.30am
service is live-streamed via the church
Facebook            page:         https://
CreditonParishChurch/. It will then be
available to view at any time. The
readings for the week are available on the
services page of the church website.
January 2021 Price 90 pence - Conversion of St Paul on the road to Damascus - Crediton Parish Church
News from around the Benefice                    advice that you all gave me that enabled
                                                  me to launch out in ministry. I have found
          Sandford                                the same dynamics here in Sandford
     with Upton Hellions                          Parish, and so (wonderfully supported
As a New Year dawns, I doubt that any of          and encouraged throughout by Tracey), I
us will look back with any sense of               now find myself moving to a full-time
nostalgia over 2020! The events of the            post in Somerset - with a team to manage
last year were summed up in the                   and work with, as we seek to see God’s
frequently          repeated         word         Kingdom grow in that Benefice.
‘unprecedented’. However, as I reflect on         It is never easy to leave a place and
life in the Parish of Sandford as the old         people that are dear to you, and the
year fades and a new one begins, I am             decision to do so was one that we took
grateful to God for the kindness and              time and careful consideration to reach.
faithfulness of so many here, and the new         However, the time seems right as the
friends we have made through ‘on-line’            Benefice here embraces significant
church and ‘live-streaming’. The need for         changes and adopts new working
constant flexibility and adaptability has         patterns of ministry in the days to come.
been tiring and frustrating at times, but         We have been so grateful to the people of
also freeing and stretching as we have            Sandford Parish for their encouragement,
sought new ways of being church in these          support and understanding as we have
times. God has been at work in many               started our journey towards our eventual
hearts and lives, evidenced by the large          move to Somerset. We have seen God at
‘congregations’ we have witnessed                 work in so many ways and in so many
joining us weekly ‘on-line’. Time will tell       lives here, and we are confident of God’s
both what we will leave behind after              ongoing purposes for the Parish and
COVID 19, and what we will take with us           wider Deanery in the days to come.
from this season; but a pause for
reflection would no doubt be in order as          It has been a privilege to journey with
we begin a New Year.                              you all, and a privilege to serve here as
                                                  part of the clergy team over these last ten
Sadly, this will be my last article for the       years. My thanks to all my colleagues and
Crediton Parish Magazine as Tracey and I          especially to our Rector Matthew
will be moving to new pastures in the             Tregenza for his kindness and
early Spring as I take up the post of Vicar       unwavering support. Thank you all and
of the Benefice of Martock, Kingsbury             God bless you in the months and years
Episcopi and Ash in Somerset. This is an          ahead. Our hope is to retire back to our
ideal moment to thank all of you in the           cottage in Sandford when the time comes
wider Benefice who have been so actively          to pull up stumps, so God willing – we’ll
involved in my formation as a priest over         be back!
a period that now spans 10 years. I
remember so vividly standing beside               Until that time, love and blessings from
Nigel on my first Sunday as a newly               us both
ordained deacon, staring out at the Holy          Paul & Tracey x
Cross congregation, with a mixture of
both excitement and terror all at once!                       Shobrooke
But it was the freedom to make mistakes,          We are anticipating the three Christmas
and the kind remarks and constructive             services “with a difference” that we will

hold in St Swithun’s Church this year, and              Holy Trinity Yeoford
are waiting to find out what we will be             Grateful thanks to Jenny Francis who has
able to do in 2021. What an extraordinary           helped me with Zoom Services during the
year 2020 has been for us as individuals            second lockdown. Her thoughtful
and collectively. We are thankful that we           sermons and input have been wonderful.
have been kept safe and well and for our
blessings to live in such a beautiful part of       We will plan January Services but the
the country, and in a community where               weeks we do not have a service in Church
people care about their neighbours and              we will have a Zoom service.
do all in their power to help and support           I hope you all have a very Happy
each other.                                         Christmas and let’s pray 2021 year will
We wish everyone a Happy, Healthy,                  be better than 2020.
Peaceful New Year. We will let folk know            January 2021 Services:
about our suggestions for plans for the
                                                    January 10th - Christingle Service 10am
continuing use of our church in 2021 and
we pray that we will all be able to feel            January 24th - Holy Communion 9.30am
less anxious and safer and lead more                3rd, 17th and 31st - Zoom at 10am
normal lives.                                       Carol Price
Rosemary Barber                                      01647 24468
Tel: 01363 773419
Email: bryherrose15@gmail.com

       St Luke’s Posbury
At the time of writing we have had our
first service back in the church, led by
Rev David Francis. We are looking
forward to David being with us again on
Christmas Day as we celebrate Holy
It seems appropriate to reflect on the last
year. We are grateful to the clergy who
facilitated our continued fellowship
whether via zoom services or in person at
the church, we thank those who have and
are still caring for the sick, particular our
very own, Ruth Vigers, who has been on
the frontline in the Intensive Care Unit in
the RD&E. Thank you to all those who
have continued with to attend services
whether in person or on zoom. We know
that the next few months are going to be
key steps to our country’s recovery, and
we really look forward to being able to
reopen the church fully very soon
Fiona Mortimer
Feedback from the Crediton PCC               Placement – there would be a curate
  Meeting on 25 November 2020                 arriving in January or February for a
                                              month’s placement.
Elections and Co-options – the following
people were elected to positions within       Netherexe Mission Community – Revd
the PCC:-                                     Katie Cross, the incumbent of the
 Vice Chair – Sheila Ralph;                  Netherexe MC, was moving to the Diocese
 Secretary – Anne Jerman;                    of Coventry in January. This would leave 3
 Co-option and Treasurer – Glenda Hills;     of the 4 Cadbury Deanery Mission
 Co-option (Health & Safety and              Communities in vacancy. Netherexe MC
  Governors’     Representative) – Ernie      was not included in the Crediton Rural
  Heard;                                      Ministry Hub proposal and the
 Sidespeople – these were elected en         Archdeacon of Exeter had a plan in mind
  bloc and the list included some new         for dealing with the vacancy.
  volunteers. Bill Parr had stood down        Crediton Rural Ministry Hub – further to
  after many years service and it was         the meeting with the Archdeacon, the
  agreed to send a letter of thanks to him    PCC had been sent a presentation on the
  from the PCC. All the that had been         proposal. The formation of the Hub
  acting as stewards under the current        would not make a huge difference to
  Covid arrangements (not all of whom         Crediton and its church members.
  were sidespeople) were also thanked.        Interview dates were pencilled in for
Church Flag – Jack Robson had taken the       March 2021 to fill the vacancy in the
flag down which was found to be in a very     North Creedy West area with one full-
poor condition as it had been flying          time stipendiary clergy. The vacancy in
continually for around 8 months. The          the North Creedy East area was likely to
damage was caused by the flag getting         be filled towards the end of 2021 by
caught in the fittings during high winds.     either 2 x 0.5 stipendiary clergy or one
It was agreed to purchase a replacement       full-time. The Hub was not about
flag.                                         centralising everything. That might be
                                              feasible and sensible for training and
Christmas Services – it was a great
                                              some admin functions but individual
disappointment that the church wasn’t
                                              PCCs      would      retain   all    their
open for public worship on Advent
                                              responsibilities. There would be scope for
Sunday. Services during the Christmas
                                              collaboration and information sharing.
period would be as follows:-
 12th December from 10am to 12noon –         Finance Report – Bank balance as at
  Christingle Takeaway                        26.11.20 was £15,081.12. This included
 19th and 20th December at 6pm –             Gift Aid just received of £2,761.75, which
  Lessons and Carols                          would be transferred to EDBF against our
 24th December at 4.30pm – virtual           current Common Fund. Common Fund
  Crib Service                                2020 – the Treasurer proposed a target of
 24th December at 9.30pm and                 90% (i.e.: £70,574.00) paid at the year
  11.30pm – Midnight Mass with Bishop         end and felt this was achievable. It was
  Jackie present at at least one of the       not intended to bring the shortfall in
  services                                    Common Fund in as a creditor in the
 25th December – one service at 10am         2020 accounts. Payments Review – the
 27th December – one service at 9.30am       proposed payments from January 2021

for services provided were agreed. There            which set out six pastoral principles to
was discussion on the payments made to              acknowledge prejudice, to speak into
the five charities. The PCC had been                silence, to address ignorance, to cast out
supporting Christian charities for many             fear, to admit hypocrisy and to pay
years. It was felt that the PCC should be           attention to power. It covered areas such
seen to support those less fortunate than           as gender and sexuality with a wealth of
ourselves. As well as providing an                  material and resources available online.
important role model, generosity was                The next was the Church of England’s
vital to discipleship. Common Fund 2021 -           commitment to achieve net zero carbon
the amount due for 2021 was £74,950                 emissions by 2030. The Secretary had
which was a reduction of £3,500 from                attended three webinars on the subject
this year. We currently paid £4,600pcm              with one more to come on ‘Action
to EDBF and after discussion, it was                Planning’. The final item was the
agreed to raise this to £5,200 each month           Covenant of Clergy Care and Wellbeing. It
which was felt a realistic possibility. Next        was agreed at Diocesan Synod in October
year could be easier with regard to                 that our clergy needed all our support
church collections and fund raising                 especially at the present time and that
although that couldn’t be taken for                 the relationship between clergy and
granted. The amount could easily be                 congregations was really important. The
reduced if necessary.                               Diocesan Synod had adopted the
Choir – it was a great delight to enjoy real        Covenant and the intention was for it to
singing once more. There had been a lot             be considered and adopted in local
of work to make this Covid secure with              communities e.g. by Deanery Synods and
distancing, cleaning, choir practice and            PCCs. Three booklets would be made
rotas to be managed. Recordings had                 available in parishes, aimed at clergy;
been made prior to the second lockdown              local congregations; and Bishops, senior
for use in livestreamed services when the           staff and the wider church.
church was closed for public worship.               For more information on any of these
Since Covid restrictions began in March,            subjects, speak to Anne Jerman, Crediton
there had been six new recruits (with one           PCC Secretary on 01363 772865 or email:
more hopefully in the wings). The PCC               jerman@12blagdon.eclipse.co.uk
greatly appreciated all that Richard was
doing and expressed their thanks.
Yeoford – Services were being held each
Sunday via Zoom and the church was
open for private prayer on a Monday.
Fund raising and grant applications for
the provision of kitchen and toilet
facilities continued and a builder’s quote              January Anniversaries
was also needed.                                              Happy Birthday to:
Deanery Report – There were three big                Sue Barker, Keith Bolt, Jack Shelley and
issues coming down the line from                                   Ted Staite.
General to Diocesan to Deanery Synods to                Happy Wedding Anniversary to:
PCCs for consideration. The first of these
                                                            Bert & Margaret Jewell.
was the ‘Living in Love and Faith’ project

Prayer Diary for January
1st – Naming of Jesus – Eternal Father, you gave to               Christ is the light of the world: Grant that your people,
your incarnate Son the holy name of Jesus to be the               illumined by your Word and Sacraments, may shine
sign of our salvation: Plant in every heart the love of           with the radiance of Christ's glory, that he may be
him who is the Saviour of the world, our Lord Jesus               known, worshipped, and obeyed to the ends of the
Christ.                                                           earth.
2nd – Open Doors – However you are celebrating                    18th – Confession of St Peter – Almighty Father,
Christmas and Epiphany, remember those that have                  who inspired Simon Peter, first among the apostles, to
to follow Jesus in secret and do not have Christian               confess Jesus as Messiah and Son of the living God:
family with whom to celebrate Jesus’ birth.                       Keep your Church steadfast upon the rock of this faith,
3rd – Christmas 2 – Christ is the morning star who,               so that in unity and peace we may proclaim the one
when the night of this world is past, brings to its saints        truth and follow the one Lord, our Saviour Jesus
the promise of the light of life and opens everlasting            Christ; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy
day – The Venerable Bede                                          Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.
4th – Give thanks for the work of the Parish                      19th – Week of Prayer for Christian Unity – God of
Administrator and all the PCC Secretaries and                     all peoples, teach us to go through Samaria to meet
Treasurers of the Benefice.                                       our brothers and sisters from other churches. Allow us
5th – Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing             to go there with an open heart so we may learn from
love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I           every church and culture. Grant us the unity that
should go, for to you I entrust my life - Psalms 143:8            Christ wills for us.
6th – Epiphany – O God, by the leading of a star you              20th – When you lie down, you will not be afraid;
manifested your only Son to the peoples of the earth:             when you lie down, your sleep will be sweet -Proverbs
Lead us, who know you now by faith, to your presence,             3:24
where we may see your glory face to face.                         21st – Pray for the work of Connect and all our local
7th – Pray for work of Social Services and all Social             youth workers and youth groups.
Workers as they seek to help people and deliver                   22nd – Rejoice always; pray without ceasing; in
services in often difficult circumstances.                        everything give thanks; for this is God’s will for you in
8th – Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are            Christ Jesus -1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
God my Saviour, and my hope is in you all day long -              23rd – Pray for all those involved in the production
Psalm 25:5                                                        of the Crediton Courier as tomorrow we remember
9th – Give thanks for the work of the Governors and               St Francis de Sales, Patron Saint of journalists.
the Restoration Committee in repairing and                        24th – Epiphany 3 – Give us grace, O Lord, to answer
maintaining Crediton Parish Church.                               readily the call of our Saviour Jesus Christ and
10th – Epiphany 1 – The Baptism of Jesus – Father                 proclaim to all people the Good News of his salvation,
in heaven, who at the baptism of Jesus in the River               that we and the whole world may perceive the glory of
Jordan proclaimed him your beloved Son and anointed               his marvellous works.
him with the Holy Spirit: Grant that all who are                  25th – Conversion of St Paul – Blinded by light from
baptized into his Name may keep the covenant they                 heaven which blazed down from above, fired by the
have made, and boldly confess him as Lord and                     glorious vision, Paul chose your way of love. So Lord,
Saviour.                                                          like Paul, convert us, transform our night to day;
11th – Lord, be gracious to us; we long for you. Be our           empower us by your Spirit and guide us in your way.
strength every morning, our salvation in time of                  26th – May my prayer be counted as incense before
distress - Isaiah 33:2                                            You; The lifting up of my hands as the evening offering
12th – Pray for the work of the five charities                    - Psalms 141:2
supported by Crediton PCC – Christian Aid, CMS,                   27th – Pray for the staff and residents of our local
Farming Community Network, Mission to Seafarers                   residential care and nursing homes.
and Connect.                                                      28th – The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases;
13th – Ask for God’s blessing on the Mothers’ Union               his mercies never come to an end; they are new every
AGM which takes place today.                                      morning - Lamentations 3:22
14th – Ask for God’s blessing on the volunteers and               29th – The heavens declare the glory of God, and the
supporters of the Crediton Food Bank and pray for                 sky above proclaims his handiwork - Psalms 63:3-4
the families it helps in a time of need.                          30th – Pray for Rose Grisman, Parish Magazine
15th – In the morning, O Lord, I will direct my song              Editor as tomorrow we remember St John Bosco,
and my prayer unto You and will look up - Psalm 5:3               Patron Saint of editors.
16th – Remember the teachers, teaching and                        31st – Epiphany 4 – Almighty and everlasting God,
classroom assistants and pupils at Haywards and                   you govern all things both in heaven and on earth:
Landscore Schools.                                                Mercifully hear the supplications of your people, and
17th – Epiphany 2 – Almighty God, whose Son Jesus                 in our time grant us your peace.

Feedback from the                       presence of the church in every
Cadbury Deanery Synod Meeting                 community – but it needed to be for the
  on Wednesday 18 November                    community not just the congregation.
                                              65% of churches were rural with 70% of
Introduction from Rural Dean and Lay          churches in multi-parish benefices. 40%
Chair – Revd Matthew Tregenza thanked         of     churchgoers      were      in  rural
Revd David Francis for all that he had        congregations with 18% of the churches
done as Rural Dean during the last 2½         growing whilst 25% were decreasing.
years. Matthew said that he was grateful      Whether our ancient church buildings
to be supported by a great team. The          were a blessing or a burden continued to
Deanery had an able and wonderful Lay         be a subject of debate. The rural church
Chair in Laura and both the Treasurer         could be likened to a tractor – slower
and Secretary were efficient and              moving but strong and powerful with the
committed. He hoped that in due course,       ability to manage bumpy, uneven
depending on the Covid restrictions in        surfaces. The effects of the Covid
place, he would be able to get around the     pandemic were both short and long term
parishes in the Deanery and meet people.      and had also accelerated some issues –
Matthew highlighted three areas to focus      the need to embrace social media, IT and
on:-                                          digital ways of communicating and the
 he hoped to achieve a push on lay
                                              possible closure of churches.
  ministry and commended Foundations          Andrew then spoke about the proposed
  in Christian Ministry. Some people had      Crediton Rural Ministry Hub which had
  taken the course (one of whom was           been formulated due to the vacancies in
  now in Reader training) and others          the North Creedy West and East Mission
  were thinking about it. He would love       Communities. The Ministry Hub should
  to see greater take-up and encouraged       be seen as a model for a centre of
  everyone to discern the gifts and skills    excellence for rural ministry. It would - be
  of themselves and others and point          able to encompass a variety of traditions;
  people in the direction of FiCM;            develop ways of working together; have
 development of a communications             good and creative administration;
  network;                                    provide outreach to the local community;
 prayer – Matthew would like everyone        train clergy and laity; encompass the new
  to recommit to a life of prayer,            and creative as well as the more
  connecting parishes to pray and             traditional. The Ministry Hub would offer
  encourage prayer for each other. It         a mixed ecology - local church but wider
  should be the bedrock for the future.       working together.
Laura Armstrong said that as Lay Chair,
she was so pleased by Matthew’s               Deanery Accounts – the accounts had
appointment as Rural Dean. He brought         been issued with the agenda and were
with him a wealth of experience and a         not expected to change before the end of
true love of God and the Gospel. She          the year. The parishes would not be asked
would be talking later in the meeting         for a contribution to Deanery funds in
about community marked by generosity.         December 2020.
Speaker – The Ven. Andrew Beane,              Common Fund – the collection of
Archdeacon of Exeter – Andrew spoke           Common Fund across the Deanery was
about the rural church. The Church of         holding up well, although the % paid in
England was keen to promote the               the year to date contributions was

reducing slightly each month. The             the most obvious things that go un-
Common Fund figures for 2021 had been         remarked and uncelebrated.
issued with only a slight change overall.     So, let’s think about Generosity for a
While the Diocese had used the 2019           minute. Generosity is one of those things
participant figures again, the 3 year         that doesn’t make sense outside of
rolling average used in the final             Community. So Christian generosity is
calculation which meant that a small          lived out through a Christian community.
number of parishes would see an               And how do we know if we are behaving
increase for 2021.                            like we live in a Christian Community?
Annual Report and Accounts –                  The first attribute of a Christian
churchwardens,        secretaries      and    community is Accountability: We are
treasurers all had a part to play in the      ultimately accountable before God and
production of these and this would be         we are accountable to one another. We
explained to all the parties involved. The    must ask for what we need and give what
documents had to be accepted and              is asked from us. In our Gospel on Sunday
approved by the PCC and could then be         we will be reminded that whatever we do
submitted to Amy immediately. It was          for one another we do for Christ and
not necessary to wait until after the         whatever we do not do for one another
APCM.                                         we did not do for Christ. As Christians,
                                              that is how we will be judged.
Generous       Community       –     Laura    Hospitality: We are marked by this. Are
Armstrong – we are at a place of new          our spaces, physical, mental and spiritual
beginning – which is faced with               inviting? Do we extend our hands to
excitement by some of us, trepidation by      those outside? Are we accessible? Do we
others and if you are like me, a little of    make time for each other? Do we listen?
both. Whatever is coming next, we need        Do we make sure that those around us
to prepare ourselves for the one thing we     have what they need to be comfortable, to
can be certain of: the church out here in     thrive?
mid-Devon will not be the same as it was.     Connection: The Church is meant to be
Whether we like it or not, change is here.    in connection with all things and all
And as all change is, it is both an ending    people. We are to be aware that what we
and a beginning.                              do and say matters in ways we cannot
Our faith, though, is founded on an event     always see. So, we must make sure that
that is both an ending and a beginning.       all we do and say is marked with
The Cross was the end of Jesus’ earthly       generosity.
life and the beginning of his glorious        Community: We cannot be Christians by
risen one. We don’t get the resurrection      ourselves. We are to worship together. We
without the crucifixion. It was the end of    are to look for guidance in scripture,
our lives of darkness and the beginning of    prayer and each other. We are to carry the
our lives in the Light.                       gospel of reconciliation with us wherever
We are at the end of one Synod and the        we go. But we are to be aware that God
beginning of another, so we thought it        moves in unlikely and surprising ways –
might be helpful to talk about Generosity     we won’t always know who holds the
as one of the markers of a Christian          next piece of our puzzle – who we are to
community. None of this information is        help next or who will show up to help us
new – we all know it. But sometimes it is     when we need it. We are to notice this
                                              and tell stories of this to each other.

Ambiguity: I came across this saying
recently: There is so much good in the             Reverberations
worst of us and so much bad in the best            from the Tower
of us that it ill behoves any of us to find
                                               If you haven’t got much to say, then don’t
fault in the rest of us. We must forgive
                                               say it! That is my mantra, and it certainly
each other and be generous in all ways.
                                               applies this month.
We must be generous of heart and Spirit.
We must be willing to try and to fail and      Just 2 pieces of news. First we were able
to try again.                                  to ring for Les Burridge’s funeral that
Sense of humour: We need to laugh              took place after lockdown 2, but only
together. We must laugh at ourselves. Life     ringing 2 bells. Maybe we can do better in
is hard, but it is also joyous. A generous     his memory when circumstances allow.
heart is one that laughs and sees the          You may notice that for the time being we
humour in most situations.                     will be ringing just 2 bells prior to
General Synod Report – the publication         services. Guided by Tier 2 regulations the
of the report ‘Living in Love and Faith’       Central Council of Church Bell Ringers
was highlighted and was available online       has stipulated that bells may only be rung
for free download. The purpose of              by members of the same household. In
resources available through the LLF            our case that limits us to 2 bells only
Project was to enable the Church of            (although we have three such couples
England churches across the country to         available!). Oh Dear!!
participate in a process of learning and       Robin Lavery
praying together as part of discerning a
way forward in relation to matters of
identity, sexuality, relationships and
marriage. Over the next year, Dioceses,
Deaneries and parishes would discuss the
various publications with views then                 From the Archives
going back to General Synod. The                     90 years ago - January 1931
advisory Covenant for Clergy Care would        From the Cadbury Deanery Magazine:
go first to every Diocesan Synod for
consideration. PCCs had a role in helping      Not much seemed to be happening this
their clergy to thrive in what was a           month!
difficult and demanding job. There had         Sandford–Hellions – the Sir John Davie’s
also been discussion on lay ministry, the      Trustees (founded in 1674) met and
mission of the laity and learning how to       allotted a suit of clothing to five boys and
be an evangelist in the community – not        five girls from among those children who
something many of us felt comfortable          attend the Central School, and a number
with.                                          of bibles also to be distributed among
                                               past and present scholars.
For more information on any of these
subjects, contact the Cadbury Deanery          The Sandford Amalgamated Society also
Synod Secretary – Anne Jerman on 01363         met and allotted about £80 among some
772865              or           email:        four hundred persons of the working folk
jerman@12blagdon.eclipse.co.uk.                for whom applications had been made.
                                               Special gifts were also made in
                                               exceptional cases.

Thank You!                             Friends of Crediton Church
Ethel Robertson would like to say a HUGE           Membership: We are very sorry indeed
thank you for all the support she has              to hear of the passing of Judy Tucker,
received since March. After falling and            wife of Paul. Judy had been an annual
breaking her back in early lockdown she            member, then life member, for over 40
is now home and doing really well. She             years and in recent years she joined the
has    valued     the    weekly     church         Council of the Friends, where her
newsletters, magazines, prayers and well           knowledge and experience were a great
wishes, especially when in hospital. She           help. We send our sincerest condolences
would like to wish all her friends the best        to Paul and to son David.
of health for 2021 when she hopes to               Seasonal Greetings. The officers of the
return to Church.                                  Executive     Committee    take     the
                                                   opportunity to send seasonal good
                                                   wishes to all members and readers. We
                                                   trust that the new year 2021 will prove
                                                   healthy and peaceful.
           Church Shop                             Marilyn Daw (Secretary): 01363 877238
From now until the end of the year,                Mike Beskeen (Membership):
virtually everything out on display will be        mikeandjoycebeskeen@gmail.com
Christmas items. Bill and I usually do the
stock take on Boxing Day (we know how
to live!). Following this, the church shop
will return to its normal display of items.
Anne Jerman

 Preparing for Advent and
     Christmas 2020:
      Comfort & Joy
Building    on      the    success    of
#FollowTheStar, the Church of England
will be launching a new Advent and
Christmas theme to reflect the current
Covid context. It is hoped that Comfort
and Joy will better enable us to reflect
where the country is and will be by the
end of this year. Click here to Find out

Life Back In Lockdown -                           never driven, the green lights indicator
         continued                                  meant nothing to him so thinking it was
                                                    an electrical blip, we left it at that. I must
Where does the time go? You may recall              have knocked the switch getting out of
that early on in the first lockdown, I              the car. Five hours later, our neighbour
sponsored two Guide Dogs, Willow and                came round to say the lights were on. At
Cooper and as promised in the TV appeal             exactly the same time, I received a phone
for sponsors, I do indeed receive my                call from my sister Rose saying the car
regular Pupdates. And how they’ve                   had sent her a message telling her to go
grown! Here’s the latest photo and news             and turn the lights off! These modern car
of Willow. As part of her training, she’s           computer systems which Rose is linked to
being taught how to jump happily and                via her mobile never cease to amaze me.
safely into different kinds of vehicles and         It’s a long story why it’s Rose, not me,
to ‘wait’ until asked to jump out. Here she         that’s connected to the iDrive system that
is wearing her puppy jacket and showing             I won’t bore you with.
how it’s done during car travel practise:
                                                    During the second lockdown, Bill came
                                                    rather late in the game to bread making.
                                                    We had a bread maker some years ago
                                                    which wasn’t very successful and was
                                                    thrown out. So when Bill said he was
                                                    buying another, I was a bit ‘Why would
                                                    you do that?’. But the new machine is
                                                    brilliant. Bread making is the new
                                                    pastime in Blagdon Close although some
                                                    people prefer the cathartic effect of
                                                    REALLY making and kneading bread. And
                                                    it’s all been delicious – especially cheese
                                                    and sundried tomato.
                                                    Being in Tier 2 rather than where we
                                                    were before the second lockdown made
                                                    very little difference apart from having to
                                                    cancel various lunch engagements. There
                                                    are now a number of friends that I simply
Hedgehog news – or rather no news. We               won’t get to see before Christmas but I’m
haven’t seen the one hedgehog that was              not alone in this. It was great to get back
still coming for about three weeks now so           to church and it was certainly far easier
that’s probably it until next year. There is        to reopen this time. With all the extra
no-one occupying either of our hedgehog             services and limited numbers, I’ve got 8
houses but Sandy Hall tells me there’s              lists on the go of who’s attending what so
one in hers.                                        I just have to be careful and disciplined in
Back at the car, I arrived home from                recording the details as they come
physio and on getting out was greeted by            through.
some warning beeps. As I was already in             And then disaster struck! I couldn’t
the wheelchair, I asked Bill to look at the         understand why there were very crunchy
dashboard for any messages or if there              bits in the pizza I was eating. Then I
was anything else to see. Sadly, as Bill has        realised it was part of one of my teeth. I

phoned the dentist (who I haven’t seen
since before the first lockdown) but the
earliest appointment available is on 23
December. Luckily, it’s not hurting…..
Watching ‘Strictly’ draw to a close on
TV where it seems to close to call on
who might be the eventual winner.
Recently discovered Sky Arts on
Freeview channel 11 and thoroughly
enjoyed watching The Who (or rather
what’s left of them) performing their
rock opera ‘Tommy’ which I have
always adored.
Anne Jerman

       Boniface Centre
Readers will know that we were not
able to hold the St Nick Cafe on 5th
December which was a great shame as
we were all prepared and we had a full
complement of helpers ready to go.
As we had feared Devon was placed in
Tier 2 and that means that the Rule of
Six that had previously applied indoors
can now only apply outside. It means
that the Boniface Centre is now closed
for social occasions and that
regrettably    means      Drop-in    is
suspended until there is another
change. All that can be said is that as
soon as the situation changes, we will
resume, but please watch out for
Certain functions of a business nature
can continue and the NHS Blood
Service will still operate (although it is
not due again until February).
Robin Lavery

Christmas Tree Festival                   The Adult Winner of the Christmas Card
       Competitions                         Competition was Sarah Pressland:

The judges of the Christmas Card and
Colouring Competitions were Frank
Letch, Eileen Brassington and Judith

                                             The Winner of the Children‘s
                                             Christmas Card Competition was
                                             Kyle of the 1st Crediton Scouts. The
                                             judges really enjoyed his hand drawn
                                             picture which they felt really stuck to
                                             the theme of 'Comfort and Joy'. The
                                             mug on the table they thought had a
                                             wonderful hot chocolate with
                                             marshmallows. Judging was on a
                                             cold day and it brought warmth to
                                             the proceedings:

 Lucy-Grace Reynolds’s entry to the
 Christmas Card Competition was Highly
 Commended. She put on the back of her
 card that she chose a snowman because
 the snow brings her joy.
 Frank Letch thought that this snowman
 was reaching out to give everyone a hug.
 It made him smile as soon as saw it.

The Colouring Competition Winner was
Lucy-Grace Reynolds. The judges felt that      Florence Rous’s entry was Highly
the colouring was very apt for this year       Commended because it was so
especially with the rainbow stable. But it     colourful with all the colours of
also looks as if Joseph is wearing a mask.     the rainbow:
They also loved the fact that it had been
coloured in completely:

Bishop Furry came out of quarantine to make his selection of his favourite entries….

His favourite colouring competition entry
(pictured above) was by Gracie aged 9 from
Kidz Star Club. He was very impressed by all the
detail on the letters and keeping within the
His favourite Christmas card entry (pictured
right) was a multiple entry from Newton St
Cyres Primary School Nursery Class He thought
it was very apt that the trees were covered in
rainbow stripes for all those working so hard to
look after us.
Comfort and Joy Events                          and see the tree up close and personal.
          2020                                    We were delighted to have around 100
                                                  visitors during the day. Thank you to the
A massive thank you to all those that have        amazing team of volunteers that swapped
been creative in replacing the Christmas          from St Nick Cafe duties to church duties
Tree Festival this year.                          at the last minute with special mention to
Special thanks to Jo Ward and his team            Sue Lavery for planning and re-planning
for all the work on getting the tree              the cafe.. not sure how many times.. and
decorated and the floodlighting of the            also to Anne Jerman for similar flexibility
church and also the star above the south          on the church shop and bric-a-brac stall...
porch for the 5th December opening.               and Alan Quick of the Crediton Courier
Thank you to George Mortimer for kindly           for changing information right up to the
donating and erecting the tree.                   brink. I hope you have all enjoyed the
The nativity scene on the south porch             treasure trail - it was lovely to have an
was made by Sarah Pressland and is                outside activity that brought the
absolutely stunning. She was only given a         Christmas Tree Festival into the High
few weeks notice and it is absolutely             Street. Special mention to Peter and Debs
amazing. The intention is to store it for         Bunn for organising all this.
next year in the hope that the nativity           Last but not least is Mel Collier - thanks
scene might grow!!                                for posters, publicity, photos but also for
                                                  the mammoth task of creating the Online
                                                  Family Carol Service with all the pictures
                                                  of trees taken over the last few years.
                                                  Absolutely stunning and a wonderful
                                                  record for the future.
                                                  At the time of writing this we are very
                                                  pleased to announce that we raised about
                                                  £400 from the events above and the
                                                  floodlighting donations. We also enjoyed
                                                  family carols on the Saturday and Sunday
                                                  evening with the opportunity to listen to
                                                  the choir. I'm sure you will agree with me
                                                  that we all look forward to the day when
                                                  the congregation are allowed to sing too.
                                                  Looking forward we will start planning
                                                  the Flower Festival for 2021 in January..
                                                  so watch this space... along with
                                                  government guidelines!!
      Sarah in front of the crib scene            Have a Happy Christmas and a healthy
                                                  New Year.
It was extremely lovely to be able to open        Stella Stephens
the church on Saturday 5th December for           Festival Coordinator
the day to invite people to light candles

There are two courses running in
                                                 February 2021, each has a maximum of
                                                 15 participants so if you wish to attend,
                                                 please ensure that you sign up as soon as
As I write this piece, we are subject to Tier
                                                 possible to secure your place. Please find
2 restrictions which means that we are
                                                 the Eventbrite links to sign up below
unable to hold our normal monthly
                                                 (please note that these are two separate
meetings. The AGM is due to take place at
                                                 sessions so only sign up to one):
10am on Wednesday 13 January and
could be held in the Boniface Centre (with       Wednesday 10th February 7-9pm
all the usual Covid secure arrangements)         https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/county-
as it is a business meeting – rather than a      lines-awareness-raising-tickets-
social gathering. However, if we’re back in      131477192823
lockdown post Christmas, it might be             Saturday 27th February 10am-12pm
necessary to hold it remotely via Zoom           https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/county-
and telephone. For the moment, can I just        lines-awareness-raising-tickets-
ask that you put the date in your diaries.       131482823665
There is no other news from the local
Crediton with Newton St Cyres branch.            If you would like any more information
We are drawing up a very tentative               about the courses please email
programme for 2021 but remain                    clewerinitiative@churchofengland.org
conscious of Covid related restrictions          Anne Jerman
outside our control which will have an
impact on any plans.
Midday Prayers - members of the MU
who don't have access to the internet at
home can hear our MU midday prayers
thanks to the Church of England's Daily
Hope line. Just call 0800 804 8044 from a
UK mobile or landline and press option 4,
then option 8.
County Lines Awareness Raising
Sessions - County Lines is one of the most
prevalent forms of modern slavery in our
country. It affects the lives of young
people and the vulnerable across the UK.
The Clewer Initiative are running a two-
hour course on 10th and 27th February
2021 to raise awareness of county lines,
focusing on the key facts, how it affects
young people and how we might respond
within our communities. The course will
take place via Zoom and include a range of
teaching, group discussion and the use of
online resources. It is aimed at those who
want to find out more about county lines
and how we can help our children and
young people to stay safe.
Rhymes and Things
                          by Bert Jewell
                   There’s a local vicar, just outside of town,
                     A jovial chap, face pleasant and round,
                    His welcome is warm, his manner is kind
                   A nicer person would be quite hard to find.
                      Loving his job, that’s so easy to tell
                     His sermon, O Boy! He tells it so well
                The message is refreshing, in church or online,
                Giving us directions, therefore easing our mind.
              Then standing by the altar, he’ll welcome you there
               to kneel at the front, bread and wine for to share
                 and then for the blessing to wish you good day
                “May God keep you safe” as you go on your way.
                  But alas he is leaving to seek pastures new,
                  Leaving us wondering as we sit in our pew,
                  What of the future, can it still be the same,
               Will we have a new vicar? only different by name.
                Or will all that’s been gained be lost for a while
                if the new vicar brings their own unique style,
                But hey, let’s not worry, it will all turn out fine,
                 Supporting each other in the fullness of time.
               Things to do in the January Garden
The start of a brand new year, how will it pan out I wonder? We know that
from how things went last year a lot of things will be different. Like how to
contact your doctor, they want you to do it online! How can they tell what’s
wrong with you by looking at an email? And with everyone shopping online,
what will happen to the small High St shops. Will the High St become
redundant? Heaven forbid.
Another thing which really makes me see red is the irritating automated
answering machines used by, for example, insurance companies. I recently
tried to insure our car over the phone greeted by said machine: “What are you
calling about, it can be house or car.” Me: “Car.” Machine: “Sorry I didn’t catch
that, you can say house or car.” Me: “Car.” Machine repeated what it said last
time. I didn’t answer. It then said it would put me through to the next available
member of staff, I then got cut off, grrrr. This happened twice. My next course
of action was to write a strong letter to head office. I am glad to say our car
was insured without any further problems together with an apology.
We are fortunate in the fact that we have a garden and I can forget all of these
problems when I get out amongst the plants, my fingers in the soil and a pair

of secateurs in my pocket. Even if you don’t have a garden a small pot on the
patio containing winter flowering pansies, or a small shrub, or some herbs like
marjoram or thyme. If you only have an inside windowsill, buy some pots of
herbs from the supermarket, place them on the windowsill, keep moist and
pick a little of what you want little and often.
It has been proven that being in the garden with plants during lockdown has
benefited the health of a good number of people, so go on give it a try.
If like us you have a garden there are jobs to do, like plan your veg patch. What
are you going to plant and where? It is a good idea to move things around each
year to avoid the build up of any soil based pests and diseases. Buy the seeds
you need asap to avoid disappointment later.
Prune Apple and Pear trees but not Plums, Cherries or any other stone fruit
trees. Clean tools and sharpen secateurs and service and sharpen the lawn
mower. There is nothing worse than having the mower not start the first time
you need to cut the grass.
                           Plant of the month
Deciduous trees and shrubs can come into their own at this time of year, none
more so than the Birches. These are far too big for the small gardens of today
but can be enjoyed in large gardens that are open to the public. We have one in
our garden that was planted many years ago when the garden was much
bigger. We decided to leave it when we built the new house. Its silver white
trunk can really light up a dull corner of the garden, the pendulous branches
also gives it a graceful appearance. The trunks can be washed to make them
stand out even more.

                      Enjoy your gardening

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