Katy Perry What's In Store for Dentsply Sirona World 2018 A Practice Website that Converts: Is Your Website Hurting Your Business?

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Katy Perry What's In Store for Dentsply Sirona World 2018 A Practice Website that Converts: Is Your Website Hurting Your Business?
What's In Store for Dentsply
                Sirona World 2018

Musical Guest

Katy            A Practice Website that
                Converts: Is Your Website

                Hurting Your Business?
Katy Perry What's In Store for Dentsply Sirona World 2018 A Practice Website that Converts: Is Your Website Hurting Your Business?
Dentsply Sirona 3D Puts You in Control
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Contact Dentsply Sirona directly 800.659.5977

Katy Perry What's In Store for Dentsply Sirona World 2018 A Practice Website that Converts: Is Your Website Hurting Your Business?

       Welcome letter from        3    A Perfect Pairing: Digital   18
       Michael Augins                  Imaging and CEREC®

       The Heart of Dentistry      6   Defining Moments             20
       Beats Strongly in Charlotte     of Dentsply Sirona
                                       World 2017
       Live, Laugh, Love          9
                                       Who's Really Going to        24
       How to be a Leader:        11   the Dentist: Why Adults
       The Importance of               Forgo Dental Care
       Why, How and What
                                       Supporting Our               26
       Managing Patients With     12   Armed Services
       Cardiac Conditions
                                       It's Easy to be Social:      28
       All-Star Lineup:           14   How to Grow Your
       Katy Perry, Jim Gaffigan        Practice With Facebook
       and Doris Kearns Goodwin
                                       A Practice Website that      30
                                       Converts: Is Your Website
                                       Hurting Your Business?

                                       Just Out of School           33

                                       Dentsply Sirona New          35
                                       Product Showcase

                                       What's In Store for          37
                                       Dentsply Sirona
                                       World 2018

Katy Perry What's In Store for Dentsply Sirona World 2018 A Practice Website that Converts: Is Your Website Hurting Your Business?
Start with
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Katy Perry What's In Store for Dentsply Sirona World 2018 A Practice Website that Converts: Is Your Website Hurting Your Business?
Headed back
to Orlando
Hello again, and welcome                                 more than 8,000 of dentistry’s finest were on hand
                                                         for three days of electrifying speeches, presentations,
to another issue of Dentsply                             educational tracks, and performances intended to
                                                         show appreciation for our revered colleagues. In 2018,
Sirona World Magazine!                                   we anticipate an even more unforgettable event as we
                                                         travel back to Rosen Shingle Creek in Orlando, Florida.
As Dentsply Sirona continues to provide the dental
community with the world’s foremost innovations          This issue of Dentsply Sirona World Magazine will
and solutions, it’s incumbent upon us to uphold our      recap some exciting moments that defined Dentsply
reputation as The Dental Solutions Company by            Sirona World 2017, including the exclusive interview
delivering a one-of-a-kind event to the esteemed         with megastar Will Smith, the invigorating speech by
dental professionals who have propelled our company      TED-Talk visionary Simon Sinek, and the incredible
to an industry-leading status with their continued       performance by Grammy Award-winning band Imagine
loyalty. Each year, we gather to celebrate our close     Dragons. We will also examine thought-provoking
partnerships with an extravaganza designed to wow        topics relevant to everyday dentistry while previewing
attendees by way of providing second-to-none             Dentsply Sirona World 2018, which we anticipate to be
education and entertainment.                             our greatest dental meeting yet.

At Dentsply Sirona World 2017, thousands of luminaries   See you in Orlando!
packed The Venetian, Las Vegas in record numbers –       Michael Augins

Katy Perry What's In Store for Dentsply Sirona World 2018 A Practice Website that Converts: Is Your Website Hurting Your Business?
                        Staff, spouse      Dental   Government,    Trainers                            Entertainment
Attendee       Doctor                                                         Partners   additional
                          or guest       technician   military     and SSA                                 Only
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                                 For more on everything Dentsply
                                 Sirona World, head over to
Katy Perry What's In Store for Dentsply Sirona World 2018 A Practice Website that Converts: Is Your Website Hurting Your Business?
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Katy Perry What's In Store for Dentsply Sirona World 2018 A Practice Website that Converts: Is Your Website Hurting Your Business?
On May 24, 2018, the newly
                                    constructed Dentsply Sirona

The heart of
                                    Academy—Charlotte (DSAC) opened
                                    its doors for the first time, bringing
                                    nearly 30,000 square feet of state-of-
                                    the-art dental technology, education
                                    and expertise to life.

dentistry                           A leading-edge training facility for
                                    dental professionals who seek a
                                    comprehensive variety of clinical

beats strongly
                                    and technical continuing education
                                    curricula, DSAC is poised to become
                                    the epicenter of dental education and
                                    instruction in the world.

in Charlotte
                                    The grand opening ceremony included
                                    presentations from Dentsply Sirona
                                    CEO Don Casey, industry KOLs, and
                                    others, and a tour of the impressive
                                    facilities that includes multiple
Dentsply Sirona Academy is set to   classrooms, a 288-seat auditorium,
shape the future of dentistry       seven fully outfitted operatories,
                                    and two simulation labs. Featuring
                                    advanced video and audio streaming
                                    technology, the auditorium allows
                                    participants to view live dental
                                    procedures taking place in other areas
                                    of the facility in real time. A 40-foot-
                                    wide super-high definition projection
                                    screen and built-in microphones
                                    at every seat facilitate simplified
                                    communication between the audience
                                    and instructors/presenters to create a
                                    truly immersive learning experience.

Katy Perry What's In Store for Dentsply Sirona World 2018 A Practice Website that Converts: Is Your Website Hurting Your Business?
The grand opening
                                                                           ceremony included
                                                                           presentations from
                                                                           Dentsply Sirona CEO Don
                                                                           Casey, industry KOLs, and
                                                                           others, and a tour of the
                                                                           impressive facilities.

     Dentsply Sirona’s most          “Dentsply Sirona is committed         Curricula at the Dentsply Sirona
                                     to bringing the best training and     Academy are designed to offer
   innovative products and
                                     broadest educational experiences      exceptional value to every member
    equipment are featured           to dental professionals around        of the dental practice and cover all
   throughout for the most           the world,” said Vice President,      skill sets, including foundational,
 comprehensive integrated            Growth Initiatives Greg Sheehan.      refinement and mastery courses.
      workflow experience.           “Our new and ultra-revolutionary      Dentsply Sirona’s most innovative
                                     training facility in Charlotte will   products and equipment are
                                     accommodate a comprehensive           featured throughout for the
                                     variety of clinical and technical     most comprehensive integrated
                                     curricula, including hands-on         workflow experience. Fully
                                     teaching, live lectures and on-       functional instructional classrooms
                                     demand webinars.”                     feature custom exam models and
                                                                           patient simulators along with a
                                                                           full complement of digital dental
                                                                           technologies that provide students
                                                                           with everything they need to perform
                                                                           any dental procedure with an
                                                                           unparalleled level of realism.

                                                                           “The opening of our new academy
                                                                           is further evidence of Dentsply
                                                                           Sirona’s steadfast commitment to
                                                                           providing top-quality training in an
                                                                           easily accessible location,” added
                                                                           Sheehan. “The Dentsply Sirona
                                                                           Academy Charlotte will provide
                                                                           all dental professionals enriching
                                                                           opportunities to expand their
                                                                           knowledge, exchange information
                                                                           and be inspired.”
    Fully functional instructional
classrooms feature custom exam
   models and patient simulators
 along with a full complement of
      digital dental technologies.

Katy Perry What's In Store for Dentsply Sirona World 2018 A Practice Website that Converts: Is Your Website Hurting Your Business?
CEREC® Consumables
The restorative essentials
CEREC dentists appreciate
CEREC Consumables represents a complete portfolio of products developed
specifically for use with chairside CAD/CAM. Available exclusively from
Dentsply Sirona, each CEREC consumable product is designed to complement
and enhance the strengths of the others. This results in a simple, easy-to-use
system that streamlines the restoration process, getting the job done quickly,
efficiently and with predictable results you can rely on, case after case.
Ingo Zimmer discusses
how this mantra pertains
to Dentsply Sirona
World and the future of
Dentsply Sirona

Q: Discuss the phrase “Live, Laugh, Love”, and what
does it mean to you?                                         Each word of the
A: “Live, Laugh, Love” is a mantra that we at Dentsply
                                                             mantra signifies a core
Sirona believe in wholeheartedly and live by on a daily
basis. To me, the motto not only represents a model for
                                                             component of the
success in everyday life, but also relates to the overall
vision and mission behind Dentsply Sirona World, as
                                                             continued success of
well as our company.
                                                             Dentsply Sirona World.
Q: This mantra, how can it be applied to this year’s
Dentsply Sirona World?                                       Q: How does this mantra relate to the present and
                                                             future of Dentsply Sirona?
A: Each word of the mantra signifies a core component
of the continued success of Dentsply Sirona World. Over      A: The mantra pertains to both the present and future of
the course of this three-day extravaganza, attendees         Dentsply Sirona in that we live and breathe to innovate,
will have an experience with their peers that they will      providing dental professionals with a full breadth of
not soon forget. Dentsply Sirona World is also about         solutions conducive for better, safer, faster dentistry. We
laughing, and being captivated by the first-class            also love what we do, and it’s our passion for equipping
entertainment we enlist annually for the enjoyment of all    our customers with the cutting-edge tools they need
involved. This event is about love, and loving what we do,   to excel in an ever-evolving industry that keeps us
which is changing the way dentistry is performed around      prospering, primes us for the future and enables us to
the globe, thus shaping the world—the event and the          remain The Dental Solutions Company™.
poignant mantra of "Live, Laugh, Love" go hand-in-hand.

Dentsply Sirona does not waive any right to its trademarks by not using the symbols ® or ™. 32670635-US-1706 © 2017 Dentsply Sirona. All rights reserved.
Astra Tech Implant System® EV

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The foundation of this evolutionary step remains the unique
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How to be a Leader:

The Importance
of Why, How
and What
A recap of                                 who lead, not because we have to,      processes within an organization
                                           but because we want to. Not for        and the culture. Understanding
inspirational speaker                      them, but for ourselves—what we        how you do things and, just as
Simon Sinek’s keynote                      believe in. And it’s those who start   important, having the discipline
                                           with why who have the ability to       to hold the organization and all its
at Dentsply Sirona                         inspire those around them and find     employees accountable to those
World 2017                                 others to inspire them as well.        guiding principles enhances an
                                                                                  organization’s ability to work to its
Widely known for his TED Talk “How                                                natural strengths. Understanding
Great Leaders Inspire Action,”—            It comes to life with the discipline   how gives greater ability to hire
the third most-watched TED Talk            of “how”                               people who will naturally thrive
ever—Simon Sinek introduces the                                                   when working with you.
Golden Circle, which he explains as        Once you know why you do what
the basis of why some organizations        you do, the question is how will you
and leaders can inspire while              do it? The “hows” are your values      It continues to thrive with the
others struggle to do so. This idea        or principles that guide how to        consistency of “what”
is conceptualized by three easily          bring your cause to life. How we do

digestible words: why, how and what.       things manifests in the systems and    Everything you say and do has to
Sinek claims many organizations and                                               prove what you believe. A why is just
leaders are unable to adequately                                                  a belief. Hows are the actions you
inspire because they lack the                                                     take to realize that belief, and whats
understanding of why they do what                                                 are the results of those actions. The
they do; they fail to find their purpose       If you hire people                 “whats” include everything you say
outside of monetary gain.                                                         and do, including your products,
                                           just because they can                  services, marketing, PR, culture and
                                            do a job, they’ll work                whom you hire. The only way people
Here’s a synopsis of Sinek’s guiding
                                             for your money. But                  will know what you believe is by
principles of leadership:                                                         the things you say and do, and if
                                                if you hire people                you’re not consistent in the things
It starts with the clarity of “why”        who believe what you                   you say and do, no one will know
You have to know why you do what                                                  what you believe.
you do. If people don’t buy what you
                                             believe, they’ll work
do, they won’t buy why you do it. So          for you with blood                  Want to be one of the first to know
it follows that if you don’t know why
you do what you do, no one else will,
either. If you talk about what you
believe, you will attract those with
similar beliefs. Those who lead most
                                            and sweat and tears.      “
                                                                    Simon Sinek
                                                                                  which A-List motivational speaker
                                                                                  will be appearing at Dentsply
                                                                                  Sirona World 2018 in Orlando?
                                                                                  Check out dentsplysironaworld.com
                                                                                  to stay informed!
effectively are those who inspire us.
Within organizations, we follow those
new patient, and should also be administered prior
                                                              to complex dental procedures, such as periodontal
                                                              surgeries, prolonged restorative treatments and implant

                                                              placements. When necessary, dental professionals should
                                                              consult with the patient’s medical physician to plan best
                                                              practices for treating cardiac patients. It’s imperative to

                                                              note, any patient who has suffered a heart attack should
                                                              wait at least six months before undergoing any dental
                                                              treatment, and those with unstable angina should not

With Cardiac
                                                              undergo any non-essential procedures.

                                                              Dental professionals should recognize the fact that even
                                                              routine procedures, such as hygiene cleanings, can cause

Conditions                                                    bleeding in the mouth, which can pose a serious threat
                                                              to cardiac patients using anticoagulants. Furthermore,
                                                              during any procedure, if oral bacteria seeps into the
                                                              bloodstream and travels to the heart, it can result in
Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) encompass a wide                endocarditis, or inflammation of the heart valves. Given
group of conditions that affect the heart and vascular        that fact, cardiac patients are often required to take
system and lead to more deaths nationwide than any            antibiotics leading up to their dental appointments to
other disease, claiming approximately 17.3 million lives      reduce the risk of infection. Moreover, establishing which
annually, according to the American Heart Association.1       medications a patient is taking along with the dosage
                                                              and timing helps prevent any adverse reactions to
As such, CVD patients require special consideration           therapies administered while chairside.
and protocols as it pertains to their dental treatment
to ensure optimal safety at all times. There are myriad
cardiac issues that require extra precautions when
undergoing dental treatments, from something as mild          Cardiovascular diseases
as a murmur, or as serious as a myocardial infarction,
otherwise known as a heart attack. It’s incumbent upon        (CVD) claim approximately
dental professionals to identify patients with pre-existing
heart conditions prior to any procedure to mitigate the       17.3 million lives annually,
risk of potentially dangerous side effects.
                                                              according to the American
The first step in effectively managing patients with
cardiac issues is to establish a comprehensive medical        Heart Association.1
evaluation, examining family history for relevant
conditions, and taking baseline vital signs. An initial
blood pressure measurement is critical for each               Perhaps most importantly, when managing patients
                                                              with cardiac conditions, it’s critical to allay any fear or
                                                              anxiety they might be experiencing, as those emotions
                                                              could elevate blood pressure—causing angina, stroke or
                                                              a heart attack. It’s suggested to make cardiac patients as
    Cardiac patients are often required                       comfortable and as calm as possible during the duration
                                                              of their visit—and to keep appointments brief and
   to take antibiotics leading up to their
                                                              preferably scheduled for mornings. Additionally, when
  dental appointments to reduce the risk                      placing a CVD patient in the chair for any procedure,
                of infection.                                 keep the chair angled—many medications that cardiac
                                                              patients take can prompt fainting if they are elevated
                                                              from a flat position to a sitting or standing position.

                                                              By following careful and correct protocols when treating
                                                              patients with cardiac conditions, you ensure their safety
                                                              and comfort, while enhancing your practice and business
                                                              for the long term.

                                                              1. American Heart Association. Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics – At-a-Glance. Retrieved
12                                                               from https://www.heart.org/idc/groups/ahamah-public/@wcm/@sop/@smd/documents/
                                                                 downloadable/ucm_470704.pdf. Accessed on January 23, 2018.
CEREC®        Diagnosis    Treatment Plan     Guided       Endodontics      Airway        Functional     Orthodontics
  Integration                                   Implantology                    Analysis    Occlusal & TMD

Dentsply Sirona 3D puts you in control
Advanced technology that’s easy to use
With a single 14-second scan, Dentsply Sirona 3D provides you with all the 3D images required
to confidently diagnose and accomplish any procedure. With three models to choose from,
each configurable with several software possibilities, Dentsply Sirona 3D provides you with
a future-proof system with room for expansion as your practice needs grow.

Contact Dentsply Sirona directly 800.659.5977.
Carrying on the tradition
     of educational excellence
     paired with A-list
     entertainment, pop music
     superstar Katy Perry and
     comedian extraordinaire
     Jim Gaffigan are confirmed
     to perform, and world-
     renowned author and
     historian Doris Kearns
     Goodwin will keynote at
     the third annual Ultimate
     Dental Meeting in Orlando.

                DORIS KEARNS GOODWIN

              KATY PERRY
              Scheduled to perform a private concert on Friday evening,
              September 14th at the Rosen Shingle Creek Resort, Katy
              Perry will roar onto the scene, delivering a tremendous
              live performance before thousands of Dentsply Sirona
              World attendees.

              Known for hits like “Firework,” “Roar,” “Dark Horse,”
              “Teenage Dream,” and “I Kissed a Girl,” Perry has received
              13 Grammy nominations and has been awarded five
              American Music Awards and four Guinness World Records
              for her work. She is one of the best-selling music artists of
              all time, having sold more than 40 million albums and over
              100 million records globally throughout her career.

              “Not only does Dentsply Sirona World deliver the most
              exciting and comprehensive educational festival to the
              dental industry, we continuously strive to bring world-
              class entertainment options to our attendees,” said
              Vice President of Marketing Ingo Zimmer. “Katy Perry
              performing at Dentsply Sirona World 2018 will certainly
              enhance the experience of our attendees, who are
              coming to DSW18—an incredibly powerful dental industry
              gathering—to gain useful hands-on experience, practical
              information and outside-of-the-box ideas to improve their
              practice and the lives of their patients.”

JIM GAFFIGAN                           Dentsply Sirona World,” said Ingo
                                                                                 Zimmer. “Our goal is to bring the
                                          One of the country’s most              best of everything to our attendees
                                          popular and appealing                  and bringing our attendees together
                                          comedians, Jim Gaffigan                in laughter is a great way to kick off
                                          will perform a private standup         the first evening of DSW18.”
                                          act for DSW18 attendees
                                                                                 Not only does
                                          on Thursday evening,
                                          September 13th.                        Dentsply Sirona
                                          Three-time Grammy nominated
                                                                                 World deliver the
                                          comedian, actor, writer, producer      most exciting and
                                          and two-time New York Times
                                           best-selling author, Jim
                                            Gaffigan’s standup revolves          educational festival
                                             around his observations on
                                              life, including being lazy, bad    to the dental industry,
                                                eating habits and being a        we continuously strive
                                                 husband and father to five
                                                  children.                      to bring world-class
                                                “We’re very excited to have
                                                                                 entertainment options
                                               Jim Gaffigan performing at        to our attendees.
                                                                                 Ingo Zimmer
                                                                                 Vice President of Marketing

DORIS KEARNS                           and Sunday morning talk shows,
                                       including “The Late Show with
GOODWIN                                Stephen Colbert.” Additionally, she
                                       played herself on “The Simpsons”
Presidential historian and Pulitzer-
                                       and “American Horror Story.”
prize winning author Doris Kearns
Goodwin will present the keynote
                                       “Goodwin, along with our always
address at Dentsply Sirona World
                                       extensive list of hugely talented and
2018 on Friday morning, September
                                       immensely entertaining speakers,
14th. Goodwin is the author of six
                                       further defines Dentsply Sirona
critically acclaimed and New York
                                       World as the premiere educational
Times best selling books, including
                                       festival for the dental industry,” said
her most recent, “The Bully Pulpit:
                                       Ingo Zimmer. “Our attendees’
Theodore Roosevelt, William Howard
                                       passion for driving the industry
Taft, and the Golden Age
                                       forward in turn drives us
of Journalism.”
                                       to bring engaging and
                                       diverse presenters to the
Well known for her appearance and
                                       main stage who inspire,
commentary on television, Goodwin
                                       encourage and motivate.”
is seen frequently on television and
cable networks as well as late night

A comprehensive
      imaging system
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Yesterday’s technology has limits.
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Intraoral imaging from Dentsply Sirona is designed to carry your
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confidently, plan treatment more comprehensively and communicate
more effectively with patients, this is the imaging technology for
tomorrow’s integrated solutions.

Great decision making for your patients starts with a clear, precise
image. Schick 33 provides remarkable resolution through technology for
consistently detailed images and advanced diagnostic capabilities.

Sidexis 4 is the software that harnesses the power of the Schick 33
sensor. A full suite of robust features provide scalability and adaptability
to ensure your practice is ready for today and for tomorrow.

Schedule your demo at schick33demo.com today.
A Perfect Pairing:
Digital Imaging                                                       When it comes to dental technologies, digital
                                                                      imaging and CEREC® are quite an ideal pair. This

and CEREC®
                                                                      applies to both intraoral digital imaging, such as
                                                                      Schick 33 sensors, and extraoral digital imaging,
                                                                      such as Galileos® and Orthophos®. Digital
                                                                      technologies are simply designed to work more
                                                                      efficiently and effectively when paired up with
                                                                      other digital technologies.

Dentsply Sirona puts            33 line pairs per millimeter,   3D Imaging and CEREC           Single-visit implants
the “great” in digital          Schick 33 sensors provide
integration                     exceptionally clear high-       When CEREC was                 The patient-pleasing
                                resolution images, which        introduced to the dental       and practice-enhancing
Digital integration equips      makes the diagnostic            market 32 years ago, its       benefits of single-visit
the dental professional         process more efficient          primary function was           implants are a reality with
with an array of digital        and accurate. Pairing a         to produce single-visit        the combination of CEREC
components that work            CEREC system with your          chairside restorations,        and Galileos 3D imaging.
together to help more           2D imaging capabilities         particularly inlays, onlays,   The workflow process is
thoroughly assess a             enables you to give             crowns and veneers. Today,     simple and streamlined:
patient’s needs and deliver     patients the best possible      CEREC is a bona fide           First, the CEREC Omnicam
better patient care. As         treatment with single-visit     restorative powerhouse—        intraoral camera is used to
with any technology,            chairside restorations.         and when teamed up with        take a digital impression
digital technologies are        The time savings realized       a 3D extraoral imaging         of the implant, design
designed to grow as             with CEREC single unit          system such as Galileos—       the crown, and import
your needs change and           crowns, in where most           the two technologies can       the prosthetic proposal
evolve. Choosing the            cases can be completed in       be utilized for a full scope   into the Galileos implant
right solution up front         just under an hour, coupled     of procedures, including       software. Second, plan
to provide seamless,            with digital X-rays which       implantology, orthodontics     the implant in the Galileos
digital integration as you      are viewable immediately,       and obstructive sleep          implant software based
and your practice grow          means restorative work          apnea therapy.                 on prosthetic data and a
not only enhances your          can start immediately as                                       3D image. Third, import
patients’ experience, it also   there’s no holdup waiting                                      the planning data into the
enhances yours and that of      for X-ray film to develop.                                     CEREC software, which
your entire dental team.                                                                       will create a surgical
                                                                                               guide with a depth-stop
2D Imaging and CEREC                                            Choosing the right             tailored to the selected
                                                                solution up front to           implant and position for a
High-definition digital                                         provide seamless,              precise fit. The implant is
intraoral imaging lays the                                      digital integration            then securely and easily
foundation for effective                                                                       placed in a minimally
                                                                as you and your
treatment, making Schick                                                                       invasive procedure using
                                                                practice grow not
33 digital intraoral sensors                                                                   the surgical guide. Finally,
the ideal entry point
                                                                only enhances your             use the CEREC software
to the Dentsply Sirona                                          patients’ experience,          to design the abutment
product family. With a                                          it also enhances yours         and crown that you can
theoretical resolution of                                       and that of your entire        immediately produce with
                                                                dental team.
Today, CEREC is a bona fide
                                                                restorative powerhouse—and when
                                                                teamed up with a 3D extraoral
                                                                imaging system such as Galileos—the
                                                                two technologies can be utilized for
                                                                a full scope of procedures, including
                                                                implantology, orthodontics and
                                                                obstructive sleep apnea therapy.

the CEREC MC X or MC XL milling         the 3D X-ray data are recorded
unit and place it right then and        using either Galileos or Orthophos.
there—and all in a single, convenient   Next, use the CEREC Omnicam
visit for the patient.                  camera to capture images of the
                                        patient’s upper and lower jaw and            First, the 3D X-ray data
Orthodontic clear aligners and          subsequent fusion with 3D data              are recorded using either
sleep apnea appliances                  within the software. The SICAT                Galileos or Orthophos
                                        Air software allows automatic
CEREC and Galileos or Orthophos         segmentation of the upper airway,
also make a great technological         and all parameters required are
team-up for orthodontics and sleep      shown for each sectional view and
apnea treatment. 3D imaging is          facilitate the analysis of the airway.
integral for the visualization and      Constrictions are highlighted in
diagnosis of orthognathic movement      color and the upper airway can be
and associated craniofacial             examined precisely thanks to the         The SICAT Air software allows
structures. Once armed with this        endoscopy feature. The variety of         automatic segmentation of
diagnostic information, the upper       display options and an automatically           the upper airway
and lower arches are scanned with       generated patient handout supports
the CEREC Omnicam camera.               the consultation with your patients.
The digital arch scans are readily      Lastly, order the SICAT OPTISLEEP
accepted by over a half-dozen           appliance online with the click of
clear aligner manufacturers, or you     a button. SICAT OPTISLEEP is a
can upload them directly to Sirona      two-piece appliance, offering great
Connect for production.                 comfort due to its slim design. SICAT
                                        OPTISLEEP enables the sealing             Order the SICAT OPTISLEEP
Likewise, the workflow process          of the lips to encourage normal            appliance online with the
for producing customized sleep          breathing while sleeping.                      click of a button
apnea appliances is similar: First,

Dentsply Sirona World offers 12 educational tracks, including CEREC and Imaging. Visit dentsplysironaworld.com to
see the programs and presentations we’ve got lined up for each track at Dentsply Sirona World 2018 in Orlando.

Defining Moments
of Dentsply Sirona
World 2017
Dentsply Sirona World
2017 was met with rousing
success as the dental
world’s best and brightest
luminaries congregated in
Las Vegas for three days         Michael Augins' opening speech
of unparalleled education        invigorated attendees and set
and entertainment. Join us       the tone for an unprecedented
as we take a look back on        extravaganza. Augins emphasized
                                 the four themes of Dentsply
some moments that defined
                                 Sirona World—Live, Love, Laugh
Dentsply Sirona World            and Learn, and why each plays
2017—an event that truly         a pivotal role in creating such
lived up to its billing as The   an abundant experience for
                                                                    More than 8,000 attendees
Ultimate Dental Meeting.         all attendees.
                                                                    packed The Venetian for The
                                                                    Ultimate Dental Meeting—a
                                                                    new event record.

                                                                   Beachbody Fitness Expert and
                                                                   international certified trainer
                                                                   Joel Freeman jump started
                                                                   attendees with a Mixed Martial
                                                                   Arts-styled (MMA) workout
                                                                   program that was both
                                                                   invigorating and challenging.
                                                                   With a career in the fitness
                                                                   industry that spans more than
                                                                   15 years, Freeman specializes
                                                                   in teaching others to maximize
                                                                   their physical abilities while
                                                                   living a healthy lifestyle
                                                                   conducive for optimal fitness.

The dental
                                                    world’s best and
                                                    brightest luminaries
                                                    congregated in Las
                                                    Vegas for three
                                                    days of unparalleled
World-renowned actor, musician
                                                    education and
and philanthropist Will Smith                       entertainment
sat down for an exclusive and
engaging interview on the first
evening of Dentsply Sirona
World 2017. The two-time
Academy Award nominee
discussed his journey from
his humble upbringing in
Philadelphia to becoming a
global superstar, stressing the
importance of tenaciousness
and perseverance as ingredients
for attaining success.

Laughter engulfed the ballroom
as Jeff Dunham performed
his live standup routine for
audiences. Dunham had his
sidekicks in tow and energized
the room after a full day of
educational breakouts. His
satirical ribbing about dental
professionals and the event was
perfectly tailored to fit                                           Widely-recognized visionary
the audience.                                                       optimist Simon Sinek inspired
                                  Attendees enjoyed some out
                                                                    event-goers with an insightful
                                  of this world fun with the
                                                                    speech on developing
                                  Intergalactic Space Race.
                                                                    leadership skills while tapping
                                  Decked out in alien costumes,
                                                                    into their motivations. The
                                  participants took part in an
                                                                    author of “Together is Better”
                                  untimed fun run on Las Vegas
                                                                    enticed audience members
                                  Blvd that left everybody
                                                                    to take action and enhance
                                  involved elated to take part in
                                                                    their personal and professional
                                  this 2017 space odyssey.
                                                                    brands by identifying their
                                                                    personal strengths while
                                                                    mitigating their weaknesses.

More than 8,000
       attendees packed
             The Venetian
         for The Ultimate
       Dental Meeting—a
       new event record.

 Dr. Tarun Agarwal and Dr. Erin
 Elliot shared the challenges
 of dealing with sleep apnea
 in the dental practice. Both
 experts examined the
 importance of identifying
 sleep apnea, and how to
 effectively treat the condition
 with the help of staff
 and patients.
                                   We were honored to welcome        Grammy-Award winning band
                                   a plethora of our U.S. military   Imagine Dragons delivered
                                   to The Ultimate Dental            a dazzling performance for
                                   Meeting. Dentsply Sirona          attendees to enjoy. Known for
                                   is a proud supporter to all       their breakthrough single
                                   the brave men and women           “It’s Time,” as well as 2017's
                                   who risk their lives to defend    hit “Believer,” the talented
                                   our freedoms, and it was a        four-man rock band exemplified
                                   privilege to have them on hand    the incredible entertainment for
                                   at the event.                     which Dentsply Sirona World
                                                                     has become known.

A clearly superior
full arch aligner
for all clinicians.
Exclusive premiere at
Dentsply Sirona World 2018.

                              Dentsply International Raintree Essix • 7290 26th Court East • Sarasota, FL 34243
                              ©2018 Dentsply Sirona All Rights Reserved. RTE-126-18 Issued 6/18
Who’s Really Going to the Dentist:

Why Adults
Dental Care
American adults are more likely to forgo dental care than     reason to skip going to the dentist could be caused by
any other type of healthcare. A 2014 ADA study indicated      improvements in oral health, advances in oral literacy, or
that 22.9% of adults are either unsure or definitely do not   a shift in the value proposition of oral care.
plan to visit a dentist on an annual basis.
                                                              Despite the lack of perceived need, adults are
The reasoning for this phenomenon was previously              recommended to visit the dentist at least twice a year
believed to be exclusively due to cost however, surveys       for hygiene cleanings. Even among the most diligent
also show that cost is not as big a barrier to dental care    brushers and flossers, there’s no substitute for the
as years past. Interestingly, 32.7% of adults feel that       proficiency of a professional dental prophylaxis and a
they do not require dental care, while 14.1% feel they        set of diagnostic X-rays. Adults choosing to forgo annual
lack the time to schedule and follow through with an          cleanings allow for the buildup of plaque and tartar,
appointment. These results demonstrate that adults            which is impossible to remove without professional
are neglecting dental care because they don’t see the         intervention. Moreover, twice-yearly visits allow for the
necessity, nor are they willing to sacrifice the time.        detection of abnormalities, such as oral cancer, while
                                                              aiding patients in keeping some of their bad habits, such
The perceived need for dental care has declined, perhaps      as smoking and drinking, in check to prevent oral issues.
because people view oral health as less important             It’s critical for the dental professional to emphasize
than medical healthcare. This trend has become more           the importance of regular visits to each and every one
prevalent among higher income, privately insured              of their patients to enhance awareness and prompt
adults who simply believe there’s no need in visiting the     biannual appointments.
dentist yearly. The prominence of “no need” cited as a

Americans now report that while the
high price of dental care still acts as a
deterrent, improved insurance coverage
and payment options have closed the
price gap and enabled more adults the
ability to see a dentist regularly.

Another factor
                                                                                          which plays into
                                                                                          many adults
                                                                                          skipping oral
                                                                                          care relates
                                                                                          to the long-
                                                                                          standing fear
                                                                                          and anxiety
  22.9%                         32.7%                         14.1%                       associated with
  of adults are either          of adults feel that           feel they lack the          going to the
  unsure or definitely          they do not require           time to schedule and
  do not plan to visit          dental care                   follow through with
  a dentist on an                                             an appointment.
  annual basis.

Time is another big factor that plays into adults           with these phobias, displaying at all times correct personal
avoiding dental care. Between work and home life, it’s      protective equipment, and promoting self-care by
often difficult for adults to maneuver any healthcare       encouraging their patients to signal at times of discomfort
appointment into their busy schedules, especially           while promoting tranquil solutions such as music. Such
when it comes to dental. While any responsible parent       strategies can positively affect the negative feelings many
will ensure that their children regularly see healthcare    have about dental offices, thus spurring an increase in
professionals, they might be more inclined to skip these    overall patient attendance.
appointments on their own behalf. To combat this
tendency, the dental community can convey to these          The prominence of “no need”
forgoers that a comprehensive annual checkup can be
completed in under an hour. That provides a sufficient      cited as a reason to skip going
window for patients to plan around and schedule             to the dentist could be caused
appointments more frequently.
                                                            by improvements in oral health,
Closely related to perceived time constraints, adults
                                                            advances in oral literacy, or a shift in
might also forgo dental appointments due to lack of
convenience. These individuals may recognize the            the value proposition of oral care.
importance of dental checkups, and be willing to
dedicate the time for an appointment, yet require a         The good news for the dental community is that the cost
more streamlined and simple process for securing an         barrier has diminished—Americans now report that while
appointment. As such, dental professionals have begun       the high price of dental care still acts as a deterrent,
adapting to those concerns by implementing online           improved insurance coverage and payment options have
appointment booking to their websites, therefore            closed the price gap and enabled more adults the ability
substantially increasing patient convenience.               to see a dentist regularly. Moreover, adults should realize
                                                            that technological advancements have made it easier and
Another factor which plays into many adults skipping        more convenient to schedule a quick, yet comprehensive
oral care relates to the long-standing fear and anxiety     appointment within a time frame convenient for them. It’s
associated with going to the dentist. Every dentist has     incumbent upon dental professionals to identify and rectify
experience with the petrified patient who cannot relax      non-cost related reasons for adults forgoing dental care,
regardless of all efforts. Dental professionals can allay   because there’s never “no need” to make two visits to the
some of these fears by understanding and sympathizing       dentist each year, regardless of one’s level of oral health.

Supporting Our
                                                                              "In certain branches of the military,
                                                                              certain dental conditions...will
                                                                              prevent the soldier from being

Armed Services
                                                                              deployable, so having the ability to
                                                                              turn that patient around in a very
                                                                              short period of time helps their
                                                                              readiness status and deployability."

We spoke with Adam Busch,               A: Yes, it’s also important
CEREC® Product Manager, about           for aircraft pilots and naval
the ways in which Dentsply Sirona       personnel on submarines due to
equipment plays an essential part       the air pressure extremes in those
in supporting our troops.               two environments—pressure can
                                        be a significant issue if you have
Q: In what ways does Dentsply           a dental problem, and that ties
Sirona help support the United          directly into some of the extreme
States Armed Forces?                    missions that they go on.

A: The U.S. government looks at         Q: Why is it so important to
their dental equipment as more          have a dedicated focus on our
of an enterprise solution to satisfy    military customer?
their needs. The CEREC system for
single-visit dentistry satisfies all    Due to the stringent
their requirements in a significant     requirements of the U.S. military,
way. For the U.S. armed forces,         having a dedicated sales and
minimizing the dentist’s time           service representatives to
in completing the restorative           serve our military customers
                                                                              Free dental care
procedure to a single visit, not        is extremely important, not
only provides the benefit of the        only to us, but to our military
                                                                              for veterans—
dentist being able to see more
patients, and it also presents the
                                        customers. This allows us to
                                        provide a dedicated focus
                                                                              YOU CAN HELP!
patient with a DOD asset of not         to their specific needs. For
having to take time off from work       example, the military has unique
                                                                              Dentsply Sirona has partnered
again for that second visit. This       requirements and complexities         with Fortune Management
actually doubles their return on        when it comes to data security        to help support and promote
investment, because not only is it      and cyber security. In those          their annual “Freedom Day”
the doctor’s time, but the patient’s    cases, we are able to collect their   event. Freedom Day USA is
time as well. It also helps with        requirements and communicate          America’s largest Military
the readiness for the forces. For       them to Dentsply Sirona R&D           Thank You event. One day each
example, in certain branches of         so that these specific product        year, dental offices say “Thank
the military, dental conditions such    requirements can be addressed
                                                                              You” by providing free dental
as Class III caries for example, will   and worked into our technologies
                                                                              treatment services to those
prevent the soldier from being          and production schedules. Our
                                                                              who have served our country
deployable, so having the ability to    support extends beyond the sale
turn that patient around in a very      too. We customize a sustainment
                                                                              and the family members who
short period of time helps their        agreement for them that helps         support them.
readiness status and deployability.     support their training efforts, and
                                        we work with cerecdoctors.com         For more information about
Q: That’s interesting! Never knew       to provide continuing education       Freedom Day USA and to
that something such as a cavity         on an ongoing basis free of           register your office, visit
could have such an impact on            charge for military as well as        www.freedomdayusa.org/
the life of military personnel. Are     veterans and the VA.                  dental-teams today.
there any other instances where
dental issues can preclude them
from carrying out their duties?

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A Great Dental Practice Facebook Page

                                                                               Your practice’s Facebook page is the
                                                                               foundation of all of your efforts on
                                                                               the platform. When building this
                                                                               page make sure it has the content
                                                                               desired by all patients looking for
It’s Easy to be Social:                                                        a dentist. Also, if you have a personal

How to Grow
                                                                               Facebook page already, or plan to
                                                                               create one, make sure you create a
                                                                               separate professional page that is
                                                                               dedicated to promoting your

Your Practice
                                                                               practice only. Your professional
                                                                               page is just that—professional,
                                                                               as it represents your business.

With Facebook
                                                                               Perhaps the most important aspects
                                                                               of your practice’s Facebook page are
                                                                               your profile photo and cover photo.
                                                                               These images will be the first things
                                                                               someone sees when they reach
Facebook is everywhere today and         We’re going to show you the key       your page so it’s essential to leave a
has a variety of uses in our personal    components of how to grow your        welcoming impression. For your profile
lives from keeping in touch with         practice on Facebook, from building   picture an image of your practice’s
friends and family to checking           a compelling practice Facebook        logo is a great fit. For your cover
out the latest cute animal video.        page to using paid content to bring   photo consider a happy group shot of
However, if you’re a dentist it’s time   new patients to your door. If this    your entire staff. This is a great way to
to stop thinking about Facebook          seems daunting don’t worry—you        convey your practice’s positive energy
as a fun little app you use on your      won’t need another doctorate (or      to current and prospective patients.
phone, and start thinking about the      any prior experience with Facebook)
platform as a cost-effective means       to be successful!                     If you want to set your page apart
to market and grow your practice.                                              from your competitors you can use a

video as a cover instead of a photo,      from your cellphone and any deals       message and thorough knowledge
giving you more interactivity and the     that you’re currently offering          of the demographics of your
option to give patients a tour around     such as referral specials or new        patient base.
the office right from your Facebook       patient packages are great ways
page. It’s very common for patients       to catch peoples’ eyes when they        When deciding what message to use
to have anxiety about visiting the        are browsing their own Facebook         in your paid content, consider what
dentist and having positive imagery       feeds. Make sure you don’t post         would motivate a patient to choose
like this on your practice’s Facebook     strictly about your business though;    you as their dentist. This could be
page is a great way to put potential      including the occasional funny video    a first-time discount offer, or if this
patients at ease and make them feel       or image can be a nice touch and        isn’t an option, messaging on why
comfortable about selecting you for       add a good dose of personality to       your practice is the patient-centric
their dental treatment.                   your presence.                          location that they’ve been looking
                                                                                  for can make an engaging piece of
Additionally, make it easy for            Getting New Patients With               paid Facebook content.
patients to contact you directly          Paid Advertising
from your Facebook page. Including                                                While your choice of messaging
contact information such as your          Paid advertising is the essential       is crucial, it will all go to waste if
office location, phone number, email      component of a successful Facebook      you don't take advantage of the
and office hours in your Facebook         marketing plan. Unpaid content is       advanced targeting capabilities
page’s “About” section is very            necessary for your practice’s page,     offered by Facebook. Facebook’s
important in order to streamline a        but it will not be a major driver       guided ad creation process makes
patient’s process from visiting your      of new patients. This is because        this extremely easy and gives
Facebook page to walking through          unpaid content only appears in the      you access to granular targeting
the door for their first appointment.     News Feeds of people who already        information such as profiling
                                          like your practice’s page or those      people by their location, profession,
Staying Top of Mind With                  who find your page organically on       age, gender, education and much
Unpaid Content                            their own. Naturally, this will be      more. This level of flexibility allows
                                          a small fraction of the thousands       you to reach so many different
Now that you have your Facebook           of people near your practice that       demographics and gives you the
page set up it’s time to start sharing    you’re interested in reaching. By       ability to reach the individuals you
some content. Anyone who likes/           using paid advertising you’re able to   think are most likely to become a
follows your page regularly receives      reach all of those potential patients   new patient. For example, if you are
your updates in their Facebook            nearby that likely don’t know about     a general dentist and the majority
News Feed, meaning frequently             your business. Simply put, if you’re    of your patient base are married
posting content is a great way to         looking to grow your practice, paid     men in their late 30s you can set
stay top of mind among your current       Facebook advertising is an              up your targeting to reach all men
patients. It’s important to note that     absolute must.                          between the ages of 36-39 that are
you shouldn’t measure your success                                                listed as being married within 20
on Facebook by the number of                                                      miles of your practice. This approach
page likes/followers that you have,       Good news: you won’t need a             can be replicated to match any
but if you feel that you have had a       huge marketing budget in order to       practice’s specialty and patient base;
low number you can leave a sign in        take advantage of paid Facebook         if you know who you want to reach
your waiting room that encourages                                                 you can find them through paid
                                          advertising. The two key things
patients to like your practice’s                                                  Facebook advertising.
                                          that you will need are a compelling
Facebook page after a visit.
                                          message and thorough knowledge
                                                                                  With these guiding principles in
When posting content on your              of the demographics of your
                                                                                  mind you’ll see that it’s easy to be
practice’s Facebook page, don’t just      patient base.                           social, so get out there and start
post at random—make sure you’re                                                   growing your practice on Facebook.
going in with a strategy. There’s a                                               For more on the latest tactics in
variety of different content you can      Good news: you won’t need a             practice marketing, social media and
post that will help your business:        huge marketing budget in order to       so much more be sure to register
Posting photos with happy patients        take advantage of paid Facebook         for Dentsply Sirona World 2018 at
after a visit, brief video testimonials   advertising. The two key things         dentsplysironaworld.com today.
from patients that are recorded           that you will need are a compelling

A Practice Website that Converts:

Is Your Website
Hurting Your
In today’s digital world it’s extremely likely that a
potential patient’s first experience with your business
and brand will be through your website. If you
contracted someone to build a practice website for you
years ago and haven’t thought about it much since,
then it could be actively hurting your business. How
do you build a website for your practice that converts
prospects into patients? Let’s take a look.

Mobile-Friendly Design

Mobile-friendly design is far and away the most
important element of your practice’s website. All of
your efforts online will be wasted if your entire site is
not optimized for viewing on smartphones and tablets:
“What Users Want From Mobile Sites Today” a recent
survey from Google revealed some compelling statistics
on what a mobile-friendly site means to people. Of those
surveyed 48% said that if a site didn’t work well on their     67% of mobile users
smartphones, it made them feel like the company didn’t         said that when they visit
care about their business, and 67% said that when they         a mobile-friendly site,
visit a mobile-friendly site, they’re more likely to buy a     they’re more likely to buy
site’s product or service.
                                                               a site’s product or service.
Additionally, making your practice website mobile-
friendly gives potential patients the ability to find your
practice and learn about your services regardless of
whether they’re sitting at their desktop computer or
have a few minutes to do research while waiting for their
lunch during the workday. Offering this level of flexibility
gives your practice a favorable advantage over all
competitors lacking mobile-friendly design.

Content That Converts                                     Make it Easy to Stay in Touch

Make sure that your website includes a section that       Instrumental to converting potential patients into
clearly communicates the services you offer in terms      customers through your website is having actionable
a layman can understand. Most patients are out of         contact information readily available. Make sure you have
touch with dental terminology, so speaking to the         a page dedicated to displaying all of your contact details
lowest common denominator will help the largest           such as phone number, address, office hours, email
number of people understand if your practice fits         address, etc. That way as soon as a patient is interested
their needs.                                              in your services they can get in touch right away.

Also, if your practice incorporates advanced dental       Equally as important as this contact information is
technologies such as CEREC®, 3D imaging equipment,        displaying which insurance providers are accepted at
or Intelligent Treatment Centers, be sure to explain      your practice. In “What Dental Patients Want” a 2016
how these technologies benefit patients and avoid         study from Futuredontics, it was discovered that the
using clinical jargon. You may understand the many        most influential factor for patients when choosing a
clinical benefits offered by CEREC but the vast           dentist is that the practice accepts their insurance plan.
majority of patients aren’t familiar with how this will   Providing potential patients with this information right
impact their dental treatment experience.                 on your website streamlines their research process,
                                                          making it a great way to check the most important box
An absolutely crucial piece of content to include         in getting a new customer.
on your practice site is patient reviews. You should
include reviews from a variety of sources such as         Contact and insurance information are essential for
Google reviews, Healthgrades and Yelp. Any potential      quickly bridging the gap between someone finding
patient that finds your website won’t be surprised that   your website and becoming a full patient, but additional
it talks about the high quality services you offer, but   contact features that make it easier to stay in touch can
adding glowing reviews from the above sources is an       elevate your practice’s business even more. Consider
amazing way to validate that your practice is the one     including a basic contact form that request a potential
they should be going to for their dental care.            patient’s name, phone number, email and asks why they
                                                          are reaching out. A feature like this further streamlines
                                                             the patient’s process from discovery to appointment
                                                                by allowing them to get in touch with your staff
                                                                  without even having to make a phone call.
                                                                  Furthermore, giving patients the option to book
                                                                  an appointment entirely online is a surefire
                                                                  way to guarantee that your website is properly
                                                                converting prospects into new patients as well.

                                                          The most influential factor for patients
                                                          when choosing a dentist is that the
                                                          practice accepts their insurance plan.
                                                          Providing potential patients with this
                                                          information right on your website
                                                          streamlines their research process,
                                                          making it a great way to check the most
                                                          important box in getting a new customer.

                                                          Now you have the knowledge needed to enhance your
              All of your efforts online will             own website or build a great one from scratch. If you’re
              be wasted if your entire site is            interested in learning more on other key subjects in
              not optimized for viewing on                dentistry be sure to register for Dentsply Sirona World
              smartphones and tablets.                    2018 at www.dentsplysironaworld.com today!

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