Page created by Jon Banks

  JANUARY 2021


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                                                          Table of Contents

1.   GEOGRAPHY .................................................................................................................................... 3

2.   HISTORY ........................................................................................................................................... 5

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                                                                   a) 3-2-1-4
        1. Geography                                               b) 1-2-3-4
                                                                   c) 2-1-4-3
1) Consider the following statements.                              d) 2-3-1-4
       1. The gravitational force of the earth holds
the atmosphere around it.                                  6) If you keep walking on the Mediterranean coast,
       2. Earth’s atmosphere is only about 1/100th             starting from the coast of Egypt towards
as dense as Mars’.                                             middle-east, you are likely to touch the coast of
Which of the above statements is/are correct?                  which of these countries en route?
       a) 1 only                                                    1. Iraq
       b) 2 only                                                    2. Lebanon
       c) Both 1 and 2                                              3. Syria
       d) Neither 1 nor 2                                           4. Israel
                                                           Select the correct answer code:
2) Lithospheric plates move around very slowly –                    a) 1, 2, 3
   just a few millimetres each year. What is the                    b) 1, 2, 4
   reason behind this movement?                                     c) 2, 3, 4
        a) Rotation of earth                                        d) 1, 3, 4
        b) Movement of magma inside earth
        c) Ocean currents                                  7) Which of these capital cities in Middle-east are
        d) Formation of folds on earth’s crust                 located on or very close to the Persian Gulf?
                                                                    1. Muscat
3) Consider the following statements.                               2. Riyadh
         1. Tornados and cyclones do not co-exist.                  3. Abu Dhabi
         2. The direction of rotation of a                          4. Doha
hurricane/cyclone is decided by the direction of           Select the correct answer code:
earth’s rotation, which is not the case with                        a) 3, 4
tornadoes.                                                          b) 1, 3, 4
         3. Tornadoes are much smaller in scale than                c) 2, 3, 4
hurricanes.                                                         d) 2, 3
Which of the above statements is/are correct?
         a) 1, 2                                           8) Consider the following statements.
         b) 1, 3                                                  1. The Equator runs almost through the
         c) 3 only                                                middle of Africa.
         d) 2, 3                                                  2. Africa is the only continent through which
                                                                  the Tropic of Cancer, the Equator and the
4) Acidification of ocean can have a beneficial                   Tropic of Capricorn pass.
    effect on                                                     3. Australia is the smallest continent that
         1. Photosynthetic algae                                  lies entirely in the Southern Hemisphere.
         2. Seagrasses                                     Which of the above statements is/are correct?
         3. Deep sea corals                                       a) 1, 2
Select the correct answer code:                                   b) 2, 3
         a) 2 only                                                c) 1, 3
         b) 1, 2                                                  d) 1, 2, 3
         c) 1, 3
         d) 1, 2, 3                                        9) Arrange the following from East to West.
                                                                    1. Mahadeo Hills
5) What is the correct sequence of occurrence of                    2. Malwa Plateau
    the countries in Eastern coast of Africa as one                 3. Aravalli range
    proceeds from South to North?                          Select the correct answer using the codes below.
         1. Mozambique                                              a) 312
         2. Tanzania                                                b) 321
         3. Kenya                                                   c) 123
         4. Somalia                                                 d) 132
Select the correct answer code:

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10) The state of Sikkim borders which of the
    following Indian states?
         1. West Bengal
         2. Arunachal Pradesh
         3. Assam
         4. Uttar Pradesh
Select the correct answer code:
         a) 1 only
         b) 1, 2
         c) 3, 4
         d) 1, 3

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                                                                   a) 1, 2
        2. History                                                 b) 2, 3
                                                                   c) 1, 2, 4
1) According to the terms of the ‘Subsidiary                       d) 1, 2, 3, 4
    Alliance’, Indian rulers were
         1. Not allowed to have their independent           6) Consider the following statements regarding
         armed forces                                           East India Association.
         2. Supposed to protect the British                         1. The East India Association was founded
         representatives in the princely states             by Dadabhai Naoroji, in collaboration with Indians
Select the correct answer code:                             and retired British officials in London.
         a) 1 only                                                  2. It was the successor of the Indian
         b) 2 only                                          National Congress.
         c) Both 1 and 2                                            3. It worked towards presenting the correct
         d) Neither 1 nor 2                                 information about India to the British Public and
                                                            voice Indian grievances in British press.
2) Consider the following statements regarding              Which of the above statements is/are correct?
   Mahalwari system.                                                a) 1, 2
        1. Warren Hastings was associated with the                  b) 1, 3
conception of this system.                                          c) 2, 3
        2. Under the system, ryots paid a variable                  d) 1, 2, 3
sum to the Zamindars who then paid to the British.
        3. Village lands, forestland and pastures           7) Which of the following organized ‘Pledge
were included under the system.                                Movement’?
Which of the above statements is/are correct?                     a) The Madras Mahajana Sabha
        a) 1, 2                                                   b) The British Indian Association
        b) 3 only                                                 c) Indian Social Conference
        c) 1, 3                                                   d) Servants of India society
        d) 2, 3
                                                            8) Consider the following statements
3) Welby Commission setup in British India                           1. The first session of Indian National
   concerned an enquiry into the                            Congress was presided over by Dadabhai Naoroji.
      a) Educational reforms in Indian Universities                  2. First woman to address an open session
      b) Atrocities of the Jallianwala Bagh                 of the Indian National Congress was Kadambini
      massacre                                              Ganguly, also the first woman graduate of Calcutta
      c) Royal Indian Navy (RIN) mutiny                     University.
      d) Drain of wealth issue                              Which of the above statements is/are correct?
                                                                     a) 1 only
4) The Poligar revolt of early 19th Century was                      b) 2 only
   rooted in                                                         c) Both 1 and 2
       a) General discontentment with foreign rule                   d) Neither 1 nor 2
       b) Oppressive land revenue system
       c) Control of tribal forests and river streams       9) The aim of the Indian Association found by
       by British government                                     Suredranath Banerjee was to
       d) Enmity of tribals with non-tribals                         a) Give shape to and establish the Indian
                                                            National Congress (INC)
5) Which of the following factors influenced the                     b) Advocate constitutional reforms through
    growth of Modern Nationalism during British             legislative action
    rule in India?                                                   c) Represent the views of the educated
         1. French Revolution.                              middle class and inspire the Indian community to
         2. Indian Renaissance.                             take the value of united action
         3. Offshoot of modernization initiated by                   d) Organize seditious movements to
         the British in India.                              dethrone the British Empire
         4. Strong reaction to British imperialist
         policies in India.                                 10) The moderates succeeded on a number of
Select the correct answer code:                                 fronts. These include:
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         1. Popularizing the ideas of democracy, civil               b) 2 only
         liberties and representative institutions                   c) Both 1 and 2
         2. Explained British exploitation of the                    d) Neither 1 nor 2
         Indian economy
         3. Getting the legislative councils expanded        15) Why Defence of India Act 1915 was opposed by
         for Indian benefit                                      the nationalists?
Select the correct answer code:                                       1. It aimed at curtailing the nationalist and
         a) 1, 2                                                      revolutionary activities.
         b) 2, 3                                                      2. It made a sharp distinction between
         c) 1, 3                                                      European and Indian subjects.
         d) 1, 2, 3                                          Select the correct answer code:
                                                                      a) 1 only
11) In the context of Modern India, Jugantar and                      b) 2 only
    Bharathmatha Association were                                     c) Both 1 and 2
         a) Pre-Congress Social Organisations                         d) Neither 1 nor 2
         b) Publications against colonialism
         c) Revolutionary groups                             16) The Congress split in 1907 was due to the issue
         d) Reformist Hindu Organisations                        of
                                                                     a) Increasingly religious tones in the Indian
12) Consider the following statements.                               National Movement
        1. Barrah Dacoity was organized by Dacca                     b) Economic ideology of state-led
Anushilan under Pulian Das.                                          development of India
        2. Prafulla Chaki and Kudiram Bose staged a                  c) Methodology of struggle against the
bomb attack on Viceroy Irwin.                                        British
Which of the above statements is/are incorrect?                      d) Grant of concessions to the All-India
        a) 1 only                                                    Muslim League
        b) 2 only
        c) Both 1 and 2                                      17) The Lucknow Session, 1916 was special in many
        d) Neither 1 nor 2                                       respects. Consider the following statements
                                                                 regarding this session.
13) The period between 1885 – 1905 is known as                       1. Congress and All India Muslim League
    the era of the moderates. Which of the                   signed the historic Lucknow Pact.
    following were the main demands of                               2. It marked the re-union of the Moderates
    Moderates?                                               and Extremists.
         1. Separation of the judiciary from the                     3. Annie Besant was the president of
executive.                                                   Lucknow session.
         2. Reduction of land revenue and protection         Which of the above statements is/are correct?
of peasants from unjust landlords.                                   a) 1, 3
         3. Abolition of salt tax and sugar duty.                    b) 1, 2
         4. Freedom of speech and expression and                     c) 2, 3
freedom to form associations                                         d) 1, 2, 3
Select the Correct answer code:
         a) 1, 2, 3                                          18) The Ilbert Bill Controversy is said to be a high
         b) 1, 3                                                 watermark in the history of Indian National
         c) 2, 3, 4                                              Movement. This is because it invoked issues of
         d) 1, 2, 3, 4                                                1. Security lapse on the Indian borders,
                                                             especially the North-Western frontier
14) Consider the following statements:                                2. Racial discrimination between Indian and
       1. Amrita Bazar Patrika, one of the oldest            Europeans
       newspapers in India, was launched in                           3. Suppression of local language
       Bengali.                                              newspapers and their nationalization by the
       2. Mahratta was launched by B.G. Tilak in             Government
       Marathi.                                              Select the correct answer code:
Which of the above statements is/are correct?                         a) 2 only
       a) 1 only                                                      b) 1, 2
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        b) 2, 3                                                    d) Neither 1 nor 2
        d) 1, 3
                                                           23) Consider the following statements regarding
19) Consider the following statements regarding                Home Rule League Movement.
    Partition of Bengal in 1905.                                   1. Home Rule League Movement was the
        1. It was ordered by Lord Curzon, the              Indian response to the First World War.
then Viceroy of India.                                             2. Jawaharlal Nehru, Mohammad Ali Jinnah
        2. Program of Swadeshi was adopted to              and Madan Mohan Malaviya supported the Home
protest against the division.                              Rule agitation.
        3. It was annulled after the First World War               3. The Russian Revolution of 1917 led to the
ended.                                                     decline of the Home Rule League Movement.
Which of the above statements is/are correct?              Which of the above statements is/are correct?
        a) 2 only                                                  a) 1, 3
        b) 1, 2                                                    b) 1 only
        c) 1, 3                                                    c) 1, 2
        d) 1, 2, 3                                                 d) 2, 3

20) With respect to Indian freedom struggle, how is        24) The Ghadar party was
    the word “Swadeshi” different from “boycott”?                   1. A revolutionary organization
         1. Swadeshi was essentially economic                       2. Founded in Punjab
         movement, boycott was not.                                 3. Aiming at securing India's independence
         2. While Swadeshi attracted the lower             from British rule
         strata of Indian society, Boycott attracted       Select the correct answer code:
         the higher strata.                                         a) 1, 2
Select the correct answer code:                                     b) 1, 3
         a) 1 Only                                                  c) 3 only
         b) 2 Only                                                  d) 2, 3
         c) Both 1 and 2
         d) Neither 1 nor 2                                25) Consider the following statements regarding
                                                               Morley-Minto Reforms
21) Lucknow Pact between the Indian National                      1. It retained official majority in the Central
     Congress (INC) and Muslim league put forward                 Legislative Council but allowed the
     which of the following political demands before              provincial legislative councils to have non-
     the Government?                                              official majority.
         1. Separate electorates for the Muslims                  2. It introduced a system of communal
         2. It demanded self-government from the                  representation for Muslims by accepting the
British.                                                          concept of ‘separate electorate’.
         3. All the members of the viceroy’s                      3. It granted franchise to a limited number
executive council should be Indians.                              of people on the basis of property, tax or
Select the correct answer code:                                   education.
         a) 1, 2                                           Which of the above statements is/are correct?
         b) 2 only                                                a) 2 only
         c) 2, 3                                                  b) 1, 2
         d) 1, 3                                                  c) 3 only
                                                                  d) 1, 2, 3
22) Consider the following statements.
        1. A Khilafat Committee was formed in 1915         26) In the Gupta empire, Paramabhattaraka was a
to defend the Khalifa’s temporal powers.                            a) Council of Peace and conflict
        2. Muhammad Ali and Shaukat Ali, two                        b) Minister for foreign affairs
prominent leaders, decided to boycott the Khilafat                  c) In charge of granaries
Committee.                                                          d) Title adopted by Gupta Kings
Which of the above statements is/are correct?
        a) 1 only                                          27) Chola inscriptions mention several categories of
        b) 2 only                                              land. Among them vellanvagai was a land
        c) Both 1 and 2                                            a) given for the maintenance of a school
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        b) donated to Jaina institutions                           c) Objection of management on
        c) belonging to non-Brahmana peasant                       participation of workers in the freedom
proprietors                                                        struggle
        d) left for fallow cultivation                             d) Large-scale layoffs of mill workers

28) Who among the following Governor General               33) Gandhi suspended which of these movements
    followed the policy of non-interference with               calling it a ‘Himalayan Blunder’?
    native states?                                                  a) Non-cooperation movement
         a) John Shore                                              b) Satyagraha movement against Rowlatt
         b) Cornwallis                                              Act
         c) Warren Hastings                                         c) Quit India movement
         d) William Bentinck                                        d) Civil Disobedience Movement

29) With reference to Warren Hastings, consider            34) What is the significance of Sabarmati Ashram in
    the following statements.                                  the modern history of India?
        1. He was the first Governor General of                     1. It served as the last residence of
        India.                                                      Mahatma Gandhi.
        2. He abolished the Dual Government in                      2. It has been declared as a national
        Bengal.                                                     monument by the Indian government.
        3. He signed treaty of Amritsar with                        3. Salt Satyagraha was started from this
        Maharaja Ranjit Singh.                                      Ashram in 1930.
Which of the above statements is/are correct?              Select the correct answer code:
        a) 1 only                                                   a) 1 only
        b) 2 only                                                   b) 2, 3
        c) 2, 3                                                     c) 3 only
        d) 1, 2, 3                                                  d) 1, 3

30) Which of the following pairs is not correctly          35) In the Words of Gandhiji
    matched?                                                        1. Satyagraha is physical force
       a) Lord Wellesley– Fort William College                      2. Satyagraha is passive resistance
       b) William Bentinck – Kol Rebellion                          3. Satyagraha is pure soul-force
       c) Dalhousie – Wood’s Despatch                               4. In the use of satyagraha, there is no ill-
       d) Metcalfe - Vellore Mutiny                                 will whatsoever.
                                                           Select the correct answer code:
31) Consider the following statements regarding the                 a) 3, 4
    events that took place after Mahatma Gandhi’s                   b) 2, 3, 4
    return to India from South Africa.                              c) 1, 2
         1. On Nehru’s advice, Gandhiji spent a year                d) 1, 2, 3, 4
travelling around British India, getting to know the
land and its peoples.                                      36) Consider the following statements regarding
         2. His first major public appearance was at           Government of India Act, 1919.
the opening of the Banaras Hindu University (BHU)                 1. The Act provided a dual form of
in 1916.                                                          government for the major provinces.
Which of the above statements is/are correct?                     2. Under the act, the 'reserved list'
         a) 1 only                                                remained under the control of the Viceroy.
         b) 2 only                                                3. The reserved list included foreign affairs,
         c) Both 1 and 2                                          communications and defence.
         d) Neither 1 nor 2                                Which of the above statements is/are correct?
                                                                  a) 1, 2
32) Ahmadabad Mill Strike 1918 led by Gandhiji was                b) 2, 3
    based on the issue of                                         c) 1, 3
       a) Plague Bonus of the previous year to                    d) 1, 2, 3
       b) Inhuman treatment of mill workers by             37) Which of the following were the causes behind
       the management                                          the launch of ‘Noncooperation movement’?
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         1. “Punjab wrongs” of 1919                               2. Its activities inside legislatures helped the
         2. Khilafat wrong                                        Congress to win many municipal elections
         3. Resentment with Rowlatt Act                           during 1923-1924.
Select the correct answer code:                            Which of the above statements is/are correct?
         a) 1, 2                                                  a) 1 Only
         b) 2, 3                                                  b) 2 Only
         c) 1, 3                                                  c) Both 1 and 2
         d) 1, 2, 3                                               d) Neither 1 nor 2

38) A Khilafat Committee was formed in Bombay in           42) One of the major achievements of the
    1919 with the main objective to                            Swarajists was that they defeated the ‘Public
        a) Defend the Khalifa’s temporal powers                Safety Bill’ in 1928. What was the bill about?
        b) Call off the Khilafat movement                          a) Empowering the government to deport
        c) Decide on whether Muslims should                        undesirable and subversive foreigners
        participate in the Non-cooperation                         b) Empowering the government to shoot
        movement                                                   anti-social elements on sight who were
        d) All of the above                                        propogating seditious ideas
                                                                   c) Empowering the government to deploy
39) Consider the following statements regarding                    heavy armed forces both in the interior and
    INC Nagpur session, 1920.                                      exterior of India, the funding of which was
        1. The programme of non-cooperation was                    to come at the expense of Indian taxpayers
        endorsed.                                                  d) None of the above
        2. Provincial congress committees on
        linguistic basis were organized.                   43) The first ‘White Paper on Constitutional
Which of the above statements is/are incorrect?                Reforms’ for India was prepared and submitted
        a) 1 only                                              for the consideration of the Joint Select
        b) 2 only                                              Committee of the British Parliament on the
        c) Both 1 and 2                                        recommendations of the
        d) Neither 1 nor 2                                          a) Hunter Commission
                                                                    b) Radcliffe Commission
40) Why was the Non-cooperation movement                            c) Butler Commissions
    withdrawn after the Chauri-Chaura incident that                 d) Simon Commission
    happened in the United Provinces?
         1. The incident was against the ideals of         44) Consider the following statements:
         non-violence of Gandhi.                                  1. C.R. Das and Motilal Nehru formed the
         2. The incident was initiated by extremist               Swaraj Party in 1923.
         leaders of India, which Gandhi did not want              2. Belgaum session of Indian National
         to include in the Non-cooperation                        Congress (1924) was presided by Mahatma
         movement                                                 Gandhi.
         3. The non-cooperation movement was not           Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
         launched in the United Provinces and                     a) 1 only
         Gandhi feared that its inclusion might                   b) 2 only
         destabilize the movement.                                c) Both 1 and 2
Select the correct answer code:                                   d) Neither 1 nor 2
         a) 1 only
         b) 1, 3                                           45) Which of the following was/were the
         c) 1, 2                                               recommendations of the Simon Commission
         d) 2, 3                                               setup in 1927?
                                                                   1. India’s constitution should be unitary in
41) Consider the following statements regarding                    nature.
    Swarajist activity in the legislatures.                        2. The provincial governments should
       1. The Swarajists lacked any policy of                      devolve financial powers to the local bodies.
       coordinating their militant work in the                     3. Separate electorates should be abolished.
       legislatures with mass political work                       4. Elections to the legislative assemblies will
       outside.                                                    be based on Universal adult franchise.
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Select the correct answer code:
         a) 1, 3                                        50) Consider the following statements regarding
         b) 4 only                                          Wood’s Despatch
         c) 1, 2                                               1. It made English compulsory as the
         d) None of the above                                  medium of instruction at all levels.
                                                               2. It laid stress on female and vocational
46) Consider the following statements regarding                education.
    Madam Bhikaji Cama.                                        3. It laid down that the education imparted
       1. She co-founded the Paris Indian Society.             in government institutions must be secular.
       2. She unfurled the National Flag at the         Which of the above statements is/are correct?
       International Socialist Conference in                   a) 3 only
       Stuttgart in 1907.                                      b) 1, 2
Which of the above statements is/are correct?                  c) 1, 2, 3
       a) 1 only                                               d) 2, 3
       b) 2 only
       c) Both 1 and 2                                  51) Consider the following statements regarding
       d) Neither 1 nor 2                                   Komagata Maru incident.
                                                                 1. Komagata Maru was an Indian steamship
47) Consider the following pairs                        that sailed to Canada carrying people from Punjab.
       Journals/Newspaper                                        2. Komagata Maru incident was one of the
                Founder                                 reasons for the fueling of the Ghadr Movement.
       1. Bengal Gazette :                              Which of the above statements is/are correct?
                James Augustus Hicky                             a) 1 only
       2. Mirat-ul-Akbar :                                       b) 2 only
       Raja Ram Mohan Roy                                        c) Both 1 and 2
       3. Amrita Bazar Patrika :                                 d) Neither 1 nor 2
                Devendra Nath Tagore
Which of the above statements is/are correct?           52) A manifesto titled “The Revolutionary”, that
       a) 3 only                                            was produced as evidence in the Kakori
       b) 1, 2                                              conspiracy case of 1925, was written by
       c) 1 only                                               a) Sachindra Nath Sanyal
       d) 2 only                                               b) W.C. Banerjee
                                                               c) Feroze Shah Mehta
48) Who among the following foreigners served as               d) Badruddin Tyabji
    the presidents of Indian National Congress
    sessions?                                           53) The Anushilan Samiti formed in 1906
         1. A O Hume                                        propounded
         2. Henry Cotton                                        a) The doctrine of ‘Council entry’ to weaken
         3. Annie Besant                                        the British raj from within
Select the correct answer code:                                 b) Constitutional methods to achieve
         a) 3 only                                              administrative reforms
         b) 1, 2                                                c) Revolutionary violence as means for
         c) 1, 3                                                ending British rule in India
         d) 2, 3                                                d) British support for bringing social reforms
                                                                in India
49) In Modern India, Yugantar Ashram was
        a) The headquarters of the Gadar party          54) Why was there an outrage against the
        b) An Ashram adopted by the Indian                  enactment of the Defence of India Act 1915?
        National Congress in the memory of                     1. It was an emergency criminal law enacted
        Mahatma Gandhi                                         with the intention of curtailing the
        c) A seditious publication of the India                nationalist and revolutionary activities
        House, London                                          during and in the aftermath of the First
        d) A war memorial established by the British           World War.
        government for Indian freedom fighters in
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       2. It applied only to Indian subjects and       Which of the above statements is/are correct?
       white Europeans were exempt under the                  a) 1 only
       provisions of the law.                                 b) 2 only
Which of the above statements is/are correct?                 c) Both 1 and 2
       a) 1 only                                              d) Neither 1 nor 2
       b) 2 only
       c) Both 1 and 2                                 60) Privy Purse was granted to the princely states
       d) Neither 1 nor 2                                  due to which of these reasons?
                                                               a) This was a part of the compromise to get
55) Sandhya, Yugantar and Kal were:                            Princely states on board the Constituent
       a) Revolutionary groups emerged after Non-              Assembly
       cooperation movement.                                   b) There was a revolt in the general
       b) Newspapers and journals advocating                   populace with the uprooting of the princely
       revolutionary activities                                states from the Independent India
       c) Books written by Bal Gangadhar Tilak.                c) Princely states had significant private
       d) Parallel governments formed during ‘Quit             property and their integration was
       India’ movement                                         preceded by an
                                                               assurance that they will be allowed to retain
56) Which one of the following books of ancient        some property and be given some government
    India has the love story of the son of the                 allowances
    founder of Sunga dynasty?                                  d) Princely states played a significant role in
        a) Swapnavasavadatta                                   bringing constitutional reforms in the British
        b) Malavikagnimitra                                    administration
        c) Meghadoota
        d) Ratnavali                                   61) The Karachi session, 1931, of the Congress was
                                                           important because
57) The book, Philosophy of the Bomb was written               a) The goal of complete independence,
    by                                                         Swaraj, was declared here.
        a) Bhagat Singh                                        b) Congress spelt the true meaning of
        b) Tilak                                               Swaraj in this session.
        c) Barindra Kumar Ghosh                                c) Congress decided to participate in the
        d) Bhagwaticharan Vohra                                Second Round Table Conference.
                                                               d) Congress launched the second phase of
58) Consider the following statements.                         Civil Disobedience movement in the session.
         1. President of the Servants of the People
Society.                                               62) Consider the following statements regarding
         2. Participated in the non-cooperation             Civil Disobedience movement (CDM).
movement and the Salt Satyagraha.                                1. The movement was officially not
         3. Promoted the White Revolution              approved by the congress before its launch.
         4. Signed Tashkent Declaration with                     2. All the round table conferences between
Pakistan                                               the British government and Indian leaders followed
The above statements are related to                    only after this movement.
         a) Indira Gandhi                                        3. The movement was withdrawn because
         b) Charan Singh                               of violence.
         c) Jawaharlal Nehru                           Which of the above statements is/are correct?
         d) Lal Bahadur Shastri                                  a) 1, 2
                                                                 b) 2 only
59) Consider the following statements                            c) 2, 3
       1. Wood’s despatch rejected downward                      d) None of the above
       filtration theory and recommended the
       establishment of schools to promote mass        63) Consider the following statements regarding
       education.                                          Gandhi-Irwin Pact.
       2. Macaulay’s minutes largely believed in              1. Gandhi-Irwin Pact was a political
       educating a lower class and economically        agreement signed after the second Round Table
       impoverished students                           Conference in London.
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         2. It marked the end of a period of civil                 b) State of untouchables in the country
disobedience (satyagraha) in India against British                 c) Religious intolerance in the countryside
rule that Gandhi and his followers had initiated with              d) Government of India Act, 1935 which
the Salt March.                                                    eroded autonomy of local bodies
Which of the above statements is/are correct?
         a) 1 only                                         68) The Cripps mission was an attempt by the
         b) 2 only                                              British government to
         c) Both 1 and 2                                             a) Learn from the failure of the Round Table
         d) Neither 1 nor 2                                Conferences
                                                                     b) Convince the Congress to join the Central
64) The Gandhi-Irwin Pact included                         legislature
         1. Right to make salt in coastal villages for               c) Secure full Indian cooperation and
personal consumption and sale.                             support for their efforts in World War II
         2. Right to peaceful and non-aggressive                     d) Extend communal representation in the
picketing                                                  Imperial legislature
         3. Acceptance of Gandhiji’s suggestion for
enquiry into police excesses                               69) Why Indian National Congress (INC) leaders
         4. Release of all political prisoners not             were not satisfied with the Cripps Mission
convicted of violence                                          (1942) proposals?
Select the correct answer code:                                    a) Cripps Mission did not deliberate any
         a) 1, 2, 3                                                matter with the Indian leaders and
         b) 2, 4                                                   proposed unilateral measures.
         c) 2, 3, 4                                                b) Cripps Mission agreed for post-war real
         d) 1, 2, 4                                                transfer of power but maintained that the
                                                                   Viceroy and Secretary of State shall be
65) Poona Pact led to                                              appointed by the crown.
         1. Reservation of electoral seats for the                 c) Leaders wanted full independence rather
         depressed classes                                         than a dominion status.
         2. Gandhiji ending his fast in the Yeravada               d) Cripps Mission did not address the issue
         jail as a protest against separate electorates    of separate electorates.
         for the depressed classes
Select the correct answer code:                            70) Consider the following statements about Quit
         a) 1 only                                             India Movement.
         b) 2 only                                                 1. Quit India Movement was a corollary of
         c) Both 1 and 2                                           the failure of the Cabinet Mission Plan.
         d) Neither 1 nor 2                                        2. The first half of the movement was
                                                                   peaceful with demonstrations and
66) Consider the following statements regarding the                processions.
     proposals in the August Offer.                                3. A significant feature of the Quit India
         1. Expansion of viceroy’s executive council               Movement was the emergence of what
which would have a majority of Indians.                            came to be known as parallel governments
         2. Making of the Constitution will be solely              in some parts of the country.
in Indian hands.                                           Which of the above statements is/are correct?
         3. Future Constitution to be adopted with                 a) 1, 2
the consent of minorities.                                         b) 1, 3
Which of the above statements is/are correct?                      c) 1, 2, 3
         a) 1, 2                                                   d) 2, 3
         b) 1, 3
         c) 2, 3                                           71) The Cabinet Mission Plan of 1946 included
         d) 1 only                                                  1. Partition of India
                                                                    2. A nominated Constituent Assembly
67) Gandhiji decided to launch “Individual                          3. Provinces were to have full autonomy
    Satyagraha” due to dissatisfaction with                and residual powers.
        a) August offer made by the British during         Select the correct answer code:
        the course of the Second World War                          a) 1, 2
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        b) 3 only                                      76) The policy of “paramountcy” primarily aimed at
        c) 1, 3                                                a) Ending the East India Company’s
        d) 2, 3                                        commercial monopoly in trade with India
                                                               b) Suspending all subsidiary alliances with
72) Which of the following were the proposals of       the princely courts
    the Wavell Plan?                                           c) Making all Indian states accept the
         1. Indianization of Executive council.        suzerainty of the British Crown
         2. Removing any caste and religion-based              d) Suspending all subsidiary alliances with
quota in the Executive council.                        the princely states
         3. Governor- general was to exercise his
veto on the advice of ministers.                       77) Consider the following statements regarding
Select the correct answer code:                            Warren Hasting’s policy and views of education
         a) 1 only                                         in British India.
         b) 2, 3                                               1. He was against spread of vernacular
         c) 1, 3                                               education in India.
         d) 1, 2                                               2. He wanted to spread the teaching of
                                                               English and western science via colleges and
73) Consider the following statements regarding                universities in India.
     1946 Royal Indian Navy revolt.                    Which of the above statements is/are correct?
         1. The immediate trigger was the demand               a) 1 only
for better food and working conditions for Indian              b) 2 only
sailors of the Royal Indian Navy.                              c) Both 1 and 2
         2. The revolt was confined to Bombay                  d) Neither 1 nor 2
         3. The Indian National Congress and           78) The General Services Establishment Act was one
the Muslim League condemned the strikers.                  of the main causes for the Uprising of 1857. The
Which of the above statements is/are correct?              Act
         a) 1, 2                                                a) Provided special status to the European
         b) 1 only                                     recruits and downgraded the position of Indian
         c) 1, 3                                       sepoys
         d) 2, 3                                                b) Provided for a salary cut for the sepoys
                                                       and increased the taxes on the Indian peasants
74) The Indian National Congress Working                        c) Required every Indian soldier to go
    Committee adopted a resolution for the             overseas for deployment if required.
    abolition of landlordism in                                 d) Mandated a solider to be recruited from
        a) Karachi Session, 1931                       every peasant family in the villages
        b) Advent of Civil Disobedience Movement
        c) In 1945, based on a resolution by the       79) Consider the following statements regarding the
Congress Working Committee                                 1857 Revolt.
        d) None of the above                                  1. It was during the reign of Governor
                                                       General Canning.
75) The main points outlined in the British Prime             2. Mangal Pandey led the Mutiny.
     Minister Clement Attlee's statement are                  3. The revolt did not receive any royal
         1. The British would relinquish power only    patronage.
to a central government and rejected the idea of       Which of the above statements is/are incorrect?
autonomous provincial governments.                            a) 2 only
         2. Even after India’s independence, the              b) 1, 2
princely states would continue to remain part of              c) 1, 3
British Empire.                                               d) 2, 3
Select the correct answer code:
         a) 1 only                                     80) Consider the following statements regarding the
         b) 2 only                                         Government of India Act 1858.
         c) Both 1 and 2                                      1. It abolished the East India Company Rule
         d) Neither 1 nor 2                                   in India.

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       2. It changed the entire structure of             84) Consider the following statements regarding
       government in India prevailing earlier.               Deccan Riots.
       3. As per the Act, Indian Government was to               1. The main motive of riots was to destroy
       be supervised and controlled in England.          the account books of the moneylender.
Which of the above statements is/are correct?                    2. The movement got support from the
       a) 1, 2                                           Poona Sarvajanik Sabha.
       b) 2, 3                                                   3. Deccan Agriculturists Relief Act was
       c) 1, 3                                           passed which ensured that the farmers could not be
       d) 1, 2, 3                                        arrested and imprisoned if they were unable to pay
                                                         their debts.
81) Consider the following statements regarding          Which of the above statements is/are correct?
    Arya Samaj.                                                  a) 1, 2
        1. Arya Samaj is a Hindu reform movement                 b) 1, 3
that was founded by Dayanand Saraswati.                          c) 2, 3
        2. Arya Samaj does not believe in the                    d) 1, 2, 3
authority of the Vedas.
        3. The central objectives of Arya Samaj is to    85) Consider the following events.
eradicate Ignorance, Poverty and Injustice from this              1. Munda Rebellion
earth.                                                            2. Bodo Movement
Which of the above statements is/are correct?                     3. Santhal rebellion
        a) 1, 2                                                   4. Kuki Uprising
        b) 1 only                                        Arrange the above in the chronological order and
        c) 2, 3                                          select the correct answer codes:
        d) 1, 3                                                   a) 2-4-1-3
                                                                  b) 4-2-1-3
82) Consider the following statements.                            c) 3-1-2-4
        1. She is regarded as the first female                    d) 3-1-4-2
teacher of India.
        2. She along with her husband recognised         86) In the early vedic period, Visu refers to
that education was one of the central planks                      a) Basic unit of political organization
through which women and the depressed classes                     b) The leader of grama
could become empowered.                                           c) Group of villages
        3. She was associated with Satyashodhak                   d) None of the above
The above statements refer to                            87) During the Rig Vedic period, Bharatas, Matsyas,
        a) Savitribai Phule                                  Yadus and Purus refer to
        b) Kadambini Ganguly                                     a) Gramas
        c) Sarojini Naidu                                        b) Tribal kingdoms
        d) Usha Mehta                                            c) Tribal Families
                                                                 d) Priestly Class
83) Consider the following statements.
        1. He was associated with the Justice Party      88) Consider the following statements regarding Rig
and the Self Respect Movement.                               Vedic period.
        2. He was involved in the Vaikom                         1. Women were given equal opportunities
Satyagraha of 1924.                                      as men for their spiritual and intellectual
        3. He launched Dravidar Kazhagam.                development.
        4. He focused on social, cultural and gender             2. Monogamy was only practiced and
inequalities, and his reform agenda questioned           polygamy was absent during this time.
matters of faith, gender and tradition.                          3. There was no child marriage and the
The above statements refer to                            practice of sati was absent.
        a) Periyar E. V. Ramasamy                        Which of the above statements is/are correct?
        b) V. O. chidambaram pillai                              a) 1, 2, 3
        c) S. Subramania Iyer                                    b) 1, 3
        d) C. Rajagopalachari                                    c) 1, 2
                                                                 d) 2, 3
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                                                                   b) 2 only
89) Which of the following Acts provided for the                   c) Both 1 and 2
    right to ask questions and discuss the budget.                 d) Neither 1 nor 2
        a) Indian Councils Act, 1892
        b) Charter Act, 1833                               94) Which of the following could be the possible
        c) Charter Act, 1813                                   implications of the Battle of Plassey?
        d) Indian Councils Act, 1861                              1. It resulted in the victory of East India
                                                                  Company (EIC), greater powers to extract
90) With reference to the Gandhi-Irwin Pact, which                revenue and its consolidation of its
    of the following statement is incorrect?                      presence in Bengal.
        a) The government granted right to make                   2. It resulted in the EIC gaining greater
        salt in coastal villages for personal                     military might which allowed them to push
        consumption and sale in local markets.                    other European colonial powers away from
        b) The government agreed to return all                    Bengal.
        lands which were not sold to thirds parties.       Which of the above statements is/are correct?
        c) All political prisoners not convicted of               a) 1 only
        violence were released immediately.                       b) 2 only
        d) Gandhi agreed to participate in the                    c) Both 1 and 2
        second-round table conference.                            d) Neither 1 nor 2

91) Consider the following events:                         95) After the Battle of Buxar (1764), the East India
       1. First Anglo-Mysore war                               Company appointed Residents in Indian states.
       2. First Anglo Burmese war                              They were
       3. First Anglo Sikh war                                     a) Representative natives of the Princely
       4. First Anglo Maratha war                                  states who were also a part of the British
Arrange the events in the correct chronological                    Legislative council
sequence.                                                          b) Heads of Contingent army units placed
       a) 4-1-2-3                                                  under Subsidiary alliance in the states.
       b) 1-4-2-3                                                  c) Political and commercial agents of the
       c) 1-4-3-2                                                  company in the states.
       d) 4-1-3-2                                                  d) Ex-Governors of British Presidencies who
                                                                   controlled the states.
92) Consider the following statements regarding
    Treaty of Salbai.                                      96) Consider the following pairs.
        1. Treaty of Salbai was signed between the                Governor-General
        Marathas and the British East India                       Events in their Rule
        Company                                                   1. Wellesley
        2. British Recognized the territorial claims of           Telegraph and postal reforms
        Mahadji Shinde in west of Yamuna River.                   2. William Bentinck
        3. Raghunath Rao was freed and a pension                  Introduction of English as official language
        was fixed for him.                                        3. Dalhousie
Which of the above statements is/are correct?                     Introduction of Subsidiary Alliance
        a) 1 only                                          Which of the above pairs are correctly matched?
        b) 2, 3                                                   a) 1, 2
        c) 3 only                                                 b) 2 only
        d) 1, 2, 3                                                c) 2, 3
                                                                  d) 1, 3
93) With reference to the Carnatic Wars, consider
    the following statements:                              97) Consider the following statements
        1. Under the treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle,                   1. Warren Hastings was the first to bring
Madras was restored to the French.                                into existence and organise the civil
        2. The battle of Wandiwash ended the                      services.
French threat to British in India.                                2. Lytton introduced the statutory civil
Which of the above statements is/are correct?                     service.
        a) 1 only
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       3. Satyendra Nath Tagore became the first                 b) Local administration to abolish zamindari
       Indian to qualify for the Indian Civil Service.           from erstwhile permanent settlement
Which of the above statements is/are correct?                    regions
       a) 1, 2                                                   c) Princely state rulers to retain certain
       b) 2, 3                                                   private property and grant in heredity
       c) 3 only                                                 d) None of the above
       d) 1, 3
                                                          103)   The Radcliffe Line was
98) Aitchison Committee constituted during the                   a) Boundary demarcation line between
    British time is related to                                   India and Pakistan
         a) Judicial Reforms                                     b) Frontier between East Pakistan and
         b) Public Service Reforms                               West-Pakistan
         c) Police reforms                                       c) Line between Indo-China border as
         d) Foreign trade policy                                 historically demarcated by the British.
                                                                 d) Agreed line on the partition of Bengal
99) Consider the following statements.
       1. The Cornwallis Code was a body of               104) Consider the following statements
       legislation enacted by the East India                  regarding the composition of Constituent
       Company to improve the governance of its               assembly.
       territories in India.                                      1. The Constituent Assembly was
       2. The Permanent Settlement, which                 constituted in November 1946 under the scheme
       established a revenue collection scheme,           formulated by the August offer.
       was a part of the Cornwallis Code.                         2. Constituent Assembly was a partly
Which of the above is/are correct?                                elected and partly nominated body.
       a) 1 only                                                  3. Seats were allotted on the basis of
       b) 2 only                                                  population at that time.
       c) Both 1 and 2                                    Which of the above statements is/are correct?
       d) None of the above                                       a) 1 only
                                                                  b) 2 only
100) During his tenure, the Government of India                   c) 1, 3
   Act, 1858 was passed which created the office                  d) 2, 3
   of Viceroy to be held by the same person who
   was Governor General of India. He was                  105) Which of the following historical
       a) Linlithgow                                          commissions were related to States
       b) William Bentick                                     Reorganisation in India?
       c) Lytton                                                   1. JVP Committee
       d) Canning                                                  2. Dhar Commission
                                                                   3. Fazl Ali Commission
101) Consider the following statements                             4. Gokhale Committee
   regarding Mountbatten Plan                             Select the correct answer code:
       1. Independence for princely states was                     a) 1, 2, 3
       ruled out in the Plan.                                      b) 2, 3, 4
       2. Accession of Hyderabad to Pakistan.                      c) 1, 2, 4
       3. A boundary commission to be set up if                    d) 1, 3, 4
       partition was to be effected.
Which of the above statements is/are correct?             106) Which of these are the core principles of
       a) 2 only                                              Panchsheel?
       b) 1, 3                                                     1. Non-Alignment
       c) 3 only                                                   2. Mutual non-aggression
       d) 2, 3                                                     3. Neighbourhood First Policy
                                                                   4. Peaceful co- existing
102)    Privy Purse system allowed                                 5. Equality and mutual benefit
        a) Government to confiscate private land          Select the correct answer code:
        based on the principle of ‘eminent domain’                 a) 1, 2, 3, 4
                                                                   b) 2, 4, 5
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        c) 2, 3, 4, 5                                            b) 2, 3
        d) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5                                         c) 1 only
                                                                 d) 1, 2, 3
107) Which of the following could be considered
     as the policy of the early days of the Non-         111)     Consider the following statements.
     Alignment Movement (NAM)?                                    1. Tashkent Declaration is a peace
         1. Not acting as a mediator to any bilateral    agreement between India and China signed after
or international conflict                                the Sino-Indian War that occurred in 1962.
         2. Staying away from joining any of the                  2. Indus Water treaty is the only instance
military alliances                                       where India and Pakistan have allowed a third-party
         3. Staying out of wars                          to help resolve their issues.
Select the correct answer code:                                   3. Shimla Agreement, was signed
         a) 1, 2                                         between India and Pakistan following
         b) 1, 3                                         the Bangladesh Liberation war in 1971.
         c) 2 only                                       Which of the above statements is/are correct?
         d) 2, 3                                                  a) 1, 2
                                                                  b) 1, 3
108) Which of the following regions were                          c) 3 only
    integrated by referendum in India?                            d) 2, 3
         1. Hyderabad
         2. Junagarh                                     112) Privy Purse in India was abolished during
         3. Sikkim                                          the term of
         4. Nagaland                                            a) Jawaharlal Nehru
Select the correct answer code:                                 b) Morarji Desai
         a) 2, 3                                                c) Rajiv Gandhi
         b) 1, 4                                                d) Indira Gandhi
         c) 1, 2, 3
         d) 3, 4                                         113) Consider the following statements
                                                             regarding Indo–Soviet Treaty of Peace,
109)   Consider the following statements.                    Friendship and Cooperation.
       1. The first Five Year Plan was based on the               1. Indo–Soviet Treaty of Peace, Friendship
       ideas of Mahalanobis, which laid down the         and Cooperation was a significant deviation from
       basic ideas regarding goals of Indian             India's previous position of non-alignment during
       planning.                                         the Cold War.
       2. The Second Five Year Plan tried to build                2. The treaty played an important role in
       the basis for a socialist pattern of society.     Sino-Indian War of 1962.
       3. In the first seven five-year plans, trade      Which of the above statements is/are correct?
       was characterised by import substitution                   a) 1 only
       strategy.                                                  b) 2 only
Which of the above statements is/are correct?                     c) Both 1 and 2
       a) 1, 2                                                    d) Neither 1 nor 2
       b) 1, 3
       c) 2, 3                                           114)    Operation Searchlight is related to
       d) 1, 2, 3                                                a) Sino-Indian War
                                                                 b) Bangladesh Liberation War
110) Consider the following statements                           c) First Kashmir War
   regarding Five Year Plans in India.                           d) None of the above
       1. The duration of plan holiday was from
       1966 to 1969.                                     115) Bhoodan movement, a voluntary land
       2. “Garibi Hatao” slogan was given during             reform movement in India, also advocated
       Fourth Five Year Plan.                                     1. Gramdan (village in gift)
       3. Third Five Year Plan was based on the                   2. Common ownership of land
       P.C. Mahalanobis Model.                           Select the correct answer code:
Which of the above statements is/are correct?                     a) 1 only
       a) 1, 2                                                    b) 2 only
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        c) Both 1 and 2                                          1. Lee Commission - Civil services
        d) None of the above                                     2. Macdonnel commission - Public services
                                                                 3. Sargent plan – Education
116) According to later vedic period, which of the               4. Aitchison commission – Press
    following are correctly matched?                    Select the correct answer code:
         1. Rajasuya - Chariot race                              a) 1, 2, 3
         2. Asvamedha - Horse sacrifice                          b) 1, 3
         3. Vajpeya - Consecration ceremony                      c) 1, 3, 4
Select the correct answer code:                                  d) 2, 4
         a) 1, 2
         b) 2 only
         c) 1, 3
         d) 2, 3

117) Consider the following statements
    regarding Rig Vedic Aryans.
        1. There are no evidences of the use of Iron
by Rig Vedic Aryans.
        2. Trade was conducted on barter system.
        3. Gold coins called nishka were used as
media of exchange in large transactions.
Which of the above statements is/are incorrect?
        a) 1 only
        b) 2, 3
        c) 1, 2
        d) 1, 3

118) Consider the following statements
   regarding early vedic period.
       1. Only male gods like Prithvi, Agni, Vayu,
Varuna, and Indra were worshipped.
       2. There were no temples and no idol
worship during the early Vedic period.
Which of the above statements is/are correct?
       a) 1 only
       b) 2 only
       c) Both 1 and 2
       d) Neither 1 nor 2

119)   Consider the following statements
       1. In the Fourth Anglo-Mysore War, the
       combined forces of the British East India
       Company and the Nizam of Hyderabad
       defeated Tipu Sultan.
       2. After Tipu Sultan was killed in the Battle
       of Seringapatam, Mysore was placed under
       Wodeyars – the former ruling dynasty.
Which of the above statements is/are correct?
       a) 1 only
       b) 2 only
       c) Both 1 and 2
       d) Neither 1 nor 2

120) Which of the following pairs is/are correctly
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