COMMUNITY ACTIVITY PACK - 11-20 March 2022 A set of activities that can be delivered as part of a community group setting ...

Page created by Armando Townsend
COMMUNITY ACTIVITY PACK - 11-20 March 2022 A set of activities that can be delivered as part of a community group setting ...
                           11-20 March 2022
A set of activities that can be delivered as
       part of a community group setting,
               with young people or adults

Delivered by       Principal Partners
COMMUNITY ACTIVITY PACK - 11-20 March 2022 A set of activities that can be delivered as part of a community group setting ...
This activity pack is a one-stop shop to
support you with creating activities to run
during British Science Week, but you can use
it all year round! Feel free to adapt or extend
any of the activities to suit your audience’s
needs – we’ve chosen a selection of ideas to
suit various age groups, abilities and settings.
                                                   poster competi
W                                                r
         e’ve looked for activities
         which promote learning
         and discovery that breaks
                                                u                tion

down the stereotypes surrounding

science, technology, engineering and
                                            If you’re working with young people as part
maths (STEM). We encourage you
                                            of your British Science Week celebrations,
to use British Science Week as an
                                            why not challenge them to design a poster
opportunity to link science to other
                                            based on the activities in this pack and
topics relevant to your audience,
                                            enter it into our poster competition? Simply
including their own backgrounds,
                                            look out for the activities marked with the
lives and interests.
                                            paintbrush symbol shown opposite! The
                                            theme for this year’s poster competition is
Find an activity near you:                  ‘Growth’, and you can find more information
                                            on how to enter on page 20        and at
British Science Week is a nationwide
event – there are events and
                                            activities/poster-competition .
activities taking place all around
the UK! You can create your own
activity and see what activities are
happening near you.

Visit    to find out
about all sorts of science-related
events in your area.

BRITISH SCIENCE WEEK 2022 COMMUNITY                                                        2
COMMUNITY ACTIVITY PACK - 11-20 March 2022 A set of activities that can be delivered as part of a community group setting ...


4 Introducing the theme
5        Making the most of volunteers
6        British Science Week at home
7        Gathering resources in advance of the Week
8        Unlocking skills
9        WeCount to get about
11       Growing spaghetti towers
12       Aviation creation
13       Engineer an ecosystem
14       Ingenious gentoos
17       Wake me up before you grow-grow
18       Making microscopic machines
20       Poster competition

BRITISH SCIENCE WEEK 2022 COMMUNITY                   3
COMMUNITY ACTIVITY PACK - 11-20 March 2022 A set of activities that can be delivered as part of a community group setting ...


      he theme this year for British        We recommend that you introduce             Invite a special guest or someone
      Science Week is ‘Growth’! A           the theme to your audience in a fun,        from the community to share
      fitting theme for what has been       imaginative way at the start of your        with your audience their own
a turbulent time for all of us, ‘Growth’    activity, to get them excited about         experience of growth (for example,
links with multiple areas across science,   the week ahead! Check out some              how they started their career and
technology, engineering and maths.          ideas below:                                gained their expertise), showing
Whether you decide to explore plant                                                     how great things can start from
                                               Share your brilliant activities,
growth in your window box or discuss                                                    small beginnings. See page 5
                                               vlogs or images on social
the impacts of economic growth on                                                       for information on how to get
                                               media! Join the conversation
our society, or even consider your own                                                  volunteers.
                                               or see what’s happening during
personal growth over the last 12
                                               the Week by tagging the British       Here are some other ideas to include to
months, ‘Growth’ offers a huge range
                                               Science Association                   start the week:
of topics to delve into as part of your
                                               (@ScienceWeekUK ) and
British Science Week 2022 activities.                                                   Tell your audience about the
                                               using the hashtag #BSW22.
                                                                                        plan for the Week and give
Population growth and urban
                                               Try a game, give an audio-visual         them a challenge related to the
development could be a fantastic topic
                                               presentation, explore a mystery          theme. If you are sending home
to explore in our poster competition. Or
                                               or special object, or create a pop-      an experiment, maybe you could
how about the evolution of construction
                                               up display which communicates            introduce or demo it at your setting
and engineering – have you seen how
                                               the theme of ‘Growth’. These are         first.
quickly a skyscraper can grow with
                                               great to use as fun warm-up
modern building methods?                                                                Growth is all around us. Where
                                               activities and are a fantastic way
                                                                                        has the topic of growth been in the
Human growth is another area                   to start British Science Week.
                                                                                        news or your local area? In which
that offers endless opportunities
                                               Encourage your audience to               case can growth be good or bad? Is
for investigation. Why not use the
                                               come up with an acrostic poem            there any way you can encourage
human lifecycle as a topic for a group
                                               for GROWTH by asking them what           conversations about this with your
discussion, or create a poster which
                                               comes to mind when they hear it.         audience?
explores the building blocks of life?
                                               You can even turn their acrostic
                                                                                        If you’re working with young
We can find examples of growth within          poem into a jingle which you can
                                                                                        people, then encourage them to
all subjects and all around us, making         sing with them throughout the
                                                                                        get involved in the annual poster
it an excellent starting point for a           Week to help them remember
                                                                                        competition. See page 20     of this
celebration of science! The theme is to        their ideas.
                                                                                        pack for more details.
give you inspiration, you can also use
                                               Engage your audience by
your own ideas to create your event.
                                               discussing how growth is part of
We’d love to find out what ‘Growth’            people, plants, animals, materials,
means to you and how you’d like to             countries and other things in their
see that reflected in our events and           everyday lives. What are good
activities, so please do get in touch and      examples of growth?
let us know what you think!

 BRITISH SCIENCE WEEK 2022 COMMUNITY                                                                                     4
COMMUNITY ACTIVITY PACK - 11-20 March 2022 A set of activities that can be delivered as part of a community group setting ...


While face-to-face activities and
events are now possible, don’t forget
that there are still opportunities to get
volunteers and presenters to engage
with your audience online.

      TEM Ambassadors are volunteers      your audience. The volunteer could       audience might have about
      who offer their time and            highlight how they grew to be            science or scientists in order to
      enthusiasm to help bring science    an expert in their field, or what        promote a more positive attitude
and technology subjects to life, and      significant contributions they have      towards the subject. Let the
to demonstrate their value to young       made to bring about that growth.         volunteers/ambassadors share
people. It is now possible to request                                              what inspires them and how their
                                          Schedule two or three different
both in-person and remote STEM                                                     job is making a difference in the
                                          guests for open conversations
Ambassador support, meaning that                                                   world, or an anecdote of a science
                                          and discussions during the Week,
Ambassadors from across the UK can                                                 activity they really enjoy.
                                          if possible, to get your audience
inspire young people wherever they are.
                                          anticipating who the next guest          Book your visitors early (as many
                                          will be and what they do. Consider       speakers get booked up during
Find out more and make a request
                                          your audience and how to make            British Science Week). Have a
for STEM Ambassador support here:
                                          it engaging, fun, accessible and         clear idea of what you want them
                                          include an element of audience           to do and communicate this with
find-a-stem-ambassador .
                                          participation. These sorts of            them ahead of time.
                                          experiences can be intimidating
You can also look for presenters                                                Volunteers come from a range
                                          if your audience isn’t comfortable
and volunteers via Science Live                                                 of careers and experiences, from
                                          grilling an expert on a particular
( ), or why not ask                                              engineers, designers and architects
                                          subject – so giving them a bit of
members of your community group                                                 to scientists and technicians, so get
                                          advance warning can help. It’s
if they work in STEM-related jobs to                                            your audience looking forward to
                                          also worth briefing your speakers
describe what they do in more detail,                                           inspirational talks which broaden their
                                          in advance too – to make sure
or know anyone who does.                                                        horizons and make them question their
                                          they know what to expect and to
                                                                                own preconceptions about science!
                                          encourage them to be as inspiring,
You could also try some of the
                                          open, honest and inclusive as they
following things:                                                               Visit the Inspiring the Future website
                                          can be.
                                                                                ( ) for some
   Kick off British Science Week          Where available, choose               helpful ideas for using volunteers,
   with a career talk or demo from        volunteers/ambassadors who            some of which may be transferable
   an inspiring volunteer to engage       challenge stereotypes your            when using remote engagement.

BRITISH SCIENCE WEEK 2022 COMMUNITY                                                                                   5


Do you want to help your audience carry on
participating in British Science Week at home,
but are not sure how? Here are our top tips for
engaging them with the Week.
   Make the most of chat group          Encourage exploring outdoors, in          Send an experiment idea home
   and text messaging services if       the community or in local cultural        during the Week to perhaps
   you have them. Let your audience     spots. This could be anything from        spark mealtime discussions
   know at least a month in advance     going on a nature walk around             around science. Try to make it
   of the Week what you have            local parks to spotting STEM in           as low-resource as possible. It
   planned, and how you’d like them     action in the neighbourhood.              can help if it’s something your
   to be involved. They might be able                                             audience have tried or seen first
                                        If you’re working with young
   to collect or donate materials for                                             so that they feel like the ‘experts’
                                        people, many of the BSA’s CREST
   use during the Week, and if you                                                when they do it at home with
                                        activities are quick and easy to
   want them to get involved in any                                               family, allowing them to lead the
                                        do as fun outdoor activities. Find
   experiments at home they may                                                   learning.
                                        them here:
   need time to plan and collect
                               .   In addition to this pack, there are lots
   materials themselves.
                                                                               of other useful ideas for take-home
                                                                               activities from series such as this
                                                                               one from the Royal Institution:

BRITISH SCIENCE WEEK 2022 COMMUNITY                                                                                   6


Running activities as part of British Science
Week needn’t be expensive. In fact, there’s
lots of ways to gather resources, which are
low-cost and sustainable – although you
might need to do a bit of prep in advance!

   f you can, try to collect materials   cars, or spaceships! Look at
   all year round that can be cleaned       to find
   for use during British Science        a UK directory of scrap stores.
   Week. We have designed our
                                            Take photographs when out
activities to be easy to run at home,
                                            and about and share these with
so they don’t need lots of fancy
                                            your audience to encourage
equipment! You could also check to
                                            conversation and raise their level
see whether there is a scrap shop/
                                            of understanding about growth –
store/club open in your local area.
                                            plants, building structures, etc.
These shops are often membership
based and are a brilliant, inexpensive      Collect reference books, fiction
or free resource for card, plastic,         books and other resources leading
bits of material – all sorts. These         to the theme ‘Growth’ and put on
things can be turned into rockets,          display to create a themed library.

BRITISH SCIENCE WEEK 2022 COMMUNITY                                                7

2022                                                     Observant



A fantastic way to encourage your audience
to take an interest in STEM is to introduce
them to the transferable skills used by those
working in STEM-related jobs.
     y highlighting that lots of these      See the table below for the complete             Encourage your audience to run
     skills are shared amongst              list of skills developed by NUSTEM               their own activities during British
     your audience, it will hopefully       to use as a talking point or to share            Science Week. They could either
strengthen positive attitudes and           with other groups. Or, as a little bit of        run activities for other members
reduce the stereotypes often applied to     motivation, why not award each of                of the group or run some activities
those working in the field.                 your audience with a certificate for a           with their family, taking photos to
                                            STEM skill which they demonstrate                present back to your group.
You could, for example, engage your         very well during the Week?
                                                                                             Ask your audience to research
audience in this STEM Person of the
                                                                                             how growth has influenced the
Week (
                                            Get your audience                                way we live our lives today and
the-week ) activity from NUSTEM
                                            leading the way                                  then write a report for the group’s
at Northumbria University. Ask your
                                                                                             newsletter or website.
audience to identify what attributes        A great way to encourage your
people working in STEM need. These          audience’s interest in STEM is by                Encourage your audience to
might include being observant,              letting them lead the way. Here’s how            design and create their own
creative, patient, good communicator,       you can help them along:                         display, such as a display of
or curious. Look out for the skills set                                                      scientists through time. This could
tags for each activity in this pack.                                                         be a photo exhibit that emphasises
                                                                                             the diversity of scientists, and
                                                                                             which helps to overcome the
                                                                                             ‘scientist in a white lab coat’

          Observant                       Open-minded                      Committed                         Tenacious
           Creative                        Imaginative                       Patient                      Collaborative
           Resilient                      Communicator                     Passionate                        Organised
           Curious                    Self-motivated                     Hard-working                         Logical

BRITISH SCIENCE WEEK 2022 COMMUNITY                                                                                           8
                                                                                    What changes do you think need to be

WeCount                                                                             made on this street to make them more
                                                                                    people-,bike-, and scooter-friendly?

TO GET ABOUT                                                                 6 Brainstorm solutions per group and write
                                                                               on a poster: “How can we help people
                                                                               walk or cycle more locally?” Share your
This activity allows members of your group to understand
                                                                               solutions with the wider group.
what climate change is and the impact of road transport
on emissions. Members of your group will zoom in on how
their journeys can impact emissions. Will there be growth in
                                                                                  Get everyone involved
the number of people who walk, cycle and scoot their way
around their towns and cities in the near future?                            Younger ones: Make a poster of your idea on
                                                                             how to make your street more people-, bike-,
   1 hour
                                                                             and scooter-friendly. You could submit this as
Skill set: Committed, imaginative, observant                                 an entry to the British Science Week poster
                                                                             competition, or stick them on your front
                                                                             window to inspire others.
     Kit list                  Instructions                                  Older children: Choose a few people you
                         1   Start by reflecting on what climate change      could interview and ask: Would you like fewer
Printed Google maps          is, and what activities you are aware of that   cars on the road, and why? For example,
of your community            contribute to it? How might we reduce the       you could ask your parents, grandparents,
centre and                   emissions we produce? Read and share the        teachers or local shopkeepers: What solutions
surrounding roads on         fact sheet on the next page to find out more.   could you come up with to reduce cars on
an A4 piece of paper.                                                        the road based on the results? Write up your
                         2 Using your maps, draw your own route
Allow space around                                                           answers, ready to share the following week.
                           to your location, including any obstacles
the map for a key and      that made your journey longer or more
beneath the map to                                                           Adults: By completing this activity, your group
                           dangerous. Include a key and write any
write your challenges.                                                       could be working towards Modeshift STARS
                           challenges you faced on the route. Discuss
                                                                             accreditation. Find out more and sign up at:
                           with the rest of the group the different
A tally chart              ways you travelled to your location.
on a flipchart/
                         3 Watch this video
whiteboard with
separate columns
                           traffic-survey . Count the number                      Next steps
                           of pedestrians, cyclists, cars and heavy
for cars, pedestrians,                                                          WeCount is a Horizon2020 funded citizen
                           vehicles. Nominate one member to tally the
cyclists and heavy                                                              science project under grant agreement
                           answers, as the rest of the group calls out
vehicles.                                                                       872743. Find out more at: .
                           the transport mode.
                                                                                The initiative for Digital Engineering
                         4 Head to: . Zoom out                   Technology and Innovation (DETI) aims to
                           to Europe to show the number of active               show how digital technology can be used
                           sensors. Zoom in to a particular location            to engineer a better world. Find out more
                           (an active street near your town/city if             at: .
                           possible) and click ‘more data’.
                                Which type of transport is the highest
                                                                                  Career options
                                for this street?
                                                                             Engineers find solutions to problems. We now
                                How might the street design affect this?
                                                                             understand that we need to reduce car travel,
                         5 Scroll down to ‘overview per day’.                but some street designs do not help people
                                                                             feel safe to walk or cycle. Maybe you would
                                What day(s) have the most amounts
                                                                             like to be a traffic engineer who monitors our
                                of traffic?
                                                                             journeys to see how they can improve the
                                What times of day are busiest?               design of our streets, to make it easier for us
                                Why might that be?                           to get about safely?

BRITISH SCIENCE WEEK 2022 COMMUNITY                                                                                        9

                                                                                                                                These activities produce
                                                                                                                                   greenhouse gases,
                                                                                                                                 creating a layer around
                                                                                                                                the planet that traps the
                                                                                                                                sun’s rays to heat up the
                               Electricity and heating

Using more than we need        Our current actions           Food                                                                     Consequence of action

                                                                                                    This leads to an increase
                            Many of our daily actions                                                in global temperatures,
                              result in burning fossil                                                causing climate chaos.
                            fuels. When we drive our
                            cars, fire up a gas boiler,                                                                                    Temperatures are
                             or use electricity from a                                                                                 continuing to rise and we
                                                          Transport                                                                    need to act now to reduce
                            coal-fired power station.
                                                                                                                                              the impacts.

                                                              We have the solutions! What will you do?

    Above:                            Climate change is caused by greenhouse                             homes and to our schools – and solutions to
    Image adapted from                gases trapping heat in the world. The                              reducing emissions.
    original by ClairCity Project     greenhouse gases are released when fossil
                                      fuels are burnt and produce emissions. For                         Technology can help us better collect traffic          more resources, visit:                                             data – this is digital engineering. Speed
    uploads/2020/05/CC-                                    cameras for example, measure vehicle
    infographic.png .                 schools-pack-resources .                                           speeds. Some sensors measure air pollution
                                                                                                         particles in the air, while others count the
                                      About a quarter (27%) of the UK’s carbon                           number of different types of transport, like
                                      emissions come from transport, as well as                          pedestrians, cars and bikes. People across
                                      being the main source of toxic air pollution.                      Europe are currently counting traffic from
                                      And our car use has doubled since the                              their homes so they can use this evidence to
                                      1980s. To reduce the impact of climate                             reduce the number of cars and increase the
                                      change, we need to reduce our emissions.                           number of cyclists, scooters and pedestrians.
                                      So we need to shrink our car use, and grow
                                      how much we walk and cycle about. Think                            How can we help people walk or cycle
                                      about transport – how we get about from our                        more locally?

      BRITISH SCIENCE WEEK 2022 COMMUNITY                                                                                                                          10

GROWING                                                                     Older children: Work together and discuss
                                                                            your designs. Investigate the best way you

SPAGHETTI TOWERS                                                            can make the tower stand for more than
                                                                            30 seconds.

There is an increase in the construction of skyscrapers                     Adults: Supervise the activity and give
and high-rise buildings to accommodate the growing                          everyone time to share ideas about building
population and rapid urbanisation in most cities. This                      the tower.
activity will introduce the basic design and engineering
principles mainly used in constructing buildings. How
                                                                                 Watch out
tall can you build your building?
                                                                               The marshmallows can get sticky. Wash
   15 -20 minutes
                                                                               your hands after construction.
Skill set Collaborative, creative, tenacious
                                                                               Spaghetti can be sharp. Be careful when
                                                                               using it to avoid any injuries e.g. eye
                                                                               Do not eat the marshmallows in this
                                 Instructions                                  activity.
       Kit list
                            1   Work in pairs or small groups to design
  A packet of dried             and build the tallest tower out of dried         Next steps
  spaghetti                     spaghetti and marshmallows. Think about
                                                                            We would love to see your spaghetti towers.
                                the ‘building materials’ you have been
  A packet of mini                                                          Please take a photo of your tower and email
                                given. What are the properties of the
  marshmallows for                                                          the image to ,
                                spaghetti and the marshmallows? What
  each pair/group                                                           then log onto our website to
                                could they be used for?
                                                                            see the towers built by others during British
  Paper                     2 Roughly sketch a design for your tower –      Science Week 2022. Or you could share it on
                              how will you ensure the tower is strong       Twitter at #BSW22.
  Pencils for sketching       enough to grow tall? Think about strong
  designs                     shapes such as triangles, how will you
                              reinforce your structure?                          At home
  Optional tower
  decoration                3 Once you have agreed on your design,          Think about the buildings you pass on your
                              start building! Did you need to make any      way to/from school, work or when going to
                              modifications to your design once you         the shops.
                              started construction?
                                                                               How are the buildings reinforced?
                            4 If you have time, you may like to add
                                                                               What makes them strong?
                              paper decoration to your tower. Once
                              complete, the tower will need to stand           How are they designed? How are they built?
                              for at least 30 seconds. You can break
                                                                               How are tall buildings able to stay upright?
                              the spaghetti and/or marshmallows into
                              smaller pieces if that helps your design.
                            5 Take a deep breath and admire your                 Career options
                              spaghetti tower construction!
                                                                            You can take a number of qualifications or
                                                                            higher-level apprenticeships if you wish to
                                                                            pursue a career in this area, for example an
                                 Get everyone involved                      Higher National Certificate in construction.
                            Younger ones: Make paper decorations for        There are a huge number of jobs available
                            the tower. Share your ideas to help build the   such as architectural technologist, building
                            final design.                                   surveyor or structural engineer.

 BRITISH SCIENCE WEEK 2022 COMMUNITY                                                                                        11

Design and build your very own aeroplane while
discovering the huge growth in technology and
innovation from early aeroplanes to modern jets.
This activity will encourage you to be curious about flight
and get creative working on a project with family and
friends. If you’re working with a group of people, then
why not create your own fleet of aircraft?
   1 Hour
                                                                                Get everyone involved
Skill set Creative, curious, imaginative
                                                                           Younger ones: Help with the aeroplane
                                                                           decoration! Tell everyone why you chose that
                                                                           decoration. Why not also design a special
                                                                           logo, like an RAF roundel to put on your
                                                                           aircraft and share your idea?
         Kit list                Instructions
  Pencils or pens          1   Research the changes in aeroplane design    Older children: When the group has come up
                               using the RAF Museum activity pack          with the design, list down all the features of
  Paper                        (           your aeroplane and what they are used for.
  Computer (optional)          family-resources ).                         You can make a table of the features, or a
                                                                           poster of your aircraft labelling the parts and
  Scissors                 2 Choose a task or job that you would like
                                                                           what they are used for.
                             an aeroplane to do for you. Think about
  Glue                       the different features of the planes you’ve
                                                                           Adults: While the children are completing
                             researched and which would be most
  Tape                                                                     their aviation creations, see if you can find a
                             suitable for your task.
                                                                           box that can be used as the backdrop for the
  Junk modelling           3 Draw up a design for your aeroplane.          plane/s. Cut out the front panel so that the
  material –                 You can sketch it out or use a computer.      box becomes a stage, with the sides forming
  cardboard, paper,
                             Don’t forget to think about the task          the sky, and the base of the box the airfield.
  plastic, whatever
  you can find!              you’ve selected.
                           4 Make your aeroplane! Use materials from
  Natural materials          around the house, or head out and find             Watch out
  – sticks, leaves,          materials in your local area. Get some
  stones etc.                                                                 Be careful if using scissors to create your
                             friends or family to help you.
                                                                              aeroplane, and wear an apron to protect
                           5 When you have collected your materials,          clothing if using glue.
                             it’s time to assemble your plane. You will
                                                                              Be careful when gathering your materials
                             need to help each other out.
                                                                              and make sure young people and children
                           6 When you have finished, think and                are not left unattended when looking for
                             talk about:                                      materials in your local area.
                                   Which jobs/tasks are aeroplanes
                                   used for?
                                                                                Next steps
                                   Why are aeroplanes different shapes
                                                                              When you’ve made your aircraft, share
                                   and sizes?
                                                                              your designs! Make a backdrop to
                                   Do you think more modern aeroplanes        display your aeroplane against, including
                                   are always better?                         information about what it will be used for.
                                   How can we reduce the emissions of         Share it with friends, family and with the RAF
                                   aeroplanes or improve their impact on      Museum on social media, they would love to
                                   the environment?                           see your creations! @RAFMUSEUM

 BRITISH SCIENCE WEEK 2022 COMMUNITY                                                                                      12
                                                                            stay healthy inside your terrarium. Is this

                                                                            the same for all plants? Consider what light,
                                                                            heat and water they might need. Why not

                                                                            watch this video from RHS on creating your
                                                                            first terrarium:
                                                                            terrarium-Houseplant-101-RHS .
A terrarium is like a miniature greenhouse
                                                                            Adults: Give everyone the chance to talk about
providing the plants inside with everything they
                                                                            their plans to keep the plants healthy inside
need to grow. The soil in the bottom provides
                                                                            the terrarium. Check out the Houseplant 101
nutrients and the plants produce water that
condenses on the walls of the terrarium where it
                                                                            Houseplant-101-RHS)         with the RHS for
flows back into the soil to be used again.
                                                                            some guidance before you start your activity.
   30 minutes                                                               Get everyone to help tidy up and clean after the
                                                                            activity as this can be messy.
Skill set Creative, logical, organised

                                                                                 Watch out
       Kit list                   Instructions                                 The soil should be sterilised to reduce
                                                                               the growth of bacteria and other
                            1   Look up the type of plants you want to
  Three or four plants                                                         microorganisms that might harm the plants,
  suited to the same            grow and check what type of environment
                                                                               so make sure you buy compost and don’t
  environment                   they need
                                                                               use garden soil, or home-made compost.
                                plants , Make sure you choose ones
  Clean glass jar,              that like the same conditions. Succulents      Avoid leaving the terrarium in direct
  medium size                   are an easy option as they don’t need          sunlight, and don’t over water it!
                                much water.
  Small rocks                                                                  Don’t forget to trim the plants if they
                            2 Add a layer of small stones about three          grow too tall, and carefully remove any
  Compost (use shop-          stones deep to the bottom of the glass jar.      brown or yellow leaves.
  bought compost              This allows water to drain from the soil.
  that is heat treated/                                                        This activity can be messy, make sure
  sterilised - don’t        3 If you’re using activated charcoal, add          that you cover the areas that you will be
  use garden soil or          this layer now. This reduces the growth of       making your terrarium on so that you
  homemade compost)           bacteria and absorbs excess moisture. You        don’t get soil everywhere!
                              need just enough to cover the stones.
  Watering can or
  sprayer                   4 Add a layer of soil so the jar is about
                                                                                 Next steps
                              half full.
  Activated charcoal                                                        Salters’ Institute Experiment of the Month,
  (optional)                5 Finally, add your little plants so they fit
                                                                            created in collaboration with Science Sparks,
                              neatly and spray with water.
                                                                            brings chemistry and science to life for the
  Small decorations         6 If your plants prefer a humid environment,    whole family. See the whole collection at
  (optional)                  place a lid on the terrarium to retain , From Erupting
                              moisture. Your terrarium will mostly look     Lemons to Brilliant Bubbles, we have
                              after itself, but may need a little extra     something for every scientist!
                              water if the soil looks or feels dry.

                                                                                 Career options
                                  Get everyone involved                     Keeping plants healthy is not easy. Different
                            Younger ones: Decorate your terrarium           plants need different amounts of water, light
                            by adding small decorations such as toy         and humidity. Agriculture and Horticultural
                            toadstools, pine cones or decorated rocks.      scientists specialise in growing plants and
                                                                            crops, solving problems relating to the
                            Older children: Discuss what conditions you     environment, including dealing with pests and
                            need to maintain to make sure your plants       conservation and even developing new plants!

 BRITISH SCIENCE WEEK 2022 COMMUNITY                                                                                       13

Can you build your own nest like a gentoo
penguin, and test the strength and stability of the
nest under windy and rainy conditions?
   30 minutes
Skill set: Collaborative, committed, patient

                          Located on a tiny island just off the Antarctic   5 Once all the nests are built, test how they
     Kit list             Peninsula is a small museum and post office,        would hold together in different weathers.
                          and many years ago they were the birthplace
                                                                                   What will happen to your nest on a
An outside                of climate science as we know it today.
                                                                                   windy day?
environment e.g.
playground, school        Antarctica is warming, and this has
                                                                                   What will happen to your nest in
field, shrubby area       implications for many species.
                                                                                   rainy weather?
                          The island is home to a particularly loud
Nest building material                                                             What works well and what could be
                          colony of gentoo penguins, and for the
e.g. pebbles, feathers,                                                            improved?
                          species to survive and thrive in this changing
stones, twigs             environment, they have adjusted their habitat            Can you think of any other threats to
Pretend beaks             and food choices, adapting to the impacts of             the nests? e.g. stone poaching, skua
chopsticks, pegs, or      climate change.                                          dive bombing, heavy snowfall, sneaky
folded card                                                                        sheathbills, careless trampling by seals
                                Instructions                                       or people?
A watering can            1   Share or read the fact sheet about            6 Make a record of your results. You could
                              gentoos. See the penguins in action at          take photographs or make drawings.
A strong fan
                     . Can you build a nest
                                                                            7 Present your findings. Be as creative in
                              like a gentoo?
                                                                              your presentation as you want!
                          2 Get into pairs and gather your equipment.
                            You will be using the equipment to build
                            a nest and then test it in the ‘rain’ and
                                                                                 Get everyone involved
                            ‘wind’.                                         Younger ones: Discuss what you learned about
                                                                            gentoo penguins. Describe your favourite fact
                          3 Discuss these ideas:
                                                                            about them and why. You can even draw a
                                  What materials will you use?              penguin colony and their environment and send
                                                                            them to .
                                  How will you fix your nest together?
                                                                            Older children: Design a postcard to send
                                  How will you record your results?
                                                                            to a friend to tell them about the gentoo
                          4 Collect your pretend beak and practice          penguins. Draw and colour a picture on one
                            using it.                                       side and write your favourite interesting fact
                                                                            about them on the other.
                                                                            Adults: Try a mix of older and younger
                                                                            children in pairs. Make it a timed challenge
                                                                            and supervise the final testing of the nests.

                              BRITISH SCIENCE WEEK 2022 COMMUNITY                                                           14

Allow time so that everyone can discuss what
was successful and what didn’t work. Older
members can also take turns in reading aloud
each section from the fact sheet to the group.
Make a quiz before or after building the nests
to keep the members of the group engaged.

     Watch out
   Listen to an adult about doing outdoor
   work safely.
   Check that the area is free of unsuitable
   materials e.g. animal faeces, broken glass
   or tin cans, and hazardous plants such as
   stinging nettles.
   Do not put the beaks in your mouths.
   Wash hands after working outdoors and
   handling nest building materials.

     Next steps
Research how you think gentoo penguins
adapt to climate change compared to other
penguin species.

     Career options
The UK Antarctic Heritage Trust (UKAHT)
delivers public programmes to engage and
inspire people of all ages with 250 years of
British human endeavour in Antarctica.
They work with artefact experts, climate
scientists, explorers, data scientists to name
a few that contributed to what we know of
Antarctica today. Learn more about them at .


   Species: Pygoscelis papua
   Height: 30in (76cm)
                                                                Did you know?
   Breeding season: November to March
                                                                   Gentoos have streamlined bodies and strong
   Total breeding population: 314,000 pairs                        flippers. They can propel themselves underwater
   Favourite food: Krill, fish, shrimp, crustaceans                at up to 22 miles an hour, faster than any other
                                                                   Penguins have excellent eyesight both on land and
                                                                   at sea.
                                                                   We’re seeing gentoo penguins increasing their
Appearance & behaviour                                             range/spreading southward towards the pole as
                                                                   their environment changes in recent decades. They
Gentoo penguins are black with a white tummy, a                    can be an inspiration on how we respond to our
distinctive white patch above each eye and a bright orange         warming planet.
bill. They have pink webbed feet and prominent ‘brush’ tails.
They are quite shy and laid back, and spend most of their          UKAHT’s base in Port Lockroy has other visitors!
day hunting and venture to far off places in search of food.       Adelie and Chinstrap penguins often come to Port
                                                                   Lockroy, they sometimes see King and Emperor
                                                                   penguins too.

Breeding                                                        Habitat
Gentoos often return to the same spot each year to              Gentoos are found in the Southern Hemisphere and
breed. Their nests are made from pebbles, bones and             their favourite place to live is the Antarctic Peninsula
feathers and can contain as many as 1,700 individual            and sub-Antarctic Islands. Whilst they spend lots of
stones! Gentoos normally lay two eggs which are incubated       time in water, they like to nest in rocky areas free of
by both parents for around 35 days. Once hatched, chicks        snow and ice, which is why Goudier Island (where the
are guarded before they leave the nest and form crèches         post office in Port Lockroy is located) is the perfect
- a protective group of baby penguins. They continue to         location.
be fed by both parents until they fledge on their own at
 almost three months.  

Predators & threats                                             Moulting
Gentoos have a number of predators including skuas,             After breeding, the parents moult for around 15-20
sheathbills and leopard seals. The leopard seals can be         days. The old feathers are replaced by new ones.
found in the waters around Port Lockroy and are seen more       Penguins remain ashore during the entire moult
regularly at the end of the season as the chicks begin to       period and therefore cannot feed (waterproofing effect
move into the water. In 2007 the gentoo species received        of feathers is lost until new feathers have fully grown).
a near-threatened status by the International Union for         Consequently, all penguins undergo an intense, pre-
Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Following a reappraisal          moult food foraging period in which they increase
of population trends, the gentoo penguin is currently           their body weight by up to 70%!
 designated as “Least Concern” the IUCN.

    BRITISH SCIENCE WEEK 2022 COMMUNITY                                                                                     16

Studies have shown that playing music to plants can
promote faster growth. In this activity, you will compare
the growth of at least two different bean plants, with one
being played music and one without music. If you use
more plants, try different music genres to see if this also
has an effect on growth.
   30 minutes a day
Skill set Observant, organised, patient

       Kit list                 Instructions                               Older children: Design a table to record the
                                                                           heights over time. Will you choose to measure
  Music source             1   Place your bean plants in separate rooms
                                                                           the height every day or once a week?
                               ideally with similar conditions e.g. same
  Two bean plant pots          amount of daylight.
  (this can be more                                                        Adults: Ensure the conditions of the rooms that
  if you want to           2 Measure your plants and record their          each plant are in remain as similar as possible.
  explore different          heights before you start playing music.
  genres of music)         3 Play music to one of your bean plants for          Watch out
                             at least 30 minutes a day. Make sure the
                                                                              Make sure the bean plants are placed
                             genre of music remains the same.
                                                                              somewhere that they can’t be easily
                           4 Water and look after each plant in the           knocked over.
                             same way – the only variable is the music
                                                                              Wash your hands after handling the soil
                             being played to one of the plants with one
                                                                              or the plants.
                             plant having no music at all.
                           5 After a length of time of your choice (two
                             weeks, a month) measure the heights of             Next steps
                             your plants.
                                                                           Read about some of the research and
                                                                           experiments that have explored how music
                                                                           has an effect on plant growth: dengarden.
                                Get everyone involved                      com/gardening/the-effect-of-music-on-
                           Younger ones: Water the plants with care        plant-growth .
                           and choose the music. As an extension of
                           this experiment, you can use this activity to
                           develop observational skills and appreciation
                                                                                Career options
                           of the natural world. As well as thinking
                           about what sounds help plants to grow. Think    There are many diverse career options if you
                           about what sounds plants make? Draw your        are passionate about plants. You can specialise
                           own sound map of the sounds you can hear        in lots of different areas depending on your
                           outside using this guide: schoolgardening.      interests. For example, botanical science,
                            horticulture, plant videographer, ecologist,
                           Sound-Map .                                     forestry work or soil science.

 BRITISH SCIENCE WEEK 2022 COMMUNITY                                                                                     17
                                                                              Get everyone involved

MAKING MICROSCOPIC                                                       Younger ones: You can take turns in binding
                                                                         one protein at a time to the molecule. Discuss

MACHINES                                                                 why you chose that protein and how it fits
                                                                         the molecule.

Your body contains thousands of tiny machines, called proteins.          Older children: You can work by yourself or, if
Proteins are made of smaller building blocks, called amino acids         there are larger numbers you can make teams
that form long chains. Their order and shape makes them                  and mixed groups. Record different sequences
‘bind’ with other molecules and this determines how they                 you can make in one minute – the one with
work. In this activity, you will build your own tiny machines            most sequences written in a minute wins.
and think about how their sequence and shape matters.
                                                                         Adults: You can cut the amino acid shapes
   30 minutes
                                                                         ahead of time and keep the answers away.
Skill set: Logical, organised, patient                                   Be encouraging as it can take time to get
                                                                         the answers right. Adults can help out with
                                                                         the tricky bits. They can be time-keepers if
                                                                         the group decides to adapt the activity as a
                                                                         game where the one with the most different
      Kit list                  Instructions                             sequences written in one minute wins.
                          1   Cut out the amino acid shapes and two
Scissors                      molecules provided on page 19 . There
                                                                              Watch out
                              are 20 different amino acids that have
Pen                           different properties and shapes. We        Be careful when cutting out the amino acid
                              have five amino acids here. What are the   and molecule shapes.
Paper                         differences between these amino acids?
Printed cut out sheet     2 Amino acids join to form a ribbon, and
                                                                              Next steps
                            their order makes the ribbon bend into
                            a shape (called a protein). The different
                                                                         A DNA mutation may change an amino acid
                            shaped ribbons are different proteins.
                                                                         in a protein. Does the ‘ABBDE’ protein fit
                            Some proteins, called enzymes, carry out
                                                                         molecule 1 as well as ABCDE? How about
                            chemical reactions on molecules.
                                                                         ACCDE? Do you think the protein still works?
                          3 Make a protein with the sequence             Look up common causes for DNA mutations.
                            “ABCDE”. Proteins bind molecules like
                            a jigsaw. Does this protein fit with
                            either molecule?                                  Go further
                          4 Look at figure 1 on page 19 , can you        Enzymes can help digest food. A potato
                            work out the letters of each amino acid      crisp will start tasting sweet when chewed.
                            from only looking at the shapes?             Research which enzyme is responsible. For
                                                                         more information about how enzymes work
                          5 Which sequence of amino acids fits
                            molecule 2?
                                                                         articles/zs9dkty .
                          6 Make a random four amino acid sequence.
                            Compare your sequence to others. Does
                                                                              Career options
                            anyone have the same? How many different
                            sequences do you think you can make?         There are lots of jobs studying proteins and
                                                                         changing how they work. Proteins are also
                                                                         used in new and better medicines, washing
                                                                         powders, food production, genetic research
                                                                         and chemical industries. Lateral flow tests
                                                                         use protein antibodies to detect COVID-19
                                                                         spike protein, and new vaccines are simply
                                                                         instructions to make protein sequences.

BRITISH SCIENCE WEEK 2022 COMMUNITY                                                                                     18

                                                                      What is the sequence?

                                           MOLECULE 1                                  End
A                      A

            B                         E                                                       Start

D                   C
                                                         MOLECULE 2
D                    C                                                                        B





BRITISH SCIENCE WEEK 2022 COMMUNITY                                                               19

If you’re working with young people, why not
challenge them to get creative and enter the British
Science Association’s annual, UK-wide poster
competition! Make a poster about any version of
‘Growth’ that you like and be in with the chance of
winning an array of prizes. The activities found in this
pack, marked with a paintbrush symbol, could all be
used as a source of inspiration to get you started.

     Kit list                   Instructions                                Making the poster
Paper (A4 or A3)          Encourage children to think about different       Once they’ve done the thinking, it’s time for
                          areas of growth so they can come up with          children to get creative! Posters must be A4
                          ideas to include in their poster. Here are some   or A3 in size and you’ll need to be able to
Creative materials,       points and questions to get you going.            take a photograph of each one so it can be
such as:                                                                    sent to us online for judging. Children can
pens                          Get children to think about their             use pop-up pictures, pull out tabs or use
pencils                       personal experience of growth – from          materials such as pencils, paints, crayons and
scissors                      growing their own cress plants to             paper to create their posters.
glue                          overcoming a challenge that they thought
watercolours                  they could not do! How has it helped
paints                                                                      Submitting the poster
                              them to become stronger, braver, kinder,
crayons                       or more accomplished?                         Posters will be judged on creativity, how well
felt                                                                        they fit the theme and how well they have
thread                        How do children think the world has
                                                                            been made or drawn. Once a child’s poster is
wool                          grown? You could help them to consider
                                                                            complete, take a photo of it and complete the
foil                          population growth, plant growth,
                                                                            online form to submit it as an entry.
clay                          economic growth or even the growth of
string                        cities and society. What is an example of
beads                         good growth?                                       Next steps
stamps                        Can children think of people who have         Celebrate! For more details, along with the full
foam                          helped or inspired them to grow?              set of poster competition rules and tips, check
pompoms                       Perhaps they could create a portrait of       out our website:
                              them to show this?                            plan-your-activities/poster-competition .
                          From the learning of new skills to the
                          development of places and ideas that enable
                          us to do things more efficiently in our
                          everyday lives, growth is everywhere!

 BRITISH SCIENCE WEEK 2022 COMMUNITY                                                                                      20
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