Jan-Feb 2022 - www.countryregisterofwisconsin.com - Wisconsin's Main Street Shopping Guide! - Country Register Of Wisconsin

Page created by Dawn Snyder
Jan-Feb 2022 - www.countryregisterofwisconsin.com - Wisconsin's Main Street Shopping Guide! - Country Register Of Wisconsin
Wisconsin’s Main Street Shopping Guide!   Jan-Feb 2022

Jan-Feb 2022 - www.countryregisterofwisconsin.com - Wisconsin's Main Street Shopping Guide! - Country Register Of Wisconsin
Page 4 ! January-February 2022                                                                                                                                               countryregisterofwisconsin.com

                        Visit: Eagle River; Rhinelander, Tomahawk; Houghton & Norway, MI
   KISSed Quilts - Sail Away Collection Lends Itself To Double Sparkle Pattern
  By Marlene Oddie                          Using AnglePlay® shapes, I set              ors to celebrate a special occasion.
                                         two blocks together to create this                Marlene Oddie is an engineer by
   Having grown up on the Mon-           Double Sparkle quilt pattern. Squint           education, project manager by pro-
terey Bay in California, I have an       and just watch it sparkle! Given the           fession and now a quilter by passion
affinity towards fabrics that deal       fabric themes, this quilt is named             in Grand Coulee, WA, at her quilt
with the ocean, seashore or being on     Regatta. It may look difficult with            shop,         KISSed          Quilts.
the water — any body of water.           all the special triangle shapes but            (marlene@kissedquilts.com) She
   I feel super blessed to currently     AnglePlay® really makes it easy.               quilts for hire on a Gammill Opti-
live with a beautiful view overlook-        The directional sailboat fabric             mum Plus but especially enjoys de-
ing Lake Roosevelt above the Grand       was actually not too difficult to cut          signing quilts and assisting in the
Coulee Dam in Washington State.          so that it all stayed upright. The pat-        creation of a meaningful treasure for
   This new Sail Away collection         tern will give you tips to ensure a            the recipient. Fabric, patterns, kits
from Island Batik is very patriotic      successful outcome.                            and templates are available at
but also captures the essence of sail-      Consider this pattern in holiday-           kissedquilts.com. Follow Marlene’s
ing.                                     themed fabrics or your favorite col-           adventures via http://www.face-
                                                                                        book.com/kissedquilts            and
                                          Visit Us For All Your                         lene.kissedquilts.
                                             Fabric Needs!
 Take A Ride To See Copper Country                                                                                                                                               Fabric • Books
      And Stop In To Visit Us!                                                                                                                                                 Patterns • Notions
  46509 US Highway 41 • Houghton, MI 49931                                                                                                                                      Sewing Classes
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             Store Hours:                                                                       Save 10% OFF Your Regular Priced Purchase With This Ad
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                                                                                                                ok            New winter hours • Mon-Fri 9-4:30 & Sat 10-3
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                                              Call Or Email For An Appointment!
                                          112 N. Aquila Court • Eagle River, WI 54521

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                                                                                                                                                        Phone: 715-362-8321
                         Closed Sundays & Mondays
                                                                                                                                                         Mon-Fri 9-4 • Sat 9-3 • Sun Closed
countryregisterofwisconsin.com                                                                                                                                     January-February 2022 ! Page 5

                                                                          Visit: Ashland, Hayward
       This Innkeeperchic - Holidays Set The Rhythm For The Year Ahead
   By Kelly Illick                                provision.
   This Innkeeperchic                                 Then, the day after Thanksgiving, when
                                                  most folks are Black Friday shopping, I am
    I have a calendar schedule for all the dec-   usually chucking my multitudes of pumpkins
orating for the different holidays. It is my      in the horse pasture and my scads of gourds
rhythm and the drum I beat to when it             in the woods of the ravine to nourish the
comes to decorating here at Second Wind.          squirrels.
For me, in my mind, I start with spring.              Next out comes the totes of my favorite,
    If it were to be a list it would look like    elegant (but simplistic) Christmas decora-
this:                                             tions. I love proclaiming, through my deco-
    •Spring (springing into summer)               rating, the joy that has come to the world. I
    •July 4th                                     love hanging the mistletoe and dancing with
    •Autumn/Harvest                               my hubby and grandkids under it ... singing,
    •Christmas                                    “Don't go under the mistletoe, with anyone
    •Valentine's Day                              else but me.” I love wreaths on all my
    I start decorating for spring when I get      doors, garage doors and barn doors. I love
tired of winter and need to focus on the hope     playing the slew of my favorite Christmas
that winter (which I love, but only for so        carols.
long) will end.                                       One of my favorite memories when we
                                                                                                    Holiday decorating gives us all something to look forward to - what holidays garner your
    It all started one spring when I was just     raised our family was readying tins of            best efforts in decorating?
antsy for spring to come. I bought some fake      Christmas cookies to bring to a handful of
(but very realistic and beautiful) silk tulips.   neighbors. We would bundle up the kids                I am grateful for the fun, beautiful,          is a good time to pull out this Charles Dick-
I put them out in my garden with the strug-       close to Christmas, and go knocking on their      strong women who modeled this rhythm.              ens quote. Happy New Year to you all!
gling tulips. I'll never forget, the day I        doors singing Christmas carols. One little        This year, in particular, I have had many
“planted them,” one of my sons came home          lady, who became our kid's adopted                bouts of missing them more than ever.                 This Innkeeperchic by Kelly Illick, featur-
from school applauding away about how             grandma, danced with each of our kids as              And this concludes my ramblings for            ing fresh seasonal recipes from the north-
pretty they were, and how he couldn't be-         we sang. Oh, the memories! Many of the            2021. You my reader will be reading this in        woods of Wisconsin. Kelly loves using
lieve he hadn't noticed them until that day.      traditions we held were handed down to me         the new year, 2022. My prayer for you is           locally grown fruits and vegetables grown
After he mentioned it a few more times, I         from my mama and my grandmas. Such giv-           that you may sense in this new year, the joy       here in the north. She and her husband
had to tell him that they weren't real and I      ing generous hearts they had. I will ever         that came into the world 2000 years ago.           Mark operate Second Wind Country Inn in
had stuck them in the ground earlier that         treasure the legacy each one of them handed       And may you reach deep into your memo-             rural Ashland, Wisconsin. Second Wind is
day. It's just one of many unforgettable “son     to me.                                            ries and pull from the happy ones. Thus, I         known for its rustic elegance, old-fashioned
memories.”                                            I keep up Christmas decorations until the     conclude my conclusion with a quote I'm            hospitality and delightful farm animals.
    I used those tulips over and over. They       week before Valentine's Day. Then down            sure you've heard before,                             Check them out at www.secondwind-
stretched my tulip patch for many a year.         comes much of the Christmas decor, though             “God bless us, every one!”                     countryinn.com or like them on Facebook.
Those tulips and many other flowers take me       keeping out my many snowmen, snowy                    ― Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol.          Look for more of Kelly’s favorite recipes in
from spring into summer. I flow with my           moose and red cardinals. I figure they can            Though a bit beyond Christmas, any time        upcoming issues of “The Country Register.”
gardening theme until autumn. In the middle       stay up all winter. Besides, they all look well
of summer, I line my many little flags all        with a few Valentine accents. And Valen-


along my sidewalks, as I have need to cele-       tine's Day, like all holidays (on my list), is
brate my love for the great country God has       my favorite!
given me to live in.                                  How could that be? That all holidays are
    Autumn/harvest decorations get pulled         my favorite? Well, they are ... truly! Perhaps
out the week after Labor Day. That is my          it's like our kids. Aren't they all our fa-
cue for stopping at every roadside pumpkin        vorite? That is why I leave Halloween out
stand to add to my fall array of scarecrows,      ... it's not a favorite and I don't celebrate             Come Enjoy The Quiet Hush Of Northern Wisconsin
                                                                                                                                                                             Mark & Kelly Illick
leaves and signs. I love the multitudes of        it.                                                       With Our $99/Night Winter Weekday Rate.                            Innkeepers
“harvest produce” I find here and there and           Thus ends my simply told rhythm of dec-              For Direct Bookings...Ask For "Winter Hush" Special              30475 Carlson Rd.
everywhere in the surrounding counties. I         orating. I repeat it each year, though always                                                                             Ashland, WI 54806
love the celebration of harvest and God's         adding something new.                                                Offer Expires March 2022 • Don’t Miss It!              715-682-1000

                                                                                                                                                                     10103 St. Rd. 27
                                                                                                                                                                    Hayward, WI 54843
                                                                                                                                                                      Tues-Sat • 10-5

                                                                                                                  Our Quilt Loft Features Over 3,500 Bolts of Fabric & Hand Dyed Wools
                                                                                                                       Two Floors of Quality Antiques • We Buy Quality Antiques!
                                                                                                                       January 6 • Hustle & Bustle Quilt-Along Begins
                                                                                                                    January 8 • Virtual Shop Hop / 9 Shops on Facebook
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                                                                                                                       February 10-13 • Virtual Valentine’s Day Retreat
                                                                                                                        www.shopriversedge.com ••• Email: riveredg@cheqnet.net

Page 14 ! January-February 2022                                                                                                                                                   countryregisterofwisconsin.com

                                                                            Visit: Wisconsin Rapids
                Bubbles & Friendship, Among Friends Who Became Family
   By Becky Van Vleet                                                                                   her turn. Of course, we always hoped it                     “rinsed” because the abundant bubbles she
                                                                                                        would be her sisters’ turns so that we                      created immediately invaded the rinse
   “There are friends, and there is family,                                                             could go play. But when it fell upon us to                  water.
and then there are friends that become                                                                  clear the table, stack the dishes, fill the                    Whether the dishes truly got the rinse
family.” (Unknown)                                                                                      sink with bubbly water, well, we took on                    they needed, it didn’t matter. This was a
                                                                                                        this chore without too much complaint.                      time that two friends talked about every-
    I ran across this quote recently, and my                                                            No dishwashers in the 1960s.                                thing under the sun: crushes on boys,
childhood friend, Claudette, came to                                                                       In fact, when dishwashers came out                       school, our parents, our sisters, our teach-
mind. Without coming right out to reveal                                                                later, both our mothers said, “We don’t                     ers, and who would win the World Series.
our ages — women just don’t like to do                                                                  need dishwashers. We have our daugh-                           Ahh, such fun memories from long
that — I will tell you that we have been                                                                ters!”                                                      ago, bubbles and all. I wish young girls
friends for more than 60 years.                                                                            Claudette always washed and I always                     could wash and dry dishes together today.
    Our friendship actually began through                                                               dried. I never questioned this, it’s just the               They don’t know what they’re missing!
our parents at church. Walter and Alberta,          things because I just knew she would have           way it was. Claudette would squeeze the
Claude and Becky were as thick as gravy             all the answers. We ended up as college             liquid soap bottle under the running tap                       Becky Van Vleet, a retired school ad-
on mashed potatoes. With seven daughters            roommates, and later we stood at the altar          water like I squeezed the ketchup bottle —                  ministrator, lives near Colorado Springs
between the two couples, our families’              in each other’s weddings.                           way too much. The result? Bubbles galore.                   with her husband Troy. They are the par-
friendship flourished as we spent time to-              There is one childhood memory that I            Those bubbles would be all over the place                   ents of four grown children and enjoy
gether at church and in each other’s homes          continue to remember to this very day, and          — the floor, the countertops, even on her,                  spending time with their eight grandchil-
for many years.                                     it’s all about bubbles!                             sometimes on me. I stood next to her to                     dren. Becky is a children’s picture book
    As a young girl, I looked up to                     When I would go over to Claudette’s             remove each dish from the rinse water to                    author, and her website is devoted to fam-
Claudette who was almost one year older             house after church on Sundays, I would              place in the drainboard to be ready for                     ily stories and creating memories:
than me. I cracked up laughing at her               help wash and dry the dishes with her if I          drying and putting away. But in truth, only                 www.beckyvanvleet.com.
witty pranks. I always asked her advice on          happened to be at her house when it was             the first couple of dishes really got

                                      Near The Geographical Center Of The State!                                                                   Midwestern charm and atmosphere, access to

                                  Wisconsin Rapids
                                                                                                                                                       modern infrastructure and technology,
                                                                                                                                                 abundant educational and cultural opportunities,
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                                                           Incredible Selection!
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                    4330 8th St S • Wisconsin Rapids, WI • Ph. 715-423-7773                                      PHONE 715.423.6464

 Need’le Little Retreat
          Our Mission is to offer crafters a clean, comfortable,
      central location to get away from life’s challenges and enjoy
         peace and fellowship while focusing on their passions!

                                                                                                                                                                                              Carol Prahl - Owner

                                                                                                                           Over 9000 Bolts of 100% Cotton Fabric (2000 Batiks)!
                                                                                                                       Famous Name Fabrics Available
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                                                                                                                  Finished Quilts & Wallhangings for Sale
            Visit On Facebook For Classes & Workshops                                                          Christmas Fabric Year Round • Books on Quilting
                                                                                                                         Please note: We are no longer accepting Credit or Debit card payments. Please
          Historic home with 5 bedrooms and 4 baths, large updated kitchen,                                                       plan on using cash or check for your purchases. Thank you.
       individual custom made sewing stations, large custom built pressing and
          cutting stations, design walls and onsite longarm quilting services.                                                  Store Hours:                                     540 Daly Ave. (Hwys. 13 & 54)
                                                                                                                            Tuesday-Saturday 10-4                                    Wisconsin Rapids, WI
 340 Lincoln St. • Wisconsin Rapids, WI • 715-323-4028
      View Our Retreat At: needlelittleretreat.com • Info: dewildestyle.nlr@gmail.com
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