Page 1 of 14                    PLEASE INITIAL HERE:
JC Parent Contract
                                               VERSION DATE: 1 April 2020

A. PARENT / GUARDIAN                                                                                           The School Board confines its activities
                                                   B. DEFINITIONS IN THIS
                                                                                                               mostly    with  professional    school
   DECLARATION AND                                    CONTRACT                                                 management matters. The members of
   CONTRACT OF ENROLMENT                                                                                       the School Board are appointed by the
                                                   1.   "Additional Fees, Goods or Services"                   Executive Management Committee.
The person/s whose details appear in                    means those prices for the Additional
                                                        Goods/Services and additional costs and          9.    "Principal" means the person appointed
Annexure "B", declare that he/she/they are
                                                        levies required from time to time and                  by the School Board to be responsible for
the parent/s or legal guardian/s of the                                                                        the day-to-day management of the
                                                        notified to you in advance, to provide
Child/Children, whose details appear in                 adequately for the education and related               School, including anyone to whom such
Annexure "A".                                           activities and services provided to your               duties have been delegated.
The rights and obligations contained in this            Child, including the costs of extra-
                                                                                                         10.   "Parent" or "you" means each person who
                                                        curricular activities, excursions, field-work
Contract are binding on every person who signs                                                                 has signed this Contract as the parent or
                                                        trips or any other special educational
this Contract and must be carried out in order                                                                 legal guardian of a Child, whose details
                                                        services provided to, or for the benefit of
for the Child to be successfully enrolled and                                                                  appear in Annexure "B".
                                                        the Child, as determined by the School.
retained at the School.                                                                                  11.   "Parties" means the Parent/s and the
                                                   2.   "Child" means the child or children (of any
                                                        age) admitted by the School to be cared
IMPORTANT NOTICE:                                       for, supervised and educated, whose              12.   "Policies" means the rules, principles and
                                                        details appear in Annexure "A1", as well               procedures adopted by the School, as
By signing or initialling or otherwise                  as the Child or Children whose details                 published by the School from time to time,
entering into this Contract you agree to the            appear in any subsequent Annexures                     which are used to regulate the day-to-day
terms and conditions contained in this                  numbered "A2", "A3" and so on                          running of the School. These Policies are
document as well as any terms and                       sequentially, as provided for in Annexure              distributed to parents at the time of first
                                                        "A1".                                                  admission of the Child, are regularly
conditions contained in the Schedules, Fee
                                                                                                               reviewed by the School Board, updated
Structures or Pricelists, Code of Conduct or       3.   "Contract"      means    this   document,
                                                                                                               and uploaded to the School’s website at
any Policies of the School, all which form              including all its annexures as well as any
                                                                                                               www.jacarandacollege.co.za and are also
part of this Contract. If there is any provision        and all School Policies.
                                                                                                               available on request from the School’s
in this Contract that you do not fully             4.   "Consumer Protection Act" means the                    reception office free of charge. These
understand, please ask for an explanation               Consumer Protection Act, No 68 of 2008.                Policies may include (but are not limited
before signing.                                                                                                to):-
                                                   5.   “Development Fee” means the fee paid by
                                                        the parent as an agreed, non-refundable                12.1.    the Statements of Purpose, Values
This Contract contains clauses, which                                                                                   and Ethics;
                                                        contribution to secure admission to the
appear in similar text style to this notice and
                                                        School for learner development and other               12.2.    the Basic School Rules;
which:                                                  cost relating to academic instruction,
                                                        payable on the Child’s admission to the                12.3.    the Schedule of Fees / Fee Structure
1. May limit the risk or liability of the School                                                                        or Pricelists;
                                                        School as part of the School’s revenue.
   or a third party; and/or
                                                                                                               12.4.    the Fee and Debtors Management
                                                   6.   "Enrolment Fee" means the fee paid by                           Policy;
2. May create risk or liability for you; and/or         the Parent/s to cover all the administrative
                                                        costs involved in registering a Child at the           12.5.    the Admission Policy;
3. May require you to indemnify the School
                                                        School on an annual basis and which                    12.6.    the Learner Attendance Policy;
   or a third party; and/or                             forms part of the School’s revenue.
                                                                                                               12.7.    the Assessment Policy;
4. Serve as an acknowledgement, by you,            7.   "Fee" means any amounts owing to the
   of a fact.                                           School for a Child's enrolment, admission,             12.8.    the Religious Education Policy;
                                                        education, and related activities at the               12.9.    the Language Policy;
Your attention is drawn to these clauses                School.    Such Fees shall be clearly
because they are important and should be                communicated to you in advance and may                 12.10.   the Learner’s Code of Conduct;
carefully noted. The rights you have in this            include, but are not limited to, the –                 12.11.   the Safety and Security Policy;
Contract are in addition to and do not affect           7.1.   Enrolment Fee; and                              12.12.   the Physical Education, Sports and
the statutory rights and remedies you have                                                                              Extra-curricular Policy;
                                                        7.2.   School Fees / Tuition Fees; and
under consumer protection law. In the event
                                                                                                               12.13.   the Tours and Excursion Policy;
of conflict between this contract and                   7.3.   Additional Fees; and
consumer protection law, your statutory                 7.4.   Development Fee.                                12.14.   the Uniform Policy;
consumer protection rights will prevail.                                                                       12.15.   the Afternoon Phase and Homework
                                                   8.   “School Board” means the governing body                         Policy;
Nothing in this document is intended to or              of the School charged with the internal
must be understood to unlawfully restrict,              management and control of the school.                  12.16.   the Learner Code of Ethics;
limit, or avoid any rights or obligations               The School Board is instrumental in
                                                                                                               12.17.   the Parent Relations and Grievance
                                                        assisting the Executive Management                              Procedure.
created for you or the School in terms of the
                                                        Committee (being the shareholders of
Consumer Protection Act.                                Jacaranda College (Pty) Limited) with            13.   “School" or "we" means             Jacaranda
                                                        achieving the school’s Vision and Mission              College (Pty) Limited.
                                                        and living up to its Value Statements.
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JC Parent Contract
                                                                                                                           VERSION DATE: 1 April 2020
14.   "School Fees or Tuition Fees" means the        5.   While your Child remains enrolled in the              You are expressly notified that there
      money payable by the Parent/s to the                School, we undertake to exercise every                will be no insurance coverage under
      School in connection with a Child's                 reasonable skill and care in respect of his           the School’s insurance covers for any
      education, tuition, care, and supervision,          or her care, supervision, education, and              theft, or loss of, or damage, or
      excluding      any     Enrolment     Fee,           welfare. This obligation will apply during            destruction of any of your or your
      Development Fee, Deposit, or Additional             school hours and at other times when your             Child’s property whilst on the School
      Fees.                                               Child is permitted to be on School                    premises or whilst engaged in any
                                                          premises or is participating in activities            School activity. You are advised to
15.   "School Rules" means the rules of the               organised by the School.                              arrange your own comprehensive
      School, a copy which is provided to each                                                                  insurance cover in respect of all your,
      Child on entry, is contained in the School’s   6.   We shall monitor your Child's progress at             or your Child’s property and in
      communication / PERMA notebook,                     the School and produce regular written                particular any computer or any other
      published in all classrooms and on the              reports on a termly basis. We will advise             mobile and digital devices.
      official digital communication platforms of         you if we have any concern about your
      the School. Rules may be amended from               Child's progress, but we do not undertake       2.   Unless you expressly notify us in
      time to time for legal, safety or other             to diagnose any learning disability or other         writing to the contrary, you consent to
      reasons or in order to assist the proper            condition: a formal assessment can be                your Child participating, under proper
      administration of the School.                       arranged either by you or by the School at           supervision, both in and outside the
                                                          your expense.                                        School, in sports and other activities
16.   "Magistrate's Court Act" means the                                                                       (including      contact    sports      and
      Magistrates' Courts Act No 32 of 1944.         7.   The parties take cognisance of the                   adventure-type excursions and camps)
                                                          limitations of the School’s physical                 which may entail some risk of physical
17.   "Term" means a division of the academic             environment, facilities and resources
      year and is the time during which the                                                                    injury, as well to your Child travelling to
                                                          which limits its ability to provide high             and participating in School activities
      School holds classes, as notified to                quality care, supervision and education
      Parents from time to time.                                                                               and programmes outside the School.
                                                          to children with special educational                 Subject to the School taking reasonable
18.   “Third Party” means the person or entity,           needs (whether due to neurological                   care to avoid harm and save for any
      other than the Parent or guardian,                  barriers, hearing impairments, visual                gross negligence on the part of the
      nominated by the Parent or guardian to be           barriers, physical barriers, behavioural             School, its employees or agents, the
      responsible for the payment of any one or           or emotional barriers or any other                   School is not responsible for injury,
      more or all of the Fees, provided that              medically assessed special need). To                 loss or damage arising from any
      nomination will not absolve the Parent or           the extent that, in the reasonable                   accident that may occur whilst your
      guardian from liability for those said fees.        opinion of the School Board, the School              Child is on the premises of the School
                                                          cannot, or can no longer, provide                    or resulting from sports, activities,
                                                          adequately for your Child's special
C. GENERAL OBLIGATIONS OF                                                                                      outings or programmes in connection
                                                          educational needs, the School may not                with your Child’s enrolment in the
   THE SCHOOL                                             offer enrolment with the School or may               School and you indemnify the School,
                                                          cancel this contract in terms of the                 its facilitators, agents and employees
1.    The admission and enrolment of                      Termination and Notice clause of this                against any claims in that regard.
      learners to the School is at the                    Contract.
      discretion of the School Board who may                                                              3.   Occasionally, we may take photographs
      refuse a learner’s admission to the            D. DISCLAIMERS                                            of the children at our School in the
      School without giving reasons. and may                                                                   natural course of school life. We may
      grant     temporary    or   provisional        1.   You acknowledge that the School does                 use these images in our school’s
      enrolment to the School subject to such             not take any responsibility for any theft            prospectus or in other printed or digital
      further terms and conditions, which the             or loss of, or damage or destruction to              publications that we produce, including
      School Board may impose.                            any of your or your Child’s property of              the School’s website and posts to
                                                          whatever nature (including clothing,                 social media sites such as the School’s
2.    The School Board, in consultation with                                                                   Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn
                                                          sporting equipment, books, electronic,
      the Executive Management Committee,                                                                      pages or profiles. We may also make
                                                          computer, digital or mobile devices, or
      may, at its discretion, cancel enrolment                                                                 video or webcam recordings for
                                                          any other personal possessions)
      in accordance with the Rules and                                                                         educational and collaborative school-
                                                          brought on to the School premises by
      Policies of the School.                                                                                  to-school conferences, monitoring or
                                                          yourself or your child, unless the
3.    For the sake of clarity, this Agreement             School or its staff are in physical                  other educational use.
      regulates the enrolment and admission of            possession of that property and
                                                                                                          4.   From time to time, our School may be
      your Child to the School and also regulates         damage occurs to that property either
                                                                                                               visited by the media who will take
      the relationship between the School, your           because –
                                                                                                               photographs or film footage of a visiting
      Child, yourself, and/or a Third Party once                                                               dignitary or another high-profile event.
      your Child is admitted and enrolled with the         1.2. the School or its staff treated the
      School.                                                   property as their own; or                      Children will often appear in these
                                                                                                               images, which may appear in local or
4.    Nothing in this Agreement should be                  1.3. the School or its staff did not                national newspapers, or on televised
      interpreted as a representation or                        exercise the degree of care,                   news programmes.
      warranty made by the School that your                     diligence, and skill that can
      Child will be admitted to and enrolled                    reasonably be expected of a               5.   Unless you expressly notify us in
      with the School. Admission will only be                   person responsible for managing                writing to the contrary, you consent to
      confirmed on the issuance of a formal                     property belonging to another                  the use of images of your Child in such
      admission acceptance notice or letter                     person,     when       handling,               photographs, videos and webcams
      from the School.                                          safeguarding, or using the                     under proper supervision, both in and
                                                                property.                                      outside the School, in sports and other
                                                                                                               activities subject to the following
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JC Parent Contract
                                                                                                                          VERSION DATE: 1 April 2020
5.1.   We will not use the personal details or       4.   The Principal and/or the School Board               4.6.   Small group peer collaboration
            full names of any Child or adult in a              may, at his or her or its discretion,                      sessions at the School premises; and
            photographic image on video, on our                require you to remove your Child or
            Website, Facebook or other social                                                                      4.7.   Scheduled e-learning classes or
            media page or profile, in our School
                                                               may suspend or expel your Child from                       contact session with educators; and
            prospectus or in any of our other printed          the School, if he, she or its considers
                                                               that your Child’s attendance, progress              4.8.   Scheduled excursions, field trips,
            or digital publications.
                                                                                                                          camps or other activities on, or away
     5.2.   We will not include personal e-mail or             or behaviour is seriously unsatisfactory
                                                                                                                          from the School premises, aimed at
            postal addresses, or telephone or fax              and in the reasonable opinion of the                       executing the academic program for
            numbers on video, on our Website, in               Principal or School Board the Child's                      the grade.
            our School prospectus or in other                  removal is in the School’s best interests
            printed or digital publications.                   or those of your Child, other children or           You acknowledge and accept that the
     5.3.   If we use photographs of individual                the wider School community. In this                 listed and other learning activities will
            children, we will not use the name of that         case, you will be asked to remove your              be scheduled depending on the
            child in the accompanying text or photo            Child either immediately and without                content needs of the academic
            caption on any open-source media.                  notice, or at a specified date that is              program for the grade and that your
     5.4.   If we name a child in the text, we will not        shorter than full term, with or without             Child will be informed of these times
            use a photograph of that child to                  notice in any form, as is reasonable                using the School’s official e-learning
            accompany the article.                             under the circumstances. The School                 platform, Microsoft Teams.
     5.5.   We may include pictures of children and            will not be required to give you a full
            educators, coaches, or managers that                                                                   You undertake to ensure the active
                                                               term's written notice under these
            have been drawn by the children.                                                                       engagement of your Child in all
                                                               circumstances. Should the Principal or
     5.6.   We may use class, group or team                                                                        scheduled at-premises or e-learning
                                                               the School Board exercise this right,
            photographs or footage with very                                                                       classes to assist with monitoring and
                                                               any prepaid fees will be refunded to
            general labels, such as “a visit to the                                                                controlling that your Child attains the
            zoo” or “learning to play a game”.                                                                     legislated and prescribed hours of
     5.7.   We will only use images of children who                                                                instruction (being it in the e-learning
            are suitably dressed, to reduce the risk      F. POLICIES OF THE SCHOOL                                environment or at the premises of the
            of    such     images     being    used                                                                School). You also acknowledge and
            inappropriately.                              1.   You declare that you have read,                     accept that the School will not have
                                                               understood, have accepted and have                  any obligation to make-up or support
E. PARENT'S GENERAL                                            agreed to abide by the terms and                    any missed learning opportunities,
                                                               conditions of all the Policies of the               laboratory or class work, being it in the
   OBLIGATIONS                                                 school relating to the admission of                 digital   environment      or     which
                                                               your Child at the School and which had              necessitated physical attendance at
1.    You will inform the School in writing,                   been supplied to you digitally.
      prior to admission and enrolment, of                                                                         the school premises.
      any special educational needs of your               2.   You acknowledge, accept and agree to
      Child known to you, of the kind referred                 the School conducting a credit check           5.   You acknowledge that you have been
      to in clause C.5.                                        using an officially School appointed                advised that the Policies and hours
                                                               and reputable service provider as an                adopted by the School are published
2.    In order to fulfil our obligations, we                                                                       on its website and is also available for
                                                               automatic part of the admission
      need your co-operation.         Without                                                                      perusal in the reception office. The
                                                               process of the School. You further
      detracting from any specific obligations                                                                     School will also make copies of these
                                                               acknowledge, accept and agree to the
      contained in this contract, you are                                                                          available to you on request by means
                                                               School providing your details as a
      required to:                                                                                                 of digital communication free of
                                                               matter of admission course on the
     2.1.   fulfil your own obligations under these            system of such a provider and                       charge.
            terms and conditions; and                          acknowledge that the School will
     2.2.   encourage your Child in his or her                 exercise it rights in listing you for          6.   You undertake to comply with all the
            behaviour, growth and development;                 defaulting in the payment of Fees in                rules and regulations of the School and
            and                                                accordance with the legal provisions in             acknowledge       that   it   is    your
     2.3.   give appropriate support at home; and              this regard at the time of such default.            responsibility to make yourself familiar
                                                                                                                   with these and all school Policies.
     2.4.   keep the School informed of matters
            which affect your Child; and                  3.   You declare that you have noted and
                                                               agreed to abide with the School- and           7.   You acknowledge that you are
     2.5.   maintain a courteous and constructive
                                                               business hours.                                     responsible for your Child, whether on
            relationship with School staff; and
                                                                                                                   the property of the School or not, after
     2.6.   positively encourage your Child to            4.   If your Child is admitted to any high               the official School hours, unless your
            adhere to, and to abide with School                school grade, you acknowledge and
            Rules and Policies;
                                                                                                                   Child had been admitted to the
                                                               accept the rules and regulations                    afternoon phase and/or aftercare
     2.7.   attend meetings and otherwise keep in              governing      the     hybrid-learning              service offered by the School.
            touch with the School where your                   environment including, but not limited
            Child’s interests require you to do so.            to –                                           8.   You acknowledge that you are
3.    The Principal and/or the School Board                    4.1.   Timetables; and                              responsible for your Child, whether on
      may in his or her or its discretion                                                                          the property of the School or not, after
      require you to remove your Child or                      4.2.   Schedules; and                               the notified finishing times of any
      may suspend or expel your Child if your                  4.3.   Formal school-going hours; and               School activity, event and/or function.
      behaviour is in the reasonable opinion
      of the Principal or School Board so                      4.4.   Attendance to educator contact          9.   You acknowledge that you will ensure
      unreasonable as to affect or likely affect                      sessions at the School premises; and         that your Child obeys all School Rules
      the progress of your Child or another                    4.5.   Laboratory, library, workshop or             and Policies where they apply to the
      child (or other children) at the School or                      technical learning sessions at the           Child, whether on the property of the
      the well-being of the School staff or to                        School premises; and                         School, or not.
      bring the School into disrepute.
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JC Parent Contract
                                                                                                                              VERSION DATE: 1 April 2020
G. ACCEPTANCE AND                                     5.1.   Contact,     request     and      obtain     11. Any Fee or other moneys owing by you
                                                             information at any time from any                 to the School not paid in full on or
   DEVELOPMENT FEE                                           supplier, service or credit provider (or
                                                                                                              before the due date will bear interest at
                                                             potential credit provider) or registered
1.   An offer of a place for a Child at the                                                                   the maximum rate of interest for
                                                             credit bureau in order to assess the
     School is accepted by you signing this                  behaviour, profile, payment patterns,            incidental credit prescribed from time
     contract and paying the Development                     indebtedness, whereabouts, and                   to time in terms of the NCA.
     and Enrolment fee.                                      creditworthiness of the Parent or the
                                                             Third Party; and                             12. Interest not paid to the School by the
2.   If, subsequent to entering into this                                                                     last day of the month in respect of
     contract, your Child does not take up a          5.2.   Provide    information    about   the            which such interest accrues will bear
     place at the School (save for by reason                 behaviour, profile, payment patterns,            further interest at the same rate.
     of death or long-term hospitalisation)                  indebtedness,    whereabouts, and
     you will not be refunded the                            creditworthiness of the Parent or the        13. In addition to interest the School, and
                                                             Third Party to any registered credit             any collection agency appointed by the
     Development or Enrolment fee. The
                                                             bureau or to any supplier, service or
     Development and Enrolment fee will be                                                                    School, will be entitled to recover from
                                                             credit provider (or potential credit
     kept by the School as a reasonable                      provider) seeking a trade reference
                                                                                                              you default administration costs and
     cancellation fee for your Child's                       regarding the Parent or Third Party’s            collection costs, as contemplated in
     withdrawal, unless the School, acting                   dealings with the School, supplier,              the NCA, including legal costs on the
     reasonably, is able to fill the vacancy                 service and/or credit provider.                  attorney and client scale and collection
     created by your Child's withdrawal on                                                                    commission to the extent permitted by
                                                      You acknowledge and understand that                     the NCA.
     or before the first day of the first term
                                                      as a registered credit bureau, the credit
     for which your Child was to have been
                                                      bureau, records all account payment                 14. The School will, as far as reasonably
     enrolled in which case you will be
                                                      profiles, patterns and behaviour on a                   possible, give you notice prior to
     refunded the Development fee only.
                                                      monthly for the purposes as per the                     providing   Additional    Goods     or
                                                      National Credit Act, 2005 (“NCA”).                      Services. You and/or any Third Party
                                                                                                              expressly agree to the delivery or
                                                 6.   You accept and understand that the                      performance of the Additional Goods
1.   You have strict and absolute
                                                      Fee applicable to your Child attending                  or Services and accept liability for
     responsibility for the payment of any
     Fees applicable to your Child attending          the School is an annual Fee.                            payment thereof. You and/or the Third
     the School notwithstanding the                                                                           Party acknowledge that the Additional
                                                 7.   You also acknowledge that School
     involvement of any Third Party.                                                                          Goods or Services are not unsolicited,
                                                      Fees are payable in advance and that
                                                                                                              within the meaning of the Consumer
2.   You acknowledge and accept that the              facilities exist for twelve (12) monthly
                                                                                                              Protection Act or otherwise and that
     School will exercise every right and             payments of the total annual Fee and
                                                                                                              you have expressly accepted such
     avenue     available    and     legally          that this monthly payments are due in
                                                                                                              Additional Goods/Services.
     permissible to collect its Fees in full          full on or before the first (1st) of every
     and on time by the due date.                     monthly period for which Fees are due               15. You and/or the Third Party accept that
3.   You further accept and understand that           January and December inclusive.                         you/it will be liable for the payment of
     it is your express responsibility to                                                                     the Fees invoiced including any
                                                 8.   You further acknowledge that on the                     Additional Goods/Services.
     contact the School in writing prior to           7th of any month in which a default of
     the due date of Fees, in the event of any        payment of Fees occurs, enrolment                        Such Additional Goods/Services may
     eventuality which could lead to the late         may be automatically suspended and                       include      payment    for   stationery
     payment of Fees and you understand               your Child may be refused access to                      supplies,      concerts,     excursions,
     and accept that without receiving such           any Additional Services offered by the                   activities, camps, school tours, outings,
     written notification, the School will            School or any other affiliated service                   or any other Additional Goods/Services
     immediately proceed with its collection          provider until full payment of any                       required by the School to provide your
     procedures for overdue Fees when the
                                                      outstanding Fees are made.                               Child adequately with the educational
     due date has passed.
                                                                                                               services in terms of this Agreement in
4.   You acknowledge and accept that the         9.    You agree that the School will                          the execution of the curriculum
     collection process of the School is              immediately           institute       every              framework of the School for the
     explicitly set out in the Fee and                permissible collection action available                  applicable grade.
     Debtors Management Policy and have               to it, to collect any and all arrears Fees.
     read and understood the terms and                                                                   16.   Any additional amounts in terms of
                                                 10. If you are unclear about any of your
     conditions therein.                                                                                       Additional Goods/Service        will be
                                                     financial obligations, the School will on
5.   You acknowledge that we have                    request provide a written explanation.                    added to the School account or
     informed you that Jacaranda College             You may at any time arrange an                            invoice, which will be payable in full by
     (Pty) Limited is affiliated to, and uses        appointment       with    the   Finance                   the end of each term. The School will
     the services of accredited and                  Department of the School to have your                     not accept any up-front cash payments
     approved credit bureaus, and by                 obligations and invoice or account                        for the payment of the Additional
     signing this Contract you expressly             explained.                                                Goods/service.
     consent and authorize to the School
     and/or the relevant credit bureau –
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JC Parent Contract
                                                                                                                          VERSION DATE: 1 April 2020
17.   You confirm that a certificate, invoice     23.     You have a right to cancel this Contract                  1.5.   Inform any other school or educational
      or account produced by the official                 without penalty should the school fees                           institution to which you propose to send
                                                                                                                           your Child of any outstanding Fees.
      accounting system of the School                     increase to an amount which you no
      and/or signed by the School’s Chief                 longer wish to pay, provided that you               2.     The School may not distribute or
      Financial Officer showing the amount                give the School written notice of that                     otherwise publish any of your personal
      owing by you or the Third Party to the              intention within seven (7) days of the                     information in its possession, other
      School shall be irrebuttable proof that             School's notification of an increase,                      than the permissions and consent given
      the said amount is due, owing and                   failing     which    the    cancellation                   by signing this Contract, unless you
      payable.                                            provisions of clause J. Termination                        give your consent, in writing, to the
                                                          and Notice Requirements will apply,                        School that it may do so. Should this be
      Where the quantum of the School’s
                                                          and you will be required to provide a                      the case, the School may only distribute
      claim is thereafter disputed by you or
                                                          full term's notice or pay a term's Fees                    or otherwise publish the information
      the Third Party, you or the Third Party
                                                          in lieu of notice.                                         specified in your consent to the people
      shall bear the onus of proving that
      such amount is not owing and/or due                                                                            and for the purpose stated in your
      and/or payable.
                                                  I.     PROTECTION OF PERSONAL                                      written consent.
18.   In the event of the Third Party taking                                                                  J.     TERMINATION AND NOTICE
      responsibility for the payment of the       1.     By entering into this Contract, and                         REQUIREMENTS
      Fees, you by your signature hereto,                unless you at any time instruct the
      hereby bind yourself jointly and                   School expressly and in writing to the                1.     For the avoidance of doubt, this
      severally in your personal capacity as             contrary, your consent is given for the                      Contract will terminate when your
      surety and co-principal debtor with the            School to:                                                   Child    completes      the   School’s
      Third Party for payment to the School                                                                           curriculum and any exit examination
                                                        1.1.   Collect, store, use, and process credit
      of any amounts which are owing and                       information about you and any Third
                                                                                                                      we offer at the end of your Child's
      may at any time become owing to the                      Party or divorced or separated Parent                  schooling,       unless      otherwise
      School by the Third Party.                               responsible for payment of any or all                  terminated on the terms of this
                                                               amounts comprised in the Fees in                       Contract. This Contract, therefore, has
19.   You also acknowledge that if any                         whichever legally permissibly way it                   an indefinite term.
      instalment on account of a Fee that is                   may need to; and
      payable is not paid on the due date; the                                                                 2.     Fees in respect of admission are
                                                        1.2.   Collect, store and process names,
      whole balance of the fee outstanding                     contact details and information relating               charged annually. You have the right
      will immediately become due and                          to yourself and your Child, and to such                to cancel this Contract at any time, for
      payable by you. No indulgence or                         information being made available to                    any reason, provided that you give the
      grant of time by the School will                         other parents/guardians, staff or                      School a full Term’s notice, in writing,
                                                               responsible persons engaged or                         of this intention before the withdrawal
      constitute a waiver of its rights under
                                                               authorised by the School for School-
      this Contract or otherwise.                                                                                     of the Child from the School.
                                                               related purposes to the extent required
                                                               for    the   purpose     of   managing
20.   You are entitled to elect (at the time of                                                                3.     In the absence of proper notice given
                                                               relationships between the School,
      first admission and prior to the                                                                                as stated in clause J.2. above, a full
                                                               parents/guardians, and current learners
      beginning of each school year)                           as well as providing references and                    Term’s Fees – being the annual Fee,
      whether to pay school fees annually or                   communicating with the body of former                  pro-rated for the duration of the Term -
      monthly, the total costs of which will                   learners; and                                          (including Additional Fees pro-rated
      be set out in a fee schedule and                                                                                for the month) is payable to the School
                                                        1.3.   Include photographs, with or without
      communicated to you at the time of                       name, of your Child in School
                                                                                                                      in lieu of notice, and as a reasonable
      first admission, and annually thereafter                 publications, or in press releases to                  cancellation fee taking into account the
      in advance, of any increase in school                    celebrate the School's or your Child's                 nature of the care, supervision and
      fees.                                                    activities, achievements or successes in               educational       services,     capacity
                                                               accordance with clauses D5.1, D5.3 and                 planning and reasonable potential to
21.   You agree that Fees paid in advance                      D5.4; and                                              fill the vacancy. Such amount is due
      will be deposited by the School and               1.4.   Supply information and a reference in                  and payable on the first day of the
      held in accordance with the Consumer                     respect of your Child to any educational               Term, which would have been the final
      Protection Act, but that the School will                 institution which you propose your                     Term if the appropriate notice had
      be entitled to treat the interest                        Child may attend. We will take care to                 been given. Should you have elected
      generated from such funds as income.                     ensure that all information that is
                                                                                                                      to pay annual school Fees, or should
                                                               supplied relating to your Child is
                                                                                                                      any Additional Fees have been paid in
22.   The School Fees will be reviewed from                    accurate and any opinion given on
                                                               his/her ability, aptitude, and character is            advance, those Fees will be credited in
      time to time and may be increased by                                                                            proportion to the months remaining,
                                                               fair. However, the School cannot be
      an amount that the School considers                      liable for any loss you or your Child is               less any amount payable in lieu of
      reasonable. We will endeavour to give                    alleged to have suffered resulting from                appropriate notice.
      you at least two calendar months’                        opinions reasonably given, or correct
      notice of any increase in the Fees due                   statements of fact contained, in any
      for a particular term.                                   reference or report given by us; and

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JC Parent Contract
                                                                                                                                  VERSION DATE: 1 April 2020
4.   The School also has the right to cancel         K. ALTERNATIVE DISPUTE                                 2.   You acknowledge that the School will only
     this Contract at any time, for any                                                                          use the school allocated email address for
     reason, provided that it gives you a full                                                                   all other communications by the School to
     Term’s notice, in writing, of its decision      1.   Any dispute concerning or arising out of               you.
     to terminate this contract. At the end               this Contract must be resolved in terms of        3.   You confirm that all the particulars that
     of the Term in question, you will be                 this clause.                                           you may furnish or that you have
     required to withdraw the Child from the                                                                     furnished to the School on this contract
                                                     2.   Any party concerned must first seek an
     School.                                                                                                     or otherwise from time to time are or will
                                                          amicable resolution by written notice
5.   This is without prejudice to the                     (indicating also that party’s designated               be, to the best of your knowledge and
     School's other remedies: the School                  representative) to the other or others,                belief, full, true, and accurate.
     may cancel this Contract immediately                 whereupon each will within five days of the       4.   You undertake to advise the School in
     and has no obligation to return any                  notice refer the dispute to a designated               writing of any changes to any of the
     Fee, pre-paid or otherwise, to you if                representative to negotiate and resolve                details included in this contract within
     you are in material breach of any of                 with the other or others within fifteen (15)           seven (7) days of any such changes.
     your obligations and have not (in the                days.
     case of a breach which is capable of                                                                   M. JURISDICTION AND
                                                     3.   If negotiation fails, any party may then
     remedy) remedied the material breach
                                                          within ten (10) days of such failure refer the       GOVERNING LAW
     within twenty (20) business days of a
                                                          dispute for resolution by mediation under
     notice from the School requiring you to                                                                     The contract between you and the School
                                                          the rules of the Arbitration Foundation of
     remedy the breach, and in addition it                                                                       is governed by South African law. You
                                                          Southern Africa (“AFSA”) or its successor
     may claim payment of all moneys then                                                                        agree that the School, at its option but
                                                          or body nominated in writing by it in its
     owing and damages equal to one                                                                              without being so obliged, will be
     Term’s Fees (as calculated at the time                                                                      entitled   to   institute   any    legal
     of cancellation) taking into account the        4.   If mediation fails, any party may then within          proceedings for the recovery of any
     nature of the services, capacity                     ten (10) days of such failure refer the                monies owing by you as a liquidated
     planning and reasonable potential to                 dispute for resolution by arbitration                  debt or debts to the School in any
     fill the vacancy.                                    (including any appeal against the                      Magistrate's Court having jurisdiction,
                                                          arbitrator's decision) by one (1) arbitrator           in terms of sections 45 and 28 of the
6.   For purposes of this Contract, a
                                                          (appointed by agreement by the parties, or,            Magistrates'         Courts         Act,
     material breach is considered to exist
                                                          failing agreement within ten (10) days of              notwithstanding and as an exception
     where you or your Child (as the case
                                                          the referral, by AFSA) as an expedited                 to the agreement regarding the
     may be) –
                                                          arbitration in Pretoria under the then                 submission of disputes to alternative
     6.1.   Fail to uphold the Policies and/or            current rules for expedited arbitration of             dispute resolution in clause K.
            Rules of the School; or                       AFSA.
      6.2. Fail to pay any Fees when due; or         5.   This clause will not preclude any party from      N. VARIATIONS
      6.3. Fail to fulfil all legal requirements
                                                          access to an appropriate court of law for
                                                                                                                 We reserve the right to change or add
           necessary for your Child to attend             interim relief in respect of urgent matters by
                                                                                                                 to these terms and conditions from
           school in South Africa, if any of these        way of an interdict or mandamus pending
                                                                                                                 time to time for legal, safety or other
           legal requirements apply to your               finalisation of this dispute resolution
           Child, for example, failure to obtain a                                                               substantive reasons or in order to
           valid study permit for your Child if                                                                  assist the proper delivery of education
           he/she is a foreign citizen; or           6.   This clause is a separate, divisible                   at the School. The School will give you
                                                          agreement from the rest of this Contract               at least a month’s notice of any such
      6.4. Act in such a way that you or the Child
                                                          and will remain in effect even if the                  modifications.
           become seriously and unreasonably
                                                          Contract terminates, is nullified, or
           uncooperative with the School and in
           the opinion of the Chief Executive             cancelled for any reason.                         O. PARTIAL INVALIDITY
           Officer, your or your Child’s
           behaviour negatively affects your
                                                     L. GENERAL                                                  Each term and condition contained in this
           Child’s or other children’s progress at   1.   You choose the residential address set out             agreement is separate from the other
           the School, the well-being of School           in annexure "B" as your chosen legal                   terms and conditions in the sense that if
           staff, or brings the School into               address for the service of all notices and             anyone is determined to be illegal and
                                                          legal processes and the postal address                 unenforceable, it will simply be
                                                          supplied for all registered mail to be                 disregarded and of no force and effect, but
                                                          delivered.                                             the agreement will otherwise remain valid.

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JC Parent Contract
                                                                                                                            VERSION DATE: 1 April 2020
It is a condition of admission and attendance at the School that you sign in the space provided. The School may at its discretion consider
this declaration and Contract to be invalid if this document is altered in any way that is not expressly approved by the School Board.

 Declaration: I/we, the undersigned, do hereby declare that I/we have read, understood and accept this Contract
 and its annexures, including the Statements of Purpose, Values and Ethics, the Basic School Rules; the Fees,
 the Fee and Debtors Management Policy and all other Policies of the School.


 Signed at:                                          on this the                  day of                                     20

 Full Name & Surname of
 Parent / Guardian:


 Signed at:                                          on this the                  day of                                     20

 Full Name & Surname of
 Parent / Guardian:


 Signed at:                                          on this the                  day of                                     20

 Ilana Naomi Eloff
 Chief Financial Officer                                                          Signature:
 On behalf of the School Board for Jacaranda College

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                                                                                                              VERSION DATE: 1 April 2020


                                                                        Please provide certified copies and
                                                                                                              Please attach 3 x
                                                                     indicate with a  that you have attached   recent colour
                                                                            the form to the application        passport sized
                                    Gender                                                                    photographs and
            Name and Surname                   Age    ID Number
                                     (M/F)                                                                    indicate with a 
                                                                                      Birth      Last School
                                                                                                                that you have
                                                                    Immunization Certificate       Report or
                                                                                                              attached it to the
                                                                       Record                      Transfer
                                                                                       / ID                      application

Child 1

Child 2

Child 3

Child 4

It is agreed that for each sibling enrolled and admitted to the School after the Child or Children referred to in this Annexure A1,
a new annexure will be completed and signed by the Parties, with the same information for each such sibling. These will be
Annexures A1, A2 and so on sequentially, and will be deemed to be annexures to the Contract, with all the provisions of the
Contract applying to the sibling as a Child in terms of the Contract.

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                                                                                                        VERSION DATE: 1 April 2020


                                     First person responsible for payment         Second person responsible for payment
                                                    of fees                                      of fees
                                      FATHER – please complete all fields           MOTHER – please complete all fields

 Title and Surname

 First Name

 Home Address

 Postal Address

 Please note that in the interest of the environment and accurate delivery, our preferred communication channel is electronic.
 Kindly list the applicable detail where we are SURE to reach you via this method of communication.
 No school communications will be sent to your private email accounts.

 Email Address


 Current Employer

 ID Number

 Work Telephone Number

 Home Telephone Number

 Cellular Telephone Number

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JC Parent Contract
                                                                                                   VERSION DATE: 1 April 2020
Please supply at least TWO alternative LOCAL contacts that would be able to stand-in to
                                      provide parental support (acting as loco parentis) if you are unavailable or non-contactable
                                                                     at the time of an emergency

                                                               1.                                                     2.

                                      Name & Surname:                                      Name & Surname:
   Emergency Contact Name
   and Telephone Number
   (OTHER THAN THE PARENT             Contact Number:                                      Contact Number:
                                      Relationship:                                        Relationship:

                                      Address:                                             Address:

   Any additional important
   information in respect of or
   relating to Parent/Guardian
   (If parents are divorced,
   please      provide    detail
   relating to access and living
   We can only support
   arrangements which have
   been legally reduced in
   writing and where such
   arrangement have been
   provided to us)



Please mark with                   that you have included the following:

 Certified copies of both parents’ / guardians’ Identity Documents / Passports.

 Proof of residence for both parents / guardians.

 Entry VISA and proof of application for study permit (if applicable).

 If divorced, copy of Court Order and/or other legal documentation relating to the learner’s custody and control.

 If relevant, copy of therapist’s / remedial specialist’s / paediatrician’s / neuropsychological evaluation report.

 Financial clearance certificate / letter from last school confirming paid up school fees – please request a template in
 this respect from the office.

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                                                                                                                 VERSION DATE: 1 April 2020

It is agreed that for each Child enrolled and admitted to the School and referred to in Annexure A1 (and any subsequent annexures
thereto) a separate Annexure B (ii) will be completed and signed by the Parties with the same information for each Child. These
will be Annexures B (ii) 1, B (ii) 2 and so on sequentially, and will be deemed to be annexures to the Contract, with all the provisions of
the Contract applying to the sibling as a Child in terms of the Contract.

 Child number                  As shown on Annexure A

    Position in family: Child is number                     of                   children in the family.


 First Name (full)

 Preferred Name

 Home Language

  The following are required Religion:
  by the Department of Basic
  Education for statistical
                             Race classification:

                                1.                                       1.                                       1.
 Previous School / Care
                                                                 From:                                     To:
 Facility                       2.                                       2.                                       2.

 Home Address

                                Please 
                                            School transport

                                            Parent/Guardian pick-up

                                            Other pick-up, provide details:
 How does the Child/Children
 get home                                   Walks home:

                                            Accompanied by who:

                                            Unaccompanied, at what time:

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JC Parent Contract
                                                                                                                 VERSION DATE: 1 April 2020
Medical Aid Name:                                              Plan:

                       Medical Aid Number:                                            Main Member:

                       Family Doctor:                                                 Telephone Number:

                                                      1.                                                              1.

                       Medical Conditions:            2.                              Allergies:                      2.

                                                      3.                                                              3.

                       Specific consent, arrangements and undertakings relating to medical conditions and
                           1.     In a critical situation, there might not be time to refer to the Family Doctor or to the records of the learner.
                                  Jacaranda College therefore reserves the right to utilise the quickest medical service available. By accepting
                                  the terms and conditions of the Parent Contract you agree that the appointed medical practitioner may carry
                                  out emergency treatment if necessary.
                           2.     You also agree to the administration of emergency medicine to manage high temperature, severe vomiting,
                                  or diarrhea.
                           3.     According to Health regulations, a sick child cannot remain at the school and must be isolated at home. You
                                  acknowledge that in accordance with these regulations, Jacaranda College is obliged to send an ill learner home
                                  for convalesces to contain the spread of infectious disease and ensure high levels of school attendance. You
 Medical Information              undertake to arrange for the timeous collection of your ill Child when requested to do so.
                           4.     The school must be notified of any infectious illnesses that a child has contracted, immediately when a parent
                                  becomes aware of it.
                           5.     You acknowledge that a child: -
                                       a.    Running a temperature (above 37.4’C),
                                       b.    Who has an open septic area anywhere on their body;
                                       c.    Who has an exceptionally heavy cold or bad “whooping or hacking” cough;
                                       d.    Is or has been vomiting (within the last 24-hours);
                                       e.    Has an unexplained rash;
                                       f.    Has any kind of an eye infection;
                                       g.    Has or had diarrhea within the last 24-hours;
                                       h.    Has ringworm;
                                       i.    Has head lice or nits;
                                       j.    Has any other infection disease;
                                  is not permitted at school. We follow the guidelines stipulated in the Health Act of 1977 regarding childhood
                                  diseases indicating the length of time a child should stay off school.
                           6.     You understand and accept that no antibiotic or analgesic medicine may be sent with your Child to School if
                                  it does not have the original dispensing instructions printed and if instructions to administer have not been
                                  given in writing to the Teacher by the Parent/Guardian. No medicine may be placed in any bag or school bag
                                  of learners. Medicine must be given into the hands of the educator or his/her authorised representative.
                           7.     You acknowledge and accept that all medicines used for acute allergies or chronic conditions must be written
                                  up in the Medicine Information Sheet and placed on the shelf provided in the Sickroom, by the
                                  Parent/Guardian. Please leave medication in the reception office in a clearly marked container with written
                                  instructions as to the dosage, duration of treatment and storage requirements. You understand that it is not
                                  the responsibility of the school to provide for acute or chronic conditions or allergies.
                           8.     You acknowledge and accept that no medicines will be administered unless written up on the Medicine
                                  Information Sheet or in the event of acute medication, if the correct process is followed.
                           9.     You understand and accept that NO medication for symptomatic relief will be administered at School under
                                  any circumstances.
                           10. Children who suffer from asthma must always have their inhaler on them. Children who are allergic to bee
                                  stings must always carry their kit with them. In the Foundation Phase, these must be handed in with the
                                  Teacher every morning.

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                                                                                                                      VERSION DATE: 1 April 2020
Please     mention     any
  known learning barriers or
  other challenges which
  your Child might have
  (including behavioral or
  challenges, sensory or
  processing difficulties or
  any other social or
  emotional challenges that
  the School should be
  aware of)

  Any other important or
  relevant information /
  major achievements

                               PARENT/GUARDIAN 1       PARENT/GUARDIAN 2
                                    FATHER                   MOTHER



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                                                                  VERSION DATE: 1 April 2020
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