It Happened Here Reports of race and religious hate crime in New Zealand 2004-2012 - Human Rights Commission

Page created by Michelle Collins
It Happened Here
Reports of race and religious
hate crime in New Zealand

Human Rights Commission
Te Kahui Tika Tangata
                            June 2019
ISSN: 978-0-478-35644-1 (Print)
ISSN: 978-0-478-35645-8 (Online)

Published June 2019
Wellington, Aotearoa, New Zealand
It Happened Here
Reports of race and religious hate crime
in New Zealand 2004-2012

Foreword                                               In the present publication, the Commission
The Christchurch shootings have re-ignited             brings together, for the first time, its annual
public debate about hate crime and hate                summaries of the media reports on racially
speech, but there is little information available      and religiously motivated crime between
about the extent of racially and religiously           2004 and 2012. We hope this compilation will
motivated crime in New Zealand. Police do              deepen understanding and inform discussion.
not collect this data, despite calls from the          Around 100 incidents are included, ranging
New Zealand Human Rights Commission                    from murder and kidnapping to serious
since 2004, recommendations from the                   assault, threatening and disorderly behaviour,
United Nations Committee on the Elimination            abuse, deliberate damage to property and
of Racial Discrimination in 2007 and 2017,             desecration of sacred sites. Where the police
and from the United Nations Human Rights               have taken prosecutions, the courts have
Council in 2009. Shortly after the Council             treated the cases very seriously.
made its recommendation in 2009, the
Government of the day agreed with the                  As it has done for many years, the
recommendation but said it was not a priority.         Commission continues to argue that the
The recommendation has never been                      authorities should gather this information on
actioned.                                              a systematic basis, including the number of
                                                       complaints, prosecutions and convictions for
The absence of systematically collected data           race, religious and other forms of hate crime.
and information on racially and religiously            This will enable Government to monitor the
motivated crime in New Zealand makes it                extent of the problem and develop effective
very difficult to have an informed discussion          evidence-based measures to reduce hate
about their prevalence and design effective            crime in New Zealand. It may also give
measures to counter them.                              people and communities more confidence to
                                                       speak out.
Between 2004-2012, the Human Rights
Commission brought together media                      The summaries below are taken from
reports of racially and religiously motivated          the annual reports of Race Relations
crime as part of its annual Race Relations             Commissioner Joris de Bres (2002-2013). He
Reports. Publication of these annual media             was succeeded by Dame Susan Devoy (2013-
reports ceased in 2013, influenced by the              2018). During her term as Commissioner,
Commission’s chronic lack of resources                 Dame Susan strongly advocated that the
caused by the Government’s long-term                   police should systematically collect data on
cap on funding. However, the nine years                hate crime. I would like to thank Joris and
of information provides a snapshot of the              Dame Susan for their contribution to tackling
kinds of crimes that have been committed in            the issues raised in this publication.
recent years. It is reasonable to assume that
these reported incidents are just the tip of the       Paul Hunt
iceberg, particularly in relation to abusive and       Chief Commissioner
threatening behaviour, since these are an              New Zealand Human Rights Commission
extremely common complaint of ethnic and               Wellington
religious minorities.                                  1 June 2019

                                        Reports of race and religious hate crime in New Zealand 2004-2012   1
Māori youth with trespass notices in a
2004                                                Hamilton mall. (Waikato Times, 18 May)
Desecration of Jewish cemeteries                •   Attacks on migrants in Palmerston North
Following the desecration of two Jewish             by suspected National Front members.
cemeteries in Wellington in July and August,        (Manawatu Standard, 30 June)
Parliament took the unprecedented action of     •   Desecration of Jewish graves in the
unanimously passing a resolution deploring          Bolton Street and Makara cemeteries
these acts. Recalling the terrible history of       in Wellington, and Whanganui. (July/
anti-Semitism culminating in the Holocaust,         August)
Parliament expressed unequivocal
                                                •   Racist taunts against a Fijian Indian
condemnation of anti-Semitism and all forms
                                                    owner driver by staff at a rail depot in
of racial and ethnic hatred, persecution and
                                                    Hamilton. (Waikato Times, 7 August)
                                                •   Letters, including pieces of pork,
A statement signed by Maori, Pākehā,                sent to Muslim families in Wellington.
Pacific, Asian and other ethnic community           (September)
leaders, religious leaders, mayors and
councillors, business and trade union           •   An attack on three Asian students in New
leaders, and community groups was tabled            Plymouth and on the Māori community
in the House supporting the resolution.             leader who sought to intervene. (Taranaki
                                                    Daily News, 1 October)
The Speaker also invited community
                                                •   An attack on Asian students at Mission
representatives to a forum at Parliament
                                                    Bay in Auckland. (East Bays Courier, 6
on the way forward for racial harmony.
The forum of 250 people heard the ideas
that had been put forward by participants       The emergence of a small National Front
beforehand, raised further suggestions, and     group in Christchurch and Wellington led
unanimously adopted the outline of the New      to pro-harmony demonstrations by ethnic
Zealand Diversity Action Programme.             groups and other concerned citizens in
                                                Christchurch in May and Wellington in
Reported incidents                              September. Police made an arrest in the
Anecdotal evidence and newspaper reports        case of the hate mail to Muslim families
continue to indicate that some ethnic groups    and the attack on Somali youth, but many
suffer harassment and abuse in the streets      other incidents were either not formally
and elsewhere, ranging from derogatory          reported to the Police or investigations
remarks to verbal and physical abuse.           have been unsuccessful. The Police do not
Among reported incidents in 2004 were:          keep separate statistics relating to ethnicity
                                                for reported racial offences, treating them
•   Asian students being attacked in            as complaints alongside others relating to
    Christchurch. (The Press, 3 April)          offences under the Summary Offences and
•   Skinheads taunting and attacking a group    Crimes Acts.
    of Somali youth in Wellington. (Dominion
    Post,12 May)
•   Security guards threatening groups of

2      Human Rights Commission
Court in Auckland to seven charges of
2005                                                     intentional damage to places of Muslim
In the absence of Police recording of                    worship around Auckland. They were
complaints and prosecutions relating                     sentenced to 12 months’ imprisonment
to racially motivated crime it is difficult              and ordered to pay reparations of $5000
to assess the extent of the problem.                     each.
Newspaper reports seem to indicate that              •   A 28-year-old Dunedin man was
there were significantly more prosecutions               convicted in the Dunedin District Court
than usual in 2005.                                      in November of abusing a 28-year-old
Cases of racial and religious harassment                 Somali woman (wearing a Muslim head-
and abuse successfully prosecuted by the                 dress) and assaulting a Saudi Arabian
Police included the following:                           Muslim man (after abusing him about
                                                         his religion). He was sentenced to 15
•   A 51-year-old Christchurch man, who                  months’ imprisonment on the first charge
    was a member of the National Front,                  and two months’ imprisonment on the
    was convicted in the Christchurch District           second.
    Court in April of spitting at a 57-year-old
                                                     •   A 28-year-old New Plymouth man
    man of Māori and Indian descent, and
                                                         was charged in the Palmerston North
    sentenced to 120 hours community work.
                                                         District Court with verbally abusing
•   An 18-year-old Nelson woman pleaded                  and physically assaulting three Asian
    guilty in the Nelson District Court in               students. He was sentenced to two
    July to charges of repeatedly harassing              years’ imprisonment.
    and assaulting a 17-year-old Asian
                                                     •   A Whanganui man associated with
    woman, and was sentenced to two years
                                                         the National Front was charged in the
                                                         Wellington District Court with assault for
•   A 53-year-old Hutt Valley man pleaded                an attack on a group of Somali youth in
    guilty in the Wellington District Court              Wellington in 2004. The outcome was a
    in September to sending 30 abusive                   hung jury and a retrial was scheduled for
    letters to Muslims in 2004. He was                   2006.
    convicted and sentenced to six months’
                                                     •   A 25-year-old Wairarapa woman was
    imprisonment and ordered to pay $500
                                                         convicted in the Masterton District Court
    each to three of the victims.
                                                         of assaulting a Chinese tourist on a train
•   A 25-year-old Blenheim man was                       because she was speaking Chinese
    convicted in the Blenheim District Court             to her travelling companion. She was
    in October of disorderly behaviour                   remanded for sentencing in 2006.
    for yelling abuse at a Muslim woman
                                                     •   There were media reports of racial
    wearing traditional Muslim headdress,
                                                         abuse experienced by Pacific players at
    accusing her of being a terrorist and
                                                         a national rugby league club match on
    telling her to go home (she had lived
                                                         Auckland’s North Shore (Sunday News,
    in New Zealand for 15 years). He was
                                                         8 May 2005) and by New Zealand-
    sentenced to 120 hours community work.
                                                         based West Indian and Pakistani players
•   Two 18-year-old Auckland men                         involved in Taranaki club cricket. (Herald
    associated with the National Front                   on Sunday, 13 November 2005)
    pleaded guilty in the Otahuhu District

                                        Reports of race and religious hate crime in New Zealand 2004-2012   3
Historic Reserve, South Canterbury.
2006                                                 Permanent damage was feared. (The
There were a range of media reports of               Press, 9 December)
racial harassment:
•   A teen national athletic hope described      2007
    frequent racial abuse and how his family
    home’s windows had been smashed in           There were a number of media reports of
    Hamilton. (Sunday News, 19 March)            racially motivated crime, harassment and
                                                 discrimination, including:
•   A Korean couple were racially abused
    and had eggs and stones thrown at them       •   A Chinese family was subjected to a
    on a Hamilton street. (Waikato Times, 24         racist graffiti attack in Palmerston North.
    May)                                             They said windows in their grocery
                                                     store had also been smashed on about
•   Several Pacific Island players were
                                                     four occasions in the past 12 months.
    subject to racial taunts from the side
                                                     (Manawatu Standard, 6 January)
    line at a senior club game in Taranaki.
    (Taranaki Daily News, 29 July)               •   A woman was convicted in the Gisborne
                                                     District Court of a racial attack on a
•   A Lower Hutt Islamic Centre was spray
                                                     group of Somalis and damage to their
    painted with swastikas, and windows
                                                     vehicle in 2004. (Gisborne Herald, 6
    were smashed. (Dominion Post, 31 July)
•   Vandals targeted a Christchurch
                                                 •   Three Korean students in Nelson
    synagogue with anti-Semitic graffiti. (New
                                                     were attacked by two men described
    Zealand Herald, 2 August)
                                                     by the Police as skinheads with white
•   Racial insults were described as “a fact         supremacist views. The men were
    of life” for Fiji Indian soccer players in       subsequently sentenced to jail terms
    Auckland. (Manukau Courier, 10 August)           for assault with intent to injure. (Nelson
•   A website targeted New Zealand Jews.             Mail, 28 March)
    (Sunday News, 13 August)                     •   An Indian man was forced to disembark
•   An Indian man had racial comments                from a Qantas place due to fly from
    yelled at him on the street in Motueka           Queenstown to Auckland. The crew
    and he was kicked. (The Nelson Mail, 12          said it was because other passengers
    September)                                       were uncomfortable flying with him,
                                                     apparently because he was wearing a
•   West Auckland Muslim women at a bus              turban. (Mountain Scene, 15 March)
    stop were shot at from a passing car.
    (One News, 5 December)                       •   A Nelson man was arrested and two
                                                     youths were referred to Youth Aid after
•   A New Zealand born Chinese man was               what Police described as two racially
    taunted and attacked by eight people             motivated attacks on Asians in the city.
    in Wellington. Members of the group              The man attacked a South East Asian
    yelled “bloody Asian”. (Dominion Post, 5         woman in her garage, and later the
    December)                                        same evening, with the two youths,
•   Racist insults were spray painted on a           verbally abused an Indian man. (Nelson
    pre-European rock art site at Raincliff          Mail, 26 April)

4      Human Rights Commission
•   A group of Asian teenagers contacted                 would have had to consult New Zealand
    the Northern Advocate saying they                    Football. (New Zealand Herald, 10
    were often harassed and many of their                September)
    peers had “experienced aggression                •   Two players from the Chinese United
    from a very small but disturbing minority            football team were arrested after the
    in Whangarei”. They said that despite                referee was assaulted during a match at
    having spent most of their lives in New              Elmwood Park in Christchurch. Players
    Zealand, they were still made to feel like           from the Chinese United team say
    foreigners in a country they called home.            they thought there was ”a little” racial
    (Northern Advocate, 27 April)                        motivation to the fight. They were being
•   The captain of the Hamilton Wanderers                call “Chinese f…….” during the match.
    soccer team resigned after his Somali                (The Press, 3 September)
    team-mates were subject to a number of           •   Six Jewish graves in Wellington’s Karori
    racist remarks by officials from Auckland            cemetery were painted with anti-Semitic
    teams in April. The four Somali players              graffiti following the publication of an
    also quit the team after the incidents,              interview with the Israeli Ambassador in
    saying they felt ostracised by the team as           the Dominion Post. (Dominion Post, 1
    well. (Waikato News, 14 April )                      November)
•   Foreign doctors at Whanganui Hospital            •   A Taiwanese born teenager and her two
    said they had been targets of racial                 younger brothers were assaulted and
    abuse and some operations had been                   told to ‘go back to China’ by five young
    cancelled when patients learned that a               girls in Tauranga. (Bay of Plenty Times,
    foreign doctor was the operating surgeon.            14 November)
    (3 News, 20 June)
                                                     •   An Indian man was racially abused as a
•   Asian students said that being the target            ”terrorist” and a “Paki” and was punched
    of flying missiles from cars and verbal              in the face by a group of five or six men
    abuse was becoming a fact of life for                while getting into a taxi in Queenstown.
    more Asian people in Christchurch. (The              (Mountain Scene, 15 November)
    Press, 2 August)
                                                     •   A Taupo man appeared in court for
•   Three men with shaven heads and                      verbally abusing a group of boys in Napier
    wearing masks acted like ‘crazed                     for “hanging around” with an Asian boy
    animals’, bashing a Chinese student                  and then racially abusing the Asian boy,
    with beer bottles and yelling racial taunts          spitting at him and hitting him in the face.
    during an early morning home invasion in             (New Zealand Herald, 22 November)
    Christchurch. (The Press, 2 August)
                                                     •   An Invercargill man was arrested in
•   A teenager was told to remove his                    Queenstown for offensive behaviour
    painted moko at a soccer game after the              for allegedly yelling racist slurs such
    opposition complained about it being                 as “white power” from the passenger
    intimidating. The referee confirmed that             window of a vehicle. (Mountain Scene,
    he had asked the player to wash off                  13 December)
    the paint because two players on the
    opposing team had complained. Asked              •   A Dunedin academic said his Chinese
    what would have happened if the moko                 family members were abused at a
    had been a tattoo, (the referee) said he

                                        Reports of race and religious hate crime in New Zealand 2004-2012   5
children’s playground by teenagers          The man, who pleaded guilty to the murder
    driving by. He said his wife, a New         charge, was sentenced to 21 years without
    Zealand citizen who had lived in            parole in December 2008. An appeal against
    the country for ten years, dealt with       the sentence was lodged.
    racism on a daily basis in Dunedin.
    Supermarket assistants spoke down           Jae Hyeon’s mother and brother travelled
    to her because of her accent or spoke       to New Zealand to visit the site of the
    very slowly despite the fact his wife had   murder and attend the sentencing. They
    three university degrees and was about      also attended a funeral at Nelson’s Marsden
    to complete her PhD. Other people           House, where they were joined by members
    sounded their car horns while she was       of the Nelson Multi-Ethnic Council, a
    driving, even though she had not made       representative of the Race Relations
    a mistake. (Otago Daily Times, 24           Commissioner and other concerned citizens.
    December)                                   Reverend Taeil Choi of the Nelson Full
                                                Gospel Korean Church paid tribute to a
                                                bright student whose life was too short. He
2008                                            said Jae Hyeon Kim had been drawn to
Race hate murder                                New Zealand because he, like many other
                                                young Koreans, believed it was a peaceful
A 2008 Police inquiry indicated that a          country, free of violence and aggression. He
25-year-old Korean economics student Jae        said those responsible for Mr Kim’s death
Hyeon Kim was murdered because of his           had carried the disease of racial hatred:
race in 2003.                                   “For the sake of Jae Hyeon Kim, we should
Jae Hyeon Kim was on a 12-month                 all commit ourselves to making this city
backpacking holiday in New Zealand when         of Nelson, and our country as a whole, a
he disappeared en route from Westport to        place where people are welcomed, and a
Greymouth in September-October 2003. A          place where all cultures and all people are
missing person inquiry in 2004 failed to find   tolerated equally.”
anything, but when the Police re-opened         Media reports of race-related incidents
the inquiry in May 2008 they received two
anonymous letters.                              There were a number of media reports of
                                                racially motivated crime, harassment, assault
This led to the arrest in June 2008 of a        and discrimination, including the following:
28-year-old Nelson fisherman and two other
men, whose details were suppressed. A           •   A Nelson man was charged with
number of skinhead supporters attended              disorderly and threatening behaviour
when the defendants first appeared in court         after verbally abusing two Chinese
                                                    people as they walked down the street,
At a depositions hearing in the Greymouth           calling them “Asian monkeys”. He later
District Court in October 2008, one of the          admitted to abusing them, saying that “he
men pleaded guilty to the murder. The other         had a right to”. The judge sentenced him
two were committed to a trial scheduled             to 200 hours of community service and
for June 2009 in Greymouth. During the              warned him “racist taunts are strongly
depositions hearing the Police located Jae          disapproved of”. (Nelson Mail, 23
Hyeon Kim’s body near Charleston, south             January)
of Westport.

6      Human Rights Commission
•   Members of Christchurch’s Somali                       with an accent”. One man was fined $250
    community reported an increase in                      for disorderly behaviour and the other
    incidences of abuse after an alleged                   sentenced to 200 hours of community
    hijacking attempt by a Somali woman in                 work, ordered to pay $4000 reparations
    February. A woman was verbally abused                  and required to undertake drug addiction
    by a group of young men in a car and                   counselling and treatment. (The Press,
    was called a “terrorist”. (The Press, 11               23 April)
    February)                                          •   A Hamilton gaming shop was reportedly
•   Two men were arrested and charged with                 vandalised in what the manager said
    intimidation in New Plymouth in February               could be racially motivated attacks.
    after racially abusing a group of Asian                One such attack was targeted at the
    people at a playground. At their court                 manager’s friend, who was assaulted as
    hearing, the defence said there was no                 he left the shop by a man who had been
    neo-Nazi motivation behind the abuse.                  making Nazi salutes at the windows and
    They were sentenced to two months’                     yelling white power slogans. (Waikato
    imprisonment. (Taranaki Daily News, 15                 Times, 3 May)
    February)                                          •   A man pleaded guilty in the Wellington
•   A Taupo man was sentenced in February                  District Court to assaulting his daughter,
    to six months’ home detention and                      saying it was for religious reasons. He
    ordered to pay $350 reparation for racial              is an Assyrian Christian and said that he
    abuse and assault of an Asian teenager                 had assaulted his daughter because she
    in Napier in July 2007. (New Zealand                   was going out with a Muslim. He was
    Herald, 16 February)                                   given a 12 month suspended sentence.
                                                           (NZPA, 14 May)
•   A skinhead was found guilty by a High
    Court jury for trying to corrupt a juror           •   A man involved in the white supremacist
    during a white supremacist trial. He                   kidnapping of a Canadian Indian tourist
    allegedly left a note on the juror’s doorstep          two years ago was sent to jail after
    with a swastika on it and the words “not               ignoring the directives of the court. The
    guilty” during the trial of four men charged           man refused to complete his community
    with the kidnapping of a Canadian Indian               service because he had received death
    tourist. He was sentenced to two years’                threats while carrying out his sentence
    imprisonment for seeking to influence the              at the community work centre. The judge
    jury. (Stuff, 9 April)                                 said the failure to complete community
                                                           service had made a mockery of what
•   Eight Danish and English tourists were
                                                           was a very generous sentence. The man
    attacked in central Christchurch in April
                                                           was sentenced to 10 months in prison.
    because they “spoke funny”. Six were
                                                           (NZPA, 6 June)
    taken to Christchurch Hospital, including
    two with knife wounds. (The Press, 14              •   Racists threats were made in an
    April)                                                 anonymous letter to the principal of a
                                                           kura kaupapa in Rotorua. He had been
•   Police in Westport charged two men
                                                           outspoken about Māori issues, including
    in relation to an attack on an Irish
                                                           the use of te reo Māori. He contributed
    tourist in April. The attack was, “without
                                                           to a policy change by Land Transport
    provocation and appears to have
                                                           New Zealand in regard to Māori signs on
    occurred only because the victim spoke

                                          Reports of race and religious hate crime in New Zealand 2004-2012   7
school buses and advocated for Māori         •   A 32-year-old unemployed Nelson man
    wards to be established in Rotorua.              was convicted of a range of offences,
    (NZPA, 18 June)                                  including careless use of a motor vehicle,
•   A 19-year-old Nelson fisherman who               assault and threatening behaviour
    chanted “white power” at two Māori               for two incidents on the same day in
    women was sentenced in the Nelson                Nelson in June. He had abused and
    District Court to 100 hours of community         threatened an Asian man pumping up
    service. He admitted one charge of               his car tyres at a service station. In the
    disorderly behaviour and one charge of           afternoon he abused another Asian man
    possessing a pipe to smoke cannabis.             and two friends from his car outside a
    (Nelson Mail, 9 July)                            supermarket. He swerved towards them,
                                                     struck the victim and attempted to pin
•   Swastikas and obscenities were written           him against a fence then threw a bottle
    on a Burmese family’s car in Lower Hutt.         of bourbon at him. A member of the
    This was the third attack on the family          public stopped to help the victim and his
    who said that they no longer felt safe at        friends. The man was sentenced to nine
    their home. (Dominion Post, 15 July)             months’ imprisonment for what the judge
•   Southern Institute of Technology Chief           called “disgraceful behaviour”, and said
    Executive Penny Simmonds told a                  it was essential the court denounced
    meeting of Venture Southland that two            the offending because of its racial
    Indian students had decided to return            undertones. Another man was sentenced
    home after they were abused by a                 to 300 hours’ community work for his
    carload of youths for wearing turbans.           involvement in one of the incidents.
    (Southland Times, 7 October)                     (Nelson Mail, 22 November)
•   A 19-year-old Nelson man was convicted       •   The Manawatu Chinese Trust reported
    in the Nelson District Court of using            that racism was on the rise in Palmerston
    offensive language in public. He swore           North, with taunts and food being thrown
    at a Saudi Arabian student, called him a         at members of the Chinese community.
    terrorist and told him to go home. (Nelson       A helpline set up by the trust was getting
    Mail, 18 November)                               up to 60 calls a week, with a third relating
                                                     to racism. This compared with a couple
•   A Filipino schoolgirl had stones thrown at
                                                     of calls a day when the helpline was first
    her on a bus in Christchurch, was called
                                                     set up in 2007. A Trust member who had
    a “bloody Asian” and told to go back to
                                                     moved to Palmerston North nine years
    her own country by three teenage boys.
                                                     previously with her husband and children
    (The Press, 29 November)
                                                     said she had noticed a big change. “Last
•   An African-American migrant left                 year I was walking along Milverton Park
    Christchurch after being attacked in a           with my husband when a group of men
    Lyttelton street in October. She was             strode towards us yelling “white is good,
    surrounded by six people, who started            yellow is bad”. They followed us for a
    shouting abuse and threatening her. The          few blocks home, jumping in front of us,
    group of men and women used such                 pulling the Nazi salute. Several times
    words as “nigger” and “blackie” and told         when we go walking, people have yelled
    her to “go home”. A man was charged              at us.” Another Trust member said he had
    by the Police with threatening behaviour.        reached the point where he will soon call
    (The Press, 19 December)                         the Police. He believed constant attacks

8      Human Rights Commission
on his car over the past three years are               his open driver’s window, and when he
    racially motivated. “Every few months we               got out of the taxi was punched and
    come out in the morning to find rubbish                kicked to the ground. (Western Leader,
    on our car – one day they painted a black              23 April)
    skull on the window. I don’t know who did          •   The Court of Appeal rejected an appeal
    it, but we are the only Asian people in our            by a Nelson man against his minimum
    area and no-one else in the street has                 21-year-jail sentence for the race-
    had any problem. Whoever did it knows                  hate murder of Korean backpacker
    what we are and where we are from.”                    Jae Hyeon Kim in 2003. The court
    (Manawatu Standard, 10 January 2009)                   said, “It is impossible to view the total
                                                           circumstances without real concern
2009                                                       that this man demonstrates a wanton
                                                           disregard for humanity, as he has
Compared to previous years, there were                     embraced extreme bigotry and racism.”
fewer media reports of incidents of racially               (The Press, 6 May)
motivated crime, harassment and assault.
                                                       •   An Indo-Fijian student was attacked at
Reports this year included:
                                                           Linwood College in Christchurch. He
•   Five Indian students in Invercargill                   suffered a cracked cheekbone, chipped
    said they had been repeatedly labelled                 tooth, a cut to the head and extensive
    terrorists, told to “leave our country” and            bruising. (The Press, 7 August)
    been racially abused. There had been               •   A 25-year-old Korean homestay student
    16 separate incidents in the previous 12               was attacked at a bus stop in Papanui,
    days. (Southland Times, 3 March)                       Christchurch. He was racially abused,
•   “White supremacists” terrorised people in              had a knife held to his throat, was bitten
    an Invercargill street, painted swastikas              on the arm and hit and kicked to the
    on the road outside their house and                    ground by a heavily intoxicated man and
    drove their neighbours to move away                    two women. (The Press, 1 September)
    after thefts of property and vandalism to          •   A 13-year-old Thai homestay student
    their house. (Southland Times, 27 March)               was told to “f..k off back to your own
•   Two men who bombed a South Auckland                    country” and punched in the head by two
    temple and defaced it with racist                      fellow pupils from Avonside High School,
    messages failed to get their sentence                  Christchurch. Her homestay parent said
    reduced at the High Court in Auckland                  her other Thai homestay student had
    (New Zealand Herald, 4 April)                          been punched at a shopping centre
                                                           in June and had a tooth broken. (The
•   An Indian taxi driver in Auckland was
                                                           Press, 3 September)
    beaten and humiliated by four male
    passengers. When he asked them for the             •   A Japanese teahouse in Nelson’s Myazu
    fare, the men punched him to the ground,               Gardens was firebombed on the eve of
    racially abused him and removed his                    the Japanese Cherry Blossom Festival.
    turban. (New Zealand Herald, 14 April)                 (Nelson Mail, 14 September)
•   A 44-year-old Pacific Island taxi driver           While a reduction in incidents reported in
    in Waitakere City received head injuries           the media is welcome, the actual number of
    and bruised ribs in an attack by three             complaints, prosecutions and convictions
    assailants. He was hit with a rock through

                                          Reports of race and religious hate crime in New Zealand 2004-2012   9
are still not recorded by the Police. In
the course of the United Nations Human
Rights Council review of New Zealand’s               The media continue to report sporadic
human rights performance in May, the                 incidents of racially motivated violence,
issue of recording Police complaints was             ranging from verbal abuse to severe physical
raised again. The government accepted the            assault. There is no way to establish the
recommendation that this data be collected,          actual extent of racially motivated crime.
but said it was not a priority.                      This is because the government has not
                                                     yet honoured its commitment to the United
Courts take dim view of attack on Manurewa
                                                     Nations Human Rights Council to introduce
                                                     a system of data collection to capture this
In a case not widely reported by the media,          information. Media reports reflect that most
two 20-year-old men were sentenced in the            incidents are directed at Asians and occur in
Manukau District Court in February to two            the South Island. Some noteworthy media
years and nine months imprisonment. They             reports are mentioned or discussed below:
were accused of throwing pipe bombs at the
                                                     •   A refugee family from Bhutan claimed they
Narskar Thath Isher Dabar Sikh Temple in
                                                         had been driven out of their state house
Manurewa, engaging in threatening acts and
                                                         in Christchurch because their neighbours’
painting obscenities on the temple walls. In
                                                         children abused them, urinated on their
addition to sexual obscenities, they painted
                                                         lawn, threw dog food at their house and
a swastika, the letters KKK and the words
                                                         water bombs at their children.
“fukin rag heads” on the walls. The offences
                                                         (TV3 News, 7 January)
took place from April to August 2008. Judge
Blackie imposed a deterrent sentence,                •   In February 2010, an Asian student was
to make clear to all New Zealanders this                 left beaten and bloodied after an assault
type of conduct would not be tolerated.                  by four skinhead youths at a bus stop
He described their actions as, “racist,                  outside the Palms Mall in Christchurch.
abusive and demeaning” and expressed                     Witnesses believed the attack was racially
abhorrence on behalf of the community at                 motivated. (The Press, 23 February)
what had occurred. The men appealed the              •   In April, an African American basketball
length of their sentence to the High Court.              player was subjected to racial taunts by a
Judge Heath dismissed the appeal, citing                 group of youths while he was socialising
other cases in which racial hostility had                with fellow Otago team members in
been considered an aggravating factor in                 Dunedin. He received a massive hit from
sentencing. He said, “The attack on the                  behind and suffered a serious concussion.
temple involved violent conduct … It was                 He also had a black eye and a cut to the
a persistent attack, through physical and                back of his head. (Newstalk ZB, 13 April)
psychological means, on those who used
the temple. Targeting the temple on four             •   In April, a man who had admitted
separate occasions over a period of more                 murdering a South Korean tourist on
than three months makes it implausible to                the West Coast in 2003 was sentenced
suggest that [the men] were not motivated                in the Christchurch High Court to life
by racial, religious, colour or ethnic hostility.”       imprisonment, with a minimum-parole
                                                         period of 16 years and three months. The
                                                         judge told him the murder was committed
                                                         “with a high degree of callousness” and
                                                         was clearly a racist killing. “It was very

10     Human Rights Commission
significant that Mr Kim was Asian. You                the man, and the other walked round
    have white supremacist, neo-Nazi beliefs.             behind and punched him in the head.
    You regarded him (Kim) as not deserving               When hotel staff were called, the pair ran
    of the same dignity and respect as a white            to the car, telling the victim to “get out of
    person.” (The Press, 29 April)                        the country”. The judge said they were,
•   A 21-year-old man, was sentenced in the               “a disgrace to Christchurch. This was a
    Hastings District Court to two years and              completely unprovoked attack on a visitor
    three months jail for terrorising a 71-year-          to the city, which had racial overtones.”
    old Indian man, knocking off his turban               (NZPA, 24 September)
    and punching out his false teeth. The             •   A Chinese student from Lynfield College,
    judge noted that the man had continued to             Auckland, claimed he was racially
    use racist terms and showed no remorse                abused in August by the manager of a
    to his victim. He said he was allowed                 supermarket. (New Zealand Herald, 17
    to hold whatever views he liked, but he               September)
    could not act on them. “It is what you do         •   A 15-year-old Māori youth was repeatedly
    that makes the difference and of course               stabbed in the face and body on a
    we don’t condone this kind of conduct                 riverbank after a Christmas concert in
    in our society. Quite frankly, this was a             Christchurch’s Hagley Park. Witnesses
    disgraceful race-based attack. Not the                told Police the attackers, who appeared
    kind we’re used to in New Zealand and                 to be skinheads, were using racial
    we certainly don’t tolerate that kind of              slurs against the victim. (The Press, 29
    behaviour.” (Dominion Post, 6 August)                 November)
•   In Christchurch, a Filipino woman had a
    four-litre tin of paint thrown over her as
    she was putting her children into her car.        2011
    The paint went all over her and her car,          There were sporadic media reports of
    and some splattered on her two-year-old           racially motivated crime, although less than
    daughter. The offenders, described as             in previous years. They were:
    two European teenagers, laughed as they
    drove away. (The Press, 9 August)                 •   Three-metre wide swastikas were
                                                          sprayed on the field and buildings at
•   A Zimbabwean teenager was set upon
                                                          Okara Park in Whangarei before a
    by a skinhead as he left a bottle store in
                                                          Warriors pre-season rugby league match
    Christchurch. He was shoved and hit in
                                                          in February. (Newstalk ZB, 19 February)
    the face by the man, who appeared to be
    intoxicated. (The Press, 9 August)                •   Two Thai women were verbally abused
                                                          and one was punched in the face by two
•   Two men were convicted in the
                                                          young women in central Nelson in May.
    Christchurch District Court for head-
                                                          The offenders were dealt with by Youth
    butting and punching an Indian man in
                                                          Aid and wrote letters to the Thai women
    Cathedral Square. The man had been
                                                          to apologise. (The Nelson Mail, 6 May)
    waiting outside a tourist hotel when the
    pair got out of a car and approached him,         •   A 34-year-old man from New Plymouth
    asking what he was up to and what he                  was sentenced to 225 hours of
    was doing in this country (he was a New               community work and ordered to pay
    Zealand resident). Both offenders were                $3407 to his Indian neighbours after
    drunk. One walked up and head-butted                  he yelled at them and used a machete

                                         Reports of race and religious hate crime in New Zealand 2004-2012   11
to scratch the panel work on their two       The offender was sentenced to six months
     cars. He told the court he was angry that    home detention, 200 hours community work
     they were speaking a foreign language        and ordered to pay $1000 reparation.
     and that he acted in the way that he did
     because he wanted to get the message
     across in a way they would understand.       2012
     (Taranaki Daily News, 3 September)
                                                  Flurry of racial vandalism in Auckland
•    A man and a woman were charged
     with encouraging their dogs to attack        There were three separate incidents of
     a Filipino man and a Japanese                racial vandalism in the course of a week in
     student in Christchurch at Easter. The       Auckland in October.
     woman pleaded guilty to assault in the
                                                  Twenty gravestones in the historic Jewish
     Christchurch District Court, saying she
                                                  quarter of a cemetery in central Auckland
     was “trying to make a statement about
                                                  were vandalised and spray painted with
     immigrants” who she claimed were taking
                                                  Nazi insignia and slogans. Police arrested
     the jobs of New Zealanders. She was
                                                  three youths and charged them with
     remanded for sentencing in March 2012.
                                                  wilful damage. Charges against one were
     The man pleaded not guilty and was
                                                  subsequently withdrawn for lack of evidence.
     remanded to reappear at a later date.
                                                  Of the other two, one aged 19, pleaded
     (The Press, 10 October)
                                                  guilty in November to a charge of intentional
•    A woman was racially abused and had          damage, and was due to be sentenced in
     a lit firework thrown at her from a car by   February 2013; the other, aged 20, pleaded
     a group of European teenagers while          not guilty and was due to reappear in court
     jogging in a Rotorua suburb on Guy           in January 2013.
     Fawkes Day. (Rotorua Daily Post, 7
     November)                                    In what was assumed to be a copy-cat
                                                  incident, an unoccupied house in Grey Lynn,
Chinese student hospitalised after attack         Auckland was broken into and defaced with
In August, a Chinese man was the victim           similar slogans a few days later. Also that
of racist comments and an attack at an            same week, a bullet was fired through the
Invercargill service station. Comments were       front window of the office of an immigration
directed at the man and his passengers by         consultant and former Immigration Minister,
an 18-year-old passenger in another car at        causing the window to shatter. National Front
the service station.                              style slogans were painted on the footpath
The pair exchanged words then the offender
punched the man in the face. The force            There was speculation that the cemetery
broke the man’s glasses and a shard               attack was to give publicity to the annual
of glass went into his eyelid, causing a          Flag Day march to Parliament on Labour
laceration. He was taken to hospital and          Day by fringe national socialist and white
underwent surgery.                                supremacy groups, the National Front
                                                  and the Right Wing Resistance, but
The man was an international student and          spokespeople for these groups, Colin Ansell
as a result of the attack could not study         and Kyle Chapman, denied any connection
and failed one of his classes. He has since       with the incident. Less than 40 people
returned to China.                                attended the national flag march, and Ansell

12      Human Rights Commission
told 3 News that his group’s biggest problem         The woman had yelled abuse at a
was maintaining its transient membership             Vietnamese man, told her dog to kill him,
and getting them to pay the $15 a year               punched him and tried to hit him with a beer
membership fee.                                      bottle. When he took shelter in a shop she
                                                     stomped on the bags of groceries he had
Jail and home detention for racial attack in         dropped, threw items at the shop door, and
Dunedin                                              yelled for him to go back to his own country.
Three unemployed young people in Dunedin             A few months later, the pair met a man from
were sentenced to prison or home detention           the Philippines, and set their dogs on him in
for abusing and assaulting a Korean family           Lincoln Road, Addington. The woman let her
in Dunedin at Easter, and for then assaulting        dog off the leash to let it chase him. The dogs
a student who tried to intervene. The family,        jumped up and tried to bite his shoulders,
who were visiting from Auckland, were                damaging his jacket, while he took shelter
walking along Dunedin’s main street when             inside a property and then inside a flat.
the drunken trio began shouting racist
remarks at them, threw a bottle and punched          A Japanese woman was then confronted
one of the group in the face.                        nearby. The dogs were encouraged to attack
                                                     her while she huddled in a corner until help
One woman, aged 22, was sentenced to                 arrived. The woman was taken to hospital
six months in prison for the assault, another        for treatment for a bite wound and scratches.
woman, aged18, was sentenced to three
months in prison, and a man, aged 18,                In sentencing the pair, Judge Doherty said,
to two months home detention. All three              “The main purpose of the sentencing is
were also convicted of other unrelated               deterrence.” He noted the special provisions
offences. In sentencing one of the offenders,        of the Sentencing Act for racially motivated
Judge Stephen Coyle said it was entirely             crimes.
unacceptable and abhorrent that anyone
should be taunted simply because of their            The judge also ordered the dog to be put
race “or looking different from you”.                down, saying, “It’s not the dog’s fault, but
                                                     it seems to me it has been socialised into
Owners jailed for dog attacks on Asians in           activities that could lead to greater risks in
Christchurch                                         the future”.
A man and a woman were sentenced to
eight months in prison for setting their dog
onto Asian people in Christchurch. A woman
(18) and her former boyfriend (24) admitted
to the court that they had associated with
an extreme right wing group and that the
attacks were racially motivated.

                                        Reports of race and religious hate crime in New Zealand 2004-2012   13
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