CHAPTER-III Performance Reviews - Accountant General, Goa

Page created by Louis Carpenter
CHAPTER-III Performance Reviews - Accountant General, Goa
                          Performance Reviews




•     The Dayanand Social Security Scheme (DSSS) was implemented by the
State Government with effect from 1 January 2002 with a view to providing
financial assistance of Rs.500 per month to the vulnerable sections of the
society such as senior citizens, single and destitute women and handicapped
persons. The first phase of the scheme was implemented through the Life
Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) by entering into an agreement (MOU) in
terms of which the State Government purchased pension for each pensioner by
paying a price computed by LIC based on the age of the beneficiary. In turn,
LIC was to pay pension during the lifetime of the beneficiary. The second
phase was implemented through the Mapusa Urban Cooperative Bank (MUCB)
as a disbursing bank for the pensions. There were flaws in the rules and
deficiencies and irregularities in implementation of the scheme which led to
sanction of ineligible and bogus pensions, duplicate sanctions to same persons,
sanctions to both husband and wife, overlapping of benefits, continuation of
pension remittance to the accounts of expired beneficiaries and non-
disbursement of pension to sanctioned beneficiaries. The Social Welfare
Department which was responsible for implementation of the DSSS, did not
ensure adoption of proper systems and internal controls. Highlights of the
review are given below.

      ¾     The first phase of the scheme was implemented through the LIC
            against purchase price for pension paid by the State
            Government. The State Government paid much more than was
            disbursed as pension by the LIC. The LIC paid less interest to
            the State Government on the funds accumulated with it while
            charging a higher rate from the State Government for delayed
            payments. Besides, the LIC did not honour the provisions of the
            scheme regarding extending the benefits to the surviving
            members of the families of deceased pensioners.
                                                    (Paragraph 3.1.7 to 3.1.10)

      ¾     Though the scheme envisaged sanction of the financial assistance
            to the poor and needy whose income did not exceed the amount
            of assistance envisaged under the scheme (Rs. 6000 per annum),
            an affidavit sworn by the applicant and countersigned by an
            MLA was accepted as proof of income without any counter
            checks by the Department.
                                                            (Paragraph 3.1.13)
Audit Report (Civil) for the year ended 31 March 2004

        ¾     Twenty seven beneficiaries who were receiving pension under a
              separate State scheme for former artists through Directorate of
              Arts and Culture, also received pension under DSSS for period
              ranging from 4 to 33 months, which was yet to be recovered from
              the pensioners (Rs.1.94 lakh).
                                                              (Paragraph 3.1.12)

        ¾     Double payment of pension of Rs.6.89 lakh was made to 232
              beneficiaries. Pension of Rs.10.57 lakh was paid to both the
              spouses in 142 cases for periods ranging from 1 to 20 months.
                                                              (Paragraph 3.1.13)

        ¾     The findings of a survey agency appointed by the State
              Government revealed that out of 40818 beneficiaries covered in
              survey, only 28979 were genuine beneficiaries. The irregular
              pension paid to such non-genuine beneficiaries as of June 2004
              amounted to Rs.6.98 crore. Pension payment to 9327 non-
              genuine cases other than expired and bogus cases continued, as
              re-survey ordered by Government was not completed.
              (December 2004)
                                                              (Paragraph 3.1.14)

        ¾     Pension was not disbursed to 415 beneficiaries sanctioned during
              January 2002 to October 2002 for want of bank account details
              and Rs.48 lakh due to the beneficiaries was lying with LIC. Thus
              non disbursal of pension to the beneficiaries defeated the
              objectives of scheme and resulted in unintended financial benefit
              to the LIC in the form of undisbursed funds lying with them.
                                                              (Paragraph 3.1.16)

        ¾     Registers and books of accounts were not maintained by the
              Department. Reconciliation of accounts with LIC was not
              conducted. The scheme implementation suffered due to lack of
              internal controls.
                                                              (Paragraph 3.1.18)

3.1.1   Introduction

The Government introduced the Dayanand Social Security Scheme (DSSS) with
effect from 1 January 2002 under the Goa Dayanand Social Security Scheme
Rules, 2001. The existing social welfare schemes viz. Dayanand Smriti Niradhar
Madat Yojana, Scheme of Financial assistance to Young Widows and the Scheme
of Grant of Family Pension to the Old, Destitute and the Handicapped persons
were amalgamated into the new scheme, to provide financial assistance to the
vulnerable sections of the society, i.e. the elderly, the disabled and women in
difficult circumstances. It was provided that the per capita family income should
be less than the assistance received under this scheme, and the applicant should
not be in receipt of financial assistance from any other source. There were 54,855

Chapter III Performance Reviews

beneficiaries under the scheme (19736# with LIC and 35119 with Mapusa Urban
Co-op. Bank Ltd.) as of June 2004.

3.1.2   Programme objectives

The objective of the scheme was to provide financial assistance of Rs.500 per
month with an increase of Rs.25 per annum to senior citizens above 60 years of
age, widows, divorcees, deserted or judicially separated women above 18 years of
age, unmarried women above 50 years of age and disabled persons above 21 years
of age, whose per capita income is less than the amount of annual financial
assistance under the scheme.

The scheme also envisaged insurance cover to women and disabled beneficiaries
upto the age of 60 years, and also to traditional workers and unorganised labour,
by payment of a premium at the rate of Rs.100 per member per annum by the
Government of Goa to LIC.

3.1.3   Organisational set up

The scheme is implemented by the Department of Social Welfare, headed by a
Secretary and is assisted by Director, Social Welfare. The applications received
for the financial assistance were scrutinised by the Directorate of the Social
Welfare and recommended for sanction to a committee constituted by the
Government. Initially the committee was headed by the Minister, Department of
Social Welfare. It was reconstituted in June 2002 with the Chief Minister as
Chairman, and the Minister, Department of Social Welfare, the Leader of the
Opposition and the Director of Social Welfare as the other three members.
Disbursement of the financial assistance to the beneficiaries was made through the
Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) and the Mapusa Urban Co-Op. Bank of
Goa Ltd. (MUCB).

3.1.4   Scope of Audit

The scheme was reviewed with the following objectives:
•       To ascertain whether the scheme objectives were achieved.
•       Whether the benefits under the scheme were overlapping with any other
        existing schemes.
•       Whether systems and procedures were in place to guard the financial
        interest of the government; and
•       Whether any wasteful or avoidable expenditure occurred during the
        implementation of the scheme.

3.1.5   Audit Coverage

A review of implementation of the scheme since inception (January 2002) to
June 2004 was conducted during May 2004 to July 2004.
        After discontinuation of detected cases of expired, double, both spouses etc, from the sanctioned 21113 cases

Audit Report (Civil) for the year ended 31 March 2004

3.1.6. Financial outlay

The scheme is entirely funded by the State Government. The financial outlay on
the scheme and the expenditure incurred for the period from 2001-02 to June 2004
were as under:

                                                                               (Rs. in crore)
                                                             Funds Released
                                           Budget                                Expenditure
         Year                                                      to
                                                              LIC     MUCB           Total
                                                    Nil         20        --                    20
         (From January 2002)
         2002-03                                    20           20       --                 20
         2003-04                                 40.34       24.54♣   13.48               38.02
                                                 40.20          Nil    6.00                6.00
         (Up to June 2004)
         Total                                  100.54        64.54   19.48               84.02

3.1.7   Implementation of the scheme through LIC

For implementation of the scheme through LIC a Memorandum of Understanding
(MOU) was entered into between the State Government and the LIC on 2 October
2001. The scheme had two different components viz., monthly payment of
financial assistance in the form of monthly pension and providing insurance cover.
As per the MOU, the Government purchased pension for each beneficiary by
paying a purchase price computed by LIC according to the age of the individual
beneficiary. The LIC in turn was required to pay pension to the beneficiaries for
life with an annual increment of Rs.25. A running account of the scheme was
required to be maintained by LIC where the sums released by Government were to
be deposited and the payments were to be released to the beneficiaries by debit to
this account. The MOU entered into between the Government and LIC stipulated
that –

•       The State Government would create a fund for the operation of the scheme
        by contributing a sum of Rs. 20 crore.

•       The purchase price could be paid by the State Government in instalments
        provided that at least one fifth of the required purchase price is available in
        the Fund; the balance of purchase price along with interest at the rate
        decided by LIC would be payable in maximum of four annual instalments.

•       LIC would pay interest to Government on the credit balance in the
        Running Account at the end of each year at the rate decided by them.

•       LIC would pay monthly pension to the beneficiaries and on the death of
        beneficiaries to their surviving spouses or children (upto 21 years).

•       The scheme also included an insurance cover for eligible beneficiaries
        aged between 18 and 59 years on payment of premium by Government at
        the rate of Rs. 100 per member per annum.

        Includes payment of Rs.4.10 crore on ad-hoc basis.

Chapter III Performance Reviews

                        The Department intimated 21113 sanctioned cases to LIC during January 2002 to
                        October 2002 for which the total purchase price payable was Rs.122.04 crore.

                        3.1.8     Liability for payment of interest

                        The year-wise details of purchase price due to be paid during the year,
                        interest on delayed payment of purchase price, amount of purchase price
                        paid and interest earned by the Department, etc., as per account furnished by
                        LIC were as under:
                                                                                                                                (Rs in Crore)

                                                                                                              Amount paid and interest earned
                                Amount due to LIC
                                                                                                              by Department

                 Year           Total         Interest    on      Interest on     Insurance        Total      Purchase      Interest      Total
                                purchase      delayed             outstanding     Premium/                    price and     earned
                                price due     payment     of      purchase        expenses                    interest
                                during the    purchase price      price                                       paid
                                year          instalments
                 2001-02             6.59               0.10             0.54             0.01     7.24       20.00         0.38          20.38
                 2002-03            24.41               1.23             9.78             0.13     35.55      19.00         1.61          20.61
                 2003-04            24.41               1.14            11.09             0.08     36.72      21.44         0.74          22.18
                 Total              55.41              2.47♣            21.41             0.22     79.51      60.44         2.73♣         63.17

                        It was observed that as per the terms of MOU Rs. 20 crore was paid in the first
liability of            year (2001-02) towards the purchase price in respect of 5735 beneficiaries
Government              whereas the outgo of LIC was to the tune of Rs.56.04 lakh. Similarly for the
towards purchase        subsequent number of beneficiaries intimated, the outgo of pension from LIC for
price and interest      the period 2002-04 would be Rs. 26.64 crore (Rs 10.66 crore for 2002-03 and Rs
to LIC was
Rs.73.01 crore,
                        15.98 crore for 2003-04 based on Rs 500 per month and annual increment of Rs.
and further             25) against which Government had paid Rs 40.44 crore.
interest liability
would amount to         Considering the outstanding purchase price and interest liability of Rs.83.01
Rs.10.32 crore.         croreΨ as on 31 March 2004 and payments of Rs.10 crore made in
                        August/September 2004, the outstanding liability of Government to LIC was
                        Rs.73.01 crore as of September 2004. Further, Government is bound as per the
                        MOU for an interest liability of Rs.10.32 crore from April 2004 on the
                        outstanding purchase price liability, as per Appendix 3.1.

                        The Department stated that the pension purchase price submitted by LIC was
                        tentative and the same was yet to be finalised by LIC. However, the department
                        had already made the payment to the LIC. Further, non-finalisation of financial
                        arrangements even after two years of commencement of the scheme was not

                        Secondly, as can be seen from the tables, there has been absolutely no net outgo
                        from the LIC so far under the scheme and this was quite forseeable. The reason
                        for the Government to enter into the MOU with LIC was not clear. It is interesting
                        to note that the rate of interest paid by LIC on the amounts at credit in the running

                                  Interest was charged whenever the amount in running account fell short to debit the purchase price due against
                                  pension cases vested with LIC and interest was allowed on excess amounts available in the running account.
                                  Payments were being released periodically by State Government.
                                  Rs.122.04 (total purchase price) + Rs.21.41 crore (interest) – Rs.60.44 crore (purchase price plus interest

Audit Report (Civil) for the year ended 31 March 2004

                     account of the scheme at the end of each year varied from 8.40 to 10.10 per cent
                     whereas the interest charged from the Government was 13 per cent.

                     3.1.9   Excess liability on account of purchase price

                     Audit scrutiny revealed that the Government had accepted the purchase price
                     calculations of LIC without detailed study. It was seen that out of 18285 senior
                     citizen beneficiaries covered by LIC, 14182 were in the age group of 60 to 69
                     years. The benefit so far accrued to LIC is mainly because of the higher purchase
                     price in respect of the beneficiaries aged 60 years and above.

                     Beneficiary’s age       Purchase price per          No. of beneficiaries         Purchase price payable
                                             head (Rs.)                                               to LIC (Rs. In crore)
                             60                    62630                                    2945                         18.44
                             61                    61538                                    1784                         10.98
                             62                    60423                                    1754                         10.60
                             63                    59289                                    1406                          8.34
                             64                    58027                                    1203                          6.98
                             65                    56711                                    1993                         11.30
                             66                    55300                                    1034                          5.72
                             67                    53860                                     749                          4.03
                             68                    52356                                     777                          4.07
                             69                    50847                                     537                          2.73
                                                                                           14182                         83.19

                     Further, it was noticed that there were 4103 beneficiaries aged between 70 and 99
                     years in respect of whom purchase price amounting to Rs.18.09 crore was
                     payable. In view of the average life expectancy of 70 years1 in the State, it is
                     obvious that the LIC would derive benefit on the pension outgo in respect of
                     above beneficiaries. Another reason for profit accruing to LIC is the payment of
                     interest by State Government to LIC on outstanding purchase price which is quite
                     exorbitant (13 per cent).

                     The Government while admitting the excess liability on account of purchase price
                     stated (December 2004) that steps would be taken to rectify the financial clauses
                     and the purchase price and the interest component would be negotiated.

                     3.1.10 Non adherence of provisions of MOU by LIC

                     The MOU with the LIC provided for passing of the pension benefit to the spouse
Pension was not      of a deceased beneficiary. It was noticed that in response to Department’s request
transferred to the   (December 2002) to LIC to commence payment of pension to the spouses of 17
spouses of 17        deceased beneficiaries, LIC disputed (January 2003) its liability to continue the
deceased             pension to the spouses stating that the purchase price calculated and
beneficiaries as
provided in the      communicated was on single life and continuation of pension to spouse would
MOU with the         amount to a new beneficiary requiring re-computation of purchase price. The
LIC.                 Department did not respond to the incorrect stand taken by the LIC, thereby
                     depriving the beneficiaries.

                     The Government replied (December 2004) that though the initial decision was to
                     purchase family pension, the Government decided to purchase pension for single

                             Health profile, Goa prepared by Director of Health Services, Goa in the year 2001.

Chapter III Performance Reviews

                     life and not for family due to high cost. The reply is not tenable as the MOU
                     clearly provides for transfer of pension to the spouse on death of the beneficiary.
                     Thus, LIC apparently did not honour the provisions of the MOU regarding
                     payment of pension to surviving eligible members of the families.

                     3.1.11 Arrangements with Mapusa Urban Co-op. Bank of Goa Ltd. at a higher
                            cost to the Government

                     In November 2002, LIC had demanded 30 per cent higher purchase price for the
                     insurance scheme and the Government, in turn, had decided not to operate
                     Phase-II of the scheme through the LIC. It was seen from the records that instead
                     of paying higher purchase price the Government arranged payment of pension for
                     new beneficiaries by placing the required amount of funds at the disposal of LIC
                     without actually purchasing any pension from them. For such distribution of
                     pension to the beneficiaries, LIC was charging 3 per cent as service charges
                     besides Rs. 2500 as floppy charges (lump sum) and Rs. 6 per transaction. Since
                     this was obviously a very hefty payment, Government decided to get the pension
                     under Phase-II distributed through the Mapusa Urban Co-operative Bank Limited

                     As per the MOU entered into with MUCB in September 2003, the State
                     Government was to route the payment of pension to the beneficiaries through
                     MUCB as the nodal bank. For this a separate account was opened in MUCB
                     where the funds released by the Government for disbursement of pension were
                     deposited with provision of yearly accrual and credit of interest. The MUCB was
                     to be paid a service fee of two per cent on the amount disbursed. As of June 2004,
                     35,119 beneficiaries were receiving financial assistance routed through the
                     MUCB. The MUCB disbursed an amount of Rs.15.82 crore to the beneficiaries up
                     to June 2004 and earned a service fee of Rs.31.65 lakh approximately.

                     While deciding on entering into the arrangement with MUCB for distribution of
                     pension, the Government seemed to have been guided only by the rate charged by
                     LIC which was clearly exorbitant. However, the Government did not invite offers
                     from other institutions including Public Sector Banks. It may be mentioned that
                     for undertaking Government transactions, the State Bank of India charges only
                     0.19 per cent as service fee.

                     The Government replied (December 2004) that the service fees charged by
Service charges      MUCB was less than the fees charged by LIC. In the absence of any offers from
paid to MUCB
                     public sector banks it could not be ascertained if the fees charged by MUCB were
without seeking
offers from Public   the most competitive.
Sector Banks.
                     3.1.12. Overlapping benefits

                     As per Rules regulating DSSS, the applicant should not be in receipt of any other
                     financial assistance from any other source. Scrutiny revealed that overlapping of
                     benefits occurred due to lack of coordination by the Social Welfare Department
                     with other State agencies through whom other similar schemes are implemented.

                     It was noticed that 27 beneficiaries who were recipients of financial assistance
                     under a separate State scheme for former artists implemented through the

Audit Report (Civil) for the year ended 31 March 2004

                      Directorate of Arts and Culture received pension under DSSS also for periods
                      ranging from four to 33 months. Their pension under DSSS was cancelled after
                      voluntary disclosure of the fact of getting assistance under both the schemes.
                      Audit scrutiny revealed that before cancellation, pension of Rs.1.94 lakh had been
                      paid to them and no attempts were made to recover the money paid or to verify the
                      existence of other such beneficiaries.

                      3.1.13 Deficiencies and Irregularities in Scheme implementation

                      Sole affidavit of Beneficiary accepted as proof of income and cheques
                      distributed by Ministers/MLAs

                      The application forms for grant of financial assistance were distributed initially
  Income declared     through Ministers, MLAs and subsequently also through Block Development
  by the              Officers, Mamlatdars and the Social Welfare Department. The applications were
  beneficiaries and
                      to be submitted to the Director of Social Welfare along with the documents in
  countersigned by
  the MLAs was        proof of age, affidavit by the applicant certifying income countersigned by a
  accepted without    MLA, proof of residence, medical certificate in case of disabled persons, death
  counter             certificate and marriage certificate in case of widows, etc.
                      The applications were to be scrutinised by the Department and recommended for
                      sanction by the Committee constituted for the purpose. The affidavits indicating
                      the income of the beneficiary countersigned by the MLAs were accepted without
                      any supporting document or certification by local authorities. Thus, the most
                      important criterion of the scheme viz. the income level was determined on the
                      basis of countersignature of MLAs.

                      The sanctioned cases are communicated to LIC and MUCB for release of financial
                      assistance. The first payment of financial assistance was made through cheques
                      which were handed over to the beneficiaries by Ministers and MLAs at public
                      functions and subsequent payments were to be paid on the first day of every
                      month through bank accounts of the beneficiaries.

                      The Government replied (December 2004) that the procedure of accepting
                      affidavit countersigned by MLAs had been adopted to avoid the cumbersome
                      procedure of getting the certificates from the concerned authorities. However, a
                      system for prior verification would be put in place for new beneficiaries.

                      Sanction of pension to ineligible persons

                      As per eligibility conditions under the scheme, the per capita income of the
Test check of         beneficiary should be less than the amount of financial assistance. This means that
1000                  the annual income of an eligible beneficiary should be less than Rs.6000. Besides,
applications          the beneficiaries under the senior citizens category should be above 60 years of
revealed payment
of financial
                      age. While documentary evidence had to be attached along with application as
assistance to 52      proof of age, an affidavit sworn by the beneficiary countersigned by an MLA was
ineligible            accepted as proof of income.
                      Audit scrutiny of 1000 sanctioned applications randomly selected from eight
                      talukas revealed that in 52 cases pension was granted under senior citizens
                      category to ineligible persons such as those having income in excess of the

Chapter III Performance Reviews

                   prescribed limit (nine cases); those less than 60 years of age (18 cases) and
                   persons whose documents were incomplete (five casesψ). Further, 20 cases were
                   also detected in audit scrutiny where age shown in the certificate such as ration
                   card had been over written or the age as shown in the application form did not
                   tally with the age as appearing in proof of age certificate. The cases were
                   sanctioned by the Department without proper scrutiny of the applications. Thus
                   there was irregular expenditure on recurring payment of pension amounting to
                   Rs.3.12 lakh per annum to the above 52 ineligible beneficiaries found in the test
                   checked 1000 applications. Thus, of the sample drawn of 1000 cases, cases of
                   sanction to ineligible persons were 52 (five per cent) indicating high percentage of
                   defective scrutiny.

                   Duplicate sanctions

Double payment     The Department had noticed double sanction of pension to 231 beneficiaries and
of Rs.6.89 lakh    triple sanction to one beneficiary upto June 2004 by the LIC, which were
due to duplicate
sanctions. Test
                   subsequently cancelled. The total pension paid irregularly to the above 232
check in audit     beneficiaries between February 2002 and June 2004 was worked out during audit
revealed 51 more   and amounted to Rs.6.89 lakh.
sanctions.         Further, though instances of duplicate sanctions were noticed from as early as
                   June 2002, the Department did not take any comprehensive action to detect and
                   eliminate all such cases. Test check of the beneficiary list with MUCB for the
                   month of June 2004 in audit revealed double payment to 51 beneficiaries due to
                   duplicate sanctions involving recurring payment of Rs.25,500 per month. The
                   total pension paid to these beneficiaries could not be quantified for want of details
                   of sanction of first pension.

                   The Government replied (December 2004) that steps had been taken to detect the
                   cases of double sanction.

                   Sanction of pension to both the spouses

                   Under the scheme, both the spouses were not eligible for receipt of separate
                   pensions. Scrutiny revealed that pension was sanctioned to 142 beneficiaries
                   whose spouses had also been sanctioned pension under the scheme and payments
                   to both the spouses were made upto April 2003. The total amount thus paid
                   irregularly was Rs.10.57 lakh to both husband and wife for periods ranging from 1
                   to 20 months, till stoppage of pension in April 2003.

                   The Government accepted the fact and stated (December 2004) that steps have
                   been taken for resurvey and for cancellation of pension of one of the spouses and
                   recovery of the pension wrongly paid.

                   3.1.14 Inaction on survey report

                   Since many cases of duplicate sanctions, sanction of financial assistance to
                   ineligible beneficiaries, continuation of pension to expired beneficiaries etc. were
                   noticed by the Government, they decided (June 2003) to conduct a survey of

                          Proof of age not attached (two cases), income certificate not attached (two cases) and residence certificate not
                          attached (one case)

Audit Report (Civil) for the year ended 31 March 2004

                           beneficiaries and appointed the Centre for Development Planning and Research
                           (CDPR), Pune for purpose. The objective of the survey was to find out whether
                           the beneficiaries fulfilled the criteria as per rules and received financial assistance
                           in time. The methodology adopted by the agency for survey was to get the
                           required information through questionnaires by visiting individual beneficiaries.
                           The agency conducted the survey during July to December 2003 in respect of
                           40818 cases sanctioned up to June 2003, and submitted the report in January 2004
                           for which Rs.13.20 lakh were paid to the agency.
      The Social
      Welfare              The survey report indicated that out of 40818 beneficiaries, only 28979 were
      Department did       genuine and the rest included doubtful cases (4584), cases of migration out of Goa
      not take action on   (866), bogus cases (881), and expired beneficiaries to be paid (1631), beneficiaries
      11839 cases          not found at the recorded address (3877). The agency recommended stoppage of
      resulting in
                           pension to all expired, bogus, migrated cases and detailed inquiries in case of
      payments of          doubtful beneficiaries. The Chief Minister ordered in May, 2004 to delete the non-
      Rs.6.98 crores.      genuine cases by end of June 2004 after verification.

                           Audit scrutiny revealed that the Department had taken action in April 2004 only to
                           stop the pension in respect of 1191 expired beneficiaries out of 1631 cases
                           reported, whereas no action was taken in respect of 10,648 non-genuine
                           beneficiaries (July 2004), and the Department had not even obtained the names
                           and addresses of such cases from the CDPR. Thus, irregular pension to the tune of
                           Rs. 6.98 crore∗ was released as of June 2004, calculated at the rate of Rs. 500 per

                           The Government replied (December 2004) that a resurvey of cases categorised as
                           doubtful, migrated and not found is being done by CDPR before stopping their
                           pension, and as regards expired and bogus cases (2512), action has been initiated.
                           However, action to stop the financial assistance in respect of 9327 beneficiaries
                           categorised as doubtful, migrated, and beneficiaries not found is yet to be taken
                           (December 2004).

                           3.1.15 Continuation of pension payment to the accounts of expired
Premium of
Rupees 81.60               The Rules did not provide for production of Life certificate or opening of an
lakh paid in               exclusive Pension Account etc., as are mandatory for retired Government
favour of expired          employees. As a result the pension disbursement continued until the members of
beneficiaries.             the family voluntarily reported the death of the beneficiaries.
Such payment
continues in 440
cases.                     Audit scrutiny revealed that though the survey report indicated in January 2004
                           that 1631 beneficiaries had expired as of July 2003, the Department directed the
                           LIC and MUCB to stop the pension payment to 1191 beneficiaries only in
                           April 2004, and no action to discontinue payments was taken in respect of the
                           remaining 440 beneficiaries.

                           The Department did not have any information on details of amount of pension
                           disbursed, and amounts if any withdrawn from such accounts after death of
                           beneficiaries and expected the LIC/MUCB bank to supply these details to them.
                                    Pension paid to 11839 beneficiaries from July 2003 to April 2004 and to 10648 beneficiaries(11839 – 1191)
                                   from May to June 2004.

Chapter III Performance Reviews

                           Thus, pension amounting to Rs. 81.60 lakh (computed @ Rs. 500 per month) was
                           paid to 1631 expired beneficiaries. The Department replied that reconciliation
                           process with the banks was in progress.

                           3.1.16 Irregularities in Pension disbursement

                           Non-disbursement of pension by LIC for want of bank account details
Financial                  The scheme envisaged payment of financial assistance by LIC through bank
assistance to 415
beneficiaries was
                           accounts. Up to June 2002 cheques were drawn by LIC in favour of the
not disbursed by           beneficiaries and handed over to the department for onward distribution to the
LIC due to non-            beneficiaries. From July 2002 LIC was instructed to disburse pension through
receipt of bank            Electronic Clearing System (ECS), for which the department had to obtain bank
account details also       account details of the beneficiaries and furnish the same to LIC.
resulting in
financial benefit of       It was noticed in audit that pension was not disbursed (as of June 2004), to 415
Rs.48 lakh to them         beneficiaries sanctioned during January 2002 to October 2002 for want of bank
                           account details, as shown below:
                       Month and year       No. of cases           Since when               Total number of             Amount       of
                       of sanction2                                  unpaid                months for which             pension at the
                                                                                             disbursement               minimum rate
                                                                                           pending as of June           of Rs.500 p.m.
                       Jan. 2002                  27               July 2002                       24                           324000
                       Feb. 2002                 290                  -do-                         24                           348000
                       Mar-2002                   63                  -do-                         24                           756000
                       April-2002                130                  -do-                         24                          1560000
                       May-2002                   34                  -do-                         24                           408000
                       Oct. 2002                 132              October 2002                     21                          1386000
                       TOTAL                     415                                                                           4782000

                           The above instances of non-disbursement of pension not only defeated the
                           objectives of the scheme but has also resulted in undue financial benefit to LIC as
                           they had already received the payment from the Government as per the agreed

                           Cheques issued by MUCB not encashed

                           Government had permitted disbursement of financial assistance by way of
                           cheques issued by MUCB till such time as the beneficiaries opened bank
                           accounts. It was noticed in audit that 3978 cheques issued during October 2003 to
                           April 2004 by MUCB meant for distribution to the beneficiaries were not

                                    Month and year of sanction indicates the month from which pension was to be paid.

Audit Report (Civil) for the year ended 31 March 2004

                        presented to the banks for clearance (August 2004). As such an amount Rs.19.89
                        lakh was lying with the MUCB as detailed below:
                        Month    in   which                          Amount involved @      Service      charges
                                              No. of cheques
                        issued                                       Rs. 500 per cheque     @ 2 per cent
                        October 2003                  483                        2,41,500                 4,830
                        November 2003                 532                        2,66,000                 5,320
Three thousand
nine hundred and        February 2003                 338                        1,69,000                 3,380
seventy eight           March 2004                    2168                      10,84,000                21,680
cheques issued by       April 2004                    457                        2,28,500                 4,570
MUCB during             Total                         3978                      19,89,000                39,780
October 2003 to
April 2004 were not     Though the Director of Social Welfare stated that no cheques remained with the
encashed by             department for distribution to the beneficiaries, they did not have any records of
beneficiaries as of     handing over of the cheques to the beneficiaries. Thus, though the benefits in form
August 2004. As
such expenditure of     of financial assistance had not reached the beneficiaries, the funds to that extent
Rs.19.89 lakh           were shown to be expended from scheme funds in Government accounts while the
remained                amount remained in the bank account operated by MUCB. The cheques could be
unfruitful.             reissued as and when the beneficiaries claim the pension.

                        Further, neither the Department is aware nor audit could verify whether these
                        beneficiaries have opened bank accounts subsequently and were getting regular
                        pension payment through ECS.

                        The Government replied (December 2004) that as per assurance of the
                        Government on the floor of Legislative Assembly, the first cheques issued in
                        newly sanctioned cases were distributed to the concerned beneficiaries by
                        organising public functions and the cheques sanctioned during March 2004 were
                        not distributed till August 2004 due to the code of conduct enforced by Election
                        Commissioner. However, no reason was furnished for non-clearance of 1353
                        cheques issued prior to March 2004. Action proposed either for cancellation of the
                        cheques or verification of the genuineness of the beneficiaries was not stated by
                        the Government.

                        3.1.17 Non implementation of provisions of MOU with LIC

                        Insurance Claim benefits not handed over to beneficiaries

    Though the          The Rules regulating the DSSS and the MOU entered into with LIC provides for
    Government had      insurance coverage to eligible beneficiaries between the ages 18 and 59 years,
    paid LIC Rs.11.12   against payment of premium of Rs.100 per month per beneficiary. Insurance
    lakh towards        benefit of Rs.30,000 was payable to the family if the beneficiary died an
    premium,            accidental death. Amount of Rs.20,000 was payable in case of permanent
    insurance benefit
    was not given to    disability. Besides, Rs.20,000 each in case of natural death and accidental death of
    dependents of 29    the beneficiary and Rs.30,000 on permanent disability arising due to accident of
    expired             the beneficiary, were to be credited by the LIC to the Running Account of the
    beneficiaries.      scheme.

                        As of March 2004, the LIC has charged Rs.11.12 lakh towards premium for
                        beneficiaries covered under the insurance clause. Audit scrutiny revealed that
                        though 29 beneficiaries aged between 18 to 59 years had expired as of June, 2004.

Chapter III Performance Reviews

                    The Department had not taken any action to claim the insurance benefit from the
                    LIC thereby defeating the very objective of the insurance scheme.

                    3.1.18 Non-maintenance of accounts

                    The Department has not maintained any books of accounts for the implementation
Proper accounts     of the scheme. As a result the Department had to solely depend on LIC and
of transactions     MUCB for even basic data and information such as additions and deletions to the
with LIC and
MUCB were not       list of beneficiaries, the purchase price calculations, service fee payable and the
maintained by the   interest charged/receivable etc. The department also did not have any record of
Department.         cheques issued to the beneficiaries by LIC or MUCB, which had remained
                    uncleared. The exercise to periodically reconcile the amounts released to LIC and
                    MUCB with pensions disbursed by them to various beneficiaries, interest accrued
                    etc, was not carried out (as of December 2004).

                    The department stated that all the records are computerised and computer
                    generated reports are available. However, Audit scrutiny revealed that the
                    Department was having a computer list of pensions sanctioned and thereafter had
                    not updated its records with the death cases and cancellations of pension for
                    various reasons. It continued to rely on LIC and MUCB for information pertaining
                    to the implementation of its own scheme.

                    Weak Internal Controls
                    •      A separate Monitoring cell should have been established in the Department
                           for overall monitoring of the implementation of the scheme and periodic
                           evaluation of the scheme considering the financial stakes of Government
                           and the outreach of the Scheme. There was total absence of internal
                           control mechanism as can be seen from the facts that registers were not
                           maintained by the department for implementation of the scheme, due to
                           which information was not readily available on issues such as details of
                           sanctions and cases sent to LIC and MUCB for disbursement of pension;
                           details of applications pending sanction; details of deletions of
                           beneficiaries due to various reasons.
                    •      Consequently the Department was solely relying on LIC and MUCB for
                           getting the above details.
                    •      Records of sanctioned applications and Accounts records were not
                    •      There was no system to ensure proper scrutiny of pension claims, due to
                           which applications of ineligible persons were also recommended for
                    •      The Department solely relied on an affidavit sworn by the applicant and
                           countersigned by an MLA without any cross check of income of the
                           applicant from the revenue/local authorities.
                    •      The Department did not issue any authenticated document for
                           identification of beneficiary by the disbursing bank.

Audit Report (Civil) for the year ended 31 March 2004

•       There were no controls such as requirement of life certificate, exclusive
        pension account, etc., to ensure that the pension payment discontinued
        after the death of a beneficiary.

3.1.19 Conclusion

The State Government did not critically examine the terms and conditions of its
MOU with the LIC for implementation of the DSSS, resulting in additional
financial burden on the exchequer on account of purchase price as well as interest
liability. There was no apparent advantage for implementing the DSSS through
LIC considering the large amount of money deposited with them. The State
Government did not continue the second phase with the LIC as they hiked the
purchase price by more than 30 per cent to gain even more profits from the
scheme. The State Government did not ensure implementation of the MOU with
LIC regarding the clause of payment of pension to the eligible surviving members
of the beneficiaries family. It also did not safeguard its financial interests by
taking timely action for cancellation of non genuine cases and duplicate sanctions
to same beneficiaries.

Besides, the scheme implementation suffered due to lack of adequate scrutiny
before sanction of financial assistance, non-maintenance of database, records and
accounts within the Social Welfare Department for effective monitoring of the
scheme. Though it is a pension scheme it lacked all internal controls of pension
schemes aimed at foolproof identification of beneficiary and periodic checking of
survival of the beneficiary.

3.1.20 Recommendations

•       Government should take immediate action to maintain proper accounts of
        the scheme within the Department and a separate monitoring cell should
        be established for overall monitoring and periodic evaluation of the
        scheme implementation including the cost of delivery of benefits.
•       Social Welfare Department should ensure internal controls normally
        prevalent in a pension payment viz. provision for a yearly life certificate,
        separate pension bank account in place of any bank account permitted at
        present and provision of documentary evidence in the nature of an identity
        card to the beneficiaries.
•       Government may consider merger of other similar old age pension
        schemes with DSSS to avoid overlapping of schemes and benefits.
•       All pension cases where cheques have not been encashed by beneficiaries
        should be immediately cancelled by the Social Welfare Department.
•       Government should take immediate action on the findings of survey report
        to recover the financial assistance given to non-genuine beneficiaries by
        involving the local Panchayat bodies/revenue authorities.

Chapter III Performance Reviews

                      HEALTH DEPARTMENT

The Public Health Department provides health services through a
network of hospitals, community and primary health centres, sub-centres,
rural medical dispensaries, homeopathic and ayurveda clinics. The
Secretary (Health), the Director and five Deputy Directors of Health
Services, a Joint Director of Accounts, Director of Administration and a
Vigilance Officer are the officials responsible for implementation of
various programmes including Family Welfare and Reproductive and
Child Health Care. A review of the functioning of the Health Department
revealed that though the Department had achieved the targets under the
family welfare and various disease control programmes it was slow in
upgrading its infrastructure and facilities despite availability of funds. Its
efficiency was adversely affected due to severe manpower shortage.
Monitoring of the key areas of the Department such as upgradation of
facilities and utilisation of Central funds was also poor.

¾      In the absence of approvals for various works/purchase of
       machinery and delay in execution of works by the Public Works
       Department, the Department could not utilise budget provisions
       for capital expenditure to the extent of Rs.1.68 crore (88 per cent)
       in 2001-02 and Rs 4.05 crore (91 per cent) in 2003-04.
                                                          (Paragraph 3.2.6)

¾      Due to administrative delay in setting up of Regional Diagnostic
       Centre at Hospicio Hospital, Margao, the State Government did
       not receive grant amounting to Rs. 2.70 crore recommended by the
       Eleventh Finance Commission.
                                                         (Paragraph 3.2.7)

¾      Though Rs.1.42 crore were received in August 2002 from the
       Government of India for setting up a trauma and accident unit at
       Hospicio Hospital, Margao, the unit was not set up for want of a
       decision regarding the site and patients continued to be referred to
       the Goa Medical College.
                                                         (Paragraph 3.2.7)

¾      South Goa patients were deprived of intended benefits of the
       Mental Health programme which was not implemented effectively
       due to inadequate medical and support staff, lack of hospitalisation
       facilities and unspent funds of Rs 19.40 lakhs.
                                                         (Paragraph 3.2.8)

¾      There was underutilisation of infrastructure and facilities created
       by the Department as one hospital and several operation theatres
       in PHCs/CHCs were lying idle for upto 20 years. The
       infrastructure and other properties of the Leprosy Hospital,

Audit Report (Civil) for the year ended 31 March 2004

        Macazana was underutilised for the last five years due to new
        trend of medical treatment.
                                                          (Paragraph 3.2.11)

¾       Despite formation of the Drug Purchase Committee, purchases of
        medicines were not finalised by the Committee based on public
        tenders and annual rate contracts.
                                                          (Paragraph 3.2.12)

¾       The Health Department functioned with significant man power
        shortages as posts of medical practitioners/technical and support
        staff remained vacant in hospitals and health centres resulting in
        underutilisation of infrastructure/facilities created and also quality
        of services rendered.
                                                          (Paragraph 3.2.13)

3.2.1   Introduction

The Directorate of Health Services (DHS), Panaji provides primary health care
and family welfare services through various central and state health
programmes. It has a network of five general and specialised hospitals, five
Community Health Centres (CHCs), 19 Primary Health Centres (PHCs),
172 Sub-Centres, 29 Rural Medical Dispensaries, four Urban Health Centres
(UHCs), 18 dental and two homeopathic clinics and one ayurveda clinic.
There are also special clinics for implementation of various centrally
sponsored programmes such as Family Welfare, Tuberculosis, Leprosy, STD,
Malaria, other vector borne diseases, control of blindness, surveillance etc.
The State also has an Institute of Nursing Education. Primary health care is
administered through the primary and community health centers and sub-
centres whereas the secondary level of health care is administered by the DHS
through district hospitals and the tertiary level by the Goa Medical College.

3.2.2   Programme objectives
The objectives of the health care system in the state are:
    • strengthening the infrastructure facilities at the CHCs, District
       Hospitals and tertiary care centres.
    • providing quality health care services.
    • Hundred per cent coverage of primary health service facilities.
    • strengthening of referral services rendered by Goa Medical College
       and the district hospitals.
    • Eradication, control and prevention of communicable diseases.

3.2.3   Organisational set-up

The Secretary (Health), Government of Goa is the overall in charge of the
Health Department. The Director of Health Services implements the

Chapter III Performance Reviews

          programmes with the assistance of two Deputy Directors cum Medical
          Superintendents of District Hospitals, three Deputy Directors (Public Health,
          Medical, Dental), the Joint Director of Accounts, the Director of
          Administration and a Vigilance officer. The Family Welfare programme
          including Reproductive and Child Health care is implemented by the Deputy
          Director (Public Health).

          3.2.4   Audit objectives
          Audit was conducted to assess:
             • the extent of achievement of the objectives in implementation of the
                 various health programmes including the quality of services rendered,
             • the adequacy of the available infrastructure and facilities,
             • the effectiveness of human resource management and
             • efficiency of the system of financial management.
          3.2.5   Audit coverage
          Audit examination covered the District Mental Health Programme, Mediclaim,
          Family Welfare programme and other health schemes. The review was
          conducted during the period April to July 2004 by test checking the records of
          the Health Department, the Directorate of Health Services, the Central
          Medical     Stores,      five    General    and     Specialised     hospitals ,
          20 CHCs/PHCs/UHCs and their sub-centres and the Institute of Nursing
          Education at Panaji for the period 1999-04.

          3.2.6   Financial management

          The details of the budget provision and expenditure of the Department for the
          last five years are given below:
                                                                                 (Rupees in lakhs)
                   Revenue Expenditure                              Capital Expenditure
            Budget    Expenditure Savings % of            Budget    Expenditure Savings % of
           provision                          savings    provision                          savings
1999-00     3699.71       3598.17     101.54     3           50.00         48.37      1.63      3
2000-01     4335.15       4055.25     279.90     6           50.69         33.36     17.33     34
2001-02     4491.74       4052.81     438.93     10         189.75         22.09    167.66     88
2002-03     5050.22       4535.77     514.45     10         189.75        134.12     55.63     29
2003-04     5425.61       4744.48     681.13     13         444.07         39.28    404.79     91
TOTAL      23002.43      20986.48 2015.95                   924.26        277.22    647.04
          (Note: The above figures are from the Appropriation Accounts of the Health Department
          under Major Head 2210, 2211 and 4210 under Demand No. 48)
          The percentage of savings under revenue heads during the period 1999-2004
          was between three and 13 per cent. As stated by the Department, this was due
          to non filling of vacant posts, less number of incumbents opting for Voluntary
          Retirement Scheme than expected and savings in travel and medical

                   Hospicio Hospital at Margao, Asilo Hospital at Mapusa, Cottage Hospital at
                  Chicalim, Leprosy Hospital at Macazana and TB Hospital at Margao. A review of the
                  effectiveness of the internal control mechanism at GMCH was carried out and the
                  findings are reported in Chapter V of this report.

Audit Report (Civil) for the year ended 31 March 2004

reimbursement expenditure. Though supplementary grant of Rs.3.46 crore was
obtained during 2001-02, the final savings were Rs.4.39 crore defeating the
very purpose of obtaining supplementary grant. The huge savings in capital
expenditure which were as high as 88 and 91 per cent in 2001-02 and 2003-04
respectively were attributed by the Department to delay in approval of
expenditure proposals by the Government and delay by the State PWD in
completing the works. The total expenditure incurred on important schemes
implemented by Director of Health Services during the period 1999-2000 to
2003-04 in the State is given below.
                                                               (Rs in lakhs)
 Sr.No.      Centrally Sponsored schemes                         Total
        1.   Family Welfare Bureau                                      937.
        2.   Malaria Eradication Programme                             1183.4
        3.   Leprosy Control                                            247.0
        4.   Eye Clinic-Trachoma and Blindness                          159.0
        5.   National T B Control Programme                             125.9
        6.   National Mental Health Programme                            36.3
        7.   National Programme for communicable diseases                28.9
             Major DHS Schemes
         8   Hospital and dispensaries                                7437.6
         9   Primary Health Centres                                   5595.8
        10   Mediclaim                                                2450.0
        11   Director of Health Services                               532.6
        12   Dental Care                                               314.6
        13   School Health Programme                                   248.6
        14   Assistance to Voluntary organisations                     202.0
        15   Community Health Centres                                  199.3
        16   Sexually transmitted diseases                             160.9
        17   Medical Stores Depot                                       88.4
        18   Homeopathy                                                 38.0
        19   Opening of Indian system of medicines                      16.9
        20   Smallpox Eradication Programme                             11.2
        21   Training                                                    5.2
                                TOTAL                                20019.6

3.2.7     Programme implementation
During audit of PHC/ CHC’s, low occupancy of beds was generally observed.
There was delay in setting up of diagnostic services and trauma and accident
unit at the Hospicio Hospital at Margao and consequent non-utilisation of
funds. Training grants and financial assistance under the Family Welfare
Programme were not utilised and there was delay in setting up of the
nephrology unit at GMC. The Mental Health Programme did not achieve its
objectives. Several instances of non utilisation and underutilisation of
infrastructure were also noticed during the review.
Low bed occupancy at health centres
As per national norms for plain areas one sub-centre for a population of 5000
had been prescribed and for tribal areas a sub-centre for a population of 3000.
Similarly one primary health center had been prescribed for a population of
30000 for plain areas and 20000 for tribal areas and community health center
for population of 1.2 lakh in plain areas and 80000 in tribal areas. The
population of the State as per 2001 census is 13.48 lakh. As against

Chapter III Performance Reviews

                     Government of India’s norms, there is a shortfall of four PHCs/ one CHC, but
                     an excess of 37 sub-centres.
                     Bed occupancy of the CHCs/PHCs ranged between three and 46 per cent
                     during the period 1999-2000 to 2003-04 in respect of eight* PHCs/CHCs as
                     test checked in July 2004. The Department replied that the low occupancy was
                     mostly on account of non-availability of doctors thus defeating the objectives
                     of facilities created for treatment of inpatients at these centres.

                     Delay in setting up the Regional Diagnostic Centre at Hospicio Hospital,
                     Margao-South Goa resulting in non receipt of Finance Commission grant of
                     Rs. 2.70 crore

                     The Eleventh Finance Commission (EFC) (2000-2005) sanctioned grants-in-
                     aid (GIA) of Rs.3 crore in September 2000 for setting up a Regional
                     Diagnostic Centre at Hospicio Hospital, Margao, South Goa. As per the
Central assistance   guidelines on utilisation of EFC grants, once a project has been sanctioned by
for setting up
                     the State Level Empowered Committee (SLEC), a time schedule for various
Diagnostic Centre    stages of the programme and for requirement of funds was to be submitted to
and Trauma and       the Ministry of Finance, Government of India. The guidelines stipulated that
accident Unit not    50 per cent of the provision for the year 2000-01 would be released "on
utilised.            account" during the year on receipt of detailed plans of action approved by
                     SLEC and that the subsequent release of grants would be made in quarterly
                     instalments depending on the utilisation of grants already released and
                     submission of progress report to the MF/GOI.
                     It was seen that a budget provision of Rs.1.10 crore was decided by SLEC in
                     December 2000 for 2001-02. In March 2001, the Ministry of Finance released
                     Rs.30.16 lakh for the Diagnostic Centre, “on account” for the year 2000-01.
                     This amount was not utilised and utilisation report was also not furnished by
                     the Department. As of July 2004, tenders had not been invited for supply of
                     certain machinery for nine departments (Department of Surgery, Clinical
                     Pathological Laboratory, Anaesthesia etc). Thus due to delay in purchase and
                     tendering procedures, except for the CT scan services, the patients of South
                     Goa continued to be referred to Goa Medical College, Bambolim at North Goa
                     for other specialised tests. The State Government had not furnished utilisation
                     certificate to the Finance Commission till March 2004 and hence they had not
                     received (July 2004) further grant of Rs. 2.70 crore from the Government of
                     There was no evidence of SLEC monitoring the utilisation of the EFC grant.

                     Delay in setting up of trauma and accident unit at Hospicio Hospital,
                     Margao and non utilisation of Central funds of Rs. 1.30 crore

                     Government of India sanctioned (August 2002) Rs.1.42 crore as financial
                     assistance to the State Government for upgradation and strengthening of the
                     trauma and accident unit at Hospicio Hospital, Margao under the pilot project

                            Madkai, Valpoi, Bicholim,           Betki,    Candolim,     Cansaulim,
                            Cansarvarnem and Pernem

Audit Report (Civil) for the year ended 31 March 2004

                         for upgradation and strengthening of emergency facilities of State hospitals
                         located on National Highways.
                         The details of the grants sanctioned are given below.
                                                                                      (Rupees in lakh)
                                 Sr.No.                        Purpose                   Amount
                                   1.        Ambulance (2 nos) with equipment             12.00
                                   2.        Communication system                          1.00
                                   3.        Civil works                                  60.00
                                   4.        Maintenance                                    3.00
                                   5.        Equipment and furniture                      60.00
                                   6.        Maintenance                                    6.00
                                                      TOTAL                               142.00

                         The entire amount of Rs.1.42 crore was received in August 2002 and as per
                         the guidelines of the project for upgradation and strengthening of the
                         emergency facilities, the expenditure was to be incurred during the financial
                         year 2002-03. The department spent (March 2004) only Rs.12.21 lakh on
                         purchase of ambulances. Estimates for civil works for Rs. 59.93 lakh, though
                         drawn up (January 2001) by the State Public Works Department, were lying
                         with the DHS as the Government was yet to decide the site for the setting up
                         of the trauma and accident unit i.e., whether at Hospicio Hospital or at the T B
                         Hospital at Monte Hill. The Government replied (December 2004) that the
                         civil works were not taken up since a new district hospital was being set up for
                         which land was being acquired and the trauma and accident unit would be set
                         up as a part of the new hospital. Thus the delay of four years in taking decision
                         resulted in non-utilisation of central assistance of Rs. 1.30 crore and depriving
                         South Goa accident patients of emergency services. The patients continued to
                         be referred to Goa Medical College, Bambolim at North Goa.

                         3.2.8   District Mental Health Programme

                         The District Mental Health Programme, under the National Mental Health
                         Programme, launched in India in 1996-97, was to be implemented in the State
Mental Health
                         in two phases, Phase I in 1999-2000 and Phase II from 2000-2004. The
suffered due to          objective of the scheme was to provide sustainable basic mental health
insufficient training    services to the community and to integrate these services with other health
of medical staff and     services besides early detection and treatment of the patients within the
non provision of “in     community, thereby taking pressure off the Mental Hospitals. Accordingly
service” facilities to
                         Hospicio Hospital was identified (February 1999) for implementation of the

Chapter III Performance Reviews

                            The following is the component wise break-up of funds allocated, received
                            and spent.
                                                                                                       (Rupees in lakh)

                        1999-2004      Staff      Medicines/          Equipment/    Training    Information      Total
                                                  Stationery          vehicles                  Education
                                                  /contingencies                                Communication
                        Budget                 46            38.00           9.00       12.00            10.00    115.70
                        Amount                 17            12.00           9.00       10.00             4.00     52.28
                        Expenditure            10            17.99           4.00         Nil              Nil     32.88
                        Unspent                 6          (-) 5.99          5.00       10.00             4.00     19.40

Central assistance          The above table shows that out of Rs.52.28 lakh released during the period
of Rs. 19.40 lakh           1999-2001, Rs.19.40 lakh remained unutilised (March 2004). It was also seen
was not utilised and        that the State Government did not receive the balance of the allocated grants
State did not receive       amounting to Rs.63.42 lakh (December 2004) for mental health since the
allocated grants
amounting to                Department had not furnished utilisation certificates and audited statements of
Rs. 63.42 lakh due          accounts to the Ministry of Health, Government of India. Scrutiny of the
to non utilisation of       records revealed that:
earlier grants
received.                       •     Out of eight training programmes per year required to be conducted for
                                      the first three years for medical and non medical workers for creation
                                      of qualified mental health team to work at grass root level within the
                                      community, only two training programmes as against 24, were
                                      conducted in February-March 2002. The Government replied
                                      (December 2004) that the process of appointment of a psychiatrist was
                                      in process and thereafter the training programmes would be conducted.
                                •     The scheme also envisaged setting up of a 10 bedded in patient facility,
                                      but despite supply of 10 beds by DHS (February 2000), the same
                                      could not be put to use as personnel, diet and other facilities were not
                                      provided (July 2004)

                            3.2.9     Family Welfare Programme

                            Financial assistance from GOI for upgradation of District Hospitals/Health
                            Centres not availed.

                            Under the Reproductive and Child Health Programme, the Department of
                            Family Welfare, Government of India launched a scheme in 1997-98 for
                            strengthening of Primary Health institutions i.e. the sub-centres, PHCs and
                            CHCs. Financial assistance of Rs.10 lakh per CHC and District Hospital was
                            available for major civil works, based on a certificate by the State Government
                            that the estimate was prepared by an authorized agency. As the State had two
                            district hospitals and five CHCs, the total grants that could have been availed
                            of under the scheme as on March 2004 was Rs. 70 lakh. The Ministry (Family
                            Welfare) reminded (November 2003) that the Scheme was extended upto
                            2003-04 and requested Secretary (Health), Government of Goa for proposals.

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