Morgan R. Eckenrod / University of Southern Mississippi
Johannes Raabe / West Virginia University
Danielle C. DeLisio / Infinity Mental Performance, LLC
Jared A. Crain / Salesforce Military
Rebecca A. Zakrajsek / University of Tennessee
The Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC)       used to outline the application of a systematic
represents the largest commissioning source       four-step consulting process (i.e., exploration,
in the United States Army (U.S. Army, 2019b).     education, acquisition, practice; see Ravizza,
Accordingly, ROTC offers a valuable avenue        2001) to address challenges in cadets’
for the education of future military leaders      physical and tactical training. Furthermore,
about mental skills early in their professional   multiple lessons learned from the authors’
development (Sly et al., 2020). In addition,      years of service delivery in ROTC are
ROTC programs can provide graduate students       discussed. This information may be used
in sport psychology with opportunities to         to assist sport psychology graduate programs
gain practical consulting experience in a         in the development of mental skills training
military environment while completing their       programs with ROTC cadets.
degree. The purpose of the current article
was to describe a case example that illustrates   Keywords: case study, military population,
the implementation of mental skills training      performance psychology, Reserve Officers’
in ROTC. More specifically, this case was         Training Corps

As the discipline of sport psychology continues to evolve, there
has been a significant increase in the application of mental skills
training with tactical populations (Mattie et al., 2020). This trend
has been particularly prominent within the military (Meyer, 2018).
In the U.S., many mental performance consultants (MPCs) have
found employment working within the armed forces to equip military
personnel with the mental skills that allow them to perform optimally.
In fact, the U.S. Army now employs more MPCs than any other
professional sport or non-sport organization (Meyer, 2018; Voelker,
2012). A large percentage of those practitioners have been educated
and trained in sport psychology (Sly et al., 2020), which seems like
a logical extension of the field because:

Although the magnitude of stressors present in military situations
is often greater than those present in sport, issues surrounding pre-
performance preparation and training, decision-making, attitudes,
stress regulation, teamwork, leadership, situational awareness, and
other constructs studied in sport psychology are critical to high-level
performance in both arenas. (DeWiggins et al., 2010, p. 459)

With over one million soldiers in the U.S. Army (i.e., active duty,
National Guard, and Reserve combined; U.S. Army, 2017), it appears
virtually impossible to directly train all members’ mental skills.
Thus, it may be particularly beneficial to focus the application of
sport psychology services on Commissioned Officers who “are
responsible for leading and training enlisted soldiers, planning
missions, and organizing the internal and external affairs of the
Army” (U.S. Army, 2019a, para. 2). Instilling knowledge about mental
skills in these military leaders can complement the work of MPCs
because Commissioned Officers can relay information to their
subordinates (i.e., non-commissioned officers and enlisted soldiers)
and also reinforce mental preparation in their daily training. In sport
settings, MPCs often educate coaches about mental skills and help
them incorporate that knowledge into their training with athletes,

especially if an MPC is not consistently available   missed to educate a group of individuals
(Arthur et al., 2019). By using a similar approach   that represents approximately 60% of all
in ROTC, Commissioned Officers could initially       future Commissioned Officers (U.S. Army,
learn more about mental skills, develop a            2019b) early in their professional development
better understanding of how to apply them            and before being placed in the high stress
to military contexts, and, ultimately, teach         environment of active duty. Furthermore,
them to subordinates in the absence of an            there are currently over 20,000 cadets
MPC (Arthur et al., 2019).                           enrolled in 273 ROTC programs across the
                                                     U.S. (U.S. Army, 2019b), which can provide
While there are different paths to becoming          graduate students in sport psychology
a Commissioned Officer in the U.S. Army              interested in working with the armed forces
(e.g., Officer Candidate School), the Reserve        with an opportunity to gain practical
Officers’ Training Corps—better known as             consulting experience in a military
ROTC — represents the largest commissioning          environment while receiving their formal
source with over half a million alumni since         education. Such experience can help those
its inception in 1916 (U.S. Army, 2019b). In         students prepare for potential employment
ROTC, individuals progress through four              within the U.S. Army following the completion
years of Military Science (MS) curriculum            of their degree. Therefore, the purpose of
in that they receive military education and          the current article was to share a case
training from their cadre who are active-            example that illustrates the implementation
duty, commissioned and non-commissioned              of mental skills training in ROTC. More
officers who oversee the program operations          specifically, this case was used to outline
and deliver military content (U.S. Cadet             the application of a systematic four-step
Command, 2011). Simultaneously, cadets               consulting process to address challenges
work towards an academic degree at their             in cadets’ physical and tactical training,
host university. Accordingly, there are four         such as remaining present focused on security,
classes of cadets (i.e., MSI, MSII, MSIII,           coping with stress when completing a
and MSIV) that typically align with individuals’     mission, and mentally preparing for a ruck
academic standing (e.g., people in their             march. In addition, multiple lessons learned
first year in the program are considered             from the authors’ years of service delivery
MSI and are most commonly freshmen;                  in ROTC are discussed. This information
U.S. Army, 2019a).                                   may be used to assist sport psychology
                                                     graduate programs in the development of
Despite the prominent role of ROTC in the            mental skills training programs with ROTC
structure of the U.S. Army, to the authors’          cadets. Using a case study approach to
knowledge, few people have provided                  understand the application of mental skills
applied sport psychology services to cadets          to the military context can help practitioners
in those programs. Hence, a chance is                improve their accuracy of knowledge (Kulak

& Newton, 2015), more effectively apply          the Association for Applied Sport Psychology
information to a unique training setting         who supervised these services.
(Perin, 2011), and encourage peer
collaboration in making decisions or             IMPLEMENTING A
developing mental skills training programs       SYSTEMATIC MENTAL SKILLS
for cadets (Hartfield, 2010).                    TRAINING PROGRAM WITH
                                                 A U.S. ARMY ROTC
BACKGROUND OF THE                                There are many similarities in the mental
CURRENT CASE                                     performance demands of the sport and
The case depicted in this article was situated   military contexts (DeWiggins et al., 2010).
at a university in the Southeast of the U.S.     For example, both athletes and cadets must
At the time of the case, the first, second,      learn to cope with performance pressures,
and third authors were all students in the       anxiety, and adversity in order to be successful
institution’s sport psychology graduate          in their respective achievement context
program. As the Professor of Military Science    (Fitzwater et al., 2017; Hanton et al., 2005;
(PMS) at the university, the fourth author       Jones et al., 2002; Mattie et al., 2020). As
oversaw the military operation of the            a result, the mental skills we implemented
respective ROTC program. To gain buy-in          with cadets did not differ significantly from
from the PMS, we (the first three authors)       those we have discussed with clients in
regularly observed training exercises in         the athletic setting. We aligned our consulting
order to get an in-depth understanding of        process with Ravizza’s (2001) three-step
the environment (Shigeno et al., 2019),          approach to psychological skills training
asked questions to further understand            (i.e., education, acquisition, and practice)
cadets’ physical and tactical demands, and       to directly address challenges in cadets’
designed our consulting plan to align with       physical and tactical training. However, we
the ROTC program structure (Sharp et al.,        added “exploration” as an initial step in
2015). After establishing a relationship         our systematic four-step process to identify
with the fourth author in his role as the        unique challenges cadets experienced.
PMS, we began implementing applied sport         Especially since none of us had prior
psychology services for all cadets on campus.    experience working with this population,
Over the course of five years , we—with          this additional step allowed us to specifically
the support of other graduate students in        tailor our services to fit the context and
the sport psychology program—provided            training demands of ROTC (Smith &
systematic, evidence-based mental skills         McGannon, 2018). Compared with services
training to over 100 cadets per year. The        we have provided in sport, we used a
fifth author was—and still is—a faculty          meaningfully different approach with respect
member at the university and a Certified         to the delivery and, in particular, the
Mental Performance Consultant® through           application of this knowledge (i.e., how

cadets used mental skills). Practically, our     approach in our service delivery and, instead,
approach was structured to align with the        tailor our mental skills training specifically
“crawl-walk-run” model of interaction used       to the current challenges of the cadets with
in most military training to learn, practice,    whom we worked (Henrikson et al., 2014).
and implement specific training exercises        Table 1 highlights the main challenges of
(Goldberg et al., 2017).                         each class based on our experience as well
                                                 as associated recommendations for MPCs
First (exploration), we continuously inquired    wanting to work with ROTC cadets. It is
about challenges in cadets’ physical and         important to note that the information
tactical training. Throughout every semester,    presented in Table 1 was based on our
we regularly talked with cadets in each MS       experience working with one particular
class to find out what they were currently       ROTC program; however, it seems reasonable
focusing on in their training, allowing us       to think that there are meaningful similarities
to identify areas where they wanted to           across battalions. For example, all ROTC
optimize their performance. We also had          programs require cadets to earn a Bachelor’s
conversations with the respective cadre to       degree in the major of their choosing, pass
learn more about the specific expectations       all military science and leadership courses
placed on cadets. Lastly, we reviewed ROTC       in the ROTC curriculum, and complete Advance
military programming (e.g., U.S. Cadet           Camp and the Enhanced Skills Training
Command, 2011) to further understand the         Program (Wiedemann, 2005).
unique training content of each MS class
as well as the respective learning objectives.   Second (education), for each challenge that
We quickly learned that each MS class            was identified in step 1, we conducted an
faces their own unique challenges and,           introductory session with cadets to discuss
therefore, it was important for us to tailor     basic information about a mental skill we
our mental skill sessions to address cadets’     believed would ideally help cadets cope
varying needs in their physical and tactical     with the demands they experienced. This
training. For example, MSI cadets are            allowed cadets to become familiar with a
challenged with transitioning into a new         skill that could positively impact their
and unfamiliar environment, building             performance (Ravizza, 2001). In choosing
relationships with the cadre and cadets          the skill, our service delivery was conceptually
while managing stressors associated with         grounded in an attentional control framework
balancing their academic and ROTC                (see Wrisberg, 2007). This framework allowed
responsibilities, whereas MSIII cadets are       us to help cadets “focus on only those
tasked with leading less experienced cadets      thoughts, feelings, or environmental
through planned training activities for the      information that are essential for effective
battalion. Thus, this initial exploration        performance” (Wrisberg, 2007, p. 60) by
allowed us to avoid a “one-size-fits all”        addressing essential attentional processes

(e.g., emotional control, attentional capacity)     situations (Ravizza, 2001). Similarly, the
and antecedents (e.g., feedback, instruction;       “run” step of the military training approach
Wrisberg, 2007). In military training, this         is focused on cadets implementing and
step (education) is often referred to as “crawl,”   executing particular skills in training scenarios
whereby cadets receive thorough explanations        (Goldberg et al., 2017). This process allowed
and step-by-step instruction when learning          cadets to not only practice the implementation
a new skill (Goldberg et al., 2017).                of the learned strategies but to also recognize
                                                    how they can facilitate their performance.
This basic introduction served as the
foundation for step three (acquisition), in         CASE EXAMPLE: STRESS DURING
which we implemented more complex                   RANGE SHOOTING
activities, and allowed cadets to extensively
                                                    While we used our systematic four-step
apply the strategies in order to gain familiarity
                                                    consulting process to work with all MS
with them before implementing them into
                                                    classes, we will highlight a case example
their physical and tactical training (Ravizza,
                                                    in which we specifically addressed training
2001). In this process, cadets were encouraged
                                                    challenges of MSIII cadets in this article
to take previously learned strategies and
                                                    to illustrate our consulting approach.
connect them with the one they were currently
utilizing (e.g., implementing diaphragmatic
breathing while using self-talk). We also           STEP 1: EXPLORATION
discussed how cadets could implement the            Every year MSIII cadets attend Advance
learned strategies before, during, and after        Camp, a 32-day training where they are
ROTC physical and/or tactical training or           evaluated on various physical and tactical
into other domains (e.g., academic course           tests. Since this event represents an important
work). In military training, this is the “walk”     cornerstone in ROTC, we always
phase of cadets’ learning, in which they            comprehensively debriefed it with cadets
continuously practice the new skill and             upon their return to campus for the Fall
eventually begin to incorporate it into             semester in order to identify challenges
previously learned training methodology             that we could address in our mental skills
(Goldberg et al., 2017).                            training with future MSIII classes. One year,
                                                    the cadre reported observing many cadets
In the fourth stage (practice), we accompanied      struggling with the range shooting test
cadets during ROTC training exercises and           where cadets shoot at targets of varying
helped them integrate strategies taught in          distances and are required to meet a certain
the classroom to specific tasks in the “field”      score before they can move on to the next
(e.g., ruck march). This final step was used        training exercise. Accordingly, in step 1
to allow the cadets to implement their              (exploration), we inquired in more depth
acquired mental skills into actual performance      about cadets’ experiences of shooting on

the range. It became apparent that cadets       (Sellakumar, 2015). Box breathing, also
appraised this exercise negatively because      known as rhythmic breathing, requires
of the associated pressure of being             individuals to, for example, inhale for a
assessed by high-ranking officers, the          count of four, hold their breath for a count
high failure rate among participants, and       of four, exhale for a count of four, and pause
the fear of becoming mentally and physically    for a count of four (Hanton et al., 2015).
exhausted from spending multiple hours          Utilizing a structured breath count can help
trying to pass the shooting evaluation.         an individual slow their breathing down
This negative primary appraisal coupled         while stabilizing bodily movements because
with a perceived inability to cope with         the harmonious breathing patterns align
the situational demands (i.e., secondary        with the ebb and flow of a particular task
appraisal) resulted in a meaningful level       in a given moment (Edwards & Edwards,
of stress for most cadets and, in turn, a       2007; Mohamed et al., 2014). As such, the
decline in performance (see Lazarus,            structured and steady breath count gives
2000). Yet, in their research, Ohlson and       cadets more time to prepare to fire and
Hammermeister (2011) concluded that             allows them to exert the energy necessary
controlling one’s anxiety may not be as         to execute the task (Ortega & Wang, 2018).
important as having the ability to maintain     Box breathing also allows performers to
focus when it comes to range shooting           maintain a present focus (i.e., on the task
as performers can only “consciously attend      without outside distraction; Hanton et al.,
to one thing at any given snapshot in           2015) by aligning the inhale, hold, and exhale
time” (p. 107). Thus, we felt it was best       of their breath with important task-related
to teach cadets techniques that not only        (e.g., shooting) cues (Mohamed et al., 2014).
help them appraise their performance            Additionally, we believed that box breathing
context positively but also allow them to       would be an ideal strategy to complement
maintain an optimal focus during task           imagery, which is the process of creating
execution. Based on our in-depth                or recreating the performance of a skill in
assessment of cadets’ experiences, and          the mind with no related overt actions (Vealey
in line with our attentional focus framework,   & Forlenza, 2015) and the more complex
we developed a uniquely tailored approach       strategy we chose for step 3 (acquisition).
for steps 2, 3, and 4 that we believed          That is, by reducing stress or anxiety and
would best help MSIII cadets optimize           directing focus to a particular task, performers
their performance on the shooting range.        are able to enhance the effectiveness of
                                                imagery. In turn, when individuals engage
STEP 2: EDUCATION                               in vivid imagery, their brains interpret images
For step 2 (education), we chose box            as identical to the actual situation (i.e.,
breathing, which helps performers cope          functional equivalence), sending the same
with stress and anxiety in a given moment       neurological signals to the muscles as if

one was physically performing the task            STEP 3: ACQUISITION                            When using imagery, it is important that      We utilized Holmes and Collin’s (2001)
(Holmes & Collins, 2001; Jeannerod, 1994).        Step 3 (acquisition) began with a brief        performers include numerous senses            Physical Environmental Task Timing Learning
                                                  recap of the introductory session and a        and emotions in order to make the image       Emotion Perspective (PETTLEP) imagery
For our introductory session (step 2), we         discussion about cadets’ experience with       functionally equivalent and as close to       protocol to help cadets include the senses
decided to change the breath count for box        the technique. Many cadets reported            the actual experience as possible (Vealey     and emotions necessary to make their image
breathing from the standard 4-4-4-4 to            practicing box breathing numerous times        & Forlenza, 2021). To illustrate our point,   as specific as possible (see supplemental
4-2-4-2 for cadets (Hanton et al., 2015).         before this session in order to better         we had cadets engage in the lemon             Table). Following the PETTLEP model, we
This decision was made to better align            understand and execute the strategy            imagery activity. Specifically, we guided     began by actively reflecting on shooting at
cadets’ breath count with their trigger pull      while others had been using this technique     them through a script in which they           the range with the cadets, the process
and because we received feedback from             regularly. Cadets who did not practice         imaged themselves in their kitchen seeing,    leading up to them pulling the trigger while
the cadre that cadets are typically only able     asked if we could do a box breathing           smelling, touching, and tasting a lemon.      including the senses and emotions needed
to steady their breath for roughly two seconds.   activity to re-familiarize themselves with     We used this activity to reinforce the        to simulate the scenario. For example,
The cadets were supportive of this decision       the technique before moving to the next        importance of including as many senses        cadets reported needing to feel the weapon
and believed it was important to match the        skill. Once we had guided the cadets           as possible, primed them for our imagery      in their hand with their finger on the trigger
trigger pull with that short period of            through a brief box breathing exercise,        discussion and script activity, and were      to align with the physical nature of the
steadiness, which could be done using a           they reported feeling comfortable with         given consent to move to the session          movement, smelling the smoke from the
4-2-4-2 count.                                    the skill and were ready to move to imagery.   discussion and activities.                    bullets and feeling nervous while hearing

themselves inhale or exhale during the           process as possible to closely mirror the
trigger pull to connect to their anticipated     actual task (Vealey & Forlenza, 2021). Once
emotions during the activity. They also          the script concluded, cadets asked if the
believed information was needed describing       timing of the script could be slowed to
the shooting range (e.g., visual details) and    better align with their pace when assuming
the steps taken to assume the shooting           the shooting position. This change was
position, which were added to the script.        made to the final script.
We encouraged cadets to include this
additional information and/or adjust their
image to best meet their individual needs        STEP 4: PRACTICE
when at the range.                               Step 4 (practice) was conducted directly
                                                 on the shooting range during a semi-annual
We were unable to secure a large enough          physical and tactical training weekend [i.e.,
space for the imagery activity where cadets      Field Training Exercise; (FTX)]. In the weeks
could assume the position they would be          leading up to FTX, we encouraged cadets
in at the range, so we had cadets sit in their   to consistently practice box breathing and
chair with their feet flat on the floor with     imagery to prepare for the upcoming training
a prop gun positioned on their desk with         exercise, including arriving at the range,
the barrel pointed forward and their finger      waiting with other cadets before entering
on the trigger. We then asked cadets to          the range, entering the range with their
close their eyes and engage in box breathing     weapon in hand, pulling the trigger during
before guiding them through an imagery           the pause at the top or bottom of their
script that we created with the help of the      breath, and successfully hitting the target.
cadets. Specifically, we instructed the          Throughout FTX, we were given full access
cadets to visualize being at the shooting        to the shooting range before and during
range, preparing to fire their weapon. We        testing, which allowed us to support the
asked the cadets to feel their finger on their   cadets with their mental preparation. We
trigger, hear their breath, and smell the        helped them steady their breath (using box
smoke from the gunshot residue around            breathing) and execute the trigger pull
them. Then, while in their imagery, we           during the pause at the top or bottom of
instructed cadets to again perform box           their breath (Sellakumar, 2015). Once the
breathing (using a 4-2-4-2 count), connecting    trigger was pulled, cadets were instructed
the trigger pull and release with the two        to release their breath and the trigger
second hold at the top or bottom of their        simultaneously (Mohamed et al., 2014). It
breath. We chose to implement a guided           is important to note that this training exercise
script for the acquisition step to demonstrate   requires cadets to fire continuous rounds,
the importance of including as much              leaving little time in between shots to make
information and as many senses in the            major adjustments. Whenever we saw

cadets struggling with pacing their breath         We believe a key component in our ability
and the trigger pull, we had the cadets take       to establish this mental skills training
a step back from their assumed position after      program was our consistent service
completing a round of shots and practice box       delivery and the strong relationships we
breathing to help them better align their          developed with various stakeholders in
breathing pattern with the steady and pull of      ROTC. In order to build this rapport, we
the trigger (Edwards & Edwards, 2007).             had open and honest communication
Subsequently, cadets stepped back up to the        between the consultants and cadre
range and prepared to continue shooting.           (Zakrajsek et al., 2013). We also
Before assuming the position and firing their      purposefully and regularly met with the
weapon, we counted their inhale, hold, exhale,     cadre both formally (e.g., scheduled
and hold out loud once. These instructions         meetings) and informally (e.g., stopping
resulted in improved accuracy and highlighted      by offices during open periods) to ask
the value of conducting step 4 in the actual       for feedback regarding session delivery,
practical setting.                                 and attend physical and tactical training
                                                   events to connect with cadets and the
REFLECTION                                         cadre while better understanding training
                                                   demands (Sharp & Hodge, 2013; Sharp
The purpose of this article was to share one
                                                   et al., 2015).
case example that illustrates our systematic
four-step consulting process for the delivery
of mental skills training to ROTC cadets.          One aspect of rapport building that we
Overall, cadets shared with us that they felt      were initially unaware of but quickly
the mental skills sessions were beneficial         recognized as extremely important in
and believed the strategies they learned           the ROTC setting is the development of
helped them improve their physical and tactical    relationships with all incoming cadre.
training. As illustrated by step one of our        Spending more time with the new cadre
consulting approach, we always inquired            could have allowed us more time to
about cadets’ input and the informal feedback      educate them about our services and
we received allowed us to tailor our instruction   how they integrate into all aspects of
toward the individual class with whom we           ROTC. ROTC cadre rotate in and out of
were working (MSIII cadets) and, thus, deliver     the program quite frequently and,
better services. The following section will        depending on the cadre rank, experiences,
outline several lessons that we learned while      and perceptions of mental skills training,
working with ROTC for multiple years.              they could meaningfully change the
                                                   structure of the entire consulting program
LESSON 1: DEVELOPING                               by, for example, increasing or decreasing
RAPPORT AND HAVING OPEN                            the number of mental skills sessions we
COMMUNICATION WITH CADRE                           conduct. We made assumptions that all

new cadre would simply abide by the existing       organization (Shigeno et al., 2019). Accordingly,
consulting relationship and support our            to demonstrate our commitment to serving
services; therefore, we believe investing          the cadets and cadre, we connected our
more purposefully in building strong               service delivery to the ROTC programmatic
relationships with new cadre would have            structure and adjusted our schedules in order
strengthened the consistency and delivery          to deliver mental skills sessions during cadets’
of the mental skills program.                      existing class periods (Sharp et al., 2015).

CURRENT TRAINING REGIMEN                           We spent an extensive amount of time
We learned that cadets already have many           observing PT and tactical training exercises,
competencies they must master while                which lead cadre and cadets to encourage
attending MS classes, labs, and physical           us to participate in different exercises,
training (PT) as well as managing a full           some while cadets were in training (e.g.,
course load in their academic major. The           ruck march) and others after our mental
fourth author suggested using the metaphor         skills training sessions concluded (e.g.,
of a “puzzle” to describe the role of mental       range shooting). It is important to note
skills within the ROTC structure, which            that we ensured at all times that
proved to be extremely helpful. In essence,        professional boundaries (e.g., focusing
in order to be successful in the U.S. Army,        on the delivery of mental skills training
cadets need to become proficient in many           services and not providing physical training
areas, which represent different puzzle            recommendations) were not crossed when
pieces in their professional development.          participating in training exercises by
Rather than adding a “mental skills training       engaging in regular reflection with other
piece” to the puzzle, the fourth author            graduate students and our faculty
characterized mental skills training as the        supervisor. Since none of us had previous
glue that holds all the other puzzle pieces        military experience, engaging in these
together. In other words, mental skills training   exercises allowed us to learn about the
is not an additional discipline to consider        training activities, gave us an opportunity
but should be integrated into all other            to use military language, and helped us
aspects of their ROTC training. Researchers        better tailor our mental skills sessions
have previously suggested that organizational      to meet the demands of specific exercises.
commitment to mental skills training can
be improved when practitioners are consistently
available, align their approach to meet the        LESSON 4:
unique demands of the performance                  LEARNING ROTC LANGUAGE
environment (Zakrajsek et al., 2013), and          We quickly realized the value, if not necessity,
work around the schedule provided by the           of learning the ROTC language. In a newsletter

published by the Association for Applied         LESSON 5:                                        allowed us to practice the skill learned in        and having more time or doing more activities
Sport Psychology, Susannah Knust (2016),         PROGRAMMATIC EVALUATION                          the previous sessions, so we were able             related to imagery could have helped us
a Certified Mental Performance Consultant®       At the end of every academic year, we asked      re-familiarize ourselves before we discussed       better understand how to use it.”
who has been working with the military for       cadets to provide responses to open-ended        the new skill.” Overall, cadets impressions
many years, reported that early on she “felt     questions to evaluate (a) the quality of our     of the program were positive and they              Across the five years that we provided these
frustrated because [she] was not fully fluent    mental skills training sessions, and (b) their   believed the learned information could be          mental skills training services, cadets usually
in ‘Army’” (p. 2) and it was only after she      understanding and implementation of learned      applied to their professional careers and          reported using box breathing, imagery, and
“… was relatively proficient with the Army       skills into training exercises.                  personal lives. For example, one cadet said,       goal setting most frequently and in various
language and better understood the nuances                                                        “I really enjoyed the mental skills sessions       training exercises. For example, one cadet
of the culture, I was more deliberate with                                                        and learned a lot of techniques I can use          said “I used box breathing while on security
units [of soldiers]” (p. 2). Therefore, we       Cadets acknowledged one of the greatest          in my military training and personal life.”        because counting my breath helped me to
spent time learning military ranks, titles,      strengths of the program was how each            They also shared recommendations for the           remain alert and if I lost count I recognized
and relevant language and, in particular,        session built upon another because, as one       future, which included the consultants             I lost focus and re-started box breathing.”
acronyms that cadets and cadre used in           person reported, that “helped in understanding   attending and participating in more training       A particular point of emphasis for our services
physical and tactical training. Learning the     how the skills could be used together.”          exercises (e.g., Advance Camp) and adding          was MSIII cadets’ preparation for Advance
cadets’ language and using it in conversations   Cadets also enjoyed the refresher activities     additional practice exercises for more difficult   Camp due to the importance of this event
helped us connect with them more effectively     that were introduced before learning the         skills (e.g., imagery). For example, one cadet     in individuals’ time in ROTC. Most cadets
and allowed us to better understand the          new skill. For example, one cadet said, “I       said, “I wish we would have practiced              reported using box breathing and imagery
language used in training exercises.             liked that we did a reminder activity that       imagery more. It was a harder skill to learn       regularly in physical and tactical training

exercises to help them reduce stress, refocus      At the end of every academic year, we              and application of learned information,            build relationships with cadets and the
thinking, or prepare for upcoming training         gathered information about cadets                  which may have allowed us to further improve       cadre, which further enhanced our service
events. They also utilized goal setting            understanding and implementation of learned        our session content, activities, and in turn,      delivery. This, in turn, helped the cadets
regularly to enhance their motivation and          skills, strengths of the mental skills sessions,   the program.                                       learn how to apply mental skills to specific
improve focus. For example, one cadet said,        and recommendations for service delivery.                                                             physical or tactical training exercises, which
“I set a personal goal every morning before        Although we received valuable feedback             CONCLUSION                                         led to improved performance.
I began training to help me dial in on what        from cadets, we believe implementing a             In conclusion, following our systematic
I needed to accomplish in order to be              more systematic and regular evaluation             four-step consulting process allowed us to
successful during that day’s testing.” Overall,    process could have allowed us to gather            teach cadets about mental skills and apply
formal and informal evaluations allowed            information more consistently to help us           them to a specific physical or tactical training
us to better understand cadets’ experiences        improve our session development, planned           domain. We believe learning the details of
and adjust future course outlines and activities   activities, and service delivery. Another          the ROTC program structure and aligning
to enhance their understanding and                 limitation was not using a quantitative            our consulting approach with the needs of
implementation of skills.                          evaluation tool to assess cadets understanding     each cadet class helped us gain buy-in and


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Table 1: Recommendations for Mental Skills Training for Each Class of ROTC Cadets

Class                           Background information                                 Main challenges                                       Recommendations for MPC

MSI                             •   Transition into college from high school           •   Transition to a new environment (personally,      •    Help cadets identify their personal values and
                                •   Usually freshmen academically                          academically, and ROTC)                                how they connect with their purpose in and
                                •   May not have any military-related experience       •   Feeling overwhelmed with the responsibilities          motivation for ROTC
                                    or background                                          of ROTC                                           •    Build cohesion among the class
                                •   The focus of MSI is to familiarize cadets with     •   Unfamiliarity with other cadets and cadre         •    Begin teaching some initial mental skills:
                                    the culture, structure, and expectations of        •   May not be confident about their purpose in            •      Stress management
                                    ROTC                                                   and motivation for ROTC (e.g., “Why am I               •      Time management
                                •   Typically no knowledge of mental skills                here?”)                                                •      Goal setting

MSII                            •   Usually sophomores academically                    •   Finding a role in ROTC                            •    Introduce more complex mental skills:
                                •   Cadets are given basic leadership                  •   Expectations to act and perform more                  •     Focus
                                    responsibilities within the battalion (they are        independently                                         •     Imagery
                                    typically in charge of one or two MSI cadets)      •   Exposure to first leadership experiences              •     Performance routines
                                •   The focus of MSII is to learn about and                                                                      •     Resilience
                                    experiment with different leadership styles                                                                  •     Relaxation (e.g., breathing, PMR)
                                                                                                                                             •    Provide background about different
                                                                                                                                                  leadership styles

MSIII                           •   Usually juniors academically                       •   Given significant leadership responsibilities     •    Help cadets apply the mental skills they
                                •   Considered non-commissioned officers (NCO)             within the battalion (have to shift primary            learned during the previous year
                                    within the battalion                                   focus from themselves to other cadets)            •    Develop cadets’ ability as leaders
                                •   In charge of the day-to-day operations of the      •   Handle day-to-day operations of the battalion     •    Teach effective communication strategies
                                    battalion                                          •   Are expected to perform as a cadet
                                •   Lead major training components of ROTC                 (Advanced Camp at the end of the year)
                                    (i.e., lab and physical training)

MSIV                            •   Usually seniors academically                       •   Plan “big picture” of the battalion               •    Integrate all aspects of mental skills training
                                •   Considered commissioned officers within the        •   Faced with the transition to the U.S. Army             from the previous three years
                                    battalion                                              (i.e., active duty, National Guard, or Reserve)   •    Train cadets to teach mental skills to fellow
                                •   Structure and organize all aspects of the                                                                     cadets and, in their future profession,
                                    battalion                                                                                                     soldiers
                                •   Oversee the training of the other classes                                                                •    Provide cadets with strategies to motivate
                                •   Commission into the U.S. Army at the rank of                                                                  younger cadets
                                    Second Lieutenant upon graduation (where                                                                 •    Help cadets identify a vision for what they
                                    they will most likely be in a position to lead a                                                              want to accomplish as an officer in the U.S.
                                    platoon)                                                                                                      Army
                                                                                                                                             •    Help cadets develop their personal
                                                                                                                                                  leadership philosophy
                                                                                                                                             •    Use case studies to practice leadership

Morgan R. Eckenrod / University of Southern Mississippi
Johannes Raabe / West Virginia University
Danielle C. DeLisio / Infinity Mental Performance, LLC
Jared A. Crain / Salesforce Military
Rebecca A. Zakrajsek / University of Tennessee

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