Effective remote staff training of objective session notes - CEUey

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Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis          (Winter) 2021, 54, 25–37                                             NUMBER   1

                   Effective remote staff training of objective session notes
                                                   Jessica L. Piazza
                                Institute for Applied Behavioral Science, Endicott College

                                                    Justin B. Leaf
              Institute for Applied Behavioral Science, Endicott College and Autism Partnership Foundation

                                                  Lauren L. Lanier
                                Institute for Applied Behavioral Science, Endicott College

           Session notes are a required component of documenting behavior analytic sessions. The direct
           training of writing objective session notes is important to the success of direct line staff complet-
           ing adequate documentation and meeting requirements set forth by agencies, certification
           boards, and insurance funders. However, in-person training is not always immediately available
           due to contextual restrictions. This study evaluated the effectiveness of implementing the teach-
           ing interaction procedure when training staff remotely to objectively document client progress
           within session notes. Three Registered Behavior Technicians™ (RBT®s) were trained via
           telehealth to complete session notes objectively. Results showed that all 3 participants met the
           mastery criterion during probes measuring the objective documentation of home-based
           behavior analytic sessions. These findings suggest that a training package, such as the teach-
           ing interaction procedure, can be effectively implemented remotely when conducting staff
              Key words: remote training, session notes, staff training, teaching interaction procedure

   A Registered Behavior Technician™                            Board Certified Behavior Analysts Board Cer-
(RBT™) is a direct line interventionist who                     tified Assistant Behavior Analysts® (BCaBA®;
commonly delivers behavior analytic services                    BACB, 2020).
to individuals diagnosed with autism spec-                         Behavior analysts should be training and
trum disorder (ASD; Council of Autism Ser-                      supervising RBTs using procedures with dem-
vice Providers, 2020). As of December                           onstrated effectiveness, such as video modeling
31, 2019, there were more than 70,000                           (Catania et al., 2009; Rosales et al. 2015), writ-
RBTs® worldwide (Behavior Analyst Certifi-                       ten instructions (Graff & Karsten, 2012;
cation Board, n.d.). For a professional to be                   Ramon et al., 2015), computer-based instruc-
an RBT they must be at least 18 years old,                      tion (Ingvarsson & Hanley, 2006; Nosik &
have a high school diploma (or equivalent),                     Williams, 2011), behavioral skills training
complete at least 40 hr of training, and pass a                 (BST; Parsons et al., 2013; Sarokoff &
direct observation competency assessment                        Sturmey, 2004), and the teaching interaction
and written exam, among other requirements
                                                                procedure (Green et al., 2019; Harchik
(BACB®, 2020). An RBT requires training
                                                                et al., 1992). Similar to BST, the teaching
based upon a task list created by the BACB
                                                                interaction procedure consists of identifying
and continuous training and supervision by
                                                                and labeling the target behavior, providing a
  The authors have no conflict of interest to disclose.          meaningful rationale, describing and demon-
  Address correspondence to: Jessica L. Piazza, Endicott        strating the target behavior, role playing, and
College, 376 Hale Street, Beverly, MA 01915.
Email: jpiazza@endicott.edu
                                                                providing feedback (Leaf et al., 2015). This
  doi: 10.1002/jaba.793                                         procedure has been demonstrated to be
© 2020 Society for the Experimental Analysis of Behavior (SEAB)
26                                      Jessica L. Piazza et al.

effective    in    teaching     social    behavior   that has been identified as imperative for RBTs
(Kassardjian et al., 2013; Leaf et al., 2010;        to display with fidelity is the completion of
Peters et al., 2016) and has an emerging body        accurate session notes (BACB, 2019). Session
of research in regard to staff training (Green       notes are the documentation that RBTs com-
et al., 2019; Harchik et al., 1992).                 plete at the end of each session, which includes
   However, in-person staff training is not          the content of the session and the client’s pro-
always feasible. Contextual circumstances such       gress towards treatment goals (Health Net Fed-
as lack of qualified supervisors within a geo-        eral Services, n.d.). These notes, which
graphic location (Higgins et al., 2017) and,         document and communicate ongoing progress
most recently, state and federal restrictions that   and barriers to client outcomes for other profes-
limit in-person contact due to the COVID-19          sionals, are an essential component of a com-
pandemic (e.g., social distancing; Centers for       plete medical record for clients receiving
Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2020)          behavior analytic services. Many healthcare
can lead to training RBTs via telehealth.            funders require session notes for reimbursement
Telehealth is the use of technology by health        for each behavior analytic session (Blue Cross
care providers, administered from a distance via     Blue Shield Blue Care Network, 2019; Health
live-feed video or telephonically, to provide ser-   Net Federal Services, n.d.). It is critical for pro-
vices such as assessment, intervention, and          viders to complete comprehensive and accurate
training (Tomlinson et al., 2018). Healthcare        session notes to remain in compliance with reg-
professionals in multiple fields, including psy-      ulations established by insurance agencies
chology and medicine, have used this technol-        (Health Net Federal Services, n.d.). A failure to
ogy to provide services to clients (Batsis           comply with these policies can result in mone-
et al., 2019; Pratt et al., 2013; Varker             tary and legal ramifications for the agency
et al., 2019). As it relates to training staff who   (Unumb, 2017). Thorough and compliant ses-
provide behavior analytic services, research has     sion notes, comprehensively documenting the
demonstrated the efficacy of the telehealth           ongoing direct implementation of behavior ana-
modality. Tomlinson et al. (2018), for exam-         lytic programming, provides practitioners with
ple, conducted a systematic review of this litera-   a complete record of provided services for each
ture that resulted in 20 articles meeting the        individual client.
inclusion criteria. The authors concluded that          Despite the importance of session notes, few
overall results indicated that training via          studies in the behavior analytic literature have
telehealth was generally successful in training      evaluated methods for training direct line staff
skills to fidelity, considered acceptable by par-     to write session notes effectively. For example,
ticipants on social validity questionnaires, and     Luna and Rapp (2019) used a pre- and posttest
produced significant cost savings. Nonetheless,       design to assess the effects of a checklist on the
the authors also noted that this area of research    objectivity of session notes completed by spe-
is still emerging and requires further               cial education staff in a public school district.
investigation.                                       Participants completed session notes after view-
   Despite studies demonstrating the effective-      ing simulated interactions between a research
ness of remote staff training and training           assistant role-playing as a teacher and a research
models such as the teaching interaction proce-       assistant role-playing as a child. The experi-
dure, more evidence is needed to identify best       menters evaluated statements about reinforcers
practices for effectively and efficiently training    provided, levels of prompting, tasks completed,
RBTs to complete various RBT Task List items         and types of problem behavior exhibited by the
with fidelity (Luna & Rapp, 2019). One skill          student.     Results     indicated     inconsistent
Effective Remote Staff Training of Objective                           27

improvement in the session notes across certain     interventions for individuals diagnosed with
content areas (e.g., reinforcers provided versus    ASD and had been an RBT for 18 months.
topographies of behavior) and across partici-       Stephanie was a 30-year-old female who had a
pants. The authors concluded that further           bachelor’s degree and 4.5 years of experience
research is needed on more effective ways to        delivering behavior analytic interventions to
train staff to complete session notes. The inves-   individuals diagnosed with ASD. She had been
tigation of efficient training methods, particu-     an RBT for 4 years.
larly when in-person contact is limited, can           Participants had received general training on
provide practitioners with methods that suc-        completing session notes approximately
cessfully teach essential skills even when          6 months prior to the start of the study. This
implemented from a distance.                        training was part of the basic onboarding pro-
   The purpose of this study was to investigate     cedure at the agency and included a general
the use of the teaching interaction procedure to    overview of updated components within the
remotely train RBTs on the writing of session       session note template used by the agency. The
notes to document services both objectively         participants received no additional formal train-
and effectively. This study extends Luna and        ing on writing session notes prior to the start of
Rapp (2019) by evaluating RBTs’ completion          the study.
of session notes after the RBTs provided in-
vivo services rather than after the RBTs viewed
simulated interactions.                             Setting and Materials
                                                       The study took place across two settings. First,
                                                    training was conducted remotely using Zoom©,
                                                    a secure video conferencing platform (Zoom©,
                                                    2020). For video conferencing, the experimenter
Participants                                        used a desktop computer. Each of the three par-
   Participants included three RBTs, all of         ticipants were asked to have access to a laptop or
whom worked for a private home-based agency         desktop computer and be in a private location
providing behavior analytic intervention to         during training sessions. Both the experimenter
individuals diagnosed with ASD. A general rec-      and the participant(s) were required to have their
ruiting flyer was sent to all RBTs within the        cameras on for the duration of all video confer-
agency. Participants were selected based upon       ence training sessions. The experimenter shared
meeting the inclusion criteria and volunteering     their screen during the video conference to show
to participate. Participants had to hold an         a Google Slides™ presentation. Additionally, the
active RBT certification and score below 80%         experimenter provided the participant with a
accuracy on baseline probe data.                    blank template of the session note (described
   Autumn was a 27-year-old female who had a        below), with only the anecdotal sections to com-
bachelor’s degree and was completing cour-          plete, during the role-play portion of each train-
sework towards a master’s degree. Autumn had        ing session (described below). The second setting
12 months of experience implementing behav-         was in a client home where each participant
ior analytic interventions for individuals diag-    implemented behavior analytic programs with an
nosed with ASD during which she had been an         individual diagnosed with ASD. Probes were con-
RBT. Tara was a 29-year-old female who had a        ducted following the participant’s behavioral
high school diploma. Tara had 11.5 years of         intervention session using the data acquired dur-
experience implementing behavior analytic           ing the session.
28                                                   Jessica L. Piazza et al.

Response Measurement and Interobserver                               were selected following review of funder
Agreement                                                            requirements for essential items that should be
   The primary dependent variable was the                            included in session documentation. Raters
accurate completion of narrative portions of a                       scored the notes based on the operational defi-
session note following each scheduled home-                          nition of each component and whether the
based session. The layout and content of the                         statements were objective. Objective statements
note were created in a manner that would be                          were defined as those derived from observation
compliant      with   third    party   funding                       rather than from inferences or opinions
(e.g., insurance). The session note was divided                      (Luna & Rapp, 2019). The mastery criterion
into seven components that required anecdotal                        was 100% of the components scored as correct
descriptions (see Table 1). These components                         for three consecutive probes during the inter-
                                                                     vention condition (Fuller & Fienup, 2018;
                                                                     Richling et al., 2019).
Table 1                                                                 The first general section involved reporting
                                                                     progress on three individual goals. The purpose
Operational Definitions of Session Note Components
                                                                     of this section was to emphasize goals that
Components                      Operational Definition                showed significant progress, regression, or
Progress for Goal 1   Statement noting the data from the             maintenance of a skill. The participant had to
                         current session, the data from the          write about three different behavioral goals that
                         previous session, and comparison of the
                         two data points (i.e. progressing,
                                                                     they targeted for the client during the session.
                         maintaining, or regressing)                 For each goal selected, the participant had to
Progress for Goal 2   Statement noting the data from the             include the data from the current session, data
                         current session, the data from the
                         previous session, and comparison of the     from the past session, and a comparative state-
                         two data points (i.e. progressing,          ment. For example, a correct response could
                         maintaining, or regressing)
Progress for Goal 3   Statement noting the data from the             be, “client emitted mands at a rate of 20 per
                         current session, the data from the          hour, which progressed from the client’s last
                         previous session, and comparison of the
                         two data points (i.e. progressing,          session where mands were emitted at a rate of
                         maintaining, or regressing)                 15 per hour.” A non-example could be, “the
Setting Events        Description of events observed that may
                         have impacted data collected (e.g.,
                                                                     client is really trying to make progress on this
                         medication change, change in schedule,      goal;” this would be a subjective statement that
                         parent out of town). A statement of no      does not present objective data.
                         setting event was also accepted.
Goals Targeted        A statement including each goal that was          The second general section was an overview
                         targeted during the session. Participants   of the session content. The purpose of this
                         could also include information
                         regarding techniques implemented, but       section was to provide an overall summary of
                         this was not required.                      the content and progress of the session. The
Overall Progress      Noted each goal that was making progress
 Statement               based upon the data collected in the        participant completed four areas in this section.
                         current session and compared to             The first area involved writing a statement
                         previous session data. Participants could
                         also include statements about goals that
                                                                     describing setting events for that session, which
                         were regressing or maintaining, but this    were defined as observable events that could
                         was not required.                           have impacted the session. Correct examples
Overall Barrier       Statement about observed variables that
 Statement               were impeding overall progress or           could include stating that a medication chan-
                         progress for particular goals. A            ged, a parent was out of town, or that the cli-
                         statement of no barrier was also
                         accepted. Participants could include a      ent’s schedule changed. Incorrect examples
                         statement of how this barrier was           could include that “the client had a bad day.”
                         addressed, but this was not required.
                                                                     This statement would be incorrect because it
Effective Remote Staff Training of Objective                              29

required the RBT® to make an inference and          agreement. Agreement was calculated utilizing
did not report observable environmental factors     event-by-event agreement in which each of the
or events. The next area included a statement       seven components of the session note were
of each goal targeted in the session. Correct       scored, compared, and tallied for agreement or
examples included a statement such as, “During      disagreement. The total number of agreements
this session, the goals of rate of manding per      between the two experimenters was divided by
hour, gross motor imitation, and one-syllable       the total number of measures reviewed. Agree-
echoics were targeted.” Incorrect examples          ment was 100% across all participants and
included noting only one goal or a general          conditions.
statement that did not include specific goal            Agreement was also calculated for training
titles. Also required was an objective statement    time of 33% of training sessions. An indepen-
of overall progress, which included noting each     dent reviewer reviewed the recorded video ses-
goal that was showing progression based on the      sions and recorded the training time per
data. Correct examples could include, “Overall,     training session. Training time recorded by the
the client is making progress on two of the         independent researcher was compared with the
goals implemented during today’s session as         time reported by the researcher. Agreement was
evidenced by data collected for receptive identi-   100% across all four training sessions reviewed.
fication and two-syllable echoics.” An example
of an incorrect statement was “the client is
making progress on some of their goals,”            Probes
because the participant did not include infor-         The experimenters conducted probes during
mation on specific goals that demonstrated pro-      baseline, intervention, and maintenance to deter-
gress. Finally, the participant needed to write a   mine the participant’s accuracy when completing
statement of overall barriers to the session,       session notes. No more than one probe was con-
which included identifying any variables that       ducted per day regardless of the condition. A
impeded the overall or specific progress of cer-     probe consisted of the participant completing a
tain goals in the session. Correct examples         session note using Central Reach® (Central
included, “A barrier to progress is the client’s    Reach®, 2017), a secure online practice manage-
preference for only two items during the ses-       ment database, at the conclusion of a clinical ses-
sion. Sessions will continue to target expanding    sion with a client. Upon completion of the
the client’s repertoire of reinforcement in order   session note, the participant saved the note and
to address this barrier.” An example of an          locked it within the electronic database. Once the
incorrect barrier statement was “the client was     session note was locked, no further modifications
unmotivated during the session” because of its      could be made. The experimenter then collected
subjectivity.                                       the session notes, removed the identifying client
    The second dependent variable was the total     information, and analyzed the anecdotal sections
training time needed for participants to reach      of each component. On days the experimenter
the mastery criterion. The duration of each         conducted probes, they used the first completed
teaching session was recorded and summed to         session note, resulting in probes across different
obtain a total teaching time for each               clients. Baseline probes were collected daily. Inter-
participant.                                        vention probes started with the first clinical ses-
    A second experimenter independently scored      sion that occurred at least one calendar day
33% of probes (range, 33% to 40% across par-        following the training. Participants did not receive
ticipants) across participants and conditions for   feedback. Maintenance probes were separated by
the purpose of determining interobserver            at least 1 week.
30                                      Jessica L. Piazza et al.

Baseline                                             The experimenter responded to any questions
   One probe (described above) was conducted         by simply encouraging them to do their best.
each day.                                            Once the participant indicated that they had
                                                     completed the session note, the experimenter
                                                     shared the document on their screen and
Intervention                                         switched between two tabs (the Google
   Prior to the start of the teaching session, the   Slides™ and the Google Doc™) to provide
experimenter gave the participant a unique           feedback on each of the components of the ses-
video conferencing link to receive training via      sion note. Participants continued practicing
telehealth. Training consisted of the experi-        during each training session until they reached
menter implementing the teaching interaction         100% mastery during role-play. Once the par-
procedure using a Google Slides™ presentation        ticipant met the mastery criterion for the role-
(see Table 2), for which there were two varia-       play, the teaching session ended.
tions. The presentations were identical with the        Teaching sessions continued following each
exception of the examples used during model          intervention probe until probe data indicated
and role-play. The varying examples permitted        100% accuracy for three consecutive probes.
participants to practice across multiple exem-       Each teaching session consisted of implementing
plars. Each participant contacted both slide var-    all components of the teaching interaction pro-
iations, but none of the participants required       cedure, including reviewing all slides of the Goo-
all six possible examples during role-play. The      gle Slides™ presentation.
number of teaching trials across teaching ses-
sions ranged from four to five total role plays       Maintenance
for each participant and was dependent on the           The experimenter collected maintenance
demonstration of mastery within training             data after the participant met the mastery crite-
(100% accuracy during role-play).                    rion during the intervention condition. Mainte-
   The experimenter displayed the Google             nance sessions were identical to those in
Slides™ presentation using the screen share          baseline.
function in Zoom©. The experimenter vocally
reviewed the labeling, rationale, instructions,
example, and non-example portions of the             Experimental Design
teaching interaction procedure, while the par-          The researchers employed a three-tiered,
ticipant asked questions when applicable and         nonconcurrent multiple baseline design to eval-
identified the examples and non-examples.             uate the effects of implementing the teaching
Immediately prior to the role-play portion, the      interaction procedure remotely on the writing
experimenter emailed a blank template of a ses-      of anecdotal session notes.
sion note via a secure Google Doc™, which
allows for real time collaboration. The              Treatment Fidelity
researcher also displayed a slide that included         An independent evaluator watched video
data in the same format as the example and           recordings of four of the 11 total teaching ses-
non-example model slides that were displayed         sions to assess the fidelity of the experimenter’s
earlier in training, but with novel information.     implementation of the teaching interaction pro-
The experimenter directed the participant to         cedure. Correct behavior was defined as the
complete the session note using the data pro-        trainer (a) identifying the topic of training as
vided on the slide and allowed the participant       writing objective session notes, (b) providing a
to independently complete the session note.          rationale for writing session notes objectively,
Effective Remote Staff Training of Objective                                              31

Table 2

Google Slides™ Presentation Contents and Experimenter/Participant Roles

Number(s)                  Content                            Experimenter Role                        Participant Role
1            Title                                   Introduced topic                       Asked questions if applicable
2            Rationale for training on objective     Presented rationales vocally           Asked questions if applicable
               session notes
3            Definition of term objective             Vocally presented instructions that    Asked questions if applicable
4            Instructions on objectively reporting     were detailed on each slide
               progress on specific goals
5            Instructions on how to report a
               setting event
6            Instructions on writing goals that
               were targeted during the session
7            Instructions of objective description
               of overall progress
8            Instructions for writing barriers to
9            Sample data to be used for model        Reviewed data, asked trainee if each   Vocally responded if each anecdotal
10-11        Appropriate models of objectively         model appropriate or                   component was appropriate or
               writing each anecdotal component        inappropriate, and provided            inappropriate and why
12           Transition slide that presented a         feedback on trainees’ responses
               question if example was
               appropriate or inappropriate
13           Checklist of each component
               reviewed in instructions
14-18        Same format as 9-13, but with non-
               examples of writing the
               components of the session note
19           Transition slide                        Vocally prompted the trainee to         Asked questions if applicable
                                                       practice writing session notes and
                                                       emailed a blank template of a
                                                       session note via a secure Google
20           Novel data to be used for role play     Directed the participant to complete    Completed session note and
               including goal names, data points,      the session note using the data          indicated once complete
               setting events, and barriers            provided on the slide
21           Checklist of each component             Shared the document on their screen     Asked questions when applicable
               reviewed in instructions                and provided feedback.
22-25        Variations of examples followed by      Repeated role-play and feedback as noted above
               checklist for repeated practice

(c) providing written steps for writing objective                 incorrect, (k) vocally prompting the trainee to
session notes, (d) vocally stating the steps of                   role-play until mastery. Treatment fidelity was
writing objective session notes, (e) modeling                     100% accurate.
appropriate writing of session notes, (f) model-
ing an inappropriate example of a session note,
(g) asking the participant to identify the model                  Social Validity
that was appropriate and inappropriate,                              A survey was sent to each participant
(h) vocally prompting the participant to role-                    through secure email following the completion
play writing an objective session note,                           of the study. The participants e-mailed the sur-
(i) providing feedback about specific steps the                    veys back to the researcher following comple-
participant completed correctly, (j) providing                    tion. The survey contained seven statements
corrective feedback regarding steps that were                     and asked participants to indicate if they
32                                                     Jessica L. Piazza et al.

Table 3

Social Validity Survey Results

Question                                                                  n       Positive %   Neutral %     Negative %
1. My knowledge of writing objective session notes has increased          3         100.0         0.0           0.0
   after my training sessions.
2. My application of independently writing objective session              3         100.0         0.0           0.0
   notes increased after my training sessions.
3. I have continued to use the skills taught during training              3         100.0         0.0           0.0
   sessions to write objective session notes at each client session.
4. I was satisfied with the structure of training sessions.                3         100.0         0.0           0.0
5. I was satisfied with the training being conducted remotely.             3          66.7        33.3           0.0
6. I was satisfied with the length of training sessions.                   3         100.0         0.0           0.0
7. I would recommend other therapists receive this same training          3         100.0         0.0           0.0
   on objective session note writing.

Note. The positive column includes answers scored agree and strongly agree, neutral includes answers scored neutral,
and the negative column includes answers that were scored disagree or strongly disagree.

strongly agreed, agreed, were neutral, disagreed,                      teaching time for Tara was 2 hr and 14 min.
or strongly disagreed with each statement. The                         Tara displayed 100% correct responding across
statements focused on the participants’ satisfac-                      all three maintenance probes, which occurred
tion with the training content and structure,                          7, 14, and 21 calendar days after intervention.
and if they continued to use the content after                            During baseline, Stephanie (bottom panel)
the study was completed, among other things                            displayed consistent and low levels of correct
(see Table 3).                                                         responding (M = 15%). During the interven-
                                                                       tion condition, she showed an immediate
                                                                       increase in correct responding and reached the
                             Results                                   mastery criterion in three sessions. The total
   Figure 1 displays the results of all three par-                     teaching time for Stephanie was 2 hr and
ticipants’ performance during probes. During                           8 min. Stephanie maintained 100% correct
baseline, Autumn (top panel) displayed consis-                         responding on maintenance probes, which were
tent and low levels of correct responding                              collected 7, 18, and 25 calendar days after
(M = 18.7%). During the intervention condi-                            intervention. Maintenance probes were slightly
tion, she showed an immediate increase in cor-                         extended past 1 week due to interruptions in
rect responding and reached the mastery                                scheduling.
criterion in four sessions, for a total teaching                          Although participants’ performances were
time of 2 hr. Maintenance probes were taken                            consistently low in baseline, each participant
8, 21, and 28 calendar days following interven-                        generally included objective description of
tion. Maintenance probes were extended due to                          goals that they targeted during the session.
interruptions in scheduling. Autumn displayed                          Common errors were the inclusion of subjec-
100% correct responding across all three main-                         tive statements or statements that did not
tenance sessions.                                                      fully meet the definition of the dependent
   Tara (middle panel) displayed consistent and                        variable. While subjective statements can be
low levels of correct responding (14% on every                         problematic, the baseline notes included the
session) during baseline. During the interven-                         minimum requirements of the funder and
tion condition, she showed an immediate                                did not adversely affect subsequent access to
increase in correct responding and reached the                         ongoing services for any of the participants’
mastery criterion in four sessions. The total                          clients.
Effective Remote Staff Training of Objective                            33

Figure 1
Participant Performance During Baseline, Intervention, and Maintenance

   The results of the social validity survey are             ability to apply and use the content following
displayed in Table 3. All participants indicated             the conclusion of the training. Two participants
that they strongly agreed or agreed to every                 responded positively while one participant
statement regarding their satisfaction with the              responded that they were neutral to the modal-
content of the training and their continued                  ity of the training.
34                                       Jessica L. Piazza et al.

                   Discussion                         Broadbent, 2015; Sherman & Johnson, 2019).
   The purpose of this study was to determine         The direct and explicit training of writing ses-
the effectiveness of the teaching interaction         sion notes can proactively ensure that accurate
procedure for remotely training three RBTs to         and objective information regarding the behav-
correctly fill out session notes. Each partici-        ior analytic session is included in required med-
pant’s performance met the mastery criterion          ical documentation.
after no more than four teaching sessions and a          Although the teaching interaction procedure
total training time of no more than 2 hr and          was effective, it shares a number of features in
14 min.      Additionally,     the     participants   common with behavioral skills training. These
maintained 100% correct responding 3 to               have been conceptualized as two different pro-
4 weeks after the intervention had concluded.         cedures because of the inclusion of rationales,
Thus, results indicate that the teaching interac-     as well as examples and non-examples, in the
tion procedure, delivered via telehealth, was         teaching      interaction     procedure      (Leaf
effective to train participants to complete a task    et al., 2015). Future research should evaluate
that is required within clinical practice.            the contribution of these components to the
   This study adds to the literature on the           efficacy of the teaching interaction procedure
teaching interaction procedure as an effective        and compare the teaching interaction procedure
package for training staff (e.g., Green               to other training modalities, such as video
et al., 2019; Harchik et al., 1992). The proce-       modeling.
dure may be helpful in training staff as it uti-         Participants in this study were more experi-
lizes clear instructions and meaningful               enced RBTs, so it is unclear whether the
rationales of why the trainee should engage in        results would generalize to RBTs who are
the targeted behavior. Providing rationales may       newer to the field. Extensions of this research
result in more buy-in from the trainee and lead       should be conducted with individuals who do
to longer compliance with procedures. Addi-           not have experience in the field of behavior
tionally, the presentation of both correct exam-      analysis and are pursuing certification. Training
ples and incorrect examples may enhance the           efficiency is particularly important when con-
efficiency of training. A recent review of the         sidering the minimum number of initial train-
staff training literature found that only a small     ing hours required for the RBT credential.
                                                      Trainees may need more than the current mini-
proportion of studies included both examples
                                                      mum number of hours required for certifica-
and non-examples in training (Marano
                                                      tion to demonstrate competency in all
et al., 2020). Thus, additional research is
                                                      necessary skills. Additional research findings
needed on the benefits of this approach.               should continue to guide requirements for
   Results also extend the literature on training     training and the evolution of those require-
RBTs remotely. This is especially important           ments. Finally, further research should compare
when few qualified supervisors are available in a      the outcomes of in-vivo versus telehealth
geographic region, such as rural areas (Higgins       training. For example, research could com-
et al., 2017) or when planning for continuity         pare training time, competency, maintenance
of behavior analytic services and training in         and generalization of skills, and cost of train-
response to in-person contact restrictions            ing when analyzing in-vivo and remote train-
(CDC, 2020). Results also contribute to the lit-      ing. The continued investigation of both of
erature on training staff to document medical         these modalities will be necessary as the use
services across a variety of fields (Andrus            of technology within healthcare continues to
et al., 2018; Dickie & Bass, 1980; Dolan &            increase.
Effective Remote Staff Training of Objective                                        35

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