IMPROVEMENT PLAN Gwaunmeisgyn Primary School

Page created by Maria Webster
IMPROVEMENT PLAN Gwaunmeisgyn Primary School
Gwaunmeisgyn Primary School
                                                           IMPROVEMENT PLAN
                                                                    (2016 – 2019)

                                                Our Improvement Priorities

1. Raise standard of English/literacy across the school, especially reading and oracy

2. Continue to raise the standard of maths across the school, especially at the higher outcomes/levels

3. Develop a new ‘Creative Curriculum’ across the whole school

4. Develop Digital Competence across the school
IMPROVEMENT PLAN Gwaunmeisgyn Primary School
School Context                                                                                                     3
The School Development Cycle                                                                                       5
The School Vision                                                                                                  5
National and Local Priorities                                                                                      6
Estyn Findings & Recommendations                                                                                   9
Summary of the Improvement Priorities for 2016-2017                                                                11
Priority 1 Action Plan -      Raise standard of literacy across the school, especially reading                     12
Priority 2 Action Plan - Continue to raise the standard of maths across the school, especially at higher levels    15
Priority 3 Action Plan – Develop the ‘Creative Curriculum’                                                         19
Priority 4 Action Plan –​ ​Develop the use of Digital Competence to improve standards of learning and teaching     22
Key Supplementary Improvement Activities                                                                           24

   1. Monitoring and Review Timetable and Activities                                                               26

   2. Staff Structure & Roles                                                                                      37

   3. Summary of School Partnership Working                                                                        40

   4. Summary of Grant Spending                                                                                    41
IMPROVEMENT PLAN Gwaunmeisgyn Primary School
The School Context
We are currently in standards group 3. Performance across almost all areas has been improving steadily over the last three years but our
average peformance (including our complex learning difficulties classes) remains slightly below the average for similar schools. Excluding our
CLD classes we mostly perform in the top two quartiles and both sets of end of key stage results put our school significantly above national
averages. We judge that our ability to improve is very good and that we have the capacity in the school to sustain improvements over the next
few years. Consequently, our overall category is 3B Yellow – a judgement verified by our Challenge Adviser.

The headteacher has been at the school for two years. The SLT have been in situ for 3 years and have been recently praised by our challenge
advisor for their professional approach to the interpretation of data and action planning based on this data.There have been a number of new
members of staff in the last couple years and the overall staff profile is a mix of more experienced members of staff who have been here for
many years and relatively recent appointments.

The school has managed the budget well and for 2016-17 there is a budget surplus of £44,000. This money is intended to fund an extra part
time teacher in Year 6 (as there is a large class of 35) and to update the Early Years department. The building dates from the 1970s and is in a
general good state of repair. However, some windows and the heating systems are outdated and do not function well. A new classroom has
recently been built by the LEA for our Foundation Phase LRB/CLD pupils. The outdoor environment is good and there are many learning areas
established around the grounds.

                     Teaching       NNEBs/        General         Admin.       Caretaker       Midday        Canteen         Total
 Staffing Levels                     LSAs        Assistants                     Cleaners     Supervisors      Staff
                        15            12                             2         1 caretaker        8             3             45
                                                                               3 cleaners
No. on Roll             N             R             Y1            Y2           Y3             Y4           Y5              Y6         Total
                        40            33           36+2          42+2         41+5           33+4         32+1             35       313
 All Pupils
    FSM                                  7          10             10             6            6              3                     49 (16.5%)

    Ethnicity                White               Mixed           Asian or Asian       Black or Black       Chinese or           Other Ethnic
                                               Background            British              British        Chinese British          Groups
                             96.7%                3.3%                  0                    0                 0                     0

SEN                   No. of pupils          SA+ = 11.8% SA =                         No. of pupils      61
Register                                     13.7%                 FSM
                      % of school roll       Total = 25.5%                            % of school roll   19.5% - Benchmark 3 (16-24% FSM)

              Our School Vision: Growing, Learning, Achieving Together * Tyfu, Dysgu, Cyflawni Gyda’n Gilydd
‘That each and every child at Gwaunmeisgyn receives a high quality learning experience, every lesson, every day to
                      encourage everyone to be the best that they can be
Our School Aims:
For pupils to......
… well motivated with positive aspirations
…..promote respect for themselves, others and the environment.
… happy and safe within a rich learning community.
….to develop holistically and achieve their full potential.
……value education as a life-long experience.
 …to develop independence in all that they do.
For the school......
….to provide a vibrant and stimulating learning environment
…to provide a secure and inclusive learning experience.
… create a whole school ethos Involving families and incorporating the wider community.

We must all......
….allow pupils and staff to celebrate their success
….develop a personal moral code, sensitive to the needs of others.
….strive to achieve our highest expectations by being the best that we can be.
…..value nurture and promote self esteem

                                                               Gwaunmeisgyn Primary School School Improvement Cycle
                                                       ➢    Termly self evaluation (SER is a shared document for SLT)
                                                       ➢    Termly review of SIP by staff. RAG rated document presented to governors termly
                                                       ➢    Review of subjects/areas of learning
                                                       ➢    Action planning for all areas by all staff teams
                                                       ➢    Analysis of parental views by Parental/Community Governing Body Sub-Committee
                                                       ➢    School Improvement Conference. Vision shared by all stakeholders.
                                                           Feedback given regarding:
                                                                 Subject/Area annual reviews and action plans
                                                                 Pupil questionnaire feedback from School Council
                                                                 Annual parental questionnaire feedback
                                                                  National and local priorities
                                                           Action planning by all stakeholders in the conference
National & Local Priorities

The key national and local priorities that are informing our improvment plans are:


   ● Improve literacy slills                                              Addressed in P1
   ● Improve numeracy skills                                              Addressed in P2
   ● Reduce impact of poverty on outcomes (FSM performance)               Addressed in P1,P2,P3,P4


   ● The Literacy & Numeracy Framework                                    Addressed in P1,2,3&4
   ● Introduction of Foundation Phase Profile into Y1                     Addressed in P1,P2
   ● The impact of the Donaldson review on curriculum and
                                                                          Addressed in P3


   ● Increased use of the leadership standards                            Performance management and SLT Audit of Leadership Skills
   ● Statutory requirement for a School Development Plan                  Working alongside CA
   ● Greater emphasis on school self evaluation in national
                                                                          Working alongside CA
● Greater emphasis on the role of the governing body as a critical            Involvement in School Improvement Conference
  ● School-to- school working                                                   Adressed in P1, 2 and 4

     Summary of 15-16 SIP:

            What went well:                                                              What needs to be further improved:
Target 1    Further improvement has been made with using ‘Picture Books’ -               Further work will now be needed on the scheme of work to
            whole school read ‘Tell me a Dragon’ and produced work associated            align with new curriculum topics.
            with this (see display in hall). Collaborative writing is progressing well   Closer analysis of reading test results and link more with
            using Google Apps for Education and this has been further developed          intervention groups. Helen Bowen INSET on reading
            in ICT FSM club. All ‘Pillars’ workshops with Helen Bowen have been          approaches/group guided reading with a view to improving
            attended - CB to develop these with staff. Reading books have all            test results.
            been book banded.                                                            Develop oracy activities to be used as assessments across
            CLIC project very successful in EY - many pupils no longer needing           the whole school.
            intervention                                                                 Talk4Writing INSET to improve the link with oracy and
            All success criteria broadly achieved apart from expected level+1 in         writing - planned with cluster for June 17
            writing in Y4 &5. Gender gap in Y3 at higher level reversed. Gender          New spelling scheme - introduce and evaluate closely
            gap in Y4 at expected level+1 remains (however, all boys made at             Continue to develop handwriting
            least two sublevels progress).
            Big Writing implemented across the school.The marking policy has
            been updated to reflect super short term targets and Big Write targets.
            All pupils addressing their targets.
Target 2    SIG reasoning project was very successful. Mrs Hughes has visited            Continue to improve higher levels particularly in KS2.
            different schools as part of this project. Numeracy co-ordinator fed
back in INSET many resources pertaining to reasoning.                        Develop use of test data to ensure intervention groups are
           Standardisation of maths INSET took place in the Spring Term.                used effectively.
           Outcome 5 and Level 4 success criteria achieved. Outcome 6                   Develop startegies to support numeracy in the Early Years
           exceeded however L5+ not achieved (30% achieved not 36%)                     (Numicon) and as an intervention throughout Foundation
Target 3   SOW working well. Staff confidence in science improved. In class             Cluster INSET organised for Sept 2nd. with Comprehensive
           Monitoring took place at the end of January.                                 feeder school to look at AT 1 and specifically recording of
           STEM week took place in the Spring Term. STEM week was very                  science.
           successful - Science subject leader has begun to pull a portfolio            Look at how to encorporate DC throughout science
           together.                                                                    curriculum.
           Success criteria achieved at L4+ and exceeded at L5+
Target 4   ICT subject leader has completed the 360 e-safety tool and has               Embed Digital Competence across the curriculum.
           started the quality mark audit.                                              Introduce new DC SOW and plan into new curriculum
           FSM club available for both F Phase and KS2.                                 maps.
           Hardware and cloud technologies working well. Except when internet           Use NAACE ICT Self Review Framework to strategically
           provision is ‘flaky’. All staff have had a lot of training in all areas of   audit and benchmark ICT across the whole school.
           ICT provision. Every half term module from the SOW has been                  Continue to develop use of GAFE
           introduced with targetted staff training to ensure all staffhave the         Continue to develop use of gaming technologies to engage
           necessary skills to teach the SOW. Google Classroom has been                 boys and eFSM pupils.
           introduced to pupils and this has been very successful. Many pupils
           extending their learning at home by using Purple Mash or GAFE. Very
           successful Minecraft project in Y3&4.
Estyn Outcomes (06/11/12):

          Quality                                                                             Judgement     Overall
KQ      Indicators                                      Aspects                                           judgement
                         results and trends in performance compared with national averages,
                         similar providers and prior attainment
                         standards of groups of learners                                                  Adequate
      1.1 Standards                                                                            Adequate
                         achievement and progress in learning
                         Welsh language
                         attitudes to keeping healthy and safe
                         participation and enjoyment in learning
      1.2 Wellbeing                                                                              Good
                         community involvement and decision making
                         social and life skills
                         meeting the needs of learners
       2.1 Learning      providing for skills
       experiences       Welsh language provision and the Welsh dimension
                         education for sustainable development and global citizenship
                         range and quality of teaching approaches
       2.2 Teaching                                                                              Good
                         assessment of and for learning                                                     Good
                         provision for health and wellbeing
     2.3 Care, support   specialist services, information and guidance
       and guidance      safeguarding arrangements
                         additional learning needs
       2.4 Learning      ethos, equality and diversity
       environment       physical environment
                         strategic direction and impact of leadership
      3.1 Leadership     governors or other supervisory boards                                 Adequate
                         meeting national and local priorities                                            Adequate
                         self-evaluation, including listening to learners and others
3     3.2 Improving
                         planning and securing improvement                                     Adequate
                         Involvement in networks of professional practice
     3.3 Partnership     strategic partnerships
     working             joint planning, resourcing and quality assurance
3.4 Resource     management of staff and resources
     management       value for money

R1. Raise standards in end of Foundation Phase and key stage 2 assessments.
R2. Improve boys’ writing, and the thinking and independent learning skills of all pupils.
R3. Involve all stakeholders in agreeing a clear strategic direction that focuses on improving pupil outcomes at all levels.
R4. Set high expectations for leaders at all levels and enable them to carry out their strategic roles and responsibilities successfully.
R5. Engage all governors more fully in the work of the school and enable them to support and challenge leaders in relation to the standards the school
R6. Link school improvement planning more accurately to the outcomes of self-evaluation.

Recommendations 3-6 were fully addressed by the date of the revist inspection in January 2014 and recommendations 1&2 were partially
met and these continue to be addressed.

                               Summary of the School Improvement Priorities for 2015-2016

             PRIORITY                                                  DETAILS                                          Evaluation (RAG)
                                                                                                                   AUTUMN SPRING SUMMER
   1. English                             Raise standard of English/ literacy across the school, especially
                                          standards of writing using Big Writing
   2. Mathematics                         Continue to raise the standard of maths across the school,
                                          especially reasoning
   3. LNF in Science                      Improve the standards of literacy and numeracy in science
4. ICT                              Develop the use of ICT to improve standards of learning and
                                    teaching and to improve home-school communication/learning

      2016 – 2017 Priorities                             2017 – 2018 Priorities                               2018-19 Priorities
●   Assess impact of Big Writing and adjust      ●   Introduce P4C across the whole school            ●   Implementation of Donaldson curriculum
    provision accordingly                        ●   Talk4Writing INSET with cluster                  ●   Achieve 3rd Millenium Award for ICT
●   New creative curriculum across the whole     ●   Levelled protfolios in place                     ●   Assess impact of P4C and adjust
    school                                       ●   Reading review                                       provision accordingly
●   New maths and english SOW                    ●   Assess new curriculum maps for coverage and      ●   Review writing throughout the school
●   Develop pupil participation/pupil voice          engagement impact                                ●   Review of Big Maths
    even further inc. on mid-term plans          ●   Evaluate the use of pupil voice in half termly   ●   Review ICT hardware provision -increase
●   Achieve pupil participation quality mark         planners                                             provision of a range of devices
●   Develop DC across the curriculum             ●   Continue to develop DC across the curriculum     ●   Re-develop FP hall and rooms off this
●   Develop oracy assessments                    ●   Continue to develop literacy and numeracy            area.
●   Review guided reading and independent            through Forest Schools                           ●   Continue to improve FP classes
    reading schemes and supplement               ●   Evaluate and develop further the use of              (furniture, etc)
    resources                                        Numicon in maths                                 ●   Continue with Comenius Project
●   Raise numbers of pupils achieving at the     ●   Review maths scheme of work                      ●   Develop and improve all playground
    higher levels                                ●   Continue to raise number of pupils achieving         areas
●   Achieve Platinum Eco Flag                        at the higher levels
●   Continue work with ‘Continua’ and the        ●   Develop ICT hardware provision for FP
    use of triads and video to raise standards   ●   Continue to develop family engagement
    of teaching                                      opportunities
●   Review topic planning – use ‘topic arrow’    ●   Comenius Project (2 year project)
●   Achieve ICT quality mark                     ●   Remainder of teachers to do OTP or MLL
●   Continue to send teachers on OTP and         ●   Achieve IIP award
    MLL                                          ●   Improve Nursery internal learning space
●   Improve EY/FP indoor and outdoor             ●   Re-organise teaching and learning spaces in
    learning spaces                                  Y3/4 areas.
●     Introduce Growth Mindset                       ●   Review site security/entry systems to school.
   ●     Improve use of Helpwr Heddiw                   ●   Improve front entrance to the school

                                                            Action Plans for Priorities

Priority 1:​ Continue to raise standard of English/literacy across the school, especially improve reading and oracy standards

Lead Responsibility: ​Caroline Burnell                                                   Link Governor:             Mr J Hall
                                                                    Success Criteria
   ●     Raising achievement by two pupils in each year group give us the following percentages to aim for in the NRT:
             ➢ ​81% of Y3 pupils to achieve >85 and 16% >115 by June ‘17 in reading tests
                  97% of Y4 pupils to achieve >85 and 12% >115 by June ‘17 in reading tests
                  97% of Y5 pupils to achieve >85 and 15% >115 by June ‘17 in reading tests
                  91% of Y6 pupils to achieve >85 and 12% >115 by June ‘17 in reading tests
   ●     Approximately 40% of all pupils in every year group to achieve higher outcomes/levels in reading and oracy
   ●     All pupils aware of half termly literacy targets across the curriculum
   ●     All pupils in F Phase are able to access CLIC project as necessary and make good progress
   ●     Most pupils in the CLD Unit class (8/11) to make 1 sub level progress in reading, speaking and listening and writing as appropriate

Action                                                           Who     Budget/       Time    Outputs                             Monitoring   Status
                                                                         Resources                                                              RAG
Reading                                                                                                Improved outcomes in reading levels
   ● Develop Book Banding: PM Benchmarking training for staff               -                          and NRT.
                                                                   FF                       Sum 16                                             CB and SLT
   ● Resource reading schemes as appropriate. Specifically                  2 days supply              Improved variety of non-fiction books   monitor
      audit non-fiction Introduce new reading scheme to F P –      CB       £250            Sept 16    available.                              reading outcomes
      Project X. Project X Origins for guided reading in FP and                                        More appealing to boys in order to      and levels on
      KS2 and Project X Adventures to supplement reading                                               improve reading outcomes.               school trackers.
                                                                                                                                               CB evaluate
      scheme.                                                                               Sept 16
                                                                                                       Guided reading in FP encourages         resources.
   ● Introduce guided reading records in Rec - Y2 linked to FPP    SB       -                          higher order reading skills for MAT.
   ● Develop ‘sight word banks’ for new colour coded bands         BG       -               Sept 16    Sight words in place for whole school   CB monitor reading
   ● Develop trackers for reading bands as well as usual           CB       Man time                   linked appropriately to spelling        records
                                                                                            Aut 16
      level/outcome trackers                                                                           scheme.
                                                                                                                                               Progress of new
   ● Analysis of NRT data to ensure appropriate intervention       SLT      SLT time        Sept 16    Home reading book progress is           intervention
      groups                                                                                           tracked.                                monitored by
   ● LSA to attend Catch Up training (provision for Y3-6)          AW       £400 training   Sum 16     Interventions are appropriate for       CB/JM half termly.
   ● Develop a ‘tracker’ to monitor progress of interventions      CB       & £8,200 for               correct pupils.
                                                                   CB       catch up pms                                                       CB/SB monitor
   ● Project X (Code X) intervention project with Y2&Y3 FSM                                            FSM pupils in Y2&3 make                 intervention groups
      pupils (Ignite and Inspire)                                           £8500 PDG       Aut & Sp   appropriate progress in their reading   across the school
   ● Develop staff confidence with the teaching of reading.        HB/CB                                                                       half termly.
      Modelling a guided reading session (INSET- H Bowen)                   £350 - EIG      Sept 16    Increased staff confidence with
                                                                                                                                               Listening to learners
   ● Introduce ‘Reading Keys’ in Y5&6 as part of transition into   KW       Man time        Sp 17
                                                                                                       guided reading
      Y7. Poss. introduce simplified version in Y3&4 depending                                         Improved transition for Y6 pupils       Planning monitoring
      on initial success                                                                    Sp 17      New curriculum links well to reading
   ● Link text genres to new curriculum                            CB       Man time                   texts; improved engagement in
                                                                   JM/CB    -               Ongoing
   ● Acquire more reading volunteers!!!                                                                reading process
Oracy                                                                                                  Pupils have increased and more
   ● Continue to develop Talk4Writing in FP                        CB       -               Aut 16     complex vocabulary banks.               Planning monitoring
                                                                   CB/      Approx £500     INSET                                              - SLT.
   ● Introduce Talk4Writing in KS2                                 Provid   (next years     DAY -      Pupils more engaged with story          Book monitoring by
                                                                   er       EIG)            June 17    telling process and consequently        CB & SLT.
                                                                                                       improved standards of written work.
   ●   Screen speech and language of all EY pupils and                      £750 EY                                                            Analysis of CLIC
                                                                   SB/JW    PDG             Sept 16                                            project results by
       implement CLIC programme for those pupils                                                       Early addressing of communication       SLT.
   ●   Implement language and play (LAP) courses to run            AM       £750 EY         Ongoing    problems                                JM monitor uptake
       throughout the year for pre-schoolers                                PDG                                                                and evaluation of
                                                                                                                                               LAP courses
CB                       Spr 17        Increased parental understanding
    ●   Devise action plan and Implement oracy activities (in line                 Man time                     and involvement in speech and
        with ‘pillars’ see below)                                                                               language development

Writing                                                                                                                                                   CB and SLT in book
    ● Planned opportunities for shared marking to develop                                         Sp 17         All staff have improved confidence        monitoring.
                                                                         CB        INSET time                                                             Listening to
        confidence in using the Criterion Scale.                                                                levels when marking Big Writing           learners.
    ● Monitor and evaluate impact of handwriting scheme                  CB                       Aut 16        Pupils’ handwriting is improved and       Planning for
        introduced last year.                                                      Man time                     consistent across the whole school.       handwriting opps.
    ● Continue to track Big Writing from Reception (Summer
        term) to Y6
Continue to develop evidence portfolios but also                         SLT       INSET time     By Sp         Evidence portfolios demonstrate           SLT to monitor
develop individual pupil portfolios to track pupil progress throughout   and all   and Man time   17                                                      progress
                                                                                                                progress across the whole school.
the school (3 pupils in each year group)
Introduce and monitor new spelling scheme across the whole               CB        Man time       Sept and      Increased spelling standards.             CB - monitor
school. Evidence of specific spelling patterns being taught in                                    termly                                                  planning.
                                                                                                                Teachers have improved confidence         Book scrutiny
teachers’ planning.                                                                                             when teaching spelling.                   Listening to learners
Implement LIteracy Pillars as an action plan starting with Reading       CB        INSET time     One           Full audit in place                       CB monitor
(R-Aut, O -Sp and W- Su) - Audit expectations for RW&O (RAG                        Man time       pillar                                                  planning
                                                                                   (course        each
                                                                                                                Comprehensive action plan in place.       Book scrutiny
rate) then create action plans.                                                    alreadypaid    term          Regular, repeated activities in place ;   Listening to learners
                                                                                   for)                         mapped across the whole school.

Review and modify scheme of work for English in line with new            CB        INSET and               By   Curriculum maps in place                  Subject leader
curriculum orders and curriculum re-design.                              and       management              Se                                             book monitoring
     ● Write new SOW                                                     KW        time                    p    Improved provision of learning
                                                                                                           16   experiences in English and appropriate    Planning
     ● Continue to develop literacy across the curriculum on new
                                                                                                                range and progression from year to year   monitoring
         curriculum maps
     ● Ensure classes have sufficient and appropriate resources to                                                                                        Evidence in topic
         support learning and teaching                                   CB        £300                         Half termly skills tracking in place      books- monitored
                                                                                                                                                          by SLT
                                                                                                                Resources used to support and develop
                                                                                                                learning and teaching
Listening to

                                  Regular feedback
                                  in staff meetings
Total                   £20,000

         Evaluation 1
        December 2016

        Evaluation 2
         March 2017

        Evaluation 3
         June 2017
Priority 2:​ Continue to raise the standard of maths across the school, especially numeracy across the curriculum and number in the Early
Lead responsibility: ​Mark O’Brien                                                Link Governor: Mrs A Fraser
                                                                       Success Criteria

   ●     Continue to improve performance in national procedural and reasoning tests at >115 (SS) to reduce the gap between school and LA averages
                Y2 pupils, 12% to achieve >115 in procedural test and 12% to achieve >115 in reasoning test by June ‘17
                Y3 pupils, 12% to achieve >115 in procedural test and 12% to achieve >115 in reasoning test by June ‘17
                Y4 pupils, 15% to achieve >115 in procedural test and 15% to achieve >115 in reasoning test by June ‘17
                Y5 pupils, 30% to achieve >115 in procedural test and 42% to achieve >115 in reasoning test by June ‘17
                Y6 pupils, 17% to achieve >115 in procedural test and 17% to achieve >115 in reasoning test by June ‘17
   ●     All FSM pupils make expected progress on trackers
   ●     Nearly all pupils make expected progress in FPP assessment
   ●     Aim for 40% of pupils, including FSM, in every year group achieving higher levels /outcomes
   ●     94% of Y6 pupils to achieve L4+ and 39% to achieve L5+
   ●     95% of Y2 pupils to achieve O5+ and 33% to achieve O6+ (disaggregated)
   ●     Most pupils in the CLD Unit class (8/11) to make 1 sub level progress in mathematics assessments

Action                                                          Who        Budget/           Time     Outputs                    Monitoring       Status
                                                                           Resources                                                              RAG
Review and modify scheme of work for mathematics in line with   MO’B and   INSET and         By       Curriculum maps in place   Subject leader
new curriculum orders and curriculum re-design.                 KW         management time   Sep 16                              book
   ● Write new SOW                                                                                    Improved provision of      monitoring
   ● Continue to develop numeracy across the curriculum on                                            learning experiences in
                                                                                                      Maths and appropriate      Planning
        new curriculum maps                                                                                                      monitoring
                                                                MO’B       £300
●   Ensure classes have sufficient and appropriate                                                  range and progression from       Evidence in
        mathematical equipment to support learning and                                                  year to year                     topic books-
        teaching                                                                                                                         monitored by
                                                                                                        Half termly skills tracking in
                                                                                                        place                            Listening to
                                                                                                        Resources used to support
                                                                                                        and develop learning and         Regular
                                                                                                        teaching                         feedback in
                                                                                                                                         staff meetings
Continue to track progress and target underachievement for      MO’B and    INSET, SLT and    By Sep    Target groups identified         SLT and
intervention strategies.                                        SLT         management time   16 and    from tracker and appropriate     subject leader
     ●    Increased analysis of National Test data.                                           ongoing
                                                                                                        intervention strategies in       monitoring of
                                                                                                                                         progress half
     ●    LSA to work with intervention groups across all KS2               £ 7172 PDG                  place                            termly
        classes using ‘Catch Up Maths’                          SG
                                                                                                        Analysis of National Test        Book
                                                                                                        data identifies target groups    monitoring
                                                                                                        and areas for development

Introduce Numicon to Early Years and CLD classes. Train all     Cluster     £ 2000 EY PDG     Sep 16    Staff trained and confident in   SLT and
Foundation Phase staff to use it as an intervention             INSET for                               use of Numicon to support        subject leader
                                                                FP staff                                learning                         monitoring of
                                                                SB/DN                                   Intervention groups              Listening to
                                                                                                        identified and progress          learners
                                                                                                        Pupils use and experience        monitoring
                                                                                                        resource materials
                                                                                                                                         HT budget
                                                                                                        Regular analysis of impact
                                                                                                        of strategy
Develop use of standardisation and moderation to further           All staff led   INSET and         Autumn    Improved staff accuracy in     SLT and
improve assessment of mathematics across the school through        by MO’B         management time   and       levelling outcomes and         subject leader
                                                                                                     summer                                   monitoring of
to ensure accuracy and consistency.                                                                  terms     levels
                                                                                                                                              progress half
                                                                                                               Greater accuracy and
                                                                                                               challenge in assessments       Book
                                                                                                               and targets                    monitoring

Use feed-forward marking strategies to provide challenge and       All staff       INSET and         Sep 16    Staff and pupils use marking   Book
consolidate understanding.                                                         management time   and       code                           monitoring
                                                                                                               Pupils respond to feedback     Listening to
                                                                                                               Next steps in learning
                                                                                                               identified                     feedback in
                                                                                                                                              staff meetings
                                                                                                               Pupils know how to improve

                                                                                                               Pupils are challenged

Continue DHT cluster group project to develop resources to         MO’B            Management time   By July   Collaborative cluster          Regular
support parents and develop their ability to help their children                         ​ day
                                                                                   and 3x½           17        approaches                     feedback in
                                                                                                     ongoing                                  staff meetings
   ● Build resources                                                               supply (£240)
                                                                                                               Resources developed and
   ● Develop a website page to share resources                                                                                                Listening to
   ● Develop ‘maths cafes’                                                                                                                    learners

                                                                                                               Increased parental support     Parental
                                                                                                               and involvement in learning    questionnaire

                                                                                                               Extended opportunities to
                                                                                                               continue and develop
                                                                                                               learning outside school

                                      Total                                        £9,712
Evaluation 1
December 2016

 Evaluation 2
 March 2017

 Evaluation 3
  June 2017
Priority 3:​ Develop a new ‘Creative Curriculum’

Lead responsibility: F Fallon & K Wilcox                                            Link Governor: S Scarlett
                                                                       Success Criteria
    ●    Appropriate learning spaces around the school (inside and outside) in place, particularly in Foundation Phase (see 3-5year plan from LEA) to ensure
         that all pupils have access to appropriate and engaging learning spaces.
    ●    New ‘pupil-led’ curriculum maps and half termly planners in place to ensure consistency and clarity of expectation and high quality teaching.
    ●    Pupil voice - most pupils are able to identify ideas/questions to contribute to planning. Most pupils are engaged more fully in topics as a result of
         their involvement in the planning process.
    ●    Updated skills trackers in place in order to track progress of skills thoroughly.
    ●    Increased engagement in learning both in school and out of school
    ●    Increased percentage of boys in Y2 achieving expected outcome +1 in ​writing​ as a result of Creative Schools project - currently only 2 pupils on
         track for O6 in writing.
    ●    Reduce gender gap in writing at predicted O6 (currently at -28.1%)

Action                                                           Who          Budget/      Time       Outputs                    Monitoring             Status
                                                                              Resources                                                                 RAG
Review current topics and available resources (human, physical   All staff    INSET and    By June    New curriculum topics      KW/FF to monitor
and in the locality) with all staff                              led by       management   16         are engaging               resource usage
    ● Listening to learners                                      curriculum   time                    appropriate and relevant
                                                                 co-ords                                                         Termly Listening to
    ● Staff audit of expertise
                                                                                                                                 Learners to assess
    ● Audit of resources                                                                              Resource use is            impact of new topics
INSET on ‘Pedagogy’ from Donaldson Report - use to identify          JM/MOB      INSET time   By Sept   All staff are aware of the   SLT to analyse
areas of strength and areas for development                                                   16        12 pedagogical               findings
                                                                                                        principles that underpin
                                                                                                                                     MOB to monitor
                                                                                                        excellent learning and
                                                                                                                                     impact of any
                                                                                                        teaching                     training developed
                                                                                                        Areas for development        as a consequence
                                                                                                        will be identified and
Curriculum redesign INSET lead by Dave Smith                         DS          Nil          Sept 16   Staff all understand         KW to monitor to
    ● What a GM learner looks like                                                                      principles behind            ensure ideas are
    ● Revisit school values                                                                             curriculum redesign          encorporated into
                                                                                                                                     curriculum maps
    ● Create skills map for a lifelong learner
    ● Map skills across topics                                                                                                       SLT monitor staff
                                                                                                                                     engagement levels
Pupil voice. All pupils to complete questionnaire regarding their    KW & FF     Nil          Summer    Pupils choose their          Listening to learners
interests and what they would like to learn about                                             16        learning path based on
     ● Collate ideas and main areas of proposed learning                                                their interests.
     ● Devise engaging titles                                                                           Engaged and motivated
Curriculum co-ordinators (working with AoL&E leaders) to draft a     All staff   16days =     Summer    Topic maps in place          Parental
curriculum overview for each term and map out the skills for every   lead by     £2000        16 &                                   questionnaires
half term. Lit/Num and Digital Competency skills to be mapped.       KW & FF                  Autumn    Parent overviews in
                                                                                                                                     Pupil questionnaires
     ● Devise parents’ overviews to share                                                     16        place
                                                                                                                                     and listening to
     ● Half termly plans to allow pupils to design their own                                                                         learners
         learning - clear focus on pupil voice                                                          Half termly skills
     ● Monitor termly                                                                                   tracking in place            JM to monitor
                                                                                                                                     progress and
                                                                                                        Pupils are able to           budget
                                                                                                        decide on their own
                                                                                                                                     Curriculum co-ords
                                                                                                        learning path within the
                                                                                                                                     monitor topic work
                                                                                                        topic                        termly
Staff INSET to look at proposed topic maps and to look at the       JM           INSET Day         July 16      All topics begin with a       Listening to learners
‘TOPIC ARROW’ to show the development of a topic from start to                                     and          high level of engagement
finish                                                                                             continue     using ‘Immersion Days’ to     SLT to monitor staff
                                                                                                                stimulate interest.           and pupil
                                                                                                                                              engagement levels
                                                                                                   develop      Pupils choose their
                                                                                                   until July   learning path based on        Evidence in topic
                                                                                                   17           their immersion in the        books- monitored by
                                                                                                                topic.                        SLT

                                                                                                                Pupils are highly engaged     End of topic
                                                                                                                and motivated                 ‘showcases’ eg
                                                                                                                                              assemblies or
                                                                                                                Learning has a purpose        games/books made
                                                                                                                                              for younger pupils
                                                                                                                Pupils have greater
                                                                                                                involvement in the review
                                                                                                                and evaluation of their
Lead Creative Schools Project - awaiting training in Autumn Term    FF is        Two year          Sept 16 -    Pupils’ writing becomes       English and topic
to clarify project                                                  lead         project           July 18      more creative                 books
                                                                    practition   Grant awarded
                                                                                                                Writing achievement           Video evidence of
Initial proposal: Develop creative literacy approaches to improve   er           for each year =
                                                                                                                increases in particular the   drama actrivities
writing in particular boys writing. These include theatre/drama                  £5000                          achievement of boys
projects and computer game based approaches.                                                                                                  Digital resources
                                                                                                                Increased engagement in
    ●   Two teachers trained in first year and two more in the                                                  the writing process by all    Listening to learners
        second year                                                                                             pupils
                                                                                                                                              Evaluation and
                                                                                                                Increased confidence in       Impact forms
    ●   All creative techniques learned to be diseminated to all
                                                                                                                staff to develop creative
        teaching staff.                                                                                         literacy skills

                                    Total                                           £7,000
Evaluation 1
        December 2016

         Evaluation 2
         March 2017

         Evaluation 3
          June 2017

Priority 4: ​ ​Introduce and embed Digital Competence Framework across the curriculum

Lead responsibility: ​Rachel Hughes and Jan Morgan                                             ​ r Mark Phillips/ Mrs Helen Boldero
                                                                                Link Governor: M
                                                                  Success Criteria
   ●   All staff are increasingly competent and confident using and teaching Digital Competence skills
   ●   Pupils have increased understanding of when and how to use their DC skills (audit Y6 at start and end of year) Build on results from last years Y6
   ●   Most pupils use DC skills effectively and appropriately across all curriculum subjects to enhance and support learning.
   ●   New ICT SOW in place to ensure all DC skills are covered across the curriculum.
   ●   All staff and pupils have improved knowledge and understanding of issues around e-safety and digital citizenship.
   ●   Introduce emailing - Y5 & Y6 pupils are able to send and receive e-mails safely.
   ●   Opportunities for learning away from the classroom through cloud technologies are embedded and used by >50% of pupils in KS2.
●    Increased number of pupils in Foundation Phase using Purple Mash at home.
    ●    Appropriate and reliable internet provision for all pupils all of the time.
    ●    Those eFSM pupils who have limited use of ICT at home will have increased access in after school clubs
    ●    Good progression of pupils’ ICT skills across all year groups. Y4 to trial an ‘I can… ‘ online portfolio focusing on the weakest area of pupil audit
         (Data Handling)

Action                                                                 Who       Budget/Re    Time     Outputs                               Monitoring              Status
                                                                                 sources                                                                             RAG
Staff digital competence skills audit. Identify and analyse gaps and   RH/ GM    Nil          By       All staff trained to be at least at   Audit to be retaken
train all staff accordingly                                                                   Autumn   ‘Embedding/Innovating’ level          in Summer 17 to
                                                                                 Training     16                                             assess impact of
                                                                                                       (DC Audit)
Pupil digital competence skills audit with Y6. Analyse gaps and        RH/ GM    Nil          By       Subject leader and all staff          Subject leader to
areas to be developed. Develop this with further year groups (Y4)                             Autumn   aware of gaps in pupils’              evaluate and
in SIG group project. Pupils RAG rate data handling skills pre and               Training     16                                             analyse results from
                                                                                                       learning. Focus on these
                                                                                                                                             year groups and to
post project.                                                                    free                  areas.                                liaise with JM to
                                                                                                                                             organise CPD

                                                                                                                                             Listening to learners

                                                                                                                                             Book scrutiny
Implement new ICT SOW to cover all aspects of DC                       RH/ GM    Nil          Autumn   Improved provision of learning        RH to ensure
Cluster INSET day with DC provider.                                                           16       experiences in ICT and                coverage of new
                                                                                                                                             SOW and to monitor
                                                                                                       appropriate range and
                                                                                                                                             alongside SLT -
                                                                                                       progression from year to year         planning and in
                                                                                                                                             class monitoring
Review planning to ensure coverage of DC Skills.                       KW/       Curriculum   Autumn   Activities to promote digital         Monitored by RH
Map DC into new curriculum topics.                                     FF/GM/R   planning     16       confidence evident in all             and SLT termly
                                                                       H         costs                 curriculum areas
                                                                                                                                             Book scrutiny

                                                                                                                                             Listening to learners
Opportunities for eFSM pupils to extend their learning outside of   RH/SG/J   Staff costs   Ongoing   eFSM pupils have equal           Subject leader to
school hours – ICT after school home learning clubs X 3.            M         - £1300                 opportunity to access cloud      monitor pupils
Digital leaders to issue questionnaire.                                       PDG                     based learning                   attending clubs

                                                                                                      To improve percentage of         All staff to monitor
                                                                                                      pupils handing in own learning   the rates of pupils
                                                                                                      tasks                            handing in own
Implement recommendations from 360 e-safety tool.                   RH        Nil           Autumn    Pupils and staff have greater    360 tool.
    ● Establish an e-safety group including all stakeholders                                16        understanding of e-safety.       Listening to digital
    ● Agree e-safety policy                                                                                                            leaders.
                                                                                                      All stakeholders aware of        Policy.
    ● Raise awareness of e-safety and digital citizenship
                                                                                                      school policy.

                                     Total                                    £1,300

           Evaluation 1
          December 2016

           Evaluation 2
           March 2017

           Evaluation 3
            June 2017
Key Supplementary Improvement Activities
                  WHAT?                           WHO?      WHEN?         COSTS /           SUCCESS CRITERIA                MONITORING            STATUS
Improve learning environment in Early Years     JM/SB/SD/   Autumn
department                                      FF/NO       16
                                                                                        ●    Excellent indoor learning   JM (with caretaker)
New classroom area                                                      £10,000              provision in place          to monitor building
                                                                        (school carry   ●    Excellent outdoor           works.
External areas:                                             Aut 16      forward)             learning provision in
                                                                                                                         In class monitoring
                                                                                             place for EY and FP CLD
    ●   Playground markings                                                                                              focus on outdoor
                                                                        £1500 for            class                       learning.
    ●   Staging
                                                                        playground      ●    Pupils enthused and
    ●   Music station
                                                                        equipment            engaged in their physical   Planning monitoring.
    ●   Water station
                                                                                             play based learning
    ●   Sensory garden                          AR/JM                                                                    Listening to learners.
                                                                                        ●    Safe and secure
                                                            Aut 16                           environment in EY
New fencing around all foundation phase areas                           LEA funded
and new canopies                                                                        ●    All pupils have access to
                                                                                             trim trails to enhance
                                                            Sp 17
Outdoor area for FP CLD class                                           LEA funded           their physical
                                                            Aut 16                           development needs.
Poss play tower                                                         Poss Grant
                                                                        (Tescos) =
Renew condemned play areas for FP and KS2                               £10,000
                                                            Spring 17
Continue to develop use of ‘Continua’ in line      JM to lead   Ongoing   Twilight and     ●   Improved standards of       *Staff feedback
with OTP work. Work with Gareth Coombes to         & G                    half INSET day       teaching moving good        *In class monitoring
continue to develop coaching in learning triads.   Coombes                £750 - EIG           practice to excellent       of learning and
This year’s focus: differentiation                                                         ●   ‘Coaching’ ethos where      teaching
                                                                                                                           *Raised levels of
                                                                                               all staff comfortable
                                                                                                                           staff enthusiasm
                                                                                               learning from each other
                                                                                           ●   Differentiation policy in

Introduce ‘Growth Mindset’ to staff and pupils.    JM           Autumn    -                ●   Staff have a good           *Listening to learners
Tie mindset into school rules.                                  16                             understanding of the        *Book scrutiny
                                                                                               research around growth      *Classroom displays
                                                                                           ●   Pupils have an ‘I can…’
                                                                                               attitude and know that
                                                                                               they need to work hard
Implement regular ELSA sessions and the            BJ ELSA      Autumn    £1,500 for       ●   Pupils with emotional       *JM to monitor
establishment of a pyramid club                    SB to lead   Term      ELSA sessions        needs are better            pyramid club
                                                                          and pyramid          provided for                *SB to monitor ELSA
                                                                          club resources   ●   Self esteem for             sessions
                                                                          - PDG
                                                                                               vulnerable pupils is

Achieve Platinum Eco Flag                          LD & JB      Autumn    -                ●   Excellent practice in       *Listening to
                                                                Term                           place across the school     Learners - Eco
                                                                                           ●   Eco flag flying!            Committee
                                                                                           ●   Pupils eating more          * Displays
                                                                                               healthy snacks              *Monitor snack at
Appendix 1:                        Arrangements for Monitoring and Reviewing Impact

KEY : ​Pink​ = Book looks or planning reviews
     ​ Green​ = Session observations
       ​Yellow​ = Half termly assessment on INCERTS

September                                  By whom                          Self-Evaluation Action                 Link to
Activity:                                                                                                           SER
Information from year’s self-evaluation activities is drawn together by HT and SLT at the end of previous academic year.
SER written using school proforma (and updated half termly throughout the academic year). Draft SIP drawn up.
Staff review draft SER and SIP, make recommendations/suggestions and contribute further data and information.
1​st​ Termly Data Analysis/Review Class teachers.                ● Analysing pupil performance data               1.1.1,
Set challenging year end targets  Reviewed by SLT                ● Describing performance compared to prior       1.1.2,
for every pupil.                                                    attainment
                                                                 ● Describing standards of groups of learners     1.1.3,
Governing Body review pupil      Curriculum and Standards      ● reviewing pupil progress data                   1.1.1,
progress and class data          sub-committee                 ● reviewing summary performance reports           1.1.2,
Half termly monitoring of PDG       Key Stage Co-ordinators         ● Analysing PDG pupil progress                   1.1.1,
Pupil Progress                      Reviewed by SLT                 • ​Describing performance compared to prior      1.1.2,
                                                                    • Describing standards of groups of learners     1.1.3,
Governing Body Curriculum and Standards sub-committee review SER, make recommendations/suggestions and               all
contribute further data and information. School Council discuss relevant sections of SER and make suggestions.

October                                      By whom                            Self-Evaluation Action                 Link to
Activity:                                                                                                               SER
Full Governing Body review SER and SIP at Autumn term meeting, make recommendations/suggestions.

Assess pupils’ progress and enter   Class teachers                ● Analysing pupil performance data                 1.1.1
on INCERTs (before half term)                                     ● Describing performance compared to prior         1.1.2
                                                                  ● Describing standards of groups of learners       1.1.3
Exchange of pupils’ books           Whole Staff                   ● Measuring achievement and progress in learning   1.1.3
                                                                  ● Coverage of skills                               1.1.4
                                                                  ● Quality of teaching and assessment               2.2.1 2.2.2
HT report to governing body         Governing body                ● Progress against targets in SIP                  3.1.1
                                    HT                            ● HT performance management targets                3.1.2
Governing body review progress      Curriculum and Standards      ● Strategic direction of the school                3.1.1
against SIP targets                 sub-committee                 ● Self evaluation                                  3.1.2
Central South Consortium target    Class teachers              ● Analyse prior performance and set challenging    1.1.1
setting and tracking requirement   DHT (Assessment               end of year targets for each pupil               1.1.2
                                   Co-ordinator)                                                                  1.1.3

November                                     By whom                         Self-Evaluation Action                 Link to
Activity:                                                                                                            SER

Triangulation of                   SLT                         ● Analysis pupil performance data                  1.1.1, 1.1.2
Books/Planning/Incerts (after                                  ● Measuring achievement and progress in learning   1.1.3
half term)                                                     ● Quality of teaching and assessment               2.2.1, 2.2.2

Annual Performance Review          Challenge Advisor           ●   Analysing end of key stage data                1.1.1, 1.1.2,
                                                               ●   Establishing performance trends                1.1.3, 1.1.5
                                                               ●   Benchmarking against national, family & FSM    1.1.1, 1.1.2
                                                               ●   Categorisation Meeting
Performance reviews / lesson        HT learning and teaching   ● Observing teaching and learning                  1.2.2
observations                       observations                                                                   2.2.1
                                                                                                                  2.2.2 2.4.1
Standardisation of Maths           All teaching staff          ● Quality of teaching and assessment               2.2.1, 2.2.2

December                                     By whom                         Self-Evaluation Action                 Link to
Activity:                                                                                                            SER
Assess pupils’ progress and enter    Class teachers.            ● Analysing pupil performance data             1.1.1
on INCERTs and on school             DHT /HT                    ● Describing performance compared to prior     1.1.2
tracker                                                           attainment                                   1.1.3
                                                                ● Describing standards of groups of learners
Half termly monitoring of PDG        Key Stage Co-ordinators    ● Analysing PDG pupil progress                 1.1.1,
Pupil Progress                       Reviewed by SLT            • ​Describing performance compared to prior    1.1.2,
                                                                • Describing standards of groups of learners   1.1.3,

January                                        By whom                       Self-Evaluation Action              Link to
Activity:                                                                                                         SER
2​nd​ Termly Data Analysis (Autumn   Reviewed by SLT            ● Analysing pupil performance data             1.1.1,
Term’s Data)                                                    ● Describing performance compared to prior     1.1.2,
                                                                ● Describing standards of groups of learners   1.1.3,

Governing Body review pupil          Curriculum and Standards   ● reviewing pupil progress data                1.1.1,
progress and class data              sub-committee              ● reviewing summary performance reports        1.1.2,

February                                       By whom                       Self-Evaluation Action              Link to
Activity:                                                                                                         SER
Assess pupils’ progress and enter   Class teachers.           ● Analysing pupil performance data                 1.1.1
on INCERTs (before half term)                                 ● Describing performance compared to prior         1.1.2
                                                                attainment                                       1.1.3
                                                              ● Describing standards of groups of learners
Half termly monitoring of PDG       Key Stage Co-ordinators   ● Analysing PDG pupil progress                     1.1.1,
Pupil Progress (before half term)   Reviewed by SLT           • ​Describing performance compared to prior        1.1.2,
                                                              • Describing standards of groups of learners       1.1.3,
Session observations/ ‘Drop Ins’    Curriculum Leaders of     ● Observing teaching and learning                  1.2.2
related to S.I.P. targets           Learning                  ● Review by SLT                                    2.2.1
                                                                                                                 2.2.2 2.4.1
Triangulation of                    SLT                       ● Analysis pupil performance data                  1.1.1, 1.1.2
Books/Planning/Incerts (after                                 ● Measuring achievement and progress in learning   1.1.3
half term)                                                    ● Quality of teaching and assessment               2.2.1, 2.2.2

March                                         By whom                      Self-Evaluation Action                  Link to
Activity:                                                                                                           SER
HT Spring report to governing       Governing body            ● Progress against targets in SIP                  3.1.1
body                                HT                        ● HT performance management targets                3.1.2
Standardisation of English          All teaching staff        ● Quality of teaching and assessment               2.2.1, 2.2.2
Governing body and pupils carry      Governing body             ● Meeting the needs of learners, Welsh language,   2.1.1 2.1.2
out ‘learning walk’                  School council               ESGDC, physical environment                      2.1.3 2.1.4
Pupil questionnaire regarding        Wellbeing TLR              ● Attitudes to keeping safe and healthy            1.2.1
wellbeing and learning               School Council             ● Participation and enjoyment in learning          1.2.2

Parent questionnaire regarding       Wellbeing TLR & HT         ● Attitudes to keeping safe and healthy            1.2.1
wellbeing                                                       ● Participation and enjoyment in learning          1.2.2

April                                          By whom                       Self-Evaluation Action                  Link to
Activity:                                                                                                             SER
2​nd​ Termly Data Analysis (Spring   Reviewed by SLT            ● Analysing pupil performance data                 1.1.1,
Term’s Data)                                                    ● Describing performance compared to prior         1.1.2,
                                                                ● Describing standards of groups of learners       1.1.3,
Governing body review progress       Curriculum and Standards   ● Strategic direction of the school                3.1.1
against SIP targets                  sub-committee              ● Self evaluation                                  3.1.2

Assess pupils’ progress and enter    Class teachers.            ● Analysing pupil performance data                 1.1.1
on INCERTs and on school             HT/DHT                     ● Describing performance compared to prior         1.1.2
tracker (before Easter holidays)                                  attainment                                       1.1.3
                                                                ● Describing standards of groups of learners
Half termly monitoring of PDG       Key Stage Co-ordinators      ● Analysing PDG pupil progress                   1.1.1,
Pupil Progress (before Easter       Reviewed by SLT              • ​Describing performance compared to prior      1.1.2,
holidays)                                                        attainment
                                                                 • Describing standards of groups of learners     1.1.3,

May                                           By whom                          Self-Evaluation Action               Link to
Activity:                                                                                                            SER
Costed annual plan describes        HT                           ● Management of resources, value for money       3.4.1
expenditure on targeted groups                                                                                    3.4.2
of pupils across the school

Assess pupils’ progress and enter   Class teachers.              ● Analysing pupil performance data               1.1.1
on INCERTs (before half term)                                    ● Describing performance compared to prior       1.1.2
                                                                   attainment                                     1.1.3
                                                                 ● Describing standards of groups of learners
School Conference                   All Staff and Stakeholders      ●   Attitudes to keeping safe and healthy     1.2.1
                                                                    ●   Participation and enjoyment in learning   1.2.2
                                                                    ●   Data review                               1.1.1
                                                                    ●   Progress against targets in SIP           3.1.1
                                                                    ●   Progress in teaching and assessment       2.2.1, 2.2.2
                                                                    ●   Strategic direction of the school         3.1.1
                                                                    ●   Self evaluation                           3.1.2, 3.2.2
Moderation of English, Maths,       All teaching staff         ● Quality of teaching and assessment               2.2.1, 2.2.2
Science and PSD Learner Profiles

Triad peer learning sessions        All staff                  ● Observing teaching and learning                  1.2.2
                                    Feedback to all staff      ● Review by SLT                                    2.2.1
                                    Review by SLT                                                                 2.2.2 2.4.1
Half termly monitoring of PDG       Key Stage Co-ordinators    ● Analysing PDG pupil progress                     1.1.1,
Pupil Progress (before half term)   Reviewed by SLT            • ​Describing performance compared to prior        1.1.2,
                                                               • Describing standards of groups of learners       1.1.3,

June                                          By whom                       Self-Evaluation Action                  Link to
Activity:                                                                                                            SER
Triangulation of                    SLT                        ● Analysis pupil performance data                  1.1.1, 1.1.2
Books/Planning/Incerts (after                                  ● Measuring achievement and progress in learning   1.1.3
half term)                                                     ● Quality of teaching and assessment               2.2.1, 2.2.2

Governing Body review pupil         Curriculum and Standards   ● Reviewing pupil progress data                    1.1.1,
progress and class data             sub-committee              ● Reviewing summary performance reports            1.1.2,
Performance Team Leader              Team Leaders for PM          ● Observing learning and teaching              1.2.2
Observations                                                                                                     2.2.1
                                                                                                                 2.2.2 2.4.1
Central South Consortium target      Class teachers            ● Analyse prior performance and set challenging   1.1.1
setting and tracking requirement     SLT                         end of year targets for each pupil              1.1.2

HT report to governing body          Governing body            ● Progress against targets in SIP                 3.1.1
                                     HT                        ● HT performance management targets               3.1.2

Governing body Premises              Premises sub-committee    ● Management of resources (site)                  2.3.1
sub-committee carry out site                                                                                     2.4.2
review; check for fire, traffic,                                                                                 3.4.1
building issues and report back to

July                                          By whom                       Self-Evaluation Action                 Link to
Activity:                                                                                                           SER
Half termly monitoring of PDG        Key Stage Co-ordinators   ● Analysing PDG pupil progress                    1.1.1,
Pupil Progress                       Reviewed by SLT           • ​Describing performance compared to prior       1.1.2,
                                                               • Describing standards of groups of learners      1.1.3,
Assess pupils’ progress and enter    Class teachers.               ● Analysing pupil performance data                    1.1.1
on INCERTs and school tracker        HT/DHT                        ● Describing performance compared to prior            1.1.2
                                                                     attainment                                          1.1.3
                                                                   ● Describing standards of groups of learners
3​rd​ Termly Data Analysis (end of   SLT                           ● Analysing pupil performance data                    1.1.1,
year and set targets)                                              ● Describing performance compared to prior            1.1.2,
                                                                     attainment                                          1.1.3,
                                                                   ● Describing standards of groups of learners
Governing body review progress       Curriculum and Standards      ● Strategic direction of the school           3.1.1
against SIP targets                  sub-committee                 ● Self evaluation                             3.1.2
Information from the year’s self-evaluation activities is drawn together by HT and SLT. SER is updated. Draft SIP is written
by SLT.

                          Data, target-setting                          e
 Month:        Date:
                              and tracking
                                                       Review by
                                                                        e     Monitoring                       Focus                staff
              Start of        First data analysis        SLT
               term          Annual targets sheet        JM
                                                                                                      Standards in literacy and
              End of ½                                                      Book exchange (Topic)
 October                       update INCERTs                           6                           numeracy and following agreed    all
               term                                                              (Lit & Num)
Beg. of
                                                               6     Lesson observations        Learning and teaching           JM
                        Consortium SIMs Tracker and                                            Standards in literacy and
November     half                                      SLT            Book trawl (Maths
             term              School Tracker                  6                             numeracy and following agreed       SLT
                                                                         and English)                  policies
                                                               7    Planning               Standards of teaching and learning   SLT
            End of
December                      update INCERTs          JM/MOB           Standardisation                                             All
             term                                              13                                Literacy/Numeracy
                                                                           Exercise                                              Staff

           Start of                                                                           Standards of teaching &
January                     Second data analysis       SLT     2           Planning                                              SLT
            term                                                                                       learning
           End of ½                                                                          Standards in key skills and          All
February                      update INCERTs                   3        Book exchange
            term                                                                              following agreed policies          staff
                              School Tracker                   3     Lesson observations    Performance manage targets           SMT

            End of                                                     Standardisation                                           All
  April                       update INCERTs          JM/MOB   7                                 Literacy/Numeracy
             term                                                         Exercise                                              Staff

                                                                    Learning walk          Standards of teaching and learning   Gov’nBo
           Start of                                                                                                             dy
  April     term            Third data analysis
                                                                                             Standards of teaching and
                                                               2           Planning                                              SLT
           End of ½                                                                          Standards in key skills and
  May                         update INCERTs                   3          Book trawl                                             SMT
            term                                                                              following agreed policies
                        Consortium SIMs tracker and                                                                             MOB /
  June     3​rd​ week                                          3     Lesson observations            English/Maths
                               School Tracker                                                                                   CB
Appendix 2:                                                   Staffing Structure
Staffing Structure - All Staff

Staff list, roles and responsibilities 2016/2017                         ​July   2016

Name                 Position                    Class:   Subject(s) co-ordinated        Other roles
Janet Morgan         Headteacher                          Curriculum co-ordinator, ARR   Staff Dev/Perf Man, Health & Safety, Inset, Child Protection,
Mark O’Brien         Deputy Headteacher          Y4       Maths and Numeracy             Assessment, Thinking Skills
Faye Fallon          Foundation Phase leader     Y2       Curriculum F Phase MAT         FP team leader eFSM in FP
Kelly Wilcox         Teacher TLR for Wellbeing   Y6       Curriculum KS2 Wellbeing       Health & Sex Ed. KS2 Team Leader eFSM in KS2
Sally Butler         Teacher TLR for SENCO       N/REC    ALNco                          SENCO
Rachel Hughes        Teacher                     Y3/4     ICT                            INCERTs and School Visits Manager
Sarah Dyer           Teacher                     N/REC    Science                        School Choir
Helen Tamplin        Teacher                     Y3       Music                          School Choir, Minutes Secretary
Kristian James       Teacher NQT                 Y5       PE                             School Clubs Manager
Bethan Griffiths     Teacher                     Y1/2     Art                            School Council
Clare Lever          Teacher                     Y1       Welsh                          Curriculum Cymreig
Julia Brice          Teacher (0.8)               Y6       History                        Eco Schools
Donna Newman         Teacher (LA SEN dept) 0.6   CLD      DT                             School Link Mentor and NQT Mentor Healthy Eating
Leyla Davies         Teacher (LA SEN dept) 0.4   CLD      Geography RE                   Eco Schools and Global Links
Caroline Burnell     Teacher (LA SEN dept)       CLD FP   English and Literacy, RWI      School garden
Paul Morgan          Teacher temp. 0.2           Y3/4     Welsh support for CL
Sec   Spotlight/   SSA   Dinner   Teach assistant        Notes and specific programmes:
                     Catch up/          lady     or NNEB
                     ELSA/ LSA
Mrs                                              HTLA Covering PPA      Forest Schools
Mrs Lock       35                                Secretary
Mrs Smart      20                                Sectretary
Mrs Gough            15           10    6.25            KS2             KS2.    RWI, Catch-up maths
Miss Sh Gough        5            10    6.25     SSA and ICT Club
Mrs Stacey           5            10    6.25     5         RWInc        RWI, SNSA 1:1 support
Mrs Farley                                       31        Year 1
Mrs Barker                                       32.5       SEN class   NNEB LRB class
Mrs Bearne                                       32.5       SEN class   NNEB LRB class
Mrs Marshall,                                    31        Nur/Rec      Family learning
Mrs Wigglesworth                                 31         Nur/ Rec    CLIC Project
Mrs O’Brien                                      31         Nur/Rec     Art Club
Mrs Jacobs                                       31         KS2         KS2.     RWI, Catch-up reading
Staff Structure:
Leadership team​:                                        Janet Morgan (Headteacher)

                                Mark O’Brien (Deputy Headteacher, maths)                Fay Fallon (Foundation Phase leader)

                Kelly Wilcox (TA Wellbeing KS Co-ord)      Sally Butler (TA SENCO)     Caroline Burnell (TA English)

Class Teachers​:                       KS2: Kristian James, Rachel Evans, Helen Tamplin

                                       FP:        Sarah Dyer, Bethan Griffiths, Clare Lever

LA CLD teachers​:                      Donna Newman, Leyla Davies (job share)

PPA teacher​:              Katrina Barrett-Rees

Nursery nurses in LA LRBs:             Sharon Barker, Lousie Bearne

HLTA​: Katrina Barrett-Rees

TAs:     ​Full-time: Eve Farley, Alison Marshall, Julia Wigglesworth, Jamie-Lee Jones, Lee-ann O’Brien, Barbara Jacobs

        ​Part-time​: Shannon Gough, Sandra Gough, Glynis Stacey
Secretaries:​ Linda Lock        Kelly Smart            Caretaker​: Neil Owens

Appendix 3                                                               Working in Partnership
We will work with ​pupils​ through:
                                          WHAT?                                                                                          HOW?
Review new ICT/DC SoW                                                                        School Council/Digital leaders questionnaires
Audit pupil DC skills
SIG working with Y3 &4
To review and improve school dinner provision                                                School council questionnaire . Focus group to work with healthy eating co-ordinator.
Continue to develop new sports clubs and activities                                          New Sports Ambassadors have been trained and will question pupils and collate results about
                                                                                             what after school clubs they would like.
Increase involvement of pupils in new curriculum amd in all planning. Apply for pupil        School Council to continue to work with pupils to ensure involvement in new curriculum.
participation award.

We will work with ​parents​ and ​governors​ through:
                                              WHAT?                                                                                       HOW?
Parents of pupils in receipt of FSM will be invited to attend reading workshops with their   JB to work with groups of parents and pupils on a programme of reading activities. The focus
children                                                                                     will be on comprehension.
Parents will be invited to attend maths workshops with their children                        MOB to work with groups of parents on a programme of maths activities. This will take the
                                                                                             form of informal ‘drop in’ maths cafes.
Work with a focus group of parents when evaluating home-school communication                 Small group of parents to decide what information is necessary, what is statutory and what
                                                                                             then is useful for parents
Developing understanding of Guided Reading for parents and governors                         Parents and governors invited in to work with pupils when undertaking readingactivities.
                                                                                             Parents and governors to have presentation from English subject leader about Guided Reading.
                                                                                             Governors to attend learning walk and have feedback about progress in reading.
School Improvement planning                                                                  All stakeholders invited to attend School Improvement Conference (as last year).
                                                                                             Providing governors with opportunities to be a critical friend in the self evaluation process
                                                                                             Governors assist to develop processes providing suggestions to encourage staff to evaluate.
We will work with ​other schools​ through:
                                          WHAT?                                                                                           HOW?
Digital Competence project with SIG group                                                    RH to work with SIG and G Morgan to improve teaching and learning of digital competence.
                                                                                             Gwaunmeisgyn to lead SIG Conference.
Cluster project to improve teaching of science                                               Working with local schools to develop teacher confidence in science in particular investigative
Cluster project to improve teaching of maths in FP using Numicon                             Working with local schools to develop teacher confidence in maths teaching in Early Years and
                                                                                             as an intervention strategy in FP
Continue to improve moderation of outcomes and levels                                        Working with cluster of schools to look at levels and outcomes and to justify/clarify opinions
Improve teaching and learning in reading                                                     Working with H Bowen and cluster schools to develop reading across the school

We will work with ​agencies​ and ​businesses​ through:
                                        WHAT?                                                                                            HOW?
Become a ‘food voucher’ donator                                                              Meet with representatives from the local food bank (Pontyclun) and sign agreements to be
                                                                                             able to give food bank vouchers in extreme circumstances
Provide ‘out of school’ holiday camps                                                        Working with Superstars set up two weeks in Summer holidays where children can attend
                                                                                             when parents are working.
Provide LAP sessions for pre-school children (possibly baby massage and a Dad’s group too)   Work with Flying Start providers to develop opportunities for parents to attend classes

We will work with the ​local community​ through:
                                        WHAT?                                                                                           HOW?
Providing the community carnival                                                             Friends of Gwaunmeisgyn organise a community carnival
Developing awareness of local new community library including improved attendance at the     Work with community library to display learning. Raise money on World Book Day to
summer reading challenge                                                                     contribute to running of local library
Work with RCT homes in developing the new Trem Y Cwm residential home                        Designing safety posters.
                                                                                             Site safety assemblies.
Work with RCT homes to provide classes for local people to attend eg zumba/cookery           Classes to run in thge main school hall
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