Issue 84 Canberra - Affairs of State

Issue 84 Canberra - Affairs of State
                                                                               19 July to 25 August 2016
Issue 84

                                  Letter from

                              Saving you time for nine years.

  A Quiet Post-Election Non-Parliamentary sitting period Edition

                                       In This Issue:
       Budget Bureacracy Shemozzle • Liberal Party Peace Plan • Plebiscite Indecision
     China Shut Out of Electricity Grids • Illegal Detention Ignored • The Norfolk Solution
Issue 84 Canberra - Affairs of State
Letter From Canberra

                                                                        Letter from

                                                                  Saving you time for nine years.
                                                           A monthly digest of news from around Australia.
                                                               Saving you time; now in its eighth year.

                                           About Us            3 Editorial                                            12 Media
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                                   Victoria, Australia
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           Letter From Canberra is a monthly public            8 Business, Economy,                                   13 Transport
       affairs bulletin, a simple précis, distilling and         Manufacturing, Finance
         interpreting public policy and government
             decisions, which affect business oppor-          10 Mining                                               13 Foreign Affairs
                   tunities in Victoria and Australia.
                                                              10 Trade                                                14 Defence
         Written for the regular traveller, or people
          with meeting-filled days, it’s more about           10 Refugees and Immigration                             15 Health
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       Letter from Canberra is independent. It’s not
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    have the imprimatur of government at any level.              Environment and Energy
           The only communication tool of its type,           11 Agriculture, Cattle and Water                        16 Society
           Letter from Canberra keeps subscribers
       abreast of recent developments in the policy          ABOUT THE EDITOR— ALISTAIR URQUHART, BA LLB
            arena on a local, state and federal level.
                                                             Alistair Urquhart graduated from the Australian
             Published by A.B Urquhart & Company             National University in Canberra, in Law, History
                  Pty Ltd trading as Affairs of State.       and Politics. He may even hold the record
                                                             for miles rowed on Lake Burley Griffin.
          Disclaimer: Material in this publication is
      general comment and not intended as advice             He was admitted as a barrister and solicitor to
      on any particular matter. Professional advice          the Supreme Court of Victoria, and remains a
         should to be sought before action is taken.         (non-practicing) member of the Law Institute of
                                                             Victoria. Previously, he graduated from high school
      Material is complied from various sources
                                                             in Bethesda, Maryland, and had many opportunities
including newspaper articles, press releases, gov-
                                                             to become aware of the workings of Washington D.C.
ernment publications, Hansard, trade journals, etc.
                                                             For 30 years, he listened every Sunday evening to the late
    Copyright: This newsletter is copyright. No part                                                                        The editor and wife having coffee in
                                                             Alistair Cooke and his Letter from America. Alistair’s early
         may be reproduced, stored in or introduced                                                                         Manuka with a wonderful couple, the
                                                             career was mostly in the coal industry, where he became
       into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any                                                                      Martins, from ANU university Days.
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      form or by any means (electronic, mechanical,
                                                             and later in the SME finance sector.
    photocopying, recording or otherwise), without
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                                                             some of the practical aspects of dealing with government and meeting people across the political
       Affairs of State respects your privacy. While
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                                     Alistair Urquhart       The firm works with many engineering and information technology firms and other professional
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                                         Sub-editor          The firm provides the following to clients:
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Issue 84 Canberra - Affairs of State
19 July to 25 August 2016

EDITORIAL                                                 ISSUE ITEMS                                             to lick private correspondence to the media. Mr
                                                                                                                  Turnbull denied he supported Mr Rudd’s till to
It has been a vey quiet public/media month on the         ʇʇ Passing the Budget—Bureaucracy
                                                                                                                  lead the United Nations during a key December
federal front, as the new Government negotiates              Shemozzle (Page 5)
                                                                                                                  meeting, But refuse to be drawn on Mr Rudd’s
with both the Opposition and the minor Parties            ʇʇ Liberal Party Peace Plan (Page 5)
                                                                                                                  central claim that he had previously expressed
on some big economic and also some social issues.         ʇʇ AusGrid— China Shut Out of
                                                                                                                  his support for the bid, as reported in The Age.
Passing the Budget is focusing on company tax,               Electricity Grids (Page 9)
personal superannuation and a balanced budget,            ʇʇ Detention—Illegal Detention Ignored (Page 10)        Dodgy Steel Imported
not just for this year. The Big end of town is starting   ʇʇ The Norfolk Solution (Page 10)                       Australian lives at risk because of shoddy
to join in the Debate on the economic issues and                                                                  fabricated steel imported from China, according
some of the less economic and more cultural issues                                                                to the peak welding body, which is demanding
as well. Let them make their arguments clear, bal-        Slow In Syrian Intake – Immigration                     that Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull introduce
anced and understandable by the wider population.         Nearly a year after former Prime Minister               a certification regime to ensure compliance
                                                          Tony Abbott announced that Australia would              with Australian standards. Welding Technology
The Smaller end of Town, the myriad of
                                                          resettle an extra 12,000 people displaced by            Institute of Australia chief Executive Gough
businesses in every town, village and suburb
                                                          the Syrian conflict, fewer than 2000 refugees           Crittenden told The Australian that about 85 per
in Australia, are particularly awaiting the
                                                          have arrived under the emergency program.               cent of imported fabricated steel coming into the
new industrial relations freedoms that have
                                                                                                                  country failed to meet Australian standards.
been promised to them for a long while.                   New figures obtained by The Weekend Australian
                                                          show that work is accelerating to fill the              Rise of Fresh-Faced Conservatives
The Energy debate is winding up, not just
                                                          quota, which was established to augment                 Matt Canavan’s elevation to Resources Minister
wind but the full bracket of energy sources,
                                                          Australia’s regular humanitarian intake. Last           was the biggest boost for the rising generation
especially as South Australia have been in
                                                          financial year, a mere 758 refugees were                of young conservatives in the Coalition. Zed
dream world for the last couple of years about
                                                          settled under the program. As of August 5, the          Seselja, The Liberal Senator from Canberra, was
a truly reliable long term energy supply.
                                                          figure had more than doubled, to 1868.                  the other big winner-rising from the backbench
Chinese investment in Australia bounced off the                                                                   to become the assistant minister for social
                                                          Revolution On The Back Foot
Port of Darwin possible purchase but has been                                                                     services a multicultural affairs. His promotion is
                                                          Australian company Revolution IT, which was
more clearly under consideration with the seeking                                                                 seen as a nod from Malcolm Turnbull that he is
                                                          paid $470,000 to ensure the IBM-built $ 9.6
by the Chinese to purchase a significant New South                                                                listening to the concerns of his party’s right wing.
                                                          million census servers posted at Baulkham Hills
Wales electricity transmission grid, without suc-
                                                          in Sydney would cope with the load of centres           The son of Croatian immigrants fleeing the restric-
cess. About this time, cyber security hit the ceiling
                                                          by traffic, has defended its work. The system           tions of communism, Mr Seselja is an opponent of
or at least the minds of many more Australians.
                                                          was deliberately taken offline by the ABS to deal       saying-sex marriage, supports scrapping restric-
The Big Social issue. Do we have a plebiscite/a vote      with a DDoS attempt, and Revolution IT director         tions on racially offensive speech and reduced
for every Australian a la normal federal election         said protecting against this was a security, not        weekend penalty rates the hospitality workers.
mode, BEFORE the Government brings a vote to              performance, issue, according to the Herald Sun.        The 39-Year old knows how to operate in hostile
the Parliament where just the Representatives                                                                     environments, having spent six years as Liberal
                                                          Tasmanian Instability
and the Senators have their vote on the issue                                                                     leader in the ACT Parliament, as reported in The Age.
                                                          The Tasmanian Premier Will Hodgeman,
of gay marriage and related factors. Manus
                                                          followed his larger-than-life father Michael, the       Land Clearing Legislation Out
Island to faze out as an asylum seeker abode
                                                          Rumpolean QC and Fraser government minister,             Cape York Aboriginal leaders have attacked plans
brings another huge social issue to the fore.
                                                          into law, the Liberal Party, parliament and finally      by Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk
Your editor wonders how we might ever resolve             into government. Having rid Tasmania of a                to crack down on land clearing, warning that it
the bigger social issue of free speech.                   deeply unpopular Labor-Greens government in              will stop job-creation projects and enshrined
                                                          March 2014, ending the Liberals 16 years in the          further ‘social and economic disadvantage’ in the
Cover. The Law is one aspect of the whole concept
                                                          political wilderness, Hodgeman has striven to            indigenous communities. The proposed legislation,
(?!) of free speech and on a later page we have a pic-
                                                          deliver the nirvana he promised would flourish           which includes a move to abolish the previous
ture of the present High Court of Australia, on the
                                                          under ‘stable, majority Liberal government’.             Liberal National Party government permits for
banks of Lake Burley Griffin. Down Melbourne way,
                                                                                                                  ‘high-value agriculture’, is seen as a pitch for critical
in a side Lane, Little Burke Street and abutting the      After such a cathartic victory, a decline was bound
                                                                                                                   Greens preferences in inner-Brisbane seats next
wonderful Victorian Supreme Court Building, Our           to follow. Few, however, foresaw quite how quickly
                                                                                                                   year’s state election, as reported in The Australian.
Cover shows the original High Court of Australia          the Liberal Party would slide in Tasmania – and
Building. A drop of heritage involved but its             how low. The former cleanskin is ducking dirt flying    Abbott regrets RDA reform attempt
position is not really recognized, for all of the years   from all directions, not least fallout from an energy    Tony Abbott says his government should have
up until 1980 when the law of the Land/Our Land           crisis, bitter bloodletting over a disastrous federal    pursued less ambitious reform of section 18C of
was focused here, perhaps radiated from here.             election result, and a wounded hard-Right pow-           the Racial Discrimination Act, in comments that
Our Law is being perhaps edged out a bit (much)           erbroker Eric Abetz cutting loose on everything          will re-open debate in the conservative wing of
by other ways of changing our Australian life.            Malcolm Turnbull’s mistakes to Muslim immigra-           the Liberal Party about changing the Act and
                                                          tion, writes Matthew Denholm in The Australian.          potentially create a new headache for Malcolm
                                                                                                                   Turnbull. In a speech to the Samuel Griffith Society
                                                          Rudd-Turnbull Letter Leak
                                                                                                                   in Adelaide, Abbott also lamented Australia’s
                                                          Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has launched a
                                                                                                                  ‘hyper-partisan’ politics and surprisingly suggested
                                                          singing attack on Kevin Rudd, accusing the former
                                                                                                                   that, while opposition leader in 2011, he should
                                                          PM of verballing him and plotting in advance

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Issue 84 Canberra - Affairs of State
Letter From Canberra

have allowed Julia Gillard’s government to              poll, where they will be required to effectively            kept secret, known only to the party’s federal
implement its so-called Malaysian solution and          double their vote to retain their seats.                    director Tony Nutt, federal treasurer Andrew
send up to 800 asylum seekers to that country.                                                                      Burnes and a small number of Mr Turnbull’s
                                                        But Pauline Hansen, Jacqui Lambie, Nick
                                                                                                                    closest confidants. Sources close to the federal
The former prime minister is also strongly              Xenophon and his first running mate Stirling
                                                                                                                    campaign told The Australian the money provided
critical Liberal state premiers, including NSW          Griff will take six-year terms because of the high
                                                                                                                    by Mr Turnbull was a donation not a loan. It
leader Mike Baird and former Victorian Liberal          vote they received at last month’s election. The
                                                                                                                    is understood not to be tax-deductible.
leader Dennis Napthine, who opposed the                 Constitution requires the Senate to award six
harsh cuts to schools and hospitals in the 2014         of the 12 members elected from each state a                 Former party treasurer Michael Yabsley said the
federal budget. Crossbench senators David               six-year term, which will expire on June 30, 2022.          federal Liberal Party was an organisation that
Leyonhjelm and Bob Day have both flagged                The other six received a three-you can, to expire           had been struggling financially for 20 years. ‘I
they will introduce legislation to, respectively,       on June 30, 2019. There are no rules about how              said at the end of 2010 that the Liberal Party was
abolish section 18C of the RDA, which makes it          this should be done after a double dissolution.             on the brink of insolvency: that was the case
illegal to ‘offend, insult, humiliate or intimidate’    The deal means six-year terms will be given to              then and I believe it’s the case now,’ Mr Yabsley
a person, or in Senator Day’s case to remove the        16 of the Coalition’s 30 senators and 13 of Labor           said. ‘The fact that the Prime Minister has to put
words ‘offend’ and ‘insult’ from the clause.            is 26, as reported in The Weekend Australian.               his hand in his pocket is pretty strong evidence
                                                                                                                    of that.’ Mr Yabsley said the Liberal Party had a
Attorney-General George Brandis has said the            Brandis Attempts Gag Act
                                                                                                                    small membership base and little engagement
issue remains off the table for the government.          Attorney-General George Brandis wants cabinets
                                                                                                                    with the corporate world, while Labor was able to
Amid deep disquiet, including a cabinet revolt,          to have greater opportunity to thwart the Freedom
                                                                                                                    rely on the union movement and the support of
the plan was eventually dropped in 2014 - much           of Information Act, his lawyers arguing almost
                                                                                                                    other organisations such as GetUp! The Australian.
to the annoyance of free-speech advocates                every meeting with minister should be regarded
within the Liberal party. Mr Abbott said in his          as potentially secret or sensitive. Senator Brandis        Call for Strong Leadership
speech Section 18C of the RDA was a ‘troubling          – also the minister responsible for FOI – is trying to      It is 10 months since Malcolm Turnbull took over
law. At its worst, it limits free speech merely to       overturn an Administrative Appeals Tribunal ruling         the leadership from Tony Abbott. But, having
prevent her feelings’, as reported in The Age.           his office was wrong to refuse to process and FOI          scraped back into government, there seems
                                                         application from Labor relating to his official diary.     still to be no national agenda, no pathway,
Online Census Epic Fail
                                                                                                                    no narrative to convince us the government
Foreign cyber attackers triggered the meltdown          Under the Act, an application can be rejected
                                                                                                                    knows what it is doing. Everything is directed
of Australia’s first online Census, turning the         without decision if the work required to process it
                                                                                                                    to the short term. Former Victorian Premier
five-yearly population snapshot into a $340             would substantially and unreasonably interfere
                                                                                                                    Jeff Kennett writes in the Herald Sun.
million debacle. In one of Australia’s greatest         with the performance of minister’s office or
bureaucratic bundles, millions of people found          responsible agency, according to The Australian.            The latest example is the establishment of the
themselves trapped in front of their computers                                                                      royal commission into juvenile detention in
                                                        Union Reform Likely After
for hours on end, unable to lodge their forms.                                                                      the Northern Territory. And ABC program, with
                                                        Liberals Win Majority
The ABS pulled its website down after its                                                                           graphic pictures, goes the air and the next day the
                                                        A surprise Senate victory has given Malcolm
defences failed under the weight of the cyber                                                                       Prime Minister and out of the royal commission.
                                                        Turnbull a clear chance to legislate the union
attacks and millions of people logging in to                                                                        No time was taken to consider the facts or how
                                                        crackdown he put at the height of the federal
the complete their forms on Tuesday night.                                                                          best to address the issue raised in the report.
                                                        election campaign, is the government opens
                                                                                                                    The government claimed it had acted decisively
Federal cyber-spy agency the Australian Signals         talks with Pauline Hanson other key cross-
                                                                                                                    but the decision was made, without proper
Directorate is investigating whether another nation     benchers to overcome fierce objections to the
                                                                                                                    thought or process, for short-term political
was behind what the ABS says was four ‘denial           reform. The government was buoyed by South
                                                                                                                    advantage. Then followed the embarrassment.
of service’ attacks, which did not penetrate the        Australia with Family First senator Bob Day
website but did tried to block it by flooding it with   won the state’s final place at Labor’s expense.             No Census Rerun
fake accounts. But sceptical computer experts said                                                                  The Australian census has not been compromised
                                                        Adding its 76 lower house seats to a poten-
it was more likely that the website has simply been                                                                 and will not need to be rerun, the Turnbull
                                                        tial Senate tally of 30, the government is
swamped by the numbers of people logging in.                                                                        government says, despite a crippling series of
                                                        calculating that it could get enough support
                                                                                                                    cyber attacks leading to the decision to shutdown
The federal Opposition’s assistant treasury             from the crossbench to secure the majority
                                                                                                                    the census website. But the Prime Minister
spokesman, Andrew Leigh, said that the delays           of 114 votes it would need when the House of
                                                                                                                    defended the Australian Bureau of Statistics
experienced in lodging forms had compromised            Representatives sits with the Senate - an event
                                                                                                                    decision to err on the side of caution in order to
the quality of the census. ‘Make no mistake:            unseen since 1974, as reported in The Australian.
                                                                                                                    protect the people data. Treasurer Scott Morrison
from here, the data from 2016 census will never
                                                        Hinch to Listen and Learn                                   dismissed suggestions the census might need
be as good as the data from previous censuses,’
                                                        Senator Derryn Hinch says he will wait to hear the          to be abandoned and repeated after millions
Mr Leigh said, as reported in the Herald Sun.
                                                        arguments of other politicians, to see ‘the whites          of Australians were unable to fill their forms.
Census Blame Game                                       of their eyes’ and to listen before he makes policy
                                                                                                                    ‘There is no compromise of integrity of the
Four days after millions of Australians heading to      judgements in Canberra. That is already made
                                                                                                                     information,’ he said. ‘There is no need, for
bed frustrated and angry, having unsuccessfully         up his mind about free speech, as per The Age.
                                                                                                                     any statistical reason, for return of the census.’
tried to complete the census online, we still don’t
                                                        Out of Favour Abetz                                          Chief statistician David Kalisch and technicians
know exactly what went wrong, or who to blame.
                                                         Eric Abetz is one of Australia’s best-known senators        at IBM opted to shutdown the website at 7:45
Politicians have chosen to blame the only non-gov-
                                                        – a conservative warrior who’s ruled the Tasmanian           PM after system failures resulting from cyber
ernment entity involved - US-based tech giant IBM,
                                                         Liberal Party with the proverbial iron fist since the       interferences by as-yet-identify perpetrators.
which one $9.6 million con tracts in 2014 to design,
                                                         early 1990’s. Ferociously opposed to progressive            Among the errors contributing to the fiasco were
develop and implement the online census, writes
                                                         causes such as same-sex marriage (which he labels           the failure of geo-location mechanism to block
Patrick Hatch and Lucy Battersby in The Age.
                                                         the ‘latest fad’ and the first step on the road to poly-    international traffic and a router overload that
Senators Term Times Announced                            amory), he’s the bloke the Lefties most love to hate.       triggered a ‘false alarm’ on the system monitors.
Derryn Hinch and Lee Rhiannon have missed out            But after being dumped by Malcolm Turnbull and
                                                                                                                    Mr Turnbull assured Australians that ‘their data
on a six-year Senate term after a controversial          losing his role as Leader of the Senate and employ-
                                                                                                                    is safe’ and said the decision to shut down the
countback method was rejected by the Coalition           ment minister, Abetz has become an outspoken
                                                                                                                    website had been taken ‘out of an abundance
and Labor to decide term limits. Under a deal            critic, according to Ellen Whinnett in the Herald Sun.
                                                                                                                    of caution’ by the ABS, as reported in The Age.
between Finance Minister Mathias Cormann
                                                        Turnbull Donates to Libs
and Labor’s Senate leader Penny Wong, just                                                                          Sad Day for Labor
                                                        Malcolm Turnbull donated $1 million of his own
four of the 11 crossbenchers will get a six-year                                                                    Surprise result at the end of counting in South
                                                        money to bail out the Liberal Party during the
term and only three of the nine Greens.It means                                                                     Australia’s Senate race, the anti-union Family
                                                        federal election campaign, so desperate was the
seven crossbenchers and six Greens will face                                                                        First Senator Bob Day Has emerged as the
                                                        party for finances. The donation was a tightly
re-election within three years at a half Senate                                                                     12th senator from the central state, displacing

19 July to 25 August 2016

Labor’s forth spot and thus ending the career            total $ 699, 023, 526. Among them is a single deal     right of his party, which supported Abbott in
of Anne McEwen. The final result in south                with Human Services worth $484, 168, 980.              the leadership spill in September last year.
Australia is: Liberal 4, Labour 3, NXT 3, Greens
                                                         The flexible, five-year contract, which began on       Imagine that: a politician being political. Too
1 (Sarah Hanson-Young), Family First 1.
                                                         January 1, will see agencies hey under the DHS         few have been willing to call out Shorten for the
Former housing industry entrepreneur, the                umbrella such as Medicare and Centrelink use IBM       fraud he and his campaign are. Let’s look at it:
conservative Senator Day secured his term with           services and consultants to transform outdated
                                                                                                                His 100 positive policies have morphed into
just 0.37 of a quota of first preferences. His return    computer systems, but will not pay for a replace-
                                                                                                                a single negative Medicare scare based on
on favourable preference flows, adds to the              ment payment system, as reported in The Australian.
                                                                                                                a lie. It is likely to persuade voters this man
numbers in favour of the government’s Australian
                                                         Federal election 2016: Conviction ‘may                 is just not Prime Minister material.
Building and Construction Commission and it’s
                                                         make Senate win invalid’
Registered Organisation bills, according to The Age.                                                            Shorten pledged after the budget to make the
                                                         Some constitutional lawyers say the election of
                                                                                                                election a referendum on the government’s
Bureaucracy Shemozzle                                    One Nation candidate Rod Culleton to the Senate
                                                                                                                decision to cut the $4.5bn Schoolkids Bonus, only
The superannuation package Scott Morrison                appears to be invalid, meaning the Australian
                                                                                                                later to accept the revenue savings in his own
announced in this year’s budget is turning               Electoral Commission may need a recount to
                                                                                                                mid-campaign costing’s release on May 26.
into the complete shemozzle. The real reason             determine who is elected in his place. Mr Culleton
Malcolm Turnbull knockback Kevin Rudd had                was convicted of larceny in NSW in March but is yet    After a year of criticising the 2015 Coalition
nothing to do with Rudd’s poor interpersonal             to be sentenced. The offence carries a maximum         changes to the pension assets test, Shorten
skills but rather Turnbull’s realisation that his        sentence of between two and five years in prison.      accepted the change and banked the
party base would go into complete meltdown                                                                      associated revenue mid-campaign.
                                                         The charge related to the theft of a tow truck
had he supported the former Prime Minister’s
                                                         key during an attempt to repossess a vehicle           Reports Chris Mitchell, Campaign Media
candidacy for the position of UN secretary-general.
                                                         that Mr Culleton was leasing. The Australian           Watch columnist from Sydney
Turnbull and Morrison probably now realise they
                                                         Liberal Party Peace Plan                               PM Key Issues
have been played for mugs but the bureaucrats
                                                          Malcolm Turnbull is offering a peace plan to furi-    Malcolm Turnbull will need to manage two key
in Treasury and Prime Minister and Cabinet Love
                                                          ous backbenchers on the warpath over tax hikes on     issues during this term of government: the threat of
Long how the ambition to unwind what they see as
                                                          superannuation, tackling concerns over the $6 bil-    internal divisions within the Liberal Party and the
the unjustifiable superannuation tax concessions.
                                                          lion budget plan by setting up a new forum to clear   policy challenges the nation faces… Peaceful coex-
You have only to check out the highly erroneous
                                                          the way for a deal that will legislate the changes.   istence between the PM and younger conservatives
but enormous values put on these concessions, as
                                                          When it became clear Michelle Landry had held         is crucial. The key is that these groupings are
presented in the annual tax expenditure statement
                                                          on to her central Queensland seat of Capricornia,     listened to, not bought off reports The Australian
released by the Treasury, to pick up the agenda
                                                          snaring the government its crucial 76th seat,
that the activist bureaucrats have been running,                                                                PM Backs NT Government
                                                          Malcolm Turnbull told the LNP backbencher:
according to Judith Sloan in The Australian.                                                                    The Turnbull government is standing by the
                                                         ‘Michelle, you have saved the nation.’ According to
                                                                                                                increasingly embattled Giles government in the
No Plebiscite for Minority Issues                         the National Party, of which she is a member, her
                                                                                                                Northern Territory and will resist calls to exclude
Australian should reject the proposal to holed            victory in what has previously been regarded as a
                                                                                                                it from joint stewardship of its royal commission
plebiscite as a precondition to the enactment             safe Labor seat was no thanks to Turnbull and his
                                                                                                                inquiry into human rights abuses within the terri-
of same-sex marriage legislation by the federal          ‘innovation agenda’, as reported in The Australian
                                                                                                                tory’s youth justice system. The Prime Minister’s
parliament. The elected politicians should get
                                                         Canberra Press Gallery Falls for Bill                  insistence on shared administration comes despite
to work on what we the people elected them to
                                                         Shorten’s Medicare Con                                 growing calls for the government in Darwin to be
do – to decide on the law, one way or another, in
                                                          Labor has pulled an enormous media con job on         sacked, or at least stripped of its responsibilities
parliament. Not at the hustings. A plebiscite
                                                          much of the Canberra press gallery. Journalists       for juvenile detention. Details of the rapid-action
campaign unfortunately would be likely to bring
                                                          have been prepared to praise Bill Shorten             royal commission are to be settled at a cabinet
out hatreds and animosities in our country that are
                                                          and his Treasury spokesman Chris Bowen for            meeting in Canberra, as reported in The Age
bad for minorities generally and for the lesbian, gay,
                                                         ‘doing the hard yards on policy.’ Much of the
bisexual and transsexual minority in particular.                                                                Plebiscite on the Agenda
                                                          progressive media and many vocal conservatives
                                                                                                                No Coalition or Labor MP who opposes same sex
It is exceptional and wrong in principle to commit        have spent the campaign pointing out the
                                                                                                                marriage will be forced to vote in support of the
decisions on the basic human rights of minorities         Prime Minister has softened his progressive
                                                                                                                change should it receive majority backing at the
to majority popular vote, especially in a country         positions on social issues to accommodate the
                                                                                                                plebiscite. Instead there are various mechanisms
such as Australia which, exceptionally, has no
entrenched constitutional guarantees for equality
or fundamental human rights to protect minorities,
according to Michael Kirby in The Australian.
Coalition Clash
The West Australian government was in chaos
after former Nationals leader Brendan Grylls
called for a policy overhaul and declare Premier
Colin Barnett was headed for defeat next March.
Nameless Census
Senators Nick Xenophon, Sarah Hanson-Young and
Scott Ludlum are vowing not to put their names
on their census forms amid claims the national
survey has turned into a ‘mobile CCTV that follows
every Australian’, as reported in The Australian.
IBM’s Big Deal
The technology provider at the centre of the
census debacle, IBM, has won 136 federal
government department contracts worth
almost $700 million dollars in the past year. The
contract between IBM and departments and
agencies including Defence, Immigration and
Border Protection, Social Services, Health, IP
Australia and the Australian Bureau of Statistics

Letter From Canberra

to ensure the Parliament votes to reflect the             disillusioned, Australia could be back at the              start conducting itself with the self-discipline
plebiscite result without anyone having to lose face      polls in just two years. The July 2 election was a         and professionalism expected of the secretary
or vote against their strong personal view. Malcolm       full-Senate election, half the 76 Senators who             officers, writes Chris Merritt in The Australian.
Turnbull has promised to hold a plebiscite after          were elected will serve three-year terms while
                                                                                                                     Not a Gooda Appointment
the election if he wins. Labor, if it wins, will put      the other half or serve the full six-new terms.
                                                                                                                     The decision of Attorney-General George Brandis
the issue straight to a vote of the Parliament.
                                                          Three-year terms are effective from July 1 this            to make Mick Gooda a royal commissioner is a
Shorten Supports Radical Reform                           year and will expire on June 30, 2019. That means          farce and a scandal. How can Gooda, a professional
Bill Shorten has imperilled the indigenous                there will have to be another half-Senate election         Aboriginal activist, Possibly be an impartial judge,
referendum by breaking bipartisanship on the              and, by extension, a federal election, by mid-May          jointly presiding over the royal commission into
issue to support a radical form of reconciliation         2019, so the Senate votes can be counted and the           juvenile justice in the Northern Territory? How
aimed at pushing a treaty-like process designed           newly elected senators be ready to take their seats        can he be considered impartial when he’s already
to resolve grievances dating back to European             on July 1, 2019. However, because of conflicts with        declared the key defendant guilty – attacking the
settlement. The Opposition Leader backed plans            state elections in NSW and Victoria, Prime Minister        Northern Territory Government as incompetent,
unveiled by Cape York leader Noel Pearson                 Malcolm Turnbull may be tempted to go even                 vicious, dead to reform and needing to be
for constitutional reform to insert a ‘hook’ into         earlier, as reported in The Australian Financial Review.   sacked? If Gooda does not resign, then Brandis
the nation’s birth certificate, off which could                                                                      must, writes Andrew Bolt in the Herald Sun.
                                                          PM NT Kerfuffle
then be hung a settlement process likely to see
                                                          Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull’s troubled
individual First Nations bodies strike a network                                                                     PARTY HAPPENINGS
                                                          start to his new term in office continued when he
of deals covering large parts of the continent.
                                                          had to replace the royal commission probing the            Portfolios Combined
Mr Shorten sided with Mr Pearson and Arnhem               Northern Territory’s Juvenile Justice System. Four         Malcolm Turnbull’s moves to combine the energy
Land leader Galarrwuy Yunupingu in calling for            days after his appointment, Brian Martin quit              and environment portfolios has won a mixed
the radical approach just as the Referendum               over concerns of perceived conflicts of interest           response, as Victorian Liberal Josh Frydenberg’s
Council, established in December to chart                 relating to his former term is NT chief justice.           record in competing areas comes under a new
the next steps, and has heard warnings from                                                                          scrutiny. Greenpeace slammed Mr Frydenberg’s
                                                          Discrimination Commissioner Blunder
indigenous people that recognition without                                                                           appointment to replace Greg Hunt in the expaned
                                                          The Race Discrimination commissioner has just
some form of treaty would be unacceptable.                                                                           portfolio as a blow to the Great Barrier Reef, while
                                                          made it extremely dangerous for his organisation
                                                                                                                     Climate Council boss John Connor said the upcom-
‘Let’s be straight: constitutional recognition is         to discharge all of its statutory duties. Tim
                                                                                                                     ing review of the government’s climate and energy
 important, and it shouldn’t be beyond the wit            Soutphonmmasane has encouraged people to
                                                                                                                     policy framework could deliver progress. The move
 and wisdom of the nation to be able to recognise         lodge complaints with the commission about Bill
                                                                                                                     follows Labor’s lead in combining energy and envi-
 our First Australians in the nation’s sort of official   Leak’s cartoon last week depicting an Aboriginal
                                                                                                                     ronment under Mark Butler, as reported in The Age.
 birth certificate; but that is not in and of itself      policeman returning a delinquent Aboriginal
 going to resolve every issue for the last 200 years,’    youth to his equally delinquent Aboriginal                 Greens Gone Red
 Mr Shorten said, as reported The Australian              father. The problem is that the commissioners               Greens co—founder Bob Brown has urged a
                                                          prejudge those complaints: Leak, according                 ‘clean-out’ of the party’s NSW division, which
NT Government Betrayal
                                                          to Soutphonmmasane’s public statements, is                  is dominated by extreme hardliners left over
Former chief minister Ian Tuxworth says the Giles
                                                          guilty and people should feel free to complain.             from the Cold War. Although many Greens
government has betrayed the Northern Territory
                                                                                                                      spring from the environmental movement, the
he loves and fought for. Mr Tuxworth, who also            Those complaints will all go to
                                                                                                                      party’s NSW leadership includes senator Lee
served as a Country Liberal Party minister for            Soutphonmmasane’s organisation, where
                                                                                                                      Rhiannon, formally of the Soviet-sponsored
prisons and juvenile justice, delivered his verdict       every official knows that one of those at the
                                                                                                                      Socialist Party, and convener Hall Greenland, a
on abuses in youth detention and the state of the         top has already made up his mind. That means
                                                                                                                      one-time Trotskyist expelled from labour in 1984.
CLP administration in the Top End. ‘I’m appalled          any attempt by the commission to deal with
and I’m ashamed,’ Mr Tuxworth said. ‘I can’t              the complaints about Leak’s cartoon is now                 The Greens party was dumped at the federal
believe such an abomination happened.’ After              vulnerable to challenge for a perception of bias.          election, suffering a negative swing in the Senate
watching footage on the ABC’s Four Corners of             Leak, like everyone else in this country, has a            and advancing little in targeted lower-house seats
children shackled and hooded, beaten and                  right to procedural fairness. Decision-makers              such as Grayndler and Sydney. Dr Brown, who
sprayed with tear gas, he said he sat stunned in          who knowingly infringe that right might also               retired from Parliament and 2012 after leading
front of the TV, as reported in The Australian            be vulnerable to accusations of malice.                    the Greens to their best results in 2010, has taken
                                                                                                                     the division to task in an interview published
Life Insurance Crackdown                                  In free societies, the right to a fair hearing before
                                                                                                                     in The Monthly, as reported in The Australian.
The federal government will push ahead with a             an arm of the state is fundamental - a fact that has
crackdown on life insurance commissions in an             long been recognised in Australian administrative          Questions Over Activist Group
attempt to mend the scandal-ridden sector.                law. Soutphonmmasane’s prejudgement of                     Partisanship
                                                          Leak’s cartoons was not a mere slip-up. It was              GetUp! chairwoman Sarah Maddison campaign
In her first speech as Revenue and Financial
                                                          blatant, which can be seen from the report on               for the Greens during the federal election,
Services minister, Kelly O’Dwyer said the
                                                          that affair that was published last week by Fairfax         calling into question the activist group’s claim
government was working to push legislation
                                                          media. He was quoted as saying ‘our society                 not to support publicly any political party, and
through parliament to address upfront commis-
                                                          shouldn’t endorse racial stereotyping Aboriginal            provoking outcry from conservative politicians.
sions that plagued the sector, as per The Age
                                                          Australians or any other racial or ethnic group.’           On its website, GetUp! states that its work ‘is
Banks Royal Inquiry Rethink                                                                                           driven by our values, and not our party politics’.
                                                          Here’s what needs to happen. Thanks to
Opposition Leader Bill Shorten has leapt on the                                                                      ‘GetUp! is, and always has been, an independent
                                                          Soutphonmmasane, there will be complaints to
Prime Minister’s reference to the banks operating                                                                     organisation,’ it states, as reported in The Australian.
                                                          the commission about the cartoon. Somebody
under a ‘social license’ to ask Malcolm Turnbull to
                                                          will need to deal with them. In another case               Cabinet Shake-Up
reconsider supporting a banking royal commission,
                                                          where the commission has been accused                      Malcolm Turnbull has undertaken a larger
as the opposition considers pushing the Parliament
                                                          of breaching human rights, it brought in an                than expected shake-up of his frontbench by
for an inquiry. But the government has hit back,
                                                          independent silk to avoid the obvious conflict             elevating two more Nationals, looking after his
saying Mr Shorten’s call is ‘completely confused’
                                                          of interest. Thanks to the Race Discrimination             own supporters and controversially doing little
and accusing the opposition leader of having only
                                                          Commissioner, it needs to do the same thing now.           to build bridges to disgruntled Conservatives,
a ‘crass political’ interest in pursuing the issue,
                                                                                                                     as reported in The Australian Financial Review.
as reported in The Australian Financial Review.           That will be a ridiculously expensive waste
                                                          of taxpayers’ money but the alternative is                 Liberal Blame Game
Next Election Could Be Two Years Away
                                                          for the commission to blunder on hoping                    It is noteworthy that the most powerful figure
The new federal parliament will not sit
                                                          that Leak will allow his rights, as well as his            in Tasmanian Liberal politics, Senator Eric Abetz,
until August 30. And, thanks to constraints
                                                          reputation, to be traduced. If the Human                   has in one of the most vocal critics of the national
caused by the recent election being a double
                                                          Rights Commission has a future it needs to                 election campaign ‘a lot of our colleagues see

19 July to 25 August 2016

the election results is that barest victories-if          Beazley Questions Rudd                                 the most recent Labor prime minister to become
we can call it is victory,’ Senator Abetz told ABC         Former ALP leader and ambassador to the US Kim        the next secretary-general of the United Nations.
radio. Yet Liberal sources are questioning why             Beazley has questioned Kevin Rudd’s viability as      Australia does not produce many political figures
things went so badly in Tasmania and who might             a candidate for UN secretary-general. Mr Beazley,     of such international standing to be considered
be responsible. Yes, it is conceded that in the            replaced by Mr Rudd as Labor leader in 2006, said     a serious prospect for one of the pinnacle jobs
often economically stretched state, the issues            ­endorsing a male from the Asia-Pacific region         of global governance suggests the Australian
of health and education hit the Coalition hard.            would require an enormous effort to influence         Financial Review. Mr Rudd has clear expertise
                                                           the vote at a difficult time. The Australian.         and experience within the UN system, including
The 2014 budget measures continue to either way
                                                                                                                 through Australia’s successful campaign to secure
at the government’s standing with voters. Malcolm         Rudd Left Waiting at the Altar After
                                                                                                                 a revolving seat on the UN Security Council.
Turnbull’s company tax cut did not resonate               Turnbull Rejection
with the people worried about their blue-collar           After cabinet finished meeting on a Thursday           Small Business Portfolio Dropped
jobs. Yes, there was consternation that there was         afternoon in late July, Malcolm Turnbull and           Mr Turnbull named his ministry after a drawn-out
not a clear ‘Tasmanian package’ until measures            Barnaby Joyce adjourned to the Prime Minister’s        election count, dropping Small Business from
announced just days out from polling day.                 office to discuss the unsettled matter of Kevin        Kelly O’Dwyer’s portfolio. Ms O’Dwyer remains
                                                          Rudd. There was a firm resolve between the two         in the Cabinet as Minister for Revenue and
But the arguments in the state Liberal Party is
                                                          leaders of the Coalition not to endorse the former     Financial Services but no longer titled Assistant
that there were a lot of other factors at play, most
                                                          prime minister for the role of UN secretary-general.   Treasurer, which Turnbull says modernise the
noticeably revolving around the decision to dump
                                                                                                                 role. Controversially, the small business portfolio
Tourism Minister Richard Colebeck to an unwinna-          ‘It’s like a wedding,’ Joyce said. ‘You don’t say,
                                                                                                                 will consigned to the outer ministry, after being
ble position down the Liberal party Senate ticket.        ‘You should marry this guy even though he’s
                                                                                                                 handed to Nationals MP Michael McCormack.
Laura Tingle writes in The Australian Financial Review.    not the right choice and it’s going to end badly.’
                                                           You don’t marry someone just because you’re           ‘This is about stability and continuity and
Liberal Donors Pass
                                                           scared of hurting their feelings.’ Cabinet split       significant economically and fiscally challenging
An analysis of the Liberal Party’s biggest donors
                                                           was ultimately a case of personality versus            time’ Mr Turnbull said. Council of Small
ahead of the 2013 election shows two of the top
                                                           protocol, as reported in The Australian                Business of Australia chief Peter Strong accused
three have since died, and several others have
                                                                                                                  big business of ‘classic behind-the-scenes
been involved in political scandals, offering some        Modern Politics Has Reached a Sorry State
                                                                                                                  manipulation’ and dismissed the PM’s defence
hints as to why the party may have struggled for          The rejection of Kevin Rudd lays bare our
                                                                                                                  that every minister was representing small
cash during its more recent campaign. Healthcare          fractured political culture of payback. If Labor
                                                                                                                  business, as reported in the Herald Sun.
and media entrepreneur Paul Ramsay — who                  has an ethical standard that guides its conduct
gave the party’s top single donation, $550,000,           it is no better than this: hurt your enemies
                                                                                                                 INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS
in 2013 — died in May 2014, leaving almost                help your friends. Now, with the government’s
                                                                                                                 and EMPLOYMENT
all of his $3 billion fortune to charity.                 refusal to nominate Kevin Rudd as a candidate
                                                          for secretary-general of the UN, the Coalition         CFMEU tensions rise
The third-largest donor, businessman,
                                                          risks sinking to its opponent’s level.                 The Age reported that Australia’s largest con-
yachtsman, winemaker and philanthropist
                                                                                                                 struction union faced a scathing rebuke for its
Bob Oatley, who contributed $400,000 in                   It Pays to be Independent
                                                                                                                 long record of lawlessness, which a federal judge
2013, died in January. Millionaire businessman            Pauline Hanson’s success at the ballot box
                                                                                                                 has labelled an ‘embarrassment to the trade
Paul Marks, friend of then leader Tony Abbott,            will mean her party will receive $1.6 million
                                                                                                                 union movement’. The CFMEU was penalised
contributed $500,000 through his business                 from taxpayers. Labor and the Liberal Party
                                                                                                                 nearly $180,000 in July for illegally blockading
Nimrod Resources and $431,361 through P. Marks            take two-thirds of the total spending, with the
                                                                                                                 a Melbourne work site in an attempt to force
Investment Pty Ltd in 2013. The Australian                Liberals receiving $23.4m, roughly the same as in
                                                                                                                 building giant Grocon to cede to union demands.
                                                          the 2013 election, while Labor’s $22.3m is about
Fundraising an Uphill Battle                                                                                     Justice Christopher Jessup slammed the CFMEU’s
                                                          $1.6m more than it earned from the last poll.
The Liberal Party’s fundraising efforts in the key                                                               extensive history of violating workplace law. ‘The
 state of NSW were struggling months before               The Greens will get $6.3m, up from $5.5m in 2013,      CFMEU’s record of non-compliance with legislation
 the federal election, forcing the state division         and the Nationals receive the fourth-largest           of this kind has now become notorious,’ he said.
 to take a loan with Westpac, due to be repaid            cash injection of $3.1m, the same as the last
                                                                                                                 ‘That record ought to be an embarrassment
 by September. The NSW Electoral Commission               election. The Australian Electoral Commission
                                                                                                                  to the trade union movement.’ The Federal
 is continuing to withhold about $4.3 million             authorised the first payment of public election
                                                                                                                  Court handed down the heavy fines over the
 in public funding, questioning the Liberals’             funding from the July 2 election. The Australian
                                                                                                                  union’s unlawful industrial action at the Yarra
­disclosures about donations funnelled through
                                                          Rudd Primed for the Job                                 Edge Tower 8 apartment complex project in
 the party’s controversial Canberra-based trust,
                                                          Kevin Rudd is right about one thing at least. It        Melbourne’s Docklands in February 2011. Six
 the Free Enterprise Foundation. The Australian
                                                          is a great pity that Malcolm Turnbull’s Coalition       CFMEU Victorian officials, including Elias
                                                          government has opted not to give its backing to         Spernovasilis​, Bill Oliver and Shaun Reardon,

Letter From Canberra

were also personally fined for the three-day picket      BUSINESS, ECONOMY,                                     Super Regulations To Be Increased
that blocked access to the site and prevented            MANUFACTURING, FINANCE                                 APRA is starting to tighten the screws on
the delivery and installation of a tower crane.                                                                 superannuation funds that book continual poor
                                                         Aldi Urged to be Transparent
                                                                                                                performance and face unsustainable outflows of
Election 2016: Labor and Liberal unite                   Coles has urged its German rival Aldi to sign
                                                                                                                money, suggesting it will push for more merges
against worker exploitation                              up to a new tax transparency code that will
                                                                                                                between funds in the $2 trillion nest egg sector.
There can be no middle ground on scrub-                  lead to more big businesses, particularly
bing out worker exploitation says Adele                  multinationals, releasing detailed information         Speaking at the Financial Services Council yester-
Ferguson, columnist for The Age                          about the tax they pay. Aldi has yet to signup         day, Australian Prudential Regulation Authority
                                                         to the Voluntary Tax Transparency Code, which          deputy chairman Helen Rowell also hit out at the
Greyhound Ban Produce Industry Fears
                                                         targets more than 1500 businesses with turnover        lack of transparency over fees and costs in many
Animal-related industries are on high alert
                                                         of $100 million and follows public anger of a          parts of the super industry and said the regulator
after the Baird government’s decision to outlaw
                                                         large multinational is engaging in aggressive          was attempting to get access to even more fund
greyhound racing in NSW, and peak bodies
                                                         tax avoidance, as reported in The Age.                 information, as reported in the Financial Review.
say the same scrutiny applied to dog racing is
rippling across other sectors. Agriculture and           Emergency Policy Only for Extreme                      Australians’ Trust Issues With Banks
food production faces the challenge of dealing           Market Shocks                                          Greg Medcraft, the nation’s top corporate cop, has
with community expectations regarding                    Emergency policy measures studied by the               put banks’ senior executives on notice to ensure
animal welfare that have increased signifi-              Reserve Bank of Australia would only be needed         efforts to improve culture and conduct do not
cantly in the past decade, National Farmers              if China’s financial system collapsed or similarly     become ‘white noise’ for staff below them, saying
Federation chief executive Tony Mahar said.              dramatic event seized up global markets, says          the regulator will continue to uncover wrongdoings
                                                         a leading expert. Perpetual Investment’s head          and is not intimidated by the financial might.
Livestock industries including meat production
                                                         of investment strategy Matt Sherwood said
coming under pressure to stamp out practices such                                                               At the release of the damning study revealing
                                                         simmering geopolitical tensions, even if they hit
as mulesing, some old methods of shearing and a                                                                 Australians’ poor view on banks’ ethics, Australia
                                                         growth in Australia, wouldn’t be enough to force
live export have resulted in reforms throughout                                                                 Securities & Investments Commission chairman
                                                         the RBA’s hand. Quantitative easing (QE) – central
the industry, as reported in The Australian.                                                                    Mr Medcraft said recent scandals have clearly
                                                         bank bond-buying to stabilise long-term rates
                                                                                                                combined to ‘fundamentally undermined
A Matter of Fair Work                                    and push money into other assets – would only
                                                                                                                investor trust and confidence’ in the banks.
The Australian says the independent Fair Work            help if the world had another huge financial crisis,
Commission is reviewing penalty rates in seven           according to The Australian Financial Review.          Reform Requires Rethink
awards in the hos­pitality and retail sectors as                                                                Small businesses fear they could be the next target
                                                         Big Four Prevent Stimulus
part of the four-yearly review of modern awards                                                                 of bad financial advice and predatory lending
                                                         The big banks have defied the reserve bank,
under the Fair Work Act introduced by Labor                                                                     under the proposed low-regulation scheme
                                                         passing on barely half of the cut in the official
in 2009. The FWC decision is binding by law.                                                                    for start-ups. The scheme, being considered by
                                                         benchmark cash rate to their home mortgage
                                                                                                                the corporate watchdog, would allow financial
The Productivity Commission recommended cut-             and business borrowers, reducing the stimulus
                                                                                                                services start-ups to operate unlicensed for 6
ting Sunday penalty rates to match Saturday rates.       that the central bank was trying to inject
                                                                                                                months in the name of supporting innovation.
                                                         into the economy in favor of supporting their
Employers in some sectors want Sunday penalty
                                                         own profits, as reported in The Australian.            Peter Strong, chief executive of the Council of
rates to be cut from 200% to 150% and public
                                                                                                                Small-Business Australia, said he was concerned
holiday penalties from 250% to 200%.                     ACCC Gives All Clear For Port Lease
                                                                                                                small businesses could fall victim to the same
                                                         Australia’s competition watchdog has given
Unions want to maintain the status quo.                                                                         financial scandals as consumers had fallen
                                                         the green light to two major bids to lease the
                                                                                                                pray to in recent years, as reported in The Age.
Haunted by the damage it sustained after its             Port of Melbourne 50 years. Two consortia
Work Choices policy the Coalition declined               for the lease were probed by the Australian            Water Price Rise
to make a submission to the FWC.                         Competition and Consumer Commission                    The price of water for 4 million Sydneysiders could
                                                         because of their interests in other Australian         be about to rise because of a last-minute rule
 Labor’s submission argued against cutting penalty
                                                         ports. ‘The ACCC has formed the view that neither      change by the Liberal government that helped it
rates. Labor will be under pressure to fight any
                                                         acquisition would result in substantial lessening      raise more from that $2.3 billion privatisation of
cuts to penalty rates, even if that is the outcome of
                                                         of competition,’ ACCC chairman Ron Sims said.          the Sydney Desalination Plant (SDP) in 2012. The
 the ‘independent’ process it established. The LNP
                                                                                                                arrangement comes to light as Rod Sims, chairman
state executive has voted on a motion to formally        The IFM consortium is led by Australian fund
                                                                                                                of the Australian Competition and Consumer
­assess a proposed split amid anger it’s MPs and         manager IFM Investors, along with a Dutch
                                                                                                                Commission, has called for a halt to privatisations
senators are proportionally under-represented            pension fund manager and a division of Macquarie
                                                                                                                on the grounds that governments are increasingly
 on the Turnbull government frontbench.                  Group Limited. The QIC consortium includes
                                                                                                                running them to maximise proceeds to the state
                                                         a 40 per cent interest from a fund manager
‘It is life or death for Barnaby,’ one said. Under the                                                          budget even if it increases prices for consumers.
                                                         owned by the Queensland Government. Sims
 plan, the LNP would establish a separate party
                                                         said no single consortium member would                 The SDP at Kurnell on Botany Bay has never
 room in Canberra and strike a second Coalition
                                                         control the port, as reported in the Herald Sun.       actually pumped any drinking water but
 agreement with the Liberal Party with demands
                                                                                                                Sydneysiders pay about $200 million a year to SDP
 for more frontbenchers from their ranks. The LNP        Tough Choices To Reduce Deficit
                                                                                                                to keep the plant on stand-by in case of drought. A
 is also divided on government plans on superan-         Reserve Bank governor Glenn Stevens says
                                                                                                                consortium led by the Ontario Teachers Pension
 nuation and the backpacker tax, which could also        Australians are ‘kidding ourselves’ if they think
                                                                                                                Board bought the plant in May 2012 for $2.3 billion,
 form part of ­negotiations, as per The Australian       the federal budget can be returned to surplus
                                                                                                                as reported in The Australian Financial Review.
                                                         without having to make tough choices. While
Unions Win Breakthrough
                                                         Australia agreed on the need to close the deficit,     Properties Could Flood the Market
Unions have won an important breakthrough in the
                                                         concrete ideas got bogged down in debates              The Reserve Bank has issued a fresh warning
farm sector, with Australia’s biggest horticulture
                                                         based on ‘narrow notions of fairness’ run by           that developers may be sitting on a flood of
producer forced to the bargaining table. The agri-
                                                         interest groups looking to protect their patch.        apartments that fail to settle flagging that
culture and horticulture industry is rife with worker
                                                                                                                the property supply glut will worsen, given
exploitation, illegal underpayment and poor work-        ‘If we think this rather other-worldly discussion
                                                                                                                that developments already under way are still
ing conditions. Unions attract few members and            will not have to give way to more hard-nosed
                                                                                                                running near record highs despite efforts to
have barely had a presence since the 1970s. Costa         conversation, we are kidding ourselves,’ Mr
                                                                                                                cool the market. The comments came as the
Group, a big supplier to Coles and Woolworths, has        Stevens said. ‘That will care should there be
                                                                                                                central bank gave it strongest indication yet that
consistently resisted a National Union of Workers         a moment of crisis, but it would be better if it
                                                                                                                the cash rate would move closer to 1 per cent
push for a union agreement at its tomato business         occurred before then.’ Mr Stevens leaves the
                                                                                                                signalling that another cut could be on the cards
in Guyra, in northern NSW, as reported in The Age         RBA in September, as reported in the Herald Sun.
                                                                                                                this year, as reported in The Weekend Australian.

19 July to 25 August 2016

Big Business Bullies                                    in to work with China to educate suppliers about        billion ‘nation-changing project’ unveiled by the
More than 5560 small businesses have complained         Australian laws, as reported in The Australian.         high-powered Melbourne-based Consolidated
to the competition watchdog in the first half                                                                   Land and Rail Australia. The plan is backed by
                                                        FIRB Ministerial Shakeup
of year, many directory gripes towards top                                                                      former Victorian premier Steve Bracks, outgoing
                                                        Malcolm Turnbull’s government has come up
end of town. The proportion of complaints has                                                                   federal trade and investment minister Andrew
                                                        with new ministerial arrangements are handling
risen in the previous six months, up from 4931,                                                                 Robb and former NSW premier Barry O’Farrell.
                                                        FIRB decisions. Treasurer Scott Morrison Will
the Australian Competition and Consumer
                                                        continue to take carriage of all the big and            Not Enough Investment
Commission figures revealed. The six-monthly
                                                        potentially politically hot transactions - NSW          Australia is already forgoing billions of dollars
Small Business and Focus report, released
                                                        poles and wires top the lists, and with the likes       in potential productivity gains after investing
yesterday, showed the biggest numbers of
                                                        of the Port of Melbourne coming down the line           too little in key projects, the Committee for
complaints, at 1435, related to misleading conduct
                                                        the Kidman pastoral sale bubbling along.                Economic Development of Australia says. And
and false representations from big businesses.
                                                                                                                the damage bill will blow out to more than $50
                                                        ScoMo’s Fellow Cabinet member, Revenue
ACCC deputy chairman Michael Schaper said the                                                                   billion a year in 15 years if crucial infrastructure
                                                        and Financial Services Minister Kelly O’Dwyer,
increase in complaints was ‘incremental but sub-                                                                projects in major cities do not go ahead, the
                                                        Will have it pared-back suite of F IRB duties,
stantial’. Complaints also related to product safety,                                                           committee says, as reported in the Herald Sun
                                                        looking after agriculture, well the Nationals’
consumer guarantees and unconscionable conduct.
                                                        Michael McCormack, who is Small Business                Qube Getting Asciano
Misuse of power was cited in 197 grievances.
                                                        Minister (and fully occupied with the Census            Asciano’s decision to hand its share of the portside
However, the ACCC said not all instances lead to
                                                        debacle), Will handle everything else.                  logistics business ACFS back to its business partner
breaches or investigations. ‘We’re continuing to
                                                                                                                has cleared one of the last remaining hurdles
see in increasing number of contacts from the           China Shut Out of Electricity Grids
                                                                                                                to the $12 billion takeover of the ports and rail
Australian small and medium enterprise sector’          Scott Morrison’s decision to block two
                                                                                                                group with the competition watchdog dismissing
Dr Schaper said, as reported in the Herald Sun.         Chinese bids for NSW’s electricity assets on
                                                                                                                concerns about the deal. Qube Holdings and an
                                                        national security grounds has cast a shadow
Qantas’ New Coat of Paint                                                                                       international group of investors are on track to
                                                        over Australia’s relationship with its biggest
Qantas’s freshly painted freight network has taken                                                              complete the acquisition next month following
                                                        trading partner and the prospects for foreign
to the skies to deliver domestic mail, parcels and                                                              a recommendation from the Foreign Investment
                                                        investment in critical infrastructure.
Express Post for Australia Post and its subsidiary                                                              Review Board due next week and a court hearing.
StarTrack. The dedicated sub-fleet of six freighter      Treasurer said the foreign investment rejection was
                                                                                                                The Australian Competition and Consumer
aircraft — which now feature StarTrack-branded           a preliminary decision and he gave the two bidders
                                                                                                                Commission ruling comes more than a year
livery — began flying to nine destinations exclu-       - the publicly listed Hong Kong business Cheong
                                                                                                                after Brookfield Infrastructure Partners kicked
sively for the Australia Post Group. The Australian      Kong Infrastructure , CKI, and China’s govern-
                                                                                                                off a race to buy one of Australia’s biggest
                                                         ment-owned State Grid – seven days to amend their
Innovation in Fintech is Key                                                                                    infrastructure operators — and a series of ACCC
                                                         offers for Ausgrid, which owns the electricity grid
Fintech leaders have urged the new-look federal                                                                 inquiries — before partnering with its rivals and
                                                         from Sydney to Newcastle and the Hunter Valley.
ministry to continue with the government’s                                                                      close the deal, as reported in The Australian
pre—election push on policies to create a               Controversy over Ausgrid
                                                                                                                NAB Cuts Commission Rates
thriving fintech ecosystem that will help grow          The preliminary decision, which won broad domes-
                                                                                                                National Australia Bank’s $45 billion financial
financial services exports to Asia and create           tic political support the cast a cloud over the NSW
                                                                                                                advice arm to the wealthy, JBWere, has cut commis-
more competition for incumbent banks. Ben               governments budget plans, left the Hong Kong
                                                                                                                sion rates for its 120 advisers, becoming the latest
Heap, the founding partner of fintech incubator         bidder fuming and sparked fierce criticism over
                                                                                                                major player to overhaul remuneration as the
and investor H2 Ventures, said the narrow               what was underpinning foreign investment policy.
                                                                                                                industry strives for sustainable profitability. Less
margin in the election highlighted challenges           Mr Morrison announced a preliminary decision
                                                                                                                than a month after Morgan Stanley’s pay changes,
selling the innovation message to voters fretting       to veto bids by both companies for a 50.4 per
                                                                                                                JBWere will slice advisers’ ‘grid’ rate cut by up to 1.5
about the impact of technology on their jobs            cent stake in Ausgrid worth more than $10 billion
                                                                                                                per cent and also retain a ‘small’ portion of revenue
                                                        saying they were ‘contrary to the national interest’,
But he said encouraging innovation remains                                                                      from clients referred by NAB. The Australian
                                                        as reported in The Australian Financial Review.
crucial to refrain the Australian economy ‘and for
                                                                                                                Smart Cars on Smart Roads
us to take a step backward due to machinations          Revamp for PM’s Former Invesment
                                                                                                                All vehicles on Australian roads will be driverless by
of our political system would be disaster’, as          Malcolm Turnbull’s most contentious investment,
                                                                                                                2030 and road builders must begin work to create
reported in The Australian Financial Review             a failed sports media company that lost almost
                                                                                                                smart roads that interact with them, says Telstra
                                                        $100 million conflict-of-interest row over online
Wrong Investment                                                                                                chief scientist Hugh Bradlow. Dr Bradlow said his
                                                        gambling, has come back to life. PlayUP, the sports
There is more than enough money in Australia’s                                                                  conservative and realistic forecast was based on
                                                        start-up Mr Turnbull helped bankroll in 2012, went
multi-trillion-dollar superannuation funds to                                                                   the rate of autonomous car development, where 14
                                                        into liquidation in February. It is to be relaunched
invest in start-ups and entrepreneurship, but                                                                   trials were under way in California, and falling costs
                                                        this year. The key feature will be sports gambling
it is being deployed wrong, says Australian                                                                     of retrofitting driverless systems to existing cars,
                                                        licensed by the embattled Norfolk Island Gaming
National University Vice Chancellor Brian                                                                       which would soon be in the $US1000 ($1310) range.
                                                        Authority. While the Prime Minister will not have
Schmidt, as reported in The Australian.
                                                        a stake in the new-look PlayUP, it is likely to be an   ‘My expectation is that governments will very
Foreign Bid For Ausgrid Denied                          unwelcome reminder of one of his more trouble-           quickly realise that they need to make them
Federal Treasurer Scott Morrison has blocked            some business forays, as reported in The Age.            mandatory to help overcome the statistic that 90
the NSW governments planned sale of electricity                                                                  per cent of road accidents are caused by human
                                                        High Speed Rail at Last?
distributor Ausgrid to foreign companies, citing                                                                 error,’’ he said, as reported The Australian
                                                        A high speed rail plan would see a Melbourne
national security issues, in a preliminary decision
                                                        Sydney journey time of less than two hours via          RBA Cuts Rates
that could have broader implications for foreign
                                                        eight new inland cities. The new cities including       The Reserve Bank of Australia lowered the cash
investment in Australia, as reported in The Age.
                                                        two in Victoria would be high-tech centres,             rate by 25 basis points to a fresh record low of 1.50
Asbestos Slipping Through The Cracks                    creating jobs and easing pressure on overcrowded        per cent during the meeting held on 2nd August. It
Companies importing goods riddled with deadly           suburbs in the nation’s two biggest centres, says       was the second rate cut so far this year prompted
asbestos are not being fully investigated by            the consortium behind the plan. The Herald Sun          by weak inflation numbers, as reported in The Age
Austrian Border Force due to ‘time and resources’       reports the first new Victorian city, planned for the
                                                                                                                Smart Road Technology is the
constraints and the uncertainty of prosecution, a       Greater Shepparton region would be less than 30
                                                                                                                future of collision avoidance
review Of Australia’s asbestos border controls has      minutes from Melbourne on the high speed line.
                                                                                                                Future ‘smart road’ technology will virtually
found. Amid revelations that authorities have
                                                        The second city would be in the shire of Strathbogie.   be able to predict the likelihood of an
prosecuted only two companies for importing
                                                        Over the next 35 years, the eight cities of up to       accident 30 minutes before it happens,
asbestos since 2008, the report calls on the Federal
                                                        200,000 homes would accommodate a quarter               CityLink owner Transurban has said.
government to more forcefully pursue the offence
                                                        of Australia’s population growth, under the $200

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