Island Insight - Palm Lake Resort

Page created by Albert Salazar
Island Insight - Palm Lake Resort
Island Insight.                                 DEC-JAN 2021

            Palm Lake Resort Phillip Island wishes all our homeowners,

Let’s get
            their families and friends a wonderful summer festive season.
            We hope that you can look back on 2020 one day as a year
            that tested our mettle and, ultimately, proved the power of our
            community lifestyle resort. We have secure grounds, caring
            likeminded neighbours and a management team that, together,

            enabled us to get through the trying times.

            May your summer break be filled with love and laughs, and
            good food shared with your most special people. And may 2021
            bring us all peace and good fortune. There’s no doubt that we
            all deserve it! If you’re on the roads this summer, drive safely.
            Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Island Insight - Palm Lake Resort
                                                                                                                                                              WELCOME NEWBIES!
                                                                                                                             OFFICE HOURS
                                                                                                                             FOR CHRISTMAS                    Here are our newest
                                                                                                                                                              neighbours. Make sure to
                                                                                                                                                              make them feel welcome!          KITCHEN CLOSURE
                                                                                                                             As per normal practice
                                                                                                                             the caretaking team will         •   Elayne Russell (Villa 149)
                                                                                                                             be available by phone or             moved into our resort on
                                                                                                                                                                                               The last delivery of Meals
                                                                                                                             email at all times during            November 9.
                                                                                                                                                                                               for 2020 will be Thursday,
                                                                                                                             the Christmas break. The         •   John Buttrose (Villa 36)
                                                                                                                                                                                               December 17. Depending
                                                                                                                             office will close on Thursday,       arrived on November 20.
                                                                                                                                                                                               on restrictions, meals will
                                                                                                                             December 24 and reopen on                                         recommence the week
                                                                                                                             Tuesday, December 29. We                                          of Monday, January 4
                                                                                                                             will close again on Thursday,                                     (hopefully back in the dining
                                                                                                                             December 31 and reopen                                            room) or home delivery on

                                                                                                                             again on Monday, January 4.      95 YEARS YOUNG                   January 7, 2021. We will keep
                                                                                                                                                                                               you informed.
                                                                              CONTACT US
                                                                                                                                                              As I was unable to celebrate
                                                                                                                                                              my 95th birthday with
                                                                                                                             EXERCISE CLASSES
    Well, here we are again. Another Christmas! It is coming around           Looking for more information                                                    my family due to COVID
    too quickly for us all but I don’t think anyone will be sorry to see                                                     TO TAKE A BREAK                  restrictions, all my “Cardie”
                                                                              about Palm Lake Resort Phillip                                                                                   GREEN WASTE
    the end of 2020. WHAT A YEAR!                                             Island? Here are four ways                                                      friends surprised me with an
                                                                                                                             Please note: Exercise            afternoon tea including a cake
    As we near the end (hopefully) of the COVID-19 restrictions, can I        you can reach us:
                                                                                                                             classes will finish in the       and goodies. Many thanks to
    just say again how proud we are of everyone for the way you have          Online: Visit us at
                                                                                                                             week ending December 18          all!                             Green waste collections will
    handled this very trying time. I know how frustrated you were   
                                                                                                                             and commence in the week                                          be on Tuesday, December 15
    all becoming and, believe me, you were not alone. To be able to           Social media:                                  of Monday, January 4.            - Joan Menzies (Villa 27)        and Tuesday, January 19.
    have everything back to some sort of normal will be amazing. I            Follow Palm Lake Resort on
    think the good thing that has come out of this dilemma has been           Facebook and Instagram
    that we all appreciate the simple things in life a little more. But, in
                                                                              Street address:
    saying that, let’s hope we never have to go through it again.
                                                                              48 Settlement Road,
    We’ve had lots of newbies moving in lately so let’s all give them         Cowes VIC 3922                                                                  GET SOCIAL,                      GATE NEWS
    the Palm Lake Resort welcome. We also welcome Lewis Hearty                Phone: 1800 066 482                                                             WITH US
    to our team and look forward to working with him in the future.                                                                                                                            Please note that both
                                                                                                                                                                                               pedestrian gates at the main
    Finally, this will be my last welcome note. After 12 years, it is                                                                                         Follow Palm Lake Resort on
                                                                                                                                                                                               entrances are now fully
    time for us to leave Palm Lake Resort and move back to our little         This newsletter is intended to give general                                     Facebook (@palmlakeresort)
                                                                              info only. All liability arising directly or                                                                     operational. They remain
    home in Wimbledon Heights and take some time to smell the                                                                                                 and also on Instagram
                                                                              indirectly from the use of, or for any error                                                                     closed at all times. To get
    roses. Peter and I would like to thank you all for your support over                                                                                      (@palm_lake_resort) to see
                                                                              or omission in the information given, is                                                                         out, simply push the button
    the years and we look forward to seeing you all around town. We           expressly disclaimed.                                                           what’s happening right across
                                                                                                                                                                                               on the wall. To get in, please
    wish your new Caretakers all the very best in the future.                                                                                                 our dozens of Palm Lake
                                                                                                                                                                                               use your gate swiper.
                                                                                                                                                              Group locations.
    Lea Bryan
    Resort caretaker

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Island Insight - Palm Lake Resort
Flying high.
                                      MAJOR HEALTH ISSUES BROUGHT PETER EMMETT
                                      AND HIS WIFE, BEVERLEY, TO PHILLIP ISLAND,
    December 3:                       BUT AFTER FINDING NEW PASSIONS – AND
    Roast pork, apple sauce and
                                      REDISCOVERING OLD ONES – THESE PALM LAKE
    vegetables, with dessert
                                      RESORT RESIDENTS ARE SURE THERE’S NOWHERE
    December 10:
    Chicken breast, lemon pepper
                                      THEY WOULD RATHER BE.
    sauce and vegetables, with
                                      Peter Emmett always loved aeroplanes. Growing up in the
    December 17:
                                      Melbourne suburb of Yarraville, he attended Footscray Technical
    Christmas Dinner with all the
                                      School and eventually began an apprenticeship as a jet engine
    trimmings, with Plum Pudding
    January 7:                        “I just loved everything about aviation – I joined the Air Training       Pictured above left: Peter, aged 28, when he began flying. Pictured above right, Peter and his wife Bev.
    Roast beef and vegetables,        Corps, and I even started barracking for the Bombers,” laughs
    with dessert                      Peter, referring to the AFL team’s plane logo. “I was hooked.”
    January 14:
                                      Peter met his other great love, Beverley, around the same time. A         When their children grew up, Peter and Bev enjoyed          “We love the facilities, and our children and six
    Roast pork, apple sauce and
                                      school friend of his sister’s, Peter credits her with conning Bev into    travelling to places they might not have seen otherwise     grandchildren aren’t too far away,” says Peter. “We’ve
    vegetables, with dessert
                                      going a date with him.                                                    – all over Australia and New Zealand, as well as Papua      also just got a brand-new great-granddaughter, who
    January 21:
                                                                                                                New Guinea and Christmas Island. Peter was living           we have sadly only seen once since she was born six
    Chicken breast, mushroom          “I actually went out with Bev’s girlfriend for a little while, and when
                                                                                                                his dream, flying Boeing 727 and 767s and Lockheed          months ago. We are loving being great-grandparents
    sauce and vegetables, with        I asked Bev out, she more or less told me to get lost,” says Peter.
                                                                                                                Electras, and seeing the world with his family.             – you don’t get asked to help as much when you get
    dessert                           “I had a Ford V8 Roadster, so I think that’s why she eventually
    January 28:                       changed her mind.”                                                        He and Bev had plans to move to Hong Kong, where
    Silverside, onion parsley sauce                                                                             Peter would work with Cathay Pacific. He had just come      While Bev enjoys her lawn bowls – she has even been
                                      Before long, when Bev wasn’t yet 16 and Peter almost 19, the
    and vegetables, with dessert                                                                                home from a conversion course when, at age 43, he           the ladies’ president – Peter has found a new passion
                                      couple married – 62 years later, they’re as strong as ever. While he
    February 4:                                                                                                 suffered a heart attack.                                    for wood turning. But when he isn’t messing around in
                                      and Bev were raising their young family, Peter started working for
    Roast beef and vegetables,                                                                                                                                              his garage workshop, you’ll likely find him at the Vietnam
                                      Trans Australia Airlines. His shifts were long – sometimes 36 hours       “I had two bypass surgeries and it meant that I lost my
    with dessert                                                                                                                                                            Veterans Museum where he spends two days a week
                                      – and he was sent all over the country to fix aeroplanes.                 flight crew license,” says Peter. “It was devastating.”
    February 11:                                                                                                                                                            restoring planes.
    Roast pork, apple sauce and       “I was travelling a lot while our three kids were growing up,” says       The couple re-grouped, moving south to Emerald to start
    vegetables, with dessert          Peter. “Even before I started flying, I used to work night shifts         a hobby farm. But when another bad health diagnosis
    February 18:                      doing maintenance on aeroplanes – I’d do three different shifts in        came in 1999 – this time, Bev was told she had MS –         “I’ve been doing it for about four years and I just love
    Chicken breast, garlic sauce      a row, sometimes. Bev was working too, so it was hard work for            they decided to move again, to Rhyll. It was here that      it,” says Peter. “I was even one of a group of eight who
    and vegetables, with dessert      both of us.”                                                              Bev first spotted Palm Lake Resort Phillip Island, and      went up to Queensland to dismantle RAF transport
    February 25:                                                                                                though Peter was initially unconvinced, they were both      planes, to bring back down here and have on display
                                      After 11 years with Trans Australia, Peter heard of an opportunity
    Silverside, onion parsley sauce                                                                             sold after taking a tour.                                   outside the museum.”
                                      to work as a flight engineer on board heavier aeroplanes. He made
    and vegetables, with dessert
                                      the move to Ansett, which saw him travel even further than he had         “We were able to move into the house while they             Peter says these planes are a proud reminder, not only
                                      before.                                                                   were building Stage 3, which meant that we could            of his time with the Veterans Museum, but of his career
    To receive your home-
                                                                                                                have everything just the way we wanted it,” says Peter.     in aviation.
    delivered meal, simply contact    “I was basically a third crew member, and it was my job to check
                                                                                                                “We’ve been happy here ever since.”
    our resort caretaker.             everything an hour before every departure, put fuel on board when                                                                     “We worked really hard to get those planes here, taking
                                      the passengers were loaded, start the engines, calculate the              Peter and Bev have called Palm Lake Resort Phillip Island   16 days to go up to Queensland, dismantle them both,
                                      speed and engine power for take-off and monitor all of the different      home for almost 12 years now. With so much to do in         put them on trucks and bring them back down,” says
                                      systems within the aeroplane,” says Peter. “Essentially, if anything      and around the resort, and their ever-growing family just   Peter. “We worked every day, so it was exhausting, but
                                      went wrong, I was the one who had to have the answer. It was a            over an hour away in Melbourne, Peter is relieved they      satisfying. It reminded me of what I loved most about
                                      very exciting time.”                                                      found somewhere to permanently call home.                   my job – I’m glad to still have that feeling.”

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Island Insight - Palm Lake Resort
Social Club news.
                                                                                                                               Diary notes.
                                                               DID YOU LOOSE YOUR SHIRT?
                                                               With the Spring Racing Carnival done and dusted for
                                                               another year, both the Caulfield and Melbourne Cups have        Saturday, December 5                                          Tuesday, December 15
                                                               been run and won. It was strange to watch the running           9am. Bus trip to Churchill Island Market (NOTE: new           2pm. Housie in the Hall. $7 for a bit of fun.
                                                               of the races with little or no crowds present to create an      day). Only five spots so get your name on the list in the
                                                               atmosphere. We were able to see all the beautiful roses         hall. Driver: Barrie. $1 for bus on the day.                  Tuesday, December 22
                                                               at Flemington and what a wonderful gesture by Racing                                                                          2pm. Housie in the Hall. $7 for a bit of fun.
                                                               Victoria to donate the roses to our healthcare workers          Sunday, December 6                                            7pm. Trivia in the hall to wake up our COVID brains and
                                                               after the carnival.                                             2pm. Farewell afternoon tea for Peter and Lea as they         have a bit of fun.
                                                                                                                               depart after 12 years of service. Come raise a glass or
                                                               POST BOX                                                        have a cuppa and thank them for all they have done.           Wednesday, December 23
                                                               Just a reminder to all our residents to use our very own        Please put your name on the list in the Hall for catering     10.30am. Joan’s craft in the Hall with a cuppa and chat.
                                                               post box in the carpark just outside the library. Many of       purposes by December 2.
                                                               our newbies may not be familiar with the box, which is                                                                        Saturday, January 2
                                                               painted green (not the usual Australia Post red). Mail in       Tuesday, December 8                                           Bus 9am. Churchill Island Market. Only five passengers
                                                               it is collected each morning when the postie does his           2pm. Housie in the Hall back for December. $7                 so get your name on the list in the Hall. Driver: Barrie. $1
                                                               regular deliveries. Please support this initiative as a thank   for games and afternoon tea. There will be a few              for the bus on the day.
    THE BRYANS RETIRE                                          you to Australia Post.                                          differences, but it will also be the same!
    It is with considerable sadness and a lot of tears                                                                                                                                       Monday, January 11
    that we announce the retirement of our wonderful           MEALS                                                           Wednesday, December 9                                         2pm. Residents’ meeting in the Hall.
    caretakers Lea and Peter Bryan. Lea and Peter have         A big thank you to management for organising and                10.30am. Joan’s craft in the Hall with a cuppa and chat.
    been with us here for more than 12 years and have          delivering a weekly meal to us on a Thursday. If you wish       4pm–5.30pm. Happy Hour in the Hall with new day of            Wednesday, January 13
    formed a wonderful, caring bond with the residents.        to receive a dinner, please contact our caretakers.             the second Wednesday of the month from now on. Gold           4pm–5.30pm. Happy Hour in the Hall. Gold coin
    We will be having a farewell afternoon tea for them                                                                        coin donation and BYO drinks and glasses.                     donation. Please BYO drinks and glasses.
    on Sunday, December 6, at 2pm, and invite everyone         CHRISTMAS
    to come and say thank you to them both. They have          As we pull down the shutters on what has been a                 Sunday, December 13                                           Friday, January 15
    decided that now is the time for them to have a bit of     stressful and memorable year for all of us, on behalf of        12 noon. Residents’ Christmas lunch in the Hall with all      6pm. Pizza night in the Hall with extra trimmings. $10pp.
    “me time” as they retire to their home at Wimbledon        your Social Committee, we wish you and your loved ones          the ho ho ho and Barry at the helm. Full notice of the        Put your name on the list and money in the box by
    Heights. No doubt we will still see them around the        a very happy and safe Christmas and New Year. Let’s             menu will be on the board. As numbers will be limited,        Wednesday, December 13.
    streets of Cowes and on behalf of all the residents we     hope we can all join in family celebrations over this festive   get your name on the list in the hall and pay your $25pp
    wish them well in their retirement.                        season. We know 2021 will be a bigger and better year for       by Wednesday, December 9.                                     Tuesday, January 26
                                                               all of us, so please stay safe and stay well.                                                                                 7pm. Trivia night again to check out that brain matter.
    We are just beginning to emerge from COVID                 COMMITTEE CONTACTS
    restrictions and are looking forward to arranging some     Chairperson: Allan Hughes (Villa 124)
    social functions in the Hall which we can all attend, as   Secretary: Bev Forrest (Villa 127) Treasurer: Vicki Curphey
    we begin to get back to some form of normality. This       (Villa 37) Social: Glenise Tolmie (Villa 26) Catering: Barrie
    may be a slow process so please bear with us. As           Robinson (Villa 103) General: Edith Wilke (Villa 159)           SOCIAL REPORT                                                to but, until then, I will continue to do dine-out lunches,
    normal, there will not be very much happening during       Committee: Neil Horkings (Villa 26).                                                                                         using your own steam to get there. You will be notified
    the month of January. As the Hall is open again, keep                                                                                                                                   of these either in the Hall or via a letterbox drop. As
    an eye out for notices which will be on the board at the                                                                   Well now, what a year we have had and hopefully              you can see by this edition of our newsletter, we now
    pool end of the Hall.                                                                                                      it won’t be the same next year. ou know all those            have quite a few things happening over December
                                                                                                                               drawers and cupboards we cleaned out early in the            and January, so check it out and write them on your
    DINE OUT                                                                                                                   year? Well, it’s nearly time to do them all again because    calender. If COVID behaves itself, then we can look
    We were able to organise a dine out luncheon at the                                                                        we all know that some of our clothes have shrunk in          forward to getting more things happening in the Hall.
    San Remo Hotel in early November (pictured right).                                                                         the cupboard! Hopefully you have all been checking up
    There was a limit of 40 patrons (all complying with                                                                        on neighbours who need a simple smile or a wave or a         Stay safe and healthy. A very Merry Christmas to you
    masks and social distancing). The chef presented a                                                                         little helping hand?                                         all and we hope to see you all again sooner rather than
    beautiful menu and everyone enjoyed the good food,                                                                                                                                      later at functions.
    wine and company. It was wonderful not to have to                                                                          I still have a very long list of events to organise in the
    cook a meal that night!                                                                                                    hall when we can, so that is something to look forward       Glenise Tolmie, Social co-ordinator

Island Insight - Palm Lake Resort
Traditions,                                                      HAVE YOU EVER WONDERED WHY WE DRAG
                                                                     A REAL TREE INTO OUR LIVING ROOMS AND
                                                                     DECORATE IT WITH SPHERICAL ORNAMENTS?

                                                                     OR WHY WE GET ANOTHER PUBLIC HOLIDAY

                                                                     THE DAY AFTER CHRISTMAS? WE’RE DIVING
                                                                     INTO SOME END-OF-YEAR TRADITIONS, AND
                                                                     THEIR ORIGINS MIGHT SURPRISE YOU.

    Did you know that the Christmas tree has north-eastern
                                                                   added years later.
                                                                   CHRISTMAS CAROLS…
                                                                                                                                    of water.
    European and German origins, and dates back to Medieval        Originally, these weren’t Christmas carols at all! Apparently,
    times? Members of Renaissance-era guilds – associations        pagan religions would sing songs during Winter Solstice
    of well-respected artisans who oversaw their respective        whilst dancing around stone circles. They would do them
    disciplines or trades – are said to have decorated trees       all year ‘round, for every season, but the December ones
    with fruits and sweets for children to eat on Christmas Day.   in particular were adopted by Christianity and performed as
    However, some believe that the modern Christmas tree           part of Christmas celebrations, which is why they live on
    has pagan roots, as the Polish would suspend a branch          today.
    of fir, spruce or pine and decorate it with nuts, cookies,                                                                      AS WE HEAD INTO SUMMER, THE SPORTS MAKING
    coloured paper and apples for the ancient, pre-Christian       MINCE PIE…
                                                                                                                                    A SPLASH ARE ONES THAT CAN BE DONE IN THE
    mid-winter festival of Koliada.                                Traditionally topping off a Christmas dinner, the mince
                                                                                                                                    WATER. WE SPOKE TO A PALM LAKE RESORT
                                                                   pie as we know it today actually began as a meat dish. It
    DECK THE HALLS…                                                is said to have originally contained minced meat – hence
                                                                                                                                    PERSONAL TRAINER ABOUT THE BENEFITS OF
    Ever wondered about the meanings behind some of our            the name – as well as fruits and spices, but over time it        WATER-BASED FITNESS.
    most popular Christmas decorations? A star on top of the       became sweeter, and smaller than the oblong shape it
    tree represents the star the Wise Men followed to find the     was originally made into. During the English Civil War, the
    Baby Jesus, while the angel symbolises the angel who told      Puritan authorities are said to have detested the mince pie      There’s no need to get a sweat up to stay fit during
    the shepherds about the coming birth of Christ. Back in        and the ‘idolatry’ it represented. Who knew a dessert could      summer – thanks to the many kinds of exercise that
    the day, people would apparently decorate their trees with     be so political?                                                 can be done in the water, it’s never been easier to cool
    apples and other fruits. However, one particularly harsh                                                                        down and tone up at the same time. Once upon a time,
    winter meant that there was no fruit to adorn the tree, so     BOXING DAY…                                                      those looking to exercise in the water were limited to
    one clever French glassblower created fake ones – and the      There is a lot of debate surrounding how Boxing Day got          swimming laps. Now, with the advent of fitness styles
    bauble was born. Some believe that the wreath was used         its name, but it could be a reference to the fact that some      like H2O Pilates and Tai Chi Hydro – not to mention
    in Ancient Rome to symbolise victory, while others say that    servants in Britain would get the day after Christmas off,       classic aqua aerobics – there is a variety of water-based
    its circular shape symbolises eternal life.                    and receive a ‘Christmas Box’ from their masters.                fitness for everyone.
                                                                                                                                                                                                and a deep core connection. Aqua aerobics, on the
                                                                                                                                    “Water-based fitness is beloved for its health benefits,    other hand, offers a cardiovascular workout while also
    JOLLY OLD SAINT NICK…                                                                                                           and not just by seniors,” says PT Di Clapp, who has         encouraging core engagement, muscle strength and
    Did you know that Santa clause can actually be traced back                                                                      been teaching water classes for 30 years. “There            flexibility.
    to a real, living person? Saint Nicholas was a third century                                                                    are so many styles of water-based fitness available
    monk, who was born and lived in what is now Turkey. It is                                                                                                                                   “One great benefit of working out in the water is that it
                                                                                                                                    now, all serving different – though equally beneficial –
    said that Saint Nicholas gave away all of his wealth to roam                                                                                                                                keeps you cooler, so there is less risk of overheating,”
    the land helping the poor and sick, and over time, his Dutch                                                                                                                                says Di. “Water also allows for more adaptability in
    name ‘Sinter Nikolaas’ became shortened to ‘Sinter Klaas’.                                                                      Aqua aerobics is a favourite for Palm Lake Resort           terms of the intensity of your workout. It is very easy to
    In the early 19th century, his image – a man in red with a                                                                      residents, and for good reason. Ideal for those who         maximise the force of the water resistance to suit your
    long white beard, hanging around in shopping centres –                                                                          have issues with weight-bearing exercises, aqua             strength, thus tailoring your workout.”
    became associated with commercial Christmas festivities,                                                                        aerobics helps you increase muscle strength without
                                                                                                                                                                                                Exercising in a vertical position offers additional
    and has been ever since.                                                                                                        straining.
                                                                                                                                                                                                benefits, particularly for those with limited neck
                                                                                                                                    “Aqua aerobics – along with many other styles of water-     and shoulder mobility. Keeping your head above the
    THE CANDY CANE…                                                                                                                 based fitness – removes the force of gravity which,         water also allows for greater social interaction and
    The candy cane is said to date back 250 years, and was                                                                          when combined with the buoyancy provided by the             engagement with the music being played, which Di
    originally a straight, sugary stick that was reportedly used                                                                    water, helps you feel lighter and nimbler,” says Di.        says is one big reason people keep coming back for
    to keep children quiet during the long Christmas nativity                                                                                                                                   more.
                                                                                                                                    Forms of exercise that may present complications on
    services. The red stripes and J-shape were apparently
                                                                                                                                    land can be made more accessible when performed             “To the untrained eye, water-based training can look like
                                                                                                                                    in the water. Di explains that H20 Pilates, for example,    it doesn’t take much effort,” says Di. “But there are so
                                                                                                                                    is less cardiovascular based than traditional Pilates,      many benefits to working with water, and when you do
                                                                                                                                    allowing you to better focus on posture, flexibility        it right, you will feel them.”

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Island Insight - Palm Lake Resort
The lifestyle you’ve been
     searching for is right here...

      Villa 141 - $385,000    Beds   Bath
                                                     Living   Alfresco
                                                                                             Villa 157 - $410,000                                              Beds
                               2      22       12      11      Living
                                                                   1        2
                                                                          Living      2                                                                                 2       1.5        1
                                      2      1.5       1         1          1                                                                                                                        1           1

                              All the extras!                                                                                                                  Move straight in!
                              Situated on Eighth Avenue with extra                                                                                             Situated on corner of South and Ninth
                              large frontage, this home offers two                                                                                             Avenue, this three bedroom (or 2+study).
                              bedrooms plus study (or third bedroom)                                                                                           Large home includes ensuite to main
                              and two toilets. It’s a Waterford design                                                                                         bedroom and extra large main bathroom,
                              and is the entertainer’s delight. Featuring                                                                                      both complete with toilets and has
                              centre island/galley-style kitchen and                                                                                           everything to offer. Remodelled kitchen
                              large outside alfresco area, you are never                                                                                       complete with utility cupboard, new
                              far from the action. Constructed of Hebel,                                                                                       reverse cycle air conditioner, ceiling
                              this home stays warm in the winter and                                                                                           fans, massive amount of storage in
                              cool in the summer. Nothing to do but                                                                                            laundry, new drapes, freshly painted
                              move in and enjoy. Newly installed large                                                                                         inside. Bullnose verandah at front and a
                              double glazed skylights above the lounge,                                                                                        courtyard style garden area off lounge
                              kitchen and dining areas let in plenty of                                                                                        room. Loads of storage cupboard space
                              natural light and sun without the heat.                                                                                          and extra wide hallway. Built with Hebel
                              There are Photovoltaic panels on the roof                                                                                        and rendered. This home is in perfect
                              for solar rebate on your power bill.                                                                                             condition to move straight into and enjoy.

      Villa 144 - $389,000    Beds   Bath
                                                     Living   Alfresco
                                                                                             Villa 36 - $299,000                                                Beds
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Alfresco   Garage
                               2      22
                                                                   1        2
                                                                                      2                                                                                           2         1            1        11      Living

                                                                                             Love the convenient
                              Position is everything                                         corner location                                  SOLD!
                              Great position on Eighth Avenue and set
                                                                                             This is a great corner position on Fifth and
                              on a wide frontage, this home has three
                                                                                             South Avenues offering two bedrooms, one
                              bedrooms (or 2+multi-purpose room).
                                                                                             bathroom, lounge, dining kitchen, laundry
                              Main bedroom has an ensuite. Second
                                                                                             separate toilet, secure garage, patio and
                              toilet is connected to the laundry with
                                                                                             colorful gardens.
                              direct access to the garage. Open plan
                              lounge/kitchen/dining. Huge living/dining                      This home has been completely renovated
                              space with sliding glass doors to fully                        including, painting inside and outside, new
                              decked and roofed outdoor entertainment                        kitchen benchtops, tiles, vinyl flooring,
                              area. Reverse cycle air conditioner and                        plantation shutters and double holland blinds,
                              ceiling fans. Garden shed. Built with                          electric oven, gas four-burner cooktop and
                              Hebel brick and rendered. This home is                         vented extraction fans. Bathroom has new
                              completely private and has no internal or                      taps, benchtop, tiles and light fittings. New
                              external steps.                                                front door and front verandah decking. New
                                                                                             electric garage roll-a-door and much more.

                                                                                                                     Interested? Freecall 1800 066 482 or email
10                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   11
Island Insight - Palm Lake Resort
The best in over 50s living.
This is your time.

Palm Lake Resort Phillip Island
Freecall 1800 066 482
48-80 Settlement Road, Cowes VIC 3922
Island Insight - Palm Lake Resort Island Insight - Palm Lake Resort Island Insight - Palm Lake Resort
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