Is the Zoo on the move? - Land Park Community Association

Page created by Lillian Soto
Is the Zoo on the move? - Land Park Community Association
P.O. BOX 188285, Sacramento, CA 95818 |

                                                                                                                   Winter 2019
   Courtesy of Google Images

                                           Is the Zoo on the move?
    In October, the Sacramento Zoo’s                                                          10 more acres for parking and 15 more
    new Executive Director and CEO                                                            acres for zoo space to meet its current
    Jason Jacobs announced that the                                                           needs. The infl ux of people and traffi c
    Zoo was exploring the possibility                                                         within the neighborhood if such an
    of a move out of Land Park, which                                                         expansion took place is something to
    has been its home since 1927.                                                             consider as well. When Jacobs fi rst
    The Zoo is facing the possibility                                                         took the position at the Zoo, he stated
    of losing its accreditation from                                                          he was told to not even consider
    the Association of Zoos and                                                               expanding further into the park
    Aquariums in the next fi ve to ten                                                        because of lack of neighborhood
    years if renovations at the current                                                       support to do so in the past. In the
    site are not made. Additionally,                                                          late 1980s, the Zoo wanted to expand
    the Zoo has moved some of its               Courtesy of Google Images                     across the street, which would
    animals to larger zoos in recent years                                                    have eliminated Funderland,
    to provide the room required for other      whose District 4 includes the               the pony ride area, and other currently
    animals still housed at the Zoo.            Sacramento Zoo, is more skeptical.          open space within the park. During that
    With this news brought various reactions    Hansen has pointed out that the Zoo         time, the Zoo, City, and LPCA came
    and opinions from the community and         was set to start a phased $75 Million       to an agreement and a legally binding
    city leaders. While some see a Zoo move     renovation project, the vision of           resolution was adopted by the City
    as an opportunity to expand the size of     previous Zoo Executive Director Dr.         Council stating that the Zoo would not
    the Zoo and create a tourist                Kyle Burks, who left in July 2017 for a     expand any further into the park. Instead,
    destination for even more visitors to       position as VP and Managing Director of     the zoo would renovate the space they
    Sacramento, others do not want to           the Audubon Zoo in New Orleans, but has     had and the City agreed to find a new
    see the Zoo to move out of the              “ditched that plan” without discussing      location for the Zoo to move. The latter
    neighborhood. Some area residents           the changes with the neighborhood and       has never taken place. So, an expansion
    enjoy the smaller size of the               the city. That renovation project would     at the current site is not a consideration.
    Sacramento Zoo compared to zoos in          have taken 15-20 years to complete in       While the idea of the Zoo moving to the
    other cities and would be willing to have   multiple phases.                            former Arco Arena site, once the Arena
    an easily walkable zoo with only small      Other resident comments provided to         is demolished, has been mentioned in
    animals for younger children to enjoy.      the LPCA included asking why the Zoo        the news, the Zoo has no current site
    Yet, others want a local zoo with large     cannot expand further into William Land     selected for a possible Zoo move. There
    animals such as rhinos and tigers that      Park to have the required space it needs.   is also no funding at this time to make
    the current site can no longer house due    LPCA President Stephanie Duncan has         such a move. LPCA President Stephanie
    to size requirements and restrictions by    spoken on the phone with Zoo Director       Duncan and Executive Director Jason
    the Association of Zoos and Aquariums.      Jason Jacobs, who stated that the Zoo,      Jacobs also discussed what would happen
    Mayor Darrell Steinberg has been            which is currently 14 acres, would need     to the current Zoo site if a move were to
    supportive of a Zoo move while                                                          happen. With existing buildings and
    Councilmember Steve Hansen,                                                                                       Cont. Page 3
                                                                               P.O. BOX 188285, Sacramento, CA 95818 |
Is the Zoo on the move? - Land Park Community Association
Bait Arrests by SacPD                            New Laws for 2019
                             Happy       New     The following are some of the laws that went into effect in California on January 1, 2019:
                             Year!        The    Business
                             following           SB 3: Minimum wage increase- Raises minimum wage from $11 to $12 an hour for
                             message        is   employees of businesses with 26 or more employees and from $10.50 to $11 for employees
                             from the SacPD      of businesses with 25 or fewer employees.
                             South       POP     Children and Families
                             (Problem-           SB 1123: Disability Compensation: Paid Family Leave- Expands California Paid Family
                             Oriented            Leave Act to include time off to participate in active duty for spouses in the military.
                             Policing) Team:     AB 1976: Breastfeeding at work- Requires employers to make private space available for
                             Your POP team       breastfeeding other than a bathroom.
                             wishes you a        Food and Sustainability
                             happy and safe      AB 1884: Straws upon request- Customers at full service restaurants must now ask for a
                             2019! Over the      single-use plastic straw for beverages.
holiday weekend the South POP team and           SB 1192: Kids meal drinks- Prohibits California restaurants that sell kids meals from offering
Patrol offi cers deployed several bait items     soda or juice as the default drink option, but customers can request them if they would like.
in the Pocket, South Land Park and Upper         Gender
Land Park neighborhoods in response to           AB 179: Gender identity on state documents- Allows Californians to identify their gender
several theft reports. We often fi n d that      as “nonbinary” on offi c ial s tate d ocuments. A s o f J anuary 1 , 2 019, D MV d river license
one person is responsible for multiple           application forms will require applications to choose either male, female, or nonbinary.
thefts, so this allows us to identify those      Marijuana
stealing from our neighborhoods. We              AB 1793: Cannabis Convictions: Resentencing- The California Department of Justice will
worked with several residents throughout         need to review all marijuana convictions that would be reduced or expunged due to voters
our community and deployed bait items. On        approving marijuana for recreational-use in 2016. The deadline is July 1, 2019.
12/20/2018, an individual stole an SPD           AB 2020: Cannabis: Temporary Event License- Gives local lawmakers the power to license
bait package we deployed with the help           venues for temporary cannabis events. The California Bureau of Cannabis Control and law
of a resident on Riverside Blvd. The item        enforcement offi cers still can revoke a permit or end an event for any unlawful or unpermitted
had been tracked to North Sacramento where       activity at an event.
patrol officers located and arrested the         In the Workplace & Sexual Harassment
suspect.                                         AB 2770: Liability protections- Protects employees who report sexual harassment allegations
On 12/21/2018, two subjects broke into           without malice from liability for defamation of the people they accuse. Also, allows employers
a car in Upper Land Park and stole SPD           to indicate during reference checks whether an individual has been determined to have
bait items. The suspects were quickly            engaged in sexual harassment.
apprehended and arrested by patrol               SB 820: Settlement agreements, Confi dentiality- Bans nondisclosure agreements in sexual
offi cers.                                       harassment, assault and discrimination cases that were signed on or after January 1, 2019.
Although we hope this helps reduce these         AB 3109: Contracts: Waiver of Right of Petition or Free Speech- The law invalidates any
types of crime, we’d also like to remind folks   provision in a contract or settlement agreement that waives a person’s right to testify in an
to take steps to prevent themselves from         administrative, legislative or judicial proceeding concerning alleged criminal conduct or
becoming victims. Always Hide valuables,         sexual harassment.
Lock your house and car, and Take                SB 970: Human Traffi cking Awareness- Requires 20 minutes of training regarding human
valuables out of your vehicle. If possible,      traffi cking awareness for hotel employees who are likely to meet victims of human traffi cking.
make use of package delivery services.           This would include employees in reception areas and housekeeping.
Report suspicious behavior and crimes to         Pets
the Sacramento Police Department so we           AB 485: Pet sales- Requires all dogs, cats, and rabbits sold in California pet stores to be
can do our best to follow up!                    obtained from animal shelters or rescue groups.
Thanks South POP                                 Public Safety                 Prop 63: Ammunition purchases- Passed by voters in 2016, beginning July 1, 2019,
Should you be the victim of a minor theft        ammunition dealers will be required to check with the Department of Justice at the time of
(package being stolen, bicycle from the          purchase that individuals seeking to buy ammunition are not prohibited persons.
front of your property, car burglary, etc),      SB 1100: Firearms transfers- Raises the age to buy all legal fi r earms f rom 1 8 t o 21.
please be sure to fi l e a n o nline report      Californians were already barred from buying handguns until age 21. Military members, law
on the SacPD website, https://www.               enforcement and those with hunting licenses are exempt.            SB 1200: Gun control- Eliminates fees for requesting gun violence restraining orders and
File-a-Police-Report. Please ensure to           allows law enforcement offi cers who confi scate guns under the program to seize ammunition
note if you have video surveillance that         as well.
captured the event. If you see suspicious        AB 2103: License to carry concealed weapons- Requires that anyone wanting to carry a
activity in your neighborhood (such as a         concealed weapon undergo a minimum of eight hours of training on fi rearm safety, handling
person casing houses, checking cars, etc.)       and technique. In addition, applicants would need to demonstrate how to safely handle and
please call the non-emergency number at
916-264-5471.                                                                                                              Cont. Page 4
                                                                                P.O. BOX 188285, Sacramento, CA 95818 |
Is the Zoo on the move? - Land Park Community Association
Demolition plans for Gem Car Wash
  In December, the LPCA                                                                             300 Richards Boulevard,
  received information from the                                                                     3rd Floor Sacramento, CA
  City that an application had                                                                      95811
  been submitted to demolish                                                                        P:      (916)808-5519         |
  Gem Car Wash, a full-service                                                            
  car wash and vehicle detailing                                                                    All comments will be
  business located at 5150                                                                          considered by the City before
  Freeport Blvd, and replace it                                                                     approving or denying the
  with a drive-thru car wash with                                                                   application.
  self-serve vacuum stations.                                                                       Gem Car Wash originally
  The new owner of the                                                                              opened in 1962 and was
  business, Alexander Kaplan,
                                               out that Freeport Blvd currently has a
  did not contact the Land Park Community                                                 sold to the father of Reed Hollingshead
                                               few other self-serve car wash businesses
  Association to provide the community                                                    in 1974. Reed eventually took over
                                               and AM/PM has upcoming plans to
  with information about his plans or to                                                  operations and managed Gem until
                                               construct a gas station with car wash
  garner community feedback prior to his                                                  earlier in 2018, when he sold it to
                                               and self-serve vacuum stations of its
  application submission. Kaplan is the                                                   Kaplan. The hope was that Kaplan would
                                               own at Freeport Blvd and Blair Ave, near
  founder of Eureka Dental Group, which                                                   continue operating Gem as a full-service
                                               Executive Airport. To view the Gem Car
  has two locations in Sacramento County.                                                 car wash, but the submitted application
                                               Wash demolition application and project
  Gem Car Wash currently employs 30                                                       indicates otherwise. As of this
                                               plan, visit
  people and the application states that                                                  printing, the LPCA board is
                                               gem-car-wash/ .
  four employees will be needed to operate                                                scheduled to meet with the architect
                                               The community can still share their
  the drive-thru car wash.                                                                of the Gem Car Wash project in
                                               comments about the demolition plans
  Upon sharing the demolition application                                                 February. Rumors of the demolition
                                               by contacting Angel Anguiano at the
  on social media, the LPCA has heard                                                     being canceled are unfounded. If any
                                               City’s Planning Division at:
  from customers of Gem Car Wash and                                                      changes are made to the application, the
                                               Angel Anguiano
  others in the area who have primarily                                                   LPCA will let the community know.
                                               City Planner | South Area | Planning
  expressed concern about losing the only
  full-service car wash in the Land Park
  area. Additionally, it has been pointed                                                      Is the Zoo on the move?
                                                                                                   Cont. Front Page
Become a Board Member                                                                      foliage, the current Zoo could become
                                                                                           a botanical garden as a location for
Would you like to give back to your community and become more involved in                  community groups to gather and have
decisions affecting the Land Park area? Are you a business owner or resident in Land       meetings. When asked if the Zoo would
Park, Upper Land Park, College Plaza, South Land Park Estates, or South Land Park          be willing to have two sites with the
Terrace? Consider becoming an LPCA Board Member! The LPCA is a volunteer                   Land Park location focused on smaller
community group committed to preserving and enhancing the quality of life in the           animals, Jacobs said that the operation of
Land Park neighborhood by:                                                                 two zoo sites was not something the Zoo
• Advocating to protect and preserve William Land Park                                     was considering. The Zoo is focused on
• Hosting events that bring neighbors and the community together                           having one, larger location.
• Raising community awareness on issues affecting our neighborhood                         The Land Park Community Association
• Supporting local entities, groups, and projects that enhance life in Land Park           initially learned of the Zoo’s plans
• Working with elected officials and City staff to advocate on behalf of the Land Park     for a move when it was announced by
community                                                                                  news outlets. As the LPCA learns more
If you are interested in applying to be a member of the board, applications can be         about possible Zoo move plans, such
found at                                                                                   information will be shared with the and are being accepted until March 1, 2019.           community. At this time, the LPCA
Have questions or want more information about what it means to be a board member?          has not taken a position on a possible
Email or call (916) 800-3963. Board elections will be held at the        Zoo move and wants to take into
Annual Membership meeting on March 20th.                                                   consideration the needs and well-being
                                                                                           of the animals as well as the feedback
                                                                                           from area residents.

                                                                              P.O. BOX 188285, Sacramento, CA 95818 |
Is the Zoo on the move? - Land Park Community Association
Fall Safety & Security Meeting
By Lori Korleski Richardson                    Some of the topics that the group              “The city’s approach to safety and health
                                               indicated concern about were homeless          goals is reactive; an effective investment
Land Park’s premier residential street,        issues, traffic (speeding, congestion,         strategy and visionary approach requires
Land Park Drive, is as wide as a boulevard     enforcement), response time to urgent          a proactive component to change the
in many places, but without a boulevard’s      calls from residents, lack of service and      conditions known to cause and increase
calming influence of trees or plants in a      crosswalk safety.                              risk of severe crashes, and discourage
median. And many concerned residents           Many charts and figures were presented,        people from walking, cycling, etc.”
are asking what is to be done now that         but those who attended had additional          Neighbors voiced concern about drivers
traffic has become heavier as more people      requests for statistics that the police        speeding and bypassing other cars,
stream into midtown and downtown to            officers said would be made available at       nearly hitting pedestrians.
take advantage of new nightlife.               the next gathering. Kris Rogers noted          There was a discussion about the
At an event at the Crocker-Riverside           that the statistics did not include “calls     building of medians and pedestrian
Elementary School auditorium on                for service,” meaning how many calls           crossing islands to help curb traffic.
the evening of Oct. 23, about 30               neighbors made to 911 or 311 during            Rogers asked about “the Vision Zero
concerned citizens gathered to talk with       that same time period. “CFS matters            program adopted by Mayor Steinberg.
representatives from the Sacramento            because it indicates the actual calls law      Vision Zero includes the building of
Police Department (Capt. Alisa Buckley,        enforcement receives. For instance,            medians and crossing islands or lighted
Lt. Paul Freeman, Sgt. Greg Galliano,          ‘vehicle burglary’ appears to be down          crosswalks to help curb speeding and
and Officer Clay Whitcomb), and City           28% for 2018, but neighbors have               lower pedestrian fatalities.”
Traffic Engineer Ryan Moore and the            noticed nightly car break-ins and have         Said City Traffic Engineer Ryan Moore,
Supervisor of Traffic Investigations           surveillance cameras to prove it. ... The      “Land Park Drive will not get a raised
Loanna Hernandez. Jerry Champa, an             data does not support what neighbors are       median.”
LPCA member and retired engineer               experiencing.”                                 The funding for Vision Zero, Moore
for CalTrans, was also on hand to              Another attendee described a petition          noted, comes from a limited resource
facilitate conversation on transportation      signed by more than 100 residents for          of grants. At the moment, he said there
matters, and three students from Health        improvements to make it easier and safer       is not enough money to finance these
Professions High School assisted with          to cross Land Park Drive, but stated:          speed-curbing projects.
the meeting.

New Laws for 2019
Cont. Page 2
shoot a firearm and perform a live-fire shooting exercise at a firing range. Local sheriffs and police chiefs would still issue concealed
weapons permits.
AB 3129: Firearms prohibited persons- Creates a lifetime ban on gun ownership for anyone convicted of misdemeanor domestic
violence. It only applies to convictions after Jan. 1, 2019 and is not retroactive.
SB 1421: Police transparency- Allows public access to police records in use-of-force cases, as well as investigations that confirm on-the-
job dishonesty or sexual misconduct.
SB 1391: Juveniles, fitness for juvenile court- Prohibits 14- and 15-year old criminal defendants from being prosecuted as adults.
SB 1046: DUI deterrence- Expands a pilot program that mandates ignition interlock devices for severe or repeat drunk driving
convictions from four counties to statewide. Transportation
AB 2989: Helmets and Motorized Scooters- Helmets are no longer required for motorized scooter riders over 18 or older. Motorized
scooters are also allowed on Class IV and Class II bike paths. It is still illegal to ride a motorized scooter on a sidewalk. The law also
allows scooters to ride on roads with speed limits up to 35 mph.
AB 1755: Bicycle Hit-and-Run on Bike Paths- Hit-and-run laws will be expanded to include bicyclists on bike paths. That means, if a
bicyclist hits a person, resulting in a death or injury, the bicyclist must stay at the scene. The bicyclist can be held accountable.
AB 3077: Bicycle Helmets- Anyone younger than 18 not wearing a helmet on a bicycle, scooter, skateboard or skates will be issued a
“fix-it” citation. If the minor can show they took a bicycle safety course and has a helmet that meets safety standards within 120 days,
the citation will be non-punishable.
AB 516: Temporary license plates- Requires auto dealers to issue temporary paper license plates when new cars are purchased, rather
than current dealer logos, to ensure all drivers pay required tolls.
AB 544: HOV decals- Green and white HOV land stickers and decals will no longer be valid. You’ll need a red decal. Affects more than
230,000 drivers throughout the state.
AB 1824: Fine for loud vehicle exhausts- Drivers in a vehicle or motorcycle with an excessively loud exhaust will be fined. Previously,
they would have been cited with a “fix-it” ticket.

                                                                                P.O. BOX 188285, Sacramento, CA 95818 |
Is the Zoo on the move? - Land Park Community Association
From the desk of Councilmember Steve Hansen
                                              Commission for their instrumental work           an important issue for the Land Park
                                              keeping William Land Park beautiful and          community, and in the New Year the City
                                              providing a model of neighborhood-               Council will deepen our commitment to
                                              led park volunteerism for the rest of            addressing our City’s
                                              the City. Through strong advocacy and            homelessness crisis. Throughout the
                                              leadership at the council, we also facilitated   winter, my colleagues and I will be working
                                              an agreement with Morgan Golf, avoiding          to vet sites from each council district to
                                              closure of the historic                          provide an additional 800 beds of shelter
                                              Land Park Golf Course. These are just            capacity that could mean
                                              a few examples of the great work we’ve           the ability to serve up to 2400 people
                                              achieved together in 2018.                       experiencing homelessness each year.
                                              Moving into the New Year, 2019 brings a          While we’re focused on that goal, we’re
                                              lot of opportunities to reinvest in William      committed to addressing the homelessness
With 2018 coming to an end, I’m proud         Land Park and the neighborhood that              crisis in a way that
of the work that we’ve been able to achieve   shares its name. My office and the Youth,        works with our neighborhoods and refl ects
with the Land Park Neighborhood. A            Parks and Community Enrichment staff             community priority through an open
particular highlight was the celebration      have engaged the community and launched          dialogue.
of Land Park’s 100th Anniversary. Our         a reforestation master plan that will begin      Currently, my offi ce is collecting comments
office loved working with the dedicated       in the spring with the planting of 80 new        on District Four shelter options and I ask
volunteers from LPCA and seeing so            trees in Land Park.                              that anyone interested in participating
many families come out to celebrate the       Fairytale Town’s current and future              take the survey:
crown jewel of our City’s parks system on a   attendees will be able to enter a world of       pJSgp6vd7mNKFgyH3.
beautiful August night. We are also so glad   imagination and explore new learning areas       The future is bright for our city and I look
to have been able to honor former Mayor       and play structures. The 1940’s William A.       forward to representing you all in the
Anne Rudin by dedicating the Mayor            Carroll Amphitheater renovation project          coming year. Happy Holidays and cheers
Anne Rudin Peace Pond in Land Park. In        will address and improve accessibility           to a New Year!
September, we also were proud                 issues and transform the amphitheater into       Best,
to recognize the Land Park Volunteer          a modern outdoor performance facility.           Councilmember Steve Hansen
Corps at the Parks and Recreation             We also know that homelessness is

Anansi’s Web Unveiling

                                                                                   On September 7, 2018, Fairytale Town
                                                                                   unveiled their first new play structure in 21
                                                                                   years, Anansi’s Web, with a ribbon cutting and
                                                                                   gathering of donors and members. The next day,
                                                                                   Anansi’s Web opened to the public. Anansi’s
                                                                                   Web represents the West African folktales of
                                                                                   Anansi the spider, the keeper of all stories and
                                                                                   wisdom. He’s also a trickster who obtains his
                                                                                   goals through various ruses. The new set features
                                                                                   three vertical climbing webs between four posts
featuring characters from an Anansi tale: a leopard clinging to a tree trunk, a python wrapped around another tree with a hornet’s
nest, a turtle, and a monkey. A sculpture of Anansi sits in the center of the exhibit.
Anansi’s Web was designed, created, and installed by artist Garr Ugalde. Garr is an accomplished Sacramento sculptor who
has exhibited widely in Sacramento and across the country. He attended art school at the University of Nebraska Omaha before
moving to California in 1979 to attend San Jose State University, where he studied printmaking and sculpture. Since moving to
the Sacramento region in 1993, he set up a sculpture studio and has been actively involved in the arts community. He also has
completed several public commissions throughout the Sacramento region. His most recent public installation is a series of three
sculptures called Agora’s Lights, which was installed in December 2016 at American River College.
The Land Park Community Association’s Grants Program awarded $2,500 to Fairytale Town in 2017 to help fund the project.

                                                                                P.O. BOX 188285, Sacramento, CA 95818 |
Is the Zoo on the move? - Land Park Community Association
No To Year-Round Vacation Rentals
The results of the LPCA survey regarding      located next door to their homes or on their        vacation rentals. The board believes that
year-round short-term vacation rentals        street. Issues have included short-term             housing within the LPCA boundaries
are in and show that a majority of surveyed   vacation rentals used as a regular party            should be utilized primarily by long-term
residents within the LPCA boundaries          venue, more than the allowed six occupants          residents, whether renters or homeowners,
oppose Conditional Use permits that           staying at a residence, multiple vehicles of        who have an investment in the community
would allow individuals to rent their non-    short-term rentals taking up the remaining          and respect the quality of life that we
owner occupied residences as short-term       street parking or blocking driveways,               all enjoy. Since the neighborhood is
vacation rentals year-round. An online        violations of the noise ordinance, and              a desirable area with quiet streets, we
survey link was emailed in September to       short-term renters not respecting the               believe that preserving those and other
all LPCA members and a separate link with     property of others. Other complaints                positive qualities of the neighborhood
the same survey questions was emailed         focus on homeowners not responding to               can be done by ensuring that short-term
to former LPCA members and posted on          complaints from the neighbors of their              vacation rentals do not become the norm.
Facebook, Twitter, and           property in a timely manner. There have             Land Park area residents should not have
for anyone in the community to submit         also been a couple instances of short-              to shoulder the burden of dealing with
their feedback. Of those who took the         term renters driving while intoxicated              various short-term renters each week
online survey, 72% of LPCA members            and damaging resident vehicles. Also, the           so that a homeowner, who may not even
and 60% of non-members are opposed to         lack of oversight by the City concerning            live in the area, can make more money by
non-owner occupied residences within          short-term vacation rental permitting and           renting their dwelling at a daily rate vs.
the neighborhood being used as short-         enforcement is a concern.                           having long-term tenants on a lease. We
term vacation rentals year-round. There       After considering the issues that residents         believe that Conditional Use permit short-
was more support for rooms rented in          have experienced with short-term vacation           term vacation rentals are better situated
owner-occupied homes and in granny flats      rentals, the results of the survey, and the         in areas that are closer to hotel districts
behind owner-occupied homes. The LPCA         shortage of housing in Sacramento, the              and walkable to entertainment venues,
boundaries include Land Park, Upper           LPCA board has taken a stance opposing              eateries, and tourist attractions, such as in
Land Park, College Plaza, South Land Park     Conditional Use permits for short-term              Downtown and Midtown.
Terrace & South Land Park Estates (aka
South Land Park Hills).
The City of Sacramento currently allows
individuals to apply for a short-term
rental permit if they would like to rent
their homes, granny flats, or rooms in
their homes as short-term vacation rentals
through companies such as Airbnb or
VRBO. Non-owner occupied short-term
vacation rentals are allowed to be rented
up to 90 days per year, whereas renting
out a room in one’s primary residence has
no limit of days. If a homeowner would
like to rent their non-owner occupied
home for more than 90 days per year as
a short-term rental, a Conditional Use
permit is required. A Conditional Use
permit for short-term vacation rentals,
usually referred to as a Bed & Breakfast
Inn Conditional Use permit, cost around
$5,000. All short-term rental operators                      Discover Independent Living with Services
must collect a 12% Transient Occupancy                       in Land Park at Eskaton Monroe Lodge.
Tax from renters and remit it to the
City along with annual business taxes.
                                                             Call, click or come by today.
Regardless of the type of permit issued to
a homeowner, no more than six short-term                                                      
renters may occupy a residence and no
events are allowed to be held at short-term                                                             Eskaton Monroe Lodge
rentals within the City limits.                                                                         Independent Living with Services
The LPCA has received complaints in the                                                                 Land Park
past from residents who have experienced                                                                916-441-1015
problems with short-term vacation rentals                    A leading nonprofit provider of aging services in Northern California since 1968

                                                                                 P.O. BOX 188285, Sacramento, CA 95818 |
Is the Zoo on the move? - Land Park Community Association
Preps for A Taste of Land Park 2019                                                         Eskaton Holiday

Planning for A Taste of Land Park            people taking part, the better. If A Taste
2019 is underway! If you’ve attended A       of Land park sounds like an event you
Taste of Land Park over the years, you       would be interested helping with, please
know that we bring together a variety of     let us know by emailing info@landpark.
restaurants, wineries, breweries, artists,   org or calling 916-800-3963.
and a fabulous band to make this event        As we get closer to the event, held in      By Lori Korleski Richardson
a success. This year, we’re also asking      May, we will also be putting out a call      Eskaton Monroe Lodge may be in the
for community help. If you have had a        for volunteers to help pass out glasses,     heart of Land Park at 3225 Freeport
desire to take a more active role in the     wristbands, pick-up trash, and more          Blvd., but the residents sometimes feel
planning and preparation of A Taste of       on the day of the event. We hope that        like it’s a world apart. To make them feel
Land Park, we would love to talk to you.     you will consider supporting our only        more a part of this community, LPCA
We’re looking for dedicated, organized       fundraiser of the year, which supports       member Shannel LaDue for the past
individuals to help us with outreach,        all the events, programs, and grants the     three years has been organizing a holiday
orders, reservations, and more. There is     LPCA is able to bring to and distribute in   dinner in December for all the residents
a lot that happens behind-the-scenes to      the community.                               who still enjoy socializing.
bring this event to fruition and the more                                                 “They are so appreciative … we try to
                                                                                          make this dinner something special

                GREAT                                                                     for them,” LaDue said. About a half-
                                                                                          dozen LPCA members were on hand
                                                                                          to help, dressed up in holiday hats and

            ARCHITECTURE,                                                                 headbands.
                                                                                          Riverside Clubhouse, 2633 Riverside
                                                                                          Blvd., catered the full dinner, a
           SCHOOLS, PARKS,                                                                traditional turkey meal or a sirloin meal,
                                                                                          with mashed potatoes and mixed veggies.
                                                                                          The Eskaton kitchen staff plated, while
          TREES, LOCATIONS                                                                the LPCA crew interacted with the
                                                                                          residents by taking orders and serving.

             MAKE GREAT                                                                   The kitchen also provided the beverages.
                                                                                          LaDue said they served 24 turkey and
                                                                                          27 steak dinners, with Vic’s Ice Cream
          NEIGHBORHOODS                                                                   donated for dessert. Monroe Lodge
                                                                                          resident Merrill Starr had the steak
                          Proudly working and raising a family in South Land              and said, “it was done perfectly; even
                           Park Terrace. When you buy or sell your property               the zucchini was super.” Her table
                             with me, I’ll donate $500 to a neighborhood,                 companion Beth Frye raved about “the
                          PTA, Land Park Soccer, Little League, Softball Team             beautiful turkey and the interesting
                                or local library of your choice at close!                 vegetables in the dressing.”
                                                                                          The entertainment was provided by
                                                                                          students from Hiram Johnson under the
                                                                                          direction of Michelle Rogers and Tyrone

                                                                            P.O. BOX 188285, Sacramento, CA 95818 |
Is the Zoo on the move? - Land Park Community Association
Upcoming Community Meetings
LPCA Board                                 LPCA Community Meeting- Wednesday, January 16th at 6:30pm. Location:
     Executive Board                       Eskaton Monroe Lodge, 3225 Freeport Blvd.

            Stephanie Duncan               LPCA All Membership Meeting and Board Elections- Wednesday, March 20th
                President                  at 6:30pm. Location: Eskaton Monroe Lodge, 3225 Freeport Blvd. Hear from
               Alison Leary                elected officials and vote for open LPCA board seats. To apply for a position on
              Vice President               the LPCA board, visit to download a
               Paul Parmley                board application.
              Mitch Rohrer                 For all the latest events, visit the LPCA events calendar at
                Treasurer                  events/

               Denny Jones
             Shannel La Due
             Joleen Lonigan                Are you an aspiring or retired reporter? We want to put
             Craig Rutledge                your skills to work in preparing this quarterly newsletter. Volunteer reporters
               John Schade                 would cover association issues, as well as related neighborhood
                Art Taylor                 happenings and special interest stories. If you think you could
              Steve Winlock                spare a few hours a month and keep your pen sharp, please
                Joe Zadeh                  email or call Stephanie at 916-800-3963.

                                           Newsletter Contributors
   LPCA Membership                         Stephanie Duncan & Lori Korleski Richardson

  If you are not already a member of the
  Land Park Community Association,         Got News?
  you can sign up today through the        Have some neighborhood news to share? We’d like to include it in our quarterly newsletter.
  LPCA website at www.landpark.            Give us a call at 916-800-3963 or email News events, personal
  org. If you are already a member, a      stories, photos, and calendar listings are welcome.
  renewal notice will be sent to you via
  email when your membership renewal
  fee is due. Residential membership
  is $25 per year, per household and       LPCA Advertising Info
  business membership is $35 per year.     Advertisers, please email Stephanie Duncan at for details on how
  Join today to support and be involved    advertising in the Land Park newsletter is right for you. Ad prices are $75 for a one-
  in the efforts of the LPCA in our        eighth page ad. Larger ads and inserts are also available. LPCA Business members can
  community.                               receive advertising specials and/or discounts.

                                                                           P.O. BOX 188285, Sacramento, CA 95818 |
Is the Zoo on the move? - Land Park Community Association Is the Zoo on the move? - Land Park Community Association
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