IRPA 17th INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS - "Ensuring Radiation Protection for the future"

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IRPA 17th INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS - "Ensuring Radiation Protection for the future"

“Ensuring Radiation Protection for the future”


                             In cooperation with

     Societé Française   Associazione Italiana    Fachverband für      Sociedade Portuguesa de
    de Radioprotection    di Radioprotezione     Strahlenschutz e.V   Proteção contra Radiações
IRPA 17th INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS - "Ensuring Radiation Protection for the future"
Ensuring Radiation                           Societé Française
                                                                                                                                      de Radioprotection
                                                                                                                                                           Associazione Italiana
                                                                                                                                                            di Radioprotezione
                                                                                                                                                                                    Fachverband für
                                                                                                                                                                                   Strahlenschutz e.V
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Sociedade Portuguesa de
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Proteção contra Radiações

  Cape Town (2016)
IRPA 14: African Region
                                                                                        Protection for the future
                                                            Dear IRPA members,
                                                                                        To ensure radiation protection for the future, taken as a motto, the
                                                          On   behalf    of   the
                                                          Spanish Society for
                                                                                        Congress project is inspired by two key ideas:
                                                          Radiological Protection
                                                          (SEPR), in cooperation
                                     with the French Society (SFRP), the Italian
                                     Society (AIRP), the German-Swiss Society
                                     (FS) and the Portuguese Society (SPPCR),
                                     we are very proud to present this proposal
                                                                                                                                  1   By    fostering    Radiation
                                                                                                                                      Protection Culture, IRPA
                                                                                                                                      guarantees the sustainable
                                     to host the 17th IRPA Congress in 2028, in                                                    use of radiation tomorrow.
                                     Valencia, Spain. As you will discover in the

                                     following pages, we have an outstanding                                                           In addition, and to see a
                                     project.                                                                                          shining future, we need to
           Seoul (2021)              The chosen city, Valencia, offers a perfect                                                       engage and raise our
                                     setting for such an important event. Located
 IRPA 15: Asian and Oceanic Region                                                                                                 young generation of RP
                                     on the Mediterranean coast, it is a large,
                                     modern, cosmopolitan city. It is a well-                                                      professionals. This Congress
                                     connected hub, making travel to the city very                                                 will be a clear opportunity
                                     easy. Furthermore, Valencia is renowned for                                                   for engaging with the Young
                                     its arts and science culture, its commitment                                                  Generation not to miss!
                                     to accessibility and environment, as well as
                                     its Mediterranean lifestyle and cuisine.
                                     The venue for the Congress would be the            ✓ It is also our main aim to procure affordable economic conditions,
                                     Valencia Conference Centre, a top-class
                                     convention centre, capable of fulfilling all
                                                                                          specially for young professionals, and differential fees for countries in
                                     the needs of a Congress of this magnitude,           accordance with the IRPA policy.
                                     surrounded by a first-rate hotel infrastructure.
                                     And we are certainly prepared for the              In order to reach as many RP professionals as possible, we propose a hybrid
                                     challenge. We are a well-established,              congress:
    Orlando (2024)                   sizeable society with extensive experience
                                     in organizing large events of these                  ❑ Most sessions will be face-to-face in Valencia.
IRPA 16: American Region             characteristics, and, in addition, we have the       ❑ Some plenary sessions will also be held online.
                                     collaboration of four major societies. Most          ❑ Investment in new communication technologies such as webinars
                                     importantly, we are focused on fostering the           or streaming.
                                     young generations of radiation protection
                                     professionals. Consequently, the proposed
                                     Congress motto is:

                                          ENSURING RADIATION
                                       PROTECTION FOR THE FUTURE

                                     It has been a long journey since the IRPA
                                     International Congresses left Europe. After
                                     traveling all around the world, it is now time
                                     to have it back. It is time for it to come to
       Valencia (2028)               Valencia.
   IRPA 17: European Region

                                                           Dr. Ricardo Torres,
                                                           President SEPR

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IRPA 17th INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS - "Ensuring Radiation Protection for the future"
About Valencia                                                                                                       Societé Française
                                                                                                                                                 de Radioprotection
                                                                                                                                                                      Associazione Italiana
                                                                                                                                                                       di Radioprotezione
                                                                                                                                                                                               Fachverband für
                                                                                                                                                                                              Strahlenschutz e.V
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Sociedade Portuguesa de
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Proteção contra Radiações

                                                                                                         Reaching and staying in Valencia is easy:
Valencia is the third largest city of Spain, with
almost 1,500,000 inhabitants. It is situated at the                                                  ✓ Direct connections with around 90 international destinations by plane.
coast of the Mediterranean Sea, benefiting                                                           The airport is only at 10 minutes drive from the city.
from a mild climate with temperatures that in
May range from 15 to 23ºC. It is the origin of
the famous Paella and other excellent food.

Valencia is a vibrant, modern city, famous for
the City of Arts and Sciences, with futuristic
structures and an interactive museum. In
addition, not to miss either the historical city
                                                                                     ✓ 90 minutes away from Madrid
center or the Turia gardens, with more than                                            by high-speed train.
9 km in length, ideal for walking, running,
cycling, families and nature lovers, crowned
by 18 bridges that are the mark of centuries
of history. Valencia has also several beaches,
                                                      A “paella” in the city beach
including some within the nearby Parque de
la Albufera, a wetland reserve with a lake
and trails.

                                                                                             There are over 1,000 hotel
                                                                                             rooms at walking distance
                                                                                           from the venue, with prices
                                                                                                      for all budgets.

                                                                                            Excellent offer in 3, 4 & 5*
                                                                                             International hotel chains
                                                                                                in the city: Meliá, NH,
                                                                                                     Westin, Marriott

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IRPA 17th INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS - "Ensuring Radiation Protection for the future"
About the Convention Center                                                                                           Societé Française   Associazione Italiana    Fachverband für      Sociedade Portuguesa de
                                                                                                                                         de Radioprotection    di Radioprotezione     Strahlenschutz e.V   Proteção contra Radiações

      The Valencia Conference Center holds
      several meeting rooms and auditoriums
      with capacities for up to 1,481 seats of
                                                                                              A FLAGSHIP BUILDING
                                                                                              DESIGNED BY THE ARCHITECT NORMAN FOSTER
      the main auditorium and a total exhibi-
      tion space available of 2,290 m2. Sever-
      al nearby hotels complement the Con-
      ference Centre facilities.
      The Valencia Conference Center
      holds two International Associa-
                                                 More information at
                                                                                                                                                                           EVENT HELD
      tion of Convention Centres (AIPC)
      awards of excellence as World’s
      Best Convention Centre in 2010
      and 2018. It was built by the                                                                                                          + 2 MILLION                              VISITORS
      studio of the famous British
      architect Norman Foster.
                                                                                                                                       AVANT GARDE

     AN EXCELLENT LOCATION                                                                                                     Ground Floor

     FOR A UNIQUE EVENT                                                                       FACILITIES
                                                                                              ✓ World’s Best Convention
FROM THE AIRPORT      HOTEL ROOMS          WITH RESTAURANTS             PARKING 600 SPACES      Centre in 2010 & 2018
                                                                                                                               First Floor
AND EIGHT MINUTES     WITHIN               AND LEISURE                  AND TWO OUTDOOR       ✓ 3 auditoriums (1,481; 500 &
FROM THE CITY         WALKING DISTANCE     ACTIVITIES                   PARKINGS OF             280 pax. each)
CENTER                                                                  1,OOO m2 EACH
                                                                                              ✓ 9 break-out rooms
                                                                                              ✓ 2 multipurpose rooms
                                                                                              ✓ 2.500m2 exhibition area
                                                                                              ✓ Up to 21 additional meeting
                                                                                                rooms at hotels                Second Floor
                                                                                              ✓ WiFi for over 3,000 devices
                                                                                              ✓ Latest generation projectors
                                                                                                and sound systems

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IRPA 17th INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS - "Ensuring Radiation Protection for the future"
Scientific Programme                                                                               Young Professionals                           Societé Française   Associazione Italiana    Fachverband für      Sociedade Portuguesa de
                                                                                                                                                                               de Radioprotection    di Radioprotezione     Strahlenschutz e.V   Proteção contra Radiações

Radiological    Protection
is organised around four
                                                                                                                ICRP             In line with the congress motto, we aim to foster the young generation of
fundamental pillars for its                          UNSCEAR
                                                                                                                                 radiation protection professionals (YP) through:
safe use. Each one has
international   reference                                    SCIENTIFIC
                                                                                                     PRINCIPLES                    ❑ Participation of YP in the Scientific and Organising Committees, a
organizations, with IRPA                                       BASES                              RECOMMENDATIONS                    great opportunity to work together with more senior people, learning but
being recognised as “the                                                                                                             also bringing new innovative ideas to the Congress.
International voice of the                                                                                                         ❑ YP special inscription fees.
radiation protection pro-                                                                                                          ❑ YP competition and awards.
fession in the enhance-
ment of radiation protec-                                                                                                          ❑ YP social activities, promoting the interaction and cooperation between
                                                                                 SOCIETY                                             different Youth Clubs.
tion culture and practice
worldwide”.                                                                                                                        ❑ Public engagement, giving talks on Radiation Protection to university
                                                                                                                                     students or general public in the city of Valencia.
These four pillars, along
with the interaction with                                  PRACTICAL                                  REGULATIONS
society, which is cen-                                    APPLICATIONS                                    AND
tral to all, will comprise
the main themes of the                                                                                            OIEA,
Scientific Programme                                                                                               CE

of the Congress.

 RP PILLARS           Main Topic Areas
                      I.1 Biological effects of radiation exposure
 BASES                I.2 Epidemiology of the effects of radiation

                      I.3 Characterization of radiation exposures: instrumentation, dosimetry (external, internal, biological)

                      II.1 Radiological protection framework: planned exposures
                                                                                                                                                               Commitment to integrate the
 II. PRINCIPLES AND   II.2 Radiological protection framework: existing exposures                                                                                 IRPA Young Generation
 RECOMMENDATIONS      II.3 Radiological protection framework: emergency situations                                                                              Network, as well as other
                                                                                                                                                                  national youth groups
                      II.4 Radiological protection for the public and the environment

                      III.1 Radiological protection policies, criteria, methods, and culture
                      III.2 Implementation of Basic Standards: balance
                      III.3 Education and training: RP expert
                      IV.1 Nuclear facilities (workers, public, environment)

                      IV.2 Medicine (patients, workers, public)
 IV. RADIOLOGICAL     IV.3 No-Ionizing Radiation (workers, public)
 PRACTICE             IV.4 Industries with natural radioactivity (NORM) (workers, public)

                      IV.5 Protection from radon gas (workplaces, housing)

                      IV.6 Other radiation practices (workers, public, environment)

 V. INTERACTION       V.1 Social participación in RP: tools and procedures
 WITH SOCIETY         V.2 Communication and perception of radiological risk

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IRPA 17th INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS - "Ensuring Radiation Protection for the future"
About the Spanish                                                                     SEPR experience in                          Societé Française
                                                                                                                                                          de Radioprotection
                                                                                                                                                                               Associazione Italiana
                                                                                                                                                                                di Radioprotezione
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Fachverband für
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Strahlenschutz e.V
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Sociedade Portuguesa de
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Proteção contra Radiações

                 Society for Radiological Protection                                                          Organizing Congresses
                                 The Spanish Society for Radiological Protection                              ➢ 16 Biennial national congresses, starting in 1985.
                                 (SEPR) is a non-profit scientific and technical profes-                      ➢ Several topical meetings per year
                                 sional association, founded in 1980, with more than
                                                                                                              ➢ International congresses.
                                 650 members.
                                                                                                                  1998, Barcelona: IV Western European Regional Congress.
                                 It is characterized by a high degree of multidiscipli-
                                                                                                                  2001, Málaga: IAEA International Conference on the Radiological
                                 narity, including branches of knowledge such as ba-
                                                                                                                  Protection of Patients.
                                 sic sciences, medicine, engineering, technology and
                                 legislation, which ensures its neutrality and independ-                          2004, Madrid: IRPA 11th International Congress.
                                 ence.                                                                            2016, Madrid: CIPRaM. Ibero-American Conference on Radiological
                                                                                                                  Protection in Medicine.

               activities                                          >65 years
                                     Public Health
IRPA 17th INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS - "Ensuring Radiation Protection for the future"
National support                                                                            Societé Française
                                                                                                                    de Radioprotection
                                                                                                                                         Associazione Italiana
                                                                                                                                          di Radioprotezione
                                                                                                                                                                  Fachverband für
                                                                                                                                                                 Strahlenschutz e.V
                                                                                                                                                                                       Sociedade Portuguesa de
                                                                                                                                                                                      Proteção contra Radiações

For the organization of this Congress, the Spanish Society for Radiological
protection has the support of the main Spanish entities related with the Radiation
Protection field, as well as of the local, regional and national authorities.

  National, Regional and Local Authorities

  • Spanish Nuclear Safety Council (CSN)

  • Spanish Ministry of Health

  • Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation

  • Spanish Ministry for Ecological Transition

  • Valencian Government (GV)

  • Valencia City Council

  • Valencian Department of Universal and Public Health

  • Valencian Security and Emergency Agency (SEM)

  National public organizations

  • National Radioactive Waste Company (ENRESA)

  • Energy, Environmental and Technological

    Research Center (CIEMAT)

  • National Dosimetry Center (CND)

  • Nuclear Fuel Supplier (ENUSA)

  Industrial partners

  • Spanish Nuclear Industry Forum

  • Cofrentes Nuclear Power Plant

  • GD Energy Services (GDES)

  Professional associations

  • Spanish Society of Medical Physics (SEFM)

  • Spanish Society of Medical Radiology (SERAM)

  • Spanish Nuclear Society (SNE)

  • Official College of Physicians (COFIS)

  • Royal Spanish Society of Physics (RSEF)

  • Valencian Society of RP and Medical Physics (SVPRF)


  • Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV)

  • University of Valencia (UV)

  • University of Valencia – Faculty of Physics

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IRPA 17th INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS - "Ensuring Radiation Protection for the future"
In summary:
✓   Stronger cooperation between IRPA societies.
✓   Experience in organizing large scientific congresses.
✓   Support to and integration of the Young Generation.
✓   Affordable budget, with differentiated fees structure.
    Venue with full capacity and ideal facilities.
✓   Wonderful city and region.                                                         2028

                                    In cooperation with

       Societé Française   Associazione Italiana    Fachverband für      Sociedade Portuguesa de
      de Radioprotection    di Radioprotezione     Strahlenschutz e.V   Proteção contra Radiações

IRPA 17th INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS - "Ensuring Radiation Protection for the future" IRPA 17th INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS - "Ensuring Radiation Protection for the future"
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