Ireland Hosted by Father John Gatzak - THE OFFICE OF RADIO & TELEVISION - FJ Tours, LLC

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Ireland Hosted by Father John Gatzak - THE OFFICE OF RADIO & TELEVISION - FJ Tours, LLC

   Hosted by Father John Gatzak
            September 15-28, 2019
                                                Book By
                                               & Save $200
                                               Per Person!

For more information contact Scott or Lauren
 (203) 758-7367 or 
Ireland Hosted by Father John Gatzak - THE OFFICE OF RADIO & TELEVISION - FJ Tours, LLC
                                 September 15-28, 2019
                            14 Days/12 Nights
Book Now Rates (until April 15, 2019):
 Double $3,796* (That’s just $271 per person, per day.); Single $4,356**
Regular Rates (after April 15, 2019):
    Double $3,996* Single $4,556**
                   Reservation and Full Payment Deadline: June 15, 2019
*All rates are per person, double occupancy and based on a minimum of 25 passengers traveling in your
group. Price includes all estimated government-imposed taxes and fees and airline fuel surcharges and
fees of $118.40 as of 12/14/2018 (taxes and fees are subject to change until ticketed). Important
Conditions: Your price is subject to increase prior to the time you make full payment. Your price is not
subject to increase after you make full payment, except for charges resulting from increases in government-
imposed taxes and fees or airline fuel surcharges and fees. **The number of Single rooms available is
Please be advised that there is extensive slow paced walking every day of
this tour over uneven surfaces and cobblestone streets and walkways.

              FEATURES                   medieval lighthouse                     English speaking local guides.
   Dublin - Ireland’s “Fair City”      The Jameson Distillery...               All sightseeing, excursions and
   St. Patrick’s Cathedral              traditional Irish Whisky                 entrance fees as per itinerary,
   Trinity College, Book of Kells             PRICE INCLUDES                     subject to change.
    and the Long Room                   Round trip, economy class air           Modern, private air-conditioned
   The Guinness Brewery and             transportation from Bradley              motor coach.
    Storehouse                           International Airport, Hartford,        Porterage of one (1) bag per
   County Wicklow... the                CT                                       person at all hotels in Ireland.
    “Garden of Ireland” and the         All government-imposed taxes            All gratuities for tour director,
    Wicklow Mountains                    and fees and airline fuel                drivers, local guides, and hotel
   The Glendalough Monastic             surcharges/fees as of                    and restaurant personnel.
    Site and Visitor’s Center            12/14/2018. If at ticketing              PRICE DOES NOT INCLUDE
   Knock Shrine                         these are greater than                  Optional travel protection. See
   The Connemara Peninsula              estimated, the additional                enclosed Group Travel
   Kylemore Abbey                       amount will increase your price.         Protection Plan flyer/application
   Doolin Music House and a            Airport/hotel transfers on arrival       for details and costs. Premium
    Cliffs of Moher cruise               and departure in Ireland.                is nonrefundable.
   County Kerry, Kenmare               12 Nights accommodations at             Optional sightseeing or
    Smokehouse and a Kenmare             tourist class hotels or better,          extensions.
    Bay cruise                           double occupancy (twin beds)            Air travel deviations.
   Blarney Castle and its famous        with private bath or shower.            Passport or Visa fees.
    stone                               All hotel taxes and service             Items of a personal nature
   Kinsale, the gastronomic             charges.                                 (e.g., laundry, telephone, extra
    center of Ireland                   20 Meals: 12 Breakfasts; 1               or non-included beverages/
   St. Declan’s Well                    Lunch and 7 Dinners, with                meals, etc.).
   The Waterford Crystal                coffee or tea and beer or wine          Items not specified in tour
    Visitor’s Center                     included.                                brochure and itinerary.
   The JFK Homestead                   Fully escorted by professional          Meals not listed in tour
   Tintern Abbey... a Cistercian        English speaking Tour Director           brochure and itinerary (most
    abbey, founded in c. 1200            or Driver/Guide from arrival to          lunches and 5 dinners).
   Hook Head Lighthouse... a            departure.                              Mass offerings.
DAY 1: SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 15 -                  Bar where you’ll enjoy a pint of Guinness.
DEPART USA                                     Enjoy the balance of your day at leisure.
  Depart from Bradley International Airport,   Dinner is on your own this evening.
Hartford, CT on your overnight, non-stop       Overnight at the Mespil Hotel, Dublin. (B)
flight to Dublin, Ireland. (meals in flight)   DAY 4: WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER
WELCOME TO IRELAND/DUBLIN                        This morning travel south of Dublin to
  On arrival at Dublin Airport you’ll meet     County Wicklow and the Wicklow
your driver and guide before boarding your     Mountains. Wicklow, known as “the
motor coach and transferring to Dublin City    Garden of Ireland”, is an excellent escape
Center. On the way, you will enjoy a           for those wishing to visit the Irish
panoramic city tour of this “Fair City”, as    Countryside. You’ll visit Glendalough
you discover both the north side of the        Monastic Site and Visitor Centre. After
River Liffey, an ar ea offer ing gr eat        your visit, Father John will celebrate Mass
striking monuments, as well as Phoenix         in a local Glendalough church. Late
Park, the largest public park in Europe; and   afternoon return to your hotel and then this
then the more sophisticated south side, with   evening enjoy dinner and an evening of
its vast Georgian squares, along with          entertainment at Merry Ploughboys Pub or
Grafton Street and its quality shops. This     similar featuring a lively show of
part of the city is also dominated by the      contemporary Irish dancing. Overnight at
students of Trinity College. Next you’ll       the Mespil Hotel, Dublin. (B)(D)
visit the Gothic St. Patrick’s Cathedral,      DAY 5: THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19 -
built in honor of Ireland’s patron saint,      DUBLIN/KNOCK/GALWAY
today it is the National Cathedral of the        Today you will depart Dublin and head for
Church of Ireland (Anglican). After your       the west coast of Ireland and County Mayo
visit, Father John will celebrate a welcome    where you will visit Knock Shrine. The
Mass at a local Dublin church. Following       story of Knock began on August 21, 1879
Mass, continue to the Mespil Hotel             when Our Lady, St. Joseph and St. John the
( and check-in. The        Evangelist appeared to 15 people, young
remainder of your day will be at leisure to    and old, at the south gable of Knock Parish
rest or explore Dublin on your own. This       Church, and from this miraculous
evening enjoy a welcome cocktail followed      occurrence Knock has grown to the status
by dinner at your hotel. Overnight at          of an internationally recognized Marian
Mespil Hotel, Dublin. (D)                      Shrine. Father John will celebrate Mass at
DAY 3: TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17 -                 the Knock Shrine. After Mass, you’ll
DUBLIN                                         continue to the Clybaun Hotel
  Your day starts with a visit to Trinity      ( and check-in.
College. Her e you’ll see one of Ir eland’s    Dinner is at your hotel this evening.
most illustrious books… the 9th century        Overnight at the Clybaun Hotel, Galway.
Book of Kells, an illustr ated manuscr ipt     (B)(D)
of the four New Testament Gospels, and the     DAY 6: FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 20 -
Long Room. Then you’ll visit the Guinness      GALWAY/CONNEMARA
Brewery, for a tour ending at the Gr avity       This morning visit the Connemara region,
a land of lakes and rivers, bogs and           check-in. Dinner is at your hotel this
mountains, and small villages where Gaelic     evening. Overnight at the Castlerosse
is still the spoken language and little has    Hotel, Killarney. (B/D)
changed since the beginning of time. Then      DAY 8: SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 22 -
visit Kylemore Abbey, located in the           COUNTY KERRY
Kylemore Pass in Connemara. One of               This morning, Father John will
Kylemore Abbey’s most famous features is       concelebrate Mass at a local parish. After
its miniature cathedral, built in 1870 and     Mass, you will depart for the scenic town of
known locally as the Gothic church. Late       Kenmare nestled between the high
afternoon return to your hotel. Dinner is on   mountains and the sea which explains its
your own this evening. Overnight at the        name in Irish, Neidin meaning ‘little nest’.
Clybaun Hotel, Galway. (B)                     A Heritage Town, Kenmare retains its links
DAY 7: SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 21 -                to an ancient past, with its Bronze Age
GALWAY/COUNTY KERRY                            Druid’s Circle, consisting of 15 standing
  This morning you will depart for County      stones—once a burial place and a site used
Kerry passing thr ough County Clare.           for worshipping the Sun god. Here you will
First stop is a visit to Doolin Music House.   visit a smoked salmon factory for a tour and
Christy Barry and his partner Sheila have      tasting followed by a buffet lunch at Con’s
entertained friends and musicians at their     Bar & Restaurant or similar . After
home for many years, sitting around the fire   lunch, enjoy a cruise on Kenmare Bay
playing music and telling stories. You will    (approximately 45 minutes) where you’ll
enjoy the experience of visiting a local       see seals, castles and learn about the history
home, enjoying local company and listening     of salmon in the area. After the cruise
to a good traditional music session around     you’ll return to Killarney stopping to take
the fire. Christy talks and discusses the      photos at some of the highlights along the
history of traditional Irish music and plays   Ring of Kerry, such as Molls Gap and
great tunes together with his friend James     Ladies View, on the way back to your hotel.
Devitt. Sheila is an artist and her works      Dinner is on your own this evening.
surround the rooms in the house creating a     Overnight at the Castlerosse Hotel,
truly art home atmosphere. This afternoon      Killarney. (B/L)
enjoy a Cliffs of Moher Cruise. Situated on    DAY 9: MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 23 -
the Atlantic Ocean and bordering the           COUNTY KERRY/COUNTY CORK
Burren Area, the Cliffs are one of Ireland's     Today you depart Kerry and head for
most spectacular sights. Standing 230          County Cork. Along the way, enjoy a
meters (755 feet) at their highest point and   brief drive through Gougane Barra Forest
8 km (5 miles) long, the Cliffs boast one of   Park. The name Guágan Bar r a der ives
the most amazing views in Ireland. This        from St. Finbar, who according to tradition
spectacular cruise is a real treat for the     built his monastery on the island here in the
senses as you experience the Cliffs viewed     6th century. You’ll continue on to Blarney
from the sea and hear and see the thousands    and visit Blarney Castle, built in 1446, and
of seabirds in their natural environment,      the famous Blarney Stone. “The Stone of
including Ireland's largest Puffin colony.     Eloquence” is traditionally believed to have
(Please note that if the group is large, you   the power to bestow the gift of eloquence
will split into two groups and while one       on all those who kiss it. After your visit,
visits Doolin Music House, the other will      you’ll have free time for shopping at the
experience the Cliffs of Moher cruise, then    Blarney Woolen Mills (highly
you’ll swap in the afternoon.) Later your      recommended). Then continue to the
motor coach will take the Shannon Car          MacDonald Kinsale Hotel
Ferry acr oss the Shannon Estuar y             ( and check-in.
continuing to the Castlerosse Hotel and        Dinner is at your hotel this evening.
Leisure Centre ( and        Overnight at the MacDonald Kinsale Hotel,
Kinsale. (B)(D)                                                  Wales. This afternoon, visit a unique
DAY 10: TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24 -                                  example of an almost intact medieval
COUNTY CORK/KINSALE                                              lighthouse, Hook Head Lighthouse. It dates
  This morning enjoy a walking tour of                           from the early 13th century and was a major
Kinsale town with a local guide. Kinsale                         accomplishment at the time of its
is one of Ireland’s best known small towns                       construction. Except for a short closure
and is known as the gastronomic center of                        during the 17th century, it is thought to be
Ireland. Kinsale is a town of many small-                        one of the oldest operational lighthouses in
winding streets and beautiful strolls along                      the world. Late afternoon return to your
the coast and you have the afternoon at                          hotel. Dinner is on your own this evening.
leisure to explore them on your own.                             Overnight at the Talbot Hotel, Wexford.
Dinner is on your own this evening.                              (B)
Overnight at the MacDonald Kinsale Hotel,                        DAY 13: FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27 -
Kinsale. (B)                                                     COUNTY WEXFORD/DUBLIN
DAY 11: WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER                                       Today you will depart Wexford and return
25 - COUNTY CORK/COUNTY                                          to Dublin. On arrival, you’ll enjoy a visit
WEXFORD                                                          to the Jameson Distillery. The Jameson
  Today you will depart Cork and head for                        Distillery Bow Street in Smithfield village
County Wexford. First you’ll visit St.                           is located in the heart of Dublin city center.
Declan’s Well. St. Declan ar r ived in                           This old barley storehouse, once the center
Ireland before St. Patrick and is regarded as                    of distilling in Dublin, was renovated in
the first person to bring Christianity to                        1998 and converted into a museum where
Ireland. Then continue to Waterford and                          all the secrets of Irish whiskey's distillation
visit the Waterford Crystal Visitor Centre                       will be revealed. The visit culminates in
for a tour. Some free time in Waterford                          the Jameson Bar with an opportunity for all
before continuing to the Talbot Hotel                            to taste the signature Jameson drink. Then
Wexford ( and check-                          continue to the Ashling Hotel Dublin
in. Dinner is at your hotel this evening.                        ( and check-in. This
Overnight at the Talbot Hotel, Wexford.                          evening, Father John celebrates a farewell
(B/D)                                                            Mass at a local Dublin church followed by
                                                                 the group’s farewell dinner at a local
                                                                 Dublin restaurant. Following dinner, return
                                                                 to and overnight at the Ashling Hotel,
  This morning you’ll visit the JFK
                                                                 Dublin. (B)(D)
Homestead, bir thplace of Pr esident J ohn
F. Kennedy’s great-grandfather Patrick                           DAY 14: SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28
Kennedy. The homestead celebrates the                            - DEPARTURE TO USA
story of five generations of the Kennedy                           After a final breakfast at your hotel, check
dynasty and is still farmed today by JFK’s                       out and transfer to Dublin Airport for your
descendants. Then continue to Tintern                            return non-stop flight home to Bradley
Abbey, a Cister cian abbey, founded in                           International Airport, Har tfor d, CT.
c. 1200 by William Marshall, Earl of                             (B and meals in flight)
Pembroke, and named after Tintern in

Note: Itinerary, optional sightseeing tours and sequence of same, Mass frequency/locations, and meal locations are
subject to change, and are conducted weather and time permitting. In the rare case where alternate hotel
accommodations might be necessary, a similarly classed hotel will be substituted. Please be advised that hotel check-in
may not be possible until after 3 p.m. Please note that the tour host may change due to reasons beyond the tour
operator’s control. In addition, the tour host may not and representatives of the tour sponsor and tour operator do not
accompany passengers on included air and ground transportation.
All Information printed in this tour brochure is as of February 15, 2019 and is subject to change.
         (B) = Breakfast • (L) = Lunch with Beer or Wine • (D) = Dinner with Beer or Wine
TOUR PRICES: The tour price includes round-trip               to airline change fees, and may require airline
airfare from Bradley International Airport, Hartford, CT      reservations to be cancelled and rebooked. Airline
and land services in Ireland as outlined in the tour          reservations are subject to availability at the time of
brochure and itinerary. All prices stated herein are          rebooking and may result in an increased airfare. Any
quoted in U.S. dollars (unless otherwise stated) and are      airline change fees or increased airfare are the
based on tariffs, taxes and currency exchange rates in        passenger’s responsibility. Airline tickets once issued
effect at the time of publication. Your price is subject to   are nonrefundable. The Tour Operator assumes no
increase prior to the time you make full payment. Your        liability or responsibility for denial of services by any
price is not subject to increase after you make full          carrier due to any name discrepancy.
payment, except for charges resulting from increases in       HOTEL ACCOMMODATIONS: Double occupancy,
government-imposed taxes and fees or airline fuel             standard twin bedded rooms with private bath
surcharges and fees. Tour documents and airline               throughout. Single rooms are available at an additional
tickets will be issued after final payment has been           cost as stated in the tour brochure. Single rooms,
received and processed, normally during a pre-                although assuring privacy, may be small in size and
departure group meeting held 1-3 weeks prior to               may be located in remote parts of the hotel away from
departure.                                                    the rest of the group. A limited number of single rooms
  A deposit of $350 is required to secure a reservation.      are available. Special requests such as bed types,
Late reservations (within 60 days of departure)               smoking preferences, and connecting rooms are
accepted, if space is available, with full payment due        subject to availability. On those rare occasions when
immediately by bank check or money order, and may             we are not able to find a roommate for you, you will be
be subject to a $100 late reservation fee plus any            required to pay the single supplement. Every effort will
increase in quoted airfare.                                   be made to give you sufficient prior notice if we cannot
  Payment by cash, check or money order made                  find you a roommate. Triple rooms may not be
payable to FJ Tours, LLC or credit card. Returned             available in all countries and usually have limited
checks are subject to a $25 fee.                              availability.
GROUP SIZE: All tour prices herein are per person             PASSPORTS AND VISAS: Passports are required of
and based on a minimum of 25 passengers, except for           all passengers. A valid U.S. passport that does not
optional tours which require a minimum of 10                  expire for at least six months after your scheduled
passengers.                                                   return date (March 28, 2020) is required for all U.S.
AIR TRANSPORTATION:                  Regularly scheduled      citizens. U.S. citizens do not need a visa to enter the
economy class service on any International Air                European Union of which Ireland is a member. Non-
Transportation Association (IATA) or Airlines Reporting       U.S. citizens must check entry requirements with their
Corporation (ARC) (i.e., commercial) carrier.                 respective Embassy or Consulate, and are responsible
Transatlantic air transportation is based on special,         for obtaining their own visas and any other required
nonrefundable economy class contracted fares for this         travel documents at their own expense. The Tour
group. The air taxes (domestic and foreign government         Operator assumes no liability or responsibility for
taxes, which include security fees (including the             passport or visa procurement, or denial of services by
September 11th security fee), airport facility charges,       any carrier due to lack of proper travel documentation.
customs, immigration and inspection fees, etc.) and           LUGGAGE: Each passenger is limited to ONE (1)
airline fuel surcharges and fees, as of 12/14/2018, are       checked bag, that may have a maximum weight of 50
included in the tour cost, and are subject to change          pounds and not exceed 62 linear inches (L+W+D),
until tickets are issued. If final government-imposed air     plus one (1) carry-on. Any bag exceeding these rules
taxes and fees or airline fuel surcharges and fees are        is subject to the airline’s excess baggage fees and are
greater than estimated, the additional amount will be         the passenger’s responsibility. Please visit the airline’s
billed on a final tour invoice. There is no advance seat      web site for complete baggage rules and restrictions.
selection for group departures. Early check-in is             Hotel porterage services of one (1) bag per person are
required to secure seats with a travel companion.             offered with this tour throughout Ireland. The Tour
International flights require arriving at the departure       Operator accepts no liability or responsibility for loss or
airport at least three (3) hours prior to departure. The      damage of luggage, although maximum care will be
passenger is solely responsible for getting to departure      taken to ensure safe handling of your luggage.
airports, check-in and boarding for all flights within the
airlines published times. The Tour Operator assumes           CANCELLATION POLICY & PENALTIES:                        All
no liability or responsibility for missed flights or          cancellations must be received in writing and signed by
connections. Land Only packages do not include                the person who made the original reservation.
airport-hotel transfers in destination countries.             Cancellations are only effective from the day they are
                                                              actually received, either by fax, email or U.S. Mail, by
PASSENGER NAME: Passenger is responsible for                  FJ Tours, LLC. No refunds are issued for cancellations
ensuring that the passenger name printed on the tour          received after the tour departure date. If you cancel
invoice matches EXACTLY the name as it appears on             your tour, cancellation penalties will apply and will be
their passport. Due to security requirements, any name        deducted from any refund. Cancellation penalties apply
change including minor spelling corrections are subject       to each passenger and the amount of the penalties
assessed is based on the date the cancellation is           act, omission or event during the time you are not
effective, as follows. On or before 06/15/2019 - $50        aboard their aircraft. The passenger contract in use by
administration fee; on or before 07/15/2019 - $350.00;      the airline, when issued, constitutes the sole contract
on or before 07/31/2019 - 50% of total tour cost; on or     between the passenger and airline.
before 08/15/2019 - 75% of total tour cost; on or after     The passenger is solely responsible for getting to
08/16/2019 - 100% of total tour cost, No Refund.            departure airports, check-in and boarding for all flights
Airline tickets once issued are nonrefundable. Any          within the airlines published times. The Tour Operator
unused tour portions are nonrefundable. A travel            assumes no liability or responsibility for missed flights
protection plan with trip cancellation coverage is highly   or connections.
suggested.                                                    Anyone not utilizing the included transportation (i.e.,
TRAVEL PROTECTION: The Tour Operator offers an              Land Only package) is responsible for all subsequent
OPTIONAL travel protection plan for this tour. Please       transportation.
see the enclosed Group Travel Protection Plan flyer/          No changes in the itinerary are expected but we
application for complete details and costs. Both the        reserve the right to make them if necessary. Because
Tour Operator and Tour Sponsor strongly encourage all       of unforeseen changes in transportation schedules, the
passengers to protect their travel investment with a        land portion of your tour may be occasionally extended
travel protection plan.                                     or curtailed. The Tour Operator cannot be responsible
                                                            for changes of itinerary. The number of days indicated
MEDICAL CONDITION: The Tour Operator makes                  for each itinerary begin with the scheduled day of
every effort to provide a high level of service to all      departure and end with the scheduled return arrival
passengers.         Passengers who require special          day, irrespective of the hour of departure or return, and
assistance must be accompanied by a qualified helper        may vary due to transportation schedule changes.
who assumes total responsibility for the disabled             The Tour Operator reserves the right to accept or
passenger’s well being. The Tour Operator is not            decline any person as a member the tour, or to require
responsible for any medical condition that occurs prior     any passenger to withdraw from the tour at any time
to, during or after the tour.                               who presents a significant risk to the health or safety of
RESPONSIBILITY: The responsibility of FJ Tours,             him/herself or of others which can not be eliminated or
LLC, 15 Peach Orchard Road, PO Box 7177, Prospect,          reduced to an acceptable level by the Tour Operator’s
CT 06712-0177, Tel.: 203.805.5035,                          reasonable accommodation.
Fax: 203.916.5800, e-mail:,                 The Tour Operator reserves the right to cancel a tour, herein called the “Tour Operator”,        in the event that the minimum number of passengers is
and/or their agent (agents) is (are) limited. We (they)     not secured, and after refunding all partial and full
act only as agent for the passenger in regard to all        payments, the Tour Operator has no further obligation
matters connected with the making and securing of           to passengers on a cancelled tour. Unused portions of
reservations with transportation carriers and other         the tour itinerary are not refundable. Any deposit,
suppliers of services (“suppliers”), all of which are       partial or full payment for a tour reservation constitutes
independent contractors, for accommodations, tours          agreement and acceptance by the passenger to all the
and travel, whether by railroad, motor coach, private       provisions of the tour brochure, itinerary, and tour terms
car, boat, aircraft or any other conveyance; and            and conditions.
assume no liability or responsibility for any injury,       HOLD HARMLESS: ORTV, Inc., D/B/A the Office of
damage, loss, accident, delay or irregularity which may     Radio & Television and/or WJMJ Radio (the “Tour
be occasioned by either reason of defect, through the       Sponsor”), has selected FJ Tours, LLC to offer travel
acts or default of any company or supplier or person        arrangements for its “Ireland 2019 with Father John”
engaged in conveying the passenger or in carrying out       pilgrimage tour.        The tour passenger hereby
the arrangements of the tour, or as a direct or indirect    acknowledges and agrees that: (a) the Tour Sponsor is
result of acts of God, dangers incident to the sea, fire,   not in the business of providing travel services, and (b)
breakdown in machinery or equipment, acts of                the Tour Sponsor disclaims any liability or responsibility
governments or other authorities, de jure or de facto,      with respect to such travel services. Consequently, in
wars, whether declared or not, hostilities, civil           engaging FJ Tours, LLC for this tour, the tour
disturbance, strikes, riots, theft, pilferage, epidemics,   passenger expressly agrees to hold the Tour Sponsor
quarantines, medical or customs regulations, or from        harmless from and against any and all claims, losses,
any causes beyond the Tour Operator’s control, or from      damages, liabilities or judgments, at law or in equity,
any loss or damage resulting from improper passports,       related to, arising from, or in connection, with respect to
visas or other documents.                                   the travel, accommodation and tour services procured
  You are responsible for, and release the Tour             by the tour passenger. “Claims” include, without
Operator from: passport, visa, vaccination                  limitation: claims for personal injury, disability or death,
requirements, if applicable, and safety conditions in       directly or indirectly related to, arising from or in
tour destination countries.                                 connection with, any negligence or breach by FJ Tours,
  The airlines concerned are not responsible for any        LLC or by others.
                                  For more information visit
©2019 FJ Tours, LLC All rights reserved.                                                          Group #2019001026
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