IP FOOD BASE LEVEL CERTIFICATION - A quality assurance standard for food processing

Page created by Julio Becker
IP STANDARD | EDITION 2018:1 | VALID FROM 2018-01-01

             IP FOOD
       A quality assurance standard for food processing,
packing, storage, wholesale-trading companies and restaurants.

© Copyright of this product belongs to Sigill Kvalitetssystem AB, Stockholm, Sweden.
It is permitted to download this electronic file to make a copy and to print out the content for the purpose of preparing
for IP-certification only. You may not copy, “mirror” or reproduce the content of this product, or any part of it, for any
other purpose without prior written permission by Sigill Kvalitetssystem AB.

GRAPHIC DESIGN OCH PRODUCTION                                     CONTACT
Sigill Kvalitetssystem AB 2018
                                                                  Sigill Kvalitetssystem AB
                                                                  105 33 Stockholm
                                                                  Tel: +46 (0)8-787 5950


2    VULNERABILITY_______________________________________________ 7

3    KNOWLEDGE/COMPETENCE__________________________________ 8

4    HACCP-EXPERT ______________________________________________ 10

5    RISK ASSESSMENT________________________________________ 10


7    STAFF HYGIENE____________________________________________ 12

8    PREMISES AND EQUIPMENT_________________________________ 13

9    SAMPLING________________________________________________ 14

10   CLEANING_________________________________________________ 14

11   WASTE___________________________________________________ 15

12   VERMIN CONTROL____________________________________________ 16

13   WATER____________________________________________________ 17

14   STORAGE AND HANDLING OF FOOD STUFF_____________________ 17

15   ALLERGENES______________________________________________ 18


17   DELIVERY AND TRANSPORT ________________________________ 20

18   INFORMATION/LABELLING/PROBITY___________________________ 21

19   TRACEABILITY AND RECALL___________________________________ 23


		   GENERAL REGULATIONS ___________________________________ 27
IP FOOD		                                                                                              EDITION 2018:1 | VALID FROM 2018-01-01

IP FOOD                                                                EXTERNAL AUDIT OF THE COMPANY PRODUCTION
                                                                       During the first three years an external audit will be carried
                                                                       out on site, with advance notice given. Thereafter, audits will
IP IS A STANDARD FOR QUALITY ASSURANCE                                 be performed every other year. During the audit documenta-
THROUGH THIRD-PARTY CERTIFICATION                                      tion, written routines and instructions, certifications, journals
IP is a standard for quality assurance, through third-party cer-       etc. are checked, and an inspection takes place.
tification, in the production of food and ornamental plants th-        More information on the different types of audits can be found
roughout the entire food chain from primary production to the          at the back of this handbook and in IP General Regulations.
processing industry. IP is owned and managed by Sigill Kvali-
tetssystem AB (Sigill Quality Assurance Ltd).                          SELF-ASSESSMENT
                                                                       A self-assessment must be conducted every year. This invol-
More information can be found on www.sigill.se.                        ves going through the current handbook, and any non-comp-
                                                                       liances should be noted in an action plan. Non-compliances
There are three levels of production requirements for most
                                                                       must be addressed as soon as possible. A self-assessment
production types – Base level, Sigill level and Additional level.
                                                                       must be conducted even if there are no non-compliances.
Moreover, there are supplementary modules, able to supp-
                                                                       Those years when an audit is not conducted on site, the self-
lement the certification on some levels. The supplementary
                                                                       assessment is checked by the certification body, also called an
modules can also be used by companies without previous IP-
                                                                       administrative audit.
                                                                       SUPPORT MATERIAL
                                                                       To certain criteria, there is a reference to support material av-
• Includes requirements based on current legislation in Swe
                                                                       ailable on www.sigill.se. The use of this material is optional.
		den as well as food safety and animal protection industry
                                                                       APPROVED INSPECTION AND PENALTIES
• Raw material produced according to the requirements of
                                                                       To pass the audit it is required that any shortcomings are cor-
  the Base level are called ”Base level raw material/
                                                                       rected. If the audit is not approved within the time frame, the
                                                                       company is suspended from the certification system or, in
                                                                       worst case, excluded. More information on penalties and how
                                                                       they are handled, can be found at the end of this handbook and
• Contains all requirements included in the Base level plus
                                                                       within IP General Regulations.
  additional stricter requirements concerning food safety,
  animal welfare and environmental responsibility require-
                                                                       THE COMPANY OBLIGATIONS
                                                                       A company certified according to the IP-standard has the fol-
• Raw material produced according to the requirements of
                                                                       lowing obligations:
  the Sigill-level are called ”Sigill raw material/products”.
                                                                       • Current laws and regulations must be followed in the certi-
                                                                           fied business.
                                                                       • The production rules in place for the certified business, as
• Contains all requirements included in the Sigill- level and
                                                                           well as within IP General Regulations, must be followed.
  additional requirements within specific areas.
                                                                       • If the operation require permits or notifications, a copy of
• Raw material produced according to the production rules of
                                                                           these must be presented at the on-site audit.
  the Additional level are also called “Sigill raw material/
                                                                       • There is a duty to implement any changes in production
                                                                           rules or regulations stated in IP General Regulations,
                                                                          as announced by Sigill Kvalitetssystem AB.
                                                                       • Be responsible for that service providers receive informa-
Additional obligations within a certain area of legislation that
                                                                          tion about their obligations and ensure that regulations are
is relevant for the certified operation, but is not part of the core
sector within the standard.
                                                                       • Be responsible for that all land, buildings, machinery etc.
                                                                          used by the certified company meet the standards, even if
                                                                          they are owned by another company.
                                                                       • Participate in and facilitate company audits. This also app-
The Framework IP General Regulations describes for example
                                                                           lies to unannounced audits.
the requirements on the certification bodies, what qualifica-
                                                                       • There is a duty to notify the certification body of any plan
tions the auditors must possess, how an audit should be con-
                                                                          ned changes in production, which may be important for cer-
ducted and the general requirements for businesses to be cer-
                                                                          tification (e.g. change of ownership and business
tified. A summary of the IP General Regulations can be found at
the end of this handbook.
                                                                       • There is a duty to notify the certification body if the com
THE SCOPE OF THE HANDBOOK                                                  pany has been forced to withdraw a product.
Joining the Standard is voluntary. Generally, the regulations          • Allow the certification body to disclose any relevant infor
are applicable to all areas within the company associated with            mation about the company, that may affect certification and
the certified production.                                                 credibility of the IP-standard, to Sigill Kvalitetssystem AB.

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EDITION 2018:1 | VALID FROM 2018-01-01                                                                                                IP FOOD

OPENNESS                                                              CRITICAL RULES are marked with a red oval. These requirements
Information about certified companies, for instance name and          are considered particularly important for food safety, traceability
address, are published on Sigill Kvalitetssystem AB website,          and probity, and thereby the core values of IP standard.
                                                                      Not complying with these critical points is considered particularly
www.sigill.se, after the company has given its consent.               serious in terms of credibility and can lead to suspension or ex-
                                                               NEW!   NEW RULES and regulations that have changed significantly are
                                                                      marked with NEW! in the handbook.

                                                                                                                                       5 (30)
IP FOOD		                                                                                         EDITION 2018:1 | VALID FROM 2018-01-01

                            1 SELF-ASSESSMENT, DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT
                                                                                                               FULFILLED RULE?
                      CONTROL POINT                   DETAILED REQUIREMENTS AND VERIFICATION                   YES       NO      N/A
     1.1    The food company must be regis-         a) All premises, facilities or places where business
            tered or approved by a competent           is conducted must be clearly specified in the
            authority.                                 registration/approval.
                                                    b) Documentation proving registration or appro -
                                                       val must be present.

            Every year the company must              a) The self-assessment must at least include the con-
            perform a self-assessment*, or              trol points in IP Food.
            more often if significant changes are   b) Documentation showing when the self-assessment
            made.                                       took place, any findings and what changes have
                                                        been made, must be available.
                                                    c) Any discrepancies or shortcomings must be noted
            *A definition can be found on page
                                                        in an action plan.
            4 and 27 in this handbook or in IP
                                                    d) The self-assessment and action plan must be appro-
            General Regulations.
                                                        ved by the responsible person at the company.

     1.3    All documents, including the writ-      a) The documents must always be current for the
            ten procedures mentioned in this           business conducted.
    NEW!    standard, must be current, clearly      b) The documents must be dated with the day of the
            named and dated.                            last update of the document.
                                                    c) It must be clear what the document refers to.
                                                    d) Procedures and documentation must be reviewed
                                                       on a yearly basis and updated if needed. This could
                                                       be done in connection with the self-assessment.

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EDITION 2018:1 | VALID FROM 2018-01-01                                                                                    IP FOOD

                                                     2 VULNERABILITY

    The purpose is to reduce the risk of the company encountering sabotage, threats and food fraud.

                                                                                                              FULFILLED RULE?

                             CONTROL POINT              DETAILED REQUIREMENTS AND VERIFICATION                YES    NO    N/A
                 The company must establish a vul-    a) The vulnerability analysis must be in writing
     2.1         nerability analysis.                    and include every step of the process that is
                                                         within the company’s legal area of responsibili-
   NEW!                                                  ty. The vulnerability analysis must be relevant
                                                         to the business and adapted to its unique
                                                      b) In the vulnerability analysis, the following must
                                                         be specified:
                                                         - The likelihood of the company encountering
                                                           sabotage, threats (internal and external), food
                                                           fraud * as well as the consequences if this hap-
                                                         - the ability to detect sabotage, threats, chea-
                                                           ting and food fraud (for example through
                                                           acceptance checks and supplier evaluation) as
                                                           well as a description of how this will be app-
                                                           lied in the business
                                                         - immediate corrective measures to be taken if
                                                           the company encounters threats/sabotage
                                                           and/or food fraud.
                                                         - a description of how the company keeps itself
                                                           updated on vulnerability (for example through
                                                            information from authority and industry).

                                                         *Food fraud can be for example dilution, falsi-
                                                         fication, exchange of raw material or the pre-
                                                         sence of high risk foods
                                                         (i.e. food products that currently are at risk of

                                                         Support material can be found on www.sigill.

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