Investor Presentation - March 2019 - The Oneness Movement

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Investor Presentation - March 2019 - The Oneness Movement
Investor Presentation – March 2019
Investor Presentation - March 2019 - The Oneness Movement
Executive Summary

OUR MISSION             OUR AIM                                             WHAT WE ARE LOOKING FOR
Bring Oneness into      Be the leading platform connecting Conscious        £300,000 seed funding to help expand our
our everyday lives      Wellbeing Practitioners and their Clients           market, provide excellent customer
                        Lead the professionalisation of this industry and   experiences and increase platform functionality
                        be at the forefront of its exceptional growth       SEIS / EIS available (UK investors only)

         Meaning of Oneness - the fact or state of being unified or whole, though comprised of two or more parts
Investor Presentation - March 2019 - The Oneness Movement
         AT CAGR OF 17.65%

         Grand View Research Inc report published 2017
Investor Presentation - March 2019 - The Oneness Movement
The Conscious Wellbeing Market

Explore, Engage and Embrace Oneness

Conscious Wellbeing - Our desire to be connected, to be at One
                                                                                     The Conscious Wellbeing
with ourselves, each other and our universe, is a growing trend                       industry is expected to
not only in the UK, but globally.                                                      be worth £152 billion
                                                                                         globally by 2025
Daily, people are actively seeking solutions to address tension,
anxiety, health concerns and feelings of isolation through a range
of wellness disciplines – to create a stronger sense of wellbeing                                        40% of the global
and connection to oneself, one's environment and the universe.                                        population started using
                                                                                                        Conscious Wellbeing
Historically, this industry has been shrouded in mystery, making it                                  services in the last decade
                                                                                                         alone - this is over
difficult to navigate and to know who to trust. But its exceptional
                                                                                                          2.8 billion people
growth means this is an exciting opportunity to transform its
professionalism.        The Oneness Movement                                   Capital at risk   4
Investor Presentation - March 2019 - The Oneness Movement
Market Statistics: The Need for The Oneness Movement

 1 in 4 people                                  Over     50 MPs                                    3.71 million
 in the UK will experience                      in UK parliament have
 a mental health problem                        tried out weekly                                   people in the US
 each year                                      mindfulness sessions                               participate in Tai Chi

 £6.5 billion                                   92%                                                $707 billion
 is the cost of work related                    of the British population                          spent on wellness food
 stress to the UK economy                       want complementary                                 products globally in 2016
                                                therapies free on the NHS

 76 people                                      50%                                                36.7 million
 in the UK search for                           of people in the developed
                                                world use alternative wellness                     yoga practitioners globally, up
 mindfulness on average                         services for lifestyle-related                     from 20.4 million 5 years ago
 each week on Google                            diseases
                                                                                                                                Sources available on request               The Oneness Movement                                     Capital at risk      5
Investor Presentation - March 2019 - The Oneness Movement
The Problem - For Clients

Clients want to engage with conscious wellbeing, but find it difficult to navigate the limited
information available online and find practitioners, which can be frustrating and time-consuming.

           I know
                               I want to grow
        there’s more
                                                                    Difficult to navigate and know who to trust     Exciting opportunity
                                             Are they                                                                to be the industry
 Who can help?                              reputable?              Desire to work with professionals                 leader, providing
                                                                                                                       clients with the
                                                                    They need support with own wellness           information they need
    I’m time                                 I want to                                                             to select practitioners
      poor                                  understand                                                              and transformation
                                                                    They want to manage their journey online               resources
     I’ve got                               Why aren’t
    questions                              they online?           The Oneness Movement                             Capital at risk   6
Investor Presentation - March 2019 - The Oneness Movement
The Problem – For Practitioners

Practitioners, particularly the small players who make up the market majority, need support
with business professionalism in the fast-growing and highly fragmented market.

                                       Can clients
  How do I find                         find me?                Fast-Growth yet fragmented industry               Incredible
    clients?                                                                                                opportunity for The
                                                                                                            Oneness Movement
                                                                Struggle with business administration      to grow alongside the
    How to                                 Financial
   share my                              management?                                                       industry by providing
                                                                Want to expand their client base            real solutions to the
                                                                                                            current problems of
                                            Insight and         Desire to focus on serving their clients      its Practitioners.
  Business             Practitioners          growth?
management?         The Oneness Movement                             Capital at risk   7
Investor Presentation - March 2019 - The Oneness Movement
Our Solution for the Conscious Wellbeing Industry

A Conscious Wellbeing Marketplace and Community with tools for business management.

          Think of

    as the StyleSeat or
     Treatwell for the
   Conscious Wellbeing
         industry!   The Oneness Movement   Capital at risk   8
Investor Presentation - March 2019 - The Oneness Movement
Our Product - myTOM

myTOM has mobile and website access for Practitioners and Clients to connect.   The Oneness Movement   Capital at risk   9
Investor Presentation - March 2019 - The Oneness Movement
Revenue Generation

Multiple channels on and off the myTOM platform through which TOM can generate revenue

                                                                             Wellbeing Practitioner

                 ADVERTISING     COMMISSION                SUBSCRIPTION                                            STANDS / TALKS       GUIDANCE

 myTOM                                                                                                   TOM’s
 Platform                                                                                               Services
                   Advertising    Market Place      Community          Toolbox                                     WELLBEING EVENTS   Business Support

                                        PURCHASES        FREE ENGAGEMENT
                                                                                         Wellbeing User                TICKETS
                      Sponsors                  The Oneness Movement                                 Capital at risk    10
Revenue Generation

Our primary MVP revenue stream is the commission on purchases made through the platform

Purchase                       Typical Cost        TOM %             TOM Revenue                           Additional Revenue Streams
Classes                            £15              10%                  £1.50                  Examples
Appointments                      £100              10%                  £10                    TOM Hosted Wellbeing Events:
1 day events                      £300               8%                  £24                    ▪ Practitioner’s stand: £100 to £500
                                                                                                ▪ Tickets: £10 to £30
Multi-day workshops              £2000               3%                  £60
Retreats                         £5000               3%                  £150                   TOM Business Support:
                                                                                                ▪ TOM hosted webinars: £10 to £30
                                                                                                ▪ TOM hosted workshops: £100 to £500
Post MVP, we will introduce monthly Subscription fees for practitioners to                      ▪ TOM affiliate business referrals: 10%
access the Community and Toolbox
                                                                                                TOM Advertising:
          Standard                   Premium                         Platinum                   ▪ Packages for myTOM Practitioners: £100 to £500
                                                                                                ▪ Sponsors advertising through myTOM
            £20                          £50                           £70               The Oneness Movement                                  Capital at risk   11
Our Competition

Uniquely positioned to meet the market demands of this fast growing industry

Unlike our competition, we offer all 3 services of Marketplace, Community and a business management Toolbox to the industry on
the verge of massive growth, and we are priced for the budget of the majority of the market – practitioners and small businesses.

Companies                     Community                                  Marketplace                                      Toolbox                                          Industry                                      Business Types

                          Content    Community                                                                     Marketing   Financial                                                           Holistic    Individual     Small      Large
  Companies                                      Appointments   Events      Classes    Retreats   Products   CRM                          Analytics   Beauty   Fitness   Wellbeing Consciousness
                          Provider   Interaction                                                                   Campaigns Transactions                                                          Health     Practitioners businesses businesses

The Oneness Movement
Mind Valley
Wellness Living
Mayo Clinic
Conscious Living Events
Natural Success                                                      The Oneness Movement                                                                Capital at risk        12
Marketing Strategy

Starting with the London market to test the model and effectively utilise marketing spend, before
moving to the national market, region by region.

    Digital Marketing                         Referrals                       Social Media                      Partnerships
    Drive brand awareness,           Incentives to inspire friends,        Encourage and drive             Build specialist network to
   registration, re-targeting            family, colleagues to            Oneness narrative and             support business growth
           campaigns                    participate and share              influencer marketing            with reciprocal agreements

                                                                           Platform Users    2019   2020     2021     2022          2023

           Events                             Content                      Clients           1466   7650    13259     20025        28549
 Leverage industry events to           Create active, engaged,
engage practitioners and host         collaborative community,             Practitioners     679    3344     6270     9476         12983
   our own TOM events to                  via blogs and vlogs
     engage their Clients        The Oneness Movement                              Capital at risk   13
Timeline and Achievements

Product, community, marketing and business model established and ready for significant scaling

Traction to date – 15 March 2019                                  2019 Plan
✓ £70k of £300 raised with 3 Angel Investors                      • Champion the Conscious Wellbeing industry
✓ myTOM marketplace live                                          • Expand our engaged community
✓ myTOM enhancements from User and Practitioner feedback          • Exceed myTOM sign up targets in London
✓ Social channels live with over 6000 followers                   • Expand myTOM Marketplace functionality
✓ Over 100 Practitioners pre-registered for the Platform          • Launch myTOM Community and Toolbox features
✓ Over 100 Clients pre-registered for the Platform                • Deliver on aggressive marketing strategy
✓ 9000+ UK Practitioner database ready for targeted marketing     • Meet revenue and cost targets
✓ Marketing campaigns and incentives underway                     • Build stable business operations
✓ Business strategy defined
✓ Legal and risk assessment completed
✓ C-Level Team in place   The Oneness Movement                   Capital at risk   14
Financial Plan

TOM has exceptional growth potential with our conscious wellbeing marketplace, myTOM

Net Profit                                                                       Financial Plan
                                                                                 The Oneness Movement can deliver a profitable business
                 2019           2020        2021        2022            2023
                                                                                 with funding of £300k (£70k raised to date)
Revenue          £56,359    £325,458       £937,137 £1,494,760 £2,141,753

Direct Costs      -£4,001   -£31,912       -£67,917 -£106,018 -£153,414          Investor Benefit
                                                                                 •   Our ambition is to offer a share-buy back opportunity after
Gross Profit     £52,358    £293,546       £869,220 £1,388,742 £1,988,339            year four, depending on company performance at the time
                                                                                 •   We will also offer dividend returns once we achieve ongoing
Overheads      -£345,991 -£410,480 -£515,800 -£612,600 -£624,600
Net Profit     -£293,850 -£116,934         £353,420    £776,142 £1,363,739
                                                                                 Funding will be used to:
                                                                                 •   Develop myTOM platform beyond the MVP functionality
For comparisons with beauty-based Marketplaces:                                  •   Deliver on an aggressive marketing strategy
                                                                                 •   Expand our team with Client Success and Marketing resources          The Oneness Movement                                  Capital at risk   15
Management Team

Diverse and creative specialists with a passion for their delivery and their own journey

 Joanna Harris                                      Chris Honore                                       Lucy Nolan                                           Stuart Kerslake
 Founder and Chief Executive Officer                Chief Information and Technology Officer           Chief Product and Marketing Officer                  Chief Financial Officer

 Joanna is the driving strategic and creative       Chris has a deep passion for creating beautiful    Lucy is a digital technology expert with over 12     Stuart possesses a rare mix of strategic thinking
 force behind The Oneness Movement.                 and functional products. He has been involved in   years experience in web development, digital         and attention to detail to truly get behind the
                                                    implementing technical solutions for companies     marketing, and building and monetising               numbers. He brings a combination of strategic
 Through her own transformation journey,            like DeliveryHero, IBM and SimbaSleep.             communities.                                         input, and stewardship & financial control to
 Joanna discovered her true purpose which           Chris has served as CPO for start-ups in London    She creates P2P technology solutions, and            TOM.
 led to imagineering the concept behind TOM.        and Berlin and is a member the StartupHealth       devises user-focused digital products that enable    He has spent his career helping start-ups and
 A change specialist in financial services with     (NYC) incubator where he helped bring digital      clients to hit record online profits, grow revenue   smaller businesses grow, often combining
 vast experience in large-scale change,             products to market.                                and market share.                                    business coaching or mentoring with financial
 strategy, and process and organisation re-                                                                                                                 control.
                                                    Chris spends his spare time teaching coding and    Lucy loves using digital technology to educate
 design, Joanna applies her business skills
                                                    product design through creative workshops          and connect people and brings her passion for        Stuart is passionate about helping TOM grow, so
 creatively to bring The Oneness Movement
                                                    aligned to Conscious principles.                   this to TOM.                                         that TOM can help many small businesses to
 to life.
                                                                                                                                                            grow.                                        The Oneness Movement                                                       Capital at risk    16
Let’s talk!

Please contact me to discuss investment opportunities

Our promise at The Oneness Movement is to connect people who seek a conscious wellbeing
lifestyle, encourage playful inquisitiveness on your journey to Oneness, empower people to live
their true nature and purpose, and inspire connection with our self, our world, and our universe.

I would welcome the opportunity to meet with you, to talk with you about our business
potential and what’s possible with your investment and energy.

                   Joanna Harris
                   Founder and CEO
                   The Oneness Movement
                   07432 630 248                       The Oneness Movement
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