Investor Presentation - August 2021 EUROMONEY World's Best Bank in the Emerging Markets - AKBANK | INVESTOR RELATIONS

Page created by Dave Wheeler
Investor Presentation - August 2021 EUROMONEY World's Best Bank in the Emerging Markets - AKBANK | INVESTOR RELATIONS
Investor           World’s Best Bank

Presentation   in the Emerging Markets
August 2021
Investor Presentation - August 2021 EUROMONEY World's Best Bank in the Emerging Markets - AKBANK | INVESTOR RELATIONS

              01   Operating Environment
              02   Akbank Overview
              03   How Akbank is building its future
              04   Financials
              05   Looking Forward
              06   Sustainability Approach
              07   Annex

Investor Presentation - August 2021 EUROMONEY World's Best Bank in the Emerging Markets - AKBANK | INVESTOR RELATIONS
Turkey’s Growth Story
                 Preparing for a post-Covid economic                                    Long-term Growth
                             environment                                             Potential Remains Intact

                 Strong trend in economic activity supported by     Outstanding           $729 Bn     83.6mn
                 production and more resilient trend in services                                      population
                                                                   demographics            GDP (1)

                Decisive and tight monetary policy to combat
                inflation                                                Young            46%         15%
                                                                                          Under the   Btw age of
                                                                     population           age 29      15-24

                Lower need for fiscal support with budget
                deficit/GDP targeted at 3.5% in 2021
                                                                                          73%         68%           16%
                                                                                          Loan/GDP    Deposit/GDP   Household
                Credit activity to be more balanced                                                                 debt/GDP
                                                                     potential (2)        5%          3%
                                                                                          Mortgage    Pension
                                                                                          debt/GDP    funds/GDP

    (1) GDP data as of 1Q21
    (2) As of March 2021
Investor Presentation - August 2021 EUROMONEY World's Best Bank in the Emerging Markets - AKBANK | INVESTOR RELATIONS
Turkish Economy: 2021 Outlook
                                          GDP Growth                                                                               Current Account Balance
                                               (YoY, %)                                                                                      (USD, bn)
                                                              7.0                       > 7.0
                                        6.3         5.9

                                                                                                                                                         -37.3             -36.3
             1Q20       2Q20           3Q20      4Q20       1Q21        2020           2021F                1Q20(1)       2Q20(1)       3Q20(1)          2020             1Q21(1)    2021F

                                              Inflation                                                                                   Policy Rate
                                               (YoY, %)                                                                                 (1 Week Repo Rate)

    20%                                                                                              20%

     16%                                                                                             16%

     12%                                                                                             13%

     9%                                                                                              9%

     5%                                                                                              5%
           Jan’20   Apr’20    Jul’20    Oct’20    Jan’21   Apr’21   Jul’21         Oct’21   Dec’21         Jan’20     Apr’20   Jul’20   Oct’20    Jan’21         Apr’21     Jul’21   Oct’21   Dec’21

4   (1) 12-month cumulative
Investor Presentation - August 2021 EUROMONEY World's Best Bank in the Emerging Markets - AKBANK | INVESTOR RELATIONS
Economic activity heat map
                                                          Q1'20   Q2'20   Q3'20        Q4'20   Q1’21   Apr’21     May’21   Jun’21
                       Growth (yoy, %)                     4.5    -10.3    6.3          5.9     7.0
     Industrial Production (yoy, %)                        5.7    -16.6    8.5          10.2    11.2    66.3       40.7
     Manufacturing PMI                                    50.6     42.7    54.7         52.0    52.9    50.4       49.3     51.3
     Electricty Consumption (yoy, %)                       2.7    -12.5    3.8          5.9     7.0     33.9       26.9     17.4
     White Goods Sale (yoy, %)                             11.2    -1.2    33.1         26.3    39.7    53.6       10.7
     Automotive Sales (yoy, %)                            44.8     18.7   156.2         39.6    57.0    121.6      72.0      9.3
     Home Sales (yoy, %)                                   33.0    13.8    49.2        -30.0   -22.9    124.1      16.2     -29.1
     Real Sector Confidence Index (s.a.)                  103.9    75.2   103.4        109.2   109.3    107.4      107.1   109.8
     Capacity Utilization Rate (s.a.)                      76.2    63.5    72.7         75.2    75.6    76.2       75.2     76.3
     Consumer Confidence Index (s.a.)                      80.7    81.2    81.2         80.7   84.8     80.2       77.3     81.7
     Services Sector Confidence Index (s.a.)              113.5    63.1    93.8        100.8   102.6   103.3       102.2   108.5
     Retail Sector Confidence Index (s.a.)                122.5   90.0    115.1        117.1   108.9    103.1      100.9    105.7
     Construction Sector Confidence Index (s.a.)           87.4    70.0    96.9         90.7   82.3     77.3       79.6     82.4
     Unemployment Rate (s.a.)                              13.0    13.4    13.3         12.9    13.1    13.8       13.2
     Budget Balance (bn TRY)                              -29.6   -79.9   -31.1        -32.2   22.8     -16.9      -13.4    -25.0
     Current Account Balance (bn $)                        -8.9   -12.4    -8.7         -7.4    -7.9    -1.7       -3.1
     Export (yoy, %)                                       -4.2   -26.1    -2.5         6.6     17.1    109.2      65.7     46.9
     Import (yoy, %)                                       10.3   -16.3    10.8         12.0    9.6     61.1       54.0     38.9
     Foreign Tourist Arrivals (yoy, %)                    -22.1   -97.9   -73.0        -59.4   -53.9    3,162      3,039

                                                   Best                      Average                      Worst

5   Sources: CBRT, Treasury, TURKSTAT, Akbank
Investor Presentation - August 2021 EUROMONEY World's Best Bank in the Emerging Markets - AKBANK | INVESTOR RELATIONS
Tight funding conditions to continue throughout the year
                         CBRT WACF vs Marginal TL Deposit Rates (%)                                  09-July                                  Marginal TL Loan Rates (%)                                       09-July
                                                                                                      19.0                                                                                                          22.4
          19                                                                                                     24
                                                                                                       17.8      20
          13                                                                                                     16
          11                                                                                                     13
           9                                                                                                     11
           7                                         7.2                                                          7                     8.5           8.2
           5                                                                                                      5
               Jan’20   Mar’20   May’20    Jul’20     Sep’20   Nov’20   Jan’21    Mar’21    May’21    Jul’21       Jan’20     Mar’20   May’20     Jul’20          Sep’20    Nov’20      Jan’21   Mar’21   May’21      Jul’21
                                          CBRT WACF             TL Deposit Rate                                                                            Commercial          Retail

                             TL Loan growth (1) - 13 week averages                    (%)                                        FX Loan growth             (1)   - 13 week averages             (%)

                                               63.4                                                             12                              9.0
          60                                                                                                    8
          50                                                                                                    4

          40                                                                                                    0
                                                                                                               -4                                                                                                  09-July
          30                                                                                         09-July
                                                                                                               -8                                                                                                   -2.7
          20                                                                                          11.8     -12
           0                                                                                                   -20
               Jan’20   Mar’20   May’20    Jul’20     Sep’20   Nov’20   Jan’21    Mar’21    May’21    Jul’21         Jan’20   Mar’20   May’20    Jul’20           Sep’20   Nov’20    Jan’21      Mar’21   May’21     Jul’21

    Source: BRSA & CBRT & WACF weekly data dated July 09, 2021
6   (1)   Excluding participation banks
Investor Presentation - August 2021 EUROMONEY World's Best Bank in the Emerging Markets - AKBANK | INVESTOR RELATIONS
01   Operating Environment
    02   Akbank Overview
    03   How Akbank is building its future
    04   Financials
    05   Looking Forward
    06   Sustainability Approach
    07   Annex

Investor Presentation - August 2021 EUROMONEY World's Best Bank in the Emerging Markets - AKBANK | INVESTOR RELATIONS
Our Core Values

                     01                          02
                     We are                      We exist
                     built upon                  because of
                     your trust.                 our clients.

     03                            04                           05
     We do                         We stand                     We give
     what’s right.                 out through                  back.

Investor Presentation - August 2021 EUROMONEY World's Best Bank in the Emerging Markets - AKBANK | INVESTOR RELATIONS
Akbank at a glance
   Outstanding                                   State of the art                            ESG driven by                              Excellence in
   Talent                                        technology                                  actionable targets                         Customer Experience
   + 12K                                         Brand new data center                       TL 200 bn sustainable                      714
   employees                                     Completed migration during pandemic         loan financing until 2030                  branches
                                                 ‣ Uptime Tier 3 Certified                    ‣ 1st Turkish bank to issue green         ‣ c. 60% are phygital with paperless
                                                 ‣ +150K man-day gain (1)                         bond during Covid-19 (USD 50            & mobile experience designs
   38 yrs                                                                                         mio)
   avg age of employees                          55%                                          ‣   ~ TL 17 bn sustainable finance
                                                                                                  provided in 1H21(2)                   5.8 mio
                                                 Reduction in mainframe usage
                                                                                                                                        Digital banking customers
   Redesigned & flexible
   working model for HQ                          1st                                         Increase # of financially
   post- pandemic:
                                                 Large-scale Turkish bank to achieve         empowered people                           +15 pp
                                                 agile transformation                         ‣ Akbank FAV for university               Mobile NPS (3)
    ‣ c. 55% remote-working                                                                       students
    ‣ c. 35% hybrid-working                      35%
    ‣ c. 10% onsite
                                                 Reduction in time to market
                                                                                             Become a carbon-                           1st
                                                                                                                                        “NO PAN” Credit Card in Turkey
   53%                                           Harnessing AI & analytics                   neutral bank by 2025
                                                 for business solutions                       ‣ 60% of electricity sourced via
   women employees                                                                                wind power                            Digital POS
                                                 ‣ Doubled analytical data in 2 yrs                                                      ‣ Easy & quick onboarding for
                                                                                                                                           SME merchants
   11%                                           ‣ Intensive Data Governance Prog.           Increase Social Return on
                                                     with +30 domains
   PhD and Master’s Degree                                                                   Investments
                                                 ‣   AI powered underwriting
                                                                                              ‣ Akbank Youth Academy to reach
                                                     with +3500 parameters
                                                                                                  15K students in 2021

9 (1) Achieved with automating IT operations in 2020
   (2) Based on bank-only MIS data, includes: Granted SME loans (assessed through ESMS) & renewable loans, and ESG-type Eurobond & syndicated loan purchases
   (3) Since the beginning of 2020
Investor Presentation - August 2021 EUROMONEY World's Best Bank in the Emerging Markets - AKBANK | INVESTOR RELATIONS
Leveraging our strength while carrying out priorities
                              Superior               CAR
                        Capital buffers            20.0%(1)

                      Low                                                                                        ‣ Solid growth
                 leverage           8.0x                                                         … to improve
                                                                                                                 ‣ Customer acquisition
                                                                                                 profitability   ‣ CoC normalization

           Cost base                                positioned…

                                                                                                 … to continue   ‣ People & Culture
                   talent                                                                        building our    ‣ Digitization & AI
                                                                                                 future          ‣ Sustainability


10   (1) w/o forbearances: Fixing FX rate for RWA calculation to average last 12 month FX rate
     (2) Excludes FX gain from long FX position related with stage 1&2 provisions & LYY hedge
Strong Major Local Shareholder with Long-term Vision
                                                                                                   SABANCI HOLDING
                                                           Sabancı Holding,
                                                           affiliated institutions
                                                                                                   ‣ One of the two largest multi-business enterprises in
                                                           and individuals (1)                        Turkey with total assets of TL 563 bn
                                                                                                   ‣ 6.5% of BIST capitalization with 11 public companies
                                                                                                      and the Holding itself
                                                                                                   ‣ Controlled by Sabancı Family, who is the majority
                                                                                                   ‣ Mainly operates in banking, financial services, energy,
                            51%                                                                       industrials, building materials and retail
                                                                                                   ‣ Market leaders in most of the sectors they operate in
                                                                                                   ‣ Joint-ventures with some of the most well-established
            Free Float                                                                                companies in the world
                                                                                                      ๏ Including; Ageas, Bridgestone, Carrefour, E.ON, Heidelberg
                                                                                                        Cement, Marubeni, Skoda and Philip Morris

                30% of all shares are held by foreign investors
                                                                                                   ‣ Akbank is the flagship of the Sabancı Group with the
                                                                                                      highest share in revenues and profitability in the Group

11   (1) Shareholder composition calculation is based on the “Ordinary General Assembly Meeting Shareholder List” dated 24.03.2021
Strong Presence in Financial Industry
                                                                                                               / Banking      100%

                                                                                     •   Flagship of Akbank Group in Europe
                                                                                     •   Total assets at EUR 4,207 mn and equity of EUR 856 mn
                  16%                                                                •   Contribution to net income stands at 7% in 2Q21

                                                                                                        / Leasing    100%

                                    1H21                                             •   Net lease receivables market share of 9.7%

                                                                                                         / Brokerage       100%
                                                                                     •   Top 5 in equity market transactions as of June 2021
                                                                                     •   One of the leading intermediary institutions in the Turkish Equity Offerings since 2010
                                                                                         & consortium leader in 12 offerings with a total offering size of TL 8.3 bn
                                                                                     •   Leader in corporate bond issuances (1) with 23.3% market share in 1H21

                                                                                                          / Asset Management         100%

                                                                                     •   Total AuM with TL 68.5 bn
                                                                                     •   Leader in pension fund management with TL 33.8 bn AuM, 18.2% market share (2)
                                                                                     •   TL 23.9 bn AuM in mutual fund management with 12.1% market share
                                                   86%                               •   TL 9.6 bn AUM in DPM

             Bank-only Net Income          Subsidiaries' Contribution                                 / E-Money     100%

                                                                                     •   Tosla, first mobile application of AkÖde was launched at Sep’19
                                                                                     •   Tosla targets young users, provides core financial services in a way that is fun, simple,
                                                                                         fast & social

12   (1) Excluding issuances of banks and affiliated companies .All data are based on TSPB and BIST
     (2) Among private institutions
Board of Directors

                                                            SUZAN SABANCI DİNÇER

               Vice Chairman and
                                                                                                     37 Years
               Executive Board Member            Executive Board Member
                                                 AHMET FUAT AYLA                   HAKAN BİNBAŞGİL
               EYÜP ENGİN

                Member                           Member                            Member
                CAN PAKER                        YAMAN TÖRÜNER                     EMRE DERMAN

                ÖZGÜR DEMİRTAŞ
                                                 AYDIN GÜNTER
                                                                                   TUĞRUL BELLİ      20%

     Erol Sabancı is a Consultant to the Board
Executive Team

                                                    HAKAN BİNBAŞGİL

                                                                                                       25 Years
         EVP, Corporate and         EVP, Treasury                     CFO
         Investment Banking         ŞEBNEM MURATOĞLU                  TÜRKER TUNALI
         LEVENT ÇELEBİOĞLU                                                                             EDUCATION

         EVP, Commercial Banking    EVP, Credit Underwriting          EVP, Strategy, Digital Banking
         MEHMET TUGAL               EMRE ÖZBEN                        and Payment Systems              Undergraduate
                                                                      BURCU CİVELEK YÜCE

         EVP, Retail Banking
         BÜLENT OĞUZ
                                    EVP, Credit Monitoring
                                    and Collections
                                                                      EVP, People and Culture
                                                                      PINAR ANAPA
                                    EGE GÜLTEKİN                                                       Graduate

         EVP, Private Banking and
         Wealth Management
         ALP KELER
                                    EVP, Special Credits
                                    ZEYNEP ÖZTÜRK
                                                                      EVP, Technology and
                                                                      İLKER ALTINTAŞ

International Advisory Board

                                                       SUZAN SABANCI DİNÇER

           Member              Member                        Member               Member

           Member              Member                        Member               Member

           Member              Member                        Member
           EYÜP ENGİN          AHMET FUAT AYLA               HAKAN BİNBAŞGİL

Awards over the recent years

                               IR Program                         Best Bank
        World’s Best Bank                      Best Bank                          Best Private Bank
                              in Turkey for                   for Trade Finance
              in the                           of Turkey                              in Turkey
                                Large Cap                          in Turkey
        Emerging Markets                       EUROMONEY                           GLOBAL FINANCE
                              INSTITUTIONAL                      EUROMONEY
           EUROMONEY                            (2013-2021)                            (2020)
                                INVESTOR                            (2020)

                                              Best Payment          Bank            World's Best
           Best Bank         Best Banking                        of the Year
                                               Services in                          Digital Bank
           of Turkey        Group in Turkey                       in Turkey
        GLOBAL FINANCE      WORLD FINANCE                                            EUROMONEY
                                              EMEA FINANCE      THE BANKER
          (2014-2021)        (2014-2020)                                                (2019)
                                                 (2020)           (2020)

                             Best Financial       Best                                CEE & CIS
            Best Bank                                            Valuable
                              Institution     Corporate IR                        Financial Inclusion
            of Turkey                                          Banking Brand
                               Borrower        in Turkey                               Award
                                                                 of Turkey
          EMEA FINANCE       EMEA FINANCE        EXTEL                              EMEA FINANCE
           (2014-2020)                                         BRAND FINANCE
                                (2018)           (2018)                                (2020)

01   Operating Environment
     02   Akbank Overview
     03   How Akbank is building its future
     04   Financials
     05   Looking Forward
     06   Sustainability Approach
     07   Annex

Akbank’s bifocal strategy

          Run the Bank                                        Crafting the future

                                                             Create superior customer
     Risk & return focused growth

                                                          Leverage digitization & advanced
            Robust capital

                                                              Invest in our people and
                  c efficiency

         Our vision: To be the leading bank that drives Turkey into the future

Our forward looking operating model

                                  TE                 IN

                                        L INTELL


                                     C          I





                                                               D TOUCH

                          SIM PRO

                             C +D


                              ES IG
                                SE ITAL

              Design & Innovation                        People
                    Culture                         & Infrastructure

People & Culture: Shaping the future of work
     Adapting to new working model post-pandemic
     ‣ End-to-end redesign of all HR processes
     ‣ Inspired by resilience and adaptability during the pandemic
     ‣ Redesigned working model for HQ:
         ๏ c. 55% remote-working
         ๏ c. 35% hybrid-working
         ๏ c. 10% onsite

     Our new hybrid approach will:
     ‣ Improve service quality with more efficient, flexible, dynamic teams
     ‣ Enable tapping into talent pools across the country
     ‣ Enhance talent retention and employee satisfaction
     ‣ Become more inclusive with full / part-time opportunities for the
         disabled / disadvantaged
     ‣   Reduce our environmental footprint
     ‣   Further optimize low opex base through savings
     ‣   Optimize our real estate portfolio in due course
     ..all resulting in stakeholder value creation

A few of new prominent digital features launched
                User-centered                                                Smart                                            Daily Banking
‣ New brand attitude and look & feel                   ‣ AI-based personalized financial insights                One-Stop Shop for Wealth Management
‣ Lean experience, simplified language & new tone      ‣ AI and need-based smart offers                        ‣ New investment dashboard
  of voice                                             ‣ Campaigns and offers from favorite                    ‣ Aggregated view of all assets
‣ Personalized communication area                       brands powered w/ AI
                                                                                                               ‣ Total portfolio and asset performance tracking
‣ Native promo and sales areas                         ‣ Akbank Assistant chatbot: First point of help         ‣ New and enriched investment product rail
                                                        integrated into mobile
‣ Mobile youth proposition: Akbank FAV                                                                         ‣ FX platform with customized currency prices
                                                       ‣ Explore tab with search & help capabilities
‣ Turkey’s first digital-first card                                                                            ‣ Crypto-currency menu integrated with prominent
                                                       ‣ Proactive money transfer & payment suggestions
‣ Add & rename “contacts” infrastructure                                                                        crypto-platforms
                                                       ‣ Personalized small talk & info sharings
‣ Lean money transfer experience                                                                               ‣ New digital deposit product: WinWin Account
                                                       ‣ Single factor login with biometrics with Easy Login
‣ Mobile-like customer experience through new ATMs                                                               Socialized Banking Experience in Money
                                                       ‣ Corporate account aggregation services
‣ Akbank Mobile recognized with 3 key design awards:                                                                      Transfers & Payments
 ๏ iF Design Best Mobile App Design                    ‣ E2E Digital Onboarding
                                                                                                               ‣ Mobile payments with QR, NFC, OCR and barcode
 ๏ A’Design Award & Competition
 ๏ Red Dot Award in Brand &                                                                                    ‣ Nearby money transfers
   Communication Design                                                                                        ‣ Money transfers and payments with QR
                                                                                                               ‣ Money transfers to contacts and groups
                                                                                                               ‣ Linking IBAN with GSM no & ID Easy Address
                                                                                                               ‣ 24/7 interbank money transfers with FAST
                                                                                                               ‣ Istanbulcard registration and top-up payments
     A brand new ‘‘fun & playful, simple & fast, and social’’ mobile platform

     ‣ New mobile platform targeting young users,
      providing core financial services
       ๏ 7/24, free P2P transfers interactive with feeds
        ๏ Digital payments and contactless prepaid card
        ๏ Free and easy top-up & withdraw

     ‣ Quick and easy digital onboarding

     ‣ Social like its target audience – find and follow
      friends, like, comment, engage

Phygital Branch: Zero-based design creates competitive advantage

                   Hidden Teller Counter
                                            Conversation Bar

                                                               Mobile RMs


Customer Driven Optimization

                        Branch Number Evolution                                Total Customer Evolution

        991                                                                                                            18.9
                                                                                 +5.5 mn                 17.9
                                     -277                                                         17.4

                              800                                              15.4
                                                   716    714

       2014    2015    2016   2017   2018   2019   2020   1H21   2014   2015   2016   2017        2018   2019   2020   1H21

24   Includes Malta branch
Enhancing bottom-line impact through digital transformation
     Digital banking in numbers (1) with 5.8 mio customers

     01                                                       02                                       03
     Interaction                                               Financial Engagement                    Performance
     ‣ +24% monthly app login (2)                              ‣ +56% # of financial transactions      ‣ 2x digital customer x-sell compared to
     ‣ +22% # of mobile customers                                through mobile:                           non-digitals
           conducting financial transactions                                                           ‣   55% credit cards sold through digital
     ‣     +15 pp mobile NPS (2)                                  ๏ +23% payments                          channels (3)
                                                                  ๏ +60% money transfers               ‣   83% GPLs sold through digital channels (3)
                                                                                                       ‣   48% of bancassurance products sold
                                                                                                           through digital channels (3)
                                                               ‣ +11 pp share of mobile in financial
                                                                  ๏ +8 pp share in payments
                                                                  ๏ +4 pp share in money transfers

                                   Active mobile customers visiting Akbank Mobile almost everyday

25   (1) Based on bank-only MIS data. Increase figures from Jun’20 to Jun’21
     (2) Since the beginning of 2020
     (3) Including non-branch channels, from Jan’21 to Jun’21
New era in customer onboarding

 ‣ Easy and intuitive digital experience       ‣ Strong value propositions* for digital savvies
     ๏ Process takes 6 to 8 min end-to-end
       (including 3 to 4 min for video call)
     ๏ Uninterrupted single session            ‣ Inclusive process for dormant customer
 ‣ Biometrics, NFC & Video Call
     technologies enabled
                                               ‣ 24/7 service*
 ‣ Multiple product sales* from the very
     beginning of customer onboarding

     (*) Point of difference in the market
26   NFC: Near Field Communication
01   Operating Environment
     02   Akbank Overview
     03   How Akbank is building its future
     04   Financials
     05   Looking Forward
     06   Sustainability Approach
     07   Annex

1H21: On course for FY ROE guidance                                                                                                     1H21
                      Net Income                           Profit Before Tax                                                                12.8%
           +4%           (TL mn)                  +19%          (TL mn)           1H21 Achievements
           QoQ              Effective tax rate:
                          1H21: 26% & 2Q21: 31%
                                                                                    ‣ Generated all time high profit before tax & net income
                                                                                    ‣ Sustained pre-provision income despite significant NIM
                                                                45%                   pressure
               2,885      43%      4,134             3,861            5,600
                                                                                     ๏ Proactive securities positioning & strategic loan mix to
                 1H20               1H21                 1H20             1H21         alleviate funding cost pressure in 2H

                                                                                    ‣ Robust fee performance across the board
                        Revenue                            Pre-provision Income
                                                                                    ‣ Advanced market share gains in retail (1) loans enhancing
       +11%              (TL mn)                  -10%            (TL mn)             profit mix
       QoQ                                         QoQ

                                                                                    ‣ Demonstration of long term prudent risk management
                                   8,975                                              confirmed with sound asset quality performance
              8,906      20%
                                   6,165             8,558            8,484
                                                                                    ‣ Preserved robust capital & solid liquidity buffers
              2,262                2,810
               1H20                1H21                  1H20             1H21
                                                                                                            Cheat sheet link
             Swap adj. Net Interest Income
             Fee income

     (1)   Consumer & SME according to MIS segmentation
Balanced asset allocation drives sustainable long-term shareholder value
                                       Assets                                                      Loan Breakdown
                                       (TL bn)                                                             (net, TL bn)

                         478.3                        7.1%                                                                289.5

                                       12.4%          8.5%                                     262.7                                          Prudent Asset- Liability
                         8.9%                                                                                                                      Management
                                                                                              35.2%                       36.9%
                                                                                                                                                 Low Leverage
                                                                                              22.8%                       24.3%
                        54.9%                        53.8%
                                                                                              42.0%                       38.8%
                                                                                                                                                 Robust capital

                          2020                         1H21                                    2020                        1H21                     20.0%
                 Loans (net)                 Securities         Other
                                                                                     TL Business Banking        Consumer incl. Credit Cards
                 Reserve Requirement         Liquid assets(1)
                                                                                     FX Loans

                              Increased consumer share in loan mix to enhance profitability

29   (1)   Cash and cash equivalents
     (2)   w/o forbearances: Fixing FX rate for RWA calculation to average last 12 month FX rate
Consecutive consumer loan market share gains
                           TL Loans                                                             FX Loans
                           (net, TL bn)                                                         (net,USD bn)
                                                                         Sector                                                              Sector
                                                             YtD         Market                                                        YtD   Market
                                                            Change       Share (1)                                                    Change Share (1)
                  170.3                   182.6                                                                                       -1.1%      6.6%
                                                            +7.2%         7.3%
                    18.1                                                                 12.4                   12.3
                                                            +14.4%       12.9%
                    41.7                   49.5             +18.9%        7.3%           28%                    35%
                                                             +1.6%        6.8%                                                   & corporates
                                                                                                                                 with FX cash
                                                                                                                               flow generation
                  110.5                    112.3
                                                                                         72%                    65%

                   2020                    1H21                                          2020                   1H21
              TL Business Banking         Consumer     Consumer Credit Card
                                                                                     Project Finance & Export          Other

    ‣ TL loan growth in 1H driven by sustained performance in consumer loans inline with our strategy
    ‣ Market share gains in 2021:
          ๏   80 bps in Consumer Loans, 90 bps in GPL(2), 10 bps in Consumer Credit Cards, 60 bps in Mortgage
    ‣ 69% of GPL originations were pre-approved, separately 30% were to salary customers
    ‣ Supported by accelerated marketing efforts & advanced analytical and digital capabilities
    (1) Market share data based on bank only BRSA weekly data as of June 25, 2021
30 (2)   General Purpose Loans
Proactive securities positioning to be NIM accretive
                        TL Securities                                            FX Securities
                           (TL bn)                                                  (USD bn)

                  60                                                                               6.0
                                                                           5.7        5%
                 38%        5%          24%
                                                                          99%                     99%

                 55%                    63%
                                                                           1%                     1%
                 2020                   1H21                              2020                    1H21
                CPI        Floating            Fixed                            Floating       Fixed

                      Total Securities
                           (TL bn)
                                        115            ‣ CPI linkers & FRN reached c. 76% of TL Securities
                            13%                         ๏ CPI linkers valued with 14% Oct-Oct inflation estimate
                 58%                                    ๏ Every +1% CPI has c. TL 270 mn NI and +6bps NIM &
                                                          +40 bps ROE impact
                                                       ‣ Strong FX liquidity utilized in NIM accretive Eurobond
                 2020                   1H21            purchases
                           FX     TL

Maintained disciplined funding mix
                               Composition of Liabilities (%)                                        Deposit Currency Split (TL bn)
                                                             537.8                                                                                                +14% YtD
                                                              6.0                                    31%                              32%
                                 478.3          12.4%
                                                                                                      293                              327                      Sticky & low
                                    7.5                       14.2                                                   12%                                       cost RETAIL (1)
                                                                                                     63%                              62%                        DEPOSITS’
                                  13.9                                                                                                                           Share in TL
                                                                                                                                                                Deposit 76%
                                                              12.5                                   37%                              38%
                                  13.2                                                               2020                            1H21
                                                                                                       TL      FX                 Demand Deposit/ Tot. Dep.

                                                                                                                LDR (2)     (%)

                                  61.2                        60.8                             153
                                                                                                                     147                       147

                                                                                               94                    95                        94
                                                                                                                                                              Total LDR at
                                                                                               47                     51                       49               100% (3)

                                 2020                         1H21                            2020                   1Q21                      1H21

              Deposit      Equity         Funds Borrowed & Bonds Issued     Other      Repo                 TL LDR         LDR        FX LDR

32   (1) Consumer & SME according to MIS segmentation
     (2) Bank-only. TL LDR includes domestic TL bond issuances and merchant payables
     (3) Based on BRSA weekly data dated June 25, 2021
1st benchmark sustainable Tier 2 among Turkish deposit banks
     Wholesale Funding vs FX Liquidity Buffer                                                         Wholesale Funding Maturity Profile
                                                                                                                        (USD mn)                                Total: USD 7.5 bn
                            (USD bn)
                                                                                                                                                               Avg. maturity: ~ 3yrs

                                       2Q Avg.                                                                                              10NC5 Tier 2 notes have issuer call dates
                                       FX LCR                                                                                            scheduled in 2022 & 2023 & 2026 respectively (4)
                                                                 Syndicated loans: c. USD 1.5 bn

                                                                                           932                                        952
                 13.3                                                    940                                  752
                                                                 507                                                   627     551             557     538                       519
                                                                                   210                                                                         422
                               2.6                                                                                                                                       29

                        1H21                                     3Q21    4Q21     1Q22     2Q22               2H22     2023    2024   2025    2026     2027    2028      2029   ≥2030

               ST portion of Wholesale Funding
                                                                        Covered Bond (3)           Eurobond         GMTN              Multilateral      Securitisation
               FX Liquidity Buffer (2)
                                                                        Syndicated Loan            Tier 2           Trade Finance     Green Bond

     ‣   In June, issued first ever benchmark sustainable Tier 2 among Turkish deposit banks
           ๏   Intra-day execution with c. 3x oversubscription
           ๏   The book attracted c. USD 1.4 bn demand from more than 150 investors
           ๏   Priced at 6.80%, same as the senior eurobond issued in July 2020
           ๏   105 bps positive impact on CAR
     ‣   Total ESG-linked funding share increased from c. 20% to c. 30%
     Balances based on principal outstanding and bank-only MIS data
     (1) ≤ 1 year tenor

33   (2) Consolidated FX liquidity buffer includes FX reserves under ROM, swaps, money market placements and CBRT eligible unencumbered securities
     (3) USD equivalent of TL 1.4 bn Covered Bond issuances
     (4) Call exercise in year 5 is subject to BRSA approval
Successful Wholesale Borrowings
                               ‣ USD 500 million, 10NC5, priced at 6.80% (same as the senior eurobond issued in July 2020)
     Sustainable               ‣ First benchmark sustainable Tier 2 issuance among Turkish deposit banks
     Tier 2                    ‣ Intra-day execution with c. 3x oversubscription
                               ‣ Book attracted c. USD 1.4 bn demand from more than 150 investors
                               ‣ 39% of the issuance was allocated to ESG investors
                               ‣ USD 500 million, long 5 year, 144A/RegS senior unsecured
     Eurobond           3Q20   ‣ First Turkish bank to issue Eurobond during Covid-19 pandemic
                               ‣ Strong institutional demand with c. 3x oversubscription at peak
                               ‣ Granular spread of institutional investors primarily from Continental Europe (39%), UK (31%), US (19%)
     Syndicated Loans          ‣ April 2021 ESG-linked Syndicated Loan ~ USD 675 million
                                ๏ USD 344.5 million, 367 days tranche @ Libor+2.50%
                                ๏ EUR 279 million, 367 days tranche @ Euribor+2.25%
                                ๏ 35 banks (8 new) from 18 countries committed 126% of total renewal amount at c. USD 792 million,
                                  with final roll-over ratio at 107% and renewal amount of USD 675 million
                                ๏ Akbank’s first ESG-linked loan with performance criteria linked to gender balance, non-lending to
     Syndicated Loans
                                  greenfield coal power plant projects & electricity sourcing of the Bank from renewable sources

                               ‣ October 2020 Syndicated Loan ~ USD 800 million
                                ๏ USD 388 million, 367 days tranche @ Libor+2.50%
                                ๏ EUR 348.5 million, 367 days tranche @ Euribor+2.25%
                                ๏ Deal attracted 36 banks (9 new) from 19 countries across Europe, America, Asia & Middle East

                               ‣ USD 50 million, c. 4 year, RegS senior unsecured
     Green Bond
                               ‣ Milestone green bond transaction reflecting Akbank’s sustainability goals
NIM accretive asset repricing & strategic CPI positioning
                                Quarterly NIM Breakdown                   (bps)                      ‣ Positive impact of asset repricing & CPI to continue in 2H
                                                                                                     ‣ Swap cost increased with higher utilization and rates
                                                                         +12         +3       274    ‣ Higher funding cost creates downside risk in FY NIM
                                                       +44                                            guidance, to be partially mitigated by CPI linker buffer
                         -36     -22

               S                             -7                                                        ๏ CPI linkers currently valued at 14%
                                                                                                       ๏ Every +1% CPI has c. TL 270 mn NI and +6bps NIM &
              1Q21      Swap   Deposit   Borrowing     Loan      CPI                          2Q21
              NIM               Cost       Cost        Yield   Impact
                                                                        Securities   Other
                                                                                              NIM        +40 bps ROE impact

                                Quarterly Total Swap Cost (1)                                                            CPI Linker Interest Income           (TL mn)
                                                     (TL mn)

                                   -976                                                                                                     1,602                       1,728
                                                     -1,566       -1.411                                                                      (a)                        (b)
                                                                                     -1.954                                                             1,088
                                                                                                                 741           784

                                                                                                                2Q20          3Q20          4Q20        1Q21            2Q21
                     2Q20          3Q20              4Q20          1Q21              2Q21             Impact of change in CPI estimation:               (a) from 9% to 11.9% is TL 785 mn
                                                                                                      2021 Oct-Oct CPI linker valuation estimate: 14%   (b) from 11% to 14% is TL 491 mn

35   (1) Includes   short and long-term swaps
Across the board outstanding fee performance well above FY guidance
                                    Net Fees & Comm.                                 Payment Systems
         -7.8%                             (TL mn)
          QoQ                                                                        +48% YoY
                                                                                     Predominantly related with volume increase in both
                                           24.2%                                     acquiring & issuing
       Flat excl. 1Q
      LYY fee impact                                                                 Bancassurance
                                                     2,810                           +45% YoY
                                                                                     New product launch
                                                                                     Digital Bancassurance sales +84% YoY
                                                                                     Digital premiums/Total +14 pp YoY (1)
                                    1H20             1H21

                           Fees & Commissions Income by product                      Money Transfers
        Wealth Management
                                                                                     +32% YoY
                                                                                     Supported by strong volume growth
                                      21             8             Money Transfers
           Business Loans
                                                         6                           Wealth Management
                                                                                     +30% YoY
                                                                                     ESG & tech. focused product innovation
                                                                 Consumer Loans
          Payment Systems                   43                                       Accelerated customer acquisition driven by new digital services

36   (1) Based   on MIS data
Confident with FY Opex guidance despite higher inflation outlook
                                         Opex                                                          Opex Breakdown
      +7%                               (TL mn)                      1H21                                  (1H21,%)
      QoQ                                                            CIR:
                                 4,327                                        Depreciation & Maint.
                        11.0%                                                                                    11                 IT
                                 1,696                      QoQ       YoY                                             9
            1,546                                          Change    Change

                                                                                     Marketing        17
                                                      HR    9.4%      9.7%                                                13
            2,352                2,632            Non HR    6.0%     11.9%

                                                                                            HR                  39
            1H20                 1H21
              HR                  Non HR

                    ‣    CIR to gradually improve along with revenue enhancement
                         ๏ CIR calculation excludes FX gain from long FX position related with stage 1&2 provisions and LYY hedge

Proactive IFRS 9 implementation regardless of staging forbearance
                              Staging Breakdown                                                              Quarterly New NPL Evolution (1)
                                (TL mn, Gross Loans)                                                                         (TL mn)
                                                             NPL Ratios by Segment
                279.2                     307.3                         (%)                             2,729
                6.2%                      5.5%                Business        6.4
                9.4%                      11.1%               Consumer        2.9                                2,048
                                                              Credit Cards    3.7     763
                                                                                                                                613                     554
                84.4%                     83.4%                                                                                              77 25                  154 41
                                                                                            498              680       701             691                    708
                                                                                        3Q20                    4Q20                     1Q21                  2Q21
                 2020                      1H21

             Stage 1            Stage 2           Stage 3                                          New NPL       Collections           Net New NPL      Write off
                                                                                                                                   (excl. write off )

     ‣   BRSA forbearances:                                                          ‣ Negative net new NPL inflow in 1H21
         ๏ 30-90 days files: only TL 0.6 bn in Stage 1
         ๏ 90-180 days files: TL 1.3 bn (If all were booked as NPL,
                                                                                     ‣ Broad- based collection performance remains strong
                                                                                      despite full lock down during 2Q21
           NPL ratio impact would be +c. 40 bps)
         … with strong coverages.                                                    ‣ No NPL sale

38   All restructured loans (TL 24.9 bn) are followed under Stage 2
     (1) Bank-only
Balances on deferred loans are well covered
                       Segmental Breakdown of Deferred Loans                                     Staging Breakdown & Coverages (TL bn,%)
                        (Outstanding principal amounts, TL bn)
                                                                                    7% of
                                                                                  Total Gross
                                                                                  Loans with
                                                                                     c. 8%
                                                                                   Coverage        Coverage   1.6%        13.5%

           Business Banking                Consumer incl.                    Total
                                            Credit Cards

                                                                                                               9.6        11.5
                                                                     22.2               21.0
          15.2               12.9              3.8                          4.7
                 0.9                     7.0                8.1

                       3.2                            2.6                                                     Stage 1    Stage 2
         4Q- Ending Balance         1H- New Inflows         1H-Payment      1H- ending balance

     ‣ Total deferred risk principal amount to date is at TL 34 bn
     ‣ 4Q20 outstanding risk of TL 22.2 bn down to TL 21.0 bn (7% of gross loans) as of 1H21
        ๏ Total coverage at 8.1% up 90 bps YtD
        ๏ c. 60% Business Banking & c. 40% Consumer incl. credit card
        ๏ 75% have matured installments (1) & strong repayment performance
     Based on MIS data
     (1) Based on number of customers
CoC evolution demonstrates long-term prudent risk management
                                 Provision Build & Coverages                                                     Net CoC Breakdown           (bps)
         Total                      (excl. free provisions)
       reached                                                                                          Net CoC excl. Currency Impact              (bps)
      TL 18 bn (1)                                                                  6%
                                                                                            295       220       115        92        37                    231       64

                                                                                             317      294       106                                        259
               4%                                                                                                          101       59                              79

             1Q19    1H19      9M19   2019    1Q20   1H20 9M20 2020   1Q21     1H21

                                                                                             2Q20     3Q20      4Q20       1Q21      2Q21                  1H20     1H21
                                 Provision Build          Gross Coverage %
                                                                                              Stage 1+2 (net)    Stage 3         Currency Impact      Stage 3 Recoveries

     (%)                                           2020                      1H21        ‣ Solid coverage ratios
     Stage 1 Coverage                              0.6                       0.5
     Stage 2 Coverage                              16.4                      16.1        ‣ FX provisions are hedged
     Stage 3 Coverage                              62.4                      65.2        ‣ 1H CoC evolution underlines better FY performance vs
     Free Provisions                         TL 1,150 mn              TL 1,150 mn          guidance
     Stage 2+3 Coverage                            37.3                      34.7
     (incl. free provisions)                                                             ‣ Every +10 bps change in CoC has +40 bps ROE impact
     (1) Excluding MtM for LYY
Capital remains a source of strength with robust buffers
                                          CAR Evolution    (QoQ, bps)
                                            Without forbearances (1)
                                                                                       +51               Sensitivity of Solvency Ratios:

      18.5%                                                                                              ‣ 10% TL depreciation: c. 70 bps
                                                +35             +4
                    -13                                                                                  ‣ 100 bps interest rate increase : c. 30 bps
                                  -39                                                           12.08%
                                                                                                         ‣ 1% NPL increase : c. 25 bps

       1Q21        Market   Credit Risk    Securities     Derivatives    New Tier 2    Profit    2Q21
                    Risk                  MtM Impact                     Issuance

      (%, TL bn)                                        CAR             Excess Capital (3)      Tier 1     Excess Tier 1 (3)         CET-1           Excess CET-1(3)

      Without forbearances (1)                     20.0%                        32.4            16.0%            24.2                16.0%                  30.3

      With forbearances (1)                        20.9%                        34.5            16.8%            26.1                16.8%                  32.0

   (1) For 2Q21, fixing FX rate for RWA calculation to average last 12 month FX rate & for 1Q21, fixing MtM losses of securities & FX rate for RWA calculation to
       average last 12 month FX rate
   (2) Min Basel III required: Including buffers (Capital Conservation Buffer: 2.50%, D-SIB Buffer: 1.50%,
41     Countercyclical Capital Buffer: 0.08%)
   (3) Basel III min. requirements: CAR: 12.08%, Tier-1: 10.08%, CET-1 8.58%
2021: On track to meet FY ROE guidance
                                                           1H21                                             2021G           vs. Guidance

                                                                                                                                                Loan mix in favor of
       TL Loan Growth                                        +7.2%                                            ~ 20%      Slight downside risk      profitability

       FX Loan Growth (in USD)                               -1.1%                                          Flattish
       Leverage                                                 8.0x                                              > 8x
       ROE                                                   12.8%                                      Mid-teens
                                                                                                                                                Due to increase in
       NIM (swap adj.)                                        2.7%                 20-30 bps contraction                    Downside risk        funding costs

       Net fees&com. growth                               +24.2%                                      High-teens         Better performance

       Opex growth                                        +11.0%                                        Mid-teens
       Cost/ income (1)                                      39.8%                                            ≤34%        Slight upside risk     Due to NII miss

       NPL (2)                                                5.5%
01   Operating Environment
     02   Akbank Overview
     03   How Akbank is building its future
     04   Financials
     05   Looking Forward
     06   Sustainability Approach
     07   Annex

Strong ROE recovery in 2021
                                      Low-teens    Mid-teens
                                        2020         2021

     Loan growth with     Solid NII    Improving     Low       Lower CoC after    Hedged LYY
      risk & return in   generation      fees      operating      significant      position
           focus                                   cost base    provision build

                            Inline                                10 bps CoC        c. 180 bps
                             with                                improvement:      negative ROE
                           growth                                  c. 40 bps      impact in 1H20
                          strategy                                ROE impact      ahead of hedge

01   Operating Environment
     02   Akbank Overview
     03   How Akbank is building its future
     04   Financials
     05   Looking Forward
     06   Sustainability Approach
     07   Annex

ESG Strategy: Mitigate environmental footprint while increasing
positive impact

                    Sustainable Finance                          Ecosystems Management
       Responsible Products & Services   ‣                       ‣ Digitalization
                      Impact Investing   ‣                       ‣ Financial Inclusion
                                                To be the
                                              leading bank
                                               that drives
                                             Turkey into the
                   People & Community                            Climate Change
                      Future of Work     ‣                       ‣ Operational Emissions
                 Diversity & Inclusion   ‣                       ‣ Portfolio Impact
               Community Investment      ‣                       ‣ Portfolio Exposure

                Integrated Governance                          Financial Performance

Actionable targets for positive impact

 SUSTAINABLE             TL 200 bn              TL 15 bn AuM       ECOSYSTEMS               Extend digital & innovative
 FINANCE                 Sustainable loan       Sustainable        MANAGEMENT               products & services
                         financing until        investment funds
 Supporting a more                                                 Enhancing
 sustainable economy     2030                   2030               businesses &
                                                                   financial health

                         Increase sustainable financing                                     Increase number of financially
                         secured by the bank until 2030                                     empowered people

                         Improve the            Increase Social                             Become a carbon-       Decrease impact
 PEOPLE &                effectiveness of
                                                Return on                                   neutral bank           of loan portfolio
 COMMUNITY               investment on our      Investments for
                                                                   CHANGE                   through eliminating
                                                                   Mitigating operational
                                                                                                                   on climate
 Empowering our people   people                 community                                   operational
 and communities                                                   emission & portfolio                            change until
                                                investments                                 emissions until
                                                                   impact                   2025                   2030

                         Enhance the effectiveness of Akbank                                Mitigate climate-related risks &
                         volunteerism in community investments                              impact on portfolio

Sustainability Governance
                                                                                           Executive Board       4
                                                                                              Member,         meetings
                                                                                         Independent Board    per year
                                                      Sustainability Committee              Member, CEO,
                                                                                          CFO, SVP of IR &

 Committees         Sustainable Finance    Ecosystem Management           Climate Change            People & Communities

                           Loans                 Digitalization        Operational Emissions            Future of Work
          Teams           Funding              Financial Inclusion        Portfolio Impact            Diversity & Inclusion

                    Wealth Management                                    Portfolio Exposure          Akbank Volunteerism

                                                                                                   Community Investments

                     Investor Relations & Sustainability Department:
                   ‣ Holistic ESG approach in coordinating bank-wide efforts to achieve shared sustainability
                   ‣ Conducts materiality analysis to identify key issues, periodically rethinking and improving
                     sustainability strategy

Akbank’s sustainability performance at a glance
     Sustainable finance                    People & Culture            Climate change                 Community investment
     Supporting our                         Reskilling our people for   Reducing our impact on         Creating shared value
     businesses for a more                  future of work              environment
     sustainable economy
                                            53%                         First company in Turkey to     Long-running Arts & Culture
     Environmental and Social               women employees             • be featured in CDP 2010      initiatives
     Assessment                                                           Global 500 Report            • Akbank Jazz Festival (31 yrs)
     for project finance, new               35%                         • become signatory of UN       • Akbank Children’s Theatre
     investment and SME loans                                             Global Compact, Carbon
                                            women executives                                             (49 yrs)
                                                                          Price Communique             • Akbank Art Center (28 yrs)
    Largest ESG-linked loan deal
    in Turkey, EUR 650 mn
                                            30 hrs
    signatory                               training per employee       LEED Gold
                                                                        Green Building Certification   Founding sponsor of
     First Green Bond                       Women’s Empowerment         for Akbank’s new Data          Endeavor Turkey
     USD 50 mn issued in 2020               Principles, 30% Club,       Center
     with c. 4 yrs maturity                 Valuable 500, Bloomberg
                                            Gender Equality Index,      Clear, transparent emissions   + 1K
     100% of energy generation              OMFIF Gender Balance        reporting & targeting since    Akbank volunteers
     PF loans to renewables since           Index                       2012
     2016 (1)                               member

49 (1) 84% of PF energy generation loans are renewable as of 2Q21
1Q21 Key ESG highlights
                                                                                                                                                       E   S   G
       ‣ Non-financing activities (1) scope expanded to include:
             ๏   New coal (thermal) power plant projects
             ๏ Coal mining, coal transportation and power plants operating with coal for SMEs

       ‣ Environmental & Social Risk Assessment for new commercial loans reduced from USD 50 mn to 10 mn
       ‣ Sustainable Finance Framework (2) launched, outlining social and green eligibility criteria
       ‣ Akbank’s first ESG-linked syndicated loan, USD 675 mn (April 2021)
       ‣ 2 ESG-themed funds launched by Akportföy, reaching ~ TL 370 mn AuM
       ‣ Sustainable finance (3) provided in Q1 ~ TL 6 bn
       ‣ Entered Bloomberg Gender Equality Index 2021, scoring higher than global & sector averages
       ‣ Top-rated EM bank in OMFIF Gender Balance Index
       ‣ First Turkish company to join Valuable 500, a global initiative supporting disability inclusion
       ‣ Launched Akbank Youth Academy, aiming to reach 15K students by FY2021

     (2) Sustainable
                   Finance Framework (SFF) in line with International Capital Market Association Green Bond Principles (GBP), Social Bond Principles
     (SBP), Sustainability Bond Guidelines (SBG), and Green Loan Principles (GLP)
     (3)   Based on bank-only MIS data, includes: Granted SME loans (assessed through ESMS) & renewable PF loans, and ESG-type Eurobond purchases
2Q21 Key ESG highlights
                                                                                                                                                     E   S   G
           ‣ 1st deposit bank in Turkey to issue sustainable Tier 2 (USD 500 mn)
           ‣ New products for transition to low-carbon economy, such as:
             ๏   Green Trade Finance Campaign, (1st in Turkey)
             ๏   Rooftop PV Investment Loans
           ‣ Sustainable finance provided in Q2 at ~ TL 11 bn(1) (1H reached ~ TL 17bn)
           ‣ AuM of ESG-themed funds launched by Ak Portföy almost doubled QoQ, reaching ~ TL 700 mn
            in 1H
             ๏“Innovative Companies in Health Sector” fund secured rating by Refinitiv, 1st in Turkey

           ‣ 60% of the bank’s electricity sourced from renewable resources (up from 20% in Q1)
           ‣ New policies to foster governance & culture: Diversity and Inclusion Policy, Human Rights Policy,
            Zero-Tolerance to Violence Policy

       Based on bank-only MIS data, includes: Granted SME loans (assessed through ESMS) & renewable loans, and ESG-type Eurobond & syndicated loan


Sustainable Finance Framework aligned with international
     Use of proceeds                                                 Management of proceeds
     ‣ Green & social eligibility criteria incl. renewable energy,   ‣ Robust governance and reporting processes that
       affordable housing and employment generation                    enable transparency and efficiency

     ‣ In line with International Capital Market Association         ‣ Projects to be added on an ongoing basis
       Green Bond Principles (GBP), Social Bond Principles
       (SBP), Sustainability Bond Guidelines (SBG), Green
       Loan Principles (GLP)

     Project evaluation & selection                                  Reporting & external verification
     ‣ Sustainable Finance Preliminary Committee (SFPC)              ‣ Second Party Opinion by Sustainalytics
       to ensure allocation in line with eligibility criteria
                                                                     ‣ Annual allocation reports publicly announced
     ‣ Akbank’s Environmental and Social Credit Policies
       applied in all lending practices                              ‣ Limited assurance from independent auditors

Financial inclusion: Empowering businesses through partnerships

     ‣ HR solutions for SMEs   ‣ Digital accounting        ‣ Affordable platform to     ‣ Free money transaction
                                solutions for micro SMEs     operate in online           for merchants
     ‣ Personnel & payroll                                   commerce
      management,              ‣ Value-added offers for                                 ‣ POS commission rate
                                invoice &  e-invoice       ‣ Special offers:             offers
                                management                   competitive POS
      evaluation analytics                                   commission rates,          ‣ Budget for salary
                               ‣ Online income and           cashback, commercial        payments
     ‣ Integrated salary        expense monitoring           installment loans with
      payment option via                                     favorable interest rates   ‣ Chip-money campaign               ‣ Payments via                                            for commercial credit

Financial inclusion: Empowering youth

     ‣ Akbank FAV(1) for university students                 ‣ Turkey’s first online scholarship            ‣ Mobile platform targeting young users,
           under 26 (12K students)                             platform with 1.4 mn students                 providing core financial services

     ‣ Free membership via Akbank Mobile                     ‣ Digital account opening integrated           ‣ 24/7, free P2P transfers interactive
                                                               with E-bursum                                 with feeds, spend & split among
     ‣ No fees for daily banking transactions                                                                friends
                                                             ‣ Automated Akbank FAV membership
     ‣ Overdraft accounts w/ 0% interest                       for Akbank account owners                    ‣ Digital payments and contactless
           rate for weekends                                                                                 prepaid card
                                                             ‣ Online Training Platform - 7K students
     ‣ Special discount & cashback offers for                                                               ‣ Free and easy top-up & withdrawal
           debit/credit card transactions
                                                                                                            ‣ Social features: find and follow friends,
                                                                                                             like, comment, engage

54   (1)   Akbank FAV addresses the needs and preferences of youth through targeted products and services
Investing in our future through culture and skills
     ‣ Akbank Academy
        ๏ Next-generation technology & infrastructure
        ๏ 24/7 access to online training; 30 hrs training/employee (52% online)
        ๏ Key skills for future of work: social, cognitive and technological
        ๏ Digital trainings during remote work (10,104 webinars, 37,739 views)
        ๏ Diversity & inclusion trainings

     ‣ Reflection of the Future Program: personalized development plans for all Akbankers

     ‣ Centers of Excellence: specific expertise & training in 8 areas (eg. robotics process automation, design-thinking,
       next-gen marketing)

     ‣ Youth: Future Club, Shadow Program, Generation to Generation Project, Switch (reverse-mentorship)

     ‣ Multi-disciplinary learning culture, with programs to integrate key skills into corporate culture

     ‣ First Turkish company to join Valuable 500, supporting disability inclusion

     ‣ Entered Bloomberg Gender Equality Index 2021, scoring higher than global and sector averages

     ‣ Became top EM bank and ranked among top 5 banks globally in Official Monetary and Financial Institution Forum’s
       Gender Balance Index 2021

Creating shared value by investing in our communities
                        ‣ Akbank Art Center (700 events/yr)
                        ‣ Akbank Jazz Festival (5K artists, 500K viewers in 31 yrs)
                        ‣ Akbank Children’s Theater (2 mn children in 49 yrs)                        Volunteering
     Arts & Culture     ‣ Contemporary Art Education Program (30K in 11 yrs)
                                                                                                    Part of who we are /
                        ‣ Sakıp Sabancı Museum: Ai Weiwei, Rodin, Dali, Anish Kapoor, Marina
                                                                                                     corporate culture
                        ‣ Contemporary Istanbul (reached 74K people in 2019)
                                                                                                  Akbank Volunteers from
                                                                                                    all over the country
                        ‣ Founding sponsor of Endeavor Turkey
                        ‣ Case Campus Bootcamp, Startup Campus, ScaleUp Campus,
     Entrepreneurship                                                                                40 Ambassadors
                        ‣ Akbank Entrepreneur Development Program (with Sabancı University)
                                                                                               Continuous support during the

                        ‣ Center of Excellence in Finance, started online education in 2020
                                                                                                 «Good State of the City»
                        ‣ Akbank Thinking Club, Akbank Unichallenge, AI Academy
                                                                                                  «Good State of Home»
     Education          ‣ Akbank Children: Heroes of the Economy
                                                                                                  (6K youth working with
                        ‣ Family-Owned Business Academy
                                                                                                        16 NGOs)
                        ‣ Computer donations (+4K computers since 2015)

Reducing our impact on the environment (2020)
          First Turkish company
             to be featured in                                                  5.8 mn tons
                                           Minimizing the effect of our loan
       CDP 2010 Global 500 Report                                               CO2 emissions prevented by
                                           portfolio on climate change
     (founding sponsor of CDP in Turkey)                                        renewable projects financed

                                           GHG Emissions reduction: Scope       Scope 1 & 2 Emissions dropped to
                                           1+2 emissions achieved the           58,068 tons; intensity figure 50%
                                           intensity target set for 2020        percent less than 2014 base year

                                           Reducing paper use: Digital
                                                                                Saving 56 mn sheets of paper,
                                           solutions for efficient natural
                                                                                ~4K trees
                                           resource consumption

                                           Energy-efficient technology &
                                                                                1.4 power usage efficiency, LEED
                                           infrastructure: Data and Living
                                                                                Gold Green Building Certification

                                                                                Technological waste recycled back
                                           Waste disposal: Recycling-oriented
                                                                                to economy: Toner cartridges, PCs,
                                           waste management policy
                                                                                monitors, POS equipments

Governance structure for long-term, sustainable decision-making
      ‣ Split roles for Chairman & CEO
      ‣ Board structure in compliance with CMB(1) legislation
      ‣ Remuneration policy
             ๏ Remuneration of Board Members and Senior Management in line with the regulations of the BRSA(1) and CMB(1)
             ๏ Total compensation quarterly disclosed in annual report
      ‣ Donation policy
             ๏ Maximum limit approved annually at General Assembly
             ๏ Total donations disclosed in annual report

                                   ‣ Chief Risk Officer reports directly to the BoD
                                      ๏ 1st bank in Turkey to integrate Machine Learning scorecards into credit processes
                                      ๏ Cutting edge methods and tools
           Prudent Risk
           Management              ‣ Chief Information Risk Officer reports directly to the BoD, aspirational global best practice
                                     ๏ 1st financial institution in Turkey
                                      ๏ Recognized as best practice, mandatory as of 2021 according to the new banking regulation
                                      ๏ Top priorities: Cybersecurity, data security/privacy and fraud risk management

58   (1)   CMB: Capital Markets Board; BRSA: Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency
Robust application of policies through training & monitoring
     Policies                   Approach                                                                                                            Training

                                Drawn to enlighten us in all kinds of transactions, behaviors and decisions                          ‣ For all employees: Code of Ethics,
                                                                                                                                       Information Security, Data Leakage,
     Anti-bribery &             Compliance with the anti-bribery and anti-corruption laws and regulations, clean                       Law on Protection of Personal Data,
     Anti-Corruption            banking rules, ethical principles and universal guidelines                                             Anti-corruption, Sustainability

     Dividends                  Distribute cash and/or shares to a maximum of 40% of its distributable profit                        ‣ Specialized trainings: International
                                                                                                                                       Sanctions/Combating Proceeds of
                                                                                                                                       Crime training, Sustainable Banking
     Disclosures                In close and transparent communication with shareholders                                               and Assessment of Environmental
                                                                                                                                       and Social Risks, SME Loans and
                                                                                                                                       SEMS, Clean Banking
     Gifts and Hospitality      Strict principles with regard to the giving and receiving gifts

     Remuneration               Aligned with BRSA and CMB’s Corporate Governance Principles                                                       Monitoring

     Donations and              Aligned with Capital Markets Law and Banking Law,. donations up to max 0.4%
     Contributions              of equity                                                                                            ‣ 24/7 Ethics Hotline
                                                                                                                                     ‣ In case of a possible breach:
                                                                                                                                         ๏ Evaluation by Internal Control
     Compensation               Aligned with Labor Law
                                                                                                                                        ๏ Directed to Executive Vice
                                                                                                                                          President and Internal Audit
     Cookies                    Provide facilities to users visiting our website and further improve the modus operandi

59   For further information, please see
01   Operating Environment
     02   Akbank Overview
     03   How Akbank is building its future
     04   Financials
     05   Looking Forward
     06   Sustainability Approach
     07   Annex

Gross Loan Sector Breakdown
                                            Other (1) 16.6                                                                                Consumer Loans (3) 25.3

                                            Services 2.3                                                                                  Real Estate 7.7
                                                                                                                                          ‣ LTV c. 80%, with recent valuations &
                                                                                                                                            assuming Decree 32 to be implemented
             Metal & Fabricated Metal Products 2.8                                                                                          perpetually (despite 2 yr limitation)
                                                                                                                                          ‣ c. 20% of total has FX cash collateralization

                                              Tourism 3.1
                        ‣ Well-known brands                                                                                               Energy Generation 7.5
                                                                                                                                          ‣ 100% of PF loans since 2016 are renewable
                                                                                                                                          ‣ 84% of PF energy generation loans are renewable
                                                 Food 3.2                                                                                 ‣ c. 60% are government guaranteed (feed-in tariff)

                                              Retailer 3.3
                         ‣ Financially strong sponsors                                                                                    Finance 5.3
                         ‣ Nation-wide supermarket chains
                           with high business volume
                                                                                                                                          Conglomerate 4.2
                           Textile & Ready-made 3.4

                                       Construction 3.7
                          ‣ c.60% in FX                                                                                                   Transport Vehicles & Sub-industry 4.0
                          ‣ 80% of FX loans are
                            government guaranteed (debt
                            assumption)                                                                                                   Transportation & Logistics 3.9
                                                                                                                                          ‣ Increasing business volume in logistics with
                     Petrochemicals Production 3.8                                                                                          changing shopping habits
                                                                                                                                          ‣ High capacity docks in different locations
                                                                                                                                          ‣ Financially strong companies with high and
                                                             SME (2) loans’ share in total gross loans at 6%                                stable cash flows

     Consists of consolidated performing and non-performing cash loans & excludes leasing receivables and adjusted for financial assets
         measured at fair value through P&L
61   (1) Loan concentration below 2%
     (2) According to MIS segmentation
     (3) Including credit cards
FX loan portfolio breakdown

                                  FX Loans
                                  (net,USD bn)
                                                                            YtD   Market
                                                                           Change Share (1)                 Breakdown of PF Loans
                                                                           -1.1%       6.6%                          (%)

                          12.4                   12.3
                          28%                    35%                      Multinationals         Energy
                                                                           & corporates                                16
                                                                           with FX cash
                                                                         flow generation                                        21
                                                                                                                32                   Other

                          72%                    65%
                          2020                   1H21                                         Real Estate
                      Project Finance & Export          Other

     (1) Market   share data based on bank only BRSA weekly data as of June 25, 2021
Staging & coverage ratios of main sectors

                      Stage 2 Loans                           % of Total Stage 2 Coverage (%) Coverage                             pp (YtD) Coverage       pp (QoQ)
                      Real Estate (1)                                    28.8                      12                        (2)                   (2)
                      Energy Generation                                   9.2                      31                         1                        2
                      Tourism                                             4.7                      19                        10                  Flattish
                      Retailer                                            1.4                      15                         4                        2
                      Construction                                        1.2                      26                         6                        5
                      Transportation & Logistics                          0.6                      13                    Flattish                      1

                      Stage 3 Loans                           % of Total Stage 3 Coverage (%) Coverage                             pp (YtD) Coverage       pp (QoQ)
                      Real Estate                                        21.3                      59                    Flattish                Flattish
                      Retailer                                           11.7                      55                         8                        5
                      Construction                                        9.6                      81                         6                        4
                      Energy Generation                                   5.1                      52                         7                        4
                      Tourism (2)                                         2.5                      56                        10                        9
                      Transportation & Logistics                          0.6                      76                         3                        1

     (1)   Real estate’s share in Stage 2 is at 5.1% with 21.4% coverage, excluding one excessively collateralized real estate loan
63   (2)   Adjusted for one excessively collateralized file
Subsidiaries’ contribution

                1H20                                         1H21
                          14%                                         16%

                                                                            Bank-only net income
                                                                            Subsidiaries' Contribution

              86%                                        84%

                          Subsidiaries’ Net Income (TL mn)

                    123                                                     Ak Asset Management
                                                                247         Ak Investment
                                        74%                                 Ak Lease
                     61                 YoY                     94          Akbank AG

                    -14                                         -19
                1H20                                           1H21

Snapshot of Results
     Profitability (%)                                                           1Q20                  1H20                 2020                1Q21        1H21
     ROE                                                                            9.6                  10.4                  10.9               12.9      12.8
      ROE, Quarterly                                                                9.6                  11.4                  12.1               12.9      12.9
     ROA                                                                             1.3                  1.4                   1.4                1.6       1.6
      ROA, Quarterly                                                                 1.3                   1.5                  1.5                1.6        1.6
     Swap Adj. NIM                                                                 4.83                  4.63                  4.12              2.40       2.58
      Swap Adj. NIM, Quarterly                                                     4.83                  4.42                  3.61              2.40       2.74
     CIR (1)                                                                       33.8                  31.6                  33.8              40.0       39.8
      CIR, Quarterly                                                               33.8                  29.6                  38.5              40.0       39.6

     Total LDR (2)                                                                   84                    98                   94                     95     94
      TL (2)                                                                        126                   138                  153                    147    147
      FX                                                                             48                    54                   47                     51     49
     Leverage (x)                                                                    7.8                   7.7                  7.6                   8.2    8.0

     Asset Quality (%)
     NPL Ratio                                                                       6.7                   6.2                  6.2                5.8       5.5
     Stage 3 Coverage                                                              58.8                   61.5                62.4                63.7      65.2
     Stage 2/ Total Gross Loans                                                    12.2                   11.9                  9.4                9.5      11.1
     Stage 2 Coverage                                                              11.8                   15.1                16.4                16.8      16.1
     Net CoC                                                                       2.01                   2.59                2.27                1.01      0.79
      Net CoC, Quarterly                                                           2.01                   3.17                1.06                1.01      0.59

     Solvency (3) (%)
     CAR                                                                           18.8                  20.4                  19.8               18.5      20.0
     CET-1                                                                         16.0                   17.4                 16.9               15.5      16.0
     Tier-1                                                                        16.0                   17.4                 16.9               15.5      16.0

     (1) CIR calculation excludes FX gain from long FX position related with stage 1&2 provisions and LYY hedge. The calculation excludes insurance
         penalty of TL 71 mn for 1Q20, 1H20 & also BRSA penalty of TL 117 mn for 2020
65   (2) Bank-only, TL LDR includes domestic TL bond issuances and merchant payables
     (3) w/o forbearances: For 2Q21, fixing FX rate for RWA calculation to average last 12 month FX rate. For 1Q21 & 2020, fixing MtM losses of

         securities & FX rate for RWA calculation to average last 12 month FX rate & for 1Q20 & 1H20 to YE 2019
Balance Sheet Highlights
                                          2020      1Q21       1H21    QoQ (%)   YtD (%)
     Consolidated (TL mn)
     Cash and due from Banks             60,576    76,323    84,320       10        39
     Securities                         101,926   106,843    115,052       8        13
      TL                                 59,540    62,336     62,774       1         5
      FX (USD)                            5,713     5,346      6,023      13         5
     Loans (net)                        262,658   281,814    289,481       3        10
      TL                                170,310   175,986    182,585       4          7
      FX (USD)                           12,447     12,711    12,315      (3)       (1)
     Other                               53,157    52,310    48,986       (6)       (8)
     Total Assets                       478,317   517,290    537,839       4        12

     Deposits                           292,519   310,008    326,905       5        12
      TL                                108,362   118,963    122,693       3        13
      FX (USD)                           24,821    22,946     23,526       3        (5)
     Funds Borrowed and Bonds Issued     66,287    70,962     76,488       8        15
     Repo                                20,907    37,029     32,111     (13)       54
     Other                               35,679    36,253     35,024      (3)       (2)
     Equity                              62,924    63,038     67,311        7         7
     Total Liabilities and S/H Equity   478,317   517,290    537,839       4        12

Income Statement Highlights
     Consolidated (TL mn)                             1Q21        2Q21      QoQ(%)      1H20        1H21     YoY(%)
     Net Interest Income incl. swap cost               2,782      3,383           22     8,906       6,165     (31)
       NII                                             4,193       5,337          27    10,234      9,530        (7)
        o/w CPI-linker income                          1,088       1,728          59     1,388       2,816      103
       Swap Cost                                      (1,411)   (1,954)           39   (1,328)    (3,365)       153
     Fees and Commissions (Net)                        1,462      1,348          (8)     2,262      2,810        24
     Net Trading Gain (Loss)                           2,031      1,480        (27)      1,145       3,511      207
       LYY hedge gain/ (loss)                          1,105         436       (61)           -      1,541         -
       ECL hedge gain/ (loss)                              62        154       150          315        216     (31)
       Other                                             864        890            3       830       1,754      111
     Other Income                                         267         59       (78)         143        326      128
     Operating Expense                               (2,087)    (2,240)            7   (3,898)    (4,327)         11
     Pre- Provision Income                             4,455      4,029        (10)      8,558      8,484        (1)
     Provision for Loan Losses, net of collections      (697)      (427)       (39)    (2,936)    (1,123)      (62)
       Stage 1+2 (net)                                  (515)      (185)       (64)    (1,286)      (700)      (46)
       Stage 3                                          (621)      (517)        (17)   (1,822)    (1,138)      (38)
       Stage 3 Recoveries                                500        430        (14)        486        930        91
       Currency Impact (fully hedged)                    (62)     (154)        150        (315)      (216)     (31)
     Other Provisions                                (1,201)      (559)        (53)     (1,761)    (1,761)         -
       LYY MtM gain/ (loss)                          (1,203)      (548)        (54)    (1,283)     (1,751)       36
       Free Provisions                                      -           -          -     (250)           -         -
       Other                                                2        (11)          -     (228)        (10)         -
     Income Before Tax                                  2,557     3,043           19     3,861      5,600        45
     Tax                                               (529)       (937)          77      (975)   (1,466)        50
     Net Income                                        2,028      2,106            4     2,885      4,134        43

Check out our website!

     Some of the new features:

Investor Relations & Sustainability Team

     Ebru Güvenir                                                                    Institutional Investor Awards
     Senior Vice President

                                                                                    Best IR Program       Best CEO
     İlknur Kocaer, CFA                         Feride Doğan                            in Turkey      for IR in Turkey
     Investor Relations Vice President           Sustainability Vice President       for Large Cap      for Large Cap                                                             2020               2020

     Nazlı Çelem                                 Bilgi Aslankurt
     Investor Relations Manager                  Sustainability Manager                                    Best IR                        Best CFO         Professional
                                                                                    for IR in Turkey      in Turkey
                                                                                     for Large Cap     for Large Cap
     Gülçe Deniz                                 Burak Songül                             2020              2020
     Investor Relations Manager                  IR & Sustainability Manager            

     Address    : Akbank Genel Müdürlüğü Sabancı Center 4. Levent 34330, İstanbul
     Email      :
     IR Website :

Initiatives & indices

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      The information and opinions contained in this document have been compiled or arrived at by
      Akbank from sources believed to be reliable and in good faith, but no representation or warranty,
      expressed or implied, is made as to their accuracy, completeness or correctness. All opinions and
      estimates contained in this document constitute the Company’s judgement as of the date of this
      document and are subject to change without notice. The information contained in this document is
      published for the assistance of recipients, but is not to be relied upon as authoritative or taken in
      substitution for the exercise of judgement by any recipient. The Company does not accept any
      liability whatsoever for any direct or consequential loss arising from any use of this document or its
      contents. This document may not be reproduced, distributed or published for any purpose.

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