BUDGET POLICY SPEECH 2010/2011 - The Honourable Lydia Johnson, MPL MEC for Agriculture, Environmental Affairs and Rural Development - 15 April 2010


    The Honourable Lydia Johnson, MPL
    MEC for Agriculture, Environmental
      Affairs and Rural Development

             15 April 2010
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                                                    Printed by CPW Printers

              Budget Policy Speech by the MEC For Agriculture,
               Environmental Affairs and Rural Development,
                Delivered by the Honourable Lydia Johnson,
                               15 April 2010

INTRODUCTION                              .
Madam Speaker, Honourable Premier, Colleagues in the Executive, Members of the House,
Members of the Diplomatic Corps, Amakhosi, Municipal Political Office Bearers, Members
of the Media, Ladies and Gentlemen. I stand before this august house for the second time
to present the budget policy speech for the Department of Agriculture, Environmental
Affairs and Rural Development. Agriculture remains one of the most important sectors
through which this government has committed to change the face of our social and
economic outlook in its bid to bring a better life to all the people of this country, and more
particularly, the people of KwaZulu-Natal.

It is almost a year since we entered into a renewed contract with the electorate, following
the election of April 22 in 2009. The ANC election manifesto that the masses of this
country voted for last year and from which we take our tune as government, categorically
states that Rural Infrastructure Development and Agrarian Reform are at the heart of our
plans to improve our country’s food security. This augurs very well with the Department’s
undertaking to advocate for optimal land use where most of KwaZulu-Natal’s natural
resource base favours agricultural production.

The 2010 State of the Nation Address by His Excellency President Jacob Zuma and the
State of the Province Address by Premier the Honourable Dr Zweli Mkhize made mention
of the fact that we have to work closely with the communities, thereby galvanizing the
people to go back to the fields to produce their own food. This province has already
commenced with this initiative and continues to intensify this partnership through the
“One Home One Garden” Campaign and many other agricultural support services, details
of which I will elaborate on later.

Madam speaker, the Department has stabilized and is now on a sound financial and
managerial footing. As you are aware, the Department embarked on the implementation
of a Finance Turnaround Strategy to address the root causes resulting in the adverse
opinions received from the Auditor-General in the past. This strategy has demanded a
high level of dedication and commitment by staff. I am really pleased to report that, after

    “A champion for a prosperous agricultural productive land use, food security and environmentally sustainable livelihoods”   1

several challenging years, the Department received an Unqualified Audit Opinion for the
2008/2009 financial year. With the project achieving this first major milestone, the focus
shifted to ensuring the sustainability of this success. The focus now is on training of staff
on new business processes and Standard Operating Procedures. With all the efforts that
we have made, we are looking positively into the future and are confident of receiving an
unqualified opinion from the Auditor-General again for the 2009/2010 financial year.

I am also happy to introduce to you the new Head of Department, Dr Sizwe Mkhize, who
assumed office on the 1st of April this year. He is now the new leader of the team to keep
the Department on course. This will bring more stability and continue to build on good
practice achieved over the past two years.

Madam Speaker and Honourable Members, as I present this 2010/2011 budget speech,
all in the Department are very mindful of the expectations we have to meet in order
for the Department to make a major contribution in the upliftment of our communities.
With this year being declared a year of action, the Department will not only seek to
encourage more people to be involved in agricultural activities, but will further assist them
in securing suitable markets for their products. In this regard we are looking forward to
taking advantage of the opportunities that will be presented by the Dube Trade Port.

    1. AGRICULTURAL SERVICES                                               .

Agriculture, as indicated earlier, is pivotal in the development in many geographic areas
of KwaZulu-Natal where the natural resource base favours agricultural production. I shall
now present some of the Department’s important agricultural programmes.

    The Honourable Members will also notice that these agricultural
    programmes are all aligned to the following 5 of the 12 national outcomes
    of government; namely: decent employment through inclusive economic
    growth; an efficient, competitive infrastructure network; vibrant,
    equitable, sustainable rural communities contributing to food security for
    all; protect and enhance our environmental assets and natural resources;
    and an efficient, effective and development orientated public service and
    an empowered, fair and inclusive citizenship.

2    “A champion for a prosperous agricultural productive land use, food security and environmentally sustainable livelihoods”

1.1 Food Security
Food security refers to the availability of food and one’s access to it. A household is
considered to be food secure when its occupants do not live in hunger or in fear of

The state of food insecurity as presented in the previous budget speech was worsened by
the major loss in jobs in various sectors, including agriculture. Therefore, a more robust
programme had to be put in place to enhance food security in the province.

The One Home One Garden Campaign was launched at Nkandla on the 18th of July
2009. The main thrust and advantage of this campaign is that it has the capacity to fight
hunger and malnutrition at household level. Through this campaign, I find meaning for
the following extract from the Freedom Charter: “… food plentiful and no one shall go
hungry … ”. Madam speaker, I must say that this campaign has been well received by the
majority of our people and will remain a permanent feature in the Department. We will
continue to drive this campaign in earnest so that it reaches all areas of our province.

As we all know, it is estimated that 35 % of people are food insecure in KwaZulu-Natal.
This equates to approximately 580 000 households. As a result, our initial target of
233 000 households for seed scoop support was extended to 690 000 households during
2009. These households were assisted with seeds for vegetables, as well as maize and
beans. This intervention is generally known as the “Seed Scoop” or Starter Pack 1, which
entails free seed, that can supply enough vegetables to a family for the whole season. In
2009/2010 the Province of KwaZulu-Natal also started the ‘War on Poverty’ programme,
focusing on the 57 poorest wards. In these wards the Department assisted some 30%
most deprived households with Starter Pack 2, which is a crate containing vegetable
seeds, start-up fertilizer and some garden tools. A total of 34 528 such crates were
distributed during 2009/2010. The Department also assisted some households, where
the occupants could not walk far due to various reasons, with Starter Pack 3, which was
the same crate as well as water provision for 403 home gardens. In 2010/2011, our Food
Security Programme will be extended to the next batch of wards. The Department will
again intervene on the same basis as last year with the provision of the seed scoop to
households in all the wards of KwaZulu-Natal as a “Safety Net”, as well as with Starter
Pack 2 and 3.

I wish to remind everyone in this house that this campaign is not only about growing
vegetables alone, but we also want to grow fruit and indigenous trees and hence we
say, “One Home One Garden, One Fruit Tree and One Indigenous Tree”. These trees are
important for various reasons but I will speak more on the importance of trees when I

   “A champion for a prosperous agricultural productive land use, food security and environmentally sustainable livelihoods”   3

deal with Environmental issues. Let me also extend a word of gratitude to the various
faith denominations and schools which have heeded the Premier’s call for “One Church
One Garden and One School One Garden” respectively.

The KZN and Flemish co-funded ‘Empowerment for Food Security Programme’ which is
currently implemented in eight local municipalities with the aim of developing best food
security practices, namely:

•   Food preservation, preparation, storage;
•   Diversification of food at household level;
•   Healthy and environmentally friendly pest and disease control;
•   Composting and Manure utilization to promote organic cropping;
•   Enhancing food security through livestock production;
•   Promotion of Traditional Food Production;
•   Agro-processing, Rain Water Harvesting and Irrigation Management; and
•   Efficient energy utilization.

The Department is also partnering with the Independent Development Trust and our two
Colleges of Agriculture to train more than 40 000 beneficiaries of the “One Home One
Garden” campaign during 2010/2011. Each recipient of the household starter pack will be
trained before receiving the vegetable seeds. To achieve maximum benefits from seeds
and implements provided to communities, the Department will also be conducting hands-
on practical training through 570 demonstration gardens.

1.2 Juncao Mushroom Project
The Juncao Mushroom and Upland Rice Project was initiated in January 2005 under the
Contract between the Department and the Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University in
Fuzhou, China. Agricultural trials at our Research Stations indicated that rice production
was feasible but not viable due to high demand for irrigation that proved necessary to
produce a decent crop, as well as the need to protect the crop from heavy predation by
birds. Nevertheless, similar trials on Juncao Mushroom production have proved feasible
and very viable.

A Juncao Research and Training Centre has since been constructed at Cedara. It is
envisaged that the Centre will form the basis for a sustainable Juncao Mushroom Industry
initially throughout KZN. Should the demand become evident, it could be expanded to
include other Provinces.

To date, a successful development site has been established at KwaDindi at Vulindlela.
Currently there are 97 members of a registered, secondary Juncao Co-operative. The

4    “A champion for a prosperous agricultural productive land use, food security and environmentally sustainable livelihoods”

majority of the members are women (75%) and youth (20%). Since its inception, more
than 584 000 mushroom packs have been produced at KwaDindi. However, a large volume
(60%) has been used for home consumption by the direct beneficiaries. The surplus has
been sold locally and to a hawker who labels and sells the product commercially.

A Satellite Base is presently under construction at the site. Once this is completed, the
beneficiaries will be able to produce their own packs (with only the spawn emanating
from Cedara). It is estimated that some 350 permanent jobs will ultimately be created as
a result of the Satellite Base. It is important to note that a fully functional Satellite Base
should generate an estimated R7.5m annually for and by the rural communities surrounding
the facility. Further, similar Satellite Bases are planned. Registered cooperatives have
been established at Mehlomnyama in the Ugu District with 20 women beneficiaries; at
Dukuduku in the uMkhanyakude District with 20 youth; and at Msinga Top with 20 direct
beneficiaries – 17 of whom are women.

To further sustain and enhance the interventions currently being implemented, the
Department also plans to develop a livestock food security pack during the MTEF period.
This intervention will assist approximately 800 000 households over a period of time,
beginning in the next financial year.

1.3 Nguni Cattle Project
Nguni Cattle are a very treasured asset in many parts of KwaZulu-Natal’s extensive grazing
areas, which comprise as much as 80% of the area of the Province. Nguni cattle have
undergone natural selection to the habitat over centuries and are therefore well adapted.
Needless to say, the Department had some challenges with the old Livestock policy and
has thus revised its Policy on Indigenous Livestock. The new policy was approved in 2009
and the Department will commence with the distribution of such stock in its possession.
The new Policy allows for animals to be distributed to Livestock Associations with sufficient
grazing and handling facilities. Following a roadshow during which the requirements of the
policy were communicated, an increased interest was noted. Training of such Livestock
Associations is continuing and will increasingly result in sound management of herds. This
includes management of grazing, breeding, health, nutrition and financial management.

This fundamental shift in policy will also be the future focus on the supply of selected
Nguni bulls to Livestock Associations. The Department also plans to revive its adaptive
research capacity and will focus on, inter alia, breeding and selection, selective grazing
systems, supplementary feeding and rounding off regimes for the various types of animals
in the herd. This research capacity will furthermore be extended to all types of indigenous
farm animals.

    “A champion for a prosperous agricultural productive land use, food security and environmentally sustainable livelihoods”   5

1.4 Dip-tanks and related infrastructure
To improve livestock production among our communities, the Department has also
embarked on establishing and capacitating 42 Livestock Associations with a membership
of 1 200 Dip-tank Committees. In this regard, the Department has to date already
rehabilitated 1 005 dip-tanks out of the 1 600 dip-tanks in the deep rural areas. During
rehabilitation, Livestock Associations ensured equitable distribution of job opportunities
and identification of candidates for respective training programmes, which is commendable
indeed. In addition to dip-tank rehabilitation, the Department will commence with fencing
of grazing camps and the construction of stock watering facilities to allow for controlled
grazing systems, and breeding seasons to be implemented. This will amount to 595 km
of fencing and 14 Dam Scouring Projects in Zululand, Uthungulu and Umkhanyakude, to
mention a few.

1.5 Veterinary Services
Madam Speaker, the Veterinary Services of the Department is there to, inter alia, control
animal diseases that are transmissible from animals to humans. I wish to point out that
many rural communities already keep a substantial number of various types of livestock.
Challenges experienced include disease and high mortality rate as a result of lack of
medication, infrastructure, animal health care, awareness and capacity of many livestock
owners. This hugely affects sound animal production and the realization of potential
benefits from this venture.

According to the 2007/8 livestock census of Communal Livestock (excluding Commercial
Farmers), the Province has approximately 1,1 million cattle, 313 000 goats and 98 000
indigenous chickens. The cattle alone are worth approximately R3 billion, using current
market estimates. Rural people are to a great extent dependant on livestock in exchange
for food, school fees and cultural events. The Department will therefore embark on
a Programme to improve livestock through a comprehensive primary animal health
progamme and sound animal husbandry practices throughout the province. This entails
vaccinations against very prevalent diseases such as Newcastle Disease and Brucellosis,
as well as programmes to enhance controlled grazing systems, breeding and nutrition

1.6 Rabies Control Programme
Madam Speaker, Rabies is probably the most serious threat to humans that is caused by
uncared for companion animals. In 2009, KwaZulu-Natal registered 224 cases of rabies,
a 28% decrease from the cases reported in 2008. I am pleased to report that the Bill and
Belinda Gates Foundation, in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO),

6   “A champion for a prosperous agricultural productive land use, food security and environmentally sustainable livelihoods”

have donated R16 million over five years towards the “Human Rabies Elimination Project”
in KZN. This will assist the Department in intensifying its campaign in fighting rabies in
the Province. In an effort to control this disease, the Department vaccinated 326 695
and treated 2,7 million animals during 2009/2010. This will be escalated with the above
assistance and it is intended to vaccinate 550 000 animals during 2010/2011.

1.7 Stock Theft
The single most serious threat facing livestock farmers in this Province is stock theft.
Losses in 2008/2009 amounted to R365m nationally and R109m in KwaZulu-Natal. The
numbers of livestock farmers continuing with livestock production are diminishing as a
result. The Department has partnered with the Livestock Farmers, the Department of
Community Safety and Liaison and the SAPS to fight stock theft. In order to immediately
address stock theft, the Department has been purchasing and distributing branding kits,
stock cards and registers to Livestock Associations.

1.8 Support to small scale communal cash crop farmers
Madam Speaker, the Department renders a great deal of support to small scale cash
crop farmers. In this regard, the Department provides support with extension services
and mentorship programmes to these farmers. In 2009, the Department embarked
on a series of road shows in the Province, where I interacted with farmers and learnt
about the myriad of challenges they face on the ground. Issues of water, mechanisation,
fencing and markets were brought to our attention by the communities. We have, as a
result, managed to procure 33 tractors with implements which will be kept at our offices,
thus ensuring broader access to mechanisation services. We have already established a
booking system whereby communities can book for tractor services and where possible,
the Department will partner with municipalities.

1.9 Massification
The Crop Massification Programme is aimed at empowering small scale farmers to farm
collectively as cooperatives on consolidated larger parcels of land. The Department assists
with mechanization, agricultural inputs, mentorship and access to markets.

In 2009/2010 a total of 850 hectares of land were planted with maize and beans in the
North Region. Of these, 750ha were planted with maize in Umkhanyakude, Umzinyathi,
Amajuba and Uthungulu districts. One hundred (100) hectares of beans were planted at
Nkandla. Five cooperatives with 694 members benefited from this programme.

    “A champion for a prosperous agricultural productive land use, food security and environmentally sustainable livelihoods”   7

In the South region, a total of 836 hectares of land were planted, 614 hectares with maize
and 222 hectares with beans at Mpendle, Ubuhlebezwe and Ingwe. In Mbabazane and
Ukhahlamba, farmers were assisted with liming on 300ha of land and did the planting
themselves. This benefited more than 1 100 farmers. Throughout the province, a total of
1 686 hectares of land were planted and more than 10 764 beneficiaries were assisted
through the Massification programme.

In 2011 the Department will continue with massification programme and plant 2 424ha
of maize and beans. In collaboration with Amakhosi and Ingonyama Trust, more land will
be made available for the massification programme. This forms part of ‘One Village One
Product’ Campaign which acknowledges the important role played by Amakhosi and the
entire traditional leadership within our communities.

1.10 Agricultural Cooperatives
Honourable Speaker, the role of primary agricultural cooperatives as a vehicle for rural
poverty reduction has been demonstrated by its success in many parts of the world. Our
experience, however, has shown that this only becomes a reality if such cooperatives are
given adequate support and mentoring.

I am proud to report that through our partnership with the Department of Health and
the Department of Economic Development and Tourism, we have assisted 7 cooperatives
who have been awarded commercial tenders to supply their produce to 23 hospitals in
the 4 Districts of Sisonke, Umzinyathi, Uthungulu and Umkhanyakude. These hospitals
include Stanger, Itshelejuba and Charles James, to mention a few.

The aim is to support cooperatives until such time that they are self-sustainable. This
project will be expanded to include more cooperatives in the near future and partnerships
will be extended to include other Departments and partners. Madam Speaker, we will
closely monitor and evaluate the performance of cooperatives and this will be used as a
yardstick for future expansion.

1.11 Comprehensive Agricultural Support Programme (CASP)
Madam Speaker, the CASP Programme is a Conditional grant aimed at assisting the farmers,
particularly those who acquired land through the restitution programme. It provides
infrastructural and agricultural input support to farmers. The operational challenges and
complexity of commercial farms that have been transferred to new Black farmers has
made it crucial that the Department forms partnerships with commodity associations
as bodies that have expertise in the field of production and marketing. In this way, the
Department will be able to further support Black commercial farmers.

8   “A champion for a prosperous agricultural productive land use, food security and environmentally sustainable livelihoods”

1.12 Makhathini Integrated Master Development Plan
Madam Speaker, the potential of the Makhathini Flats as a food basket for the province
is well documented. As a result, the Makhathini Integrated Master Development Plan,
approved by Cabinet in November 2008, is being rolled-out earnestly by the Department.
This plan indicated that major repairs and upgrades are required before the Makhathini
Irrigation Scheme will reach full potential again. In the past financial year, R30m was
spent to rehabilitate the infrastructure. I am pleased to report that, among others, the
irrigation scheme has been fenced (119 km), six pumps in the central pump station were
repaired and six pumps replaced. During this process, 193 jobs were created and farmers
were trained in the correct fencing methodologies.

For the vegetable farmers, a platform has been created for value-add to the produce
on the irrigation scheme, including the refurbishment of the pack house. The ablution
facilities will be completed soon, bringing the pack house on equal footing with commercial
pack houses. The farmers will now be able to pack for any buyer and meet the required
hygiene parameters.

Honourable Speaker, the livestock farmers will also be assisted with the development of
a livestock support centre for both Jozini and Umhlabuyalingana. This will provide for a
marketing platform from where the livestock farmers of both large stock (cattle) and small
stock (goats, pigs and sheep) will be able to market their animals to buyers at the best
market price. These centres will also be used as training facilities where farmers will be
trained in the latest technologies of livestock production and marketing. The development
of the centres will start shortly and will be completed in a period of six months.

1.13 Mjindi (Pty) Ltd
Madam Speaker, I am pleased to announce that the new Board of Directors for Mjindi
Farming Pty (Ltd) has been appointed with effect from 1 March 2010. The first task of
the Board will be to identify and appoint competent staff to implement the new mandate,
including repair and maintainance of the existing irrigation infrastructure, irrigation
expansion from the current 3 500ha to 15 000ha, capacitating farmers and exploring
value-add enterprises.

1.14 Women and Youth
I believe that the women and youth must and can play a more meaningful role in
agriculture. It is sad that high levels (65%) of employable young people are presently
unemployed in our country, while the majority of these young people still hold a view
that agriculture is backward, dirty hard work meant for the uneducated, and cannot be
pursued as a financially rewarding career.

    “A champion for a prosperous agricultural productive land use, food security and environmentally sustainable livelihoods”   9

The Department is committed to facilitate all activities aimed at empowering youth and
women in agriculture and rural development as groups that require special focus. We will
furthermore continue to spare no effort to promote agriculture as a profession so that
young people can see it as attractive and worthwhile career to pursue.

In the 2009/2010 financial year, career guidance campaigns were conducted to encourage
school-going youth to take agriculture and environmental studies as a career of choice. The
Department also promoted the same in schools through a Schools Garden Competition,
which was held in October 2009. This was the pilot for eThekwini District, which will be
rolled-out to all districts in the Province during 2010/2011.

The Department also conducted awareness programmes on agriculture with the aim of
promoting food security and farming. In these campaigns, the “Youth in Agriculture and
Rural Development” will assist the Department.

For a greater part of the last century and since the beginning of the industrial revolution
in South Africa, women’s role in agriculture has become more entrenched. It is for this
reason that the Department has vigorously engaged in promoting and encouraging
women to be involved in agriculture. On the 10th of August 2009, the Department hosted
a successful Female Farmer event from which we selected five female farmers who went
on to represent our province in the national event in Bloemfontein.

1.15 Agricultural Training
Honourable Speaker, the Department boasts 2 reputable Colleges of Agriculture, namely,
Owen Sithole and Cedara. These colleges will henceforth become known as Agricultural
Training Institutes.

I am pleased to announce here today that the Department and the University of KwaZulu-
Natal have recently signed a Memorandum of Agreement, officially sealing a partnership
between the Department and the University to offer the Bachelor of Agriculture degree
(B Agric) in Agricultural Extension and Rural Resource Management. While there are
other B Agric degrees on offer, this is the first to be floated under the new South African
Qualifications Authority, and the first to be taught at an Agricultural College while enjoying
full university degree status.

The Department also continues to offer a 2-year higher certificate and a 3-year Diploma.
In 2010/2011, 305 new students enrolled in both our colleges.

10   “A champion for a prosperous agricultural productive land use, food security and environmentally sustainable livelihoods”

1.16 Extension Recovery Programme
The National Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries has, through a conditional
grant under the Comprehensive Agricultural Support Programme, funded the Extension
Recovery Plan. KwaZulu-Natal has been recognized as a lead Province in the implementation
of the programme. Four hundred and eighty four (484) extension officers were trained
and obtained the International Computer Drivers Licence certificates. This includes being
equipped with laptops suitable for field usage and 3G cards for improved infield diagnosis
and recommendations. The farmer database has been commissioned by the National
Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries and the next few months will see the
Department actively populating this database. This will greatly improve communication
amongst the Department and farmers.

To strengthen capacity within the Extension Recovery Programme and reach out to more
farmers, the Department has appointed 54 new extension personnel at the beginning
of April 2010. Arrangements are in place to enable extension officers to upgrade their
qualifications from diplomas to degrees. This is in line with the National norms and


The aim of Environmental Services is to strike the balance between the requirements
of both economic development and environmental sustainability. This requires the
Department to work with all role-players, as lead agent in the Province, to co-ordinate
the work of the sector to prevent the effects of pollution and waste from harming the
environment and maintaining biodiversity.

In the 2010/2011 financial year, the focus will be:

• To pursue and explore the concept of green jobs, promote green economy and create
  decent work and sustainable livelihoods.

• To continue to provide leadership and coordination of government’s approach to large,
  complex and cross-sectoral environmental issues specifically responding to climate
  change and championing sustainable development.

In order to improve decision-making on environmental authorisations, various
Environmental Management Frameworks have been initiated. The primary objective of
these frameworks is to ensure that development does not negatively impact on demarcated
sensitive areas.

    “A champion for a prosperous agricultural productive land use, food security and environmentally sustainable livelihoods”   11

2.1 Pollution Control, Waste and Chemical Management
During 2010/2011, the first KwaZulu-Natal Integrated Waste Management Plan will be
developed. The plan aims to provide a status quo of waste management within the
Province, and to identify the gaps and needs currently existing in the Province with
regard to waste management. The drafting of the Provincial Integrated Hazardous Waste
Management Plan has already commenced.

The Department has, in partnership with DANIDA, provided funding to district municipalities
for the development of municipal Integrated Waste Management Plans. The Department
will also be assisting district municipalities who will be hosting Public Viewing Areas for
the 2010 FIFA Soccer World Cup with the implementation of effective waste management

2.2 Air Quality and Climate Change
In addition to the five ambient air quality monitoring stations at the “hotspots” around
the Province, the Department is in the process of purchasing four additional monitors
as part of the Health Study in the Richards Bay area. It is also pleasing to report that
there were no exceedance of the sulphur dioxide and particulate matter concentrations
at our monitoring sites situated at Empangeni, Mandeni, Estcourt, Newcastle and Port
Shepstone. A new station is to be installed in Pietermaritzburg during this year. The
Action Plan to address impacts of Climate Change in the Province will be developed. The
Department will also undertake a campaign throughout the Province to create awareness
in the vulnerable communities on the impacts of Climate Change.

2.3 Coastal Management
Following the March 2007 coastal storm, a user-friendly decision support tool was
developed and will be finalized in 2010/2011. This tool will assist the Department to
better evaluate development applications submitted for environmental authorization.

The implementation of the KZN Action Plan on Marine and Coastal Pollution Management
this year will improve the monitoring and assessment of impacts relating to discharges to
the marine environment.

2.4 Environmental Impact Assessment
The Department is continually striving to improve its turn-around times in the finalisation
of Environmental Authorisations (formally known as RoDs). In 2007/2008 the number
of applications that were finalised within the legislated timeframe was 40%. During

12   “A champion for a prosperous agricultural productive land use, food security and environmentally sustainable livelihoods”

2008/2009 and 2009/2010 the numbers increased to 66% and 69%, respectively. For
2010/2011 our target is 80%. The improvement is being enhanced by the intensive EIA
training given to staff.

2.5 Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement
Compliance Monitoring is achieved by conducting audits, inspections, investigations and
site visits on legal and illegal activities. During the past year, 66 cases of alleged illegal
commencement of listed activities were investigated and 112 compliance notices or
directives issued to alleged offenders. In addition 778 Environmental Decisions had been
audited. Presently we have 34 Environmental Management Inspectors and another 22 are
being trained, to continue with efforts of compliance monitoring and enforcement.

2.6 Landcare
The Landcare programme is aimed at addressing the degradation of natural resources in
agricultural zones. The focus for the 2010/2011 financial year is to commence with the
alignment of the Landcare Programme with the province’s priorities, namely, livestock,
massification and land reform programmes.

This financial year, the programme will support a total of 40 production projects, of
which 25 will be continuation projects and 15 new projects. The focus will be on alien
weed control, grazing management, construction of conservation structures, wetland
management and donga rehabilitation. It is envisaged that the programme will create 7
100 job opportunities.

The Department has set aside R8.7 m from the conditional grant and R18.4 m from the
equitable share. It is envisaged that 2 320ha will be cleared of alien plants, while 280ha
of this will be put back as productive agricultural land. One hundred (100) hectares of
wetland will be rehabilitated and 700 project beneficiaries will receive skills to implement
such projects.

2.7 Copenhagen Climate Change Summit
The Department participated in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate
Change (UNFCCC) Conference of Parties (Cop15) held in Copenhagen in December 2009.
This was funded by the Danish Development Agency through its Urban Environmental
Programme of which our Department is a participant.

The Department also participated in the pre-COP15 exhibition at which provincial initiatives
such as Provincial Emission Inventory and Carbon Foot Prints were showcased. A seminar

    “A champion for a prosperous agricultural productive land use, food security and environmentally sustainable livelihoods”   13

on the Greening of the Moses Mabhida Stadium and other initiatives at eThekwini
Municipality was also held at the Bella Centre in Copenhagen.

2.8 Greening for 2010 FIFA World Cup and beyond
The Department has consciously gone about using the 2010 FIFA Soccer World Cup as a
springboard to raise the awareness on the environment. The following are the highlights
of the initiatives undertaken by the Department and other state agencies:

• Greening of low income homes and planting of 4 000 trees: The outcomes are multi-
  fold as trees will enhance the beauty of the surroundings; they will serve as a noise
  filter; provide shade during the Province’s hot summers; and have the potential to
  absorb carbon emissions and a source of nutrition for the home owners who are largely
  in the low income group.

• Greening of Public Viewing Areas: This involves educating and empowering the 4
  municipalities to function efficiently in terms of waste, water and energy use.

• One Goal One Tree Campaign: There will be ceremonial tree planting at Moses Mabhida
  Stadium [or the adjacent Peace Park] to commemorate every goal scored during the
  2010 FIFA Soccer World Cup. A target of approximately 20 goals has been set whereby
  20 indigenous trees with commemorative signs will be planted. This is the Legacy
  Project. We will also undertake this initiative at each of the provinces’ Public Viewing
  Areas (PVAs). The total number of goals scored during the FIFA World Cup will be
  divided among the PVAs.

• School Gardens: This entails the planting of vegetable gardens, fruit trees as well as
  shade trees. It will serve to educate learners on green initiatives and develop projects
  that become a legacy of the FIFA World Cup post-2010.

• Green Goal Cleanup Campaigns: Starting in March 2010, regular cleanup campaigns
  have taken place across the Province. The idea is to have at least 2 Cleanup Campaigns
  in each district and 4 in coastal districts.

• Joint Environmental Monitoring and Compliance Committee: The work will include all
  the issues relating to waste management, monitoring the use of recreational areas as
  well as energy and water use.

14   “A champion for a prosperous agricultural productive land use, food security and environmentally sustainable livelihoods”

 3. RURAL DEVELOPMENT                                        .

Rural Development is a new mandate which was assigned to the Department. This mandate
is mainly a coordination across all spheres and therefore speaks to all 12 outcomes of

Honourable Speaker, as we focus on Rural Development, we are reminded of the fact that
this is not a new concept. As different Departments, we have in the past implemented
rural development in an uncoordinated manner. This has resulted in a fruitless use of
scarce resources.

The introduction of rural development as a new mandate is an attempt to ensure efficient
and effective coordination of resources to improve the lives of rural communities. This
mandate calls for greater coordination, to do more with less, and make desired impacts.
In partnership with the national Department of Rural Development and Land Reform, the
Msinga, Nkandla and the surrounding areas have been identified as a Comprehensive
Rural Development Programme pilot site to heed the President’s call to serve the rural
communities with dignity and pride.

The Department has developed an Integrated Rural Development Strategy, which was
approved by Cabinet on the 17th of February 2010. The ultimate goal is to achieve
economically, environmentally and socially sustainable integrated rural development.

Madam Speaker, we will launch rural development forums in May this year in all District
Municipalities. These forums will assist us to identify the felt needs of our rural people
and for them to partake in the implementation of our various government programmes.
Integrated rural development will furthermore be mainstreamed within the Cabinet Cluster

We are also organising a Provincial Farm Workers Summit by the end of April this year.
The aim of the summit is to share the plight of farm workers and to collectively seek
for solutions to the most pressing needs of these people. To resolve the plight of farm
workers, a harmonious environment must be created between the workers and their
employers. Other provinces will be having similar provincial summits which will culminate
in a National Farm Workers Summit later in the year, organized by the Department of
Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries.

   “A champion for a prosperous agricultural productive land use, food security and environmentally sustainable livelihoods”   15

 4. EZEMVELO KZN WILDLIFE                                               .

Honourable Speaker, all our socio-economic development programmes and even our own
existence would be at serious risk without sustainable resource use and management of
our environment. While we all have a role to play in this regard, the function of EKZNW
is also very crucial.

4.1 Review of the 2009/2010 Financial Year

During 2009/2010 a number of achievements, including new developments were made.
Some of these initiatives and projects are:

• The new EKZNW Board was appointed with effect from 1 December 2009.

• EKZNW embarked on marketing and branding campaigns to improve its image and to
  build public confidence here and abroad. This effort has yielded fruits. I am excited to
  announce that EKZNW has been invited to receive two awards in Europe, namely, the
  Golden Award for Tourist, Hotel and Catering Industry for 2010 and the 25th Annual
  Golden Europe Award for Quality.

• I am also pleased to report EKZNW achievements on its rural development initiatives:
  – The Nselweni Bush Camp was officially handed over to the communities surrounding
    Hluhluwe Imfolozi Park (HIP) on the 10th of December 2009.
  – In partnership with the Al Baraka Bank, EKZNW donated a fully furnished computer
    centre to Thibani School situated in the Hlathikhulu area near the Giants Castle

• EKZNW continued to support Sokhulu Mussel Harvesting Project in its 13th year. This
  project contributes to food security to some 1 168 women of Sokhulu community who
  harvest some 16 700 tons of mussels annually.

• Ntsikeni Vlei has recently been registered as a RAMSAR site.

• A counter active anti-poaching strategy is in place to curb the surge of rhino poaching
  in the Province.

• For the 2010 FIFA World Cup, R20 million was spent on upgrading our tourists facilities.
  A further R26m was spent on the improvement of roads that lead to such facilities. This
  will improve revenue generation and create more job opportunities.

16   “A champion for a prosperous agricultural productive land use, food security and environmentally sustainable livelihoods”

4.2 Outlook for 2010/2011

• EKZNW will support community conservation areas to be involved in a professional
  hunting industry.

• It will hand over community levy projects including Ozabeni Primary School, Mtshengwane
  Water Project, Vukuzakhe Crèche and Sthanduxolo Community Hall.

EKZNW will also reach out to current and potential customers through the use of various
advertising campaigns.

    5. PRESENTATION OF THE BUDGET BY PROGRAMME                                                                        .

Madam Speaker, having outlined the outlook for 2010/2011, allow me to table the budget
allocation per programme.

•   Programme       1:   Administration – 269 996 000,00
•   Programme       2:   Agricultural Development Support Services – R1 290 737 000,00
•   Programme       3:   Environmental Services – R206 145 000,00
•   Programme       4:   Conservation – R421 459 000,00

This brings the total budget of the Department to R2 188 337 000,00

    6. CONCLUSION                         .

In conclusion, I wish to convey our heartfelt gratitude to the Honourable Premier, Dr
Zweli Mkhize, for his outstanding leadership. I also would like to thank my colleagues in
the executive and the Honourable members of the house for your support. Many thanks
to the members of our Portfolio Committees for your support and guidance and we look
forward to your cooperation and contribution again this year.

Let me also thank the senior managers and the staff of the Department for their dedication
and continued efforts towards ensuring the fulfillment of our mandate. Thanks to all our
stakeholders and partners who are in attendance, members of the public in the gallery
and the listeners at home who have been following this presentation through the radio
broadcast. With this being a year of action, we strongly urge you to partner with us in
promoting agriculture and we say “Asibuyele Emasimini”.

I Thank You.

     “A champion for a prosperous agricultural productive land use, food security and environmentally sustainable livelihoods”   17
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