Investment choice guide - LGIAsuper

Page created by Carlos Harmon
Investment choice guide - LGIAsuper
Investment choice guide
    Date issued: 30 September 2021

    The information in this document
    forms part of the Accumulation
    account Product Disclosure
    Statement, Date issued: 30
    September 2021.

This document has been prepared and issued by LGIAsuper Trustee
(ABN 94 085 088 484 AFS Licence No. 230511) as trustee for LGIAsuper (ABN 23 053 121 564)
LGIAsuper is an authorised MySuper product provider (Product number 23 053 121 564 638)
Investment choice guide - LGIAsuper
                                                   About this guide                                                          2

                                                   Investment basics                                                         3

                                                   LGIAsuper's investment options                                            5

                                                   MySuper option                                                            6

                                                   Ready-made options                                                        7

                                                   Single asset class options                                                9

                                                   Socially responsible options                                             11

                                                   Our approach to ethical investments                                      12

                                                   Making your choice                                                       13

                                                   Fees and other costs                                                     15

                                                   Additional explanation of fees and costs                                 18

                                                   Defined fees                                                             20

                                                   Let us help you achieve a stronger financial future                      21

This Investment choice guide has been prepared and issued by (LGIAsuper Trustee ABN 94 085 088 484 AFS Licence No. 230511) as
trustee for LGIAsuper (ABN 23 053 121 564) and provides general information for LGIAsuper members.
LGIAsuper recommends that you should, before acting on this information, consider your own personal objectives, financial needs and
situation. LGIAsuper recommends you consult a licensed financial advisor if you require advice that takes into account your personal
circumstances. LGIAsuper has representatives that are authorised to provide personal advice on LGIAsuper products and superannuation
in general.
The information in this document is up to date at the date of preparation of the document. Some of the information may change
following its release. If the change is not significant we may not update the document immediately. Current information about investment
performance and other issues will be published on our website and in our newsletters. We will send you a free printed copy at your
request. Where there is an inconsistency between this document and the Fund’s rules as per the LGIAsuper Trust Deed and Government
regulations, the rules in the Trust Deed and Government regulations shall prevail.

                                                                                                     LGIAsuper INVESTMENT CHOICE GUIDE     1
About this guide

    Super is one of the best ways to save for
    your retirement.Your super is likely to be                  Here’s what’s in this guide:
    one of the biggest assets you’ll ever own,
                                                                Investment basics                           PAGE
    so it makes sense to get closer to it.
    By understanding how super works and reviewing your
                                                                Learn the basic principles of investing      3
                                                                (including risk and return) and about the
    retirement plans regularly, you’ll have the best chance
                                                                different asset classes.
    of making sure you’ve got enough super to fund a
    comfortable retirement.                                     LGIAsuper’s investment options              PAGE

    Take the time to read this guide. You’ll read about the     Understand the investment options            5
    basics of investing and learn how our wide range of         LGIAsuper offers and how they can help
    investment options can help build your retirement           you grow your super.
    savings.                                                    Making your choice                          PAGE
    Trusted investment advice                                   If you want to make a change, see this       13
    If you’d like to review your current investment strategy,   section for how to go about it.
    you can book an appointment with one of our trusted         Fees and other costs                        PAGE
    financial advisers.
                                                                Compare fees across our range of             15
    Visit our website or call 1800 444 396 to find out more.    investment options.

2   LGIAsuper Let's Grow
Investment basics

Learning a few basic investment principles                      security. One specific investment, such as shares in a
                                                                particular company, could experience a major drop in
will help you understand your options so
                                                                value. This risk is controlled through diversification of
you can set yourself up for a stronger                          investments.
financial future.                                               opportunity. By making one investment, you could
For most people superannuation is a long term                   be missing out on another investment with better
investment. That’s because you are generally unable to          opportunities for growth.
access your money until you retire after reaching your          timing. If you switch investment option/s just as
preservation age.                                               markets peak or fall it could negatively or positively
                                                                affect your account balance.
Identify your goals and start planning
Even if retirement is just around the corner your super
investment may need to last 20 to 30 years or more after
that. Identifying your needs, retirement goals and how           Diversification is key
long you have to achieve them is fundamental to a                The key to investing is to avoid putting all your
successful retirement plan and will help you when                eggs in one basket. Also known as diversification,
choosing an investment strategy. These questions are             spreading your money across different
also worth considering:                                          investments reduces the overall risk of your
                                                                 portfolio. That’s because if one investment falls in
  how much super do you have?
                                                                 value, other investments that are performing well
  how much super do you need (in today’s dollars) to             over the same period could make up or exceed
  generate your desired retirement income?                       that loss.
  how many years do you have to save?
                                                                 There are many ways to diversify, including across
How much you have in retirement and how long it lasts            asset classes, investments within an asset class,
depends on the amount of money you and your employer             or among investment managers or countries. We
put into super, how much that money earns through                explain more about asset classes below.
investment returns and the impact of fees and taxes.
Investing for long periods generally means you can afford
to take more risk and potentially benefit from higher         Our investment philosophy
investment returns. If your timeframe is shorter you might    LGIAsuper’s aim is to grow our members’ super balances,
need to reduce your risk and receive lower returns.           while providing consistent returns.
Understand risk and return                                    That means we want your investment to grow when
Super, like all investments, carries some risk. Most people   markets are performing strongly, and reduce the impact
are aware that there is the possibility of losing some of     when markets start to fall.
your money when sharemarkets decline, or when                 We place great value on diversification, which means
currency exchange rates or interest rates change.             not having all your eggs in the one basket. To achieve
But there is another risk—the risk that the value of your     this, we spread your money across a number of different
investment won’t keep up with inflation and will lose         asset classes to reduce the level of risk.
purchasing power over time.                                   Asset classes
Investment options with higher proportions invested in        Traditionally, investments have been classed as either
growth assets, such as shares and property, generally         growth assets or defensive assets.
provide higher returns that outpace inflation over the
                                                              Growth assets like shares and property tend to rise in
long term than those with more invested in defensive
                                                              value over time. Defensive assets like cash and fixed
assets like cash or fixed interest. In return for higher
                                                              interest pay regular income.
investment earnings though, you have a higher short
term risk of loss, as these investments regularly rise and    At LGIAsuper, we believe many of the assets in our fund
fall in value.                                                can have both characteristics. For example, we see
                                                              property, alternatives and infrastructure as having
Other risks of investing in super include:
                                                              features of both growth and defensive assets.
  legislative. Superannuation laws may change in the
                                                              The combination of these growth and defensive features
  future. This could affect your account balance, ability
                                                              gives members the opportunity to grow their super in a
  to make contributions, access to super or its tax
                                                              rising market, while providing a degree of protection in
  treatment in a positive or negative way.
                                                              poorly performing markets.
  economic or political. If countries or regions
  experience political change, economic crisis or war         Depending on the investment option you choose, your
  your account balance may be affected.                       super will be invested across a range of asset classes,
                                                              including cash, fixed interest, shares, property,
  significant overall market declines. The entire market
                                                              infrastructure and alternative investments.
  could decline at the same time—not just one or two
  asset classes. This could affect your account balance.

                                                                                          LGIAsuper INVESTMENT CHOICE GUIDE   3
Cash                                                         Much of the return from property comes from rental
    Cash is money held on deposit with a bank or in              income, although well-located property can be expected
    money-market securities. Cash is highly secure and           to rise in value over the longer term, providing some
    usually available at call. Returns from cash are typically   capital growth.
    lower than from other asset classes. Returns from cash       Historically, property has provided higher returns than
    come from interest paid on the deposit. Cash is suited       other defensive investments like fixed interest, but lower
    to those investing for a short period of time or those       returns than shares.
    seeking a very high level of security.
    Over time, returns from cash may not keep pace with
                                                                 Infrastructure investments, such as roads, railways and
    inflation resulting in a loss of purchasing power.
                                                                 airports, are the building blocks which keep an economy
    Fixed interest                                               running smoothly.
    Fixed interest investments pay regular interest and          They can be attractive investments as they usually have
    mature on a specified date. They include government          long operating lives, generate a growing stream of
    and corporate bonds and debentures.                          income, a high level of inflation protection, and in most
    Fixed interest is secure if held until maturity when the     cases have little competition.
    full face value is payable, but there is the potential for   The very long-term nature of most infrastructure assets
    short-term changes in value due to the movement of           means they can be less volatile than other growth assets
    market interest rates.                                       like shares and property.
    They offer a higher level of security than shares and        Diversifying strategies
    property, but provide a lower return over the long term.
                                                                 The investment aim of diversifying strategies within a
    Shares                                                       broader investment portfolio is to provide diversification
    When you buy shares, also known as stocks or equities,       benefits to traditional asset classes.
    you are buying part of a company. Publicly listed shares     They include hedge funds, insurance-linked strategies,
    are traded on stock exchanges like the Australian            private debt, emerging market debt, private equity,
    Securities Exchange (ASX).                                   venture capital, and agriculture.
    When you own a share you have the right to receive part      Diversifying strategies may use complex investment
    of the company’s profits, paid as a dividend.                strategies like short selling, derivatives trading or
    Usually, the company reinvests some of its profits back      provision of funding to start-up companies.
    into the business, so over time the increased value of the   They seek sources of investment risk and return that are
    company may result in a higher share price.                  materially different from traditional asset classes,
    Australian shares are listed on stock exchanges such as      resulting in lower volatility of returns, and provide some
    the ASX and include companies like Westpac,                  downside protection within a broader investment
    Woolworths and Telstra.                                      portfolio, particularly against adverse equity or bond
                                                                 market movements.
    International shares are companies listed on foreign stock
    exchanges like the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE).           Private capital
                                                                 Private capital seeks to deliver superior returns by
    International shares include companies like Apple, Toyota
                                                                 acquiring stakes in private companies and then pursuing
    and Facebook.
                                                                 an active role in monitoring and advising the companies,
    Shares provide the potential for higher returns than other   improving operational and corporate governance, and
    asset classes, although they carry more risk. This is        then selling after a period of time at a premium.
    because shares are volatile, which means the share price
                                                                 The Private capital asset class contains high risk, high
    can move up and down over the short to medium term.
                                                                 expected return investment strategies which are often
                                                                 opportunistic, and may include private equity, private
                                                                 credit, agricultural investments and opportunistic
                                                                 property and infrastructure strategies.
           The key to investing is to avoid
                                                                 Private capital assets are mostly illiquid because they
           putting all your eggs in one basket -                 are traded privately rather than on an exchange.
           also known as diversification.

    Property, such as offices, shops and factories, can
    provide returns from both income and capital growth.
    Property may be listed on a stock exchange, such as
    listed property trusts, or owned directly.

4   LGIAsuper Let's Grow
LGIAsuper's investment options

MySuper option                                           Who can invest in LGIAsuper’s MySuper option?
                                                         All members with an Accumulation account can choose
LGIAsuper is MySuper Authorised and can accept all
                                                         to have part or all their money invested in this option.
Superannuation Guarantee contributions from employers.
                                                         You are unable to invest in the MySuper option for any
The MySuper product is a simple, low-cost option
                                                         accumulation component contained within our Defined
designed to suit the needs of most members.
                                                         benefit account.
Like our other ready-made options on pages 7 and 8,
                                                         Please also note there are different default arrangements
this option is diversified across asset classes.
                                                         for members who hold a Pension account. Refer to the
The chart on the next page shows the investment          Transition to Retirement and Pension Account
objective and level of risk for LGIAsuper's MySuper      Investment choice guide.
                                                         On death or disability
The MySuper option is the default option for LGIAsuper
                                                         LGIAsuper will switch your benefit to the Cash
members who have an Accumulation account.
                                                         investment option on the date that LGIAsuper is notified
                                                         of your death (excludes pensioners who have chosen a
                                                         reversionary beneficiary). We do this to protect the
                                                         benefit from potential negative investment returns until
                                                         we can pay it to your beneficiary/ies or legal personal
                                                         The insurance component of your total and permanent
                                                         disablement (TPD) benefit is also invested in the Cash

                                                                                    LGIAsuper INVESTMENT CHOICE GUIDE   5
MySuper option

        The MySuper option aims for a diversified                      MySuper option
        portfolio of assets expected to generate                       STRATEGIC ASSET ALLOCATION & RANGES
        3% returns per year above inflation after
        fees and taxes. It is suited to those seeking
        reasonably high returns and able to accept
        modest to significant fluctuations in returns
        over shorter periods, and has a minimum
        suggested holding period of 10 years.
        Continue reading to learn more about our wide range of
        investment options.                                                                                SAA %        RANGES %
        We provide flexibility and choice so you can select the        Australian shares                     24.0          13 - 37
        right option (or combination of options) to suit your needs    International shares                  28.0          13 - 37
        and help you plan for a stronger financial future.             Private Capital                        5.0          0 - 10
        The Standard Risk Measure is based on industry guidance        Property                              10.0          0 - 20
        to allow members to compare investment options that            Infrastructure                        10.0          0 - 20
        are expected to deliver a similar number of negative           Diversifying strategies                0.0          0 - 10
        annual returns over any 20 year period.                        Diversified fixed interest            18.0          0 - 50

        The Standard Risk Measure is not a complete assessment         Cash                                   5.0          0 - 20
        of all forms of investment risk, for instance it does not      Growth assets                                       70.0%
        detail what the size of a negative return could be or the      Defensive assets                                    30.0%
        potential for a positive return to be less than a member
        may require to meet their objectives. Further, it does not     RETURN TARGET1
        take into account the impact of administration fees and        Return target of 3% per year above inflation over rolling
        tax on the likelihood of a negative return.                    10-year periods after fees and taxes.

        Members should still ensure they are comfortable with          RISK Medium to High
        the risks and potential losses associated with their chosen
        investment option/s.
                                                                       Negative returns expected 3.7 out of every 20 years.

                                                                       Past performance is not an indicator of future
                                                                       performance. Returns are at 30 June.
                                                                                                            Accumulation (% p.a.)
                                                                       2021                                                15.01%
                                                                       2020                                                 -0.11%
                                                                       2019                                                7.05%
                                                                       2018                                                9.40%
                                                                       2017                                                10.08%
                                                                       5 Yr compound return                                 8.17%
                                                                       5 Yr benchmark return                                4.81%
                                                                       5 Yr comparative return                             3.36%

        Investment markets are uncertain and future returns cannot be guaranteed.

6       LGIAsuper Let's Grow
Ready-made options

These options are diversified across a mix of asset classes and each is designed to suit a particular type of investor.

    Aggressive                                     Diversified Growth                             Balanced

    RANGES                                         RANGES                                         RANGES

                                 SAA    RANGES                                  SAA    RANGES                                  SAA    RANGES
                                   %         %                                    %         %                                    %         %
    Australian shares            30.0    15 - 45   Australian shares            22.5    13 - 37   Australian shares            13.5     0 - 27
    International shares         33.0    15 - 45   International shares         27.5    13 - 37   International shares         16.5     0 - 27
    Private capital               5.0     0 - 10   Private capital               5.0     0 - 10   Private capital               5.0     0 - 10
    Property                      9.0     0 - 20   Property                      9.0     0 -20    Property                      9.0     0 - 20
    Infrastructure               11.0     0 - 20   Infrastructure               11.0     0 - 20   Infrastructure               11.0     0 - 20
    Diversifying strategies      10.0     0 - 20   Diversifying strategies       5.0     0 - 10   Diversifying strategies       5.0     0 - 10
    Diversified fixed interest    0.0     0 - 20   Diversified fixed interest   18.0     0 - 30   Diversified fixed interest   37.0   20 - 50
    Cash                          2.0     0 - 20   Cash                          2.0     0 - 20   Cash                          3.0     0 - 20
    Growth assets                           85%    Growth assets                           70%    Growth assets                          50%
    Defensive assets                        15%    Defensive assets                       30%     Defensive assets                       50%

    RETURN TARGET1                                 RETURN TARGET1                                 RETURN TARGET1
    Return target of 3.5% per year above           Return target of 3% per year above             Return target of 2.5% per year above
    inflation over rolling 10-year periods         inflation over rolling 10-year periods         inflation over rolling 10-year periods
    after fees and taxes.                          after fees and taxes.                          after fees and taxes.

    RISK High                                      RISK Medium to High                            RISK Medium

    Negative returns expected 4.3 out of Negative returns expected 3.5 out of                     Negative returns expected 2.4 out of
    every 20 years.                      every 20 years.                                          every 20 years.

    RETURNS                                        RETURNS                                        RETURNS
    Past performance is not an indicator           Past performance is not an indicator           Past performance is not an indicator
    of future performance. Returns are at          of future performance. Returns are at          of future performance. Returns are at
    30 June.                                       30 June.                                       30 June.
                           Accumulation (% p.a.)                          Accumulation (% p.a.)                          Accumulation (% p.a.)
    2021                                 19.03%    2021                                 15.28%    2021                                 10.05%
    2020                                  -0.10%   2020                                  0.26%    2020                                  0.98%
    2019                                  7.75%    2019                                  7.05%    2019                                  6.76%
    2018                                  11.23%   2018                                  9.43%    2018                                  7.54%
    2017                                 12.90%    2017                                 10.08%    2017                                  7.25%
    5 Yr compound return                  9.98%    5 Yr compound return                  8.31%    5 Yr compound return                  6.47%
    5 Yr benchmark return                  5.31%   5 Yr benchmark return                 4.81%    5 Yr benchmark return                 4.31%
    5 Yr comparative return               4.67%    5 Yr comparative return               3.50%    5 Yr comparative return                2.16%

    Investment markets are uncertain and future returns cannot be guaranteed.

                                                                                                             LGIAsuper INVESTMENT CHOICE GUIDE   7
These options are diversified across a mix of asset classes and each is designed to suit a particular type of investor.

        Stable                                         Defensive

        RANGES                                         RANGES

                                     SAA    RANGES                                  SAA    RANGES
                                       %         %                                    %         %
        Australian shares             8.0     0 - 20   Australian shares             3.0     0 - 15
        International shares         12.0     0 - 20   International shares          4.0     0 - 15
        Private capital               2.0     0 - 10   Private capital               0.0     0 - 10
        Property                      8.0     0 - 20   Property                      5.0     0 - 15
        Infrastructure               10.0     0 - 20   Infrastructure                7.0     0 - 15
        Diversifying strategies       5.0     0 - 10   Diversifying strategies       3.0      0 -10
        Diversified fixed interest   40.0   20 - 60    Diversified fixed interest   56.0    35 - 75
        Cash                         15.0     0 - 40   Cash                         22.0     0 - 50
        Growth assets                           37%    Growth assets                           18%
        Defensive assets                        63%    Defensive assets                        82%

        RETURN TARGET1                                 RETURN TARGET1
        Return target of 1.5% per year above           Return target of 1% per year above
        inflation over rolling 10-year periods         inflation over rolling 10-year periods
        after fees and taxes.                          after fees and taxes.

        RISK Low to Medium                             RISK Very Low

        Negative returns expected 1.4 out of           Negative returns expected 0.4 out of
        every 20 years.                                every 20 years.

        RETURNS                                        RETURNS
        Past performance is not an indicator           Past performance is not an indicator
        of future performance. Returns are at          of future performance. Returns are at
        30 June.                                       30 June.
                               Accumulation (% p.a.)                          Accumulation (% p.a.)
        2021                                  6.73%    2021                                  3.05%
        2020                                  0.92%    2020                                   1.31%
        2019                                   6.12%   2019                                  4.69%
        2018                                  5.01%    2018                                  3.53%
        2017                                  4.90%    2017                                  2.95%
        5 Yr compound return                  4.71%    5 Yr compound return                  3.10%
        5 Yr benchmark return                  3.31%   5 Yr benchmark return                  2.81%
        5 Yr comparative return               1.40%    5 Yr comparative return               0.29%

        Investment markets are uncertain and future returns cannot be guaranteed.

8       LGIAsuper Let's Grow
Single asset class options

These options can be mixed and matched to build your own investment strategy.

    International Shares                            Australian Shares                                Property

    RANGES                                          RANGES                                           RANGES

                                  SAA    RANGES                                   SAA    RANGES                                    SAA    RANGES
                                    %         %                                     %         %                                      %         %
    Australian shares              0.0       n/a    Australian shares            100.0   90 - 100    Australian shares              0.0       n/a
    International shares         100.0   90 - 100   International shares           0.0        n/a    International shares           0.0       n/a
    Private capital                0.0       n/a    Private capital                0.0        n/a    Private capital                0.0       n/a
    Property                       0.0       n/a    Property                       0.0        n/a    Property                     100.0   90 - 100
    Infrastructure                 0.0       n/a    Infrastructure                 0.0        n/a    Infrastructure                 0.0       n/a
    Diversifying strategies        0.0       n/a    Diversifying strategies        0.0        n/a    Diversifying strategies        0.0       n/a
    Diversified fixed interest     0.0       n/a    Diversified fixed interest     0.0        n/a    Diversified fixed interest     0.0       n/a
    Cash                           0.0     0 - 10   Cash                           0.0     0 - 10    Cash                           0.0     0 - 10
    Growth assets                           100%    Growth assets                           100%     Growth assets                            75%
    Defensive assets                          0%    Defensive assets                          0%     Defensive assets                         25%

    RETURN TARGET1,2                                RETURN TARGET1,2                                 RETURN TARGET1,2
    Return target is to outperform the              Return target is to outperform the               Return target is to outperform the
    adjusted MSCI All Countries World               adjusted S&P/ASX 300 Accumulation                adjusted Mercer/IPD Australian
    Index over rolling 5-year periods after         Index over rolling 5-year periods after          Property Index over rolling 5-year
    fees and taxes.                                 fees and taxes.                                  periods after fees and taxes.

    RISK High                                       RISK Very High                                   RISK Medium to High

    Negative returns expected 5.6 out of Negative returns expected 6.1 out of                        Negative returns expected 3.4 out of
    every 20 years.                      every 20 years.                                             every 20 years.

    RETURNS                                         RETURNS                                          RETURNS
    Past performance is not an indicator            Past performance is not an indicator             Past performance is not an indicator
    of future performance. Returns are at           of future performance. Returns are at            of future performance. Returns are at
    30 June.                                        30 June.                                         30 June.
                           Accumulation (% p.a.)                           Accumulation (% p.a.)                            Accumulation (% p.a.)
    2021                                   28.13%   2021                                  27.80%     2021                                   7.49%
    2020                                    3.31%   2020                                   -8.21%    2020                                  -3.46%
    2019                                   8.58%    2019                                   7.97%     2019                                   7.67%
    2018                                  10.37%    2018                                  14.89%     2018                                   9.24%
    2017                                   18.10%   2017                                   9.65%     2017                                    7.51%
    5 Yr compound return                  13.38%    5 Yr compound return                   9.80%     5 Yr compound return                   5.58%
    5 Yr benchmark return                  11.52%   5 Yr benchmark return                   11.15%   5 Yr benchmark return                  6.37%
    5 Yr comparative return                1.86%    5 Yr comparative return                -1.35%    5 Yr comparative return               -0.79%

    Investment markets are uncertain and future returns cannot be guaranteed.
    Return targets are adjusted for taxes, administration fees and costs and investment fees and costs.

                                                                                                                LGIAsuper INVESTMENT CHOICE GUIDE    9
These options can be mixed and matched to build your own investment strategy.

         Diversified Fixed Interest                      Cash

         RANGES                                          RANGES

                                       SAA    RANGES                                   SAA    RANGES
                                         %         %                                     %         %
         Australian shares              0.0       n/a    Australian shares              0.0       n/a
         International shares           0.0       n/a    International shares           0.0       n/a
         Private capital                0.0       n/a    Private capital                0.0       n/a
         Property                       0.0       n/a    Property                       0.0       n/a
         Infrastructure                 0.0       n/a    Infrastructure                 0.0       n/a
         Diversifying strategies        0.0       n/a    Diversifying strategies        0.0       n/a
         Diversified fixed interest   100.0   90 - 100   Diversified fixed interest     0.0       n/a
         Cash                           0.0     0 - 10   Cash                         100.0       n/a
         Growth assets                             0%    Growth assets                            0%
         Defensive assets                        100%    Defensive assets                       100%

         RETURN TARGET1,2                                RETURN TARGET1,2
         Return target is to outperform 70%              Return target is to outperform the
         adjusted Bloomberg AusBond                      adjusted Bloomberg AusBond Bank
         Composite Bond Index (All Maturities)           Bill Index over rolling 1-year periods
         plus 30% adjusted Bloomberg                     after fees and taxes.
         Barclays Global Aggregate Index
         (hedged to Australian Dollars) over
         rolling 3-year periods after fees and

         RISK Medium                                     RISK Very Low

         Negative returns expected 2.1 out of            Negative returns expected 0.0 out of
         every 20 years.                                 every 20 years.

         RETURNS                                         RETURNS
         Past performance is not an indicator            Past performance is not an indicator
         of future performance. Returns are at           of future performance. Returns are at
         30 June.                                        30 June.
                                Accumulation (% p.a.)                           Accumulation (% p.a.)
         2021                                   1.46%    2021                                  0.46%
         2020                                   3.47%    2020                                  0.85%
         2019                                   5.77%    2019                                   1.66%
         2018                                   2.06%    2018                                    1.71%
         2017                                   0.82%    2017                                   1.72%
         5 Yr compound return                   2.70%    5 Yr compound return                   1.28%
         5 Yr benchmark return                  2.52%    5 Yr benchmark return                  1.06%
         5 Yr comparative return                0.18%    5 Yr comparative return                0.22%

         Investment markets are uncertain and future returns cannot be guaranteed.
         Return targets are adjusted for taxes, administration fees and costs and investment fees and costs.

10       LGIAsuper Let's Grow
Socially responsible options

These options take into account socially responsible or ethical criteria. Our approach to ethical investments is outlined
on 12, including the criteria used when making investment decisions.

    SR Balanced                                    SR Australian Shares

    RANGES                                         RANGES

                                 SAA    RANGES                                   SAA    RANGES
                                   %         %                                     %         %
    Australian shares            29.0   20 - 50    Australian shares            100.0   90 - 100
    International shares         36.0   20 - 50    International shares           0.0        n/a
    Private capital               0.0      0-6     Private capital                0.0        n/a
    Property                      0.0     0 - 20   Property                       0.0        n/a
    Infrastructure                0.0      0-7     Infrastructure                 0.0        n/a
    Diversifying strategies      15.0     0 - 20   Diversifying strategies        0.0        n/a
    Diversified fixed interest   15.0     0 - 50   Diversified fixed interest     0.0        n/a
    Cash                          5.0     0 - 20   Cash                           0.0     0 - 10
    Growth assets                           73%    Growth assets                           100%
    Defensive assets                        27%    Defensive assets                          0%

    RETURN TARGET1,2                               RETURN TARGET1,2
    Return target of 3% per year above             Return target is to outperform the
    inflation over rolling 10-year periods         S&P/ASX 200 Accumulation Index
    after fees and taxes.                          over rolling 5-year period after fees
                                                   and taxes.

    RISK High                                      RISK Very High

    Negative returns expected 4.7 out of Negative returns expected 6.1 out of
    every 20 years.                      every 20 years.

    RETURNS                                        RETURNS
    Past performance is not an indicator           Past performance is not an indicator
    of future performance. Returns are at          of future performance. Returns are at
    30 June.                                       30 June.
                           Accumulation (% p.a.)                          Accumulation (% p.a.)
    2021                                 19.96%    2021                                  25.90%
    2020                                  -1.46%   2020                                  -8.56%
    2019                                  6.32%    2019                                   11.19%
    2018                                  7.56%    2018                                   11.97%
    2017                                  7.23%    2017                                  10.23%
    5 Yr compound return                   7.71%   5 Yr compound return                   9.58%
    5 Yr benchmark return                 4.81%    5 Yr benchmark return                   11.15%
    5 Yr comparative return               2.90%    5 Yr comparative return                -1.57%

    Investment markets are uncertain and future returns cannot be guaranteed.
    Return targets are adjusted for taxes, administration fees and costs and investment fees and costs.

                                                                                                    LGIAsuper INVESTMENT CHOICE GUIDE   11
Our approach to ethical investments

     LGIAsuper’s investment philosophy is                        LGIAsuper requires investment managers to make share
                                                                 investments that screen out companies or sectors, or
     primarily focused on generating
                                                                 support industries, taking into account:
     investment returns and managing risk.
                                                                   environmental grounds, for example, energy and
     LGIAsuper does not believe it is appropriate to limit the     resource use
     types of investments it considers based on its ethical
                                                                   social considerations such as indigenous relations and
     views. Instead, LGIAsuper offers you two dedicated
                                                                   community involvement
     Socially Responsible investment options so that you can
     make your own investment decision.                            ethical considerations, including meeting fundamental
                                                                   human rights and articulating and implementing a
     LGIAsuper recognises that environmental, social and           Code of Conduct
     governance factors or labour standards can potentially        labour standards, for example, occupational health
     have a positive impact on investment returns and/or           and safety, International Labour Organisation
     investment risk over the long term.                           standards, working considerations and the exclusion
     However, we do not believe the additional cost and            of child labour
     complexity of including these considerations as a major       governance considerations, such as meeting corporate
     input into the setting or implementation of the               governance guidelines on board structures and
     investment strategy can be justified, particularly for        remuneration
     passively managed investments.                                avoiding investments in companies that operate in
     LGIAsuper’s asset consultant will consider environmental,     sectors with recognised high negative social impact,
     social and governance factors in its fund manager ratings     including companies that derive a significant portion
     to the extent that these factors influence the risk and       of their total revenue from the production or
     return objectives.                                            manufacture of alcohol, armaments, gambling,
                                                                   pornography, tobacco and uranium.
     Socially Responsible options
                                                                 LGIAsuper may select investment managers that apply
     The two Socially Responsible options, SR Balanced and       these considerations to other asset classes, such as
     SR Australian Shares, are the only investment options to    property, or investment managers that apply socially
     take into account labour standards or environmental,        responsible considerations in addition to the
     social or ethical considerations when making investment     environmental, social and governance considerations
     decisions.                                                  outlined above.
                                                                 For more detailed information on the Socially Responsible
                                                                 options, please contact us on 1800 444 396.

12   LGIAsuper Let's Grow
Making your choice

If you are ready to make an investment                     Can I choose how my future contributions and transfers
                                                           from other super funds will be invested?
choice, this section gives you more detail
                                                           Yes, however it’s important to review your investment
on how you can put your choice into
                                                           strategy regularly, as the different options you have will
action and the rules that apply.                           grow at different earning rates, with different levels of
Have you considered…                                       volatility.
  the likely investment return of your chosen investment   How often can I switch?
  option/s?                                                You can switch investment options as many times as
  the level of risk you are taking?                        you wish during the financial year. Only one investment
  how long you are investing for?                          switch will be accepted for an account on any given day.
  if you’re selecting more than one investment option,     LGIAsuper reserves the right to limit the number of
  the overall asset allocation and risk profile the        investment switch requests received from a member
  combination of options will produce?                     where the number submitted is considered
You may want to seek financial advice before switching
investment options. LGIAsuper’s financial advisers can     Remember that super is generally a long-term
provide advice on a single issue such as investment        investment, and by changing investment options often
options at no additional cost.                             you might reduce your overall investment return. There
                                                           is no fee to switch between investment options.
Call 1800 444 396 to request an appointment or to
receive more information.                                  When will my switch take effect?
                                                           If we receive your completed form or online switch by
                                                           5pm (AEST) on a business day, your switch will take
                                                           effect from the next business day after we receive your
     Get the latest earning rates from the                 instructions.
     Investments section of our website                    A business day is defined as a day between Monday and                                     Friday which is not an Australian national public holiday.
                                                           Processing withdrawals and/or switches may be
                                                           suspended for up to 7 days or longer during periods of
                                                           significant market volatility or other conditions that
                                                           prevent LGIAsuper from determining earning rates. See
How do I switch?
                                                           the About Earning Rates section for details on how
Online                                                     earning rates work.
To review your investments or change how your super
                                                           Can I cancel my switch?
is invested without the need to complete and return
documents, log in to Member Online at    If you change your mind, your switch can be cancelled
                                                           as long as we receive your cancellation by 5pm (AEST)
Switching investments online is the easiest way to make    on the day your instruction was submitted.
a switch and ensures your switch will be effective from
the next business day. This may provide additional         Online switch: if you have made an investment switch
assurance to members who are making an investment          online you can cancel your switch directly through
switch during volatile market conditions.                  Member Online.

If you are not registered for Member Online, simply go     Paper switch: if you completed an Investment switch
to the website, choose Member login at the top of the      form, you should cancel your switch in writing by email.
page and then Register. You’ll need your member
On paper
Simply complete the Investment switch form available
When switching investments using the Investment switch
form your switch will not be effective until the form is
received and processed by LGIAsuper. This may cause
a delay between the date you have submitted the form
and the date your switch takes place.
Can I choose more than one investment option?
Yes, however the different options you have will grow
at different earning rates, with different levels of
volatility. You should review your investment strategy

                                                                                       LGIAsuper INVESTMENT CHOICE GUIDE   13
About earning rates
     An earning rate is the net investment return (after fees and tax) that applies to your account at the end of each
     financial year. It can be positive or negative.
     Earning rates are declared by the LGIAsuper Trustee for each investment option and are based on the investment
     return achieved by the underlying assets for that option.
     Earning rates are used when you withdraw money from LGIAsuper or switch investment options.
     Earning rates are calculated and compound on a daily basis based on the unit prices calculated by the Fund's
     Custodian. These rates reflect the unit prices and investment returns from 1 business day earlier. For example, Monday’s
     investment returns are applied effective on the following Tuesday.
                                     Switching investment options and the timings involved

                            SWITCH REQUEST
                                                       NEXT BUSINESS DAY            SECOND BUSINESS DAY
                             RECEIVED DAY

                     Investment switch request      Investment switch request       Transaction viewable in
                            RECEIVED                      PROCESSED                    MEMBER ONLINE

                   Your switch request needs to The date your switch request You will receive confirmation
                   be received by LGIAsuper on was processed will be on the via email or post. You will also
                   a business day before 5.00pm next business day that your be able to see the transaction
                   (AEST). Requests submitted      request was received. The     and the earning rate applied
                   after 5.00pm (AEST) will be     earning rate applied will be  on your account in Member
                   considered as received on the    the rate for the date the      Online. The earning rates
                   next business day. The easiest     switch was processed        applied to your switch will
                    way to make a switch is on       (reflecting the previous        also be viewable on
                          Member Online.          business day’s market values).    LGIAsuper’s website.

                        Switch         Switch
                       request        request      Switch request processed day    Viewable in Member Online
                      submitted    received day
                                                     Wednesday (Wednesday’s
                    Tuesday 3pm      Tuesday                                                Thursday
                                                          earning rate)
                                                   Thursday (Thursday’s earning
                    Tuesday 6pm     Wednesday                                                Friday
                                                    Tuesday (Tuesday’s earning
                       Sunday        Monday                                                Wednesday
                                                     Wednesday (Wednesday’s
                        (Public      Tuesday                                                Thursday
                                                          earning rate)
     * Excludes Queensland public holidays and the Queen's Birthday.

14   LGIAsuper Let's Grow
Fees and other costs

        This section shows fees and other costs
        that you may be charged.                                                  Did you know?
                                                                                  Small differences in both investment performance
        These fees and other costs may be deducted from your
                                                                                  and fees and costs can have a substantial impact
        money, from the returns on your investment or from the
                                                                                  on your long-term returns. For example, total
        assets of the superannuation entity as a whole.
                                                                                  annual fees and costs of 2% of your account
        Other fees, such as activity fees, advice fees for personal               balance rather than 1% could reduce your final
        advice and insurance fees, may also be charged, but                       return by up to 20% over a 30-year period
        these will depend on the nature of the activity, advice                   (reduce from $100,000 to $80,000).
        or insurance chosen by you.                                               You should consider whether features such as
        Taxes, insurance premiums and other costs relating to                     superior investment performance or the provision
        insurance are set out in the relevant Product Disclosure                  of better member services justify higher fees and
        Statement for your account.                                               costs. Your employer may be able to negotiate to
                                                                                  pay lower administration fees. Ask the fund or
        You should read all the information about fees and other                  your financial adviser.
        costs because it is important to understand their impact
                                                                                  To find out more
        on your investment.
                                                                                  If you would like to find out more or see the impact
        The fees and other costs for each investment option                       of the fees based on your own circumstances, the
        offered by LGIAsuper, are set out on the following pages.                 Australian Securities and Investments
                                                                                  Commission (ASIC) website
                                                                                  ( has a superannuation
                                                                                  calculator to help you check out different fee

                                                                          READY-MADE OPTIONS
Type of fee
                              Aggressive                                           Balanced                    Stable                  Defensive

                              0.29%2 p.a.               0.26%2 p.a.               0.24%2 p.a.               0.19%2 p.a.                0.17%2 p.a.

Administration fee1,4                                                             0.18% p.a.

Buy-sell spread                                                                        Nil

Switching fee                                                                          Nil

Advice fees                                                                            Nil

Other fees and          You should read the important information about other fees and costs on the Fees and costs section of our
costs5                  website before making a decision. Go to

Indirect cost                 0.41%3 p.a.               0.45%3 p.a.               0.40%3 p.a.               0.30%3 p.a.               0.20%3 p.a.
         If your account balance for a product is less than $6,000 at the end of the financial year, the total combined amount of administration
        fees, investment fees and indirect costs charged to you is capped at 3% of the account balance. Any amount charged in excess of
        that cap will be refunded.
          Estimates only.
          Based on actual costs incurred and estimates where actual costs have not yet been incurred.
          The administration fee is capped at $900 per year for eligible accounts.
          Additional fees may apply such as for consulting an adviser if you chose to do so.

                                                                                                              LGIAsuper INVESTMENT CHOICE GUIDE    15
                                                                                Grupo T-Solar
                                                                                - Leading independent solar power
                                                                                    generation company located in India,
                                                                                    Italy, Japan, Peru, Spain and USA.
                                                                                - D
                                                                                   emand for renewable resources
                                                                                  is growing and LGIAsuper earns
                                                                                  predictable revenue from solar
                                                                                  energy sources.

                                                                                         *As at 30 September 2020.

                     SINGLE ASSET CLASS OPTIONS                       SOCIALLY RESPONSIBLE
                                                                                                          How and when paid
International      Australian                                            SR         SR Australian
                                 Property        Fixed       Cash
   Shares           Shares                                            Balanced         Shares

                                                                                                     Deducted from investment
 0.36%2 p.a.       0.34%2 p.a.   0.13%2 p.a.   0.21%2 p.a.            0.08%2 p.a.    0.42%2 p.a.     earnings as they are applied
                                                               p.a.                                  to your account.

                                                                                                     The administration fee is
                                                                                                     deducted from investment
                                                                                                     earnings as they are applied
                                               0.18% p.a.                                            to your account.

                                                   Nil                                               Not applicable.

                                                   Nil                                               Not applicable.

                                                   Nil                                               Not applicable.

                                                             0.00%3                                  Not applicable.
 0.16%3 p.a.       0.09%3 p.a.   0.92%3 p.a.   0.04%3 p.a.            1.41%3 p.a.     0.12%3 p.a.

    16   LGIAsuper Let's Grow
Examples of annual fees and costs
This table gives an example of how the fees and costs for the Balanced investment option can affect your
superannuation investment over a 1-year period. You should use this table to compare the Balanced investment
option with other superannuation products.

    Example                                                    Balance of $50,000
                                                               For every $50,000 you have in the Balanced investment option
    Investment fees                          0.24%1 p.a.
                                                               you will be charged $120 each year
                                                               And, an administration fee of $90 will be deducted from
    PLUS Administration fees                  0.18% p.a.       investment earnings for every $50,000 you have invested in
                                                               the Balanced investment option
    PLUS Indirect costs for                                    And, indirect costs of $200 will be deducted from your
                                              0.40%1 p.a.
    the Balanced investment option2                            investment earnings
                                                               If your balance was $50,000, then for that year you will be
    EQUALS Cost of product                    0.82% p.a.
                                                               charged fees of $4102 for the Balanced investment option.
    Estimated costs only.
    Additional fees may apply such as for consulting an adviser if you choose to do so.

                                                                                                LGIAsuper INVESTMENT CHOICE GUIDE   17
Additional explanation of fees and costs

     This section shows fees and other costs                       Financial advice fee
     that you may be charged.                                      LGIAsuper does not charge for general or single issue
                                                                   personal advice provided over the phone.
     Administration fees
                                                                   If you require broader or more complex superannuation
     The administration fee is charged by the Trustee to cover
                                                                   advice, fees will apply. The fee will vary depending on
     administration costs and expenses. The administration
                                                                   the type and complexity of personal advice you require
     fee is deducted from investment earnings as they are
                                                                   and will be confirmed with you during your obligation
     applied to your account.
                                                                   free appointment.
     LGIAsuper claims a tax deduction each year for the costs
                                                                   The fee charged for advice that relates to your
     that relate to the administration of the fund. The amount
                                                                   superannuation can potentially be deducted from your
     of the tax deduction for the administration costs is paid
                                                                   LGIAsuper account. Your adviser will explain if this option
     into the General Reserve. LGIAsuper maintains a General
                                                                   is available to you. Alternatively an invoice will be
     Reserve to ensure there are sufficient funds to meet
     current and future liabilities for administration costs,
     strategic initiatives and operational risks. We use this      Advice fees regarding matters unrelated to your
     account to pay the administrator's fees and any other         LGIAsuper account cannot be deducted from your
     administration and operating expenses of the trustee or       LGIAsuper account and will be invoiced separately.
     fund. Any excess retained in the account is ultimately        The fees will be explained to you in detail.
     applied for the benefit of the membership as a whole.
                                                                   Indirect costs
     Administration fee rebate
                                                                   Indirect costs are any amounts that we know, or
     The administration fee of 0.18% is subject to a limit of      reasonably ought to know, will directly or indirectly
     $900 in a financial year. If the total of your eligible       reduce the return on your investments that are not
     account balances at the end of the financial year exceeds     charged to your account as a fee, such as transactional
     $500,000, any fee above $900 will be rebated to your          and operational costs, costs of derivatives and
     account in the following financial year. All your account     management costs charged by interposed vehicles.
     balances are eligible except for the defined benefit
     portion of a Defined Benefit account.                         The Indirect costs in the table on page 16 and 17 are
                                                                   based on actual costs incurred and estimates where
     If you hold more than one LGIAsuper account at the time       actual costs have not yet been incurred.
     the rebate is applied, it will be paid in direct proportion
     to the account balance at that time.
     Performance fees
     Performance fees are paid to some investment managers
     when they outperform a set benchmark.
     These fees are calculated by comparing the difference
     between the benchmark and actual performance for
     each investment, and multiplying the out performance
     by the performance bonus rate payable. Performance
     fees have been estimated and included in the investment
     fees on page 16 and 17.
     Fee changes
     Administration and Investment fees cover the actual
     costs of administration and investment management
     paid out of LGIAsuper and, as such, may vary from year
     to year. The actual investment fees deducted from
     investment earnings each financial year are reported to
     you in the Annual Report to members.
     Before the start of each financial year LGIAsuper
     estimates the Investment fees for the year ahead and
     these estimates only change where necessary to ensure
     costs are covered.
     LGIAsuper reserves the right to make changes to the
     fees and costs charged without your prior consent. If a
     change results in an increase in the fees and costs
     charged, you will be notified at least 30 days' prior to
     the change taking place.
     Advice fees
     The cost of providing general advice is included in the
     Administration fees charged to LGIAsuper members.

18   LGIAsuper Let's Grow
Transactional and operational costs                          Borrowing costs
The transactional and operational expenses of investing,     LGIAsuper does not borrow money but we invest in fund
such as brokerage, stamp duty, property operating costs      managers that borrow money to facilitate the purchase
and buy-sell spreads where applicable, are included in       of certain investments, such as real property and
the Indirect costs and Indirect cost ratio in the fees and   infrastructure. These costs are recovered from the
costs table.                                                 earnings of the assets purchased with the borrowings.
                                                             Borrowing costs are not included in any of the fees and
                               TRANSACTIONAL AND             costs outlined here and are an additional cost to
                               OPERATIONAL COSTS             members.
                              INCLUDED IN INDIRECT
                                                                                           BORROWING COSTS NOT
MySuper Option                          0.03%                INVESTMENT OPTION               INCLUDED IN THE
                                                                                              INDIRECT COSTS
Aggressive                              0.03%
                                                             MySuper Option                             0.12%
Diversified Growth                      0.03%
                                                             Aggressive                                 0.12%
Balanced                                0.04%
                                                             Diversified Growth                         0.12%
Stable                                  0.04%
                                                             Balanced                                   0.12%
Defensive                               0.03%
                                                             Stable                                     0.11%
International Shares                    0.00%
                                                             Defensive                                 0.06%
Australian Shares                       0.00%
                                                             International Shares                      0.00%
Property                                0.22%
                                                             Australian Shares                         0.00%
Diversified Fixed Interest              0.03%
                                                             Property                                  0.76%
Cash                                    0.00%
                                                             Diversified Fixed Interest                0.00%
SR Balanced                             0.00%
                                                             Cash                                      0.00%
SR Australian Shares                    0.00%
                                                             SR Balanced                               0.05%
No transactional and operational costs are charged
directly to your account.                                    SR Australian Shares                      0.00%

                                                                                          LGIAsuper INVESTMENT CHOICE GUIDE   19
Defined fees

     Activity fees                                                  a. fees in payment for the exercise of care and expertise
     A fee is an activity fee if:                                      in the investment of those assets (including
                                                                       performance fees); and
     a. the fee relates to costs incurred by the trustee of the     b. costs that relate to the investment of assets of the
        superannuation entity that are directly related to an          entity, other than:
        activity of the trustee:
                                                                       i. borrowing costs; and
        i. that is engaged in at the request, or with the
                                                                       ii. indirect costs that are not paid out of the
            consent, of a member; or
                                                                            superannuation entity that the trustee has elected
        ii. that relates to a member and is required by law;                in writing will be treated as indirect costs and not
            and                                                             fees, incurred by the trustee of the entity or in an
     b. those costs are not otherwise charged as an                         interposed vehicle or derivative financial product;
        administration fee, an investment fee, a                            and
        buy-sell spread, a switching fee, an advice fee or an          iii. costs that are otherwise charged as an
        insurance fee.                                                      administration fee, a buy-sell spread, a switching
     Administration fees                                                    fee, an activity fee, an advice fee or an insurance.
     An administration fee is a fee that relates to the             Switching fees
     administration or operation of the superannuation entity       A switching fee for a superannuation product is a fee to
     and includes costs that relate to that administration or       recover the costs of switching all or part of a member’s
     operation, other than:                                         interest in the superannuation entity from one investment
     a. borrowing costs; and                                        option or product in the entity to another.
     b. indirect costs that are not paid out of the
        superannuation entity that the trustee has elected in
        writing will be treated as indirect costs and not fees,
        incurred by the trustee of the entity or in an
        interposed vehicle or derivative financial product; and
     c. costs that are otherwise charged as an investment
        fee, a buy-sell spread, a switching fee, an activity
        fee, an advice fee or an insurance fee.
     Advice fees
     A fee is an advice fee if:
     a. the fee relates directly to costs incurred by the trustee
        of the superannuation entity because of the provision
        of financial product advice to a member by:
        i. a trustee of the entity; or
        ii. another person acting as an employee of, or under
            an arrangement with, the trustee of the entity;
     b. those costs are not otherwise charged as an
        administration fee, an investment fee, a switching fee,
        an activity fee or an insurance fee.
     Buy-sell spreads
     A buy-sell spread is a fee to recover transaction costs
     incurred by the trustee of the superannuation entity in
     relation to the sale and purchase of assets of the entity.
     Indirect cost ratio
     The Indirect cost ratio (ICR), for an investment option
     offered by a superannuation entity, is the ratio of the
     total of the indirect costs for the investment option, to
     the total average net assets of the superannuation entity
     attributed to the investment option.
     Investment fees
     An investment fee is a fee that relates to the investment
     of the assets of a superannuation entity and includes:

20    LGIAsuper Let's Grow
Let us help you achieve a stronger financial future

Our team of trusted, reliable and
professional staff are dedicated to helping                 To start the conversation
LGIAsuper members like you plan for a                     contact us on 1800 444 396
better financial future.                                 or email

Our staff are here to show you how our products and
services can work in your favour and give you
information or advice to help you make the right
decisions about your retirement however far away it
might be.
LGIAsuper’s staff are paid a salary and do not receive
commissions, fees or bonuses for the information or
advice they give you.

                                                                       LGIAsuper INVESTMENT CHOICE GUIDE   21
Level 20, 333 Ann Street Brisbane Qld 4000 GPO Box 264 Brisbane Qld 4001
Telephone: 1800 444 396 From overseas +61 7 3244 4300 Fax 07 3244 4344

 LGIAsuper Trustee (ABN 94 085 088 484 AFS Licence No. 230511) as trustee for LGIAsuper (ABN ABN 23 053 121 564)
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